Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 344 - Cox n' Crendorfactshow

Episode Date: June 27, 2022

This week Crendor gets covid...or it's just allergies. Somehow this discussion gets them talking about the sun tanning? Meanwhile Jesse introduces Crendor to a new video game and the never ending torm...ent that is dating app dating. Also we finally learn why we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway. Seriously! In fact we learn all sorts of facts today! It's that kind of Cox n' Crendor! Come see us live in Chicago in August! Learn more at Go to and use code COX to get 1 pack of free bacon in every box plus $10 off your first order. Go to to get your first refill free.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by ButcherBox. If you are looking to get some good meat, ButcherBox is right for you. Also today, we're brought to you by Quip. If that meat gets stuck in your teeth, Quip is here to help. Now let's jump into this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:23 In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. Hello everybody, welcome to another episode of Skacks and Crendor. Did I just call it Socks? Socks and Crendor. Scots. I said Scots. backslash me. Hi everyone. It's one of those weeks.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Well, while I was saying it, I remembered that I forgot that I need to say is the place you need to go if you want to get tickets to our live show in August in Chicago. We didn't say anything last week because they were like still, for some reason, getting the webpage up, even though you could still buy tickets through the Ticketmaster website or on the Lincoln Hall website. But whatever, CoxAndCrendor is the place to go if you want a direct link to where you can get tickets to come see us in Chicago, we'd love to see you there. Yeah, it'll be fun. It'll be a good time.
Starting point is 00:01:32 We'll go to the Ren Faire. You know what? Actually, you haven't seen any of this, and I haven't told you until right now. Good. But I'm theming the entire event. I'm calling it the Cox and Crennaissance Fair. And we are – the pins are like you as a wizard and me as a king. And the shirt says Cox and Crennaissance Fair on it.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And, yeah, so it's a whole thing. We're doing a whole – the poster is themed around – it has, like, Timmy and all billy not timmy i don't know who that timmy is that's billy and it's got the whole thing it's very cute and uh yeah that's the theme nice yeah come come see us in august yeah anyway how are you doing uh let's see i'm doing all right what did i do this week um i thought i had covid one day of course you did if anyone would think they have covid out of the blue would be you hear me out all right so i woke up this was on like tuesday i think of this week i woke up i had a sore throat
Starting point is 00:02:41 covid and i was like uh all right okay well i was like you know maybe it's just the air conditioning or you know maybe it's like acid reflux or i don't know whatever but normally if it's that it goes away in like a few minutes and you're like all right whatever but this one this sore throat was still going i was like oh and then i just felt kind of sick i was just like uh you know that sick feeling you get um can you describe i mean felt kind of sick. I was just like, you know, that sick feeling you get. Can you describe? I mean, I know of sick feelings, but I don't know what it means. You know, like, are you fatigued?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Is that what you're saying? Yeah, just kind of fatigued. Kind of like you just feel kind of crummy. Okay. You don't feel normal. You just feel kind of fatigued and like something's wrong. Dude, that is so frequently me but anyway yes uh well there's like oh i feel bad but you still have like the ability to like go do stuff and be like all right i gotta do it but this is like i still i don't even want to do anything
Starting point is 00:03:36 i guess okay so i had that plus the sore throat and i was like all right you know i'm just gonna take an advil see if that helps the sore throat so it helped it a little bit but it was still kind of there and then i was i started sneezing and i was like ah geez and i was like congested and i was like all right it's either allergies or covid so we had those like tests they can they sent you you know they're like get your free tests yeah yeah i still have like three or four of those damn things yeah that's we had, all four of them. So I'm like, I'll do some. I'll do, like, one or two just to make sure.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So I did one that day and then one that night. And they were both negative. So I was like, I guess I don't have COVID, but I have allergies. But here's the thing. Every, like, once or twice a year, I get allergies bad enough to the point where i think i have like a cold or a covid thing or something and then it ends up being nothing i've had that like for the last three years and it's always in either like february march when spring's kind of starting allergies yeah or it's like around now like one year it was like mid-july it hit i guess now it was june it's june july
Starting point is 00:04:46 big allergy season too yeah i mean the whole summer is like allergy season it explains why my eyes hurt so bad yeah my eyes are like just kind of itchy water you know and so i remember this is when i got my uh my swollen glands in my neck and and I was like, dude, I must have caught it. That was like two years ago, and then it was just allergies. And it happens around the same time because I went back into my Discord messages and being like, Dr. John, am I dying? And I was not. And so I was like, this happens around the same time every year. It's kind of coincidental.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I mean, it could not be, but. I get that. I feel that. Me too. I've had allergies all my life, and if it's bad, I'll take a Benadryl. But I don't, you know, some days I'm just like, my eyes are super watery today, but whatever. I'm not going to, because when I take Benadryl, it dries me out to the point where my nose is dry my eyes are dry which is great but my throat is also dry and I
Starting point is 00:05:47 literally this is my job it's to talk and it's very noticeable because when you hear me with a dry voice it's like hi everyone how's it going yeah it's super obvious sometimes during Scary Game Squad for example because we film at night
Starting point is 00:06:03 if I've been talking all day Same thing It's the exact same voice Where I'm just like hi everyone And my voice will get quieter because I can't I'm not booming anymore You had that a few weeks ago I think Yeah it happens frequently
Starting point is 00:06:18 It happens sometimes when I have like a long ass day Or when I take Any sort of like Drug that dries me out In order to stop me from being mucousy or whatever so yeah sometimes i'm like you know what i just blow my nose and move on yeah that's really all you can do i mean what i do is i start like i'm like you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go for a walk even though my allergies are flared up this could make it worse but i'm like you know what it's already bad so i'm just gonna go out into the sun and just like
Starting point is 00:06:49 walk and be like hey at least i'm getting some vitamin d and sunshine and i'm like that that uh it actually makes me feel better so i mean whatever you know it's you're already at peak allergies you might as well just live it up. Yeah, I actually bought a, um, I used to have one. I don't know what I did with it. Clearly, when moving at one point in my life, uh, I'm, it, like, got lost or something. I used to have a, like, a lawn chair
Starting point is 00:07:16 that would take up to the roof and sit. I cannot find it to save my life. No idea where it's at. So I went out and bought another lawn chair, except this one has a little side table attachment so I can put a drink there which is so much better and um yeah i i now have that up on my roof and so i'll just sometimes go up there and just sit and like listen to music and just like zone out for an hour not too long because i am irish as hell and i burn but i'll sit out there long enough to like soak in the energy of the sun.
Starting point is 00:07:48 You know what I mean? Be like, come on, sun. Help me out. I need that D. I need the sun D. Help me out. And yeah, I do that, I don't know, two or three times a week now. Just when I have the free time when I'm like, well, nothing's going on.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Sun is fantastic. Every time I go out on a sunwalk, I'm just like, I come back feeling refreshed. I love it. And I sleep better too, which I think is the thing. If you get sunlight during the day, it actually helps you release melatonin easier at night and you sleep better.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Yeah, it is known to me that every time I spend more time out in the sun during the day, at night, I'm like ready to go down. Yeah. That's a weird way to say that, but you know what I mean. Yeah. But I ended up being okay is what it boiled down to.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Well, of course. Of course you were. I mean, spoilers, you're here, so you're fine. Wait, do you use sunscreen? It depends. If I'm going to go sit on the roof for a little bit no i see um but if i'm going to be outside for hours and hours hell yes i uh anytime that i'm outside for longer than you know an hour i not my arm my arms and like legs and stuff don't get messed up, but my face and like head. Oh, GG.
Starting point is 00:09:08 That is bad news for me. Every time it's always burnt. So I always apply sunscreen. And thankfully, again, I may have to go stay at that one Disneyland hotel again. Years ago. I still have it I got this blue bottle Of I want to say it's some sort of aloe vera
Starting point is 00:09:29 Something, but man If I get a burn, if I put that on that burn That burn disappears That's like Disney magic I don't know what the hell is going on there But it does the job, dude And it's getting low So I feel like you either need to find out
Starting point is 00:09:44 What the hell that magic It's blue low it's getting low so I feel like you either need to find out what the hell that magic It's blue whatever the hell it is I need to find this magic blue formula And put it on my body again Uh and it might require Going to Disney or I don't know Back tracing what the hell product it is Cause it has no information on it it just says like
Starting point is 00:09:59 Sunburn ointment Is what it says there's no other fact On it at all I I'm like, oh. So I don't know what the hell it is. Huh. Yeah, I used to not use a lot of sunscreen. Well, I did as a kid, but I used to not, and now I do. Because I read about how important sunscreen is.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And I'm like, put on my sunscreen. That and Poster Woman was like, you should be wearing sunscreen. I was like, oh, yeah, I probably should be. I mean, I just, my dad spends all his time in the sun and then he's also like has to go get minor surgeries for skin cancer removal stuff so like yeah that's i get it i definitely wear sunscreen like some people like oh i gotta get pain but like i don't care about painting i just like the health benefits of being in the sun but i also don't want skin cancer right well i mean, the messed up thing is that I have this, like,
Starting point is 00:10:47 really great sunscreen slash protection lotion thing, and it's so good. It's waterproof. It's everything. It's everything I ever wanted. It's like SPF 90 million. It's great. Actually, anything over SPF 50 is pretty much a waste of spf for what i read well whatever
Starting point is 00:11:06 it is it's very high and i'm fine with it all right um and so i put it on and it's great but i was one time i was putting it on and someone i don't remember who was like doing oh you shouldn't use that that has chemicals that will kill you more than the sun will and i was like really and then i got worried and i was like should i every time and you know what it is it's every time i date someone i always date someone they have an opinion and because i'm that guy who's like well i don't you know i guess part of this relationship is compromise so but i'll be like i guess i'm not using that so i'll use something like dr herman glurber's all-natural suntan screen,
Starting point is 00:11:45 and it lasts for 25 minutes, and I burn anyway. Yeah. And then what happens invariably is we'll break up, and then I'll be like, F it. I'm going back to the kill me cream. I'll just rub it all over my body like, oh, it's so good. Oh, I've been protected all day. Thank you, science.
Starting point is 00:12:06 The kill me cream Every time I remember now what happened there I was dating a girl and she was like That stuff's terrible for you People that are in your body are basically giving yourself cancer And I was like Well what should I use And she was like let me take you
Starting point is 00:12:24 To go get some real stuff This is what I use And I was like Dr well, what should I use? And she was like, let me take you to go get some real stuff. This is what I use. And I swear to God, I was like, Dr. Herping Glurpers. And I was like, all right. Smelled like ass. I smelled terrible whenever I wore it. And she was like, look at that. It's made from leaves.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And I was like, cool. And I would wear it. And I would walk around smelling like ass. You get flies coming at you. The flies are like, oh, this guy is garbage. It's swarming you. And then we broke up, and I was like, nah. I threw it away instantly.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I was like, come here, cream. Oh, yeah, that's it. cream. Oh, yeah. That's like when people try to tell me that the deodorant I use is bad for me, so I should use an all-natural deodorant. I'm like, you know what? It's making my armpits not smell, so I literally
Starting point is 00:13:18 don't care. I'm not going to get Dr. Herper Glurper's freaking all-natural leaf underarm deodorant where it's like, you'll smell like a forest. I don't want to smell like a forest. I don't want to smell at all. Just leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah, leave me alone. I don't even know how we got here. Yeah. Oh, sunscreen. Okay, I dialed it back uh let's see what else have i done this week uh i made youtube video i made new pointless top 10 i saw you made several did you make or was that just the tweet no i've only made i think you said like i made another top 10 yeah and now there's fountains the pointless top 10 fountains that's a good one
Starting point is 00:14:03 actually there's some good fountains in there you'd be surprised some solid fountains. Pointless top 10 fountains. That's a good one, actually. There's some good fountains in there. You'd be surprised. Some solid fountains. I believe that. Trying to do new Pointless top 10 every two weeks. That's the goal. I think it's pretty good so far. Any hints on what your next Pointless top 10 will be? Next is probably rivers. That is pointless.
Starting point is 00:14:21 There's pretty good rivers in the game. Then I might try to do your idea, the one you recommended with areas that aren't used or whatever it is. That could be a good one. The little unused areas. I think that's fun. And then I also... That just requires a lot of research, like flying around looking for shit.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, but I love doing that. That's the reason I actually started doing that series. I love flying around just looking for stuff. There you go. Yeah. And then I did some WoW my wow series i think it's been nine years of wow leveling it might be 10 years have you hit max level yet oh no in fact that i fell back in level because of the leveling changes they implemented like last expansion so uh it's but now the midsummer fire festival is happening so i'm going around just leveling
Starting point is 00:15:06 through fires for that that series so there's still people like crendor and you started the series i was in like high school and now i'm like married with children i'm just like listen it's a beautiful thing i can only record like 30 40 minutes of while leveling at a time. Why is that? Why is that your choice? I mean, I could record more than that, but that's what I've always done. I feel like that's a very YouTube thing. I don't want to record a three hour video.
Starting point is 00:15:37 But I don't want to do less than that. I don't want to do a 10 minute video. It's barely anything. I feel like 25 to 35 minutes is probably ideal for a while leveling episode. And then I only do like one a day. I'm not going to flood you with it. That's because barely any. I feel like 25 to 35 minutes is probably ideal for a wow leveling episode. And then I only do like one a day. I'm not going to flood you with it. That's because you care about people and your own time.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I get it. It's a very adult and responsible way to create content. It may not get you a lot of subscriptions and people being like, oh my God. But it does allow you to create things your own way and not stress which is the train i've had to get on for some time i've been waiting but i yeah i um i spent a lot of time with like trying to explain to people everyone's like we're we're scared game squad let's go i'm like i i know you're saying that because you like it, but just because I myself have free time does not mean that a man who works literally two full-time jobs at the same time has free time. Or a guy who is gone four days a week has free time.
Starting point is 00:16:42 The rest of the scary games what does stuff with their lives well losers i can't yeah and they're not being paid we hang out as friends like that's what we're doing and so it's i know you want it as like a regular series but like i don't know how to tell you that's not what it is to us it's us having fun and yeah it's tough because people are like dude i want to watch some guy made a comment he's like i want to watch scary game squad to us. It's us having fun. And yeah, it's tough because people are like, dude, I want to watch, some guy made a comment, he's like, I want to watch Scary Game Squad, but this video series has been going on for
Starting point is 00:17:11 two weeks now, and you haven't even completed it. I'm like, I can't complete it. One of us literally left to go to Sicily for a week. We can't do it. Like, we played with the time that we had And we did 8 of 10 chapters
Starting point is 00:17:26 And you're just going to have to wait Until one of them gets back And then we can complete it And people do not understand that I'm like you got several hours of good content Over the course of two weeks That's way better than TV That's better than most entertainment out there
Starting point is 00:17:43 I don't know I don't know what to tell you. You don't have to watch. It's fine. I'm not going to change for you. Yeah, exactly. I will say YouTube I think is the most rewarding to the pointless top 10
Starting point is 00:17:57 style things which is like a 8 to 12 minute repeatably watched video that has numerous other types of it you know how it's like i made a meal from the medieval ages and then you go watch that and you're like wow and then it's like i also did some chores like they did in the medieval ages and you're like wow i gotta watch this one yeah and you just like keep going down the rabbit hole it's nice because like i always that's the reason i have like numerous channels now uh because just like the main one i can do my main stuff of like me talking in front
Starting point is 00:18:29 of shitty green screens some wow leveling some pointless top tens you know whatever and then i got the kren clips now for all the the like highlights or stream stuff uh or clips from streams and then i got the uh warhammer channel if i want to do warhammer stuff so it's nice because i can now be like ah where do i put this at and like it goes over here so it's a little like uh you know it's a little more organized which by the way i've been doing a lot of warhammer i i've seen you like uh you're in good with the warhammer people i see they send you stuff they do send me stuff i am on the cool kid list uh it's it's very i I mean, listen, I've been doing this for like three years, and I've spent a lot of my own money on Warhammer stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I'm going to tell you what. I have a lot. And so I've been calling this Hot Rat Summer because the new Skaven book came out, and I've just been going crazy with Skaven. So I'm painting up my thankful on bone ripper or thankful and bone ripper i would say the wrong one uh that's been fun i've been paying a bunch of rats just really just a lot of rats but it's been fantastic
Starting point is 00:19:35 amazing i am uh here for all of the skaven i saw your kren minute and appreciate your desire to have weird orcs and stuff be oh yeah the main characters that's all i want like every game it's like oh go kill the rats i'm like i want to be the rats like i want to be a dude that's got like a rattling gun you're just mowing down the empire like i want to have a warp stone like rocket launcher you try to shoot it and you like blow yourself up if you don't do it right like give me the crazy stuff i want to ride in a doom wheel there is damn it what is it called there is a game that is coming out uh orcs warhammer game yes this is it i'm gonna send you this trailer krendor Alright. I saw this the other
Starting point is 00:20:26 day and when you started talking I realized like, oh my god, this is what Crendor was talking about. This is a new Warhammer game coming out called Shooter's Blood and Teeth. And you play as orcs and you side scroll
Starting point is 00:20:41 murder everything. Oh my god, that does look amazing. It's what you were talking about. As you were saying it, I murder everything. Oh my god that does look amazing. It's what you were talking about. As you were saying it I was like oh my god I know exactly what he's referring to. This game exists. They're working on it right now. Wow this looks really good. Yep.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I think that could be a fun game to play. Oh yeah 100%. I will play this. When is it supposed to come out? 2022 at some point. I don't know. Warhammer 40k. Shooters, Blood, and Teeth.
Starting point is 00:21:14 That's what it's called. There's so much shit happening. I love it. So there you go. I was just thinking. I was like, man, there is a game I've seen that looks like something Crandall was talking about. So there you go. There's an update. News. I was like, man, there is a game I've seen that looks like something Crandall was talking about. So there you go. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:21:26 There's an update. News. October. Yes. All right. October 20th, it comes out. Fantastic. Sounds like a good time.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Yeah. So, yeah, that was pretty much my week. What do you do? I don't know. After the last time we talked about my failed relationships, I ended up, I had like three, like I've said before, for some reason on Hinge, I get like hit up often by people. And it's impressive. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:22:02 They must have very low standards and are willing to settle, and I'm here for it. So I got hit up by three people That I actually was like I was like oh Based on this initial assessment These three women seem like Pretty awesome people So I would love to talk to them
Starting point is 00:22:18 So I started talking to Three women at the same time I know Crandor Already I'm in a bad place But it wasn't like I don't know them. We're not, like, dating. We're just talking, right?
Starting point is 00:22:27 Right. And so, you know, it was fun to chat with them, but it wasn't anything, like, real. It was just talking. And it wasn't an everyday thing. It would be, like, every few days we would talk, whatever. Anyway, one of these women seemed very, very interested in me. And I was like, yo, if anyone is that interested in me, I got to see what happens. But also, I'm not like one of those dudes who tries to date multiple people at once.
Starting point is 00:22:55 If we're dating, despite what multiple exes have thought of me, I'm not out there trying to hook up with people. That's not who I am. If I'm with you, I'm with you 100. And so this one girl seemed really interested in getting together she's like do you want to go out i was like of course that'd be amazing i would love to hang out with you and she seemed like super interested and i was super interested in her everything seemed great and i was like well if i'm clicking with this one girl there's no reason why i should leave these like why i should keep these other two women like hooked in you know what I Mean like just be honest to be like
Starting point is 00:23:28 You know it isn't this isn't Working out right So I said Goodbye to the other two women Was ready to go on the date With this girl and then she messages Me like oh I don't think I can make it I'm like are you sure she's like yeah I don't think
Starting point is 00:23:44 I can make it I'm like oh well Um like we can reschedule and she's going to be like, oh, I don't think I can make it. I'm like, are you sure? She's like, yeah, I don't think I can make it. I'm like, oh, well, like we can reschedule. And she's like, sure, of course, yes, let's reschedule for a week from now. I'm like, okay. So a week happens, and I'm like, hey, you know, like, you ready to go out tomorrow night? This will be amazing. I can't wait to hang out with you. This will be great.
Starting point is 00:24:02 She's like, I can't make it tonight. I can't wait to hang out with you. This is going to be great. She's like, I can't make it tonight. You didn't message me confirming that we were going to go out on a date. So I made other plans. And I'm like, what? But we confirmed it a week ago.
Starting point is 00:24:21 She's like, well, you should have said something this week. And I was like, what? I mean, why didn't she message you and be like, Hey, are we still on for the thing? Great question. And she was like, I'll be honest. I, I love talking with you,
Starting point is 00:24:36 but I just, can we just keep it talking for a while? And I was like, you don't want to meet up. And she's like, I, you know, there's a lot I have to think about before we meet up. I'm like, like what? You seemed really eager before. And she's like, things have changed. I'm like, you don't want to meet up? And she's like, you know, there's a lot I have to think about before we meet up. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:24:46 You seemed really eager before. And she's like, things have changed. I'm like, what does that mean? She's like, I just don't know if we should meet right away. And all in my mind, I'm like, red flag, red flag, red flag, red flag. And I'm like, I mean, all right. So first off, I'm mad at her for just playing with me. But also I'm mad at me because there were two other incredibly wonderful people I was talking to that I literally cut off talking to for this person.
Starting point is 00:25:13 So I foregoed two other relationships in hopes that this one would work. And she just like was like, no, no, no. them would work and she just like was like no no no and then today i get a message that she's like i think it's probably best if for a while we just keep it flirty online and then we see what happens i was like what changed what what happened here and she said and i quote well i've just been dealing with a lot and my roommate and i we used to be in a relationship and there's some feelings there still and i need to know that he's over me before I bring someone around because I don't want him to hurt you. And I was like, he's going to hurt me? What?
Starting point is 00:25:53 She's like, he gets very violent. And I'm like, what? Oh, boy. And she's like, I just don't want you to get hurt by him. And she's like, I do care for you. I do, but you can't come over to my house. And then she just kept giving me excuses. I was like, why would we meet at your house?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Let's just meet somewhere else. She was like, no, well, he'll get suspicious. I'm like, okay. It started to sound more and more like she was actually dating someone and wasn't sure she wanted to, like, cheat on this dude, which I wouldn't have helped make that happen. I don't know. It was silly. And once again, I went against what have helped make that happen. I don't know. It was silly.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And once again, I went against what I said I would do. I said I'm going to wait and find my redhead. But instead I found three people that I thought were like all awesome. None of them redheads. And I failed myself. And really, why did I pick
Starting point is 00:26:42 of three people, why was I immediately drawn to the one that is clearly the worst one for me? really what I pick of three people. Why was I immediately drawn to the one that is clearly the worst one for me? And I was like, Jesse, this is your problem. This is your problem, pal. I don't know what it is. You've just got some like some sort of like thing drawing you in to the craziest one.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I'll do it again. Next time you have to date a redhead. The next person you date. I'm holding everything back. I will not date anyone until I find a redhead. I make you this promise. I'm not going to date
Starting point is 00:27:20 anyone until I find a redhead. Facts. There it is. Solidifiedified although we have to discuss what redhead means natural or or died honestly don't care look just help me out here at this point either one you just like really yeah so that was my week i was like i couldn't believe that that's what i was like of course this is what happens there is a weird thing that i think is a lot of people on dating sites don't actually want to meet.
Starting point is 00:27:48 They just want confirmation that people like them. I can see that as a thing on dating sites. Yeah, it's very weird. I'm kind of over it, but I don't know. So that's where I'm at. That was my week. The rest was just normal work stuff. It was easy.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Like the week was fine. We had some weird stuff break down in the office, but that's just stuff breaks down, so it's not a big deal. Yeah. I mean, it's not too bad then. Just a standard week of... Standard
Starting point is 00:28:19 week. Jesse Cox's standard week. Classic standard week. You you love to see it yep well you know what else is is is standard oh that's terrible i don't even know how to sell this the time with which you should brush your teeth according to dentist's recommendations. Two minutes is what it should be. This is the standard two minutes.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah, it checks out. Quip is here to help you get that standardized toothbrush technique down by helping you develop good habits and making it as easy as possible to hold to them. The Quip Electro Toothbrush is loved by over 7 million mouths and has everything you need for that standardized care. Timed sonic vibrations with that 30 second pulse that sort of like tells you where to be. When I use it, I think of my mouth as a quadrant of four, right? And then I just like spend 30 seconds on one. It goes, and then I move to the other side and do it there.
Starting point is 00:29:28 It goes, and I move to the other side. That's how I do it is I just quadrant my mouth. It's lightweight and sleek. It has no wires, no bulky charger. It has this carrying case that you can stick in your mirror. That is a mount for it. It's wonderful. Reusable handles that are fantastic.
Starting point is 00:29:47 They have great colors like all black and all pink, as well as bright plastic. And they have a Quip with a new smart motor that you can hook up to your phone with the free Quip app. It has rewards for just using Quip, like free refills, products, Target gift cards, and more. And beyond that, you can get your whole routine quippified. Toothpaste that comes in mint or watermelon.
Starting point is 00:30:10 They've also got two ways to floss. Floss string that expands to clean, and reusable floss pick that replace over 180 disposable picks with every refill. And of course, mint-flavored gum, sugar-free, long-lasting, comes with a dispenser. And then, mouthwash with a four-times concentrate. It's good for you, it's good for the planet, it's crazy how much Quip can hook you up. In addition to the brush heads, Quip also offers that floss, the toothpaste, the mouthwash, the gum, all of it, every three months from $5. the mouthwash, the gum, all of it every three months from $5.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Shipping is free, so you can save money and skip the hustle and bustle of the store. With stylish and affordable electronic toothbrushes at just $25, you won't be paying through the teeth for a better oral care treatment. If you want to get some, go to slash Crandor right now, and you'll get your first refill free. That's your first refill free at slash Crandor right now, and you'll get your first refill free. That's your first refill free at slash Crandor. That's G-E-T-Q-U-I-P dot com slash Crandor. Quip.
Starting point is 00:31:14 It's a good habits company. Also today, we're brought to you by ButcherBox. Let me tell you, Crandor, you probably have experience with ButcherBox as well by now. My goodness. I love with ButcherBox as well by now. My goodness. I love my ButcherBox. I've been making, I take the chicken and I just marinate it in Nando sauce and I grill that up and it's so good. I make the burgers. I'm trying to make smash burgers.
Starting point is 00:31:40 You know what those are? Oh, yeah. You smash them there. Yeah, I'm trying to make the smash burgers. I'm trying to get those right. I'm just the steaks. And the ribs we made, we made the ribs that I got in a video for Patreon. We made the ribs from Warcraft, if that makes any sense.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I slightly burnt them a little bit. Don't judge me. I've never cooked ribs before. Huh. It was great. i love everything about butcher box it was it was getting a big box of meat sent to you is actually the best gift i've
Starting point is 00:32:13 ever received it really is it was great i think every cut of meat that i got was delicious and i cannot stress it enough the convenience of having it delivered i was delicious, and I cannot stress it enough. The convenience of having it delivered, I think the cost and the quality was totally worth it. Every single month, ButcherBox ships a curated selection of high-quality meat right to your home, free shipping
Starting point is 00:32:37 in the continental U.S. No antibiotics, no hormones. It's packed fresh, shipped frozen for your convenience. Say, what did I say? Frozen? That's right, shipped frozen for your convenience. What did I say? Frozen? That's right. Shipped frozen for your convenience so you can save time on your next grocery store trip.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Customize your own box or just go with one of theirs. Either way, you're going to get exactly what you want. You get delicious 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, pork raised crate free, and wild caught seafood. It's like less than $6 a meal on average if you just total it all up. Get you some of sizzling right now with a special butcher box that's all dealed up for you, our listeners, with free bacon for life. If you get a membership. Plus $10 off. Right now. If you get that ButcherBox membership.
Starting point is 00:33:30 They're going to just keep sending you bacon. Forever. As long as you're a member. Sign up today. At Slash Cox. Use code Cox. To get one pack of free bacon.
Starting point is 00:33:41 In every box. For the life of your membership. Plus $10 off your first order. That's slash Cox. Use code Cox to claim that deal. All right, Crandall, let's go chop together. Someone's got the Crandall. How's that traffic out there?
Starting point is 00:33:56 Oh, boy. Traffic is happening. You've got planes taking off right now at the old traffic port. You've got boats sailing off at the old boat port. You've got traffic taking off at the old traffic air ship. You've got cars driving
Starting point is 00:34:16 down the traffic ship. I'm really just trying to mix a bunch of vehicles together and form some sort of coherent sentence, but it has stopped working, so I'm going to end this segment back to you. Thanks, Crandor. Do you know, man, like, why do we park
Starting point is 00:34:32 in a driveway and drive on a parkway, man? Um, yeah. Yeah. Is that right? These are the questions we need to ask, man. Yeah. He's right. These are the questions we need to ask, man. I guess we asked it.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Maybe we'll find an answer. Anyway, let's go to weather. Weather time. Hold on. Holding. Hold on. Holding. Hold on. Holding. All right, I figured out the answer.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Okay. English is full of seeming contradictions. Ravel means both to knit up and to unknit. Inflammable refers to something that's flammable and so on. Inflammable means flammable. What a country. George Carlin. Can I just question? to something that's flammable and so on. Inflammable means flammable. What a country. George Carlin.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Can I just question? Mm-hmm. I thought you were about to tell me the weather and the things you said. I was like, what city is this? What is he talking about? Only now do I realize that you're talking about the previous statement I made. Yeah, you're driving the parkway,
Starting point is 00:35:39 parking the driveway. Right, well, of course. First, a defining of terms, a driveway is a private road giving access to a public way to a building, blah, blah, blah. In America, we tend to park our cars in the driveway since driveways typically come right alongside one's house. A parkway, on the other hand, is a broad landscaped highway.
Starting point is 00:35:57 The origins of these words seem pretty clear. Drive plus way and park plus way. But if that's the case, why don't the verbs that are the originating point for each word drive and park match up with the meaning of the derivative noun in short we don't drive on the driveways we don't park on the parkways what gets english is secretly serpentine what looks like a straight line between words sometimes isn't that's the case with both driveway and parkway both words came into written use
Starting point is 00:36:25 in the 1800s long before cars were even a glimmer in henry ford's eye parkway originally referred to a broad road through a park uh most important improvement made of late in the general plan of cities has been the introduction or increase in the number of breath uh wait a number and breath of parkways that's from the american cyclopedia 1875 uh so there's a connection between parks and a parkway but why do we drive on them parkways were the perfect place to drive a carriage down for a scenic jaunt out once automobiles came onto the scene parkways became the province of the car driveway came into written use a bit earlier than parkway did. Unlike parkway, the word driveway didn't refer to where the path was, a drive, but what the path was for, driving.
Starting point is 00:37:15 The earliest driveways were roads that ran alongside barns, where vehicles like wagons could drive up and either offload cargo like hay food or livestock or take on cargo like hay food or livestock. Of course, these access roads onto a property became handy places to park vehicles, and when the automobile age began, these off-street roads became ideal places to park the family car. There you go. I mean, that checks out. I'm glad we learned something today. Look at that. We learned something.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It wasn't even the fact of the day. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. And what was the weather? The weather. All right. I opened up the recommendations, and already someone said they want a weather recommendation for batman
Starting point is 00:38:07 turkey have we i feel like we've done batman turkey before not saying we can't do it again but i definitely feel like we've done we've done you know what i feel like parmy feels like we've done it as well but i don't know it may have been years ago oh yeah definitely it was a long time ago but i 100 believe we've done batman turkey we had to have the batman turkey yeah we had to like what there there has to have been a moment where we did batman i almost feel like i remember it but it could be one of those things where you think you remember it so you think it's a thing when you didn't we both love batman and eat turkey it's possible that we just are conflating the two it is possible uh all right you know let's just do batman turkey i mean we
Starting point is 00:38:54 have to we have to do it uh 67 degrees fahrenheit it is 29.71 inches of pressure. 44% humidity. 6 miles on the visibility. 6 mile an hour winds. 2.45 UV index. 0 in a moon phase of a waning crescent moon. Over on the 10 day. Tonight, mostly clear. Low 61. Winds light and variable. You got Monday, 93.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Mostly sunny. Tuesday, 96. Mostly sunny. And then, whoo! Watch out. It's sunny every day. And 98, 100, 102, 102, 101, 100,
Starting point is 00:39:29 101, 102, 103, 104, 104, 105. Damn. Wow. So it is hot in Batman. I have a question. Do we have a huge audience in Turkey? Uh-huh. Do you think... i'm very curious about that i would
Starting point is 00:39:49 love to know more i don't know i don't know if we have a huge audience there look that might be the first time we've had the same place brought up twice maybe maybe our audience just likes batman more than yeah all right they're not like my hometown of Batman Turkey. Maybe though. This place is called Batman. Maybe Batman Turkey has a sizable Cox and Crandor fan base. I don't know. There's absolutely no way. We shouldn't discount that.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I'd discount it. I don't believe it. All right. Okay, fine. However, I do want to see if there's any Batman themed things in Batman Turkey. You know there probably is but not in the way we think it's like batman's kabob you know what i mean yeah there's uh the the black cafe batman
Starting point is 00:40:36 that's i don't know what that means. That's what it's called. And it looks pretty good. It's got some fancy stuff there. Hold on. There you go. That's not bad. That's not bad at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Then let's see what else we got. Batman Medow Cafe. Do you think it's pronounced actual Batman? I don't. Or is it like Boot Moon? Yeah, it's probably more like that. Boot Moon. I don't think they're just like, what if we name this place Batman?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Does that sound good? Maybe that's exactly what they did. I think we've done this before. Maybe you're having deja vu. Oh, because of the confluence of the Batman River. Oh, interesting. I don't think we've done this before.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I feel like we have. I feel like maybe we have, but we didn't go into it. Yeah, we probably made a few jokes. Like, Batman. That sounds like us. Batman. Batman. Batman.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Oh my god. Batman. Wait, where'd that go? It said Batman Tat. I'm trying to find Batman Donner. You know it exists. Batman Tat Ekmek Fabrikasi. Oh, this is bread? I thought it was like a tattoo place. You know it exists. Batman tat ekmek fabrikasi. Oh, this is bread?
Starting point is 00:42:07 I thought it was like a tattoo place. Like, oh, Batman tats. That sounds great. But they just make bread. Meanwhile, hilariously. Oh, wait, hold on. Hold on. Batman?
Starting point is 00:42:21 Nope, never mind. What the? So there is a place in Turkey called Kenneth Donner Batman something. No, it's just it's in Batman. However, in Germany, there are several places. There's one place called Batman Restaurant. Another place called Batman Kebab.
Starting point is 00:42:36 In Germany, there's a lot of Batman places. Batman Restaurant. It's a Turkish counter serve Doner Kebab. So I guess dudes from Batman moved to Germany to sell Batman Kebab, which is frankly good enough for me. Yeah, that is good enough for me.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Oh my God, I think I found Batman. Go right there. You think you found actual Batman? Yes. Batman tat, dude standing outside. go right there you think you found actual batman yes batman tat dude standing outside yeah that other guy looking ahead it looks like that meme picture he's looking back at the girl yeah there's just another guy there with like a piece of bread that would be a perfect photo also real talk these breads look delicious oh yeah they look uh They look like real
Starting point is 00:43:26 bread, not actors. Yeah, looks like some dude made real bread. Yeah. I would imagine that is what they do. They don't just, like, get the bread in. Time to sell the fake bread today. Wow. Also, shout out to these hotel prices. 46 bucks?
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yeah, but I'm clicking on some of these hotels. No, you have bad reviews. This one, 46 bucks, 4.3, 700 and something reviews. Actually, never mind. That's a good hotel. The Ancient Mesopotamia Hotel. I don't know if it's ancient.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I don't know if that's true. Does it have a website? Can I go to the Ancient Mesopotamia hotel? Hotel Mesopotamia has a website. Not secure. That's dangerous. I mean. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:44:16 It looks like every other hotel that ever existed. And 46 bucks. Crazy. That is pretty crazy. Yeah. Although some of the images when you click through are just like dudes sitting around. Like, just dudes sitting around. That sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I'm so happy I'm here with these dudes. Okay, cool. And that's the weather. Alright, let's go to sports. Sports. Welcome to the sports desk. We've had sports recently. We have.
Starting point is 00:44:50 We've had sports recently. We have had sports recently. So we've got our NFL stuff starting up pretty soon. That's going to be starting up in just under a month. So it'll be nice having the old training camps going again. We got NHL draft coming up in a couple weeks. But right now the Stanley Cup Finals going on. It is 3-2 Colorado with the lead. And everybody hoping the Avalanche win,
Starting point is 00:45:15 unless you're a Tampa Bay Lightning fan. And I believe they play. I think they play tonight. All right. And then we have the NBA draft happen. So teams get hope that the person they drafted to their team is going to be really good and not a bust, and they stay irrelevant. I will say, if you want an inside look on the NBA draft, which I think is weird, but I actually enjoyed the movie. There's an Adam Sandler movie on Netflix. I think it's called Hustle.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Oh, yeah. I heard that was actually good. It was super fun. I actually really enjoyed that movie. Huh. Interesting. I mean, I already know a lot about the NBA draft, but now I want to see this just to see.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's about a guy who works for the 76ers, and he finds a Spanish dude who's very good at basketball, and the Sixers don't want him, so he's like, fine, I'm going to get this kid drafted on my own. And it's super interesting. Huh. Yeah. That is interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:20 You might check it out. But then next week, NBA free agency starts, and that's what I love. That's when things get crazy. There's free agency. There's trade, signing trades. Oh, my God, that's what I live for. Give me that offseason. And then baseball's going on.
Starting point is 00:46:36 They're almost to the halfway point now. Right now you got your Yankees in first. You got the Twins in first, the Astros in first. The Mets in first. The Brewers in first. And the Dodgers in first. In first. In first. In first.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And that is sports. Okay. Crandor, hit us with the fact of the day. Fact of the day. Here's the fact of the day. Fact of the day. Facts. Days.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Fact of the day. Wait, what is this? Okay. The Terminator sold for $1. What? That's what it says. The Terminator. I mean,. What? That's what it says. The Terminator. I mean, I heard you, but what?
Starting point is 00:47:32 The Terminator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, earned a whole total or worldwide total, a whole worldwide total, $78.3 million at the box office in 1984. As it went on, the franchise took in over $ 1.4 billion uh not bad for a movie whose rights sold for a dollar before james cameron became famous for directing blockbusters like titanic and avatar he was just an unknown filmmaker with an ambitious idea in order to get his movie made he handed over the rights to the script for a token amount on the terms that he would be allowed to direct the movie despite the eventual success of the project cameron later terms that he would be allowed to direct the movie. Despite the eventual success of the project, Cameron later admitted that he regrets the decision
Starting point is 00:48:06 to sell such a valuable story for such a low amount, saying, I wish I hadn't sold the rights for $1. If I had a little time machine, I could only send back something the length of a tweet. It'd be, don't sell. I understand that. I've done projects where people have said,
Starting point is 00:48:24 just sell it for $1 so you can get it made. And I understand that that've done projects where people have said just sell it for a dollar so you can get it made and I understand that that is what he did and it's one of those like paradoxical things so if you say don't sell then does James Cameron become James Cameron if he doesn't get the movie made exactly so like what if he doesn't sell and then
Starting point is 00:48:40 nobody wants him to do anything and then he just doesn't do anything so it's like that might have been the thing he needed. Yeah. It's a question that I frequently have about stuff. I get it. It's crazy, dude. Our choices impacting
Starting point is 00:48:56 our lives. I know some choices might be bad, but in the future they might actually help you. Some good choices in the moment might be bad in the future. What? Fact of the day. Alright.
Starting point is 00:49:12 What is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. This is one that happened a few weeks ago but someone tweeted it and it's pretty good. A man in a wig was detained after throwing a piece of cake at the mona lisa uh i mean i would love to know why that happened i would like to
Starting point is 00:49:35 know why as well a man seemed to have been disguised as an old woman in a wheelchair threw a piece of cake at the Mona Lisa in Paris. Video posted on social media shows security guards at the Louvre Museum escorting the man away Sunday as he spoke in French. Sorry, what's that museum called? Louvre. Right, okay. As he spoke in French about the planet.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Think of the Earth. There are people who are destroying the Earth. Think about it. Think of the Earth. There are people who are destroying the earth. Think about it. Think of the earth. I'll just tell you. Think of the earth. That's why I did these. He says, according to the Associated Press.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Another video showed someone clearing the cake off the glass, protecting the Mona Lisa as onlookers held up their phones to film the incident's aftermath. The 36-year-old man was detained and sent to a psychiatric unit, according to the AP. The original Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci between 1503 and 1519. The oil painting
Starting point is 00:50:34 hangs in the Louvre's largest room, according to the museum's website. I thought you were about to tell the way you said that, you're like, the original Mona Lisa I was like, you're about to tell me that they made a Mona Lisa too? Is that what you're about to say? The original Mona Lisa made by Da Vinci is no longer on display. Instead, it's the Mona Lisa 2.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Mona Lisa 2 would be something that happens nowadays. Go Mona Lisa 2, electric boogaloo, my new NFP. Check it out. It's going to be fantastic. This isn't the first time the iconic painting has run into trouble the protective glass was put up after it was damaged in an acid attack during the 50s in 1911 the mona lisa disappeared from the museum for more than two years the year there were no hints on where it could be until someone tried to sell the painting to an italian art dealer who informed authorities.
Starting point is 00:51:28 So the Mona Lisa was recovered, and her fame was all the greater, the Louvre says on its website. Honestly, that is absolutely, I don't know if you're aware of this, it's an incredibly interesting and totally true story. The theft of the Mona Lisa is what made the Mona Lisa important. Up until that time, no one gave a shit about the Mona Lisa. No one cared. It was the theft and the mystery of the theft that made it an important painting.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I think that's super interesting. That is pretty crazy. I didn't know that. Yeah. Huh. What? So it was like, how was it even stolen?
Starting point is 00:52:02 So it was just like one of Da Vinci's things was like in a vault and they just like took it it might have been hanging at the time i don't know i mean like again leonardo da vinci as an artist is important right but the mona lisa as one of his works was a lesser important one like no one really cared it was just the mona lisa and what ended up happening is when it was stolen and i do not know the way it was stolen, but when it was stolen, the legend of it, the mystery of like, oh, someone came in and just stole this artwork. It was missing, like you said, for a while that people started to care about it. And then once it was returned, everyone wanted to go see the art that was stolen.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And then it just like built up over time. And now it's like a thing. Ah, I see. That's pretty interesting. Yeah. Huh. Well, that's the news and fact bonus fact. Oh, I see. That's pretty interesting. Yeah. Huh. Well, that's the news and bonus fact of the day. Oh my god, we got like three bonus
Starting point is 00:52:50 facts today. So many bonus facts. This may as well be Cox and Crandor facts show. Cox and yeah, go on. Cox and Crandor facts show. Crandor facts show. That's the name of the episode. Alright.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Alright. Good. Well, that's it. Alright. Well, thank you so much for listening and watching. I've enjoyed this podcast. Crendor. Hit them with the socials. We've got socials. slash Cox and Crendor podcast. All one word.
Starting point is 00:53:21 You can find all the podcasts over there. Subscribe. Hit the bell to be alerted when they go up, when they go live. Unless you want to go to other websites like SoundCloud, Spotify, iTunes. We're all over. Also, slash Cox and Crendor. If you want all the animations, do the same thing over there. We also have our own
Starting point is 00:53:38 stuff. We got, Jesse Cox., Crendor. Patreon, Jesse Cox. Patreon, Crendor. Twitter, Jesse Cox. Twitter, Crendor. Facebook, Jesse Cox. Facebook, Crendor. Twitch TV, Jesse Cox. Twitch TV, Crendor. Patreon, Jesse Cox. Patreon, Crendor. Twitter, Jesse Cox. Twitter, Crendor. Facebook, Jesse Cox. Facebook, Crendor. Twitch TV, Jesse Cox. Twitch TV, Crendor., Warhammer, Crendor. And E-I-E-I-O.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Okay, thanks so much for all the love and support and comments and all the fun stuff. You guys are the best. That's it. And I'll see you all next time. So, as always. To be continued.

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