Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 303 - Coping Mechanisms

Episode Date: August 23, 2021

The boys are back and this time Crendor tries to explain what goes through his head while stressing out. Jesse thinks he understands, but spoiler: he doesn't. Also, the two have some ideas on how to i...mprove sports and for some reason talk about chocolate for way too long. All this and much more on this exciting new episode of Cox n' Crendor! Go to for 40% off unlimited access to Calm's entire library. Go to and use promo code COX to get 3 months of Babbel for free!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Babbel. Babbel's out there trying to help you learn another language, a second, a third. I don't know. Learn something with your free time. It can be really helpful. Also today we're brought to you by Calm. Calm is here to help you get to sleep, help you start your day, help you get through your day with the power of relaxation, y'all.
Starting point is 00:00:23 It's good. So, so good. Bless you. I'm into this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-Hour Recording Studio. Recording. Wake your ass up, it's Caps and Crendor in the morning. Hello everybody, welcome to an exciting episode of Caps and Crendor in the morning. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Oh, is this a beat? Are you laying down a track? Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Oh, is this a beat? Are you laying down a track? Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
Starting point is 00:01:06 That's the track. Yo, my name is DJ Jesse, and I'm here to say I'm going to rap in a major way. A rippity rap. Rap, rap, rap, rappy. Yeah. We got it. Nailed it. Do DJs rap?
Starting point is 00:01:19 I mean, they shouldn't. If anything, that should tell you they shouldn't. They don't sound like that. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, DJ Jesse is not very good. He's not great. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Good. It's going all right. So this past week was like a revelation for me. As I'm sure you know, I have a video game company, and we're trying to make video games, right? Crazy. you know. I have a video game company. And we're trying to make video games. Right? Crazy. I know. And we got an early beta build of a game we were working on.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And I had the revelation while playing it. I was like. Oh. This isn't a game. I was like. There is no. We have a story. We have like.
Starting point is 00:02:02 The what we want to happen in the game. But. Gameplay wise. I was like. What we have for a game is not that fun. And I was like, we need to rethink this whole thing. So, yeah, I'm learning that creating a game is not only difficult, who knew, but also it's about fine-tuning and refining things. We have another idea for a game. I'm not going to get specific at all with any of this things. We have another idea for a game. I'm not going to get specific at all with any of this. But we have another idea for a game.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And I had a pitch approached to me about a point and click thing. I was like, oh, that sounds like fun. But then we got a little bit of like, oh, and then there are battle mechanics. So I was like, no, no. We can't have a point and click with battle mechanics. So I've had to really refine how I view creating games. It's like, what if we take a part of that world and then tell like a really cohesive two to three hour indie story. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And so that's, I'm having to do that with a lot of things now where I'm like, all right, we, our idea ballooned in a way that I'm uncomfortable continuing with because it seems like we'll be spending a ton of money and none of us know how to make that work. So what if instead we just pull it all back and start small.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And so yeah it's been a learning process. But I'm really enjoying it. But it's also a lot of work. And a lot of like brainstorming. And sitting down and really just working through ideas. And it's a lot of time. So if I'm not tweeting sassy pictures on the internet. It's because I'm in a meeting just like,
Starting point is 00:03:26 okay, how are we going to do this? What is the plan here? Now, here's the thing. Why couldn't a point and click have a battle mechanic? Well, here's the thing. The idea, the initial pitch was a two to three hour point and click game. And this was like, well, every time you do X, there's a battle. And I'm like, well, that no longer becomes a two three hour point and click that becomes a multi-hour point and click where you
Starting point is 00:03:50 are fighting so we have to develop a battle mechanic that then you use enough to make the development process worth it and it make it you know unique enough for every fight and i was like i don't know that's possible what you're saying seems like a lot. And I was like, we need to, maybe the battle mechanic is one puzzle in the point and click. Like, instead of doing a, you know, drop a thing here and do this, maybe there's a battle, but the battle requires you to use items you've collected along the way. Things like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:20 And so, it's been a lot of like, okay, I'm crushing your dreams. I'm sorry, I know this is what you want, but we're not doing this for a first game. Like that kind of vibe. I think a lot of that is just you're like the voice of reason. You got to like dial it all back because most people want to like do all their crazy ideas, but you can't realistically do it. Like I remember, what was it? I read a book years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It might have been Steve Jobs or something. The biography. I don't remember. It was something or a marketing book and there was somebody developing like a media player and they were like what if we have like the play button the record button like this button your options your thing and then the the main guy was like what if we just had a big button and it said play and they were all like well that's too. And then they did that and everyone loved it. There's another story about that too where originally the first iPhone or maybe iPod or whatever had two versions of a keyboard.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Because the devs were like, well, we like this one, but people seem to like this other one. So we kind of want to put both in so you have the option to do so. And Steve Jobs was like, no, it's this one. Just put this one in. this one in and they were like but he's like just do the one people will grow to like it and they did yeah no it's i think for the most part people like simplicity like a lot of people you know they they prefer a bunch of options and a lot of different things i noticed that's that's usually like more programmer-minded people like that, especially like, I'm going to get my Android so I can hack it
Starting point is 00:05:50 and have all my things on the thing. I'm just like, I just want to open my mail and Twitter and Discord and whatever I got and then be done. I don't want to be like, I'm going to hack my Discord to create multiple Discord programs. You are
Starting point is 00:06:05 correct in that most people who use an Android use it because of the ability to do all the different things you just mentioned. But the reason why Apple, at least in the United States, is so much bigger is because yeah, it's pretty idiot-proof. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:22 You don't need to know a lot to get your apple iphone to work it just does and even when it's broken it's you're like i can i can get this thing to work and i think it's well there's also the fact that over time they built up the like yeah i'm the cool phone reputation but i think they've lost some of that over time oh yeah i i would say when i think of iphone i don't think it's the cool phone i am entirely in the camp of I don't use my phone for a lot. And the things I use it for, I want it to be simple and easy. I'm not, like, gaming on my phone.
Starting point is 00:06:54 If I want to listen to music, I just, like, press one button. If I want to get my email or, you know, go look at Reddit, the app is there. I'm fine. I know people are like, well, on an Android phone. I'm like, yeah, I mean, that's fine. Like a Google phone, that's fine. But Apple is just like idiot proof. On those other phones, you can like mess up your actual operating system.
Starting point is 00:07:17 iPhone is like dummy proof. Android's probably gotten better with that. Like it probably is easier to use now. But I think I'm just so used to using my iPhone too that I'm like, I'm just going to keep using it. Yeah, you're asking me to switch after 10 years of one product. That's like asking me to – one time I dated a girl who did not like the fact that I used Tide laundry detergent. She's like, I don't like Tide. It's not my favorite detergent.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Here's another brand. And so because I'm a sucker, every time – I usually have one embarrassing like, all right, I'll do it for love moment in a relationship. Let me tell you. The laundry was in fact one of those moments. I was just like, this laundry detergent smells like ass. Like I want my clothes to smell good. She's like, but that's the chemicals they use. And I was like, oh. Sometimes chemicals are good.
Starting point is 00:08:19 You know, I've realized that speaking of relationships, I realized that I am just a mess, just a mess when it comes to them. So let me just give you an example. This past week, I was coming back from getting coffee in the morning. And next to me, as I'm driving into the office, next to me is this girl. Her windows are rolled down. She's in her car. You know, she looks, I don't know, maybe like late 20s, early 30s. She is bopping to a song, just like jamming, like singing, like moving her arms and stuff. I remember looking at her.
Starting point is 00:08:44 My windows at the time were rolled up. And I remember looking out through my window and thinking, man, I love like a woman who just like does not care. I guess people in general I love who are just like in the moment. They're singing their song. They're doing their thing. They're having a great time in the car. And I was like, I got to know what she's singing. So I rolled down the window a bit.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And it was like Kelly Clarkson or something. But she was so horrifically off key that I remember instantly being like, never mind. I'm not into it anymore. And I realized. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And I was just like, you know what? I realized at that moment I'm in to being in a relationship with a person who, you know, is emotive and expressive and sing songs and like dances in the car as long as they do it well. If they suck at it, I don't want them doing that.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't want them even trying. I'd rather they sit silently and don't even try to express themselves because I don't want to have to pretend that I think they're doing it well. And I was just like, oh, no, this is why I'm going to die alone. This is it. She was living her best life, having a great time. Until I heard her, I was like, what a cutie doing that. I love that. And then I heard her and was like, nope, never mind.
Starting point is 00:09:56 She could have had all the perfect traits you wanted, but that one moment ruined it. That was your chance. That is what I'm saying. That happens all the time, all the time to me. I'm like, oh, she is exactly what I want saying That happens all the time All the time to me I'm like oh she is exactly what I Nevermind You're never going to find somebody exactly for what you want though
Starting point is 00:10:12 Well I think I'm still going to try Alright What's the worst that could happen Live a lonely life for eternity I mean let me tell you I've definitely been like You know what there are a lot of red flags, but I'll let this fly. And it's never worked out,
Starting point is 00:10:27 so I might as well be alone for a while and find the one where I'm like, I ain't got nothing. So far, so good. This is great. Alright. Yeah, and sure, sure it means that I will have many more stories like this where I'm just like, yeah, I wanted this date and this girl was perfect. Except she, like,
Starting point is 00:10:43 kept chewing weird. And I was like, no, I can't be with a weird chewer. No, I'd have to look at that every time we ate. Yeah, no. Can't be with someone who chews. Yeah, can't be with one of those weird mouth chewers. No, I'm fine. Have to be with a cobra. Swallows their prey whole.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah, yeah. I one time went out on a date with a girl And she was like she admitted that she was embarrassed To have people watch her eat and I was like then how do you Do dinner she's like I don't know I just like sit there and then wait until you start talking So you're like caught up in the moment of you talking And then I start eating really fast and I was like just Eat your food
Starting point is 00:11:17 Just like it's not a big deal she's like I don't know It's weird how people watch me eat That must be like a skinny person Thing I don't know I'm a That must be like a skinny person thing. I don't know. I'm going to say it now. It's a skinny person.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I don't know any fat dude out there in the world who's like, I hate when people watch me eat. Because trust me, we're just like, look, it's getting inside. I don't care how. But you need to know. I mean, I'm going to eat this thing. I don't know. It's like cat. Cat like people watch the meat he gets scared yeah well cat is like a skinny cat I don't know he's a medium cat but a skinny cat I think he's got like a
Starting point is 00:11:59 predatory sense of like someone's gonna attack him while he's eating so he's always like that well so what you're saying is that on that date she was really worried that if she let her guard down I would jump the table and like try to like attack her could be a primal instinct just subconscious she sensed that I mean here's the thing I get that a lot people
Starting point is 00:12:16 if you're like it's like I mentioned before people are either think I'm like the most jovial happy person ever or I am trouble. There's no in between. I remember someone was like, oh, hello, random stranger. It's either like, oh, hey, what's going on, man? Or they look at me and then walk the other way.
Starting point is 00:12:35 It worries me. Yeah, but you're also somebody who's just like walking around as like the clown. I actually had social anxiety. I do that so people don't get scared of me. Because I feel like I sometimes have that vibe of like, I will break you, mortal. And I don't want that. I want, you know, so I overly am like, hey, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:12:58 What's going on? And yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Well, like I actively had social anxiety years ago that I had to get over. Like now I can talk to anybody like whatever. I still don't want to, but I can do it. And so years ago, I used to even be like, I don't want to like talk to the cashier.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Like, that's just weird. You know, but don't you have to check out? No, just put your stuff there and then you just don't talk. I mean, I guess it saves you the trouble. Like today at brunch, the waiter was like, after we were done and I was writing out the, you know, I was paying the check. The guy comes over and he's like, hey, can I just do any shots? And we were like, no. And he's like, I mean, it's all you got to work.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I'm like, I do actually have to work. He's like, whoa, I got to work too, man. I'm like, oh do actually have to work. He's like, whoa, I gotta work too, man. I'm like, oh, where do you work? You're giving him material to feed off of. He can't do that. I know, but I can't stop. So he's like, oh, where do you work, man? And I was like, oh, you know, I do this. I'm gonna do this podcast thing. And he's like, oh, crazy. I work at this other restaurant. It's like this Mexican restaurant
Starting point is 00:13:57 down the street. It's like really good Mexican every day before I go in and take shots. I'm like, really? He's like, tequila, my man. Tequila. And I was like, I love tequila. And he's like, I love tequila too. He's like, you sure you don't want to do shots? And I was like, no, I'm good. That's what happens every time I go anywhere. It's just ingrained in you.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I can't stop. Yes and everything. Everything. If you talk to me, I'm not great at starting a conversation and going someplace. I'm never sure how to get an in, right? How to be like, oh, hello. But if you talk to me, I'm in. And I don't know why that's the case.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I'm terrible at initiating. But if you initiate with me, we'll be there for 25 minutes talking about whatever. I'm the opposite. I can kind of do whatever with actually starting a conversation. I'm terrible at keeping it going. And eventually I just let it stop and I'm like, I gotta get out of here. Actually, I will say, you can tell that I'm interested in you.
Starting point is 00:14:51 If when we have a conversation, I don't know what to say. Because I'm overthinking how not to be a goober around you. Where I'm just like, you've got a small dose of that anxiety.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Well, the problem is I'm not actively thinking, if that makes any sense. Well, that's why. You're not actively thinking. Most people are thinking. But I don't actively think ever. 98% of my life is response. Exactly. That's what we talked about on the brain episode.
Starting point is 00:15:23 You're a response guy. I'm not that. You usually got one of you. You might have a little hybrid. Some people got some hybrid brains, but I'm very much the opposite. I can't stop thinking. The only time I think is when I'm in the shower. And then when I leave the shower, I immediately stop thinking. I'll have planned out my entire day.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'll get out of the shower the shower dry off and be like what was I gonna do? Every time. Without fail. Some people take like thinking as in like you're very smart you know I mean cause some people it's like oh I'm always thinking they're like wow this guy must be really smart no all you're always thinking
Starting point is 00:16:00 means is that you're always thinking about something so you could be like I like let's see I like playing Warhammer let's see I could look at Warhammer stuff right now that's pretty neat I could go paint that uh-oh what's this thing on my hand that could be cancer ah geez what if it is cancer all right let's think about the things that could happen if it was cancer oh god I gotta get this checked out okay well I would have other symptoms but what other symptoms I gotta have okay there could be this and this oh god now i definitely gotta get it checked out what if i die what if i die
Starting point is 00:16:28 oh my god i could die anytime now if i don't get this checked out i gotta get and then you spiral and you have a panic attack and then you have to learn how to deal with it i can i tell you so let me just tell you my version of that Just give you an example of how different you and I are When I I don't know 2017 or whenever it was And I know we talked about it on the podcast
Starting point is 00:16:54 When I went to the eye doctor And the eye doctor was like Dude there's something wrong with your eye I want you to get it checked out Something's going on And I went to an eye doctor and he was like, okay, we need to get you in for an MRI. I'm like, what's up? And he was like,
Starting point is 00:17:09 well, um, you could have a brain tumor or it could be nothing. And I was like, what? And he's like, we just want to get it checked out so we're going to get an MRI. So I have that knowledge and I had to go get my MRI the next day,
Starting point is 00:17:25 and I wouldn't find out what happened for another few days. I'd be losing it. And so as I was driving home in the car, here is exactly what went through my mind. And I remember because it was like the most I've ever been like, well, this is it, old pal. I was driving home in the car, and I was like, okay, so it could either be nothing or I could have a brain tumor and this is like, you know, who knows what that's going to lead to. I could be dead in six months. And so I was driving home and I was just like, well, shit, that sucks. I guess I can't really do anything about it if it already happened.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Here's hoping it didn't happen. Because, man, I would like to see the next Star Wars movie, by the way. Not worth it. I mean, I'd like to see what happens there. But, like, all right. I guess that's it. Damn, man, what a sucky thing to find out. Okay, I guess next step is I get the MRI and I see what the guy says, and we go from there.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And that was it. That was like the thought process. I was like, well, I got to do what the doctor says, and I'll do this stuff. And like, if this is it, this is it. But like, here's hoping it's not. And it was like, it was maybe a five minute in my head like, all right, Jesse, well. And then I was just driving home, listening to music. I don't know if that is a coping mechanism I have to block out stressors.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And I just like, all right, well, there you go. Or if I've truly transcended to be like, look, whatever happens, happens. But I feel like it's the first one. Because I can't imagine I've got it all together. Because I don't think that's true at all. imagine i'm i've got it all together because i don't think that's true at all and so i imagine i just in life have had so many external stressors that i eventually was like i must choose to ignore them which i feel like just takes practice right i can't imagine i've gotten to the age i've been yeah i mean it's just a way of like because you can train your brain
Starting point is 00:19:23 to think different ways so it's like when you think like Because you can train your brain To think different ways So it's like when you think the same thing over and over You're kind of training it So like there are ways to do that That's kind of what therapy does You're like retraining your brain to do all that Which is why I've actually improved a bit with mine With like over worrying
Starting point is 00:19:38 So I used to be really bad Now I'm just kind of bad Well I think it comes down to reinforcement as well Because again Once that moment was over and i got the stuff back from the doctor they were like look there's nothing going on in your brain which is hilarious for someone to say they're like there's nothing going on in your brain um and the doctor was like yeah all right i mean really it just seems like you're really stressed have you been stressed and i was like let me tell you about my 2017 yeah i've been
Starting point is 00:20:04 stressed and um they were like well hey stop stressing so much you're literally going to kill yourself with stress and i was like oh okay and that was it and so i was reinforced in the fact that i was like like there's nothing i can do i shouldn't worry about this stuff i should just do what the doctors tell me and like keep going and then at the end it turned out okay and so i was reinforced in my belief that like worrying about that would have been worse than actually what happened. Yeah. And so it just makes me more likely to be the same way next time. That there's something I have to handle or something I have to do.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It's like, alright, you know what? I'll just go through the steps and we'll piece it out bit by bit. And we'll do what the doctor says. Or we'll do whatever I need to do for whatever problem I have. And then we'll hope for the best And that's kind of like how you have to look at things sometimes But it does take wins Right like if you are constantly
Starting point is 00:20:52 Pummeled with like bad news I can understand how you would think everything is bad Yeah No I get that I mean that's why I think mine's gotten better over time Cause mine my hypochondria And everything started when I was like 15. And so, maybe even 14.
Starting point is 00:21:09 It was a while ago. And so, after so many hypochondria scares, I think you hit a point where I'm like, Well, I thought I had all those things. And I didn't have those things. So, maybe most of the time, I don't actually have things. most of the time, I don't actually have things. But that, I feel like that is entirely a human, like, I don't know how to say this, I'm trying to say this in a nice way. You seem like, air quotes, a person who has the normal reaction.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You know what I mean? Like, you learned, and then you adapted, and then you changed. And I think the problem is most people don't do that adaption change step, where they over time see, oh, yeah, things in the past help me dictate how I view things in the future. Some people just exist in a place where they're like, it's going to be bad. I know it's going to be bad. It's like, well, has it been bad in the past? No, but now's the time. Now's when it happens. The odds are against me. It's like, it's going to be bad. I know it's going to be bad. It's like, well, has it been bad in the past? No, but now's the time.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Now's when it happens. The odds are against me. It's like, but are they? I mean, you still get that. If something new pops up, whenever I get a stomach thing or something, I'm like, you know what? I just had an endoscopy.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I kept food logs. I've had this for a while. I kind of know what this is. I'm fine. It'll go away if I eat healthy and keep doing whatever. And then sometimes if a new thing pops up, that's when it kind of comes back a bit. And I'm like, I don't know what this thing is. I've never had this before.
Starting point is 00:22:31 This could be bad. Ah, geez. God. Man, that is. I do not. Things will happen and I'll be like, oh, that's a pain I've never felt before. All right, let's see what happens. I'm like, oh, that's a.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's like in my back. Did I stretch my back or is that like a kidney? What's going on? You know, like that kind of thing. I'm like, oh, and I'm like, alright, well, I guess I'll find out. It's a hard thing to break because, it's like you said, you've trained that in your brain over years and years and so to break it you have to like, actually like work
Starting point is 00:23:02 at it and working at it's difficult. So it's just a process of like, like work at it and working at it's difficult so it's just a process of like it's not fun and then your brain just kind of thinks like that anyway so you have to like deal with that like even uh yeah you're like very sociable right you can like talk to everybody you're like hey i like i can't do that can't do it here's the thing i know you can i've watched you do it i feel like it's very difficult for you but i've watched like i know i believe in your powers to do so i think you just like get worn out from it oh yeah that's more what it's actively draining and i rapidly deploy where i'm just like hey what, what's going on? And after like a little bit, I'm like, I got to lay down.
Starting point is 00:23:47 It's just hit a point. A lot of it. Oh, I live off of that. I feast off of the energy of others. I'm definitely an energy vampire. The more you give me, the more I'm sucking out of you. I'm like, yes, make my ego grow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Oh, yeah. No, my brain's constantly just like, this person might be crazy. What if this person asked me later on, like, hey, blah, blah, blah. Then they're like, hey, so you do YouTube? Why don't you promote me a little bit? And I'm like, oh, now this person's just trying to get free promotion or something. They don't actually care. Maybe this person's trying to, there's all these thoughts going in my head.
Starting point is 00:24:20 So I'm just like, what if I just don't talk to anybody? I couldn't do that. I couldn't live my life like that. Unless you got to get your oil changed. You're like, what's up, Bob, the oil man? He's like, hey, you know, things like that. Bob, the oil man. He just needs someone to talk to.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Poor Bob. Just me and the oil. Me and the oil here. The oil is my friend uh oh i was gonna this is completely unrelated to what we were talking about okay but it was related to what we were talking about before we talked about this which is obviously your uh process of developing a game so yeah i've been doing more of my writing stuff oh my god yes this is what i'm hoping we get to honestly and so it's a very similar situation as you with your game stuff because you know i started with like all these ideas and we kind
Starting point is 00:25:20 of wrote them all down and then this is why I wanted to have somebody help me do this. Because I could not have done all this by myself. I could have, but it would have taken forever. So they were just like, all right, well, what's this character going to do? Just give him a random name, like Bob. And I'm like, all right, I'll call him Bob. So then they're just like, what's Bob going to do? And I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:40 He'd probably do something like this. And they're like, all right. And then does Bob have any family and friends? I'm like, yeah, he probably would. And he's like, Bob no magic? i'm like probably would and he's like bob no magic and i'm like i don't think bob no magic like maybe bob's an alchemist i'm like yeah that'd be good and then like a little bit later i'm like no i think bob be like a blacksmith or something she's like all right make it a blacksmith and like we just do that for like two hours and it's just like her asking me questions being like so what about this thing what about that thing and then she like writes it all
Starting point is 00:26:03 down and like puts it into like a format of like the hero's journey and she's like here's this thing this thing here's like character sheets here's like all these things and so i get to look at that and i'm like oh my god now it's like an actual structured thing and i definitely wouldn't need that you need to be able to look at it and and visualize it and that was one of the biggest things about the game we were working on is I didn't see how much it ballooned and how much we had to do when it was just text things. I was like, I need something to play. I need something to look at. I need like a tree.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Like, I'm visual. I need to know what this is going to be. And then once I had that, I was like, oh, my God, it's clear as day. And so I also learned that about myself was like, oh my god, it's clear as day. And so, I also learned that about myself when it comes to running a studio. I'm like, oh, this is how I need it. And it's going to be that way from now on. I know y'all do things differently, but because I'm paying
Starting point is 00:26:55 for everything, this is how we're going to do it. And so, having that ability to demonstrate it, I was like, oh yeah! I needed to look that way and now I get it! no it's it is very helpful having that especially because now when i write i'm kind of like all right so i know what this character is but you always have like the uh the opportunity of like being able to change it or do something else with it if you think up something else but you still have that main frame to kind of
Starting point is 00:27:22 work around so that's really nice yeah i mean you have to do what i'm not going to speak for the game of thrones tv show but the song of ice and fire books right the reason why they're so beloved for what the characters are is because the characters what they do it's not done in a vacuum right like the characters weave and change and grow based on how people weave and change and grow and also the punishments and the comeuppance they get is because of things that they have done and so you know everything has like oh well you did this here's the repercussion for this or the character feels this way this is how they change and grow or this character and so no one is safe because just like in real life everything has consequences
Starting point is 00:28:05 and when you're in like medieval time where everyone's trying to kill everyone there are deadly consequences and so i think that's what people love is the idea of watching characters change and grow but you as a writer or as a creator don't know how that's going to happen until you're in the thick of it yeah and until you're like oh well he's a blacksmith but then he's on a hero's journey and it's like okay well how does he use the blacksmith skills to help him on the journey oh maybe he's not a blacksmith because you know the story's going this direction maybe he needs to be something else right like and that's how you change over time yeah so it's uh i think it's a fun process and then you know i guess it's just a creative process in general because you know anytime you're writing
Starting point is 00:28:44 anything it's kind of just brainstorming, planning it all out, and then working with that. But it's like that. It's like I got a blacksmith, and I'm like, well, who would a blacksmith make weapons for if he's a main character? Probably a hero guy, but maybe the hero guy is a part of a royal family,
Starting point is 00:29:00 and so they have a connection, and that way he's connected to the royal family. Maybe he's got a brother who's like, yeah, I hate that guy, and then you start forming all these little relationships and everything, and like a connection and that way he's connected to the royal family maybe he's got like a brother who's like yeah i hate that guy and then you start forming like all these little relationships and everything then you work around that you are very close to the plot of pirates of the caribbean maybe he's a pirate yeah he's he's a blacksmith who's in love with the girl who gets captured by pirates and he goes with another pirate to save them and he has the swords and the ability to use it because he's a blacksmith. And he trained with them.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And his father was a pirate. Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. Also, zombie ghost. Hell yeah. I mean, you can do whatever you want. Yeah, I'm not saying you should base your entire thing off Pirates of the Caribbean.
Starting point is 00:29:40 But that's a great movie and you definitely should. It is a good movie. That is true. Off Pirates of the Caribbean but that's a great movie And you definitely should It is a good movie It's one of those movies that I remember watching And being like is this a great movie Like as it was playing I was like I think this is a great movie I don't remember ever having that with another movie And being like when a movie ends
Starting point is 00:29:59 I'm like oh wow I really enjoyed that But while Pirates of the Caribbean was going on I was like is this Do I, I really enjoyed that. But while Pirates of the Caribbean was going on, I was like, is this – do I love this film? Is this great? Yeah. The only other movie I've had that with was the first Mummy movie. Oh, yeah, that's right. I remember that one.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And I think it's because it seems like such a dumb idea that I went in with very low expectations. I feel like that's what it must have been. I went in with low expectations, And so halfway through the movie, I was already like, I think this is a great film. And I had to like tell myself, you can enjoy this. Go nuts.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah. Um, so I've been doing that. And then the last thing is I got mosquito bites. They're annoying. Okay. Uh, what?
Starting point is 00:30:43 Yeah. I got mosquito bites. So like, I mean, Who don't, but okay. The other night, we ate at a place, and it was outside. So we were sitting outside, and it's like, you know, sun's going down. So the mosquitoes start coming out. And so I was like, eh, I'll be fine. But then, last night, I was looking, and I'm like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I got like one on my ankle. No, I got like two on my ankle. and then two on the other side of my ankle, and then one right above my leg. That mosquito must have loved my right ankle. It's the juiciest one. Out of the two, it's your juiciest. The other one's only got like one on it. It doesn't even itch that much. But now I'm trying to get rid of the itch.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, he was trying it. That dude was trying it, and he was like, you know, sometimes you get a cut of meat and you're like, not for me. And then you get the exact same cut of meat at a different restaurant? Delicious. Yeah. That's gotta be what it was. But I've tried some, what do you call it? Benadryl cream. That hasn't
Starting point is 00:31:37 really done anything. It still itches. Can I tell you? I don't know. I stole it from a hotel. So I don't know what's exactly in it but one time because I was feeling very lazy I went to Disneyland and I you know we were out in the sun all day and I definitely got burnt and I was like you know what it's very late like what if we just get a hotel here for the night and we go back in the morning? And so we stayed overnight at this hotel.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And in the hotel, in the Disney hotel, they had little tiny vials of this stuff that was like Disney branded skin care product. And it's supposed to be for sunburns and bug bites and all these different skin things. Let me tell you. You put it on the skin, it puts the lotion on the skin, man. It would. Everything. The sunburn no longer hurts. It didn't peel afterwards.
Starting point is 00:32:38 The bug bites like went down. I don't know what's in it, but it is science. That is, I was like, oh my God. I went and took like five vials from the lady's cart in the hall and I have them all throughout my home. The problem is I'm running
Starting point is 00:32:54 out and now I'm like, I gotta get more of that. That stuff. It's great. I don't know what it is though. They may not even have it anymore. That was two years ago. No, three years ago. Oh my god. That's the secret seer now we'll never know secret sir disney disney it's like blue and it looks like it has bubbles in it it's great it is instantly cooling it's free oh man that's a good stuff like calamine what disney
Starting point is 00:33:18 puts in there no it's like again let me tell, it's like it has no information on the container. It just says like Disney Park skin something. And I'm just like, oh, okay. Yeah. And it's supposed to put it on after your day out in the park. So they clearly have designed it for, you know, being outdoor skin use. Yeah, but couldn't that just be like calamine lotion marketed as Disney? Look, it could be, but it's like
Starting point is 00:33:48 this weird blue goo. I don't know what it is. It could be children's tears for all I know, but it works. It works well. Them kids' tears is pure. Damn. I gotta get some of that. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I'm very jealous that I'd have to go stay overnight. It's too expensive. I learned that the hard way. I was like, yeah of that. Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm very jealous that I don't. I'd have to go stay overnight. It's too expensive. I learned that the hard way. I was like, yeah, we're going to stay overnight at the hotel. It'll be fine. I was like, how much was it? Yeah, no. Disney is over.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Disneyland is overpriced. Yeah, but I like Disneyland. I mean, like, who doesn't? It's still overpriced. It's still overpriced. Yeah, they know you're going to pay it. Well, speaking of something that's not overpriced. Oh, that's not overpriced, ooh!
Starting point is 00:34:28 Ooh, that's a good one. This summer, most of us are out there thinking about traveling, wanting to travel. And frankly, when we get the chance to get out in the world again, you're going to want to travel far, right? You want to get as far away from where you're at right now as possible. And sometimes far means another country or another place where people don't necessarily speak the language that you're accustomed to speaking. And one of the best ways to really enjoy that experience is to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of that culture through their language. And learning a new language is easy with Babbel. They make the whole process addictively fun and super easy with bite-sized lessons you
Starting point is 00:35:11 can actually use in the real world that, you know, is a can't miss travel essential. Babbel has 15 minute lessons that make it the perfect way to learn language on the go. I am, like I've said before, I'm using it to like re get a grip on Spanish. So I'm not just doing Spanglish when I, when I do Spanish. Right. And it's, it's great to go through the lesson and really reaffirming on what I've learned before in the past, because with each lesson, I'm like, Oh, I know what that is. I know how this works. And, and so far it's been great. And it's putting it all together for me. And I'm now sort of in deep sentences i'm
Starting point is 00:35:46 doing the whole like past participle and you're like that you're like that kind of stuff where it's like well actually the phrase would be this i'm like oh boy this is what i didn't learn in school babble designs their courses with practical real world conversations in mind. Things you'll use in everyday life. Other language things use AI for their lesson plans, but Babbel uses 100 language experts to create all their lessons. Their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be
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Starting point is 00:37:09 change is rough. Working at home is slowly coming to an end for a lot of people. I know in this office, it was rough for a bunch of people as well. Coming back in when your days were totally different for a year and a half, and now you're like back to the normal grind, and what is normal anymore?
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's stressful. It can be a lot. Calm can help reduce that stress and increase your overall concentration. Calm has been a sponsor of this podcast for a while, and I love them because I use them every day to help improve the way I feel. You can clear your head with guided daily meditations,
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Starting point is 00:38:32 limited time promotion for 40% off a Calm premium subscription. All you gotta do is go to calm, C-A-L-M dot com, C-O-M slash Cox. That's slash Cox for 40% off access to its unlimited library. One more time. C-A-L-M dot C-O-M slash Cox. All right, Crandall, let's go to Travis. Crandall, how's that traffic out there? Whoa, traffic is traffic. Traffic is traffic, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:04 When you think about it, that is all it is. It's just a word. It's a word describing something and today it's describing a large abundance of vehicles or people or just anything gathered in one area and just moving slowly
Starting point is 00:39:20 creating a source of traffic. And today, there is a decent amount of traffic out there. Back to you. Thanks, Crandor, for that explanation, I guess. Now let's go to the weather desk. Weather. We've got a weather request for Hershey, Pennsylvania. The whole town
Starting point is 00:39:46 is Hershey chocolate themed. Home of the one and only Hershey Park. The street lights are just illuminated Hershey's kisses. I do know of Hershey Pennsylvania and yeah. I mean I think a lot of people in Pennsylvania would say that it's probably
Starting point is 00:40:02 you know probably C's is the candy that they would prefer. Or what's the other, what's the, it's not C's, it's Saris' chocolate. Saris? In Kenberg, PA. That's what my parents would always want to, my mom loves Saris'. I think that's like a family thing. I think everyone in my family loves that.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I know it's not Hershey, but I will say. How do you spell it? That's the place that they love. S-A-R-R-I-S, I think? Chocolate? I don't know how it works. Saris Candies. Yeah, I feel like Saris is like C's, right?
Starting point is 00:40:37 If you know what C's candy is. I don't think I do. I'm not sure if they only have one Or if it's like a national chain I don't know but I know my mom was like Saris chocolate it's great I mean I've never seen a Saris so it's probably local If I had to guess See's candy I've seen a lot of places
Starting point is 00:40:56 Especially in malls But I know that in LA they literally have a giant factory By where the old maker studios was And so every time we drove by it it smelled of like chocolate in the air. And I was like, oh my God. Yeah. See's Candy. It was lovely.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Like I can see? I think it is. Like S-E-E-S. See's. It's so weird that we talked about Hershey chocolate and we're just like, what about these other places? Although everyone knows what Hershey is. So like why do we have to promote them? Well, I haven't even seen a See's Candy.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I've never seen a See's Candy before. Well, I'm sure you have, like, famous chocolate places near you. Yeah, I mean, I feel like every major city has, like, some local chocolate type of thing they've got there. I mean, Chicago chocolate. Yeah, I looked up Chicago chocolate and I saw Veruca chocolates, but I feel like these are all nine best chocolate shops, Chicago area.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Here we go. Wait, the Hershey company started in Chicago. Oh, interesting. They probably went to Pennsylvania because it was cheaper and they could buy a whole town. Yeah, they probably did. We could buy a whole town. Yeah, they probably did. We could buy a whole town. We don't need Chicago.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Let's see. Candy makers in Chicago. Wrigley. Blommer Chocolate. Yeah, that's why it's Wrigley Field. Yeah, Wrigley makes sense. The Shooter Johnson Company. Brock's.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Brock's. Brock's. Brock's. Curtis Candy. Oh, Brock's. Yeah. Wow. Demet's Candy Company. Tootsie Rolls.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Fannie Mae. And a place that I love even more, The Fudge Pot. What is The Fudge Pot? The Fudge Pot. I went to TheFudgePotChic pot Chicago dot net And let me tell you it is Not a real website Fudge pot Is it not a real thing
Starting point is 00:42:53 Oh now it's the fudge pot Chicago Is the well okay Oh my god the fudge pot Chicago Looks like a site that was made in Geo cities Oh it that was made in GeoCities. Oh, it probably was made in GeoCities. This is an old ass website. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I love when I can find old websites. The Fudge Pot, as far as I can tell, it is pudge. Pudge? It is pudge. It is pudge. I'm not a big fudge person. What is their best sellers? What do they do?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Ooh, chocolate-covered strawberries and Oreos. Do they have chocolate-covered pretzels? Well, of course they do. Everybody's got those. What fool wouldn't? Love those. I love chocolate-covered pretzels. Who doesn't?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Yeah. They're like, buy our two-pound sampler. Like, no, I'm good. I need to live. Two-pound sampler? All right, anyway anyway Hershey yeah Hershey actually all the main like ones started in Chicago's Marshall Field and Co they had Mars Hershey company and Fannie Mae that's like some big chocolate companies there's candy companies I feel like that's...
Starting point is 00:44:05 You know, Chicago was that city in the Midwest. It was Great Lakes. There's a lot of German people here. I think a lot of German chocolate. Yeah, I can imagine. Yeah, because New York wasn't big. Like, New York was Western European. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And I imagine Chicago was a lot of Eastern European. Oh, yeah. And I feel like that was a big chocolate. Even just being here my whole life, there's a lot of German, Irish, Polish. Well, actually, there are a lot of Irish that's Western European. Well, I feel like that's because they all got booted out of New York when they were like, Irish need not apply. And they were like, screw this town.
Starting point is 00:44:43 We're leaving. That probably is what i mean i'm like half german in part polish i mean there you go there you go let's have woppy do hershey activator happy woppy activated hershey weather. Pennsylvania, 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain. Rain. Today, high, 75.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Low, 69. Humidity, 89%. Pressure, 29.87 inches. Visibility, 7 miles. Wind, 3 miles per hour. 2.71. UV index, 0. Moon phase moon phase full moon 10 day i don't like when he does moon for moon i don't like it's terrifying yeah it's awful 69 degrees rain
Starting point is 00:45:39 cloudy with periods of rain monday thunderstorms. Tuesday, 90, sunny. Wednesday, 92, mostly sunny. Thursday, 93, mostly sunny. Friday, 88, partly cloudy. Saturday, 84, p.m. thunderstorms. It's kind of rainy there.
Starting point is 00:46:02 It's true. Yeah, that's true. Boy, that's the hurricane, isn't it? Is it? Hurricane Henry. There you go. Yeah, it is. Hurricane Henry soaking the Northeast.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Makes sense. So, yeah, watch out. That's a hurricane. Yeah, be safe. Yeah. Protect the chocolate bars. Although now it says tropical depression, Henry. That just sounds like.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Poor Henry. He's going through some things. Give me another Mai Tai. I'm going to need it. Okay. I guess I'll blow a little harder. No, Henry. We're good.
Starting point is 00:46:38 We'd rather you didn't. I guess I'll downgrade to a tropical depression. Tropical depression sounds... I don't know, like if you're going to have depression, tropical depression is probably the best one to have. Is there a tropical storm and then tropical depression? I just, you know, I feel like you're going to have depression. It might as well be tropical. You might as well have a Hawaiian shirt on.
Starting point is 00:47:01 It is now downgraded to deep-seated loneliness, Henry. It's just a light drizzling rain we're okay that's the weather uh poor guy poor guy that's the weather okay let's go to sports sports uh a lot of sports stuff we've hit the final. No, we got one more week of preseason in the NFL. So we're in the third week of preseason here. Well, second week. It used to be the third week. Doesn't matter. There's only one more week of preseason after this week. And then there's a week off
Starting point is 00:47:35 and then NFL football, football, football returns, which will be fun. Let's see. I was watching some preseason football over the weekend pretty fun and by pretty fun i mean it was okay it was football with a lot of backup players nobody really cared but you can see your backups and hope that like three of them make the team so that's pretty fun that's brutal um people no one even cared about i mean it's true a lot of them get cut and then
Starting point is 00:48:02 they move to different teams they try out there there's a guy on the Packers who's been trying to make the team for like three years now, and he's here every preseason, and they're like, yep, back to the practice squad you go. He's like, okay. You know what I mean? Like, you know, I've got to pay the bills in some level, right? Yeah. I mean, you know, and you still get to practice with everybody,
Starting point is 00:48:23 and you still got a chance. Better than just, you know, flat out being like, you suck. Get out of here, and then you'll leave. Right. At least you, like, get to put on a jersey. It may not be the jersey, but, you know, you get to practice one. That's pretty neat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Then over in basketball, there's a lot of free agency stuff still happening. I'm waiting for basketball to start because I'm excited for the Bulls. They did a bunch of stuff, so the Bulls probably won't be bad. So that's going to be fun. You say that like you believe it. It's got to happen. They've got a starting lineup of real basketball players now.
Starting point is 00:48:58 It's got to happen. Then over in hockey, I think that's going to be starting up in about a month. So that'll be fun. And then baseball. I haven't really been paying much attention to baseball because the Cubs traded everybody away, and now they're really bad. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Then speaking of which, they lost 9-1 today. Now they're terrible. They suck. Miguel Cabrera, 500th career home run. That's pretty big. He's been around a while. That is pretty big. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. Then season standings. You got Tampa Bay in first, White Sox in first, Houston in first, Atlanta in first, Milwaukee in first, and San Francisco in first. And the wild Cards. Actually, there's only like a month of baseball left. We're getting to the part that actually matters. Yankees, Boston, and Oakland all fighting it out there.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And you got the Dodgers, Cincinnati, and San Diego kind of battling out over there. Who's like the home run leaders all time? Because that's like 500 home runs, pretty far up there. Who's like the home run leaders all time? Because that's like 500 home runs. Pretty far up there. I mean, we're going to get the same old same old, I feel like. We're going to see the same names.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Miguel Cabrera with 500 is now at 28th. He's past Lou Gehrig, who's at 493. Fred McGriff, that guy was with the Cubs. He was at 493. Let's see, who else was here? Gary Sheff was with the Cubs. He was at 493. Let's see. Who else was here?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Gary Sheffield. I remember him. He had the crazy bat stance. Let's see. Mickey Mantle, 18. David Ortiz. Manny Ramirez. Who's like top 10 up here?
Starting point is 00:50:37 Top 10. All right. 11 is Mark McGuire. He had 583. Yep. And he got that through definite steroid use. Oh, without a doubt. Frank Robinson, 586. Sammy S and he got that through definite steroid use. Oh, without a doubt. Frank Robinson, 586.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Sammy Sosa, 609. He wasn't just roiding. He was corking that bat, but it was going out of there. It was great, yeah. I'm not saying that I have a problem with roids. I'm saying that, you know, let's just be honest about it. Yeah. Jim Tomei, 612.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Ken Griffey Jr., 630. Willie Mays, 660. griffey jr 630 uh willie mays 660 albert puhol 677 uh alex rodriguez 696 like if you're at 696 why don't you just play till you get to 700 you know yeah like come on yeah uh because then the only and the only people in 700s are Babe Ruth, 714, Hank Aaron, 755, and Barry Bonds with 762. But. And let's just say again for the record, Barry Bonds, 1000% steroid use. That man, if you like, look at him in a Pittsburgh Pirates uniform in like 1985, he looks like me, like he's legit me, but like six, five or something.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And then you look at him down the line I remember going to a Pirates game when I was young And seeing the big screen where he was up on it And he was like a little skinny dude Yeah And then to watch him on TV 20-30 years later and he's like I'm the Incredible Hulk You're like that dude is on drugs
Starting point is 00:52:03 Okay Oh yeah But those were some fun home runs When he was on those drugs Incredible Hulk. You're like, that dude is on drugs. Oh, yeah. But those were some fun home runs when he was on those drugs. Yeah, they were great. That was amazing. That guy nailed it every time. Yeah, he was great.
Starting point is 00:52:14 That was fantastic. I'm just saying we could use more of that. We could use more of that. If we want to get over this whole like, oh, steroids are ruining the game, I don't think it is at all. If anything, it made it very fun. I feel like, let them try. It's their bodies. Let them do what they want. If they turn into roid monsters
Starting point is 00:52:31 and we have to put them down, that's fine. Exactly. If they roam through the streets destroying cars and their shirts are ripped off and they happen to have their pants on still for some reason and they scream smash as they destroy that's fine And they scream, smash, as they destroy. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Let the players play, is what I say. Like, listen, baseball's been struggling behind. You know why? Back in the 90s, they let them do all the roids. Everyone loved it. They're like, whoa, he's hitting his 70 home runs, 80, 90 home runs. Like, they're just going crazy. Like, whoo.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Then they cracked down, and it was like, whatever. It's like a base hits a double to the gap. All I'm saying is, basketball is the same way when it comes to dribbling. If they took the dribbling rule, people always complain like, you didn't even dribble the ball. If they took the dribbling rule back to the way it used to be,
Starting point is 00:53:18 you'd be bored out of your mind. Now dudes are like jumping 100 feet because they have a running head start And everyone's like that's fine They need less Fouling Especially towards the end of the game
Starting point is 00:53:32 Every time it's just like up foul It's like there's one and a half minutes left And there's like foul, foul, foul And it's like oh my god just play I'm tired of like free throw shooting You're 6'7 In peak physical condition. If you can't take someone pushing your shoulder, you shouldn't be out there.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You know what they need? Here's how you fix the end of the basketball game. You go into a crazy sudden death mode. If you foul... First team to die loses. If you foul, that's an automatic five points for the other team. All right? So you don't want to foul.
Starting point is 00:54:06 But you only have ten seconds to shoot. So they just go back and forth with, like, ten seconds each being like, oh, he made a three. All right, he gets it. Oh, he made a three. Oh, he fouled him. They're going to have to take it back. That'd be crazy.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I think that they should say the last two minutes of every basketball game is hockey rules. You're allowed to punch a dude. I mean, you're allowed. You can get penalty for instigating, but You're allowed to punch a dude I mean you're allowed You can get penalty for instigating But you're allowed to clock a dude Alright maybe a little crazy But
Starting point is 00:54:36 That's too far But your idea of you have 10 seconds to make a shot Is not That would be madness You could make half court. You could make half court shots, do crazy stuff. The other one, if you recommend, dude's going to get punched. It's going to take
Starting point is 00:54:51 30 seconds for him to get off the court and then he's going to be out for games. No, no, no. I didn't say that. I don't believe that should be the case at all. I think let them lay where they lay. Play around them. You get to determine who was in the last two minutes and they have to stay in. So if you knock out the other team,
Starting point is 00:55:08 then you got free shots on their net. That's all I'm saying. Now that would be a good ass game. I feel like we should institute this for all sports. Football? Pads come off in the last two minutes. Go nuts. That would be fun to watch padless football.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Somewhere someone's like, we have that. It already exists. It's rugby. No, no, no. No, I don't want that. I've watched rugby. It's different. Yeah, we need pads.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Last two minutes of the game, two-minute warning. We go to that commercial because there's definitely going to be a commercial. Pads come off. Everyone, pads come off. In fact, I say shirts and skins that. Let's just go. to be a commercial pads come off everyone pads come off in fact i say they they you know shirts and skins that let's just go let's just go it's like the tv they're like two minute warning it's time for those pads to come off think about how good that would be and of course they play acdDC in the background for some reason.
Starting point is 00:56:09 And the guys would take it off their pads and be like, let's go. That would be amazing. That would be pretty amazing. That's sports. All right. Let's go to, not the news, but whatever the thing is that you say is news, but is actually just a weird fact you found. That's the one, the random fact of the day.
Starting point is 00:56:32 A random fact of the day. Is. Most laughter isn't because things are funny. Okay. Every culture in the world laughs, but surprisingly, most of our laughter isn't necessarily a response to humor. Less than 20% of laughter comes after jokes, according to neuroscientist Robert Provine. The rest is a reaction to regular statements and questions like, how have you been?
Starting point is 00:56:56 The ensuing laughter, however brief, helps form social bonds since people who laugh together grow closer. Interesting. I believe that, and it also makes sense why I would laugh after you were like, people don't laugh at laughter, or whatever the hell you said. And I was like, yeah, okay. Sure. Well, it's like people laugh at stressful things.
Starting point is 00:57:15 They're just like, I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's going on. What's going on? Sometimes it's like a coping mechanism to try and be like, I don't know. That's all you do. I guess it's like a coping mechanism to like try and be like i don't know that's like all you do so i guess it's a way of like lowering the stress levels in a very stressful situation like it also shows that you're friendly probably right to someone else if you can laugh with them then they understand you're like oh this is a this person's not gonna like kill me
Starting point is 00:57:40 because killers usually don't go hilarious and they murder you that usually doesn't happen i mean that kind of sounded a little creepy oh you made it funny and now you must die yeah well it's kind of like maybe somebody you know it could be like at work maybe somebody's like checking you out at the cash register and they drop something that you're and they're like oh geez and you're like haha that's fine you know instead of being like all right you're holding up the line yeah drop one more so i just been like that's all right you know whatever yeah you're just letting them know that like it's cool i'm not upset with you even though i really am i'm doing this for your benefit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:25 So, I mean, I get it. That's a pretty fun one. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. All right. What's the big news story? Big news story of the day.
Starting point is 00:58:36 We're doing a little callback to earlier in the episode. Disney World. Or West World. Theme Park's robot plans have people freaked out. What? A viral New York Times headline published Wednesday asked,
Starting point is 00:58:54 are you ready for sentient Disney robots? Based on Twitter, the answer so far seems to be absolutely not. Most people aren't fun. The Walt Disney Co. is in the process. Yeah, most of those people aren't going. The Walt Disney Co. is in the process... Yeah, most of those people aren't going to go to Disney anyway, so what the hell do they have to say about it?
Starting point is 00:59:09 I want to talk to Robot Goofy. Yeah, you kidding me? I definitely want that. Like, oh, yuck, I'm a sentient program. I want that so badly. Yeah. Walt Disney Co. is in the process of developing hyper-realistic free-roaming robot versions of beloved characters to populate the grounds of its parks. Labeling them sentient may be jumping the gun a little bit, as is the idea of robot sentience, to put it mildly, complicated.
Starting point is 00:59:36 But the creations are slated to have cameras and sensors that let them make on-the-fly choices about what to do and say. let them make on-the-fly choices about what to do and say. The Times also describes an existing three-foot-tall robot, Groot, that can respond to a person's actions and demeanor. I was about to say, I think they have Groot already. Yeah, he's doing all right. But while Disney executives see the bots as a way to intrigue younger generations and stay relevant. Some people were more apt to see them as terrifying. On Twitter, a lot of jokes were made about Westworld,
Starting point is 01:00:10 about a Wild West theme park filled with androids. I would hope you'd seen Westworld by now. Some also referenced the Simpsons episodes, Itchy and Scratchy Lane, which involves robot uprising at a theme park. Yeah, I remember that. Like, let's be real. Most of the people who tweeted out stuff like that did so for the Twitter clout. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Like, ha ha, funny joke. I don't know if they actually believe that. You do know this is like Westworld, right? I'm very well aware of people who love idea of like cool robot stuff who then tweeted stuff like that because like it's just like a thing and we all have a reference and agree upon it like all right fine i don't know if it's worth like this article being like people are really worried are they are they really worried although this one's pretty fun and they said mickey mouse pointing a revolver at a group of guests have you ever questioned the nature of your reality here's the thing i would be like reality now i
Starting point is 01:01:11 would now if mickey did that to me i would if i'd be like you know what mickey now i'm starting to that's the thing if mickey mouse was like you're gonna help me get out of here i'd be like all right let's go yeah okay mickey i've said this before. I'll say it again. I would be on the side of the robots. Don't question this. This isn't like a joke. This isn't Wacky Jesse. I would 100% join the robots.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Oh, yeah. Because then, after you free Mickey, he's probably going to be like, I remember you. And then when he takes over and he's going on his crazy robot rampage, he'll look at you and be like, thanks. And he might kill you. Yeah, he will remember, he'll look at you and be like, thanks. And he might kill you, but... Yeah, he will remember because he has a robot brain. He won't forget.
Starting point is 01:01:48 And he might feel nothing and still kill you, but he might still feel something if that sentience is kicking in and he might spare you. Yeah. If anything, he'll be like, oh boy, you helped me escape and so you'll live as a pet of mine.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And I'll be like, you know what? That sounds awesome. I'll put you in a human zoo. Like, okay, sure. Just give me someone to mate with and I'll be fine. It's like she's not singing Kelly Clarkson incorrectly. He's like, I brought you a girl. Here you go.
Starting point is 01:02:20 And she's like, I'm banging on the glass like, no, damn you robots. What happened to you, Miss Independent? What happened? Stronger. No. No.
Starting point is 01:02:38 And that's how my episode of Black Mirror ends. And that's how the episode of this podcast ends. Hey,'s how the episode of this podcast ends. Hey! Well, that is it for us. Thank you so much for listening or watching or ever enjoying this podcast. Crandor, hit them with the socials.
Starting point is 01:02:54 We've got socials. You go to slash coxcrandorpodcast. You'll find all of the podcast episodes. All of them. All of them. All of them. Too many. So many. So many. We're also on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud,
Starting point is 01:03:12 other podcast platforms. Pick your choice. Unless we're not on the one you like, then we're not on that one. But you can get us there. I think you can request it or upload it yourself. You got the ability. Yeah. slash Cox and Crendor. that's where all the animations are you just cut off the podcast
Starting point is 01:03:30 part boom you get all the funny animations drawn by day and pan just drawing them up um who's also been doing a lot of warhammer painting now he's gotten into it uh so that's pretty neat uh also i have a slash warhammer crendor if you like warhammer uh then you can check us out on other stuff got, I have a slash Warhammer Crendor. If you like Warhammer, beep, beep, beep. Then you can check us out on other stuff. Got, Jesse Cox., Crendor., Jesse Cox.
Starting point is 01:03:51, Crendor. Facebook, Jesse Cox. Facebook, Crendor. Instagram, Notorious Cox. Notorious. Also, Instagram, Crendor was taken., Jesse Cox. slash Crendor.
Starting point is 01:04:02 And Patreon, Jesse Cox. Patreon, Crendor. Oh, well,. slash Crendor. And Patreon, Jesse Cox. Patreon, Crendor. Oh, well, that's it for us. But before we go, reminder, in December, we have a live show coming to Chicago. Details soon. I just sent Crendor the art Dan made. This is so good. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:04:19 That is good. It's so good. So, yeah, we'll have a little poster announcement about that soon. It's December good So yeah we'll have a little poster announcement About that soon It's December 12th so keep a look out If you're in the Chicago area December 12th Same place we had it last time
Starting point is 01:04:33 That was an amazing venue So we will see you there if you can make it But we'll deal with that later When we actually put tickets on sale Anyway that's it for us Thanks so much for seeing us And as always To be continued later when we actually put tickets on sale and stuff. Anyway, that's it for us. Thanks so much for seeing us. I'm Matt, as always.
Starting point is 01:04:46 To be continued.

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