Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - #361: Rewire Your Brain to UNLOCK The Science Of Success with John Assaraf CEO Of NeuroGym

Episode Date: October 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There isn't a person alive that's afraid of public speaking. Nobody's afraid of public speaking. They're afraid of what might happen if they speak in public and they're embarrassed to shame, ridiculed, judged, rejected, etc. That's what they're actually moving away from. Well, what if I shared with you that in that nanosecond, the chemicals that are released will only last in your body for 90 seconds if you just stay present and focused on releasing the energy emotion.
Starting point is 00:00:43 come at first and set you up for better tomorrow. That's a no see. I'm ready for my close up. Hi, and welcome back. I'm so excited for you to see our guest this week, because you've met him before. It's been a couple of years, and I very rarely have someone on twice. But I'm so excited for you to re-meat John Asreff.
Starting point is 00:00:58 He's a world renowned mindset and small business growth expert who has appeared on numerous shows like Larry King live, Anderson Cooper, the Ellen DeGeneres show. He's built five multi-million dollar companies, written two New York Times bestselling books and appeared in 12 movies including The Blockbuster, The Secret and Quest for Success with Richard Branson. He is passionate in helping people tap into their brain superpowers so they shatter their limitations and achieve their life's biggest goals and dreams. John founded my, which is revolutionizing mindset coaching and mental fitness. His cutting edge, inner-size app, which I can't wait to get into, helps people rewire their brain for unstoppable success. John's an avid meditator, father, husband who loves to exercise and travel the world.
Starting point is 00:01:48 John, thanks so much for being here with us today. Heather, it's great to be back and you look fabulous. You look fabulous and I was just saying that to you offline. I was saying, dude, give me your secrets. Tell everybody what you told me. Well, I've been a vegan for 10 years. I've stopped drinking alcohol 15 years ago. I used to be a sugar addict,
Starting point is 00:02:11 and now I am no longer a sugar addict. So a little bit of clean, healthy living in California and exercising and meditating every day. He's be feeling great at 62. So I'm just looking forward to another 10 or 20 years of just feeling looking great. What I love about you, John, and I've been to your home, I've met your wife.
Starting point is 00:02:30 You really are living and breathing the story that you're putting out there online, which I know for me, that is not always the case for everybody, but I've seen it firsthand with you and even just you describing that right now. Like you're disciplined, you do the right thing, you do the research. However, when we go back to your younger career, your earlier life, when your kids were little and you're building this businesses,
Starting point is 00:02:56 you didn't have this all figured out back then, did you? No. Listen, my parents were like, you know, other parents, not a great diet, a lot of stress, not enough money, a disempowering relationship. So, I didn't have really good models to follow, but I always wanted more. I don't know what it was within me, but I wanted more of the good life. Maybe it was, you know, watching television, like kids, you know, to adults, we look on the internet and we see things that we want. And so I just wanted more. And I got fascinated literally 43 years ago with neuroscience and
Starting point is 00:03:31 neuropsychology. I didn't do well in school, but I was really in biology and chemistry. And so I just got fascinated with this thing called the brain and our conscious and subconscious mind has been a study of mine now, literally 43 years. And I discovered that we can all achieve more, but it's harder than we think because we don't have the right process, not because we can't. And very few people were taught the right process to shift their mindset. and to be able to, let's say, let go of disempowering whether it's thoughts or emotions or habits, which are so hard to break in the absence of the right process. So I became really good at first using myself as a guinea pig to achieve a little bit of
Starting point is 00:04:23 success in each area of my life. But then I started writing about it and teaching people through my books or my coaching. And they started to duplicate the results as well. So I knew that it wasn't about me, but it was really about a process that anybody could follow. So I've just been using it in my own life for many, many years because I want to live an extraordinary life. I don't want to live an ordinary life. And I'm willing to be disciplined enough, which is a little bit interesting because everybody's already disciplined to what they are
Starting point is 00:04:54 disciplined to. So discipline is really a habit. The question is, what are your habits that are easy for you to do? And so I just learned the process to be able to make change a little bit easier, not easy, but a little bit easier. And so for everyone listening, everyone's like, yeah, of course we have some habits that we know are holding us back, but it isn't easy.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And the things that I've done haven't allowed me to break them. What are some of the strategies that you share that help others make some habit changes? Yeah, so I think first ask yourself this question. Were you born with those habits? And anybody who thinks they're going to go, no. So what is a habit? Like what is a habit? And the answer from a science perspective, a brain science perspective, it's an automatic process that has a trigger, a behavior, and a reward. It's
Starting point is 00:05:52 an automatic process. So something triggers you to let's say wake up and go to the coffee machine or you know wake up and get dressed first, then go to the coffee machine. So we all have these triggers. It could be a sound, it could be a scent, it could be a color, it could be a person, it could be a place, it could be a song, it could be anything, it could be waking up. And then we behave and then we get the reward of that behavior.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And what most people don't understand is they mostly try to change the behavior and changing the behavior as much as it sounds really, really great, most of the time it doesn't work long-term. And so the question is if the behavior isn't what I want to change, then what is it that I should be changing? And the answer is the first step is in the awareness of what is triggering that behavior. Because 95% of everything we think and feel and do, 95% is automatic, habitual.
Starting point is 00:06:57 And so if I can become aware of the trigger, I wake up, I go have a coffee, or I wake up and I get on my phone right away. What if we can say in between the trigger and the behavior, I can insert something a little bit different. So I'll give you an example. Somebody wants to drink more water. What if we said, okay, so when are you most likely to drink? You know, when I wake up, I go have coffee. Take a glass of water and stick it right by where you make coffee. So trigger it, wake up, automatic behavior, go get coffee, but place something that you want to do right at the point of the behavior. So now you're going to get a double reward.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So the double reward is water plus coffee activates the reward system in the brain. You drink the coffee, you feel good to get more focus. You have a little bit of more energy. Boom, boom, boom, we got the reward. So now if I place this thing before the behavior, I can actually move the second part of it if I want to and still get the reward and replace water for coffee. That's just a simple neuro-associated conditioning mechanism that we could use to add a new behavior that's more empowering. Let's say we want to start to exercise and we don't have the habit of exercising. Get your clothes out for exercise and let's say you're running shoes, place them where you normally get dressed, and put those on first, and do one minute or even 30 seconds of a new behavior right next to an old behavior that already has the habitual pattern. And all of a sudden, you start to develop this habit,
Starting point is 00:08:46 and let's say putting on your shoes, getting dressed, and maybe doing 15, 20, 30 seconds of stretching. It doesn't matter how small the behavior is. Once we add a new behavior in front of an old behavior, we can replace the old behavior with the new one. So that's, you know, if you wanna add something, what if you wanna stop, you know, let's say drinking alcohol, you want to stop eating sugar, you want to stop a behavior or a habit? Well, the way I stopped sugar, for example, I knew I had a sweet tooth and I knew that my brain was craving it.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I knew I had a habit for it. And so I said, okay, what can I replace my sweet tooth with? And so I said, okay, what can I replace my sweet tooth with? What can I replace it with? So I said, well, I could get some protein and I could put some fiber with it, which would obviously expand. And so if my protein had stevia in it, which doesn't spike the insulin in my brain and in my liver, I can replace real, you know, maybe sugary cakes, cookies, ice creams or yogurts, frozen yogurts or vegan-y frozen
Starting point is 00:09:55 yogurts that I like with something healthier. And so now I'm using a replacement strategy. And then all of a sudden, I'm not having sweets anymore. I've replaced it with a better habit. And then I can wean myself off of that as well. So when we're using willpower, it's one of the weakest neuromussels that we can use, especially after three or four o'clock every day. Why that? Well, when we wake up, we're born with a certain number of attention units. And so we wake up We get ready. We get dressed. We go to work. We do our work, you know in front of our computers
Starting point is 00:10:31 We talk to people we take care of our kids our husband or wife or whatever and by time two or three o'clock Goes on our glucose levels are really really low willpower is tied to glucose in many cases and Our ability to concentrate and focus, okay, is way, way lower after three or four or five o'clock. In the morning when we wake up, we have higher cortisol levels. So cortisol is like a little bit of rocket fuel. And so we have cortisol, adrenaline, we can go. But then as that cortisol goes down and our focus, you know, gets diminished, it's harder to make the decisions that require will power the
Starting point is 00:11:11 power to override a natural habit or propensity. So there's a lot of these neuro mechanics going on that if we don't understand how it works, like, I'll give you an example. My team knows, do not book me, let's say, on a call with Heather at five o'clock in the afternoon. I won't be as animated, I won't be as sharp, I won't be as congruent, because I wake up at 6.30 and by 9.30, 10.11 o'clock, I'm like, go it, I'm like picking up the speed. So I do all my hardest stuff. The ones that requires my energy, focus, and attention early in the speed. So I do all my hardest stuff. The ones that requires my energy focus and attention early in the day. That's why I exercise early. It's easier for me because
Starting point is 00:11:51 I'm an early morning person to say yes to exercise early in the morning. If you leave me till four or five o'clock in the afternoon, I never exercise. If you say to me, you know, meditate in the afternoon, easy, because I'm already like, okay, I'm more chill. So when we understand a little bit about how our brains circuits reward circuit, will power circuit, fear circuit, stress circuit, anxiety circuit, focus circuit turns on or off, then we can start to manage our mindset a little bit better. Manage our emotions, which is really the energy in motion, is it a high energy emotional arc or a low energy emotional arc, and then that's what drives behavior.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And so if I'm in a high emotional energetic arc, I actually want to move towards what it is that I want to achieve. But if I'm in a low emotional arc, I want to move away from it because it requires energy, and my brain doesn't want to expand energy. So those are some of the neuro mechanics of what we're dealing with. And I don't want this to be a neuroscience course, but we all have way more control of what's going on between our ears, and that's really what drives what we do or don't do. The thing about running your own business is every single hire accounts, and no hiring partner understands that, like indeed, indeed is a hiring platform where you can attract interview and hire all in one place.
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Starting point is 00:15:53 No interest, no payments, take advantage of the special financing offer at slash monahan. slash monahan to get the visibility and control you need to whether any storm. slash monaheim. I love that you shared the importance or how our brain works around different times of the day because when you were talking about working out, if I don't get my workout in the morning and I love working out, it is not happening. I've had situations where work called for me to, you know, there wasn't a window to work out. And I will say
Starting point is 00:16:28 to myself, repeatedly, you're going to work out tonight. You're going to, and for whatever reason, well, now you're explaining why I don't pull the trigger. And I know that about myself, same when you're talking about time of day and different things that may come up that need our thinking or problem solving. If my son asked me to find some random thing that he needs to find in the house and it's at 7.30 at night when he gets home from practice, I never can pull the trigger and figure it out and find it. I'm like asking you again tomorrow morning at 6.30 a.m. when we wake up. I can find it in three minutes. And he always says, I'm just not asking you to solve big problems any more moment.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Because it truly just doesn't seem possible and it's helpful to understand, okay, just take a hard pass on that in the future and let's jump into these hard things when the morning is definitely the time for me. I'm with you. For you, now there's other people who are gonna listen or watch this and go,
Starting point is 00:17:20 oh my God, mornings I'm a basket case. I can't even feed myself in the morning, finding the coffee pot is hard. I used to be married to a wonderful woman who used to believe that if God wanted her to see the sun, he would have it rise at noon. She would stay up till two o'clock in the morning and she would get more done from nine. to 2 o'clock than she did before noon every day because she didn't want to get out of bed till 10, 11, 12 o'clock. And her natural cycle for her was that. And we had a polar opposite schedules, you know, naturally.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And we had to see if it would work and it created some challenges in our former relationship. And my wife now, who I've been married to and together with for 20 plus years, is an early riser like I am. She goes from like 630 till 830. I go from about 6 till 10. And we have, you know, the same types of schedules. So it really is important to know your own rhythm and not try to change it if it's hard, right? Like, not everybody needs to wake up or can wake up at 5.30. Some people have to and it caused them to be exhausted for the first part of the day. Like, most kids shouldn't go to school early in the morning.
Starting point is 00:18:36 They should have kids start school at 10 o'clock in the morning. I'm all for that every day. My son's saying, why do they do this to his mom? I just need a couple more hours of sleep. He's living for the weekends just to sleep in. It makes no sense. Well, tell me you talked a little bit about interrupting habits. One thing that I'm curious about, and I know my listeners are, what about when a habit occurs that maybe like I'm taking a stage and I'm getting nervous.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And now that that happened one time that it starts happening again, it never used to happen before, or for anyone listening that they're suffering from some anxiety that's new, that's popping up and they don't understand. How can you interrupt something like that? If anybody's watching us, you're going to see behind me, and if you're listening only, then behind me are two photos up on my wall. Over my right shoulder, there's Albert Einstein, and over my left shoulder, there's Albert Einstein and over my left shoulder,
Starting point is 00:19:25 there's Frankenstein's monster. I want you to imagine that you have a Frankenstein's monster in your mind or in your brain and you have an Albert Einstein that has phenomenal imagination and incredible smarts. Well, what happens with the Einstein part of the brain is it can choose what we want. It can imagine a better future, it can imagine, you know, people giving you a high five after you get on stage, you know, or doing anything that might seem a little bit risky, like meeting somebody new at a cocktail party and talking to them. It doesn't matter. But Frankenstein's monster is another part of the brain that is actually one of the most amazing parts of your brain
Starting point is 00:20:05 that you need to learn how to love. And it's your early warning detection mechanism. Now, what is that? Well, imagine you're driving your car. And all of a sudden, you hear something beeping on your dash. You look around, you realize, oh, to the left of me, there's a car that's really close or to the right or behind me, there's a car that's really close. And the radar picks this up and gives you a signal that there's danger. Be aware.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Do you love that or do you love that? Well, of course you love that because it's given you the ability to use a radar to give you an awareness of your surrounding or what if you're low on gas and you're on the highway and you're talking to the kids and all of a sudden a light goes up on your dash saying stop and go get some gas. You like that right because it's an early warning detection mechanism. Well this one part of our brain it's called the right prefrontal cortex and the amygdala is wired. I mean it is wired from hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to give you an early warning whenever there's any real or potential immediate danger or danger coming up that can cause you to get hurt mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, any real or imagined scenario where this is so important right here.
Starting point is 00:21:29 You might be embarrassed, ashamed, ridiculed, judged, rejected, unloved or disappointed. So when you're getting ready to go up on stage, and let's say you've done this a few times. How can you feel confident? Right, Pima? You know what you're saying, but there's another part of your business says, well, what if they don't receive my message the way I wanted what if I forget something what if and we usually replace a what if negative in the subconscious that gives the electrical signal to release the neurochemicals of stress, which is cortisol or epinephrine or adrenaline. So all of a sudden our heart starts to beat, we start to narrow our focus and our brains think about all the what if negative stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And then what happens is we focus on that negative possibility that might happen in the future, but we're feeling the neurochemistry of it right now. So, I've often said, there isn't a person alive that's afraid of public speaking. Nobody's afraid of public speaking. They're afraid of what might happen if they speak in public, and they're embarrassed to shame, ridiculed judge rejected, except that's what they're actually moving away from. Well, what if I shared with you that in that nanosecond, the chemicals that are released will only last in your body for 90 seconds if you just stay present and focused
Starting point is 00:23:02 on releasing, okay, the energy, the energy and motion, think about it. Chemicals are released in your blood. It changes the vibrational field of your body. That's why you say, I feel stressed. I feel anxious. I feel worried, I feel, right? The feeling is our awareness of what's happening in our body.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Well, what we know from a science perspective is that means that the sympathetic is the automatic reactive stress system. The polar opposite of that is the calm to respond system. So how do Navy SEALs get trained to stay calm under pressure or firefighters or astronauts or athletes at the Olympics? How do they learn that in these stressful situations where those neurochemicals are rushing wild? How do they use that neurochemistry as their fuel to succeed? their fuel to succeed. Well, most people are not aware that if they take, and I call this take six calm, the circuit. And if I take slow, very, very slow, deep breath in through my nose, fill up my diaphragm, fill up my lungs. And then if I take my focus on my lips and as I'm breathing out I pretend there's a straw in my mouth and I breathe it out as slowly as I can. If I do that five or six times, take 60 to 90
Starting point is 00:24:38 seconds at most, we can actually in an FMRI machine, see the blood flowing away from the part of our brain, that Frankenstein's monster that's got activated because it's worried that you might get emotionally or mentally or physically or financially hurt. It comes down, the circuit switches and all of a sudden, the Einstein brain comes back online to say, hey, hold on You've practiced this you know your stuff the audience is great. They want you to succeed I can do this. Let's go and you've just shifted Your entire nervous system your self-talk and your focus towards what you want versus what might happen and your focus towards what you want versus what might happen that your brain automatically is trying to protect you from it happening. So these are very, very,
Starting point is 00:25:31 very sensitive circuits that get triggered like a light switch on or off. You're walking down the street, you're about to go off the sidewalk and all of a sudden you hear the tires, you know, of a car, maybe 30 feet away, and if you jump back on the street, that's automatic because sound travels, okay, the speed of sound, and your subconscious is processing this, and then it's activating neural circuits around, cars coming really fast,
Starting point is 00:25:57 don't get off of the sidewalk, jump back on the sidewalk, before even had chance to think about it. These are all subconscious processes that happen beneath our level of moment by moment awareness. However, when we have a feeling of stress, we can be aware of that. We just have to listen to what we're saying. We have to pay attention to our behavior. We go, oh, hold on. Something's triggered the stress center of my brain. First, let me calm it down and let me turn on the circuit
Starting point is 00:26:32 that allow me to respond in a calm way. So the stress circuit's automatic, but the calm circuit is deliberate. In a startling description, the UN food chief warned the world with the words knocking on Famine's door. He called what we're facing a perfect storm of a perfect storm. And he's not alone.
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Starting point is 00:28:16 And I'm finding myself while I'm just sitting here listening to you, I'm doing the breathing that you're talking about because it just makes you feel so much better and it's so calm. What about when you were talking about this, this is you feel so much better and it's so calm. What about when you were talking about this? This is just, personally, I want to know this. While you were talking, I was thinking about my subconscious because you mentioned that so many times and how powerful it is.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And I was thinking recently about something and opportunity that I've been going through a meeting with a different company. And we've had a series of meetings. Every time before John is super negative, like cranes negative thought will pop into my mind. Makes no sense. I know it's my subconscious. It's not helpful at all. Like it derails me.
Starting point is 00:28:56 How can you like ultimately get rid of thoughts like that from even I know that it doesn't make sense. I'm like, this is crazy talk. Great. So where do thoughts come from? Were you born with a basket, you know, or reservoir of thoughts from before another life? Were you born? No. So would you agree that our thoughts are like effervescent bubbles that are
Starting point is 00:29:20 percolating from our subconscious mind? Yeah. Yeah. We probably get that visual. What if I shared with you a little technique with red bubbles and blue bubbles? Red bubbles are disempowering negative, automatic, destructive, so we'd be disempowering, could be negative or destructive thoughts. And we all have them, right? Because we've seen stuff on TV, we've read stuff, we've experienced stuff, we've witnessed stuff,
Starting point is 00:29:49 so those thoughts are in our memory bank. But we also have positive stuff. Now, first thing, we have about 6,200 thoughts a day, new research, not 50,000, not 75,000, about 6,200 during our waking hours. Now, our brain remembers a negative, disempowering experience that we've read about, seen, watched, whatever, 10 times faster than it does a positive one.
Starting point is 00:30:19 10 times faster. So the memory is created faster around something negative and traumatic, for example. Tra is actually a thousand times faster. So it's in the memory bank. And just like earlier, I shared that behaviors have a trigger, so do thoughts. So let's say we want to achieve something. When we say, I want to achieve this, I want to make more money. I want to be in a better relationship. I want to start a business. I want to write a book. I want to travel the world. I want to be in a better relationship. I want to start a business. I want to write a book. I want to travel the world.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I want to leave my job again a new one. We get excited because we activate the Reward Center and the feel good possibility network. Oh, my God, that would be so great. But then right beneath that, the Frankenstein's monster goes, hey, hey, hey, let me share with you what's in this little bubble machine. Okay, that could be the negative
Starting point is 00:31:05 thoughts around this. And it starts to percolate all these negative thoughts. So imagine that thoughts are just effervescent bubbles, positive or negative, empowering, disciplinary, constructive or destructive, but they're just thoughts. What if you could just be aware of the red negative, disempowering thoughts. I just observe them and go, keep going. And what if you can just say, I'm choosing, now I'm gonna be in a state of mindful awareness,
Starting point is 00:31:33 I'm gonna choose what I want to focus on. Now, you and I have thoughts, but we're not our thoughts, but the thoughts that we grab onto and emotionalize and follow through on become dominant thoughts. Most people's thoughts are 70, 80, in some cases, 90% or more negative, disciplinary, destructive because of their childhood and their experiences. Now, if you've been in the self-help world, where you read
Starting point is 00:32:05 positive stuff, you're around positive people, you've seen people overcome health issues, financial issues, business issues, relationship issues, whatever it is, you see that. Then those possibility thoughts are there too. But negative and positive are always there. Our strength comes from what is it that I'm choosing to latch onto and increase the amplitude of the vibration with my focus and attention. So awareness is what gives us choice and the choice is what expands through our decisions. So you're never going to be able to control 6200 thoughts. Your brain is naturally wired to find the negative for
Starting point is 00:32:46 survival, safety, avoidance of pain or discomfort. So it is a part of your brain you want to start loving. Now Barbara Fredrickson did some research many many years ago and it's now known as the three to one positivity and negativity ratio. For every negative thought that you find yourself like latching onto, stop, replace it with three positive thoughts. Now you start to tilt the ratio, you know, in your favor. So you have way fewer what we call automatic negative thoughts. You replace them with automatic positive thoughts, automatic negative emotion, and apps is what we call the first one, AN is what we call automatic negative emotions. Emotions are triggered in the subconscious mind to give rise to feelings. So if I have a
Starting point is 00:33:32 automatic negative emotion or feeling, what does a Hollywood actor or actress do when they say to them? Okay, Seen to take one. I want you to be angry in this role and the actor actors, what do you mean I can't go over there today? I want to go over there today and they say, okay, act to seem to be super happy. I said, wow, I get to go there today. I'm so freaking happy. What about act two, scene three, be really, really sad.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I can't believe I've got to go there today. You can flip emotions on demand. It's just turning on a state in your brain. Now what happens with a lot of people is when they get into, let's say, a negative emotional pattern or a negative thought pattern, they hold onto it and it hijacks them. And then they reinforce it and they think about what they don't want, and they feel what they don't want, and they think about what they feel, and they feel what they think about, and they reinforce the pattern, and now it becomes a habitual pattern. Instead of saying, okay, I had a shitty childhood.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I was traumatized. I was this. I was that she did this to me. He did this to me. I lost this. I failed to. Great. Okay. Welcome to life. I lost this, I felt it, great, okay, welcome to life. Now, how do I flip the switch?
Starting point is 00:34:49 How do I flip the switch? Now, the control goes back to you. And if we give the control to our thoughts, we're victims of it. If we give our control to our emotions, we're victims of the emotions. If we give our control to the past, we're victims of the past.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And all we have is the present moment. And so now we can say, let me use my brains. It's not my brain. Let me use my brain. I always have one on my desk to remind me. It's like a hundred billion dollar organ that I own. I don't owe any money on this. It's mortgage free.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Now I just want to learn how to use it better. And we've built, you know, quantum computers for hundreds of billions of dollars that don't do what yours in my brain naturally does. And contrary to most people's beliefs that don't know this, functionally, every brain works the same. Functionally, every gas car works the same. Functionally, every electrical car works the same. Functionally, every bike or trike works the same. So, funcially, they work the same. Is it possible for me to be a better driver?
Starting point is 00:35:59 Now, we enter my domain, you know, of, well, how can I use my brain better? Great first question. Great first question. Great first question. So first up, you weren't born with any beliefs. You weren't born with any fears. You weren't born with any self-image, and you weren't born with any skills, and you certainly weren't born with any habits. All of those things are nothing more than patterns that got reinforced in the brain. Some are constructive and lift you up and build you up. Some are destructive and tear you down.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Some are positive, some are negative, some empower you, some disempower you, all are just patterns. And no differently than you can renovate your home, you can rewire your mind. You can have an upgraded software, shall we say, like you upgrade your cell phone software or your computer software, or you renovate your home or your bathroom. Why not renovate some of the neural patterns using the latest in what is known as neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to create new connections and then reinforce them. So let's say you're out of shape
Starting point is 00:37:07 and you're overweight by 20, 30, 40 pounds. And today, today, you say, okay, I'm gonna start to see myself making healthier decisions. I'm gonna see myself, you know, taking one minute a day to just stretch, just to start, I'm just gonna stretch. I'm gonna take one of my meals and I'm gonna eat one meal healthier.
Starting point is 00:37:30 That's all. And you did that for 30 days. Do you think that you might start to develop some slightly more empowering thought patterns, being your patterns in half? But yeah, so what we want to understand is when we shift just a little bit, we activate brain cells, those brain cells that fire together, start to wire together. And so now we can add more time, more intensity, more complexity while we develop a new habit
Starting point is 00:38:04 of thinking positively, while we develop a new habit of receiving ourselves achieve our goal. Now we can accelerate what we do because we now have a new habit of doing, let's say, something empowering. And at first, we want to reduce it to the ridiculously small. Make an effort hyphen less. Make it stress less. Make it thinking less, right? And when we do that, we start to create a new pattern. I often say that first we build the simple habit, then the habit will build us. So how do we develop a habit? Do you want to start
Starting point is 00:38:47 flossing your teeth? Floss one tooth today. Floss one tooth tomorrow. Just one tooth boom, put it down less than three seconds. Every day, take out your flossing string, just leave it by your toothbrush. Before or after your brush your teeth, preferably before, floss one tooth. Just commit to doing it for 30 days. It takes about 66 days to develop a new empowering pattern. And so for 66 days at least, all my clients tell them, give me 100 days. Give me 100 days.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Floss one tooth. I guarantee you by the end of 100 days, you'll be flossing your whole mouth and you'll be doing it morning and night. But don't focus on that focus on one tooth So reduce it to the ridiculously small so you do not have any neural tension to say no John two years ago when we were talking about your book Innercise I thought
Starting point is 00:39:41 Unbelievable your changing people's lives you're empowering people with these incredible tools that are next level that I had never heard of. I wasn't aware of. Now, today, over the last two years, what you've built and what you've created is mind blowing and it's already impacted hundreds of thousands of people. Can you get into a little bit about this next gen
Starting point is 00:40:03 in our sizing that you've created? Yeah, so since we understand more about how the brain works today, we know that if I speak positively more often, then I speak positively more often. If I feel a sense of gratitude, I feel more gratitude. If I take inspired action, I take inspired action more and more and more. And so I started to develop, you know, these inner sizes that my clients paid me as much as $25,000 to create one inner-size sequence for them. If they're a professional athlete or a CEO,
Starting point is 00:40:38 we focused on using a variety of science-based techniques to activate and reinforce positive thought patterns and empower itself in, it's self-worth, self-esteem, and empowered habitual pattern to achieve goals and to take action. And I just built an entire series for health, wealth, relations, career, sales, entrepreneurship, leadership, relationship, so that people can get the right mindset with the right emotional control and the right habitual creation. And I just developed my inner-size model that I've had literally hundreds of thousands of people inner-sizing daily, just like people exercise to strengthen their muscles.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Well, I've coined this term called neuro muscles. And so for example, are your beliefs strong or weak? Well, why not call it like a muscle? Your muscle, your belief muscle is stronger weak. And since we have belief muscles around what we can achieve and what we can't or whether we're worthy or not, why not just upgrade that? Are your habits strong or weak empowering or disciplinary and constructive or destructive? Yeah. Is your self-image, self-worth, self-esteem? Can that be considered a neuro muscle that was developed for your
Starting point is 00:41:53 whole life? Yeah. Well, can we develop a new, more empowering, neuro muscle or take an existing one and make it stronger? Well, of course we can. The question is, well, how do I do it? Well, we can do it through self-talk, through learning how to talk to ourself in a more empowering way. We can do it through our awareness
Starting point is 00:42:17 of our emotional state. We can do it through observing our behavior which leads to the results that we have. And so I just developed this entire series of inner sizes. There's about 500 that have developed already just in the last two years. And it is transforming people's lives from the inside out. So we know that the subconscious mind is the power center of the brain, but most people don't know how to access it. And then,
Starting point is 00:42:46 you know, how do I let go of the old stuff and how do I create and reinforce the new stuff? And even though I used to talk to people about mental contrasting in first or third person visualizations or self-talk and planting the right seeds through their self-talking through their mind, very few people wanted to do the work to create it for themselves to actually do it. So I just did it for them. That's what inner size is all about and the inner size app that we created.
Starting point is 00:43:13 The app is incredible. I'm gonna link everything in the show notes below for everybody to gain access, but it's unbelievable. What it literally is next gen of this incredible book that in all of the science it, you worked so hard to create. You've got all these proven results.
Starting point is 00:43:29 You've helped hundreds of thousands of people, but now to see these success stories and to see this catalog of more than 500 different inner sizes that you have. Like you said, on these very specific topics, sales, relationships, self-love, mindset around money abundance and to see the stories and I've participated in some of your live events that you've had to hear these people firsthand.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And I've gone through the inner size myself. It is such impactful work. I encourage everybody. I know that you've got another live event coming up. The rewire your brain for Unstoppable Success event. Can you tell us when that is? Sure, we're doing it October the 14th on a Saturday. And what I decided to do is instead of talking about it
Starting point is 00:44:08 with everybody like we are today, we're actually going to do an experiential event for, I don't know, two or three hours on October the 14th. And we are actually going to, of course, I will teach people, I will show people what's happening in their brain. But we're going to actually experience a bunch of exercises to actually help people rewire their brain right there so they get some immediate results. And for those who want to continue with
Starting point is 00:44:33 exercises, they can make a decision to do that then. That is incredible and that's gonna distill anyone who's one brain. Well, what is this exercising? You're gonna be able to see it live. I'll be there October 14th. This is definitely something you don't want to miss. There is nothing bad that will come out of this.
Starting point is 00:44:51 All you will do is be rewiring your subconscious to benefit you. And hundreds of thousands of people have had the success. I'm in the app. It's incredible. John, where can everybody find more information about the event and how can they sign up?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Well, two things. Number one, the event is free can they sign up? Well, two things. Number one, the event is free. So I'll be doing it. I'll have a bunch of guests with me and I'll give you the link to put in the show notes for everybody. And they can sign up. And when you attend, we will actually not just be talking about it, but we will be taking
Starting point is 00:45:20 the inner sizes and doing them live together so you can experience it and feel it right at the comfort of your own home, whether it's on your mobile phone or on your computer, on your tablet. And we're going to have some fun. We'll have a chat room open so we can talk and discuss. How do you experience health from the inside out? How do you experience unshakeable self-confidence and an unstoppable mindset from the inside out. How do you really, like not just talk about it, but how do you really feel that you are unstoppable? How do you really
Starting point is 00:45:53 shatter a limitation that you have about, whether, how much you can earn or what kind of relationship or business you can have? Well, those are all limitations which are nothing more than neural patterns in the brain. You weren't born with these limitations, you weren't born with these obstacles. How do you feel fear, which is natural? And how do you use the neurochemistry of fear to actually fuel you taking action instead of freezing, sabotaging, procrastinating, you know, and playing small? We'll be discussing it and actually doing it on October 14th. We'll start at nine o'clock Pacific, 12 o'clock New York, and I think that's five o'clock in London. Free, and it'll be fun, and you will have a breakthrough on that day. Do not miss this event free event. He's taken out all the barriers to entry. John, thank you so much for doing this. Everyone, I will see you there October 14th.
Starting point is 00:46:45 The link is in the show notes below. John, please keep taking all of your information, all of this work you're doing to make the world a better place and just keep going. We so appreciate you. Thank you so much, John. It's so great to be with you again. All right, guys, I will see you there October 14th.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Check it out in the show notes below. I'll go right to the moment. I decided to change that time here. And I went to the world. October 14th, check it out in the show notes below. This episode is brought to you by the YAP Media Podcast Network. I'm Holla Taha, CEO of the award-winning digital media empire YAP Media, and host of YAP Young & Profiting Podcast, a number one entrepreneurship and self-improvement podcast where you can listen, learn, and profit. On Young & Profiting Podcast, I interview the brightest minds in the world, and I turn
Starting point is 00:47:43 their wisdom into actionable advice that you can use in your daily life. Each week we dive into a new topic like the art of side hustles, how to level up your influence and persuasion and goal setting. I interview A-list guests on Young & Profiting. I've got the best guests. Like the world's number one negotiation expert, Chris Voss, Shark, Damon John, Serial Entrepreneurs entrepreneur Alex and Lila Hermosi, and even movie stars like Matthew McConaughey. There's absolutely no fluff on my podcast, and that's on purpose. Every episode is jam packed with advice that's going to push your life forward. I do my research, I get straight to the point, and I take things really seriously, which
Starting point is 00:48:21 is why I'm known as the podcast Princess, and how I became one of the top podcasters in the world in less than five years. Young and profiting podcast is for all ages. Don't let the name fool you. It's an advanced show. As long as you want to learn and level up, you will be forever young. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Young and profiting podcast or app, like it's often called by my app fam on Apple Spotify, Castbox or wherever you listen to your podcast. or YAP, like it's often called by my YAP fam, on Apple Spotify,
Starting point is 00:48:46 CastBox, or wherever you listen to your podcast.

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