Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 416 - Jesse Drinks a Capri-Sun

Episode Date: February 17, 2024

The boys are back and this time Jesse has more computer issues, because why not? Thankfully he's managed to salvage his day with a Capri-Sun - which of course leads the boys down a spiral of investiga...tion on what the hell the deal is with Capri-Suns. Meanwhile Crendor gets lost on tiktok and definitely needs to be on the lookout for Uncle Jimmy. Also a trip to Kentucky reveals a pizza pie conspiracy?? All this and more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Come see Cox n' Crendor Live! Go to to get 15% off your Raycon order and free shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Raycon. Raycon is going to get you that good ear vibes directly into your brainium. Now let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studio. Recorded. Hello everybody, Mike's not making it. Whoa, ball zinga.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Welcome to another exciting episode of Guys at Crandall in the morning. What just happened? I tried to talk and words did not come out is what happened. Sounded like you became the Big Bang Cocks theory or something. You know, I'd rather not. I'm alright with not being that. I'd rather you not either. We'll have to add the laugh track.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Hold on, let me see if I have one. Alright. Nope, just that. Ah, just the nut button just the nut button Which by the way The story is he just got a nut button randomly from from someone just sent me a nut button actually I got two buttons in the mail. I got and then I also got So now I can nut and then victory. Honestly, it works. Whatever, you know, I don't know why I have these but I'm excited I do.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I used to have the GG button. What happened to your GG button? Oh, I don't know. It's either in a... It's either in a bin, a shelf drawer or whatever, or I threw it out, one or the other. I do like it. It could have been like, GG! That could have been good.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Could have been funny. I got that button like eight years ago. It probably still works. That was like back when I won 2014 Heroes of the Storm streamer of the year. Actually, that was like 10 years ago. I just want to point out for the record, that's really funny to me. That's almost as funny as me winning best up-and-coming streamer 2016.
Starting point is 00:02:18 And I was like, bro, what? I've been doing this for almost a decade. I won a legitimate award at the Golden Joysticks. Wow. This guy is one of the best new faces. And I was like, God, I think I was mid-30s at the time. I've been doing it since
Starting point is 00:02:37 2010. Just like, come on now. I don't know. This guy's really taken off. Yeah. I guess that shows your perspective yeah you can be doing it for a long time unless people notice you it really doesn't matter yeah which that really is just a lot of a lot of twitch things it's just these people are the most noticed they're gonna like well streamer award things it's like the same people every year you learn the hard way if you have a job like this that it doesn't matter how
Starting point is 00:03:06 good you think you are if the community or public at large doesn't give a damn. It really doesn't matter. Like one of the best things in the world is seeing, you know, years ago I used to do Fan Friday and the Yogg's cast started doing Fan Friday
Starting point is 00:03:21 and I got so many people bombarding me with like you're just copying the oscast like i've been doing it for years since before they were doing it and they're like yeah we just found you now so you suck i'm like okay cool or uh when when i'll post a thing on twitter for example and it'll be you know some some controversial nonsense and i'll do like my hot take on it and i'll be like wow people really responded well to this. I'm glad people are on the same page as me. And then I'll see someone who is just infinitely more popular
Starting point is 00:03:50 not even have a take just be like, this is shit. And get 18 billion likes. I'm like, alright, yeah, no. This is why I don't run this rat race anymore. There's no winning. I just can't do it. So why try? Yeah. Really, I don't know how we got here. There's no winning. I just can't do it. So why try?
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah. Really, I don't know how we got here. It's just the nut button. Nut. I heard the button going. No nut was going. Yeah, sorry. I just had to get that nut off. Yep. How's your week going? It's going. I
Starting point is 00:04:21 for some reason, and this is such a us problem and not anyone else in the world. This is a do you make videos for a living problem? And I, for some reason, whenever I use Adobe Premiere, which, by the way, is perpetually a broken product, but it's one of the only ones that exist. So I guess go me. While I use it, my screen flickers. It does this weird flicker. Not like a black flicker, but the color palette of the screen changes. It almost becomes sepia tone, but it's for split seconds, and I have no idea why, but if I were to, say,
Starting point is 00:05:00 look at a video timeline and make some cuts or edits. It would flicker every time. Couldn't figure out why. So my good friend David, who used to be my editor, who now has so many better jobs than working for me, came over and he's like, let me take a look at it. So he sits down. I show him the problem. He's like, I've never seen anything like this. I'm like, I've never seen anything like this. So
Starting point is 00:05:20 we start to go through it and he's like, alright, let me take a look. And he starts going through all my computer settings and all my monitor settings. He's like, okay. So right out the gate, your monitors, it looks like you've had these for eight years. I'm like, I have. He's like, okay, that's probably problem one because I'm sensing a lot of screen burnout and things happening here. And just to give you an example, both these monitors are at the exact same settings.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Yet one is clearly a different color than the other. I was like, oh, well, maybe that's a problem. He's like, it's definitely a problem. So he's like, you need to get new monitors. I'm like, oh, man. But I love these monitors. They're so good, and I haven't had any need for a new monitor forever. Like, eight years?
Starting point is 00:06:10 That's pretty good. That's pretty good. He's like, no, you need new monitors. So the hunt for new monitors began, and I'll be honest, I don't know a damn thing about monitors. It has been so long that I haven't had to buy one, and I don't know what the spectrum is of what would be good for me. There's monitors for video editing. There's monitors for games. There's monitors for business.
Starting point is 00:06:29 There's monitors that can do all of them, but they're not quite as good as the one. It's a lot. I don't know if I need 120 hertz or 360. I don't have answers, and so I'm just on the hunt. Are they Asus? No, it's not uh because i got the i got two of those i got high quality asus gaming things i got them because jp was like these are good like years
Starting point is 00:06:55 ago and i was like dude nice one of the problems i had is that so i did get an asus years ago uh as part of like uh i don't know this might have been two years ago as part of a brand deal thing I did with them when I built a computer for the office. Like the really cool one that had like the pink glowy bits and the tubes and stuff. Very, very cool computer. And so I got a monitor with that. monitor with that and I was going to use it but I compared it to my eight-year-old monitors that I had which are just like normal Dell monitors but designed for video editing and the ones I had like looked better the picture was clearer everything I was like nah nah I'm all right so I haven't used anything but the I really haven't found anything that I thought was as good as these
Starting point is 00:07:41 Dells which is crazy to me because I never really associate Dell with like really high quality, but the monitors are amazing. And if there was a time I was like, maybe I should just find, you know, unboxed versions of these exact same monitors. They aren't, I don't know. There's something about these that I love
Starting point is 00:08:01 and I haven't found anything. People get that. You find something you love and you don't want to replace it because there's nothing else like it. It's the same thing with my apartment. My apartment, the people who run my apartment are just getting worse every year. Since I moved there 10 years ago, no, 12 years ago now, it is only gotten worse. The quality of everything has tanked. Again, going back to what I've said in this podcast for weeks now, they still haven't come to do the work on my apartment. And I call them.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And every time I'm like, we'll send a guy out Monday. And I'm like, okay. And then Monday rolls by. They don't come out. And I'm like, all right, I'll wait a day. See, maybe they'll come out Tuesday. And they don't. So then I call Wednesday and they're like, all right, we'll send someone by the end of the week.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And then no one comes by the end of the week. It's just terrible. The pool is currently closed because inspectors came by and was like, the pool could leak. The pool's closed. They're fixing that. They closed the gym in the apartment. They were like, well, there's something going on. We got to close.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Everything is breaking down. It's terrible. I'm stuck with them for like another nine months. And I'm just like, but at the same time, the apartment itself is one of the nicest ones I've ever been in. Everything else around me, everything in the area, every time I go look, it's twice as expensive and half as good. And I'm just like, like, why? Why can nothing be easy for me? So I think most people understand that. Most people get exactly where I'm coming from.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, in this economy, in this economy. I don't know. Listen, mine has been crazy as that. My week has just been two things I wrote down, and they're really not even that important. I need to hear them.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Unimportant? I need that in my life. So one was a TikTok I saw, and it's this woman where she's like grading papers all right and it's clearly fake so she's like grading kids papers but they're not kids it's like her handwriting okay okay so are we only seeing the papers you're yeah you're only seeing the papers and her hand grading it. And she's doing the thing where she grades it with a pen and she does it really heavily.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Almost like she's writing really heavily. So you can really hear the pen hitting the desk and the paper. And every time she grades one of these people's papers, says like two out of ten like she always does two out of ten it'll be like she grades somebody's uh thing and they say
Starting point is 00:10:52 oh this is an egg and she's like no it's an avocado wrong and then it'll be but like and it's clearly like that to it's like rage bait type thing. Right, right. Yeah, it always is. And so I was like, oh, this is clearly fake. Like she's just doing this. Like these aren't kids. This is her. And she's like only making these videos.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It's like, and then the comments are just so many people being like, look what you're doing to these kids. Let the kid call it an egg or let the kid color in a monkey a different color she like marked it wrong because she was like the monkey you colored in was blue you should just be a normal monkey and then people like and I was like dude
Starting point is 00:11:35 how do so many people fall for this? It actually blows my mind. I mean rage bait always works we've talked about it before on this very show. It gets people every time it's also oh god these like other ones where a lot of them are just tiktok lives that pop up right when they they'll like throw some lives in there when you're scrolling and it's always
Starting point is 00:11:58 them lying about a thing they'll be like find the missing piece of this puzzle. Or like, what is the correct answer to this thing? And they'll be like, Nope, you're wrong. Ricky, you're wrong. Jenny, you're wrong. Wait. Uh, uh, wait, somebody just got it. Somebody just got it. I think, uh, let's, is it James? I think James got it. Guys go look in the comments. James got it. Guys look in the comments. James got it. No, okay, no, Mark, you didn't get it. Yeah, they'll just, like, say the shit, and, like, it's just there to drive traffic, because everybody's just looking through the comments. Everyone's interacting. They're just, like, you're wrong, or, like, who's, where's this guy? And it's just, like, encouraging
Starting point is 00:12:39 interaction, and so it just kind of snowballs, but it's an interaction of nothing, which is, which is why it just blows my mind. There's like so many of the, I've, I stumbled across like five of them. Maybe it's because I clicked on one of them. And so then it's like, here's more of them, but they're just like, it'll give like this crazy math problem. And they'll be like, did you figure it out? Somebody going to figure it out. Somebody who's got it.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I think somebody's got it. And they all do the same thing. And I don't get it because, okay, here's why I don't get it. Because you're getting interaction, you're increasing your traffic, you're doing all this stuff, but it doesn't lead to anything. Right? You're not building an audience that's going to watch your shit. You're getting meaningless traffic. Okay, so first off, I just want to say I'm so happy you're finally experiencing the shitty side of TikTok. You over there with your, like, goofy videos of old men saying weird stuff,
Starting point is 00:13:30 finally you're seeing what I'm seeing and worried about the world like I am. But to your point, I guess it's not about building an audience. It's about the views. I mean, if you look at all the stories, and I guess they're really anecdotal, but if you look at all the stories of people who show up at VidCon, for example, and they're multi-million follower TikTok stars and no one shows up to talk to them or get an autograph or to get a picture or whatever. Because I guess TikTok isn't about your fandom. It's about the moment-to-moment interaction as people scroll through. Honestly, I don't understand. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I will say that even I will follow friends like you and Felicia Day and all these different people that are on TikTok. But I'll be honest. I don't, unless you directly send it to me and be like, look at this thing I made about my, you know, starburst or whatever. Unless you send that to me, I don't look at those. I'm barely on there. And when I am, I'm just scrolling through the for you thing. And it's not my friends.
Starting point is 00:14:42 It's random people on there. Like right now, if I go on there i'm not gonna see you i'm gonna see nickelodeon super bowl stuff uh a guy who is apparently debunking some weird person's other tiktok a video of a guy talking about foods at a grocery store that i should or shouldn't buy. Some guy making music. But it's not any friends I know. That's why I don't mess with it. I don't get it. I have a team that does it.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, I mean, you got a good team. They take all your stuff and, like, make it into, like, powerful TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Reel, all the Reels, whatever, I don't know what to call it, either way, they make it into all the stuff, I don't got a team, all right, the thing is, like, I've said before, I don't care about actually making the, like, TikTok style content, I just care about doing dumb stuff, which to me, because to to me i don't think a lot of traffic goes from tiktok and shorts and all these things to like long form stuff and the other like i don't think it does i think it translates over so the only thing i care about is like when my like i
Starting point is 00:15:57 was mentioning the other week when the algorithm hits and somebody's like krendor i forgot that he existed and it's more like that you've done really well with that lately. I've seen that happen to you multiple times where someone would be like, Oh, dang, Krendor! But does that translate into people then following you? Exactly. I have no idea. But, to me it doesn't matter because I'm just making dumb TikToks of me being like, what is TikTok, man? Like, I'm not putting a lot of effort into it.
Starting point is 00:16:30 So if it does, cool. But if it doesn't, like, I'm not putting a bunch of resources into it. While so many people are, like, doing a bunch of resources into it. But it's like, is it actually translating a lot? Because I don't know if it is. Most people who watch that are just like scrolling for two seconds and they're like oh yeah that was funny anyway next thing oh yeah that was funny next thing and they just forget what they even looked at a minute ago
Starting point is 00:16:55 yeah i mean that's that's the problem right it's even the stuff i just flipped through i don't remember i remember there was a cologne guy that said like and it didn't i just went through it right and i wasn't gonna watch that video anyway because something about like goofy cologne antics doesn't do it for me so move on right yeah and that's that's the it's a weird attention span slash i don't even know dude i don't even know yeah um so that was one thing that happened the the professor tiktok the next thing that happened all right i was going to chipotle of course as one would do yeah and i was i did an online order so i was just going to pick it up because i was like all right went to the gym ordered my chipotle on the way there uh on the old app or i order it and then i'm like all right go pick it up so i'm going going to pick it up because I was like, all right, went to the gym, ordered my Chipotle on the way there on the old app or I order it. And then I'm like, all right, go pick it up.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So I'm going in to get it. And these two guys are going in. It's like some dad and his son. And all I heard from them talking right behind me because I held the door open for him. He's like, yeah, Uncle Jimmy beat the hell out of him what yeah so i was like go i was about to go in i was like i'll hold the door for him so i hold the door and then he's like uh or no that's what i was leaving so i held the door open because i was leaving and then they were going in and he's just like yeah uncle jimmy beat the hell out of oh. Oh, thank you very much. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I was just like, hold on a second. I can't go back in and hear about Uncle Jimmy. I could, but it'd be weird. So I didn't. But I was just like, why did Uncle Jimmy beat the hell out of him? Right? There's something incredibly funny about just like asking the question, why did Uncle Jimmy beat the hell out of him?
Starting point is 00:18:45 So I was genuinely curious. Like, did Uncle Jimmy beat the hell of him? I was genuinely curious. Did Uncle Jimmy, like, is he at a bar fight? Is he just drunk and beat somebody up? Did somebody, like, do something to him and he had to fight back? Like, is this like a justice-filled beat-up? Is this like a drunken rage beat-up? Like, what's happening here?
Starting point is 00:19:05 I don't... I assume it's more of a friendly, like... Actually, friendly beat the hell out of him isn't... I mean, I don't know. I don't know their situation. That could be, you know, how they show love in that family. It's messed up. It doesn't make it right. But...
Starting point is 00:19:20 Or Uncle Jimmy's just trouble, man. Uncle Jimmy might just be trouble yeah I think if I had to guess I'd say his Uncle Jimmy's just trouble just the fact that his name his name being Uncle Jimmy just in general sounds like a guy
Starting point is 00:19:36 that gets into trouble like that's just Uncle Jimmy what are you gonna do so that happened and then that was really it i don't know there was like not that much else that happened uh in terms of funny stories or anything i guess there was like i was listening to the i was listening to the radio and they kept bringing up things and i was like this would be fun to talk about on Cox and Crendor, and I can't remember what they talked about, which really is fitting for the show.
Starting point is 00:20:12 You know, that's a sign of a great show is all the prep work we do. Yeah. It's one of those things where they bring up topics, and they ask you questions. Are you drinking like a Capri Sun? I am. That sounds like a Capri Sun to me.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I've never felt so cold out in my life. At first I was like, you're just taking a sip out of something, but then I heard the classic bag going. Right, I was at the bottom of the package and I was trying to be quiet with it. I didn't want to make a big noise because it would be rude, but then
Starting point is 00:21:02 it just happened and you were like, bro, is that a Capri Sun? It is. It is in that a Capri Sun? It is. It is in fact a Capri Sun. What flavor Capri Sun is it? It is a fruit punch. That's like the classic go-to. Everybody's going to go fruit punch. Whenever we go to
Starting point is 00:21:18 Costco in the office to grab supplies like toilet paper or whatever, we always get way too much water, way too much sparkling water, and then for some reason one, like, giant box of four different varieties of Capri Sun. And that's what's in the office. That's what we have here. A variety of sparkling waters, a whole shelf of water,
Starting point is 00:21:41 and then one area of just Capri Suns. I haven't had a Capri sun in a while i feel like i tried that's why we got it that's why we're getting them as i'm like you know what it makes me feel like a kid again yeah are they there's like nothing healthy about them right it's just i wish i could tell you the uh package has Capri Sun and Fruit Punch, and then the back is just silver. And it's just like, as a kid, I have no idea what's actually in it. But it isn't a lot. I'll be honest. It's still in those packages, and it's not a lot of actual liquid.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So it can't be that unhealthy, because you're not drinking a lot of it. Yeah. They got Capri sun jungle drinks i'm sorry what yeah i went to capri and they've got monkey sloth iguana panda tiger toucan capri sun jungle drinks i see that right. I thought I don't know what jungle drink means I it almost sounds like alcohol, but it is not it does sound like alcohol. I wish it was alcohol I would be like oh, let's go. I mean you could probably make it into alcohol by adding alcohol, but
Starting point is 00:23:00 I don't know are these just like I think they're just different like packaging bags, but with the same drink inside of it. Yeah. Although I am seeing that they have a lot of fun ones that I've never seen before. Kids these days got it easy. They have,
Starting point is 00:23:17 what the hell? Capri Sun Mystic Dragon? Capri Sun Fairy Drink? Capri Sun Monster Alarm. Monster Alarm. That's what I'm saying. I've never heard of these before. But I also don't see.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Oh, that's because I think we're in the Capri Sun UK version. Oh, yeah, this is Capri Sun UK. You know what? That's actually. Where's Capri Sun America? You got to go is Capri Sun UK. You know what? That's actually. Where's Capri Sun America? You got to go to Capri Sun America. Yo, this sucks. This sucks.
Starting point is 00:23:51 When you go to Capri Sun America, it takes you to What the hell is this? Barf. It isn't even a Capri Sun website. Yeah, they don't even have a website. This sucks. This does suck. The American version sucks.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So is a UK website? Yeah. In fact, CapriSun... What the hell is this bullshit? They got like an entire history over here? What is this? Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Here's the history of CapriSun. Okay. 1931. The father of CapriSun. In 1931 the father of capri's son in 1931 rudolph wild founded a company in heidelberg specializing in ingredients for food stuff what year hold on what year was this 1931 heidelberg where exactly he founded a company in heidelberg. I don't know. Heidelberg sounds German. It is definitely a German city. Yeah, it is. And what year is this?
Starting point is 00:24:48 This is 1931. It's slowly becoming problematic, but okay. His philosophy. I wonder what was going on in the 30s in Germany. World War II, 1931. World War II is 1939. Hitler's rise to power was completed in August 1934. So I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Already we're in like a, okay. All right. You know what? Maybe Rudolph Wilde was getting fed up with all this stuff going on. One of the good ones. Yeah. He's like, I just want to make a fun drink. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I don't want to be a part of this whole Nazi thing. I just want to make a fun drink. All right. I don't want to be a part of this old Nazi thing. I just want to make a fun drink for all. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Then we skip ahead 38 years. I wonder why we skip ahead 38 years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:40 To the revolution begins. Capri Sun is born under its former name, Capri Sonne. The first sale of the iconic stand-up pouch in Germany, which, it does look like a cool pouch. I mean, yeah, it is what it is. Orange
Starting point is 00:25:56 Softgetrana. Then, in 1973, Dr. Hans Peter Wild joins the family business. Capri Sun becomes popular and 10-pouch plastic carrier pack is launched. 1979, Capri Sun has Muhammad Ali as their brand ambassador. 1980, they go to Africa and Asia. In 1982, they go to the United States.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Oh, wow. They came to the United States after everywhere else, huh? We're the last. Yeah. Yeah, that's actually kind of crazy. That is interesting. 1992, they became the market leader in Europe.
Starting point is 00:26:40 1994, market leaders in the USA. Actually, I don't know what that means. Like the market leader of what? Of Capri Sun? Fruit based silver packaged beverages? I don't know. Yeah. Like what are they leading the market of?
Starting point is 00:26:56 I guess that that's like the only thing I think of. 2003, the German secretary of the environment declares Capri Sun packaging to be ecologically advantageous. That's good, I think. In 2004, they broke their own world record for the first time over 5 billion drink pouches are sold worldwide. Wow, what a record. 2007, Capri Sun introduced orange peach and wild berries. 2010, they went into outer space. Capri Sun introduced orange peach and wild berries. 2010, they went into outer space, enhancing the European Space Agency.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I mean, that checks out as probably the most, like, you're just sucking from a straw in a little tiny packet. I'm not sure, you know. It does just look like space food. Like, it's all the food they take up there. 2015, they're in 119 countries 2016 they have a new product range pure fruit and water nothing else fruit juice and water no added sugar flavors or preservatives yo i'd drink that yeah i'd drink that where's that at yeah probably in the uk in germany i did find out that one package contains, depending on what you're drinking,
Starting point is 00:28:06 between 50 and 66, I think, calories. What about sugars? It depends, and this is the problem. Because I'm operating off of an English website, it's saying everything comes from either sugar cane or natural sugars, depending on where you are in Europe and because there's no American website I'm just gonna assume fructose or some sort of corn based nonsense but I have no I have no idea all right 2017 from Capri
Starting point is 00:28:37 sauna to Capri Sun with a new brand ambassador sunny the animated pouch don't and the ambassador, Sonny the Animated Pouch. Don't like that. That is. No, sir, don't like that. There he is. That sucks. That thing is terrifying. Those are the eyes of a man. Those are freaky.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I will say, if you're interested in who is promoting Capri Sun here in the States, it is the Animal Crossing characters and the Pikmin characters. Oh, dude. Nice. I knew Pikmin would get you. Two of my favorites. Animal Crossing 2.
Starting point is 00:29:16 What? Like, do they only have that at Costco? Is it just one flavor? No, it's a multi-pack of like four flavors. Oh, okay. That's why we got it. And we got it as goof the last time we were there. And then we went back again and we were like, Capri Sun, Capri Sun.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So here we are. Yeah. It's, uh, we went to Costco today. We bought some like granola bar stuff and like dental floss and like other things. But a lot of times at costco they only got like one thing which is why i was like or if they do it it is one thing it is one thing of capri sun but it has it's a multi-flavor pack yeah that makes sense because they'll have
Starting point is 00:29:58 that but it's like very specific they're like if you buy this sparkling water you get like these three specific flavors and that's it yes there's a lacro sparkling water, you get like these three specific flavors. And that's it. Yes. There's a LaCroix that we got and it had three specific flavors. Exactly. I'm not, again, I hate Costco. I hate it. But it is three blocks away from our office and it's, you know, an easy let's go get supplies.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And then we come back with like 18,000 pounds of toilet paper and we're like, all right, that's good. What do you eat at Costco? The experience. I've never been, you know how there's, if you go shopping and there are people who are just in their own head and they are clearly not observant of the world. Oh yeah. Multiply that by a factor of 100 at Costco. There are so many people who I cannot figure out how they make it through the day because they're so
Starting point is 00:30:48 generally incompetent and they all flock to Costco. Costco sucks. Trying to drive in the parking lot? Oh, yeah. You're always almost hitting someone because they just walk out in front of you
Starting point is 00:31:01 or they pull out or it's just truly atrocious. I do not like Costco at all. If I could not go there, I would not go there. Well, I like Costco, the store. I just don't like the people. That's 90% of the store. Yeah, me, I can't bash the store for the people.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I can and I will. All right. I did. Yeah. It is true true every time you go plus like the people getting gas there they're like I'm saving 20 cents and I'm like I'd rather pay the extra 20 cents not have to wait in like a like 20 year long
Starting point is 00:31:36 line and then you get your gas and it's all like great like I'll just go to the whatever I'll pay the extra like $2 it's like a little hillbilly but like a little entitled all combined together it's something like uh what i imagine living in what's that giant multi-mile long retirement community in florida i imagine it's that to me the villages is what it's called the place place where all the old people in Florida go to retire, that everyone there, every time you see anything about them,
Starting point is 00:32:08 you're just like, they seem intolerable. That's my experience with Costco. To me, it feels much more Eastern European. What do you mean by that? It also could be because you're outside of Chicago. As somebody who's just extremely Eastern European and has grown up always being around, you know, like any, all these Eastern European people,
Starting point is 00:32:33 it's very much like if you go to a grocery store, it's like based on that or like anywhere, it's just very much everyone's in their own world. They're just like, get out of the way. They're just like, move, move. Yes, it's like bumping into you. Nobody cares. Like, it's like that. It's like get out of the way they're just like good move move yes it's like bumping into you nobody cares like it's like that it's like you're at the the market like one of those old time markets and they're just like move move yes right yeah at least the old
Starting point is 00:32:55 time market i would feel like this is part of the flavor of it you know what i mean that's true and maybe that's maybe that's my problem that i can't get into the flavor of Costco. But something about it is just so corporate-y instead of mom-and-pop old-time market that I just hate it. Like, I remember going to a... When I was, like, five years old, we went to, like, some, like, super... It was, like, one of those tiny... Not, like, tiny, but, like, small supermarkets. Where it's, like, it's not, like, your standard supermarket. It's, like, half the size your standard supermarket it's like half the size but they got like deals they got like local stuff it was like something fruit market or whatever but they had everything and i remember i went there with what
Starting point is 00:33:34 i went there with like my great grandmother and my grandmother and it was just like that as people just bumping it i was like looking around it was just people being like everyone was like yelling at each other but nobody cared kind of like new york what was that language it's like in like the east coast like new york where people are yelling but everybody yells so nobody cares they're just like move out of the way they're like i am moving it was just like that you look around like oh okay like that's what the costco gives me it gives me those vibes of everyone just being like i'm doing my thing i'm doing you're doing your thing if i get in your way too bad
Starting point is 00:34:10 i try not to ever be like that but i will admit sometimes when it comes to gas i'll get like that like if i pull in one way and someone pulled like the other day i pulled in uh on the right side where my gas pump thing is and this lady pulls in facing me but hers is on the opposite side she was just like trying to get in so she could get her gas and i assume pull the pump across her car right but i pulled in so that my gas tank lined up with the gas pump so I could fill it up. She was trying to pull as forward as possible because she's trying to do it up and over the side. So she starts honking at me to reverse my car. And I'm like, no, I pulled in the right way. I look at her like, I give her like, what do you want symbol, right?
Starting point is 00:35:05 And she's yelling me, honk, honk, honkk and she's screaming in her car to back up back up and i looked at her and i just something to me snapped her i was just like no i'm not you back up yeah i'm just like screaming her in my car so it's two people screaming each other their cars and finally i open my door and i step out i'm'm like, I'm not going to move. And obviously at that point I think it hit her that like, oh, this is a human being. And if I get out of my car, this man who is much taller than me and much bigger than me probably is going to be an issue. And I think it like washed over her. Then as I'm filling up the car, she just sat in her car the entire time.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And then when I got in my car, then she got out. was like okay whatever all right tough guy and then i just drove off but i was like why is she why is she yelling at me yeah i'm not gonna move for her i'm in the right yeah yeah that happens all that happens all the time especially with parking. The other day, I was trying to go to the grocery store, and this lady in a giant GMC goes to park. And I'm behind her because I'm trying to get to the space behind her. But then she, instead of going in front of car first, She stops and starts to back up like she wants to reverse into the parking spot. I'm going to let you know, that is my biggest pet peeve on planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:36:31 When there is a traffic in a parking lot and you are like, you know, I'm going to hold everyone up and try to reverse park into the spot. Oh yeah, I hate that. Drives me crazy. The audacity of some people.
Starting point is 00:36:46 And so she starts, it takes her, she starts to back in. Oh, she's going to hit that car. She pulls out a little bit more, starts to back in. And now she's honking at me to reverse. There's four cars behind me. I can't reverse. We're all waiting for you, lady. And she's just freaking out.
Starting point is 00:37:00 She's yelling at me through her window to like, back off, back off. I'm like, I can't move. You made this choice. This is your problem. And so now she's taking long and she's honking and now people are coming in the other lane. Some dude has already taken the spot I wanted to get. He pulled in from the opposite end.
Starting point is 00:37:18 So now I'm just waiting for this lady to go. Their car's honking at me. Guys, people are coming this way. Traffic's held up and she can barely move. And I'm just like, if you had just parked it like a normal-ass human being, this could result five minutes ago. Instead, I got to go find a whole new parking space in this damn shopping center. Oh, my God. It happens so often, and it's not ever like some dude in a Prius.
Starting point is 00:37:42 It's always someone in a pickup truck or a Suburban or something. It's just like, what? I feel like it's happened more than once. Oh, it happens frequently here. Especially if you try to go to grocery stores or to big parking lots around here. There's always one or two people that decides,
Starting point is 00:38:01 you know what? I'm going to hold everyone else up and just reverse in. I do always hate the backing. I don't understand if it's like a, like, I'm a cool car driver thing or something. Like, I don't get it. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I did watch a video. Again, this goes back to TikTok. I did watch a TikTok video where a girl said, and I quote, men who don't back into parking spots but instead just drive in give me the ick and I want I want you to know I bet it's because of that woman that I have to deal with this problem and lady
Starting point is 00:38:34 you suck what is the here's my question what is the point of backing in so you can leave without backing out I guess. Maybe you need to make a quick getaway. I don't know what goes through people's minds.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I couldn't tell you. Honestly, maybe they can't back out well, or maybe they are afraid that if they park in some way. I couldn't even comprehend it, dude. Because at some point, you have to back out anyway, right? So just pull in normally and then back out. They're just doing the back in
Starting point is 00:39:12 and they're just doing it in reverse. And it's making it harder for everybody. So just do it the normal way, which is why I think it's a cool thing like, yeah, I know how to back in. I know how to parallel park. My car goes vroom, vroom, vroom. You know? I hope that's the case and not something... yeah i don't want to back in i go out of parallel park my car goes vroom vroom vroom you know i i
Starting point is 00:39:25 hope that's the case and not something i need i need to know why i have to hate you you know what i mean like if i'm gonna hate you i'd like to know why i clearly already hate you but give me the reason next please yeah there's got to be somebody somebody listening even if you are the person that backs in why do you why why do you do it? Why do you do it? That's what we want to know. We want to know. We're not going to judge you, even though we are judging you,
Starting point is 00:39:51 but we're not going to judge you after the fact. If you help us, we'll allow it. You personally, you can do it. You can do it. Yeah, you can do it. Just let us know. For those others, F them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah. I think I just don't care about cars. Like, even just people that do the vroom vroom cars. There's like, my car goes like... I'm like, I don't understand. If anything, it makes it sound like the car is broken. Yeah. I just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm somewhere in the middle. Like, I can't... A lot of the electric cars, they're cool, bless them, but I need my car to make a noise so I know it's on. Yeah, well, it's like a feedback thing. Yeah, I need something, but I also don't want my car to be like... Like, I don't need that.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Just a nice, like, I'm on now. Like, that's all I need. I'm all right. So I switched chairs again. This chair's all all I need. Yeah. I'm all right. So I switched chairs again. This chair is all, like, squeaky. Hear it? I did. I did hear it.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah. But it feels better. It's, like, better posture. It's better. This is the stupidest podcast. You're over there with a squeaky chair. I'm over here, like. Just like, I had things to talk about but uh i don't remember what they were
Starting point is 00:41:07 yeah yeah um anyway that's what i did this week well also, also this week was Valentine's Day. Yes, I know. For all of you out there who spent time with your loved one or loved one's no judgment rocket player, I bet you probably exchanged some gifts, some kisses, some whatevers. But the love doesn't have to end there. But the love doesn't have to end there because you can surprise your Valentine with a little something special by getting them some great Raycon everyday earbuds.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Even if it's just a fun roommate like Bert and Ernie. Totally just buds hanging out, living together. Yeah. Right? If you want to surprise your extremely platonic, even though you sleep in the same bed, buddy, with something fun, Raycon Everyday Earbuds is the way to go. With optimized gel tips for the perfect in-ear fit, these earbuds are so comfortable, they'll actually just stay in your ears, which I think is the best part. I've said this before. I love the fact that with these, they stay in. When I stick them in, they stay there. And a lot of the times when it comes to earbuds in general, I have this thing where they just fall out, right? If I lean some way or I sort of them in and listen to music or something.
Starting point is 00:42:46 So it isn't, you know, loud in the room, but like quiet in my ears, I want them to sort of stay there and not just plop out onto my pillow. It is so nice that they do that. I used the, I used them at the gym and guess what? They stayed in. They're working great. They played my wub wubs. Uh, you know, I, I'm moving around a lot they didn't fall
Starting point is 00:43:06 out plus the best part is the sound quality is right up there with some of the best out there like any serious love story your raycons are here for a good time and a long time with eight hours of play time and 32 hours of battery life importantly, you get amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio brands. And Raycon's everyday earbuds are used to feeling the love. They've already gotten tens of thousands of five-star reviews. My favorite part, of course, is the awareness mode. It's a thing that, honestly, I love when it comes to earbuds in general. Walking around in public, I want to listen to my music.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I want to listen to a podcast or whatever, but I also want to be aware of everything around me. And I always get uncomfortable when I have earbuds in that blast. And then I kind of, you know, they do like a noise reduction and it negates everything around me, which can be good in certain circumstances. I couldn't say that word. But when I'm out walking the streets, I want to be aware of what's around me. I want to not walk out into traffic and that kind of thing. And so I love the awareness mode. It's awesome. If you want to get some Raycons for yourself or for that loved one,
Starting point is 00:44:18 go to slash cox today to get 15% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's slash Cox to score 15% off and free shipping. slash Cox. All right. Oh, boy. Traffic is actually pretty good still. In fact, I'd say traffic to a certain live show happening in a few months would also be pretty good. And that we forgot to mention that earlier. So it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Back to you. Oh, I was waiting. Yeah. Hey, by the way. Oh, hey. Hey, gang. Are you aware that on July 13th, Crandor and I are back in Chicago? Tickets are on sale right now.
Starting point is 00:45:06 If you want to, down below, there's a link. Click that bad boy, and you can join us for a live show. Again, the last two sold out. So if you want to go, get your tickets now before it's too late. It is at our old stomping ground, Lincoln Hall. If you've been there before, you know we loves it. It'll be a blast. But remember, the last two times tickets have sold out.
Starting point is 00:45:33 So be there or be square. That's all I'll say. Link down below. That's all he's saying. Actually, you did say more than that then, technically. You know what? That's all I'm saying. All didn't say more than that then technically you know what that's all i'm saying all right let's go to weather all right once again i'm gonna hold down the old
Starting point is 00:46:00 weathers i go to slash cox and crendor podcast i go to last episode i do control f weather and then i hold down enter and then i let go uh somebody wants the weather request for the exotic land of los angeles california all right i'm not doing that one i can tell you uh it's nice out there you go all. All right, there we go. We got that one. Yep. All right, now we have one for Ashland, Kentucky, their hometown and the origin of the duct tape bandit.
Starting point is 00:46:36 All right, yep. Okay, yeah, yeah. All right, going to Ashland, Kentucky. Let's see here. And the duct tape bandit. And the duct tape bandit. And the duct tape bandit. Ashland, Kentucky. 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Feels like 55 degrees. 9 mile an hour winds. Humidity 49%. Pressure 30.01 inches. 10 mile visibility. 721 a.m. sunrise. 608 p.m. sunset. UV index 0 of 1138 on the old dew point and a waxing crescent
Starting point is 00:47:09 moon phase looking at the 10 day we got 47 with p.m showers on friday we've got cat walking around over here cat what are you doing we've got Saturday. I want to be part of the weather. We've got Saturday partly cloudy, 36. We've got Sunday, 47 sunny. We've got Monday 53 sunny. Tuesday 57 partly cloudy and Wednesday 62 partly cloudy. Thursday
Starting point is 00:47:38 63 shower. Yo, this is like my favorite weather. You get like 62 with rain, 63 with rain and that's the weather for Ashland, Kentucky. Did you find any duct tape? I mean, here's the thing. Ashland, Kentucky, no duct tape. But with that said, a lot of what you would consider American staples.
Starting point is 00:47:57 But with that said, shout out to Cheddar Scratch Kitchen. Cheddar Scratch Kitchen? I don't know if that's a chain. It feels like a chain. But it looks like a place that I would just delight in going to try. Because it seems like old-time American food. Right? It's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Cheddar Scratch Kitchen. Let's see. Oh, yeah. It kind of does. I've never heard of Cheddar's before. But it looks like a chain, but I don't know. And then right down the street, Sal's Italian Eatery and Speakeasy. I would go to Sal's in a heartbeat. Again, it feels like a chain, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:44 And that's the problem with most of middle America. Everything feels like a chain, but maybe it's not. I don't know. They got slim chickens. Like again, there's a place called Tudor's Biscuit World. Tudor's Biscuit World, based on all the logos and signage, appears to be a chain. I have never heard of Tudor's Biscuit World. I would love to go to a place called biscuit world yeah like this place there's slim chickens and it looks
Starting point is 00:49:12 like uh what's that chicken tender place uh raisin canes yeah it looks like that but i feel like it's not that like it looks probably a little everything. Everything here looks exactly like Raising Cane. Exactly like it. They got Jolly Pirate Donuts. Yo, Jolly Pirate Donuts. This actually looks pretty good. Jolly Pirate looks pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:38 They got, like, the box it comes in. It's like a little treasure chest box. That actually looks pretty good. I'd go to John. Yeah, but I'm looking around. Everywhere I look, it's Dairy Queen, Golden Corral, McDonald's. Again, very middle of America. Although I will say, shout out to Taco Brothers.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Because here's how I know Taco Brothers slaps. Every photo has people in it. Oh yeah. Like not just an empty restaurant with seating, photos of people gathered eating these tacos. Again, it feels like a chain, but it looks delicious. It does.
Starting point is 00:50:20 If you go across the water, you can get to. That is the Ohioio river so now we're in ohio if you go across the river we're in a different state whoa you do that's the ohio river huh i didn't know separates kentucky and ohio yeah that's the border of ohio is is the river damn i was gonna say if you go across the the river to Ohio, I guess you can go to Ellen J The shit is this called Ellen J. Cole Grove Inc and They got someone they got some hot dogs from the like nineteen Nineteen those are the kind of hot dogs. I. That's the hot. I would be so happy with that.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Those are some good looking hot dogs. I'm more interested in a place called. You know, you're kind of right near West Virginia when this is the name of the pizza place and it looks good. There's a pizza place called Skeeto's. Skeeto's. And Skeeto's in Ohio. It looks like it's in a shack. And the pizza, I mean, it's pizza, all right.
Starting point is 00:51:33 But there's no photos of actual pizza. Oh, yeah. There's one photo of what I assume is cinnamon bread. But there's no actual photos of the pizza. Yeah, Skeeto's is right down the street from Sugar Creek Christian Academy. So that's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:52 There you go. And Mike's Archery. Yo, you are, when you have a store devoted to bow and arrows, you are in the country. That's just a fact. That is very true. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:52:06 I found something crazy. All right. So if you go down the river to South Point. I'm going down the river. Okay. I see South Point. You're about to hit West Virginia. If you see South Point, there is a Giovanni's Pizza right above South Point.
Starting point is 00:52:22 But to the southwest, there's another Giovanni's pizza. Because it's two separate states, dude. Yeah, but it's like you can eat at one while looking at the other one across the river. That's like the Starbucks across the street from Starbucks in New York.
Starting point is 00:52:40 One of them's got a 4.5, the other one's got a 3.9. I'm telling you, that Kentucky Giovanni's is trash. The Ohio Giovanni's, that's a good one. The 3.91 is like serving breakfast? They got like sausage and eggs. Meanwhile, in West Virginia, so you got Giovanni's Ohio, Giovanni's in Kentucky, and then across the river in West Virginia is
Starting point is 00:53:07 Evaroni's pizza. Now Evaroni's is a 4.4 and that pizza looks pretty good, but they also serve skyline chili style sauce with the spaghetti. Oh yeah, the skyline chili.
Starting point is 00:53:24 So you can get that. You know what? Everoni's wins. This place. Although the pizza looks a little too saucy and a little too cheesy for me, but that's the style. Yeah, I can see that. What are you going to do? I'm not a big – I'm more of a thin, crusty boy.
Starting point is 00:53:39 This looks like thick, thick crust, although they have my favorite type of sausage. For some reason, if you're in Ohio or West Virginia and a little bit in northern Kentucky, sausage on a pizza isn't like balls of sausage. It's little tiny sausage crumbs that look like rabbit pellets. Oh, yeah. I remember that. And I don't know why, but I love it because it covers every ounce of the pizza with some type of topping. So I clicked on it. I don't know why, but I love it because it covers every ounce of the pizza with some type of topping.
Starting point is 00:54:06 So I click that. I don't know why that is. Click on that to see the Giovanni's pizza. There is an old man there that is like so done with life. The best part. So Crandor sent me a multi-layered photo. There is a photo of what I assume someone taking a photo of a young girl i may be having her first pizza i don't know yeah they're just like a happy family like hey
Starting point is 00:54:31 we're eating our pizza and then right behind them is this old man who's like i don't want to be on camera i don't think he wants to be anywhere But what's crazy is if you go down one photo, there's another angle of it, and it's another family, and he's at the end of that table staring at the camera again like, I don't even want to be here. Yeah, he's like in every picture. Is he the ghost that haunts this Giovanni's? Is that what we're discovering that is giovanni's ghost giovanni died making pizza and now he can't leave he's in another photo oh my god he's in a whole other photo yeah what That's got to be Giovanni. It has to be.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Yo, he's in another photo. What? Yes, there's another photo. It's him standing in the middle of a group of people. Dude, he is the ghost haunting this place. There's no doubt about this. I've never believed in ghosts until right now. That is Giovanni's ghost, ghost 100 i just want to leave
Starting point is 00:55:49 he's stuck here forever stuck there damn dude damn that's wild and that's the weather that is the weather all right let's go to sports sports uh sports we're about to hit the all-star break for basketball uh pitchers and catchers have reported for major league baseball spring training uh hockey i believe has started up again and uh we had the super bowl so all those things happened and the Chiefs won the Super Bowl. Cool. Cool. I did see you tweet about wrestling.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I figured I'd bring that up in the sports. Yeah. I don't really know anything about wrestling and I don't watch wrestling. All right. Well, first off, don't go digging now. Okay. Because a lot of what you're going to find is how, once again, Vince McMahon is a total piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:56:48 A classic, yep. So don't, like, more than you know. Right. Like, having a woman as a slave kind of thing. Ah, yep. Yeah, no, and that's not even an exaggeration. That's lightly. Oh.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Yeah, no, it's bad. That's lightly. Oh. Yeah, no, it's bad. But in the actual wrestling wrestling itself, The Rock came back. And basically, you know, I'm not a big modern day wrestling guy. I used to watch it back in like the early 2000s stuff. But I, you know, I know what's going on because I have a ton of friends who are super into it. And so The Rock came back, and I guess there was going to be a big match, fight, whatever we call it,
Starting point is 00:57:32 between two of the bigger-name guys in wrestling. And The Rock came back, and he changed it up, and he involved himself in it. And everyone was so pissed off. They're like, how dare you ruin this dude Cody's rise to the top? It was his turn. How dare you? This was going to be. And everyone's all upset.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And it was a lot of commentary about how wrestling is dead and this is terrible. And The Rock is so full of his own ego. When he came back from Hollywood, this is terrible. And then within, I don't know a week it completely changed because the rock was clearly playing a character and so he came back and he like you know slapped that cody dude and he was talking shit and he was being like the villain and suddenly everyone's like this is amazing and so it was this wild roller coaster of watching wrestling fans get involved in the thing and you know make judgment calls too early and freak out.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Obviously, it wasn't all wrestling fans, but very vocal ones online. And people just always had hot takes. That's what I was talking about. And, yeah, now it's like the evil Rock has returned. He's going to ruin what we love, and we got to stop him. So let's join together, everyone. You know, so people are booing the Rock and stuff when he goes to events and you know it's wrestling of course this is what was happening yeah yeah yeah that's why i said it's a roller coaster because it's been funny to watch people be like this is
Starting point is 00:58:56 because the week started with vince mcmahon continues to be an awful person and then ended with wrestling as we know what is ending because The Rock is ruining it for everyone. And then people were like, damn, this is really entertaining. I was like, okay. All right. Wrestling, right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Well, that's sports. All right. Let's go to that big, beautiful fact of the day. Fact of the day. I saw somebody mention that one of our facts of the day, there was something about Julius Caesar didn't add up. Listen, I don't know. I'm not fact-checking the facts.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I'm just reading them from these fucking websites. Yeah, he went to a website. Yeah, he went to a website and looked it up. If the website lied to us, that's on the website, not us. We're not scientists. We're two idiots who make videos on the internet. Yeah. What do you want from us?
Starting point is 01:00:04 These are not fact-checked. Yeah, these are These are not fact-checked. Yeah, these are 100% not fact-checked. Baked beans are not actually baked. I mean, yeah, but why do they call them baked then? I mean, I knew that, right? Maybe, what did I know? I don't, okay, you know what? Give me some answers.
Starting point is 01:00:23 In the UK, the dish is usually stewed in sauce. On the other hand, canned baked beans are cooked through a steaming process. The bottom line? Baked beans are rarely ever baked. Why are they called baked beans then? I don't know. We didn't really learn it from this website. Why are they called baked beans? Because the can is first filled with blanched beans, then sauce, and the can is sealed in a lid, then the cooking begins.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Oh, they cook them in the can? They cook them in the can. But still isn't baked, though. Does that qualify as baked? It says canned baked beans are not baked, but are cooked through a steam process. Baked beans in the dish are simply containing white common beans parboiled and then in the U.S. baked in sauce at low temperature. So maybe that's the bake.
Starting point is 01:01:17 But usually isn't baking like putting them in the oven? I guess maybe that's what they do. They put them in sauce and they bake them in the oven. Baked beans occurred in Native American cuisine and are made from beans indigenous to the Americas. It was adopted by English colonists. Yeah, sure. Originally, Native Americans sweetened baked beans with maple syrup. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:01:39 That doesn't tell me what the bake is. Today, baked beans don't tell me all right all right i found the origins okay again baked beans got their root from they would stick the beans in homemade pots glazed pots for baking beans it's like a bean stew tradition, but that's still not... So it says, uh, baking, according to the dictionary, is the action of cooking food by dry heat without direct
Starting point is 01:02:13 exposure to a flame, typically in an oven. So I guess, if you're cooking it with dry heat, then it is baking the beans. So it has to be some form of dry heat to cook the beans, because if not, then it's baking the beans. So it has to be some form of dry heat to cook the beans. Because if not, then it's not baked beans.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Sure, and the bake is the heat upon the vessel you've put the beans and sauce and stuff in. I get that. But technically, isn't the sauce boiling what heats the beans? Yeah. Isn't that like a bro a like a broil i don't know look i'm no cook i don't know this is one of those things where someone's gonna be like guys
Starting point is 01:02:52 this is inaccurate information like yeah probably i don't know yeah listen all we've learned is that we have no idea what baked beans are at this point. Okay, so in New England, this explains why Boston's called Bean Town. In New England, baked beans are flavored either maple syrup or molasses and are traditionally cooked with salt pork in a bean pot over a brick oven for six to eight hours. In the absence of a brick oven, the beans were cooked in a bean pot nestled in a bed of embers placed near the outer edges of the hearth, about a foot away from the fire. Today, baked beans can be made in a slow cooker and using a modern oven with a traditional bean pot, Dutch oven, or casserole dish.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Regardless of the cooking method, the results of the dish, commonly described as having a savory sweet, and brownish or reddish-tinted white bean are the same. Doesn't matter. I still stand by the fact that British beans, not as good as American beans. I'm just gonna say it. I know they love their beans on toast.
Starting point is 01:03:57 It does not have the same flavor. At all. At all. They're more tomato-y. I do like beans on toast, but yeah, they are more tomato-y. Yeah, yeah. Ours have more flavor, and it could be because we add more crap to it, admittedly. Like more salt, more sugars, and whatever. Yeah, it tastes like ketchup-y stuff in the UK.
Starting point is 01:04:19 And that, I don't, it doesn't do it for me. Oh, I thought that was, you're going somewhere and you just said, It doesn't do it for me. Oh. I thought that was you're going somewhere and you just said. Doesn't do it for me, period. There you go. Doesn't do it for me, period. All right. Good. That's your fact of the day.
Starting point is 01:04:35 All right. What is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. Tampa, Florida. A wayward kangaroo was corralled safely by sheriff's deputies Thursday after it was spotted hopping around the pool area of a Florida apartment complex. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office released video and still photos of the kangaroo, including some footage shot from a helicopter. The agency also released audio of a female resident of the kangaroo including some footage shot from a helicopter the agency also released audio of a female resident of the complex calling in to report it quote i actually
Starting point is 01:05:10 see a kangaroo it's kind of a large kangaroo she said we got him closed in the pool gate area deputies were able to figure out the animal's owner and reunite them after checking for its proper registration no injuries to the kangaroo or people were reported. So, I mean, again, nothing explained at all. Why do they own a kangaroo in Florida? Is it even allowed? What are the rules? And what happens if one gets loose?
Starting point is 01:05:37 Are you then in trouble for the loose kangaroo? Yeah, is it? Why do they have a kangaroo in the first play? Are they like an owner of a zoo? Are they an owner of something? I don't know. Yeah, my initial thought process was like someone at a zoo let their kangaroo get loose.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Yeah. That's what I feel. But I feel like they would have been like, it was from the zoo, and they took it back to the zoo. But they're like, no, it's just the owner of the kangaroo. Like it's a dog.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Yeah. This is right along the owner of the kangaroo like it's a dog Yeah, I It says this is right along the lines of monkey Mondays What is going on? Florida's out of control. It's like you got animals all right, okay? Yeah, there's so many questions. They just they didn't ask anything either But the thing is it's weird enough for them to be like, the crazy kangaroos on the loose. But they're just like, yeah, they found the kangaroo and took it back. And it's like, what? I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Are you allowed to have kangaroos as a pet? Just. Yeah. All right. I mean, look. Wait, hold on. What? Nothing makes any sense.
Starting point is 01:06:50 In Illinois, Idaho, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, it is legal to keep a kangaroo as a pet. While in the rest of the U.S., it is illegal. That is weird. So, but then why do they have a kangaroo? Yeah. Doesn't that mean it's illegal to have one? Yeah, you would think so. Maybe they have a special permit?
Starting point is 01:07:27 Maybe? Florida law prohibits the ownership of kangaroos as pets. What? Are they from out of state? But even in that case, what? There's something going on here. Maybe if you get a license or permit, you can have one. But even then, if your kangaroo gets or permit you can have one but even then
Starting point is 01:07:45 if your kangaroo gets loose you're losing that permit yeah this is also why would you where was this in florida again tampa tampa that's what it said big city tampa some guy just has a kangaroo hanging around yeah well let me recheck here but the story is from tampa bay hillsborough county which yeah tampa bay you know what i'm gonna assume this is either from bush gardens or maybe maybe dinosaur world that's kind of like a dinosaur i mean mean, there's so many places in Tampa that this could be. There's the Whedon Preserve. There's, I mean, I guess, but none of these, these are all public places.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Yeah. I have no idea. This is goofy. This is Florida. You continue to amaze. I mean this. Yeah. wow. Well, maybe one, maybe somebody
Starting point is 01:08:50 knows. If you know, let us know. Maybe. And that's your big new story of the day. Alright, that's it for us. Thanks again. Crandor, hit them with the socials. We've got socials, slash cox and Crandor podcast,
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Starting point is 01:09:42 Instagram Crendor is taken. That's it. Okay. We'll see you next time and as always shake the rhino to be continued

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