Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - #373: Become LIMITLESS: Unlock Your Brain's Full POTENTIAL with Jim Kwik #1 Brain Coach

Episode Date: November 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So that's limitless motivation. You need to feel purpose. You need to generate energy. And you need to break things down in the small, simple steps. And the key to find out what your S3 is, your small, simple step, is this simple question. And people could write this down. This question I asked myself multiple times a day.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Whenever I feel intimidated or stuck or kind of stagnant, I'll ask myself, what is the tiniest action I could take right now that will give me progress towards this goal where I can't fail? I'm on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, we are going to chase down our goals. We've come adversity and set you up for a better tomorrow. That's our next week. I'm ready for my close time. Welcome back. I'm so glad you're back here with me this week. I can't wait for you to meet our guest today.
Starting point is 00:00:47 He's incredible. Let me give you some background on him. Jim Quick is an internationally-flamed authority in the realm of brain optimization, memory improvement, and accelerated learning. With over 30 years of experience and expertise, Jim has dedicated his life to helping people tap into their brain's full potential
Starting point is 00:01:03 and helping people is what this brain's full potential and helping people is what this guy is all about. He does so much for charity, so much for give back he's such an incredible human. Through his teachings, Jim inspires others, how to unlock their inner genius and powering them to live a life of greater power, productivity and purpose from students and tech-mayvans to CEOs, Hollywood celebrities celebrities and pro athletes. Come on, Jim's teachings resonate with a diverse audience, industry giants like Google, Virgin, Nike, SpaceX, 20th Century Fox, along with institutions like Harvard and the UN have embraced his methodologies, his collaborations with entities such as the US Air Force and the Cleveland Clinic, further highlight the extensive scope of his influence. I mean, I can go on and on about this guy and his four million plus followers. He has in social media. He's incredible. You're gonna love Jim.
Starting point is 00:01:52 More importantly, from what he can teach you about mindset, anyone and everyone can become limitless through his teachings, through what he's learned, through what he's done for himself. This was someone who was an average child, actually someone they called a broken brain when he was an elementary school after brain injury, turned it around, turned it up and wait to see what he's gonna teach you today. Jim, thank you so much for coming on this show today. I'm so grateful to have you. Thanks for having me, Heather.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And thank you, everybody, who's tuning in to this kind of brainiac conversation. Okay, let's not intimidate people because I am not a person. I want to take it back. I grew up with a sibling that was the smart one, air quotes people. She had a score on the HZT's. I did not, right? And I was labeled the social one. Jim, one of the reasons why I love your stuff so much is not only are you the world's premier brain coach, but your life didn't start out that way. And I was hoping you'd kind of give us that backstory so that people like me can really connect with this that we all have the potential to be limitless. Let's do this. When people see me on stage or maybe on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:03:00 I'll do these memory demonstrations where maybe maybe I'll have 50 people stand up and pass around a microphone and introduce themselves, tell us a little bit about a damn and I'll remember all their names and what they said. And I always tell people I don't do this to impress you. I just say, express to you what's possible because the truth is, isn't the truth that whoever's listening right now,
Starting point is 00:03:19 regardless of your age or background, your career, education level, your financial situation, gender, history, IQ, we could all do that and a lot more. We just weren't taught. You know, and the reason why I know it's possible is I grew up with severe learning difficulties. I was put in special education in elementary school. I had a traumatic brain injury when I was five years old and a very bad fall and rushed to the emergency room. And my parents said, where before I was very playful and curious and energized, I just really shut down.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I had poor focus, poor memory. Teachers would repeat themselves over and over and over again. And I would learn to pretend to understand that I didn't understand. Took me three years longer to learn how to read that like the other kids. And that was just very embarrassing. You know, I'm the oldest of three siblings and I, you know, wanted to be good role model for my brother and my sister. I remember I was nine years old. I was slowing down a class and I was being
Starting point is 00:04:14 teased more than usual. And a teacher came to my defense and she pointed to me in front of the whole class. She said, look at that kid alone. That's the boy with the broken brain. And you could say that label became my limit. Every single time I did badly in school, which was every week, every time I was in pick-for-sports, which was all the time, I always say, oh, because I have the broken brain. And adults have to be very careful of their external words because they often become a child's internal words. And I teach people that all behavior is believed driven.
Starting point is 00:04:46 If you want to start that business, if you want to, you know, achieve something, you know, your self-talk is this incredible tool. But sometimes we use it to distract us. Sometimes we use it to diminish us. An example is your brain is this incredible supercomputer in your self-talk is a program that will run. So if you tell yourself, I'm not good at remembering people's names. You won't remember the name of the next person you meet because you program your computer
Starting point is 00:05:08 not to. That's the power of your mind. We've been discovered more about the human brain more in the past 20 years and the previous 2000 years. And what we found is we're grossly underestimating our own capabilities. Eventually, I learned to be able to overcome these challenges around age 18, but for my whole childhood, I struggled every single day. It was just a lot of self-doubt. You teach a lot about confidence. I was the opposite of being confident and capable. And when I learned these skills, to learn how to read three times faster, improve my memory, my focus, my grades, just they obviously got a lot better, but
Starting point is 00:05:45 so did my life. And I realized that it's not how smart you are. It's how are you smart. It's not how smart your kids are. It's how are they smart. It's not how smart your team is. It's how are they smart. That we all have preferred ways, I call them these cognitive brain animals.
Starting point is 00:06:01 What you know, like that you're right- handed, you know where your strengths lie. Same thing with your mind. And everybody who's listening to this today, this is why it's so important is because it's not like it was hundreds of years ago where it was someone's brute strength, where they were rewarded. Today it's your brain strength. It's not your muscle power, today it's your mind and power. And I believe the faster you can learn, the faster you can earn. And I don't just mean financially, that's obvious, because knowledge today is not only power, knowledge is profit. I mean, all the treasures of your life, you know, when you have knowledge in the area
Starting point is 00:06:32 of health or relationships or sales and marketing, in my case, I teach to learn how to learn, teaching to be able to read faster and improve their merit and focus, you have an incredible advantage in life. In fact, I think there's one scale to master in the 21st century. I would say arguably, it's our ability to learn rapidly. Our ability to learn rapidly and translate that learning into action is the ultimate competitive advantage in today's information age and today's knowledge economy and today's expert economy, if you will, because I grew up with that traumatic brain injury, had learning disabilities. At the same time, I lost the person
Starting point is 00:07:06 who was parenting me, my grandmother, to Alzheimer's when I was seven years old. It really put me on a track to really look at the brain. And so I'm all about how do you have your best brain possible and how does it perform every single day in practical ways to make your life better and easier? Yeah, you could say, immigration was my desperation. Masterclass makes a meaningful gift this season
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Starting point is 00:11:11 to become limitless? What are those first steps people can take? So limitless is the name of my book. We recently updated it. It's an expanded version for a post pandemic AI world and how to master your mind and learn anything faster. So it's kind of like an owner's manual for the brain. And limitless is not about being perfect.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Limitless is about advancing and progressing. So if anyone feels stuck, if you feel like you're stuck in a box in some area of your life where you're not growing, it could be your contribution. It could be your happiness. It could be your income, your impact, your reading speed, your memory, anything where you feel stuck, that box that you feel stuck in is three-dimensional. So the three forces that are containing you are limiting you, but these are the same three
Starting point is 00:11:53 forces that will liberate you also as well. And so I call it the limitless model. And if everyone could just, maybe even if you're able to, I know some people listen to this when they're driving or they're working out. But if you are taking notes, I'd like to turn this into a little bit of a master class, like a little coaching session for everybody. If you draw three intersecting circles, like a bend diagram, these are the three areas that you could control. And the key to having a limitless life is you control the controllables, right? There's a quote in limitless,
Starting point is 00:12:22 life is the letter C between the letters B and D. Life is C between B and D and people could write that down. B is the answer of birth, D is the answer of death. Life C is choice. We are the sum total of all the choices we've made up to this point. And there are certain choices we can make that will make our learning and our life more limitless. Right, limit ourselves. I believe these difficult times, they could distract you, these difficult times, they could
Starting point is 00:12:48 diminish you, or these difficult times, they can develop you. Ultimately, we always decide. And so the three forces, the three dimensions, these three circles are represented by three M's. And the first one is your mindset. This has to be addressed first. Your mindset is this set of assumptions and attitudes you have about something. So the last circle is your method, so I'm going to give that away.
Starting point is 00:13:10 But a lot of people want to know what the methods are, what are the strategies or the techniques to read faster or to learn a language or give a speech without, no, it's just for memory. Or maybe the methods are on how to be confident or the methods are on social media marketing or raising money. Most people want to go confident, or the methods are on social media marketing or raising money. Most people wanna go there, but they're not addressing the mindset. I think a lot of people know what to do methods,
Starting point is 00:13:32 but they don't always do what they know, because common sense is not often common practice. So the mindset are the set of assumptions and attitudes you have about money, because someone could learn a great method on how to make money or invest money, but if their mindset is, you know, I don't deserve it, or I'm not capable of it, you're still going to be stuck in that box, right? Your brain is this incredible supercomputer and your self-talk is the program that will run. And so we have to be very mindful. So,
Starting point is 00:14:00 you know, in the book, we talk about how to unlimited the seven lies to like learning, you know, some people believe a lie that genius is born, right? It's just like your sister was just born that way, right? And they had these gifts. But it's been my experience teaching as a brain coach for 32 years, you know, I'm in my 50s now. I realize we have students in every country in the world online in our online economy that genius is not born. It's built. You know that we could all improve our IQ if you will. It's not static like your memory is not fixed like your shoe size right and it can be improved but there's no classes on how to learn right if you think about how to focus. There's no class back in school on how to concentrate. There's no class back in school on how to concentrate. There's no class back in school on how to remember things.
Starting point is 00:14:46 How we should have been the fourth art in school. They teach you three hours reading, writing, arithmetic, obviously spellings, now, what about recall? What about retention, right? Socrates said learning is remembering, I believe that two of the most costly words in our life and our career are I forgot. I mean, just think about the consequences of saying I forgot to do it, I forgot to bring it, I forgot
Starting point is 00:15:09 that meeting, I forgot what I was going to say, I forgot that conversation that we had, if I forgot that person's name, every single time we say those words, we lose time, we could lose credibility, we could lose trust, we could kill a sale, but on the other side, you know, memory as an example can improve. When you can easily remember client information, product information, give speeches without notes, remember facts and figures, you have this confidence that's based on confidence. There's this in psychology, they call it the confidence, confidence loop, that the more confidence you have, the more confidence that you have also as well,
Starting point is 00:15:42 and it feeds and then you're going to do that activity more and have more confidence that you have also as well. And it feeds and then you're gonna do that activity more and have more confidence, more capabilities, and so on. So I would say the first thing we need to do is trust our mindset. And the three things that fall under mindset, that's very personal, what I believe is possible, what I believe I'm capable of, and what I believe I deserve. Those things have to be addressed. We have strategies on how to change yourself talk. It can be something simple as if we're talking about memory and some
Starting point is 00:16:08 people said, like, before we started recording, or you know, I got off stage, but before I went on stage, somebody pulled me aside and said, Jim, so glad you're here, you're a brain coach, memory coach, you know, I am just too old, you know, I'm just not smart enough. And I always say, wait, stop. If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. If you fight for your limits, they're yours. So I'm telling you, if you truly understood the powerful your mind is, you wouldn't say or think something you didn't want to be true. And that's not to say you have a negative thought that ruins your life. Any more than eating that one muffin or donut hurt your life. But if you did it multiple times a day, every single day,
Starting point is 00:16:44 it would have an effect. Same thing with those negative self-talks. So if you need to say like, I don't have a great memory, just catch yourself and just add a little word like yet. I don't have a great memory yet. It just opens up the possibility. That's the mindset part.
Starting point is 00:16:59 The second thing though, that could keep you stuck in that box. You could have a limitless mindset, believe it's possible, you're capable of a UDM in disur, and still be stuck because of the second M, which is your motivation. You're not motivated to get yourself out of that box, you know, to make more money. You're not motivated to work out, you're not motivated to learn the things that we teach, reading faster, improve your memory, focus, whatever. And motivation seems like this thing that you have,
Starting point is 00:17:24 and that's actually a misconception. You don't this thing that you have. And that's actually a misconception. You don't have motivation. You do it. There's actually a process for motivating yourself. And so sometimes we feel limited because marketing and media says that you're broken or we have self hypnosis. We're tricking ourselves in the thinking we're limited by something like, you know, our self-talk, you know, when I say that I'm not smart enough or I'm getting too old or my memory is horrible, you know, all that plays a part. When it comes to motivation, you don't have motivation, you do it. And a big part of performance, first principle, is training yourself to take
Starting point is 00:18:02 the nouns in your life and turning them into verbs. Take the nouns and turn them into verbs. What do I mean by that? You don't have focus. You do focus. You don't have energy. There's a process for generating energy. You don't have creativity. There's a process for creating. You don't even have a memory. There's a three-part process for remembering something. Right? And when you turn it into a verb, it gives you your agency back. It gives you your sovereignty, your power back, right? Because it's not like you have to wake up and say, I hope I have creativity so I can write today, right? Or make videos or do, or make a podcast. It's something that you get to do by design and discipline. And so there are three parts to limitless motivation. If you self-sabotage, that usually a mindset issue.
Starting point is 00:18:50 You don't believe it's possible. You don't believe you deserve it. So you take a step forward and then two steps back. If you have a procrastination issue, that's clearly a motivation issue. And there's three things that you need for limitless motivation. And I call this like the limitless motivation like formula. The formula is P times E times S3, P times E, the letter E times S3, three S's. Let's say you want to motivate yourself to work
Starting point is 00:19:17 out, right? Exercise is so good for the brain. We know that, you know, when you exercise, you create brain derived derive neurotropic factors, which is called BDNF, which is like fertilizer for your brain, for neuroplasticity, for neurogenesis, helping make new connections, helping create new brain cells. But if we're not exercising on a regular, how can you motivate yourself in this example? The P stands for purpose. So what I mean by that is you need a reason. Reasons reap results. If you don't have a reason to remember someone's name, you're not going to remember that person's name. Right. Let's say somebody has trouble remembering names, but there's a suitcase.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Heather has a suitcase that should ship you with the million dollars cash, you know, for you or your favorite charity, if you just remember the name of the next stranger you meet, who's going to remember that person's name? Everybody, right? So it had nothing to do with your capabilities and nothing to do with your potential and everything to do whether you had purpose, you know, and so, you know even asking if you want to remember names, I think remembering names is the number one business etiquette networking skill There is because how are you going to show someone you're in a care for whatever you have to offer them? You know care for their future their family their health their finances whatever is you sell them if you don't care enough Just to remember like things like their name
Starting point is 00:20:32 So just like even a simple example to be motivated to remember so it's the same ask yourself why Why do I want to remember this person's name? Maybe just show the person respect maybe it's to make us get a referral make a sale Practice these things that you know I learned on the podcast if you Maybe it's to get a referral, make a sale, practice these things. I learned on the podcast. If you can't come up with a reason you won't get the result, the purpose is, I want to remind people it is not something intellectual, it's something you have to feel. Success comes from H cubed. It has to go from your head to your heart, your hands.
Starting point is 00:21:01 A lot of people will visualize their success, right? Set goals in their head. They'll have KPIs. They want to hit. But if they're not acting consistently with their hands, because that's the only evidence you're motivated is if you act consistently, right? I would check them with the second age, which is your heart. You know, we are emotional creatures. We're not logical. We're biological. You think about dopamine and oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins. We are this chemical feeling soup, right? And so we have to tap into those feelings. And so actually we know we should
Starting point is 00:21:31 read every day, right? We should journal or meditate or, you know, make those sales calls or whatever it happens to be. But if we're not doing it, you have enough purpose. Now you can have a limitless purpose and still not be motivated because you need the second thing, which is E, E stands for energy, right? When you're, we have a newborn child and sleep is a precious resource now. But if I've been slept in three days, I'm not going to be very motivated to study or do my own research or prepare for that podcast or go to the gym, right? So exhaustion will make a coward out of anybody, right? If you get a big processed meal,
Starting point is 00:22:08 you're not gonna be very motivated to do the things you need to do that day. So, you know, we talk about 10 keys for having limitless brain energy. For people that suffer from brain fog or mental fatigue, right, but you go through some of those strategies. But energy is, again, not something you have, it's something you create,
Starting point is 00:22:24 and you can generate more energy Right, and we know how to do that right whether it's sleep or eating the best brain foods or managing your stress or Not being around energy vampires that siphon off energy from you and to pleat you So you need limitless energy and then finally you could have Limitless purpose and limitless energy and still not be motivated to build that business to start to make that transition from your career to starting your own business, because you need S3.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And S3 stands for small, simple steps. The villain to motivation is this thing, your goal is just too big, this dream is too big. You know, I wanted to have the perfect body, six pack at whatever, and it's maybe it's too big. You know, I wanted to have the perfect body, six pack at whatever, and it's maybe that's too big, you know, and so an intimidated mind, or confused mind doesn't really do anything, right? I want to build that next unicorn,
Starting point is 00:23:13 or I want 100,000 followers on social media, or whatever it happens to be, small, simple steps. So maybe exercising for someone who hasn't done it, really consistently in their life is too big of a jump a small simple step Putting on your exercise shoes your running shoes, right? That's a small simple step Maybe you want to motivate somebody else. Maybe to your kids. We have our podcast It's pretty popular and we had this biological dentist on recently and he was talking about oral health You know, I know how it's related to brain health
Starting point is 00:23:44 But if your kid's own floss, maybe a small, simple step is getting the floss one tooth. Because nobody's going to stop with one tooth, right? Maybe if you want to motivate them to clean their room, maybe it's too big because their room is like, you know, disaster, but maybe putting one sock in a hamper is one small, simple step. We know leaders or readers. People ask all the time, you know, how I bonded with whatever opera, Elon, or these individuals that they seem on social media with. We bonded
Starting point is 00:24:10 over books as you read to succeed. If somebody has decades of experience and they put it into a book, and you can sit down a few days and read that book, you could download decades in the days, which is like probably the biggest advantage you could have in life. But if you're not reading every single day, a small, simple step is opening up the book, reading one line in a book. Who's going to stop it one line? So little by little, a little becomes a lot. Inge by inch, it's a cinch, yard by yard, it's just way too hard. So that's limitless motivation.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You need to feel purpose. You need to generate energy. And you need to break things down in the small, simple steps. And the key to find out what your S3 is, your small, simple step, is a simple question. And people could write this down. It's a question I asked myself multiple times a day. Whenever I feel intimidated or stuck or kind of stagnant, I'll ask myself, what is the tiniest action I could take right now
Starting point is 00:25:07 that will give me progress towards this goal where I can't fail? And then you'll get your S3, small little step that you could take, so you could develop some kind of momentum. And then the last thing that I would recommend is once you've addressed mindset and motivation, then go to the methods for investing, for starting a business,
Starting point is 00:25:27 for social media marketing, for speed reading, for memory, focus, the kind of things we teach. You know, the only reason I put it last is sometimes we know the methods, you know, of a common sense is not common practice because we have to address the mindset or the motivation. And when we're talking about methods, those are the combination of your knowledge, skills, and abilities. And when's the last time we upgraded those skills? Even when I talk
Starting point is 00:25:50 about something like leaders or readers and reading as a skill, when's the last time you took a class called reading? I mean, how old were you? Six, seven years old. So the difficulty in the man has increased a lot, but how we learn it hasn't, how we read it, retain it, focus on it. So that growing gap creates a lot of stress in people's lives. They call it information anxiety. I don't know if you're listeners experienced this, but it's like drowning in the information. Like you're trying to keep up with emails and research and AI and all this stuff. It's like taking a sip of water out of a fire hose, you know. But if you get upgrade your skills in terms of reading, understanding, retaining this information,
Starting point is 00:26:31 then you could surf those waves, you know. I think it's the wrong approach. We shouldn't be downgrading our goals and our dreams to meet the current situation. We should be thinking about, how do I upgrade my mindset, my motivation, and the methods I'm using to be able to meet those bold audacious dreams, to meet our destiny, if you will. American spend an average of 90% of their time indoors and take about 20,000 breaths a day. According to the EPA, indoor air is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air, and
Starting point is 00:27:00 in some cases up to 100 times more polluted. Data shows that air pollution is responsible for nearly seven million premature deaths globally. Wow, I mean, the air quality struggle is alive and it is real. Let me tell you, I live right near a freeway. I have awful allergies. My son deals with such bad allergies
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Starting point is 00:30:06 Cost per application, pricing not available for everyone. Need to hire? You need indeed. Jim, you just gave us so much. I don't even know where to start. It's like overwhelming. And PS, you have the most calming voice in the world. I'm like, all of my anxieties, I had fire alarms going off earlier.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I'm like, yeah, all is well in my brain right now. All right, but I want to get into the new book and I want to get into why you expanded it. And some of the topics that you brought up, which you just mentioned, you know, this digital world and how we're dealing with this overwhelm, can you get into a little bit about some of the strategies that you're sharing through the new expanded edition of the book.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Absolutely, and I appreciate everyone supporting the original book. We donate all the proceeds, my author proceeds to charity. Today, we've built schools for children who have no access to schools in classrooms, in Ghana, Guatemala, Kenya, and also Alzheimer's research for women. Women are twice as likely to experience Alzheimer's than men, you know. And yet most of the research is done on men, a lot of the treatments, you know, done on your male brains. And so I'm memory of my grandmother, but thank you. So a lot of things have shifted over the past since the book came out originally.
Starting point is 00:31:21 One of the ones is we've had a pandemic, right, which changed the way people work, you know, and so we wanted to update with new research and tools and techniques to really build your learning agility, right, to be fluid and create momentum in your life. We now live in a world that AI is very prominent and just growing. So how do you use AI to enhance your HI? You know, HI is your human intelligence because I feel like technology, you know, I take a very pro approach to technology Where I think technology is not good or bad. It's how it's utilized. So like fire is a form of technology and it could cook your food or it could burn down your home. it just really depends how it's supplied. And so I look at phones and computers and software and apps and AI as ways that we could just choose to utilize it going back to the power of your own choice.
Starting point is 00:32:14 We talked about AI. You know, this is something that we hear about almost daily. And it can be very intimidating. But there are ways of using simple ways of using AI to enhance your H.I. Here, human intelligence. And AI for me is not artificial intelligence, it's augmented intelligence. It's like a support tool that you could use to become smarter, more proficient, to help you to perform better. So some examples, we talk about principles of learning in limitless. In a way that I just feel like everybody can understand. Regardless of your age or stage in life, make it very simple,
Starting point is 00:32:47 a very story generated and fun. I think that children are the fastest learners, how fast can children learn a language or a musical instrument compared to an adult. And so having that kind of entertaining nature, when I'm on stage, you wanted to have that embed that in the book. So you're not just learning about how to learn.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It's designed in a way that's very accelerated learning also. And what I mean by that is let's say some of the principles in there, like you want to remember something or you want to learn a new concept. AI is wonderful. And you know, it has its flaws. But let's say you wanted to learn, you know, I mentioned the word neuroplasticity. You could go into an AI chat system and ask it, explain to me what neuroplasticity is as if I'm eight years old. And you'll get a really nice summary or compare neuroplasticity to a tree, right?
Starting point is 00:33:37 It's just something I understand. And it has an amazing way of keeping things very simple and explaining something that's very difficult or complex into something that's very understandable and bite-size. You know, I mentioned I have a podcast and sometimes when I like to read the books of all our guests, I'm a very fast reader, obviously, and I didn't start out that way. My teachers would have been surprised if I read a book, much less, wrote books, you know, where I was back in high school. But let's say,
Starting point is 00:34:10 I didn't get the book in time from the guest. Then I'll go on AI and I'll just say, hey, can you give me a summary of this book, right? And it'll give me a nice summary. If I'm interviewing a guest and I want to make it, our show is only 20 minutes long, and I say, okay, I can ask it questions. I say, like, hey, this is our upcoming guest. What are some thoughtful questions I can ask that they haven't been asked before, and our audience would really appreciate? I don't necessarily use these, what it spits out. Sometimes I will, sometimes I won't, but it'll spark something I didn't ask before. So it's a nice creative partner. AI is also a great reading buddy. AI could also a great reading buddy. AI can figure out your reading speed.
Starting point is 00:34:47 One of the things you can do to learn something better, they call it retrieval practice. You're you quiz yourself. And AI has a remarkable ability to find out what your learning style is and also ask you questions to see how much you actually understand about a subject. I talk about tools like mind mapping and memory palaces, you know, in the book, which are just these mnemonic tools you could use
Starting point is 00:35:11 to easily remember things in minutes rather than hours and days. But I could say like, hey, take this concept, I'm trying to retain and mind map it for me, you know, or create a memory palace for me, you know, around this specific memory palace for me, you know, around this specific subject for people to, you know, you can search my name on YouTube and, you know, see it with these actual strategies are. It has a wonderful way of outputting things, you know, and making your life easier because I don't think AI is going to replace us, but I think people who use AI are going to replace people who don't. It's the equivalence of if you don't embrace your smart device, if you don't embrace the internet, you're at a disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I think AI is falls at the same category. One of the updates, the focus of limitless expanded, we talked about 3M before, mindset, motivation, and methods. The focus of the new book, the updated version, is all about momentum.
Starting point is 00:36:06 This who doesn't want greater positive momentum in their life, momentum where you have a certain level of velocity and acceleration towards your goals and you're doing it with a sense of ease. So AI can make your life easier. Another chapter in the book that we updated that I think is worth the price of the book, honestly, is this new chapter on cognitive types.
Starting point is 00:36:29 What do I mean by that? Being a brain coach, performance coach for three decades, I realize that everybody learns a little bit differently. I could put them in four very distinct buckets. What works for one person is not going to work for another person, just like diet or other, you know, some people when they're physically training, you know, some people, you know, work really well, depending on what methods or what practices, with their weight lifting, if they're doing more calisthenics, body weight, you know, if they're
Starting point is 00:36:59 doing more aerobic, everybody has a different thing that works for them. And I realized there are four brain types and we call them brain animals. And people could take this assessment, it only takes four minutes, it's free, you know, there's nothing to buy, and it's at And the whole chapter illustrates the research. I pulled from personality types like Myers-Briggs. I pulled to create this assessment from left brain, right brain, lateral thinking, dominant theory. I pull from learning style. Some people like to learn things visually, other people like to hear it, other people
Starting point is 00:37:32 like to roll up their sleeves and do it more kinesthetic. I pull from multiple intelligence theory, how regardless work out of harbor, or that there's actually eight or nine different forms of intelligence, not just math and linguistics. I mean, we pull from introvert, extrovert, and bevert everything, right? And we created like these series of questions that only takes four minutes, multiple choice. And you know how it's like there's personalized medicine based on your genetics or personalized nutrition.
Starting point is 00:37:56 There's also, this is my way of offering personalized learning and performance for somebody. So it's called your brain code for reason, CODE. It's an acronym. The C are your Cheetahs. And your Cheetahs are your fast actors. These are people who really thrive in fast-paced environments because they have strong intuition and they adapt very quickly.
Starting point is 00:38:18 The O in code, the letter O, are your owls. And your owls, as you think about it, they're very wise. They're very logical. So these are your owls. And your owls, as you think about it, they're very wise. They're very logical. So these are logical owls. And they love data. And they love facts. They love figures. They love formulas.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Right, and think about it. Cheetah and an owl act differently. They would invest differently. They would buy differently. They would lead differently. Right? They would also read differently and remember differently. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:42 The D in code are your dolphins. and your dolphins are your creative visionaries. These are people who are great problem solvers. They have a natural ability for pattern recognition. They're extremely creative and they have this vision that sometimes may be a vision of the future that other people can't see yet. And then And then finally, your E in code are your elephants, and your elephants are your collaborators. They're the ones that are extremely loyal. They have strong interpersonal skills. They have high levels of empathy. They like learning in groups. You know, they'll join a book club. You know, they're the ones that the team relies on to pull or the family member that pulls the family together.
Starting point is 00:39:25 So just think about these four different brain types. Once you know your brain type, it's fascinating because it informs how you can do things better because it shows you your strengths and your weaknesses for learning and also in life. But also, it's interesting because this code, hundreds of thousands of people go through it, but it went to be interesting to know your significant others, you know, brain animal. You know, it went to be interesting to know your kids brain animal. Went to be interesting if you're going to start a team.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Like we had our team go through this assessment, obviously. And we found that everyone in customer service, the customer experience team, there are all of them are elephants. They have high level of empathy. They're there to be able to serve our community, you know, our financial person on the teams in Owl. And we've probably won your financial person to be very like looking at all those detailed numbers. You know, our CEO, my business partner, she's a dolphin. She has this vision of reaching one billion brains to build, you know, better brighter brains. No brain left behind. Right? For me, I'm a mix of an elephant and an owl. I love data, but I also have this empathy
Starting point is 00:40:31 because I grew up marginalized and I would see people suffering and I'd be very silent because I never knew the answers, but I would see other people and I would feel their struggle, but hopefully makes me a better teacher or a coach, to remember where, what it's like to not be able to remember things or to be stressed out because you're overloaded with information or distraction. So a big part of the new book in order to have more momentum in your life because that's the theme of the new book is to understand yourself.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I think success comes from two things, having the curiosity to know yourself and then having the courage to know yourself and then having the courage to be yourself. But you have to know yourself. That's why we go to talk therapy. You might meditate to know yourself or journal a lot. This assessment, and it's kind of a fun assessment, the kind of thing that you would, what
Starting point is 00:41:17 game of Thrones character are you? Then you get this art that we created for each of these animals and a detailed report on how to based on your animal succeed at work. you get this art that we created for each of these animals and a detailed report on how to based on your animal succeed at work, so to school, you know, to be able to read, remember all these different things. Those are a couple of the areas. And then another brand new chapter that will give you momentum is this area that's called Neuronutrition. And this is interesting. There's a whole new science coming out in the health and wellness space called Neuronutrition basically brain nutrition
Starting point is 00:41:49 And this is where your brain is only 2% of your body mass but requires Actually like 20% of the nutrients and your brain actually requires different nutrients than the rest of your body So we talk about you know the best brain, the best foods to be able to eat that are very neuro protective that could reduce anxiety, that could fuel your focus, various supplements called neutropics could actually enhance your ability to perform, enhancing your focus, your memory, you know, enhancing your mood, you know, also as well. So, you know, we talk about some of the key ones, you know, and while a number of nutrients can impact, you know, even your risk for Alzheimer's disease or
Starting point is 00:42:29 dementia, some of the most important ones are vitamin A. It's very important, neuroprotective, vitamin B, C, getting your D levels checked also as well, selenium, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, there's areas like omega-3s. Your brain is mostly fat, so you're getting your DHAs. Some people get it through salmon or sardines, other people get it through flax seeds depending on their diet. But I could teach somebody all the strategies that we have in the book on how to read faster and improve their memory. That's the software. Would you also have to take care of the hardware, too?? And so, you know, that's really a new chapter. We're really excited about the whole chapter on brain nutrition.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And then also some of the fun stuff in there, like, creating. Like, a lot of people think, creating is something for bodybuilders. You know, use it to improve your athletic performance. But there are huge benefits. You know, research shows for cognitive fitness and your cognitive health. You know, there are things like bucopa. You know, this is an herbedic herb that has been shown in proof memory and learning.
Starting point is 00:43:34 There's something called rodeola, which is an adaptogenic herb that could help you perform better under stressful conditions. You know, there's something called sulfur fein, which is found in things like broccoli or kale that has been shown to be an antioxidant to be very protective for your brain. There's coffee and caffeine, which could not only obviously give you energy, but it could also be an antioxidant to prevent cognitive decline. It's been shown to be supportive of reducing and mitigating your risk of Alzheimer's. There's mushrooms like lions made that has been
Starting point is 00:44:09 shown to improve what we talked about earlier. Brain to arrive, neurotropic factors, BDNF, which is like again fertilizer for neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. There's things like turmeric extract for cumin, which has been shown to lower inflammation, systemically, you know, both in your brain, which is obviously part of your body also as well. My point in brain also, we list way more and all that we put all the human studies in the book and everything, but to access more of your incredible superpower. And I think really that our ultimate superpower that we have, notice every creature in nature has a superpower. Some creatures could fly, some creatures could breathe underwater. Some of them could climb
Starting point is 00:44:48 really well. Some are super fast. Some are very strong. Human beings are not any of those things. But because we have the power of our brain, we can fly. We can breathe underwater. We can go super fast because we've used the power of this technology between our ears to create all the other technology in the world. And I feel like that's our super strength. And it elements out there that are kryptonite, certainly. There are neurotoxins that off-gas from car emissions and tires and furniture and technology that were just inundated. We have access on feathered access to the world's information
Starting point is 00:45:25 and people are looking at all those things before they go to sleep. And they wonder why they have trouble sleeping, because never before have we had this amazing access. We have more access to information than President Clinton when he was in office, right? But also our brains didn't been involved to be able to have that much stimulus.
Starting point is 00:45:44 So the strategies we teach sometimes is about disconnecting. Sometimes we have to disconnect, to be able to reconnect more with ourselves. Yeah, lots of tools, lots of techniques, lots of great tips, and any of these things, that's not the goal. The goal is to define one or two or three things, but this book has hundreds of them that will make your life smarter, better, and even more enjoyable. When things go sideways, will you be prepared? Some people are concerned they might have to go for a long time without electricity or even food. That's why I want to introduce you to Get preparedness products you can use now and that could save your life later. My favorite is 4 Patriots new solar generator. The Patriot Power Generator 2000X.
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Starting point is 00:47:40 I will definitely agree with you. The Neuro tropics I was unfamiliar with and started taking. And it is a profound difference, Jim. I'm just speaking to my own personal experience. I mean, I would imagine you're taking some of these, too, but I'm just blown away by how well it works. Yeah, and these are little things, just because I grew up with learning disabilities and, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:02 my brain didn't quite work right. And, you know know our family might be genetically predisposed towards brain aging challenges. It just puts an emphasis on what's important. When I lost my grandmother she would repeat herself like when I was a child like six years old you know she would say something she just said and I would be confused by that. She would call me by my father's name and that was very you know very jarring for your child. I want to remind everybody that, you know, your struggles can become your strengths. I mean, in my example, my two biggest challenges were learning and public speaking, because I never knew the answer. So I never wanted to speak. My superpowers, the kid,
Starting point is 00:48:40 was being invisible, you know, was shrinking down all the time because I didn't want to be seen because I didn't want to be bullied and I didn't have the answers from my teachers so I always sit all the way in the back or bind a tall kid. And life has a sense of humor, you know, my two biggest challenge we're learning in public speaking and all I do is public speak on this thing called learning. But I really do believe adversity can be our advantage that I'm sure we hear a lot about post-traumatic stress, right? There's also something in psychology called post-traumatic growth, and I don't know who I'm talking to right now or needs to hear this, but do you know somebody, maybe
Starting point is 00:49:15 yourself that's gone through adversity, like something you wouldn't wish upon anybody, but because of it, you found something, you truly found something. I don't know, it's a mission, a purpose, a strength, you found clarity about yourself. And I really do believe that life is like an egg. If you think about it, if an egg is broken by an outside force, then life ends. But if an egg is broken by an inside force,
Starting point is 00:49:38 life is beginning. And great things tend to begin on the inside. The nature of my work is the hero's journey. It's like coming from where you feel this immense pressure or stagnation or these limitations. And it's about showing people you could redraw the borders and boundaries of really what's possible in your own life. Because life is difficult for one of two reasons. It's either because you're leaving your comfort zone,
Starting point is 00:50:08 you're starting that business or going deeper in that relationship or taking that risk, life is difficult because you're leaving your comfort zone. Or life is very difficult because you're staying in your comfort zone, which is almost more difficult and scary long term. And so my goal is to equip people with the right mindset, motivation, and the right methods,
Starting point is 00:50:28 because I believe genius leaves clues that if somebody is exceptional in an area like you are, and you share it with somebody else, that genius can be learned, and it can be taught, through keeping an open mind. Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open. And through this discipline, persistence is one thing, but I believe if you're persistent,
Starting point is 00:50:50 you could achieve it. But if you're consistent, you get to keep it. You know, so it's a different experience than something being attainable or sustainable. And I think everybody wants the latter, right? You want to have sustainable wealth, sustainable impact, sustainable love relationships, you know, sustainable personal happiness or whatever that happens to be. And so, you know, we talk a lot about in the book the power of habits and how to break habits and also create new habits and routines. There are routines, I believe the treasure you seek is hidden in your daily routines. Your morning routines or evening routines
Starting point is 00:51:28 or work routines yet, you're eating routines. But when did we actually sit down and mindfully design those things? We have about, I talk about in the book, about 60,000 thoughts in one day, in 24 hours. The problem is 95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts you had yesterday. And the day before that, and they were for that. And thoughts are things, right? Because it can be believed, it can't be believed, it can either way, you're right, right?
Starting point is 00:51:52 Henry Ford said that. If 95% of your thoughts and feelings and try to, they're all the same, then how do you create that new result? Right? And so I just want to show people kind of like those levers, those simple little screws you could turn, how would give you a great of force multiplier, how would give you multiple rewards. And I think learning and upgrading your brain with little things, you know, your diet, your sleep, you know, or stress management, your circles,
Starting point is 00:52:20 can make a big difference, you know, but I challenge people to not take my word for it. Who am I? But to test these things for yourself and your family. Because ultimately, the person who's listening right now, you are the expert on you. Coaches great, a mentor is great, an expert is great, but ultimately, knowledge by itself is not power. Knowledge has the potential to be powered only because power will be utilized it. A big part of this book is implementation because, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:49 knowledge is potential power because power will be utilized it. But the truth is all the podcasts, like yours and mine, books and courses, none of it works unless people work it, right? You know, this way if they're kind of rolled up your sleeves, I think for every hour someone spends learning something like listening to the show, they should be thinking like and dedicating an hour to putting it into practice. You know, and I think that's the difference that makes a difference, you know, today. Oh my gosh, in this book, limitless, expanded edition is going to help teach you how to do it. Jim, how can everyone get the book and how can everyone find you? Yeah, thank you. The best place to get the book is at You know, and as it thank you, we included a number of brain training that we normally charge hundreds of dollars for, but just with the launch of the book, it might give to you. And remember,
Starting point is 00:53:37 when you get your book, then, you know, because of the proceeds going to benefit children and, you know, the aging population, somebody's going to benefit children and the aging population. Somebody's going to have a better brain and education. So you get your education, you get your better brain so do kids and seniors, also as well. I believe you learned to return. Yeah, on social media, I would challenge everybody to take a screenshot wherever you're you're consuming this right now and tag Heather and tag me and put with the post You know wherever you happen to be posting your favorite social platform one thing you're gonna do just one thing You know how to this conversation for a better brighter brain, right?
Starting point is 00:54:15 Maybe it's like I'm gonna focus on my sleep, you know Hey, I'm gonna just maybe not eat so much that sugary stuff and do this or maybe I'm gonna just you know The leaders are readers. I like that. I'm just going to read 20 minutes a day, you know, one little thing. And because you'll tag us, I get to see it, and I'll repost some of my favorites. And I'll actually gift a couple copies of the book to your community just as a thank you for doing that. And the last thing I would say is just take that brain quiz, You'll get this report and these animals. Sometimes people post the animals online to share and they tag us in it also as well. But 95% of what we publish out there
Starting point is 00:54:49 is free. We have a podcast and all that stuff, all the links are in my Instagram. And, you know, when I want to thank you Heather for the work that you do, you know, I really feel like now in these times, sometimes people tend to dim their light because it's shining in somebody else's eyes. And I think we need the opposite. Right now we need people to be the example and inspire other people. I believe the life we live are the lessons we teach others. You know, and then we can be a good example for people who need it now more than ever. That you shouldn't shrink what's possible to fit your mind, you know, and do the opposite.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Expand your mind to fit all that's really possible. Oh, you are so doing that and living it and so grateful for you Jim. So grateful for all the work you're doing, all the give back you're doing from making the world a better place. Thank you for being here my friend. And you heard the man, tag him, go take the quiz, get the book, limitless expanded edition, it's a game changer. Until next week keep creating your confidence. You know I will be I'm on this journey with me You don't stop and look around once in a while. You can miss it. I'm on this journey with me. Hi friends, I am here to tell you all about a new podcast that I am loving, creating confidence hosted by my friend Heather Monahan, who is part of the YAP media network.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Heather sits down with experts like Gary Vee, Sarah Blakely, and Les Brown to share with you the techniques and strategies to create your confidence, pursue your dreams, and leapfrog the villains you'll meet along the way. Creating confidence is all about elevating your confidence to its highest level ever, and taking your business right there with you. I love Heather, and I love her approach to really
Starting point is 00:56:45 supporting women in this online space and I want to share with you some reviews so you can hear what it's all about. I love that this person says that Heather is so inspiring and each episode is filled with tips and tricks on how to become more confident and live the life of your dreams. I especially love this one. I love how open and vulnerable Heather is and it makes her so relatable. She just draws you in and is able to relay her message so eloquently and in such a wonderful and encouraging way.
Starting point is 00:57:15 I agree with that 200%. If you are looking to up your confidence level, you have to check out creating confidence now. You can subscribe to creating confidence with Heather Monahan today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform. This episode is brought to you by the YAP Media Podcast Network. I'm Holla Taha, CEO of the award-winning digital media empire YAP Media, and host of YAP Young & Profiting Podcast, a number one entrepreneurship and self-improvement podcast
Starting point is 00:57:45 where you can listen, learn, and profit. On Young & Profiting Podcast, I interview the brightest minds in the world and I turn their wisdom into actionable advice that you can use in your daily life. Each week, we dive into a new topic like the art of side hustles, how to level up your influence and persuasion
Starting point is 00:58:00 and goal setting. I interview A-list guests on Young & Profiting. I've got the best guests. Like the world's number one negotiation expert, Chris Voss, Shark Damon John, serial entrepreneurs Alex and Laila Hermosi and even movie stars like Matthew McConaughey. There's absolutely no fluff on my podcast and that's on purpose. Every episode is jam packed with advice that's gonna push your life forward. I do my research, I get straight to the point, and I take things really seriously, which is why I'm known as the podcast princess, and how I became one of the top podcasters in
Starting point is 00:58:33 the world in less than five years. Young and profiting podcast is for all ages. Don't let the name fool you. It's an advanced show. As long as you want to learn and level up, you will be forever young. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Young & Profiting Podcast. Or yap, like it's often called by my yap fam. On Apple Spotify, Cast Box, or wherever you listen to your podcast.

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