Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - A Super Bowl sit-down with Lilly Singh, Busy Phillips and Rob Maaddi Episode 40

Episode Date: February 4, 2020

A Super Bowl sit-down with Lilly Singh, Busy Phillips and Rob Maaddi. See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A journal is a journey, a place to gather thoughts, and become the best version of you. Papier creates thoughtfully crafted notebooks, journals, and more. They're curated journals cover themes like wellness, goals, and gratitude. Best of all, you can personalize each product for free. Put pen to paper and start your journey today with Papier. Visit for 10% off your first order. That's 10% off at Thank you for listening to this Podcast One production.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Available on Apple Podcasts and Podcast One. Each week when you join me, Podcast One, you are going to chase down our goals, overcome adversity and set you up for better tomorrow. After you've seen it, I'm on this journey with me. Hi and welcome back. I'm so excited you're here. This has been the craziest week. If you don't know, now you know, the super bowl was in Miami and while I would not have thought that would have been a big deal, it actually ended up being a huge deal for my business. And one of these experiences that you
Starting point is 00:01:12 definitely can't project or predict, but remind me of the importance of keeping good relationships, not burning bridges and staying in touch with people that you've worked with. So a friend of mine for my past broadcast life back when I was in radio reached out to me two weeks ago and said, hey Heather, I'm coming to my amy for media and press. And would love to see if we can catch up. I said, yeah, of course, I'd love to see you haven't seen this friend in a really long time and was excited. And then he offered to add me to his associated press radio lineup, interview lineup for NFL Super Bowl Week. Now, I didn't even know this was a thing. In my past career, I was a chief revenue officer. I was on the business side. So I wouldn't typically attend events like this.
Starting point is 00:02:07 This is the kind of an event the talent goes to the personalities that used to be on the radio stations that I would monetize. So it was the other side of my business. And what's so interesting is even though I had 20 years in this business, I had no idea this whole opportunity even existed. Which that really opened my eyes and I hope it opens yours to how much is going on in our industries and our business and just in the world in general that we are completely unaware of. I didn't know what the NFL experience was, I didn't know what the media events were all about. Yes, I knew there are parties for the Super Bowl and I knew there was the big game, but I didn't understand this entire other
Starting point is 00:02:50 ecosystem that existed around the Super Bowl. So I want to explain it to you. So you understand. Basically, what happens is every press outlet media outlet and personality comes into the city where the Super Bowl is being played. One week beforehand. And they set up shop wherever the designation has been deemed. In this case, it was the Miami Beach Convention Center. And on the second floor of the Convention Center, the first floor was the NFL experience, which if you haven't been before, I have a 12 year old son. This is so important that you go take your kids. It is so fun.
Starting point is 00:03:26 My son waited in line for hours to get NFL players autographs and got to enter into competitions. And it was a really cool experience. But for me, the second floor was really cool because that was the media floor. And that was where all of the athletes, personalities, celebrities, brand promotion, and that was where all of the athletes, personalities, celebrities, brand promotion and interviews was occurring.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Sirius XM had their own area. Westwood one had their own area. These are all different media outlets. There was this one floor that had every different show you could imagine and that's where my friend with the Associated Press was located. So basically you're in this huge arena area that's just this great open space. And you're there from eight in the morning until six at night with just a constant stream of people coming in from Martha Stewart to busy Phillips, to Gary Vaynerchuk, to David Meltzer, to Jenny McCarthy, to Kevin Hart. The spectrum on the personalities that are there is massive. And Joe Montana, I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:34 there's plenty of NFL players and retired NFL players. But what I found so interesting is there's a lot of brands there as well. Like I remember the sleep number, mattress company was there and so many others, Nickelodeon was there. So there's all lot of brands there as well. I remember the sleep number, mattress company was there, and so many others, Nickelodeon was there. There's all these different brands. There's all these personalities. Really, my assessment in a big picture overview is everyone's pushing something, everyone's promoting something.
Starting point is 00:04:59 While often I feel like I'm the only person in the world that's out there hustling so hard and trying to get my message heard. Last week I realized everybody's in that same boat. Gary Vaynerchuk is not there all day long going table to table, interview to interview, promoting himself because it's easy. It's because he wants to break through and make that impact and he's been doing it for over a decade now and that's why he's where he is that impact and he's been doing it for over a decade now and that's why he's where he is today.
Starting point is 00:05:27 But he's not stopping. Katie Kirk was there pressing the flesh, doing the interviews, table to table. I just keep Martha Stewart. These people who have been around for so long achieved such great success, yet they're still there pressing the flesh, doing the interviews, Teaky Barber. It was just mind blowing to for me to see and very humbling to help me remember. No, it's not just me out there trying to break through. It's people that have already made it. People that you put on a pedestal that you think have millions of followers and make millions
Starting point is 00:06:02 of dollars a year and they do, but they're not just rolling it up and phoning it in. Nope. They were out on that floor pressing the flesh and doing the interviews too. So that encouraged me that it's not time to slow down. It's time to speed up. And if Gary Vaynerchuk can be out there doing radio, row, and the media press junket, the whole week leading up to Super Bowl with his people and told his video cameras and told promoting himself and his shows and his
Starting point is 00:06:29 brands. I can keep doing it too. So I hope that encourages you to hear that caliber of success and that level of celebrity that they're all out there lining up in the grime and let me tell you it is a grime because even to get into this venue, you have to get credentials ahead of time. You have to be approved by the NFL Super Bowl committee. You have to go and retrieve your passes each day. You have to wait in countless lines to be put through security.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I mean, it's really intense and it was just, it was very eye opening to me. The way or the difference that how I thought I worked and how I figured other people did once they achieved success. And I, I definitely was wrong there. So hoping that that connects with you and reminds you to keep going, keep pushing because other people are out there doing the same even if you don't see it and I certainly certainly thought. So I do have some exciting news for you because I've been getting asked a lot about why can't we hear creating confidence on Spotify? Well, now you can. It's official. Our show is
Starting point is 00:07:36 now available on Spotify and it's free. We want to make it super easy for you and your friends to listen to the podcast and join Spotify. So you can find us even more places now and we can build our community even further. Spotify is working to help listeners discover the shows they love and now this podcast is one of them. If you're already listening to music on Spotify, now you can listen to my podcast in the same place. If you're not on Spotify yet, all you have to do is download the free app. That's right, no credit card necessary. And simply search for our show to start listening for free. Now I'm so glad because I have had so many requests to have this show put on Spotify. So definitely check it out if you're not on Spotify yet. You are gonna love it. So this week is crazy. I went to the Super Bowl. My son and I, we were super
Starting point is 00:08:21 lucky to get an opportunity to go to the game. And what was really meaningful for me is this was the first Super Bowl where there was a female coach and that female coach happens to be a guest of creating confidence. She was on my show a couple of months ago, Katie Sowers, and I'm so proud of her and proud of the fact that she had a dream and a vision that no one else saw, that people didn't believe was possible because no one else had done it before her, yet here she is paving the way for others. So now, when other little girls think of, what do you want to be when you grow up? They can add NFL coach at the Super Bowl to that list, knowing it's possible, where she had been told it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So whatever your dreams are, just dream bigger, don't allow people to tell you know Katie Sowers definitely did not. And if you haven't heard this interview, please go back in my show episodes and check out the episode with Katie Sowers because it was the beginning of a fall season when I sat down with her and I certainly didn't know that she'd be going to the Super Bowl. I don't know that she knew either, but it's so cool now coming out, you know, just having been there watching her. And I ran into her twin sister at a media row at the NFL experience and got to chat
Starting point is 00:09:37 with her and just seeing the pride that everyone has. Regardless of what team you cheer for or who your team is or who won, it's kind of a relevant, it's just one of those moments you really wanna celebrate that someone is out there pursuing their passion, their dream, and not allowing others' limitations to be put on them. So super, super proud of her. And super grateful to my friend Rob Mottie, who you're gonna meet today on the show, unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:10:02 It's the first time I'm interviewing a friend on my show, but he is the individual that got me into this unbelievable media experience where I got the chance to meet so many people, including Lily Singh and busy Phillips, who you're about to meet too. And Lily Singh, this is so interesting, I had no idea who she was. Turns out I am probably one of the only people that didn't know who she was. She is one of the largest personalities on YouTube, grossing more than $10 million a year. She has graced the covers of countless magazines.
Starting point is 00:10:40 She just launched a Super Bowl commercial with O'Lay, along with Busy Phillips. I mean she's got her own television show, Late Night TV show, she's a comedian. This girl is killing it. And I before I interviewed her, Rob had given me the heads up. We were gonna get the chance to meet with her. And I googled her and started researching a lot about who she is, what her YouTube's about, and really dug into our content. And while she's got a lot of very funny content, she definitely gives her parents a hard time
Starting point is 00:11:11 on YouTube, and it's very, very funny and super relatable. She also had some really interesting content around how she has achieved this level of success. And again, she's more than 10 years in. So she's put the time in, but she's got some very specific steps that she's taken, that she attribute, so why she has made it to the Grammys, made it to major network television, and made it to making millions of dollars a year on YouTube. And I'm really excited to share it with you in just a minute. But first, want to ask, do you own or rent a home? I sure do. And I bet it's hard work.
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Starting point is 00:12:23 because this woman is making ways. And I can't wait for you to hear what she attributes her success to. Hold tight. Hi and welcome back. This is surreal and you know what it actually is all about. Is last night I was watching your manifestation video on you too I'm obsessed with it. Thank you. No, I didn't go and print out your picture last night And vision myself interviewing you, but I swear I feel like this is all part of the process
Starting point is 00:12:56 And I know that so much of your career has been about manifestation. Can you share a little bit about that? Absolutely. So I am on my fourth-ish vision board Which you don't know what that is essentially taking pictures, paste them on a board of things you want to have come true in your life. I'm a really big believer of having goals, looking at them every day, making a plan, working hard, and having the universe give them to you with your hard work. So I believe one of my skills is manifestation, for sure. When I think about something, it happens. That's crazy because I was, my background's corporate America And I used to think that was woo woo people
Starting point is 00:13:28 Oh yeah, I know people do a hundred percent And so it's almost you're running at a disadvantage until you start to embrace that you can actually attract something to you and Don't get me wrong hard work is definitely part of the recipe You can't just pay something on a board and sit back and be like oh wait for the universe to give me a Ferrari You have to work hard, of course, but I think the purpose of manifestation and visualization of vision board is, so you have direction.
Starting point is 00:13:49 You have direction, you have goals, you have a plan of where you wanna go. And that's very important. Thank you for sharing that. Okay, and I told you that I'm in it with you 100%. So there's so much I wanna ask you, and I know we're limited on time. So thinking about how far you've come in such a finite window, you know, really in the
Starting point is 00:14:07 last decade, it's just been exponential. Other than manifesting, what do you attribute your success to? I always, people always ask me, what's your secret to YouTube success or your secret to your late night show? And I always give two very simple answers. I mean, of course, I could go into the algorithm and thumbnails and content and best practices, but when you strip it all the way, it comes down to two very simple things. And again, some people might listen to this and be like, what nonsense?
Starting point is 00:14:30 But this is truthfully what I did. Work hard and be nice to people. I think, you know, there is no substitute for hard work. There is no recipe. There is no thing, nothing I can tell you about a YouTube thumbnail that will substitute hard work. It's failing and trying again and failing and pivoting and trying again. And being nice to people is just not spoken about enough.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I think there's great value in being kind to people because ultimately it's people you work with. It's people that give you opportunities. It's people who are in the room, in the meetings with you. And so I think being a pleasant person to work with is very meaningful, and it does not get dismissed enough. Well, I'll tell you, not only are you so pleasant, but so is your team. So thank you so much for making this few minutes for me.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Of course, absolutely. You're getting pulled out of here right now. OK. That's a success. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Great to meet you. Podcast One has some exciting news.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It's official. Our shows are now available on Spotify news. It's official. Our shows are now available on Spotify. And it's free. We want to make it super easy for you and your friends to listen to our podcasts. And joining Spotify allows us to be in even more places for fans to find us. If you're already listening to music on Spotify, you can now listen to our podcasts in the same place. If you're not on Spotify yet, all you have to do is download the free app.
Starting point is 00:15:43 That's right, no credit card necessary, and simply search for our shows to start listening. So, it's not often that I get to meet someone that I am having a fan moment over. And this week was so crazy because there were so many celebrities and athletes all around but this one woman really got my attention I am such a fan girl over her. She's not only is she a very accomplished actress and has been huge in Hollywood she had her own show on E which killed it by the way. I don't understand how great shows can get canceled. Unfortunately, hers did. And I know that was really painful for her, for her daughter,
Starting point is 00:16:31 and for all of her fans like me that loved the show and thought she brought some real value and some great interviews. And a lot of fun, she's a fantastic person. And when you sit with her, you just feel like you've known her forever. Those are my kind of people. What I really love about Busy Phillips is that she didn't have her own show to begin with. So she created one on her Insta story.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Brilliant move. She didn't have a lane so she went out and formed her own lane. And through that content and through creating that content, taking that risk on and just putting something out there, not knowing how people would receive it, that's how she ended up landing her own e-show, which again, ultimately was canceled, but I can tell you one thing I know about Busy Phillips, that will not stop her.
Starting point is 00:17:19 She has gone on to so many brand endorsements since then, just launching this amazing advertisement for O.A. She has gone on to so many brand endorsements since then. Just launching this amazing advertisement for Olay at the Super Bowl. I mean, to have your own Super Bowl commercial is so epic, I just, I don't even know what to relate to. But like me, she is a woman in her 40s. So of course you're thinking about skin and dry skin. And that's definitely what matters most to me is getting rid of dry skin.
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Starting point is 00:18:11 display. In 2015, Glossier asked their community, what's your dream face wash? When they heard what we were looking for, they went and made it to hundreds of responses, gave them the inspaulet they needed and they got to work. A year later, Milky Jelly Cleanser was released. The pH-bound formula has a blend of 5 skin conditioners, dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, non-irritating, and paraben-free. It's tough on impurities, but so gentle on your eyes, which is so important. Get that glowy, dewy skin for yourself by visiting slash podcast slash confidence.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Learn more and take the quiz to find out your ultimate glossier skincare routine. Plus all new customers get 10% off their first order on slash podcast slash confidence. Again, that's glossier GLO slash podcast slash confidence certain exclusion supply. Okay, so now we are about to sit down with my fan girl moment busy Phillips and I can promise you this you are going to feel her alive she's going to encourage you to overcome your adversity just like she is overcoming. I am so excited to be sitting here with busy Phillips-ups. I just told you I am a super fan of your.
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's really nice. Thank you. And grateful for you making time. So thank you for that. See how I'm happy to do it. So as I mentioned, my show is all about creating confidence and one of the things I admire so much about you is your resilience. I just keep seeing you come back. You don't give up.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And to me, that's the hardest part of my career. Oh yeah. I'm committed to saying, you know what? I'm going to reinvent. I'm going to do this again. I'm going to believe in me. How to me, that's the hardest part. Oh, yeah, committed to saying, you know what, I'm going to reinvent. I'm going to do this again. I'm going to believe in me. How do you do that? I do have to say that one thing that has always driven me, I've thought a lot about this, I've talked about it in therapy is my desire to prove people wrong. Now, I think you have to get like a little bit, you have to be careful when you act from a place that's maybe considered a little bit more negative. I always am trying to lead with the positive, but I do think
Starting point is 00:20:10 that there's so much power to having that thing, to knowing that someone expects a thing of you, one particular thing, and then saying, you know what, I'm capable of so much more. And that is the thing you have to find inside yourself, knowing that you're capable of so much more. And not believing when someone puts you in the box because they're always gonna put you in a box. You know what I mean? Oh yeah, they definitely,
Starting point is 00:20:37 why don't you know? And it's for us to smash those voices and take our talents wherever we're going to go. Yeah, exactly. And I think that it's, you know's one of the things that I love. I'm here with O'Lay at the Super Bowl because I have a commercial with O'Lay. I know I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And one of the things that I love about O'Lay is that their messaging is really about strength and confidence and feeling good in your own skin. That is hard to do. Powerful. Yes, it can be hard to do. But once you're able to access that, the world opens up for you. It really does. And I felt that.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I think that that's part of why I've been finding more and more success as I get older. Because I think when you're younger, it's harder to access those things to know that you have it inside of you that you don't need the rest of the world to validate you and when you really get it from within other people sit up and take notice. Well I'm taking huge notice of you. Thank you for leading from the front. I love the ad we cover I love the campaign. It's so cool. It's so cool. I'm sharing you on. Thanks so much. It was so nice to meet you. Yeah, this is all a time
Starting point is 00:21:59 I hope you enjoyed meeting busy as much as I did she really was so enjoyed meeting busy as much as I did she really was so excited to talk to that I'm so so proud of her. Can't wait to see what she does next. This girl is on to big things. Okay, so next the whole reason why I got this opportunity this week, old friend Rob Mottie, good friend, great friend. I'm so excited we were able to spend the week together and he was so sweet actually came down from his press box at the Super Bowl to come over and say hello to my son and it's just a great guy really, really proud of him, proud of all he's done it. And you are about to hear how shocked I am that he reveals next a portion of his life I was completely unfamiliar with which this opened my eyes to
Starting point is 00:22:43 how little we really know about people, even though we can have special people in our lives that are good friends, do we really know about their past? And it's important I think to find these things out because it helps us to understand and appreciate who they are today. National security experts are warning. Our aging power grid is more vulnerable than ever. January marked a third time at Power Station in North Carolina was damaged by gunfire. Authorities are saying the attack raises a new level of threat. Authorities are now checking our grid for vulnerabilities.
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Starting point is 00:25:50 Let me give you a little background on Rob. He's a bestselling author, radio and television personality, former reality TV show star, a dynamic speaker, and he's covered local and national sports for the world's largest news organization. Since 2000, he's been with the Associated Press. He hosts the syndicated faith on the field show on 610 ESPN radio in Philadelphia. He's a Philadelphia based sports writer, national football writer for AP,
Starting point is 00:26:17 major league baseball, Hall of Fame voter and past president of the Philadelphia chapter of the baseball writers association of America. This guy is sports everywhere. He's written or co-written eight books, his latest title, Birds of Prey, the story of the Philadelphia Eagles Faith, Brotherhood, and Super Bowl Victory was released in 2018. He's a father, he's got twin girls, he's an amazing husband, but this was not always the case. Rob definitely struggled with demons in his life as we all do. But he definitely made some very specific choices to change the trajectory of his life. And he's
Starting point is 00:26:56 going to explain to us how he did it. Please keep an open mind when you're listening to this because I know a lot of people shut down at the idea of cheating. And it's an emotional topic for a lot of people, but I have to tell you, I know this guy this week wouldn't have happened without this guy. And he is a different person today because of the discipline he has in himself, the choices and his faith. And it's really eye opening. I encourage you to to listen because I'm glad I did and it was something I knew nothing about and he definitely taught me some major lessons. But first, if you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business.
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Starting point is 00:28:35 slash confidence. Hang tight, you're about to meet my friend and soon to be yours, Rob Mottie. So I'm so excited for you to meet my good friend Rob Mottie, who I wouldn't be here at Super Bowl Radio Row without, so thanks for having me Rob and thanks for being on my show. Well hey, it's awesome to have you here and it's awesome to be on your show and I've been listening and watching and seeing what you're doing and you're very inspiring Heather so it's an honor to be on your show. Oh, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I appreciate it immensely. So for my listeners that might not know your backstory, why don't we start with where you always as confident as you are today? Absolutely not. And that's why I love when I see you talking about creating confidence because I feel so many people out there really lack confidence and they may be sometimes overcompensate for it
Starting point is 00:29:32 by pretending to be confident and it could lead them down a path of self-destructive behavior. Heather, like I did, like I was a guy who grew up with a funny name because my parents are from the Middle East and as I told you earlier, you my name I go by Rob but it's spelled differently spelled like broccoli Rob or ABE but I dropped that and go by ROB because kids were giving you a hard time. Kids in school would give me a hard time about that so. And that affected your confidence. Yeah they would they would call me different kinds of names and where's your camel? No I never wrote a camel I don't know anything about them I've never any, I've seen them at the zoo.
Starting point is 00:30:07 But because I didn't have confidence as a kid or because I dealt with that, I started to figure out how can I develop confidence? How can I put up with being teased a little bit? You know, nobody wants to be teased in school. So what I did in growing up, and I also wore glasses back then, and it was different, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:24 contacts with the greatest thing ever. so when I got that in seventh grade I changed my life but what I did was I was really into sports which has become a career for me and I love playing and I was fortunate enough blessed enough to have enough talent so we're like I was one of the best kids in my class playing sports So I was like this gets me kids in my class playing sports. So I was like, this gets me, it allows me to fit in or blend in a little bit better because I'm not like the nerdy kid getting straight A's now with the funny name. I'm also the best athlete. And also, I really wanted to, as I got older into high school and after high school, I was like, so if I'm really good at sports and I work on my body and I could be good at sports, and I work on my body,
Starting point is 00:31:05 and I could be as attractive as possible, and I could hook up with as many girls as possible, you know, that's gonna give me confidence. That's what I'm gonna be like, and that's what I aspire to do, and I did that. Where did you learn that, do you think? I don't know, I think it was like a product of our environment, because, you know, you look around,
Starting point is 00:31:23 and it doesn't really help you what you watch on TV or what people talk about because you're cool, you're cool and you're popular if you're that guy right, if you're that guy that's what it was for me back then in the 90s. So if you're that guy and you're hanging out with attractive women and you're really good at sports or whatever it is like that you were cool. You fit in and that became who I wanted to be and that took over my life. So at the same time, I had a relationship and a long relationship, a lovely person. We got married and she would go out with me and we would party and she was attractive and her friends were attractive and I
Starting point is 00:32:05 Became a sports writer and I had this job that allowed me to I was young in my job and I would hang out with athletes and I would see them and I had street cred in their eyes because like here's Rob He's hanging out with girls that they want to hook up with right? So now pretty soon I stopped partying with my wife at the time and started partying with them and started living the lifestyle they were living and that led me to being unfaithful over and over and over again. And ultimately that led to a divorce. And quickly from that I went into another relationship and the same pattern of behavior continued into another relationship and the same pattern of behavior continued into another relationship and the same pattern
Starting point is 00:32:48 of behavior continued and all of that, to me, stems from that lack of confidence that was instilled in me because of growing up and being different because I was in a school, I went to Catholic schools for 12 years but I didn't fit in. I was the only person, I went to Catholic schools for 12 years, but I was, I didn't fit in. You know, I was the only person with the Middle Eastern background, and I was the only person with a funny name and all that stuff. So that's why I look at confidence and I go, it could be a dangerous thing if we misuse
Starting point is 00:33:20 it, right? Because if we are, if we have fake confidence, that's not real confidence. And I love what you do is trying to help people create and instill real confidence in who they want to be and in who they are and not put on a persona. See, I became Rob, this party guy, this, like all my friends wanted to be, no one in my life, Heather, at any point when I was living
Starting point is 00:33:48 that lifestyle, pulled me aside and said, Rob, you know what you're doing? It's not cool. You shouldn't be. I can't believe it, right? Nope, you didn't have anyone like that in life. I had a neighbor. Everybody wanted to be my winger. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:59 You were picking people that would cheer you on. Yeah, they, he wants to go out and get the leftovers, right? That's, that was their mentality. So I would justify my behavior like, hey, I'm a reporter, I'm hanging out with athletes now. So what's going to happen is I'm going to get to scoop in all the stories because we're partying together, we're competing for women together.
Starting point is 00:34:20 We would have competitions. It was insane. And the thing is, that was just me me telling myself trying to justify my pattern of behavior But when we were out party and we never talked about what was going on in the locker room We never talked about any of that stuff. It was just me trying to really Justify it and when we justify your behavior It's always gonna lead you down a self-destructive path and and that's what it did for me for many many years and this cycle continued I'll tell you up until 2010. Oh my gosh so what was the catalyst for you to implement some real change? So what happened for me is in 2010 the relationship the third relationship
Starting point is 00:34:59 that I had that was a long one I went from one to another to another. It ended. So it ended in May of 2010 and how did I overcome that or self-sooth really. I went on a 36 day party streak. Oh my gosh. 36 straight nights. I was out somewhere. Partying, having at least one drink. I was never really a drinker, right? But I would at least have one drink. I was never into, I never did drugs, I never smoked or any of that stuff. So that's another thing. I would justify my behavior and tell myself, well, you don't do drugs, you don't do any of this stuff, right? You don't go to strip clubs because I put myself up to standards, right? I didn't want to head, this is me. So Rob, you're only vices, you're a womanizer. That's it. That's all you do.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And I would justify that behavior. You were minimizing your behavior by comparing yourself to people that you thought were running at an even lower level. I, exactly. I would say, well, that person's worse than me. That's worse. How he's a junkie or he's disser, he's that. I'm not that.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I'm not bad. I'm just a womanizer and everybody likes me. And I, I'm still friendly and, and all that good stuff. So eventually in 2010, after that 36 day streak, I call that rock bottom for me because when you're partyin' 36 straight days in a row, that is not a good place to be in. And you were exhausted. Let me tell you. But the confidence was, it was shot, but it was fink because nobody saw that. Nobody saw that because I put on a persona in front of people like I was tough, but it was fake because nobody saw that.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Nobody saw that because I put on a persona in front of people. Like I was tough, like I was steel, like nothing bothered me. No, I knew the real you. No, no, nobody knew. They knew this image of who I wanted to be. And what happened in 2010 is I met someone, I met a woman who said to me, see I had always had a background of faith growing up going to Catholic schools, growing up going to the Catholic church, I had that
Starting point is 00:36:50 faith background and she said to me, you know what I want to take you somewhere else, a different kind of church and I was such a snob about religion. I was like I don't know what you're talking about. I don't want to go anywhere else. This is all I know because that was my comfort zone, right? It was my comfort zone. I would go to church, I learned to do whatever I wanted to do for six days a week, go to church on Sunday, pretend I'm in a good place, leave, do my thing again, go to what we called confession and telepriced, and then start all over again, and just that pattern continued and continued. And finally, so she convinced me, like, I want to what we called confession and telepriced and then start all over again and just that pattern
Starting point is 00:37:25 continued and continued and finally so she convinced me like I want to take you somewhere else and she took me to a church in New York called Times Square Church. So I go in there and like I knew nothing about this place. It was like an old theater. It was you got this gospel music going on. It was incredibly different, unreal. And I heard different testimonies from people who have been changed through Christ. And I was like, this is not what I, no, I'm not comfortable here. And I thought I was potentially going to be involved in a relationship
Starting point is 00:37:59 with this woman. And I think about a couple of weeks into it, she said, God put me here to prepare you for your next relationship. We don't have a future together. So you know what, I said to myself, I'm gonna go look for another woman, right? So I'm just, I'm going out, I'm still looking for someone else to date. I'm doing all that and she still wanted to drag me
Starting point is 00:38:20 to church again. So I went to Times Square Church with her a second time and I heard a powerful message and it's something inside me Was stirring so I finally went with her a third time and the third time I went with her was August 29, 2010 and I heard Someone stand there and say he was a drug dealer and He was caught in a drug bust and He could have gone to jail because of the amount of drugs that he had in his possession for probably a long time.
Starting point is 00:38:50 But what happened was a policeman took that stash of drugs and flushed it down a sewer just threw it down there and said, I'm giving around, never sold drugs again. He went into ministry and he was on there saying to me, that policeman that day, that cop who did that for me, gave me that second chance, was Jesus in disguise. And that's what he thought. So, at this service at Times Square Church, which I was still unfamiliar with, like, I don't know what's going on in here. I hear different music.
Starting point is 00:39:25 This is strange. This is whatever. The pastor then speaks. And I'm still unfamiliar with all this stuff. So the pastor invites you if you felt compelled to just walk down to the front of the church. And you walk down to the front of the church, and he said, if anyone wants to turn their life over to Christ I'm going
Starting point is 00:39:46 to give you that opportunity and I'm like again the ego. The ego is showing and I'm sitting way up in the nosebleed section at this church. It's an amphitheater and I'm sitting up there I'm going if I stand up right now and I start walking down there people are going to think I'm a junkie or I'm miss or that, like I had this ego, again I'm still at to that very last minute, I'm trying to justify and go, but I'm only a womanizer, it's not that big a deal. Well, you were still doubting yourself too. Yes. And worried what other people think, which is again, very clear signs of lacking confidence.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Exactly, because you should never care about what other people think. But finally, the spirit won that battle. I say the Holy Spirit won that battle. Because we were fighting. And he won that battle. I got up and I walked down. And she was with me. She said, if you want to go, I'll hold your hand.
Starting point is 00:40:34 She walked me down. And she walked me down there. And it was the first time in my life where I had this moment where I stood there. I blocked out everyone. I didn't care when I got to the front of that church, that altar, and I said to myself, like, this is it, this is my opportunity now.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Like, I have hit rock bottom. What am I doing? Where am I going to go? I've gone through a divorce. I've lost a lot of money. I've done a lot of things that I'm no longer proud of. And I want to be the man that I was created to be, but I can't do it on my own and I need help.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So where am I going to turn for help? See, we turn for help in so many different ways. Sometimes we turn for help in the wrong places where we try and self-medicate and we turn the drugs and we turn to alcohol. So at that moment, I turn to the Lord and I said, I need your help. I don't know what I'm going to, I can't do this on my own. I kept telling myself when I meet the right one, right?
Starting point is 00:41:29 Heather, we tell ourselves all the time when I meet the right one I'm gonna never cheat again. I'm gonna settle down get married half kids and live happily ever after never happen That moment when I said Lord, I need your help. I felt this incredible burden lifted off my shoulder. I'm telling you, I was in there and I just, I said, I cried out. Lord, I need your help. In front of everyone at the church? Tears coming down my face. Okay. Lord, help me. I need you. I can't do this on my own. And this weight that I've been carrying, it must have felt like a thousand pounds at that moment was lifted. And I turned around, and there are people in that who were in that church on that day, August 29, 2010, I've never seen before,
Starting point is 00:42:17 probably never seen again, they clap in for me, they're cheering, they're hugging me, they're like just so excited and happy for me. I walked out of there a new person because now I felt for the first time I wasn't in this battle alone. That fight that I was going back and forth with myself that began as a young kid with no confidence whatsoever, that burden had been lifted. And now I walked out of that church and I was like, I got some backup help.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Now, when I'm feeling low, when I'm feeling down, when I'm feeling the urge to go into that bar and hook up with that girl, or if I'm doing any of that, I'm gonna call on the Lord. And it didn't instantly change who I was. It was a slow pattern. The woman who led me there was right that she had been preparing me for another relationship.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And within a couple weeks after that, or maybe a month or so, we no longer communicated as friends. And I just went about continuing to try and change my life instilling real confidence in my life. Not this fakeness, not who the person of the image of Rob, this guy, that this party guy, that all the players want to hang out with and all the friends want to go out with.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I wanted to be true to who I was really supposed to be. And within about six months or so, I met Remi. And she was new in her faith. I was new in my faith. And it was just like Exactly as that woman had said I'm preparing you for that next relationship and Remi and I hit it off so quickly That by the fourth date she'll she'll swear that this isn't true She showed me the wedding dresser the the ring that she wanted
Starting point is 00:44:02 and We were quickly engaged within 10 months, married within six, and then within a few months after doing some reality television. We were, she became pregnant with twins, and my life has been one blessing after another. And those issues that I had to go through, I could have not resolved them if it weren't for that moment
Starting point is 00:44:25 where I said, hey listen, I can't do this on my own and I'm turning it over to you. I give up. I give up fighting because a lot of times we try and think I got this under control, I got this under control and then it just devolves into a situation where you can't control it anymore. And that was my moment, and it's been an incredible journey ever since. You should know what that means already.
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Starting point is 00:46:40 You don't need a degree to succeed. Millionaire University will teach you everything you need to know. From specifics like how to start a software business without creating your own software, to more broad topics, like eight businesses you can start tomorrow to make 10K a month. In each episode, you'll get insights from entrepreneurs and mentors who know what it takes to be successful. So don't wait! Now is the time to turn your business idea into a reality by listening to the Millionaire University podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:11 New episodes drop every Monday and Thursday. Find the Millionaire University on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast. Keep coming back. You got plenty of space. Oof, not how you would have done that. You like working with people you can rely on. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the
Starting point is 00:47:28 story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the
Starting point is 00:47:36 story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the
Starting point is 00:47:42 story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I'm going to be a big fan of the story. I know you as such a loving husband and father and someone who's so committed to his family and is such a man of faith that it really is shocking to hear this. Did you at any point in time since that day in that church, as you started creating real true confidence in yourself and started becoming the person that you said you were meant to be born to be Did you ever have moments of true struggle where you thought I can't keep going forward I need to go back to these easier ways this other way of living. Oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:48:15 Of course and those are moments where I feel like there's tests There's little trials in the way and that's I always, I'm calling on my higher power. I'm calling on the Lord, like, help me here, help me here. And at first, there would be more moments of temptation. But then you have to, I call it like train yourself, right? So I took myself out of an environment that would put me in that kind of, give me that urge or whatever it would be. So I wouldn't go out to party with guy friends. I'm not gonna put myself, you know, you're not gonna put it a drink in front of an alcoholic, right? Well, I'm not gonna go party at a club where girls are dancing and they're scantily clad and all
Starting point is 00:48:59 that stuff. I just stopped doing that. It got to a point Heather where, after Remi and I got married, I thought it's actually not even fair for me to ever compliment a woman. So it drives her nuts. It drives her and me nuts. She's like, come on, obviously that girl over there is beautiful, she's gorgeous, you know. And like today, here we are, we're on Radio Row.
Starting point is 00:49:21 You see the scenery and everything around here. Lily Singh comes up to me and I introduce her and she's like, hey, you look great. And the tendency would be to be like, oh, you look great, too. Even in a moment like that, I just don't say it. No, you instead say, can you say it on air, please. I said, oh, you got to say that on air, but that got me out of feeling like I have to compliment someone back. So, so you don't compliment because you feel the slippery slope or because interesting, I feel like it's, I kind, you know, I feel like it's kind of disrespectful to be in what I feel is a marriage that is based on just so much commitment, trust, love, respect that I don't,
Starting point is 00:50:08 you know, beautiful women know they're beautiful and there's a million people who are going to tell them they're beautiful so why should I? So that's how strict I am about it, you know, if you're disciplined. Yeah, it takes so much discipline, if I go to the beach and we're out there and I got my girls I got Remy with me if they go somewhere away or whatever I just look at my phone I'm not gonna look around because I don't want to put myself I don't even want to have a thought so I had to train myself like to take one take myself out of the environment and two discipline yourself to the point where the thoughts don't even enter your mind because I can't even fathom Doing now what I did back then, but then when I look at what I did back then
Starting point is 00:50:54 It allowed me to grow to change to evolve to go from being someone with false fake Confidence and be someone who is really, I wouldn't say so strong, but someone who is so disciplined and structured that I know I can't fail. I'm not going to fail. And you know what's so interesting is, I'm hearing you explain your situation.
Starting point is 00:51:20 This isn't just about people who are quote unquote cheaters. This could be someone that the pattern could be different Maybe they're surrounding themselves with people that talk down to them Maybe they're surrounding themselves with people that tell them they're not smart. They're you know not worthy and it's about Picking you're gonna change the environment. You're gonna create a discipline where you instill new practices You speak to yourself differently. You're gonna take steps and surround yourself with different kinds of people that uplift you and stretch you. However, there might be times where you might slip back into that area again suddenly or surround with negative people again. And it comes in slowly because we're so conditioned to it, it seems normal.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And I've done this myself. I've ended up in a couple of different jobs where I've been treated badly. It wasn't just one because you start getting comfortable back in it and I really applaud your discipline and creating that vision and adhering to it very strictly because the more strict and more discipline you are, the easier success is going to be. No doubt and I always feel like there's going to be people along your way who are going to create stumbling blocks. So remove them from your life and it could be someone who you think is close to you or could be someone who is a family member, it could whatever it could be, but if there are people who are going to prevent you from being who you really were meant to be, who God
Starting point is 00:52:38 created you to be, they don't need to be in your life. My problem sometimes is I'm too nice. You've seen this and I needed you here with me today, because you've been awesome. People are coming up to us, and they're offering us all kinds of, hey, do you want to interview this guest? You want to, I hate to say no to people. I ain't got time for your interview to be honest with me. I've got a loaded schedule.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I've got all these people here, and I'm like, all right, sure, and then you jump in. And I appreciated that, because you're like, you know what, Rob, I'll do this one. I got this one for you. You could do that one, no, no, no. Did you ever with, because of your job, and so people understand you're constantly with professional athletes, and today is a great example.
Starting point is 00:53:19 You had celebrities are being tossed to you, professional athletes, I mean, icons, and from the NFL are being tossed at you, professional athletes, I mean icons in, and from the NFL are being tossed at, you left and right. Did you ever consider walking away from this business in order to protect your commitment, faith, or was that not necessary? Well, I became so strong in my passion, became so strong to share my faith and to share my story.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Because I feel like my story not only is for anyone who was going through what I went through as a womanizer as a cheater as an unfaithful husband, you could be going through any kind of addiction. It could be drugs, it could be alcohol, it could be whatever that you're struggling, anxiety, depression, you could be struggling with something. And my passion became go around and share my message with people and let them know there's
Starting point is 00:54:11 a way out. There's a way out because I saw it on 829-10 when I stood at that church and I cried out in front of people and I finally allowed myself to become vulnerable. See, I never wanted myself to become vulnerable. See, I never wanted anyone to see me at that low point. But I was like, you know what? It's okay to be vulnerable because I am now ready to be someone new, someone different. And I wanted to go around and share that message with people and I love doing it.
Starting point is 00:54:42 I even go Heather, I go into prison. I mean, talk about going into places where it could be intimidating. You've got men who've committed all kinds of crimes. I mean the worst of the worst in there. And I get an opportunity to share my message with them. And it's the most rewarding thing I've ever done to see a grown man cry. Because you know you've touched them.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You've impacted their life and one time I came back we were I was in 2016 I came back from Ohio we go on this thing we call it a crusade and it was it was incredible we went into 20 prisons in five days and we play softball two that's our way to get in there and we played about 40 games but I came back and I was like I don't want to work you know I'm at the top of my field. Associated press, sports writer and Philadelphia, NFL writer for the AP.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Now, I'm in my 21st year doing that. I do so many different things in radio and Philadelphia. I do radio shows for AP. I've done TV and I was like, I'm going to walk away from all this and I want to focus on a life filled with ministry work. Now, at the time, I'm going to walk away from all this and I want to focus on a life filled with ministry work. Now, at the time I'm newly married, I got two twin girls and I have a beautiful wife
Starting point is 00:55:52 of mortgage and everything. So what am I going to do? So I sit down with a pastor, his name is Kyle Horner and I had never met him till that day and I just reached out to him. There were some different ways through the Eagles that it led me to noticing him, hearing him preach a message and I was like, wow, that's pretty powerful. I wanna talk to this guy and I sat down with him and he said, Rob, why would you leave where you are?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Why would you, you've been blessed with talent and ability and been given this platform, take Jesus to your marketplace, take your faith into your marketplace and I created a show called Faith on the Field, and I've allowed that to go. I wrote a book on the Eagles when they wanted Super Bowl two years ago from the perspective of the brothers in Christ on that team. We called it Birds of Prey, PR, AY, and I've now built relationships. This is how it's come full circle. So I used to, early in my career, hang out and party in the bars in the clubs with the players I cover. And that led me down one road. Now, 20 years later, I'm going
Starting point is 00:56:51 to church and Bible studies with the players I cover. So it's a completely different thing. I'm leading events, faith and football events, or faith on a field shows where the players that I cover that play for the teams are on these as my guests. And now I'm allowing that to influence me rather than allowing all of these other guys. We can get into this real quickly because we would be remiss if we didn't mention Kobe Bryant and what happened to him tragically. Well Kobe, my first interaction with him, was in 2001 or two. I can't remember the year, but I was at a club,
Starting point is 00:57:30 and he was in Philly, and he saw me party and with attractive women. And the next day in the locker room, when I was covering a Sixers Lakers game, everybody wants a piece of Kobe, right? Everybody wants to talk to Kobe. So after the media, the Horde of Reporters walks away, he sees me and he calls me over and he tells me
Starting point is 00:57:53 like, hey man, I saw you last night, right? And we have a conversation about who I was hanging out with and the women and we talked about that. And to me, I was like, at that point, when I still was trying to justify my behavior I'm like look at this it's given me street cred with Kobe he wasn't to talk to me otherwise but he saw me party in last night with these girls and now he wants to know more about me and we're just having a conversation and I allowed that to take me I allowed that to inspire me the wrong way and sometimes we look for inspiration in the wrong ways when we know our behavior is not what it should be.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Well, he's another person who truly turned his life towards serving others. And really, you know, from what I could see as, you know, an outsider really made a commitment to service, which is what you're explaining helps you to stay on this path is serving others. Yeah, absolutely, because you need a purpose. You have to have a purpose.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And when I was at that low point, I was like, what am I going to be remembered as? Like, if I died tomorrow, it was, and this was a conversation I had in a press box. And it was a conversation out loud. And, you know, I said to one guy, I was like, what would you write on my tombstone? And it was a derogatory reference to hookin' up with women.
Starting point is 00:59:09 I was like, wow, that's what I'm gonna be remembered as. Right? Is that what I wanna be remembered as? And it's been 10 years since that statement was made. And now I don't think anybody really associates me with that kind of guy. And I've really turned my life into someone who has purpose, someone who is driven, someone who is dedicated to trying to help people as much as I can and trying to impact people in a positive way.
Starting point is 00:59:34 And that's what it's all about because I don't want my legacy to be about who I was. I want my legacy to be about who I helped. Wow. And I'll tell you, you have helped me. You are helping so many people right now. Thank you so much for sharing that story. I still cannot believe it, and I am telling you, I am so proud of you. So thank you for all that you've done.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Thank you, Heather. People should see you, because as I'm talking, you're still, you're looking at me like with this look, like you even. I can't believe it. I had no idea. So where can everyone find you, Rob? All right, they can find me on all social media
Starting point is 01:00:03 at RobMadiROBMAADDIA-A-D-D-I, except on Instagram. There was a couple of fakes, so it's at real RobMadi there. All right, you got to check them out and definitely follow his feed. Thank you. Wow, so I don't know if you were as taken aback by Rob's story as I was. Maybe it hit home more for me because I was so surprised that I didn't know that portion of his life,
Starting point is 01:00:30 but it also gets me thinking, what else do we not know? I didn't know about the NFL experience. I didn't know about Radio Row or this media whirlwind that happens the week before the NFL, which now I can prepare for next year and definitely be a part of in Tampa. What else out there do we not know?
Starting point is 01:00:48 And just like with Rob, what do we not know about our own friends if we're not asking questions, being curious and making time for people. So please make time, make time for your friends, make time for your confidence in creating your confidence and be open-minded to all that's out there that we don't know yet but are on our way to discovering. So if you're a fan of my show, you've got to check out the Feel Good podcast with Kimberly Snyder. Kimberly offers info, insight, and practical tools to help you develop a lifestyle that promotes health, wholeness, and healing. Who doesn't need that? Tune in every week for great interviews with
Starting point is 01:01:23 top experts in beauty, spirituality, and personal empowerment. With Kimberly's podcast, you'll be able to start living your most beautiful, inspired, and joyful life and start to feel really good. So be sure to subscribe to the feel good podcast on podcast one Apple podcasts and many other podcasts apps so you can get new episodes every week. So always please, if you could rate and review my show, just send me a screenshot. You can DM me, send it to Heather at Heather Go to my website Heather and send it to me there. I buy you my $299 confidence video course as a big thank you because I appreciate you. And when you rate and review my show, it helps so much.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Please spread the word. If you haven't subscribed yet, hit subscribe now. And no, your girl is loving you. So till next week, keep creating confidence. And I'll see you next. At a time when change is constant and we are pulled in far too many directions, we need a way to stay present to life and to increase our ability to remain calm, think clearly and maintain our well-being. Many studies indicate mindfulness improves our mental, emotional and physical health.
Starting point is 01:02:41 On a mindful moment with Theresa McKee, you can learn how to practice mindfulness and enjoy its many benefits, tune in for guided meditations and to hear tips and advice from some of the most respected experts in the fields of mental health and mindfulness. The world truly can be a better place. It all starts with a mindful moment. place. It all starts with a mindful moment. This summer, go to the movies. Projected on the side of a mountain. Discover a new favorite restaurant, your campsite. Find yourself when you lose your signal. Discover a new playlist, Mother Nature. Make your summer special at the Kia Summer Sales
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