Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 415 - LA is Wet

Episode Date: February 6, 2024

The boys are back and this time Jesse is soaking wet, moist, damp even. Los Angles is hit by a week long storm and he's over it. Meanwhile Crendor needs new tires and it becomes a whole car repair Also, what's the deal with older people who subtweet - but in real life? You know what I mean. They complain, but to no one. And then BREAKFAST BEER! That's gotta be a thing right? All that and so much more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to and use code COX to choose your free offer and get $20 off.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by ButcherBox. ButcherBox is gonna get you that good meat, send it right to your home. Let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4 hour recording studios. Recording.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Cacks and Credo in the Morning. Woo! Another episode. You more and more become a ghost the longer this goes on. Yeah. Not sure who you're trying to haunt. I'm haunting you. Me?
Starting point is 00:01:00 I don't know about that. I don't know if that's how that works. Although I did, you know, the internet's weird. I mean, we can agree. The internet's's weird but sometimes it's also horny and uh very frequently there was I was scrolling through reddit and they had a comic that someone had made and the comic was about a man in his new house and he's like every night before I go to bed in the corner of my room I see a ghost and it's just like ghost up in the corner, like, hey, man. Right? Right.
Starting point is 00:01:30 And he's like, this ghost drives me crazy. And I thought it was a horror comic. So I'm starting to read through it. And finally he confronts the ghost. And he's like, ghost, what do you want from me? And take a wild guess. Take a wild guess what this comic's last panel was. They start banging.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Yeah, she's like, I'm so horny. I was like, what is going on with the internet? You know what? It's exactly where it has always been. But for some reason, I feel like it's going to get me. And it never does. It's always, always horny. It really is.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I would say that's the number one trait of the internet. Yeah, I agree. It's always horny. And I expect it to go other places, and I don't know why I expect that, because it always comes back home to horny. It really does. Everything is powered by it as well. Like, any type of new technology, it's just driven by that. Yeah, yeah. I thought I was reading a horror comic, and nope, no, no. It's a horror comic.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Get it? Right, right. But I don't know. I don't think he paid that ghost. Oh. I think that ghost lives with him. I mean, although it was a rent-free situation, so, like, I'm not judging. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 But he did move into her home, so, you know. That's true, too. Yeah, it's complicated. Yeah, it's complicated. It's the relationship status, which... Right, just like the internet, it's complicated. I don't know why that was ever a status you could change your thing to on, like, Facebook or whatever it was. That's the old school situation-ship. That's what it means.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah, like, anybody where you're like, what's their relationship? Like, it's complicated. It's like, alright, so so this is a bad mess. Yeah. No one writes it's complicated and it means like, well, it's good. You know, it's undefined. No, no, you're a mess. Yeah, there's no in between.
Starting point is 00:03:20 They're trying to be in between, but by saying that, they're like, no, this is messed up. Yeah, yeah. It has a little tinge of mystery, but by saying that, they're like, nah, this is messed up. Yeah, yeah. It has a little tinge of mystery, but no, mystery solved. It's a mess. You're a mess. Yeah. How's your week going? Dude, it has been raining like crazy here in LA, and I'm just going to let you know,
Starting point is 00:03:39 the infrastructure, not prepared for it. The roads are crumbling. I was driving over to the office, and there's so much debris in the roads. And it's either from trees that haven't, you know, because when there's like rain and high winds and all that stuff, the tree debris goes to the ground. But we don't have that here often. So when it rains bad, it all comes down. The roads, we don't have a lot of rains. We don't have snow.
Starting point is 00:04:05 So the roads are pretty fine most of the time. It rains once, all the asphalt crumbles. There are so many potholes where there weren't three days ago. It's insane, dude. There's giant holes everywhere. I was like, okay, cool. And then there's this weird thing that happens to LA drivers. Thankfully, I grew up on the East Coast,
Starting point is 00:04:28 and I went to college where it snowed all the time, so none of this fazes me, but oh my God. LA people, we need to have a conversation. Y'all suck at driving in the rain. My God. It's bad. People, I can't even tell you how many crashes I saw. And I was trying to figure out how.
Starting point is 00:04:43 There was one crash where a dude from the left lane, his car was in sort of the middle embankment area where sometimes they put lights or whatever. His car was up on that. And I couldn't figure out. It's just a straightaway. There's no one who could turn in. He just crashed because he crashed. Maybe he was on his phone. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:05 So this dude is standing out in the middle of the rain, covered in rain, as the cops and, like, I don't know, maybe the fire. You know how there's, like, a micro fire truck, like a little baby fire truck that shows up? That was there. And, yeah, and this dude's just standing in the rain. So he had the humiliation of having crashed his car for no reason, apparently. And he had to be stuck in the rain. So he's just standing there and I'm driving by like, damn, dude, that sucks. I went, and I also forgot, by the way, that it's even more depressing in LA because there is a sizable homeless population. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And for the most of the time, they're kind of like chilling, doing their thing. But when it rains, it is even more sad because just dudes hanging out under every embankment, everything that could act as a shield from the rain imaginable, huddled up. So it becomes very obvious how bad the homeless population is, like how many there are. It's really noticeable because everyone just kind of gathers together under what little there is to hide from the rain. I went to go get gas before I came over here, and there's just a dude at one of the pumps with like a trash bag on, and he's sitting there, and he's just staring at me. And mind you, there's 15 people at the gas pumps, but this dude's staring right at me.
Starting point is 00:06:25 It's always you. It's always me. I don't know what it is about me, but he looks at me, and I'm like, okay, well, I'm going to go and get my gas. And I start pumping the gas, and I'm just standing there in the rain, freezing. It's like really cold, and it's cold rain. So it's the worst type of rain. And I'm like, oh, man, it's just nasty out.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And I'm, like, shivering, and I'm waiting for the gas to finish pumping, and I notice this dude has moved. Speaking of horror movie, moved from where he was sitting underneath the pumps to maybe two feet behind me. I did not notice, dude. What the shit? And he's just staring at me. And I'm like, hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:07:08 And he's like, hey. And I'm like, uh, okay. He's like, hey. Like, yeah, what's going on, man? He's like, you got $4 so I can get some food? By the way, a $4 ask is very high. That is pretty high, yeah. Inflation.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It's not even like, can I have some change? Dude was like, can I have $4? I was like, that's so specific, my man. That's so specific. I looked at him and I was like, sorry, dude. I don't have any physical cash on me. I just got my cards. And he's like, we could go inside and buy me
Starting point is 00:07:43 something. I was like whoa mind you at the time i did not have the ability i was still pumping gas so i'm looking at him like no i i'm not going inside i'm just gonna pump the gas and leave and he's like, okay. And then stood there. What the shit? If I can imagine if I was any, like for me, I'm like, all right, whatever. But any other person I can imagine being very uncomfortable. Like it felt slightly uncomfortable. I was like, what's this dude?
Starting point is 00:08:17 I was less concerned about me and more like, what's this? What's going on with you, dude? Like what's happening? Why are you standing? And I guess he had nothing better to do because he was standing. But there's all these other people around us. There's people moving around. There's people pumping gas.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Why is he just here with me? What about me? Screams. If I just work this guy over, he'll eventually give me money. I don't have money for you. I don't have any physical cash on me. What do you want? It's like I said, you're like the lighthouse of social activity. I guess, but guess but not like a fun way but in like uh yeah this guy will give me some money
Starting point is 00:08:49 yeah or they just see you as being able to listen i guess yeah i don't i don't shoot down people like i'm not that person who's like no go away i hate you like i don't do that and never will do that so i guess that's why but i don't think that's, Oh yeah, that guy, you gotta like, that's the guy you got to talk to that guy. Like, no, I don't think that's, that's the word in the homeless community. I don't think that's it. It's just weird to me that I'm just constantly the guy every time. And so I was like, yeah, sorry, you don't have anything anything so then i had to do the awkward move of my gas is done pumping i put the handle back in the you know the machine yeah turn i now have to go around my car to get into the driver's side dude's just standing there just looking at me
Starting point is 00:09:41 and so i had to do the awkward like, excuse me and I walked around him. It felt disrespectful. I don't... I didn't want to do that but it was just like out of the way, you. So I had to go around him and then I... He's probably done it before and it works.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah, it's just oof. I don't know. It seemed very awkward to me. Got in the car, and as I'm in the car, I just see him looking into my rearview mirror, like direct eye contact. He said maybe 12 words to me the entire time. But he also looked less like, you know, your normal, like, I've done a lot of drugs, homeless dude. And like, I will kill you, homeless dude. Like, he know, you're normal. Like, I've done a lot of drugs, homeless dude. And, like, I will kill you, homeless dude.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Like, he had that vibe. And I was like, okay, I'm just going to keep driving. And I started to drive away, and he just stood there looking at me. Like, he's like, I know you have money. I was like, bro, what do you want from me? And I kept going. I was like, all right. So then after I got my gas i was like all right well uh
Starting point is 00:10:47 i'll go over and grab some coffee on the way to the office because there's a starbucks on the way so i pull in and again because it's one of those micro corner shopping centers la has a lot of um there's just like i don't know 20 30 homeless dudes hiding out under the awnings. It's just the same guy staring you down. Well, this time it was worse because there was a dude who was just screaming at I don't know who. And he was like, the government's coming to take it. And I'm not going to let them take my money, damn it. And I was just like, all right, keep walking by. Don't even look at this dude.
Starting point is 00:11:23 No eye contact. Yeah, don't even. This guy's going through it. Just keep going. And then some dude was like, hey, man, can you give me like 12 napkins? And I was like, for you, I got you, dude. I got you. So I went inside, got my coffee because I ordered it on my phone,
Starting point is 00:11:40 and went in, grabbed it, walked out, gave this man the napkins, and the dude next to him was like, why didn't you get me anything? And I made a joke. I was like, you know, he got to me first. And he was like, well, you can go back in and get me something. I was like, what about today has made y'all so demanding? At least they only wanted napkins this time. Yeah, dude, I'll get you napkins that's that's fine i'm not i'm not a monster like you want napkins sure as shit i don't know why
Starting point is 00:12:12 he's not allowed inside to get napkins i feel like that's a weird there's definitely something that has occurred in the past yeah yeah yeah i was like okay and And then I went and jumped in the car and came to the office and was like, cool. Well, that was weird. And then there's – I'm sure I've mentioned this guy before, but there's like a dude who has like a shop he set up on the corner. He's like a homeless dude who has like eight tents, but he like fixes dudes' bikes on the corner. Oh, shit. Yeah, he's like, that guy's pretty cool. But his entire corner was flooded
Starting point is 00:12:45 i don't know if he was there and in it or what but it was flooded and his tents were like all deflated and i was like that man's in there god i'm like i don't i don't know what i would do to get off the streets but if i was living on the streets i would do just about anything because that seems miserable. Yeah, that seems terrible. Especially when the weather hits. Yeah, dude. Especially if you're in a city like Chicago, or a city where it can actually snow.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I would take any job and do anything, but I also understand that it's LA, so it's even twice as hard for people to afford to live anywhere. But I would do whatever it took, man. I don't know. I guess drugs are a hell of a drug. Drugs are indeed a hell of a drug. That they are. Damn. What a story.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That was just today. I woke up and I've said this before. I said this a few weeks back. When it rains in this city, and it's always December, January, and a little into February, and then it will stop. Maybe in a little bit of March, but it will not happen the rest of the year. We'll have like 12 total days of rain all year long, and it always happens in one little spurt. happens in one little spurt.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And every time it does, I get hit with big, like, hibernation energy where I'm just like, what if I didn't do anything? So today I woke up at 8 a.m., walked around my apartment, like, dusted, and then sat there and I was like, I guess I'll watch TV, but then there's nothing on TV. I was like, I guess I'll watch TV, but then there's nothing on TV. I was like, I guess I'll put on a YouTube thing. And then I put on a YouTube thing and then passed out until like 1 p.m. And I woke up on my couch and was like, what the hell happened? And I was freezing cold. I looked at my thermometer in my apartment and it was like 52 degrees in the apartment.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I was like, what happened? And I realized I still had air conditioning set on for 72 and not heat. So the air conditioning is not going to kick on because it's like lower. And so it just kept getting lower and lower. And I was so cold, man. I was like, what the hell happened? Oh, yeah. I just went into full hibernation mode.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I was like, I got to go do stuff. And then, yeah. And then I realized the rain is really bad out there. I feel like you just did this two weeks ago, too. It's like the exact same thing. Exact same thing. Exactly. And that's how I know it is strictly weather-based.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Because, like a great example, if it's hot out, I am jazzed to do anything. If it's above 80 degrees, for some reason, I cannot sleep, but I will do just about any damn thing. But if it drops below 50, I'm just, what if I stayed inside and just wrapped myself up in a blanket? I am very weather-based. Well, I know you sleep better when it's cold. So that is a factor. But I also, it was so cold last night that I, yo, shout out to my bed. I've said this before.
Starting point is 00:15:50 My old bed, it was rough. And so when I got my new bed, I splurged. I got one of those beds that like moves and stuff. And it has cooling and stuff. But it also has heating in the feet, like down by your feet. Oh, shit. Yeah, so last night it was so cold I turned turned the feet heat on, and it was great. I was like, ooh, I'm a little toasty boy.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So that was good stuff. Yeah, look, if you're going to invest in something, invest in a good bed. It has changed my reality. That's true. So good. You'll be there every day for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:21 My bed and my glasses are the most expensive things I own. Actually, probably my my car but my car is years and years old now oh yeah speaking of which i have a story okay hit me so i had to go to the mechanic because they were like you need new tires and they told me that the last time i got my oil change or like next time you go you get your new tires and i was like all right we just had snow it's gonna get ice and rain i was like i should probably do the tires now so i was like all right i'll get my new tires so i go there i'm really curious how much they just tires are too damn expensive but i'm curious what they charge you yeah it's uh it's like 150 a tire i think
Starting point is 00:16:59 and then they do like all right yeah it's 150 it's $150 a tire. And for each tire, it's $500 in installation fees. And, you know, like that stuff. They always do the fee. Well, I got a mechanic I go to all the time. So they're like, they're typically cheaper. But, yeah, I think in total it was like $700 or like $650, $700. It was around there. So I was like, whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:20 If you just like Google, like, what's the price of new tires it'll be like all right it could range from like 50 to 150 each uh 100 to 300 yeah we'll do one of those things where it's like buy three tires get one free and but it's somehow the exact same price as if you were to buy four yeah you're like okay cool yeah so. Yeah. So I was like, all right, whatever. So did that. And then I swear to God, the day before, literally the day before I got the new tires, the service engine soon light came on. And I was like, okay. So I asked them when they were getting the tires on, I was like, can you check the service
Starting point is 00:18:02 engine thing? And they're like, yeah, we can do that. So they check it and they're like, all this is a mass airflow sensor and I was like the shit does that mean yeah right and so they're like it wouldn't we have to take a look at it like a different day we don't got time so I was like alright I'll come back like tomorrow they're like I can't be tomorrow it's gonna be a day after I was like alright fine so I come back the day after I'm like. I hope the car doesn't die So it didn't die is fine. I came back. They check everything and after like an hour. They're like so
Starting point is 00:18:33 It turns out you need a computer update And I was like a computer update and they're like yeah We need you need to update the computer and then that might fix it but there might be something else on top of that you have to go to the dealer what yeah so i had to go to the car dealership where they deal in like specific cars right like every car has their own dealer and i said this is so he so he was like, I'm going to tell you right now, do not let them do anything else. And I was like, uh, why? And he's like, they will charge you an arm, a leg, another leg, and probably something else you got. And I was like, okay. So
Starting point is 00:19:19 he's like, get, if they offer you anything, get the least amount possible done. And then just like bring stuff back here and we'll tell you the actual price and i was like okay so i go to the dealer and sure enough they're just like yeah we'll take you we'll take a look there all right then you know they're half their place is selling cars the other half's like the service garage there's like other people coming in they're just like all right you can wait in the waiting area very nice waiting area so already i was like who's paying for this waiting area that's who's paying for it they're like complimentary water and snacks and coffee and all this shit you can like watch them work on the cars and i'm like i don't give a shit just just fix my thing so they're like all right we'll take a look so they take a look and then they're
Starting point is 00:20:03 like we'll send you a video of what your car, like they text you a video of them like working on the car. They tell you what it's all whatever. I'm like, okay, cool. So they're like, yeah, it was, you do need a computer update, but you do need a new mass airflow sensor, but you have to take it out. And then we also got to do the air filter and you got to take this thing. And then they're like, also, here's like seven other things you could get done.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And I was like, uh, no, I think we'll just do the air one. Yeah, we're just going to do that. And he's just like, are you sure? Because I was like, no, I think we'll do it. He's like, all right. And so I was like, how long is it going to take? He's like 30, 45 minutes. I'm like, cool.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And then he literally calls up the mechanic guy. He's like, yeah, just go ahead with the airflow. And he's like, no, just the airflow. Yeah, just that's what he just wants the airflow. All right, just the airflow. That shit was $1,000. That sounds right. That sounds exactly like every time I've ever been to the actual dealer.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah. What's crazy about it is when i first bought my car uh which would have been 2016 whatever whatever that was before in the before times when i first bought my car uh they had this thing where it was like well for x number of miles just bring it in we'll do all the oil changes we'll do all the fixing you'll you won't cost you a dime. And I was like, Oh, this is a great deal. So for the first couple of years I would always go there and I would get all the stuff done and it was great. But here's the thing I noticed. They would all, if a light went on, they would only fix that problem.
Starting point is 00:21:41 They would never do anything else yet. The minute it was done and I found this out because I took it in they were like oh your stuff expired so you have to pay out of pocket I'm like okay the minute that happened suddenly they were just like alright so there's about 8 things that need to be fixed I was like what the hell
Starting point is 00:21:57 your lug bolts, your bolt lugs your fluid, your other fluid this shit's rusting it'll be about $20,000. You're just like, what? Yeah. I mentioned that a piece of my car was just gone, right? I don't, you might have, but I don't remember. Like on the front side of my car, on the passenger side, there's like a little ornamental silvery piece. I don't know what the hell the purpose is. It just exists.
Starting point is 00:22:26 And at some point in my own parking garage, someone like popped it off. I don't know why. I don't know. I don't, it just, they popped it off and it left a literal hole in the side of my car. And I was like, what the hell? So I was like, well, I guess it's damage. So I guess, like, I don't know. I'll call my insurance company and see what's up. And they're like, well, considering it's not an accident, there's no fee, so we'll pay for it to be repaired.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I was like, great. And they were like, you need to find out what part it is. I was like, okay. So I went to the dealer. I was like, yeah, I got this thing. Insurance said they're going to pay for it. And they were like, okay, cool, cool. Let's look at it.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And the guy was like, all right. So what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to pull off the door panel and then take off that side panel. And you're looking about $2,500. I was like, whoa. So I called my insurance company. I was like, this is what they're saying. And they're like, go to these dudes down the street. I was like, whoa. So I called my insurance company. I was like, this is what they're saying. And they're like, go to these dudes down the street. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So I went to this body shop down the street. Guy who definitely was drunk comes out like, okay, so what do you got here? Okay, so this piece is gone. Let me go look it up in the catalog. He goes in. He's like, okay, so this piece is gone. Let me go look it up in the catalog. He goes in. He's like, okay, so. And by the way, this place is right on a main street. There's cars everywhere that they're working on.
Starting point is 00:23:55 No place to park. So I'm like almost halfway into the actual street. Well, this guy's checking this out. And he's like, okay, so. Yeah, I looked up the piece. It's going to take about four weeks to get here, but it'll be $28. And I was like, my man, you got yourself a deal. And he called me, and, yeah, I put it in a couple weeks ago, and it's fine.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Literally, I watched the man he took the piece walked out to my car put it in the hole pressed up a little bit and then was like all right we're good and it is the most secure thing i think it is on there i tested it and uh yeah meanwhile the dealer was like we're gonna tear apart half your car i was like whoa yeah that's dude i swear they're like so the other thing is like, I was sitting there watching them work on it. And then this lady behind me, she was waiting. And the guy comes out and he's like, because I had like five different people working their service thing. The guy comes up, he's like, all right, so yeah, we got your car. We did all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Here's all the things you need. He's like, so you need fuel. You need this oil. You need this thing. You need a new thing here. You need a shock absorber. You need this. And then she's like. You need a new thing here. You need a shock absorber. You need this. And then she's like, what do I just like need done today?
Starting point is 00:25:09 And he's like, you know, oh, man, I would. How long are you looking to drive this thing? You like till the wheels fall off. And then she's like, I mean, as long as I can. And he's like, yeah, yeah. I mean, you don't have to do the fuel today i'd probably say but like everything else and i was like that man is lying out of his ass there is no way uh so she was like do you guys have like teacher discounts and he was like you know come back
Starting point is 00:25:41 to my desk we'll like talk about it and then she was like oh no she's gone she's gone she's about to drive away with a new car yeah he's like yeah come back to that she's like yeah he's like what do you teach what do you teach and she's like i teach uh fourth grade he's like wow no way that's really cool she's like yeah it's like i teach uh the english like because it's my second language and then first is polish he's like no way i'm part polish no way that's awesome i was like this man does not give one shit. He is just like, listen, lady, you're going to spend all your fucking teaching money on this car. You're going to buy me a car. So all that was happening. Then this other woman came in and she was like, I swear to God, I need a man here. And she like sits down and she's like, she gets on her phone. She's just watching. It's like I got here
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yep, I'm telling I was nice to him. I was gonna pop off I'm and if I got away here longer two hours. I am gonna pop off and I was like holy shit This lady means business And then uh right after that I just they're like all right you're good knows like And I was like, sweet. They're like, you want a car wash? And I was like, nope. I just got out of there. And yep. I would have said yes to stick around for the pop-off lady.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I'm not going to lie. I would want to see her go off. That's true. I could have just said watch her pop off, but maybe she didn't. My favorite person in the entire world is that person who is semi-confrontational. They're like sub-tweeting in real life. Like the person, like this woman who is loudly saying, I'm going to pop off. Oh, I'm going to fight someone.
Starting point is 00:27:18 But not saying it to anyone. Yeah. Just saying it so that the people hear her so that they'll understand. Oh, she's trouble. rather than directly stating your problem. It's so funny to me. Yeah, I do love that. It's like she's venting probably, too. Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:27:43 But it's one of those things where she's venting loudly for a purpose. People who do that, it's just like my dad does this all the time. We'll be at a restaurant, right? And we're waiting. And it takes a little bit too long this wait. My dad will loudly say something about it, but not at the servers or the person who's going to seat us. He'll just loudly say, well, this is taking an awfully long time. What could be the holdup? What is going on? I'm like, why not ask? He's like, no. I, like, well, this is taking an awfully long time. What could be the holdup?
Starting point is 00:28:05 What is going on? I'm like, why not ask? He's like, no. I'm like, all right. Oh, my God, dude. That must be a I think it's a common older generation because my dad will do that, too. He'll just like do something. He's just like, yeah, you know, like other places, they bring out napkins.
Starting point is 00:28:21 They just they haven't brought any no napkins yet. But, you know, i'm sure they'll come soon right you know loud enough for the people who are serving you to hear yes yeah yeah and i'm just like you just just ask him for napkins and then when they do he's just like oh thanks for now you know it's it's not that hard to get the napkins it's just you know it's i like my napkins so thank you i'm just trying to remember the last time you went out uh to go get food my mom and i ordered a drink um like i think my mom got wine or something maybe actually if it's my mom she probably got vodka straight and uh i ordered like
Starting point is 00:29:00 some insanely frou-frou drink and my dad dad was like, I don't know what I want. I guess I'll have a beer. And then he orders this beer and then spends the entire time being like, oh, I should have got this other drink. I should have got it. And we're like, we can just get the lady. He's like, no, it's fine. But he's loudly saying it enough that as she walks by, she can hear it.
Starting point is 00:29:27 He's like, oh, I should have got the other one. We're like, just ask her. So finally we get her attention. We come over and we're like, can we get this other trigger? She's like, yeah, yeah, no problem. She goes to fix it. And he's just like, yeah, you guys didn't need to do that. And we're like, clearly we did, Dad.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah. Just the very aggressive passive aggressive yes yeah it definitely is an age thing yeah but also maybe not because i know a lot of people our age and younger who 100 will not like if food comes out cold they'll be like well i guess i'm eating cold food like they won't oh yeah i uh i do that if it's something i don't really want i'll just be like it would have to be like pretty if i'm just like uh like oh my god i remember one time we got mexican food and they brought out the fajitas and clearly she forgot about the fajitas and brought it out and it was just like
Starting point is 00:30:20 normally they're always sizzling and they're like, and this one was not sizzling. And she goes, sometimes they just don't sizzle. And I was like, no, I, I think they always sizzle. That's the point. I didn't say that to her. I was just in my head. That's what I said. As you looked at your non-sizzling fetus, your microwave fetus.
Starting point is 00:30:41 So I was just like, but you know, my, if that was my dad, he definitely would have been like, I don't know. I mean, usually they are sizzling. Something must be going on in this place. I don't know. I think I should get them for free. You know, what's funny about that is I have to imagine it's like a generational thing. Like the people who fought in World War II were like, well, this here isn't good enough for me. I demand quality.
Starting point is 00:31:03 The people who fought in World War II were like, well, this here isn't good enough for me. I demand quality. And then their kids are like, yeah, I don't want to complain to you, but I'm going to loudly say I don't like it. And then their kids were like, I'm not going to say a damn thing. I'm just going to sit here and eat this stupid shit. It seems so funny to me that that's how it seems to me. Yeah. Oh, my God. What was the other? Oh, yeah. he'll always say something about there not being
Starting point is 00:31:28 soup and salad i swear to god every old person wants soup and salad with their meal like like it had like the meal is ruined if it doesn't come with complimentary soup and salad and more importantly it the salad has to be extremely crisp and fresh, and the soup must be scalding hot. If it is not, the rest of the meal is ruined. My dad judges the entirety of his food, not on whether it tastes good, but whether it is mouth-burning hot. If it's hot, it's a great meal. If it's not, he's like, well, this wasn't even that good. I'm like, this is an expensive restaurant.
Starting point is 00:32:02 He's like, it wasn't hot. It wasn't hot at all. Yeah, I don't get it don't understand or the the sir the uh serving size he'll always be like where's the food like if he would have went to like any fancy restaurant or anything where it's like the gourmet like barely any food there he'd be like what's's this? Where is everything? I'm hungry. And I'm like, it's about the quality, not the quantity. And he's like, yeah, it's it's very interesting. My parents, but also my dad. Like my dad doesn't have that issue because he exists in like a fake world where no matter what he eats, he claims it's the first meal he had that day. What?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Like you will say, man, I haven't eaten anything all day and i'm like you clearly had breakfast earlier it's like oh no no no that was nothing i'm like dude i know you you wake up at like 4 a.m make toast go back to bed wake up again have another breakfast and then you complain about like oh i didn't eat anything today like you definitely did you definitely did man it's like no no no this is my first meal of the day. And then if it's a big lunch, I'll be like, well, you don't have to eat anything else the rest of the day. I'm like, you definitely are, though. I know you're going to go home like five hours from now, find something to snack on.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And he's like, no, no, no. I never do that. I never do that. Has he always done that or is that just the – Always. That's always – my dad's the guy who – if my mom brought donuts home, my dad would eat all the donuts and be like, well, I ate them all because I know you're watching your weight and I don't want you to get those. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Like that's he's that guy. He's always got a reason for what he's doing. Oh, yeah. Always. It's always a terrible reason that is so obvious to see through. And you're just like, OK, all right, dad. Sure. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I don't get it. I played a Warhammer game, though. Actually, I've been playing a lot of Warhammer games lately. I saw your. Hold on. What do you mean? I played a Warhammer game. I play a lot of Warhammer games.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Well. It almost sounds depressing. I played a Warhammer game. I play a lot of Warhammer games. It almost sounds depressing. I played a Warhammer game. I play a lot of Warhammer games. They're very intensive activities. I saw your TikTok where you talk about, I guess it's from your actual
Starting point is 00:34:21 Geekender podcast, where you talk about Warhammer and you're like, Krendor plays War warhammer i couldn't do it right i can't yeah no i you would probably get mad already at the dice rolls let alone the rules people were like you should play more blood balls like that game made me furious are you kidding me oh anything that's like i exist in a world where 50 50 seems like good odds to me all? So if you're telling me there's a 50% chance, I'm like, I can do this. And the fact that it fails every time, I'm like, nah, don't do that to me. I can't play this shit. Yeah, you would not.
Starting point is 00:34:56 So there's, like, the varying degrees of games. So there's Age of Sigmar is what I would always play, which is what became of Warhammer Fantasy. Age of Sigmar is what I would always play, which is what became of Warhammer Fantasy. And then 40K is the other one, which is essentially like the main one everyone plays, right? But Sigmar is like the fantasy version of that. 40K got a little more Sigmar-y in the latest 10th edition. But now they have released Warhammer Old World,
Starting point is 00:35:21 which is based off Warhammer Fantasy, which is you would hate this game you would it's like the ultimate it's the same units just different like a different rule set is that what you're saying it's a different rule set but currently if you play sigmar 40k everything's on circular bases but in uh warhammer old world or fantasy everything was on square bases because it's rank and file so it means uh you have like units like stack like an actual fan like an actual battle like in total war how you have like units that are all filed and ranked everything it's like that but in person and so because it's rank and file and like a realistic battle simulator on tabletop
Starting point is 00:36:05 the rule book is like 250 pages it's already too much i spent days reading that rule book and then i have a friend who's like pretty into it uh a few friends actually but one is like really into reading it so we would just go back and forth i'm like okay when you read this thing does this mean this thing and he's like yes but only when this thing and I'm like what about this thing he's like yeah this thing so like we just go back and forth with the rules so now I played my fourth game against him today and we still have situations that are like mind-blowing uh like none of this is gonna make sense to you so we had I had I was the beast man he was the Bretonians or yeah, but uh whatever the human one and then we had like five again You're still using this for me all that matters is can I still paint the same things?
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah, but the old world has same things the models technically as long as you base them correctly That's the have to be on square bases not circular bases oh so that's what you meant i for some reason i thought you were talking about the the map for some no i don't know like the battlefield i was like yeah the square base and that right right right no okay you mean like the actual thing you plant them on yeah the actual thing you plant them on is square can i ask you and this is as a person who i know you have a relationship with these people right but was this done merely to sell new stuff to make more money? I would say this is a classic WoW.
Starting point is 00:37:31 It feels like when they redid classic WoW. Right. Because it's like retail WoW, classic WoW. And a bunch of people are like, it's Age of Sigmar. It's nothing like Warhammer Fantasy. And so this is essentially to them being like, hey, you know what? We're going to give you Warhammer fantasy back again. Here you go. And so all of the models are old. Uh, you can technically like play with newer models and just proxy it. But a lot of people are just using their old models. You can use your army from like 2006
Starting point is 00:37:59 or whatever. Like people are using their old shit. Uh, and they're like re-releasing stuff from back then and redoing it it's like they're going crazy but it's actually selling well it's it just reminds me of classic wow okay so i was like all right you know what i wanted to play this game back in 2003 when i was like 13 or 14 or whatever and i remember my small brain was just like i don't know what i'm reading and i i don't know what i'm reading and i still don't know what i'm reading but now i'm much better at comprehending it uh okay sure and so so we've learned all these rules and we're playing we've played before and all these things but now there's a situation today where i had my unit of gores and a beast lord and he had his like Bretonian on a pegasus knight or whatever the shit. I don't know human things. I do yeah, I don't know human stuff
Starting point is 00:38:51 He's got a pegasus knight general. All right so He challenges my beast lord. Okay to a challenge and you have to accept it in this game There's like an entire thing based on characters dueling each other. And so... Oh, so do you think they learned that from Total War 3 Kingdoms? That one? No, this existed in like 2005.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Oh, shit. Okay. So if anything, they learned that from the old world. Right, sure, yeah. Yeah. So I was like, all right, so we go back and forth and neither of us killed each other, which means that you're stuck in combat for another round. However, there's like five other units around these two guys dueling and they're just like stuck in combat. So you still have combat resolution, which is an entirely different thing. That's going to
Starting point is 00:39:39 confuse you even more. But, uh, essentially there's this guy, I had a a pack of bestigors on the other side of him and i was like well are my bestigors still in combat because you're dueling me and he's like i mean i don't think they are because they can't actually fight me because we're in a duel so then i looked it up and then my other friend was just like no i'll look it up so they're both looking it up and they're like wait i think they're still in combat and he's like but that doesn't make sense because they can't fight so they're not in combat but they are in combat and so they spent like 10 minutes figuring out and we it boiled down to them just being like roll a dice one two three you're not four five six you are like it's just that level of rule analysis that goes into it but i love that yeah no I'm alright no I'm good
Starting point is 00:40:25 yeah that would drive me crazy yeah and then like building actual army list it's almost like D&D where like you can give characters mutations and weapons and all these different things so you gotta remember all that too it's fun I like it
Starting point is 00:40:40 I mean so the mutations are only for the chaos guys though right correct so like they can only take mutation but other factions have like different things that they get like tomb kings for example they can resurrect guys so they have like their own little
Starting point is 00:40:56 flare thing so each it's it's kind of like actually playing total war but on tabletop but a lot more complex and rule heavy and nerdy. Yeah. I mean, again, concept characters, the way that looks, all of it's really cool. I imagine it's the exact same thing of like someone who watches a Star Wars movie because lightsabers are cool versus caring about Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:41:22 You know what I mean? I feel like I'm the same way where I'm like wow this is cool I love this but I never want to learn it yeah no that's fair I mean there's different tiers of anything right like yeah it's like somebody watches it and it's like it's cool and somebody else who's like analyzing every little detail and
Starting point is 00:41:37 buying Star Wars thing getting super into it so yeah that's uh that's been my week. Sounds like a good one. Well, it kind of was. The money part was not good. Well, if you want to save some money,
Starting point is 00:41:55 here we go. You can do so with ButcherBox. That's right. ButcherBox is the easiest way to get high quality meat and seafood you can trust delivered right to your doorstep. 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, pork raised, crate-free, and wild-caught seafood. No antibiotics, no hormones, none of that. And like I said, right to your doorstep with curated or customized boxes of all your favorite meats.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I know this year I have been really cruising with the chicken that I got. I requested, as I mentioned before, I said, I don't want any sort of big pieces of like roast or like ribs or anything. I want something I can manage because of me. And I got a bunch of chicken wings. more importantly drumsticks dude i love drum they sent me so many chickens oh yeah oh my god and so i've been making them uh i have one of those like uh it's like a grill slash air fryer thing it's one of those uh not gonna name thing. It's one of those, I'm not going to name the name. It's one of those ones. And I've been putting my peri-peri sauce on them. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And then grilling those bad boys up. Oh my God. I love a good drumstick. I'm a big fan. And so chicken legs around the world, come to my mouth. I want you. You can get amazing things just like that.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Delivered right to you. The convenience is amazing. It's less grocery store trips. It's right in the freezer for you whenever you need it. Plus, there's little tips and recipes on your box based on what you've ordered. So eat better this year with the best meat and seafood on the planet delivered to your door. ButcherBox is offering you, our listeners, their choice of a weeknight meal essential. Three pounds of chicken thighs, two pounds of ground beef, or one pound of premium steak tips for free in every order for the whole year.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Plus, get $20 off your first order. Sign up today at and use code CO Cox to get your free offer and that $20 off. Once again, slash Cox, use code Cox to get your choice of a free offer and $20 off. All right. Oh man. Traffic is crazy. There is rain everywhere. rain everywhere there is uh other weather everywhere there's a lot of weather happening uh and if you look down there you can still see somebody just staring at jesse i can't make out who it is but there is somebody i can i can see it in their eyes they're they're crazy right now back to you why are they staring why they gotta be staring i wasn't even doing nothing i don't know i don't know why it's just because it's you it must be the words out on the street let's go to weather weather time um all right let's see so we have a weather request for...
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh, wait. We never did in Alaska, right? I don't think so. Somebody said, I am an Alaska listener and I've requested it before a few times. Soldotna, Alaska needs the weather. How do you spell Soldotna? S-O-L-D-O-T-N-A. That's exactly how you would think it would say. Yeah, Soldotna, Alaska.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I just want to say for the record, the one image that appears on Soldotna looks like it's on the corner of a river, like a river bend, and it's three houses. Well, oh yeah, I see that. In Soldotna, it's 10 degrees Fahrenheit. It's cold, and it's going to be snowing 8 inches in the next 24 hours, so watch out for that. It feels like 4 degrees. Humidity, 87, 29.9 inches of pressure, 9 miles of visibility, 9.13 a.m. sunrise, 5.23 p.m. sunset. Winds at 4 miles an hour, 7, 0 on the UV index, and a moon phase of waning crescent. Uh, 10 day. Uh, tonight, getting down to negative 2. But,
Starting point is 00:46:18 Monday it'll be snowing at 22 degrees, Tuesday 25, mostly cloudy, Wednesday 28, mostly cloudy. Wednesday, 28, mostly cloudy. Thursday, 26, partly cloudy. Friday, 31, cloudy. Saturday, mostly cloudy, 32. And Sunday, 31 with more snow. Question for you, my Soldotna friend. What is the purpose of living here? Anchorage is very close. I'm not sure how close. I would imagine it's under 100 miles,
Starting point is 00:46:49 but I'm curious, why here? Why not Sterling? I guess I'm curious why the choice. It seems like there's actually a lot to do in Soldotna. It seems like there's a lot of national parks, and probably places to fish and hike and all that stuff. And there's plenty of food, but I'm curious why there and not. Is Alaska a little, or is Anchorage a little too much? Maybe they were born
Starting point is 00:47:16 there and they just, that's just why they live there. Good point. You are right. Also, shout out to Frozo, some of these places. Frozo's Some of these places Frozo's Family Dining Oh yeah, I saw it Frozo's Family Dining
Starting point is 00:47:30 It looks like a place Gordon Ramsay would go To be like, what is this burger? Definitely has that It's got a 3.9 But then there's this place over here Brew Brew at 602 Which which is actually kind of a fun name. It looks like it's just a
Starting point is 00:47:49 train, but the food there looks good. I'll give it that. It's got waffles and coffee, and I'm here for that. Frozo's Family Dining looks like the most generic food you could find. it's probably been there for
Starting point is 00:48:07 65 years oh 100 because i'm looking at somebody like senor ponchos senor ponchos looks like a place i would go in a heartbeat oh yeah that looks good old tex-mex sign me up also they have sizzling fajitas i'm looking at it right. Also, they have sizzling fajitas. I'm looking at it right now. Dude, they got those sizzling fajitas. By the way, the place that had the non-sizzling fajitas is closed now. That sounds right. The other place we go to is much better, and they always sizzle. I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:48:43 It looks like a lot of these restaurants you would consider American cuisine. I'm looking at it, and examples, Ginger's restaurant, burgers, looks like some sort of omelet situation, steak and eggs, you know, like a salad has a lot of cheese on it. Look at this salad. This salad is half cheese and bacon. That's an amazing salad. That's the most American salad I've ever seen. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Hold on. Ginger's restaurant. Oh yeah. Ginger's. I was looking at Odie's Deli. Odie's looks delicious. Yeah, Odie's looks pretty good. Oh yeah, there it is. There it is. Yep. It's got like a, is that garlic toast on top or something? Why not, dude? Why not? That does look like a... It looks like that salad was in a hurry.
Starting point is 00:49:31 The Fine Time Cafe looks pretty good. Oh, what is the Catch Restaurant and Bar? This is the... Oh, there you go. I will say something that I don't know why this is. I don't know. Again, to our lovely listeners who are in Alaska, specifically our recommender on this, why is it every...
Starting point is 00:49:53 Again, maybe this is because... Is this something to do with a sun thing? Why every restaurant I'm looking at, every single one except for maybe Pizza Boys, although I'm trying to confirm right now, serves some type of breakfast. I didn't notice that, yeah. Every single one serves some type of breakfast. Is it truckers driving through? Is it because the sun's all wacky in the winter?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Like, what's the vibe? Why are we serving breakfast all the time? I'm not against it. In fact, I'm very for it. It's just curious. Every place has – hold on. Here's the time. I'm not against it. In fact, I'm very for it. It's just curious. Every place has Hold on. Here's the question. Does the St. Elias Brewing Company serve breakfast?
Starting point is 00:50:31 Big questions here. They got pizzas. They got beers. They got sauces and salads. Again, another salad with a lot of cheese on it. But I don't see any breakfast. So, all right.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Maybe. You know what? Why would you go to a brewery for breakfast? Although, maybe. Is breakfast beer the next wave that we need? We should call it breakfast beer. We should get on the breakfast beer train. We should.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Breakfast beer. You got like maple syrup beer train we should breakfast beer you got like maple syrup beer i was i was literally about to say hints of maple yeah so you gotta have oh yeah you do like a maple coffee like a um like a maple bacon beer oh yeah there you go i don't know what the hell that would taste like but that's the future i have like uh we have a wake-up beer it's like a beer with like a shot of espresso in it or something hell yeah oh yeah like a coffee beer absolutely yeah yeah you go you go a little crazy with it that doesn't seem like a wise choice though to be like come on down get beer before you go to work probably you said no i don't know that's great yeah i mean i don't know some of them
Starting point is 00:51:42 are probably doing it anyway i mean there's a place down the street for me that does alcoholic breakfasts, and they do milkshakes that are alcohol. Again, milk plus alcohol always seemed weird to me, but people order the hell out of it. Yeah, it seems like a lot. It's like something I would try once and then probably not try again. I did try once, and I was sick the rest of the day because apparently alcohol plus milk is not smart yeah no uh what else is this thing oh you got there's like i mean there's honestly hold on question sushi restaurant i
Starting point is 00:52:19 was about to say this sushi restaurant has a 4.8 and i would imagine if you're like a block and a half from the water that sushi's got to be delicious oh yeah 100 that's like uh yeah where's the water oh yeah it's like literally right on the ocean whoa whoa i have so many questions about this okay first off i scrolled out went to anchorage to like look around and see if i could find like a goofy place and the first thing i came across was Bikini Babes Alaska, which is apparently a coffee shop where girls dress up in bikinis and serve you coffee. Yep. I'm looking at a photo of one girl. Yep. There's another one.
Starting point is 00:52:57 These are bikini. This girl is just in lingerie, huh? What the shit? Oh, yeah. what the shit oh yeah the best part is though the part that i noticed where it like caught me off guard right across the street is the taku elementary school oh jesus yep so i just have to imagine dads are really excited to drop their kids off at work they're at school they're like yeah don't worry honey i'll take them in today
Starting point is 00:53:24 think i'm gonna get coffee yeah i'll get some coffee like, yeah, don't worry, honey. I'll take them in today. Think I'm going to get coffee. Yeah, I'll get some coffee on the way home. Don't worry about it. Is that mainly just coffee? Bikini babes? Oh, yeah. It's a beach-themed espresso stand.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Yeah, beach-themed. Right. Sure. The old beach lingerie. Yeah. That's why people go there for the beach themed. Right, sure. Yeah, the old beach lingerie. Yeah, you know, that's why people go there for the beach theme. They do look like they got some crazy drinks. It looks like just sexy Starbucks, to be honest. It is. It's not like thrilling, but it's just like, yeah, this is a girl and she is wearing barely anything and serving you. Like, okay, I have no problems with this, but I imagine they're running at premium prices right you know what i mean yeah 100 although although a house drip a small house
Starting point is 00:54:13 drip is a dollar 50 you know what that's better than most places that is pretty good that's that's a good deal a dollar 50 is that like modern price or is that a while ago i don't know it's a five years ago is this menu all right never mind it's probably 12 now this guy yeah it probably is 12 now let's see somebody's pre-pandemic prices bro this guy left a review and said i think it was either plato Plato or Chris Rock who said no one goes to Hooters for the wings. Well, I'm happy to report that you'd be within your rights to go here for the coffee. They pull a nice latte.
Starting point is 00:54:57 You know what's actually really funny is that as far as I can tell, all the testimonials are dudes, which makes perfect sense. But also, it's always every one of these is like, yeah, the coffee's very good, I like it, but also there's this one girl there that was really nice to me, and if I leave
Starting point is 00:55:14 a review, she'll probably marry me, I think. Right? Right, guys? Right? No doubter. I just can't believe it is diagonal to an elementary school. It is right there. But then right up the street is a Baptist church, so I feel like it all balances out.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Yeah, it's the trifecta. Yeah. Yeah. Just keep going in a loop. I feel like if I ever went to Alaska, this is the first stop I'd go to. Guys, I really need coffee, though. It's going to be a little out of the way. Don't worry. They have the Bikini
Starting point is 00:55:48 Babes punch card. Your tenth one is free. It's got a bikini woman on it. Who knew? I didn't know this was a thing either until now. The first review on this one that I clicked was, I don't know if this white
Starting point is 00:56:03 girl works here, but she looks amazing. She was in this tight pants with a small shirt, walking around, eating her McDonald's lunch. She was absolutely beautiful. Makes me want to visit there. LOL. Yeah, no, I'm all right. Yeah, no. A little too sad.
Starting point is 00:56:17 A little too sad for me. Yeah, that's. She was nice to me once. She's got to be in love with me. I'm definitely coming back. Yeah, that's the... You definitely get those clients. Yeah, it's the Hooters thing.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I'm like, yeah, I'm just going for the chicken wings. And my future wife. Like, okay. All right. Yeah. Yeah, that's the weather. Okay. Let's go to sports sports some uh headlining sports news joelle mbeat of the 76ers to undergo procedure to address meniscus injury that's not good
Starting point is 00:56:55 uh also we got the super bowl which will be next week and it's the Chiefs 49ers. Woo. Woo. Then we have the Pro Bowl happened today and the NFC won the Pro Bowl 64 to 59 and nobody cares. And then we had
Starting point is 00:57:19 some messed up. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. They don't care. Then the NBA standings. We got the Celtics So messed up. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. They don't care. Then in the NBA standings, we got the Celtics up top of the East. We got the Thunder and the Timberwolves tied in the West with the Clippers and the Nuggets a game behind them. In hockey, they also just had their all-star game. You got the Bruins atop the East and the Rangers atop their division in the East as well.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And then in the West, you got the Avalanche and the Canucks. And don't look now, but baseball spring training. What? Just a couple weeks away. Yep, that's right. Baseball. It's finally here.
Starting point is 00:57:59 It's finally... It's almost like it never left. Yep, because it's only gone for a couple months. And that's Rolly Sports. Okay. What is our fact of the day? Fact of the day. Day.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Day. Day. Day. Day. Day. All right. We got a fact of the day here and this fact.
Starting point is 00:58:28 This is also, okay, let me give you two facts. Okay. Blushing is caused by a rush of adrenaline. It's also genetic, so if you're prone to it, it's likely one of your parents is too. Oh, you mean just like people
Starting point is 00:58:44 who get really red? Yeah. Like a genetic thing? Yeah. Which I didn't know. I thought everybody just had that in them. I mean, I think everyone has the potential to blush, which is a weird statement, but I feel like that makes sense. Maybe some are more prone. And then some people just get
Starting point is 00:58:59 really red. Like when some people, when they eat hot food, some people can handle it well and some people turn bright red and almost die oh yeah we did that uh we went to buffalo wild wings i think it was back it was like tina and dan were here i remember dan was he was drinking which i think he also turns red from drinking and eating hot wings and he's like oh these are some spicy wings and he was like that man was like And he was like, that man was like sweating. He was like bright red. I was like, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:59:27 He's like, yeah, I'm good. These are some spicy wings. The other fact, over the course of an average lifetime, most people will spend an entire year sitting on the toilet. You know, I'm trying to go for longer. I feel like I put in the time to make that happen. I think you can do it. I feel like I can.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I feel like I can. Sometimes it's the only place where I feel safe. You know what I mean? You get in there, you just close the door, and you're like, you know, I'm going to stay in here a little longer than I should. Those are your facts of the day. All right. What is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day all right what is our big news story of the day big news story of the day which is actually a very similar thing to fact of the day okay well i mean in terms of like
Starting point is 01:00:18 two facts i mean in terms of the intro to the fact of the day they big news story right like that of course seven king cakes stolen from new orleans bakery in a very mardi gras way hold on are king cakes the round one it's like uh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a round cake yeah i've seen those i don't know what they're filled with traditional that. That's a great question. Yeah, you got the king cake. It looks like some sort of, what is that? I don't know what that is. I would have thought cinnamon and sugar, but maybe I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I don't know. Yeah, what is the king? What does king cake taste like? God bless the internet. I love things like this. King cake is a rich, sweet pastry flavored with cinnamon and sometimes contains cream cheese Or pecans It's called cake but it tastes more like a Danish or cinnamon roll Yeah looks delicious I'd eat the hell out of that
Starting point is 01:01:10 It does look very good Uh A thief stole seven king cakes About as many as he could carry during a break in With their purple Such a weird thing to be like A national news article Man steals seven cakes Yep With their purple. Such a weird thing to be like, a national news article, man steals seven cakes.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Yep. With their purple, gold, and green colors and toy babies hidden inside. What the shit? Yeah, it's supposed to represent the baby Jesus for some reason. Look, I don't understand it. It's very weird, but also, sure, yeah, there's a little baby inside that's supposed to be Jesus. All right. A hidden prize, question mark?
Starting point is 01:01:49 Seems like a choking hazard, but what are you going to do? It's definitely a choking hazard. In fact, they banned the Wonder Balls because people were choking on the shit in there. Remember those? I do. There's a lot of things that are banned because Americans are just, we'll eat anything. Yeah. There's a baby in here.
Starting point is 01:02:04 I bet I could eat it. Don't do that. They probably would try. King Cakes are staples of Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans, but apparently they're also valuable enough to steal at least this time of year during the carnival season.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Is it carnival or carnival? I guess it depends on where you're at, right? We're not in Brazil, so whatever. It's carnival or carnival uh i guess it depends on where you're at right we're not in brazil so like whatever it's carnival a thief stole seven king cakes about as many as he could carry during a break-in last week at a new orleans bakery the thief also took cash and a case of vodka from bittersweet confections last one this dude's living it up yeah someone's about to have a party our king cakes are just that good, the bakery wrote on social media, but please
Starting point is 01:02:48 come and purchase one during our regular store hours. That's actually pretty good. That's a solid response. That is a solid response. While it's a secular celebration, Carnival in New Orleans and around the world is strongly linked to Christian and Roman Catholic traditions.
Starting point is 01:03:03 The season begins on January 6th and the 12th day after Christmas and continues until Mardi Gras known as fat Tuesday, which is the final day of feasting, drinking and revelry before ash Wednesday and fasting associated with Lent. I'd go, I'd go do Mardi Gras. I'd do it. I figured you would have already knowing you no
Starting point is 01:03:25 i've never i'm not i've never been to nyarlins once in my life damn yeah that feels like a super jesse right you would figure maybe it's too jesse like it's almost a mockery of jesse it is kind of it might be a little too extreme uh king cakes are among the foods most associated with carnival in New Orleans. The rings of pastry are adorned with purple, green, and gold sugar icing, and they often have a tiny plastic baby hidden inside as a prize. One wisecracker responded to the bakery's social media post with a tongue-in-cheek false admission that he was the thief. Quote,
Starting point is 01:04:05 It was me. I'm holding all seven babies hostage until I get my lifetime's supply of king cakes from you every year. It was me, Austin. I took all the babies. I took the
Starting point is 01:04:22 king cakes, Oswald. It was me, Spider-Man. I took the king cakes Oswald it's me it's me spider-man and that's really the story some guy stole the cakes awesome alright that's it for us thanks so much for listening or watching I hope you enjoyed the podcast
Starting point is 01:04:39 Crandor hit em with the socials we got socials you can listen to all these over on slash cox and Crandor podcast also leave your weather request We got socials. You can listen to all these over on slash Cox and Crendor podcast. Also leave your weather request and we might make fun of your town's restaurants or compliment them. Who knows? You won't know until you comment. Also, uh, go to Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud.
Starting point is 01:04:57 We're everywhere. We also got slash Cox and Crendor where all the animations are. We also got our own things like Jesse Cox, Crendor, Patreon. Jesse Cox, Patreon. Crendor where all the animations are. We also got our own things like Jesse Cox, Crendor, Patreon Jesse Cox, Patreon Crendor, Twitch Jesse Cox, Twitch Crendor, TikTok Jesse Cox, TikTok Crendor, which
Starting point is 01:05:14 by the way, my pink starburst got up to 25,000 talks. My God. Pretty big. You've cracked the code. Pretty big. I don't know if I can get much bigger than that with the starburst, but I'll keep trying trying if i can get over a hundred thousand talks on a pink starburst i think i'll do it it's funny because people in that algorithm they're like wait is that crendor and i was like dude this algorithm is working great i was about to say i saw some
Starting point is 01:05:35 comments that were like dude i haven't seen crendor forever i was like the man figured it out he's back baby i got it i'm back uh so yeah tiktok crendor uh instagram notorious cox instagram crendor was taken and there's probably more stuff but that's all i got okay well that's it for us thanks again everybody and we'll see you next time and as always wow do be continued you

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