CppCast - Type Erasure, SIMD-Within-a-Register and more

Episode Date: October 20, 2024

Eduardo Madrid joins Phil and Timur. Eduardo talks to us about the Zoo libraries, including his advanced type-erasure library, as well as the SWAR library which simulates ad-hoc SIMD within a register.... We also discuss how he has taken inspiration and cues from the worlds of Biology and Physics to arrive at new thinking around software development, design and architecture. News QT 6.8 is released "Named Loops" proposal adopted into C - will C++ follow? C++ Online Call for Speakers is open Links The Zoo libraries "C++ Software Design" (book) - Klaus Iglberger Klaus Iglberger's talks on Type Erasure: "A Design Analysis" "The Implementation Details" (Some of ) Ed's talks: "Using Integers as Arrays of Bitfields a.k.a. SWAR Techniques - CppCon 2019" "Rehashing Hash Tables And Associative Containers" - C++ Now 2022" "Empowerment with the C++ Generic Programming Paradigm" - C++ Online 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Episode 392 of CppCast with guest Eduardo Madrid, recorded 14th of October 2024. In this episode, we talk about QT 6.8 and about named loops. Then we are joined by Eduardo Madrid. Eduardo talks to us about the zoo libraries and the electromagnetic wave metaphor. Welcome to episode 392 of CppCast, the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. I'm your host, Timo Dumler, joined by my co-host, Phil Nash. Phil, how are you doing today? Hi, Murray. Timo, how are you doing?
Starting point is 00:01:05 I'm good. Very busy. What else? I'm going to Zurich this weekend to speak at the Zurich C++ Meetup. So going to see our friend Sergei Platonov, who is organizing it. And Guy Davidson is also going to be speaking there. So it's going to be a little bit of a reunion with friends, but also hopefully a great C++ meetup.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah, and then I guess there's going to be more travel in November. Yeah, it's busy. I don't know. Same with you, Phil, right? What's up? Where are you right now, actually? I can see that you're in some hotel room. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:01:44 I am, yes. I'm in Italy at the moment. i'm doing some training here this week and i was in the nevidence last week at c++ under the sea as we talked about before but after this week yeah it was it was very good uh excellent first time conference very hard to believe it was our first year actually although being only one day it did, yeah, we could have really done two or three days of this. So I think they will be extending it in the future. That's great. Well, hopefully I can make it next time. So what are you up to then after that? So I'm in Italy this week, but after that, I've got no traveling for, I think,
Starting point is 00:02:22 five weeks. So that's going to be quite unprecedented right well maybe it's a chance for you to relax i hope so yeah right so at the top of every episode we'd like to read a piece of feedback and this time we received a comment uh very short and it says please provide a text transcript so i'm not sure whether we actually already do that, because when I listen back to our episodes on Spotify, I can actually see a transcript, but I have never tried to download it or anything. Phil, is that a thing? Is that something people can do? Do you want to talk about that a bit? So what you're seeing, I think, is a Spotify feature. There's nothing that we do for that. Well, we can produce a transcript. In fact, the software that we're
Starting point is 00:03:04 using right now to record on automatically produces a transcript in fact the the software that we're using right now to record on automatically produces a transcript test we record so we do have access to that and of course there's various tools now to uh to do that and couldn't even provide a summary of the whole podcast it's getting quite uh quite interesting uh and i do have i have had plans to do that for quite some time now. The trouble is, particularly because this is quite technical content, the hit rate on it is quite low. There's a lot of mistakes, typos, things you didn't quite hear, right? Yeah, I noticed that whenever we say words like constexpr or noexcept or whatever, any kind of SOS terminology. Sfina is also one of those. Like any tool just gets it hilariously wrong and the results are quite entertaining.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Sometimes not safe for work. I've seen that before. And then there is the problem of second learners. Yeah. So I think the ideal solution is to make it available in a format where we can actually crowdsource the corrections. So I'm thinking of some sort of like a GitHub repo where each show has at least one text file, ideally maybe split up into many, and then people can submit pull requests to make corrections, and that should spread the load a bit.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Obviously, that's going to take a little bit of work to put together, so we haven't done that yet, but I do want to do that. So excellent suggestion. And I think that will then help to make the content more searchable. You want to find something specific, you can search right into the text. So as well as just being able to read it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 All right. So we'd like to hear your thoughts about the show and you can always reach out to us on xmaster on LinkedIn or email us at feedback at cppcast.com. Joining us today is Eduardo Madrid. Eduardo is the main author of the Zoo Libraries, including the Type Erasure Framework and the SWAR Library that put together unique innovations he has been sharing with the community over
Starting point is 00:04:57 the years through conference presentations. He has been designing and implementing software architecture for application areas such as automated trading and high-frequency trading, Snapchat, and high-tech finance such as Bloomberg. Eduardo comes from South America and is a Bitcoiner. Most recently, he has developed an interest in the emergence of complex behavior and assembly theory and is now applying these fields to the architecting of software libraries. Eduardo, welcome to the show. Hi, I'm very happy to be here. Now, Eduardo, I've known you a few years now, so as well as your bio, I know a few other things
Starting point is 00:05:31 you've been working on. A lot of it seems to be inspired by evolutionary theory. Is there any part of evolution that hasn't led to software architecture? Oh, thank you for the question. I don a class on artificial intelligence, but this is the classical artificial intelligence that had things like, for example, genetic algorithms, planning, constraint satisfaction problems. And back in the day, we talked about expert systems and all that stuff that is looking, sounding obsolete nowadays because the techniques of artificial intelligence stuff that is looking sounding obsolete nowadays because the techniques of artificial
Starting point is 00:06:28 intelligence based on neural networks became so dominant unfortunately of all things that's the part that interested me the least when I was doing artificial intelligence back in the day but
Starting point is 00:06:43 like I think that there are lessons from evolutionary biology, abstract biology, applicable to software engineering, yes. Yeah, absolutely. And I found what you've been talking about there very interesting. We're going to dig into some of that a little bit later. Yeah, so we're definitely going to dig into that a bit later. But before we get to that, we have a couple of news articles to talk about. So feel free to comment on any of these, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:10 So the first one is not really a news item. It's just a little addition to what we mentioned last time when I said that the CppCon keynotes have been posted online, but one was missing, the one by Amanda Rousseau about safety and security called Embracing an Adversarial Mindset for C++ Security. Actually, that had been posted. I just seemed to have overlooked the link, but we did put the link into the show notes.
Starting point is 00:07:35 So it has been up there since two weeks ago. I just want to re-emphasize that, yes, all CppCon keynotes actually are online. I got that wrong last time. So apologies for that. The next piece of news is that Qt, a major cross-platform application framework written in C++, has a new release, Qt 6.8, which has just been released.
Starting point is 00:07:58 It's an LTS version, long-term support. So it's like a major release, I guess. And it has a lot of new stuff in it so qt apps if you do qt apps on mobile it now supports ios 18 and android 14 they now support windows on arm which is interesting it seems like this platform is gaining more acceptance which actually completes support for arm across all the platforms that Qt supports. You can also now create applications for Apple Vision Pro and MetaQuest 3XR headsets.
Starting point is 00:08:31 You can now write your own virtual reality headset software with Qt, Raspberry Pi 5, NVIDIA AGX, Orion, and a bunch of new embedded platforms. So they're really extending what kind of platforms they're targeting with their framework. There's a bunch of modules that were under technology preview that have now been completed
Starting point is 00:08:50 and are now basically fully functional and available and part of the main feature set, including Qt Graphs, which lets you do really cool like 2D and 3D graphics stuff, Qt HTTP Server and Qt gRPC. So they are fully supported from this release on. There's also new options to reduce the binary size of your Qt app,
Starting point is 00:09:13 which kind of echoes one thing that I felt. You had an episode about that while I was on parental leave, didn't you? How that's really important. So Qt offers new features for that now. Yeah, we had Sendor Dargo on and that seems to be coming up a lot. Seems to be the time for everyone to concentrate on binary sizes.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So that was quite timely, I think. So obviously every time there's a major release from a big framework like Qt, there's a very, very long list of features, which I'm not going to go through, but it seems like there's a lot of stuff in there. So if you're doing cross-platform application development with C++,
Starting point is 00:09:50 it seems like this is something you could check out okay so i have one more news item which is actually not from c++ but from the c committee good old c language is also evolving they're also occasionally put out new standards um and they have now approved for the next version of c which i don't think we know yet when it will come out but whenever it does they have now approved for the next version of C, which I don't think we know yet when it will come out, but whenever it does, they have approved the new feature for it called named loops, which is something that has been in discussion for a while. Apparently that proposal was actually somewhat controversial as well, but they have now got it in.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So the way it works is that you can write a label. So any like identifier followed by a colon, immediately before a switch or a for loop. And then you can write things like break label or continue label to break or continue that specific loop or switch, which is very handy if you have nested such loops. So yeah, I think there is a bit of an expectation that C++ should adopt that as well,
Starting point is 00:10:43 so the two languages don't diverge. So let's see if and when and how that's going to happen. Probably not anymore for C++26, but I'm curious whether it's going to be as controversial in C++ as it apparently was in C, and what you think about that.
Starting point is 00:11:00 To me, it baffles me that it only took 50 years for C to acquire the capability of escaping method loops. That's something that is in one way or another present in just any other language, except C. It is embarrassing that it is not in C and C++. Yeah, I'm actually pretty sure Fortran had it like literally 50 years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:28 No, I think everyone's been wanting this for all of those 50 years, that the trouble is getting people to agree on the syntax. And I think that's really why it was controversial. Not that we have the feature at all, but just how you actually spell it. There just seems to be no syntax. Everyone just says,
Starting point is 00:11:43 yeah, that's probably how we should do it. Well, but that syntax is basically the same syntax that Perl uses. You know, it's like many languages use that syntax. I don't understand. What's the controversial aspect of it? I have to admit that I also don't know. I just read on Reddit that it was apparently controversial. I didn't dig deeper.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Maybe I should ask one of the C people. Maybe they can tell me the story. One thing that came out in there, Fred, was the fact that you put the label before the loop or the switch statement made it sort of feel a bit detached from it as if you're doing a go-to to
Starting point is 00:12:22 just before the loop. I think that was the objection, that you're sort of using a go-to, a label, but it's not actually going to the label. Oh yeah, I can see how that's weird, but I guess that's the only thing that syntactically works, right? Yeah. But at this point, if it's in C,
Starting point is 00:12:38 the pressure is really there to just adopt the same syntax in C++ because the compilers are going to do it anyway. Alright, so I believe, Phil, you have one more news item for us, don't you? Yep. So just like last time, I sneaked in one more, which is another call for speakers, this time for C++ Online.
Starting point is 00:12:55 That's going to be running again the end of February. Didn't actually put the dates in, but I think it's the last week in February we've got. The call for speakers is now open. So if you want to speak at an online conference, so you can be from anywhere in the world, but we're going to be running it to the close to UK time zone, friendly times.
Starting point is 00:13:14 So if you can make that, then come and speak at C++ online. All right. So with that, we can move on to our main guest and it's my great pleasure to again introduce Eduardo to the show. Actually, we have known each other for a while as well. I think I'm pretty sure we bumped into each other at my very first CPPCon, which was almost a decade ago. And I've been continuously talking about stuff since then. So sorry, Ed, that it took so long to finally get you on the show.
Starting point is 00:13:41 But I'm very, very happy that you're here today. I am very, very happy that you're here today i am very very happy myself and uh i got to about my relation to cpp cast as a listener uh i must say that i got to know phil thanks to the interview at cpp cast i didn't know anything about Catch-2 and I immediately adopted Catch-2 after that interview at CppCast and wow, there are so many things that I have learned at CppCast that have been very influential for me. In one occasion, I drove from where I still live in Los Angeles to CppCon when it was in Bellevue. And the drive was a fantastic drive. It's very beautiful. And my entertainment was to listen to CppCast the whole way through. So it was about 20 hours of CppCast episodes. Very influential for me all right well
Starting point is 00:14:46 that's great to hear thank you very much for letting us know that that means a lot and obviously i guess a lot of that was uh when uh robin jason was still running the show but yeah naturally but you are you are the natural successors i um i think that uh the spirit is evolving and keeping strong. And I am very enthusiastic about things like that initiative that you guys have of considering to make crowdsourcing transcripts that are searchable. Wow, that's amazing, right? We've got to do it again. Yeah, you better get on that, Phil. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:28 So, Ed, thank you so much for your kind words. That really means a lot. But I also want to talk about your work, which is also really interesting, which is why you're here today. So I guess the most visible part of your work, apart from the great conference talks that you gave over the last years,
Starting point is 00:15:45 is your zoo libraries, which are on GitHub. Do you want to just briefly give us a little overview of what they're about and how they came about and who's working on it? Then we can maybe dig into the details a little bit afterwards. My pleasure.
Starting point is 00:16:00 The reason why I started this open source project is that I couldn't fully apply the ideas that I had gathering experience from my own entertainment and especially at work, of course. with trading, I have also had responsibilities over trading systems. And just to give people an idea of the type of responsibility that that means, for example, when I was much younger in my career, there were four people at the team of IT executions, and our team was doing all of the trading systems, like 99% of the flows happened through our work. And on a daily basis, around $250 million moved per trading day back in 2011, for example.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And if you divide that by four, then that'll be my daily trading responsibility, right? So it was very important to be attentive to every single detail, no bugs, no performance deficiencies, reliability. It was very challenging and the responsibility was quite high. So I had these responsibilities and that is a privilege because I learned things that I couldn't have learned any other way. Like I cannot set up an emulator or a simulator of a financial exchange at home, right? To see what matters and what doesn't. And there are lessons from that experience that I couldn't apply because of the constraints of the normal work. The only outlet for exposing those ideas to
Starting point is 00:17:56 reality was to create something outside of work. And I really like the social aspect of open source, of manifesting to the public, all right, please see these ideas that I am expressing in source code. I would like your comments to be able to tell that to the community. So that's why I began to do an open source repository. And the first thing that I tackled with in earnest was type erasure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So let's talk about that a little bit. So you have a type erasure library in there. So I guess, are we talking about the kind of type erasure that, for example, std function does or std any? Or is that something else? And what does your library do differently? Why is it better than other approaches? Yes, indeed. We are talking of type erasure is to read the chapter on type erasure written in the book by Klaus Eagleberger, C++ Design Patterns.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's an entire chapter. It's something very sophisticated. And the reason why it is sophisticated is because the interplay is a dance, like many other different design patterns cooperating. So there is the external polymorphism design pattern, prototype, bridge, and some others. But you can get the full description from Klaus. And let me anticipate one thing that if we can talk about that, that would be great, that in my opinion, type iteration exhibits emergent behavior,
Starting point is 00:19:58 meaning that it has a synergy among the design patterns that it composes that have properties that the individual design patterns don't have. Like, for example, the external runtime polymorphism design pattern has an inherent performance drawback. However, external polymorphism, as it happens within type U ratio, does not necessarily have that inherent performance drawback. And the latter part, I am just going to say it.
Starting point is 00:20:31 It is a strong claim, but, well, the evidence is plentiful in that regard. In terms of performance and modeling capabilities, the framework that I wrote is superior to all of us. And it is independently superior in performance and independently superior in modeling power. So that's interesting. I have to say, I haven't really used type erasure in an advanced way.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Nobody who doesn't use my framework has ever done it. So I'm just curious. i want to dig a little bit deeper so my kind of naive understanding of it the way i've used it a bunch of times to implement like a i don't know something like a value type that takes different like when you're implementing a json pass or whatever you can have a variant but you can also have like a basically something like an any right like it takes whatever so usually like what i've done is you have uh kind of a pointer underneath and you do it over by uh like constructors that take different types and then they create like a kind of a polymorphic type and then you have like
Starting point is 00:21:38 internally like a v table that dispatches to the right polymorphic type but the interface basically hides all of that stuff is yeah there there seems to be much more to it than that. So I'm just curious what I'm missing here. Ooh, this is a long list. Let's start with one really important thing, okay? I believe that type erasure is the only reasonable way to get value semantics with runtime polymorphism both at the same time that's something that you would find in in klaus's book right and again you
Starting point is 00:22:12 can go drink from the source that's an excellent book the pdf is available the all of the things that type erasure give you now in a conventional way, you can get it from Klaus's book, okay? He's done a talk on it as well. Oh, yes, he has done several at this point in time. I track his presentations, and he has talked about type ratio several times. So another important thing is the modeling power. I even designed a – I am trying to introduce some
Starting point is 00:22:45 language to describe the future of type erasure. An important advancement over conventional runtime polymorphism using inheritance and virtual overrides or basically object-oriented interfaces or an
Starting point is 00:23:01 improvement over object orientation on type erasure with regards to runtime polymorphism is that it supports what I call not only monophyletic subtyping relations, but also paraphiletic and polyphiletic. Let me give you an example of what I call paraphiletic subtyping relation, or maybe even polyphiletic. Let's call it polyphiletic for the purposes of what I'm going to explain. Let's say every time that you want to do something like serialization,
Starting point is 00:23:32 serialization and deserialization for an application or a framework, you're going to be choosing among the different types that participate in your application, what are the ones that are going to be able to be persisted and deserialized or recovered from storage, right? So the process of you selecting the times that you're going to be able to serialize is the subtyping relation that you're introducing.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Subtyping as in the Lisk-Obs substitution principle. And what I want people to see from this example is that they are basically an ad hoc collection of types that you're going to serialize. Because that set is related only to the very specific needs of your application. So classical object orientation only gives you the option of wrapping everything so that they
Starting point is 00:24:34 adhere to the object-oriented interface of serialization. That the property becomes structural, right? But that gives you a lot of problems. It is a world of hurt. And let us escape from C++. Let us talk about Java, for example. This is a very asinine problem in Java
Starting point is 00:24:56 because of the dichotomy of polyphilic subtyping relations that cannot be supported directly by the object orientation as in Java, you have these ridiculous classes like the integer objects that internally have a T2B integer,
Starting point is 00:25:21 but they are boxed and have a lock and have a lot of things just to be able to participate in object-oriented interfaces. That's one example of how pathetic those wrappers are. And the reason why I mentioned these of polyphyletic, paraphyletic, and monophyletic is because it's something that I have never heard anybody else mentioning
Starting point is 00:25:45 with regards to type erasure. And my framework directly supports all of these things. So what exactly do you mean by polyphilitic and monophilitic? Yeah, these three words come from biology. So let's say, for example, mammals, okay? Mammals, you can represent it with a base class or an object-oriented interface. And the properties that make mammals mammals
Starting point is 00:26:19 are common to all of us, right? So in that regard, that is a monophyletic taxon, a monophyletic category, a monophyletic hierarchy. Nothing surprising there, but you might have other categories, like for example, marine mammals, okay? So marine mammals are polyphyylatic with regards to being mammals because you exclude things that are mammals but not marine mammals. Even though all marine mammals have common ancestors, mammals have species that are not marine in nature, okay? Or the example of, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So that's an example of polyphyletic. And there are also examples of paraphyletic relations. One example would be primates. Like Homo sapiens is a primate that swims. And that's quite specific to Homo sapiens is a primate that swims, and that's quite specific to Homo sapiens. Like, primates in general don't swim. So that's an example of a paraphilic subtyping relation. So what I'm going to is that the reality that you want to model in your software is far more complicated than what purely monophyletic subtyping relations would allow you to.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So that's a very big limitation. When you run into this problem while doing software engineering and the only resource that you have is interfaces in the object-oriented meaning, then you are in a world of hurt. Rather than thinking of hierarchies of interfaces, we're thinking of clusters of capabilities that could be cross-cutting. Yes, yes, yes. Very much so. Thank you
Starting point is 00:28:17 for that comment, because that gets us closer to what my framework does. Maybe I should say what is a subtyping relation before it is too late. The SOLID principles, the L stands for
Starting point is 00:28:33 the LISCOP substitution principle. And a very good example of substitution is the concept of a telephone. From a telephone, you would expect it to be able to place and receive calls at the very least. But the realization of a telephone
Starting point is 00:28:53 can happen with a rotary telephone, something that people that was born in this century don't even know how to use. And smartphones, that even though they are orders of magnitude more complicated, everybody and their dog know how to use a smartphone nowadays, right? My dog does. My dog definitely also does, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:16 When you want to use a telephone for its basic capabilities of placing or receiving a call, then any of them would do. Any of them are substitutable. That's the essence of the LISCOP substitution principle. Of course, the realization of substitutability happens in programming languages, typically via subclassing, object-oriented interfaces. It's a structural property of the types.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Type erasure frees you from requiring that structural relation. So it is free form. It is unconstrained, and therefore it has much more powerful modeling capabilities. Right. So this is a fascinating discussion and I'd love to spend the rest of our time talking about type erasure and subtyping relationships.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But I do actually want to ask you about another library that you worked on before you ran out of time. So let me just switch topic if that's okay with both of you. So you also have a SWAR library in there, S-W-A-R, which you've talked about, which seems to be very interesting, very fascinating, and also very fast.
Starting point is 00:30:38 So do you want to just briefly talk about what SWAR actually is and why anybody would need that and then what your library gives the user in that area? Sure. So SWAR stands for Scene D within a register. So simple instruction, multiple data, single instruction, multiple data within a normal integer register.
Starting point is 00:31:02 So you're going to pretend, you're going to simulate, emulate, that you have lanes within a normal integer. And those lanes might be, let's say the base type, 64-bit integers. You can have, for example, 8-bit lanes. So you would have 8 8-bit lanes. You can have 16 4-bit lanes. You can have 9 7-bit lanes. So you would have eight 8-bit lanes. You can have 16 4-bit lanes. You can have nine 7-bit lanes. So our library supports all of those configurations. And then you program
Starting point is 00:31:35 using this library in the way that you would normally use SIMD, regardless of whether you have SIMD in the architecture that you're using. And it turns out that the emulation of SIMD capabilities through judicious mathematics and bit-twiddling techniques gives you a performance that is really good, especially when what you want to do is not proper SIMD work, but let's call it tactical, like ad hoc SIMD applications. And there are two examples that I can call right now. One of them is, of course, the motivating reason for me having done this library,
Starting point is 00:32:27 which is to work with sets as bit fields. And this is what I communicated to the community back in 2019 on C++ for the win or how C++ beats all other languages at card games. So that's what I described, a much more primitive version of the SWAR library. SWAR, of course, is not a term that I invented, but it comes from other people. And the thing that we revisited, the people on the zoo libraries, Scott Bruce and I, decided that the SWAR techniques were excellent for implementing the Robin Hood hash tables that we had in mind.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And it proved their mettle in that regard. So today, Michael O'Rourke and I have advanced so much some techniques in the SWAR library that we're beginning to apply to CUDA and to proper SIMD registers and SIMD instruction sets. And you can see a tiny bit of that, like the incipient work that we're doing on our latest presentations, like Jamie, Poms, and I,
Starting point is 00:33:46 that we are using intrinsics to do SIMD in a way that is a generalization of our SWAR libraries within the SWAR library. So, sorry, the SWAR library is driving the intrinsics. So we're
Starting point is 00:34:01 escaping the part of being constrained to normal integer registers because it turns out that the techniques are applicable. Like, if you want an example, to my knowledge, there is no architecture that would
Starting point is 00:34:18 allow you to have lane sizes that are not a power of two number of bits. We can, without much problem and without losing too much performance, have lane sizes that are nine bits or seven bits. And why would that be useful? I gave you the two examples, right?
Starting point is 00:34:39 And in the case of Robinhood, for example, it is useful to reconfigure a table in the way that the metadata that contains information regarding the summary of hoisted hashes and something that we call the probe sequence length. So you might have, for example, that you have a Goldilocks problem that a length size of 8 bits is too small, but a length size of 16 bits is inefficient, too large. So 9 bits is, for example, a really useful in practice linsize for rolling dot hash tables. That's one application or one feature that, as far as I know, is not present in all the libraries and frameworks. Yeah, I think we get a bit too hung up on always using powers of two.
Starting point is 00:35:44 That's not necessarily the best approach. Well, the issue about powers of two is that they compose phenomenally well. Yeah. So that's not a... Good default. And we do have a performance drawback, like indexing. Any type of indexing, basically, when you are not using powers of two,
Starting point is 00:36:11 requires to do multiplications. And it is especially painful when you want to do the equivalent of masking the lower bits, which would require you to do a mathematical operation of an arithmetic of modulo. And so the modulo is a multiplication and a subtraction. So it's expensive. You mentioned performance a moment ago, and you said the performance was very good. Can you expand on that a little bit?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Are we talking about slightly better or? There is a performance cost to use a normal CMD because you have to format things in the way that your architecture is going to be able to process in a CMD using the CMD architecture, okay? Yeah. And sometimes, like in the case of abx2 abx2 that gives you 256 bits per register or or abx 512 that gives you 512 bits per register that'll be excessive right and And you might want to do something more tactical.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Number one, you don't want to switch to using the execution units of the CMD architecture because then you don't have simple comparisons, for example, in the way of... When you do that, typically, especially in the way of when you do that, typically, especially in the case of the ARM architecture, ARM Neon, when you have your operations and then you want to transform the results into booleans, those booleans will have to be converted into a mask first in the SIMD architecture registers,
Starting point is 00:38:03 and then you should transfer that mask to the SIMD architecture registers and then you transfer that mask to the general PUPOS registers and then you decode the mask in the general PUPOS registers. Well, the SWAR techniques, even though they have an inherent cost to them,
Starting point is 00:38:20 if depending on the specific application, it might happen that it's actually cheaper and more performing to keep everything within general Puzzle registers. That's very interesting. I guess it depends on the problem, but I haven't really seen that being used in any code that i was working on so i'm i'm thinking now of any
Starting point is 00:38:47 would there have been any cases where some algorithm would have benefited from that approach it's it's quite interesting i i need to think about this a bit more well let me tell you two recommendations you can watch my presentation in 2019 of the application of SWAR techniques to have the basically top performing Texas Hold'em Poker engine. That's what I described there when the SWAR library was very, very primitive and it was still very, very helpful. And the other is to re-watch because I know that you were in the audience and you even made a nice comment. Thank you very much, Timur, about my C++ Now presentation
Starting point is 00:39:33 where I described the first time our hash tables and also the presentation at CppCon with Scott Bruce and I on the same topic of hash tables. Yeah, so I remember the hash table one. So hash tables is not something you use quite as often in audio, for example, as you would in finance. So I think I didn't quite yet understand how the SWOT techniques are kind of applicable for other things as well.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I need to rewatch that talk. So thank you very much for that. Yeah, I would recommend you to do it because the mechanisms of the particular flavor of hash tables that I have been working on together with my collaborators at the repository, Robinhood hash tables, the mechanisms of Robinhood hash tables
Starting point is 00:40:22 are truly interesting in my opinion. And the interplay between those characteristics and those techniques and guarantees such as... Sorry, I don't want to go into unnecessarily deep detail, but that's interesting. And the SWAR techniques were invaluable to make them perform. Right. So we're going to include links to these talks in the show notes. I'm sure other people will find that also very interesting. So I want to switch to another topic before we run out of time,
Starting point is 00:40:59 because I want to have at least a little bit of time to talk about that. So I did not re-watch the talk about hash tables, but I did watch your much more recent talk, actually just a few months ago at C++ Online, where you mentioned something like the electromagnetic wave metaphor, the electromagnetic wave progress metaphor. And as somebody who has a background in physics, I found that to be very, very interesting. electromagnetic wave progress metaphor and as somebody who has a background in physics um i
Starting point is 00:41:25 found that to be very very interesting and uh just like with the evolution stuff we talked about earlier i was like hmm how did how did i don't immediately see how that applies to software engineering so i'm just very curious uh i mean i know a little bit about this obviously already because i watched your talk but do you want to talk a little bit about this, obviously, already because I watched your talk. But do you want to talk a little bit about that? Because I think that's quite an interesting thought that I haven't really heard before. So I think that might be interesting to talk about as well. Oh, man, if this metaphor is novel to you, like the meaning behind the metaphor is novel to you, that makes my day, Timur. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Thank you for the metaphor. I really enjoyed that. All right. So here's a really capital observation, which is when you are doing a non-trivial software engineering effort, you end up learning a lot about what you were doing
Starting point is 00:42:24 once you delivered some passable, usable code. And that point in time, the project, that new understanding, that superior understanding that you have achieved gets orphaned of support, of sponsorship, to capitalize on it and introduce it back into the code base. So what I mean is that in the process of doing something practical, you may gain insights that, for lack of a better word, we're going to use the word theoretical to describe them,
Starting point is 00:43:01 like not immediately applicable, like you don't know how to apply them immediately, but you know that you have a superior understanding of it. And who knows what are the benefits that you're going to get down the road. By the way, in my libraries, the examples are so abundant that it's exhilarating of achieving a superior understanding. But if you supply that sponsorship, if you have faith in your superior understanding, then rather quickly you can get the hang of how to turn those insights, those theoretical insights into practical benefits. So this reminded me, I also studied physics, this reminded me of electromagnetic waves,
Starting point is 00:43:56 because electromagnetic waves, all of the work, all of the energy that you can do useful things with them, like driving sensors, etc., come from the electric field. Magnetic fields, magnetic forces, in general, don't produce any work. So the magnetic field needs to be transformed into an electric field to be directly applicable and useful. And it turns out that electromagnetic radiation is precisely that. The electric field changing, improving, let's say, makes a change, induces a change in the magnetic field, and the change in the magnetic field induces a change in the electric field.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And that is the electromagnetic wave, in essence. And so how does that apply to the process of software engineering? Is it that you can then feed back your insights into the practical? Yeah, the important part is to have faith in your new insights, in your new understanding, to be put back into the code base as soon as possible, even if you don't have a direct need that you had identified. And the exhilarating part is that this works because it is the essence of why I have accomplished so much
Starting point is 00:45:19 in the zoo libraries with so little effort that I have put in. But quite interestingly, there is the experience of several people that have contributed in earnest to the repository that got indoctrinated into this way of doing software. And they themselves have been getting insights and doing things that are better than they have ever done. That is very interesting. From the perspective of software engineers, it has proven that the induction happens.
Starting point is 00:45:55 From these libraries, people do learn to do this. And it is really, really great when you are doing something and you have an insight that you you know that is uniquely yours that nobody else had that understanding ever before like there's one example that happened recently and i'm just going to use that example because it is the most recent one um i was reading From Mathematics to Genetic Programming for the NTF time. It's a book that I have read several times, and every time I do, I discover much more insightful things. The book by Alexander Stepanov and Rose.
Starting point is 00:46:42 And it was about the Egyptian multiplication algorithm. And they then noticed something. Oh, wow. Everybody implements this algorithm by consuming the rightmost bit in the count to do this. And I think that that is a tiny bit less efficient than consuming the most significant bit.
Starting point is 00:47:11 So the insight was directly applicable to one question that I was solving, which was SWAR multiplication. You know that multiplication is a truly important operation. And in a normal integer that is split
Starting point is 00:47:29 into lanes, it is tricky to implement multiplication in a SWAR way, in a lane wise, in a CMD way, so that you can multiply elements of the same lane into SWAR registers.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And I implemented that multiplication in the regressive formulation as opposed to the progressive. That's how I call it. And this was so interesting that the collaborator, Jamie Pond, took an interest on that and made the showcase of his own CppCon presentation this year. And that talk was very well received because it was dense in insights that were novel. Like, we need to give names to things
Starting point is 00:48:24 that we haven't ever seen before, but that are interesting and useful. And one of them is the progressive direction versus the regressive direction. But Jamie Pond explains it in his presentation at the CPPCon, so I don't have to repeat that. And I don't know, right now, like at this very minute that I'm talking to you, normally multiplication gets implemented with the Booth algorithm. Like that's how microprocessors or arithmetic logic units do multiplication by using, well, not the Booth algorithm, but based on the Booth algorithm, the Wallace and the Dodd algorithms. And it's very clear that for the purposes of SWAR, the motivation for lane-wise multiplication that was my objective
Starting point is 00:49:17 that led me to apply the Egyptian multiplication algorithm wasn't suitable. So I am having a new understanding of this is the first time that using a monad, the monad of Swart, drove very strongly a preference towards the Egyptian multiplication algorithm as opposed to this other alternative for multiplication algorithms. And what we did with multiplication is not only multiplication but
Starting point is 00:49:50 like Jamie explained in his presentation, this template is applicable to any associative operation that is counted. So it's general to any monoid. In particular, for example, application to integer fields that are very important in cryptography,
Starting point is 00:50:09 like arithmetic modulo of a large prime base. So the very same algorithm is so general that it's scary. And it emerged in a very organic way from carefully analyzing each need that our motivating... Well, yes, so this is an example of work that emerges in the library, in the zoo libraries,
Starting point is 00:50:39 that engender their own CppCon presentation by someone who's not even the person who had the initial ideas. I don't know if this is interesting to you, but I think it is fascinating because this is the other thing. Once you get the hang of how to use the zoo libraries and what I call the epistemological doctrine of software engineering, the practice makes you much faster on this iteration. So we have a very high frequency in the electromagnetic wave
Starting point is 00:51:17 in terms of transforming theory into practice and transforming practice into theory quite quickly on a per day basis, basically. So if you are skeptical about this, I can just invite you to become a collaborator to the Zoo Libraries. And it takes more or less about three months to get the hang of it. And you'll see for yourself. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I would like to extend that invitation to anybody who's listening to our podcast today. Yep, the zoo is open. Yeah, that's the shameless plug that I had to include as an interviewee. All right. So we talked about evolution. We talked about electromagnetic waves. Another thing that you mentioned in your work is assembly theory. So what's that?
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah, well, this hasn't been reflected in my work as of now, but the theory of emergent complexity and assembly theory already has examples in the world of sovereign engineering, at least from my point of view. So let us use something simpler than assembly theory, which is the emergence of complexity, right? In general, what you want to... So complexity is simpler.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Yeah, so using complexity to simplify software engineering, it sounds like a contradiction or a pun, but here's what I'm going toward. You make a library, okay? I have always been very interested in trying to understand what makes a library easy to use. And, of course, you have to remove coupling. You have to maximize cohesion.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You even have to take into account something that people don't mention very often, which is orthogonality, but I believe it is essential to good libraries. But other than doing the things that we already know that work and that they are useful, what is the ghost of a good library that makes it really composable, really useful. And so I think that the summit of the quality of a software library is when it is applied to unanticipated cases.
Starting point is 00:53:35 When you're doing a library, you have some very clear applications in mind. And if it turns out that that library is useful for something that was completely unanticipated, then that library captures something essential that is subtle, difficult to appreciate, but it is definitely there that makes it a good library, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And that reminded me of things that uh naturally compose and that's where the emergence of complexity or the theory of phenomenology phenomenology of the emergence of complexity comes into play because what i mean by this is that when complexity emerges, that gives you an insight into how things, the multiplicity of agents combine with themselves, interact with themselves. Like, for example, the simplicity of an ant, as opposed to the complexity of an ant colony that comes about because of the interplay between the different ants that are simple individuals, simple organisms,
Starting point is 00:54:50 even easy to describe. So that's the idea, that you have a library that is like ants that would randomly combine to lead to interesting stuff, let alone when there is someone who deliberately is using the library to accomplish something. So I believe that if you have something that is so easy to combine, that it can happen randomly to obtain interesting behavior, then if you do it deliberately, you're going to get really great behavior.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And by the way, this is one of the very counterintuitive insights that I have communicated to the community in my presentation at C++ Now, the one that you attended, Timur. And also, I think that you were there, Phil. I was, yeah. To my knowledge,
Starting point is 00:55:40 I am the only one who has ever recommended people to specify as little as possible and not only that that i went one step further which is to make a template to specify less so so you're basically saying that code that does something useful should evolve to do more stuff rather than being constrained by a specification that says what it does? Yeah, that's part of it. The observation that I am making is that
Starting point is 00:56:16 one essential property of a good library is that it is good for unanticipated cases, right? To be good for unanticipated cases, right? To be good for unanticipated cases, then the library itself needs to be very agnostic about the purpose for why it was developed. So you are developing a library. You have a clear objective in mind. But if you make the library that specifies the bare minimum, it is mostly ambiguous in the way that it supports the motivating reason for having written the library.
Starting point is 00:56:54 You're maximizing the chances that it is going to be applicable in completely unanticipated ways because that library makes a deliberate effort of not imposing itself on the applications that are going to use them. And I have seen this experimentally when I was working at Snap. That's very interesting. Yeah, that's a very interesting approach. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Next time I write a library, I will try that approach. I'm genuinely curious now. Yes. So all of those things happen in the zoo libraries as a matter of course. And the results are there, okay, to be seen and appreciated or studied. I would really love to dig into this a lot more, but we are running over time. And, in fact, I'd love to dig into all of the things we've been talking about. And for most of them we can because you've done talks on them so we're definitely going to put all of
Starting point is 00:57:48 those links in the show notes so anybody whose interest is caught by any of those topics they can go and find out more but we do have one more question from my part is I should say that one thing that is embarrassing is that I have never documented the type erasure library, despite of how widely it's used. It is part of production of Snapchat and other projects. And Snapchat on its own is
Starting point is 00:58:15 quite important and relevant. But the thing is that I basically had to write a book on type erasure because this library has been recommended by, by a lot of people. It's mentioned in the,
Starting point is 00:58:28 in the book by Klaus Eagleberger, for example, even though I didn't earn his credit because he, he consulted me, but I didn't tell him something particularly insightful because I made a terrible mistake of forgetting the part of monophyletic, paraphiletic, and polyphiletic, because I made the terrible mistake of forgetting the part of monophyletic, paraphiletic, and polyphiletic, monopoly and paraphyletic relations,
Starting point is 00:58:52 subtyping relations. I forgot to tell him about this. He writes this in a book, a whole chapter. They carry to it about 10% of the whole book. Pedro Picos, for example, at C++ Now this year, explained just aspects, a few aspects, like 60%, 70% of the performance aspects of the type iteration library in a whole C++ Now presentation.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And there are so many more things to communicate to the people. Right. So we could carry on talking about this all day. In fact, we have done in the people. Right. We could carry on talking about this all day. In fact, we have done in the past. But right now, we do need to wrap up, and we do have one more question that we traditionally ask, which is, is there anything else in the world of,
Starting point is 00:59:37 let's try and keep it to C++, because we could go much further. Anything else in the world of C++ right now that you do find interesting outside of the zoo libraries? I consider it very interesting how C++ is being misunderstood. And therefore C++ apparently is dying, according to what I can see. And it is attempted to be substituted by Rust and Carbon and C++2 and so on,
Starting point is 01:00:08 that in my considerate opinion, they are just misunderstandings of C++ that eventually are going to be revealed to be misunderstandings. But who knows what's going to happen with C++ at that point. Right. So the future of C++ itself is what interests you? Yeah, well,
Starting point is 01:00:33 I don't like C++. It is just that it is less annoying than other programming languages, especially with regards to performance. It's the worst language apart from all the others. That's a bold statement. The summary of my attitude about it is that
Starting point is 01:00:54 you better really understand C++ because if you misunderstand it, then that's going to put you in a world of hurt. Yeah. That is true. That is definitely true. Just one example. Type curation is not expressible
Starting point is 01:01:12 in any other programming language. I mean, at conferences, I have shown the material evidence that the type curation framework that I implemented is of superior performance than the intrinsic feature of the language of virtual overwrites. The performance is better, and it is objectively better. It is very easy to see that it's better.
Starting point is 01:01:37 So it's a library that beats an intrinsic mechanism in the language. That's C++. In other programming languages, including, for example, Rust, it is inexpressible. That is quite interesting. Okay, so as Phil said, I wish we had more time to talk about this. This is really fascinating. We're going to put all the links to these topics in the show notes.
Starting point is 01:02:00 And before we let you go, is there anything else that you want to tell us? Is there anywhere people can get in touch with you if they want to learn more about these concepts? Oh, yes. Please contact me through my direct messages at Twitter. I use the handle thecppsu, like the textual, thecppoo, like a zoological. And through that handle, you can reach me.
Starting point is 01:02:30 That is the same account name at GitHub where the zoo libraries reside. And, of course, I am going to be documenting the type ratio library, and that's going to be documenting the newest understanding that I have about it all. And this is going to be something that hasn't been done yet, so it's going to significantly improve the usability because people would not have to contact me to use it. They could work independently. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:10 So that's really interesting. Looking forward to looking at that. And with that said, we are at the end. So thank you very much, Ed, for being our guest today. I really enjoyed it. I hope you did as well. It was my pleasure. I'm looking forward to more output from you on all of these topics
Starting point is 01:03:26 absolutely thanks thanks to you guys thanks so much for listening in as we chat about c++ we'd love to hear what you think of the podcast please let us know if we're discussing the stuff you're interested in or if you have a suggestion for a guest or topic we'd love to hear about that too you can email all your thoughts to feedback at cppcast.com. We'd also appreciate it if you can follow CppCast on Twitter or Mastodon. You can also follow me and Phil individually on Twitter or Mastodon. All those links, as well as the show notes, can be found on the podcast website at cppcast.com. The theme music for this episode was provided by podcastthemes.com.

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