Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 252 - A Gamecube Theory

Episode Date: August 24, 2020

The boys are back and this time they've got all sorts of stuff on their mind - MOSTLY VTubers. Also Crendor and Jesse discover the hidden gem of Arizona, Grasshopper Junction! Did I forget to mention ...Jesse has a theory about Gamecube stans? All this and so much more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Check out and use promo code COX10 to get 10% off your first purchase! Get an additional 3 months for free with promo code COX at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Hawthorne. Hawthorne out there trying to make you smell good. Trying so hard. With our help, it's gonna happen. Also, we're brought to you by Babbel. Learn yourself another language. The world is becoming smaller. It's better to be able to communicate with all of it.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Now that we're just one. Skype, Zoom, Discord. Uh, what are the other ones? Cisco, WebEx, Internet, away from the world. Another language can help you a ton. All right, let's jump into this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning! Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live! In 4-hour recording studios. Recording! Hit me! Wake your ass up! It's Cocks and Crendog in the morning! Hit me, hit me, hit me, hit me!
Starting point is 00:01:02 Cocks and Crendog in the morning! Hello everybody, welcome to another exciting episode of gags and grendor in the morning it's like pouring rain outside i'm so jealous i wish it and you know what i take that back last time it poured rain here i my entire apartment flooded so never mind i'm good i'm fine the rain's nice when it's not destroying things yeah weather is beautiful when it's not destroying things. Yeah. Weather is beautiful when it's not ruining stuff. Yeah. It's very relaxing because you hear like... You know?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Your rain noises are great. It doesn't sound like rain at all. It also kind of sounds like I'm like Like I'm dialing up like an old timey telephone Yeah Like even older than that Not even like dial up internet Like old like where it like does the rotary dial
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh you're doing the rotary like Yeah Ah yes That's Somewhere there is like a 15 year old-old who's like, what are they talking about? Mom! These old men are talking again about weird things. These old men.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Dude, I was doing my WoW leveling series, and I started that series almost eight years ago. Usually I only do like two episodes a year. But this year I've done like five. What do you mean you only do two episodes a year? Yeah. What? It's just weird that you're only doing two episodes a year of a leveling series. And a game, by the time, I don't even know what level you are right now.
Starting point is 00:02:43 By the time you do another episode, they're going to have changed the entire leveling scheme of the game Well, that's what people are saying now, right? So, one guy was like, Krendor I started watching this when I was in like 8th grade And now I like have a family And like work a job What's even more funny is At some point, you will now
Starting point is 00:03:03 You will actually de-level Oh yeah, I'll level so long point you will actually de-level. Oh, yeah. I'll level so long that I'll start de-leveling. It's insane. You'll actually have less levels than when some of your more recent videos were. That's what's going to happen. I think that's more impressive than actually just leveling. So I think it's better to just ride that out.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Almost spit my drink out. It's better to just ride that out now. Yeah my drink out. It's better to just ride that out now, you know? Yeah, yeah. That's certainly a way to do it. You start leveling too much, people are like, all right, whatever. But you only do a couple. You want to try hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You only level a little bit, then you disappear, and people are like, what happened? And then it comes back like, oh, hey, I like this. So silly. It just shows a tremendous lack of commitment on your part oh very much so uh oh my god that's what i was gonna bring up this is even relating to like lack of commitment but it's related to last week's podcast talking about sleep you, okay, I'm going to bed at like, whatever, waking up like 6am. Then I see you streaming at like, midnight every night. And then it's like 2am.
Starting point is 00:04:12 And I'm like, does this guy wake up at like 6am? But now when are you going to sleep? Now I didn't. Now I went to bed those nights I was streaming late, I went to bed at 2 or whatever. And then woke up at like 10-ish. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Which is pretty good. People were like, Jesse, Jesse, how are you still able to tweet at 6 a.m. if you say you're waking up at 10? I discovered my Twitter account has timed tweets. What? Yep. On my Twitter, I can set tweets in advance. Oh, I see. So when I go to tweet, now there's a thing that says schedule, and I can click the schedule
Starting point is 00:04:58 and be like, schedule this tweet. So that before I go to bed, I'll think about a tweet I want to make in the morning, and then I'll tweet it, but then I'll go to bed and I'll show up when I'm asleep And I'm like, yeah, nice Then that tweet's kind of a lie Here's the thing It isn't if it's like a tweet that's like Hey, this is my deus ex promotional
Starting point is 00:05:20 You know, like if it's one of those where it's a tweet I'm trying to do every day kind of thing Or if it's like, you know, a brand deal promotion I have to do, it will remember it for me. I guess that's convenient. I'm not going to be like, today I had a run-in with this guy. That's definitely those tweets that happen in the moment. Schedule out your entire day of tweets. Yeah, no, that's BS. Don't be that person.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I'm just saying if there's something I have to do, I'll schedule it in advance so that I can then sleep in. It's genius. I hate Twitter, but now I kind of like that feature. That's true. I also hate Twitter. Oh, yeah, speaking of hating Twitter, normally I'd wake up in the morning,
Starting point is 00:06:01 and I would just check my phone, check my Twitter, check all my things. And, you know, 40 minutes goes by. And I was like, what can I do instead? And I was like, I'm going to wake up. I'm going to do yoga. And so I wake up now. I check my phone for like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:06:19 And then I do yoga for like 30 minutes. And I feel great. I today had a revelation very similar. I woke up, looked at my phone, was like, all right, well, I'm going to scroll through the trending thing to see if there's any important news or anything happened. And, you know, everything seemed like it was just as crazy as always. And then I don't know if I – I think I scrolled to my timeline and I saw like a, like some photo someone posted. And once again, I got caught up in the fact that, you know, I forgot for just a brief moment that everything on the internet was a lie.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Right. And so I clicked, I clicked the photo and it took me to Instagram. And then my Instagram feed was like, here's a million photos of incredibly beautiful people. And I won't let you know. I got really angry. I was laying in bed, like just mad that people were incredibly attractive. I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:15 I think I hate this person now. It was so, I think just so moody. I was like, Oh man, look at all these beautiful people and their lives on the beach. Like, oh, yeah. And during my COVID, I just went to, you know, people are traveling.
Starting point is 00:07:33 They're like, I got my own island for COVID. And I'm like, I hate this person. And I was like, that's so unhealthy. Why am I doing this? Was ninja of Twitch YouTube. And I was just, like, really upset. And I was just like really upset. And I was like, man, why am I doing this? So I put my phone down and like took a shower and went on with my day.
Starting point is 00:07:52 But it like hit me viscerally. Like, wait a minute. I spent the last 20 minutes angry at people I don't know because they're just like living awesome lives. I was like, this sucks. I hate this. That's the problem of things like YouTube and Twitter and all this shit on your phone. We're like, okay, like back the day with YouTube.
Starting point is 00:08:13 All right. I had to go to my computer, sit down, type in and then watch my video. But now you just like do a few taps on your phone. Boom. You got a YouTube video and then bloop. Little notification pops up like, hey, someone else just uploaded a video, or hey, someone else just tweeted some dumb shit. And you click on the tweet, and it's like, you know, someone being like, I hate spaghetti, and you're like, well, I have to tell them I hate spaghetti as well. And then I'm like, what the shit am I doing? None of this matters. I can go do something productive. I got to the point today. Thankfully, the one thing that brought me back,
Starting point is 00:08:45 that brought me back to reality is I was looking at this. The girl's tweet that I initially clicked on then took me to Instagram that then took me down the timeline of just beautiful people living their best lives. I went back
Starting point is 00:09:01 to her Twitter afterwards because I went back to Twitter to go look and see if I missed anything. And I saw the next post was about how her entire life she'd been dealing with addiction issues. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:09:17 oh, you are normal. I was like, oh, you do have normal problems. And it reminded me once again that everything on the internet is a lie. And everyone just like post their best version of themselves. And then every once in a while they let slip like,
Starting point is 00:09:33 oh, I too have issues. And I'm like, oh, all right, I'm good again. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:40 I've been brought back. And so that's what like clicked in my head. Like, oh, I got mad for no reason about any of this. I was like, oh, these perfect people. They're perfect. I was like, oh, I've been brought back. And so that's what, like, clicked in my head. Like, oh, I got mad for no reason about any of this. I was like, oh, these perfect people. They're perfect. I was like, oh, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:09:50 They're all messed up. I was like, actually, technically, I think I'm doing better than you, which made me feel good, which made me feel good. Here's the thing, right? I've said this for a while. If someone is, like, if something seems too good to be true if they're like living the perfect life the best life whatever they're like always happy there that's a red flag red flag goes up because that's not possible it's like not unless even like the like
Starting point is 00:10:19 the most like crazy rich famous whatever people they got stuff wrong like they still got a normal problem they might have gastritis maybe they got all the money but their gastritis keeps flaring up and they're just like yeah they hate it well now that i know that will smith's life is a mess i i i'm fine now they know that will smith's life is a total mess i'm like you know what if it can happen to will big willie it can happen to Big Willie, it can happen to anyone. Yeah, the problem is like, even with like, you know, like the
Starting point is 00:10:51 crazy rich people or whatever, like sure you can buy like 10 cars, but then you start comparing yourself to like the other guy who's got like 12 cars and you're like, man, if only I had like an extra couple million to buy a couple more cars. And then you get into like the rich people battles, which I will say is a lot more fun than being in poor people battles You're still those are actual battles
Starting point is 00:11:14 One of those is actually war Yeah point just being you just gotta like yeah like the patch Yeah, like focus on yourself yourself just do some yoga and meditation man just start like real breathing oh my god i forgot i had this pulled up because i mentioned it and then you were like we'll talk about on the podcast v tube nice transition very good it totally flew like it flowed very well Very nice Right So
Starting point is 00:11:46 I was like I don't understand VTubers And then you don't even know what a VTuber is I mean I know See a person that I thought was a VTuber Was not a VTuber Dodger scolded me on it She's like that is not a VTuber
Starting point is 00:12:02 She's very nice I'm like what is a VTuber So I looked it up and I a VTuber. She's very nice. I'm like, what is a VTuber? So I looked it up, and I realized VTubers are people who hide. Hide is the wrong word. The reason why I say hide, I'll get to in a minute. But they use anime avatars, or I guess any avatar, and facial recognition software to make it move Like they move at their computer desk Yes
Starting point is 00:12:29 And most of the ones I've seen are just Like you know Anime girls The reason why I say hide Is because I was talking with Dodger about it And she was like oh if I had to start Streaming today I'd be a VTuber I'm like what
Starting point is 00:12:44 She's like yeah yeah oh i would be you i would never have to be camera ready i could just like show up and talk into it it'd be amazing i was just like that i hate that if you would have done that we never would have been friends and she's like well it's not like i would have done it 10 years ago and i was like, oh my god, have we been friends for ten years? I was like, oh god. Shit, dude. I know. Yeah, it's like, I get it. People have done this before, but not with anime girl things.
Starting point is 00:13:14 They've done the guy. Literally, Gaijin Goomba's whole thing is that he was like, hey gamers, I'm a Goomba. Yeah, or like that one Twitch guy, is it Benny, who's like a Muppet? A Puppet, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. People have done it before. So it's like that one Twitch guy, it was like, was it Benny? Who's like a Muppet? A Pupp- yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. People have done it before. So it's like that. It's just weird that the ones I see that are popular are like overly sexualized anime girls. I guess it's not weird, I guess that's to be expected. It is very much to be expected.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Uh, and it doesn't surprise me at all plus like i'm sure there's a lot of people that have like low self-esteem or like you know you don't want to put yourself out there whatever so you're like hey you know what i can be like cute anime girl and then people are like oh cute anime girl and they start watching the problem is here's the problem is you now become that person right you are now attached to if you decide hey you know what i'm gonna stop doing this you're gonna lose a giant chunk of your audience like there'll still be some people like wow i love what you do but there's still people like the anime is gone and now the illusion is dead i will find the new vtuber so it's like by doing that by making that choice you're essentially branding yourself as that which you know maybe you want to
Starting point is 00:14:25 but maybe you know you gotta you gotta realize what you're getting into there yeah it gives you anonymity it gives you the ability to hide who you are but it's also like i don't know i guess it's a person who literally is like hi my name is jesse cox i stream under the name jesse i think it's to me i'm like why do you need to hide like that? But I guess I've never, you know, I've never been afraid of like being out there in the public. I don't know. It's weird to me. I mean, I was when I first started, but then I just did it enough and then I got over it, which is, I guess, actually a form of therapy. That's just like conditioning or whatever you're like or what they call it.
Starting point is 00:15:04 It's not cognitive therapy it's uh it's the one where they make you do stuff like you're afraid to go in an elevator and then like we'll stand by the elevator and then they're like okay now we'll get in the elevator but we're not gonna move and the next time you're like now we get in the elevator press a button and then it's like oh now we get out real fast then it's like all right now we're gonna actually move in the elevator and then it's like wow i did it so it's like that's kind of what i had to do it's like the uh here i am crying like if you watch my first vlog i'm like hello it's me uh hello uh so you know uh but i feel like there's a lot of people like that and so it's a lot easier to well it's not even just a lot easier it's actually a lot more profitable because you can be like hey i'm an anime girl and people like whoa nice maybe i'm just too old now maybe i've become the things that i don't understand
Starting point is 00:15:54 that's what i'm saying maybe maybe i don't i i always thought it was funny that like old people oh they don't get but like at the same time now i'm like oh no is that me i don't get it. But, like, at the same time, now I'm like, oh, no, is that me? I don't get what's cool anymore? A great example is I just went to VTubers, and the first thing that popped up is a YouTube channel called VTubers. 1.49 million subs. It's a little boy. This little boy is better than both of us, Grendor.
Starting point is 00:16:23 This little boy, his videos are like him playing games, but also there's a little tiny panda that I think is supposed to be the VTube, and his videos are literally just like, what's on my iPad? 15 million views. Oh, like 15 million? Oh, no. Oh, he has another channel called the Kaiji Family.
Starting point is 00:16:49 The Kaiji Family. Yeah, 6 million views. Oh, wow. Okay, this is an entire thing. They have the VTubers thing is their VTube channel where they play games. But they also have Ryan's World, which is just the little boy, and it's little boy's vlogs. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:17:14 Wait, those VTubers vlogs? This kid has a vlog called How Are Tsunamis Formed. 22 million views! This whole family is more successful than they'll ever be. Well, does he actually explain tsunamis and how they form? I don't know it's him It's him in a pool, and I'm like I'm not gonna watch this I'm gonna start ruining my my like recommended YouTube stuff now there's the thing called the studio space that's I guess the mom and dad and
Starting point is 00:17:42 They are like get out of town i can't golly man this makes me realize that i am like i always think like man i'm like mid-level youtuber i'm doing it now i'm like man i don't know if that's true anymore i don't know that's true i see people i'm like i didn't know this person existed and now i'm like well they are way better than I'll ever be. No, yeah. Oh, my God. They're blowing us out of the water. It's one of those things where I don't even feel like I, like you said, like mid-level YouTuber. I feel like my peak was mid-level YouTuber in like 2012.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Now I feel like I always compare this to like athletes and like the nfl or nba like right now i feel like i'm the uh the youtube's like matt schaub matt schaub sure i see that he's played like 16 years you know a few teams some people are like i think i heard of that guy and some are like yeah yeah i yeah, I saw him. Saw him before. He's not very good, but he won. He got to the playoffs once and lost. I feel like if I had to describe myself as anyone, I'd probably be like, I don't know, Charles Barkley.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I mean, Charles Barkley is still really popular right now. I mean, that's like my hope is I could be Charles Barkley, right? Like, you know, Charles Barkley did some stuff, but like, you know, most of his career is after that. And I'm hoping that like that could be like, you know, after the YouTube stuff, like I have a huge career doing other things. That's fine. Maybe you'll become a VTuber. If I did VTube, I wouldn't tell anyone it was me. If I did VTube, I wouldn't tell anyone it was me. I'd make a secret VTube channel and then just make a voice that was like, Hello, everyone.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Welcome to VTube. My name's Chuli Majuli. What's your name? Dude, this VTuber is kind of hot. Right? Yeah. It wouldn't be like hot. It would be like a little cutie pie. It wouldn't be like hot. It would be like, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:45 it would be like a little cutie pie. Although, I don't know. I don't know if you've looked at the internet. Yeah, I was about to say.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Never mind. I take it all back. I don't even know how they do a lot. I guess, are they using VR stuff? Yeah, it's like,
Starting point is 00:20:04 you know that thing where people do like, I'm the dog. And then they move their mouth. It's that same technology. Oh, okay. I see. Except they design little cutie chibi girls. And they're just like, hello, welcome to my dream. You're like, oh boy.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I don't really watch a lot of anime. I've watched like seven animes. I've enjoyed some and I'm also probably not the target audience. Unfortunately, we are not even remotely the target audience. Although, I'm curious to see like, there definitely is a target
Starting point is 00:20:38 audience. I assume it skews younger, but I feel like I'm wrong. I feel like there is a... I would already bet money that you're wrong Yeah I had I'm gonna get Roasted for saying this but it needs to be said I have like
Starting point is 00:20:56 A theory A game theory About a certain demographic A certain age range Alright I need to know if this is true i want to know what you think okay i know nintendo i know super nintendo and i know n64 kids right all right all of them relatively cool normal nice but then there's the GameCube. Everyone I've met who's like a hardcore GameCube person is like a little weird.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And I don't know if, I don't know what was going on in the world during that time. But everyone I know who's like, my favorite console is the GameCube. I'm like, something off about this guy. There's something weird about this. and I don't know why. I don't know why. I actually really like the GameCube. See? See? My point exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:55 My point exactly. Everyone I know who likes GameCube is a little weird. Is a little strange. GameCube had amazing games on it. It had Mario Party 4. It had Animal Crossing. It had the original Animal Crossing. It's a little strange. GameCube had amazing games on it. It had Mario Party 4. It had Animal Crossing. It had the original Animal Crossing.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It had Pikmin. It had Luigi's Mansion. I think this proves my point. I think my point is proven. It had Smash Melee. I think my point is proven. It had Mario Kart Double Dash. It had Super Mario Sunshine.
Starting point is 00:22:20 It had Paper Mario on the Thousand Year Tour. Alright. So, I have a theory uh-huh i think you just started getting older and when gamecube got around you were too old to understand video gaming and then you were like well that's dumb now and then you were like what do, that's dumb now. And then you were like, cool. What do you mean? No. And moved on. No, no, no, no. I was playing PlayStation at the time.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Well, there you go. You moved on to PlayStation. I just, look, everyone I've met, now I can officially say everyone I've met who says GameCube is their favorite console is a little weird. That's all I'm saying. They got a little like, is this person like fun weird or serial killer weird? There's a lot of that going on.
Starting point is 00:23:10 That's all I'm saying. Internet. We know. You know I'm on your side. The powerful GameCube side. We know who we are. It's an amazing system. I used to bring my GameCube to my friend's house.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And we'd play GameCube games. It was easily transportable because it was a cube. I love how much you're trying to sell me on this. It was a good system. Alright, if you... Okay. Video game systems. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:53 If I had to rank video game systems... Here's the thing. I'm not saying GameCube was bad. I'm not saying anything about GameCube was bad. All I'm saying is the people who I meet now who grew up in the time period of GameCube who say GameCube is their favorite system are, in general, on average, weird as shit. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. Not that GameCube is bad.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I'm saying its players are weird. All right. That's fine. Yeah, you know. You're entitled to your opinion opinion even if it's wrong I don't even know how we got here but now I feel offended oh god But now I feel offended. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:24:51 VTubers brought us here. That's the problem. Oh, yeah. VTubers are the problem. VTubers brought us here. I don't understand. VTubers are the problem. I don't understand, and I don't like what I don't understand
Starting point is 00:25:06 Nice summary Nice summary Speaking of understanding Did you know Babbel is the right And best choice To help you understand And speak a new language
Starting point is 00:25:23 Wow that's a transition. That is. Learning a language has always been on my to-do list. It is something I've always wanted to do. I started in school to learn Spanish. It translated very quickly into Spanglish, which I understand Spanish when I hear it. I cannot speak it because I'm terrified I'm going to butcher it. And I can read it, but that's about it.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I'm terrible at it. But I've I'm going to butcher it. And I can read it, but that's about it. I'm terrible at it. But I've always wanted to master other languages. I want to go to Japan, for example, but I don't want to go and not know anything. I think that'd be weird. So, I understand what it's like. In fact, I've often been like,
Starting point is 00:26:00 can I just date someone in half? Can I just date someone who speaks multiple languages? It works out great, but it hasn't worked out yet. I definitely understand the desire to learn something new and to expand your horizons. And it's something that you can do for yourself now that you're beyond high school and college. You can actually do it in a way that is better than going to, what was my teacher's name? Senora something. Senora something's a weird name.
Starting point is 00:26:34 It's one of those things where you can actually do it the way that most people who learn languages do, which is by being in the environment and being inundated with the language. And that's how Babbel works. It is a proven method to get you speaking a language within weeks. Designed by actual people who know actually how to learn languages effectively. The experts that they have have these teaching methods that have been scientifically proven
Starting point is 00:27:01 to be effective across multiple studies. teaching methods that have been scientifically proven to be effective across multiple studies. They have speech recognition technology that helps with your pronunciation and accent, and using the real-world conversation ideas and keeping that in mind, it kind of lets you know how to speak in everyday practical ways. The lessons are 10 to 15 minutes long, and they start by teaching you words, and then phrases, and then sentences, and then soon you're in short conversations. With Babbel, you can choose from 14 different languages. Spanish, French, Italian, German, so many.
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Starting point is 00:28:10 Also today we're brought to you by Hawthorne. Hawthorne is going to get you smelling great. And I know this because I went, man, like a few weeks back, I went and had lunch with my parents. Which, you know, still feeling weird about about still feeling weird about the whole COVID world. And my parents being like, come have lunch with us. I'm like, okay. So I did. And my dad and I, to quote him, boy, you don't smell like shit.
Starting point is 00:28:38 That's what my dad said. Sorry, dad. That's what my dad said. And I was like, oh yeah, I'm wearing this clone. He's like, it smells really good. That's what my dad said. And I was like, oh, yeah, I'm wearing this cologne. He's like, it smells really good.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And, yeah, the minute I got that okay, the minute I got that thumbs up, I was like, man, this must smell really good. Hawthorne finds scents that are right for you. It uses its scientific magic to discover what scent fits you the best. Because what happens when you go there, you take a little quiz. And the quiz straight up is like, alright, let me ask you some questions about your life. Everything from what you like to drink, to what you like to wear, to what you spend most of your time doing. To all these, like what kind of shampoos and things do you use as is? And then it puts it all in a pot, stirs it up, and out comes a work and play smell designed right for you. And they work. They really do. I think both you and I would agree that all the
Starting point is 00:29:38 scents we've had so far have been really good. They also have other products like deodorant, shampoo, body wash, face cleanser, lotions, etc. All you got to do is take a two-minute quiz and Hawthorne will tell you which two colognes are best for you. Like I said, one for work, one for play. It is totally risk-free. Just go take the quiz for fun. Try it, right? Just go and try it. Totally risk-free, free shipping, free returns. Check out Hawthorne at That's Hawthorne with an E. And use promo code COX10 to get 10% off your first purchase. That's H-A-W-T-H-O-R-N-E dot C-O.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And use promo code COX10 to get 10% off your purchase. 10, the number, 1-0, not T-E-N. There you go. Sound good., promo code COX10. All right, Crandor, let's go. Chopper, let's go. How's that traffic out there?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Traffic out here is moving or not moving depending on where you are. There's cars that are backed up there's cars that are not backed up there's cars and boats there's boats and cars there's car boats there's boat cars there's planes there's uh some people playing that new game the microsoft flight simulator they're flying around but you can't even see their planes because they're in virtual reality um last it's not even virtual reality it It's just, you know, video games. It's not technically VR. But you get what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:31:10 You get what I'm going at. I actually kind of want to play that game. I think it'd be fun to try and be a pilot for a while and then fly over stuff. I can fly over places we do the weather. That'd be kind of fun. Maybe I can even make the chopper copter in Microsoft Flight Simulator. That'd be fun. fun uh maybe i can even make the chopper copter in microsoft flight
Starting point is 00:31:25 simulator that'd be fun uh either way that's traffic back to you thanks crendor now let's go over to crendor at the weather desk whoa weather what's a fun place we could pipe in uh let's see need a word need a word uh grasshopper grasshopper grasshopper grasshopper grasshopper junction arizona all right of course okay over in grasshopper junction wait it's kingman arizona so where's grasshopper junction is grasshopper this feels like one of those things where it's in the middle of nowhere i'm looking this up grasshopper junction there it is Grasshopper Junction? This feels like one of those things where it's in the middle of nowhere. I'm looking this up. Grasshopper Junction. There it is, Grasshopper Junction.
Starting point is 00:32:10 A town in Arizona. I need to see, what does Grasshopper Junction look like? Oh, it is. This is one of those in the middle of nowhere things. I'm looking at it right now. It is like, wow, this is 100% the middle of nowhere. Whoa, this is 200% the middle of nowhere. It's like one building.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It is straight up a deli. The Grasshopper Junction Deli. Whoa, that's so wild. It is straight up in the middle of nowhere. They have a mini Martin Deli. Oh, my God. Wow, and then the rest of nowhere They have a mini martin deli Oh my god Wow and then the rest of it looks like farms I guess Yeah or just desert
Starting point is 00:32:50 Wow Yeah there's a community nearby The community nearby is straight up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 10 roads 10 roads in a box Can I go down to like street view? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:33:07 What does this even look like? Oh, yeah. I got to see this. I can't. I'm really, I'm trying to. I'm trying to street view this. Nope. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:33:21 What? I thought there would be houses there. I was like, oh, yeah. I'll go look at the houses. In all 10 of those streets, there are a total of three houses. Wow, this is... Yeah, I had a street viewed it. This is the high desert. Whoa, there is nobody.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Why are the streets here, then, if there's no one on the street? If there's no one to live there? I don't. Maybe are they planning for the future when global warming destroys the West Coast and everyone has to move to Arizona? Is that what this is for? Hold up. There's got to be. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Grasshopper Junction has a Fat Pony's Pizza Restaurant. Where? How? Where? It's right next to the Grasshopper Junction. Oh. The deli. Oh, the deli?
Starting point is 00:34:08 Right next to the deli. That little... Yeah. Can I just say, nearby, the cities nearby to Grasshopper Junction are, in order, Santa Claus, right next to the Moave County landfill and the city of chloride. Good old chloride. Here's the thing. This is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:32 It is somehow very, very close. Relatively geographically close to Las Vegas. It is geographically very close. It's also through Moave Which is crazy If you want to If you ever want I don't think you'd ever want to do this Because I don't think you'd ever have a good time in Vegas
Starting point is 00:34:53 I don't know how you would I would love to go to Vegas with you because I don't know how you would enjoy it I'd probably enjoy Vegas You'd enjoy the people for sure Oh yeah that's why I'd go If we were to drive to Las Vegas It takes I, I don't know, it takes a better part of a day. No matter where you're going, you're either going through Death Valley or Moave National Preserve. Either way, as you drive through, holy crap, is it wild.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I think you have to go through Moave as you go. through Moab as you go. It is like one of the, you hit a point where the only thing near you are like desert and solar collectors. That's it. It's so wild. My friend Nick lives in Vegas. So I'm going to go to Vegas eventually
Starting point is 00:35:40 just to see him. Oh my God. What if instead you came here? Then we drove there. And then we drove to Vegas so we could do a whole drive to Vegas thing. Oh my God. I'll let you record all of it.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Go nuts. All right. I mean, yeah. That'd probably make an amazing video series. Yeah. The drive through? Oh my God. We'd have to stop at the Greek restaurant, whatever the Greek place.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Oh, yeah. I'll throw some gambling money in there. I'll take like $40. And then you lose it in like 10 seconds. And you go, wow, that was a waste of money. But you got to do it every once in a while just to really remind yourself. Of what? By the way, I've been looking up reviews of the grasshopper junction
Starting point is 00:36:27 belly all right talking about the grasshopper junction all right so a year ago uh shinjiro sujita went there and they typed in i think japanese okay it's translated, and it says, The unexpected man caught a gun on his waist and a cowboy hat. It's America. Five stars. I love that some dude from Japan just went there. I know. That's incredible. It's like we got to go to Grasshopper Junction.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Let's see. There's more. Someone else was here, and it got translated to it was very atmospheric shop. I wanted to borrow the toilet, but what was written on the toilet door when I used the toilet,
Starting point is 00:37:12 I wrote something to buy. After I finishing the toilet, I bought sweet bread and juice. The clerk at store was good. Four stars. Only four stars there. Hold on. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:37:24 One star review from good deal Neil oh well come on Neil sounds like an American dude is just like kind of a dick but all right good deal older employee was a creep stood outside the bathroom door and then charged a dollar for me to use it avoid at one dollar cost so I mean that's just good deal, Neil. Angry didn't get a good deal. Yeah, good deal, Neil. Had to pay a buck to use the toilet. I bet that's a clean-ass toilet, though. Yeah, it's gotta be. If you have to charge in, please.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I guess it's kind of in between Phoenix, Arizona and Vegas. So maybe if you're going from Phoenix to Vegas, that's a place to stop. I guess it makes sense. Oh, someone said, great place to stop for supplies On the way to Phoenix or Tucson
Starting point is 00:38:07 I believe that Yeah It definitely looks like a place that It's on US 93 in the middle of nowhere If you're kind of like man I need Anything if you look around If you're on street view and you look around There's nothing here
Starting point is 00:38:22 For miles around there's nothing here uh yeah for miles around there's nothing it is it is out of nowhere a little tiny shack with a huge parking lot yeah and this is pretty much the town that's so crazy i'm gonna take a guess on what the weather is hot uh oh yeah this is weather uh it is hot 101 degrees sunny uh 5% chance of rain, though. There's like some crazy storms to the east. Crazy storms. In fact, they're under a severe thunderstorm warning. I believe that.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Oh, my God. One time I was driving through the desert with a friend, and we were in his car, and rain came out of nowhere. And the temperature, because he has a thermometer in his screen on Most cars do When we were driving and we hit the rainstorm It was 101 degrees We hit the rainstorm it dropped to 60 It dropped so fast it cracked his windshield
Starting point is 00:39:15 Oh my god I'll never forget that Out of nowhere his windshield just a crack formed We were like what the hell It was wild That's insane I guess it's like when you put really hot glass in cold water,
Starting point is 00:39:29 how it sometimes breaks. Same thing happened. Science. Yeah, man. Well, let's see here. 10-day forecast. We've got 102, 103, 102, 102,
Starting point is 00:39:43 101, 99, 96, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 97, 97, 98. It really chills out towards the end of the week. Yeah, it chills out a little bit. Very nice. Severe thunderstorm warning from Sunday 3 p.m. Mountain Time until Sunday 345 Mountain Time, which is, I think, right now. Wait, Mountain Time's an hour ahead of you and then an hour behind me. So it's like the middle ground.
Starting point is 00:40:11 So actually, it was two hours ago. Okay. Well, that's the Grasshopper Junction weather. Yeah, wow. All right, let's go to sports. Sports. Back at the sports desk uh we got hockey playoffs the boston bruins will be taking on the tampa bay lightning the vancouver canucks upset the st lou Blues. They're taking on the Golden Knights. The Islanders are taking on the Philadelphia Flyers. And the Dallas Stars are taking on the Colorado Avalanche.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Meaning, only one Canadian team stands. But I don't like the Canucks, so I hope they lose. And then, over in the basketball, I believe the Boston Celtics beat the 76ers. Swept them 4-0. Lakers are up 2-1 on the Trailblazers. Rockets are up 2-1 on the Thunder. Nuggets are up 2-1 on the Jazz. Or no, the Jazz are up 2-1 on the Nblazers. Rockets are up 2-1 on the Thunder. Nuggets are up 2-1 on the Jazz. Or no, the Jazz are up 2-1 on the Nuggets.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Whoa, turn of events. Raptors are up 3-0 on the Nets. That's a blowout. And then the Clippers and Mavericks. Clippers are up 2-1, but right now they are tied in overtime. Anything gonna happen over there. And then, kicking it over to
Starting point is 00:41:44 baseball. So we've got the tampa bay rays in first place now over the yankees whoo uh minnesota and first over cleveland and the white socks close battle there though only a game or two separating the at the oakland a's up on the houston astros you got atlanta in first place in the east you got the Cubs in first in the Central. You got the Dodgers first in the West. But the Padres close behind. And then, of course, football. They've started hard knocks. I need to start watching that just because.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I don't know that I do. I don't know that this is the one that I watch. I want to see this one. I want to see what craziness is going on. I'm excited. And then Baltimore Ravens release safety Earl Thomas after on-field altercation. Earl Thomas a little crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:34 He also got stiff-armed by Derrick Henry in the playoffs. Destroyed, roasted. And if all things stay in Paul, NFL is going to be starting two and a half weeks. That's going to be wild. I don't know what those games are going to be like, but nothing like sweaty, grunting men bashing to really make your COVID spread. But sure.
Starting point is 00:42:55 My assumption is they're doing like super testing. And then if somebody gets positive, team's gonna get delayed and then until everybody's not positive they're gonna like reschedule whatever game they're supposed to play yeah like for the next week or whenever it happens so it's gonna that's what happens in baseball so i think it's gonna be similar to baseball and how they've done it it's like the marlins have tested positive twice already and then the Cardinals tested positive twice. I think all the other teams have been fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:30 We'll see. Yeah. So that's sports. All right. Crandor, what is our big news story of the day? All right. We've got two medium stories. Both very good.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Wait a minute. No big stories. two medium stories. First one, penguin waddling in Brock's toe picked up by police. Okay. This is England. Well, of course. A penguin waddling through a village has been picked up by police officers on a routine patrol. officers on a routine patrol.
Starting point is 00:44:04 They were on patrol in Broxtow, Nottinghamshire, when they spotted the humbled penguin in a village street in the early hours of Sunday. The bird, nicknamed Popo, had escaped from a farm enclosure in Strelly and then managed to waddle a mile
Starting point is 00:44:20 up the road. Police stuck their beak in and the penguin was returned to its owner. PC Gareth Phillip said they in and the penguin was returned to its owner. PC Gareth Phillip said they nicknamed the penguin Popo after he posed for some pictures with us and he was very friendly with our officers. So he's part of the Popo then? I get it.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Last year, a pair of stolen penguins were rescued by officers in Strelly. In January 2019, police acted on a tip-off. They rescued the birds and arrested a 23-year-old man from Preston on suspicion of burglary. Native to South America, Humboldt penguins, Sphyniscus Humboldt, are named after the current of water in which they swim, which takes it from the Prussian explorer Alexander von Humboldt. While not currently endangered,
Starting point is 00:45:13 they are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which means they are at immediate or imminent risk of becoming endangered. So, wait. So they got out? Or, wait, what? I don't understand. Yeah, they got out from the person who owns them,
Starting point is 00:45:30 but like... Because last time they were stolen, do you think it's like a repeat? I feel like they would have figured it out then. Or do you think this is like a Princess Peach situation where it's very obvious she's running away with Bowser on purpose? Yeah, it's possible. I's running away with bowser on purpose it's queer it's it's
Starting point is 00:45:45 possible penguins like you know it can only happen so many times before you have to be suspicious why do they have penguins in england now there's the real question good question agreed why why do they yeah like i don't is that that like common? People of England. Are penguins just like... They live in England and we're just unaware? I feel like taking things from other parts of the world and bringing them back to England is much more common. That is true, yes. So that's one story.
Starting point is 00:46:18 All right. What's story two? Story two. Florida man arrested for cashing in winning lottery ticket at gas station he stole it from. Wait a minute. Okay. Yeah, I need to know details, but okay.
Starting point is 00:46:31 All right. A Florida man was recently arrested for trying to cash in a winning lottery ticket at the same store he had stolen it from and several others. In a statement posted to Facebook, the Clearwater Police Department in Florida wrote, For most people, it's their lucky day when they get a winning scratch-off lottery ticket. The man who attempted to cash in the stolen ticket was identified by police as Herbert McClellan, 27, of Clearwater, Florida. McClellan is accused of stealing 13 scratch-off lottery tickets from a Speedway convenience store on 32 Bay Esplanade, according to police. One of the tickets was a $30 winner. So he went back to the same store?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yes. He knows you don't have to do that, right? Apparently not. Shortly after going back to the same store, Speedway employees, who remembered him from before, called the police. He was arrested shortly after officers arrived at the Speedway. Following the arrest, McClellan was charged with pettit theft and dealing in stolen property. It's safe to say it was not his lucky day,
Starting point is 00:47:39 they wrote in a statement on Facebook. Ha ha, got him. According to jail records from the county office in Florida, McClellan was also charged with driving with a suspended license. McClellan is currently being held in the Pinellas County Jail, awaiting a bail of $12,000. The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office records also show McClellan being arrested by the police department on several other occasions.
Starting point is 00:48:04 On the 20th of february he was charged with misdemeanor possession of open alcohol and was released a day later on october 2019 he was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor again by the clearwater police department for obstructing or resisting arrest without violence the clearwater police department directed newsweek to their facebook post after reaching out for comment. Are you making a video on YouTube right now? What is happening? I am. A similar situation happened in March when a man from Ohio tried to cash in lottery tickets that were stolen the night before. In March, the Columbus
Starting point is 00:48:41 Police Department in Ohio reported a suspect allegedly following a store employee around the store counter, pulled out a gun, and demanded cash. When the store employee told the man he didn't have access to any more cash, he stole several lottery scratch-off lottery tickets and left. 6-6 News in Ohio, police said that just a day later, a man came into an unspecified store and tried to cash the same tickets that were stolen. And that's the story. Guys, back to you. That's not a newscaster voice. What you're doing is the voice of those videos you find at like 2 a.m. on YouTube. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:23 The music in the background is like and then it's like there were chupacabras swarming the grasshopper junction back in 1975. The chupacabras ate sandwiches from the grasshopper deli and were never seen again. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Exactly what it is. I hate it. Oh, it's terrifying. It is a little bit. All right. Well, that's it for us. Thank you so much for listening or watching. However you're enjoying this podcast.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Crandor, hit them with socials. We got socials. All right. So first up, make sure you head over to slash coxandcrendorpodcast hit the bell, the like button, subscribe, be notified when we upload these episodes, especially
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Starting point is 00:50:28 only uploads like once every month and a half or something also we're on all the things we're on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud another one I probably forgot also follow us on our main things there's slash jessicox slash j. There's slash JesseCox.
Starting point is 00:50:45 slash Crandor. slash JesseCox. slash Crandor. slash JesseCox. slash Crandor. slash JesseCox. slash Crandor. slash Crandor.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Let's take it. slash NotoriousCox. And I think that's it. Go to my Warhammer channel. slash WarhammerCrandor. All right. Well, we'll see you guys next time. Thank you so much for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:51:11 That's it. And as always, to be continued.

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