Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 437 - Doctor Hooey

Episode Date: September 16, 2024

The boys are back and this time Crendor and Jesse have come under fire for having opinions that aren't totally bonkers. Meanwhile Jesse is still obsessed with Astrobot and Crendor is still playing WoW.... Thankfully they take the time away from being giant nerds to make a podcast about being giants nerds. Also Doctor Hooey makes an appearance and potentially THE SON of Hank the Tank?! All this an more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to to get 20% off your first order plus free shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by me undies. Me undies are the undies that I have on me. Let's jump on this podcast! Hello everybody it's time for Ghost in the Trap Dog! This is Trap Dog in the morning. In the morning! We're broadcasting live, live, live, live, live! In 4 hour and 40 studio hours. Recording! Beep beep! Wake your ass up! It's time for the next them in the morning anyway.
Starting point is 00:00:45 True. That's a fact. We're in mid-week right now. It's a different vibe. You know what? It's not the same. And sometimes that's okay. Yeah. It's a mix-up. I'm just throwing off. The shackles of our other recordings? Now you're in a new era, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'm in a routine. This is what Imagine Dragons was singing about. Welcome to the new age. It's a timely reference. OK, yeah. It's, well, here we are in the new age. And just for this episode. Just for this episode, yeah for this episode, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Ages come and go. How is your new age going? My new age is going great. Mostly because I have, you know how for years you were talking about Banjo-Kazooie and all those games and things like that? I've discovered Astro Bot, my dude. I've heard of that. I've discovered Astro Bot, my dude. I've heard of that. And on Sony platforms, on PlayStation, there's this thing called Astro Bot. It's like a freebie game you kind of get
Starting point is 00:01:50 with your PlayStation, I guess. And they made a real game called Astro Bot, and it is genuinely brilliant. I cannot stress how much I'm enjoying this. It is on the surface, the most shameless Sony promotional product ever. You are playing as a mascot who flies on a controller to save other mascots in different worlds doing different things.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And it is as shameless as it comes. However, I am enjoying the hell out of it. It is so much fun. And I cannot stress, like from level to level, each one's different. Each one has different new mechanics. Each mechanic is a joy. And it is just, I think I finally get it.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I never really enjoyed 3D platforming all that much. I quite suck at it. But the fact that I suck does not matter because every new one is a new experience. Like a great example is there is one where a little mouse straps to your back. And then if you press R2, you can shrink to the size of a mouse
Starting point is 00:03:04 to get through the level. So you can do the level normally shrink to the size of a mouse to get through the level. So you can do the level normally or as the size of a mouse and it's amazing. It's so much fun. There's one where you turn into a sponge in order to complete the level you have to soak up water and squirt it places but also you have to become small and big based on how big it's that kind of stuff. There's one where you stop time but you're in a casino so in order to get around and fight things, you have to like stop time and cheat your way through the casino. It's stuff like that. Absolute joy. And then because it's Sony based, a lot of the levels are just like, do you like God of War? Well, in this one, you get Kratos' axe and you literally played through a pseudo God of War level.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Or do you like wacky boss fights? Well that's the thing we do now. Or do you like that game where you chase apes? Sure, that's there. Do you like Nathan Drake? We're dual level based on that. It is the most shameless thing I've ever played and yet completely enjoyable from start to finish. I am loving it. And I will talk about it with anyone who will listen. It genuinely is a great game. Now I'm going to play it. Dude, I'm telling you, you should play it. You would love it. It is a Crendor game through and through. Plus it is, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:14 it's one of those things where you probably won't do it, but it, you know, you have to collect a bunch of little friends that will help you. And then on your main base, you can unlock stuff. So there's unlockables like a photo mode where you can go to a safari zone and take photos of stuff there's a a mode where you can like do a gotcha game in it where you collect coins in the game and then you can spend those coins to get items for all the people that come live with you and then if you punch them they'll do things so like there's a Ken and Ryu and if you beat the crap out of them they'll
Starting point is 00:04:43 start fighting each other and if you unlock enough punches They'll do a full street fighter like move set combo on each other and then you get an achievement for it It's wild and there's so much going on in this and it's just a treat. I Have a question about the Concepts I saw astro bot and isn't there like then PlayStation 5 released with like Astro something where you play? Yeah, so I'm saying yeah, it is straight up just PlayStation 5 released with a game in it. I think there's a VR game as well. That's the Astro Bot and it's that character
Starting point is 00:05:15 It's like their PlayStation 5 mascot and then they just this past week released a game. That is actually a real game. I see and it is released a game that is actually a real game. I see. And it is so much fun. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, if none of you have ever seen this, go look up the trailer for Astro Bot. It'll give you exactly the kind of vibe. But yeah, it is, like I said, on the surface it appears to be shameless. And you would think it would be just a marketing ploy for like PlayStation, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:05:46 But the game is way more fun than that. Again, a lot of it, I'm like, oh, I know that character, I know that character, but also half of them, like, I don't know who that is. I definitely didn't play that game, but like that's neat, that's fun. Really, it doesn't matter. That's kind of like just the side stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Really, it's all mechanically what's going on. There's one part where you use a controller as a squirt gun. It's, I think it's what video games were designed to be, dude. I'm like, holy crap, this thing actually does fun stuff. Not just with the game, but with the controller. I'm having a blast. It feels like I'm 12. I've been enjoying, and I'm playing maybe two, three levels a night and I think there's maybe 25 main levels and a bunch of side things. But I'm just going through it and having a blast and I'm like, well, that was fun for tonight.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And then I move on. It's like, it's a treat. I'm enjoying it a great deal. All right, yeah, I'll definitely check it out because it does sound like a Crenndor game. I may stream some of it this Thursday just to show people. Cause people could be asking about it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 They're like, what's that like? I'm like, I may show it off a little bit just cause I enjoy it. So there might be a VOD out there that exists. You can just watch for a minute. I'll probably stream it too, honestly. Dude, I think you should. It sounds like a game you would eat up.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah. No, after I was browsing around, it does look very banjo-kazooie, but like PlayStation if I'd dude It's a good game. It's like a sleeper hit it might be in the running for game of the year. It's that good yeah, I haven't been it yet, but it has a Real joy to it that I am greatly impressed by. It is hyper cute, it is very fun to play, and the boss battles, boss mechanics are great, and sometimes a boss fight just happens and you don't even think it's gonna happen. Like you're about to end a level and it's like, ho ho ho, tricked you, and suddenly giant boss fight. You're like, oh okay, this now It's got a lot of good stuff in it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:47 All right, I've just been playing wow So what's the verdict are you finally beating it? How's it going? well beaten wow is a The expansion so far oh, I beat the story a while ago Okay, but I'm collecting mounts. Ah you're normal so you've reverted to normal Kren. Yes but I am also doing things like me and Stinvictor were running Delves
Starting point is 00:08:13 that was pretty fun. That's cool. We're doing our streamer raid on Thursday I believe so it's like Sam and Gmart and Kraken and all them. We're doing that. And then they didn't have a mage, so I'm playing my mage. I have five level eighties. So I got five max characters. Damn, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's a lot. Who's in your party? Your four man thing that shows up on the menu? I have my warrior. He's the one I always farm mounts on. So I got him to eighty first. What's your warrior's name? Torglund. Love that.
Starting point is 00:08:46 He's a my warrior I made in vanilla wild. Sounds right. So he's literally 20 years old and then I've got my gnome death knight. I've got my... Hold on what's his name? G-Gorbin? Yup. Yup. I've got my Volperon Mage What's their name? Magical Fox Okay, alright, totally different, go on I got a Earthen Shaman
Starting point is 00:09:22 And what's his name? Earthen Guy. I hate that our naming scheme is so similar because I have like my first character Mojo Maker and then I have the next characters I made were like Grumpkis and like Fate Weaver, right? But then I just I made a rogue called Baby Got Back It's just I guess sometimes you're feeling a name and I've like a gringle is one of my characters But sometimes you're just like yeah, this one's name is like a stabby mixed ab face. You're like, okay cute
Starting point is 00:10:00 I'm trying to think about who my other 80 years the war your death night me. Oh, yeah warlock by my what is the warlocks name Crenn lock The most creative name yeah, yeah, so those are the five I got And I'm I was gonna main my death knight or my warlock cuz that's what I was having fun on and then our raid had Zero mages, what I was having fun on and then our raid had zero mages So I was like dude I get all the major and they'll be like we need a mage so I was like screw it I'll play mage. Let me ask you a question when it comes to
Starting point is 00:10:33 Leveling if you play as one character going through the story. Are you doing it with all the characters? Once you do it with one character you don't have to do it with the other characters But you can go back and do it with the other characters. Then how do you level the other characters? You can level like a billion different ways. You can level through professions, you can level through exploring, you can level from dungeons, you can level from questing. And how long does that all take? It doesn't take that long plus every character you get the 80 gives you 5% more experience Which is why I also did it so now I have 25% experience for all my other care. Oh, whoa Okay, all right, and then I was I was metagaming cuz you know the Dark Moon fair came up that shit gives you another 10%
Starting point is 00:11:19 Experience and rep so I was like 25% when I was at 15 now I just wait till that comes up you're 35% you really are a gamer dude yeah so I mean honestly I'm still having a great time with it I got my rare mounts I got my my mole mount off the the big rare lurker guy I got my what's the belladar he's like a void guy I got that when I got all the rare ones you have to like group up for and everyone's like get the thing do the things not have to do any of those anymore so it's great
Starting point is 00:11:55 that's cool is there any thing you're doing that is current content based besides the things you just mentioned like are you that is current content based besides the things you just mentioned like are you done with current content no we're doing delves delves are the like mini dungeons how long is the del 15 20 minutes yeah it does honestly some of them if you do the lower ones
Starting point is 00:12:17 like five ten minutes but we started doing the bountiful delves which is where you get a lot of good gear and then uh let's take like 15 20 minutes and you can do them solo. Do they give you like screw gear for a minute they give you something that looks cool? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uh can I get a backpack that's like a tiger or something like can I get something cool? I think you do actually get coins you can spend on cool looking stuff okay that's not bad that's not bad yeah like overall is probably the most fun I've had with Wow since like Legion it's pretty good okay
Starting point is 00:12:50 it's great I mean I'm uh it was like week three we're hitting I'm still going I still log in I'm not like I gotta log in I'm like dude I gotta log in sure sure I'm just saying I sometimes see you at nights streaming stuff and then you're like all right wow time oh yeah well I got to do my my kaizo iron man still obviously I still gotta get in that's who you are yeah yeah and then yeah I'll swap the while do some while so I'm like listen
Starting point is 00:13:17 I may as well stream it I'm gonna play it when I stop streaming anyway so I may as well just stream me doing the things sure so I've been doing that it's been great I I also saw the Baldur's Gate 3 mods have hit so we can start our goblin. Dude I'm ready I'm so ready. Honestly this is all Dodger. This is all Dodger. I will make the time I will be there. Yeah this is all Dodger. Some of us have kids and like animals to take care of. The rest of us are ready for goblin time. And Sam, which essentially is the big kid. So that's like, that's a lot. But...
Starting point is 00:13:51 When I said animals, I included, he was included. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Oh yeah, I saw you, you tweeted about how you made some video and now people are emailing you about, they're being like, this guy is an idiot. Yeah, I think it's just normal people getting over reactive on stuff. The new Final Fantasy expansion came out a while ago, I finally made my video that took me way too long to make, and I was just like, yeah, here's the deal. There's a few things that I would have changed and I think would have made the story better and a little more fleshed out. It felt very, we're doing something new
Starting point is 00:14:29 and we're trying to lay the groundwork, but we're doing about 18 different foundations at once. So nothing's really cohesive overall. And I was like, yes, there's a lot of problems with this. However, there's some really cool stuff they're doing here and I can absolutely see where this is going and I love it. And I'm very excited for the next thing coming down the pipeline. And I just, some people were still very much like, but this is trash and how dare you excuse it. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Which is fine. It's okay to disagree with me. I don't care. But people just took it to the next level of like emailing me and being like like you suck and I hate you And you're a terrible person like I saw um. Oh man. This is really funny. I saw a post today that
Starting point is 00:15:14 some dude Wrote that said uh I can't take this guy seriously when he gloats about wasting Yoshi's time in the video I made where I didn't interview with Yoshi P I just asked him very silly questions, but they weren't like waste time questions. They were like, why can't small characters ride big characters like these characters in the game can do? Or I asked like, the game is story based. Do you ever consider making it so people can get into the story easier? And he was like, no, you got to start from the beginning. That's how stories work. And I was like, okay. Like it was just, it wasn't like mechanically
Starting point is 00:15:48 during this raid, my character does 14% less. Like that's not who I am. I will never be that guy. I was with the man. We were laughing and joking. We're having a time. Anyway, this person said when he gloats about wasting Yoshi's time and interviews to talk, to ask bullshit questions, when there are people who would gladly take his place to ask actually relevant questions during a media tour, your opinion is irrelevant. And you play Lala. And I just thought that was really funny. That was like, okay, go off my dude.
Starting point is 00:16:18 A lot of people seem very angry, but I just can't take them seriously. But I was just like look it's fine just don't email me like that's too far yeah like emailing me like going to my email then typing at me angrily like what are you doing like there's social media do it there so I can ignore you my email actually have to look at like don't do that yeah that's it's just the fact that they got so mad they had to do that I mean you're doing the
Starting point is 00:16:46 stuff I was going through and I was like this while expansion is pretty fun and they're like you're an idiot you're so dumb and you don't understand how smart I am it's like okay yeah I'm what's weird is that um seeing other people because I don't really see comments of other people's stuff right unless I talk to you or we talk about stuff I don't really see comments of other people's stuff, right, unless I talk to you
Starting point is 00:17:06 or we talk about stuff. I don't really see the comments other people get, but other people coming out of the world can be like, yeah dude, no, I said something similar, and like, oh my God, just destroyed online. Maybe, and this is a crazy thing, you don't have to play something you don't love. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:23 No one, especially things you have to pay monthly for. Maybe don't pay monthly and maybe stop. Dude, I was trying to like figure it out because we had a, I forget what it was, it was like whatever podcast we did a week or two ago and someone was like you guys are not open to the criticism of whatever you're just mad people getting mad at you or whatever. I was like okay there's a difference between somebody going you know what I don't like I don't like the way the system is created and here's how I would change it and here's some things and until that I'm probably not gonna play it over and then there's like this is don't this is so stupid and you're an
Starting point is 00:18:01 idiot for liking it and if you like it you're just stupid. It's like imagine being like I went to this restaurant It's pretty good, and then someone's like oh that food sucks you that food so bad It's so I can't believe anybody likes that food. It's garbage, and then if you're like okay, and it's like they're indirectly Indirectly they're in there. That's what they're doing. They're indirectly like calling you stupid, but they're not saying it directly So they're like oh, why you get mad? It's like cuz you're calling me an idiot cuz I like something, but they're like I would say they I just said It's garbage and the foods there is garbage, and then everything's got it's like get think out what they're doing alright We all we all see it
Starting point is 00:18:40 It's like you're just being critical for the sake of toxicity without providing any sort of critical feedback and then just like Instead of just being like alright. Well, I'm not gonna play the game. They just keep saying it over and over I Genuinely think that there's some people In the MMO spaces be it Wow or 14 or I don't know I just get shouldn't count as an MMO whatever whatever the MMO you're into I am positive I don't know. Does Genshin count as an MMO? Whatever. Whatever the MMO you're into. I am positive there are people who exist just to say the thing you love sucks.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Not that they care. They are just gonna be like, these cucks love their poo poo that's fed to them or whatever. And it's like, what is, you seem to care a lot about this. Why is this so important to you that other people enjoy something? Like, it's fine fine if you have a critique of it by all means
Starting point is 00:19:28 say you don't like it if you think it sucks sure it's okay to let the world know but if other people enjoying it it makes no sense to be like you're terrible for liking something I don't like it's like why do you care that's what it boils down to is they're going there's the re it's like why do you care that's what it boils down to is they're going there's the re it's re emotional reaction it's all like the motion based of like this thing is so dumb and you're dumb there's no there's no like
Starting point is 00:19:53 criticism or feedback there's no like debate there's no like hmm interesting points you've brought up let me rebuttal with the points that I believe there's none of that there just like that's all it again let me stress, this dude said, my opinion is irrelevant because I asked Yoshi P some fun questions.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Plus, and I play a Lala, so my opinion is, because I play a goofy small character, my opinion, it's like if someone in Warcraft genuinely meant like, oh, you play a gnome? Your opinion is irrelevant. Which there probably is people like that. Oh, absolutely. But I would like to believe most people are being sarcastic.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Like as a troll, I would give gnomes a hard time all the time. Yet I have a gnome alt. Yeah. I would be like, oh yeah, gnomes, they suck. But like, yeah, no, I have one. Or I would, as a horde player, be like oh yeah gnomes they suck but like yeah no I have one it's or I would be as a horde player like Alliance is terrible but I'd have an Alliance character to play through the Alliance storyline like I'm giving
Starting point is 00:20:52 you a hard time because it's you know horde versus Alliance but I don't care I'm playing the same thing yeah no there's always some people they're just like this person's having a goofy fun time and this is serious business this is Final Fantasy there's no goofing around here this is all serious all the time all right I will say one of the funniest things ever did is I posted a video that was like why you should enjoy playing a lala and the whole thing was just like people being silly about how when a bunch of laws get in a group someone will just like do the ah emote and then
Starting point is 00:21:21 everyone will start doing it and it becomes this like annoying noise and it's very funny and there's some places that only Lollapels can get into and so it becomes this like weird Lollapel house and my favorite response was Didn't know Jesse was a pedophile. I was like what? I'm sorry what? That says more about you my friend than it does about me. I was like whoa There it is the guy sorry all about me, I was like, whoa! There it is, the guy. I'm sorry. Yeah, I was like, right, because I enjoyed playing this very small, like I went into it like, oh, I'm going to pick the smallest character because one, it's funny, and two,
Starting point is 00:21:57 in my mind, I like the idea of like the hobbits, you know what I mean? Like this very small creature is the hero and that's very cute, it's subversive, it's fun. No. Apparently I'm like, I small creature is the hero and that's very cute. It's subversive. It's fun No, apparently. I'm like I play it cuz it's hot that little tiny baby boy is very attractive like what are you talking about? Yeah, no, there's absolutely crazy to me. There is that's the it's the thing We're like again most people are normal, but it's always that like one person Stand out and they're like the loudest because most people you read through the comments they're like here's my opinion on the thing and very good video and blah blah but then one person's like listen up you jackass here's it's like all
Starting point is 00:22:36 right they just and then they just like their their comment like radiates from all the other comments because of how insane it is it's always been been like that. It's just now it's... I don't know. Maybe getting older and going through everything makes you just be like, I hate it. Plus now everybody can be online all the time. Just going the amount of people on Twitter you can just access from your phone like back to my day. You had to sit down at your laptop desktop, you know, bust had to sit down at your lap laptop desktop you know busted out right down that's the phones the phones we suddenly two old men
Starting point is 00:23:12 yelling about the phones the phone you know the kids these days with their phones my phone is terrible yeah I know it sucks yeah I I'm convinced it is a I don't know. It sucks. Yeah, I'm convinced it is a very small majority. I'm not even stressed about it. I just think it's very, again, just not ready for primetime, gang. Some people just are not ready to be in public or to interact with others, and they've got to be like, who raised you? But I know it's most of the Final Fantasy IV community, the vast, vast majority are very kind and welcoming and sweethearts. And I know the same for WoW.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I've met them at BlizzCon. I've hung out with people. They're very, like, there's just assholes every once in a while that you're like, dude, if we could just cut this shit out for a little bit, like how did you get this way? Who hurt you? That's in every aspect of life literally anything you know There's the person who's gonna be like oh, here's my one bad co-worker Here's a person like everybody has one there's always somebody no matter where you are they're like I have this great work environment
Starting point is 00:24:17 but then there's Larry There's a lot of Larry's on the internet There's a lot of Larry's on the internet. A lot of Larry's on the internet. It doesn't matter where we are. The thing is, Larry in the office can't say half the stuff that's said on the internet. Because Larry in the office, you see Larry's face and it's like, you know what Larry? You keep talking, I'm going to rearrange that thing.
Starting point is 00:24:39 The internet's just like an avatar. So it's a little easier I guess to be a dick. Oh, yeah, it's always It's always easier to be a dick on the internet It's literally like the the internet It just in general. That's why all the Twitter and all the platforms are just there because everyone can be like Why is like completely unrelated Why are you doing this weekend where you're busy? We had to record now. This weekend I'm going to a concert on Friday. That's going to be fun. And then Saturday
Starting point is 00:25:16 I've got a bunch of stuff I've got to do during the day. And I have no idea when I'll be home. And then Sunday is my last real like day where I don't have to do anything before I leave to go to London England. Oh I see okay yes that's soon. I want to get it all done now so I could have time to edit and do stuff. I see okay what's the how long you going
Starting point is 00:25:42 to England for is just a week? I will be going, no, I'm going until October 1st. What the heck? Yeah, dude. I don't know, me. It's to work on a video game. I'm, the video game that I am producing, that's gonna be a FMV game that is very British, that has my favorite actor in the world, Rupert Booth, in it.
Starting point is 00:26:04 It is extremely funny and silly and like a sci-fi adventure and yeah, it's gonna finish wrapping all the the Shooting that's going on before we actually put it together to make a game make an FMV game, but it's Coming to a close finally someone to be there for the end to make sure it gets done take it across the finish line The is FMV the like there for the end to make sure it gets done. Take it across the finish line. Is FMV the like game? Full motion video, yeah, yeah. Like the one game that Dodger and I played, Contradiction, all those different games
Starting point is 00:26:36 where you like the Infectious Madness of Dr. Decker, those kind of things. Oh yeah, I remember you playing that one. Okay, that's pretty cool. Yeah, and so it's that vibe where it's you are it's like a hyper interactive movie is kind of the idea. I've always want to make one it's not like the most popular genre in the world I don't expect to become a millionaire off of it but I do expect to make a game that I
Starting point is 00:27:00 will think is very fun and enjoyable to play and hopefully others will as well. Is it uh compared to all the other games you've worked on how is it like working on it compared to them? Well I mean it's using real actors and real film. So instead of we have to create the characters and we have to animate or we have to figure out ways to make things come across, it's we wrote a script and then broke the script up and then had various ways that the characters could solve the problems that happened in the script,
Starting point is 00:27:37 and then we have to film each of those. So like if you came over to my house and you went through my fridge and you saw that I had water and tea, we'd have to write two separate scenes for you picking water or you picking tea. And then the rest of the story, if you had water in your hand or tea in your hand, we have to film variations of that. Yeah, it's the choose your own adventure. Exactly, but in movie style. I see, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Exactly, but in movie style. I see yeah Yeah, it's it's a sci-fi Story that is when I say British. I mean very dr. Who we and that it's kind of camp and silly All the props are practical so there isn't any crazy Weird like a guy holding nothing and then we put a gun in there like everything's practical And it's very cool a lot of extras we found people in in the area in England who could come and be a part of it. It's very nice Rupert is doing a lot of the work It is this man's passion project and it is my passion project to help him make his come true So that's what we're doing. It's great. I'm having a blast
Starting point is 00:28:39 I will say you said dr. Whoe and I thought that could be its own thing a Spinner who named dr. Whoe I will say, you said Doctor Whoie, and I thought that could be its own thing. A spin-off of Doctor Who named Doctor Whoie. That's just Whoie, Doctor! No, Doctor Whoie. He flies, I don't know, on a spring. He has one of those slinkies. He's a much jankier version of Doctor Whoie. Instead of a phone booth, he gets inside a slinky and it sort of slinks through space
Starting point is 00:29:08 No, that's the doctor I gotta go It's just him going downstairs through time Wow the stairs of time Yeah, he can only go down though. He only goes back in time. He can only go back. It's the worst. Yeah. Unfortunately for him, the last season ends with him and just like Amoebas. He's just stuck there.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah, he's like, well this sucks. No, he's like, well this is just Whoie credits. Yeah, perfect. Yep. Like man, that's gotta suck for him. What a great show I'm sure that's one of those things. It's like the British love it Hilarious we love it absolute banger it is That's a
Starting point is 00:29:57 Rosh's slither it yeah, that's a you texted me the other week You're like what's that British thing you say and I, what? I don't know what you're talking about. I was on stream and I couldn't remember what it was. And then I just remembered as I was texting you, what it was. And so the text was already sent. I was like, don't worry about it, I figured it out. Yeah, it was, I was playing Blood Bowl with,
Starting point is 00:30:18 oh my God, who was it? It was those two British dudes from back in the day. They're with TGS. Oh my God, what was their name? The two British dudes from back in the day. They're with TGS. Oh my God, what was their name? The two British dudes? Yeah. You mean the Yogscast? No.
Starting point is 00:30:35 It was, one of them got really into Warhammer, I saw. Hold on, if I would go- Korean Flaks? Yeah, right, no, not period Flaks. It's similar to them. Two British dudes is Half of all YouTube content creators hold on if I look it was unit loss. Oh of course yes Yes, yes, and there was both of them
Starting point is 00:30:55 And I was playing them in blood bowl and then one of my players got hit and he was like oh you gave me righteous Lutheran you did That's the funniest shit I've ever heard Yeah, it's them. So I think I know one of them went on the got really into Overwatch the other one got really into Warhammer. Stylosa? Yeah, Stylosa. Yeah! I heard him say that and then I just kept repeating it over and over so I thought it was just funny. That's so fun. That is genuinely hilarious. Oh, I was gonna, I forgot we were gonna mention that we got a live show again.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Well, well, well, what a fun time to mention that. Yes, of course. We will be back in Chicago at Lincoln Hall December 20th. Yup, tickets are not on sale yet, don't worry about it. They will be though. back in Chicago at Lincoln Hall, December 20th. Yep, tickets are not on sale yet, don't worry about it. They will be though. And it's not just gonna be a normal Cox and Krendor show. No, my friends, this is a multi-podcast extravaganza because I'm bringing the Chaluminati Boys. It is a two-show for the price of one Christmas miracle.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Mama Mia. So you're welcome. It'll be whenever the hell we get it to start, whenever the hell it ends. I imagine you and I will go first and then we'll unleash Chilumunati on everyone else. And my dream? I don't know if it's going to happen. I don't know where they live. But I found a band and I know you know them.
Starting point is 00:32:23 It's dudes who dressed up as yetis and play funk music. And I want them to, I want them, there's these guys on TikTok who dress up like yetis and they play funk music in like the woods or like on a farm. And I want them to be the band that plays between our two shows That would be the best thing in the world I would love for that to happen Like I said, you know them. I don't know I don't know who you're talking about. I am positive You're aware of them. I'm I think I sent you them on tik-tok
Starting point is 00:32:57 Maybe you did. I don't know. I don't know them, but maybe I know of them You have to know of them. They literally are just two dudes playing funk all right I'm gonna you know what tonight I'm gonna send you that so you'll be up to you'll be up to date everyone can just go on tik-tok or whatever it is I'm sure there are other places too just look up like Yeti funk band yeah they play like this guy on keyboard and there's like a lead singer this to Yeti they're just like like two Bigfoots they're like maybe a Sasquatch band or whatever it's called I don't know it's very funny all right yeah fine that send it again but the music's great the music's very good but it's just for some reason they've
Starting point is 00:33:36 decided that's their their gimmick and I'm here for it yeah that'll be good. That'll be fun. Wait, is it? So it is at Lincoln Hall again. It is at Lincoln Hall. Alright, neat. Back at our home away from home. That's be a packed house. It will be, yes. And so I'm totally here for it. It'll be the 20th, which is a Friday. The last cool thing you're gonna do besides being forced to hang out with family for the rest of the year. So like come on by. That's true. Yeah. Plus Chicago in the winter.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Sure. You could say it's freezing cold, but also Christmas themed or holiday themed. I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but you know, you could wear like a fun sweater. You can can uh I don't know give me a Christmas gift what if that gift was smooches yep yeah yeah it could be whatever and so that'll be a thing we're gonna do and that should be
Starting point is 00:34:39 a lovely show yeah and this time you might have an actual working credit card machine. I actually, hilariously, so for those who don't know, our last show, the square, you know, that thing you slide your credit card through that connects to a phone that you can pay through stuff, ours just wasn't there at the show. Yeah. So I just went and got my own and now I have my own. Alright, good. So we'll always have one from now on, but yeah, sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel like a Saturday morning cartoon villain where he like watches his goons fail miserably
Starting point is 00:35:13 to defeat the good guy, and he just says the line, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. That's how I feel. Yeah. No, I agree. It's like fine, I'm not gonna trust anyone, I'll just do it myself.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah, just do it yourself. And yourself and so I have so we're good no worries you can give us your money yeah that's that was a those fun everybody was just like how do I input your data for like Venmo or whatever it was or Zillow or Zillow's housing a lot of people bought houses from me. It was pretty great And some of them didn't work other people are like my bank isn't attached But it is and then is that we fit and what is what a pain that was thank you everyone for your patience
Starting point is 00:35:57 We love you, but um no this time will not be that it will never happen again All right lessons learned I was already embarrassed enough. I like oh my god I'm a failure never again not happening and then I was like this guy's a failure yeah when I started crying and you pointed at me and laughed it was weird is a weird vibe yeah and then I said hey come come on look at the failure and everyone gathered around and everyone laughed at me yeah yeah it was really weird it was weird when the bartender started laughing too yeah then they were like everybody all the staff started laughing yeah yeah sound guy get the garbage start throwing it at him and they started throwing garbage at you sound
Starting point is 00:36:36 guy kept playing that Nelson haha sound over and over again yeah yeah and when I was on the street just random people in the city of Chicago pointed and laughed because everyone else was yeah No, that was crazy Yeah, everyone the ghost got a mic They got appeared before me and started laughing and ghost it good even though he's still alive That's crazy, too That was crazy, too When you tell me that was really good did come materialized and laughed at me that makes it even worse No, he might have a ghost and be alive
Starting point is 00:37:10 And he broke through space and time to laugh at me. Yeah, he's the he could be dr. Who he He might be Dr. Who he loves the Bears is true You know what else we love? Me undies! Guys, being your most comfortable self this fall starts from the waist down. Whether you're gearing up for weekends spent on the couch watching hours of endless football or getting back to your gym routine, comfort is king. That's why you should upgrade your underwear drawer to me undies they've got something for every guy this fall their micro modell fabric oh so breathable so comfortable especially the ball caddy gents if you never thought
Starting point is 00:37:59 you needed a special pouch for your parts let me tell you you do and hundreds of five-star reviews say you as well. It could be your new favorite boxer brief. Right now, I have on a pair that is rainbow, I guess is the best way to describe it. It's like a rainbow, like lines going up and down. It's like, what's that? What's that kind of, what's that? I don't know what it's called. That design pattern is called. I don't know what's going on not cool enough Yours is ice cream. No. I said you're it's like the ice cream. It's the three different stripes, right? Yeah, but it's the colors of the rainbow, but it's also going up and down. Ah yeah, I see okay So it's like it's like a Scottish kilt, but a rainbow. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:42 I don't know what I don't know what that's called for some reason mine's uh foxes they're good you got one walking around there's one sleeping kind of looks like cat got one's running good foxes my favorite one that I have is I think it's a Pirates of the Caribbean theme where it's a bunch of skulls that are like gold and so that it actually looks like gold on it that's very good I also have one that's ghosts but you can't see them unless you turn off the lights which is awesome just saying love that one it's a nice little treat for whoever's in the room with you like oh ghosts are gonna get you me on like ghost did cut yeah
Starting point is 00:39:21 yeah me on these has it cut for every guy's butt. Over 10 different styles ranging from boxer briefs to jock straps to special underwear, ball caddy pouches. They got all sorts of stuff for you. Joggers, hoodies, onesies. The best part of course is that Meandis is all about taking care of whoever wants to wear them. So they come in sizes extra small to 4XL.
Starting point is 00:39:43 You can get some, stick it on your body, give it a shot, try it, and if you're not happy with your first pair, it's on Me Undies. Be your most comfortable self this fall with Me Undies. Get 20% off your first order plus free shipping at slash Crendor. That's me. That's slash Crendor for 20% off plus free shipping me on these comfort from the outside in Oh, that's good job guys. I'm going to go to the crendor crendor Oh, man, we're looking for some traffic out there Right now I will say that I looked up yeti funk band and found absolutely nothing
Starting point is 00:40:22 correlated to what you're talking about except there are a couple actual bands called like Yeti Funk and it was like Yeti Funk 6000 or something. I don't know. I found everything but actual Sasquatch Yetis playing instruments. So I don't know if that's just some TikTok thing. I don't even know if they're real, but that's what I found. Thank you. I will look it up.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Don't you worry. I will find them. I promise you all right good Promise you I will find them all right fantastic. I don't know how I don't know how that was whether but I brought our sports As I was saying that I had there I remember vividly growing up where on my mom's side of the family She has a lot of brothers and sisters right? Yeah, well one brother many sisters right and My grandmother as she aged she just would go through their names until she got to the right one And that's how I felt right there. I was like I'm just gonna keep saying words until I get to the right segment It's like it's like you're at school It's like uh
Starting point is 00:41:27 Jimmy Jimmy No Arthur Arthur No, not that one either Scotty, I don't like this Andy Scotty's looking okay Scotty C
Starting point is 00:41:44 You got two Scot looking okay Scotty see got there's nobody here today all right let's go to weather time by the way we do have to do our new segment dear illustrious sirsurs. Oh, we will! Oh, we will! That's happening! Yeah, it will happen. We got quite a few. Alright, here we go.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Weather. Let's see, we got 14 weather requests. Let's see which one we land on. It is Kilwa Kiswani, Tanzania. It was the capital of Kilwa Sultanate, a medieval realm in East Africa that controlled the Swahili coast and was a major part of the Indian Ocean Trade Network. Also, during the Battle of Tan-Di-Bili-Di in 1591 between the Songhai Empire invading Moroccan forces, the Songhai tried to use a Stampeding herd of cattle to charge into the enemy battle lines unfortunately the Moroccans had guns which scared the cows when fired
Starting point is 00:42:54 and stampeded the Songhai instead Oh my god first off I was about to be like that is a brilliant strategy Using the cattle if that is awesome, and then you were like they had guns and it scared them and they just got run over by their own cattle like ah Not as brilliant as I thought it would be yeah, that's that's like an ultimate backfire. Yeah All right here. We go kill How do I spell this how do I look this up? KILWA KISI
Starting point is 00:43:26 WANI K-I-L-W-A K-I-S-I W-A-N-I Hamlet in Tanzania, I'm looking at right now. Here's the thing. Someone just suggest this or Did someone live there? I have no idea They probably just suggested it suggested Okay, also hurricane in Louisiana watch out by the time anyone hears this it was like you're not helping my friend watch out all right it's 76
Starting point is 00:43:55 degrees over in Keelawak, Hesawani feels like 76 degrees high 84 low 74 humidity 84% it's humid 30 inches of pressure 10 miles of visibility when wind at 6 miles an hour dew point 71 zero on the UV index 617 a.m. with a 619 p.m. sunrise sunset and a waxing gibbous moon phase 10 day we've got 84 and partly cloudy on Thursday, Friday partly cloudy at 85, Saturday 85 partly cloudy, Sunday is gonna be mostly sunny with 84,
Starting point is 00:44:34 Monday got 84 with some AM showers, Tuesday you got partly cloudy and 83, and Wednesday 83 with some more AM showers. I gotta say, architecturally, beautiful ruins, extremely old looking, but not much else in the actual area. Yeah, I see that. It looks like a lot of just ruins.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Looking at like a beautiful mosque that appears to be kinda of standing, I guess, and a cemetery and a museum. But I think the across the river is where things are at. Oh yeah, it looks like across the river you got the R. I mean obviously you have the police bar. Yeah, you got the police bar, you got the Slow Leopard Kilawha, you got the RRN restaurant. I see one hotel that is uh, what is that, 4.1 stars? And it looks like some of these beach hotels, whoa 4.7. Alright some of the beach hotels look extravagant. Uh,vagant. I feel like that's just a sign of like wealth disparity
Starting point is 00:45:47 between visitors and people who actually live in the area. Probably most of these hotels, I'm looking at them and they're gorgeous. Some people probably wanna stay on the beach. I'd imagine most people visiting would wanna stay on the beach. Sure, sure, sure, wow, that's. Some of the food at the hotels,
Starting point is 00:46:02 it has the vibe of kind of when I visited Mexico years and years ago, my parents wanted to stay at this hotel that was on the beach, gorgeous. But right outside the hotel was like crumbling houses. And I was like, this is, it's jarring because you're like, the people in the crumbling house is the one cleaning up the hotel where it's like extravagant. You know what I mean? Right. It's kind of know what I mean? Right. It's the kind of vibe that I'm getting here.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I'm looking at this, I'm like, my God, it's gorgeous. And, but also, then you go look at street view and it's like next to it and it's like, eh, eh. Yeah, it's definitely not as extravagant. Right. But man, there's a lot of beautiful places, especially on the water there. And the harbor, that looks gorgeous. I'm trying to find restaurants though.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And a lot of places appear to be like very small kind of hole in the wall-y places. Yeah. But again, I guess that's probably why the hotels are the extravagant things. Yeah, it does seem that way. I found a coffee shop. That place looks chill as hell. That's probably why the hotels are the extravagant things Yeah, it does seem that way Found a coffee shop that place looks chill as hell although. It is just a tree and a bench It sounds chill as hell yeah, I mean I'm saying I got I got those here Trees and benches hardware store home goods store. I'm trying to see if I can find like
Starting point is 00:47:23 Hardware store home goods store. I'm trying to see if I can find like Like has have we Americanized this at all like is there am I gonna stumble across a McDonald's it very much does not look like it All right, let me scroll out further. Where exactly that is I mean it is Really just on the coast of Tanzania Yeah, and that's I mean everything here really is just like on the water and everything is surrounded by national parks yeah so it isn't you know you're not going to any major metropolitan area let's see there's gotta be
Starting point is 00:48:03 looks like Dar es Salaam in the north is the closest city thing. That is a lot. You got legacy sports bar. Yes, it does. That has a lot of stuff. Yeah, it's got everything. That's the that's the actual place. Yep, you know how we know that? Cuz I'm looking at a KFC right now. Yep there it is We did ruin shit nice. I almost thought it was gonna be Pure of all the fast food no not us no we will ruin it. Don't you worry? That's interesting. Yes, that's like uh I Don't want to even know how long that would be
Starting point is 00:48:45 Definitely a trip to a major city. Oh No Well fascinating. That's yeah, you know what I'm glad for a look at that. That was interesting. Yeah, that's cool Let's go to sports sports time for sports. It's time for sports Yes, it is time for sports Thanks robot crap time bot love sports sports is so good Currently We've got ourselves a lot of sports happening. We just had football occur for the first time American football that is
Starting point is 00:49:23 football occur for the first time, American football that is. We just did our football podcast, me and all the the three guys in a bear football podcast, great time. We had the Chiefs beat the Ravens, we had the Eagles beat the Packers, we had the Steelers beat the Falcons, Bills beat the Cardinals, Bears beat the Titans, Patriots beat the Bengals, Houston beat the Colts, Miami beat Jacksonville, New Orleans, Crush Carolina, Minnesota beat the Giants, Chargers beat the Raiders, Seattle beat Denver, Dallas beat Cleveland, Buccaneers beat Washington, Detroit beat the Rams in overtime, and the 49ers beat the New York Jets.
Starting point is 00:50:01 And then over in baseball, we continue to almost be at the end of the baseball season where things are actually starting to matter now. We've got the Yankees in first with the Orioles a game back of the East. We've got the Guardians in first of the Central. We've got the Astros in first in the West. And then in the National you've got the Phillies in first in the East. The Brewers in first in the Central. And the Dodgers in first in the west and then in the national league you get the Phillies in first in the east, the Brewers in first in the central, and the Dodgers in first in the west, and then we got the wild card slots where you have the Orioles, Royals, Twins at the top three in the American League, and the
Starting point is 00:50:34 Diamondbacks, Padres, and Mets top three in the national league, and I believe it's like two to three weeks left in the actual season, so we're gonna see how that plays out. We will indeed. And... It looks like... There's also basketball and hockey pre-season's gonna be starting up in a couple weeks. The WNBA, the Aces beat the Fever. And that's sports.
Starting point is 00:51:03 It is time, Cranndor for our brand new segment Dear illustrious sirs Let's see we got a lot of dear illustrious sirs this one. Oh good good was voted to the top. Oh boy. Oh boy Dear illustrious sirs with tears in my eyes, I ask you this question. Love it? My father and I listen to you all the time while we go fishing. We always catch more fish when listening too. Why do you think that is?
Starting point is 00:51:37 As you know, loud noises and splashing of water and messing with your fishing pole and moving the bait around, all that can scare fish. Yep. But our dulcet tones. Yep. Lord, not only fish to you, but you into a state of zen where you don't mess with anything. And the fish sense that and they know you're a chill dude
Starting point is 00:52:02 and they get lured into the lore where then you can hook them because they understand that chill dudes deserve to eat and that's why you got them. That truly is the most intellectual answer I think you could have come up with. Really? That's why we're illustrious sirs. And that's why people come to us with tears in their eyes. Yeah, in fact, I bet fish are flowing there right now. I bet as you listen to this right now, fish are gathering around you.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Saying, choose me, choose me! That's what I bet yeah yeah what do you think what do you think the answer is uh I mean that's pretty much what I was going to say the I feel like the tones of our voice either they also might just be attracted to the humor I think we're really funny yeah and so that we are hilarious that's true that
Starting point is 00:53:03 brings the fish and they're just it's like pulling up for the comedy show they're just like oh boy and then they get caught like fish love comedy I've heard that before yeah they fish do love this huge fans of comedy especially a reverent podcast humor oh hundred percent they love that yeah all right we'll take one more because it's the first week of this sure of course all right we got 22 of these so I'm just gonna do the old hold down enter and land on one and here we go dear illustrious sirs the duo known as Cox and
Starting point is 00:53:38 Crendor are now somehow left in charge of building so I'm out time out time out yep you did not come to us with tears in your eyes I'll allow it this one week. Oh boy. You must come to us with tears in your eyes otherwise it does not count Yep, you gotta say it dear illustrious sirs with tears in your eyes Here's in my Bloods I'm saying here's your illustrious sirs. I know the two of you're crying right now The duo known as Cox and Crandoor are now somehow left in charge of building some sort of maze labyrinth. How do you keep pesky adventures out from stealing all your hard-earned loot and lore? What sort of tests and tribulations do you force them to endure to get to the end of the maze labyrinth?
Starting point is 00:54:20 All right, some adventures have shown up to my maze labyrinth, and I've got treasure at the end of this labyrinth I don't want them getting to what is the treasure that you have by the way? What are you protecting? What am I protecting? Money your treasure Although why would I store money at the end of a labyrinth you couldn't get to it that would be a problem Yeah, that's what banks are for it's got to be something. I couldn't get to Right, but I'd have but that you needed to keep safe. Yeah That's
Starting point is 00:54:55 My squishable collection as a mighty collection And only the most ruthless of terrors would attempt to take it from you. Yeah exactly So I would probably have the most because like okay Everybody's got the classic like oh he turned down the one way and a big rock Ball starts coming after you like Indiana Jones or something. There's like trap doors and little like fire arrow things I would have the most unconventional labyrinth About you would have to like go into one room and it's like what is this and he have to like sit down and it's just like here's a two-hour comedy special of Gallagher and they'd be like oh god no.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And it's like here's Gallagher and then he'd come out and you'd have to listen for the full two hours to Gallagher. And get covered with watermelon at the end? Yeah, you get covered with watermelon and then if he determines that you've you've performed well he'll allow you to go to the next part. So basically your labyrinth is just some sort of modern performance art piece? No, it's there to make sure you're not getting through. Right, I mean so your labrith is just a series of time-based gates? Yes, which I think is the strongest way you can build a labrith. Like what are you going to do, put a rock and it rolls down like cool, you just dodge
Starting point is 00:56:14 it and you keep going. If you got time-based gates, also you know I'd probably pay Gallagher like a squishable just to stay there he'd accept it like a watermelon maybe Gallagher is dead would this be would this be zombie Gallagher it could be ghost Gallagher ah oh goes so ghost watermelons are involved yeah ghost watermelons that does sound scary yeah and then you probably get to the next part and you have to... Man, what do I hate? You have to read the entirety of my YouTube comments section. All the comments from all the videos? All the comments from all the videos.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Wow, this is a deadly labyrinth. This is great. It's just a series of rooms and somehow is the deadliest labyrinth. Yeah. Then you have the next labyrinth you got to go in and it's just a series of rooms and somehow is the deadliest labyrinth. Yeah, then you have to the next labyrinth You got to go in and it's just a computer you have to edit together a Ten minute video that you record on the vlogging camera there, and you have to use Sony Vegas version like 13 which just keeps crashing every five minutes He's like oh my god, And there's not the save keys broken.
Starting point is 00:57:26 So you just, it's just like I can't save and you just have to hope you can finish it in time. That'd be terrible. I like this. This is not only is it a labyrinth to get to, and again it's just a series of rooms, it's a labyrinth to get to your squishables.
Starting point is 00:57:42 But it's also a mental labyrinth of your existence and what you've been through. In order to get your squishables. But it's also a mental labyrinth of your existence and what you've been through. In order to get your squishables they must become you. Yeah, exactly. That's brilliant. That's very good. That's why I'm the only one that can do it. Right? Cause you are you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And at the end of it, there's a big boulder that comes out and chases you down. Yeah, when he gets to the last room a boulder squishes you. Yeah, you're so worn down from everything else that you're like ah jeez, and then you just get squished by the boulder. You can't outrun it because you're just too worn out. You're just like whatever. You're probably, at that point you're like
Starting point is 00:58:14 let the boulder take me. He's that, there you go, that's mine. How's yours? Mine would be a maze that was like a corn maze. Right? Right, and the prize, A maze that was like a corn maze. Right. Right. And the prize, this is the twist, the thing I'm protecting is corn.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Okay. So, you'll be stuck in my maze, but you'll realize my prize is the corn maze. So they think they're going for treasure, but it's really just corn. So like they've been at the treasure the entire time. The treasure was the maze, yeah. The treasure's the corn corn so like they they've been at the treasure the entire time the treasure was the maze yeah Yeah, the treasures the core. I like that yeah, so they're stupid there And they're looking for loot or whatever, but the real loot was the maze man. It would get it the maze Oh, I get it maze corn
Starting point is 00:59:03 I didn't I didn't get that till right then when I said that I felt really I felt like damn, dude I really thought I was something cool there. You're like. Oh, no right. Yeah, no maze Thanks for that hey no problem, then that's our segment all right What's our fact of the day? What is our fact of the day? Fact of the day... day... day... The state of Virginia may contain
Starting point is 00:59:30 hidden treasure. May contain? In the full state? Possibly. Yep. The Beale ciphers? What? That's what it says. The Beale ciphers are a set of coded text that are said to reveal the location of a hidden treasure.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Research believes that it is worth over 43 million in gold, silver, and jewels. Only one of three texts have been encoded so far. Oh my god, I'm looking this up. The Beale ciphers. Yeah. Treasure buried 1891-1892. Buford's in Bedford County, Virginia. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. The Beale Papers was released in 1885. This could be a good Chiluminaughtii episode. This could be a thing that I like do for Chiluminaughtii.
Starting point is 01:00:18 This is amazing. What the hell? Yeah. This is wild. We should do this, we should bring this as a Cox and Krendor segment to promote the double live show. We really should. This is fascinating. I love it. This is a promotional tool we're going to use. Yeah, look at that. This is actually crazy. There's a guy on Reddit from a year ago that says, I solved the papers. Where do I publish my results the Treasures total weight is about three tons as described in inventory of the second cryptogram this includes approximately 35,000 Troy ounces of gold 61,000 Troy ounces of silver worth about 42 million dollars and 1 million dollars respectively and jewels worth around 220 thousand dollars What the heck? People are saying that many of the people who solve them are hoaxes.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Some guy used a super computer in the late 1960s to analyze it. The two undeciphered ones did not show a pattern one would expect of randomly chosen numbers and probably encoded in intelligible text. Some questions remain about the authenticity of the pamphlet. So maybe even the pamphlet isn't a real thing. Damn. Huh, interesting. Yeah, that's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Edgar Allan Poe has been suggested as the pamphlet's real author? What? This is a deep dive. Oh my God. I think i just discovered a topic i want to actually do for to illuminati this is amazing yeah saving this this is so cool what yeah this is crazy is why i love this this is neat this is very cool
Starting point is 01:01:59 where you go you just blew my mind. This is a fact. This is great. Yeah. Okay. Well, let's go to our big new story today. Big news story of the day. Day. Day. Day. Day. Bear breaks into California cabin, steals jelly. think this might be a Hank the Tank. This could be Hank. Hank could be out there doing his thing. This could be Hank. A security camera at a California cabin recorded video when a bear burglar broke into the residence and raided the refrigerator. Scott He's coming for that jelly. Scott? I hope so. Scott Cloutier shared a video showing the bear wandering inside his South Lake Tahoe cabin earlier this month. Dude wasn't it at Lake Tahoe? That's what I'm saying I think this could be. This
Starting point is 01:02:56 could be. There was a time where they were saying that Hank the Tank was more than one bear. Maybe this is a Hank or a Tank. Yeah dude it is. This was Hank the Tank was more than one bear. Maybe this is a Hank or a Tank. Yeah. Dude, it is! This was Hank the Tank was at California's Lake Tahoe, and this is at Lake Tahoe! Oh my god. It's gotta be! Do you think, wait, didn't they remove Hank and take Hank somewhere else? Do you think Hank broke out and went back? Hank either broke out and got back. He has people that
Starting point is 01:03:25 he knows bears that he knows on the inside or this is just everybody's Hank the tank all at once there it's the or the Hank they took was another bear taking the fall for Hank he was like my king I will I will pretend to be you and they will take me but you will continue to fight on for bear kind you might be right and Hank was like I'll always remember you brother although this bear doesn't look as like he doesn't look as much of a tank as Hank. Maybe we have a photo of the bear. Hold on. We do have this video. Here you go It's of the bear getting the jelly. Yes He gets the jelly at around
Starting point is 01:04:19 30 seconds Yeah, you know what he does. Here's the thing you're right. He doesn't look like Hank the tank however Yeah, what if this is tank jr.. This could be tank jr.. It could be one of his kids what if? Yeah, saying what if? He just casually got in there. He's just like yeah I'm getting my jelly. He was trained by a master Yeah, he's got like a he's got like a tag on his ear it looks like so people know of him yeah people know of him like he's
Starting point is 01:04:52 he's got number three he's got a three on his ear this is why don't they mention that three children of Hank the Tank they're being tracked and they don't even care yeah don't even care I Yeah, I don't even care. I Like out at like 37 seconds. He also just looks straight at the camera like what the hell all right? And then he's like all right, I'm out of here yeah The bear is seen opening the fridge making a snack out of a bottle of jelly It was unclear how the bear got into the cabin making a snack out of a bottle of jelly. It was unclear how the bear got into the cabin.
Starting point is 01:05:24 The California Department of Fish and Wildlife says the bears are starting to stock up on food as they prepare for hibernation season, which begins around October. I love the idea that there's a bear out there who's like, all right, everyone, we need to stock up for the winter. Make sure to get as much food as you can.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Something to keep us fed over there. And one guy was like, alright, alright, gotta get food. I'm gonna break in his house. Jam! Oh, jams and jellies. Oh yeah, that's what I need. Okay, that sounds great. Okay. And everyone's like, what are you doing? Tank Junior!
Starting point is 01:05:58 Oh, your father would be so disappointed. It's... Honestly, I'm just glad we got more rank the tank stories. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Really it does. I saw another bear article this week that was like another cool equally tankish bear. They're out there living their lives and we are just in the way. Yeah. Oh yeah, I remember you showed me that story. They're cool, they're just cooler than us. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I remember you showed me that story. They're cool. They're just cooler than us. Yeah, they are.
Starting point is 01:06:28 And that's your big news story of the day. All right. Well, that's it for us. Thanks so much for listening and watching. I'm enjoying this podcast. Crendor and I'm at the socials. Oh, we got socials, YouTube dot com slash Cox and Crendor podcast. That's where you can find all the podcasts. one word you can find them all like I said you can also go to slash cox and crendor that's where you find all the animations you can also find us on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud and some other places probably also
Starting point is 01:06:58 check out our stuff that we do on our individual things crendor Jesse Cox YouTube crend TwitchTV Jesse Cox, YouTube Crendor, YouTube Jesse Cox, Facebook Crendor, Facebook Jesse Cox, Twitter Jesse Cox, Twitter Crendor, Instagram Notorious Cox, Instagram Crendor is taken, TikTok Crendor, TikTok Jesse Cox, TikTok, Patreon Crendor, Patreon Jesse Cox, and yes. And yes. Alright that's it. See y'all next time. And as always, woo. To be continued.

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