Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 308 - Totinos Pizza Poops

Episode Date: September 27, 2021

The boys are back and this time Crendor has got beef with the iphone! Is 13 his unlucky number? Meanwhile, Jesse HATES the Netflix reality show "The Circle", although he can't stop talking about it. T...hen mystery poops threaten Totinos Pizza Roll shoppers, the internet is still awful, and so much more! All in this exciting new episode of Cox n' Crendor! Visit to get Honey for free. Go to and use promo code cox to get 10% off your first purchase!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Honey. Honey's out there trying to save you some money. Also, today we're brought to you by Hawthorne. Hawthorne's gonna make you smell so good, people are gonna be like, oh, get inside my belly. That's weird. Anyway, let's jump into this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Treadmill. I'll see Treadmill in the morning. In the morning. Hello everybody, it's time for Cocks and Trendog! This is Trendog in the morning. In the morning! Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live!
Starting point is 00:00:35 In 4-hour recording studios. Recording! Wake your ass up! It's Cocks and Trendog in the morning!acks and Crandall in the morning! Hello, Cacks and Crandall, gonna give you the quality content for your belly. Yeah, for your belly! I don't know what that was about. I was rubbing my belly while doing it too, which is weird.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I was like, belly. Belly. Sometimes you gotta. You gotta get into it. Sometimes you gotta. That's what sells it to the kids. It's the real genuine interaction with the audience.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I'm rubbing myself. They like that, apparently. That sounds weird. I told you it was weird. I said it was. All right. Well, how are you doing? I'm doing great.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I've gone full crazy. Okay. So, as you know, I'm trying to, like, regiment my life more and, like, make everything a little bit more as you know i'm trying to like regiment my life more and like make everything a little bit more you know i don't know what you know like uh like i don't know you know organized structured uh one of those words but like better like i want to make it i want to i consistently have the problem where i'm just like i will do it tomorrow and then two weeks go by right yeah and i i need to stop doing that and so i have forced myself to like i don't know if it's like army rules but i'm definitely 100 just being like okay do these things every day jesse so
Starting point is 00:02:19 that's kind of what and so i made a list and i want to I want to run this by you because this is my list I created. It's hanging. I pulled it from my refrigerator magnet. And now it's in front of me. And it's been in my fridge every day since yesterday. So it's brand new. It's open to revision. But it's things I think that everyone should do but I clearly suck at doing.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And so I need to just be like, all right, this is how I'm going to do stuff. So I have an every day, a weekly, and a monthly list. Every day, make my bed. Empty or load the dishwasher if needed. Right. Clean up as I go. Don't leave anything just if needed. Right. Clean up as I go. Don't leave anything just sitting there. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Do at least one small load of laundry rather than let it pile up. All right. Yep. Make sure that all my clothes, if there's stuff that's done from the laundry, actually take it out and just leave it in the laundry. Sometimes I'm like, I'll get it later. Yep. That's a close. Make sure to take out any trash that needs to be taken out.
Starting point is 00:03:25 That's my everyday. Make sure to take out any trash that needs to be taken out. That's my every day. Right? Seems very simple. But like, you know, when your life is running around, going to offices, sometimes I spend, some days, I will say I spend three hours at home. Not, all right, add the eight that I sleep. All right. So I'll spend 11 hours, but really, most of of the time I'm just sleeping when I'm home.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Very rarely I'm at home like, I'm doing stuff. I'm usually out. And so when I'm at home, I sometimes just leave. I'm like, I'll get that. I'll get that later. And then three days go by and I'm like, what is that still doing there? Oh, I'm an idiot. That's why.
Starting point is 00:04:06 So that's my every day. And I feel like it's, it's pretty straightforward. It makes sense. It's something I should do every day in sort of like a, this is how I'm going to help set the, the ability for myself to like get stuff out of the way. You know what I mean? Like I'm going to do this. I'm going to do it. I'm going to keep going and I'm not going to put it off. That's, you know, that's my objective. So you had a, you know, like a commandments list. Well, yeah. But then I've got a weekly. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Weekly steps it up. All right. All right. Weekly clean appliances. All right. Clean bathroom. Clean any mirrors clean my mirror
Starting point is 00:04:48 sometimes you get toothpaste spittle on it gotta clean that mirror make sure to change all the bed change the bed linens vacuum vacuum and make sure to clean up
Starting point is 00:05:04 around the apartment get it you know get it good yeah get it good right and so that's my weekly so on the weekend i'm like look at me i'm cleaning up which is good because usually i do that but the problem is is what happens is it all so it'll be like i'll pick one day on the weekend where i do everything i should have done earlier in the week and i'm like well that took all day on the weekend where I do everything I should have done earlier in the week. And I'm like, well, that took all day. So now I'm trying to mitigate that. So it's like, okay, I'll have stuff done every day during the week. And then on the weekend I can tackle the big things and it won't take five hours.
Starting point is 00:05:35 It'll take like two. And I can save myself a ton of time. That's kind of where I'm going with that. And then I got a monthly thing, which is literally, you know, all the monthly stuff of like disinfect the trash can and, uh, you know, vacuum like along vents and stuff and make sure, you know, what the bathroom, I like really get in there in the shower and like, make sure that thing sparkles and shine. You know what I'm talking about? Like all the other things. Yeah. Like the deep clean. I don't want to do that monthly. So that's my objectives. I've set objectives for myself.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I'm going to see if I can do it. I like it. I think it's good to have that. Like it's things, it's all the things I know I need to do. And I quite often do. It's not like I don't do those things. But I do them in such a haphazard like, oh, I should do that. There's sometimes where it'll be 1139 at night and I'll notice something needs to get done. And I'll be like, you know what? I should do that there's sometimes where it'll be 11 39 at night and i'll notice something needs
Starting point is 00:06:26 to get done and i'll be like you know what i should do that and i'll just start cleaning my apartment at night for some reason yeah now i've had those urges at like night where it's like getting towards bedtime and you just want to clean like i feel it and i don't know if that's like you want to get it cleaned so then you can rest. You're like, you know what? I'm free of that worry now. I don't know what it is, but I have that exact same thing too. And now I'm just like, what if I did that during the day?
Starting point is 00:06:55 And as I went and I could, you know, like I'm looking at my counter right now. I got a box sent to me for Life is Strange 3. And I'm like, okay, here's the plan. We take the photos. We do the things. We tweet at Dodger and harass Dodger a little bit. Then we take the box, bring it to the office, let the office people have whatever they want from it.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And then like, we're good. Get it off your counter, Jesse. Do it. Like, don't let it sit there for a week and a half, you know, do something with it. And so now that's kind of where I'm at. I'm just like, okay, how do I do this? When I go to my closet, I'm like, all right, you have a bunch of stuff. And you kept telling yourself, you married condo this Jesse, you went into your closet
Starting point is 00:07:34 and you said you needed that jacket. How many times in the last year and a half have you worn that jacket? Zero, zero times. Why are you keeping it? That's where I'm at. I'm like, okay, we got okay, we're getting strict about this. It's weird because I'm in the same spot. Because it's almost been a year since I went full Marie Kondo.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And so since then, things have gotten a little crazy again. And so I'm in that point where I'm like, I've got to reorganize. But I don't reorganize because I'm like, well, I've got to work out. And I've got to stream. And I've got to make this video. I gotta reorganize, but I don't reorganize because I'm like, well, I gotta work out, and I gotta stream, and I gotta make this video, and then I gotta do Warhammer. So I have all these different things I'm doing, but none of them are set in stone
Starting point is 00:08:16 or everything. I kind of just do them all over the place. And then I gotta write, because I'm like, oh yeah, I gotta write, so I'll write a bit, but then I'm like, oh, now I gotta get back to the stream, and it's like, everything's broken up, and I'm like, you know what I need? I need a list so like right a bit, but then I'm like, oh and I gotta get back to the stream And it's like everything's broken up. I'm like, you know what I need. I need like a list of Just things I got to do like what you did It's like a day a week and a month and I'm like, all right, I gotta do something like that so I'm like I need to like take a
Starting point is 00:08:37 I'd take a few days off I think and just plan it all out So I remember when I had that one therapist guy be like, so why don't you clean or organize since you say it's pretty important? And I'm like, I don't know. And then he was just like, well, if it's important, you would think you'd want to do it. And I'm like, yeah, you would think I'd want to do it. But then you like, you override it with other stuff. I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Exactly. I mean, that's exactly correct. It's like, yeah, I definitely want to work out. It's like, well, if you do, you make time for it. It's like, no, I mean, that's exactly correct. It's like, yeah, I definitely want to work out. It's like, well, if you do, you make time for it. It's like, no, I mean, I do. I do make time for it. And then I will give up that time for something else that I feel is equally valuable but is clearly the wrong choice. And so I'm trying to mitigate all the things in my life that could get in the way of me being like,
Starting point is 00:09:25 look, dude, you have an hour. You can get some real work done in an hour. Like, go work out, you big idiot. Get something done, right? But I always will be like, oh, man, I got to do this, and I scheduled this there and that. And it's like, well, you have three other hours. What are you doing then? Oh, well, you know, I got to, like, do all three other hours. What are you doing then? Oh, well, you know, I got to like do all these other things.
Starting point is 00:09:48 So I'm really trying to make it so I just make everything. Every day I'm doing something. Every day I'm like fixing this or doing that. And so when it comes time that I have a free moment, I'm not like, oh man, I should have, should have started cleaning my apartment. I guess I'll do that now in my free moment. Instead, it'll be like, you know, I have a free moment. I guess I go for a walk and not like worry about anything.
Starting point is 00:10:14 That could be fun. Plus, when you do all that, it frees up your mind to be like, hey, you know what? I don't got anything to clean really. Or if there's something to clean, it's not that bad. And so you're like, oh, now I can focus on other things not worry about that's my that's what i want i want to be able to be like ah you know that thing in the back of my mind that's like i gotta clean that thing or organize that it's like gone because you get it all done so that's why that's what i'm doing like this week probably i'm gonna take like two days off not do anything except clean organize
Starting point is 00:10:43 i'm gonna put on like marie condo on netflix on the tv or the computer or whatever and just like have that there to like be the uh the motivation i need to be like here we go she's clean and i gotta clean i set aside two boxes that i'm gonna go through all my stuff and be like okay jesse how many black shirts do you really need? I'm going to really go through and just be like, let me just figure stuff out. Because if I can get living room stuff cleaned, then going through all my bedroom stuff and going through the closet could be easier. And I'm just trying to like really get in there and really mitigate all the BS in my life. And so I straight up just had to go into my notebook and just write out a bunch of this is what I need to do in my life every single day. And I found it easier than, you know, it's the same notebook, but in it, you know, it has like daily schedule thing. And the daily schedule is great, but all it did was give me a third schedule look off
Starting point is 00:11:46 it wasn't helping me it just was a third reminder of all the other crap i had to do and i was like how can i get preventative with stuff and so now i just have a list of like whenever i go to the fridge for anything it's like did you uh do this thing today, oh, yeah, which is one of the reasons I have an assistant, to constantly be reminded of all the things I forget, because I forget so much. But if it's right in front of me, I'm like, oh, I need to do that. And I think that might be why I'm like, oh, yeah, I should clean at 11.39 at night.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I also think if you overload your brain, right, that gets a little – I think it's something with like you can only keep track of like seven tasks. So if you write down like 20 things to do, you're going to be like, I don't know where to start. And then you just like go and then you just do something else. Right. That is absolutely true. I don't know where you heard the information, but I completely believe it. Internet.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I have done no research on this, but I completely believe that your brain can only hold seven tasks because I'm going to say my brain, three. I can keep three things in there, and if it's not one of those three, it is lost to me. And then I'll see something that will remind me. I'll be like, oh, no. And then I'll be like, I got to go do that. Like, literally, this is a true fact.
Starting point is 00:13:06 This past week, one of my friends was leaving her work. Um, she is no longer going to work there. And everyone who, you know, all this friend group wanted to make her a video to say, Hey, thanks. You're amazing. And that was a Monday. I got the email like, Hey, just send like a 30 second video saying thanks. I was like, yeah, I'll get on that.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Monday went by.uesday went by wednesday went by thursday an email like hey uh can we get it friday i was like yes of course i'm so sorry friday thursday goes by friday arrives and i'm like okay jesse get this done first thing in the i get there in the office i like load up my recording software i'm like ready to go i walk out of the room to get a drink of water five hours later i'm like oh i have to record that thing so i go sit down to record uh and then i like record it and then go about my day. And then Saturday morning, an email like, Hey, did you send that? I'm like, I forgot to send it.
Starting point is 00:14:08 That's me. Which is, so unless I have a person that along the lines is like, Hey, Hey, Hey, did you do that? Like,
Starting point is 00:14:16 I need people to pester me. I may not like it, but I need it. I need someone to be like, Hey, do that. But everyone's afraid to, everyone thinks they're going to make me mad.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I'm like, do I look like the guy who's going to get angry? Why does everyone think that about me? I pester you. Don't worry. I'm not great at it, but I'll be like, hey, hey, hey. Been two hours. Hey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Hey. But that works. I'll be like, oh, yeah. Okay. And it's not because I'm like ever I'm trying to ignore people. Like we have friends who literally will leave your ass on red and then be like five days later be like oh hey and you're like oh but like me I genuinely I'm like I'm on it and then I just it just slips my mind because like something else will fill those three slots it's like just you gotta do this other thing like okay I'll get
Starting point is 00:15:02 that done and then yeah I don't and this isn't Just like a wolf you paid me it isn't Even that you could offer me money And I still it will if it's not one of those three Slots in my brain it's gone I'll be like oh no I had to do that thing For dollars I forgot it It happens I can't help it
Starting point is 00:15:20 Yeah I'll have that happen occasionally too Cause it's like hey you gotta sign this contract Or hey you gotta do this I'm like alright and then like days go by and they're like it's still in your thing and i'm like oh god and then i gotta go sign it like it's like a basic thing it takes like one minute exactly and that's my point is it's one of those things where the minute i get it i should immediately do it and for some reason i'm like well i'm busy with this other thing is the other thing as important or more important no but for some reason i'm like, well, I'm busy with this other thing. Is the other thing as important or more important? No.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But for some reason I'm just like, well, when I finish X, I will tackle this new thing. But every damn time it's like five days later, I'm so dumb and I do it to myself. And so I'm like, you know what? Nah, no more. So I sat down and wrote out a list. I'm like, this is your every day. Before you leave the house in the morning, do this stuff. Yeah, it's like one of those things where I'll have like something on the table.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Like, I don't know, a glass of water. And you drink the glass. I'm like, I gotta put that in the kitchen now. And then I'm like, well, I can just take it down later. But if you take it down now then you you'd like get past that barrier in your brain because then if you don't do it right then maybe it just sits there for like a day or two days and you're like oh it's like you just gotta you just gotta be like you know and just do it i haven't lived a normal life in a while like you know you know normal
Starting point is 00:16:41 people who have real jobs and like have families And stuff I haven't done that It's been the last 10 years Have not been real I literally play video games for a living But Every streamer I talk to who exists In the same world as us has the exact Same problem and I don't know
Starting point is 00:17:00 If it's the culture Or if it's everyone Everyone has this problem And the only people i talk to are streamers and they're like yeah i just but everyone i know is just i don't know i don't know if it's the like streaming i'm gonna you know what i'm just gonna say it twitch rots your brain it's turned us all into idiots you know what i had to say it take Take that, Jeff Bezos. It's the new TV. It'll rot your brain. I made a video talking about burnout.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I swear to God, half the people I follow are like, hey, I'm burning out, taking a break. Because I went through that a few months ago. But I feel like I made a video talking about it being like, all right, this is why people burn out. First up, a lot of them are tied to one game, right? So if you're tied to one game and you keep playing that game and you get tired of that game, you can't quit that game
Starting point is 00:17:50 because then your viewership drops. But if your viewership drops, you're like, uh-oh, I got to play this game, get it back up. So you have to get past that speed bump in order to make it to the point where you can get more viewers from other games. But if you're struggling or maybe you're not doing that great financially, you're're like, I gotta go play that game, so then you're in a bad mood because you don't want to play that game, and then people are like, he looks like he's in a bad mood, well yeah, he's playing
Starting point is 00:18:11 a game he doesn't want to play, so then it becomes a job, like an actual job instead of having fun playing a video game, then you got people yelling at you, being like, where's the thing, idiot? Or like, wow, he's not having fun playing this game. What an idiot. And then you start being like, should I have fun playing this? I should have fun playing this game, right? I'm playing a game for a living. Like I should be enjoying this, but you're not enjoying it. So it creates this controversy in your head where you're just like, I don't know. And then you start being like, man, other people want to do this for a
Starting point is 00:18:42 living and I'm not enjoying it, but I got to do do it and then it like creates even more thing and then you see someone else be like hey idiot and then you fire back cuz then you're starting to hit a tipping point you're like shut up idiot and everyone's like whoa this guy's crazy you're not wrong people get to this point or like they're so big everybody sees them as like a not even like a celebrity but just like not human and you forget that like everybody's just human and maybe you know Your stomach hurts or maybe there's health things going on and maybe there's life problems going on and that's affecting you, too So like you know like when I had all my stomach problems and stuff. It's like alright
Starting point is 00:19:16 Stomach hurts here we go And then you're even more vulnerable and like irritable and like you could have family issues going on someone will be like What's the deal with this then you're just like shut up idiot and everyone's like whoa this guy's getting crazy i mean you know you don't know what's going on in people's lives and their own lives and what they're feeling and like their own thing and it's like it all just it all adds up i i had like a weird epiphany the other day similar to this where a celebrity died i don't remember who it was but that's not a rare occurrence but a celebrity died and i remember thinking when i read the article
Starting point is 00:19:54 that it was like this dude had an entire life that i never once thought about except for when he played a character on a show that i liked and now he's dead yeah and and you you realize like most of your day you you are oblivious to the other lives around you not very often are you thinking about the day-to-day struggles and problems and the life of someone else right but you might have a moment interaction with them and you're like hey f you get out of my way right and who knows what's going on in their life but it doesn't matter because it like inconvenience to a little yeah the biggest problem with social media is that it is designed to make you feel like FOMO and to make you see someone and see their best version of themselves. And so everyone, yeah. And everyone, yeah. And everyone posts their
Starting point is 00:20:55 best moments, but it's all a lie and all BS. And so every time I see, you know, one of my favorites was uh when a you know a couple that i knew uh like kept posting i love you you're the best thing in my life all this stuff and then the next post like a week later was like we're getting a divorce i was like what dude i'm telling you because it's all bs it's all you know it's everyone trying to make everyone else feel like they're okay. That's the whole, and the problem is, and I think you and I are both guilty of this, is when people post how bad they're doing, we're like, shh, we just don't care. Stop. Right? Because when you post how bad you're doing, that's all you're posting.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And no one wants to see people like, or just like, my life sucks and it's terrible. But at the same time, we're saying're saying hey we want to see the positive side but the positive side is making everyone go crazy because we're like well i can't they can't all be happy all the time it's social media is the worst it is the worst my issue is some people it's like one or the other to the extreme it's like there's like there's got to be some normalcy in there somebody's like hey you know what having a bad day or whatever and the next day they're like, yo, it's a pretty good day. It's the balance of it. It's not just like constant, like,
Starting point is 00:22:10 well, another bad day or like, wow, another great day. Every day's great. The problem with that is most people start that way and then at a certain point many people, when they start posting negative stuff, get a lot of comments that are like you can
Starting point is 00:22:26 get through this i believe in you and suddenly they every time something's wrong they go back to whatever social media platform in order to get that feedback and then like today i saw a person like on the good side they're probably like it's great and everyone's like man i wish i was you and they're like it's just bad that's why i like i said the other side, they're probably like, it's great. And everyone's like, man, I wish I was you. And they're like, it's just bad. That's why, like I said the other week, like I said this week, take Twitter and either uninstall it or move it to a folder in the far depths of your phone that's extremely hard to get to and you'll be much happier for it. But if you could, for the business side, please keep following us.
Starting point is 00:23:01 That's how we make our money. Yeah, that too. Oh my God, speaking of that so i got so i had my phone or what is it iphone x or whatever i've had this one for like three years right so i was like maybe i'll upgrade i got the new iphone 13 i'm like all right let's try it out i swear to god it's like it feels exactly the same in fact i thought you said you were going blind use i saw a tweet you saying you're going blind using it yeah so the i'm not going blind okay you're taking my social media and you're twisting and turning see all right it's already toxic um you're not wrong you're
Starting point is 00:23:38 not wrong i tried to set you up there and uh i failed yeah so i was like well the only good thing is the screen's really cool. It's a new OLED screen, which I guess all the phones are doing now. But it was moving so fast, and the refresh rate and the frame rate and everything, I was getting motion sick kind of looking. I was like, ugh. And then I went into a dark room. Wait, what was your last phone?
Starting point is 00:24:02 The iPhone XS Max or whatever. It's from like three years ago. So you had an iPhone 10 version 2, which would be at least five years ago. No. I think. It's three years. Yes. I literally checked my receipt.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I bought it three years ago. Wait. That doesn't make any... Oh, so maybe you bought... It is the iphone xs max but the generation is old what because don't because isn't it like iphone like iphone 11 then like a iphone 11s comes out next and that's it's iPhone 12. Then iPhone 12S. No. Now it's iPhone 13, right? No.
Starting point is 00:24:47 The last three years have been XS Max, then 11, then 12. Now it's 13. Well, that shows you how much I know about phones. I think they stopped doing the S. That was like the last version they went XS or whatever. Well, I know nothing about it. All I know is that i still have an 11 so it's no worries here so the thing was my phone's actually been pretty solid
Starting point is 00:25:12 so i'm like you know what maybe we'll see how it is and so i'm returning it because i was like i'm not gonna spend all this money on this phone if it's like the exact same phone except for the only difference is it's giving me eye problems and someone's like you exact same phone, except for the only differences, it's going to be eye problems. And someone's like, you just got to get used to it. I'm like, I'm not going to get used to it. I have my other phone. It works fine. Then I was testing the camera.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And I think, okay, so my current phone, it's got like the two little camera things. You can barely tell it's there. This one's got like three honking lenses on it. All right. I put it down on the table. It's practically propped up i'm like okay whatever maybe the camera's awesome i tried it it's like barely better it's the pictures get slightly more light and that's like it i'm like i'm not gonna pay this much money to get slightly more light
Starting point is 00:25:59 in a picture like if i put the pictures next to each other and i was like tell me which one is which for like a portion of them you probably couldn't even tell which one's from the old phone and the new phone. Like it's, it's barely noticeable. So I'm like, all right, well, that's dumb. So I'd rather just have the smaller camera that's practically as good. And the only thing I wanted was the battery life because my battery life's a bit bad, but I'm like, I mean, I'm always just going to charge the thing anyway. So I'm just like, I'm just keeping this phone then there's the people i was like how do i fix it someone's like just turn it off and buy an android all right that's like something a
Starting point is 00:26:32 typical android person would say so i already knew that was coming but i don't want an android i hate android phones i've already said that i watched a thing about them comparing android and iphone they're like practically the same phone at this point, but I just like the UI more on the iPhone. Plus, I've just had this phone for three years and it's working great. So I'm like, you know what? Screw it. Sending it back. Keeping this one
Starting point is 00:26:56 and I'm just going to ride it out until it fades into the dust distance. I think I have something similar to you. I just was looking. So for Verizon you have like a new phone every two years and and basically if you trade in your old phone they'll give you a new phone and so i'm like maybe but you're right like I'm totally satisfied with my phone. There's nothing about my phone where I'm like, you know what? I could use a new one.
Starting point is 00:27:29 But at the same time, I kind of want to see what the new one. Like, now you got me intrigued. That's how I was, too. I was like, you know what? It's got to be better now. It's been three years, dude. But I think here's the problem. We've hit this point where the innovation has slowed down drastically
Starting point is 00:27:45 and now everyone's like uh you can play games faster i'm like i don't want to play games on my phone right so i don't that's like the biggest thing and then they're like uh twitter opens 0.8 seconds faster i'm like i don't want to get the twitter fast i want to get there slower so i can close it then they're like uh camera's the camera's, like, slightly better. I'm like, I don't even think the camera's that much better. Right? And to do that, you got these giant-ass lenses on it. Like, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:28:12 So, I'm just, until there's, like, some crazy innovation for the phones where they're like, this is insane. Then, you know, I'll get that one. I feel the same way. They even are now trying to do the whole thing where phones are gimmicky again. So there are new flip phones and there are new phones that are like, it folds into 18 screens. And all that's great. Yeah, it's fine. But what I would just like is a phone that just lighter and maybe took better photos and
Starting point is 00:28:45 that's another thing. This phone is bigger. It's bigger and it's got the, instead of being like rounded at the edges, it's like more of the brick phone. And I'm like it got bigger. But it's like just, it's the same. It's dumb. Yeah. I mean
Starting point is 00:29:01 that's one of the things I like about the phone that I have is I have the rounded edges. Yeah. And I saw the new one and it's like Yeah I have no clue I saw the guy the other day Talking about he has an iPhone 7 And I was like that dude is old school He gets it he's smarter than me Cause he's like look I don't need that
Starting point is 00:29:20 I mean like yeah he's right I don't play games on my phone I did download The Nier game Haven't touched it once I downloaded it Because I need to know What the hell
Starting point is 00:29:29 This Nier game is Because it's going to be Weird as hell And it's going to be On my phone Great Haven't touched it Once
Starting point is 00:29:35 Other than that I think I use The same six apps And then I have Other apps that exist For the one time In a million I'll touch it
Starting point is 00:29:41 And be like Oh yeah Yeah I don't I don't know i barely use my phone for anything and i always feel dumb when i people are like just text me i'm like can i call you they're like no oh i'm like my dad i just want a phone where i can open the the call center and call my friends and family. This is how I realized.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I mean, like, obviously, I'm now becoming old man screams a cloud or yells a cloud. But honestly, the other day I watched a video that made me laugh so hard because I know it's true. And I know the generational divide is there, right? Where for a while, being a millennial, especially a geriatric millennial as they call me, there were moments where you kind of fit in with the younger millennials and some of the older Gen Z people, and you understood what they were talking about. We are officially, fully, completely at the generational gap now, where it's like, I watched a video the other day, and it was really funny,
Starting point is 00:30:42 where it was like a spoof of kids talking about uh you know becoming friends and like what they like and stuff like that and one of the funniest parts was the fact that was like it's like yo do you play roblox or fortnite and it's like i play both and he's like okay xbox playstation he's like neither he's what do you mean he's a phone dog and he's like yeah i was like oh that's right young kids play most their games on the phone and that is insane to me. I would never, why would I play on such a small screen? That makes no sense. But clearly, most younger people, the phone is where they spend all their time.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah. I mean, it adds up because, you know, back in the day, you had to buy consoles and buy it, and now it's just like, oh, well, your parents just buy you a good phone, and then you can do everything. It's like having a mini computer. It's really what it is. Makes no sense to me. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I'm like, why would you? Oh, my God. The other day, someone in our office, it might have been Julia or one of the young, you know, the young, hip, cool kids. What are the young kids? I was texting on my phone and they started making fun of me because I was using one hand to text. And they're like, why don't you use two hands? I was like, what do you mean? They're like, you can use both thumbs. I was like,
Starting point is 00:31:52 I can't go that fast. I was like, I gotta figure out what I'm gonna say. That is pretty sad. I mean, you know, if I'm like doing something and I gotta quickly like use one hand, like, you know, maybe I'm stirring a pot of chili. I've never used two hands. Maybe I'm, like, doing something and I got to quickly, like, use one hand. Like, you know, maybe I'm stirring a pot of chili.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I've never used two hands. Maybe I'm typing something on a computer. I got to type the other thing. Then I'll just, you know, I go with two hands. Otherwise. I've never used two hands. I have never. It makes no sense. I've never used two hands.
Starting point is 00:32:19 That's weird. I never have. You're old. You know what? Well, I can type on a typewriter without looking at the keys. So, screw y'all. Screw y'all. I'm trained in different ways.
Starting point is 00:32:28 It's like dust out typewriter from the closet. Like all the dust blows off. Here we are. I can type on a typewriter. So screw y'all. When the apocalypse comes and all the cell phones go down, who's going to be sending the messages then? Me.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I will! You think your kids are good with your text messages? I know the Morse code. I'll be getting rescued. We're hitting, we are hitting the gap now. Yeah, it's pretty wild. It's, you know, it's an interesting thing to think about that I was looking at, someone posted like a thing about in the 1950s, you could see the generational differences between people who were born in the 1880s versus people who were born in the 1910s just by how they like dressed and lived because people from the 1800s had like a totally different vibe and that never went away that was the vibe of like the way they lived
Starting point is 00:33:37 and then at the turn of the century when everything modernized and changed those people were just like whoa hold up no and so in the 50s there's this really funny like different pictures of people who are you know at the time 70 right or whatever versus the people who are you know 45 and the look of them is totally different and that's how i feel we're gonna get to a point where it's like people born in the year 2010 versus people born in 1985. It's going to be crazy. It's going to be like – It is.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I don't even – I watched – oh, my God. Crandor. Speaking of, there's a show on Netflix Called The Circle Terrible show Truly one of the worst shows I've ever seen It is a reality show In which a bunch of people Are brought into an apartment complex
Starting point is 00:34:36 They're not allowed to see each other And they play a social media game Where they can talk to each other And they can sort of like figure out who's who They can lie to each other They can pretend to be someone they're not they can like catfish people but the basic gist is you're trying to be the last person there and you're trying to like convince everyone that you are something i don't know what like the goal is but it's the last person there wins and so the biggest thing that while watching watching it, I watched the newest season.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I watched the first two and a half episodes before I was like, nah, this ain't for me. They invite all those people there and they're all overdramatic and they act like crazy people. Except for this one guy who I actually really enjoyed. He seemed like such like a bro dude. And I was like, this guy is just having the best time of his life. I love that guy. But everyone else was really over the top and whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:31 At the end of the first episode, they unveil the last person entering and it's this Instagram model and her manager. And they're going to pretend to just be the Instagram model and work together to kind of like,
Starting point is 00:35:42 you know, cheese their way through this thing. And what ends up happening is everyone hates them immediately. Everyone hates the Instagram model person and they vote her off right away, which let's be real, was the right choice. Oh, yeah. First episode, it's revealed that, hey, if you get booted off, you're allowed to go meet anyone and tell them, hey, you know, I'm real or I'm not real, that kind of stuff. And they decided to go meet the dude who said, I don't believe they're a real person. Right?
Starting point is 00:36:19 Because she had, like, all these perfect photos. And they were like, this is fake. You are not a real person. You are catfishing us. And so they were going to go there and she was going to show up and be like,'m real that's right i'm beautiful like that kind of shit yeah and uh they enter the room but it's not this dude's apartment in fact it's this other apartment where they're like hey we've decided to allow you to stay and you are allowed to come back as an imposter you get to pretend to be one of the other people. And so these two social media gurus are like,
Starting point is 00:36:49 oh my God, who do we pretend to be? And they pick the elderly lady who's there. This old southern lady who's just barely knows. She's like, tell everyone I say hello. Because you can't type. You're supposed to say what you're going to say out loud and the machine like does it and so people be talking she's like i think you're cute you remind me of my grandson like that kind of stuff so they decide to be her so second episode they come back and she's like what is what's going on and now there's like i think her name was elizabeth or something like that. Ellen, Helen,
Starting point is 00:37:25 whatever. It doesn't matter. And now there are two of them. And, and, and everyone's like, what does this mean? There's the blue version and the,
Starting point is 00:37:33 and the orange version. And the orange version is the original. And the blue one is these new imposters. And they literally spend the next hour gaslighting this poor woman and convincing everyone else that she is not real. And she is furious. She's like, I can't, I don't understand why these people are like, I'm just, it breaks my heart. Like, and so they play a game where it's just photos of this woman's life. And it's like, Hey, like hey blue orange describe this event what was this and so there's one where it's you know her fishing and the old woman explains everything in high
Starting point is 00:38:11 detail and the influencers like we don't know what this is so let's just like they post a thing that's a fun time with my family god and country first i love them so much this was when we caught this fish and i you know what it wasn't even about the fish it was about the time he's like that kind of shit and everyone's like you know what that sounds like something she would say i'm like what what are you talking about i was so mad this poor woman everyone even the people that were her friends when she went to go talk to them they were like well i definitely trust her and then the blue one would show up and they'd be like oh no that no, that seems more like her.
Starting point is 00:38:45 And it's like, what the? How are you all so dumb? And so then they all unanimously vote this woman off. And she's like crying and sobbing and just it's the worst thing I've ever seen. I was like, I hate, I hate this. And she's like told, hey, you can go meet the people who voted you off. Anyone you want. And so instead of going to anyone else and saying, blue is not me.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Please get rid of them. And proving herself to people. Instead, she goes to the two influencers that pretended to be her and was like i need to know why you chose me and they said look it was it's just business don't worry about it she's like well do you feel bad they're like oh on jesus we feel terrible and i was like they're lying to you she's like well i feel better now and then leaves i was like this show sucks delete remove from my netflix this is garbage I was like I hate this show This is so dumb
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yeah irredeeming I don't remember know why I got on this But it kicked in my head how much I hated this I need to tell you trash show One of the worst shows I've ever watched It's on season 3 Crandor Season 3? I need to watch at least one episode
Starting point is 00:40:04 I was so mad It's not Like imagine a show Where it's social media and everyone's trying to game each other But you don't type you just say Hey Circle please enter blank chat And then you go in the chat and they're like Hello everyone
Starting point is 00:40:17 I would like to talk to you I gotta see how bad it is It's such a bad show There's one thing I. It's such a bad show. There's one thing I love. It's terrible shows. I was so mad. I was like, man, I miss the days of Are You The One.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Like, that was good. Now that was good, but this is just bad. Yeah, this is bad, bad. I can't believe that they punked that poor old woman. And then her response was, well, I want to get more punked by these women. And so the social media influencer and her manager were just like, we feel terrible. We're so Jesus on Jesus. We didn't mean to do that to you. And then you're like, yeah, you did.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Of course you did. That's why you picked her. I'll send you a fruit basket. You picked her because she was easily manipulatable. Yeah. And you could pretend to be her and everyone would believe you. Like, you clearly... And they're like, no.
Starting point is 00:41:10 You know, I'll think about this for the rest of my life. Like, no, you won't. Shut up. You suck. Man, that is... I was so mad. I was like, this show is ass. This show is ass.
Starting point is 00:41:23 My choices were Squid game or that and i was like well i don't be weird out tonight i just want to watch this and it weirded me out even more because i was like i trust no one now just and everyone's like squid game was amazing i'm like yeah well it sounds great i probably should have watched that instead wait what's squid game uh squid game is i think it's korean let me look this up is it korean where it's uh it's a drama series about a bunch of people who are kidnapped question mark and uh brought on to a live streaming television series about like maybe it's streaming i don't know but literally it's like a series of games Where If you
Starting point is 00:42:05 At the end If you win You get a bunch of money But everyone who's there Is killed It's like Literally Fall Guys Hunger Games
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah but it's like Fall Guys Except instead of Little cute people It's humans and they die Like that's the thing Alright so it's Fall Guys
Starting point is 00:42:20 Hunger Games In Korea Yes Okay Honestly I'll watch this Yeah it looks super neat Fall Guys Hunger Games in Korea. Yes. Okay. Honestly, I'll watch this. Yeah, it looks super neat. Everyone's saying it's really tense and crazy, and I'm like, ooh, I need to watch this. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yeah, I'll check that out, and then I'll watch the circle right before it. It's the really... Yeah. Really upset circle. Garbage. Get it wrong. The worst part is that it's like not even like compelling. I watched two and a half episodes
Starting point is 00:42:48 and not, it wasn't even because I was like into like, oh, I gotta see what happens to these characters. Literally, I was just so, I was rage watching. I rage watched for one and a half episodes because the end of the second episode, they did one of those like to be continued things. And at
Starting point is 00:43:04 the beginning of the third episode, they booed this poor woman out. I was so mad. I was infuriated for this woman. I was like, of all the ways, it was because everyone was so dumb. And it reminded me of when we play Among Us or Secret Hitler. And you watch, when you're clearly not the bad guy, but you're watching people fall for completely dumb things. not the bad guy but you're watching people fall for completely dumb things and they're like well you just it seemed like you're really overthinking this and like giving away too many details it's like that's because it's real what do you mean like well you didn't like what emotions were
Starting point is 00:43:36 you feeling then none i was trying to win the game oh my god oh grand orton me so mad well you know what doesn't make us mad? Thank you, pal. Thank you for that. No problem. Honey! Honey doesn't make us mad, because it's helping us save money every time we shop online. We all shop online, and Honey is there to help out. We've all seen that promo field right at the end when you go to checkout and thanks to Honey you can actually enter something in there and save that money because Honey is
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Starting point is 00:44:40 over the internet for this site and give you the best working one and you can watch the prices drop. I've used Honey for a long time now. Both of us have. It's very simple to use. The best thing is, is that the last time I used it, I literally saved on a pizza order. It's, I mean, like I just bought pizza and saved money. What a, you know, what a great benefit to my life personally. And it's benefited a lot of other people too. Honey has found over 17 million members, over $2 billion in savings. So if you don't have Honey, you are straight up missing out on free savings. And literally, it takes seconds to install.
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Starting point is 00:45:38 It is a known fact. It's true. Every person I've ever met has been like, damn, you're smelling good, dude. I can't help it. I take care to smell nice. It's how I roll. Look, I got all sorts of other problems, but smell is not one of them. And Hawthorne is the reason why.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Hawthorne's grooming products are the answer to why I feel as good as I smell. Hawthorne is a premium men's grooming brand that makes it quick and easy to confidently be your best with skincare and hair products made just for you. They use all the information from their hundreds of thousands of customers to recommend products for your body chemistry, skin type, hair type, lifestyle. And sure, you go to the drug store, the grocery store, department store, and just buy a product that's sort of a one fits all thing but hawthorne is about finding something for you first thing you got to do is go to hawthorne and take the quiz they're going to ask you things like you know what your favorite drink is do you smoke what kind of body wash have you used in the past all sorts of different things and when you're done trust me
Starting point is 00:46:41 it's actually kind of fun to take the quiz because you get to, you know, quizzes are fun. People be taking quizzes online all the time. That's the truth. And trust me, I've taken the quiz. The scents they send me are perfect. I love how they smell. And here's the thing. If you are not satisfied with how they tailor stuff to you and what they send you, they will re-tailor your products for free based on your feedback and pay for the shipping too.
Starting point is 00:47:04 So there's absolutely no risk. So make sure you're ready for anything and anyone, no wink, wink, wink, wink, wink, wink, that comes your way by taking the Hawthorne quiz today. Get that scent that's right for you. Get that body wash, shampoo, deodorant, all the different things they offer. Go to and use promo code COX to get 10% off your first purchase. That's H-A-W-T-H-O-R-N-E dot C-O promo code COX. That's promo code COX. All right, Grindr, let's go to traffic. Oh man, right now we've got traffic backed up because of some geese. These geese are walking, and they are walking in a giant pack. They have overtaken the roads.
Starting point is 00:47:52 There are at least 4,000 geese crossing the road. Some cars are trying to get through, but they are just blocked by the geese's unbelievable shield of metallic geese wings. That's right. They must have evolved that over a few centuries, but they have it now, and they are destroying cars. They are destroying vehicles along the way, and we are in the age of geese. Back to you.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Wow, the age of geese sounds terrifying. Yeah. Age of geese. The age of geese. Imagine. Imagine if the geese did that. I mean, I am. Yeah. Speaking of traffic, this week I saw a video on Reddit. It was like a bunch of kids in a car just sitting there in a traffic jam.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And they're talking about whatever, like some dude named Chad, right? And I think they're trying to meme, but it doesn't matter. Because at the end of the video, you know, like the side of the highway, like that open area where like the pool off area, whatever that's called, the bank, whatever. Literally upside down coming down it for at least five cars back.
Starting point is 00:48:57 You can't see where it starts. An upside down car just zooms by, hits their car. And they're like, Oh damn. I have so many questions. I know what, where'd that car come from why was it upside down was there a crash how far back was the crash why did they end up on it's what it's a crazy video uh so yeah you don't know what's going to come your way in traffic like geese is what i'm trying to say exactly it was the geese is what I'm trying to say. Exactly. It was the geese that did it.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Speaking of geese, let's go to weather. Yeah. Hong Kong. The weather time. So this time I've actually found a weather request. This one is from
Starting point is 00:49:42 Moonring XD. Weather request for Apache Junction, Arizona. It is right next to the Superstition Mountains, home to the mythical Lost Dutchman's gold mine. There is a movie called Apache
Starting point is 00:49:59 Junction. Oh. Well. Starring, let's see, who stars in this movie? Wow, none of the actors are listed. Oh. Well. Starring let's see who stars in this movie. Wow. None of the actors are listed. Oh hold on. Trace Adkins is the number one. Well alright never mind. Oh Trace Adkins.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Oh Thomas Jane isn't it? Alright well that's a person I recognize. Well currently it's 72 degrees Fahrenheit with rain. That's right it's raining. I did not expect that. High of 75. Humidity 77%.
Starting point is 00:50:31 29.94 inches of pressure. 7 mile visibility. 12 mile an hour winds. 64 in the dew point. 2 of 10 on the UV index. And a waning gibbous moon. 617 sunrise. 617 sunset.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Whoa, synergy. For the 10-day, scattered storms for the rest of the day, 60% chance. Tonight, 66, got some rain, 40%. Then Monday, 82, mostly sunny. 86, partly cloudy. 84, partly cloudy. 81, partly cloudy. 83, partly cloudy.
Starting point is 00:51:02 So this whole week is 80s and partly cloudy followed by saturday with a sunny 89 and then another week of partly cloudies but going up to 90 for the most part i'm trying to figure out what there is to do in apache junction i'm gonna let you know the things to do on the apache junction website was a dead link. I'm going to try again. Alright, things to do. Mountain biking is number one. Superstition Mountain Museum. It looks like a place, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:33 like when the pickers go look for trash and make it into something they can sell. It looks like that. It does. The Goldfield Ghost Town definitely looks like a ghost town. Oh yeah. Silly Mountain Park. I wouldn't call that mountain silly. That's rude.
Starting point is 00:51:48 The Siphon Draw Trail. Mammoth Mine Rock Shop. Again, all the places here look like a place you would go to find a car that no longer works, but they're definitely going to fix up. Oh, yeah. Number eight of things to do is the Los Gringos Locos Mexican restaurant. There it is. That's number eight.
Starting point is 00:52:12 That's number eight. I feel bad for Philly's Roadhouse Restaurant and Lounge. The Mexican must be very good because Philly's is offering you music, and it's like, nah, that's number nine. Number 10, you got the Dirtwater Springs Apache Junction. I mean, you know, it is dirt water. I never, why would you name your restaurant Dirtwater? Barleen's Dinner Show.
Starting point is 00:52:34 You're telling me dinner and a show is worse than that Mexican restaurant? Are you telling me there's somebody named Barleen? It took me a minute. I was like, wait, what? You're right. Barleen? Barleen? It took me a minute. I was like, wait, what? You're right. Barleen? Barleen. Or, or, is it someone named Arlene, but they own a bar, so they called it Barleen?
Starting point is 00:52:56 That's possible. There's a golf course. That's pretty nice. Motherlode Mercantile. Here's the thing. I would go to Motherlode Mercantile. That looks like a place you'd find some weird stuff. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:07 It definitely does. Looks like an old-timey saloon shop. Yeah. And then for some reason, number 17, is this like perfectly created burger. Oh, yeah. That's not real. Oh, never mind because it says the photo, even though the handlebar pub and grill, the photo is from Yeah. Yeah. Classic. Never mind because it says the photo Even though the handlebar pub and grill The photo is from Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah classic Never mind And then the last thing is a skin therapy place Which I'll be honest if you're in the sun a bunch You could use skin therapy That is true yeah Alright Apache Junction Sounds like a great place to visit for a day
Starting point is 00:53:42 That's the weather Okay let's go to sports. Sports. Welcome to the sports desk. We've got NFL football happening right now, and it is big. For the scores. We had Panthers beat the Texans 24-9 on Thursday. The Chargers somehow beat the Chiefs in one of the wackiest endings to a game I've seen.
Starting point is 00:54:09 It was like someone was playing Madden. It was insane. Cardinals beat the Jaguars. Browns destroyed the Bears. Justin Fields got sacked like nine times. Bills destroyed Washington. Titans beat the Colts. Saints beat the Patriots.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Falcons beat the Giants, who were winning pretty much the whole game. Bengals beat the Colts. Saints beat the Patriots. Falcons beat the Giants, who were winning pretty much the whole game. Bengals beat the Steelers as the Steelers start their collapse. Let's not ever talk about this. Let's leave the Steelers scores out of it from now on. It's not good. Ravens kicked a
Starting point is 00:54:40 NFL record-setting 66-yard field goal to beat the Lions at the end of the game. It hit the crossbar and bounced in in classic Detroit Lions fashion. Because, you know, any other team that would have bounced out. And that was all the NFL scores that happened. Currently, Dolphins are up on the Raiders. Broncos up on the Jets.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Rams up on the Buccaneers. And the Vikings are up on the Seahawks. on the Jets, Rams up on the Buccaneers, and the Vikings are up on the Seahawks. What happened to, didn't the Kansas City Chiefs guy get like, what happened to him? Their coach, did he die? What the hell happened to him? What? Andy Reid?
Starting point is 00:55:18 I think I saw him, yeah. I think I saw him like. Oh, wow. He left the stadium in an ambulance after falling ill That's what I'm saying All I did was I saw like a post about it And was like uh what Damn I didn't even see that Um he did not
Starting point is 00:55:35 Address media He left stadium ambulance Told he should be okay Someone 25 minutes ago said he was Dehydrated Stop drinking coke, my dude. Drink your water. There's water all over that field.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yeah. What? Baseball standings. Tampa Bay clinches the East. White Sox clinch the Central. Houston about to clinch the West. Braves two games up in the East. Milwaukee clinches the Central.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And, or I think they haven't yet, but they're pretty close. Then San Francisco and the Dodgers are both in the playoffs. So right now, in terms of wild cards, Boston and the Yankees would play each other in the wild card game with Toronto a game and a half back. And Dodgers would play against St. Louis who are two games up on Cincinnati and Philadelphia so it's looking like they will get in St. Louis has also won 15 games in a row so that's pretty good going into the playoffs if they do decide to
Starting point is 00:56:41 you know get in there but they're also winning against the Cubs right now, 4-2 in the ninth inning. So they probably will win. Although the Cubs are, they got two people on. Who knows what goes on? And then hockey and basketball are going to be starting up their preseasons pretty much in like a week or two. I think hockey starts this week and basketball
Starting point is 00:57:05 is the next week. Should be good. That's sports. Okay. What is our fact thing of the day? Our fact thing of the day is
Starting point is 00:57:21 dinosaurs lived on every continent. Yeah. Wait. Who didn't think that i mean there's probably plenty of people that didn't think that i didn't even know what all right i'm gonna let you continue with this fact well i thought i didn't think there'd be like antarctica dinosaurs i figured nothing lived there well antarctica wasn't Antarctica 65 million years ago. Well, some people forget that and they had straight season B's in school, alright? Back in their day, dinosaurs lived on every continent on Earth,
Starting point is 00:57:56 including Antarctica. The only reason we find their bones in certain places, though, is that weather and soil conditions in those places were right for the bones to be fossilized. Scientists also speculate there may have been many smaller sized dinosaurs that we know nothing
Starting point is 00:58:10 about because their bones were too small to fossilize. That's true. There were probably all sorts of types and shapes and whatever of dinosaurs. Yeah. Yeah. That is pretty neat. If anything, we're still learning that we're totally wrong about them. Like, 20 years ago, dinosaurs were like, looked like the T-Rex from Jurassic Park,
Starting point is 00:58:28 and now they're like, well, actually, they probably had feathers. Yeah. So what the hell do I know? You know, pretty cool to see a feathered dinosaur. Yeah, agreed. Yeah. That's a random fact of the day. Well, what is our big news story of the day? Whoa, big news fact of the day. Well, what is our big news story of the day?
Starting point is 00:58:46 Whoa, big news story of the day. This is going to be a big one. It's going to be a huge one, in fact. Two stories. I'll let you pick which one you want to hear. Florida man tries to trade in car at same dealership where he stole it from or alleged pizza roll pooper apprehended after oklahoma grocery store incident well you know which one i want pizza roll pooper pizza roll pooper of course uh
Starting point is 00:59:36 surely right johnson had a crappy shopping experience literally i hate that you picked it right johnson said she was picking up some items at the grocery store in more oklahoma with her two daughters when she reached for a bag of frozen pizza rolls when she quickly discovered something else in her hand. Oh, Jesus. I picked up a bag of pizza rolls and there's literally shit, she said in a video. Excuse my language. Someone defecated
Starting point is 00:59:57 inside a supermarket freezer onto a bag of Totino's pizza rolls. I am so funny. Do you think it was like against Totino's pizza rolls. I am so funny. Do you think it was, like, against Totino's? Or do you think it was just, you gotta go when you gotta go? I, you know, I feel like it was against Totino's.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Because, like, if he had to go, he'd probably just go on the floor. Well, maybe, you're right. I mean, you're right. You're right. Like, maybe he's trying to disguise it, but, like, there's probably gonna be better places, right? I don't know. I mean, you're right. You're right. Maybe he's trying to disguise it, but there's probably going to be better places, right? I don't know. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:31 One of them is called a toilet, but like, you know. You can also just go outside if you're going to like. I don't know. Like, why? Why then? You're right. It must be targeting Totino's. You're right.
Starting point is 01:00:41 targeting Totino's. You're right. So someone defecated inside a supermarket freezer onto a bag of Totino pizza rolls and covered the mess with another package of them. I grabbed the bag, turned it over, and there it was.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I was upset, disgusted, and felt like I was violated. I mean, yeah. You want some pizza rolls and you end up with shit. Not that different. I wouldn't be happy. The ride home was miserable. All the way home, my kids were still like, Mom, I can smell it.
Starting point is 01:01:16 I can smell it. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. They didn't take it home with them. What? Yeah, it is. I mean, I guess it's just daughter hand, wait, wait, wait, wait. They didn't take it home with them. Why? Yeah, it is. I mean, I guess it's just not her hand. Like, it's just not her hand. What do you mean it's not her hand?
Starting point is 01:01:30 You're telling me she opened the freezer, looked at it, and was like, is that poo? And then grabbed some, like, it is poo. Is that, like, what she thought? What do you mean? Yeah, like, I don't know. Because you would think you would, like, see something. I don't know, because you would think You would, like, see something, I don't know It is a weird This is a weird situation, also, why didn't she, like
Starting point is 01:01:50 Tell the store, or, like, didn't the store I don't, I just can't believe her kids Are like, I still see it in my sleep Mother It haunts my dreams I smell the poo, mother She told Oklahoma City CBS affiliate KWTV TV, It's just disgusting.
Starting point is 01:02:11 That's the only word I can use. It's disgusting and horrible. More policing, using surveillance video from the scene of the grime, flushed out a man they identified as a person of interest. He was booked into the cleveland county detention center on unrelated charges while the poop probe continues wait on unrelated charges yeah another stuff uh the man's name will be released if the charges are filed the man was also reported taking pictures of women in the grocery store ah a classic i have so many questions and none of it
Starting point is 01:02:47 is like none of it makes sense just just gotta know if he's against totinos or not yeah i mean like look i don't care what happened to this woman we all shit appears in our life at all times but what happened with those totinos that caused someone to poo on the totinos yeah that's the question and we may never know but we might down the line who knows i just can't i don't think we will i'm gonna let you know i feel like this is all we're going to hear about this story. Unless there's another article next week that's like, we've dug deeper into the mystery of the Totino's poops. But I don't think it's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Yep. That's one of life's great mysteries. It always is. It always is. Who pooed in the Totino's? Yep. I'm going to do a Chaluminati podcast episode on that 20 years from now like nobody knows it could have been a ghost uh all right well that's it for us thank you so much for listening or watching however you're enjoying this podcast crendor hit them with the socials social Socials, we're everywhere.
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Starting point is 01:04:26 And if you want the funny ha-ha animations, go to slash Cox and Crandor without the podcast on the end of it. Also, follow our stuff. We got Jesse Cox, Crandor, Jesse Cox, Crandor, Jesse Cox, Crandor, Jesse Cox, Crendor. Patreon Jesse Cox. Patreon Crendor. Twitter Jesse Cox. Twitter Crendor. Facebook Jesse Cox. Facebook Crendor. Instagram Notorious Cox. Instagram Crendor is taken. And
Starting point is 01:04:53 that's it. Okay. That's it. Thanks again. We'll see y'all next time. And as always... Whoa, the bell's back. We continue. time and as always the bells back to be continued

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