Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep92: The best times to apply for a new job.
Episode Date: November 17, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
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Hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Grow Your Career online and offline podcast.
So you are definitely at the right place if you are a corporate professional looking to grow your corporate career.
So today let's talk about when is the best time to look for jobs. So right now, if you're
listening to this live episode, it is November and not typically during the year-end. I do get a lot
of questions from corporate professionals asking me if, hey, maybe it's the year-end, should I start
looking for jobs right now or should I wait till next year? Is there like a better time given my experiences
or given my education? Does any of these impact the time that I should be looking for jobs?
So let's slow down. There are a couple of really, really good questions over there.
And the main point is this, right? On an ongoing basis, if you're seeing jobs being posted, that means that the company has
a requirement. So I'd say 99% of the time, if there are no real requirement, then typically
hiring managers, HR, nobody really has the time to go through this whole circle of, you know,
getting the budgets approved, posting the jobs, interviews, all these things.
Nobody will actually make an effort to do any of these
if there is no real business requirement to hire.
So general ground rule, anytime is the best time to apply.
However, there are some very specific tips
on potentially better months
to look into. So this is what I'll be sharing with you guys in today's episode. Now, one of the
common misconceptions I hear from people is the fact that, hey, I think December is generally a
very slow month, nobody is working. So does it mean that I should just completely ignore the month of December and only focus my job search
in January and February? This is a very, very good question and I think a very right juncture to be
asking these questions as well. So based on my experience, right, as a former hiring manager, I
would say for sure that January and February will be a pretty good time to look for a job.
The reason is because a lot of the headcount, budgets and approval, right, everything pretty much restarts in January, February.
So generally speaking, right, when people come to work, I guess in the beginning of the year, right, all the activities kickstart again. You might be seeing HR recruiters, hiring managers,
actually, you know, kickstarting the entire interview process,
right, hiring process.
So definitely I'd say that there's a lot more activity
happening in January and February.
Now, the main question, which is really around,
okay, is December a good time or like, you know,
should I just kind of wait around and what should I do?
My personal experience is the last two weeks of December, or maybe I say the last week of
December, that was actually the time I got headhunted by Standard Chartered's Global HR
via LinkedIn. So one thing I want you all to remember is the fact that, hey, it's December,
most people are on vacation or on holiday. That's true, but there are some people working as well,
right? So never forget that, hey, there are actually some people working and there are some,
you know, HR and recruiters and talent acquisition people actually working in the office because not
everybody can go on holiday at the same time, right? So there are actually people working. That is a really important point to keep in mind.
And personally, for me, I recall many years ago, before I joined Standard Chartered, I got the call
from HR the last week of December. So last week of December, for sure, everything slows down. And
personally, I didn't really expect to receive the call from HR as well.
And the conversation went very well, of course.
It wasn't very long, maybe about 15, 20 minutes.
The HR reached out to me, said, hey, Mei-Ping, I found,
I came across your profile on LinkedIn, really like what you have done
and in terms of background skills and experiences.
And we are recruiting for a role
at Standard Chartered in a global team that's going to be a pioneer team.
The next year, right, in January is the official date that the team will, I guess, officiate,
So she was basically in the process of like looking for team members that would really
be suitable for this pioneer team running regulatory projects right so she reached out to me and we spoke in the end of
december so i passed the hr interview in the end of december actually the call itself but of course
right she scheduled the interview session with the hiring managers in january so basically the
first week of january and if you look at the dates,
it's basically next week itself, right?
I mean, minus New Year's Day and so forth.
So she scheduled for that meeting,
the interview, the next week itself,
which is for the first week of January.
So basically everything was done so smoothly.
And I think in a way,
it created more opportunities for me
because I was probably one
of those few people who was not on holiday, was not on vacation in December and when H.R.
when H.R. called me, I was there. I spoke to her and she scheduled everything. Everything went very
smoothly and the first week of January, I went for two interviews with Standard Charter's
team, right? The regional director, as well as one of her associate directors. And within the next
week itself, I already got the job offer. So for those of you who think that, hey, December is a
really, you know, vacation time, I should just, you know, sit around and do nothing. That actually
is not true, right? So based on, like I said, based on my experience, the magical time is actually the last week of December. And one of the other
benefits also is that if you put in your application in, you know, at the end of December,
what that also could mean is in January, when everybody comes back to the office,
your resume or your CV might be right on top of the pile, right?
It could be right at the top of the system.
So that means that you may be a little bit more visible as well in terms of getting your CV or resume reviewed by the HR, hiring manager and so forth.
So I think never discount the fact that December would be a slow month.
Yeah, probably generally speaking slow, but if you are looking for a new role,
then definitely focus on that.
Now, going back to the January, February timing,
the asset that is going to be more active, an active job market, right,
could also mean there's more competition.
And more competition because everybody knows january and february right there are more opportunities and normally in january
or february a lot of companies pay out their bonus as well so all these people who have
been surviving at their jobs until the year end, until December, when they get their bonus in January or February, suddenly they're like, okay, fine, it's time for me to go. And now I'm
going to start throwing all the job applications in. And you are going to be probably one of them
who genuinely want to look for a new career growth opportunity. Now your resume, now your CV is going
to get dumped together with all these people who just can't wait to escape their jobs and now these people become competition for you so i think just some food
for thought um obviously you know i still recommend the period of i say like the last week of december
all the way to february being like the most active and the most i'd rather i'd rather pick period
right to apply for new jobs but i think also recognize that if you're going to do your job search actively,
somebody else, and not just somebody else,
potentially hundreds and hundreds of other people
might have that exact same thought process also.
So you just want to make sure that you have a very strong resume and CV
and a very strong networking strategy.
And particularly, definitely based on my experience,
I recommend LinkedIn because that was how I was found over Christmas period. Yeah, for just a bit
of a memory. Yeah, definitely over Christmas period, my profile was found and the last week
of December, I got the call. So some things to keep in mind if you really want to increase your
chances, but as always, regardless of any time of the year,
make sure that you're always, always equipped with the updated version of your CV
that shows your background skills and experiences
to best position yourself as the best candidate, right?
Whether you are actively looking or not looking,
I think that's something that you should still have also.
Then the other thing, just one final point before we end, I had a client ask me this question a
couple of days ago and she said, I'm not exactly a fresh graduate. I've worked for about a year or so.
Should I apply for the talent graduate programs and just wait a few more months to apply when the window opens or should I
just apply if I see a role that I like. So if you're not a fresh graduate, then you don't necessarily
need to follow the graduate program because if you do that, then guess what? You're going to compete
with hundreds and thousands of other graduates who are also in that exact situation. Then there
is actually more competition for you. And you are also
discounting all the working experience that you have accumulated in the past six to 12 months,
because probably think about it, right? A HR that is hiring graduates, they're just going to assume
that everybody has zero working experiences. So like I said, food for thought and just a recap right anytime is a good time to apply for new jobs if you know what you want
you have a strong cv you have a very strong job search strategy if you're just looking to spam
for your job applications probably you're not going to see results anyway so take note make
sure that the intention is very clear you are are clear on what you want. You are equipped with your resume, CV, LinkedIn profile that will aid you to get to what you want, right? Get to the
opportunities that you're really looking for. And finally, if you really, really want to zone in on,
I guess, the most active time, then definitely I would recommend the end of December up till
February. So with that, all the best if you are looking for more opportunities
in the new year or in the next couple of months and definitely persevere. Perseverance is really
the magic to getting the results that you want. So talking about it, thinking about it, it's not
going to make anything happen and things really only happen when you take action.
So with that, I'll see you in the next episode. Bye!