Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 355 - Mary Poppins 3?

Episode Date: September 12, 2022

WAR! Jesse was doing just fine, but everything changed with the vegan food he ate attacked. Now all week our man has been down for the count - but luckily Crendor is here to save him with tales of his... IBS. Then Crendor brags more about his sit/stand desk. Somehow this leads down the path to talking about old terrible computers and then a new Mary Poppins, which let's be honest, the world needs. All this and so much more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to for 20% off your first order and free shipping. Go to and use code COX16 for 16 free meals across 7 boxes AND 3 free gifts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by MeUndies. MeUndies are the undies that I have on me. Also today, we're brought to you by HelloFresh. HelloFresh is going to get you that good food delivered to your home to make food at home like a normal person, Jesse. Weird that I would address that to myself. I don't know why I would do that. Anyway, let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning!
Starting point is 00:00:30 Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live! In 4-hour recording studios. Recording! Wake your ass up! It's Cox and Crendog in the morning! Cox and Crendor in the morning. Hey. Hi. Hey.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Is that all you say? Hey? Hey. Well, say hey. Go look at the new Cox and Crandor animated. Oh, you should do. That's right. A new Cox and Crandor animated.
Starting point is 00:01:01 It's out right now. It's very good. It is one of our favorite boys, Hank the Tank. Oh, yeah. It's a good one. What a hero. What a hero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's actually a Honker animated episode. It's like four minutes. Yeah, it's very good. It explains why it took a little longer than normal, but it is. It's one of the best ones you've done. Dantan? Yep. Dantan is a stone-cold killer when it comes to animation.
Starting point is 00:01:25 The man is out there putting in work. Masterpiece. Masterpiece. What did you do this week? Create any masterpieces? Boy, I almost was about to say a thing that wasn't appropriate. All right. I'm going to say it anyway.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I was about to say i this is the problem with me is i have to self-censor myself sometimes because i know what i'm about to say like should it be said but i'm gonna say it anyway because f it i don't care i was about to say i made a masterpiece in my toilet that's what i was gonna say because I've been sick all week. What did you get? Just a cold? Flu? No, no. Not even like sickness of the head. I'm talking about like gut sickness. I once again got got by almond milk.
Starting point is 00:02:16 This time I went to a new vegan place opened up. And, you know, I'm not against vegan food. I think a lot of vegan food is very delicious If it's like made well Right and Yeah this new place that opened Was not made well and I don't know What they put it In for whatever reason I don't know why it was there
Starting point is 00:02:38 But there I did call Them and they were like yeah we have almond milk In some of the dishes and I was like cool So um As I'm sure you know from this podcast before, almond milk does not sit well with me. And I didn't know why. We've looked it up and there was people saying like, yeah, it's a thing. This week, though, someone did say definitively why. I guess in almond milk there's an ingredient, some sort of chemical they add that is natural,
Starting point is 00:03:04 but it's added to make the milk thicken. And that ingredient, it's like chromamine or some nonsense like that. Chromamine, whatever it is, that is known to make people have very bad bowel issues. And so I think Wednesday, maybe it was Thursday. Thursday is when I ate there. I think it was Thursday night, I think Wednesday, maybe it was Thursday. Thursday is when I ate there. I think it was Thursday night, I think. It was either Wednesday night or Thursday night. It's all blending together.
Starting point is 00:03:33 But immediately the next day. And ever since, I've been so – my stomach is a mess. I need to get my bacterias all working again. I don't know what's going on, bro. Yeah, I ate yogurt. I've been eating the best I've ever been eating, ever.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Period. Today I woke up and ate an apple. Just woke up and ate an apple. Here's the thing. Apples, they mess me up. Really? Really? Interesting. Why an apple? here's the thing apples they messed me up really interesting why an apple uh apple's kind of high in fodmap what is that fodmap oh man let me tell you about fodmaps
Starting point is 00:04:17 i hate that you have lingo and slang for what's wrong with you listen you're talking somebody's had two endoscopies, a gallbladder removal, and I've been to the gastro... I've been to like four gastro doctors, alright? I mean, alright! My god! So, FODMAPs are for like IBS. So essentially, IBS is them being like, we don't know what's wrong, it's probably something... it's either your colon's freaking out,asms or like some foods irritating it whatever so they're like try going on the fadmap diet so what this is is there's certain foods called fadmaps which are here it is
Starting point is 00:04:56 fermentable oligosaccharide disaccharide monosaccharide, and polyols. I know why you say FODMAP now. I get it. Yeah, I understand. Which are short-chain carbohydrates, sugars, that the small intestine absorbs poorly. Some people experience digestive distress after eating them. So, ideally what you do is you go on this FODMAP diet where you remove a bunch of these fodmap foods and then you
Starting point is 00:05:27 slowly reintroduce them and so you're like all right today i'm gonna eat an onion and you're like okay i was fine it's probably not onions then you're like today i'm gonna eat broccoli and then you're like oh that messed me up i guess broccoli's a problem right so that's pretty much what you do i learned apples I can eat maybe one apple. But if I eat, like, two apples in a week, it's over. I'm blown away that that's – but I guess what am I saying? I'm over here like the one weird ingredient that they put in one type of milk is what gets me. So how can I complain if apples are your thing?
Starting point is 00:06:03 The thing is, like, cauliflower. I can eat cauliflower. Broccoli, I can eat some. I can eat like a handful of broccoli. If I eat more than that, that's a problem. So do you have to – are you worried – can you like not eat like a nice summer salad? If you get a summer – are there like apples on that? If they like put broccoli, you're done. Are there apples on that?
Starting point is 00:06:23 If they put broccoli, you're done. If salads are... Salads are just uncooked vegetables and fruits, which actually can be harder on your digestive system. So actually, a lot of times, salads can irritate your digestive system. You are no on salads, man. I mean, I'll eat a salad, but not all the time. Never would have guessed.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm a huge... Last night, I had a salad for dinner because I was like, okay, I need some roughage. I need something in me because let me tell you, it has been like World War III in my gut the last couple days where every moment is like – things are talking in there, man. It gets communicating with me. talking in there, man. I got – it's communicating with me. It's like, stop. So I went and got, like, one of them fancy salads that has all sorts of vegetables in it.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And I'm hoping that'll do the trick. I feel much better today, that's for sure. That's good. I don't know, man. I'm waiting for it. I've been eating very little because what ends up happening is I will eat something and then immediately my stomach is like, you shouldn't have done that. And then I'm done. I'm done. And I don't know if I'm just still recovering or if I'm in a new phase of my life where this is how I live now.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I don't know. It is jarring. Yeah, actually, it's funny enough because I had the same thing a few days ago. I don't know what it was. You did tweet about this, and I realized that we were probably having sympathy pains. Maybe. Well, I know mine's like the irritable bowel syndrome. I've had it literally my entire life, and my family has it.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's a fun time. You know what? I don't like it, and I sympathize with you even more now. It sucks. So I don't know what set it off this time. Sometimes even just stress can do it. And it's just like, oh, I guess here it is. But I had the gurgles.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I was going to the bathroom. I went like five times. And then the next day, I was like little i was like i feel like 60 better and then like later that night i was fine so i don't even know i was like was this like a bug thing i got but i'm pretty sure it was the ibs i what's upsetting to me is i know i got it at this vegan place and it upsets me because it wasn't even good food like it was great food and i was like man i enjoyed that. What a shame. Nah, this place told me they were going to give me something good.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It was like not. It was burnt. I don't know how you burn it. It was dry. The veggies they put on the sandwich were like wilted and weird. This place just opened. How do you have wilted veggies and you just opened on Monday? How's that possible? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You're a vegan place. How do you have wilted veggies? So upsetting. I was so mad. Were they crowded? Yeah, of course. It's LA. It just opened, so of course it's crowded. I feel like it's a very LA thing. I feel like most other places in everywhere don't just have the plethora of vegan options and restaurants.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I think I mentioned it before. This actually is upsetting to me. There was that place downtown, the Dankness Dojo. Oh, yeah. That place had one of the best, that vegan wrap that was like a Taco Bell wrap. That thing was the best thing i've ever eaten vegan anywhere ever and uh i was thinking about the other day i was like i would be willing to drive to downtown la to try that again like maybe get like a beer or two they're closed
Starting point is 00:09:55 covid killed them yeah they're done i know dude my god done i'll never have a dank dojo yeah they have like another place that exists but but yeah, they're no longer in that space, which is, I think, the hallmark of LA stuff. Like this vegan place that I went to before is, I'm convinced it's packed right now because it's week one, but locations are expensive, and I don't think, based on the food I had, I bet they'll be gone in like a month. Yeah. Now it's back to burgers for me.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Back to Burger Town. See, that's one of the reasons every, that's why for dinner all the time, we have our standard dinner we eat, which is chicken with ginger rice, carrots, and bok choy. Those are two vegetables I can handle. And then a tiny bit of the Nando's garlic sauce to dip the chicken in. Oh, now you're just torturing me. That sounds so good.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Well, that's unfortunate. Yeah, that was my week. I did nothing. I had a bunch of ideas. I was going to stream. I was going to do stuff. No, man. I came to the office, did the work I had to do, and then went home and sat on my couch like, oh, I should eat something.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat anything. And I just sat there like, oh, what have I done to myself? See, now you're literally living the Crendor from ages 28 to about 30 life. Well, let me tell you, not a fan. It's not fun. I wanted to do anything, literally anything, and I would get up and move around, and my stomach would be like, if you move, I'm going to poop.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I'm like, stop. Please stop. Yeah, it's digestive pain. You gotta love it. How'd I get here? This isn't me. I have an iron stomach. I'm over here ordering extra hot vindaloo's.
Starting point is 00:11:53 That does nothing to me. But this stupid additive ingredient and milk from almonds, which isn't even real milk. I'm over here like, I'm dying, Lord. Put me out of my misery. Oh, I hate it. Oh, I hate it. Bodies are crazy and weird. I know, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:10 What happens? What happens? If it gets worse, I'm not looking forward to it. I can't. Oh, my God. That used to be me. I used to be able to get anything. And then, boom, it just hits.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Your body's like, I give up. I ain't doing this shit. I'm not a fan. I got to do everything in my power. I'm going to become that. This is my villain story. I'm going to become that guy who searches for a way to live forever so I don't have to get old. Like forever youth so I don't have to get old.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I am doing pretty okay with everything considering. And when I see people tweet like, just turned 30, my knees are already hurting. I'm like, bro, I don't want that I I couldn't if I started to have like knee pains I wouldn't no I'm so good right now please please body hold up I'm begging you I know we don't get along that much and I barely take care of you but my god I don't need knee pain I don't need like weird I'm so far I'm in the clear, but I know it's going to happen. And I'm worried. This is the start of it.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I woke up one day, and now I can't. I'm like, I'm pulling everywhere, Crendor. I'm falling apart. And that's it. And then I'm going to be on the Crendor path. And then I'm done. I see it as clear as day. Then they're going to just might as well throw me in the grave because I don't want to live like that.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Speaking of which, the desk is being lowered Oh, update on that Got a message From our lady friend who was like I've been looking out for you She messaged me and said That the desk was coming This Wednesday
Starting point is 00:13:43 Oh, yes So I'm very excited Here's the thing, I didn't get an official That the desk was Coming this Wednesday Oh yes So I'm very excited Here's the thing I didn't get an official message So I have no Tracking information but she said it'll be here Wednesday So Very excited I think this week I'm gonna Do a lot of apartment
Starting point is 00:13:59 Cleaning and try to even though I clean Too much I'm gonna try to like move Stuff around and find the perfect place for my new desk. So you said you didn't get an official message? What's that mean? Like I didn't get, you know how I usually get
Starting point is 00:14:16 like, thanks for your order. Here's a bunch of crap from our, you know, like one of those emails that you can't email back to because it's not a real email thing. I didn't get one of those. Instead I just got a message from this lady that said, it'll be there Wednesday. No tracking information, no nothing, just it'll be there Wednesday. That's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It is very weird, but here's the thing. She said she was looking out. She's looking out. So far, so good. I can't complain. That's true. She's looking out. Yeah, she's messaged me more than I thought about even messaging this company.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah, maybe she canceled those emails. She's like, he doesn't need them. Yeah, she's like, I more than I thought about even messaging this company. Yeah, maybe she canceled those emails. She's like, he doesn't need them. Yeah, she's like, I got this, but don't worry, I got him. Shook. I don't know why she talks like that. That's who she is to me now. Yeah. A motherly figure looking out for my sit-stand desk.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm excited. It is going to be great to have that because I might leave that standing the entire time. That's crazy, but whatever floats your boat. I don't do a lot of like – when I'm at home, a great example is the other day I was – before I got sick, I was at home and I was going through a bin of stuff that I have trying to figure out what I could bring to the office and then what I could Just get rid of and I have like Three bins in my home and Some of it is clothes that I want to here's how you know I am like a fool
Starting point is 00:15:33 Some of it is clothes that Someone gave to me or I was like hat and I'm like I love this Outfit I love it it is two Sizes too small and I'm like One day though Jesse one day you're gonna be able to fit into this and so i just keep it but clearly it's pointless to do so but i'm like one day i love this i love this shirt so much so i have like a bin of that and then i have a bin of
Starting point is 00:15:59 like things that fans have given me over the years That should be in storage But I just haven't moved it, it's in the house And then I have one bin that's like Chords and stuff So I was going through the chord bin Trying to figure out what it is I need And what it is is just I kept Because maybe one day I might need it And so I was like nope
Starting point is 00:16:20 Nope, I don't even know what this is for And I'm just like going through it And I had my computer on And it was playing just music and then a podcast, you know, like that kind of stuff. And that's how I use my computer at home, really. And so, you know, if anything, I should have a laptop at home, but I don't. I have this old busted computer. It doesn't do anything at all. And when I
Starting point is 00:16:45 stream from there at home, sometimes it's like pointless. Utterly, the graphics are terrible. I was playing Total War, Warhammer 3, and it like chugged, bro. People in chat are like, maybe you could change the settings. I had to turn V-Sync on to like
Starting point is 00:17:01 slow the whole thing down. I had to make it like when battles would load, my camera would freeze. It was just like, no, no. The graphics were down so far to the point that the lizard man I was playing, when he would move on the screen, he'd be a blur. Yeah, it was a treat. Blur. Yeah, I couldn't.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I was like, you know what? No, there's a reason I don't play stuff. And someone was like, well, you should get a, I couldn't. I was like, you know what? No. There's a reason I don't play stuff. And someone was like, well, you should get a new computer for home. I'm like, no. I honestly, if I could live in a world where I didn't need a computer for home, if I could disconnect without having to worry about like, oh, crap, I got to log into something. I totally would.
Starting point is 00:17:39 100%. This picture, like, with the click on him, he's like, Gorak thinks you need 2020 prescription. It really, I'll have to show you a clip. It's so funny looking. His gold, I was playing as Krokar. His gold, the reflection of it, I guess whatever graphics thing they're using, was a complete blur. So when he moves across the screen, because my computer can't handle that, he's just a
Starting point is 00:18:07 blur moving. And it was so funny. Anytime there was a special effect, it would just be like one particle. I'd use a massive AOE attack and it would go like, beep, beep, beep, beep. And then just guys would die and you wouldn't see anything. And I was like, nice. This is how games are supposed to be played. It reminded me of years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I had an old gateway computer, you know, the computer with the cows. Oh, yeah. And I remember I think this was. It might have been my first year of college. Some Star Wars game came out where you got to play as clone, like the clone troopers. And I remember being like, oh my God, yes. And I bought the game, went home, installed it when, you know, you had to have CDs, installed it, started up the game.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And my computer was so old and so bad that nothing rendered except like barely the skeletons of the clone troopers. And I'd run around the corridor and I'd be shot by people that I couldn't see because they didn't render. That's how bad that computer was. So, I mean, I'm used to it.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I've, I haven't always lived this awesome computer life. Oh yeah. I, I, I feel that I remember doing that with my E machine. Oh my God. Yes. Machines. Yes. It was a classic, I feel that. I remember doing that with my e-machine. Oh my god, yes! You know the e-machines?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Yes! It was a classic, the old Best Buy e-machine. I just remember upgrading the video card in it. It was essentially like putting a new engine in a 1982 Honda Civic or something. That was an experience. I remember I had to run a fan on it because it started overheating. Now that's gaming. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I remember when I was a teacher, my computer was so old, but I turned up the graphics all the way for World of Warcraft, which is hilarious, by the way. You don't need to, but I turned it up all the way. And that's the only – when I taught, the only game I played was World of Warcraft for that three-year period. There's a period of my life where I think if you were to ask me about major game releases from 2007 to 2010, I could not tell you what they were. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I'm looking this up. I don't know what games came out. Super Mario Galaxy, never played it. First Bioshock, did not play that until years later. Crisis, never played the original Crisis. Played Crisis 2 and 3, loved it. The original Portal, didn't play that until like 2012. The original Witcher, I only saw my friend Mike play that when I went to visit him once.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Rock Band, I did play Rock Band. I did play Rock Band because I had a console and Rock Band was what my students were playing, so I played that. And I was very, very good at Rock Band to the point where I cheated. So, take that, world. What a gamer.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Yeah. Well, because you could, if you want to get the top scores, all you would do would be like, you didn't have to say the the song lyrics You just sang them Also I played rock band for singing not for Anything else Yeah and you just did I remember you said you did the thing Where you're just like
Starting point is 00:21:16 And it worked it worked every time I was in the top 10 for every song And then people started to figure out like how to micromanage your bonus points so they could be one percentage higher than me. It was ridiculous. Losers, dude. God of War 2, I never played that. I just watched a person play it.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Mass Effect, I didn't play that until much later. Were you just playing WoW this whole time? Literally only played WoW. Didn't play anything. I'm looking at all these games. Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario, never played that. Still have never played Super Paper Mario. Never. Well, Paper Mario
Starting point is 00:21:55 64 and then the Thousand Year Door are the main Paper Marios. Heavenly Sword, you would think I would play that because it's got a sexy redhead as the hero. Never played it. Yeah, nothing here. But you know what did come out in 2007? World of Warcraft Burning Crusade.
Starting point is 00:22:11 That's true. That is what I played. Played the hell out of that. It got in beta. I was so happy. Yeah. Speaking of which. I'm looking at all these things.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Never played any of these until much later. I've been playing world of warcraft wrath of the lich king uh you know what i was just talking to my uh former editor david he was over here helping me fix this computer and uh he literally was just like i i don't play wow anymore but i want to go back and play wrath of lich, and it's crazy how different the game looks than compared to now. Everything that I see, it's like the quality of life stuff in WoW,
Starting point is 00:22:54 currently, people are just, they're taking it for granted. He's like, my man, there is so much stuff in this old game that I went back with fond memories, and I played three hours and was like, I don't have time for this. Well, here's the thing. I got time for it.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Are you enjoying it? Oh, I love it. I love, here's the thing. I loved Classic WoW. People already were like, Classic WoW, God. But, like, I love that slow-paced RPG feel. I think it's kind of chill. I just put something on. I just grind. Like, it's kind, like, I love that slow-paced RPG feel. I think it's kind of chill. I just put something on.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I just grind. Like, it's kind of like my night. You know how, like, in some games, like Path of Exile, Diablo, you just kind of grind shit, and you're just like, bleh, like your brain's off? Sure. That's essentially what I do. I was about to say I don't know what that's like. I've never enjoyed the grind.
Starting point is 00:23:51 never enjoyed the grind but with that said i will one more turn total war until like 11 30 at night i'm like what am i doing and i'll just put on the background music and i'll sit there and just play and yeah i totally get it totally get it yeah it's uh well the reason i love wrath as well is because it was probably the best of classic wow like when cataclysm hit like you already you covered cataclysm yeah it was like it was okay but that's when wow kind of started not feeling it's when they changed everything they updated everything they added new stuff they changed the. They updated everything. They added new stuff. They changed the whole experience. So, yes, Wrath is the last classic. I'm very curious what they intend to do moving forward because once they finish the Wrath story arc, in my mind, they should stop right there.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I think they're going to go back to classic original or like Wrath. I think they're going to try to make new content for it because I think it's a different enough game that they could do that and people play it here's the thing i'd probably play it i feel yeah i feel like there's got to be like once wrath is done and they have all those things in it that made the game successful if you go to cataclysm the game fundamentally changes and it isn't classic anymore it's it's modern it's updated. It's where it is now. Which, I still like modern WoW, but it definitely feels more kind of like RPG-ish, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah. And there's something about that kind of slow RPG feel. Like, some people are like, oh, I gotta buy reagents and arrows and stuff. And I'm like, I kind of like that. I don't like it to the extreme of like kind of old classic wow like it was fun but like wrath i think hits like the perfect sweet spot of it uh and like all the classes feel pretty good i got my i leveled druid so i got my bird form i just fly around as a bird plus the uh the nice part is that everybody i know is playing it which is also also one of the fun things.
Starting point is 00:25:45 For now. For now, but that's the thing. The part of the fun is when everybody's playing a thing, and you're all playing it, and you're all doing the thing. You've got to enjoy that moment until everyone starts fading away and going to other stuff. Yeah, I understand. But I always feel like I want to play stuff in my own time, and the world of streaming is like, we're all doing it this week as much as we can. And the next week, moving on. I'm like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, but it's fun when you got nothing to play. And then there's like, everybody's playing this thing. And I'm like, nice. Everybody's like power grinding, trying to keep up. The downside is if, you know, you're a person with a normal job, i.e. like Dr. John, who was playing with us, and then me, Gmart, Sinvicta, we're all around the same level, and now I'm 65, I think Sinvicta's 66, Gmart's 67,
Starting point is 00:26:41 and now Dr. John's like 48. Yeah, because he's a doctor and now Dr. John's like 48. Yeah. Because he had to be a doctor. Yeah, he has a job. He had to go to a wedding. He does stuff. I was like, dude, all you got to do is tell the ER room, like, yo, guys, I'm just going to go play WoW for like three days.
Starting point is 00:27:00 They'll understand. You know, you walk back in. Like, hey, I'm back. They'll understand. You know, you walk back in. Like, hey, I'm back. Like, just be like, yo, I got to, I'll do the jobs nobody wants to do or something for two days. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:13 No. I'm all right. It's not going to happen. But either way, my main point being Wrath was probably my favorite expansion. So that's the main reason. Plus, we're all on a fresh server as well. We all started fresh. So, yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I think that's what the game's designed for, just to be a community game where everyone can play together, that kind of thing. Yeah. So, I've been having fun. And then, though, the other nice part is they give you a 50% experience boost for pre-patch to Wrath. wrath so that makes it a lot better is that all you've been doing is playing that right now speaking of which i started getting my old computer gamer pains like i remember i was
Starting point is 00:27:56 getting eye strain i was like having my shoulders were kind of like uh and i was like oh god i gotta start staying and sit staying swapping again with my desk. I was getting kind of lazy, sitting too long. Then I started doing it. I had to roll out my neck and back with my massage ball or whatever. How long are you playing, though? This goes against everything that you've ever... You keep saying, like, I do short streams. How long are you playing?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yes. Well, here's the thing. I did short streams and then Pokemon hit. And then I was addicted to Pokemon. And I was doing long streams. Then, uh... Oh, what happened after Pokemon? Something...
Starting point is 00:28:36 You just forgot. There was another... There was another thing I was streaming a lot of after Pokemon. And then this hit with WoW. And I'm like, well, I love playing, you know, WoW. And, like, old school, everyone's playing playing it so I've just been like power grinding and then Sam was like oh I'm gonna get to 70 before all of you like Sam you're like level 15 and we're like in our 40s and he's like oh and then we're like all right well we're just gonna
Starting point is 00:28:58 keep power grinding and then he's like oh you guys are all power grinding now I see trying to beat me we're like Sam we're going at the same pace. It's just, you know, you thought it was a race. And he's like, oh, it is. That's what he said. That does sound exactly like Sam. Almost thought he was here for a minute. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:18 So, honestly, after the wild grind, I might take a few days off and just do nothing. Man. After the wild grind, I might take a few days off and just do nothing. Oh, man. I hit a sweet spot yesterday where I don't know what it was. I streamed for four hours, and already I was like, four hours is exactly how long I think I should stream on any given day. But during that four hours, I did four raid things in Final Fantasy XIV. I beat Call to the Lamb. And then I played and beat something called the Don't Escape Trilogy, which was super fun.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's like three old school point and click games that are kind of like – like the first one is you're a werewolf and you've locked yourself're a werewolf. And you've locked yourself in a house. Or you're going to lock yourself in a house. And you need to prevent yourself from escaping. So that you don't kill people in the village. And you have to like figure out a way to do that. And the second one is. Zombies are coming.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And you have to prevent them from getting to you. And the third one is you're in space. And something happened. You have to figure out like what happened. It's super interesting. Super cool. I love i love it it took i don't know like an hour and a half to beat all three that's my speed of game now i was like i played those three enjoyed them tremendously and was like if we could get more of this i could beat i beat this game it took me an hour and a half i actually beat three games technically i was like now that is video gaming that's where
Starting point is 00:30:45 i'm at mentally i started finished and was like damn i got time to spare for me i still think my ideal stream time is like two hours but if i'm like enjoying what i'm doing i play for longer but it starts hurting me physically and mentally. I agree that shorter streams are better. I just want shorter games. I'll accidentally stream long because I forget that I'm streaming. All right. I'll be just like, sometimes I'll just talk to myself, dude. And so this is, I'll just forget it.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I don't know why. You just talk to yourself And you're not even Streaming Today Dave was working on the computer And he was like focusing heavily So I just started Like making up
Starting point is 00:31:38 A new Mary Poppins musical And just singing to myself About Mary Poppins And it was Mary Poppins where and just singing to myself about Mary Poppins. And it was Mary Poppins where all the kids were old now and Mary Poppins has to teach them about the youth of today. And one of the songs that she sings was about eating ass. And the, and the, the,
Starting point is 00:32:00 I don't, I don't remember the tune now. It was very good, but, but the lyrics were like, and that's why you keep your bottom clean. It's like, you've got to clean your bottom. That was part of the song.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And it was like, I kept singing it over and over. I wrote a whole song in my head, which I've already forgotten. And it was hilarious. And the entire time, Dave was just like, I miss working for you, man. I was like, well working for you man well you know if you always want to take much less money about teaching people how to eat ass as Mary Poppins
Starting point is 00:32:33 but then last week you're making fun of the person just eating milk with a spoon or whatever the shit it was whoa whoa whoa eating ass serves a purpose eating milk with a spoon while talking to yourself outside that's madness Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Eating ass serves a purpose. Eating milk with a spoon while talking to yourself outside, that's madness. What was, uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Wait, hold on. What was it called again? It wasn't a spoon. What did they want? They wanted, oh my God, they wanted a, uh, oh man. What was it? I think I still have the note on my phone. Because now I can't remember it. Was it a?
Starting point is 00:33:11 A plant stick spoon. Plant stick spoon. Yeah. That's what it was. They wanted a plant stick spoon, which, you know, I get. Yeah. Do you think you could eat ice with a plant stick spoon? I wouldn't recommend it
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah, I don't know if I want to do anything with a plain stick spoon But all I'm saying is Mary Poppins comes back The musical made sense to me The kids are much older now, right? And they're in a nursing home or something And they're like old angry parents You know how that shit is
Starting point is 00:33:44 They're like, oh, we're angry at the world because we're old people. And then Mary Poppins shows up, and it's like, lighten up. Let the kids have their things. And one of the songs is about eating ass because they see a meme on the internet, and Mary Poppins sings to them that it's like the cool thing to do. But then she explains to them that you got to keep your bum clean, though, if that's what you're going to do. it's like the cool thing to do but then she explains to them that you got to keep your bum clean though if that's what you're gonna do that's true and then but for some reason in my in my musical even though they were old people they also sounded like the little kids so they
Starting point is 00:34:14 were like mary poppins is that where the equal berries come from and then one of the kids is like i love berries and she's like not these berries children yeah but they're old people right but they're all people they're old people but she still treats them like kids because you never really grow up as one of the other songs i see okay right i mean what other what other songs would she sing then oh there was there was plenty of uh songs there was so there was an updated version of spoonful of sugar but that was but it was about taking your medicine every day. Or your heart condition. Is there a song called All Cap, No Mid?
Starting point is 00:34:50 I mean, there could be. It's quite possible. Yeah. There's a song. We could make a song called Poggers. Oh, yeah. Big Pog. Where she explains what that means. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Just a wide list of Twitch emotes specifically. Yeah. Clearly, it's only one song. I'm not going to dedicate the whole musical to, like, Twitch. But, you know, like pop culture stuff. And she teaches them. And in the end, they realize that it's no different from when they were kids. It's just a different form.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And then they understand. And then they become, like, cool grandparents. That eat ass. I don cool grandparents. That eat ass. I don't know if they eat ass. Although, I mean, it's possible. I mean, they just heard that song. Why wouldn't they want it? Well... But first they gotta go to step one. You have to have a clean bottom.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Or do they not have that? I mean, I don't know. That's the question, isn't it? The question we're all wondering. Maybe they've been drinking too much almond milk. Yeah. Too many FODMAPs. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Well, there's got to be a thing for the kids where they hear about turning old. And they're like, ah, I don't want to get old. But then they understand old people because of these songs, you know? Yeah, it's all coming together. It's about the family coming together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Mary Poppins, 2022. It's just more flashbacks to me being like 15, being like, everyone's like, you got to sit better posture. You got to, you know, eat better and do all this thing. And I'm like, I'll worry about that when I'm older. And I'm like, oh, geez about that when I'm older. And I'm like, oh, geez. It wasn't supposed to happen this early. I was listening to the radio coming into the office. And these people were talking about 9-11. And this one woman who was a radio show, like, I think she's on the news, like actual TV news.
Starting point is 00:36:38 She was like, I remember. I just finished college. I remember I just finished college and I was, you know, it was on the radio and it was a crazy time. And I was like, oh, my God, because I know this woman. She looks old. Right. And she just finished college and I just started college. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So there's maybe four or five years between us. Maybe. And I was like oh no and then i started thinking like that was over 20 years ago yeah like and what makes it what's crazy to me is now that i think that way i think about my parents and i wonder what their time perception must be because do they see me? I get why I can still be perceived as a child to them. Because time is such a trip that I was like, my God, that was. That barely.
Starting point is 00:37:38 But also, maybe it's just because my perception. I don't have any consistent long-term relationship. I don't have a child. I don't have any consistent long-term relationship i don't have a child i don't have any benchmarkers in my i am for all intents and purposes roughly the same person i was 10 years ago and potentially 20 years ago video games yeah i my life has been fortunate enough to be pretty much the same. Mm-hmm. Which is kind of bizarre. I don't know. The last 10 years, actually 12 now, have been roughly the same. That is pretty crazy to think about it.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And that's why everything blends together. My last 10 years have been not the same at all. Do you experience it differently then? Do you see benchmarks as like, oh, yeah, no, that was a rough year? Yeah, 100%. 10 years ago, I was like, oh, yeah, we started doing this podcast. And then I met Poster Woman, and we started dating. So that's a whole thing in itself.
Starting point is 00:38:42 A lot of things were happening. Then I was going through all my YouTube stuff. I was doing my YouTube stuff. I was growing up like, yeah. And then Twitch starts getting big. I'm like, dude, I just started doing Twitch streams. Then I started having my stomach problems and then I hit like the gallbladder. So I have like pre gallbladder, post gallbladder era.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Uh, then I started going to the gym. So obviously I have like the gym era of like becoming buff door, you know, pre and post buff door. Then I got like the the gym. So obviously I have the gym era of becoming buff door. Pre and post buff door. Then I got the COVID era hits. You got COVID. There's numerous benchmarks in there. I wonder if maybe my pseudo ADD that I have
Starting point is 00:39:20 undiagnosed is the problem. Because for me, I don't recall much of covid and before that it's all blended together like all of it's it's like i was very fortunate i traveled i like did my show but most of it i don't i'm telling you i think i got a problem like i i but it's liberating i'm not gonna lie i'm so i was talking with mathis the other day Where he was saying that he started taking ADD meds And he's like At first I was worried
Starting point is 00:39:51 But now I've never been so clear headed In my entire life Everything makes sense I'm picking up I'm like that sounds nice And I'm really worried that What makes me me will fundamentally change. That is interesting to think about it, because, like, obviously people know you with, well, if you have ADD, they know you as the person with ADD.
Starting point is 00:40:14 So it's kind of like, if I get rid of this, am I going to be different? Am I going to be liked by people? They may be like, he's not as goofy anymore. He's just more serious. Yeah. Am I going to have a conversation to start a podcast about how I got the poops? Would I be able to say that? I don't know. That's what I'm saying. Will I have even more of a filter on myself? Will I think before I say something? That's dangerous for
Starting point is 00:40:40 me. 90% of my content is me not thinking. Yeah, that's i don't know i don't have that something i mean i was thinking about it because i've also changed a lot over those 10 years in terms of like my humor and my personality although i was like i guess it's also different for me because like i'm uh i'm like i don't know eight years younger seven years younger than you or whatever so like i was also going through this like growing up more it's like when i started i was like 21 20 and so obviously going like through your entire 20s you change a lot like i don't think i was like a full adult until like 20 probably like 27 28 i think most people i don't think i was a full adult until my 30s mid 30s i don't think i grew up like i was still growing up and i'll be honest i don't know that i've actually grown up
Starting point is 00:41:40 at all but i've certainly changed from where i was but I also am still the exact same person that makes any sense like I just don't need before I had this fundamental need to like be a goofball and like give people's attention and now I'm like nah I don't even care yeah I'm trying to think of other things I remember I think Mindflame
Starting point is 00:42:01 remember Mindflame? I do yes I think he actually inspired my non-content I was thinking about it because I remember, I think Mindflame. Remember Mindflame? I do, yes. I think he actually inspired my non-content. I was thinking about it. Because I think back then, I didn't have non-content yet. And I remember when I went to LA, it was like right after BlizzCon 2011. That's when Mindflame was there.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I remember we picked him up from the airport. He had a horse on a stick. I do remember that, yes. He had a horse on a stick. I do remember that, yes. He had a horse on a stick. I do remember that. I was just like, what the shit? And he just starts filming stuff. He starts making his weird commentary.
Starting point is 00:42:34 And he just did goofy things. And I think he's the one who kind of made me realize that he was like the OG non-content person. He was like the Obi-Wan content Obi. He was like the OG non-content person. He was like the Obi-Wan content Obi. I don't think that's... I don't think Obi-Wan content Obi is correct. But yes. Yes, I get it.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I get it. I know what you were going for. Because I can go back now and I kind of piece together kind of who I am today based on people I was around over the last 10 years even. I'm like, oh, I think I got some of my personality from them and I got like this from them and all these different things. I think so. I think you've definitely changed as a person.
Starting point is 00:43:15 You're like somehow more mellow than before. And I don't know how that's possible. I don't think it should be possible, but here we are. Yeah. I think just going through life also melds you out well some people some people i don't know i think uh and just a combination of things like getting married getting health problems having friends go through health problems like tv passing, like all those things add up.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And that's, I mean, you can go to anybody and you have all those things happen. It's going to change you. On the flip side, I am even more about like physicality and like being places and experiences and things like that
Starting point is 00:44:00 versus thoughtful things. Like I enjoy a good thoughtful conversation, but I don't sit there and reflect. I think I've either lost the ability to sit there and reflect, or I don't know, maybe I never had it, where I was just like, yeah, no, I keep moving. It's bizarre. The more I think about it, the more I'm like,
Starting point is 00:44:19 this probably isn't right. This probably isn't natural. Yeah. But maybe it is. Who knows? Maybe you're the problem and not me. I'm the problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:35 But at the end of the day, I don't know. I don't know either, man. World keeps turning. You know what else keeps turning? Ooh, that's terrible. My assortment of me undies.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Whoa. That sucked. That was pretty bad. Well, let me tell you. Me undies is the buttery soft, ultra sustainable undies, bralettes, and socks that just make my whole world turn. Sure. Excellent. I'll take it. You can make your booty and your whole body happy And turning
Starting point is 00:45:26 With these amazingly designed And ultra comfortable items All you gotta do Is listen to your butt Which I've been doing all week long See I'm bringing it back, just keep doing it until it works All you gotta do is listen to your butt Because me undies will talk to that butt
Starting point is 00:45:42 Trust me on this Like Mary Poppins. Oh, my. It's all coming full circle. Oh, my God. Let your skin sing a song of joy with me undies, socks, and bralettes. They feel as if they were spun on silken clouds, guaranteed to be the softest you've ever felt in your life. Their signature micro-modal fabric is sustainable, breathable, and comes from magic.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I still don't understand how it works, but it's incredible. Available in sizes extra small to 4XL. They have new colors and prints dropping weekly, so there's always going to be something exciting to check out. The newest pair I got is like looks like a cool Hawaiian shirt, but it's on my junk.
Starting point is 00:46:23 So if anyone out there wants to see my Hawaiian junk, let me know. Yeah. Nope. Nope. We're already in. It's too late now. Try their free-to-join membership for free shipping on every order and exclusive perks, like an item shipped to your door every month, secret sales, and early access to their newest stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:44 MeUndies has a great offer for you right now. For any first-time purchaser, you can get 20% off plus free shipping and returns. That's 20% off, free shipping on your first order, free returns. Don't even stress it. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. You're going to love it, though. slash Crendor. That's me.
Starting point is 00:47:04 That's slash Crendor. That's me. That's slash Crendor. That's me. Also, today we're brought to you by HelloFresh. Boy, this week I probably should have just been eating HelloFresh. Let me tell you. Probably. Oof. HelloFresh is farm fresh, pre-portioned ingredients, seasonal recipes delivered to your doorstep.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Skip the grocery. Skip going to terrible vegan restaurants. It's home cooking that's easy, fun, and affordable. It's why it's America's number one meal kit. HelloFresh is here to make your hectic fall just a little bit easier. Kids are back in school or your job's working overtime. You know, snow and weather. The other day it was raining here and the world collapsed in on itself.
Starting point is 00:47:47 If you have amazing food already at home shipped to you and pre-portioned meals that you can like make yourself that take, I don't know, 20 minutes to prep, easy cleanup options, all those different things, it's no fuss, no must, time-saving, ready in a snap. It's exactly what we need right now for sure hello fresh works with your schedule plans are flexible you can change your meal preferences update your delivery day even change your address and just like a few taps on their app there's always something amazing on the menu from family friendly to fit and wholesome to veggie recipes again you don't have to go to terrible vegan places.
Starting point is 00:48:26 There's something for everyone. I know that I've used HelloFresh many, many, many, many, many times. Crandor has as well. Oh, yeah. In fact, we still make a lot of the recipes that we got. We just keep the recipes we got and we're like, we can just make this whenever. And it makes sense. They're very, very smart about it. Where they're like, we can just make this whenever. And it makes sense. They're very, very smart about it where they're like, look, here's a pre-portioned version.
Starting point is 00:48:49 But if you want, you can go get your own and put it together. But we're going to give you a version that is simple to make. And it's a good starting point. And honestly, I know this is about cooking on a time crunch, but it does help you just learn to cook, which I think is something a lot of people should do in their life. You know, cereal isn't a meal. Just a heads up. Yeah. And if you can make a grilled cheese, you can make this.
Starting point is 00:49:13 It's that simple. All you got to do is go to slash Cox16 and use code Cox16 for 16 free meals across seven boxes and three free gifts. That is slash COX16 or COX16, and then use code COX16 at checkout. It is HelloFresh, America's number one meal kit. All right, Crendo, let's go to theoubleshoot. This is Guy with Crendo. How's the traffic out there?
Starting point is 00:49:46 Oh, my God. You said it yourself. It's raining all over. It's hot all over. The roads are melting, but then they're getting cooled down by the torrential downpours. It is absolutely insane. That's why the 52's backed up and the 408's backed up and the 607's backed up. The 982's backed up.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Big pileup over on the 444. Cars on top of cars. There's a 50 car pile up. 444? Over on the 444. I feel like you're making these up. I would not do that. I'm out here giving traffic to the people.
Starting point is 00:50:20 So watch out for that giant stack of cars. The car skyscraper, if you will. And there's some other automobiles out there that are back there. Back to you. Thanks, Crandor. I just want to say, I have for a long time
Starting point is 00:50:40 not truly grasped how you know like when there's when there's a Drought and then it rains and suddenly there's like mud Slides right I never truly grasped like Why you know what I mean like I know Why but I never there's an amazing
Starting point is 00:50:55 Video I think it's it might even be a Tick tock I'm not sure I feel like it's been everywhere But I don't know if you've probably seen this where it's Three cups of water put on grass Have you seen I feel like it's been everywhere. But I don't know if you've probably seen this where it's three cups of water put on grass. Have you seen that? What? So it's like a split screen where one is like wet grass.
Starting point is 00:51:12 One is grass that was, you know, it was like, I don't know how many days since it was watered, but it's like, you know, it's been watered recently. And one is parched earth. Right? And they take three cups of water and flip them upside down on top of it. And the one that was recently watered, the water, like, immediately disappears from the cup.
Starting point is 00:51:35 It, like, gets soaked into the ground so quickly. And the one that has been, you know, it's getting water, but it hasn't been watered in a few days. It starts to, like, you know, slowly decrease and you can see it being absorbed. And the one that is on parched land, it just sits there. And I, and you would think, because when we're thirsty, we're like, man, give me that drink. I'm gonna drink it. But the earth like can't absorb it. So it just kind of sits there.
Starting point is 00:52:00 And so that explains why when there's a lot of dry stuff, when it rains, everything collapses in on itself. Like the mountains collapse and stuff. And I thought that was fascinating because I've never seen it done in a way that's like, oh, my God, side by side. You can see the difference between what the earth likes and what it doesn't. It was interesting. I love that kind of stuff. That is pretty cool. but it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:52:21 It was interesting. I love that kind of stuff. That is pretty cool. Yeah, it's a very simplistic science thing that everybody can see and be like, oh, I get it, unlike when you try to learn it in school and you don't get it. Yeah, because they try to give you
Starting point is 00:52:32 abstract ideas of things, and it's just like, if you just show, this is ground that is not accepting water, and it will eventually, if it gets enough water, but the soil is so hard that it's going to take a while for it to spread around, and that's why when there's a lot of water,
Starting point is 00:52:51 and I think a lot of people need to see that stuff because they always just assume like, man, a good rain will fix it. It's like, no, if anything, it's going to make it worse. Yeah, that's interesting. Wow, yeah, I never even, what's it called? It's like the three coffee cup. Um, yeah, I don't know, like, water soaking cups, uh, video maybe.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I don't know. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's on YouTube. It is called, um, how long it takes water to soak into parched ground. How long it takes water to soak into parched ground But I think this is I think this is not the same video Because it doesn't look the same But it is roughly the same mechanic
Starting point is 00:53:33 Ah I see Yeah I went to 12 seconds in And it's the exact same mechanic So it is clearly replicable Like people can do it Which is like when you look at it I mean mean, yeah, wet grass, immediately gone. Normal summer, it's kind of, like, going down a little bit. You can see it soaking.
Starting point is 00:53:52 And then heat wave grass, nothing is happening. Wow, yeah. See, when you see it, it, like, changes your whole perspective on the thing. Yeah. Oh, my God. That actually is insane. Right right it's very cool i was like whoa i love science like here's the thing bless every i know people like to poo-poo people like uh uh you know bill nye or beekman's world remember that guy oh yeah i love beekman's world or um um
Starting point is 00:54:23 just in general just just any scientist. I'm not getting into astrophysics scientists and stuff. Neil deGrasse Tyson is his own thing. I'm talking about Earth science-y people. People love to poo-poo them if they try to dumb it down. But, like, bro, you're going to have to. We stupid as hell out here. You're going to have to do that.
Starting point is 00:54:42 And when people do that, and it's easy to understand, you can get it through your stupid thick head like, oh, this is how shit actually works. Okay. And now you understand it, and now you visualize that forever. I will always remember that. It's such a cool visual. I'm like, okay, I get it. Yeah. It's like
Starting point is 00:54:59 in anything, if you're going to play a game or a board game, someone's like, here's the rules, and they read them all off, and you're just just like i have no idea what you just said but then you actually play the game and you're like oh i get it yeah yeah it's there there are people in the world when i taught there was a lot of like okay there's some people that learn through hearing there's some people that learn through reading there's some people that learn through watching stuff but the vast majority of people learn by doing. And so you got to get them to do stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:28 And that's tough for a lot of people because they just assume they can tell you what to do and you'll do it. And I think I even forget that now, even though I taught it for three years, I very much like I will hand a video off thinking it'll be edited the way I want because I explained it to them. And when I get a video back, I'm like, that's not what I wanted at all. That's like, oh, because I didn't sit down like a normal person and like try to map out what we were doing and show them how I, you know, like that kind of thing. I always forget that stuff and it's always a good lesson to be like,
Starting point is 00:55:56 okay, I remember. All right, let's do this the right way. Anytime I get Dan to make me something, I give him a Microsoft painted version and I'm like, here's something, I give him a Microsoft painted version. And I'm like, here's something like this. And he's like, got it, boss man. Dan is one of the few people where I think his ideas are better than mine.
Starting point is 00:56:14 So I no longer give. When he does, if you watch my Final Fantasy XIV streams, there's an intro video. And for that, because i know he has zero context that i will send him loads of pictures and information for and give him an idea of what to do but for everything else i'm like this man is funnier and better at this than i will ever be yeah do whatever you want like just go to town and then i think look i think it's being a good boss to be honest like i'm not gonna make this better you do your thing yeah i'd think that's being a good boss, to be honest. Like, I'm not going to make this better. You do your thing. Yeah, I'd say that's being a good – I think that's even being a good coach or whatever it might be
Starting point is 00:56:49 because there's a lot of times they're like, we're going to play our way and we're going to play my way. We're going to play tough basketball. Then a lot of coaches are just like, hey, you play well this way. I'm going to let you play like that. So, like, it's just your style of coaching or being a boss or leading. I think there's a way to be a leader where you recognize the strength of the individuals and you figure out a way to highlight them.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Like, instead of being, all right, this is how we're going to play ball. We're going heavy defense. Instead, it's like, okay, number 13 is a badass. We need to get him in positions that can let him be a badass. Number seven, you're amazing at throwing. Let's stick to throwing then. And then you build off of that. Instead of just like, alright,
Starting point is 00:57:34 we run hard. We run three-floor split every time. You know, like that. We play hard. That's going to get us where we got to go. And sometimes that does work So I understand why people Like that and if you're a coach you're responsible for everything
Starting point is 00:57:50 And if your guys suck it's on you But like Sometimes you just gotta realize After a while man it's so much Nice to just be like oh You're naturally gifted at this thing I'm gonna enhance the hell out of that Let's focus on that.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I think that letting go of stuff sometimes is part of being a leader. I never want to be a leader, but sometimes I'm forced to be, and that's how I lead. I'm like, you can do this? Good, do it. You're the talent. Enjoy. I agree. I think that is the best way to lead.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And that is the traffic. that is the traffic. That is the traffic. All right. Let's go to weather. Weather. We have a weather request I found on Twitter this week. And I saw this, and I had to do it because I've actually been here.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Okay. So they said, Crandor, I would like to submit a weather request for Sandwich, Illinois. The Sandwich... The Sandwich Fair is happening today. I'm going for tractor pulls and deep-fried food. Thanks. So, let me do the...
Starting point is 00:59:00 Okay, I'll allow it. I'm curious why the Sandwich Fair isn't like, I'm going to eat BLTs and... All right, all right. I'll allow it. I'm curious why the sandwich fair isn't like, I'm going to eat BLTs and... I don't know. I'm going to tell you my experience after I read you this weather. Okay. 57 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain possible after 4 a.m. tonight.
Starting point is 00:59:19 It is 89% humidity, 29.92 inches of pressure, 10-mile visibility, 12-mile-an-hour winds, 631 a.m. sunrise, 710 a.m. sunset, zero on the UV index, and a waning gibbous. Oh, waning gibbous. On the moon phase with 54 on that dew point. Looking at the 10-day. You've got cloudy with occasional rain late 52 tonight you got monday 61 with rain tuesday 75 and sunny 79 and mostly sunny on wednesday thursday's partly cloudy and 81
Starting point is 00:59:58 friday's 83 mostly sunny saturday 84 partly cloudy and sunday 83 partly cloudy Mostly sunny. Saturday, 84. Partly cloudy. And Sunday, 83. Partly cloudy. And that's the weather for Sandwich. So, Sandwich, Illinois. So, this is, you remember Will, right? Yes, of course. I think you brought him up the other week saying he was super buff or something. He is looking fit as hell right now, yes. Well, years ago. I don't remember how long this might
Starting point is 01:00:26 have been like six seven years ago uh will was like hey i'm going to the sandwich illinois fair i know you're in chicago or whatever he's like but if you want to drive down here he's like i come here all the time i have like family that go here we're gonna go to the sandwich fair i can show you around and i was like all right we could you know we could do that so I was like here we go and at first I was like this must be like a sandwich fair you eat this eat the sandwiches or whatever like I had the same thought you did and then it's just like a normal carnival fair type thing but it's like first you like you start driving down you start going to that point where you're like i don't think we're in the city anymore it's like there's corn the lights
Starting point is 01:01:13 disappear it's dark out there's just like there's a lot of corn it's getting kind of small town out here and then i think i parked at his family's house he's like you parked my family's house then we'll go and they're just sandwich is that true he's got family i think it's family but he uh we like stopped there i swear this town looked like a tornado town you know those towns where it's like they show up on the tornado shows like and the old nato came and hit in 77 like it looked like one of those and they were just watching tv there's like hey um and then we went to the fair and it was it was pretty cool like they had the you know they had all the fair stuff they got your corn dogs they got your rides you got your
Starting point is 01:02:02 you know whatever you want cotton candy i don't know games just kind of walked around and it was just uh you know it's a good time at the fair i think it's why is it not about sandwiches i don't know i still think it should have more sandwiches to be right as a theme it should be come get all these different sandwiches like whatever you want we'll put it between bread. Like, that kind of thing. Yeah. I assume they'd at least have some sandwich thing,
Starting point is 01:02:31 but they didn't. So that was kind of disappointing. What they do have is they have this part of the exhibitor guide says, hey, do you want to exhibit stuff? Some favorites we have. These are their favorites. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:47 And again, this is Crandall Wars describing the country. This is peak country. For the 2023 fair, this is some things they would love to have. Old license plates. Old family photos.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Wasp nests, no live wasps allowed, Star Wars Pez dispensers, and then they say, there's so many categories, it might be easier to say what we can't enter into the fair. That's it. Those are their suggestions.
Starting point is 01:03:24 That's what they suggest. Well, what did they say you can't enter They don't say There's just so many categories it might be easier to say what can't be entered And then they don't say Oh Interesting Again I love that the idea
Starting point is 01:03:40 When someone came up with and wrote down Wasp nests No live wasps allowed But bring your crazy looking wasp nests no live wasps allowed but bring your crazy looking wasp nest we love that i wish it just had like things we want wasp nests things we don't want wasps in nests that's it that's all it says yeah it just ended too it just ended yesterday Yeah. Concert information. Hold on now. Trace Adkins, Friday, 8 to 10. Oh, Lord.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Oh, my God. The Trace Adkins. Yep, yep. Is that it? That's the only concert? Trace Adkins. Yep, he's coming to the fair. WDYS Country. trace edkins yep he's coming to the fair wdys country 101.5 and am 1480 that's it uh there's no other i thought there'd be like a whole bunch of wait hold on okay nope
Starting point is 01:04:42 never mind that's still about trace adkins thatkins. I thought for sure there would be other people, but I don't see anything. No, you don't need anybody else if you've got Trace Adkins. He's there one day. You're telling me the rest of the time they don't have? I don't like it. I don't know. But either way, that was my Sandwich, Illinois experience and Sandwich, Illinois.
Starting point is 01:05:05 All right. Well, that's my Sandwich, Illinois experience and Sandwich, Illinois. All right. Well, that's the weather, I guess. Yeah. Let's go to sports. Sports. Today was the first day of NFL football. Oh, Lord. Big time NFL football.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And I enjoyed it up until I watched the Packer game. We had the the the Bills beat the Rams opening night. We had the Eagles barely beat the Lions. We had the 49ers
Starting point is 01:05:39 lose to the Bears. I don't know how it happened. I locked the Bears or I locked the 49ers in this week on our football podcast because they ranked the 49ers fourth, and the Bears are rebuilding. I'm like, surely they'll win, but the 49ers suck. They're also playing in the rain. But Steelers beat the Bengals in a shit show game. I watched that thing.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Hey, that's how they play. That was, if you missed this one, the Bengals scored a touchdown to tie the game with no time left in the fourth quarter. They missed the extra point because the Steelers blocked it. It went to overtime. The Bengals then missed a game-winning field goal in overtime. Then the Steelers missed a game-winning field goal in overtime.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Then the Bengals drove down. Then they had to punt it because they had penalties and some other stuff happened. And then the Steelers kicked a game-winning field goal in overtime. Then the Bengals drove down. Then they had to punt it because they had penalties and some other stuff happened. And then the Steelers kicked a game-winning field goal with zero seconds. Otherwise, it would have been a tie. Let me just say for the record, that is the only way the Steelers play
Starting point is 01:06:36 is heart attack inducing. Having been a fan for more years than I think is necessary And is in the family to be worried every Sunday Because they will consistently lose to teams they should have won And win to teams they definitely were going to lose to And it is always a treat But to quote everyone who has ever lived in Ohio who wasn't a Bengals fan, they're called the Bungles
Starting point is 01:07:07 for a reason. They do screw up quite often. Even though they did just go to the Super Bowl, but did they win that Super Bowl? No, they did not. Bungled. Bungled. So that was an interesting game.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Then we had the Dolphins beat the Patriots. The Browns beat the Panthers. The Colts and the Texans tied. That's right. They actually did tie. Love a good tie, I guess. Yep, I guess. Saints-Falcons.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Saints won by a point. Ravens beat the Jets. The Commanders beat the Jaguars. The Vikings beat the Packers, which just sad game. Sad game. Giants beat the Titans on a crazy last-second play. They decided to go for two instead of kick the extra point, and they got it. And then the Titans missed a field goal at the end of the game.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I don't know what they put in the water for these field goal kickers. Chargers beat the Raiders. Chiefs crushed the Cardinals. Buccaneers currently beating the Cowboys with seven minutes left, so they'll probably win. And then Monday night, Broncos-Seahawks play with Russell Wilson going back to Seattle, and he'll probably demolish them. And that's sports.
Starting point is 01:08:30 All right. What is our fact of the day? Fact of the day. This one made me go, what? Okay. The Goodyear blimp is the official bird of Redondo Beach, California. I mean, here's the thing. I know that that made you go, what?
Starting point is 01:08:50 Because it is weird that it says the official bird. However, every time I drive down the 405 past Redondo, that is 100%. There is a, the Goodyear blimp has a landing pad right off the 405. If you're driving from there to Disneyland You will see it You will see the landing pad It is surprisingly close To a giant Bud Light plant I think
Starting point is 01:09:15 Where they make Bud Light which is hilarious To me but like Yeah it's there all the time It's always flying around so like even though it's insane I get it I mean I get it. I mean, I get it, but it's not a bird. I mean, you're right, but I think they were being goofy, I think.
Starting point is 01:09:34 This is a serious matter. You pick a bird or you don't. You don't get to choose a random thing just because it flies. All right? Pick your bird. Well, they did. It's like when people named that boat Boaty McBoatfish. That was still a boat.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Yeah, but they gave it a name, and it didn't need a name. This is not like that at all. All I'm saying is they could have picked a bird that looked like a Goodyear blimp. They could have just went out and been like, we're going to find the most accurate bird that resembles a Goodyear blimp. I don't think that bird exists. It might. They didn't look. Oh, now you're making me look it up.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Birds that look like a blimp. Nope. Although there is this one bird a mid-flight tiny bird that does look like a blimp there is wings his wings aren't in the catalyst like there it is I told you but he uses wings at other times uh yeah I mean either way that still would
Starting point is 01:10:42 have been fun and then you could have been like this bird is just like our Goodyear blimp, and then he could have put the bird on the blimp. There's so many things. So many better... Whatever. Either way... This is Redondo Beach we're talking about,
Starting point is 01:10:57 so, like, it's to be expected. I didn't even read the thing. The Goodyear blimp is nothing short of iconic, but we wouldn't classify it as a bird. That didn't stop Redondo Beach, a coastal city situated. The Goodyear blimp is nothing short of iconic, but we wouldn't classify it as a bird. That didn't stop Redondo Beach, a coastal city situated near the Goodyear blimp's home airport in Carson, California, from passing a resolution in 1983
Starting point is 01:11:13 to make the blimp an official bird. There it is. Was it 1983 they did that? Yep, 83. I mean, we had, you know, it was a different time. Drugs, lots of coke, I'm sure. Oh, yeah, probably a lot of drugs. They looked up and probably thought it was a bird.
Starting point is 01:11:35 See, now that's what I'm trying to get at. That's probably what they thought. Too many drugs. Too many drugs. Too many drugs. Although, I'm still looking at this photo of this bird with with his wings in and he does look like just a floating blimp It's very funny Oh, it's a long-tailed tit which makes it even better. Oh, I think I've heard of that one
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I know about that part. Oh, yeah, it does look like a little blimp. Yeah That's your fact of the day all right what is our big news story of the day big news story of the day is an interesting weird one that's okay yeah i was looking around and i came across this one and i was like, wait, what is this? And here it is, okay? Researchers discover skeleton at Polish cemetery that's straight out of a horror film. Go on. Here we go. Researchers have recently discovered a centuries-old female vampire held to the ground by a sickle and buried in a Polish village cemetery. What?
Starting point is 01:12:51 Yes. Wait, how do they know she's a vampire? I guess we'll find out. The remains of the so-called vampire were found by a team of Torun Nicholas Copernicus University researchers in Pien, roughly a half hour drive from the city of Biags. You're doing it. You're doing it, buddy. The skeleton reportedly dates to the 17th
Starting point is 01:13:16 century and has a sickle around its neck, believed to be placed there to prevent her from coming back to life. There's also a padlock on a toe, and also attributed to superstitions about how to keep the dead from rising from the grave. The woman was also buried with a silk cap, which archaeologists thought indicated
Starting point is 01:13:36 her high ranking in a society. Yo, this is like the vampire queen they got. Yeah, she was the vampire queen. She was crazy. I love the fact that this is clearly just like some poor woman. That a guy was like, vampire, I swear to it. Put a sickle on her and just bury her ass. A front tooth jutted out of the mouth,
Starting point is 01:13:59 a feature that could have raised suspicions that she was a vampire. Such a discovery, especially here in Poland, is astonishing, especially centuries later. Polinski told Arkeo News that there were several methods the superstitious used to protect themselves against the dead who had been accused of being vampires and witches, including cutting off heads or legs, burning, smashing bodies against stone, and placing their faces towards the ground. legs burning, smashing bodies against stone and placing their faces towards the ground. The sickle
Starting point is 01:14:26 also could have cut the dead person's head if they tried to rise again. More research is expected at the Polish Cemetery at Researchers from Poland's Institute of Archaeology at the University of Krakow to test the DNA of a skeleton. And
Starting point is 01:14:42 okay. Yes. That's it I am blown It feels very much like Witchcraft stuff where they were just like Drown her Yeah It's very very interesting
Starting point is 01:15:02 To me Just how easily people bought into this but I guess fear is a heavy motivator yeah well you also didn't have the same amount of like information as you do now uh there's also a lot more you know superstition
Starting point is 01:15:18 and people didn't people just didn't know anything so they're just like they say that vampires got teeth they're sharp and that one's coming even though they probably said some like weird tooth thing that they need to go to a dentist for oh absolutely yeah yeah i don't think there's a dentist they could go to but yeah yeah it's gonna be vampire i'm i'm obsessed with reading stuff about things like this because I read, man, I can't attribute it to anything, so whoops. But I remember reading a book where they were talking about how the way, like if I were to accuse you of being a witch, right?
Starting point is 01:15:59 If you said I'm not a witch, piss off, you're a liar. Yeah. We'd take you to trial. We'd like bring you before the whole city. We do this whole thing. And then at the end, we'd probably kill you. But if I were to come to you and be like, are you a witch? And you said, yeah, we take you to church, pray over you, then send you home.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Huh? And people just would, of course, not say not say yes I'm a witch But like 90% of the time They'd be like oh okay You admit it alright come with us let's get the priest We've saved you Now go home And I was like
Starting point is 01:16:37 Wait what that's what happened I couldn't believe it but I was reading about it And they were like yeah this happened often Damn It was like one of those things where, and I think that goes to show the amount of like, I don't want to say ego. Maybe I do, but the idea that like the town leaders, the town elders, the dudes in charge of town, if you like acquiesced to them and said like, oh, yeah, no, you're right, they'd be like, all right, well, then you're fine. But if you stood up for yourself and it was like, this woman's speaking a lot, we don't want that, then they'd burn you alive. We got to make sure the ladies don't get any more uppity.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Burn this one. Crazy. Yeah, that is crazy. Well, I mean, or she was a vampire Well then you know They would bury you with a sickle Around you so that you would not Be able to
Starting point is 01:17:32 Doesn't make any sense to me I'm not into vampire lore I don't know why that would stop them Like a scythe would be like If anything it would be like you've given me a weapon Now I'll kill even more of you Um If anything, it'd be like, you've given me a weapon. Now I'll kill even more of you. Listen, I mean, either way, it could have been a real vampire. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:54 100% positive it was not. Well, that's the news story of the day. All right. Well, that's it for us. Thank you so much for listening or watching. I've enjoyed this podcast. Crandor, hit them with the socials. We've got socials.
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Starting point is 01:18:57 TikTok, Crendor. Jesse Cox, TikTok. TikTok. TikTok. TikTok. There's probably some other stuff, but all i got all right well that's it for us we'll see y'all next time with another episode and as always shake the rhino we continue you

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