Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - #372: Top Secrets for Unshakeable Confidence with Heather!

Episode Date: November 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, you are going to chase down our goals. Overcome adversity and set you up for better tomorrow. That's a no-sleep journey. I'm ready for my close-up. Hi, and welcome back. I'm so glad you're back here with me this week.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Okay, so this is such an interesting time of year because many of us, we like to say like, okay, it's a wrap, it's holidays. I'm gonna go out and live my best life. I'm going to take it easy. Here's my opinion, shocker. This is not shocking actually. I never do that. I'm sure maybe at one point.
Starting point is 00:00:38 No, I kind of see it the opposite way, right? So many people take their foot off the gas. So many people kind of throw their the gas. So many people kind of throw their hands up like, oh, the year's over. No, that's where I see it. It's such an incredible opportunity to lean in, right? Because if in January, we know everyone hits the ground running January 1st, everyone's coming for you. They've got huge new goals. They're making things happen. Blah, blah, blah. That's BS to me. So I like having a leg up on people,
Starting point is 00:01:09 on things, on situations, like having leverage and opportunity. You create that by doing things differently than everyone else. So if everybody else is gearing up for a big launch, January's when I'm really going to get healthy, achieve my business goals, achieve my relationship goals, achieve whatever big goals you have. And geez, please have them, right? We need to have a vision.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We might not know how we're gonna get where we wanna go, but we need to have this clear goal and vision of where we want to go, which is so important, and you need to start there, right? Start with that first. But don't wait a couple of months and just kind of pass by saying, oh, I'm gonna watch Charlie Brown, Christmas movies
Starting point is 00:01:51 and walk around my house with Christmas music playing for the next two months. Yeah, that's nice. And I get doing that once in a while, right? Go ahead and rock that on Sundays. But not seven days a week, right? Instead, set yourself up for an incredible end of your fourth quarter. Set yourself up to take this time to really differentiate
Starting point is 00:02:13 yourself, and I'm actually just reminded me I'm going to take you through, I'm not going to do it today, but I'll take you through either next week or the week after before the end of the year. I'm going to take you through the process that I walk through at the end of every year in regards to my business and how I size things up so I ensure a much better next year. I ensure a better January than other people are gonna have because I'm doing the work now. I'm laying the groundwork now.
Starting point is 00:02:44 And I strongly encourage you to do the same because other people are checked out. So if let's say half the world kind of checks out mentally, do you know much opportunities left there in front of you for you? Right, like it's all about finding that white space. And to me, holiday time is a huge white space because so many people use it as an excuse, frankly, to tap
Starting point is 00:03:07 out. Well, I'm not tapping out. I'm tapping in. And I hope you're tapping in with me. And again, I'm not suggesting you go kill yourself and work harder than you ever have. You don't need to do that. You frankly just need to show up because so many people simply don't show up. So why don't you set yourself up for your best fourth quarter, which is literally going to change your year for next year. I know that firsthand. I've done it. I continuously
Starting point is 00:03:31 do it. And I don't do it because it's fun. I do it because it works. It delivers results. Right. So I talk about this a lot. Take direction and advice from people who have been where you want to go, whether you're in corporate America or you own your own company is irrelevant. The reality is the marketplace gets soft in fourth quarter. People just lean into retail and binging TV and eating and drinking. Instead, do those things like rock and live your best life. I'm not saying to not do them,
Starting point is 00:04:00 but instead show up every day on the daily to work to be in a space where most people aren't and watch how you change the dynamic for you, your business. It's incredible. Watch the opportunities that come to you. Happens for me every single year. And I'll tell you, I love reflecting on prior years and looking back not to get caught up in the past, but to see how far I've come and see the different challenges I've overcome. And it's funny I was thinking about one year ago today. And there's a lot of practices and standards I put in place, right? So the same things that I'm doing right now to prepare for fourth
Starting point is 00:04:35 quarter or to continue fourth quarter strong and then set myself up for next year, I did these same things last year. I keep them in place because they work. I always want to look at them and say are they driving driving as much value as they used to as their way? I can innovate and get better. And frankly, right now, A.I. is one of those ways that I'm leaning in the more and more I learn of what new tools, and I have the opportunity to beta test a lot of different products
Starting point is 00:04:55 because the partnerships I have, it's so cool to see, wow, I can use the same amount of work that I was doing in the same amount of time, but now I have tools that advanced me so much faster. So yes, always innovate, always question, and be curious about the systems and procedures you're implementing and strategies in your business and life. But it is kind of cool to look at a year ago. I wasn't using AI tools, and now that's going to help me move that much faster.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So find the different shortcuts, tips, and tricks that and hacks that are gonna let you move faster. One of them that's slowing me down a little bit right now and these are just, you know, this is part for the course in life. A year ago, I had just moved into my new condo. I had a year lease and I need to worry about where I was gonna live like I didn't think about it. I was unpacked all as well and check the box
Starting point is 00:05:44 and we move on This year the woman that I've been Renting from for a year decided she wanted to sell the place. I don't want to buy it and I need to move out So it's been one of those interesting the last couple of months have been interesting because it's like a new task That you have to give energy to you need to go look at new condos new places You have to decide like who do you want to negotiate with who do you want to make offers to these things just take up time Right and frankly, this is why I lived in the same place and bought a condo in South Beach 20 years ago So I didn't have to deal with this stuff. However, I loved love love where I live now It's so incredible
Starting point is 00:06:20 so I want to make a case for both sides right like there's something to be said for It's so incredible. So I want to make a case for both sides, right? Like there's something to be said for reliability and routine and not having to put energy towards something else. But then I'm also going to tell you, you're missing out on meeting new people, living in the coolest places in the world, having new views.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Like it's super exciting where I lived out. So I guess you have to be in the space that you're ready to like, you know, step into that new opportunity, step into that new excitement. I don't know what's going on in your life, but for me, making move was incredible. Sitting here today, knowing I likely have to move here again in the next month, a little daunting, but I also know I just did it a year ago and it worked out great. So why wouldn't this be any different?
Starting point is 00:07:00 It'll be amazing just like it was last time. So hoping you can lead into whatever challenging or different situations you might be taking on right now with that same attitude, I'm constantly reminding myself to approach things that way. Okay, first, I wanted to start off with a question that I received. This is from a longtime listener who I adore
Starting point is 00:07:21 and get lots of messages from. And thank you for the feedback. When you guys give me feedback, it's so, so helpful because I can understand what you like, what you don't like, and then I can give you more of what you like. So I am answering her question today. Okay, not to get into too much detail
Starting point is 00:07:36 in regards to her business, but she's talking about her specific industry. And she says, listen, I've got this incredible app idea. I'm already implementing the process with my clients. And it makes for a very smooth transition with rating clients and incredible results. How do I explain my idea to people without giving away my idea?
Starting point is 00:07:58 And I get it. So I'm going to tell you two things. First of all, Sarah Blakely, who I've had on the show, and I also had the opportunity to speak with conferences and work with, and she's incredible. She's very clear on this. And you can go back to my episode and listen to the episode with Sarah Blakely and Jessie.
Starting point is 00:08:15 It's like, she walks you through it. She believes, well, and she lived it, for the first two years that she had the idea of spanks and she was quietly working on it behind the scenes, she told no one. No, she believes, keep your baby ideas close, close, close to you and tell no one and build, build, build as fast as you can. So she was out, go listen to the episode,
Starting point is 00:08:36 she'll walk you through it herself, I'm not gonna do it justice, but she'll walk you through how she was living in Atlanta, started a company from her two-bedroom apartment, had packaging stuff everywhere, drawings of the spanks rendering. She was flying back and forth between North Carolina, going to these factories, trying to get deals to get someone to create a prototype, sinking all of her money that she had into this investment.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Like, she was burning the candle at both ends. During the day, she was working. I forget she was selling like, I don't know, facts machines or something random business oriented that had nothing to do with spanks, but she was doing that to pay her bills. And then at nights on the weekend, she's back and forth to North Carolina,
Starting point is 00:09:16 meeting with these potential partners, trying to negotiate a deal, trying to get a prototype done, trying to get a patent in place. I mean, literally burning, burning at both ends and just trying to find a way to get a prototype done, trying to get a patent in place. I mean, literally burning, burning at both ends and just trying to find a way to get this off the ground. But for two years, she told nobody because she didn't want someone to get the idea and she didn't want people to tell her, no, it was a bad idea because she knew in her heart of hearts what it was. But she went all in, like every minute of every day went towards
Starting point is 00:09:40 us. Okay, if you've been listening to the show and you've been with me for a little while, you know I've been going through a negotiation that has been taking a few months longer than I had hoped. And as that's happened, I realized I need a little support. I needed a different strategy because if what you're doing is not working, we need to access someone who's done what we want to do. So I jumped in to Chris Voss' class on the Masterclass platform and I will tell you, my strategy changed immensely.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Instead of taking the approach, are we going to move forward with this deal? Are we doing this? I'm taking the approach. Is this a terrible idea? And the minute I switched to that very tactical change, I completely unlocked what the real objection was because the other side was disarmed. So, master class, thank you so, so much for changing my negotiation and putting me in a position of power. This fall, learn from the best to become your best with masterclass,
Starting point is 00:10:48 from leadership to effective communication to cooking, whether you're watching masterclass on TV, listening in audio mode, in the app, or on their site, the quality speaks for itself. It's like masterclass instructors are your own personal mentors that they're gonna help you reach your next level. And they do. How much would a class take a 101 class from the world's best?
Starting point is 00:11:09 Easily hundreds of thousands of dollars. With a Masterclass annual membership, it's $10 a month. Memberships start at $120 a year for unlimited access to 101 classes with all 180 plus Masterclass instructors. Learn how to negotiate a raise with Chris Voss or manage your relationships with Esther Proud. I mean, let me just tell you, there are over 180 classes to pick from
Starting point is 00:11:33 with whatever topic you wanna get into, but the Chris Voss class has literally changed my negotiation. The Sarah Blakely class allowed me to feel confident not knowing what I was doing and approaching things so differently than everyone else in my lane. These classes are game-changing. They boost your confidence and give you practical takeaways that you can apply to your life and at work. And if you own a business or are a team leader, use masterclass to empower and create future ready employees and and power and create future ready employees and leaders. And right now our listeners will get an additional 15% off an annual membership at slash monahen.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Get 15% off right now at slash monahen slash monahen. When I started podcasting an online store was the furthest thing from my mind. Now I'm selling my masterclasses on the regular, and it's so easy. All because I use Shopify. Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business. From the launch your online shop stage to the first real-life store stage all the way to the, did we just hit a million dollar stage? Shopify is there to help you grow.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits, Shopify helps you sell everywhere. From there all in one e-commerce platform to their in-person POS system, wherever and whatever you're selling. Shopify's got you covered. Shopify helps you turn browsers into buyers with the Internet's best converting checkout. 36% better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms. And sell more with less effort thanks to Shopify Magic, your AI powered All Star.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Let me tell you, when the pandemic hit, I had no idea how I was going to drive revenue. Shopify had me covered. I literally launched my Shopify store within one week and had group coaching, master classes, mastermind, up and running, and I was driving revenue over night. I don't know what I would have done without Shopify. Shopify powers 10% of all
Starting point is 00:13:46 e-commerce in the US and Shopify is the global force behind all birds, Rothies, and Brooklyn and millions of other entrepreneurs of every size across 175 countries. Plus Shopify's award-winning help is there to support your success every step of the way. Because businesses that grow grow with Shopify. Sign up for $1 per month trial period at slash monahan. All lower case. Go to slash monahan. Now to grow your business, no matter what stage you're in, slash monahan. slash monahan. That's her strategy. Now, I'll give you another strategy
Starting point is 00:14:29 and you have to listen to your intuition. At the end of the day, you always have the right answer. For me, that's like when I go for a run, I can hear my inner voice when I pray, for a lot of people's meditation. Some people have shower ideas, like I don't know what it is for you. You need to figure out where is it that you tune in best here in our voice because that's the answer for
Starting point is 00:14:49 you. You need to figure out what resonates with you. For me when I first got fired in that first year that I was out on my own and I was just burning through my savings. That's before I even started burning through my 401k. Like I went all in much much like Sarah Blakely, I just believed, like I believe in myself. I don't know what the products are in systems I'm gonna have in place, but I just know they will be there. Cut to, here we are six years later. I have a podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Hi, they're here, let's say two right now, what's up? I'm a board member of Health and Corporation. I have sold countless master classes, virtual boot camps, I have given thousands master classes, virtual boot camps. I have given thousands of keynotes all around the world, literally the world. And now I'm going to Saudi Arabia, which is so crazy, right? It's incredible. I never knew any of that was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I wrote two books that I am so proud of and have sold thousands and thousands of copies up, right? So there's all these different things that I've created so many different products, by the way. We don't even need to get into all of them. But the point is this, I didn't know any of that was gonna happen. I simply believed in myself and believed that the right ideas would come to me, right?
Starting point is 00:15:57 As long as I move, fast take action and do that next right thing, you know, with that nor star being that I wanna help people, I want to empower others, and I want to bring my light and good to the world. So with that, I guess, attitude or that basic strategy, frankly, yes, it was hard, and yes, it's been messy, and yes, I've made terrible mistakes, but one of them that I look back at, for me that kind of stands out as a big mistake I made. That first year I got fired, Alpastor Antelmaid to write a book. I took what he said as gold and
Starting point is 00:16:33 Googled how do you write a book and in five months I had written and self-published confidence creator. When that first book came out at Trump Donald Trump as number one on the business biography list on Amazon, which was incredible, a book went viral. Still to this day has sold more books than my second book, Overcome Your Villains, which I did with Harper Cons Leadership, which is so wild, right? However, just as what it is. And I'm excited for both my little babies conference creator
Starting point is 00:16:56 and Overcome Your Villains, because the reviews on both are incredible and have changed so many people's lives, and I'm so, so, so proud. Both unique and different in their own way, but here's the thing. When that happened, so now we're talking 2018, I started getting messages from production teams,
Starting point is 00:17:16 executive producers, I started conversations with Bravo, like Netflix, I've had E, I met with E, five times. So all of a sudden, there was all of this TV show, movie type elements coming out and people were talking about turning my first book, confidence creator into a movie. Listen, there's lots of conversations out there, right? So in my mind, I'm like, this is clearly,
Starting point is 00:17:40 there was just so many like-minded people coming out of the woodwork to me that I thought, okay, this is a sign, this is, okay, clearly my book needs to be a movie. It's going to be able to reach more people, change more people's lives. This is what needs to happen. So I was getting these ideas. Well, during that time, I met a producer locally here in Miami, and he's like, listen, we need to film a TV show first that That's then gonna get you the attention you need
Starting point is 00:18:06 to get the book turned into a movie. That's how we're gonna get a book movie deal for you. Which I don't know anything about movie, creating movies, right? Like that's not my wheelhouse, that's not my expertise. I need to rely on other people. Well during that time somebody started saying to me, well what if someone finds out your idea,
Starting point is 00:18:22 my idea that I had, it was like a reality TV show, but not like a bomb shardin' a, beat up your best friend kind of a show. It was good about like helping people and teaching people how to get ahead in business, and like if you get fired, how to bounce back, and all good things, not about fighting and stabbing people in the back, none of that. So it was the antithesis of what was out there at the time. So you knew it's gonna be an uphill climb. Anyway, cut to, I was sharing it with someone in my inner circle and they said, hey, listen, this idea is great and we had created this whole deck on it.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Like a lot of work goes into the stuff behind the scenes. This is a stuff people don't see that they don't even realize, this went on for me for two years, right? It was 2018, 2019. Oh my gosh, I had countless meetings. It was crazy. And it spent a lot of money and worked really hard on this. Well, during this time, people were saying to me,
Starting point is 00:19:10 someone's gonna steal your idea. And I thought, oh my gosh, that's right. Somebody could steal my idea. I better stop telling people about it and just work and silence on it. In my opinion, that was incorrect. Cause we're sitting here today, nothing ever came out of those ideas.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Well, they haven't come yet, right? So to me, here's the answer. And everyone goes about things differently. I did it the B Quiet and Work Hard and Invest all your money behind the scenes kind of way, and nothing ended up happening. Well, part of that also is because of the pandemic, right? Because when the pandemic hit in 2020,
Starting point is 00:19:42 everything shut down in regards to production and creating content. And I haven't leaned back into it since COVID's ended. So part of it's timing, I will say that. But the other thing, when I look back now, I wish I had told the world about my idea because number one, I'm super proud of it, and you never know who could have come out of the woodwork
Starting point is 00:20:01 and wanted to fund it or star in it, or whatever launch it for me had they known about it. I was constantly pitching networks and they were kicking back on me saying that's different than what's working. You know, we like the Bravo model and this isn't the Bravo housewife model and blah, blah, blah, blah. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So I was in this uphill battle trying to sell people on my idea that I knew and believed in whole heartily, but I was doing it in a really quiet way and in industry I didn't have a lot of contacts in. So anyhow, bottom line is it never got off the ground. So to my listener, the whole reason why I'm talking about this right now, I believe you should move fast and break things. I believe if you want to take this air blakely model, then behind the scenes you got to dump a ton of cash in, you got to get the right partners, you got to invest in the app. I have friends who've built apps. Apps can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $1 million to get off the ground in the first year.
Starting point is 00:20:50 For sure, depending on how unique your app is. And with AI today, oh my gosh, that's what I would do. I would partner with a startup AI company, find the right partners. I mean, that's what's key and critical for everything. And get that baby up and running. You are going to have to sink money into it. And if you're not gonna do it, you have to go out and raise capital, right? You need to go find VCs.
Starting point is 00:21:11 But I will say there's a lot of money for AI. Right now, there's VCs only looking to invest in AI. So open your mind, move fast and break things. You've got to go all in, like, it's a risk. But to me, I would have let people know about what I was working on in a bigger way. So I could have attracted the right partners, attracted the right opportunity,
Starting point is 00:21:30 attracted the right platforms, et cetera. Ask yourself what that answer is for you. But the one thing I know for sure is you're going to need to invest in yourself, you're going to need to do a lot of work, you're going to need to find the right partners. Those things are for sure, and you're gonna need to move fast and break things, because you're not the only one out there who's had the amazing idea.
Starting point is 00:21:49 When an idea hits, I guarantee you this, it's hitting other people at the same time. I'll never forget coming out with my book Confidence Creator, and within two months seeing another similar book, which is not exactly mine, right, but very similar. And I believe, believe wholeheartedly, that if a thought and an idea hits you, it's hitting somebody else out in the world. So be first to bark it, be the disruptor, be the one that goes all in, be the one that takes a chance, just like Sarah Blakely did. Her story turned out pretty well. When things go sideways, will you be prepared? Some people are concerned they might have to go for a long time without electricity, or
Starting point is 00:22:29 even food. That's why I want to introduce you to Get preparedness products you can use now, and that could save your life later. My favorite is 4patriots new solar generator. The Patriot Power Generator 2000X. It uses the endless free power of the sun to power lights, your TV, medical equipment, and even run your fridge. Plus, it's expandable and comes with a free solar panel. Or pick up one of four Patriots best-selling survival food kits, delicious tasting and designed to last for 25 years. They even have kits
Starting point is 00:23:05 with real meat. And if the power is out, no worries. Just boil water over a fire, simmer and serve. You'll enjoy a hot meal and stay safe in a crisis. More smart people than ever are finding four Patriots. Over 2 million customers trust them. You might even have seen them on TV. I had the folks at Forpatriots set up a special page for you at slash confidence so that listeners of this show can see this week's discounts and deals before they go away. Go to slash confidence.
Starting point is 00:23:40 But hurry, these deals won't last for long. Save more and get peace of mind now by going to for the number four for slash confidence. Hey, guess what? For only $4 plus tax, you can get a McDonald's McMuffin and a medium premium roast coffee. I actually don't know why I'm whispering. I guess I just don't want to jinx it.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Anyways, go get your McMuffin and medium premium roast coffee for $4 plus tax. For limited time, I'm participating with Donalds and Canada Prices Exclude Delivery. This is so exciting! Okay, I wanted to get through that question. If you ever have questions, please shoot me a DM. Shoot me a note at my website, You can hit me up at HeatherMonahan on all social media. Everywhere and give me a DM.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Let me know what your question is. I am more than happy to answer it. I am so here for you. Okay, today I wanted to get into, as we're talking about the end of the year, it's really important that you don't give up in walkways, I mentioned earlier, but instead lean in to this white space and opportunity where so many people are walking away. In order to do that, you need to show up as your most confident self, right?
Starting point is 00:24:57 Because if you don't fully believe in your vision, your plan, your dream, and making it a reality? Why would anybody else? They wouldn't. So I wanted to give you a few of my top hacks to show up with confidence and to create confidence within yourself at the end of the year. Okay, so this is something I saw on social media yesterday which really struck me because it's just true, frankly. Number one, I was watching some video on Instagram was served to me.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It was an 80-year-old woman saying, here's what I wish I knew my whole life. But specifically in my 20s, she talks about how much she used to worry about things that hadn't happened in what she's learned over a 60- year run from 20 to 80. Here's what she learned. 90% of the stuff she worried about never happened. 90% of the things she's just sit around and worry about. And listen, we all worry from time to time. I think it's just normal human condition, right? But the more we can condition ourselves to let go, let go, let the universe, let your
Starting point is 00:26:06 higher intuition, whatever it is for you, just let go instead of obsessing about that, accept it, release it and expect the best. The more opportunity you are going to attract to you, the happier you are going to be and the less energy you are going to spend on things you have zero control over. If you have no control over it, let it go. Easier said than done, but I will tell you this, I'm getting so much better at this in the last year. I'm super proud of myself, but it came from an intention, right? I set the intention. I don't want to worry anymore. Worrying is taking my energy and applying it out to an area in arena that I have no control over and it does not benefit anyone or anything and it certainly doesn't benefit myself.
Starting point is 00:26:51 If anything, it hinders me, right, because I'm expressing energy that isn't turning into something good in my life. It's just focusing on something. I have no control over and that's unknown, right? Weight to worry is another way a friend of mine says, wait until something bad happens. Why are you gonna sit here and worry? So let's use my condo situation as an example. I can sit around my house and worry all day long that I'm not gonna have somewhere to live,
Starting point is 00:27:14 but that's just not reality. We live in an incredible place and I'm so blessed to live in Miami and so grateful to live in the United States and so appreciative for all that I have. The reality is there's always a way to negotiate something. There's always something else out there to find. Like, you don't need to be desperate.
Starting point is 00:27:29 You don't need to worry. Don't be desperate for another deal, a relationship, a partner, whatever. You don't need to worry about those things. Instead, show up as that best, most powerful version of you, and know you're attracting those right opportunities toward you. My realtor, who I adore, was so upset
Starting point is 00:27:45 about this whole process started with he and I looking for a new place for Dylan and I to live a few months ago, because we wanted to get ahead of it. But I kept telling him, like, I have this weird feeling that something's going to work out for the unit that I'm in. I don't know why, but I don't know. I just, I have this feeling. But I don't want to be a knucklehead about it. Let's go out and see what the marketplace and landscape has to offer. Who knows? Maybe we'll find something unexpectedly
Starting point is 00:28:09 and then we'll know differently. But we really hadn't. And he's like, listen, we need to make an offer on a couple places. And so I begrudgingly, I wasn't really excited about this one place. It was fine. It's in my same building.
Starting point is 00:28:21 So it's super nice. And it'll be fine. I don't need to be dramatic about it. But I like the place I live in now better. We made an offer and wouldn't you know they had already accepted somebody else's offer. He was so upset he wanted to argue for it, he wanted to fight for it. I said, I don't want to. I just somehow I know that wasn't the right spot for us.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Let's let it go, turn it over. Let's not be upset. Let's not worry. Know something else better is going to come along. Every week I swear, since we've done that, another unit in my building has opened up, which is crazy. Again, I haven't found one that I'm like doing backflips over
Starting point is 00:28:57 or that the situation isn't just incredibly ideal. But it just shows me that the more you move forward with a positive attitude, knowing things are always gonna work out, somehow they will. And it might not work out the exact way you intended or thought it should be, maybe it's gonna work out a million times better. And for me, I just always go back to getting fired
Starting point is 00:29:17 and how much I worried, I was so full of worry and how desperate I was at the bad head place I was in, definitely for a few days, but truly for a few months, right? I mean, I took massive action. I got out there and other people didn't see it, but it was still, I was carrying it around every with me. Even when I wrote my first book, I was still carrying that around. Even when that book came out, I was still carrying it around, right?
Starting point is 00:29:41 So it took time, but the reality is for me now, once you've gone through these, like you've seen this movie before, you can kind of say, wait a minute, I don't know what the ending's gonna be like, but I just trust it's gonna be incredible. And that is how I feel now. I just, I feel divinely led.
Starting point is 00:29:57 So listen to your intuition, do the things, access your inner voice. Such an important important important thing. Let go of worry, let go of fear, move into acceptance, and this belief that things are just gonna work out with you, because they are. Okay, so let go of worry. That is such a great way to build confidence
Starting point is 00:30:18 and get you into with the opportunities that are out there that are meant for you. For sure. Business notifications out of hand, Thrive Command Center keeps your customer emails, texts, and social messages all in one place so you never miss a message. Small business runs better on Thrive. Get it free today at Thrive Terms and conditions apply.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Free plans have limited functionality. Okay, another one. And I've talked about this before. I actually wrote about this in my first book, Confidence Creator. I have a chapter on it. It's incredible. I'm not going to get into the whole thing right now. However, this is such a confidence building moment. Twofold. Ready? Get ready for it. When I was younger, I was an EVP of sales for a media company until we would bring performers in from all over the world to perform for us. They were coming in because they wanted us to play their music on the radio stations, right? Like don't mince words about it. They had a goal in mind. It was known. That's why they're
Starting point is 00:31:18 showing up to perform for us for free. And if we like their music, we're going to play them more, right? So there was a young Taylor Swift sitting next to me at dinner with her mother. They were the sweetest kind of people, so nice. And while they're sitting next to me at this awards dinner, a man gets up and starts roasting me, calling me the VP of cleavage, disgusting and appropriate, not cool. And I was in my And I was in my mid 30s, maybe? Yeah, probably my mid 30s. Yeah, it's more than a decade ago. And I was insecure and I did not stand up
Starting point is 00:31:55 and say, this is the yeah, buck stops here, bro, get off the stage. No, no, no, not happening, not in my watch. I didn't do that. I sat there and kind of smiled and was uncomfortable and squirmed and tried to make nice and not allow people to see what was really going on inside my head, which was I wanted to knock this guy out.
Starting point is 00:32:14 So all of a sudden a couple of minutes into this, it was horrifying. This young lady leans over to me and says, what's this guy's name? And I said, Danny, and she said, what's his deal? Why is he doing this to you? I said, I have absolutely no idea. And she said, I'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:32:30 She grabbed her guitar, a pen and a paper, and walked out. He looked at her mother and I'm like, what is she doing? And she said, don't worry, don't worry, just trust her. Just, it's gonna be great. Whatever she does is gonna be great. She's incredible. She had total trust in her daughter. And so 10 minutes passed,
Starting point is 00:32:48 the man does his rose for 10 minutes or whatever. And they go, and now on to stage, performing for us this evening Taylor Swift, she comes out of the hall. I have no idea what she just did. She takes the stage and she begins to lyrics Rose Danny in a song she had just written in the hall that was so incredible, the whole entire place
Starting point is 00:33:08 was standing on her feet, cheering, chanting. Like, she brought the house down, lyrically roasting the man that had just roasted me. It was so incredible. So here's a twofold. That young lady was sitting there and she saw something wrong happening in the world instead of stuffing her feelings down.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Like I was doing and doing nothing with it. She took bold action, messy action, tuned out any fear she had. Remember, she's there so that we would play her music. She wanted us to love her. She knew she took that stage and roasted that, man. There was a very good chance a lot of people wouldn't love her. She did it anyway. She listened to what was right and what was inside her and her inner voice and intuition
Starting point is 00:33:51 over everything else. She did what was right because it was speaking to her even though she knew she would have to pay a big price for it. That created massive confidence within her. Guaranteed. A guarantee, And I'm so proud of her. And that's so who she is today. And that's why this woman can take the biggest stages in the world because you start out small and rooms like that. You take the chance.
Starting point is 00:34:15 And I paid off. Not only did our company love her, not only do we play her more and more, but the rest of the world did too, right? So be that true real version of you, even when it feels scary, most importantly, when it does feel scary, when you see something wrong happening, raise your hand and speak up. Me sitting there that day, not doing anything, not saying anything, chipped away at my confidence, that young lady stepping into the hall and writing a roast in the hall and then taking the stage and delivering it like incredibly created confidence within her. So I'll never forget that. The other thing that happened in that moment was for me
Starting point is 00:34:47 and for her, she did something to help somebody else and I received it. She was a voice for me when I couldn't find my own. Whenever you help others, when you help people struggling, that's gonna create confidence within you. Doing that next right thing, giving back, helping others who are struggling to help themselves always pays dividends. It's another incredible way to build confidence within you. Doing that next right thing, giving back, helping others who are struggling to help themselves always pays dividends.
Starting point is 00:35:07 It's another incredible way to build confidence within you and reminds you of how incredibly valuable you are and how important your voice is and how much it needs to be heard. And you know my second book, Overcome Your Villains, I'm a big fan, Fire Your Villains, no matter who they are. And if it's a negative self-talk, you have fire that, you speak to yourself more in any day than you do anybody else. Read, write that dialogue into something beautiful, empowering, own your I am statements.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I am powerful. I am smart. I am talented. I am creative. Surround yourself with people that speak and breathe life into you and fire the ones that put you down. Give you side eye or try to hold you back. That will completely change the game for you.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And I am so here for that. Okay, both of my books right now for some reason are on sale on Amazon, Confidence Creator and Overcome Your Villains. Overcome your villains is like 50% off. I have no idea why. Check it out. If you haven't read these books yet,
Starting point is 00:36:01 get them on Audible. It's me, your girl. I'm so proud of that. I can't even believe or I can't these books yet, get them on Audible. It's me, your girl. I'm so proud of that. I can't even believe, or I can't even tell you how I love the Audible. I'm both of those. Listen to them in your car, on your way to work. It's similar to, however different, from the podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:15 So I'd love to hear what you think about both of them. And if you're thinking of people that you want to buy gifts for for the holiday, please get them the books. The reviews on my books are incredible. Super, super, super proud of them. And if you've already been for the holiday, please get them the books. The reviews on my books are incredible, super, super, super proud of them. And if you've already been reading the book supporting them, thank you so much. Nobody succeeds alone, and I just,
Starting point is 00:36:33 I so appreciate your support. Okay, so I decided to partner with a friend of mine, Melanie Borden, who you've met. We've had her on the show. She's incredible, she's a LinkedIn master, and she's all about personal branding and elevating your personal brand. And yes, you already have one.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And if you haven't taken action yet, oh my gosh, you have no choice. You must take action now. It is the end of 2023. Get your personal brand and strategy in motion. So 2024 becomes your best year yet where you attract partners. You attract opportunities. You attract clients on the regular because your brand is doing it for you. Remember, people do business with people they know, like, and trust.
Starting point is 00:37:11 In order to get them to know, like, and trust you, you're going to start showing up on the daily. And the best way to do that is where business gets done. And that, my friends, is LinkedIn. So I've built my entire business so grateful to that platform, so grateful for the things I've learned and what Melanie and I are doing is packaging it up, putting it into one day because our last event that we did together, our last masterclass, we did over two days, we heard the feedback, you guys
Starting point is 00:37:35 wanted it distilled into one day, we've done that for you, check out the link below, I set it up for you, you can get your spot now, you can reserve your spot. We have payment plans. We could have all figured out for you, but get yourself up and running while it's still 2023. So when you hit the ground in 2024, you're actually taking off, not just starting to figure it out. I promise you this now is a time to invest in you. And yes, our last course sold out. And I got so many DMs of people upset that they were locked out of the class. Do not let that happen to you. This is gonna be a Saturday
Starting point is 00:38:09 where instead of letting your day and life run you, you're gonna run your day and life. Stop dropping off, things to friends, stop picking up food, hold on all the errands. Okay, put the errands until Sunday. December 2nd, it's a Saturday. It's 11 to 3 p.m. It's going to change your life.
Starting point is 00:38:30 How much do I know that? I'm giving you a money back guarantee. Because I believe in you, and I know now's a time for you to elevate your brand. You've got a message to share. You've got something to say. It's unlike anybody else's, because no one's seeing it through the lens
Starting point is 00:38:44 that you see things through. So get your message out there. Get ready December 2nd. Elevate your influence. Melania are back again and we have seats available. Now, don't get locked out this time. Check the show notes below. I can't wait to see you in class.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Until next week, keep creating your confidence. You know I will be. I'm on this journey with me. Hi friends, I am here to tell you all about a new podcast that I am loving, creating confidence hosted by my friend Heather Monahan, who is part of the YAP media network. Heather sits down with experts like Gary Vee, Sarah Blakely, and Les Brown to share with you the techniques and strategies to create your confidence, pursue your dreams, and leapfrog the villains you'll meet along the way. Creating confidence is all about elevating your confidence to its highest level ever,
Starting point is 00:39:55 and taking your business right there with you. I love Heather and I love her approach to really supporting women in this online space, and I want to share with you some reviews so you can hear what it's all about. I love that this person says that Heather is so inspiring and each episode is filled with tips and tricks on how to become more confident and live the life of your dreams. I especially love this one. I love how open and vulnerable Heather is and it makes her so relatable. She just draws you in and is able to relay her message so eloquently and in such a wonderful and encouraging way. I agree with that 200%.
Starting point is 00:40:34 If you are looking to up your confidence level, you have to check out creating confidence now. You can subscribe to creating confidence with Heather Monahan today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform. This episode is brought to you by the YAP Media Podcast Network. I'm Holla Taha, CEO of the award-winning digital media empire YAP Media, and host of YAP Young & Profiting Podcast, a number one entrepreneurship and self-improvement
Starting point is 00:41:00 podcast where you can listen, learn, and profit. On Young & Profiting Podcast, I interview the brightest minds in the world. I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional,
Starting point is 00:41:12 and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional,
Starting point is 00:41:21 and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm a professional, and I'm I've got the best guess. Like the world's number one negotiation expert, Chris Voss, Shark Damon John, serial entrepreneurs Alex and Laila Hermosi, and even movie stars like Matthew McConaughey. There's absolutely no fluff on my podcast, and that's on purpose. Every episode is jam packed with advice that's gonna push your life forward. I do my research, I get straight to the point, and I take things really seriously, which is why I'm known as the podcast princess, and how I became one of the top podcasters in the world in less than five years. Young and profiting podcasts is for all ages.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Don't let the name fool you. It's an advanced show. As long as you want to learn and level up, you will be forever young. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Young and profiting podcast. Or yeah, like it's often called by my app fam. On Apple Spotify, CastBox or wherever you listen to your podcast.

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