Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - #342: Why It Is Time To BET On You With Heather!

Episode Date: July 26, 2023

Get your discounted tickets for Heather’s brand new LIVE workshop here:  In This Episode You Will Learn About:  What looking back 5 years wil...l do for you Working hard even when you AREN’T loving the journey Trusting that the best is yet to come Resources: Visit Overcome Your Villains is Available NOW! Order here:  If you haven't yet, get my first book Confidence Creator Go to and use code CONFIDENCE to get 10% off Head to and use code confidence50 to get 50% off. Get 55% off at  Show Notes:  Have you ever looked at successful people and wondered how they got started? How did they persevere when they had no idea how to get what they wanted? It’s because they had FAITH! They had trust that they would figure it out along the way. And it doesn’t take a genius to do this! Everyone can do it as long as they bet on themselves. What would happen if you took action now and believed the rest would work itself out along the way? I know the best is yet to come for you. Get started now and SEE what happens!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, I'm here to tell you about a new podcast that I'm really excited about. Negotiate your best life hosted by Rebecca Zung, a part of the Yap Media Network, as a globally renowned narcissist negotiation expert and an attorney recognized by the US news as a best lawyer in America, Rebecca shares her invaluable insights and strategies for navigating life's toughest negotiations. By drawing from her own experiences and the wisdom of her high profile guests such as Bob Proctor, Mark Victor Hanson, John Gordon, and Rebecca Deliver's empowering advice that will inspire you to reclaim control of your life. Negotiate your best life is all about how to negotiate your way to
Starting point is 00:00:37 greatness. She provides practical guidance on how to break free from toxic relationships stand up against injustice, and transform chaos into freedom, possibility, and purpose. Many times the first negotiation you do is with your own self and the morning. In this morning when you wake up, negotiate your best life is all about finding your way to greatness, conquering obstacles, and creating the life you truly deserve. Get ready to slay, thrive, and unlock your full potential. Don't believe me?
Starting point is 00:01:03 I'm going to go ahead and share some of the reviews so you can hear firsthand. You have helped me so much these last few weeks. I was with a narcissist for two years. She drove me to the point I wanted to take my own life listening to you has made a massive difference and now I know what I'm working with. Thank you Rebecca now the recovery. Oh, Rebecca's on helped save my life and I mean save my life. She helped millions of people stay on the right side of the law while breaking free from shattering, shocking, chilling narcissistic abuse. Wow. This is game changing stuff that Rebecca is doing. You gotta listen. If you are ready to stand up against injustice and transform the chaos in your life into freedom, possibility, and purpose,
Starting point is 00:01:41 then check out, negotiate your best life now. Subscribe to negotiate your best life with Rebecca Zung today on Apple Podcast Spotify or on your favorite podcast platform. I'm on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, we are going to chase down our goals, overcome adversity and set you up for better tomorrow. That's your no-sweet down. I'm ready for my close time. Hi and welcome back.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I'm so glad you're back here with me this week. Okay, so let me just throw it out there for you. I have had the craziest past couple of weeks. I've had so many trips, so many keynotes. It's been incredible, but I've sat in airports with delays and flight issues so much lately. It's been incredible, but I've sat in airports with delays and flight issues so much lately. It's insanity. However, I signed up for this.
Starting point is 00:02:32 This is what I wanted. This is what five years ago I was praying for. It's not funny how we can be in something and focus on the negative and the challenges and have to say, whoa, wait, let me hit pause. And remember, this is exactly what I was dreaming of this one day. There was a day five years ago I was dreaming for this to happen. So I'm so grateful.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I really am. I just have to remind myself how lucky I am. I get to live a life of purpose and feel so proud of what I'm doing and I get to help people every day. That's crazy It's amazing and it didn't happen by chance, right? And this is what I want to remind you As you know, I have a mastermind right now a speaker mastermind and I dropped a note today actually to all of them LinkedIn sent me a note this morning reminding me that you, or alerting me, I guess I should say, to data. And it said, Heather, over the last seven days,
Starting point is 00:03:30 2700 people have searched you as keynote speaker over the last seven days. Now, you are hearing that, and I don't know if you're a copywriter, I don't know if you're a salesperson, I don't know what it is that you do, but I'm not anomaly. Anyone can do what I do. That is for sure.
Starting point is 00:03:50 It just takes hard work, perseverance and a commitment to just keep showing up regardless of what the outcome is telling you because there have been years I've been showing up and it wasn't coming to fruition, right? It's really just starting to now. And hard work pays off and nobody wants to hear that, but that's reality. So five years ago is when I started aggressively posting on LinkedIn day and day out showing up. And maybe that was the right time for you to do it and you weren't doing it, but today is the only time. Get up and do it. Stop sleeping on opportunity. I had a friend reach out to me today.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And he was saying, like, hey, how are you landing all these stages? And, you know, here's my strategy and I'm reaching out to all these event planners and pitching them and listen, I did my first year when I got fired. I did the same thing. I was cold calling all day long, super time consuming. And what I started doing was reversing the flow. Instead of me chasing everybody, I wanted to attract people towards me. And that's where LinkedIn came into play. This is not an ad for LinkedIn, by the way. I wish it was.
Starting point is 00:04:51 It's just been such a great platform for me. It's a platform about business. It's a platform where if you show up every day, do the work, you know, results start showing up in time. And you know, one thing that I didn't realize earlier on, I wish I'd realize this, even if you have a small community. I used to have 10,000 people in my community I could have been monetizing that I could have been selling to those people never think that your community is too small or You know, you're not big enough yet to do anything. That's not true
Starting point is 00:05:18 That's just a BS story that people are telling themselves You can sell your products and services to any community that you have. And it's your job to do that, because selling is helping, and we need you out there making the world a better place. So that's the way I see it. I love getting that note from LinkedIn this morning, because it just reminded me that five years ago,
Starting point is 00:05:36 I wasn't showing up in 2,700 keynote speaker searches every week. No, I wasn't getting any increase above my keynote speaking, but I was posting about it. You got to start somewhere. You have to start as a beginner. You have to start with small to no audience and just keep serving, keep showing up and stay committed to the journey. And yeah, the journey sucks at times. I remember I was on the Gary V. Show in 2019 and he's like, yeah, you got to love the journey. I'm thinking myself, bro, you love the journey sucks at times. I remember I was on the Gary V show in 2019, and he's like, yeah, you gotta love the journey. And I'm thinking myself, bro, you love the journey
Starting point is 00:06:09 because you made it. I hadn't made it yet, so I'm getting a heck of a lot closer now. But, so let me just give you the timeline. You gotta stick in through the suck, I guess, is my point. And there's a couple of different ways to do that. One is to look back at different times in your life when you were in the suck before.
Starting point is 00:06:26 You made it out, you stuck through, and you reached that goal that you had. Use that as proof that you're gonna do that again this time. That's what I have done. I've definitely leaned on my past success in sales and sales leadership and different struggles I've had to know. If I stay committed, stay the course, and work hard, the goods gonna come.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And it does, right? It does, because the 2700 keynote searches happened in the last week, right? So when people are searching for keynote speaker, my profile showing up five years ago, that was not the case. Five years go at a very small community on LinkedIn. So wherever you are today, start taking the necessary action, start putting the work in.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And there's so many different ways to do that. You can start posting yourself. You could hire someone to do that for you. You could start collaborating with other people. There's so many different ways you can do it. Open your mind to the possibility, get clear on your vision, your goals, and start taking action against it. So I go back to 5 years ago, as you know, I had been fired.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I was so down in the dumps, I couldn't see straight. I was living in total fear, panic, and chaos, not helpful, by the way. That helped nothing. The first moment I helped myself was 24 hours after getting fired, I posted. I've been fired. That helped. That post-action went viral, by the way. And plenty of people told me to take that post down.
Starting point is 00:07:48 They said, look pathetic and no one's gonna want to hire me again. And I checked in with the one voice and opinion that matters and that's your own. And I thought to myself, I didn't do anything wrong and I don't feel pathetic for putting that post up. I need to let people know that I'm available for different opportunities. That post landed me on the Elvastaranshow. Going on the Elvastaranshow that day changed my life. He spoke a truth and a belief into me that I was writing a book. And I said, I am, but I really wasn't.
Starting point is 00:08:18 But it held me accountable, right? You've got to hold yourself accountable in life. Reverse engineer your accountability. Go on social media and say you're writing the book. Go on social media and say you're doing go tell people in your life you're doing something even if you haven't started yet, it will put pressure on you to do it. I wrote and self-published that first book competence creator in five months and I'm so proud to say it came out as number one on the business biography list the first week at launch and beat Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:08:46 It pushed Donald Trump who was present at the time from number one to number two and yes I have the screenshot to prove it that was a crazy moment because I never even knew I could be an author Right, so just for you for possibility purposes Think bigger goal bigger goal for more who knows What God hasn't in your plan ahead of you, but don't sell it short. I'm so grateful for the things that have come into my path and the opportunities and the challenges and just all of it now today. I'm sitting here thinking about it, just mind blowing. So from there, I googled Howdy Cell Books. It said Speak. I thought,
Starting point is 00:09:25 great. I started cold-con companies and I would sit and cold-call 100 companies a day asking if I could come in and speak until I landed one that said, what's your speaker fee? And I Googled, what's my speaker fee? Right, like, none of this... Here's what I want you to know. Successful people don't know the how, but they bet on themselves to figure it out along the way. You know, along the way I launched my podcast, which now is, you're listening to it right out, yay! And thank you for being here, PS.
Starting point is 00:09:52 No one's 60s alone, that includes me, without you, I got nothing here. So thanks for encouraging me to show up for you each week. It means the world to me that you're here. And please share the show, leave a review, if you can, both those things help immensely. So, launch the podcast didn't know what would happen. I launched it in 2019.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And here we are, it's 2023, and it shows top 20 business podcasts on Apple Podcast every single week. Wow, I didn't see that coming, right? Like, sometimes you don't know until you do. Was it, I graded the beginning? No! And people tell me that still to this day, they're like, you were. Was it I grade at the beginning? No! And people tell me that still to this day,
Starting point is 00:10:27 they're like, you were so bad as a host at first. Well great, I'm, thank you for telling me that that must mean I'm better now. Right, everyone starts out as a beginner. And when you start out as a beginner, you started at ground level. You don't start as a master. You gotta put the reps in. You wanna become masterful.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So I'm grateful I have four years now experience. Podcasting and podcasting has helped me so much with speaking and interviewing and MCing events. It's so interesting, it's all coming full circle together for me now. Then as you know, I signed with HarperCollins leadership, I launched my second book, The Pandemic Hit. I launched my coaching programs.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So many things have happened over the last five years, it's wild. It's just, I would have never been able to orchestrate or plan any of this. I'm just so grateful for God's plan. I'm grateful that I've surrendered to it. I know his plan is greater than mine. I trust in it.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Oh gosh, I'm so grateful. And I'm sharing this with you because five years ago, I wasn't feeling grateful. I was petrified, scared. There was so much unknown. I didn't know what my purpose was. And it didn't just appear for me magically. It's been one messy step after messy step.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And I still make the messy steps. And I'm so proud and so grateful and so excited about it. But I do know I am on the right path. I don't know where I'm going next, right? There's so many wild and credible things that are happening right now. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to tell you. Literally mind blowing game changing happening right now. I'm going to share them with you as soon as I can.
Starting point is 00:12:02 There's three that literally, oh my gosh, three incredible things happening right now. Can't wait to tell you. Okay, it's super exciting. There's so much to be excited for. And if you're feeling right now that you don't have a lot to be excited for, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Don't forget, five years ago I didn't either. Right, so, and there's been plenty of moments that I feel like I didn't in any moment. And thankfully, my son usually is the one to steer me back to all that I do have to be grateful for my health, my friends, my son, my child, my beautiful view, living in Miami, right? There's so many, we all have these great things.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Wherever you live, whoever you're around, right? Just focus on the things that are good. Keep that vision locked of where you're going. It's okay if you don't know how you're gonna get there. I never know how I'm getting anywhere I'm going. but I bet on myself to figure it out along the way and I want you to bet on the same. I want you to bet on you because you are worth it and you are made for more and that much is fact and I know it. Okay, now that we're in the thick of the summer, you may be like me and over cooking three different meals a day
Starting point is 00:13:09 for you and for your family. That's where factor, America's number one, ready to eat meal kit can help you fuel up fast with flavorful and nutritious, ready to eat meals delivered straight to your door, just like me. You will save time, eat well, and stay on track to your goals.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Regardless of what your goals are, the food is fresh, it's definitely not frozen, and meals are ready in only two minutes. All you have to do is heat it up and you are good, and you are back out there doing whatever you want to do or whatever your kids want to do. The options are unbelievable. My son's always looking to add more protein to his diet.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I am looking to cut calories. You know, there's answers for everybody. There's a dietitian approved calorie smart meal with around 550 calories per serving or extra boost to support your wellness goals. That's what my son's looking for. He's trying protein plus meals with 30 grams of protein or more per serving. The food is delicious. Flavor pack and the options are going
Starting point is 00:14:10 to blow you away. I mean, you can do the keto program, calories smart, vegan plus, veggie, protein plus. The foods prepared by chefs and approved by dietitians, each meal has all of the ingredients you need to feel satisfied all day long while meeting your goals. And you won't be stuck in the kitchen. Make this the end of the summer that you love because you're not stuck by a stove. With Factor, you can rest assured you're making a sustainable choice. They are offsetting 100% of the delivery emission source, 100% renewable electricity for the production sites and offices and feature sustainable source seafood in their meals. This July, only a few days left,
Starting point is 00:14:47 get factor and enjoy eating well without the hassle. Simply choose your meals and enjoy fresh, flavor-packed meals delivered right to your door, just like me. Ready, in just two minutes, no prep, no mess. Head to, slash confidence 50, and use code Conf confidence 50 to get 50% off. That's right. Code confidence 50 at slash confidence 50. It will get you 50% off.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You are welcome. Not too long ago, I had the idea I wanted to sell my confidence video course. I had no idea how to do it or where to get started. That is why I am so glad I found Shopify. Yes, that's the sound of me getting paid while I'm sleeping. Thanks to Shopify, they made it so unbelievably easy. Shopify is a commerce platform, revolutionizing Thanks to Shopify, they made it so unbelievably easy. Shopify is a commerce platform, revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide. Whether you're a garage entrepreneur or IPO ready,
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Starting point is 00:16:14 I've sold my masterclass on Shopify. My video courses on Shopify. My workshops on Shopify. My virtual keynotes on Shopify. I mean, literally everything that I have for a concept now goes on to Shopify and I make money on the platform while I sleep. And they continually upgrade and advance Shopify, offering me new solutions and new add-ons to make my offering that much better.
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Starting point is 00:17:25 And you'll be hearing this before you know it. Psh. Do you ever find yourself in one of these situations where I mean, you have a favorite restaurant and you love to go there, but should you not go to that restaurant tonight and try something new? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:42 But if we don't like it as much, right? Like there's that whole, ah! I'm with you. So I'm giving you an analogy for me with my church. I've shared this with you before I go to Vue Church. And love our pastor, Rich. He's incredible. Literally, if you're interested in speaking,
Starting point is 00:18:01 I really encourage you to watch pastors online if you don't go into church And again, this is not a religious thing I'm just commenting on these are people who speak on the regular and front of thousands of people on a weekly basis, right? Yeah, I'm speaking a lot too, but I'm traveling around I could be giving the same speech over and over again I'm going to a different audience every week. They're not That's hard, right? That makes it a bit more challenging. Bring fresh content every week speaking to the exact same audience every week.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I guess one of the most similar situations I have Verizon has been a great client of mine. I speak for them almost every month. And that became a challenge. How can I reinvent things? How can I innovate? But I like that idea of a challenge. I hope you can look at challenges that you have in front of you. Like, oh, okay, how can I get better? How can I innovate? But I like that idea of a challenge. And I hope you can look at challenges that you have in front of you.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like, oh, okay, how can I get better as a result of this? It's kind of exciting and cool. But I thought about pastors when I thought about, they have to reinvent themselves every week. They are great people to watch in regards to the art of speaking, the art of connecting with an audience, engaging with an audience and keeping an audience with them.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's incredible. I'd love going to sermons. However, when you have the bar really high, because Pastor Rich is killing it, like literally well-known all around the world, very well-known, he has like a million followers. Yes, I think he married Kanye and Kim too, so there's that, but okay, we're put that to the side. So he an incredible speaker at the bar set high. So for me There's always that chance that he's bringing in a substitute pastor that week his wife could be preaching another preacher from Voo could be preaching right that there's always a chance he might not be there But pretty much like 80% of the time he's there, you know pretty much almost always he's there But there's these times he's not.
Starting point is 00:19:45 So whenever we're going on Sunday, I get in my head like, oh gosh, I hope Pastor Rich is preaching today. I really want to hear the message from Pastor Rich. He's just, he's great, right? So the bar is set high. Well, today we were walking in. I now have gotten smarter, which I'm sure
Starting point is 00:20:02 we all get smarter over time, right? So now I go and I look at the feeds. I look at the stories to know if he's preaching because there are sermons that happen at different times during the day and I don't go to the first mass. So I knew today walking in that he wasn't going to be there. So it was kind of like, bummed, I'm a little bummed out here that he's not gonna be there, but I'm trying to stay positive. You never know. And I saw a glimpse,
Starting point is 00:20:29 someone had posted a story of a pastor and I'm like, oh my gosh, that guy looks familiar to me. Cut to, I get there today and I'm walking in. And they do an incredible job at Voo
Starting point is 00:20:39 of having people stationed all outside the venue before you walk in saying, you belong here, we want you here, your family, you are a community. Thank you for being here. Enjoy the service. High fives, we want you. You are part of us.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Mickey feel very at home, very much wanted. We always think about if we could do that everywhere, right at work and anything that we do, how cool that would be and why not, let's you and I do that. Let's let people feel included and feel wanted and loved. I thought that was so powerful. I love that they do that. And when I was walking in with my son today, a gentleman was holding a sign like you
Starting point is 00:21:17 belong here or something. And he said, hey, the word today is going to blow you away. And it just hit me and I thought, oh boy, okay, you know what, I gotta be more open-minded. I'm going to see a pastor, I don't usually see, it was gonna be a guest pastor. And you know what, this is gonna be cool and exciting. Cut to when the pastor started preaching,
Starting point is 00:21:40 I realized I saw him one year ago last summer at Voo. Pastor Rich was gone, you know, traveling around in the summer, which he does with his family and just to go to other churches and, you know, events and whatnot that he's attending and good for him. But I remember this pastor and I'm like, you know, what I think I really liked this guy. I said to myself, I remember this guy. And I actually remembered his sermon, which is wild. And I remember this guy, I actually remembered his sermon, which is wild. And it was funny because he had bred out.
Starting point is 00:22:10 You know, these pastors have props oftentimes, whatever, but it triggered my memory to what he spoke about the last time. Cut to, gosh, I'm making a long story longer, hang with me. He starts speaking and he's funny and he's from biggest. I was just in biggest. So, like, he's got me. I'm vibing with him. He got the crowd on the side right out of the gates. You know how he started? Was he started by giving grace, gratitude, and admiration for our pastor? Knowing that everybody there loves our pastor. So we thought I'm going to be team you guys. Like, let's shout it out for Rich. And was so smart right like you want to meet people
Starting point is 00:22:47 Where they are you want to find that common ground? And it was so cool. So I just I'm always learning I'm so curious when I am in new environments new situations He was incredible today bottom line is this go to Online and watch the sermon from July 23rd, pastor Chavez. Depend on yourself if the power grid ever quits for a day or longer. January marked the third time a power station in North Carolina was damaged by gunfire recently. Authorities are saying the attack raises a new level of threat.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Authorities are now checking our grid for vulnerabilities. They've identified nine key substations. If these substations are attacked, power could be knocked out from coast to coast for up to 18 months. Imagine a blackout, lasting not days, but weeks or months. Your life would be frozen in time right at the moment the power fails. Lights all over the country would go out throwing people into total darkness. That's why having your own solar power is more important than ever. With the new Patriot Power Generator 2000X, you get a solar generator that doesn't install into your house, because it's portable. You can take it with you, even use it inside.
Starting point is 00:23:56 But it's powerful enough for your phones, medical devices, or even your fridge. And right now you can go to and use code Confidence to get 10% off your first purchase on anything in the store, including the Patriot Power Generator. You'll also get their famous guarantee for an entire year after your order, plus free shipping on orders over $97. And a portion of every sale is donated to charities who support our veterans and their families. Just go to and use code confidence to get 10% off.
Starting point is 00:24:27 That's use code confidence to get yours today. It doesn't need to cost a fortune for you to live your best life. Some of the smallest changes that we can make don't cost a ton, but can make you feel so happy in your own skin and in your own home. That's what cozy earth is doing for me.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Cozy earth crafts luxury goods that transform your lifestyle. Cozy earth has been featured on Oprah's favorite things. Five years in a row. All products come with a 10 year warranty. Cozy earth is so comfortable. My tea is incredible. I love wearing it. I feel cool when I'm wearing, I mean, literally,
Starting point is 00:25:09 the products are incredible. They're so nice and high end, yet you won't believe the deal that you're gonna get today. Cozy Earth Lounge where offers optimal comfort while maintaining a flattering, elegant fit. And I am shouting that out because I love my new t-shirt. I've been wearing it every single day. and I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very enjoyable and isn't that what life is supposed to be all about? I think it is. So if I can make some small changes like adding cozy earth into my rotation into my sheets into my linens and into my clothes, I'm pulling the trigger and I already made it happen. Cozy earth bedding is temperature
Starting point is 00:25:57 regulating. For me, that's everything. I cannot be sweating at night. Listen, cozy earth made over his favorite things five years in a row. For a reason, the products are incredible. Don't believe me. Check it out. Cozy earth provided an exclusive offer for my listeners today. And for you right now, you're getting up to 35% off. Cozy
Starting point is 00:26:18 Sitewide. When you use the code confidence, that's 35% off right now. Cozy Sitewide. Use the code confidence. That's 35% off right now. cozy site wide use the code confidence. You're welcome. Definitely top five favorite sermon. I've seen it, boo. And definitely like I can't wait to the guy. I mean, I was on DM. I'm DMing the guy saying how great he is thanking him. So grateful asking him to come back. Don't know if he'll ever see that, right? I have no idea. But I just wanted to know, like, you are loved. I am grateful for you. You brought the word and gosh, he shared so much today and there's no chance that I'm going to be able to give it all to
Starting point is 00:26:56 you, but I want you to know this. He put hope into me. He instilled hope into everybody. He talked about how, oh, no, it is not over my friends and that hope is our anchor and When hope sure anchor it is all gonna work out talked a lot about faith You know, and we talk a lot about faith in church But it's cool because when you hear it from somebody else sort of like parenting or teacher, right? You hear it from the same person all the time. You're like, okay, I got it But it's cool when you hear it from someone else's perspective. And he was telling a story from the Bible.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I believe it was a story about Moses. And Moses was going into a city and had no food or water. And he approached this woman which God had told him to do and asked for water and bread. And she said, I'm about to die. My son and I are about to die. We have no food. Gosh, I hope I'm not wrecking this one.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Please forgive me if I am. And Moses said, please make the bread, feed me the bread and whatever's left. You can have something to that. But the bottom line is this, the messages, so they don't wreck this. The message is this. He was, God had directed him and guided him there. He's in the situation, he's being obedient doing what God has asked him to do, the woman's being obedient and moving
Starting point is 00:28:15 forward with faith. Even though she's about ready to die, she's trusting that if she follows a word of the Lord, move forward in faith, not in sight in faith that shall be obedient and good will come or just not knowing, but trusting believing and having faith regardless. And she does and her son and her end up eating and eating and eating and the olive oil doesn't run dry and the bread doesn't run dry. And suddenly there's all this food. And it was all in the way that he, please go watch it online. I'm not doing it any justice.
Starting point is 00:28:49 But his point and what I took from it was just that, faith sounds like such a good and cool thing. And yeah, we all want to have faith. But to really see that faith is about, this lady was about to die. No food left, no food. But still decided that she had to have faith and that this was God's word. This is what she was going to follow through and be obedient on.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Even though there was no reason to think she wasn't giving her last bit of food to a man and her son and her were going to die. But she moved forward with faith and ate endlessly. It was just such a, for me it was so powerful. It was just so good. It was such a good word. So check it out. Gosh, it was really good. All right. Then he also shared a quote, which I, I don't think I've ever heard before, want to share it with you, to Helen Keller quote, Helen Keller, so famous blind activists that this quote's really powerful. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:29:47 The only thing worse than being blind is having sight, but no vision. That was so, that hit me. So what a great quote, right? What's even worse than being blind is actually being able to see, but not having a vision, a vision for your life and for your future. And that took me back to and I believe, oh my gosh, I so believe in this. When I get messages during a week, I believe that not only are they for me and for my son, but for you too, and I want to share them with you because I feel like there could be more meaning there. I want to share this
Starting point is 00:30:21 that earlier this week, I get alerts from Forbes, Inc. magazine, a bunch of different business magazines, and I'm always very curious. I always want to learn. I want to get better. One of the only ways we can do that is listening to new people like the show right here, shout out. Thanks for listening. Or reading different things, right?
Starting point is 00:30:40 So I read a lot of these online magazines and articles. One came out of Steve Jobs this week and my all-time favorite quote is from Steve Jobs. I'm actually going to read it to you. But I read a little bit of this article today and it made me see things through a different lens. It's so interesting that you can read the same quote at a different time in your life and take something so much more from it, right? So open your mind to this idea. okay, we just read the Helen Keller quote about vision, right?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Like the only thing worse than being blind is to actually have sight and not have a vision which is so profound and so big. Listen to this one. I need to just read you a little bit. Again, this is from Ink Magazine. It says Steve Jobs said, one choice, all ignore, made all the difference in his life and led to success. Okay, so this was July, I believe,
Starting point is 00:31:32 July 21st, Ink Magazine. In the realm of life, uncertainties and ever changing past, Steve Jobs co-found our Apple once shared a profound insight that's worth re-exploring today. Jobs said we can't predict how things will work out in the future. We can only understand how things will work out in the future. We can only understand how things fit together when we look back on our past.
Starting point is 00:31:49 So he suggested we should trust that all our experiences will somehow lead us to good things in the end. Here's jobs original quote. And this happens to be my favorite quote too. You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
Starting point is 00:32:14 You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life. I just got the chills reading that. Like to me, that's about faith, right? That's about having faith that the best is yet to come and that you're surrendering to God's plan and there's something so much greater that is able to connect the dots and see where you're going. And you haven't maybe you haven't crystallized that vision yet. And you're in a messy part, you're in the middle of the story.
Starting point is 00:32:47 You don't know exactly where it's going. You've got to trust. And whatever that's something is for you, you're gut, you're destiny, your life, karma, God, whatever that somehow those dots are gonna connect. And they are gonna turn out in your favor in the future. And that, my friends, is a truth that I know to be true. I am so grateful for, and I was reminded so many times this week.
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Starting point is 00:34:44 cost per application pricing not available for everyone, need to hire, you need indeed. So I hope this message helps you to know that you are on the right path. I hope that you sit a minute today and think about your vision for your future and know that if you don't have it all figured out yet, one day you will. Five years ago, I had no idea I'd be sitting here right now today with you. And this is so much better than I could have imagined. So when you get stuck, some of the challenges that are going to come up every single day
Starting point is 00:35:18 in every way, as they do for all of us, take a minute to think back to five years ago and think about, did you ever know you're going to have some of the amazing things in your life that you have right now? Probably not. Can you fast forward five years and imagine what that could look like? What could that vision be? The best is yet to come for you.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I know it and the best is yet to come for me and I'm so grateful for it, so excited for it and so here for it. All right. know it and the best is yet to come for me. And I'm so grateful for it, so excited for it, and so here for it. All right, so if you like the show, please leave a review. Share the show with someone that you think can benefit from it. Tag on social media, tag me on social. I will always repost your stuff. Super grateful for you.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And also, if you haven't heard August 1st, it's my first ever live, 90 minute workshop. It's virtual. Anyone can attend. The tickets are only $77 right now. Just for the next couple of days before they go up, right before the event, please go to the show notes. Click the link to my website,,
Starting point is 00:36:16 under courses, and then click workshop, $77 to get 90 minute live workshop with your girl, live Q& a. I mean, this is, I've never done this before. I'm so excited. But I heard too many people were upset about the price point for my mastermind, the ticket cost for my masterclass. I heard you loud and clear. Money should never be a barrier to entry for anybody. And I hope you're gonna love it. I know you will, I know you will, because I just, I know you will.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So I'm super excited to be doing this. I can't wait, August 1st is right around the corner. Get your ticket now, $77. And if not, buy it for someone that you think needs a confidence boost. Pay it forward. If you got your confidence up, I'm so happy for you.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Pay it forward to someone who maybe needs some help right now. And if you don't have the $77, send me a note at There's a contact me for them. We'll find a way to get you in. All right, so you mean the world to me. The best is yet to come. I'm so excited for you.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I'm so hopeful. And I hope to see you in my live workshop, August 1st. Until next week, keep creating your confidence. You know I will be. I'll leave my girl over here. I decided to change that tiny amount. And the right girl around. I couldn't be more excited for what you're getting here.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Start learning and growing. And inevitably some people happen. You know what? 16 is alone. You don't stop and look around once in a while. You can miss it. I'm on this, a former pro-athlete author, father of nine, and self-help guide. I broadcast the self-helpful podcast from my sanctuary high up in the Colorado Rockies. I'm a fan and critic of Self-Help. So I invite today's most important influencers to grapple with their own wisdom and stories
Starting point is 00:38:13 in an authentic, relatable conversation about Self-Help and what drives them. With each guest, I conduct a four-part series that distills the guest's greatest wisdom and methodologies into practical transformative steps that you and I can use to create our path to a life of growth, freedom and fulfillment. These unique conversations and candid explorations of paradigm shifting perspectives is why the Self-Helpful Podcast has been downloaded over 60 million times by people like you and me who take responsibility for our personal evolution. Change comes through connection and personal experience and this is what I strive to deliver with
Starting point is 00:38:48 the self-helpful podcast. I invite you to join me as we elevate our personal experience of life and the way we show up for others. This episode is brought to you by the YAP Media Podcast Network. I'm Halataha CEO of the award-winning digital media empire, YAP Media, and host of YAP Young & Profiting Podcast, a number one entrepreneurship and self-improvement podcast where you can listen, learn, and profit. On Young & Profiting Podcast, I interview the brightest minds in the world, and I turn their wisdom into actionable advice that you can use in your daily life. Each week, we dive into a new topic like the art of side hustles,
Starting point is 00:39:25 how to level up your influence and persuasion and goal setting. I interview a list guests on Young and Profiting. I've got the best guests. Like the world's number one negotiation expert, Chris Voss, Shark, Damon John, serial entrepreneur's Alex and Laila Hermosi and even movie stars like Matthew McConaughey. There's absolutely no fluff on my podcast,
Starting point is 00:39:46 and that's on purpose. Every episode is jam packed with advice that's gonna push your life forward. I do my research, I get straight to the point, and I take things really seriously, which is why I'm known as the podcast princess, and how I became one of the top podcasters in the world in less than five years.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Young and profiting podcasts is for all ages. Don't let the name fool you. It's an advanced show. As long as you want to learn and level up, you will be forever young. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Young and Profiting Podcast. Or, yeah, like it's often called by my app fam. On Apple Spotify, CastBox, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:40:17 or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

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