Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 424 -Shameless Self Promotion

Episode Date: May 17, 2024

Come see Cox n' Crendor Live! The boys are back and taking one week off left them with SO MANY STORIES TO TELL. Not just stories, but facts, like a lot of facts to be learned t...oo. Who knew Cox n' Crendor was so important to the podcast ecosystem. Also go see our live show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by us, Cox and Grendel Live! That's a great sponsor. Yeah, it's the best sponsor, really. Come see us in Chicago. We will be there July 13th at our home away from home Lincoln Hall. If you want more information, I would say click the link down below if you're watching on a thing. You can click a link or you have access to a podcast thing where you can click a link. Or go to the incredibly convoluted slash shows slash 07-13-24-cox-n-n-crendor. That's it.
Starting point is 00:00:42 That's the one. I didn't get that. Can you do it one more time? Oh, my God. slash shows slash 07 slash 13 slash 24 slash Cox slash N slash Crendor. And it's that one. It's like the little, like, I don't know what that's called. I keep saying slash, but that's probably not it.
Starting point is 00:01:03 What is that called? Like the not a dot hash. Hash? Hash? Sure. I don't know what that's called. I keep saying slash, but that's probably not it. What is that called? Hash? Not a dot? Hash. Hash? Hash? Sure.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I don't know. Look, y'all. Click the link. Or you can go to slash. That's a real slash. E-E-W. Oh, my God. There's capitals. Look, just click the link, y'all.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Click the link. Y'all have found it before. There's like 23 tickets left before we're sold out. capitals look just click the link y'all click the link y'all have found it before there's there's like 23 tickets left before we're sold out so buy those tickets even if you're not going i don't care and press link in hall so they'll have us back again and that's all you know what that's all i care about is just let's let's do this thing i literally just googled cox and crendor live and it's like the fourth link down for the July 2024. Great.
Starting point is 00:01:46 That's fantastic. Sometimes I'm a little worried because when you click it, it's like an old show we've done because the website's still there. And I'm like, ah, yes, well. You can go to that one, too. Yeah, Time Machine. I mean, yeah, if you have a Time Machine. I like that if you go to their page, the other people showing up there are people I listen to which is weird dude oh yeah that's kind of weird yeah later this week alice merton's there i love alice merton that's great i'm looking at this this is so silly yeah so we're we're undeserving of being there but we're still
Starting point is 00:02:18 gonna show up oh yeah 100 yeah so don't don't you worry It's always crazy. You go to the bathroom, the bathroom for people that are performing there or whatever, and it's always these crazy names all over the wall. And I'm like, dude, I know some of these people. I've heard them on the internet or the radio or whatever. Door 7, show 8. Get ready. It's going to be crazy. It's an earlier show than we usually do, I think.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I don't know. I can't remember. Yeah, I think normally it's 8, not 7. Yeah, but that's fine. If we finish early, that means I can go drinking. Usually I can't. Usually it's like 11 and 30 by the time we get out of there, and I'm like, what if I just went to bed? Oh, yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:02:59 You do that. Yeah, so that's pretty, pretty good. Very excited. So sell us out, kids. we would love it yeah because look at this later on in the week something called uh hey riddle riddle which looks like a podcast they're sold out why are we sold out you got yeah july 25th we got to sell out we got to come on now to be fair that's a great name it's better than cox and crendor yeah that's true it's like you know the the nursery rhyme yeah that's the reference there have we done the music for this show intro already play sure yeah sure listen i don't know normally we do like it's sponsored by
Starting point is 00:03:41 whoever and then the music oh no it hasn't it hasn't yet. It definitely hasn't. We are somehow in this podcast. Great. Hold on. And, show. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning.
Starting point is 00:03:59 In the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-Hour Reporting Studio. Recording. Wake your ass up. It's the next Grendor in the morning. Hello, everybody.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Welcome to the next episode of Cox and Grendor in the morning. Hey, how's it going? We're very professional very um yep dude it's been i've had a lot to talk about me too i know you've had a lot to talk about yeah yeah we don't podcast for one week and suddenly it's like backloaded uh I know that you had, I don't even know if you wrote this down or not. You probably did, but I saw you tweet one thing that said it was like the craziest story of your week or something.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Oh, oh no. Oh dude. Oh dude. This isn't even one of the stories I wrote down for you. It just happened. All right, great.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So this past week was our good boy Davis' birthday. And he was like, hey, man, I'm not really a birthday guy, but if you guys want to come out with me, I'm going to go see the movie Fall Guy and go get some In-N-Out Burger. And if friends want to show up, cool. And I was like, that is such, like, not only a cool way to do a birthday, but it also, I imagine, is like the way Davis approaches women, too. He's like, look, I'm going to go out and get dinner if you want to come with me. Like, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:05:34 It's just hilarious to me. Anyway, so I was like, hell yeah, dude. I'd love to come. So I bought my tickets online. Everything was good. Now, there was a chat with a bunch of people in it talking about going to see this movie and what we're going to do beforehand and all that different stuff. And in that chat, they had spelled out the entire night. First, we're gonna go to this place. Then we're gonna go to this place. Then we're gonna go to this place. And I was like, all right, well,
Starting point is 00:05:57 I can't do dinner. Um, but I will meet you guys at the theater and then we can hang out afterwards. Cool. So I go about my day. I'm running around doing a bunch of stuff. And keep in mind, I've planned my day around being able to drive to the theater. Right. So get in the car, ready to go see this movie, drive over to the theater. I get there. I go up to the bar in the theater.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm just sitting there waiting around, waiting for guys to show up. No one shows up. It's 6.40, 6.45, 6.50, 6.55. The movie starts at 7, and I'm like, where is everybody? Do they just get stuck at In-N-Out Burger? What's going on over here? And I look at the chat, and as I scroll up, because I see no new messages, as I scroll up, I realize, dude, I'm at the wrong theater.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Not only am I at the wrong theater, I had bought tickets for the right theater. Wow. Everyone in that text chat, everyone in the text chat had mentioned the right theater numerous times. They were like, oh yeah, we're going to Del Amo, Del Amo, Del Amo. A normal human being would have known that for some reason. I thought it was this other theater that was just closer to everyone, but I guess they wanted to go like the big theater that had like the cool seating, which is fine. I should have known that because they said the name 18 times.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And I'm like, oh boy. So I messaged them like, guys, I'm at the wrong theater. I just pulled the oldest. I feel like you should be put in a nursing home. I don't know how I missed this. I feel insane. And they're like, come on, you can make it. You can make it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 They're like, come on, you can make it, you can make it. This theater is down the 405 at 6.55 p.m., the middle of rush hour traffic in L.A. And they're like, you can make it, you can make it. I'm like, there's no way I'm going to make it to this movie in five minutes, let alone find parking, let alone get inside. They're like, no, no, they're going to do a bunch of previews. You can get here, you can get here. And I was like, fine, I'll give it a go. I showed up at that theater at 7.40 p.m. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:07 alright, well, I've missed anything in the movie that makes sense. So I walk up. I go to get a ticket. The machine will not give me a ticket. I'm like, I paid for the ticket! So I asked the woman there. I'm like, excuse me, I got a ticket for this movie. I know I'm incredibly
Starting point is 00:08:23 late. I'm just stupid. me, I got a ticket for this movie. I know I'm incredibly late. I'm just stupid. Just ignore me. But I wanted to get the ticket. And she's like, oh, I'm so sorry. After the movie starts for a certain amount of time, it will not give you a ticket. I'm like, oh, no, I don't want to buy one. I already bought it.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I just want to collect the ticket. She's like, it will not give you the ticket after a certain period of time the movie's been going on. And I'm like, okay, can I get a refund? And she's like, you have to go through the AMC website to get a refund. I'm like, okay. So I go to my phone. I go to the AMC website. I click refund.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And it's like, sorry, any shows that have begun are ineligible for a refund. I'm like, oh, my God. So now I can't even get into the movie. And I ask her, I'm like, oh my God. So now I can't even get into the movie. Right. And I ask her, I'm like, so, all right, so how long is the movie? Because I'm thinking maybe it's like an hour 20, hour 30, hour 40 maybe. She's like, 2, 2.15, something like that. I'm like, oh my God. So they're not going to be out of that theater until after 9 p.m.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Because I know them. They're going to be in there talking for a little bit. So it's going to be like 9.30 by the time they get out. And so my options are either I sit at the theater for an hour, hour and a half, or I walk around the mall or do whatever. And for a brief moment, I was like, well, of course. Yeah, I want to let them know that I care. So we got to sit here. You forgot the other option. You buy a ticket for a different movie and you walk in.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Well, at that point, I was like, I don't want to buy i've already wasted 22 dollars yeah right because we got it for like the big imaxi theater so i'm already down 22 and i'm like look i don't so i guess i'll just go because then if i go see another movie that movie could be longer and then i'm not gonna see my friends anyway the whole point was going to go hang out with them. So I go and I sit outside at the little bench area. And I'm just sitting there like, okay, I could wait here. And I'm looking at my schedule of things. I'm like, well, I did say I'd come out tonight. And then I realized I had to be up early in the morning.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And I was like, oh, my God. So I can't even hang out tonight. So I got in my car, drove home, and was like, I'm done. I went and I just laid in bed. The most sad human. I was like, how did I mistake that? How did I pick the wrong address? What was I thinking?
Starting point is 00:10:37 They said it like 15 times. I bought tickets for the place. Dude, I was in the parking garage of the wrong place looking for their cars. That's how insane. That is pretty crazy. How did you mess that up? I don't know, man. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I assume because I just had a lot. Here's the thing. I want to say it's because I had a lot of my mind that day and it uh messed me up but the thing is for days beforehand i was mentally planning what i needed to do that day in order to get to the theater that was the wrong theater in my mind for days i was like all right so how do i get to this thing i don't know i don't know. So, yeah. I mean. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:11:27 The theater that's the wrong theater that I was at wasn't even an AMC. It was a Regal Cinemas. Have you been there? Were you there last time you saw a movie? We were. We were there last time we saw a movie. Maybe that has to be what it was. Your brain is defaulting.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Again, that's why I thought, okay, well, it's not near where they live, but it's close to, like, in between us, and we've done that before. Like, I don't know, dude. There's some wire got crossed, and I ended up in the wrong place, and I've never felt so dumb. And the worst part is there's an entire chat of, like, people, and all of them know my shame. Every single one. And the worst part is they're all younger than me too so it's like oh old man jesse just screw it god damn i felt so stupid well that was like last episode you kept telling me you didn't say the thing it turns out you did and everyone was like jesse jesse gaslit crendor and i was like I was like, listen. I was like, listen. I know him.
Starting point is 00:12:28 He was probably just tired, worn down, old. No, don't put that on me. Don't do that to me. Just saying. I knew I heard what I heard, and I did. I was right. I wasn't the crazy one. And now this just confirms everything.
Starting point is 00:12:43 You are crazy. Speaking of crazy, would a crazy man go to the grocery store specifically to buy Gatorade water for this podcast? Yes. Is that what a crazy man would do? Because I have some right here and I'm going to taste it for you all. Oh, boy. Because I'm obsessed with the concept of Gatorade water. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:01 tasted for you all because I'm obsessed with the concept of Gatorade water. Alright, again, Gatorade water is water made by Gatorade that's unflavored alkaline electrolyte infused. It's water that for some reason has 65 milligrams of salt in it. So, here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:17 The hydrates. The salt hydrates. Right, right. Everyone knows salt hydrates. Yeah. That is, I mean, first off, it's water. Right. But it tastes, man, this is a very L.A. thing. Hey, L.A. people, you know when you're in the shower and you get a little of that hard water in your mouth and you're like, it tastes kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It has the taste of minerals, but not good. And you get a little of that hard water in your mouth. And you're like. It tastes kind of like that. It has the taste of minerals. But not good. You know how there's mineral water? Yeah. This tastes like. It's not bad. But it's not refreshing water.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Right. Do a taste. Do the wine taste. Where you go like. Sure. Sure. Sure. taste do the the wine taste where you go like sure sure now what are you getting yeah i mean what's weird about it is the salt is noticeable i don't it's not like terrible but it's definitely noticeable right And not in like a I would get this again kind of way,
Starting point is 00:14:26 but it's weird. It's not like the flavor of salt is noticeable. And it's just supposed to be water. Like even smart water doesn't have like a weird salty taste. Yeah. No, there's like one water I had that had a weird salty taste. I was like, I don't like this. But it also had other minerals.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So I was like, okay, whatever. That just sounds like it's not good. Yeah, it says it has a pH so when we looked this up on the internet, it said it had a 7.5 pH, but on the bottle it says a pH of 7.5 or higher. Oh. That's a weird statement. Or higher.
Starting point is 00:14:59 That could mean anything. Yeah. It might just be a legal thing to cover them like, mis- miss yeah whatever by a couple but you know why couldn't you say it's it's lower like like that's a pH around 7.5 yeah they can say around like oh okay what if it's lower yeah yeah I don't it's weird they don't get into trouble if it's lower but I feel like you would because then're lying. What's messing me up is this water's making me more thirsty. Like, I keep wanting to drink it, which is not probably good. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:34 But maybe that is good. Maybe it's like, drink your water, dummy. Like, I don't know. It's a very strange vibe. Maybe you're dehydrated. Maybe, but every day I wake up now, I have, you know, I get like those big old bottles of water. And I have half a bottle of that day I wake up now, I get those big old bottles of water, and I have half a bottle of that when I wake up. I down water the minute I get up.
Starting point is 00:15:51 So that's how I start my day. I'm like, gotta get my water in, bro. Before I even hit the shower, I'm like, water. You gotta hydrate. I mean, when you sleep, you get dehydrated. Yeah. I drank. Plus, ever since I found out that the way your body works, if the first thing you have is coffee, it messes you up. I'm like, nah, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:13 You got to get that water in. Then you can hit your coffee. No wonder I messed up. Yeah, you're supposed to do water and then nothing for an hour and then hit the coffee and breakfast stuff. I see. I do that sometimes, but not intentionally. Well, I've been on that kick, and it's great. It sets me right for the morning.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I'm like, let's go. Maybe I'll try that. I'll try that for a week and report back. You should. But definitely, by the time you get your coffee you don't feel tired That makes any sense Yeah You don't feel like oh my whole day
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's I guess because the feeling of that tiredness is also just your body being like I could use some water though So I see Okay yeah I'll tell you Look at this shot Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:01 Oh you know what I've been drinking Speaking of drinking things Oh boy yeah so every time i i would try uh like those protein powders my stomach would always get shredded and i would just be like but sure now i found one that actually is good and i think it's because it's like super pasteurized. Are we about to start scamming people? Is this like, you got to get your extra hydrogenated water with protein powder?
Starting point is 00:17:31 No, this is Fairlife core power. Isn't Fairlife the off-brand like Whole Foods? Oh, it might be. It's like you can find this everywhere. I mean, I don't know. I have no clue. You can find these everywhere. Oh, no, no, no's like you can find this everywhere. I mean, I don't know. I have no clue. You can find these everywhere. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Fairlife actually, screw me. Fairlife is the milk that I get at the grocery store. Oh, yeah. Well. Yeah, it comes in the, I literally went to their website and I was like, oh, this is literally the milk in my fridge right now. Crandor. No, I'm so old.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Oh, God damn. This man man is old he needs his milk um so yeah i have fair life core power it's got 26 grams of protein i typically eat enough to where i'm like i think i'm getting enough protein but this is like this makes sure i get my protein and it's just it doesn't hurt my stomach it's like they say it's like super pasteurized or whatever so it's like very limited and lactate like a lot of the stuff gets filtered out but they don't filter out a lot of the minerals and the protein and so i'm like right yes and so everybody everywhere is like dude this shit's amazing like everywhere you look there's like it's so good uh i drink the strawberry banana because one it's the easier one to find because
Starting point is 00:18:47 i think people like it less than chocolate vanilla and uh it's just it's usually a little cheaper sometimes if you buy it online so i must been drinking those they're great every day i uh i'll have one before i work out or i drink half before and then half after and then i saw some lady defending it because there's some tiktok guy was like, you don't want your milk ultra filter and you want it raw. And then she was like, what? Which, by the way, raw milk causes like E. coli, tuberculosis, like a whole bunch of shit. I've been drinking normal milk my entire life. So to get the lactose, I don't like know the difference. And it's never been a concern of mine. So people who are there who are lactose intolerant, like I don't know what's happening to my body.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Various, you know, between drinking the two. But I will say it's it it it does what it does. I'm a big fan of it. It tastes great. And it isn't like it doesn't feel like it's bogging you down. You know, like milky milk can sometimes be a little, and you're like, I should have drank that. It's not too bad. Yeah, I love that.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I love it being super pasteurized or whatever. My digestion's fine. I get my protein, and I'm like, sick. That's all I wanted. Sure. So I've been drinking those, and they're great. But. So I'm looking at it right now.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Apparently they have protein shakes in the form of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry banana like you said. And they also have elite vanilla and elite chocolate and elite strawberry, and I guess that's 42 grams of protein. Yeah, that's the elite version. I don't know if that tastes good. I don't know either. It tastes like a piece of chicken you're eating, like a blended piece of chicken.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's what they do. They blend it in. Sure. I have not tried those for that reason. I'm like, I don't know how this is going to taste. I don't know if it's going to settle well. I'm like, you know what? All I need is my core power because I still get enough.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I eat a lot of protein. I eat, like, chicken twice a day. That's a lot of chicken and some other stuff. I'm pretty fine on the protein, but I'm selling for my 26-gram core power. Maybe if I'm going crazy, I'll try a 42 and see. Maybe. Depends on how I'm feeling. We need a 42 feedback because I have to imagine that, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:04 there's 20 some grams. Sure, fine. They put protein in everything. Right. But like 42 grams of protein. How much protein in a chicken breast? 43 grams. Yeah, so it's literally
Starting point is 00:21:22 a chicken breast. You just eat a chicken breast. Crazy. Yeah, so it's literally a chicken breast. You just eat a chicken breast. Mm-hmm. Crazy. That's so much. That's so much protein. Yeah. I mean, I guess if you're, like, super bodybuilding, you probably need a higher dose.
Starting point is 00:21:37 But if you're just doing, like, normal exercise, you just need the standard one. Sure, sure, sure. Yeah, so I know. It's just crazy to me. It seems like a lot. Yeah. I mean, you need a... I think I said... I think it was one gram of protein per pound of body weight.
Starting point is 00:21:54 That's what I read one time. I don't know if it's true or not. Now, is that to maintain muscle? Or is that... What is the vibe there? Or is that to gain muscle? That's if you're lifting. Right. So, yeah. So, like me, i'm a small child so i only need like 130 grams me i'm a little small baby boy yeah dude but i tell you everyone's always like you're skinny i'm like dude you don't even know how i used to be i used to be uh in high school i weighed 115 and then when i got my gallbladder out, I weighed 113.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Now I'm 130. And it's more muscle than anything. I like the insinuation that your gallbladder was just like two pounds you could do less with. You don't even need that thing. It was so heavy. I mean, yeah, the gallbladder part was just I couldn't eat anything because it hurt. And so that makes you lose weight, especially when you already have to eat a lot to just maintain your weight.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So these drinks that you drink, they have to be chilled, right? Do they come chilled? No, they don't. Once you open it, it does. Okay, I think that's weird. Like a milk-based product, they're like, no, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Don't question it.
Starting point is 00:23:05 However, I do like them chilled. It's weird to drink it warm, so I always put them in the refrigerator. I mean, agreed. It's just I'm always a little – but then again, in the States, we put all sorts of stuff in the fridge that if you go overseas, they most certainly do not. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff like that. Like when I see eggs just sitting out, I'm like, hold up. You're not going to put those in the fridge? Like, no. like no why would you do that i'm like that's a fantastic question why do you do that in the states like what we have a whole section of the fridge just for eggs eggs in fridge
Starting point is 00:23:35 then you know what that's why the internet's here actually uh it says yes you should refrigerate them to control bacteria and keep them fresh. Also, that's a I don't know if I do. OK, now I got a I got a question already. Yeah, I hate this stupid Google AI thing. All right, because half the time I don't even know if it's correct. Interesting. OK, so we do it to prevent, and we do it because after the process. But outside the US, most countries leave a protective cuticle intact, and they employ other methods of warding against salmonella, like vaccinating hens and packing and selling eggs near where they were laid, which is not something we do.
Starting point is 00:24:22 We ship stuff across the country. Yep, yep. That makes sense. Interesting. I mean, I guess it's the difference, like when you go to a farmer's market, they're just outside. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You know what I mean? Yeah, that does make sense. That's actually interesting. It's all in the preparation. Right. Yeah, before our eggs go to the supermarket shelves, they're pasteurized in the shell. They take a dip, warm water bath,
Starting point is 00:24:45 and that doesn't cook the egg, but does kill the bacteria. They do the same in Japan, Australia, and Scandinavian countries. But, because we do that, the protective shells around the eggs are removed. Oh, I didn't even know they had that. And that lets more vulnerable stuff
Starting point is 00:25:01 like bacteria, salmonella and stuff, get in there. But in other places, they do not. All right. Well, now we know. Yeah, now we know. Look at that. You didn't think you were going to learn something on this show.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I sure didn't. I was saying, the AI. Have you used this Google AI thing that keeps popping up whenever you do a Google search? No. What? Do, no? What? Do you not have it? No? Wait, what do you mean? What do you mean Google AI? Where? What? Whenever I search in Google now, apparently a bunch of people have this, Google has a thing that pops up as the top result.
Starting point is 00:25:39 So if I search like, What is an egg? Right? Wait, that didn't work. Hold on, if I just lot of his search I just literally did it why are eggs refrigerator there we go yeah and then it says AI overviews are experimental and then it shows like an AI paragraph with like a bunch of sources it pulled from I do not see I've typed in so many
Starting point is 00:26:02 searches just now I got nothing no AI It does say it's experimental. It's maybe only some people have it But maybe it is I guess I did it and I was like How do I get rid of this thing and then it was just a bunch of people being like how do I get rid of this? And I was like, yeah, I don't uh It just gets in the way. I even I was, I was searching for my pointless top 10 videos, and I typed in, uh, something, and it literally pulled from one of my videos. And it said, source, pointless top 10 NPCs you forgot about in World of Warcraft. One YouTube video lists Jerk and Joe, which, by the way, it's Jerk and Joe, not Jerk and Joe.
Starting point is 00:26:42 A murloc in the D sewers, and Skidmark, a guy who sells sausages, as pointless characters in WoW. Jerk and Joe says, get your warm beer and cold sausages, ask for Skidmark, and tell him Joe sent you. And I was like, AI, what the shit are you talking about? It just told me, it tried to summarize one of my video things, but instead it just messed it all up and it just told me like nothing.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So I was like, what the hell is this? That sounds exactly correct. And most AI circumstances, I literally went to the Google AI, whatever it is right now, to see if I could get it to do something goofy like that for us, for this show. Right. I'm going to let you know, this is what it said. whatever it is right now to see if I could get it to do something goofy like that for us for this show. Right. I'm going to let you know this is what it said. I said, what is Cox and Crandor?
Starting point is 00:27:36 And it said, Cox and Crandor is a comedy podcast hosted by YouTubers Jesse Cox and Eric Crandor. It is known for its humorous and often absurd takes on everyday topics such as, oh, self-described as high-quality non-content. They have a presence across a few platforms. podcast is available also a youtube and i said okay but who is your favorite cox and crendor host and it responded as a large language model i cannot form personal preferences like who is my favorite host both jesse and crendor bring their own unique humor to the show here is a quick breakdown to help you decide who might be your favorite. And then it lists so much shit about us. That's so
Starting point is 00:28:10 scary. It lists so much information. What the shit? That is unfortunate. I do not like that at all. That is terrifying. It pulled shit from out of even nowhere. That is free Wow
Starting point is 00:28:27 Although it did get this wrong it did get this wrong I'm not sure if this is correct the thing it says about you is it says you often play the straight man to Jesse's wacky antics True yeah, I'd say I'm more of like a I don't know if that's true. Yeah, I'd say I'm more of like some sort of crazy compass that steers things in a direction. But I'm not making things normal here. Yeah, I feel like we're two asylum patients that just escaped from different wings of the asylum. Like, we're equally crazy. We just did crazy in our own special ways.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah. I don't know what the hell. All right. Yeah. That's unfortunate. It lists. It literally does. Here's a breakdown.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And then it tells you everything you would ever want to know about me. And then everything you would ever want to know about you. But I hate that it calls me a loud personality. I hate this. I don't want to know that I'm a loud personality. You are one loud personality. So loud, dude. That's my defining factor.
Starting point is 00:29:32 My characteristic is I'm just very loud. If you're going to make a D&D character, I do not have sneak. My sneak is so low. Somebody asked, like, what do you think about Jesse Cox? Like, very loud. Very loud. And he uses that as a positive, is weird he's so loud um yeah that's yeah i hate that i uh that's not cool um yeah i hate that uh what else was i gonna talk about oh my god
Starting point is 00:30:02 okay speaking of crazy loud stuff. All right, good segue. When I was getting my... It's nice out, so I walked and got coffee. And on my way to get coffee, there was a man blasting his phone. And I was like, okay, whatever. So I got the coffee, and I was walking back, and I was like, I wonder what he's blasting.
Starting point is 00:30:23 So I was listening as I walked by because it was loud enough. You could hear this from a while. And it was like energy fields, ancestors, planes of existence. I was like, holy shit. That was and I looked and it was a man wearing a bandana, smoking a cigarette that was listening. That guy's three8 or 2008 dude that guy is amazing he was doing that
Starting point is 00:30:52 he was just like and it was just blasting it was like the ancestors but it was like that deep AI voice or shit it's like they formed planes of existence the energy fields of the earth and I was like I don't know what that guy is doing, but he is doing something I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:31:09 There was a girl I saw this week who had kind of the same vibe, except she was just like out in public and she kept saying to herself, more passion, more energy, more passion, more energy. And I was like, what the hell is happening right now? I feel like it's an internet meme. I feel like I've heard that before. Same here. Same here.
Starting point is 00:31:30 But I just don't think I've ever seen it in public. I've seen someone do a little shuffle as they walk down the street. Like, more passion. More energy. I was like, oh, okay. They might be in the same plane of existence. That guy. Same energy field field You're making
Starting point is 00:31:49 This week dude I feel like that guy Was driving the car I saw this week I saw a Humvee, my first Humvee in like Seven years I thought they stopped making Humvee, this one was brand new And it was Like the biggest car on the
Starting point is 00:32:06 road by far. Huge, all black, and on the back the license plate said Hunt for U2. Now, there's a few ways you can take that. I don't know how to take it. I don't know what that means. They could be... I'm worried.
Starting point is 00:32:23 They could be hunting for us like they are hunting for us. So like, oh, thankful they're doing the hunt, but I don't know what they're hunting for. But they might be like, yeah, you know, they could also be hunting for the band U2. Which I mean, again, it's not you're not wrong, but it was H-U-N-T, the number four, you, and then the number two. So it could be you two. Yeah, they could be hunting for you two, in which case. But why would they do that in the Humvee? I don't know that Bono would be down like,
Starting point is 00:32:56 I'm not down with the Humvees. That doesn't sound like Bono at all. It doesn't matter. I don't care. That's really the only explanation. It's just those two. I just have never seen, in la i haven't seen a humvee in in almost a decade it was crazy i was like this is this is actually kind of weird i think that energy field plane of existence guy might be right because i'm saying it might be that guy i wrote down car sizes to talk about this week because I was like there's too many big cars.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh my god. Facts. Facts. You do not need that big of a car. Like the Escalades and shit that are like you could fit a family of 20 in there. Like my god. You don't need that. It takes like how much gas are you putting in there?
Starting point is 00:33:44 It's like taking up the road. It's like, it's bigger than a military vehicle. What is it? The worst part is, you know, you and many other people I know love going to Trader Joe's. And at Trader Joe's, I would love to go experience the Trader Joe's lifestyle. But there are so many SUVs and big Jeeps, and I'll park there, but the parking spaces are so small, they take up like two spots.
Starting point is 00:34:12 It's absolutely insane. I'm like, nah, I'm not getting my car dent. I don't even want to be here today. It's like, no, no. It's absolutely madness, especially in L.A. Why do you need a big car? There's so many pickup trucks. I'm like, why are there pickup trucks in L.A. Why do you need a big car? There's so many pickup trucks. I'm like, why are there pickup trucks in L.A.?
Starting point is 00:34:27 You're not hauling anything. Yeah, and you can usually tell if it's like somebody that's like actually hauling stuff or working or somebody's just like, I want a big truck. Yeah, because the trucks that are hauling stuff are the little tiny normal ass pickup trucks from like 25 years ago that look like they're from 25 years ago because those are dudes actually using cars. They're like, well, I don't care if it gets busted up because it's for work. Like that makes sense. Those, if you look at trucks from like 30 years ago versus trucks now, it's madness.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah, it's, it is great. They're the ones, big trucks, the ones that got the headlights I hate. Madness. I hate it. I don't understand it. Although, with that said, I may be obsessed with a pickup truck now. I've never wanted a pickup truck before, but I absolutely want one now. If you Google, what would it be?
Starting point is 00:35:20 Ford electric pickup truck. F1 Illuminator is what it's called. It's the all-electric F1 Illuminator. It's a concept car by Ford. And it looks like, I'll send you the link. It looks like a truck from like 1970 on the outside. But the inside is all future stuff. And I love this car.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I actually would get this truck if it became real. It looks so neat. I'm like, yo, this looks like an old – I mean, it has the same size as probably a normal car these days. But I'm like, yo, i love the idea of like an old school ford but it's just also an electric vehicle i'm like that actually is pretty cool right yeah i'm down for that it doesn't seem like a giant asshole truck i'm like yo this is awesome yeah by the way by the way for the record if you're just out there living your life and you live in the middle of the country and you need a giant pickup truck bless your sweet soul i'm talking about mfers in giant cities yeah
Starting point is 00:36:27 who have no need for a pickup truck and they buy the biggest one humanly possible and then like drive it like they are in the country it's like bro first off you're not second off you're on your way to a business meeting and a giant skyscraper stop playing stop cosplaying like i'm an average joe no you're not stop it yeah no it is it is definitely a thing i i noticed that as well because it's just like there's there's people yeah you live in the country you might just be like hey you know what i gotta put a bunch of shit in back of my truck haul it over to jim bob's house and he's like and you're like all right you know it's like practically you're using it for that's needed. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. But like out here, like you're in a city, it's just like, what are you doing? Like, I don't know. Unless it is a work truck or something like I don't understand. But it's never a work truck. It's always a simulated cool dude truck. Right. Because if it was a work truck, much like all the dudes,
Starting point is 00:37:25 like, I live in LA. There's about, I'm going to say, 8 million Mexican dudes driving little tiny trucks filled with shit in the back because they're going to do
Starting point is 00:37:33 whatever work they're doing. Do what you do, boo. Like, that I get. Because the trucks look messed up because they're doing messed up work. It's covered in cement and it's got weird stains.
Starting point is 00:37:42 It's like, yeah, because you're working. Dudes in like giant, huge F-150s that are pristine. That's a showpiece. That's not for work. Yeah. No, there's definitely people with bikes like, it's tough like me and I'm cool. It's cool like me.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Drugs. It's like, no, no. You're not cool. You're not. You're basically Humvee guy with Hunt for U2 on the back. And I do not like it. I found a graphic of data about the worst drivers in the U.S. And it's the brands with the worst drivers in the U.S.,
Starting point is 00:38:18 which includes accidents, DUI, speeding, and citations. All right? I don't want to say a brand and make a guess, but I will say most of these have to do with Uber drivers. I feel like every time I'm almost killed, it's because someone's looking at their phone trying to, like, pick up a ride. I'm like, oh, my God, just look at the road. They do not drive very well as of late i've noticed as well plus they're
Starting point is 00:38:45 like a lot of them they're like driving with like uber lyft they're doing everything so it's like they're driving over time they got like four phones in the car with like a different thing on each one yes it's insane i'm like bro just part pull over pick a ride don't do it while you're driving down the road you almost hit like four of us yeah no i've seen it they do that or they uh they'll like stop in the middle of the road, just turn their blinkers on. It's like, I don't think you can do that. Or worse, they'll stop, slow down,
Starting point is 00:39:12 and then make a U-turn just in the middle of the road. Like, I got to pick up this ride. It's like, this is so unsafe. Yeah, I've seen people, they're just like, my Uber driver just got out and like left to go to the bathroom or like the yell at somebody. I'm like, what? So number one worst driver is the Dodge Ram.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I think that's the Dodge Ram, right? It's the Ram at 33 driving incidents per thousand. Next up. Interesting. I wonder where those take place because again, this is a big truck. At 33 driving incidents per thousand. Interesting. I wonder where those take place. Because, again, this is a big truck. So I'm curious if that takes place in the countryside or if it takes place in the city. So, again, this is including accidents, DUIs, speeding, and citations.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Again, this could be people getting accidents in the city because the car is too big. Or it could be people in the countryside had a little too much to drink. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. Yeah. Teslas are number two. Not surprising. Yo, I believe that shit. I have seen so many terrible Tesla drivers.
Starting point is 00:40:17 When I said at the start I didn't want to call out a company, what I was referring to was Teslas. I am convinced some of the worst drivers on the road are didn't tesla's and i don't i didn't want to be like that guy who was like oh you want a tesla listener at home you suck but i'm convinced yeah all right yes no okay we're i feel justified i used to it used to not be as bad and in the last i want to say year or two i've seen some just terrible tesla drivers i don't know if it's just because more people have access to them or if it was i don't know what it is but i've seen just they're so bad there is a tesla up the street that uh i don't know how it happened i don't know what the vibe is there but the whole front end is
Starting point is 00:41:00 ripped off and on the back is a temporary brand new license plate. They wrecked it within the first month or so. And it's been sitting on the edge of the street the entire time. I guess someone there owns the car and is like, I don't know, can you get it repaired? Do you take it to be repaired? Knowing the way Tesla operates, they're probably like, it's a five-month waiting period in order to get your car in to get repaired. It's been there for weeks in the back it still has that flappy paper temporary license it's really embarrassing yeah that is that's a classic um then we have subarus subarus yep subarus i never you know what i'll be. I don't think about Subaru, even as a company.
Starting point is 00:41:46 It's not something that's on my radar, so that's interesting. Yeah, I don't really think about Subarus either. What is the most popular Subaru right now? Although I think I've seen a lot of the Subarus where they got the thing on the back of the car, the thing that they're like a race car driver. So maybe they're zooming around, you know? I've seen some Subarus like that. I don't.
Starting point is 00:42:08 The Subaru Impreza, the Subaru Legacy, I don't recognize any of these. The Outback, I've seen a few Outbacks, but that's when I lived in like, yeah, I don't. I guess maybe LA isn't like Subaru land. It's weird. I have never, I haven't seen any Subarus. Subaru land. It's weird. I have never I haven't seen any
Starting point is 00:42:23 Subarus. Then we've got Volkswagen and Mazda tied at 28. Mazda makes sense because a lot of Mazda cars people soup up to like zip around town. That makes sense. Then we've got a three-way tie between
Starting point is 00:42:40 BMW, Lexus, and Infiniti. That's hilarious and the fact that it's a three-way tie makes it even more funny. Because most of them are sold right next to each other. So that's pretty good. And then there's a bunch in the middle. But the safest ones, apparently, are Mercury, Pontiac, Saturn, and Cadillac. I just want to point out for the record The reason why those are the safest
Starting point is 00:43:06 Repeat what you just said When you think of drivers of this car Everyone listening at home Imagine what you see in your mind Mercury, Pontiac, Saturn, Cadillac I'm convinced half these cars Aren't on the road most of the time Because the people are like
Starting point is 00:43:22 I don't know I don't want to drive after dark my eyes hurt yeah and then one above that's buick and lincoln so it really does same yeah same vibe all together also a lot of the younger people that have a caddy or have like a lincoln they take care of those cars because that's like that's like their pimp mobile. So, you know. They crash and are getting in trouble with those. Yeah, hell no. They're going 20 down every street like, hey, mama, what's going on, baby?
Starting point is 00:43:55 Hell yeah. Look, if I had the audacity to be that cool, I'd have like a Lincoln. Oh, my God. I'd have the nicest seats, but they'd all be covered in leopard print. I'd have dice in the rear view mirror and I'd drive down the road real slow. On the side of my car, I'd have a wizard painted on it. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I also noticed, it says down here, that Tesla had the highest accident rate, which was also followed by the driving assistance software may lead to increased risk of collision. Gotta love that. That sounds correct.
Starting point is 00:44:34 While BMW drivers, the six worst overall, had the highest DUI rate. That also sounds correct. Yeah, I think everyone can agree That also sounds correct. Yeah. Yeah, I think everyone can agree. BMW has the vibe of the people driving that car. Same with Audi. It has the vibe of like, we're above caring about the laws of man.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Like, that's definitely the vibe. Yeah. I'll drink and drive. What's going to happen? What are they going to do? Catch me? I'll just pay the ticket. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. That checks out. Yeah. Yeah. That checks out. Yep. Completely. But what other crazy stories did you have? I'm on like a weird kick where every so often, every few months, I'll go to the grocery store near me and just go to the deli and get them to make me sandwiches. And I'll do it for like two weeks. I'll show up every day like, yo, can I get a sandwich?
Starting point is 00:45:26 And it's always simple. I get a Sausalito turkey, which is just like a spicy turkey with monster cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, simple. Just simple sandwich. I get it on a roll, like fresh baked roll they have at the grocery store. That thing is like $4. It's a steal. It's a lunchtime steal.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I get like a little bag of chips from the deli area and then a soda or something. But today I got the Gatorade water. Love it. Love the Gatorade water. Of course. Because I'm on my water kick, so I had to get a water. And so while I was there,
Starting point is 00:45:59 I'm sitting at the deli, and I'm waiting for this lady to make my sandwich. And this woman, when I say the word frumpy, whatever comes to your mind, that's this woman. This frumpy older lady comes walking up to the deli with three balloons. And all three balloons have like calligraphy writing on it that says like best grandma or number one grandma or I love my grandma. That's on the balloon. And she's the grandma, I think. So I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:29 did she buy those for herself? What's going on? She walks up to this woman who is clearly taking care of someone else. It's a deli at a grocery store. There's a bunch of people around. She walks up, passes everyone, and goes,
Starting point is 00:46:40 can I have a sample of pepper, bacon, turkey? And the woman looks at her and goes, I'm helping other people right now. She goes, you don't have to yell at me. And she, like, walks away. I was like, interesting. That was weird. Okay, must be one of those people, I guess. Get my sandwich.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Get my Gatorade water. Walk out to the car. As I get in my car and I start driving away, I see this woman with the three balloons out in the parking lot. She's walking to, you've been here, to this grocery store where there's like the grocery store and then this whole other shopping center. She is clearly parked somewhere else in the other shopping center where she's like kind of walking over there. Meanwhile, she's got this young boy who works at the grocery store. In his hands are three pallets of water. She's making this poor young kid carry three giant, in each pallet is like 24 bottles of water,
Starting point is 00:47:35 carrying these giant pallets of water somewhere across the shopping center to her car, and she's like scolding him for not keeping up she's like come on come on we're holding up traffic come on and i was like this you know some people are just intolerable to be around i'm like god bless this woman's family i like they must be the most patient saints on planet earth i was like holy crap so yeah i saw her that was a treat and again whatever image of frumpy you have in your mind it is accurate she fit all the definitions it was wild she had to be like oh my family's not gonna buy me balloons so i'll buy my own she like i don't know how to describe her Her hair situation was
Starting point is 00:48:25 Three separate Disproportionate buns Like not buns Like she tried to make them Like she just put her hair up but in three separate places It was madness dude I was like this Oh boy drugs must be involved
Starting point is 00:48:40 I don't know but she was just like Going down the street in the middle I had to wait for her to get through. But because she doesn't want to take any blame for it, for holding up everything, she's yelling at this poor boy. And I was just like, hang in there, son. Hang in there. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Oh, dude. Okay. And then I wrote this story down and I did speech to text, so I'll be honest. I'm not sure if everything on here is going to make sense to me as I read it back. But I went to my favorite taco place this past week. You know, the one that I love to go to that's like cheapo tacos. Right after work.
Starting point is 00:49:18 It's like 5, 5.30, something like that. And in front of me is a dude holding a 40 ounce beer in a paper bag drinking it while dancing to music and he's waiting to order and he's like just like doing this weird shuffle dance but as he gets to the counter the woman goes what music are you listening to and he's like i'm listening to music that you got playing here the music in the background was like stereotypical like very loud horn like like playing here. The music in the background was, like, stereotypical, like, very loud horn. Like, ba-ba-da-ba-ba-da-ba-ba-ba-ba. Like, that's what's playing in the background.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yep. And she's like, oh, you like this? And then he goes, yeah! And he starts shaking. Like, offensively shaking. Like, trying to do, like, some, like, booty shaking. Like, dude, I don't know. It was very weird.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And the woman behind the counter, bless her heart. She's sitting there smiling and she's, she's like, Oh, that's very good. You're very good at dancing. Clearly just being like,
Starting point is 00:50:13 please order something. Yeah. And he then decides to dance even harder. Cause she said he was good. So he starts dancing even harder. And he's like doing like a little like chicken dance thing. And he's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:23 kind of grinding on the counter and he's drinking his beer and he starts doing like a you know shorty got low low and then he just falls over what he falls over on the ground and you know he's trying to get back up and one of the cooks comes out and helps him because i was like i'm not helping this guy up screw this i'm gonna write this all down so he managed to get himself back up on the counter and he's like i'm picking up an order she goes oh okay what's what's the name under he gives his name i didn't hear what it was she hands him a bag of food he grabs the bag and the music starts playing really loud again and he starts getting down again and he's like so into it that he drops his food and the lid pops open and like lettuce goes everywhere.
Starting point is 00:51:06 And he goes, oh, man, my food. And this poor girl's like, you know, we can get you a new lid if you want. He's like, no, no, it's fine. Anyway, thanks, cutie. I'll see you later. And he like sort of gets up and stumbles out. This is when I first – because I've only seen the back of him, right stumbles out This is when I first Cause I've only seen The back of him right
Starting point is 00:51:27 Right This is when I first Got a good look at him He looked Exactly like Tom Petty Like Exactly like Tom Petty It blew my mind
Starting point is 00:51:40 I was like Yo I just saw Drunk Tom Petty Mind you Rest in peace Tom Petty But he clearly must have Some sort of doppelganger who is living his best life because that was crazy. And I was like, wow. The woman behind the counter was like, he's in here every day.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I was like, whoa. That's another day. I mean, if you've got a customer that's in there every day, I guess drink it up, buddy. Come on back. I don't care. Maybe it is Tom Petty on a different plane of existence. Maybe it's Tom Petty's biggest fan. Or Phil Petty.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Could be Phil Petty. Yeah, Pete Petty. It has to be a pee-pee. It's got to be one of the pee-pees. Or maybe it's just the guy that doesn't even know. He definitely was just a pee-pee. It's got to be one of the pee-pees. Or maybe it's just the guy. It doesn't even know. He definitely was just the guy in LA. Because I can safely say every time I've been to this taco place,
Starting point is 00:52:34 there's been at least one insane drunk person who's just like, I got to have tacos. I need tacos. And they are just happy to provide tacos. Except for that one guy where he was like, they got the best burgers in the city. He's like, no, they do not serve hamburgers here, sir. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:51 The hamburgers. Yeah. Wowee. That's a trip. A lot of great stories happened this week. Besides me stressing about getting work stuff done, it was a good week for wacky stories. Um, well,
Starting point is 00:53:09 you know, what else is wacky? The fact that we have no ads for you this week, come to Cox and Crandor live. We'd love to see you. Except you should go to Cox and Crandor live. Link in the description. Uh,
Starting point is 00:53:23 or any of the things we told you to do previously. Yeah. Two of those things that I've already forgotten. Now let's go to Oh boy. Oh man. Traffic. Let me tell you it's getting crazy. The cars are getting bigger. The drivers are getting worse and they're everywhere. Watch out wherever you are. Even if you're
Starting point is 00:53:37 on a boat or in a plane, it's probably just as bad. The planes are falling apart. There's like solar flares and shit happening. Watch out for those. And then the waters. I don't know. Just watch out for the water. The planes are falling apart. There's like solar flares and shit happening. Watch out for those. And then the waters. I don't know. Just watch out for the water. There's stuff out there.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Back to you. Did you see the Aurora Borealis? Speaking of solar flares. I wanted to see it. It was cloudy, though. Ah, damn. All day today, everyone on social media is like, look at my photo of the Aurora Borealis. I'm like, yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I wish I could have seen that. But, oh, well. I tried. Somebody, one of my friends posted it. He was only like 10, 15 minutes away from me. I was like, what? How did you see it? Stupid clouds.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Yeah, stupid clouds. I saw a great, I think it was a TikTok. It might have been on Instagram. It's whatever. This couple went to Japan. They went to Mount Fuji. And there was like a perfect wall of clouds directly covering their view of Mount Fuji. But to the right and left, it was completely clear skies.
Starting point is 00:54:35 They're like, we came 12,000 miles for this. It was so funny. I was like, damn, dude, I've been there. That sucks. At least they can still like explore Japan or something. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you're in Japan. I'm sure there's plenty dude, I've been there. That sucks. At least they can still explore Japan or something. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you're in Japan. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff to do.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Yeah. Wait, is it Mount Fiji or Fuji? I'm thinking of Fiji. Fiji's the water. Fiji's the water. That's what I'm thinking. That's a lie. Fiji's a place.
Starting point is 00:55:01 The water is from. I feel like that's really bad of us to be like, Fiji's the place the water is from I feel like that's really It was really bad of us to be like Fiji's a water Yeah Okay I thought I was just making sure I was like Fuji Wait is that Okay I got it
Starting point is 00:55:15 That's the traffic Okay let's go To weather Weather Weather time So we have a lot of weather requests this week so i did my classic uh control f and type in weather and then enter until we land on one uh however i landed on jam glass man who put weather in his thing like eight times to try and game the system you're not
Starting point is 00:55:40 gaming the system i'm skipping over you just did you just did yeah you really just did well you gotta mention but I'm not picking your weather all right oh damn so I got a next one the next one I got was Calabash North Carolina which sounds like a warlock name or something uh Calabath Calabash like a big bash and in Calabash it is 69 degrees nice fahrenheit uh currently feels like 69 degrees uh humidity 54 percent pressure 29.83 visibility 10 miles 6 15 a.m sunrise 805 p.m sunset winds 8 miles an hour dew point 51 uv index 2 of 11 with a waxing crescent. Moon phase, 10-day. Tonight, 59 with some clouds. Sunday, 80 and sunny. Monday, 79, mostly cloudy.
Starting point is 00:56:36 73 with rain on Tuesday. 81 with thunderstorms on Wednesday. Thursday, 82, mostly sunny. Friday, 79, PM showers. Saturday, 82, scattered thunderstorms. And Sunday, 82, mostly sunny. Friday, 79, PM showers. Saturday, 82, scattered thunderstorms. And Sunday, 83, partly cloudy. Based on Calabash, I'm assuming those of you in Calabash, your entire life is based around hurricanes.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You're right near Myrtle Beach, looking where you're at. There's water all around you. I'm just thinking this probably is like your houses are built to quickly come up and go down. Oh, yeah. I'm more obsessed with the fact that when you look up Calabash, North Carolina, when it says explore Calabash, it just lists the tides at Calabash apartments. That's what it says. Like, that's the place to look if you're going to go. There's golfing I'm looking at.
Starting point is 00:57:27 A lot of golf courses. Oh, yeah. Beaches, all sorts of stuff. But it says the place to visit is the Tides at Calabash Apartments. I don't know how they managed to swing that, but the Tides paid for that ad placement. Classic Tides. It is also the seafood capital of the world. Wow, really?
Starting point is 00:57:48 Because the town's seafood restaurants. Here's the thing. From far away, I only see two restaurants. One is the Oyster Rock Waterford, and the other is Houses, Patio, Bar, and Grill. I guess we got to, like, get in there and dig, but that's a bold claim. I have a thing. So south of Calabash, I don't know if it's still Calabash or not. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I mean, south of Calabash I think is Myrtle Beach, right? Oh, it might be actually. But I mean like directly south. There's like a big inlet of water. It looks like a big tree made out of water. And there's the Kindred Spirits mailbox, and it is a mailbox on the beach. And it has five stars from 36 reviews,
Starting point is 00:58:33 and it's just a mailbox on the beach. I don't know what it is, aside from being a mailbox. I'm looking at it, too. There's actually mail in it. People are putting mail in it. People write Kindred Spirits. I don't know. They're leaving mail in it. People are putting mail in it. People write kindred spirits. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:47 They're leaving poetry in it? Yeah, I don't. We got to research. This is more important than any food. Now, what is this thing? This is how they get us to not question it's the seafood capital of the world. We're just like, you know what? Who cares?
Starting point is 00:59:02 It's all about the mailbox. It says secrets of the kindred spirit mailbox. What is this? On a secluded beach far from the nearest public access point nestled between sand dunes is an unlikely site a mailbox with a bench next to it. The bench is where you sit
Starting point is 00:59:17 and pen your most innermost thoughts in one of the journals provided in the mailbox. The mailbox is where you place the journal when you're done. More than just a receptacle for pieces of paper, the Kindred Spirit mailbox on Bird Island holds the wishes, thoughts, prayers, and dreams of those who walk 30 minutes into this area, I guess, to bare their soul and share stuff with people.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And then they just put it in there for nearly 40 years? What? The origins remained a mystery. Then in 2010, Frank nesmith of sunset beach came forward to provide some answers frank nesmith and his former lady friend claudia sailor erected the mailbox on bird island having moved it from there where they originally placed it and the eastern end of sunset beach when it was moved to bird island the island was separated from sunset beach by an inlet so people had to like walk there
Starting point is 01:00:06 And get to it And then people have been going there ever since Huh But what happens when they fill up the book Does like some guy come over and replace it From the look of it There's several books in there Maybe also people bring books
Starting point is 01:00:21 Themselves and put it in Yeah but what happens when it fills up Dude I don't, these are questions I have no answer for That's what I'm saying, is there like a guy that replaces the books Maybe also people bring books themselves and put it in. Yeah, but what happens when it fills up? Dude, I don't – these are questions I have no answer for. That's what I'm saying. Is there like a guy that replaces the books? I don't know how fast it does fill up because according to this – they said it was a 30-minute walk. Right. And according to this, it is – where is it?
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's 4.5 miles round trip from the pier to this area. Ah, I see. It was a decent walk. And this site says, save some time, rent a bike. So you have to go a bit to get to it. Yeah, I see. Ah, that is crazy. Yeah, also they say you should go when it's low tide because it's harder to get there when it's high tide.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Wait, why is it harder to get to? Is it just like water getting up to it? Some of the pathing I imagine is yeah, because it's like right up on a sand dune. And even in the photos of it, you can see where the high tide mark is. And it would be a lot easier to go doing low tide because it's just much more beach. And there's like a literal
Starting point is 01:01:15 dude biking on the beach. So I imagine a bike version of that. That's fascinating. I love little things like that. Yeah, it is pretty cool. Now, I will say I did want to see the food they got calabash seafood hut captain nance's seafood the oyster rock waterfront seafood the original famous bagel dock the the boundary house and bennett's Grill and Cafe and Beck's Seafood. There's like so much seafood. There's a lot of 4.7s.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Like there's a lot of, I mean, people seem to love it. That's for sure. But like, how do you determine which one? Are they like rivals? They're just like, God damn, Captain Nance is taking over. Oh, 100%. You know there's a rivalry between all these restaurants. For sure.
Starting point is 01:02:05 It's like, oh, yeah, Captain Nance, huh? But forget all that. There's one little area that's seafood, but you go up and you get Gravy Southern Eatery. This must be the place. Oh, yeah, 4.6, 1,200 reviews. Look at this. Hush puppies. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I don't know what this sandwich is, but it's covered in onions and bacon. And if by southern they mean they're going to give you a heart attack, then correct. This is, yo, on one plate of food, this is madness. On one plate of food is southern fried gravy chicken deep fried sandwich on top of rice. And then next to it is a bread pudding. Oh my god, yeah. Like a cookie pudding. Wow, that is...
Starting point is 01:02:53 Further down, there's a photo of a hamburger with cheese and onions on it, potato salad, and then a peach cobbler. There's not a thing that is green on that plate. This is amazing. Oh, my God, yeah. You could just – it is gravy covered, deep fried. Oh, no, there's some green stuff. It's like a – something like a kale salad or something.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Yeah, green beans. I see a plate of green beans. Actually, you know what? Southern green beans, if it's just like – it's like cooked cooked in bacon fat, it's like, oh my god. You know they're doing that. It's delicious. They even have a plate of lima beans, and I'm going to be honest. You know that lima bean is covered in fat, so I'd eat the hell out of that.
Starting point is 01:03:36 No doubt about it. In fact, look at this. They have this decoration there I'll send you. It's a whale, and he's just like, ugh. He looks like he ate too much the best part is the outside of the building it looks like an old log cabin oh yeah it does i love that i'm i'm absolutely here for this i would go there in a hot all these fish places sure i'd go to one or two but like i'd spend all this place down it looks like yeah this place
Starting point is 01:04:01 looks like you would leave full this is definitely a thing where you're just like, which place do I go to? They're like, you go to Gravy's. You got to go to Gravy's. You got to go to Gravy's. There's this one photo of tea, and it says, mmm, sweet. So that's good. I love a good. They have a burger steak available well done only, which is hilarious. They have a loaded a burger steak available well done only,
Starting point is 01:04:25 which is hilarious. They have a loaded cheeseburger steak available well done only. Country style steak and gravy. Here's the thing. Nothing, as far as I can tell, is over $14. Yeah, they're giving you a good deal on everything. You can get a pick three of three of these crazy things for $20. That's pretty good. That's $20. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:04:46 That's a steal. You go to McDonald's these days, and they're like, they'll be $20. Like, hell no. You can just go to Gravy's. Yeah, go to Gravy's. Yeah. And that's the – Outside, there's – God.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Outside, there's pictures of, like, dudes on motorcycles, but, like, also everyone looks like they're over 70. So it's – Well, they've probably been going to Gravy's for, like dudes on motorcycles but like also everyone looks like they're over 70 so it's well they've probably been going to gravies for like 50 years hell yeah brother you know that i go to gravies every week i love gravies dude i do too apparently yeah gotta go to gravies gotta go to gravies that's the weather all right let's go to Gravy's. Got to go to Gravy's. That's the weather. All right, let's go to sports. Sports. We got ourselves sports. Yeah, we do. Currently, a lot of playoff basketball going on.
Starting point is 01:05:37 We got some series. We got the Yeehaw Wowie playoffs. I'm trying to find the bracket thing here okay here it is so currently we got minnesota up 2-1 over the nuggets you got the knicks up 2-1 over the pacers you got the celtics calves tied at one and then the thunders thunder mavericks currently playing right now in a close game and i believe they're also tied at one so a lot of good playoff series happening there over in the NHL you got the Stars Avalanche tied at one the Canucks Oilers tied at one Rangers uh up 3-0 on the Hurricane and then the Panthers up 2-1 on the Bruins so that's a hockey playoffs and then in baseball we got ourselves the Orioles in first, the Guardians
Starting point is 01:06:26 in first, the Rangers in first, the Phillies in first, the Brewers in first, and the Dodgers in first. And that's sports. Shout out to everyone eagerly waiting. The Olympics is two months away. We're almost there, kids. We're almost there.
Starting point is 01:06:42 When's the Olympics start? Is it at the end of July? Right? Like July 26th, something like that. Like either Friday or Saturday. Oh, no. It starts the Friday because they do that, like, walk thing where they waste everyone's time with, like, It's the intro of the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:06:57 You can watch that really sexy dude. Like, that's, yeah. Oh, yeah. The guy that doesn't wear the shirt. Yeah, the dude doesn't wear the shirt. Like, I think he's from one of the island nations i can't remember what yeah he was like a samoan dude like that dude everyone's like you see him again they brought him back out it's like yeah um but that'll be interesting it's gonna be great to put that on the tv and fall asleep to that that is my absolute plan every time they have o Olympics on, that's what I listen to when I go to sleep.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Every night. For the two weeks it happens, I'm like, yeah, this is it, baby. Best background content. Perfect. And then 2028, Los Angeles, California. Can't wait for that, baby. It's going to be great. Can't wait.
Starting point is 01:07:41 So excited. I'm sure the traffic will be even better Than it already is Yep they're trying so hard to get prepared And dude it's just making traffic worse right now But I get a hospital that's being built like Five blocks from me so Shout out to quick medical service
Starting point is 01:07:57 Because they just have to stay there after the Olympics So Very excited Um That's sports all right what is our fact of the day fact of the day this one's kind of crazy i don't even know this uh ants don't have lungs. I'm sorry, what? That's right.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Ants, little tiny ants, they don't have lungs. They instead... How do they breathe? Wait, what? They instead breathe through spiracles, nine or ten tiny openings, depending on the species. Yeah, what? Wait, okay. depending on the species. Yeah, what? Wait, okay. To survive without a diaphragm,
Starting point is 01:08:49 actively pumping air in and out of your lungs, you would need a much smaller body or more than one throat. Ants have both. Depending on the species, ants have nine or ten pairs of openings called spiracles along the sides of their body. Each spiracle is connected to an ever finer branching series of tubes called trachea
Starting point is 01:09:06 and this is similar to our lungs except that insects don't use blood to carry oxygen from the trachea to the rest of the body. Instead, the trachea spread throughout the body and each branch ends in a cul-de-sac with a moist end wall that touches directly against the membrane of a cell.
Starting point is 01:09:22 What the shit? Dude. That's insane. Do we suck? Are we? Do humans suck? Yeah. Well, we got those. That sounds way cooler. Yeah, I was about to say.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Yo, I didn't, I never knew that. I just, I mean, I guess it makes sense. Where the hell would lungs go in an ant? Yeah, I don't know. I truly have never once thought about how ants breathe. I haven't either. Let alone any other bugs. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:52 I wonder how many other... This might be a fact that I actually am proud we talked about. Yeah. Unlike many of the others. Yeah, I wonder how many other things have crazy breathing. If you know any other crazy breathing animals, let us know. Yeah, hit us with your breath facts. Yeah, breath facts.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Hashtag breath facts. That's your fact of the day. All right. What is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. news story of the day. Not a lot of big news happening for some reason, but I did find a Florida man.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Go on. I like a Florida man. Florida basketball coach accused of using player funds for only fans content vacations. What? Yeah. A central Florida basketball coach is in legal trouble after allegations surfaced content vacations. What? Yeah. A central Florida basketball coach is in legal trouble after allegations surfaced that he misappropriated funds from his players for personal use,
Starting point is 01:10:53 including subscriptions to only fans. Additionally, Roderick Wilmot reportedly diverted money intended for his players expenses towards vacations and gambling rather than fulfilling his obligations as their coach. Wilmot. Yeah, I mean, like, first off, get him out of there. But also, how much did he spend on only, like, it seems like a lot to be just. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:17 I don't. I feel like if people are going to embezzle money. You know what? Never mind. This is stupid. I was about to say, I feel like if people are going to embezzle money, they should spend it on other things. But I realize it's the reverse. They're already spending it on other things. And they need the money to keep that habit going.
Starting point is 01:11:31 So they go to crazy lengths to do it. Yeah. Wilmot, who runs Mott Sports Academy, a prominent basketball program in Orlando, faces multiple charges, including schemes to defraud. basketball program in Orlando, faces multiple charges, including schemes to defraud. According to the county sheriff's office, an investigation revealed that Wilmot rented vacation homes for his basketball program without paying
Starting point is 01:11:51 for the players' accommodations, accumulating debts exceeding $19,000. Jeez. Similar incidents occurred at Westgate Resorts, where Wilmot allegedly failed to settle a balance of over $7,000. Investigators disclosed that Wilmont solicited thousands of dollars monthly from parents under the guise of tuition,
Starting point is 01:12:11 depositing substantial amounts into his personal bank account. Financial records indicate these funds were used for personal indulgences rather than benefiting the players. They received a tip, and Wilmont said he was wrongfully detained, but did not explain why. He did not answer questions. Neither the coaching staff, parents,
Starting point is 01:12:35 nor players associated with the program have offered comments, and that's pretty much it. Maybe, maybe Crandor, he just wanted to help those girls. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't know if you watched any, and honestly, I wouldn't blame you, but if you watched any of the recent Scary Game Squad,
Starting point is 01:12:51 our dear friend Alex Fasciani said, and I quote, some people just want to give money to girls on OnlyFans. They're not really trying to watch. And I would like you to know, I am not buying that for a minute. And anytime anyone tries to tell that to me, some people just like to support people. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. That's not how that for a minute. And anytime anyone tries to tell that to me, like some people just like to support people. No, no,
Starting point is 01:13:06 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:13:08 That's not how that works at all. There is, there's plenty of like, you know, with like good causes you can support. Yeah. Like I just, I like her personality.
Starting point is 01:13:19 I just want to support her. Like, yeah, yeah. Okay. Sure. Pal. Sure.
Starting point is 01:13:23 You do. Hey, come support me on my stream if you want. Yeah. Plenty of ways. Yeah, I'm not trying to give you anything in return. Just support me, please. It's like that story I remember you told where you were working. You knew some girl, and some guy kept buying her pizza,
Starting point is 01:13:42 and then you were like. Yes, yes. She was like, I don't know if he likes me. And you were like, nobody buys me pizza. Exactly. It's true. Every day he'd show up at lunch with a slice of pizza for her.
Starting point is 01:13:54 And I was like, nobody. He's literally just too afraid to ask you out. Either turn him down now so he can save his damn money or go out with the guy. Like either way, this man is just trying to woo you in the politest way he knows how. And he just can't pull the trigger.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Just please end his misery one way or another. She was like, no, he's just a friend. It was like, no friend has ever just bought me pizza. Yeah. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:14:20 He just like ask Alex, like, yo man, can you buy me pizza every day? Like buy her own pizza, dude. Like every single day, if you just stop by my place of work and just bring me a slice of pizza, that'd be cool. He's like, I got stuff to do.
Starting point is 01:14:33 And I'd be like, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Also, I keep hearing of like, oh, there's like so many OnlyFans people. They like hire people to work for them. Like, they hire some guy to, like, respond to their chats for, like, I don't know how much they're paying them. But it's just some dude being like, hey, baby, how you doing? To, like, all the guys giving him money. Honestly, I would, too.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I'm not going to lie. Yeah, it makes sense. And it isn't even, like like a scummy thing. If I was putting on an OnlyFans show and my whole job was like putting on the sexiest like strip sex tease thing that I could do, I wouldn't have time to answer all your damn messages because you'd be all horned up. So I just pay someone to respond. Even in real time, they'd be in chat like, hey, baby. I wouldn't care.
Starting point is 01:15:23 It's like I got a job. I'm doing a job. Yeah, I have no problem with that. OnlyFans your life up like i wouldn't care yeah it's like i got a job doing a job like yeah i have no i have no problem with that it only fans your life up i don't care with all the all the other things like tic-tac all these incidents like people are always like yo this thing must be real i'm like i don't trust anything to me everything's fake you're talking to a fake person you're listening to a fake thing the situation like everything's fake until proven otherwise in my mind so that's why these people absolutely they're like yeah i'm talking to this girl and i think it's going well
Starting point is 01:15:49 it's real there's talking to like some guy playing wow getting paid like 20 bucks an hour to answer all these messages dude years ago oh my god i'll never forget this years ago i got an email and in the email was uh like a genuinely like photos of like a genuinely gorgeous woman but they looked like they were shot in a phone from like 1980 like not even a phone like it looked like from like an old ass camera and she was just like trying to flirt via email
Starting point is 01:16:16 and I was like trash delete right I was like this is a scam right yeah I'm at it I'm years later I see this girl like a thing and she she's like, oh, that was me. And I'm like, how would I ever have known? What you sent me seemed like a scam, and I deleted it, and I assume everything is a scam. Even on my phone, if someone calls me, if I don't recognize your number, I just don't pick up.
Starting point is 01:16:41 100%. Because I assume everything is a scam or is some bullshit thing. She's like no that was me i was trying to get your attention and i was like okay she's like i'm married now i was like oh okay like you know cool but it was a very bizarre thing i was like i mean yeah sorry if you just send me a weird message like hey baby even honest to god even in real life if we're at a restaurant and a woman comes up to me and is like, hey there, I'm immediately guard, shields up, like, what's she want?
Starting point is 01:17:12 Might be sold something? What's going on here? I'll trust nobody. The extreme vast majority of the time, somebody does want something. 100%. Oh, sure. Yeah. I'm like, not today, Satan. Shields up. Let's go. vast majority of the time somebody does want something 100 sure oh sure yeah so i'm just i'm like not today satan like shields up let's go that's uh that's like how anytime somebody you
Starting point is 01:17:33 haven't talked to in forever reaches out usually there's like sometimes like hey you know we haven't talked a while let's get together hey guy you're like cool but then there's some people like yo how you doing so uh i know you're on youtube you like help me uh grow my channel like it's that type of thing i must stress i'm not gonna name any names but at a certain point an ex of mine reached out and was like hey i'm streaming now and i was like cool i was like i know what you're gonna ask and no no i will not help you yeah it's like it's one thing if it's like somebody you talk to all the time and it's like, whatever, but it's like somebody appears from the shadows after years. Like, yo, you want to help me out?
Starting point is 01:18:13 But the thing is, I feel like I can never say anything because there's so many friends I have in my life that just because of my ADHD and me just like getting caught up in the day, I will not talk to them for like a year. And then out of the blue be like, Hey, just check it in to see how you're doing. And they're like, I haven't talked to you forever. I'm like, yeah, that's my fault. I'm like, sorry. Yeah, but you're just like.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I'm very bad at this. Genuinely checking in. You're not like. Yeah. Oh, I don't want anything. I'm just like. By the way, you got like 800 bucks I could borrow. I lost gambling.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Oh, yeah. It's, you know. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. And it's, and again, that's what he's established. I have the look, apparently, of a person who will give you money at any point in time. The amount of people who come up to me randomly who are like, hey, man, can I have five bucks? I'm like, five dollars?
Starting point is 01:18:55 The hell? Like, what are you? You could have started with like a buck, but you went straight to five? Do I look like the five-dollar man? Yeah. Inflation. Maybe you like the five dollar man yeah inflation maybe you are yeah there was a dollar menu now it's a five dollar menu you know i get it i get it you're just staying in there with your wallet and everyone's like it's the five dollar
Starting point is 01:19:15 man like running up to you five dollar man who can buy a big mac I don't even know if they can buy a Big Mac, actually. True. Big true. That's probably at least 10 for just the sandwich. Yeah, I was at In-N-Out the other day, and a normal cheeseburger is like six bucks now. And I was like, man, everything's going up. Even Port In-N-Out. They're the cheapest one around.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Yeah, that sucks. That's your news story of the day. All right. Well, that's it for us. Thanks so much for listening or watching or ever joining this podcast. Crandor, hit them with the socials. Oh, boy, have we got socials. slash Cox and Crandor podcast.
Starting point is 01:20:03 All one word. That's where you can find all these podcasts dating back to forever ago. You can also go to Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes. We're all over. Also, slash Cox and Crandor has all the animations there. Also, click the link in the description. Go buy tickets to the thing. Or type it in or whatever we already said.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Also, we got our things. Jesse Cox. Crendor. Twitch TV Jesse Cox. Twitch TV Crendor. Facebook Jesse Cox. Facebook Crendor. Twitter Jesse Cox. Twitter Crendor. Instagram Notorious Cox. Instagram Crendor was taken. TikTok Crendor. TikTok Jesse Cox. TikTok YouTube Crendclips. YouTube Coxclips. YouTube Warhammer Crendor
Starting point is 01:20:42 if you like Warhammer. And I oh yeah. I just want to say for the record, I went to go look up when was the first episode of Cox and Crandor. And I noticed the third thing down when you type in first Cox and Crandor is fandom. Cox and Crandor dot And I was like,
Starting point is 01:20:59 Oh shit, we have a fandom webpage. I clicked it. It says this wiki has been closed. That is pretty funny. That's perfect. Fantastic. Not that no one's updating it.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Someone just shut it down. They're like, yeah, we're done. Just shut it down. Get rid of this. This is trash. And as always, to be continued.

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