Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 149 - Crendor and No Good, Very Bad, Gallbladder

Episode Date: March 6, 2018

The boys are back and Crendor lives! Where has he been?! What happened to the man with perfect health?! Hint: It wasn't so perfect. Meanwhile Jesse meets a girl at a bar who blows his mind, Curling ta...kes the world by storm, and pretty much everything they talk about relates to farting. Oh ya, it's an all new Cox n' Crendor! Today's episode is sponsored by MeUndies! We're wearing them right now and they are AMAZING! Get your valentines order in right now at Also today's episode is sponsored by! Check out ForHims and join Jesse on his hair care adventure!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone, today's episode is brought to you by two sponsors. That's right, not one, but two. That's more than one. I know. First, as always, MeUndies. Y'all put them on your body. Hell yeah. MeUndies, even though it's in the name, they're not just for me. They're not just for Crendor, they're for you too.
Starting point is 00:00:17 The only Underoos I wear are MeUndies. I thought they were only for me. No, they're for me. Oh, God. You know what what that's fine i can share oh yeah so can i i can share too which is why we're letting you in on the secret best underwear you'll put on your body hands down we'll get into that also for hymns it's a wellness brand we're gonna talk about getting healthy with yourself i know crendor you need to get healthy
Starting point is 00:00:43 with yourself i need to get very healthy with myself. Yeah, that yogurt's not cutting it for you, man. It's not. I got to step up my game. You got to step it up, and so we'll talk about that as well. Now let's jump into the podcast. Woo-hoo. Hello, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It's time for Ghost on Crandon. This is Crandon in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. Hello everybody, welcome to Cox and Crandor in the morning! Oh, that's a little weird. You're like, normally you're like, welcome to Cox and Crandor in the morning. You're just like, welcome to Cox and Crandor in the morning. Today we're discussing NPR and the various issues in the environment. Today we're discussing the political nature of the sub-Saharan African region
Starting point is 00:01:41 and the implications on world politics and environmental science. With me, as always, is Dr. C. Endor. Hello, thank you for having me. Yes. So how do you feel about oranges, doctor? Oranges are one of the most nutritious and vitamin-enriched foods you can digest into your body. One of the things I love about oranges is that
Starting point is 00:02:10 not only the color, which is a vibrant, powerful orange color, hence the name orange, it's just the ability to give you that citrusy blast of energy that's packed into that small sphere. Now is that a scientific term? A citrusy blast?
Starting point is 00:02:30 It's a starburst term I think. I think I saw an adult film called that once. I would love to see an adult film. It dude dressed up like an orange. It was weird. That's my fetish. I would still love to see that adult film. People a dude dressed up like an orange it was weird that's my still love to
Starting point is 00:02:45 see that adult film people dressing up like fruit what a weird movie that would be just any movie in general doesn't even have to be an adult film it's like the fruit of the loom guys that'd be like a david lynch film everyone's just dressed as different fruit and they're just like hello deborah how are you it's like the Fruit of the Loom guys. It'd be like a David Lynch film. Everyone's just dressed as different fruit. And they're just like, hello, Debra. How are you? It's like, I am fine, Mark. And they're just like standing there.
Starting point is 00:03:12 They don't address it. They're just a banana and an apple. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Yeah, they don't address it because it's normal to them. Holy shit. I don't want to. That needs to get made. That does not need to be made.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Don't make that. Please make it. Unless they end up doing it at the end in which case well awesome all right approved yeah anyway hi hello uh you're back you you exist i'm back i have been on a journey yeah tell people what happened to you because not many i don't know how many people are aware of the trials and tribulations you've been through i think if you've watched my stream you probably know because I talk about it a lot. You do.
Starting point is 00:03:48 You invade other people's streams and bring up more information than I ever wanted to know about yourself. I got nothing else to do. I might as well invade other people's streams. I guess that's true. So what happened was about, let's go back all the way two years ago. I started getting some stomach troubles. It was just some irritation, some stomach troubles, all right? It was like just some irritation, some gastritis, some pain.
Starting point is 00:04:12 And so I go to the doctor, and they're like, all right, well, let's do some blood tests. And they're like, your B12's kind of low. Let's do an endoscopy. Check if you got any, like, celiac, stomach issue. They check you for everything. You're like, all right. Sure, sure. So they stick a tube down your throat and uh look around your stomach and they're like you got mild gastritis but uh nothing too crazy and then he's like you know what bet it's your gallbladder and i was like okay and
Starting point is 00:04:36 then they did all these tests and they're like you have a gallstone and so the doctor was like well some people are fine with a gallstone you know know, you just kind of live with it. Like, a lot of people, I think it was like 30% of people are going to get a gallstone. Like, out of all people. So he was like, hey, you can live with it. What does that mean? How do you live with it? What does it do to you?
Starting point is 00:04:59 I don't know these things. So let me tell you about the gallbladder because I've learned a lot about it. Please do. Educate us. What happens is your body creates bile. Bile helps digest foods, and especially fats. And so if you eat a fatty meal, your gallbladder helps to store the bile. That's all it does.
Starting point is 00:05:22 It's an organ that has bile in it, and whenever you eat some fatty food, it's like, and it squirts out the bile, and it helps you digest it. When you have a gallstone, what can happen is the stone can block the bile duct from doing that, and it creates insane amounts of pain. And it also can make you die. Question. Yes. How does the stone form? It just slowly, I think it slowly calcifies over time like you just get all this bile and it just kind of forms it's like a
Starting point is 00:05:53 kidney stone how you can get kidney stones your body just makes stones man it's weird uh and so some people have like a bunch of stones it could also be genetic because i had my my grandma and my aunt both had gallstones so i think it might just be genetic uh okay and they the doctor actually had a thing where they're like we call it the four f's it's either fat they said fat people that lose a lot of weight very quickly tend to get gallstones. Okay. Female. Females tend to get more gallstones. All right. So you went from, like, you went fat to 50% of the population of the earth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:33 There's the four Fs. They said the doctors call it the four Fs. Then there's fertile. Right, right, right, right, right. Fertile. So pregnant women tend to get gallstones. And 40, which means if you're over 40, you tend to get a gallstone, which me... Oh my god, so if you're overweight, pregnant,
Starting point is 00:06:50 a woman, and over 40, you're basically just a giant gallstone. You probably got one. Yeah, you probably got one at this point. Okay. So I was like, wow, I'm none of those things. And he was like, well... The last one was just like genetics.
Starting point is 00:07:02 He's like, it's not part of the Fs, but genetics can be part of it the four f's are g yep i was like all right well okay um which it's probably also contributed to my diet which was growing up a lot of fatty things and eating out and uh you know that so it makes your gallbladder work harder essentially and it kind of probably just formed over that period of time so that was fun uh so i was like all right well i lived with it for about a year and a bit occasionally i'd eat something and be like oh i'm kind of queasy or like it kind of feels weird there but it was like it would go away in like two or three days and i was like whatever
Starting point is 00:07:40 some people get crazy pain attacks like 10 out of 10 on the pain scale. That's usually when it's blocked, though. So, about December of this year, I had eggnog, and if you don't know what eggnog is... That's already trouble! That's already trouble! Imagine
Starting point is 00:07:59 you just took eggs, heavy cream, and butter, and alcohol. Just mixed it up. There you go. That's eggnog. And that is very anti-gallbladder and body friendly. And so after I drank that, I was like, oh, and it hurt. And it wasn't bad, but it was like, that feels like where my gallbladder is.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And I was like, okay. And then I was like, maybe it was a one-time thing. So I tried it again the next day, and it was not a one-time thing. Exact same pain. And I was kind of like, that horrible pain I felt probably isn't going to happen again. And then once you do the exact
Starting point is 00:08:38 same thing, you're a wild man. Yeah, I did the exact same thing. So that really irritated it to the point where normally it'd go away after a few days. This didn't go away. every day and i was like that's not good so every day i would just be like and i just it made doing things kind of difficult it wasn't even pain it was just kind of queasy and then kind of irritated it's like having a rock in your shoe constantly and you're just like so i go see the doctor again they do another ultrasound they're like you have uh one gallstone still but that
Starting point is 00:09:10 shit can mess you up and i was like all right and they're like you should probably get it out and i was like okay i'll get it out now i think it's time so i get uh i had an eastern european surgeon he's this like old eastern european man's like, I have done many gallbladder surgery. This is easy. I do many. I've done it 40 years. 40 years. Tell you what though.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Many experience does not matter if gallbladder inflamed. And I was like, oh. And he's like, if gallbladder inflamed, we cut you open and have to get it out that way. Difficult procedure. But if gallbladder not inflamed We do minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery three cuts one little thing you go home And I was like okay, that sounds good, so he's like no fat no fat, so I didn't eat any fat But like what was what was the process? Oh my god?
Starting point is 00:10:02 I almost forgot so about a week before my surgery i was like this was like the day before i even saw the surgeon i was like you know i'm gonna do i've been eating healthy for a while i'm gonna eat a cheeseburger and i got cheese curds and i got fries and the next day my pancreas hurt and i don't know if you've ever had pancreas pain, but that is one of the least fun pains I think I've ever experienced. I feel like the type of pain you're talking about is like an orgasm. You know if you have it. Yeah. Oh, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:36 You're very aware. The people are like, I think I had an orgasm. No, no, no. You be aware. It is. You would know. Much like this pain. I have never had that type of pain i
Starting point is 00:10:45 i don't think so i woke up from that day so another thing that can irritate your gallbladder and digestive system and pancreas is if you only eat one meal a day and that's all i did i ate that one fatty meal that whole day and nothing else and i woke up the next day and i ate a banana and i thought i had like the worst heartburn of my life and i was just like oh and i like laid on the floor and i was like uh and then it slowly went away over the next couple of days and then i read about it online and they were like gallstones can block the bile duct enough to where uh the pancreas tries to release enzymes but it can't get through because the stone's blocking it and so it just gets sent back to the pancreas and then it irritates the pancreas so the gallstone starts just it starts goofing
Starting point is 00:11:38 with you pretty hard and so i was like all right well i thank god I'm getting this out in a week and so I just I ate low fat I ate like 5 meals a day I was like alright let's do it I lost like 10 pounds but I was like I don't even care no pain no game and then you know surgery day I'm like alright you wash yourself with some stuff
Starting point is 00:12:00 it's like super super soap they give you like super soap to clean with then you get to the doctor their hospital then you super scrub yourself with these other things so you don't get infected right i'm like all right super so i'm i wish they sold that all the time they actually do you can buy it at anywhere what's it called hold on what is super soap it's a high but cleanse I believe high but cleanse yeah high but I get on Amazon uh probably you can get it like Walmart you're gonna target Walgreens wherever you go oh my god it is a thing high but cleanse yeah it's like a super anti-septic
Starting point is 00:12:40 cleaner so they feel like after a while though wouldn't well yeah you don't want to use it all the time because then it wouldn't it wouldn't do anything yeah it's uh it's just the type of thing where you use it like once or twice to really clean yourself and then don't use it again wow it is what they have information on the back yeah hand washing lessens odds of infection of those who have had surgery before 48 don't believe they should wash their own hands or body in preparation for surgery. Those people are idiots. One in three didn't realize they and their caregiver could continue washing with antibacterial soap once they got home. So basically this is like a bring it to your home after you have a surgery kind of deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 So it's like you do it before or after surgery. So yeah. That's all it really is. So I was like, all right washed myself with that then i scrubbed yourself down then i'm like all right you get in your bed you wait uh and the anesthesia dude comes in and he's or no the nurse comes in there it's like you're allergic to anything they check your vitals and everything really all right then anesthesia guy comes in he's like yo i'm gonna knock you out and you're like all right he's like i'm gonna give you some anti-nausea stuff i'm gonna give you so he's like blah blah and he's like but uh let's give you a sedative before the surgery help you calm down i was like
Starting point is 00:13:55 sounds great to me and then he gave me that were you like were you stressed out or were you just like yeah man hook me up yeah i was just like whatever it sounds good to me and so i was just laying there my mom and toaster woman were there and i was just like all right and then they gave me the sedative and i don't remember anything after that that's the best way to have a surgery i remember put getting the gas mask thing on when they're like you're going in but i don't remember anything before that they're like i was like did the surgeon ever come in they're like yeah he came and talked to you and they asked you quite i was like i don't remember anything which was great so then you wake up and you're like whoa what the shit happened and you're it's like all right you're good and they're like
Starting point is 00:14:39 you feeling good i'm like yeah i think i'm good like you want to go home like after all i'm like yeah i go home and they're like all right cool i wish i wish i was there for the post-surgery version of you because i know you would have been loopy well just loopy you're not super because the they have phase one there's two phases to post-surgery one is phase one where they don't let anyone but like nurses and doctors talk to you and then once you've like fully awakened up they're like alright now you move to like phase two which is like your family and whoever comes and talks to you then you're more awake but I was like
Starting point is 00:15:14 alright whatever so they're like here's the thing before you go home you gotta pee and I was like oh that's easy I can pee and so I started just drinking a bunch of water here's what they don't tell you it doesn't matter how much water you drink because your gi tract hasn't fully awoken yet so even if your bladder is full it your body's just like i haven't waken up from
Starting point is 00:15:39 the anesthetic yet but then nobody told me that so i was just pounding down so you like so you like couldn't go to the bathroom yeah so So you couldn't go to the bathroom? Yeah, so I just couldn't go to the bathroom Can I tell you something crazy? Alright I've never had a surgery like this Where it's been a major Internal surgery
Starting point is 00:15:57 But one time I went to a party and they had like Some really good pot brownies Guys, don't do drugs But you know, whatever. I'm old. I'm going to die eventually. So I don't care.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Anyway. So I was like, hell, I'm totally in. I went home that night and like had to take the biggest dump ever. But my body was like, nah, this isn't going to happen. I was like, I just want to go to the bathroom and nothing would happen. Like my body was like, nah, dude, you're numb to everything. It I was like, I just want to go to the bathroom. And nothing would happen. Like, my body was like, mm. It was pot brownie. Nah, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:27 You're numb to everything. You're GI tract. It did. It totally was like, yeah, no, I'm taking the night off. I was like, oh. Oh, this was a mistake. So, yeah. Lessons learned.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Don't do drugs, kids. So, I was like, why can't I pee? Like, it seems obvious and they were like well some people are more like prone or susceptible to the anesthetic where it takes longer to wake up some people are just like woke up i can pee good to go and they're like you're probably just more sensitive to it and i was like all right whatever so they're like oh you had gallbladder done that's not even a hernia normally hernia people have the most trouble. They're like, you'll be fine. You just go home. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:08 So I went home. And about an hour later, my bladder started hurting. And I still couldn't pee. And I was like, I need to go back because I can't pee. So we had to go back to the ER. And then I had to get a catheter put in. Oof. Oof. Oof. You did go through everything.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Oh, my God. Let me tell you about a catheter. It's a small little rubber tube thing, and they shove it right down your ding-dong into your bladder. Yep. And so the nurse was like, you're going to feel a lot of relief after this. And I was like, is it going to hurt?
Starting point is 00:17:45 And she's like, I've done a lot of these. And I was like, oh, God, it's going to hurt. That's not an answer. Yeah. That's not an answer. So they're like, breathe in. And you're like, and they just, and you're like, it's about like four seconds of burning pain. But then you're good.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And that just feels really weird. And then they're like, all right, you can go home. pain but then you're good and that just feels really weird and then they're like all right you can go home and so for like a day and a half i had to carry around my pee bag and your bladder just drains out the urine and you realize how much you pee there's a lot of urine i am terrified that like i see those commercials on tv they're like you know what I Kath I like to have a Clean entry and I'm like I If that ever be if that is where My future is I Drop me in the ocean
Starting point is 00:18:31 Let the fish take me I can't I can't oh it's bad I don't want it again never again I'll if they're like you gotta pee I'm like Oh I'll pee I'll pee I'll do it punch me in the gut I will pee just I'll do whatever it takes so i'm like all right so i go home watch the olympics thank god the olympics were on it's
Starting point is 00:18:51 just something always on so i was just chilling watching that and then the other pain that everybody talks about is the gas pain and it's not just like oh i ate some beans you would come into everyone's chat and be like yo yo, I'm really gassy today. And we're just like, what? Here's the thing. It's not like, oh, I ate some beans. I'm really gassy. It's like they pump you full of gas so they can work around inside you.
Starting point is 00:19:13 So they legit inflate you like a balloon. And then they like get your organ out. And you slowly deflate. The problem is to deflate and get the gas out you gotta like move around which it's hard to do after surgery and then you gotta like burp or fart it out and i couldn't fart yet either because that's the last thing to wake up so your gi track not alone does it not let you pee but it's like you gotta wake up from that if you want to fart and i'm like come on body just just come on so you're sitting there and like after a day and a half like it's like this two days later i was like the gas pains
Starting point is 00:19:52 are getting pretty bad like on that pain scale where they're like show your pain it was up to like a seven like i could barely even sleep so i was like i want to go back to the er and see if they can do something because i'm not good right now so went back to the ER and see if they can do something. Because I'm not good right now. So I went back to the ER. They gave me morphine. Morphine didn't even do anything, honestly. It just made me kind of tired. And I was like, I feel pain, but I'm tired.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And then as I was laying in the ER bed, like waiting, they did a CT scan. Like, everything's good. You just got to wait to fart. I legit farted in the ER bed. And that may have been the greatest fart of my entire life. My entire life. Now you know what it's like to be me. Every fart I have is the greatest fart of mine.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I'm like, yeah. That was a quality fart. I understand now. now yeah now you get it now you get it i get it and so i was there like do you want to stay overnight i'm like no i farted i feel i'm i'm on the path to victory and they're like all right good and so then my surgeon came in because he's like why are you here why are you here and i'm like oh i couldn't like i wasn't didn't have any, I couldn't fart, whatever. And he was like, why you have catheter?
Starting point is 00:21:08 Why, why'd they put catheter in you? And I was like, I couldn't pee. And he's like, they let you go home, you can't pee? And I was like, uh, yeah. And he's like, I don't get it. They can take it out now. You can pee fine. And I was like, uh, okay. So this nurse
Starting point is 00:21:23 comes in. She's like 60 60 years old you can tell she's worked in the er for like 40 years and nothing phases her she's just like looks like you're getting your catheter out and i'm like yep and she had her nails painted and i was like oh yeah you have cool nails and she's like it's the only girly thing i do. She's like, all right. She just gets ready to take it out. I was like, is it going to hurt? She's like, well, I'm not going to give you boxing gloves. I was like, what's that mean?
Starting point is 00:21:55 She's like, I don't want you to hit me. I was like, okay. They give you some lubrication. I thought, all right know they're just gonna Like slip it out They yank that shit out They yank it out She's just like alright breathe in
Starting point is 00:22:16 And I was like God damn None of that I'm so you know what Dear penis Don't ever make me go through that None of that. I'm so, you know what? Dear, dear penis. Don't ever make me go through that, please. Imagine getting a bandaid ripped off, but inside your penis. I can't.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Nope. I'm out. And so I just laid there and she's like, you can take a minute or two. And I was like, I'll take two. I just laid there. And after about two to three minutes I was like alright I think we're good And then they were like if you can't pee in eight hours
Starting point is 00:22:51 You come back and I was like oh I'll pee And I went home and I peed And that was the greatest urination I've ever had in my entire life You came out on the other side doing so well You were like you know what Path to recovery man Path to recovery man path to recovery
Starting point is 00:23:05 and so after all that it's uh every day's just kind of been a little better thankfully and now i'm at the point where uh i can walk i can drive i can play video games can you sing god damn he's back baby yeah i got some uh it feels like i've done a lot of sit-ups still it's still kind of sore but like it's nowhere near compared to like a week or a week and a half ago like not even close i'd say another week and i'm gonna be like you know running marathons maybe not a marathon but down the block so yeah that was my fun journey oh yeah then i went back and then my uh apparently the last thing they want you to do is have a bowel movement so i had that happen and that was a journey but then the surgeon when i saw him to get my like bandages off and stuff
Starting point is 00:23:55 he's like have you had bowel movement and i'm like yeah and he's like thank god we don't call cnn for world's craziest gallbladder surgery and And I was like, oh, that makes me feel good. I like your doctor. He's just like this old Eastern European man. And then every time I would bring up his name, they're like, oh, he's always here. He's like a workaholic. And I was like, well, I mean, that's good.
Starting point is 00:24:18 He's not bad at what he does. So he was just like, all right, you're good. We put band-aid on. You're fine. And I mean, ever since then, I've been getting better every day. And that was my fun journey. It sounds like you had a journey. It was a journey. And so now, I've been
Starting point is 00:24:36 reintroducing foods. I can drink coffee again. I've been eating chips and salsa. I actually had a hamburger today. And I've been fine. Some people are like, I ate a hamburger and it just didn't sit well. I'm like, I've been eating everything. I actually had a hamburger today. And I've been fine. Some people are like, I ate a hamburger and it just didn't sit well. I'm like, I've been eating everything. I'm good. That's because, you know what? That's because you're young.
Starting point is 00:24:52 That's true. It might be. That's because you're young. But you're going to get older, Crandor. You're going to get older. And as you get older, you're going to start falling apart. Did you know that by age 35, 66% of men have started to lose their hair. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:25:07 When that stuff starts going, it's harder to get it back than to keep what you already got. Trust me. I love my hair. I know you do. I know you do. Right now, reach up, touch your head. I'm touching it. Do you feel any hair loss or do you feel luscious locks?
Starting point is 00:25:18 I feel luscious locks. You're one of the lucky ones. Right now at home, if you're reaching up and you're feeling some hair loss, then you, my friends, are like me. I'm starting to get up there in age. I'm starting to have a little bald spot in the back of my head. Drives me crazy. If there's anything I could do to fix that thing,
Starting point is 00:25:35 I would. There's A one-stop shop for hair loss, skin care, sexual wellness, for all men. I'm a man. Medical grade solutions, real doctors offering well-known generic equivalents
Starting point is 00:25:49 to name brand prescriptions to help you keep your hair. This isn't an herbal supplement. This isn't some pseudoscience. These are prescriptions backed by science. The real deal. Shit, dude. No waiting room. No awkward doctor visits.
Starting point is 00:26:02 All done online. Answer a few quick questions Doctor will review it And prescribe you what you need Directly to your door I know I was like, okay Alright, what's the deal with this
Starting point is 00:26:17 I talked with the owners and the co-founders Of 4hims And like, I want to know I want to know what they can do for me Because I want to be Like you I want to have luscious locks And beautiful skin I want my skin to sparkle My skin sparkles all the time
Starting point is 00:26:33 You're like a vampire I've seen that So here's what's going to happen They're going to send me some stuff and I'm going to try it And next time I'm going to drop reviews I'm going to let you know what's up You're going to become like me be Jesus No I don't think that'm going to try it. Oh, shit. And next time, I'm going to drop reviews. I'm going to let you know what's up. You're going to become like me.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Be Jesus. No, I don't think that's going to happen. I don't think you are either. I feel like none of this is true. But right now, you can join me on this adventure for a trial of everything you need to keep your hair going strong for just $5 right now. That's what I'm in on. I am going to try and keep your hair going strong for just $5 right now. That's what I'm in on. I am going to try and keep my hair. I already got a little bald spot forming.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I'm not losing the rest. So, see the website for full details. This would cost hundreds if you went to a doctor or pharmacy, but not at So here's what you've got to do. slash Cox.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I'm ready to watch this journey. Join me. I could have beautiful, beautiful hair. Your hair is going to be like autumn. It will be like autumn. It's true. So speaking of gas. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I had the biggest taco salad on planet Earth today. All right. Legitimately the biggest taco salad on planet Earth today. Like, legitimately the biggest. I feel not well. So today for lunch, it is many hours later. Right. And today for lunch, I got a taco salad. And it was twice as deep as it was round. Like, it was so big.
Starting point is 00:28:05 It was the majority beans and meat, and I want to say sprinkles of lettuce, but I just, it was so good. It was so good, and I have made a terrible mistake. I feel bad. Not good. I don't, I was walking around the office just like, guys, I don't, I've made around the office just like, guys, I don't.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I've made a mistake. I've made a terrible mistake. And everyone was just like, just go for a walk. It hurt to move. I was like, oh, I just want to go lie down. I know that feel. Oh, God, it was bad. It was bad.
Starting point is 00:28:41 You know what? Maybe this is the reason why I deserve to lose my hair. Just like, I'm not taking care of myself at all. It was rough. I was just like, Yeah. I understand your pain in a real physical sense
Starting point is 00:29:00 right now, but damn was it good. Every once in a while you find a Mexican place that is real good. This place, the chicken at this place, next time you're in town I gotta take you. It looks like a place a drug deal would happen in the back of, and probably does, but whatever they put in that chicken
Starting point is 00:29:15 is so good that it breaks the reality of what chicken should taste like. It is like shredded chicken that tastes so juicy. It's not reasonable how good it is like shredded chicken that tastes so juicy it's not reasonable how good it is and you're just like i i just want to get it i just want to eat that chicken and then you eat it you're like what i eat so much of it oh that was my my day has not been a good one that was hours ago and i still feel like i just got like punched in the gut a bunch
Starting point is 00:29:45 i'm just like amazing though oh at the time it was great it's one mexican place by me i could never find a good one i found one that makes amazing fajitas i'm like oh my god so i just get fajitas all the time i love fajitas fajitas are so like on a sizzling grill yeah oh my god like a little little tray yeah they bring it it's like Yeah, oh that's so good And then you can make your own, I love that I've been cooking a lot Because it turns out, you know, eating out Is high in fat and salt
Starting point is 00:30:14 And things that irritate everything So I was like, you know what, I know So I've legit ate Let's see, what have I been eating Graham crackers, normal crackers Uh, okay Rice, broccoli ate uh let's see what have i been eating graham crackers normal crackers uh okay rice broccoli green beans chicken uh what else have i eaten uh i ate like just that for the longest time beans black beans tortillas i love black beans i love black beans i haven't had bread in my house
Starting point is 00:30:43 for i just have tortillas. Tortillas are great. Tortillas and anything. Oh, my God. I can just make a sandwich with a tortilla, and it's like a little burrito, but it's a tortilla sandwich. Well, normally when I wake up, I have two whole wheat pieces of bread and a piece of fruit and coffee. That's my breakfast. And then for like lunch. Do you put anything on the bread, or do you just have the bread?
Starting point is 00:31:03 I got some jelly. I got some jam. It's pretty good. I like lunch. Do you put anything on the bread or you just have the bread? I got some jelly. I got some jam. It's pretty good. I like that. And then for lunch, I usually have some like chicken, rice, and broccoli. It's pretty good. And then for dinner, I'll have like the rice, beans, tortillas, some salsa, and chips. And then today, I made a hamburger.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And yesterday, I made a hamburger. And yesterday I made a hamburger. But I get the, like, low fat. It's like 90-10. So it's only like 10% fat. So it's really lean meat. And that's been really good. Technically, I think that makes that a steak burger then. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:31:37 Maybe then. I don't remember what the actual definition is, but it's like more meat than fat content. It's like 80-20 is an average hamburger like a steak burger is like six percent fat something like that i don't know yeah it's like super meaty is the difference yeah all i know higher quality 90 10 and it like like there's not as much fat even when you're cooking it like it doesn't like splatter all over uh but it's still really good and it doesn't irritate anything so i'm like sweet i can eat hamburgers uh so that made me happy and then uh and then i fry up the onions like with the meat and that's kind of like five guys where they like sear the onions and everything it's really good
Starting point is 00:32:15 uh and it's cheap i realize how cheap doing all that you can make two burgers for like two dollars and 80 cents right yeah like the. That's why it makes more sense to not go out. Yeah. Yeah. So I've just been cooking at home. It's been fun. It made me want to start up my cooking thing again. Well, I mean, you should.
Starting point is 00:32:34 You should do that. I'm going to do it and it's going to be great. Speaking of going out, there have been a few like bars and things that have opened up near my house. And so I think I told you about one that's sort of a breakfast, like a nighttime breakfast bar. Yeah. So another one opened up, and it is... What's the best way to describe it?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Like, it's very chic. Like, not a place I'd ever go to again. But I was like, you know, I'll go check it out and see what it's like. It had like a coastal theme, like that kind of crap But the nightlife was incredible The people there, oh, Crandor, it was the best people watching So, of course, as always, I'm like, well, I'm going to go to this bar And just hang out with friends and experience it
Starting point is 00:33:21 But, apparently this bar is I'm going to say like the white person equivalent of those Japanese hostess bars, I think is what this was. I think. I can't be certain. But I think that's what, so we're sitting around, we're having some drinks, we're like at the bar, and I notice, I look around the room, and I'm not even joking. Every woman there had to have been maybe 22, 23, young 20s, dressed very scantily. You know, nightlife dress.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Not like wearing lingerie dress But you know like Everyone they were talking and flirting with Maybe 60 year old men Everyone in this bar was like 60 or 70 years old And I was like what We were the youngest guys there And I was like something's not right here
Starting point is 00:34:18 This is weird And so we start looking around And I think That's what this was. I think this was a bar where old guys go to flirt with young women. The sugar daddy bar. I think. Also, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Someone sent us a sugar daddy story. I have to find that for you. I'll find that while I talk about this. So literally, I start walking around and talking to people because I'm like, I need to ask but not, like, be like, yo, is this a bar where old men just hit on young women? And, like, how is this legal? So I was talking with this one girl, and I was like, do you work here? And she's like, no, no, no, but this is, like, where I hang out on Saturday nights. And I was like, you hang out here?
Starting point is 00:35:03 She's like, yeah, all my girlfriends and I come out here I'm like why? It seems a little like I don't know Not your scene? And she's like Oh this is totally my scene And right then I was like Okay She's like this is totally my scene
Starting point is 00:35:19 And I was like really really because you seem like you'd be up Towards Hollywood and this is Down near Venice and it seems very much like Not where You seem like you'd be up towards Hollywood, and this is down near Venice, and it seems very much like not where, you know, you seem like you would be at a West Hollywood party. And she's like, oh, that's every other night of the week. I'm like, what? She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I go to different bars and sort of like host.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And I was like, what? She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is one of the locations, and, you know, we all come down here, and we like chill out with these guys, and they buy us drinks and stuff, and we like talk to them. And then, you know, other nights of the week we go to other bars. It's like, whoa, time out. What? I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:35:49 She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's kind of like my job, but also I'm in school. I'm like, what? She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so she brings over her friend. And her friend, I think, had to have been a little older because she said she was out of school. Yeah. I guess they met through this.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And this is the thing that they have an agency for this, and this is the thing, that they have an agency for this. What? She was telling me that they have an agency, and the agency, like, hires on attractive women to basically go around to bars in the LA area and just flirt. What? But, like, it's their job, and so she's like, yeah, you know, we're not supposed to go home with anyone. But sometimes, you know, and I'm just like, I don't know. What are you saying to me?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Like, are you paid flirters? Is there like an underground flirt society I'm not aware of? And she's like, yeah, I mean, kind of like that. And this one girl, and I wish I could remember her name. I think it was like Amy, Amber, Ashley. Started with an A. I'm like, wait, so. Started with an A. Yeah. I'm like, wait, so you get paid to do this?
Starting point is 00:36:48 And she's like, well, you know, it's kind of like waitress where you don't get paid a lot of money, but you get paid in the tips and things the men give you. And I was like, what? And she's like, yeah. I'm like, wait, so you're kind of like sugar babies? And she's like, no, no, no no No no no no we don't like have One guy there's a lot of guys and they just want To have a company for the night and I'm just like I can't
Starting point is 00:37:10 I'm I Was like what what are you talking about And I asked I was like so wait if this is your job What did you do before this she's like oh I was a history teacher I laughed so hard I was like Oh really Alright well then I guess we both sold out
Starting point is 00:37:25 and so um they just like go from bar i guess they go from bar to bar to bar and every night is like i don't know how it works i don't know if there's a set bars they go to because i didn't get that far into it because at some point some dude who i think was probably like a rich millionaire walked up and was like could i borrow her for a moment and like took one of the women away and i was like all right i'm gonna leave you guys have fun and then i went back over to my friends started talking to them and it's like what the fuck is this place but um straight up it's just like i think they either one they have a set list of bars they go to and they show up at each one just flirt with people or two they're hired out to bars and bars they go to, and they show up at each one and just flirt with people. Or, two, they're hired out to bars, and then they go to those bars to make it seem like that's a cool, hip place to be. Because this bar's just open.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So what I'm thinking is the owners literally contacted this agency and were like, fill our bar with attractive women. Yeah, that seems like it makes the most sense. So I was trying to put that together. Like, who's paying them, and how are they making the money? Yeah, I think that might Might be it And then They all show up at the bar And because
Starting point is 00:38:29 The clientele Did not It seemed like You know when you see On a TV show The old scummy dudes At like a bar And they're just like
Starting point is 00:38:37 Hey give me another beer Steve Yeah That's what it seemed like Except they were trying to go for like High class bar And so it was a bunch of Again really attractive women. And then just, like, old dudes who were just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Either they were rich or they dressed up because they were like, there's hot girls there. It was weird. It was weird. It was definitely a place I'd never go back to. So I don't, it did not seem like it was a young kid hangout. Which, for me to say, I think sounds really weird. Young kid hangout. But it was a place that, like, wasn't, you know, hip or sounds really weird. Young kid hangout. But it was a place that wasn't hip or cool or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:07 It just was weird. And I'm now curious if I go to Hollywood, if I would see them out and be like, I know you! It's like an odd step next to a Hooters or a Tilted Kilt or a Twin Peaks or all those places. Absolutely. I think it's very similar except she just like... I don't know. I don't know. If I had to guess, I would say
Starting point is 00:39:30 of the 20 or so women that were in this bar, 15 were paid to be there. Yeah. Which is just bonkers to me. I want to know more. I'm fascinated by stuff like this because it seems so genius to be like
Starting point is 00:39:47 yeah, I'm gonna pay people to come to my bar but it also seems really dumb that you would have to do like I just, I don't know. I have so many questions and I received no answers. I just got like little snippets of information and I would love to know more.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Gotta be somebody that knows something Right? I just, how bizarre was that It was a weird experience, alright I found the article Okay So here's the article, this is CBS News This really happened, I think this is amazing 73 year old Sugar Daddy banned from Florida Beach
Starting point is 00:40:20 For seeking Sugar Baby Wearing a t-shirt that said Accepting application for the the letter or the number four a sugar baby daytona beach florida a 73 year old man is banned from a florida beach after a parent complained that he was handing out business cards that read sugar daddy seeking sugar baby well police didn't arrest Richard Basaraba, sure. The county beach safety captain, Tammy Maris, said he'd been told to stay off the beach and walkovers for six months for violating an ordinance that prohibits listening on the beach.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Basaraba told the Daytona Beach News Journal he's devastated by what he considers an overreaction by officials. He said he wasn't trying to entice young girls into doing anything illegal when he handed business cards out to a group of girls on Etaino Beach on Saturday. But the mother of a 16-year-old complained to authorities after her daughter told the mother about the incident. The girl told officials that a man
Starting point is 00:41:17 handed her 18-year-old friend a business card while they were at the beach. It featured a picture of a younger woman sitting on the lap of an older man wearing a business suit. Printed on the card were his email address and accompanying text, ask me about your monthly allowance. Basaraba told the newspaper he wished he'd been more careful in handing out the cards.
Starting point is 00:41:40 He didn't know anyone was under 18. A beach patrol report says Basaraba told the 16-year-old that she should contact him when she's 18. The ban is a trespass order. A mayor said someone who violates such an order can be arrested for trespassing. Basaraba wasn't arrested because police didn't see him handing out the business cards. I'm really upset about it, he said. This really knocked me for a loop. out the business cards i'm really upset about it he said this really knocked me for a loop he recently bought a t-shirt that reads accepting applications for sugar baby which also proved to
Starting point is 00:42:10 be a conversation starter he said i've had women stop me and say i want to take a picture with you in this shirt they want put him on facebook he said 95 of the women just found it hilarious maybe the younger ones didn't as much as the older ones did the retired engineer says he's embarrassed and would like to apologize to the teenager and the mother i engaged the younger girl before i knew she was 16 because of her bust size he said i did make the mistake of saying you're the cutest one here call me when you're 18 he said his wife died in 2003 and he's never remarried and he and his daughter and granddaughter live in town i read in the paper about men having sex with underage women and their life is gone. I can show you my bank account.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I don't have any assets. I don't have money. I just have enough to live. I don't have the money for a sugar baby, he says. Then why did he... Okay, I'm so confused. Alright, I just like the idea that there's some guy in Florida like,
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yo, hey, ladies. Good for him. How would you like to be with me? I just like the idea that there's some guy in Florida like, yo, hey, ladies. Good for him. How would you like to be with me? How would you like to, you know, have a sugar daddy? I love it. All right. Well, man, I think, oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:43:22 Before we jump into news. Right. I promised you this, and I said I would do it I went online set up my Oculus Rift got my VR set up I was ready to watch Nicolas Cage in the Humanity Bureau It did not work
Starting point is 00:43:38 I couldn't get it to work I know, I'm going to try again but I don't know what it is because apparently I went online to go see the reviews and ratings. And people are saying that there's an option for a $3 version. But I don't know what I'm getting. I feel like I need to look. I need to go online and find this out. I'll pay for whatever I need to pay for.
Starting point is 00:44:05 But people are saying that there's a paid version and an unpaid version and there's like one version that is 80 percent finished and one version that doesn't seem like it's actually real
Starting point is 00:44:15 and one version is only 45 seconds. I don't know. I don't know what they've created but I'm more interested than ever to see what this is. And it says join the VR evolution. interested than ever to see what this is. And it says, join the VR
Starting point is 00:44:26 evolution. This is supposed to be groundbreaking. It says, one review says, content made absolutely no sense. The preview told me extremely little about the movie. The VR content just isn't there. I don't know what they wanted me to see in this movie. I love
Starting point is 00:44:42 it. That's the thing. People are like, I don't even know what this movie is. I just want to see Nicolas Cage in VR. I want to be in Nicolas Cage's car. Like, there's a scene where him driving in a car. I want to be in the car with Nick Cage, and I want to look over and be like, Nick, get us out of here, bro. I don't know. I have no clue.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Damn. I want to try to get this. Wait, will it work on a Vive? No, it says it only works on the Oculus. Damn. My dreams are ruined. Yeah, I don't know. All right, well, I think it is time for us to do what we always do, and that's talk about MeUndies real quick. All right, talk about them MeUndies. I'm about to stop here in the sky.
Starting point is 00:45:23 No, that's later. You can't be in the Chopter copter until we get to the chopter copter. I'm sorry. I'm out of it. You're so out of it. Those damn drugs. I'm out of it, man. I'm so out of it, man. I can't even pee, man.
Starting point is 00:45:35 No. Me undies. You know I'm a believer in the product. Crendor wears me undies. They are the perfect balance of comfortable fit and sweet caress on your butt. That is the truth. It's the truth. That's the truth.
Starting point is 00:45:51 What can I even say? They have micromodal fabrics. I don't even know what any of this means. I'm just literally. It's soft. It's soft. It is just the softest. Sustainably sourced, natural soft fibers, starts with beechwood trees
Starting point is 00:46:06 and ends with the most amazing fabric you've ever experienced. They have in front of us right now, we have a script they gave us to read you. I'm not going to read this script. I'm not going to read it. I'm going to let you know. It is the best you will put on your body. Everyone who has bought them and been like, I figured I'd try it,
Starting point is 00:46:22 has loved it. Everyone. We've seen tweets and people be like, yo, this is the dopest. I'm telling you. They got Crendor brand, which is like gray and normal and boring. It's true. I need to buy some more, actually. I was going to buy more really soon. Then they have a crazier like, ooh, this is hot pink.
Starting point is 00:46:39 And then they have Jesse style, which is just, I have one, it's pizzas. It's little pizzas. have Jesse's style, which is just I have one, it's pizzas. It's little pizzas. I have one, it's like Mexican sort of Dio de los Muertos mask. It's so good. Oh, man. I have the best one of mine, Glows in the Dark.
Starting point is 00:46:53 So call me if you want to see them. I love them. They're so good. There's tons of variety, and you can either subscribe and get one sent to you every month, or you can just buy one or two or whatever you want. I'm telling you, it is worth it. It is definitely worth it.
Starting point is 00:47:10 They are the only underwear that I wear now. And I love them to death. I've never seen somebody not like them. That's what I'm saying. And also, yo, if you like them, tweet at MeUndies when you tweet at us. Because people keep tweeting at us like, yeah, I bought them. They're great. Tweet at MeUndies. Let them know let them know we want more that me undies money man
Starting point is 00:47:27 we'll take it we'll take it or me undies they can pay me in me undies they could i want more i'm gonna let you know i have a drawer filled with them it is a problem that i have i have enough i could literally go i think two weeks damn and not have to wash any underwear. I had a point after like four or five days, because I only got like four or five pairs, and it hits a point where I'm like, well, now I got the other underwear, and I don't want to wear that, and then I just put them back on. Yeah, I have no other, I do not have any other underwear.
Starting point is 00:47:56 It doesn't exist. I only have MeUndies. I have, I think, 14 pairs. Oh my god. I have an issue. I have an issue. I have a problem. It doesn't matter. I love them. I think they're great. Right now, if you go to slash Crendor, that's me,
Starting point is 00:48:12 you can get 20% off your first pair, free shipping, 100% satisfaction guarantee. They're so sure you're going to love it. 100% satisfaction. If you hate it, which you will not, they'll give you your money back. It's a no-brainer, y'all. It's a no-brainer. These things, if you're a man, if you're going to love it. 100% satisfaction. If you hate it, which you will not, they'll give you your money back. It's a no-brainer, y'all.
Starting point is 00:48:27 It's a no-brainer. These things, if you're a man, if you're a woman, doesn't matter. If you are literally looking for underwear for your animal, your pet animal, if you want to put underwear on a cat, your cat would appreciate it. They'll love it. Yeah. It doesn't matter who you are. These will just be the best you've ever experienced.
Starting point is 00:48:44 It's like you're wearing nothing. Right now I have them on. Had I not thought, hmm, I wonder if I have underwear on right now, I would not think I did. I'd go as far to say it's better than nothing. It really is. They're so comfortable. I can't even stress it enough.
Starting point is 00:49:01 slash Crandor. You need to go there. slash Crandor. slash Crandor. slash Crendor. You need to go there. slash Crendor. slash Crendor. slash Crendor. Alright, well let's go to Choppy Coppy Coppy with Crendor. Crendor, how's that traffic out there? I'm up here in the chop-bop-a-do-bop
Starting point is 00:49:16 bop-a-do-bop, and it is crazy. There is traffic everywhere. They are getting excited that we got daylight coming back. That's right, only one more week until that daylight savings time is kicking up. We're going to be saving that daylight. Everybody's enjoying it. The days are longer.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And they're just getting outside more. They're going to the beach. They're going to Ikea. They're going to buy groceries at the market. They're going to Haggle at the bazaar. It is bazaar out there, folks. Be safe and have fun. Thanks, Crandor.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Now let's go over to Crandor at the weather desk. Crandor, how's that weather? Weather desk is actually insane. Is it? I don't know. I haven't looked up anywhere yet. Are you going to talk about the Nor'easter? The Nor'easter's coming. It's going to be terrible trouble.
Starting point is 00:50:05 The Nor'easter? Ah, the old Nor'easter. A Northeaster. A storm or a wind blowing from the Northeast, especially in New England. Whoa. I didn't know that was a thing. Yeah, I don't make this stuff up. I just make up the accents.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Let's see. Nor'easter. As cleanup from Friday's ferocious nor easter continues we are tracking the development of a second nor easter oh shit uh set to impact the impact the delaware valley within a week's time the time frame of concern is tuesday night wednesday into wednesday night as an area of low pressure moves up from the eastern seaboard and strengthens offshore. Rain changing to wet snow, accumulating snow likely, wind threat not as widespread. So it's just rain turning to snow, which is probably ice below that. At this point, the damaging wind threat appears less widespread.
Starting point is 00:50:59 The concern, however, for the downing and uprooting of trees remains present due to the damage and weakening from Friday's winds as well as saturated ground. Accumulating shovelable snow is looking increasingly likely with the possibility of the high totals occurring east of the I-95. Precipitation is set to start as rain for most and transition to a wet snow that could again be heavy at times as colder air wraps in around the back of the system. Models are still in disagreement on the timing of the transition and duration of the rain versus snow. Damn, that nor'easter. That's the weather. There you go.
Starting point is 00:51:33 All right. Let's talk sports. Sports. We got a lot of sports stuff happening right now, actually. NBA, NHL are kicking in the high gear. The seasons are ending. They only got like one month left each before the playoffs hit uh and in baseball spring training starting again uh everybody's getting going in baseball they're got the catchers and the pitchers reporting in you got some games going on where it's warm. And then they're going to start up in about three and a half weeks.
Starting point is 00:52:07 They start the first game opening day for baseball. I always like that because I like having baseball on in the background whenever I do anything. It's a good background sport. And then football. The NFL draft is next month. Getting ready to draft some NFL future Hall of Famers. There's one. I was watching. There's one
Starting point is 00:52:29 draft. There's one draft. There's one draftee. I don't know. What do you call someone in the draft? He only has one arm. I watched him do like 20, 225 pound pushups or whatever. Holy crap. Way to make everyone feel insecure about themselves.
Starting point is 00:52:46 That guy was like killing it. Yeah. I'd draft that guy. He's got like robot limbs. Yeah, man. And that's, as we've always said, that is what we need in sports. More robots. That's the future.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Robot violence in sports. Make it happen. Yeah. Because I mean, people are like, oh, it might be unfair. It's like, that's the point. Yeah. I want to go to a sports game. I want to see Robot Ricky hit like an 800-foot home run.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Like, oh my God, he hit it like two miles away. Hell yes. I want that more than you know. I want to see a robot rip another robot's head right off. Yes. Oh my God. And then score a touchdown with his own head. The ball is the enemy's head.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Oh my God. I just realized. Did you see that they're going to be bringing back the XFL? Yes. You know what? If they try to make it like something stupid, like this is the real football where people don't take a knee, I'm out. But if they come back and they're like,
Starting point is 00:53:41 this is going to be dudes shooting off rockets and stuff, like the old XFL was trying to be at the beginning, I want that. I'm in. I'm in for that. If they make it ridiculous, I'm in. If they make it the wrestling of football, I'm in. I'm ready for it. I think they can make it crazy, and I hope it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yeah, I hope it's crazy too. If they want to make it as extreme as the XFL really is, they need to have robots. Start with lame robots like the Osimo and things like that and have them try to score touchdowns. Get that one pack mule robot that can't get knocked over and see if another robot can tackle it. Get all the robots.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Get those power robots that have blades on them that they fight in competition. Oh, yeah. Bring those guys in. I want can tackle it. Get all the robots. Get those power robots that have blades on them that they fight in competition. Oh, yeah. Bring those guys in. I want to see it. I'd love that. That'd be amazing. I'd love that, too.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Oh, yeah. Did you watch the Olympics? I did. Mostly, I watched curling because that's the best. Oh, my God. I loved curling. I learned so much about curling. I love curling.
Starting point is 00:54:43 That is my favorite sport. God bless Canada. If I had to ever do Olympics, I would do curling. I love curling. That is my favorite sport. God bless Canada. If I had to ever do Olympics, I would do curling. No doubt. So when you watch people do curling, you're like, oh, well, that seems pretty easy. Just like, you know, broom the ice and one guy sort of flows with a giant whatever the hell that thing is. The rock. Yeah, the rock. is The rock Yeah the rock
Starting point is 00:55:05 Whatever it is The rock But then when you Watch people who don't know How to do it Try to do it They're terrible at it And you're like
Starting point is 00:55:11 These are actually Real sportsmen Yeah That shit's crazy It's like And then they always yell Because they gotta sweep But they're like
Starting point is 00:55:19 Don't sweep Don't sweep Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep And they're just like Da da da da da da da da da da da Oh my god it's great I love that And then I fell in love with the South Korean curling team
Starting point is 00:55:28 The girl with the glasses Oh my god all of them Beauties I was just like you have stolen my heart South Korea Yeah I was cheering for South Korea too And then they lost They still got silver
Starting point is 00:55:43 And no one expected them to get that far So good on them That was true for South Korea, too, and they lost. They still got silver. Yeah, they got silver, and no one expected them to get that far, so good on them. Yeah, that was great. And then what else? They had all the typical stuff. The snowboarding, that was pretty cool. Watching the, was it Sean White? Probably. Yeah, I think it was Sean White.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Someone on the men's either snowboarding Or skiing team Did so well their first run Their second run they just goofed off And I was like I wish I was that good at something But the first time I nailed it so bad That like from that point I could just goof off Because I knew I already won I wish I had that talent
Starting point is 00:56:20 That latent talent just be so good The second time you know what I'm going to try some crazy stuff Yeah I loved it I like the Winter Olympics I like more than the Summer Olympics I think there's just more crazy stuff Like Summer Olympics is alright But it's like, oh, we got track and field
Starting point is 00:56:37 But it's like, they got like speed skating And this Yeah, I think because you have to get more creative Because of the cold, right You can't just run and or play a sport. You have to get creative with your sport. Like, oh, it's definitely running, but on skates. Yeah, they're like, here's the bobsled.
Starting point is 00:56:54 And then they're like, here's the single-person sled where it's like they're laying back. And I'm like, all right, now they got, like, face forward. And it's like, oh, shit. It's like darting down. It was crazy. I loved loved it i just always had the olympics on when i was trying to recover and i was like thank god because it's like there's always something happening there's the ski people there's cross country just watch even just watching cross country there's like and then they stop and then they try to shoot the targets with the gun
Starting point is 00:57:21 and they're just like gotta adjust to the wind gotta adjust to the wind oh and he missed it he missed it then he had like skate the lap and he's like yeah and then they get like halfway through and they're like ready to die and they just gotta keep going it's crazy yeah it's fascinating to watch so i can't wait and then uh the next olympics for the winters in china and then the summer olympics is japan that's gonna be crazy eventually we get one in la but going back. Oh, yeah. The Japanese, you see the Japanese Olympic mascots? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:57:50 So Japan had six. They let the children of Japan choose between six mascots. Three male mascots, three female mascots, and they were in pairs. So one was a future tech mascot that looked kind of dumb. One was this really cute chibi pair, and they were like in pairs So one was like a future tech mascot That looked kind of dumb One was this really cute chibi pair And they were like two little bears And they were very very cute And one was sort of like an in between It was like just a cute little nothing mascot
Starting point is 00:58:15 And the children of Japan Rather than choose the super cute ones That everyone I saw online being like they're so cute They chose the like weird future robot ones. And so now Japan's mascots for the next Olympics are like the most bizarre looking anamorphs. I'm just like, I can't. Oh my god. Those are
Starting point is 00:58:33 they look like Pokemon from the new generation. Yeah, yeah. So the three of them there's 2020 Olympic mascots. And so the first set, one's blue, one's pink, and they sort of look like weird future square people. Yeah. And the next one, they look like Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Literally just Pokemon. And the next one are like a cat and a bear, and they're sort of like painted up pretty cool, and they look sort of chibi. Right? Yeah. Those are the ones everyone loved. Everyone was like, oh my god, those are amazing. The Pokemon ones, everyone was like, meh. The ones the children of Japan voted on were the ones that have squares all over them.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yeah, they should have picked the raccoon-looking bears. The raccoon looks awesome. Yeah, that bear guy? Yeah. He's so cool-looking. But, you know. Damn it, kids. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Damn kids. Why'd they let the kids choose? Their brains aren't even developed yet. School children. School children chose poorly. You chose poorly, school children. You chose poorly. But it'll, school children. You chose poorly. But it'll still be cool seeing the Olympics there because they're going to do crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Yeah. I can't wait. I can't wait for Mario to show up and be like, it's-a me, Olympic Mario. I can't wait. Actually, we'd hear Japanese Mario. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Mario.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Mario. I can't wait. I always wanted to go to Japan. I'd go during the Olympics. Yeah. 2020, that's what? Perfect time. It's two years away. I'll hopefully, fingers crossed, still be alive then. Yeah. Knock on wood.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Let's do it. I'd love to go. I don't got to worry about gallstones anymore. I ain't got no room for those things yeah oh my god by the way with golf that was sports by the way gallstones uh they said where your gallbladder used to be there's a little nubby thing like where they clip it off and they said your stomach uh will actually push the bile up into there and it forms a new mini gallbladder to help hold bile. Oh, interesting. Yeah, it's like your body evolves.
Starting point is 01:00:29 It's kind of like how chameleons and lizards lose their tail and it grows back or something. All right. Well, what's our big news story of the day? Pilot diverts plane after a passenger refused to stop farting. Okay. Okay. and try to sort it out in the bathroom. While not only was a bloke on a passenger plane unconcerned by people's protests, he actively refused to stop. A Transavia Airlines flight from Dubai to Amsterdam had to make an unscheduled stop in Vienna to offload the guy.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Two Dutchmen who were sat next to him reportedly asked him to stop, and when he didn't, they contacted the cabin crew. The pilot even got... I love how they're very... Two Dutchmen were sitting next to him and were like, please stop. Can you please stop farthing? No, I ain't gonna stop.
Starting point is 01:01:47 I can't stop. Do you think he couldn't stop? Or do you think he... Sure, okay. I think he probably could have, but he hit a point out of spite. Or he was just spite farting. Sure. The pilot even got involved, issuing a directive to the man to cease farting.
Starting point is 01:02:02 When he did no such thing, a fight broke out and the plane had to make a quick landing. Austrian police boarded the plane to escort the guy out, probably to everyone's relief. There are some people out there who get an absolute kick out of seeing people recoil and discuss when they smell their farts. While one or two can be funny, repeated gas, on a plane no less, must surely be awful. Do you think... But why why why was he farting let's see two women in the same row as him were also kicked off with passenger nora lacob telling the telegraph the strange thing is that we also had to leave the aircraft while we did not know these guys at all we happened to be in the same row but did not do anything to justify the bizarre behavior of the transavia crew but a spokesperson for the airline
Starting point is 01:02:50 told the newspaper the women were misbehaving and hurling verbal abuse that is unacceptable our crew must ensure a safe flight our people are trained for that they know very well where the boundaries are etc etc how about you have you ever experienced any crazy stuff on a plane? Blah, blah, blah, blah. I just love the idea that a dude couldn't stop farting. There's got to, I mean, how old was this guy? They don't say. Again, they don't answer the hard-hitting questions.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Maybe he was like an elderly gentleman who just had bowel issues. Yeah. Can I ask you a question? Sure. If you had gallbladder surgery Right And you had lots of gas And then you went on a plane And you kept farting
Starting point is 01:03:29 Would you apologize for it? I mean at that point I'd be Would you be like Deal with it I have not farted this good Maybe that guy Maybe this was like
Starting point is 01:03:38 I can't fart unless I am 30,000 feet up in the air But even then He should have just communicated Be like listen listen, man. I haven't farted in like four days. This is like, I just, I gotta do it. I got gas.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Or do you think he did it on purpose? Like he was like, I don't care. I'm farting. And then when they yelled at him, he was like, I'm gonna fart some more. Yeah, I think he's just that person. He reminds me of somebody in League of Legends. He's the League of Legends player of farting? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Where you're just like, somebody's? Yeah, where you're just like somebody's gonna troll and they're just like, haha. And then you're like hey, idiot, stop trolling. And they're like well, I'm gonna troll even harder now. Like that guy. That's quite a possibility. We just don't know. The story didn't tell us anything. Like all new stories
Starting point is 01:04:20 these days, nothing was told. Yeah. We learned nothing. We never get the hard-hitting facts. Never. We never get the hard-hitting facts. Never. It's sad. It breaks my heart every time. Alright, well, that's it for us.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Thank you so much for listening. Be sure, if you're on iTunes, to give us five stars. Give us a review. We love you so much when you do that. If you're on YouTube, subscribe, thumbs up, favorite, like, share. We have two YouTube channels, one for the animation, one for the podcast. slash Cox and Crandor for animations. slash Cox and Crandor podcast, all one word for the podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:58 You can go to iTunes. You can go to SoundCloud. You can go anywhere. This show's going. Yeah. And hopefully we'll be in more places in the future. But that's it for us. To be continued.

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