Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 341 - Sonic Snakes

Episode Date: June 6, 2022

Today Jesse's voice is shot, so Crendor takes the reigns! What fanciful adventures will he take us on?! Meanwhile, Jesse has become obsessed with Chili's ASMR. Yep, that's right. So you know this epi...sode is gonna be a wild one. Go to to get 15% off your first order. Go to and use code cox16 to get up to 16 free meals and 3 free gifts.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by MeUndies. MeUndies are the undies that I have on me. Also today, we're brought to you by HelloFresh. HelloFresh is going to get you that good food that you can make yourself. It's crazy what you can do when you just have great food and good recipes. Alright, let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trending. This is Trending in the morning. In the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studios. Recording. Wake your ass up. It's the next Trending in the morning. Hello, everybody. Wake your ass up, it's up next, Crendor, good morning! Hello everybody, welcome to the exciting episode of Caxing Crendor. Boy, my voice is shot, Crendor. I can't do it, I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I tried, I got halfway through and was like, I need a drink. My throat is gone. Man, your throat is gone. That's the worst I've heard it. Yeah, I can't do right now. I can't get up high. I've been talking nonstop since about 10 a.m. Wowee.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Why? I have jury duty tomorrow, so I have to get everything I need to get done for at least today and tomorrow done today. Yeah, I see. I've just been working nonstop. And of course, it all involves talking. And so now I'm just, we're at the end of the night. I'm all kind of over it. The worst part about jury duty is that they send you a message.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Basically, the way it works here, at least here in LA, is instead of going there and sitting around, you get a message the night before that tells you whether you have to go in that day. Right. And so even if I don't have to go in tomorrow, I have to wait around tomorrow night to see if I have to go in Tuesday, that kind of thing. So basically, I have to pre-plan everything
Starting point is 00:01:58 just in case they ask me to come in. Yeah. So I may not actually have to go anywhere tomorrow but i'm on call if that makes any sense so like i can't actually do work because i have to be like available if they need me it's crazy i mean at least you got a bunch of work done i did get a bunch of work done and now i'm like what if i don't ever do that again yeah that's probably not a bad idea nope no thanks yeah well i mean i can talk about me i would love for you to talk about you what's happening in your world right now uh let's see well first thing uh i went golfing today. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:02:45 All right, Arnold Palmer. What were you up to? It was pretty good. I got some pars, and I got a couple bogeys, got some eagles. All right. Yeah, but, like, you haven't even started the question. Why? Why are you golfing?
Starting point is 00:03:07 I like golfing. Sure, but like, why golf? Like, you can like golfing, but going golfing is a whole other thing. Well, my one friend wanted to go. Is this Nick? Which one of your friends is the golfer? No, it was one of my high school friends. And so he was just, he's pretty much on the same level as I know this guy did I see his house? Was that the guy who passed you've never seen?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Whoa this friend live in Canada or something is this like no you don't know it. He's from Canada It's just the person where like I mainly He's from Canada. He's just the person where I mainly... He's like the friend of, like, hey, want to go golfing? He's like, yeah. He's like that friend. He's like, hey, we're going golfing.
Starting point is 00:03:52 It's like, well, see you next time we go golfing. I'm like, all right. So yeah, I did pretty good. I like golfing. It's just, I don't know, it's relaxing. You're out in nature. You're like ah the great outdoors uh but all right but but i hate nature well that could be a problem i got to i didn't get too far i was like on the second hole or we just finished up on the second hole And I looked down at my leg
Starting point is 00:04:26 And there was a tick on my leg That's what you get for wearing Shorts dude you gotta wear khakis Well it's like 80 degrees Doesn't matter you gotta wear those Tan khakis that's golf etiquette bro So I was just like What the shit
Starting point is 00:04:42 And then I took him off Cause he wasn't like, he couldn't have been there long because we literally just started golfing not that long ago. And I was like, all right. But then my hypochondria set in. And I was like, oh, God. You're covered in ticks now.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Yeah. What if he bit me? But I was like, if he bit me, probably wouldn't if he bit me probably wouldn't come off that easily but then i was like maybe maybe i just didn't know it and then lyme disease it's over for you i was like dude maybe i got lyme disease so i started looking into the internet oh man why did you do that dude oh no there's there's people on the internet you just get the grain scope of like i've gotten 500 ticks in my life and i or like in the last week and i'm fine and there's some guy like you know i had one tick and
Starting point is 00:05:31 i have lyme disease crippling me for you know years and i was like oh okay so apparently it takes a while for the actual disease now Now you're just going to wait there in fear. Is that what's happening to you? Well, no, it, the tick has to be like on you for a while for you actually to get the disease. And I got, so they're like, oh yeah, usually it's like 24 to 36 hours. If you don't notice a dude's on you for 24 to 36 hours, that's a you problem. Well, sometimes I guess they're like, you you know they're in like weird places like behind your ear or like on your neck or things you can't see i was lucky to where i was constantly looking down because i got to hit the ball and i was
Starting point is 00:06:15 just like what the shit the thing on my leg uh so i mean i don't even i don't have like any red bumps you know i don't got any any markings like i don't have, like, any red bumps. You know, I don't got any markings. Like, I don't have anything that shows that it was a bite. But then, near where I thought I saw him, there's, like, a freckle. And I'm kind of like, is that freckle? Like, was that there before? So now I'm, like, freaking myself out being like, oh, no. The worst part about this is I was going to be like,
Starting point is 00:06:43 Crenor, it's nothing to worry about. You're fine. But I know that if I say it's nothing to worry about. You're fine. But I know that if I say that, then you're dead. You're instantly dead. I've doomed you. So I'm just going to say, hey, be safe. Yeah. So I've learned a lot about picks today is the main thing.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I guess that's good yeah um i guess so i'm uh um i had a great relaxing time and also a non-relaxing time post golf sounds like an incredible stressful golf and that's why i don't golf that right there. Yeah. So now I've just been stressful. I've literally just been looking at tick bites being like, yeah, it's not,
Starting point is 00:07:31 it doesn't look like that. Doesn't look like that. Don't cut that. Okay. Okay. No, none of those. So I've seen a lot of tick bites.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And then I was like, I don't even know if there's like Lyme disease near me. And then they're like, Oh, Lyme disease cases on the rise, especially in your area. I'm like, okay, good. You've doomed yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:55 This is the hypochondriac way. You just kind of look into it nonstop and then freak out. And then usually you're fine. And in the grand scheme of things, I've been fine for the most part. But then your brain's just like, dude, but this is the time. This is the time. This is when they get you. This is when they get you. You let your guard down for one day of golf, and they got you.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Now, here's the thing. Yeah. When you're on your deathbed, are you going to say golf was worth it? Not me. That's why I don't golf. Not me. I'd be like, was worth it? Not me. That's why I don't golf. Not me. I'd be like, not worth it. Not worth getting that.
Starting point is 00:08:30 You're telling me I walked on a bunch of grass for this? No, thank you. I had a good time. I don't know. It doesn't sound like you did. Sounds like you spent an afternoon worrying. Well, it's just because of the tick. I didn't expect to have a tick on me. You should always expect the tick.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I've read numerous things where it's just like, there's no need to panic even if you got bit by a tick because if the tick was removed within 24 hours, it wasn't embedded long enough to transfer the Z. But then I still, still, I'm like, I don't know. This could be one of those rare things. And then you see some guy like, yep, bit me for three hours, and I got it or something.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I'm like, oh, there it is. But that's also probably rare. But who knows how long that tick was on you? I mean, it definitely wasn't long. He could have been there from the club, hopped in on the golf club and was going for a ride. He could have been there. When you left the pro shop, he was waiting for you.
Starting point is 00:09:29 He could have been on there for an hour and a half for all you know. I mean, it wouldn't have been an hour and a half because it took like two hours to golf. We only played nine holes. Could have been on there. We were on hole two or three. Since you left your house. He definitely wouldn't have been
Starting point is 00:09:43 on me at my house he could have been on you uh and then you flicked him off and then he came back and he jumped back on you you don't know am i trying to worry you maybe maybe am i trying to give you a panic attack maybe um so yeah that's fun uh and then then yesterday we went and saw Riverdance. Okay. All right. That is, you are definitely in the Midwest. That's the whitest person thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Well, it's based off like Ireland or whatever. Sure. No, I get it. Yeah. So like. Did it still have Michael Flatterly or whatever his name. No, I get it. Yeah. So like Did he still have Michael Flatterly or whatever his name is? The Lord of the Dance? Michael Flatterly? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Was he there? No, he left like in 1996. Well, that sounds about right. To make Lord of the Dance. Right. Yeah. But yeah, pretty much it was coming to Chicago. We wereago or like sure we'll go see it because we've like watched river dance on the tv toaster woman grew up watching it because she was
Starting point is 00:10:52 like dancing so she like a river dancer or something very similar she wasn't a like tap dance river dancer but she just did like dancing and ballet and stuff and so she liked that and then i watched it i was like oh it's pretty good i like the music i like the dance so this is like that's what it is so yeah it's perfect it's like the 25th anniversary so they're like doing the big like hey we're doing the show but with new people and so it's pretty good and it was like it was your typical crowd you'd expect of like a mixture of boomers and like millennials uh there was like some kids there that probably did dance they were like whoo it was about that it's about what i expected for the audience and then i'd say it was pretty fun i like going to. I like hearing the music and the, I don't know, I like the bass.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You like the taps when they're dancing? I like the taps. Like that? It's all in sync and stuff? Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah, it's pretty neat. And so that was pretty much my weekend. I like it, frankly.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I'm here for it. Thanks. You actually did some stuff. All I did this week, like I said, was try to prep for the fact that my next week is ruined. But good news, I make $15 a day. Well, that's good. I'm very thrilled about that. Well, you said you might not even have to go.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's like standby, right? Yeah. I get a text every night that says the text then says go log in actually i may not get a text i might just have to log into the portal the web portal for the county of los angeles or whatever and see see where i'm at but yeah they tell you whether I have to and then it's like every night they tell you again so basically you just have to keep checking in which if I was an employee somewhere what a hassle that would be being the boss it's easy because I can just be like y'all figure out your work week I gotta go do this thing but if I had to work at like Taco Bell I'd be screwed what would I tell my boss although I think legally your boss has to just let you yeah I'm pretty sure they do it's not like
Starting point is 00:13:12 you got jury duty you're fired but still if I have rent to pay 15 a day or whatever the hell they're paying me ain't gonna cover that rent it's I don't know that's not even gonna cover the gas anymore to get there unless you're taking like the I don't know. That's not even going to cover the gas anymore to get there. Unless you're taking the public transportation. Even then. What's so funny is I tried to get out of it. And I said, yeah, no, I'm this guy who does videos on the internet. And they literally were just like, it's Hollywood. Everyone does a thing.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Don't worry. You still have to do it. And I was like, all right. Okay. Yeah. No, that's I think the only way is like if you have actual medical conditions or if like you're old. I was like, all right.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Well, I'll show up. Yeah, I couldn't. They allowed me to postpone it once. I was supposed to go back in the beginning of May they let you postpone it one time and then they're like alright you have to do it usually what I would do is I would like see if I'm on the standby list
Starting point is 00:14:14 and if they're like oh you gotta go then I'd postpone it but if you're not then you're like okay neat yeah I'm hoping that they're gonna not have me go in tomorrow and then not have me go in tuesday which means in theory they'll just be like enjoy your free week you know what i mean like if they don't need me by tuesday i'll be upset because thursday
Starting point is 00:14:38 is the the the summer games show and friday is i can actually go to the summer games thing And play the games that are there And I would very much not like to have to do A Friday Court thing If I can help it you know what I mean Yeah We'll see
Starting point is 00:14:59 On the bright side You don't have tics You're right I don't have tics. You're right. I don't have tics. You know what I do have, though? I do have TikToks. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:15:10 That was a segue. Jesse. What a segue. Can I tell you something crazy? All right. I've been obsessed with one TikTok. It has 2.1 million views. It's an ASMR TikTok.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I think it's the greatest ASMR I've ever seen in my entire life i didn't know asmr tiktok was a thing it apparently is huge all these asmr tiktokers i did not know this this this the girl that i'm i'm gonna send this video of she has like over i think she has two million let me see what is her vibe on here? Some of her videos, one of her videos has 87 million views. How is that possible? She has 2.7 million followers on TikTok. She has one video called POV, your server is salty. You want the three for $10
Starting point is 00:15:55 special at Chili's. I am obsessed with this video, Crandor. I must have watched it 10 times in a row. I am blown away. It is literally just her getting angry at you
Starting point is 00:16:11 for ordering the three for 10. And at one point she's like, when she, she's like, what can I get the little one? She goes, apple juice. The way she says apple juice, I'm blown away by. The way that she's like,
Starting point is 00:16:23 you want the, what soup? You want the soup? Like, dude, I'm blown away by. The way that she's like, you want the what soup? You want the soup? Like, dude, I'm just going to say this video. I must stress, this is peak internet for me. All right, let's see here. Hey, welcome to Kelly's. What do you want? And she's chewing gum.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Right? And she's got gum. Gump. Everything about this should be the most annoying thing in the world. And what about for the little one? Apple juice. Okay, what do you want? What the?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Three for ten. Alright. Well, what do you want to start with chips soup salad soup southwest chicken soup soup salad what's your entree What? You said steak. No. No, steak isn't on the three for ten. That's not an option. Uh-uh. Steak ain't cheap.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Oh, my God. She has like a billion TikToks, which I guess shouldn't surprise me. No, most TikTok people do. Yeah. This video cracks me up. Like, I can't stop thinking about how insane this video is. And it's literally her just being like, you got to get the two for 25 if you want to get steak. You can't have steak. Steak is not part of the three for 10.
Starting point is 00:17:54 She's like, sorry, honey. I got other tables to take care of. Like, it is insane to me this exists. I'm obsessed with it. I can't stop thinking about it. to me this exists i'm obsessed with it i can't stop thinking about it the worst part is the reason why i know all about this girl is because i went to her tiktok page trying to find another one of these i was like clearly she must have done more chili's cosplay false there are no other ones this is the one video and i am infatuated with this video all of her other content i do not care about but this video i need more chili's
Starting point is 00:18:26 role play i am obsessed with it i can't stop thinking about the chili's role play it's too much i can't believe she didn't do another one with how popular it is right plus this was done on 420 what makes it even funnier like everything about this is amazing. She has the Chili's hat. She has the girl of every waitress who's ever worked at a Chili's ever. She has the pen that's her own little bit of flair thing, but it still has the price tag on it. Everything
Starting point is 00:18:55 about this, it's the perfect video. It should be so annoying. She's chewing gum like, I should hate it. I cannot stop watching it. I swear to you, I think I watched it ten times in a row. They got you. It got me.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I feel like, I feel like Chili's roleplay is exactly my vibe. That's the kind of ASMR I'm into. Give me all the Chili. The best part is, is literally it's hashtag ASMR, hashtag chilies,
Starting point is 00:19:27 hashtag role play. Oh, it's hilarious. I can't believe this exists and I love it. Unabashedly love it. I feel like you should, you should give your shot at some sort of restaurant
Starting point is 00:19:42 ASMR role play. Oh yeah, but it's like a diner. Like, welcome to the diner. What are you going to eat? Coffee. You want it black? You don't want it with milk juice. Milk juice. We'll give you some. We'll give you fresh squeezed in there if you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:19:58 All right. Anyway, what can I get you to eat? What do you want? You want the two pancakes special? Okay. I'll get you the two pancake special. You know, like that weird thing that, for some reason, there's a very big trend right now. It's like them trying to catch their breath because I guess ASMR is getting faster. And so they're trying to catch their breath. They do that like.
Starting point is 00:20:34 All right, sure. Let's be weird with it like great let's go hey welcome to the old diner where we yes it's so crazy i guess that's what the kids are into. I guess so. I mean, listen, I get the ASMR, but this is going a little crazy now. I think there's ASMR for everyone. It used to be like, pancakes, and now it's like, welcome to Chili's. How can I take your order? And I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of here for it. Whatever this has transformed into, I am all about it. I mean, I prefer the pancakes, honestly.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah, well, I prefer the girl who's offering me Chili's orders. What's crazy is she also kind of like, it says it's a POV of you ordering at Chili's, but at a certain point, she completely ignores you and just talks to an invisible woman trying to order a three for ten meal. And I'm obsessed with it.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I'm obsessed with it. She's like, well, just split a steak with your man. And I'm like, wait, am I the man? You're no longer talking to me. What's up? Oh, I love this video. I can't. It is literally playing in the background as I'm talking to you right now.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Now you've listened to it like 20 times. Yeah, I mean, the volume's off, but I haven't moved this image. It is still playing over and over and over again. My For You page on TikTok is just going to be this girl's chili video. And I'm fine with it. Well, I guess this kind of ties in it's like diner i saw you tweet about the study that said people who drink coffee one to three cups a day or something were less likely to die by like 30 percent yeah um but then you said if drinking one to three cups of coffee a day is linked to
Starting point is 00:22:26 longer life then i god i i am or am i but yeah it's saying one and a half to three and a half is the the you know the point you're supposed to be at and if you're not drinking that you're not getting the benefits and if you're drinking more than that, it's going to be more detrimental. Right. So that was a joke. And I drink about two cups of coffee a day. It was a joke. Your jokes are always believable. This is like the third Twitter joke you've made. And it's like nobody thinks it's a joke.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Well, yeah, that's fine. And I'm all right with that. It's because people believe I am this wacky character. And I'll take it because here's the thing. Then when I need to be a wacky guy, I can be a wacky guy. Right? People expect the wacky. So when I show up and I'm like professional, they're like, wow, this guy's got his shit together.
Starting point is 00:23:17 It's all an illusion, bro. Plus, I decided to read the article because I was interested. Yeah, it's about moderation and just like, you know, don't overdo it. But that's everything else, right? Everything is like that. Yeah, it's literally just moderation. And then there's like sugar in a lot of coffee drinks as well. So they were saying, like, obviously a cup of black coffee or, like, something with really low sugar in it
Starting point is 00:23:48 compared to, like, a caramel macchiato is going to be bad. Like, you're going to get rid of the benefits if you're just drinking, like, 30 grams of sugar with it. Sure. I mean, that's anything, right? Yeah. You can get iced tea and then make it a sweet tea and you've ruined the whole point, you know? Yeah. I think, well, I don't know, tea's got its own benefits as well.
Starting point is 00:24:16 That's what I'm saying. Like, tea by itself is beneficial. Filling it with sugar, not so beneficial. But, you know what, sweet tea's sweet tea is great so like what are you gonna do uh i mean i like sweet pea occasionally and by occasionally mean like once a year but if you get like good barbecue you gotta get a sweet tea with barbecue barbecue if i get good barbecue this is a barber comes out ready to like i'm gonna cut your hair while you eat the meat yeah barbecue has some interesting political opinions that i'm not okay with but like it's like it's all right he does a good haircut makes good barbecue um so that was you know the coffee study. You know, again, I was fooled by your Twitter. So, not a fan of us.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You're welcome. Not a fan of your Twitter. I'm going to have to mute it. Going to mute it. Well, you know what I'm a fan of? What? I'm a fan of me undies. You know those days, Crendor, when you get a tick on you.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I know those days. You know those days when you're just trying to golf and you get a tick on you and you're like, man, my life is so hard. It sucks. Well, me undies is here to give you a break from all the hardships in your life. Give yourself something soft this summer. When you're cocooned up in the softest and most breathable undies, loungewear, and swimwear, all your other problems will simply melt away.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Let's face it. Summer is sweaty. But your butt, it doesn't have to be. With MeUndies' light and breathable micro-modal fabric, you can stay comfy and cool all summer long. Like me, right now. I have the most recent print on my body. It is so cool. My nether regions are frosty, baby.
Starting point is 00:26:18 They have super fun seasonal prints and tons of styles to choose from. From sizes extra small to 4XL, you can bring the beach to your butt without ever leaving your living room. I think right now they also have some pride things available as well. So if that's your vibe and you want to proudly sport it around your junk, you can do so. Right now I'm wearing dinosaurs. Right now I'm wearing two otters that are in love.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Oh my god, I got the otters too. I love the, I'm wearing two otters that are in love. Oh, my God. I got the otters, too. I love the otters. Love the otters. Big fancy. Love the otters. I used to be the guy that got the plain ones. Now, I'm actually going crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:55 You might as well, right? Once you have all the plain. Like, I have a few plain ones, but once you go a few plain, you got to get the crazy. You got to go crazy. Oh, yeah. You got to go crazy. Oh, yeah. Plus, they're soft.
Starting point is 00:27:04 They're stretchy. They're sustainably made. And they make it as soft as can be. And you can make it as soft as can be this summer. MeUndies has a great offer for you right now. If you're a first-time purchaser, be like our dear friend Davis, who got 15% off and undies and now he's addicted. If you sign up for the membership, you can get 15% off their already discounted membership prices. So you can go crazy with it to get 15% off your first order and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Go to me slash Crandor. That's me. That's me slash Crandor. That's me. Also today we're brought to you by HelloFresh. HelloFresh gets you farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep. Skip the trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy, fun, and affordable. That is why it is America's number one meal kit.
Starting point is 00:28:06 We both have used HelloFresh before. We've talked about it before on this very show. It is without a doubt one of the easiest ways to not only just make a meal, but also cook for yourself and learn how to cook and learn what you love and what you don't love about cooking and learn how to take a recipe they give you and make it your own. You can do that. It's that simple because you're making the food
Starting point is 00:28:30 and you're taking the time to do it, and it's great. HelloFresh is 72% cheaper than just dining out at a restaurant. It's even cheaper than grocery shopping because you're getting pre-portioned ingredients. You're not buying a whole bunch of stuff that eventually is just going to rot in your fridge. HelloFresh's newest menu releases include Mediterranean recipes that are filled with fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, olive oils, and fiber-packed whole grains for nourishing balance.
Starting point is 00:29:00 HelloFresh's chefs know how to diversify the dinner menu with seasonal spring recipes like sweet heat shrimp tempura bowls, garden spinach ricotta ravioli, one pot creamy lemon dill chicken soup. The whole thing. Can you imagine just like making a really good soup? Now that you have the recipe, you can make it forever. Right? Like you have the ability now to just recreate it over and over and over again that's true we've done that we definitely have i do that frequently i found two or three recipes that that they have that i love so much that like it is part of my repertoire now and i can just say
Starting point is 00:29:35 i made it up and i'm gonna i'm gonna invite someone over and like make them a good meal and be like i thought of myself i'm a pretty good cook. It's going to happen. HelloFresh has 50 different weekly options. Skip weeks if you need to. Change your delivery date if you need to. Update your preferences at any point with the HelloFresh app. It is so simple and so easy. All you need to do to get in on the HelloFresh train of good food and good vibes is go to slash Cox16 and use code Cox16, that's 1-6,
Starting point is 00:30:13 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts. Go to, again, slash Cox16 and use code Cox16 to get those 16 free meals and three free gifts. Please, by all means, it is America's number one meal kit, and you will find out if you go. One more time. slash Cox16. All right, now let's jump into this pod. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Whoa, Red Door, help me. Help me, buddy. I'm falling apart, man. I've been doing this since 10 a.m. I'm falling apart. Chapter 7 is what I meant! Let's go! Yeah, we're in the podcast chapter 7.
Starting point is 00:30:58 You know, I'm a little scared about what's going on down there. Not at the traffic, I just mean in our studio. Right, right. But, you know, I mean, the traffic, listen, it's the same as always. You know, every time I do this,
Starting point is 00:31:15 there's sometimes it's not crazy. There's sometimes it is crazy. But, like, for the most part, it's just traffic. But, again, keep an eye on our host in the studio. Thank you. Thanks, Crandor. Let's go over to Cox and Crandor in the morning. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Let's go to weather. Weather. Welcome to the Cox and Crandor weather in the morning. Here we are. Welcome to the Cox and Crandor weather in the morning. Here we are. Let's see if we go to our most recent episode on the YouTube. I can take a look at weather suggestions.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Let's see. We got a couple here, although this one has higher up votes. It's for Wilkison, Washington. Every year we got hand car races in July. It's a fun little romp. We also have Coke ovens. Okay, first off, Coke ovens I imagine is like Coke is in coal. Yes, like Coca-Cola oven. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Because I don't know about like cocaine ovens. No, I don't think Coca-Cola either. I mean like Coke as in like the blast furnace Coke. What? You know, that shit that's called Coke. I don't. It's like Coke and coal are roughly in the same like coal is carbon, but Coke is mostly water basically. I've never heard that in my life coke coke is like it's a it's a fossil fuel it's a type of fuel i've never heard that in my life
Starting point is 00:32:55 give it a google sometime i'm pretty sure that's what they mean by coke oven let's see uh three by three by three structure built. No, that sounds like Minecraft. It does say coal Coke. Yeah. Huh? What do you know? Oh, yeah, it is like a Minecraft.
Starting point is 00:33:19 There's actually a Coke oven in Minecraft. Look at that. All right. Well, today I learned something. Yeah. So, I mean, I've always thought that was, that's why I think Coca-Cola, we call it Coke, but really it's confusing at that point. My apologies to everyone who's not a native English speaker, because I imagine it must
Starting point is 00:33:41 be atrocious to learn English. Oh, yeah. Definitely. We're just making shit up as we go along like oh the coke ovens you're like oh i love coca-cola and we're like not that coke you idiot i'm an american and i still think yeah um so in wilkeson washington it's 54 degrees fahrenheit you got uh 29.89 inches of pressure five mile visibility 86 percent humidity uh four mile an hour winds 50 on the dew point zero on the uv and a waxing crescent moon uh
Starting point is 00:34:16 today you've got mail uh hey today mostly cloudy, 62 degrees. Not too bad. Tuesday, 73. Wednesday, 68. Thursday, 68 with some PM showers. Friday, you got some showers, 66. Saturday, AM showers, 65. Sunday, 60 with showers.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And Monday, 59 and cloudy. Now, you know how we often, when we do these towns, we comment on how it's a very small town. Right? Yes. This town is pretty close to Tacoma and Seattle. Right? I would say I would guess
Starting point is 00:34:57 an hour or two outside. I don't know. I couldn't guess distance, but it seems very close. It's within driving distance. But this town is so small. It, I'm going to say, has four, maybe five streets. And
Starting point is 00:35:16 it appears they only have one restaurant called the Carlson Block, which is a pizza place but the photo of it the photo of the pizza place oh whoa this is a small-ass town oh what so the four restaurants in a row are Pick and Shovel Saloon and Restaurant, followed by The Nomad, which is a coffee shop, followed by the Carlson Block, which is a pizza place, followed by Simple Goodness Soda Shop. What does the street view of this place look like? This has to be like, welcome.
Starting point is 00:36:04 It literally, oh my god. Crendor. Look at this. Look at this. This entire area looks like you went back in time. Oh my god, it does. That's wild. I love that.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I am a huge fan of that. Wow. That's like legit I love that. I am a huge fan of that. Wow. That's like legit, like super old timey. They had a landmark on here called the Red Caboose, and I clicked on a photo, and there literally is just a red caboose. It's an actual just piece of a train. Oh, my God. Oh my god What's crazy is that there's There's a photo of a woman standing next to the train
Starting point is 00:36:49 Posing with it and that makes me laugh so hard Yeah the saloon wow The saloon Is like this little tiny rundown building next to Nomads which is like a coffee shop Built out of a rundown building Next to another rundown building which is Looks like it's from All these things like when you click the um
Starting point is 00:37:09 What does that place called the I? Gotta get back to it the Carlson block When you click it look at this the first images from like 1910 The first image. That's got to be from 1910. That's not from like the other day. No, that is certainly not.
Starting point is 00:37:33 The crazy thing is when you click the image of the inside, it looks very old. But I'm not going to lie. Like that pizza with the pepperoni and jalapenos, I'm kind of digging it. Kind of digging it. It doesn't look – it looks good. It does look good. That's definitely not from Tululi, Utah or whatever. I forgot what it's called already.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. This is – I think it's super interesting. Yeah, all the pizzas look delicious. The more you scroll down, you see like the different varieties. I'm kind of here for it. Mushroom pizza actually looks like it has different mushrooms on it. It does. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's not bad. I'm kind of digging that. Here's the thing. I know how they can get away with just having two restaurants in their town because it looks like the ones they have are pretty freaking amazing. Yeah, I can't see anything else There's a fire department There's like one main road
Starting point is 00:38:28 And the main road goes into town And there's a truck Bodies repair shop And A skate park That's great The fire department These four restaurants together in a row.
Starting point is 00:38:45 The Pick and Shovel Saloon. Yeah, the Pick and Shovel Saloon, the Nomad, the Carlson Block, and then Simple Goodness Soda Shop, and then you literally drive out of town. That's it. You go past the Red Caboose, the infamous Red Caboose, and then you've left town. You're gone, and that's it. That's all there is.
Starting point is 00:39:02 That's crazy to me. Also, who goes to the Wilkinson Elementary? And that's it. That's all there is. Yep. That's crazy to me. Also, who goes to the Wilkinson Elementary? The elementary, how many kids are in this town? It's got to be like 10. Yeah. There's, I guess, people from other areas, but like surrounding it is mostly forest wow that is this place is wild yeah you would think that for the four restaurants they have they'd be like ma and paul's weird ass diner but that's not the case
Starting point is 00:39:38 they got like gourmet pizzas up in here you know what sometimes this country amazes me and the saloon have you looked at the saloon yeah they got like delicious looking tacos and stuff they got like a weird french fry nacho dip thing i'm feeling it i'm feeling it the chicken wings look on point dude even the soda shop they got some fancy drinks yeah now the pizza at the saloon doesn't look nearly as good as the pizza two doors over, so I wouldn't ask for that. But they got tater tots. I mean, I'm here for the tater tots.
Starting point is 00:40:10 They got some good other stuff. Yeah. That's crazy to me. It looks like, you know what? When you look at the interiors, you can see they definitely look old. Everything there looks very old. Oh, yeah, it does. 1970s was the last time anything was remodeled.
Starting point is 00:40:26 But with that said, none of this looks as bad as that place we looked at last time where it looked like, well, come on, come on in. Have yourself a salad that we like cut open from a package. Oh, yeah, 100%. It looks way better. Yeah. Oh yeah 100% It looks way better Yeah I would actually like I probably could do a day Like walking around this little ass town
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah Because you have like a focal point Like you could get breakfast At the pick and shovel Actually you get breakfast at Nomad Get your coffee You go out do your thing Like go see the i guess the caboose
Starting point is 00:41:06 and then like go to the skate park and walk around yeah and then for lunch you walk back go to pick and shovel get yourself a sandwich have a few drinks right go out come back get your pizza later than for dessert go across the simple goodness you got a day you got a day yeah that is a day i'm feeling it i. I'm feeling it. You know what? I'm feeling it. Yeah. Yeah. Although there is a place called Hops and Drops, and I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Hops and Drops. Oh, a neighborhood gathering place. Hop Jacks. I don't like that. Never mind. I don't like that. No. Anyway. That's the weather weather i guess that's weather yeah
Starting point is 00:41:47 let's jump into sports sports welcome to the sports desk sports news and that's what i'm here for yep we got the uh nhl happen and the rangers are up 2-1 in that series to try and get to the Stanley Cup Finals. Although Tampa Bay did win today to make it 2-1. It was 2-0. And then in the other series, Colorado is up 3-0 on the Edmonton Oilers. Why can't I find their thing? Is it three?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah, 3-0. I'm pretty sure it's 3-0. Dude, ESPN, you suck. I'm going to go NHL. Yeah, 3-0. Okay, did it. And then on the NBA, the series is tied 1-1 between the Celtics and the Warriors. So it's going to be a pretty crazy NBA Finals
Starting point is 00:42:47 and over in baseball we've got a lot of games happening we've got the Yankees in first at 39-15 the Blue Jays second at 31-22 and the Rays 31-23 you've got Minnesota at 32-24 you've got Houston at 35-19 and you've got the Mays 31-23. You got Minnesota 32-24. You got Houston at 35-19. And you got the Mets 37-19, Milwaukee 33-23
Starting point is 00:43:10 with the Cardinals half game back. And the Dodgers at 35-19 with the Padres two games back at 33-21. And it's pretty much sports. People keep being like, do the sports for this random sport in this place. And I'm like, I don't know. I could do that. There's like maybe if some wacky stuff happens, I'll do it. But we'll see if you got any like wacky sports stuff happening.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Send it to me and then like tweet it to me or something. I might do it. We'll see. That's sports. Okay. Let's go to our fact of the day. Fact of the day. It sucks. It did not need that musical intro. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:44:06 It did not need that musical intro. It's unnecessary. Spark of the day. So, there aren't actually 57 varieties of Heinz ketchup
Starting point is 00:44:23 and never were. Company founder H.J. Heinz thought his product should have a number and he liked 57. Hint, the glass bottle on the 57, not the bottom. Oh wait, hit the glass bottle on the 57, not the bottom to get the ketchup to flow. I mean, yeah, I kind of knew that. But also the best strategy is stick a knife in it and stir it around a bit oh yeah i mean like that's just as easy if you don't want to be a weirdo slapping a bottle yeah no that definitely is the best strategy everybody's got to you got to take the
Starting point is 00:44:56 knife put in there get that ketchup out yeah yeah that's it that's you should do an asmr just doing that like yeah put the knife in the ketchup. The little Heinz 57. Well, you got to put the knife in the ketchup. Come on now. Yeah, put the knife in the ketchup. If you want your coffee, you should drink it. Only two cups a day.
Starting point is 00:45:17 It'll give you a longer lifespan. Yeah, but also eat some ketchup with your hash browns. You're going to have to get in there with a knife and twirl it around there. It's your fact of the day. All right. What is our news story? Our news story. Well, actually, one's an update to one of our things, and the other is a news story.
Starting point is 00:45:43 So we're going to do this. First, Rhode Island home that inspired the conjuring sells for more than 1.5 million all because of like some fake paranormal stuff yep and pretty much the person that bought it said i don't believe the energy here is malevolent things will happen here that will startle me but not harm me i look forward to experiencing things i look forward to experiencing things is how i live my whole life that's true love experiencing things um yeah uh now the good news story sonic workers find an absolute nightmare lurking just behind the fry machine nope i'm not i'm not i'm worried about this one i'm worried about this more than the haunted house oh boy I mean, this is real frightening. This is a thing though.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Technically, um, workers at a Sonic location in Georgia fled the restaurant earlier this month when they found something unexpected behind the deep fryer. And it wasn't the remains of some old pots. The Brunswick daily news reported that the entire staff was spooked by a snake. They abandoned shop and called the cops,
Starting point is 00:47:05 describing what they thought was a rattler. They abandoned shop and called the cops. They got Mother Goose right in this article. Which are among the venomous snakes known to call Georgia home. Lieutenant Matthew Wilson of the Brunswick Police Department told newspaper it was actually a three and a half foot long ball python, a non-venomous constrictor snake. Quote, I ended up catching it with a broom handle.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Wilson told the Daily News. Just got it where I can secure its head. Then I put it in a paper bag and carry him out. Wilson said he suspects the restaurant left its bag door open and the snake slithered in for the same reason as the customers. It was hungry and thirsty. open and the snake slithered in for the same reason as the customers it was hungry and thirsty wilson who has a ball python of his own said the sonic snake that's how he knew home with a snake loving friend i'm just shocked that this i'm shocked at this snake found a sonic i've been seeing sonic commercials for years and i've never seen a sonic drive-thru not once it's uh
Starting point is 00:48:03 i've never actually eaten at a sonic that's what i'm saying i've seen sonic commercials for almost i'm gonna say my entire life i've never seen an actual sonic not once i heard that you always get sonic commercials um before they put a sonic there as they like try to build hype eman leonon Leonard, an invasive species biologist with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, told the Associated Press snakes are often an impulse buy that some purchases later regret. Could be somebody just didn't think through the consequences of a large snake as a pet. Some people have regrets later on, just release things. Definitely irresponsible. People who are no longer able to care for a pet should
Starting point is 00:48:45 contact local reptile rescue or animal shelters for advice and don't release them into the wild in addition to freaking out local underpaid and underappreciated fast food workers release snakes and other pets could lead to invasive species issues the majority of these animals are stressed physically depleted and unable to survive zoo check said on its website most dive starvation cold and predation so uh yeah or the snake was just like dude a sonic i haven't seen one of these yeah that snake was like what the hell is this? I've been seeing ads for weeks. That's got to be it. No other explanation.
Starting point is 00:49:29 None whatsoever. He was curious. We all are. Yeah. But now we're not. Well, I feel that. That is our big news story of the day. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Well, that's it for us. Thank you so much for listening or watching or however you're enjoying this podcast. Crendor, hit them with the socials. We've got socials. slash Cox and Crendor podcast. Find all these podcasts over on YouTube. Subscribe to get notified. Hit the bell and all that good stuff stuff you can also cut off the podcast part go to slash crend or that's where i am go to slash cox and crendor no
Starting point is 00:50:13 podcast and you'll find all the animations uh very fun very fun time yes uh also we're on spotify itunes soundcloud we're a lot of places and follow us on our main things we got slash uh don't go to that one is jesse cox slash crendor twitter jesse cox twitter crendor facebook jesse cox facebook crendor uh twitch jesse cox twitch crendor patreon jesse cox patreon crendor and the rest that's it Crendor Twitch Jesse Cox Twitch Crendor Patreon Jesse Cox Patreon Crendor and the rest that's it we'll see y'all next time
Starting point is 00:50:51 and as always to be continued

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