Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 393 - Wiener Time

Episode Date: July 17, 2023

Jesse is back from overseas with stories to share, but none of that matters in a world with DavidHasPumpkins. What does that mean? No clue, ask Crendor. Also, what's the deal with London theatre goers...? Why you all so crazy? Having full conversations during the movie? Is this a thing? And while we're in the UK let's talk British TV! All this, the Renn Faire, and some Vienna Sausage on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to to get PayPal Honey for free.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Honey. Honey's gonna save you money when you shop online. Now let's jump in this podcast! Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trending! This is Trending in the morning. In the morning! Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live! In 4-hour recording studios. Recording! Wake your ass up.
Starting point is 00:00:25 It's the next Crendon in the morning. Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Cox and Crendon in the morning. It's exciting time. It felt like a song was starting there, and then it just didn't go anywhere. And then he stopped, and it was like when, you know, sometimes there's a song was starting there And then it just didn't go anywhere And then he stopped and it was like when You know sometimes there's a song going on But the person singing the song can't sing
Starting point is 00:00:50 And so they just started like Rap talk it Wait rap talk it You know like sometimes celebrities get wrangled Into doing a song And then you know someone singing like I'm singing a song and then the next person Goes like I too'm singing a song, and then the next person goes like, I too am singing this song.
Starting point is 00:01:07 No. Well, the audience knows what I'm talking about. If they don't, you're all stupid, and I don't like you. Well, that's a good way to open up the show. How's it going, everybody? Yep, yep, yep. You're back. I am back.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah, look at this. Look at me i'm back what uh what happened in your your travels i mean the last time i heard anything was a week ago and you had all your crazy stories and then you just got to england yeah i mean england was was england you know i um went around and drank quite a bit and had a bunch of ham and cheese toasties and went to this very lovely coffee spot that I absolutely know you would enjoy tremendously. It's Danish, and so I couldn't even pronounce it if I wanted to. But all the bread and treats were delicious, and the coffee's great, and everyone there is a treat. Good times, had by all. Coffee's great. And, you know, everyone there is a treat. Just, you know, good times. Had by all.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Went and got Thai food at this place that I've never been so sick in my entire life, dude. It's a very fancy restaurant, right? And I get my usual Thai order, which is like a spicy basil chicken kind of thing. Except they added ginger to it. And not just like a little bit of ginger, but like full on chunks of ginger. Big old hunking chunks of ginger. I love that. No, no. It was like the root, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I don't know how to describe this to you. Like a full on circular chunk. Oh, like a big old ginger slice. Yes, yes. Not like a little bit. So I'm sitting there chewing, and it was so awful tasting. And I didn't want to spit it out because it's a fancy restaurant. So I just sat there chewing it and chewing it and chewing it and finally
Starting point is 00:03:03 swallowed, and I felt sick for like two days. Oh, God. You probably just ate old ginger or something. Probably. It was terrible. So, yeah, the food was my normal British experience. Got Nando's one day and that was fine. But otherwise, your normal British experience.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Went around, met some friends, hung out, drank a little, did all that stuff. Went and saw a play Very proud of myself, I love plays But this time I went and saw one that I'd heard of But never really Went to go see and figured, screw it, I'll go It's called 222 And I'll give you the premise
Starting point is 00:03:38 Okay It is a horror story play Where A man and a woman live together with their newborn child. And every night at 2.22 for the last few days, someone has been in the child's room. And the wife hears footsteps, but the husband has been out of town. And he gets back as the play starts. And she's losing her mind that someone's in the child's room.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And meanwhile, two of their friends come over and they hear this story and the husband doesn't believe the wife because he's like a scientist. And he's like, there's got to be a reasonable explanation. And the wife's like,
Starting point is 00:04:19 I was in the room. I heard the footsteps. It wasn't just the baby monitor. I was in the room with the baby and I heard them. And so the friends are like, well, we got to stay up all night long and see if this pays off. And so that's the premise of the play. It's them.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And there's, like, jump scares and shit. Dude, it was wild. It was a wild play. I'm not going to spoil it, obviously. But, like, the best part was is as a person who plays horror games, pretty unfazed. But being in a crowd of people who clearly don't was a joy what a i sat next to three i'm gonna say 20 something women all with glasses of wine all just terrified the entire time big big mood i love the whole thing i was like people watching was
Starting point is 00:05:06 incredible i didn't even know they did like horror plays and stuff neither did i my man neither did i which is why i always was like oh that's on my radar i'd go see that um usually i'm into more like comedy plays or murder mystery plays we're like who's who done it you know what i mean but um yeah a horror one i was like yo i'm totally into the vibe it it has legit jump scares um everything from like effects to noises to all sorts of stuff super interesting what was like the jump scare style without spoiling it is it just like some guy like jumping out like ah got you no no no no it's not a guy jumping it's the use of like special effects and uh sound and noise and lights and things like that yeah that's cool so it's like ambient types of jump scares almost i mean it's like jump scare like it
Starting point is 00:05:57 is oh loud it's like a jump scare jump scare i see so it actually is just they like they crank it up so it's just like i mean yeah but it isn't like a dude being like oh gotcha like they aren't jump scaring the people in the show they're jump scaring the crowd yeah yeah okay i see yeah it'd be dumb if some guy like popped out of a wall like gotcha and people on stage went oh like that'd be stupid just a man there's like people like walking up and down the aisles, like, the people, like, here's your seat or whatever, and one of them's just like, blah, and he just screams out, and he's like, gotcha. Honestly, there was one point where, and this is, by the way, I don't want to talk about the movie theaters, but just in general, there was one point where someone in the theater
Starting point is 00:06:42 turned on their light on their phone, and I thought it was a jump scare coming. Because all of a sudden a light appeared behind me, and I was like, something's happening. Nothing. No, it wasn't. It wasn't that. You're like on edge at that point. They got you. I mean, I was.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I was. Yeah, I guess. I guess you could say that. I wasn't like scared scared but once I knew there were jump scares involved I was like oh I gotta brace myself you still didn't have that guy just pop out and be like gotcha no there was no guy I really just want that guy I just want the guy who's just his entire thing for the play they're like you're to be the guy that jumps out constantly and says, gotcha. And he just works so hard at it.
Starting point is 00:07:28 There's a play where a guy goes, gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. He just shows up at different parts of the theater. He just pops out at the aisle or up in the balcony. I mean, it would work.
Starting point is 00:07:44 That just sounds like David has pumpkins I don't know what that is you what oh my god take the time when we're done to look up David has pumpkins oh David s pumpkin I thought you said David has pumpkins David has pumpkin sounds like an early Like early 2010 YouTube video That is one of those like weird Is it real is it not Kind of horror things that exist On the internet
Starting point is 00:08:12 David has pumpkins dot com And it's a series of videos that leads to like Slenderman Oh It's a Saturday night live skit Yeah with Tom Hanks Oh I did not know that it is pretty much exactly what you're talking about all right i'll check that i'll leave the tab open so i remember yeah um but speaking of just the worst experience um i the new mission impossible movie came out
Starting point is 00:08:41 and i was like yo i gotta see that I loved the last one I gotta see it I'm in London it's out I'm gonna go see it at the Big huge central London Theater let's go I Don't know what it is But every time I see a movie in London This has never happened
Starting point is 00:08:59 Anywhere else in the world I've seen movies all over the world I saw a movie in Australia Saw a movie in Poland Saw a movie in Amsterdam I've seen movies all over the world. I saw a movie in Australia. Saw a movie in Poland. Saw a movie in Amsterdam. I've seen movies all over the United States. I've seen movies in Canada. Not in South America.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But everywhere that I've traveled. That I've seen a movie. Just normal ass movie audiences. They might cheer. They might applaud. Whatever. When I'm in London. People have their phones out the entire movie.
Starting point is 00:09:27 People are having legit, full-ass conversations the entire time. When I saw this movie, thank God the theater was very, very, very loud, because it was one of those state-of-the-art mega theaters. But three rows behind me were four dudes the entire time having a conversation. Just like, hold on. And their phones would go off and they'd answer phone calls. And I was like, what? Is there no rules here?
Starting point is 00:09:55 What's the law? I've never experienced this. It happened in this movie. And then when myself, Alex, and David saw John Wick. And when we were in that, a dude in a row in front of us had his phone out and was playing games the entire time. So this is like, it's not just a one-time thing. This has happened multiple times. Every time I see a movie in the UK,
Starting point is 00:10:14 every single time this happens. And I don't understand. That's a lie. It's always been in London. So in London specifically. I see. I've never seen a movie in the UK outside of London. But like every time, and it's been different theaters, big theaters, small theaters, always the same.
Starting point is 00:10:31 There's always two or three people who just do not abide the rules. And I'm like, why did you come out to the movies then? It's almost like they're using the movie theater as just like a place to just chill and be like, I'm going to go on my phone phone at the movie or something it is outrageous to me that no one says anything to them either i the entire time i was like all right it's not my place this isn't my town or my theater maybe i just wait for someone to say something no one said anything everyone was just enjoying the movie it was like the four of them were in their own zone and then everyone else was focused on the movie, laughing and cheering and watching. But then these four guys are just like,
Starting point is 00:11:10 hey, bro, we're going to get a pack on the way home. And then, oh, shut up. And yelling at the phone. Some guy's talking to his girlfriend on FaceTime know facetime crazy i just couldn't believe it yeah we're watching a movie yeah we're seeing a movie right now that's what they were doing so we're in the previews for the coming movies and i thought okay maybe it's just a british thing where they talk through the the trailers because like trailers are unimportant but when we get to the movie they're gonna shut up no we're to the movie, they're going to shut up.
Starting point is 00:11:45 No. We're in the trailers and they're like, just like you said, you're with the movies. No, I can't talk right now. I'm at the movies. I was like, hang up the phone. What's even crazier is I don't think I saw an advertisement or some sort of announcement at the beginning that said,
Starting point is 00:12:02 please put your phone away. So maybe it's just a cultural thing? I don't know, dude. I have no clue. We need people to tell us. Is this a common thing? Or are you just really unlucky? Because that's also a possibility. You may have just been really
Starting point is 00:12:17 unlucky twice. I mean, it's very possible. But it's happened more than twice. Those are just my two recent examples that happened this year. Yeah. Maybe after COVID people stopped caring about being
Starting point is 00:12:34 polite at the movies or something. But this is Britain. That's all they care about is politeness. I don't know about that. That's true. That's true. That's true. Gordon Ramsey. Yeah, but look at him in the UK versus him in the United States.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Oh, by the way, I spent so much time late at night watching British TV that I've gotten the British announcer voice down. And I want to say, what the hell is going on, UK? Why do all your British announcers sound like they are plugging their noses when they're announcing stuff? It's like, tune in for the world of imagination with Gordon Ramsay. Also, later on 4, watch the next series of Doctor House. Like, I don't know. It's, thanks for
Starting point is 00:13:27 tuning in to ITV. That's what it sounds like. That does sound exactly like it. You're not even wrong. That's straight up just like, Thank you for talking to me on the television. And now
Starting point is 00:13:43 we'll kick it over to Kitchen Nightmares. Next up on CBJ Banes, Ruff Ruff Tweet and Dive. It's like, what? No one else talks like that. Is there just a certain cast of Brit who they're like, you are a future announcer.
Starting point is 00:14:01 But father, I want to be a doctor. No. You will be an announcer announcer but you have the voice and then they're weird they go to the studio they're just like uh and coming up next like no no no you didn't plug your nose they're just like whoa what he's like yeah you gotta plug your nose he's like but i don't want to do it like no you gotta do it like all right well uh coming up next like all right yeah a little more a little more. A little more. All right, coming up next. Now really draw out your oh sounds. Coming up next.
Starting point is 00:14:32 On BBC3. Wimbledon. At Wimbledon. And you're just like, okay, all right, we've got to cut this out. I will say, British House Hunters was phenomenal. Well, that's to cut this out. I will say British house owners was phenomenal. Well, that's the thing. I watched a British auction show that was on BBC at like noon. I woke up and put it on while I was taking a shower.
Starting point is 00:14:54 You know how in the States if it's an auction show, they find like the rarest treasures? This was, okay, you have 200 pounds. Go buy some shit and whoever has the most at the end wins when we sell it at auction. And the stuff they bought was like a 70-pound rattle that had a cat on it or a brooch that was made of like fake gold or a weird hair comb. One guy bought a table that was like particle board, and he was like, I think it's going to make a lot at auction. Both teams ended up losing money.
Starting point is 00:15:27 The announcer is just like, that's unfortunate for Team Blow. They've lost 40 pounds. And then the host and his two side hosts at the end, they're like, well, you both lost money, and
Starting point is 00:15:44 that is unfortunate. but as we always say tip-top bip-bop and then they all kick the screen i was like what the hell am i watching did they do anything where they like interview the contestants like the office style oh they did yeah where they put the two of them together and what's funny is it was very clear the two women who were with the guy who bought the particle board table were like why did he buy this but they were just like let it ride screw it let the guy like we're on his team let him do his thing but it was very obvious they were just like what the hell is this man we're gonna lose now because this guy he spent a hundred pounds on like a shitty table and he's like we're gonna make our money back and it made like 30 pounds at auction or
Starting point is 00:16:29 something and they're like you lost 70 pounds working with him and they were like cool but because both of them lost no one won like it wasn't oh this team lost the least no one won anything like the announcer was just like, unfortunately, both are on the negative pounds. And the host is just like, well, that's unfortunate. We will have no winners this time. So a bippity boppity boo. Let's get them due. And then he does a dance.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I'm like, what? What am I watching? Yeah, that is straight up. That would never happen here. Somebody would have to win. They'd be like, we need a winner. They'd be like, this guy lost the most money, so they win. And then they'd be like, no, we lost the least money, so we win.
Starting point is 00:17:12 They'd be like, all right, how about we just fight it out? Yeah. Yeah. There was no winners, only losers. And in the end, the host said words that were not real words, and then all of them, the contestants and the three hosts combined, kicked at the screen. And then it hard paused on their kick, and then it faded to black, and then it scrolled, and the announcer came over it like,
Starting point is 00:17:38 that was auctioneer, boxoneer, next up on BBC NewsHour. And it's like, okay, cool. What was that show called? I honestly don't know. It was a BBC auction show. The problem was is that it wasn't like they took these items they found to a real auction. It was an auction in the middle of nowhere where all the people, there was like 12 people at the auction. And it was like in a farmhouse.
Starting point is 00:18:08 So I'm sure they could have made money if more people were there, but it was like alright, go in once for 20 pounds, 20 pounds, 20 pounds. Okay, 15 pendrici, 15 pounds. It was embarrassing. I was like, oh boy. Oh, is it called the bidding room? Maybe?
Starting point is 00:18:24 The premise is that they were given money, they had to go to a shop, buy stuff, and then auction it off. This says... Wait, this is a German show. Well, there's your problem. Yeah. No, no, no. But it says BBC One. The Bidding Room.
Starting point is 00:18:43 But wait, yeah. Maybe? I don't know. But wait, yeah. Maybe. I don't know. Somebody in the comments. BBC Auction Show. I bet I could find it just by looking at the host. Yeah. Bargain Hunt is the name of it.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Oh, Bargain Hunt. 24 seasons. What? Oh, my God. 2000 was the first one. The best part is the opening theme is called Horny Baby. What? The theme song is called Horny Baby.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And as of January 22nd, 2021, there have been 1,800 episodes. Oh my god, that's openness. It's like, I've gone back to the 1960s in my bubble car. Yep, yep, this is the thing, alright. This is... They're just always really polite and like, what's the word? Very neutral, which is probably why they're like,
Starting point is 00:19:47 everyone loses. Nobody cares. And it's just like, all right. It's, uh, like I remember on the house hunter show, I watched like, Nope. Oh, normally over here. Right. They're just like, Oh yeah. Wait, that would be a British one. Normally over here. they're just like, I got like $500,000. And then I guess my husband, he's like, yeah, and I make like 250 grains. We got like 750. We want like a house over here. And then they're just like, Hey, this doesn't have a pool, you know? And you know, where's the, where's the, what do you call it? The old, the coffee, I was going to say coffee shop. That wouldn't make sense. Where's the place? Okay. I know I'm like branching off for a third time on what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:20:32 But they always do the thing where they have buzzwords and they say them every episode. I'm convinced that the producers tell them to say it because they're always like, I can see myself like sitting here having coffee. Or they're like, yo, I can really see us enjoying our time on this patio and having a fire. I think because they don't have improv skills. So they give them little buzzwords and people who don't have improv skills rely on that stuff rather than like come up with their own things to say. I think because I remember being young and people being like, say this. Like, okay. Yeah. And rather than come up with your own thing. You literally just say exactly what people say
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, so I mean I guarantee they're just like say I see myself Cuz that's like the kind of there's like I see myself having coffee. I see my size Yeah, you know they're saying like I see whatever but when I watch the British one is just like this good garden You know school to school flowers. I like it And they're like I like it it too and he's like all right they just like move on meanwhile goggle box still amazing saw some old rerun episodes love it they have new cast members it's just my favorite show it straight up is reaction content
Starting point is 00:21:41 at its best big fan yeah i remember you i remember you talking about Gogglebox a while ago. I love it. It's one of my favorite shows. I understand why it's been around for so long. Although, when you look up on the Google reviews, it's got a bunch of fives but a bunch of one stars. Sure, I can understand that because it's literally reaction content. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:05 It's straight up an hour-long program on TV of people reacting to things that were on TV. It is bottom-of-the-barrel content. It serves no real purpose. It is absolutely true trash, and I love it. I can... Some of these reviews are just... They're too British for me. You don't have to be a royalist to find treachery and lies despicable.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Ignoring lies the way they were, they're despots and evil people. Hold on. I think they probably did something recently that was like the coronation of the king or some shit, surely, and they reacted to it, and there was probably
Starting point is 00:22:41 someone that was like, we don't need the monarchy, and then, you know, that's all dull. You, that's a whole doll. You know that. That's always what happens in the UK. Oh, yeah. It's just like, last night shows a total disregard for the government. Yeah, all right. That's because they have, you know, a wide spectrum of people on there.
Starting point is 00:23:01 However, however, two of the people on that show are literally, remember I was talking about the people at the train station who were like, the sort of like, goofy, quirky woman. Hold on, let's see if we can find the cast of this show, because cast of Gogglebox, because one of the
Starting point is 00:23:19 couples literally is that. Yep, here they are. I love how there's an article asking what their jobs are because people want to know what these people do. But this is them. They look exactly like the couple I was telling you about. Oh, yeah. Now imagine this couple whose names are Giles and Mary.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Imagine this couple in front of me in line. It wasn't them exactly, but very similar to that style. Where the guy's like, I don't know, Mary. And then the wife's like. Yeah, no, I see it. That's a vibe right there. And then you get to watch them react to stuff, which is just my favorite. And then you get to watch them react to stuff, which is just my favorite.
Starting point is 00:24:14 It's, yeah, I mean, my thing is, I don't mind it sometimes, but I can't watch a lot of reactions. It has to be like specific reactions. Hold on, I found an unbelievable review right here. Marty McFly, 1985. All right, you ready for this one? Marty McFly, 1985. All right. You ready for this one? Marty McFly wrote this review? Marty McFly, 1985, wrote this review a month ago. Yeah, he went back in time to write this review.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah. One star. Two people found this helpful. This is all caps, by the way. Imagine. Well, of course. The show has quite literally gone to the dogs over the last few years. We had loads of dogs, Malones, who had dogs who ate
Starting point is 00:24:50 their food when they was out of the room. Then Brighton, too, got a lot of small dogs. So by now, two families with dogs as they show ID. Then Ellie goes and gets loads of dogs who eat food of plates behind her back. Even Guiles and Mary have introduced a dog to viewers recently.
Starting point is 00:25:09 No family stands out more. Or no family stands out anymore. Every family copying other families' family ID, i.e. dogs. What? What? So the issue Marty McFly has is dogs being on camera? I guess so. And that there's too many dogs?
Starting point is 00:25:37 I guess he's upset there's too many dogs. Everybody on the show apparently has a dog. And he's saying that they forced them all to get a dog or something? Or that they're copying each other i i guess dude i guess just imagine getting so mad that people have dogs that you like go on to google in all caps and you're like i just i need to write this like this i need to vent my frustrations. You know? I honestly don't remember that many dogs, but I guess it must have stood out that there was a lot of dogs. I guess so. Maybe recently they've really gotten a lot more dogs or something.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I feel like there's – I think this guy's just overreacting. There's no way anyone would overreact on the internet. On the internet? You're right. What a fool I am. There's no way anyone would overreact on the internet you're right what a fool there's no way yeah you're right you're right um was that your journey do you have any other crazy airport things uh i mean on the way back just what a complete mess air travel is right now just a lot of uh people with zero awareness as usual but nothing worth talking about just like the inability for people to move out of the way or people just like walking in front of you and then stopping you're like wait ah yep you know but that's normal that shit
Starting point is 00:26:56 yeah that's not new that's yeah it's standard yeah just your standard stuff so what'd you do when i was gone what were you up to? Honestly, not too much. Did my normal stuff. But I did do one thing that stands out. Go on. And that was, for the first time this year, we went to the Ren Faire. Oh my god. Details, please.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So we went. It was a week ago. We went last week on Sunday. And we went in, you know, it was the Ren Faire, as you probably remember it, you know, everybody was walking around dressed up, some people were dressed up, went and got our turkey leg, artichoke, ate some of that, got some beer, had some of that, walked around, and then the mud show was happening. And so we saw a little bit, and I was like, I got to see the full mud show. I can't just see part of it. So we're like, all right, we'll come back to the later mud show. Then walked around. There
Starting point is 00:27:57 was a one area. It's like a big open area where I think they normally do something. And somebody was recording like these 10 girls doing a TikTok thing. They weren't even being like ye olden days all the day. Like they weren't singing like medieval songs. Were they doing like a dance? What were they? Well, they were dancing, but they were singing like pop music. They were singing like a Taylor Swift song. Then they sang like some other pop song.
Starting point is 00:28:24 But they were just doing that at the Ren Faire. I was like, why aren't they singing, like, Ye Olden songs or something, you know? I mean, you're correct. Were they singing Taylor Swift like a Ye Olde song? That would have made it better. But no, they weren't. That was the problem. Yeah, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Like, if they would have had, like, the Bardcore or whatever it is, or they got, like, a guy being like, he's playing his would have had the bard core or whatever it is, or they got a guy being like, he's playing his little lute or whatever it is. You know, those little guitar things. Like, you know? Yeah, no, I get it. But what were they doing instead? Were there people dancing around them dressed as Ren Ferk?
Starting point is 00:29:02 I don't get what was happening. They were just filming TikToks. Right, but they were singing these songs at the Ren Faire. What was the gimmick? What was the point? I guess I don't understand the point. I didn't understand the point either. I guess the whole point was they're doing these songs at the Ren Faire.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That's it. There couldn't there's no theme they could have been doing this anywhere and it would have been normal maybe they're like it's a built-in audience over here i couldn't think of anything but that was i just don't get it i just don't get it and then everyone would like look over like yeah i mean good for them but why is this here it was just weird that's one of the things i hate about like the the tiktok social media just everything culture is like everybody's just trying to like get the next big like viral viewed thing like it's not even just tiktok it's just like a youtube video it's a it's a live streamers walking around being like,
Starting point is 00:30:05 whoa, what are you doing? Right? It's just people being annoying or just doing shit out in public is weird. You know? I don't like it. I still don't understand. I still don't get it. I'm trying to figure out why they couldn't do that anywhere.
Starting point is 00:30:19 They could. I think it was just because it's like a built-in audience at the Ren Faire. You know people are going to look over, right? Yeah, I get it was just because it's like a built-in audience at the Ren Faire. Like, you're just, you know people are going to look over, right? Yeah, I get it. But I don't get, like, you could do that in a mall and have the same reaction. That's what I'm saying. They've probably already done it at the mall. Oh, so this is like video 100 and they're like, we're running out of ideas.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. To the Ren Faire, ladies. Yeah. That's what I think. If I had to bet money, that's where my money would go to. I think they just do this everywhere're running out of ideas. To the run fair, ladies! That's what I think. If I had to bet money, that's where my money would go to. I think they just do this everywhere. Yeah, that checks out.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Then people look over like, okay, cool. So that happened, and I was like, whatever, I need more alcohol. So I went and got more alcohol. And then there's the guy yelling at people. You throw tomatoes at him as he insults you. There's this guy, there's like the guy yelling at people at the like you throw tomatoes at him as he insults you uh there's this guy he's like this bald guy and he was just like your your head looks
Starting point is 00:31:12 like a lego blockhead and then he was like but he couldn't hit him who said what to who there so the there's a thing where you throw tomatoes at a guy who's like he yells at you yeah and he yells at you so if you hit him you're like haha i take that but otherwise he just insults everybody that goes up to throw the tomatoes so you essentially pay to get insulted but with the reward you can throw a tomato at a man all right yeah yeah no has he ever been hurt to the point where they have to pull him off stage? I have not seen that I've seen him get hit a few times I would love to see that
Starting point is 00:31:49 I haven't actually seen him get hit so hard that he's like Oh God! It was just like a light, you got hit with a couple tomatoes They're not bringing in a major league baseball pitcher I got my fastball ready He just chucks.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It hits them. Right. I mean, like sometimes what the fruit is hard, like who put a rock in that tomato? You know, that's true. Most people can't even hit them though.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Like it's, it's a long distance. Um, they'd like some, the jousting, but I'm always like, I don't really care that much about jousting. I can go to medieval times.
Starting point is 00:32:21 See that, uh, you're right. Yeah. Yeah. And then, uh, I was just like looking times. See that. You're right. Yeah. I was just looking at all the little stores. All the crazy medieval stuff. Was old Glassblowing Man there?
Starting point is 00:32:34 I didn't see Glassblowing Man. That's unfortunate. He might be back at some point. Maybe he was just off that day. Well, he had to finish writing Game of Thrones. That's true, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Song of Ice and Fire ain't going to write itself. Let's see. I think we were walking around. We saw. Oh, yeah, we got some coffee. I spilled on myself. That was fun. Well, I didn't, like, spill it all over.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I just spilled it on my hand. I was like, ah! And it was hot. I thought I'd get, like, a burn, but I didn't. That story almost was interesting. I want to spill it all over. I just spilled it on my hand. I was like, ah! It was hot. I thought I'd get a burn, but I didn't. That story almost was interesting. I want to let you know that. That's good. I avoided being entertained.
Starting point is 00:33:15 So, let's see. I got coffee. I got some thing. There was the... I was looking at some of the places, but not bought. There's the place with all the honey. They got like a bunch of different honeys you can buy. And one time we bought some honey and I still have like not eaten it.
Starting point is 00:33:32 But honey lasts like forever, so it's still good. Still got it. Right? Yeah, you just went to go look at the honey that you have at home just to check and see if it was still honey. Like you're just like looking at honey? We might just add more honeys to the honeys we don't use at home. I check and see if it was still honey. You're just looking at honey? We might just add more honeys to the honeys we don't use at home. I mean, you could. You could do that. But we didn't
Starting point is 00:33:51 and I don't want to. But it's fun to just look at the store. And then, got a pickle. That was great. What kind of pickle? Garlic pickle. Ah, should've got spicy pickle. Oh yeah, should've got, well, you know. The one from the tub in the back.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I like that she, I still think about that back tub pickle. It was delicious. When I said spicy pickle, she looked at me like, are you sure? And I was like, yeah, I am. She went to the white tub in the back and pulled that sucker out. And I was like, yeah. That's the ones they keep for people like you. Yeah, I was like, that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:34:31 It's like steam coming out of it. Hell yes. And then got some garlic mushrooms. Always love the mushrooms. Yep. Got some corn. Really, you're just doing everything that we did when I was there just again
Starting point is 00:34:46 yeah that's what I love you don't switch it up you don't do anything like I'll try this this time or I'll do this same thing we might have but it was things that are probably just forgettable so I know I remember you know maybe
Starting point is 00:35:02 but you do remember the exact same thing that you've done before uh yeah i mainly remember the same things those i become nostalgic for those things and i repeat those things i'm like this is fun and then you know you maybe you try to mix it up but maybe they just don't stick but i'm sure something will stick there maybe uh uh you know go like shoot a bow and arrow they got and like that'll be fun try that out you saw the mud show and so top tier stuff they always mix it up a little bit it changes but you know it doesn't like fully change they have the same overarching premise of the mud show but they
Starting point is 00:35:36 change up little things here and there what changed what was a big change that you noticed uh they just they they switched up their begging game so normally they'll just be like you know it'd be great this person gave 20 but what if we got another 20 essentially like watching a twitch live stream sure uh and so my favorite was somebody this one dude he was loving the mud show he was this like buff dude bunch of tattoos he straight up was like he couldn't stop laughing he was clapping he was like yes yes like he was going crazy and he gave them a i think it was it was either 50 or 100 like straight he gave him 50 or 100 and when they got it they were like oh my god sir look at this we have never gotten a 50 or 100 and when they got it they were like oh my god sir look at this we have never gotten a
Starting point is 00:36:27 50 or 100 bill and he's like but you know what else we haven't got two 50 or 100 yeah yeah that sounds right yeah uh and so they you know they did that they did some uh he what's his billy billy von billy went into the audience and threw his shirt at somebody. Normally he throws it into the audience from the mud. This time he, like, went into the audience and, like, made a line through the seats in the mud and then threw his shirt. So, you know, a little bit of. Right, they got to switch it up.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Yeah, I mean, you can't get stale. Yeah, he switched it up a little bit, so that was nice. And so, you know know overall is it was like it was like 90 the same but 10 those little little differences and then that guy really just loving the mud show then there was like a couple people that did not care about the mud show whatsoever what does that mean there's like one guy just sitting in the bag who you could tell he was like i'm like i now like this i gotta get out of here uh and then there's these two girls that were just like uh yeah like as soon as they're like and now you start begging for money they're like uh okay and they just like
Starting point is 00:37:35 both walked away like you can tell people truly did not appreciate the mud show for what it is right art yeah i was about to say it's art but art is subjective and if they don't get it that's fine but they don't need to get it yeah that's fine um and then uh after the mud show we uh we walked out i took a tiktok i made a tiktok but i didn't make a tiktok of me uh singing songs i took a tiktok Bubble Man. Who is Bubble Man? Now, if you haven't been on my TikTok... I have not seen Bubble Man.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Of all the weird TikToks you send me, you don't send me Bubble Man? Well, I mean, it was on my actual feed. Here you go. This is Bubble Man. Enjoy. What the shit? It's definitely Bubble Man. I mean, it's bubbles all right besides stoners walking around him going yeah and trying to grab the bubbles all right all
Starting point is 00:38:31 right never mind they're little kids okay i was like what is the point of this what is this guy doing yeah oh yeah it's it's probably mainly for the kids and the stoners right definitely for the stoners 100 uh by me yeah they're doing yeah, they're doing, like, big net bubbles. It's while you're leaving, and they're just like, hey, see you later. And they're just, you know, making bubbles as you leave. Bubble man. Bubble man. All right, bubble man.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And there's also bubble woman up there. They're a tag team duo. They are exactly that. Yes. And then we went home. And I was like, man, I cannot wait to come back to the Ren Faire probably in a couple weeks with somebody else. You're a man of habits, and I like it, frankly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I enjoy routine. Habitual routines, my favorite. Right, right, right, right. Yeah. routines my favorite right right right right yeah um so yeah that was that was pretty much my the highlight of my week otherwise i just did my standard you know play some warhammer build paint warhammer make a new pointless top 10 stream on twitch go to the gym etc yep a kren week habitual routines retirement you mean yeah pretty much well you know what else should be your routine that's pretty good yeah honey today's episode is brought to you by paypal honey the easy way to save when shopping on your iPhone or
Starting point is 00:40:05 computer. But did you know it only takes a few seconds to get it? I know most of the time you got to go through a whole hassle for a thing, but right now you could easily get honey on your laptop, on your iPhone, wherever in mere seconds. It is as quick to get as it is quick to help you save money. The best part is just when you go to checkout, literally anywhere, Honey will just, boop, appear. And all you have to do is click Apply Coupons and wait a few seconds.
Starting point is 00:40:37 It's going to search the internet. Scour for the best coupon code for you. And if it finds a working one, the price will drop. And you can just watch it. The last time we did it is I bought this new microphone, boom mic stand that has the cord built into it.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Big fan of that. So I don't have to cord manage and it is now set up and I'm using it, talking in it right now. And that was my last purchase. Went on one of my favorite stores where they have all this sort of audio gear and equipment bought it there i didn't even remotely think honey
Starting point is 00:41:13 would pick up on this and at checkout popped up and was like yo you want to save 12 bucks and i was like yes yes i do and so now i have It's great. You can get it with pretty much anything. We're talking not just tech gadgets and weird computer accessories that I have, but also clothes and food and pretty much anything you can think of online. It is available in a lot of places. Honey doesn't just work on your desktop either. Like I said, it works on your iPhone too now. Just activate it on Safari and your phone will do the rest.
Starting point is 00:41:48 You save as you go. Get Honey. It just takes a few seconds. It's not even that complicated. I cannot stress this enough. By getting it, you'll save a bunch of money, and you'll support the show. That's pretty cool. So get PayPal Honey for free at slash cox.
Starting point is 00:42:05 That's slash cox. All right, let's go. Traffic out there. Oh, man. Traffic out there is pretty insane, especially at the airports where everybody doesn't know what they're doing. Much like you said, those airports are crazy. Everyone's blocking the lines they're talking in the lines they're walking in the lines you're not supposed to walk
Starting point is 00:42:30 the line you're supposed to stand in it what are they doing uh also there's some cars down there you got boats trains trains are going crazy they're starting to fight the boats you don't want to see that. There could be the great train boat war of the repeat 1973 ACDC. Back to you. Oh, my God. Speaking of airport, two things real quick. My parents, when they went to go pick me up at the airport, because they're cool like that. Whenever I fly into town, they always want to pick me up. And I'm like, all right, cool.
Starting point is 00:43:04 So they came to pick me up. And I'm like, all right, cool. So they came to pick me up. And as I'm putting my luggage in the back of their car, some dude walks out in front of the car like he's looking for his ride. But now we're stuck waiting for this guy to move. And it's stuff like that that I'm like, wait, what are you doing? You can see down the road. Why do you have to walk out like almost into the street in front of our car so we can't leave so you can check and see if your ride's there yet? Stupid stuff like that. Drives me absolutely crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And then second thing, my parents roasted the shit out of me. And honestly, I'm going to say mean-spirited. You know what? I'm going to call my parents out on this. Ruthless. We're coming back. My mom's complaining about how her dog, her little tiny rat dog, every time they take it to the vet, it starts freaking out. Right?
Starting point is 00:43:55 It starts getting jittery and shaking. Right. Because it's just scared. But it's also a dog that is all twigs and paper mache. I was like, see, this is why I can't have pets, let alone kids, because I couldn't take care of them because of stuff like this. And my mom and dad just begin to roast me. My mom was like, yeah, well, you have to have a long-term girlfriend to have a kid.
Starting point is 00:44:18 My dad's like, yeah, so don't even worry about it. And then he started roasting me about not having children and not being in a long lasting relationship and just like just i'm like what the shit so by the time we got to my apartment i like was like my parents like love you see you later i was like yeah whatever all right if i was your dog i wouldn't even want to be your dog. That was just so. I was like, then you guys, you guys adopt a child.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And they're like, we can't. We're too old. We're 70. I'm like, but you can have a dog that spasms every time it goes to the vet. And my mom was like, it's different. I was like, then why do you want me to have a kid? And my mom was like, it's different. I was like, then why do you want me to have a kid?
Starting point is 00:45:12 They want to have a grandkid, but they also don't want to be around 90% of the time. They want to ruin my life is what I'm hearing. I'm like, I just left the country for 10 days. I traveled all over. If I had a pet, let alone a child, I'd be worried the entire time. I was like, nah, nah, I'm not living that life. And my parents took that opportunity to be like, like you're ever going to actually have a kid, you big loser. I was like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:45:38 You have to actually meet somebody that loves you first. That's really what it was like. I swear to God. They were like, well, you've got to find someone who like. I swear to God. They were like, well, you got to find someone who actually wants to be around you. I was like, cool. Thanks, guys. Because we sure don't.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yeah, that was a lot of fun. A lot of fun. That sounds like fun. You just like get out. You just go up to the guy in the middle of the road. You're just like, hey, can I go with you? Yeah, he probably wouldn't have asked that many questions
Starting point is 00:46:13 or harassed me the entire time. Probably not. I would have rather had the awkward silence of being in a car with that random stranger than getting roasted. You never know. He might have been like, you know what? I know somebody just for you. Yeah, that could have been true. I'll never know.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I'll never know. He missed it. But what we will know is weather. Weather. We have a weather request for Vienna, Austria. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Says Vienna, Austria. We just got named best city in the world to live in. Some funny facts about Vienna. The croissant had its origin here. It has the oldest zoo in the world, and people living here are called wieners from the German name of Wien. Sure they are. are called wieners from the German name of ween. Sure they are.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And here is the reason why we are called wieners. Like, yep, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. In Vienna, Austria, it is currently 76 degrees Fahrenheit. You can figure it out in Celsius. Thunderstorms possible after 10 a.m with disruption due to extreme high temperatures wait what let's we'll see how high this is gonna get uh we got feels like 76 high of 89 low of 69 nice humidity 65 pressure 30 inches visibility nine miles 5 11 a.m sunrise 8 49 p.m sunset winds at 6 miles per hour dew point 63 uv index 0 of 11 and moon phase of new moon all right here we are the 10 day is currently
Starting point is 00:47:55 89 degrees isolated thunderstorms 89 on tuesday sunny, 88. PM thunderstorms, Thursday, 85. Mostly sunny. Friday, 82 with thunderstorms. Saturday, 85 with scattered thunderstorms. And Sunday, 85 with partly cloudy. That sounds humid there. It does. Yo, being in London, it was, I don't know, maybe 70-something all week.
Starting point is 00:48:20 But it was a humids. My pits were always sweating, dude. It was a humid. I was, my pits were always sweating, dude. It was not fun. I was like, I am so thankful I live in LA where it's just like a dry heat. Because, oh my God, it was, every part of me felt sticky all the time. Yeah. That's, I don't like the humidity. Nah, not a fan.
Starting point is 00:48:42 It just weighs you down. But yeah, the dry heat, you're just kind of like It's like you're in a sauna or something It's not bad You know what also isn't bad I had to look this up because when you said wiener I went and looked in Vienna For the first wiener thing I saw
Starting point is 00:48:57 And I found wiener Wurstelstand It is a little tiny wiener shop With five stars it looks like Or at least four point something stars And it just little tiny wiener shop with five stars it looks like or at least four point something stars and it just is a wiener stand and they sell wieners. Wiener
Starting point is 00:49:13 versatile stand. I love it. It looks exactly like the place I would go eat. It's like a place that sells potato chips and wieners and beer. That's a winning combination sells potato chips and wieners and beer. That's a winning combination. They got the big mural on the wall, and it all leads up to the wiener stand.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Do you see that? Yeah, I love that mural. Yeah, it looks like a fake meat processing mural kind of thing. Yeah. That's very cute. That is awesome. What is that? They got some beer. They got Augustine beer.
Starting point is 00:49:49 They got the weird sausage. It looks almost like a baguette that you would get with a banh mi sandwich, but then a wiener in it. Yeah. I'm here for this. And it isn't like a Curryverse thing. It's straight up just like wiener meat, which is a weird thing to say, one piece of very dense bread, and then mustard. And I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:50:11 That with beard hits the – beard? Yep. That with beard. That with beard. And beer hits the spot. That's a winning combo. Yeah. That sounds really good.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Oh, my God. I want that now Also they have a beer here That Obertrummer original And I love this logo If you're talking about beers with good logos This is one I would drink this just for the logo It's just like a beer made
Starting point is 00:50:39 But very artsy fartsy I love it Oh yeah 1601 The Obertrummer It's an Obertrummer right there very artsy fartsy. I love it. Oh, yeah. I'd buy it for the local. 1601. The Obertrumer. It's an Obertrumer right there. It's an Obertrumer.
Starting point is 00:50:51 No doubt about it. Yeah. Wow, yeah. Let's see. Is this... There's actually a lot of places. Wow. Yeah, there's a ton of places.
Starting point is 00:51:02 That's why I was like, well, I'm going to look up the Wiener Place. Yeah. There's a place called... This is barely why I was like, well, I'm going to look up the Wiener Place. Yeah. There's a place called. This is barely a place. This is legit a shack. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:13 This is a shack more than anything. I found a, this is a crazy place. This is called the Waldwirthorhof. I'm sorry, what? Waldwirthorhof. It is. Waldwirthelhof. It is Waldwirthelhof. Yeah, and it's got 4.6 out of 5 stars with 1,800 reviews. But I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I don't even know what they're serving. It's just like hamburger. It looks like tartare for sure. Tartare. And then various other meats in sauces. These are very, like, European. Oh, but, like, I live in the mountains, European food. Oh, yeah. It looks very hearty.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yeah, this is, like, you got your carrots, you got your potato, your meat. Yeah, I'm looking at one dish here, and it's like some meat covered in a sauce with then just potatoes and giant-ass carrots. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God, yeah. Some of these, it's like, oh, you got your beets? That schnitzel, I can't tell what it is. It's something.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Schnitzel is like deep-fried, I think. I'm looking at it. It's deep-fried on something. I don't know what the hell this is maybe it is i'd eat it though in a heartbeat got more beer you got your wald vieterler hoff otak ringer i bet vienna knows it's beers i don't i don't doubt that for a minute yeah everywhere you go it's got crazy beer. Oh, my God. Look at this one. They got, like, the painting on the wall. In fact, I think this is sushi.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yo, I dig it. Yeah, this one's crazy. It is, in fact, sushi. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at that. How worldly, Vienna. They got, like, a full-on cherry blossom tree in there. That's sick.
Starting point is 00:53:00 This is cool. This is very cool. This is great. Vienna's got some places. Yeah, I'm trying to find another hole in the wall. There's a McDonald's. That's not. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:53:13 We're on that weird pizza game. Straight up shrimp pizza right out the gate. Shrimp pizza. Shrimp pizza? What? I'm going to be real. It doesn't look appetizing. For some reason, Shrimp on cheese.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Not what I would consider good eats. That. Uh, I can taste that in my head. I don't like it. I don't think it's bad, but I don't want it. You know,
Starting point is 00:53:41 like, I'm going to be real. This place has 4.6 stars and a lot of it does not look great. I mean, here's the thing, right? You get pasta with shrimp pasta, right? Oh, yeah, yeah. Like shrimp Alfredo and stuff. That's different.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Why? What are you mixing up? Maybe it's the tomato sauce? It's the melted cheese. It's just a weird vibe. Shrimp plus melted cheese is a weird vibe for me. I've never been a fan. Huh.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Shrimp plus, like, Parmesan is different because, you know, it's not like a weird layer of melted cheese. Again, again, some places in Europe I don't understand their pizza game at all. Look at this. I don't get the pizza game. Oh, God. I don't understand their pizza game at all. Look at this. I don't get the pizza game. Oh, God. I don't know what this is. That is like pepper, corn, ham. But if they didn't chop up the peppers, they just threw peppers on.
Starting point is 00:54:37 It's chaos. It's pure chaos. Yeah, it's chaotic. A little too chaotic for me. Yeah, no, I'm all right. I'm all right. That's a weird pizza choice, but, like's chaotic. A little too chaotic for me. Yeah, no, I'm all right. I'm all right. That's a weird pizza choice, but, like, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Yeah, that's a... Like, this one, like, again, this is another pizza. Looks like a pepperoni and ham pizza, maybe. It looks like three types of ham and then mushrooms and then just onions randomly tossed about on this pizza. Yeah, those are just, like like uncooked onions pretty much. That's insanity. That's insanity. And they're not even spread out.
Starting point is 00:55:14 They just straight up threw them on there. This is 4.5 stars. I can't figure it out. No, that's not. I don't like that. Yeah, not a fan. Hold on. This is a McDonald's? Okay, this is one of the craziest McDonald's I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Oh, is it a beer McDonald's? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. An actual, like, real-ass McDonald's where you can buy sorts of weird shit, yeah. I didn't know this existed. Oh, yeah, everywhere else in the world, they got McDonald's as like a restaurant. Huh. Yeah. It's still probably the same quality of like you're getting a Big Mac, but, you know, you can also just order a beer.
Starting point is 00:55:57 That is pretty cool. Plus, like, it just it looks like an actual cafe. Like you would if you showed me this, I would not guess it's McDonald's. Yeah, that's wild. It looks like an actual cafe. Like, if you showed me this, I would not guess it's McDonald's. Yeah. That's wild. Well, that's the weather. All right, let's go to sports. Sports.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Welcome to Sports Desk. I can't do the whole thing. That's like copyright. I was about to say, very close to copyright. All right. We've got sports. We got the NFL going to be starting up in like almost three, four weeks now. Getting ready for football.
Starting point is 00:56:35 We got basketball. The summer league's been going on, which doesn't really matter, but it's basketball. Then we got baseball, the main thing thing we had the home run derby happened we had the all-star game and then all the teams just started picking up for the second half of the season you got your tampa bay rays and orioles and first battling that out orioles a game back got the twins and first you got the rangers and first the braves and first, the Brewers in first, and the Dodgers in first as everyone makes their playoff push for October. Or, you know, end of September, technically speaking. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:14 And let's see. What if I just type in sports? Is there any wacky sports news? Wimbledon, Carlos Alcarz beats Novak Djokovic. There you go. Yep. Yeah, good. All right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:30 There you go, yeah. Mix it up a little bit. Throw in some sports news. Everything you said there, it made no sense to me. Oh, yeah, it didn't make sense to me either. I know nothing about it. It was all words that just blended together. I was like, yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:57:42 I know it's tennis. That's all I got. And that's sports. Okay, what is our fact of the day? Fact of the day. Speaking of sports, we got a sports fact. Baseball
Starting point is 00:57:58 umpires used to sit in rocking chairs. Is that true? I mean, I guess it's true, but it because it feels old-timey. I have no evidence that it's true, but it feels like alright, up to bat with you.
Starting point is 00:58:13 That's why they chew on like a straw or something. No, they just chew tobacco. You're right. It does seem to be a thing. It says, people have been playing baseball since mid-19th century.
Starting point is 00:58:28 In the early days, umpires would officiate games while reclining in a rocking chair located 20 feet behind home plate. By 1878, the National League also declared that home teams must pay umpires $5 per game. Which I don't know how much money that would be today. I imagine it hasn't changed much. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:58:48 $1 in 1850 or 18. I'll say 1880 value of $1 from 18, 8, 2003 is equivalent to about $30. So get like 30 bucks a game. Looks like the average umpire salary at the moment is 300 000 a year all right so they're doing a bit better yeah they're doing better than i thought yeah that's that's pretty solid um also here's another fact it's kind of a sports one but more
Starting point is 00:59:19 of like a generic one as well a waffle iron inspired one of the first pairs of Nikes. Oh, like the bottom pattern? Yeah. So it says, Bill Bowerman was a track and field coach in the 50s who didn't like how running shoes were made. He created the first Cortez shoe, but wanted a sneaker that was even lighter and could be worn on a variety of surfaces.
Starting point is 00:59:40 During a waffle breakfast with his wife in 1970, he came up with the idea of using the waffle texture on the soles of running shoes. Waffle-soled shoes made their big debut in 1972 U.S. Olympic track and field trials in Eugene, Oregon. I mean, I didn't know that, but it makes perfect sense now that I hear it. It does. Every time you see Nike shoes at the bottom, just think of waffle irons. Okay, what is our big news story of the day underwater music show spotlights coral reef protection hundreds of divers and snorkelers listen i feel
Starting point is 01:00:14 like there was a better way to do this but honestly kind of neat yeah uh hundreds of divers and snorkelers listen to an underwater concert that advocated coral reef protection in the florida keys big pine key florida hundreds of divers and snorkelers listen to an underwater concert that advocated coral reef protection in the Florida Keys. Big Pine Key, Florida. Hundreds of divers and snorkelers listened to an underwater concert that advocated coral reef protection Saturday in the Florida Keys. The Lower Keys Underwater Music Festival, which also spotlighted eco-conscious diving, took place at Loo Key Reef, an area of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary located about six miles south of Big Pine Key.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Established in 1990, the sanctuary protects 3,800 square miles of waters, including the barrier reef that parallels the 125-mile-long island chain. Participants swam among Loo Key's colorful marine life and coral formations while listening to water-themed music broadcast by a local radio station. The music was piped undersea through waterproof speakers suspended beneath boats above the reef. The ocean playlist included the Beatles' Yellow Submarine, Jimmy Buffett's Fins, and the theme from The Little Mermaid. Tunes were interspersed with diver awareness messages about ways to minimize environmental impacts on the world's coral reefs, which rich biodiversity has led to them being called the rainforest of the sea. While the festival's primary purpose was to encourage reef preservation,
Starting point is 01:01:40 it also afforded a singular underwater experience. Mermaids! And other costume characters added unique visual elements to the auditory offering on part of the continental United States' only living coral barrier reef. The four-hour musical event was staged by local radio station 104.1 FM in the Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce. What would that have sounded like underwater, though? Do we have audio of that? The picture is hilarious. I love the mermaid playing the harp, but I'm curious.
Starting point is 01:02:15 They have a... If you heard music underwater, it wouldn't sound like... How does it work? There you go. Listen to that. Yeah, all right. So it sounds like music underwater. A lot of, like, bubble noise and barely hearing the music. Yeah, it's just like...
Starting point is 01:02:30 And then like... Also, I thought it was going to be a lot bigger than this. From the view in this video, it looks like about six people. It is definitely about six people. I thought it was going to be way more like it was a big, like a bunch of people underwater. No, it's about six people. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:53 It's like six, seven people. Maybe above one. Now that I've heard it and seen it, I am not nearly as impressed as I was when this started. Well, that's great for the preservation of the coral reef. Well, that's great for the preservation of the coral reef. It's like everybody, we're trying to bring, you know, awareness to the coral reef. It's like, I'm not impressed.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I'm just saying, it's like, it's all right. It's like, whatever. Yeah. I mean, they got it. The one girl has a cool guitar. It's like a fish guitar. It's all green and blue. Yeah, this one girl has a cool guitar. It's like a fish guitar. It's all green and blue. Yeah, this one girl's playing the horn, which I feel like is a waste of oxygen underwater.
Starting point is 01:03:32 But, you know, all right. Yeah, I don't know how that works. She's probably faking it, I would imagine. There's no way. I don't believe that. And that person has a starfish guitar. Yeah, they got a big starfish guitar. That's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Which you wouldn't be able to hear underwater anyway. Yeah, no. There would be no, like, when you pluck the strings, it wouldn't make, you know. Wait, hold on. I get the message. I like the message. It's just a weird. They could have had an on-land concert at the ocean, like on the on the beach same effect but you'd be able to hear it and enjoy that is very true they could
Starting point is 01:04:11 have done that um if you look at about eight seconds into this video she's like playing the guitar but she's not playing it right now she's just mimicking holding a guitar. Yeah. And that's, I want to see what it actually sounds like. Does it just sound like absolutely nothing? Is it just like... Well, it sounds like if you were to stick your head underwater and music was playing,
Starting point is 01:04:40 it would be that it would sound like it was in the distance, right? Like really far away. And then the bubble noises of everyone's oxygen masks all close to each other. Yeah. Yeah, I see the bubble noise. That's the main thing. At the end of this video, the newswoman's just like, interesting. You know, she's just like, that's weird.
Starting point is 01:05:04 That's the classic go-to for like, you don't know what to say or you think it's just like, that's weird. That's the classic go-to for, like, you don't know what to say or you think of it. They're just like, hmm, interesting. Yeah, hmm. Hmm, interesting. What a fun story. Wow, interesting. Now somebody's going to be like, 22 seconds, Krednor said interesting to Jesse. Does he not care about it?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Hmm, interesting. Interesting. Interesting. I just found it interesting, you know? Yeah, I mean, it was interesting. That's all. Yeah. Just like this podcast. It's interesting. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:36 All right. Well, that's it for us. Thanks so much for listening or watching or having fun on this podcast. Crandor. Hit them with the socials. We've got some interesting socials. We've got slash Cox and Crandor hit them with the socials we've got some interesting socials we've got slash cox and Crandor podcast that's where you can find all the podcasts on YouTube subscribe
Starting point is 01:05:51 hit the bell you'll be notified when these go live even though they usually go live at the same time every week on Sundays anyways so yeah you can also find us on Spotify, iTunes SoundCloud we're all over also slash cox and Crandor that's where you find all the animations you can also find us on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud. We're all over. Also, slash Cox and Crendor. That's where you find all the animations.
Starting point is 01:06:07 You can also go to our main channel things, slash jessicox, slash Crendor, jessicox, Crendor, twitter jessicox, twitter Crendor, facebook jessicox, facebook Crendor, instagram notoriouscox, instagram Crendor was taken. What's that threads one? You know the threads?
Starting point is 01:06:30 I do know it. I'm not on there, but I know it. Yeah, I did it. I signed up because it's literally just Instagram, but Twitter. And I was like, alright. And then I was like, cool. And then I'm like, I'm not going to use this. And then we got our Cox clips. slash Cox clips. And then we got our Cox clips.
Starting point is 01:06:46 slash Cox clips. slash Cren clips. And TikTok Cren door. TikTok Jessica Cox TikTok. And yep. Interesting. All right. That's it.
Starting point is 01:07:01 But we'll be back. Don't worry. Because as always shake the rhino that's interesting

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