Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - #360: The Simple Hack To Boost Your Confidence & Productivity With Heather!

Episode Date: September 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, you are going to chase down our goals. Overcome adversity and set you up for a better tomorrow. That's a no-see, you guys. I'm ready for my close-up. Hi, and welcome back. I'm so glad you're back here with me this week.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Okay, so I wanted to talk to you today about a theme that I noticed. I love when something's like keeps popping up, it's assigned to me that I'm supposed to tell you about it. So a couple of times over the last week, I've been hearing stories and or seeing comments on my posts about the impact of change changing your environment on your behavior.
Starting point is 00:00:42 So I put a post up the other day talking a little bit about change. And someone commented, a woman Carmen commented, did you know that changing the environment triggers changes in your behavior? Should think of this, a casual meeting versus a formal business event, a supportive manager versus toxic reporting line values driven company versus sterile corporation attending a mandatory class versus a hobby Depending on these different, you know changing these environments whether you're in a sterile meeting a casual meeting with fun people Like all these things affect how you show up differently and it makes sense right? If you're nervous and walking into really stiff and rigid meeting with a lot of negative people, you're going to behave and respond differently than if you're in a super warm environment with cool people, all dress casual that are laughing, right? You're going to show up differently. Super interesting to think
Starting point is 00:01:34 about. So I appreciate that she wrote that comment on one of my posts. And then the same week I had one of my clients that I do some one-on-one coaching with had gone away to Florida for a week or five days to see his parents. When he came back, and this is such a great example of changing your environment, can really change everything, he had built a grid to show all the progress he made. He had run like eight miles every single day he was there. He had stopped doing anything negative. It is like he was sleeping great at night. He changed and did so much work and accomplished
Starting point is 00:02:16 so much on these five days that he left. It was mind-boggling. And I said, what do you attribute this to? Look, I've never seen you create this much output in a week ever. And he started laughing and he said, oh, it's from going to Florida. And I said, okay, so you know that when you go to Florida,
Starting point is 00:02:34 you just accomplish like three times the level of work and you're happier, you sleep better, you're healthier, you make better choices. He said, yeah, my goal is to live there. Of course, he's in a situation right now where his daughter's in school, he doesn't want to pull her out. Of course, he's in a situation right now where his daughters in school, he doesn't want to pull out of school. So he wants to finish her high school and then moved Florida.
Starting point is 00:02:51 It was just so eye opening to me. Is there a place for you that you are at your best, that you feel like, oh my gosh, it's other level when you change your environment and go to this place? It's your happy place. For me, I will tell you immediately immediately as he and I had that conversation, in my mind, I went to, I remember I was stuck writing, overcome your villains, my second book, and I just wasn't, I wasn't feeling inspired, I was feeling like, oh, I'm going to rut, I don't know what to
Starting point is 00:03:21 do. Nothing is coming to me. And you need to be at your most creative when you're creating, right? Cause you want to create the best work that you can. And so I remember for me, I just said, oh, I know what I need to do. I need to go to the breakers.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And I said to my son this weekend, we're going to the breakers. You can bring a friend, you guys can do whatever you want, have the greatest time. I'm gonna sit on the beach, and I'm gonna get creative creative and I'm gonna write. And I knew that if I could get myself there,
Starting point is 00:03:49 it would change something within me. Changing your environment can truly change the way you think, your output, your productivity, your creativity, it can change so much. Your peace, your level of calmness, figuring out problems, right? So that's what happened for me. We went away for the weekend and I got so much writing done there.
Starting point is 00:04:10 It was unbelievable. A lot like how my client went away to Florida for a few days and just literally 10x to his output. It was incredible. So it's important to notice these things one because you want to be able to have a lever you can pull if you need it, right? Like if you're stuck or if you're trying to create something or you have a lot of work to get done for my client, now I'm always going to say you need to go to Florida for a couple
Starting point is 00:04:32 days. If you have a lot of work, you need to get done because we know your output is incredible when you're there. But he made a really good observation. He said, well, yes, it would be great if I could live in Florida right now. He said, I will in a couple of years. However, until then, I'm going to challenge myself to start looking around where I live and think about what could I change here in my home, how could I change the location I work
Starting point is 00:04:56 in during the day to make it more similar to what happens to me in Florida. And that was a great observation because he was saying how he's going to start taking work calls outside on his patio because part of what lights him up when he's in Florida's, he's outside all the time and he loves that, right? So noticing and being curious about, okay, maybe you can't go to the breakers right now and that's your happy place, what could you do differently where you are to change your environment so that you could change and behavior from you. So a couple of examples I have in my own life, I remember my realtor, it was a little over a year ago before I had moved and I had lived in the same condo for 17 years.
Starting point is 00:05:38 You accumulate a lot of stuff, right? I had had a baby there and I had to sell baby stuff, I'm sure, my closet and whatnot. So there was just tons of stuff. I still have my corporate America, paperwork, I had so baby there and I had to sell baby stuff. I'm sure my closet and whatnot. So there was just tons of stuff. I still have my corporate America, paperwork, and I had so much stuff. And I remember one day my realtor came over and he said, listen, just go through the house and purge as much as you can because we were putting the my condo up on the market
Starting point is 00:05:59 to sell it. And he said, I want you to purge as much as you can from here because it's just gonna create space, it's gonna be better to show. And I'm not a messy person, right? It's not like the house was messy, but there was this extra stuff that didn't need to be around.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Wow, so I took it to heart. I purged everything out of that house that I could because his point was, listen, you're gonna move. Why not make it easier on yourself? So when the time comes to move, you have less to move that you don't need. And I thought, that's brilliant. I haven't done this in so long.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And so I literally went through every single room like a maniac, just with a goal of dump and get rid of as much as you can from this house. After I did that, I loved my home so much better. There was so much more space. It just seemed more positive. Right, that one simple, let's say it took me, I don't know, two or three days to do it, had a huge impact on how much I liked my home.
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Starting point is 00:09:47 No payments, take advantage of the special financing offer at slash monahan. slash monahan to get the visibility and control you need to weather any storm. slash monahan. It was so bizarre to me. So, I guess I'm challenging you right now. What could you do differently? How could you create a different environment such that you could feel more peace? You could feel more creative.
Starting point is 00:10:11 You could be more inspired. For me, that's sitting outside on my balcony, for sure. I feel so at peace when I sit outside there. But I also think back to living in South Beach was super loud. I didn't mind it, but now I live in a really peaceful part of Miami where I don't hear anything, and it's incredible how my stress level has lowered.
Starting point is 00:10:35 There was so much construction where I lived in South Beach because everything in the world is going up over there that I was always hearing drilling. I mean, it was just constant. And again, you become numb to those things because you have to, because that's where you live, right? And you've got to figure out a way to make it work. But it was really creating stress with enemy,
Starting point is 00:10:52 even though I didn't realize it. And just sitting here today thinking about talking to you about this, it just reminded me that, I mean, we can find ways to tolerate anything if we need to, right? Because in my mind, I didn't think I could sell my condo. I had bought it in 05 at the height of the market. I figured I'd never be able to break even and get out of it. And so I was just kind of in my mind like, oh, how they're just make this work. You know, okay,
Starting point is 00:11:14 yeah, it's annoying. There's all this construction. It's annoying. It's so loud. But I just thought, make it work. First world problems, no big deal. Cut to, you know, more than a year later, I live somewhere so, so peaceful, so different. And I have less stress. I definitely can tell. So your environment can have a profound impact on you. Ask yourself, what can you do differently? I know that there's a lot of strategy around retail stores, grocery stores, how they create the environment, the smells, the design, the colors, the lighting, all of these things have a huge impact on how you feel when you're in that location. Your home does not have to be any different. Your workspace does not have to be any different. The first thing I would do is
Starting point is 00:11:58 purge out as much as you can of anything that you don't need anymore to create extra space. A big inside it, really, it's been so helpful. The more that you can get organized and clean things up and unload things you don't need, it's such a positive experience. But then there's so many different companies out there now that have these homes and machines and all about changing the environment so that you're more at peace,
Starting point is 00:12:22 you're more relaxed. These things work, it it legitimately works and just hearing about my client and how he 10X his work output just by going to Florida for a few days reminded me about how I had to go to the breakers to get tap back into my creativity and challenge me to think of what can I do differently now to take advantage of this beautiful place, peaceful place that I live. And we have an incredible pool floor.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I don't go there very often, but it's so peaceful and relaxing. And it just reminds me, that's a place that I don't need to go to the breakers all the time, I could go downstairs and just sit outside and see a different view. So I'm challenging you today. Where could you go that maybe you don't have to get on a plane
Starting point is 00:13:00 to go to or spend a fortune to go to? Where could you go in your home? What changes could you make in your environment in your home? Maybe it's sitting outside, maybe it's going for a walk one today. Small changes can add up and make a big difference. And there's research that shows that changing your environment can change your behaviors, change your habits. It's worth looking at.
Starting point is 00:13:21 It truly, truly is because I saw it firsthand with my client this week, and it was impressive. Okay, so that was one story I wanted to share with you. All right, another one that came to mind, and this actually came from my mastermind. We've got a group of people all working together to expand their brands, elevate their brands, elevate their reach and larger territory, speak on bigger stages, own their voice, right?
Starting point is 00:13:46 A lot of like-minded people. And one of the women was saying to me, she had not felt that she had been getting much done. She just, something was holding her back. She didn't know what it was. And what was so cool this week is she had a personal epiphany. She figured it out for herself, total self-awareness. She had kept asking herself the question,
Starting point is 00:14:06 like, what's holding me back? What's slowing me down? Why am I not moving as fast as these other people? And she didn't know what the answer was, so it's important to keep asking yourself these questions until you can't figure it out. But she had this epiphany moment this week. And she reached out to me and said,
Starting point is 00:14:22 I figured out what's been wrong with me. And I said, oh my gosh, what is it? I'm so curious as I had no idea what was holding her back. It didn't make any sense to me. She has been working with someone who's super negative, who is passive aggressive, who puts her down, who impacts her confidence. And even though she knows for the long term,
Starting point is 00:14:40 she's not gonna be working with this person. It's a short, temporary situation. She had underestimated how much it was gonna impact her confidence. I was so proud of her to be that self-aware. It's super important. This is where journaling can be really powerful or meeting up with a really close friend that you trust and kind of sharing what you're going through.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Sometimes somebody else can spot things like this quickly. But I was so proud of her that she spotted it in her own life. And it took me back to when I used to work side-by-side with that woman that hated me. spot things like this quickly, but I was so proud of her that she spotted it in her own life. And it took me back to when I used to work side by side with that woman that hated me. I used to always say like, I'm going to turn a blind eye to this behavior. I'm going to ignore it. But the reality is it really chipped away at my confidence when I did that. I don't suggest anyone ignore bad behavior.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I suggest you deal with it head on and find ways to create boundaries for yourself and get yourself out of that situation. I said to this woman, I said, you've got to get away from this guy. You have to find a way to fire this villain because when you remove that negative person from your life, you literally set yourself up to take off. I wrote a book about this. That's how much I believe in this. I've lived it.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I know it to be true. And I'm seeing it right now with this woman. What was cool is she's committed to this one project that she has to finish with this individual. She's like, listen, is it ideal? No. Do I look forward to seeing this person on a weekly basis? Absolutely not. Is it impacting me in a negative way? Yes. She said, however, now that I'm self-aware, she said I'm able to kind of step out of the situation, see it from a distance and say, okay, what can I do differently to show up stronger?
Starting point is 00:16:06 How can I be when I'm not around him to tap back into my confidence, like how can I work on this as an opportunity to grow my confidence, become more resilient and overcome this window of time instead of allowing this window of time to pull me down and take my confidence from me. So she's kind of flipped it on its head and is reverse engineering a plan into being more confident,
Starting point is 00:16:27 being more resilient, rising up in all these different areas of her life. So I challenge you today because of her realization, is there anyone in your life that you're thinking to yourself, oh, I know who that person is. Yeah, that person does not speak life into me, that person does not speak positivity into me. that person does not speak positivity into me. In fact, when I leave being around that person, I feel like someone's taken something from me.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I feel drained. I feel negative. I doubt myself. It's really important to be honest with yourself. And it doesn't just have to be people. It can be things, right? Like, maybe I remember from me sitting in traffic and driving all the time when I lived in South Beach.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It was grating on me. It was really, the traffic I had gotten so bad, and it just, it was such a buzzkill. I remember thinking, oh gosh, I have to get back on that highway again and sit there for hours. Like, no, I don't, I would dread doing it. So for me getting the chance to move from there and not having to sit on that highway anymore,
Starting point is 00:17:23 it's been game changing. It was probably another reason why I love my new environment so much more because I don't dread driving the way that I used to. So try to think to yourself, what are those potentially negative situations? It doesn't have to just be people, situations, environments, tasks that are really lowering your vibration and taking positivity away from you. In a startling description, the UN Food Chief warned the world with the words, knocking on Famine's door. He called what we're facing a perfect storm of a perfect storm.
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Starting point is 00:18:48 At public mobile, we do things differently. From our subscription phone plans to throwing a big sale right now when no one else is. Well, maybe they are, but who cares? Our sale is better. And it's on right now, no waiting necessary. You have the latest phone, now take advantage of a great price on a 5G subscription phone plan. It's the perfect deal for anyone who could use some savings right now. Subscribe today at, different is calling. P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- Our goal in life is to find joy, to do good, to show up, to be happy, to be grateful for
Starting point is 00:19:25 all that we have, to surround ourselves with people we love, to do things we love, and the more we can peel away the things that aren't meant for us, that aren't negative, that aren't additive to that planet, and to that ultimate goal of happiness and joy and doing good, the better we're going to feel, the more we're going to get done, the more productive we're going to be, the more creative we're going to be, and the better our lives are going to get, so the better we can make the world. So I challenge you today to identify who are those people that you need to create boundaries or fire from your life.
Starting point is 00:19:56 What are those tasks or environments that you need to rid from your life? What's that job that you're going to that's sucking the life out of you? Isn't it enough to know that it's not for you and it's time to start looking for what actually is? Ask yourself that question today. It was so powerful to see this woman, her epiphany, and how her confidence skyrocketed because she had figured it out. Instead of sitting, not knowing anymore, now she knows, she knows it's temporary.
Starting point is 00:20:22 She's taking steps to address what she can right now until she doesn't have to be around this person. But just the fact that she's seen it and she's doing something about it has empowered her even more. So I hope this empowers you. I hope that today, two things that you can take away from the podcast is one, your environment matters. There are things you can do to change it. Go on a trip, yes, maybe you don't need to fly to Florida, maybe you don't need to go to a beautiful hotel for the weekend. Maybe you can go sit outside or go for a walk or spend time at a coffee shop and you know that it has beautiful music.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Figure out for you what are the environments that you thrive and figure out whatever changes you can make in your home or in your office or in the places that you spend a lot of time to better suit you, to empower you and to be additive in a positive way. And then do the same with the people and the things and the tasks and the jobs that you're doing. And watch how your confidence begins to soar. Watch how your productivity and creativity begin to soar. Because you deserve to live your best life.
Starting point is 00:21:24 We all do. to be able to see it again, to soar, because you deserve to live your best life. We all do, and the world needs you living your best life and creating and empowering yourself. So, ask yourself these two questions, see what changes you can make, see what impact they have on you. I'd love to hear, let me know on social media, let me know in a review of the show.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Oh my gosh, I would so appreciate it, and let me know what changes you made and how to empower you. And please share the show with someone that you think can benefit from it. If you like the show, this is how I know you like it when you leave the review or you post it on social media, then I know to keep creating more content. And I know I'm on the right path. If you have questions, let me know in social media. Go to my website, I will always answer your questions when you submit them there.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Okay. Heather, I will always answer your questions when you submit them there. Okay, and one other element on confidence, for me getting older has been my skin has been challenged and that has not been easy to deal with or to address. And so the fight and the struggle has been real to keep my skin in the best shape possible. And I will tell you, one skin has changed my life. Literally, I can't believe how good my skin looks. I'm so grateful to one skin. This is the only skincare brand out there that is clinically proven to reverse the signs of aging.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Clinically proven. And no, your skin won't peel off. And no, it's not like retinae where your skin won't peel off, and no, it's not like retinae where your skin's going to get raw and red. In fact, it's the opposite. It becomes more plump, healthier, stronger, more resilient, that creepy skin that you might have been seeing on your legs, gone within weeks. I have so many of my girlfriends who are now using one skin, are obsessed just like
Starting point is 00:23:03 me, and I want you to have access to the same. It's so simple, it's almost, it's confusing. This is what I use. Get ready for it. The eye cream, the face cream, and the body cream. Boom. There's not 900 steps to put together to piece out to try to figure out. It's so simple, it's so straightforward and the science behind it is incredible. If you want to check out, it's so simple, it's so straightforward, and the science behind it is incredible. If you want to check out the before and after pictures, I have them in the show notes below. Click the link for one skin.
Starting point is 00:23:31 In the show notes below, you will be blown away by the before and afters. I am living proof. It's incredible. The skin on my legs, it's incredible what's happened for me. So I'm so, so, so appreciative for one skin. I'd love for you to check it out. You're welcome. You're gonna love it.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And when you subscribe, use my code competence for 15% off. And your entire subscription forever gets 15% off. You can cancel it anytime, but definitely subscribe. So that way you get the 15% off forever instead of for one time purchase Can't wait to hear about your journey with one skin. Let me know you think send me your before and after pictures
Starting point is 00:24:12 I'm here cheering you on. I can't wait listen I will take any hack any tip or any trick to boost my confidence my skin's been a big one Changing the environment a big one getting rid of negative people from relives another big one So whatever works for you. I'd love to hear about it from you and changing the environment, a big one, getting rid of negative people from your lives, another big one. So whatever works for you, I'd love to hear about it from you. I'd love it if you leave me a review. Until next week, keep creating your confidence. You know I will be.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I'm gonna make a move over here. I decided to change that tiny amount. And if I fail out, I couldn't be more excited for what you're getting here. Start learning and growing. And inevitably something will happen. You know what? 16 to 11. This episode is brought to you by the Yap Media Podcast Network. I'm Halataha, CEO of the award-winning digital media empire Yap Media, and host of Yap Young and Profiting Podcast, a number one entrepreneurship
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Starting point is 00:25:34 Alex and Leila Hermosi, and even movie stars like Matthew McConaughey. There's absolutely no fluff on my podcast, and that's on purpose. Every episode is jam-packed with advice that's going to push your life forward. I do my research, I get straight to the point, and I take things really seriously, which is why I'm known as the podcast princess and how I became one of the top podcasters in the world in less than five years. Young and profiting podcasts is for all ages. Don't let the name fool you.
Starting point is 00:26:01 It's an advanced show. As long as you want to learn and level up, you will be forever young. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Young & Profiting podcast or YAP, like it's often called by my YAP fam. On Apple Spotify, Cast Box or wherever you listen to your podcast.

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