Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 229 - The Voice In Your Head

Episode Date: February 3, 2020

Do you have conversations in your head? Do you talk with voices or work out problems in great detail in your mind palace? Jesse does not. BUT Crendor does. SO OF COURSE they have an hour long discussi...on about. That's pretty much most of this episode - also people are mailing meth in Christmas cards. So that's a thing. For 20% off your first purchase, visit and use promo code COX during checkout! Check out Hawthorne at and use promo code COX to get 10% of your first purchase.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Hawthorne. If you're looking to smell good, and you're looking to feel good about how good you smell, Hawthorne is for you. Also, today we're brought to you by Native. Hey, put on deodorant, y'all. Native can help you do that. We're just trying to help you not stink. We need to go to conventions.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Let's jump into this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studio. Recorded. Wake your ass up, it's the Cocks and Crandon in the morning!
Starting point is 00:00:46 Hello everybody, welcome back to another Sunday episode of Cocks and Crandon in the morning! Hey, what's going on? I don't know, we are, it's Super Bowl Sunday, dude. It is Super Bowl Sunday. You said you slept super late on Super Bowl Sunday. I did, I slept super late on Super Bowl Sunday. I did. I slept super late on Super Bowl Sunday, surprising several sanctimonious snakes. I tried.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I tried for alliteration, and I failed. I kind of slept late, too, but I slept, like, I had, like, my thing where I wake up, and then I'm like, I could get up, and then instead I just go back to sleep, like, three times in a row, and then I'm like, I could get up. And then instead, I just go back to sleep three times in a row, and I have different dreams every time. And then I wake up for the real time, and I'm like, I slept nine hours, and I'm just all like, bleh. Yo, yeah, I've been that way where I have dreams that are like micro-dreams, where I'll go to sleep, and each chunk of sleep that I have when I wake up to be a different micro dream. And they all suck. They're all never good. And I
Starting point is 00:01:49 immediately forget what they are. But I always remember that when I wake up, I'm like, oh, thank God that's not real. Every time. Oh, that sucked. Oh, my God. We need to talk about your thoughts. Wait, what? Why why what thoughts about what because all right yesterday you made the tweet about hearing voices in your head or whatever the shit you said first off i wasn't saying that you said here it is and i quote i went down the rabbit hole of twitter where people are talking about voice in their head. They talk to, I asked a friend, he was like, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:26 dude. So now I'm over here. I'll Johnny, no voice. Think I'm either crazy or they are. And then Dodger is like, yeah, I have that too.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And I was like, what the shit? How do you not? Yeah, I don't yourself in your head. So, all right. I have questions.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Cause clearly you have voices in your head and I have questions. So the topic that I read, someone posted this huge, long Twitter thread about how she, her entire life, has had conversations in her head with herself, right? Yeah. She talks to herself in her head. A voice answers back and stuff. They have conversations. And I was reading this and people were replying like, oh, yeah, yeah. yeah oh my the voice in my head sounds like and they're talking about all this stuff and at the
Starting point is 00:03:09 very other one guy was like wait what i was like yes i'm that guy i don't have that i don't i i don't have a voice in my head that talks like i have a conversation with uh well what do you like what do you do then well here's a great here's a great example is yesterday because of this twitter uh this tweet that i made all right i uh uh went outside while i was taking out trash and i was trying to think of the stuff i had to do the rest of the night. And so I paused and in my head went, okay, I need to, like I was trying to have a conversation with myself. And Crendor, I got to, okay, I need to, and then blanked. And there was nothing. It was emptiness.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I tried and I couldn't do it. I actively tried to force myself to be like hello brain what's going on up there how are you doing but like when you when you think to yourself i need to go take something outside like what happened like do you just see garbage in your head like these like what's going on no i i honestly i i went to the kitchen, saw there was garbage and was like, okay, and took it out. There was like a thought of like, I should do this now before it gets late. What say you brain? My brain was like, well, you know, you have several things you have to do today.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I didn't have any of that. I saw it and was like, oh, I should get rid of this. It stinks. And like bundled it up and took it outside. That was it. There was no thought process to it. I found it interesting because, Len, I was playing League last night. So, I was like, I ought to ask the stream about this.
Starting point is 00:04:51 So, then my friend Nick was playing with me. And he's like, yeah, I don't have a conversation in my head. He's like, I have statements kind of. Or he's like, I'll wake up and I'll just be like, I need to get coffee. And he just goes and gets coffee or something. Yes, yes. That's almost exactly what it is. Someone said it might be abstract thoughts or images he said it's kind of like when you google image search stuff and you just see a bunch of images and shit and then it's like oh all right
Starting point is 00:05:16 you know that's like you you can see mario and you know what mario sounds like uh but like it's just data that's there and your brain's like pulling the data. I don't know if it comes from trying to purposefully be funny or I don't think people understand this. When I do this podcast or when I do a show or when I do anything in my life, especially in front of a crowd or that I know I need to be entertaining, I go into like a fugue state. I don't remember anything I said. I couldn't tell you what, if an hour from now you said, remember that conversation you had to be like,
Starting point is 00:05:52 I know we had it, but I don't remember the words I said, because I'm not thinking through what I'm saying to you right now. I just know that I'm trying to be one entertaining and to get the information out in a way that's not crazy, which probably makes me sound crazy, but like, I don't, there's nothing going on in my brain right now. As I'm talking to you, I've actively trying to think in my head and it's like too much. It's too much for me.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I can't do it. I just talk. Well, as somebody who constantly has conversations in their head, what is that like? That sounds crazy to me. It's not like, okay, when you tweeted that, it makes it sound like I have multiple personalities in my head. Where I'm like, hey, Jerry, how are you going today? And he's like, yeah, I'm doing good. It's not like that.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Okay, maybe I wake up, right? I don't wake up and go like, need to get coffee. And then get up, get coffee. And be like, okay. I think like, all right, if I wake up, I'm going to go get coffee and then get up get coffee you're like okay i think like all right if i wake up i'm gonna go get coffee and then i'm like well do i have coffee and i'm like i think i do okay but what else am i gonna do today and i'm like all right so i might paint warhammer stuff i know i got a stream think that you think that before yeah i don't have that at all You're telling me in bed In bed you wake up And you're like
Starting point is 00:07:07 God What should I do today Do I get coffee Or should I go paint Warhammer stuff Or oh hello Sunshine What are you doing I open my eyes I think to myself what a weird
Starting point is 00:07:28 ass dream that was roll out of bed go to the shower turn on the water go upstairs make coffee come downstairs the water's finally hot jump in jump out of the shower sip my coffee while i get ready for the day and then like, like, go about my day. There's no thought process. There's no nothing. I'm just like, all right. Like, get up. I don't, like, sit there and think, like.
Starting point is 00:07:53 How is there no thoughts while you're doing any of it? I don't know. I just, I'm a little tuned. Are you in a state of trance? Here's a great example. One time I was dating a young lady. I know my parents are listening, so I'm trying to word this well. One morning we had made love.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And I remember that she tweeted, or not tweeted, she texted her friends that she thought it must have been great because I was like whistling and humming to myself in the bathroom, uh, getting ready for the day. Right. I, you know, now that we're not dating, I can say this. It wasn't because of her. It was because of me. When I do things, you know, this, when I walked down the street or when I'm just like, I will whistle to myself, I will hum a little tune.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I will constantly, people always wonder why it's just because i don't ever just like if i'm walking with you if we're walking side by side either i'm talking to you or i'm humming a little tune to myself but it's constantly streaming yes that's kind of what it's like i guess it's either I'm focusing on something or someone so intently that nothing else gets in my head and there's no room for internal dialogue. Or I keep myself busy enough mentally with a whistle or a song or something that I don't have the ability to talk it out. Or maybe because there's just nothing going on up there in order to fill that void i'm like it's like i think when you when people stream you can kind of see into their into their brain a bit because when you stream you're just projecting thought that's the
Starting point is 00:09:39 closest i realize this that's the closest i could get to how you think is when I stream because I'm never talking to myself when I stream. Or like I'm talking, but I'm talking out loud, but I'm still talking in like the dialogue I would be like, I'll be like, okay, like I'm playing WoW and what the shit this guy doing? I don't even know what he's doing, man. Oh man, he's going over there. Like, oh, I got to get my mount and go over here. But like, what mount do I want to use? To me, that seems like what you are like in real life like i am you streaming and but the voice my voice coming out it's just what you say in your head when you normally do stuff yeah so maybe you do have that
Starting point is 00:10:17 ability but it's just an unconscious ability i just don't uh You're subconscious, not unconscious. You're not like past that. Maybe your brain is past that. Right, right. It's weird because I don't – I shut down. So I can – if I'm out, if I'm by myself, I'll just be like humming a tune in my head, walking. I won't think about things. Like if I go to a new city and I get lost in a city, I don't spend the entire time like, oh no, I'm lost. I don't fear being lost. I'm immediately like, it'll work out. And so I don't worry.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And so I'll just keep humming a little tune and like look at things. I'll be like, oh, this is interesting. This is fun. I won't ever get caught up in. get caught up in someone said in the uh the twitter responses someone was like how do you plan for all the eventualities of a thing like in my head i would plan all these different things about you know if i made a choice here's the good and the bad right and i was just like well i don't do that i just do a thing assuming it'll work out well. And in my mind, there aren't levels of good because I feel like a lot of people have,
Starting point is 00:11:32 well, it could be this good or this good or this good. And I'm just like, you know, good is good. Either it works out and something fun happens or not. But what if something bad happens? I don't ever plan for that. If something bad happens, I'm like, I'll deal with it when it happens. That seems like a bad idea. I'm also not like one of those guys who's like, well, you know, this crack cocaine looks good to me.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Right? I'm not that person who just does everything. I have rules, but they're ones that are maybe subconsciously implanted to the point where I'm not like, I don't, if I go out drinking, I have a hard limit, right? I might drink to have fun with people and I'll go out and be social. But I don't, you know, the one or two times I've ever thrown up, I'm like, nah, I don't want to do that again. So I don't. So I don't push myself to that place.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But it isn't like while I'm out having a few drinks, I'm sitting there like, yes, interesting. I've had exactly four drinks. That means I can have exactly two more. It doesn't happen. I just, my body's like, bro, like you feel it and you're like, all right, I'm good. And you put it down and you start drinking water. It's like, it is. It's not. I don't have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:12:46 There is no like, well, Jesse, you really should stop this. I was trying to like analyze my brain. There's the one article where it was like, okay, they had a beeper. And every time it beeped, you would think back to what you're just thinking. But I was like, all right, I'm just going to do that randomly when I remember. So I was remembering my yesterday. We went to the mall. We got pizza. And I was remembering my yesterday we went to the mall, we got pizza and I was going
Starting point is 00:13:06 to throw the napkins away. And in my mind, I was like, all right, do I put this in the trash or do I put this in the recycling? And I'm like, well, I think it's clean. So you put a recycling. But if you use it, then it goes in the trash. And then I remember that. And I was like, well, I was literally just talking to myself in my brain about which
Starting point is 00:13:23 thing I'm going to do. And this is the problem. You had a genuine conversation with yourself about napkins. For me, I would have been like, well, it's paper, so it's recyclable. I wouldn't even like, there wouldn't be a conversation. I know that it was paper, and I know it's recyclable. You're like, all right, well, did I use it? I'm's like, yeah, I'm going to throw it in the recycles. It's all starting to add up why I have anxiety
Starting point is 00:13:50 and you don't have anxiety. Yes. I feel like I've never truly understood people with anxiety because to me, even working in an office, people who have major anxiety attacks, I don't get it. And I want to be sympathetic, but I simply don't understand because I guess I don't stress things at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I just don't stress. Well, that's why I've been falling asleep. Like, I know, like, whenever I would see, like, you and Dodger, you'd be like, I could sleep on planes. I could fall asleep. And I'm just like, what the shit? Like, I've never had that. Because when you're like this, you're sitting there, lying there, and your brain's just like, so, what would because when you're like this you're sitting there lying there and
Starting point is 00:14:25 your brain's just like so what would happen if you never slept again and i'm like i don't know what happened my brain's like well let's think about it you would die very fast you probably wouldn't be healthy uh what if you don't fall asleep again what if you have some weird disease where that happens i'm like what the shit what if i is there some person that don't fall asleep again? What if you have some weird disease where that happens? And I'm like, what the shit? What if I, is there some person that can't fall asleep? And then your heart starts racing. You're like, heart's racing. What if I'm having a heart attack? And then you're just like, oh God.
Starting point is 00:14:51 So then I put on a podcast and then I try to like quiet that voice out. Well, I feel like I might not allow myself to have that voice because like at night I'll listen to podcasts. to have that voice because like at night i'll listen to podcasts but also maybe the reason why i listen to podcasts at night is so there is something because when i lay my head down i don't think about stuff i just sit there and get frustrated with the fact that i'm not immediately going to sleep so i'd like to have something to listen to and then i zone out listening to it it's well here's the thing like uh i was saying this because i was like i think i just overthink thing which is like why i think part of the reason i was bad in school because there's a point uh or there's a point there's a time we had a test thing and one of the questions
Starting point is 00:15:36 was like what reaches your stomach faster liquid or like solid food and i was like liquid's the easy answer and then it's like but wait why would they put this on a test this is too easy like it's gotta be it's gotta be the solid food but otherwise it's like a trick question and then i remember they were like uh all right and the answer was liquid one person in the class said solid food i won't name them and i was like uh so it's you know it's like a it can be a blessing and a curse at the same time because you overthink literally everything maybe because i have too much information just because i well just because you think doesn't mean you're smart that's like i think all the time but just because
Starting point is 00:16:19 you're thinking it's me it's like you're watering a garden of dirt with no seeds planted in it. Are you saying your mind is a constant gardener, but there's just nothing to grow? It can't be. You don't place anything. You're just constantly watering dirt, and you're just like, yeah, I'm watering the garden. And people will automatically think like, oh, you know, he must be growing some shit. But you can be growing nothing. I have the best mental image of you just gardening dirt, playing in dirt. And everyone's like, one day he's going to grow something.
Starting point is 00:16:54 And you're like, dirt, dirt, dirt. Well, like, think about it. Because, like, in my thought process, right, I have the capability to be like, I'm going to plant the greatest garden. What do I want to plant? All right, I'm going to cultivate this garden, whatever. Like, in your brain, you'd be like, I get seed. I plant seed do i want to plant all right i'm gonna cultivate this garden whatever like in your brain you'd be like i get seed i plant seed i water seed something grows right it's like straightforward you get something practical you move on but in my brain i could overthink it to the point where i literally grow nothing and die of starvation or i can grow like the greatest garden ever in like david lynch mind seeds but i also think
Starting point is 00:17:22 we have the same results though. Because you spend so much time overthinking things you can put off stuff. Or make wrong choices that then lead you to be like well I don't want to make any choices. And for me I won't think about a thing long
Starting point is 00:17:40 enough that I literally forget it existed. And so I will be like alright I need to answer this email, but boy, do I not want to answer this now. I'm going to do this other thing first. And then three days will pass. I'm going to be like, oh, crap, I need to answer that email. And then I'll go to the email and be like, it's been three days.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I'll just say, like, I didn't get it and ask if they could resend me information. And then four more days will go by and I'll be like, oh boy, I should have answered that email. Yeah, it's like, I feel like both, all ways of thinking have like a good and a bad thing about them. I was comparing it to like everybody's playing a game, right? But everybody's playing that game on a different computer. But we're all playing it and some people are playing you know they're playing league of legends in like iron league at like 10 fps with super lag some people are like challenger tier like steven hawking or something you know i mean you're not wrong it's very apt It's interesting that when I say
Starting point is 00:18:46 I love peace and quiet and I love to shut down What I'm saying is My brain turns off Nothing is going on up there I will either read a book Or I will Watch a TV show Or listen to an audio book or play a game
Starting point is 00:19:03 And my mind is not Functioning on some higher level where I'm planning things out or I'm thinking about the book. I'm just doing it. I'm in the moment. Yeah, that's actually really true. I didn't think of that because like that's why I could be quiet for a long time because all I'm doing is I'm just sitting there like talking to myself in my head like, What am I gonna do now? I don't know after this is over. Maybe I'll go get a hot dog I haven't got a hot dog in a while. Well like should I get a chili dog or this dog? I don't know. Maybe I'll get there and see which one's better than someone could be like so
Starting point is 00:19:38 How's the weather and I'll be like yeah pretty good and I'll be like anyway, what was I thinking about? Oh, yeah hot dogs anyway, so and then it's just like you just talk to yourself i think that's what blows my mind because i do this i've done this like my entire life so to be like when somebody's like i don't have that i'm just like what that's what i'm saying i don't understand it's truly impossible to get into your head and understand this because if you and i are sitting there paint like when i was there we were painting those figures right i now understand that for some reason in your mind you were having like mind thoughts and i know for a fact i was just like purple purple purple i like purple that's why i feel like even like getting into this
Starting point is 00:20:25 Like when I got into YouTube I got into it Because I was like writing stories and doing like creative things But you got into YouTube being like What's up goofy gamers It's me goofy guy talking about wow And it's not even that I'm making goofy jokes If you watch my If you look at my content versus other people's content
Starting point is 00:20:41 Everything I do is reactionary I don't it's not planned out it's not like everything i make be it from where i review a thing to play a thing to whatever i am reacting to the stimuli of what just happened there is no forethought in my actions it is a thing happens and i immediately respond yeah that is my brain it isn't like i'm playing a thing happens and I immediately respond. Yeah. That is my brain. It isn't like I'm playing a thing and I'm like, okay, how do I pull off this maneuver? Or how do I do this? That's why I don't understand fighting games at their core because fighting games are like 4D chess where you need to think about what the other player is going to do. And you think about how that player is going to react.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And if I do like a low attack, are they going to block this way? You have to think three steps ahead of them and plan out your moves. I can't do that. I just button mash. And hopefully it'll work out. Yeah. I feel like people are really good at those types of games. Just have a brain like mine, but even crazier to the point where they can analyze and plan everything out in their head.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Like, all right, so he's going to do this. Then he'll do this. Then he'll do this. But if he does this, then he does this. if he does this then he does this then he does this I can do that on like a really like kindergarten level where I'm like alright he's going to go here so he'll be here and I'll be like ah geez he didn't do that one
Starting point is 00:21:54 no I can't do that in fact I straight up lie about it every time I've ever played chess I'll always be like ah I see what you're doing I don't know what they're doing couldn't tell you couldn't tell you it's a blatant lie i many times will have conversations people often ask me like jesse when you talk to people you really seem like you're paying attention to them and you like look at them in the eyes that is because i was once told that if you look a person in the eyes when they talk to you
Starting point is 00:22:24 and focus on the words they're saying, that is how you have a good conversation. The problem is I do that because if I didn't, it would be like, like there'd be no sound. Like I literally couldn't have a conversation with someone because it would just be in one ear out the other. And I'd be like, so most of the time i'm faking until i make it if i meet you for the first time i am trying my hardest to pay attention to you but i want you to know every other part of me is just like cricket cricket like there was i was trying to like break this down because i was like uh what would somebody see if they saw a cat? Right? Like, he's just sitting there.
Starting point is 00:23:06 He's being a cat. Whatever. You might think, like, that's a cat. Or, like, what type of cats? Like, in my brain, I was like, all right, let's see. I have none of those thoughts. So I was like, let's see what happens when I look at cat. And then I pictured cat.
Starting point is 00:23:20 And then I pictured cat in a beard. And then I pictured cat having a wizard hat because he had a beard. And then I pictured him having, like, a staff. And then I pictured, like, lightning shooting because he had a beard and then I pictured him having like a staff and then I pictured like lightning shooting out from below him and like shooting into the sky and that was all in the span of like five seconds yeah I would look at your cat and my brain would say cat and that is
Starting point is 00:23:38 all that would happen I'm letting it there wouldn't be anything else it would be cat and if cat did something funny my brain would say, make funny joke. And I'd be like, zinger. And I'd say something, and that would be it. I don't have, there would be no forethought. That's why when people, I think, smoke, right?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Then they're like, whoa, man, what if cat was a wizard? And I think that's why people think I'm high. Because I kind of just think that. But I'm not like, what if cat was a wizard? I'm like, what if cat was a wizard I'm like what if cat was a wizard you know like lightning shoot like it's just my brain just defaults to that and so maybe like if I'm high it like ramps it up a bit but that's just how I think and so when I see people like David Lynch be like when I farm the field of seed dreams I'm like I kind of get it right he probably looks a cat and he sees like a demon
Starting point is 00:24:25 cat with like his eyes falling out of his head or some shit he probably sees a cat but like you know he's wanted for a crime sitting at a table he's interviewing oh that's the other thing can you because i saw someone tweet that they have aphantasia which means they can't form images in their mind. But you can see images, right? I read that, and I don't, like... One of our friends asked, can I daydream? And I guess now I'm questioning what a daydream actually is. Because I can... Because I can, like, I can't, in my mind, I can't imagine, like, me in a field.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And, you know, like, the typical, like, I'm running towards the beautiful woman. And it's like, you know, the movie thing. We're running. I can't picture that. But I can, like, think, oh, yeah, that'd be nice to get some smooches on with that girl. But I don't actually pick. I can picture the concept of, yes, I would enjoy spending time with that female. But I don't see me running in a field towards her.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Does that make sense? Like I can, I know the concept of it. I know that, boy, I think she and I would enjoy that greatly. But I don't see it happening. Like I can see things. I can see things. Like, for example, if I picture like myself in a field right now, I can see it. But it's like 480p.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Right? It's not like a high def or anything. It's kind of like really fuzzy and grainy in my head, and it's like my brain's just taking shit and throwing it together. Like, you in a field. There you go. Have fun. Or if I see the number 7, some people are like, I see a green 7 with strands of vocals flying around as the music penetrated. I'm just like, I see like a seven.
Starting point is 00:26:28 It's kind of like floating and like transparent. Like, I don't know. And then I'm like five. I just, like, I don't see any things like that. I don't have that thing where people are like, I see colors, man. I don't. I literally just tried to do that right now. And I looked down and was like, mentally picture a seven picture of field picture something and all i thought was boy my controller looks kind of dirty and then i looked over at the um the uh
Starting point is 00:26:55 the little thing like the cup holder that i have on my desk and it looks like a penguin and so i was like all right um picture of field that's a silly penguin and then i closed my eyes i was like all right focus jesse focus and then all i could hear was you talking so i was focusing on your words like all right focus on his words try to picture that seven try to picture that seven and the first thing came to my mind was boy there's a lot of cool stuff on your desk i can't do it it. I simply can't do it. What if you're reading a book and they tell you how something looks, then can you picture it?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Um, no. If you told me how something looks, my brain would say, okay, there isn't anything visual associated with it. I just know that, oh yeah, that's how that would look. And I don't think about it or imagine it in my head. I just know that, oh yeah, that's how that would look. And I don't think about it or imagine it
Starting point is 00:27:45 in my head. I just continue reading, absorbing the information. Yeah. I am getting information that I then store away in sort of my knowledge base of information. So if you said to me, Jesse, remember when you read this thing,
Starting point is 00:28:02 right? What did you think about this moment? I can tell you the emotional reaction i had to it but i couldn't tell you like ah the visceral nature of the way they described the food at that meeting truly like i couldn't do that it's impossible it actually made me realize too how like you and dodger and everybody are really into like stories like video game stories playing the single player story and i hate i hate that i get so bored so fast i'm just like god this is it like doesn't stimulate my brain i'm like i need to play multiplayer i need to go do something like i just get bored i can't process and part of me thinks it's just because
Starting point is 00:28:39 maybe i want to create my own story maybe i just don don't want to, but then I can read books and watch movies and stuff, but I don't know. But I create my own stories too. Like I, especially, you know, when doing a role-playing game where I'm creating that or when I was a kid. Yeah, but when you're role-playing, how do you not, I don't get
Starting point is 00:29:00 how you create a story when you can't envision what you're creating. Well, I think about, man, I don't get how you create a story when you can't envision what you're creating. Well, I think about, man, I don't know. Maybe I'm messed up. I think about, like for Star Wars, for example, I think about things that are tropey in Star Wars, so things we need to have, and then I went and looked up real things that exist in the canon.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So I deep dove and was like, okay, what are some planets and places I can send these players that viewers will be like, oh, I know what that is. And then I'd be like, okay, I need to create characters. So if I want to have an Inquisitor, I should go and look up what Inquisitors have been named so far. So I went online. It's like you're piecing together things you already know to form something. Yeah, and then I used it to make informed decisions about what I want the story to be. And then I was like, okay, well, the villain of this story, at least so far, is going to be this badass chick who's going to really mess with Sam. Because I know Sam's going to play.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And she's going to spend the first couple episodes hitting on him. He's going to think she's a friend. Like that kind of thing. And I made characters based on what I think would work best for the situation. Not about what I thought would be like my grand tapestry of all these things and these people that I've made that are real to me.
Starting point is 00:30:17 That's so interesting. Yeah, because, like, when I picture, like, in my creative part, like, making my Daikia roleplay, right? creative part like making my daikia role play right my like dumb daikia role play thing i pictured like what if all right there's a mutant all right now what if that how did that mutant come to be and i'm like i don't know maybe he came out of a mountain and i like cut the mountain in half in my head and i see like the mountain's got eyes right now so i cut him in half in my head and he starts spewing out lava.
Starting point is 00:30:45 But then I start picturing like gusher liquid. And I'm like, dude, what if that's not gusher liquid? What if that's like a God's blood and the God's blood spawns these demons? And I'm like, that'd be kind of cool. And then I put it in. That to me sounds crazy. You're like in my head. I thought that one of the mountains the mountain was exploding gushers?
Starting point is 00:31:06 But it wasn't really gushers, it was demon blood. But that's how I get to that process because I'm constantly questioning my thing of like, what if this was a thing? Nah, that wouldn't be a thing. But what if I throw this? It's like I'm cooking in my head constantly. I'm like, let's go get some of this ingredient and throw it in. I'm like, let's go get some of this ingredient and throw it in. I think the difference is that maybe I do it at a faster rate and don't know, but that seems arrogant as shit.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Maybe you're doing it subconsciously. Maybe, because what will happen is if I write a story or if I write a thing, I will write and either based off of knowledge that I have about something or something that I want to include, I will just drop stuff down on paper and be like, yeah, that's good. And keep going. I won't think about it. I'll just do it and assume that what I've done is the best possible thing until maybe that's why I'm so open to critique and people like working in groups because I'll put stuff down. And then if someone tells me here's a better thing and I'm like, oh, that is better. Then I will gladly let them change it rather than fight for a thing and be like, oh, this is important to me. The only time I do that is when someone else is like, this is important. We should fight for this.
Starting point is 00:32:25 I'm like, all right. But I don't care that much. I'm not like, all right. It doesn't matter to me that much. I always hated working in groups. I hated it. Because, like, I guess I would make my thing, and I was like, this is my thing I made in my head.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I want this thing to be the thing that is the thing. And then, on top of that, I'd have to deal with other people. And I'd be like, what's that kid thinking of me? What's that kid thinking of me? And you like, just start thinking about what other people are thinking of you in your head when you're like seven years old. And then you don't know how to talk and you're just overthinking everything. I don't, it's so weird. I guess as a fat kid, you don't do that because you're like, everyone's thinking negative of me. So you ignore that thought in your head, what do people think of me? And so you kill that part of your body.
Starting point is 00:33:16 That has to be related, right? Maybe in Dodger's scenario, it was because she was so short. Instead of being like, what do people think about me? She shut that part of her down. Yeah. Because it probably hurt too much to think about it all the time. Like I'm just trying to think of solutions here. And that could like help form your brain.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Yeah, because you think to yourself, oh well everyone's thinking poorly of me, so why dwell on it? And you shut that part of yourself down. I don't know. Maybe that's part of it, man. And so all these other things where you're like, oh, I have these other thoughts that aren't related to the negativity, but related to positive things, that's still shut down because the whole idea, that whole part of your brain is like, nah, I'm good. Well, I remember even when I was like four or five, my aunt always tells me where she's like, I worked with kids because I teach young kids. And she's like, you were always really weird.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So I'd be like, do you want to go to McDonald's and get a Happy Meal? And you'd be just standing there looking out the window. And then you'd be like, I think my parents are going to die. And I remember because it like flashed back to me. I thought they were going to die in a car crash because I was like, they're supposed to be back now. And then I pictured the car crash and I pictured burning cars and I pictured everyone dying. And I was like, yep, they're dead. And so in my mind, it was already happening.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I've always thought that I probably have a problem because truly there have only been a few times in my life where I've truly been like legitimately torn up and messed up about stuff. To the point where I'm like, oh, man. Like just like grossly crying. It's been only a few times. One of them was when my dog died. Like things like that where. Yeah. Most of the time, though, I see people and they'll have these videos where they're just bawling about how something has to be done about insert this cause.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Right. And while I feel for them and I agree with them, I never get to the point where I'm like, all of those lettuce leaves were ruined and the farmers don't have any lettuce. And I'm just like, that's terrible. That's so sad. But I don't feel that emotion of like, it's so unjust and unfair. I'm like, yes, it is unjust and unfair, but I'm not. I think a lot more people can also act on their emotions more than anything. Like to me, I've never really been like that either.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I could be like, oh, the lettuce leaves are dying. That's bad. And then I'll be like, anyway. So what was I supposed to do today? I don know wait can I make a sandwich ah shit there's no lettuce leaves uh well I can make it with tomato maybe like bacon or something yeah I don't I would I would see that and I'd be like yeah that does suck and I'd have empathy for the situation but then I'd be like all right well if I wanted to do anything about it This is what I could do And I'd do a thing or I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:36:10 Right I'd either Donate to the lettuce cause Or I wouldn't And I think also maybe Twitter Impacted me in that because Before I probably would have said like Man this lettuce situation sucks But now I know someone would be like, lettuce, you libtard.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Here's the problem with lettuce. And so now I don't do that. And so it's either I will privately support the lettuce foundation or I won't. And I just don't deal with it anymore because I'm over it. And I think the world has just beat me down to the point where I'm like, I don't need to go over it. And I think the world has just beat me down to the point where I'm like, I don't need to go over stuff. Either I do a thing or I don't. That's as simple as that. And I think it affects my worldview too, where when people ask me for advice, I give them very simple, blunt advice and no one ever takes it. No one ever takes my advice. People will ask me like, Jesse,
Starting point is 00:37:05 my girlfriend, I think she might be cheating on me. And I don't know if I love her anymore. And I'm like, all right, here's the deal. If you don't have feelings for this person and she obviously wants to move on, why are you with them? You know that this is not right. You know that there's someone else out there who is better for you, who wants to be with you. You don't have to worry about her cheating on you. And then they'll be like, you're so right. And then they'll still date for another six months. And I'm like, I know I'm right.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And that 10 second time span you're talking about that. I picked apart my thoughts and I thought like what would i say to this person i'd be like yeah that sounds like some good advice you just gave and then i was like but what if they stayed with that person and that person was a demon and then i started picturing like like a movie being made out of that where like they like try to get out of the relationship then but they can't because then they become a demon and then the demon girlfriend hunts them down and then she like eats him but then she goes on like this crazy rampage where she can only eat people that look like him first off that's pretty ridiculous but also great uh and then i came back to reality and i was like oh yeah what's up i don't know i don't
Starting point is 00:38:22 ever think that and if i did think that i'd immediately tell you it wouldn't exist in my brain i'd be like oh my god it's just like what if it was what if it was a demon i wouldn't think about it for a minute i'd either say it or not well you think there's like an evolutionary aspect to that right like maybe my type of thing be like guys there might be dinosaurs coming in there might be dinosaurs coming in. There could be dinosaurs coming to the village. We got a plan for this because if dinosaurs attack, we don't know. And you're just like, if dinosaurs attack, I'll fight them.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Whatever. Anyway, where's my food? I would I wouldn't even be like that. You'd be like, all right, guys, dinosaurs attack. We got to do this. I would be like, to prevent dinosaur attacks, we should build a giant wall. And then you'd be like, like Well how would we afford that wall Like what would we do And I'm like well either we do it or we don't Like there's only two options here
Starting point is 00:39:12 Like either we protect ourselves from the dinosaurs Or we don't and hope they don't come here And you'd be like but okay What if there's 15 options of different Wall heights I'm like it doesn't matter Either we start the wall or we don't Then what if we put spikes on the wall It doesn't matter to me
Starting point is 00:39:30 Either we do or we don't And there isn't like a big conversation there It's very very simple I also think that's why people Always think I'm up to stuff Gotta be up to something From my mom To people I've dated
Starting point is 00:39:45 To everyone They always think like Jesse must be thinking about so much Because he's so silent right now Truly If we're watching TV I'm focused on what's being said on TV If you are talking to me
Starting point is 00:39:56 I'm focused on what you're saying Not anything else Like there's nothing It's like There's nothing happening in my brain I'm 100% focused on you. And everyone's like, you're so quiet. What do you think about this?
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm like, I have zero thoughts. I was not thinking about it. So like in terms of envisioning things in my head, when I get really tired, like about to fall asleep, tired, or I'm like whatever I get to this like lucid Like thought state where I'm like half awake half asleep, and I can see things in like 4k Like if I picture a goat that goat will like pop up in my brain, and it's like a 4k image I'm like dude. This is crazy. It's like I'm lucid dreaming almost, but I'm not Because I can't control it, but I don't have that pop up. I That's how I'm't control it I don't have that That's how I know I'm going to fall asleep I When I go to sleep
Starting point is 00:40:49 I will lay my head down And if I'm listening to something Whatever I'm doing I will instantly black out I will put my head down And then wake up There is no state There's sometimes where I'll put my head down And then wake up. There is no state of,
Starting point is 00:41:05 there's sometimes where I'll put my head down and I almost fall asleep so fast that I can feel my body just like relax. And I'm like, Oh, that feels so weird. Right. Cause there's some moments where I will, my body's like,
Starting point is 00:41:17 I'm done. Let's do this. We'll put itself, I'll put myself down to go to bed and my head will be still awake a little bit. And my body will just be like, I'll feel myself going to sleep. But then it's still that I'll put myself down to go to bed, and my head will be still awake a little bit, and my body will just be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, and I'll feel myself going to sleep. But still then I'll black out. I will just fall asleep, and I will pass out.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And I can have vivid dreams, but very rarely are they ones where I immediately wake up and I'm just like, wow, that looked real. I immediately wake up and I'm just like, wow, that looked real. It's all sort of amorphous and cloudy. And in the moment, obviously, it felt real. But upon waking up, I'm like, oh, this is reality because of all these reasons that I know it to be reality. I couldn't be incepted where I wake up and I'm like, what real oh what's real leonardo like i couldn't do that but i would definitely 100 no i'd be like oh no this is reality brains man i don't get it but i kind of get it like in my brain right so like i
Starting point is 00:42:22 had to teach my like when i first started getting into youtube i had no idea how to talk to anyone right i just like played wow in high school that was it so i'd be like how do i how do i socialize so i'd like talk to the cashiers and i'd be like all right what's something we can relate to a cashier with and i'm like uh getting off of work everyone wants to get off of work right so then i'd be like all right we'll do that and i'm like so when you get off of work they'd be like ah i only got a few hours left and i'd be like, all right, we'll do that. And then I'm like, so when you get off of work, they'd be like, oh, I only got a few hours left. And I'd be like, ha ha, nice. And then after that, I'd be like, all right, good job, brain. We figured that one out.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So whenever we see a cashier, that's the go-to. And then we'll form some other thing later on. I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. See, that's fascinating. I was going to bring it up today anyway because I had a great conversation with my cashier at the grocery store this week and it goes back to this conversation where i think i i'm very reactionary and i only say things uh like i only speak if i know it's gonna be a good thing does that make any like i don't know it's so weird so the conversation i have with this girl um in front of me i'm in the 15 or less checkout lane all i wanted i've i've
Starting point is 00:43:23 had a big craving for unsweetened iced tea as of late and there's this iced tea at this one grocery store that is so good it doesn't taste like garbo it's delicious and i don't know why just i'm like on an unsweetened iced tea crave right now and so uh i went got two two bottles from the fridge section i I went to the front, put them down on the conveyor belt thing, and in front of me were two guys. The first guy had a giant bottle of whiskey, and the second guy had, I'm going to say, not giant, ludicrously sized, novelty-sized big bottle of vodka.
Starting point is 00:43:59 It was huge. I don't know what he would plan to do, but I would have been embarrassed to go anywhere with it. It was, you know, like those novelty checks. It was that kind of ridiculous. You're not going to go cash this. Yes. And so she's sitting there and checking them out.
Starting point is 00:44:16 One guy literally is like, it's a lot of vodka. If you want to come help me drink it. And she's like, no, sir, I can't. She started really nice. He's like, I don't know. There's a lot of vodka here. I was was like i think this guy's already drunk but they uh they managed to go through and then i get up to her and she's like oh my god that was a lot of alcohol i was like yeah it was she's like she's like did you drink and i go not that much and then we like
Starting point is 00:44:40 had a little laugh and then we talked about uh like the guy who was hitting on her asking her to like go drink and she was like it happens way too much i was like really and we had a conversation but none of that was stuff that i truly cared about i was just reacting to things she was saying to me and having a conversation with her about the incident in a way that was conversive and not like yeah, that was weird. I just played along with the conversation. I was like, all right, have a good one. See you later.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Yeah. I'm like that now, but I had to train myself to be like that. And then after a while of doing that, it got put into a subconscious level. But I wasn't always like that. But I don't do it if people don't do it to me. So I very rarely initiate conversations. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:35 So if someone, if I'm in an elevator with someone, if that person talks to me, I can talk to them the entire ride and not be a weirdo. But if I'm in an elevator with someone and they don't even acknowledge me, I won't even be like, nice weather we're having. Or if they come and they give me a hey, what's up nod, I'll give them a hey, what's up nod, and that is the conversation. It's weird because it makes me feel like I had to read. It's like I'm an android. I had to read books on how to communicate to reach this point that you've been at because I'd read the one book like uh it was dale carnegie's wasn't dale carnegie yeah i know uh it's like how to make friends and influence people or whatever
Starting point is 00:46:10 shit it's called and he talked about how there's a like guy that really liked boats and so he talked to him about boats and going boating and whatever and the guy came back a week later and he's like so does he want to go boating and he's like or the secretary was like he hates boats but like he just did that because the guy liked boats so he let him talk about boats or whatever and i was like that makes sense you just want to let people talk about what they want to talk about because that's what they want to talk about so i was like i'll do that and i like started that's like when i was like 19 or whatever like making videos and i was like i bet it works for a while with relatability to things and wow and
Starting point is 00:46:43 then i would like implement all this and now i've hit the point where i just it's all in the back of my brain but i had to do that i think i'm i'm the opposite which is probably why i can sit here and talk about anything on this podcast and keep going way too long because when i make a video it isn't like what do i think people will love it's what do i want to do today? Well, that was fun. And if people like it or not, I'm like, eh, I don't care. And I had this discussion with people at YouTube for a long time. Like, it's hard to describe your channel because some videos will get a ton of views and some videos will get no views.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I'm like, yeah, but I liked all of them that I made. And they're like, well, why can't you stick to the ones that people love? I'm like, yeah, but that would be of them that I made. Yeah. And they're like, well, why can't you stick to the ones that people love? I'm like, yeah, but that would be boring. Oh, yeah, that would be boring. What? Yeah, it's, I don't know. Maybe I'm selfish. Maybe I'm a narcissist.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I guess that's probably possible. I feel like everyone's a little bit of a narcissist. But I don't. Well. Narcissists only care about themselves, right? Yeah. Everybody that's on YouTube or streaming has got to be a little bit of a narcissist. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Because you have to hit a point where you're like, I'm cool enough that people want to watch me. Right. I guess I definitely have narcissistic tendencies, but I'm also a person who truly does not understand why people would watch my videos. I don't get it. I don't understand i never have understood one bit i'm like why would you want to i don't get it at least in my mind i can understand why people watch some people right like if you're watching a beautiful streamer part of me is like all right you're watching the game but also in your mind you got this fantasy like this girl is cute maybe one day you can get together like that like i get the
Starting point is 00:48:30 fantasy but with me i'm like older fatter slower like i'm kind of like a dweeb i i have a goofy laugh i don't get it i'm like you know what all right enjoy enjoy your time and this isn't like a fishing for compliment thing because clearly i'm doing fine i'm not like out there like asking people like no jesse you're wonderful i don't need that because first off i won't believe you but secondly like it's just weird to me and so i never have understood so i don't ever think about it. Because I'm not like, eh, I got to figure out what makes me tick with the kids and how I can manipulate that for more success. Like, I just don't.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I'm like, I'm going to play what I play, and if people like it, great. If not, whatever. That's the other thing, too, is I think a lot of people maybe think how I think, but they have it in, like, a very sociopathic way. how I think, but they have it in like a very sociopathic way. Like a lot of very big YouTubers or streamers I feel like also think like this. Like, what's the best way I can manipulate
Starting point is 00:49:32 the people? I don't care. I'll do that. I'll be like, how do I get more subs? And I'm like, I don't give a shit. I'm just going to stream. Maybe I'm just lazy. We could both just be very lazy. I think that's why we contrast well together, because it's like we kind of have the same personality, but we also think differently, but it also plays off each other really well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:55 To me, I'm like, you know what? I think what you're thinking is crazy, but we're going to get to the same place, so fucking have a moment for the ride. Yeah. Exactly. Really, that's all you can ask for. That's really it. Yeah. That's the best part of teamwork.
Starting point is 00:50:12 It's like, look, I think what you said is insane, but we're going to the same place so they can use the lift, so I'm in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Problem solved. We did it. We've been going for an hour on this.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah, this has been like a podcast of like brain day. I don't know what I'm... Listen, that's what I mean. I didn't think about what I was going to say. And what came out was brain day. This is why I have to think. Oh, my God. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:49 We have to do ads. We have to do ads. We have to, or else we're going to get yelled at. Oh, my God. Well, on this Brain Day, here's some advice for all of you out there who are celebrating Brain Day in public. Wear deodorant. I'm just going to let you know now. Please.
Starting point is 00:51:09 From all of us to all of you, wear deodorant. I know sometimes it's a hassle or you're like, I like my smell. We don't. We don't like it. It's nasty, y'all. Just put some deodorant on. And Native can help you do that. Native deodorant is formulated without aluminum,
Starting point is 00:51:28 parabens, or talc. It's also vegan, never tested on animals. If this is one of your things where you're like, I prefer to be natural, this is your chance. You can do that. And feel good about not stinking up a room. Wow. Native deodorant is
Starting point is 00:51:43 made with ingredients you've heard of, like coconut oil and shea butter. You wear deodorant every day, shouldn't you be able to understand the ingredients list? It actually works. Making the switch to an aluminum-free deodorant does not mean you have to sacrifice on performance. Native will keep you smelling fresh and feeling fresh all day long. They have amazing scents. 10, I think, are in the rotation right now.
Starting point is 00:52:06 There's seasonal ones. You can get things like coconut vanilla, which I believe is the most popular, lavender and rose, cucumber and mint, eucalyptus and mint. I got the one that's literally just non-scent because I don't need to smell like cucumber and mint, right? I need to smell like Jesse. See, you can get no scent, still smell like yourself and not stink of and mint, right? I need to smell like Jesse.
Starting point is 00:52:25 See, you can get no scent, still smell like yourself and not stink of a room, right? That can happen. But also on there, they have like a dozen roses is one of the scents, which probably smells terrific. Actually, I'm a liar because I do smell like stuff and it's mostly body wash, right? And Native has body wash as well i am currently using the bergamot and pine i had no idea what bergamot is but apparently it is green like a green orange thing it smells good that's all i know so it's wonderful native comes in a wide variety of options for men and women and even teens they offer an unscented option like i said
Starting point is 00:53:05 and baking soda free formula for those with sensitivities no risk to try free shipping on every order a native offers 30-day free returns and exchanges in the usa still not convinced over 9 000 five-star reviews from happy customers will tell you what I cannot right now. If you're listening to this, get 20% off your first purchase. Visit and use promo code COX at checkout. That's, promo code COX, and get smelling good. Please smell good for all of us. Please. Speaking of smelling
Starting point is 00:53:50 good. We're also brought to you by Hawthorne while brain day is about smelling good today. Smells man. They trigger the brain. It's true. You're right. You're absolutely right. Smells do it for me. Smells are. Can I tell you I'm going to let you know a smell this has nothing to do with this ad.
Starting point is 00:54:05 This does not represent Hawthorne as a company. For some reason, the scent of like kitchen lemon soap, kind of a turn on for me, and I don't know why. I don't know why. But when I smell it, I'm like, oh, oh. I couldn't tell you. I don't know what triggered it. Girl, you're wearing kitchen lemon soap. If you want me to fall for you, take me to a kitchen and then wash your hands with like lemon soap.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'll be like, oh my God. Got it. Anyway, where was I? Hawthorne, that's right. In your life, you're going to want to smell good, as we've discussed. right in your life you're gonna want to smell good as we've discussed and getting some swank cologne is the way to do it you don't want to have like polo or some sephora cologne that's been sitting on a shelf forever or old spice like your dad you want to smell good you want your own smell and hawthorne can deliver it to you. Having a smell that's all your own is awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:07 It's unique. It defines you as a person, right? It's so cool to smell good and have people be like, oh damn, you smell good today, right? Because, you know, I can definitely say a lot of the time when guys around women, they have like, they, they smell good. You're like, oh girl, you smell great. Well, let that lady in your life or guy in your life smell you the same way and be like, Oh baby, you smell great. It can happen. because you take a quiz at the very beginning. When you first log into the website,
Starting point is 00:55:45 you take a quiz that helps you figure out what scent you would best fit with, right? So it asks you things like about your face skin type or how often you shower or if you like soap or body wash or how you feel about sweat. Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol? And more importantly,
Starting point is 00:56:03 what kind of alcohol do you drink? That kind of thing. And it asks you all these questions Loads and loads of questions And at the end it's like Here's what we think would work for you And I'm not even going to lie They send you a work and a play scent
Starting point is 00:56:14 And they are great They're so good I smell wonderful Krendor, I know I've asked this before What was the difference between your work and play well i work hard i play hard uh all right i hate you but i uh i don't remember what i answered i took the test like months ago but all i know is they sent me the smells that i still use i use the shampoo conditioner and then toaster Woman's like, wow, you smell good.
Starting point is 00:56:46 And I'm like, hey, I'll keep using this. That's great. I know what I meant was in the colognes, the difference between your work and play, mine are two different smells.
Starting point is 00:56:55 My work smell definitely smells like I'm a business, like what you think a business executive would smell like. Oh, yeah. Right? And my play one
Starting point is 00:57:04 is a little fruitier and smells like i'm ready to get crazy and i love it i love the play one i think i smell that i'm like oh i'm gonna go out tonight and get wild i feel like all my scents make me smell like uh i've been living in the forest for a while but like not in a bad way. In like a while. I'm like a very rustic lumberjack that sings for Radiohead. I mean, you are the guy who drinks wine because it tastes like leather or whatever. You're like, these tannins have a leather flavor.
Starting point is 00:57:36 So, you know. But, I don't know. I like the smell. It's kind of like a manly scent, but it's like a rustic type. I don't know, because sometimes you smell those candles and it's like, this is a manly scent. You smell it, and it's like, whatever. But this is like, it just smells nicer and better.
Starting point is 00:57:52 You probably have the manly scent, and I have the one that's like, who wants candy cane? I've got a pocket full. I love it. I don't even care. It's so good. Who wants candy cane? I definitely think next time I'm in Chicago, I should bring mine.
Starting point is 00:58:07 We should switch smells so I can smell what yours smells like. That's a good idea. Because I need to know. I need to know what you smell like because mine is not... There's nothing rustic about it. Mine's like, I don't dirty my hands. Yeah, we need to do that. That's a good idea.
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Starting point is 00:58:40 One for work, one for play Totally risk free with free shipping, free returns Check out Hawthorne at that's Hawthorne with an E H-A-W-T-H-O-R-N-E H-A-W-T-H-O-R-N-E use promo code COX
Starting point is 00:58:56 to get 10% off your first purchase that's use COX, 10% off your first purchase Alright, Crenner Let's go to Chopper Coffee with Seth and the Sky How's that traffic out there? Oh man, traffic
Starting point is 00:59:11 We got traffic here, there, and right now Traffic's everywhere because people are going to get their Super Bowl food That's right, people are getting Super Bowl food Because we're about to have the Super Bowl Unless you live in, not America In which case You're probably asleep
Starting point is 00:59:25 right now but i don't know even in canada i think they celebrate the super bowl yeah i don't know uh maybe i guess it's like a big event maybe even just watching the commercials or halftime or something i feel oh this it's kind of expanded outside of america now so you know either way it's a big sports day here in america and there's already going to be people like, what is that, sports ball ball? Like, we get it. All right, you don't watch sports, okay? It's old. It's hashed.
Starting point is 00:59:50 It's washed up. All right, think of something new. Also, I just like sports, so it kind of triggers me. Either way, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah, there's traffic out there, so be safe. Thank you. All right, Crendor, now let's go over to Crandor to see whether or not it's cows that weather. Weather is looking like a whoppy.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Whoppy activated. A-R-E-6-4-3-4-3-2-4-5. El Sabado Veloso PiauĂ­, Brazil. El Sabau Veloso PiauĂ­, Brazil. 80 degrees feels like 87 degrees tonight. Thunderstorms, 90% chance. 74 degrees thunderstorms. Low 74, winds light and variable.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Chance every 90%. Monday, 89 degrees, 80% chance thunderstorms. Monday night, 73 degrees, 80% chance thunderstorms. 91% humidity. UV index 0 of 10. Tuesday, 88 degrees thunderstorms. 80% chance of thunderstorms. I was about to say, it sounded like he was breaking down.
Starting point is 01:01:12 It sounded like Wapu was going through some stuff. Too many thunderstorms. Thunderstorms. Yeah. It's rainy season down there still. I don't know why that's my favorite bit, but every time you go, thunderstorms, I can't stop laughing. I don't know why that's my favorite bit, but every time you go, Thunderstorms, I can't stop laughing. I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:01:28 It's so dumb. Thunderstorms. I mean, I'm not doing it. It's the robot. Oh, yeah. Right, right, right. Woppy's doing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:35 The best member of this team. All right. What's happening in sports? This might blow your mind, but it's the Super Bowl today. I don't know if you knew that. Yep. This might blow your mind, but it's the Super Bowl today. I don't know if you knew that. Don't say. Yeah, so the 49ers are taking on the Chiefs. I'm going to throw my prediction out there right now. I'm saying Chiefs, 28, 49ers, 24.
Starting point is 01:02:00 That's my prediction. Ooh, I think it's going to be 28-31. Why 31? I don't know. I don't know why you said it that way. 31-28 Chiefs. I feel like it'll either be a field goal difference or a touchdown difference, maybe, is what I'm trying to say. The number's going to be in the 30s. I think it's going to be a high-scoring game.
Starting point is 01:02:24 It's going to be a close game. Honestly, the way I'm looking at it from a professional football podcast analyst, the Chiefs play a very high-powered offensive game with Pat Mahomes. Reminds me of Aaron Rodgers back in 2010, 2011 when the Packers won the Super Bowl with their high-powered offense.
Starting point is 01:02:39 A little more speed, not as much of a run game. But on the flip side, you get the 49ers play a strong D. They get some of the most sacks in the league. But if he gets the ball out, they're not going to be a run game. But on the flip side, you get the 49ers play a strong D. They get some of the most sacks in the league. But if he gets the ball out, they're not going to be sacking anybody. The big thing is if the 49ers get out in front, they're going to be running the ball. That's their game. Pound the rock, run the ball, get it up the field.
Starting point is 01:02:55 They run the clock down. So if the 49ers get out ahead first, it's going to be a run and gun game for the 49ers. On the flip side, if the Chiefs get ahead first, the 49ers have to play to the Chiefs game, and I just can't see him winning if that's the situation uh I'm hoping to see a few movie trailers and uh maybe a commercial or two that's funny and not oh my god that's uh that's the other thing is I have that ability to do that type of characterization for like an unlimited amount of time and i know because toaster woman the one night was i was doing my review bra impression
Starting point is 01:03:32 because we watched a review bra where he's like hello everyone this is running on empty food review and then she was like how long can you do that for and it hit 10 minutes and she was like, how long can you do that for? And it hit 10 minutes. And she was like, can you please stop now? She knows what's up. She was like, I am slaving fire. But why would I stop when there's the new Burger King double whopper that just blows my mind away? It's just it's absolutely uncanny how it's just juicy. It's flavorful. It really just it's really just a juicy burger.
Starting point is 01:04:06 And when I eat the burger, it kind of goes a little beyond Burger King's other menu items. You see, it's just, you know, they've got their chicken nuggets, they've got their tacos, they've got their, you know, other burgers. When you do this, I want you to know, it's kind of like when you go to watch a cover band i hear you and i know you're doing it but i'm like boy i want to go just watch the original i'm gonna like stop this and go watch this dude just talk about chicken what i do with that is i just pick up on like mannerisms and then i just roll with the mannerism and just kind of flow with what i think they would say
Starting point is 01:04:45 in a characterization format. And that's like one of my favorite like improvisation things to do. Yeah, I can do that forever. I can do like almost any characterization just nonstop. And I don't know if that's like a curse or just some weird trait like someone could do at a bar.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Like one of those bar tricks or something. Either way, it's a fun time uh that's sports that is somehow sports all right what is our big news story of the day a big news story of the day george a man charged with mailing meth filled christmas card to inmate hit me hit me with this um a man sent some illegal holiday cheerfilled Christmas card to inmate. Hit me. Hit me with this. A man sent some illegal holiday cheer to a woman in jail, and he ended up getting arrested himself, officials in Georgia County say.
Starting point is 01:05:35 News outlet report 40-year-old Timothy Lee Snow sent the woman a Christmas card filled with drugs. Wait. All right. All right. Time out. How, though? I've tried to put things in Christmas cards, and they become, like, too bunched up. And then you can't get them in the mail, and the mail's like, you gotta pay extra for this.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Yeah, it's like the envelope's just, like, expanded. You put, like, Mentos and Coke in there. Mentos and Coke. So, imagine, they just, like, get the Christmas card, and they're just like, uh, is there something in here? They're like, no, no, he just likes to use big envelopes. Deputies intercepted a contraband-filled card filled with methamphetamine and suboxone and began investigating. On January 9th, deputies followed Snow as he left his residence
Starting point is 01:06:24 and found him with meth Xanax and a revolver. When they searched his home, deputies found more meth, subscone, marijuana, steroids, packing materials, a shotgun, and a rifle. My favorite part is he's prepared. He is prepared. Packing materials, the whole thing. he's like prepared he is prepared packing materials the whole thing snow is arrested in charge with possession of a firearm possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute and giving an inmate drugs news outlets reported odom who's already in jail now faces additional charges including attempt to commit offenses pertaining to the possession of drugs and use
Starting point is 01:06:59 of communications facilities in a drug transaction it's unclear whether Snow has an attorney who can comment on his behalf, which means he doesn't. Man, and if you look at these people, they look like just how you would imagine. Wow, here's the thing. They look normal, but they look like the soul is drained from them.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Well, that's because they're going to jail. I feel like when that happens a little soul draining but the guy kind of looks like you know you're a little crazy uncle but he looks like someone who's definitely a member of a family a family oh yeah woman straight up just looks like a mom like a mom in jail who just probably is in jail for some dumb reason but she has the mom cut. She has the look of like, I'm going to speak to your supervisor. Oh yeah, she does.
Starting point is 01:07:49 You know, she doesn't look like trouble. Looks like she got a little too addicted to like painkillers and Xanax or something. And that probably happens to moms. Yeah. She's the mom who likes to have a few too many drinks during the day. Oh yeah, she's the wine mom. Started as the wine mom, no doubter.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Speaking of which, Xanax always gets a bad rap, but I have like my emergency minimal dose of Xanax for when I travel. Or if I have like a panic attack. No, Xanax gets a bad rap. But all it really does, well that's because people are like, yo, I'm gonna take like a bar of Xanax and shit, and then they like pass
Starting point is 01:08:22 out. But like, you know, when you use it properly like most drugs that aren't methamphetamines uh you know it like helps you a bit like if I'm having a panic attack or something cause your brain is just like we're gonna die my heart's beating fast what's going on uh
Starting point is 01:08:38 you like Xanax kind of slows your brain down to be like okay it slows that like process of thinking down in your brain where you're like I'm gonna die to just be like okay it slows that like process of thinking down in your brain where you're like i'm gonna die but to just be like okay i'm normal now and it just like it slows down a bit but that's why i think people get addicted to it which is why you know you're not supposed to take it all the time or a lot of it uh yeah i don't uh yeah i guess i need to do more drugs like i had to take one before going to disneyland last week so i was like this is it
Starting point is 01:09:13 this is over plane's gonna crash everything's over everything's bad i'm gonna blah and then you take that and you're like okay maybe it won't crash. Maybe we're going to be fine. And it's like, when you think about that, I always, in my brain, I'm like, we're going to be fine. It's like my brain's talking to me and my brain, but my brain is me. And so it's like, we got to end this show. Yep, don't have it. Don't have that. I'm going crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Don't have that problem. Yep, don't have that problem Don't have that. I'm going crazy. Don't have that problem. Yep, don't have that problem. So, yeah. All right. Well, I guess that's it for us. Thank you so much for listening or watching or enjoying this podcast. Crandor, what are the socials? We got socials.
Starting point is 01:09:57 We got slash Cox and Crandor where a new animation went up. Go watch it. It's a good one. It's a good one. Also, just throw a podcast onto the end of that Cox and Crandor YouTube channel, and you'll find slash coxcrandorpodcast where all the podcasts are, as well as Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud, all that good stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:16 And then we got our own things on slash Crandor. I uploaded my Disneyland non-content vlog. It is a trip. I'll tell you that much. Check that one out. Go to So it's Jesse Cox, or you can see all of his crazy ideas that he doesn't know why you watch it.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Also follow our Twitters, Facebook. Crandor is taken.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Notorious talks. Tell your friends, family. Justor's taken. slash Notorious Talks. Tell your friends, family. Just hit the bell. Subscribe. Ding, ding. Pop, pop. Americano. Alright. Thank you for that. And we'll see you guys next week. Bye, everybody. And as always,
Starting point is 01:10:59 beep, to be continued.

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