Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 243 - Burried Treasure Troubles

Episode Date: June 15, 2020

The boys are back and this time Crendor tries to get through an entire episode without mentioning his broken junk. Also Jesse tries fasting and dealing with his bizzare neighbors. Oh, and a million d...ollar treasure was found by the most unlikely of characters. All this and so much more, on another exciting episode of Cox n' Crendor! To get 15% off your first order, free shipping, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, go to Get Honey for FREE at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by me, undies. They are the undies I have on me right now. We'll talk about that later. Well, not the undies on me, but you know what I mean. And today we're brought to you by honey. Honey is going to save you money. It rhymes, so you know it must be good. We'll talk about that later as well.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Let's jump into this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studios. Recording.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Hit me. Wake your ass up. It's the next Trend Dog in the morning. Hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me. Trend welcome to the morning oh hey oh oh hey hi oh hi mark oh hi mark um what's going on no i was just looking at this thing i almost forgot we were doing a podcast what were you looking at uh i was looking at my patreon thing and looking through and i was like wait what did they change and they like changed the ui or something and i was like wait how do i do this and i was like oh wait yeah i'm doing a podcast you thought all of that in the time i said welcome to another exciting episode of Cox and Cran-
Starting point is 00:01:26 Oh, okay. All right. As long as I know what's going on over there. Oh my God. Let me tell you about my adventures. You actually had adventures? Go on. Do tell.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yes. So, man. So far, not a great start to your adventure so last week i uh i did two personal training sessions because here we hit phase three so we're allowed to go to the gym if it's one-on-one training and the both wear masks and you stay six feet apart and you wipe down the equipment i'm like fine i don't care i'm just to go there and do, like, twice a week and get my body back into shape. So I go to the gym.
Starting point is 00:02:10 You know, they, like, check your temperature. They do all the shit. They wear the mask, whatever. And then walk into the back, and the guy's like, all right, let's get started. And I was like, what do you want to do? And I'm like, leg day. And he's like, all right, we'll do leg day. So I started on leg day.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Was he in a mask, too? Yes. leg day and he's like all right i'll do leg day so i started seeing a mask too yes was it awkward for like two dudes and gym outfits but also with masks honestly not really he was like it's a little hard to breathe but you know i'd rather do this than not work and i was like yeah i feel that and then uh so he was like dude also this guy's like jacked. Like, one of the most jacked people I think I've ever seen. Like, his one arm is like both my arms combined. Damn. Yeah, like. So he was putting
Starting point is 00:02:55 in time when he was not at the gym. Oh, yeah. This is, this dude, like, knows what he's doing. So he's like, alright, I did all my leg stuff, so every time he'd try to, like what to do because he couldn't actually get close to show me or whatever. So he's just like, yeah, I'll show you what to do. And then he'd wipe everything down and be like, all right, now you can do it. And I'm like, all right, do this.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And he's like, yeah, but just do that. But a little more. Yep. Okay. There you go. So it's a little back and forth. But it would be great if you had like a stick yeah you know how you always see those kung fu movies where there's the master
Starting point is 00:03:29 and he has like that stick and he like hits the student it's like six feet and a couple inches just so like you know you can just keep cleaning the the end of it yeah and then he like keeps instead of trying to get you to like you know have a better form he just hits you underneath the legs or like hits your arms or something with a six foot pole that'd be amazing um so yeah i did leg day and by the end of it oh my god i was like i think i was dehydrated or something so i needed a gatorade i was like, I think I was dehydrated or something. So I needed a Gatorade. I was like feeling woozy. And he's like, yeah, sometimes you overexert yourself. You know, you get too crazy or whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And I was like, all right, you know, fine. I know for next time. So the next time, a couple of days later, I'm like, all right, now I'll do my upper body. By the way, my legs were like sore as shit. I could like barely sit down. I was like, ah. So now he's like, all right, we'll do upper body. So I was doing upper body stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And I was like, ah like I'm so out of shape but you know I got to the end of it like all good and the next day oh my god my upper body is still sore that sounds right that sounds about right
Starting point is 00:04:39 how it works right like three days later and I could like I can oh my god. Even if I like stretch my, you know how you take your arms above your head to stretch? Yeah. I can barely do that. Yesterday I couldn't even do it. Now I can barely do it.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It's like, wow. Well, it'll fix itself. Give it time. You'll be alright. Yeah. No, it's one of those things where it's called DOMS, which is like delayed onset muscle soreness. And so better than the subs.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And when you get used to working out, like back when I was working out like three times a week, your body's just like, okay, we work out and we repair. Okay, we work out and we repair. And it just gets used to that. And then you don't do anything. And it's like, well, I guess we don't have to repair. And then you start doing it again. work out and we repair. Okay, we work out and we repair. And it just gets used to that. And then you don't do anything. And it's like, well, I guess we don't have to repair. And then you start doing it again.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And it's like, repair! It, like, freaks out. And then you're like, oh! So, that's kind of where I was at. But, you know, I just wanted to get my body ready. You know, get back, get going. Luckily, I'm in a state that didn't just open up and go yeehaw everyone for yourself don't wear masks and do what you want you know we kind of we slowly opened
Starting point is 00:05:52 and we're still slowly opening but you know it's uh it's a better safe than sorry thing because now uh you know places like florida are like so i, you know, I'm all right. We will certainly see what happens over the summer because all the numbers are like, oh, no, it is not gone, y'all. But everyone's like, it's fine. Go to the beach. And I'm like, I don't I think we as a society were just like, F it. I think so. We don't care. I'm like, OK.
Starting point is 00:06:24 If I die I die Alright Like okay Well I'm gonna try And be a little safe You do you
Starting point is 00:06:31 You You take care of yourself I'll be over here Listen I'm still wearing my mask I'm still not getting close to people Yeah Like I'm still
Starting point is 00:06:39 Washing my hands And wiping shit down I don't care Absolutely Today I I went to go So I did a stream early in the morning But then I was like the entire time
Starting point is 00:06:48 Man I want a burrito for lunch So I went over to this burrito place That's like down the street Which by the way Best burritos Anyway I go there It's the first time I've been there in months The entire thing is like
Starting point is 00:07:03 Reorganized So there's no place toized so there's no place To sit inside there's no place to sit Outside and there's stickers on the ground that say You know stand here and six feet apart And so I went In there I was the only person there For 99% of my
Starting point is 00:07:18 Time there until Because you know I'm in the like one of the touristy Sections of LA. This couple comes in, clearly tourists. My question is, first off, why are they tourists right now? Where did they come from? It's very bizarre.
Starting point is 00:07:35 But anyway, they came in, no masks, no nothing. And the little lady behind the counter is just like, no mask, no mask. And they're like, what? We can't understand you. And they're like, no mask, no mask. They're like what what we can't understand you and they're like no mask no mask they're like we can't come in here like no mask uh we just want to order some food no mask uh do you want our money or not no mask they're like uh this is typical los ang Angeles And they like walk away and like What the What was that Everywhere in this city
Starting point is 00:08:09 Everywhere in this city It says you can Los Angeles is at a stay at home order until the end of July Nowhere in this city Can you enter without a mask Yeah And these people were just like Typical Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:08:24 Where the hell are these people from just like, typical Los Angeles. I'm like, where the hell are these people from? They can't be from town. They can't be from here because there's absolutely no way they would. I see people like sort of north of L.A. and sort of some of the more like we live in the desert and we're a little crazy. And south of L.A. and like Orange County where it's like, it we don't care we're not wearing masks right but la itself i've never encountered anyone who has ever been like i refuse even people who hate it are like yeah all right i'll do it
Starting point is 00:08:58 yeah and so to see this today it was so bizarre i was like where are you where are you from you cannot be from here. Oh, yeah, they definitely are. I mean, everyone here wears masks. In fact, I've only seen one person not wearing a mask and just looked like some like old guy that was probably like, I don't care. And that was it. But even then, like you have to wear a mask to go in stores in any place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Like around my apartment complex, every once in a while I'll see people without masks. And sometimes if I'm like taking the trash out, I won't wear a mask because it's like I walk to the shoot, open it, dump it, come back, wash my hands. And I'm like, I feel like I did good there. But most of the time, even if I, the other day I was like, man, I want an Egg McMuffin. So I went to the McDonald's drive-thru and had an Egg McMuffin.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Wore a damn mask and gloves the entire time. Unnecessary? Sure. Don't care. I was like, I'm not getting sick, y'all. It ain't happening. People are just like, but Jesse, not many people die. I'm not worried about dying. I'm worried about my job is this right now, talking.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And when your sickness is like, you can barely breathe, that is not good for my work. That's the truth. So I'm no dummy. I'm trying to, like, find healthy ways to get through all this garbage. I downloaded a fasting app Oh I was talking with a friend about intermittent fasting Oh yeah I've heard of that
Starting point is 00:10:32 And he was like yeah I do that all the time Mostly because he was like Because he celebrates Ramadan and stuff And he's Muslim He like has to fast sometimes But he's like in my life normally I just like intermittently fast because. I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:51 How does that work for you? Because I technically intermittently fast at night when I sleep. And he's like, yo, that's actually what it is. Right? Breakfast is breaking the fast. Yeah, it is. And he's like, yeah, there's three types of fasting. There's a 10-14, a 12-12, and an 8-16, I think.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Where, like, basically the gist is you can do a 10-14, I think is what it is, where you have 10 hours where you can eat Whatever and then for 14 hours You eat nothing And then there's like a 12-12 Where you know it's 12 on 12 off And then there's the like crazy end if you're like I gotta lose 8 million pounds It's 8
Starting point is 00:11:37 What 8-16 And that is basically you can eat for 8 hours a day Then you have to not eat for 16 Huh And I'm like that sounds too much And that is basically you can eat for eight hours a day, then you have to not eat for 16. Huh. And I'm like, that sounds too much. He's like, well, there's an app that you can get, and it'll, like, track the time of day for you, and you can set it, and then, like, a thing will pop up on your phone that's like, time to fast. And I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:00 So I was like, I figure I'll try it. And so I've been doing the 10-14. And so right now I am 4 hours and 53 minutes into my fast for the evening. And I can eat again at 5.45 a.m. Well, so that's it. I can eat again at 5.45 a.m. And, you know, I assume I can drink because I've been drinking water and stuff. I think coffee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:33 But I haven't been, you know, I've been trying to, like, what it does is it asks you when the last time you ate was. And then it modifies the time based on that. Ah. And so the last thing I had was that burrito today at whatever the hell time that was a few hours ago. And now I'm like, all right, well, I guess this is what I'm going to try and do. And I'm going to try and make it happen. That's my plan. I'm going to try and make it happen, and we'll see.
Starting point is 00:12:59 We'll see if I can keep this up. It's been three days so far. I'm, like, digging it. It's not hard. I bet if I did the 8-16 thing, I'd have to really cram food in. I don't want to do that. So I was like, I want to be able to have breakfast and at least a linner, like a lunch-dinner combo. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:16 So that's kind of what my vibe is. And I'm working on it. It's not too shabby. I will say it shows, it shows you your blood sugar, which is fascinating. So it's like, you know, you have your sugar, and then you go down like your sugar down, and then you go back to
Starting point is 00:13:33 normal, and then you have ketosis and all that. It's fascinating. It's fascinating for stuff I've never really cared about and probably still don't care about. But it's like fascinating. Yeah. It's not hard to do that. And apparently it's supposed to be like way healthier than just like eating three times a day at random times. Like it's 9 p.m.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Guess I'll have dinner. And then you go to bed at like 11. You're like, body's like, what happened, bro? Body's just all about routine. So, I mean, if you're eating all out of whack that's not good because i mean even in in eating like if you eat breakfast at like i don't know say you're like me and you wake up at like 1 p.m uh but i do it consistently and then i eat my breakfast like 1 30 and then let's say there's a day where i don't eat breakfast at 1 30 and i wait and i'm
Starting point is 00:14:22 like up you know i eat it at 2. A lot of times my body, then it like releases stomach acid because it's like, oh, we're about to digest food. And so then it kind of just burns your stomach because it's like ugh. And that's what it like starts gurgling and you get stomach pains. That's why. Sure. And so your body gets into the rhythm or like
Starting point is 00:14:39 if you go to sleep, go to sleep at the same time every day. It's like, oh, this is when we sleep. This is when, you know, melatonin goes off. Beep, beep, beep, beep. And you fall asleep and you just, you know, you go in rhythm. And if you don't do that, your body's just like, what the shit's going on? I don't know. And so it's just harder on it.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Yeah, I guess I never really considered keeping track of it and trying to keep a schedule before rather than just like i imagine it's things i've been doing for a while i don't know i could i can't i don't know i figured i'd try it because i i had a nice conversation with a friend about it and he was like try it dude what's the worst that could happen i was like all right sure no intermittent fasting is good it's when people fast like too long which i also learned from that one sleep thing because when you don't like when you go into a fasting state for a while you're like okay you know you just haven't eaten for a while and then your organs whatever uh then your organs uh then your organs when you fast for too long it can actually start hurting you because well especially like your sleep uh because your body is like hey
Starting point is 00:15:45 we're not like eating we need food and so it almost purposefully keeps you awake to find food which is why a lot of people at fast start getting insomnia the first couple days sure so yeah i've i've actually like i think been doing great my sleep schedule is back to normal. I've been waking up every day at 6 and I'm, like, going to bed at 11. I'm doing great. Wow. Yeah. I'm back to normal. So everything is good.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I will say being up early has allowed me to see and hear things that I haven't heard before. to see and hear things that I haven't heard before. So my neighbors that were on the other side of me that moved out, the ones that were up all night and would blast crazy music and it sounded like they were moving furniture in the middle of the night, now they're gone. It was kind of, at nighttime it was quiet, and I didn't really hear anything. But because I'm up more during the day now,
Starting point is 00:16:43 I hear the other side. And the other side Is an older lady Who I think I might have mentioned this before She's like a wild child I think she's in her 80s And she has The craziest life I don't know if I told
Starting point is 00:16:59 I had to have said this to someone She was outside one day And she was out there with her boyfriend question mark and they were both old but you know like old hippie attractive you know that look where they're like yeah and they were sitting outside like talking to each other out on the balcony where the walkway is to my apartment complex and they're just like standing in the middle of the walkway just holding each other and i this is right before they they said no one could like you know talk to each other
Starting point is 00:17:30 during covid and she's just like i'll miss you and i love you and he's like you're the second best thing ever to happen to me and she goes oh you you know like they're being playful kids. It was so weird. But also, she has, during the day, like some man boy come over who always has his shirt off and stuff. And he like does chores. I don't know what's going on over there. Anyway, in the morning, she blares like the Funkiest deepest Baseline music I've ever Really good jams
Starting point is 00:18:09 It's like a transition in Seinfeld In her apartment And I found out That it's She does this only when she's really really high So I guess she wakes up in the morning And just blazes. And she's my neighbor.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Don't question it. I know. But, like, I woke up. I don't know what she does. But I can hear through the walls, like, her making mouth noises. walls like like her making mouth noises like oh and i hear that every morning now and it's amazing and imagine that but like boom boom boom boom boom boom and she's like, Oh! And I assume it has nothing to do with her older male lover and or man boy because it's so early in the morning.
Starting point is 00:19:15 She's just like, It's incredible. I find new things every day is a new adventure. One thing with me is my pelvic floor has been better why are we back on this why are we back let us never talk about your pelvic floor again
Starting point is 00:19:33 it's been doing better I think going back to the gym with like my leg workout helped strengthen some of those muscles around it and it's been feeling better and ironically as I've been getting better guess what came back heartburn what that's not what i thought you're gonna say at all my heartburn gastritis came back you ever are you eating crazier foods well all right so you shouldn't have to go well comma all right before beginning this
Starting point is 00:20:09 statement that was a yes or no question i realized i was getting like more anxiety and so i realized i'd been like being like i'll just have a glass of wine uh but then the last couple of days i was like i'm gonna have two glasses of wine and then i was like yeah i'll make a coffee to like wake myself up a bit and then uh who would have thought that right after that is when it kicked in so who would have thought yeah alcohol and uh caffeine that'll do it so i'm doing my uh one week of heartburn omeprazole uh that's just what i do i usually do it for a week like some people take it like for mom like i'm not doing months you kidding me so i do like a week and i get my uh my stomach like back together i let the acid calm down and then i start eating
Starting point is 00:20:56 healthier that's the thing is people don't people do it for like you're supposed to do it for a week or two until your symptoms calm down but people like keep taking it because they're like hey i don't get heartburn i'll just keep taking this for two years and then you know they keep eating poorly but the whole point is that you use it to like you know get yourself back on track and change i don't know the rules of that i don't know how that works you're telling me things that i just have to accept because i don't know what goes on in your life well you're like well you know you take it accept because I don't know what goes on in your life. You're like, well, you know, you take it once a week.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Don't take it two years. I'm like, I don't know that that's accurate. I have no medical knowledge of this. You don't come from a family that all struggle with digestive issues. That is true. My family iron stomachs all. Yeah. We're like, hey, we'll eat it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Okay. Then there's people like, like oh if you take it too long it can cause like kidney problems and like the cancers and whatever down the line so i asked dr john and he was like well that's like pretty much anything if you do it too long you're not supposed to whatever plus he was like guess what else does having too much acid. And I was like huh. You know what. It's a good way to put it. So it's like. Poor John. Poor Dr. John.
Starting point is 00:22:11 That man had to leave. He left the state of California. And he had to get away from us. And dude like. He will never be left alone. Leave that man alone. I told him he's like. I'm like the Flanders.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And he's like the Reverend Love the flanders and he's like the reverend lovejoy and i just like keep calling him being like asking him questions about the bible and stuff and he's just like ned there's a lot of things in there i like how i do i do like how he kind of like shoots you away. Because you're like, you know, how long should I take this thing? And he's like, you know, acid also can cause problems too. And you're like, wow, I never thought of that before. Well, I mean, it's true.
Starting point is 00:22:57 And you put it in that acid. You're like, oh, I'm having all this GERD and heartburn and like acids coming up and burning your esophagus. But then you're like, oh, these pills to reduce it for a while can cause problems but it's like well yeah having not taking the pill and having acid burn your thing also causes problems so it's kind of like a you know it's it's gonna help treat the thing as long as you don't oh you know as long as you're not taking it for like a long period of time yeah yeah yeah yeah no i get it i understand yeah so leave that leave that man alone he is not your doctor leave him alone well it's also what my gastro said well then you just go to him for a second opinion yeah of course you do sometimes
Starting point is 00:23:42 give that man some money at least. He's over there. I did. I gave him bits. Well, all right, then. All right. My main point here is that my main, the thing I've been talking about for months has finally let up and I can sit down again and be normal. But then all my old issues pop up with anxiety and heartburn. And I'm like, ah, my old friends.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Back again. At least I know what to expect from them. I imagine you holding your chest like, ah, my old friends. Ah, my old friends. So, tonight. We meet again. So, tonight, I ate pretty healthy we uh we grilled and i got some
Starting point is 00:24:28 chicken so we grilled chicken and i put turmeric on it so that's supposed to be really good for like uh anti-inflammatory and like helping your stomach so i made turmeric chicken and we had some cauliflower and uh corn i've been i've been grilling a lot because i bought i was like listen i miss grilling so i bought like a one of those those mini propane grills you're supposed to take camping. Yeah. I can picture it now. That's so funny. You just grill a little propane.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It heats up. You don't have to deal with charcoal because that's the thing. It's like charcoal. Everyone's like, oh, the flavor of charcoal. I'm like, listen, it can taste good, but it takes so much effort's like charcoal. Everyone's like, oh, the flavor of charcoal. I'm like, listen, like it can taste good, but like it takes so much effort to like keep it hot and be like, oh, the coals are burning. I got to spread the coal.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'm like, listen, you just plug the shit in. It heats up and I'm like, all right, throw it out. And you're good. Like I just, I enjoy the convenience over the taste of charcoal. It's still like, it still tastes good. How big is it? I need to know. In my mind, you have one of those little tiny kerosene camp stoves.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It's not, like, small. You heat up your beans. That's how I imagine it. Heat up your little can of beans. There, it's that one. Come on, toast. Come over here. I made some beans for you.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Just cook beans on, toast. Come over here. I made some beans for you. Just cooked beans on the grill? That's how I imagine it. Like, how big is this thing? Is it... You said it's for when you go camping, so in my mind, I'm thinking one of those little tiny kerosene things. It's 15 by 40 by 16.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Inches? So it's actually 40 inches wide. Oh, alright. Well, that's, you know, that's impressive. What is that? Three pieces of chicken. No, you can do a small chicken. That's like, here's what I did. I cooked two pieces
Starting point is 00:26:18 of chicken, two corn on the cobs, and some veggie things. Alright, that's not bad. Like I threw onbs, and some veggie things. Alright, that's not bad. Like, I threw on some zucchini and some mushrooms and stuff. You just cook them right on there and bada bing, bada boom.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Bada bing, bada boom. That's not bad at all. Yeah, because when I was looking into it, I was looking up reviews, and there's like, this one dude, he's like, I grill everything on here. I grill ribs. I grill chicken. I grill bacon and sausage. I grill everything on here i grill ribs i grill chicken i grill bacon and sausage i grill steaks i grill corn i grill more bacon i grill a whole chicken i grill chicken wing and i was like hey if this guy likes it and he grills everything i'll try it and i love it that's oh man
Starting point is 00:26:58 i that's my problem i haven't had grilled steak in a long time oh yeah well that's the thing it's like when you grill you can grill outside and all the steam and everything goes out when you grill a steak even inside it like starts smoking up everything you're like it's like yeah but it's a lot easier i've had like you know when you put it on the pan and then you throw that pan in the oven for a hot sec and then you're like all right we good oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like i can do that kind of steak easy but i don't have a grill anywhere. No, you get that. There is a grill outside my apartment complex, but we're not allowed to use it.
Starting point is 00:27:31 It's just there. COVID stuff. I mean, like, it's there, but you can use it. It's not as slow as things you move in. They're just like, you're not allowed to use the grill. No. You're like, oh, why not? I can, but every time I've ever been inspired to use it, there's always someone down there like,
Starting point is 00:27:46 I'm grilling 18 steaks. And you're like, cool, cool, cool. All right, well, I'll come back tomorrow. And I'll just go upstairs and put it in a pan and call it a day because it's just as good. Yeah. Yeah, it's just the... I like grill. Give me some grill.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I like grilling. me some grill I like grilling Well you know It takes me back to my days of being in college My George Foreman Oh yeah George Foreman Everything would come out a little gray And you're not really sure why
Starting point is 00:28:19 Why is it gray? How'd that happen? It's not everything's gray. I'm not even joking. You would put normal meat in and something kind of gray would come out every time. It's like McRibs. Yeah. I bet if you smothered it in sauce, it'd be delicious.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So yeah, I've been grilling. Grilling. Grilling's great. You know what else is great? Here we go. MeUndies? MeUndies. MeUndies wants you to remember that it is, in fact, Pride Month. And it's very critical that we all take a moment to recognize and remember the intersectionality between pride and the racial injustices that continue to endure to this very day.
Starting point is 00:29:08 But they don't just want to put out a press statement. What they're doing is through their MeUndiesGives initiative, donating $50,000 to both the It Gets Better Project and Black Lives Matter. They're committed to standing up against hate and intolerance and they hope that with MeUndies Gives you simply shopping MeUndies will help support this cause. MeUndies
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Starting point is 00:30:42 It's free shipping, right? And they'll give you money. It's a great deal. To get 15% off your first order free shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee, go to slash Crendor. That's
Starting point is 00:30:58 slash Crendor. That's me. Also, today we're brought to you by Honey. Look, we're all shopping online. A lot. But, do you know how you can make online shopping even better? With Honey. Honey, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Honey makes everything better in life. That's just a fact. Honey, in this case, is a free online shopping tool that saves you money online. Honey automatically finds the best promo codes and applies them to your cart, which makes online shopping feel as easy as it's supposed to be. Imagine you're going to, I don't know, like Walmart. And you, like me, a couple weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:31:38 went there to go get some toilet paper. And you're like, I need some toilet paper in my life, like we all do. I went there, bippity boppity boo, picked my toilet paper out. They had a bunch, which was crazy. I was very shocked. And then I hit apply coupons when my little drop-down box appeared from Honey. And they were like, boopity boopity boop.
Starting point is 00:31:56 A bunch of promo codes popped up. Saved me a bunch of money. I ended up buying more stuff because I was like, I need that free shipping. Honey can save you money on fashion, tech, little weird gadgety things, you know, makeup, things you would buy on Etsy, whatever the hell that would be, like a painting of your favorite ship, you know, whatever. Yes, my favorite ship.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I meant like as in two characters in a relationship, not like the SS Lusitania. Friendship. I was gonna say I used Honey the other day. I bought a new chair and I saved like 30
Starting point is 00:32:39 bucks. Where did you buy that? OfficeMax. You know how I got the Honey thing installed and it's just like, Honey will check your shit. And I'm like, ooh, please do. And it's like, we found the best code. And I'm like, ah, very nice. And then I purchased it. It uses internet algorithms for what they should be used for, right?
Starting point is 00:32:55 I found out the other day, you know how when people give out codes on Twitter, like, here's a video game code. Apparently, there are dudes out there Who have scanners that constantly scan For video game codes so they can snatch them and steal them Those people are Assholes honey's like the good guy Version of that yeah that's true That's why people like instead post a screenshot Instead like a screenshot of the code
Starting point is 00:33:18 Instead of just putting the code in twitter Ah I see And honey is like the good guy Version of that they're constantly scanning For all the discounts that exist on the internet All the different codes, all the different like You know, in the MeUndies, if you went to MeUndies and you were like, hmm, scan It probably would be like, ah, Crendor's a viable code Right? It would do that for you
Starting point is 00:33:39 Honey has found over 17 million members a whopping $2 billion in savings. Also, did you know Honey supports over 30,000 stores online? They add more every day. Users love it. It has 100,000 five-star reviews on the Google Chrome store. It is so simple to use. It's amazing. Not using Honey is literally like passing up free money. It's so simple to use. It's amazing. Not using Honey is literally like
Starting point is 00:34:06 passing up free money. It's totally free to use, installs in seconds. Plus, it's now part of the PayPal family. Get Honey for free at slash cox. That's slash cox. All right, Grendel, let's go to the top of the episode. This is Grendel, and let's roll. They traffic. There is some traffic, and there is some other traffic. In fact, it's like there's a guy in a boat, and that guy in a boat's sailing, and I think he's
Starting point is 00:34:45 actually sailing on the ss friendship i think he uh he saw his favorite ship and then he brought it to life and started sailing into the ocean and when you think about it uh there is traffic in the ocean you don't really just when you think traffic you think of cars but really people are traffic uh then you got ocean traffic then you got got, I don't know, a tractor could be traffic. I mean, literally anything could be traffic if it's moving. Even a stick, a stick flying down the road in the wind, that's traffic. Back to you. Can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 00:35:19 Be honest with me. Yes. Did you just remember that last week you looked up what traffic meant and you've been thinking about that for a while that traffic isn't just cars stuck in traffic is in fact anything um no but it did all come flooding in at once right when i was doing that segment right when i said the boat like i was just gonna do something with the boat right like he's just out in the water whatever but then when i thought of that i. Right when I said the boat, I was just going to do something with the boat. He's just out in the water or whatever. But then when I thought of that, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:35:50 you know what? A boat is actually traffic. And then it just all... It all came back to you. I was like, oh my God. You remembered that last week you in fact googled the word traffic. Also, I realized I said human traffic. I was like, ugh. That's not good um but you know we won't use that against you thank you uh and that's that's the traffic all right credor how's that weather
Starting point is 00:36:16 weather wait yeah it is weather all right weather hey welcome to weather. Also, it has the weather notifications from old places I've searched. Death Valley is 104 right now. It was 99 degrees here the other day. It was crazy. You know what? Let's go to
Starting point is 00:36:37 cold. Cold spring Minnesota. Are you just trying to find a place that's cold by looking up the word cold? Yes. You're just hoping they name something cold that's in a cold place? Minnesota, it's accurate. Yeah, Minnesota's accurate.
Starting point is 00:36:56 But there's also Cold Water, Missouri. Then Cold Spring, Texas. But it's all one word, while the Minnesota one is Cold Space Spring. Then there's Cold Water, Mississippi, Cold Space Spring, New York, Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada. That's probably the coldest place. And then they've just got London, England. All right. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Well, maybe we should do Cold Lake, Alberta. That sounds about right. That sounds cold. Well, if you are in Minnesota, it's 72 degrees. To Cold Lake, Alberta, it's 67 degrees. Look at that. A little bit colder, eh? Yeah, eh?
Starting point is 00:37:38 Cloudy. 5% chance of rain through 9 p.m. You got 63 in the evening. Overnight, 55. Woo, we dropping down uh high 67 low 52 humidity 63 percent pressure is 29.54 visibility 10 miles you can see pretty far wind nine miles per hour going north uv index zero dew point 54 Moon phase is a waning crescent. I repeat, a waning crescent moon. All right, everyone, get ready.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And then we've got the 10 day, which is 71, 57, 52. Oh, my God. 52 degrees is the high. 61, 70, 74, 73, 73 74 73 73 71 71 72 72 so actually after that it's a pretty nice out but yeah it's definitely uh definitely a little chilly yeah i don't uh i don't know that i necessarily be looking for a cold place actually i wonder if this is the best time to go to a cold place, right? Yeah, because it's probably like 70. It's actually really temperate.
Starting point is 00:38:52 There's some places like in probably Kazakhstan or somewhere in like Mongolia that it's, you know, just hitting 50 right now. Let's find out. Mongolia. Mongolia, East Cameroon. Cameroon. No, not in Cameroon. Not in Cameroon. In Mongolia.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Like, go to Yakutsk. Go back to Yakutsk. What's the temperature right now in Yakutsk? Yakutsk, Russia, is currently 70. It's actually going to be like 84, 85. Yeah, we're fine. There's no such thing as global warming. We're great. We're fine.
Starting point is 00:39:38 What about like Iceland? Iceland? Maybe Greenland is where you need to go. Oh, yeah. Greenland's colder. That's right. Greenland is where I need to go. Oh, yeah. Greenland's colder. That's right. Greenland. You got suckered, man.
Starting point is 00:39:50 They got you. They got me, dude. Wait. Greenland, Nova Scotia, Canada is 78, 76, 73, 76, 77, 77. Yeah, it's like the same. Yeah, we're in the heart of the summer, I guess. Probably doesn't matter then. Well, it's the new summer fire festival.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It's the summer solstice in like not that long. What about Hell, Norway? What's it like there right now? Hell, Norway. I typed in Northway. Hell, Northway. Hell, Nordtrandalag, Norway. 80, 75, 84, 83.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Oh, my God. 79, 71, 69, 70, 69, 69, 67, 68, 68. Hold on. What about Melbourne, Australia? It should be winter there right now, right? Bloody winter, eh? Is that how it works? It should be winter there right now, right? Bloody winter, eh? Is that how it works? It should be winter, right?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yes. 62, 57, 61, 61, 59, 56, 56, 60, 58, 56, 56, 54, 55, 55. All right. We're getting close. All right. We're figuring out this world, this crazy world of ours. Who would have thought Australia's got the coldest temps? Probably.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I mean, there's probably got to be colder things, right? Bloody hell, Mike. Sorry. Great Australian accent. I always try to do that, and I always don't do it correctly. That time you nailed it, I think. As someone who's never done a good one, good job. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And that's the weather. All right, let's go to sports sports uh welcome to sports desk today we've got some sports news uh nba nhl still moving forward baseball however new day new proposal and it was rejected we're not getting a baseball season we're not having baseball and i don't think many people care. Yeah, it's too late. Also, let's see. Bradley Chubb, Broncos, ready to go full speed.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Yeah, I mean, otherwise, all the other sports are like, hey, we're going to get going in like a month. So it'll be interesting. Also, Antonio Brown Our old friend Has pled no contest to felony battery charges And been sentenced to 100 hours of community service Don't say
Starting point is 00:42:14 Antonio Brown Our old friend Has been charged with assault and battery I don't want to be associated with that Brown must also serve two years probation and undergo a mandatory psych evaluation. Antonio Brown, old friend of the show. Friend of the show
Starting point is 00:42:32 Antonio Brown is getting a psych evaluation for assault and battery. Hope you do well. Hope to have you back on soon, Antonio. Jacoby Jones is the old friend. Yeah, Jacoby is our old friend. Yeah, Jacoby is our old friend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Also, Mitch Trubisky, Bears quarterback, said he's motivated by the Bears edition of Nick Foles. So I guess he's motivated that he might lose his job. Yeah. That is one way to motivate someone. I'm motivated that they have no confidence in me as a QB. They actually declined his fifth-year option, which means this no confidence in me as a QB. They actually declined his fifth year option, which means this is his final year as a Bear,
Starting point is 00:43:09 unless they decide to resign him, which they probably won't, unless he has some miracle season. So motivated. Yeah, and I'm happy because in the NBA, the Bulls redid their entire front office, and they're probably gonna fire their coach who looks like an egg and i hope they do and that's sports i feel like that last part was biased and i hope they do all right calm down jim rome it'll be okay
Starting point is 00:43:38 that's my opinion we need to crack that egg and start over fresh. I'm Jim Rome. I know, because I'll still hear him on the radio sometimes. He has this Jim Rome moment. God, I'm so glad I haven't heard him in years. That guy's a prick. Oh, yeah. He's like, I get to the hard-hitting news. I'm Jim Rome. And then he'll just talk to people, and he'll's like, I get to the hard-hitting news. I'm Jim Rome.
Starting point is 00:44:05 And then he'll just talk to people, and he'll be like, it sounds like you're kind of upset. And they're like, yeah, well, you asked me this way. And he's like, it sounds like you can't handle the heat. And then they're like, well, I'm Jim Rome. He's the Keemstar of the sports world. He really is. And that's sports. All right. What is our big news story of the day big news story of the day is a flashback to an old story we covered that people have been sending us
Starting point is 00:44:35 from god i don't know when we covered this uh there was a story we covered a while ago about a hidden treasure in the Rocky Mountains. You remember that? No, not at all. Nope. Well, I don't remember it, but I don't remember how many years ago it was. So, treasure chest containing $1 million worth of gold and jewels found after a decade-long hunt in the Rocky Mountains. Are you sure we covered this?
Starting point is 00:45:07 Is this it? Yes. Is this it? Hold on, I'm about to click on Hidden Treasure, episode 51, 2014. Which originally aired 2013, but it was uploaded to YouTube in 2014. This was seven years ago.
Starting point is 00:45:26 That's probably why you don't remember. Oh my god, no wonder I don't remember. Wow. Seven years ago. Holy crap. So for seven, in fact, you go to the comments, someone's like, wow, you need Polaris to sign your guy's podcast. It was so long ago, Polaris to sign your guy's podcast. It was so long ago.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Polaris existed and ceased to exist in that time period. Hey, we outlasted Polaris. Yeah. We're doing pretty good for ourselves. Yeah. Someone also said, anyone else notice when they do the helicopter sounds It sounds like fapping It's me just
Starting point is 00:46:09 Slapping my chest Like this You know how I learned that? I learned it from watching an old episode I think of either the Kamish or the shield It was the same actor But he was like trying to get like a drug dealer Out of a house and he put a Speaker you like a microphone thing, up to his chest,
Starting point is 00:46:28 and he went like... And the guy was like, oh, there's a helicopter outside! I don't know that it works, but what am I going to do? Go... No! No! So, sure, it sounds like Crandor is jerking it while talking about the weather. Wait, the traffic.
Starting point is 00:46:51 That's fine. It's all coming together. The dude likes traffic. This is besides the point. There's a comment on this video. Someone said, anyone who wants to seek this treasures thing here's an idea research this guy's background and see if he got any advanced degrees or he's just really clever i have a feeling that the clues given in the poem are not the actual
Starting point is 00:47:15 clues and there's some kind of code hidden within the words that are the actual clues kind of reminds me of sword quest from the old Atari days. Good luck, everyone. Oh, shit. What was this poem? I don't know. But maybe it'll say it in the story. Maybe. All right, let's find out. So, a treasure chest worth $1 million has finally been found in the Rocky Mountains. The elusive prize was hidden by eccentric art dealer Forrest Fenn in 2010, drawing in thousands of cash-hungry treasure hunters.
Starting point is 00:47:44 At least five men have lost their lives on the hunt through the rocky. Oh, my God. Wait, question. Does that mean this guy, is this guy at fault for that? I don't know. I mean, he literally incited five dudes to go out into the wilderness and die. Oh, my God. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Imagine if after that episode, we would have given up everything to become treasure hunters. We would have died in the woods. You know that, right? It's a possibility. We would have found a million dollars and stuff and we'd both be like
Starting point is 00:48:18 almost millionaires. I can tell you right now, whatever that poem said, we didn't understand it. Oh yeah. No. But also, can you imagine? There had to have been people out in those woods trying to kill people, right?
Starting point is 00:48:32 Oh, yeah. No doubt. Like, there are people out there who are waiting for someone to find the treasure, and they're like, then I'll kill them. You know that. You know that happened. I've seen enough treasure hunting movies to know that's a thing. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:42 That was Sean Bean's whole deal in National Treasure. Yeah. Hunting movies to know that's a thing absolutely that was Sean Bean's whole deal a national treasure. Yeah However the chest which is filled with rare coins nuggets of gold antique jewelry much more has now been found Then it oh here It is the thrill of the chase forest fence hidden treasure is somewhere to be found within the highlighted region of the Rocky Mountains And then here's the big thing region of the rocky mountains and then here's the big thing hold on you're sending me this this is the poem whoa wow this is fascinating okay says as i have gone alone in there and with my treasure bold i can keep my reese my secret where and hint of riches new and old. Begin it where warm waters halt and take it in the canyon down. Not far, but too far to walk.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Put in below the bone of brown. From there, it is no place for the meek. The end is ever drawing nigh. There'll be no paddle up your creek. First, heavy loads and water high. Wait, what's that? Just heavy loads and water high. Wait, what's that? Just heavy loads and water high. Ah, I got you. This is like reading Tolkien. If you've been wise
Starting point is 00:49:51 and found the blaze... Hold on. If it's like reading Tolkien, you have to read it like you're reading an ancient script. An ancient manuscript. If you've been wise and found the blaze, look quickly down your quest to cease. But tarry scant with marvel gaze, just take the blaze. Thank you. Look quickly down, your quest to cease. But Tari, scant with marvel gaze, just take the chest and go in peace.
Starting point is 00:50:14 So why is it that I must go and leave my trove for all to seek? The answers I already know. I've done it tired and now I'm weak. So bear me all and listen good. Your effort will be worth the cold. If you are brave and in the wood i give you title to the gold so fascinating so it basically the map is from montana through wyoming through colorado into a little bit of new mexico is where he says it's in that area yeah which is huge it's a huge area and if there's anything I've learned from watching National Treasure
Starting point is 00:50:48 Ten times It's that From moment one As I have gone alone in there And with my treasures bold That whole thing That's a clue That whole thing, that's a clue
Starting point is 00:51:03 It's probably like You know, something in there I can keep my secrets where thing that's a clue yeah the whole thing that's a right that's a clue it's probably like you know something in there like i can keep my secrets where and hint of riches new and old right that whole i can keep my secrets where i bet that's a thing people were like oh well he keeps his secrets you know where there's a hint of riches new and old but he's like no dude the where is probably like where canyon right you know some weird shit like that yeah uh fen that's a picture of my link who announced the treasure hunt in his 2010 memoir said a man from back east had found the chest a few days ago the 89 year old has opted not to reveal the exact location where the treasure was found
Starting point is 00:51:44 though he released a statement on his website saying it had not moved from the spot where it was hidden 10 years ago. It was under a canopy of stars in the lush, forested vegetation of the Rocky Mountains and had not moved from that spot where I hid it more than 10 years ago. I do not know the person who found it, but the poem in my book led him to the precise spot. When asked how he felt about the fact the treasure has now been tracked down, he said, I don't know. I feel halfway kind of glad, halfway kind of sad, because the chase is over. I congratulate the thousands of people who participated in the search and hope they will continue to be drawn by the promise of other discoveries.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Fenn announced the treasure hunt in the form of a 24-line poem titled The Thrill of the Chase which was published in his 2010 book. However, he first came up with the idea after being given a 20% chance to live following a cancer diagnosis in 1988. The poem included hints such as Warm Waters Halt, The Blaze, Canyon Down,
Starting point is 00:52:40 which have all led treasure seekers to different parts of the mountains across Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, and Wyoming. Thousands have headed towards the Rockies in a bid to find the treasure, with many spending life savings and even giving up their jobs at the promise of becoming
Starting point is 00:52:56 millionaires if they find the prize. Sadly, at least five people lost their lives while attempting to locate the chest. The most recent being 53-year-old Michael Sexton, who died in March of this year. In 2016... Oh, my God. Can you imagine, like,
Starting point is 00:53:11 if you had just waited a couple more months, you'd be like, ah, I can't get it now. I'm not even gonna lie. I firmly believe that that dude was killed by the guy who has the treasure now. Oh, my God. He probably was.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Totally believe that. I completely believe that. You're telling me a dude died right before the treasure was found dude was killed oh yeah and then he just waited it out like i won't tell anyone i found it and then a couple months later like oh i found it and then you know spaced it out a little bit yeah firmly believe that he was like from back east you know his name was like don don jimmy Jimmy the Snooch.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Tony. Tony Don Jimmy the Snooch. Why are we so bad at these? The third. Tony Don Jimmy the Snooch the third. Are you telling me my little boy Tony Don Jimmy the Solution 3rd, found a million dollar treasure.
Starting point is 00:54:14 That is a terrible name. We're going to get a letter from some guy. Tony? Tony Don Jimmy the Solution 3rd. We're going to get a letter from the second. Yeah, he's like, there you insult Don Jimmy the third. We're gonna get a letter from the second. Yeah. There you insult my father the third. Or wait I guess that'd be the first. The son.
Starting point is 00:54:32 You insult my son. The third. I'm gonna contact my grandfather. Wait hold on. My father. His grandfather. Tony Don Jimmy the third. He's gonna get all his my father, his grandfather, Tony John Jimmy DeStuch the first. He's gonna get all his boys.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Man. Anyway. In 2016, Randy Bilyeu died after hunting for the gold, while Jeff Murphy, Pastor Paris Wallace, and Eric Ashby all died searching in 2017. That sounds like a movie. That sounds like a terrible...
Starting point is 00:55:16 Honestly, I know this guy meant well. He meant to, before he goes, he wants to give people a good hunt, like a modern-day treasure quest. But five people died. Like, if you really wanted to give him a thing, he would have been like, I put five $200,000 things slightly hidden around the world. Right? Like, I didn't hide them in the mountains.
Starting point is 00:55:40 They're like, you know, somewhere safer. So, I mean, maybe he was just bitter and he's just like yeah go get it yeah he doesn't sound like he sounds like he lived through cancer and he was like i have money and i want to like give it away in a fun way i on paper if you don't think about it this sounds like a youtube video right like where someone's like let's make a youtube video and then someone gets hurt and they have to make an apology video that's what this kind of sounds like it kind of does you're right it's like i thought it'd be a fun thing just thought it'd be a fun thing people got a little carried away you know we're just trying to have some fun and just yeah i'm sorry apparently fen wanted to lure people to the rockies as part of an
Starting point is 00:56:22 old-fashioned expedition for riches in the wilderness, despite calls from New Mexico police to call up the hunt, which they branded nonsense and insanity. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say. If you think about it, he should... This is what happens.
Starting point is 00:56:37 You become too rich, no one tells you no. There is no one in this man's life to be like, Sir, I don't think we should do this. What if we just gave it to charity instead? Well, now Tony Don John Jr. III or whatever has got that money. Tony Don John Jr.?
Starting point is 00:56:59 That's a different guy. Yeah, you don't know. He might have gotten it. Tony Don John sounds like a really fake italian restaurant we got the best fish fries we fry our fish in pure gold it reminds me like what's that one place uh that's like what roma's tony yes tony roma's oh you know tony roma's the guy who got it oh yeah he probably did the original tony came out of, I don't know if that's a real person, came out of retirement.
Starting point is 00:57:29 He's like, I'm going to get me that snooch. How does Tony Roma keep opening restaurants? Finding buried treasure. Third buried treasure I've found. I opened a new Tony Roma's. You say, how can I afford to keep it open? Buried treasure in Spanish doubloons. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:57:56 He took that treasure from the guy who actually found it. Right. No, of course. So he didn't find it. He killed Don John Timmy DeSno de snooch he killed him he's like damn you tony roma he's like never spit my name off your lips again de snooch yeah got it yeah got him and that's uh i guess that's a that's a case closed there you go we figured it out once again it's a co Cox and Crandor case.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Book onto the shelves. Ka-chung. We have to have it sound like ka-chung. That sound effect. Ka-chung. You know, where it's like case closed. Ka-chung. I know for a fact we're not going to edit that in,
Starting point is 00:58:36 and we have no way of doing it right now. So just find, everybody just find a sound effect similar to that and play it right now use your imagination I bet it's just as good alright well that is it for us thank you so much for listening
Starting point is 00:58:56 or watching or however you're enjoying this podcast Crendor hit em with the socials we've got socials go to slash cox and crend podcast, all one word. You can go listen to that old episode if you want. And, you know, like button, subscribe over there, do whatever
Starting point is 00:59:12 you want. Then, go SoundCloud. You got SoundCloud Cox and Crandor. You got Spotify Cox and Crandor. You got iTunes. You got other places that have our audio. You've got slash Cox and Crandor, which is where you got all the animations. Go watch some animations. Dan's funnier than us.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Also, check out our stuff. We got slash Jesse Cox. slash Crandor. slash Jesse Cox. slash Crandor. slash Jesse Cox. slash Crandor. slash Jesse Cox.
Starting point is 00:59:43 slash Crandor. slash Crandor is taken. slash creddor slash jessicott slash creddor slash creddor is taken slash notoriouscocks Tell everybody you know I think we did it I think we got through all of them Yeah I think so Alright well that's it thanks so much for watching
Starting point is 00:59:59 And as always To be continued.

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