Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - #374: How I Get Through Tough Times & Find My Happiness with Heather!

Episode Date: November 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, we are going to chase down our goals. Overcome adversity and set you up for a better tomorrow. That's a no-speed journey. I'm ready for my close time. Hi, and welcome back. I'm so glad you're back here with me this week.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Okay, so it's the end of the year, and it's an interesting time, right? Because a lot of people are super excited for the holidays. Some people get really stressed out for the holidays. I'll tell you, being completely vulnerable with you. This is definitely a little bit of a trying time for me. If you've been with me, you're probably up to speed on this already.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I lived in South Beach for 17, no, 18 years. I don't even know. I owned a condo there for 18 years. Never thought about moving until all of a sudden, I sold my condo and moved. And I decided I wanted to rent for a year because I didn't know if I had liked the new area. I ended up loving where I live so much so.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I just wanted to renew the lease and stay, cut to. The owner did not feel the same way. She actually wants to sell the place I live. So suddenly I found myself looking for some roles to live. Well, I have not found the ideal situation yet, so I just kept saying to myself, you know, you'll see the signs, Heather, trust that the right opportunity will present itself, just like it did last time. All will work out. All will be well. And I truly believe that. However, my son is a huge holiday guy.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Huge, right? Like, once everything decorated is all in all holidays all the time. And so it's super important for me to provide an environment like that for him. The one thing he asked me was, mom, please don't have us moving around the holidays. Well guess what? That looks like maybe the case for us right now. And so I didn't even realize it. It's been stressing me out.
Starting point is 00:01:47 However, it's first world problems. Of course, we're going to find somewhere to live, and it's going to work out great. And everything will be fine. But that interim period where you don't know what the outcome is going to be, you know it's going to impact your kid in some ways in a negative way, because it's going to be around the holidays.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And maybe I'm not gonna have the tree up when I normally would, you know, all these like little first world problems. It's been draining me and I didn't really, I guess I didn't think it wasn't like I threw my back out or there was some horrible thing happening, right? I'm really ill. That way I would understand it is draining and upsetting.
Starting point is 00:02:22 But this is something that I guess I just didn't notice. I haven't been sleeping great, which cut too. If you are not sleeping great, forget it. Everything kind of just falls apart from there, right? Because then you don't look your best. You don't have the energy you typically would have. You don't have that spring in your staff, right? Like, there's such a domino effect.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Oh, gosh, getting great sleep is priority number one. And so all these little things were kind of adding up. I wasn't recognizing it. And finally last week I started noticing, I'm off. I'm just not, I don't have my energy this evening. Like I'm not as excited as I typically am. And I'm telling you this because I think sometimes people see other people and think,
Starting point is 00:03:01 oh, they're always positive. They always have it together. Everything's always going seamlessly. I'm here to tell you that is not my case. That is not true. Frankly, it's not true for anyone. It's definitely not true for me. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I've just been on this a couple of weeks, not sleeping great. I've been worried about the situation. Typically, there's a situation ahead of me that I say, okay, I identify a challenge. I see the timeline. I'm gonna get ahead of it, I'm gonna take massive action, but this isn't one of those things because we wanna stay in the building that we're in.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Part of it is having to wait and see what becomes available, and you can't control that. You can't knock somebody out of their condo or force them to rent to you. Sometimes you have to wait, and for me, waiting and being patient is not my superpower, right? How about you?
Starting point is 00:03:49 I don't know. It's definitely a challenge. And what's funny is yesterday, I was in church, where obsessed my son and I with our church and our pastors amazing. And he was talking about it's the eight-year anniversary of the church.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And he sat us down and talked about how he and his wife had started the church eight years earlier in his apartment with a vision. Just a simple vision he had never knowing if it would come to fruition. And then he walked us all through what's transpired and what's happened over the last eight years, which is nothing short of incredible, right?
Starting point is 00:04:22 By the way, however, in any one moment it doesn't seem incredible, but when you connect it all together, it's massive and it's what they've done is just, it's unbelievable. However, he shared with us how many times he's had to wait. He's had this vision and just had to sit with it that he did the work, he planted the seeds,
Starting point is 00:04:40 he found the right people, but then things would come to a halt. And he even shared with us that right now, but then things would come to a halt. And he even shared with us that right now they're trying to build a new location and they just didn't get approved again. And so he was so frustrated and upset. And I so felt his pain and I want to share it with you today because again on the outside looking in, he could have left it at how incredible they've done in eight years because it is incredible that they sat with a vision, had no idea how it was going to come eight years, because it is incredible that they sat with a vision, had no idea how it was gonna come to fruition,
Starting point is 00:05:07 and truly have above and beyond surpass that vision in eight years, and helped so many people raise millions of dollars, impacted lives, our building of fourth church. Now, like, it's incredible what they've done. It's a huge movement, far exceeding, I bet whatever vision I initially they had. But he shared that yet again this week, he just had another major disappointment and
Starting point is 00:05:28 found out that yet again, he was going to have to wait on something he worked so hard for and knew was coming to not only be a vision, but materialize. And it didn't. And just how discouraging that can be. but the key is to pray about it, to let go, let God, and wait. And when your vision is worth a wait, it will all be worth it in the end. So I guess it was comforting for me in some ways to hear that, to know that I'm not alone.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So I want you to know, you're not alone if you've been waiting for something and you don't have that answer yet. Keep the faith, keep doing the next right thing. And sometimes the next right thing. And sometimes the next right thing, maybe it's just going for a run, maybe it's meditating, maybe it's helping someone else, having nothing to do with that thing you're waiting on. And I will tell you, that's one of my keys for sure, as last week was going and I just started realizing,
Starting point is 00:06:22 wow, I'm drained, I'm not feeling like myself, I'm tired. Oh, wow, this whole moving thing and not knowing where I'm going to put my son is starting to stress me out. And it's sucking energy out of me. Okay, this is a problem. I've got to find a solution here. When I realized that, I thought, you know what, I don't have a solution for that today. Maybe I just need to go help somebody else.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And so, wouldn't you know I got to my website, you can always inquire about anything working with me, having me speak, whatever at the website that day, I received an email to my website in inquiry, and it was a teacher, and he's so sweet and wrote the nicest kindest thing to me about his kids and it was elementary school. And I'd never spoken for an elementary school at this point when I received this note. And the youngest I'd ever spoken for was high school. And that was, gosh, that was interesting.
Starting point is 00:07:15 It's not what you would think it would be. These kids don't say a word. They don't give you much to work with because they're so concerned when everybody else thinks about them. So it was just a bizarre experience the last time I spoke for younger kids. And this time it was fifth graders.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And so I'm thinking, oh gosh, I don't know how I could add value to fifth graders, right? I don't know. But I saw that the man, it was pretty clear. He was asking me to do a pro bono. He described some of the challenging situations that these kids have. And it tugged on my heart, and I just thought to myself, you know what, I might not be able to fix my problem right now, but maybe there's something I could do to bring
Starting point is 00:07:53 light or positivity or inspire these kids in some small way. I have no idea, because I had never spoken for young children as I mentioned before. However, I am a mother, and I have raised a child through that age. And so I thought I could tell some stories and share some things that worked for him. And maybe they could help somebody in this class. And so anyhow, I ended up, I said, yes, I got on a call at the guy. I said, and you know what, let's do it this week,
Starting point is 00:08:18 because I was leaving for a board meeting and I was going to be gone for a couple of days. And I just thought, let's just get this done. I don't want to pile up more things on my list of to-do that, you know, I'm going to be gone for a couple of days and I just thought, let's just get this done. I don't want to pile up more things on my list of to-do that, you know, I'm going to have to figure out when I get back and just do it this week. So we said, all right, let's do it. And I found out from him about the kids what challenges
Starting point is 00:08:35 they were facing and I ended up doing a Zoom with them. Masterclass makes a meaningful gift this season for you and anyone on your list because both of you can learn from the best to become your best, from leadership to effective communication to cooking, whether you're watching Master class on TV, listening in audio mode, in the app or on the site, the quality speaks for itself.
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Starting point is 00:12:01 slash monahan, all lowercase. Go to slash monahan, now to grow your business, no matter what stage you're in, slash monahan. It went really, really well. I was super proud of myself. And I was also just proud of making time to help other people. Listen, nobody's got a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I get it. We're all so busy and spinning in circles. But I also know that when I make time to help others, I feel better about me. So selfishly, even though I'm doing something like pro bono speaking and not charging, I feel better about who I am after. And it's funny because I speak for incredible
Starting point is 00:12:47 companies. I'm speaking for incredible, huge company today. I'm so grateful. And they pay me a lot of money to do it and really value my expertise and abilities. And I'm so grateful for that. Without them, I wouldn't be able to do the pro bono work. However, I will say, doing that speech for these fifth graders meant more to me than, gosh, any speech I can think of, you know, over the last year, it really, I had a hard time keeping it together. I wanted to cry. I just, I could see how excited, how special they felt. Like, what a small thing for me to make time, whatever it was an hour on Zoom, and to see how it could impact others.
Starting point is 00:13:27 So what small thing could you do that could impact others, that selfishly is gonna let you feel so much better about yourself? Because I promise you, there's some way you can add value that can make a difference in somebody's life that's gonna make you feel really great about who you are.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Okay, so then I got this feedback from the teacher after, which I just put up on my website actually, because I'm so flippin' proud of it. It meant so much to me. It says, Heather and all caps with all these excavation points, that was perfect. Thank you so much. The kids couldn't stop raving about you.
Starting point is 00:14:00 How kind you are, how passionate, how contagious your excitement is, how inviting you are, it was great. One of the kids even said, you can tell she really cares how they're truly thank you. They were so touched by that. Okay, so bottom line is this, I got this amazing feedback from the fifth graders. Look how happy I am about it. I got amazing feedback from fifth graders and I'm going crazy. Get it together, Monahan. Okay, so I just felt so grateful, so touched. I was so emotional and it just reminded me, yes, things are not perfect in my life right now, far from it.
Starting point is 00:14:33 And sometimes it feels really hard. And sometimes I handle it well and sometimes I don't. Right? Sometimes I'm not sleeping at night and I'm exhausted and I'm stressed out and worrying. And then other days I'm in church and feeling super grateful and so appreciative for all that I have. And I'm trying to, you know, give back and do right and help others.
Starting point is 00:14:51 So like you in some moments, things are going great. Other moments are not. But one of the keys I found is super helpful is making time to help others. It really does make you feel better. And now I have that review to read on the moments when I'm not feeling so great when things, you know, when you hit a rough patch because we're all going to do it. So put those reviews, put those feedback notes and moments of kindness into a file called fan love. That's what I do. And anytime I'm having a tough day, I go look at it and just remind myself, hey, there are great people out there and you make a difference and you matter and you can help others. And when you step into that and own that, gosh, it's just like,
Starting point is 00:15:33 I don't know, just remind you, the world's a great place and we can make it a better place by the choices that we make happiness as a choice. It's funny, I have a friend who's going through a tough time right now and she set me a text saying, Hey, I'm always talking about me. How are you doing? And I'm like, I'm great. Thank you so much for asking it.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Things are great. And she's like, wow, things are just always so great for you. You're just always so happy. And I wrote back what? No, happiness is a choice. She had to take a moment to think about it because it's true. No, things aren't always great in flawless. However, I choose 99% of the time to find the win in the moment,
Starting point is 00:16:12 to find the happiness, to find the review that I can go read, to remind me that there are good people out there and that we can make a difference. So happiness is a choice. Choose happiness today. And in those moments that are rough, surround yourself by people that lift you up. Surround yourself with people that encourage you
Starting point is 00:16:31 and remind you of other tough times that you've faced and how you overcame them. So, okay, so I wanted to share with you a couple of different things. One, I just saw a post from my friend Melanie Borden, you know Melanie and I have been doing a master class together. Our next one is December 2nd. We came out with a December 2nd event because so many people were locked out of our last event we did. They didn't make it in time. Go
Starting point is 00:16:57 to the link in my show notes for the master class. Sign up now. There's payment plans. It's one day only this time because we heard two days was too long for some people last time. We condensed everything into one day. This class is incredible. It is going to set you up for an incredible 2024. Don't wait for 2024 to make a change in your life. Set yourself up for success now and start making a difference. Now, while the rest of the world is out eating too much turkey,
Starting point is 00:17:25 you can start creating the strategy plan and implementing that strategy and plan to set you apart from all of your competitors and own a white space so that you can set yourself up to take off in 2024. Okay, I just saw my friend Melanie posted on social media that for the last year, she had really been committed to her health and changing how she
Starting point is 00:17:49 Runs her workout her food her sleep everything and oh my gosh. She's lost like 50 pounds she looks incredible. She's got so much energy the girls killing it, right? But it didn't happen by chance it happened happened because of change. Now, here's this, listen to this one. So the first, I think, eight months, she did it all with herself, right? She just said, I'm going to be disciplined. I'm going to count calories or, you know, whatever I'm going to eat vegetables and eat healthy and not eat fast food or whatever, right? And stop eating out what, you know, just basic changes and start running. She incorporated running into her routine, which was huge for her. She lost all her weight.
Starting point is 00:18:25 She was very disciplined about her bedtime and getting eight hours of sleep. And I just incredible, like really smart choices. And it worked. Then she hit a plateau. We all can so feel this and understand this. We've all been there. Here's what she did differently though.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Instead of accepting it and saying, well, I've already lost a lot and I do feel better. She said, no, there's got to be someone out there that knows how to get over a plateau that has expertise in some regard that can help me get through this. And so she found a woman who specializes in women with high stressful jobs, incorporate America and tapped this woman. She had great expertise in it, had a track for her success, and started working with this woman. Now, this woman added 6am weightlifting to her routine,
Starting point is 00:19:11 which completely transformed her body and kickstarted her weight loss again. She also taught her something I had no idea about, which is when you are a high stress individual with a high stress job, your body will fight to hang on to the fat because it's in fight or flight all the time. So she taught her that an important element for her was to learn to relax and to let go of stress.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And the more she would do that, the weight would just come off. Incredible, right? Like, I wouldn't know that. I'm not an expert in weight loss. So why would I know that? But the key is you want to hire for an invest in, things are important to you and an invest in things that are important
Starting point is 00:19:45 to you and do it with people that actually know what they're talking about. And this is why sharing this with you right now about Melanie because she doesn't herself. I did it when I was writing a book proposal. I hired Peter economy, right? And invested in him, he had written hundreds of book proposals. Go to people that know what they're talking about. Go to people that have been the places that you want to go. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:06 So, for Melanie and I, this master class, not only are we teaching you how to brand yourself, how to own your brand, how to own and dominate on LinkedIn, but how to sell yourself, how to speak up, how to own your voice, right? To really step into your power, these are all things that we have done and done successfully. And coach people on successfully,
Starting point is 00:20:25 the reviews are all over the website. Go check it out, check the link and show notes below. I promise you, this is a master class. You don't wanna miss, frankly, can't afford to miss. Unless you're already dominating on LinkedIn, know how to sell yourself and are great with speaking up in meetings, giving presentations, and rocking the mic wherever
Starting point is 00:20:45 you are. If you're already doing that, then kudos to you, you are my people. American spend an average of 90% of their time indoors and take about 20,000 breaths a day. According to the EPA, indoor air is 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air, and in some cases up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. And in some cases, up to 100 times more polluted. Data shows that air pollution is responsible for nearly 7 million premature deaths globally.
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Starting point is 00:24:01 Just go to slash monahan. slash monahan. Terms and conditions apply. Cost per application, praising not available for everyone. Need to hire? You need indeed. Okay, so one of the things that I am asked about all of the time is about my skin.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yes, I'm 49 years old. And yes, I do care a lot about how I look. I'm not gonna sugarcoat that. I'm care a lot about how I look. I'm not going to sugarcoat that. I'm just going to let you know it's true, right? In some ways, when you look better, this is just me on the outside, you feel better internally, right? Like that does put a spring in my step. When I love the dress that I'm wearing, or my hair came out good that day, but really when my skin looks great, I mean, the world seems a little bit brighter. Well, wouldn't you know I started working with one skin as a partner. I guess it's about six months ago now.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And what's interesting is this, first of all, I've never partnered with a skin company before. I exclusively use these products, by the way, this is T-Ruth truth. Like, I swear to you, one skin is the product and the line that I use exclusively and it works. And what's funny is my girlfriends were saying to me before I started this partnership, oh my gosh, the skin on my legs are, it looks creepy. It's starting to look different. The skin on my chest, it's like thinner. It's something's not right. Like what the heck is happening? And we're all in our late 40s, right? And some of my friends are in their early 50s.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And suddenly, your skin's just looking a little differently. Well, I don't know how old you are, but let me tell you, if you have any concerns about your skin and wanting to reverse the aging process, yes, this is the only product that research shows, reverses the aging process. It's incredible. And I am just a living testimony of it.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I've been using it now, I guess about six months, there is no crappiness on this girl right here. 49 years old, doesn't exist. One skin gets rid of it. That was the thing that I noticed the fastest was actually the skin on my body changed the fastest. And I think because I wasn't so deliberate and intentional previously with using any type
Starting point is 00:26:06 of product regularly until I committed to the one-skin routine. And then, of course, the peptide that they have, their proprietary science, is incredible and reverses the aging process. So I had a benefit within the first couple of weeks. I knew this was working. It was incredible. Now, over time, I saw it on my face everywhere. Like it's a game changer and I'm sharing it with you because I feel like it's my job
Starting point is 00:26:31 to tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly. Like this is a hack that's going to set you up for success. Now, you don't need to listen to me about it. Actually, this is so interesting. One skin shares lots of success stories with me just so that I can be up to speed on what's going on. Well, wouldn't you know this is one that just came out. Seven-year-age reversal with OS-01 face and that's the peptide in one skin.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Avalidated approach to skin health. There's a biohacker out there. There's a lot of these guys, but this is one Nick and Jarrah. I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing his last name correctly, but anyways, he's a biohacker, a founder of a longevity blog, and he dives into scientific topics to help people build personalized and affordable approaches to wellness.
Starting point is 00:27:11 There's a lot of people that do these things, but here's what I like about what Nick did. He conducted his own experiment, saying that obviously, there's tons of research out there that one skin's put on, that you can see it's science-backed. Check out the link in show notes below. You'll see it before and afters it's all oneskins research. This guy was like, I'm going to go do it myself and I'm here for it.
Starting point is 00:27:30 So he does, he does before and after pictures, he's questioning, it does it really reverse the aging process. And when, you know, he did a Vizia scanner, a VISIA scanner scanner, which allows you to, I guess, really dig into the technology and show if there are quantifiable metrics. Poor-sized skin redness, texture, you know, goes into like at a clinical level, what's happening with your skin. And he went before, he started using the product line, and then five months after using it and in this Self-experiment he found that it turned back his age
Starting point is 00:28:10 Seven years in five months and I truly believe it like I'm not questioning it because I've been using the product line for six months What did he find shockingly according to the scanner one skin OS01 reduced his aesthetic age by seven years? scanner, one scan OS-01 reduced his aesthetic age by seven years. Most valuably, the scanning unit was not within our direct justification for the drastic improvement. We're going to look into details in what change. Okay. So this is so interesting. It literally gets into wrinkles, texture, spots, UV spots, and reversing these things.
Starting point is 00:28:41 So it says, does the scan agree? Yes. In the before image a significant number of individual smaller wrinkles around the eyes were detected. In the after image Nick skin is unwrinkled around his eyes while there was likely an impact on the wrinkle algorithm from change in angles. It's very unlikely this is a source of such dramatic improvement. I mean this gets into the nitty gritty in regards to the before and after, but I mean, you'll see in the before and after pictures, it's so clear.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I am telling you, I'm living it, right? So here's what I'm doing for you today. Click the link below. You're going to get my 15% off discount. I highly encourage you to do the subscription. I'm on the subscription for every product that they have. There's not a lot of them. There's a face wash and eye cream, a face cream, and a body.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That's it. Well, now they just came out actually with their sunscreen product, which is amazing too. So I'm using that as well. But I mean, this peptide is a game changer. If you're not happy with your skin, if you want to reverse the aging process, and like Nick, turn it back seven years,
Starting point is 00:29:41 literally this is a guy went out on his own, paid for this experiment on his ode, and found out a reverse the aging process seven years. Literally, this is a guy went out on his own, paid for this experiment on his ode, and found out at a reverse aging process seven years. Look at the science, look at the research. It's the only product out there that is scientifically proven to reverse your biological age. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's game changing. I want you to have your best year yet in 2024. Why not start it now with the best skin that you've had in seven years? Click the link in show notes below. You're going to get my 15% off when you do that. I highly suggest signing up for the subscription. When you do, you can cancel anytime, but that way you get the 15% off forever.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yes, you're welcome. When things go sideways, will you be prepared? Some people are concerned they might have to go for a long time without electricity, or even food. That's why I want to introduce you to Get preparedness products you can use now, and that could save your life later. My favorite is 4patriots new solar generator. The Patriot Power Generator 2000X. It uses the endless free
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Starting point is 00:31:32 can see this week's discounts and deals before they go away. Go to slash confidence. But hurry, these deals won't last for long. Save more and get peace of mind now by going to for the number four, slash confidence. Okay, real quick, I want to get into just a quick note and then I'm gonna let you go because I can see that I am going way too long today. But this was something that I wanted to share with you. Years ago, when I used to work in corporate America,
Starting point is 00:32:03 I really wanted to be on the board of directors at that company. And I would pitch myself all the time at Nazim, right? I knew in my heart of heart. I'm like, I should have a seat at that table. Well, number one, there's so few women on board seats that's disgusting in our country. But I knew I warranted one, not only because I was a woman, but because I had such in-depth knowledge of the company, the marketplace, the industry were in. I had a unique perspective because I was in the marketplace.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I was doing the work. I was executing. I was leading the team. And I had been doing it for so long. I knew I could add value. And I knew that board needed my voice. There was way too many old white men sitting at that table who were disconnected from the day-to-day of that business. And I knew that if I could get a seat at
Starting point is 00:32:49 that table, I could help impact the shareholders in a really incredible way. I was so passionate about it and I was so sure. Cut to. I never got the nod. And I'd always get the run around, oh, how the hell are you doing so great and what you're, you know, we don't want to distract you. Or yeah, great idea. We'll bring that up next time. Oh, how the hell are you doing so great? And what you're, you know, we don't want to distract you. Or yeah, great idea. We'll bring that up next time. Sure, next quarter we'll reevaluate. It was just a run around. I was getting blown off.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And the more I would get blown off, the more frustrated I would get. The more frustrated I would get, the more impacted my confidence. Because I was allowing someone to brush me off, blow me off. When I knew I deserve more, I knew I deserved to see at that table.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Well, wouldn't you know, cut to now that that woman ended up getting promoted and she ended up firing me. I realized she was blocking me all these years, but I didn't know it at the time. I should have left that company years earlier. I would be years ahead of where I am today, had I done that.
Starting point is 00:33:42 So live and learn, right? When your gut's telling you something's wrong, listen to your intuition, you know. You know what's right, you know what's wrong. I knew I was getting the run around, but I allowed it to continue to go on. Well, cut to, I started my own company as you know in 2018, and things were going great.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I had a new book out, Confidence Creator, a Trump Trump for number one on the business biography list. Yeah, yeah. I googled how to sell books, and it said, speak, and I was speaking all over the country. I delivered my TEDx. That got promoted to TED. I interviewed Sarah Blakely live on stage in front of thousands
Starting point is 00:34:17 of people. That one, incredibly well, like my speaking business was taking off. And then the pandemic hit, and everything stopped overnight. And that's when I launched my coaching program. Wouldn't you know one of the individuals who was in my coaching program actually had reached out to me because he wanted to mentor me, but I had flipped him a link to say no, I have a coaching program if you want to get in, get in. And he taught me a great lesson, which is anyone can switch between being the
Starting point is 00:34:42 mentor or being the mentee. the most talented and confident people can. You should be able to allow yourself to be coached or to be the coach in any moment. And so he was humble enough to say, okay, I'll come into your coaching program. And he did. We developed a great friendship over the years. And wouldn't you know what he was actually doing in some ways was interviewing me for a seat on the board of the company he was the CFO of. And over time, he let me know that. And then over time, he let me meet the CEO. And then over time, he let me meet the other board members.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And then over time, I was nominated to that board. And now I'm on the board of health and corporation. And I'm so grateful for that opportunity. So after all these years back in the old days that I wanted to be on the board, I knew I wanted to do that job. I was pushing and pushing and pushing. I was getting the run around and crickets that never happened. I walked up from that table where nobody wanted me
Starting point is 00:35:35 and a table found me that is full of people who are excited for me to be there. And so anyway, last week was our board dinner, our board meeting, and it was such an incredible event, and it went so well, and I'm so grateful for the people that I get to sit on the board with, and the work that we do is incredible. Well, I got to ride back with my friend, and he's a board member as well, and we were talking about how we had met as well. And we were talking about how we had met years prior and how much our relationship has changed over the last few years and how close we are now and what great friends we
Starting point is 00:36:11 are and now that we've served together on this board for almost three years. It's incredible. And the difference and the changes we've seen and the impact in this company and how excited we are for the future, the best is yet to come because it is. And we were laughing about how it all started. And then he made a comment to me and he said, you know, you've positioned yourself to be one of the most valuable board members that we have, Heather. I was so grateful for that compliment number one. Number two, I didn't see myself that way. I see myself as adding value for sure. I work really hard to make sure I do that and help any way that I can, but I also see the other board members.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And what was funny is I always saw the value and maybe you see yourself this way. Like we see how we add value. Other people see you through a lens that could be a little bit different. And I always see the value add that I can bring to the table around sales and sales leadership. And that's, you know, what I did for 25 years. For him, he said, yes, it's great. And we so appreciate that you bring that unique perspective to our board. He said, but also the people that you introduce us to.
Starting point is 00:37:19 My network was the thing of value to him, which I really took for granted. So you may be missing a really important part of the value other C and U. Be open to be open to putting those rose colored glasses on because I certainly did. My friend George basically gave me his rose colored glasses and I looked in the mirror with them on and thought, wow, I don't need to be one dimension. I don't need to be just one thing. Maybe there's many different ways that you add value and you're just not seeing it from that perspective right now. Put on the rose colored glasses that somebody else sees you through and you're going to enjoy
Starting point is 00:37:56 the view a lot more. So I was super grateful for that perspective that he gave me for that compliment that he gave me. I received it with gratitude, and it just wild how much things can change when you're sitting at the right table. Surround yourself with people that encourage you and are champions for you, not that wanna hold you back.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Life is far too short for that. And this year is almost over. So if you don't wanna find yourself stuck in the same place you are right now, choose to make a difference, choose to invest in yourself, choose to get rid of negative people, choose to surround yourself with people who are all about going to that next level. I, of course, am going to suggest my masterclass December 2nd, click the link and show us below. Check out the site, look at the reviews, it's a 100% money back guarantee,
Starting point is 00:38:45 that's how much I stand behind this course. You wanna change the game for year 2024, this is the event you need to attend. Just go to the link and see what other attendees have said. Until next week, keep creating your confidence. You know I will be. Hi friends, I am here to tell you all about a new podcast that I am loving. Creating confidence hosted by my friend Heather Monahan, who is part of the YAP Media Network. Heather sits down with experts like Gary Vee, Sarah Blakely, and Les Brown to share with you the techniques and strategies to create your confidence, pursue your dreams, and leapfrog the villains you'll meet along the way. Creating confidence is all about elevating your confidence to its highest level ever and taking your business right there
Starting point is 00:39:53 with you. I love Heather and I love her approach to really supporting women in this online space and I want to share with you some reviews so you can hear what it's all about. I love that this person says that Heather is so inspiring in each episode is filled with tips and tricks on how to become more confident and live the life of your dreams. I especially love this one. I love how open and vulnerable Heather is, and it makes her so relatable. She just draws you in and is able to relay her message so eloquently and
Starting point is 00:40:25 in such a wonderful and encouraging way. I agree with that 200%. If you are looking to up your confidence level, you have to check out creating confidence now. You can subscribe to creating confidence with Heather Monahan today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform. This episode is brought to you by the YAP Media Podcast Network. I'm Holla Taha, CEO of the award-winning digital media empire YAP Media, and host of YAP Young & Profiting Podcast, a number one entrepreneurship and self-improvement podcast
Starting point is 00:40:57 where you can listen, learn, and profit. On Young & Profiting Podcast, I interview the brightest minds in the world and I turn their wisdom into actionable advice that you can use in your daily life. Each week, we dive into a new topic like the art of side hustles, how to level up your influence and persuasion and goal setting. I interview A-List guests on Young & Profiting. I've got the best guests. Like the world's number one negotiation expert, Chris Voss, Shark, Damon John, serial entrepreneurs entrepreneur Alex and Lila Hermosi,
Starting point is 00:41:26 and even movie stars like Matthew McConaughey. There's absolutely no fluff on my podcast, and that's on purpose. Every episode is jam packed with advice that's gonna push your life forward. I do my research, I get straight to the point, and I take things really seriously, which is why I'm known as the podcast princess, and how I became one of the top podcasters in the world in less than five years. Young and profiting podcast is for all ages. Don't let the name fool you, it's an advanced show.
Starting point is 00:41:53 As long as you want to learn and level up, you will be forever young. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Young and Profiting Podcast. Or, yeah, like it's often called by my app fam. On Apple Spotify, CastBox, or wherever you listen to your podcast. your profiting podcast. Or, yeah, like it's often called by my app fam. On Apple Spotify
Starting point is 00:42:07 Cast Box or wherever you listen to your podcast.

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