Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - Change Your Habits, Change Your Outcomes With Heather! Episode 188

Episode Date: February 2, 2022

In This Episode You Will Learn About:  Breaking out of your routine  Turning ideas into action Trying something new Resources: Overcome Your Villains is Available NOW! Order here:  If you haven't yet, get my first book Confidence Creator Show Notes: It’s Groundhog day! But that doesn’t mean we have to live the same life over and over again. It is time to take those ideas, dreams, and hopes you have been sitting on and turn them into action. CHANGE IT UP! You can break out of the norm at any time. If you need a sign, let this be it! I believe you can radically transform your life. All you have to do is start now.  See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:56 visit this journey with me. Each week when you join me, you are going to chase down our goals. Never come at diversity and set you up for a better tomorrow. I'm ready for my close-up. Hi and welcome back. I'm so glad you are back here with me today. Thank you for being here. Okay, if you're listening to me the day this podcast is dropping, we are on Groundhog Day. If you're not, this was dropped on Groundhog Day, and I want to reflect on that for a minute. Of course, I think of the Bill Murray movie.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Like, who doesn't think of that? When they think of Groundhog Day, but here's the thing. And I don't remember all of the specifics of that movie. I mean, that was a little while ago, and I definitely haven't watched it in a while. But the concept is essentially this, that you're repeating that same day over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Now, I know you have had a time in your life like that because I have had, I literally had almost a decade like that at that last job when I got fired. I just felt like frustrated all the time. I wasn't living to my potential. People weren't listening to my great ideas. I knew there was more, but I didn't know how to access it. And I also know that not only is there like a groundhog day
Starting point is 00:02:15 in work, but there can be a groundhog day in your workout, right? I get in ruts where all I do is spin and I just spin and spin. And I know that's not good. I need to mix it up with the boxing, mix it up with weightlifting, mix it up with trying new things. That's how to grow, change, evolve and challenge yourself. But every once in a while, I go Groundhog and stay in that rut. And I know everybody does this and it happens with relationships too, right?
Starting point is 00:02:39 We can get into these Groundhog Day routines where every night it's, you know, we eat at home and watch a TV show and go to bed and go to work and go to school. You know, we get in these routines and it's about shocking ourselves and saying, okay, enough. Groundhog Day is not for us. That was a Bill Murray movie from years ago. So what are we going to do to change it?
Starting point is 00:03:01 So I am challenging you today to change up your groundhog routine because groundhog day isn't about living the same day over and over until it changes. It's about changing your life by changing yourself today. So that's my challenge for you today. Do something change your life today. I got fired and that completely changed my life. Definitely has not been easy, right? Especially with the pandemic. I am not going to sugarcoat that one. The timing was tough, but in some ways, you know, I guess I look at it all and you connect the dots. When you look back, not forward, I guess it was all meant to be. You know, it had to happen for a reason. Okay, so, all right, first of all, I was sent a question on social media and I want to answer it
Starting point is 00:03:49 before I get into what I want to talk about today. By the way, let me know if you guys have questions, let me know, send them to me. I will always answer your questions. I am here for you. I create this show for you. So if you want a topic covered, DM me, let me know, hit me up, and tag me in your post and let me know. Okay, Heather, question, my husband is an engineer, he's in corporate like you once were, he's longing for a change. Ooh, he's in Groundhog Day. And he's at a point in his career journey
Starting point is 00:04:16 where he wants to make the move. When you said that people always told you you were a great speaker, they did. But you didn't think much of it, I didn't. That really resonated with me since my husband gets the same feedback about his speaking and he thinks nothing of it. Ooh, I didn't know that you could get paid for it
Starting point is 00:04:34 and he didn't know either until I heard you talk about it and then I told him your story. So that leads me to ask, what companies do you know where my husband could reach out and monetize his gift and speaking? Okay, sadly my friend, it is not that easy. However, I'll give you guys an overview. Okay, number one, you have an intent, right?
Starting point is 00:04:55 You're clear, this is something your husband's great at, it's a gift, he loves doing it. Put that on paper, write it down, it's a goal, right? He will become a professional speaker. I would number one do that. Hold him accountable, challenge him daily on what steps he's taking to get himself there. Give yourself a deadline that you will be there by whatever end of a year, something.
Starting point is 00:05:16 But start taking action in an intentional way, start writing things down, start visualizing it happening, and start keeping it top of mind so you're consciously and subconsciously always working towards that goal. That is the most important thing. Number one, number two, start letting people in your network know. Hey, if you know anyone looking for speakers, my husband's an incredible speaker, right? That's another step you will put it out there to your channels.
Starting point is 00:05:39 The next thing is, I would take out a Google alert keynote speakers wanted, right? So find out what it is that your husband's great at speaking on. I'm making it up. Maybe he's about, he's an engineering. Maybe he's about innovation, technology. I have no idea. Change, change management.
Starting point is 00:05:55 But figure out what are his keynotes? How can he add value? Then you're going to want to go look at some other quote-unquote competitors in that arena. Who's the best and the best, right? I always go to the top, find out what what do their keynotes look like, watch some of their videos, and then see what kind of material they have online, and then know you want to emulate that, right?
Starting point is 00:06:17 So you want to have a speaker real. So number one, you need to have footage of your husband speaking. So even if he has to go speak for free, a bunch of places right now start calling places and pitching him to speak for free so you can get video footage. So then you can send it to other prospects moving forward to say, wow, here's my husband in motion. He does keynotes on change management, change leadership, really impacts and drives bottom line success for teams. Here's, you know, how you can hire them. So you need to go ahead and go through the paces. I spoke for free when I got fired for at least six months,
Starting point is 00:06:51 just so I could update my footage and my reels. Then I started getting paid and I started very small because people didn't know me in the speaker world. I needed to build up. Then I needed to land an agent. You want to go to all the different speaker sites, GDA speakers, Harry Walker speaker agency, big speak, APB speakers. I mean, there's hundreds of them.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So start googling speaker, agency, speaker bureaus and start applying. That's what I did. I went to contact us here. There's a tab on every single one of those speaker pages. Apply. Right, this, none of this is brain science, brain surgery. It's just about doing the work. And a lot of people just don't
Starting point is 00:07:30 want to put the work in. So do the work, put the work in, even if it's at night and on the weekends, you know, identify what his unique value proposition is. How is he different special than everyone else out there? Get that real done. Get the keynote done. Boil it down to what does that take away? What's unique, special, and different? Do your research, see what his competitors look like out there, and start plowing ahead. Get an agent, get on the bureaus.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And then as you do that, start getting testimonials of his work from people, and start sharing those on social media, share them with your friends, share them with other prospects, and start moving this business forward. It does not happen overnight, right? It's, here I am, it's 2022, I started down this speaking road in 2018, right? So this is almost four years in, and I'm just really starting to,
Starting point is 00:08:19 you know, it's starting to click pretty well. So it doesn't happen overnight, even if he is the greatest speaker in the world. And maybe for him, it'll be different, but I'm just letting you know, it's a little bit of it. This one's been a bit of a journey. It all starts with putting the work in like anything. Take massive action, put it out there, do the work, and stay consistent on this because it's a long game. Okay. So that was the answer to that question. Next, I wanted to talk today about, I mean, this ties into Groundhog Day a little bit, but not really. So, let's go back to when I got fired, and four years ago. And I had no idea what I wanted to do. I decided, and I haven't talked about this in a while.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I decided, okay, I had this great idea for a clothing line. People always ask me, hey, where do you get your business clothes from? I really like them. You should sell your own clothing line. So that makes sense, right? We want to sell products and services. And we want to keep adding and layering on revenue streams that will benefit our community, benefit the clients and customers we already have so we can add new revenue streams and add more value to them and still be within our wheelhouse
Starting point is 00:09:22 things we care about. And I love clothes. So I decided, all right, I need a big brand partner to really validate myself and make me credible in the clothing world. So I went after Perry Ellis International, they're headquartered here in Miami. I had met the CEO once before and I was like a dog on a bone. I mean, I went everywhere to find this guy. I found him, got a meeting with him, gave him my great idea.
Starting point is 00:09:44 He loved it. He had me sign an NDA. He had me sign all this paperwork with his legal team, and we got to work. And for almost one year, we worked on a clothing line, myself and his team. And the whole concept was we were gonna take it to HSN and sell this clothing line to their hundreds of millions
Starting point is 00:10:04 of TV viewership that they have and make a new revenue stream for Perialis for me and make everybody really happy. wealthy and add value with this unique concept. We worked so hard on it. I got the meeting with HSN, which was great. And I did the pitch with Perialis. And HSN said, Heather, we get why you? We don't get why this product. We like, I had a unique concept on it and they like that, but they said, it's not enough.
Starting point is 00:10:30 The clothes look too similar to clothes we already have on air. You have to bring something so unique and different that we're willing to make a spot for you. So no. And that was hard crushing right because it was almost a year of work and zero ROI. And people always say, well, I'm sure something good came out of it. Well, not yet, but I hope someday I'm gonna get that show on HSN or that clothing line that just hasn't come to fruition. One thing it did teach me is that people love the messaging that I have, right? Like, you need to look at what is it that people are responding to about you? And for me, I get a lot of DMs, right?
Starting point is 00:11:06 And data doesn't lie. Data's steering us in the right direction. I get a lot of DMs saying, hey, how can I download your post from social? Hey, could you put your post from social into a book, a calendar, a notebook? I want to be able to see these more often. And it made me start thinking back to my clothing line, because that was sort of a part of it, was the messaging and the clothing line was, okay. National security experts are warning. Our aging power grid is more vulnerable than ever.
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Starting point is 00:14:57 How else can I bring a product to life that is unique, original and different serves this need that my community wants, right? Like, how can you answer what your community wants? How can I do it quickly, you know, cost-effectively and be affordable to market? And it was so funny back when my book Compton's creator came out, a friend of mine, own, had just started a candle company. And she had sent me a candle, which was gorgeous, completely custom-made with my logo, quotes from my book, branding, all Heather Monahan confidence creator were so cool. And I was so grateful to her and I posted about it. I loved it. She does candles for everything from hotels to cruise lines to individual people. And it's a really cool personalized
Starting point is 00:15:43 concept in an AI world where nothing is personalized. I really liked it. And then I just kind of forgot about it. Until the other day, I was sitting in my house and I have her candle, I actually have a couple of her candles here. And I was looking at her candle just thinking, and I've been challenging myself, right? Like what other product or service am I not offering? Which of course, a clothing line is one, but I haven't figured out the right way Or who to partner with to bring that to light and I'm sitting there thinking Heather, what are you missing? And I'm looking at her candle and I'm like, oh my gosh, I need to speak to her So I had just been bombarded by messages from people online. How can I download your post?
Starting point is 00:16:22 How can I keep your messages in front of me? You know what's so funny is I think I talk all the time about my books. I think I talk all the time about this podcast. Right, I think I'm always talking about my speeches, all the things that I bring to market that people can buy, my coaching, my consulting, all the things I do, but then there's always a faction of the audience out there that's not going to hear it, They're not going to see the post. They're not going to see the DM, the message, whatever, the email. So for you, this was a great lesson that Gary Vaynerchuk taught me when he had me on his show in December of 2019.
Starting point is 00:16:56 He said, Heather, it's never too much. He said, if you post 11 times a day on social media, it's not too much because of the algorithm because of the way social media works Only a tiny percent of of your audience is going to see each of those posts So it's your job to post more. It's your job, you know, to go 11 times a day instead of one or two Don't worry about upsetting some people worry about not reaching the people who need you So I'm sharing that message with you today So don't worry about being too much worry about not reaching the people who need you. So I'm sharing that message with you today, so don't worry about being too much, worry about being not enough.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And so I've tried to start leaning into that, although of course there are people that want to give you really negative feedback about you post too much, and you're too over the top, you self-promote, and I get a lot of that, which is fine, right? I mean, I always say to myself, that's not about me, that's about them,
Starting point is 00:17:43 and where they are in their day, if they were really happy, they wouldn't be attacking someone for putting up a post about their new book. They might not comment, but they would, you know, keep it moving. So, you know, I'm trying to get to this point where I want to share more, I want to answer people's questions, and I want to solve the problems for these people that are reaching out to me, looking for messaging. So, to that end on Groundhog Day, it is Groundhog Day no more. I am coming out with a new product. You will be hearing about it within the next week, and I am so excited about it.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I can't tell you how excited I am. Anytime I test or try something new, I have no idea if it's going to work, right? So it could bomb. You guys could hate it. And then you'll tell me, you'll let me know, and I'll know, okay, this didn't work, and here's why. I'll get feedback, I'll look at the data, and I'll adjust, or I'll take a break
Starting point is 00:18:32 like I did after the perialis situation. I said, I need a moment after this one, and I still haven't, no, actually, I did go back once to HSN with my friend Kim Gravel, and we got the feedback that it still wasn't unique and different enough, and I had to change it and be more unique again, and I haven't gone back since then. So sometimes I take a break to focus on other things.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Sometimes I hold tight, but right now I feel like it's, I've gotten too many messages asking me, hey, how can I get your post downloaded? Can I get something to help me with these reminders? So I'm bringing something unique and different to you. I'm going to test it. I'm going to try it. I have no idea if it's going to work and you'll let me know.
Starting point is 00:19:12 So for your business, you know, the most epic fail that I know in business is just sticking to one thing and not changing, not evolving. That is death, right? That's death and business and in life. We've got to change. We've got to evolve. We've got to evolve. We've got to find ways to go to that next level and testing and trying things is really at the heart and core of that. I'm not saying it's always easy, right? Anytime, like with the peri-elis thing,
Starting point is 00:19:35 spending almost a year on something and then failing sucks. But you have to just say, okay, if success was easy, everybody would have it. Right? If it was that easy to go create a clothing line, everyone in the world would have a clothing line. If it was that easy to go create a product, everybody would have a product, but it's not. So we have to just think to ourselves, what's the feedback that I'm getting? What am I good at?
Starting point is 00:19:57 What's connecting with me? What am I leaning into that seems to make sense that I'm passionate about? And as you see these things, put those intentions out there, start taking the action steps, like I was saying to the woman who reached out to me about her husband and his speaking business. It's not going to fall into your lap.
Starting point is 00:20:12 None of this stuff magically, anyways, it hasn't for me so far, maybe it has for you. I don't know if so, please tell me what that magic is. It hasn't fallen into my lap. None of this stuff has just kind of miraculously appeared. It's really been about putting myself out there and taking chances. Say you have a business idea, but you're not sure what to do next.
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Starting point is 00:21:56 Come on, leave the ridiculousness to Snapple, and grab one of your favorites that pack a punch. Explore all of the delicious flavors at And then to that end, I do know there are people in this world where stuff has kind of just shown up for them. So my big word for this year is receiving. Everyone has a big word this year. Mine is receiving. It's about being open to the magic of the universe, being open to that idea that maybe something great could just fall down out of the sky. And I'm ready for it. Like I am here for it.
Starting point is 00:22:28 For a long time, I thought the only way to get ahead was to work so hard and out work everybody. And I'm here to tell you that does work, right? That's how I built my entire career. That's how I made it to the C-suite. That's how I became an equity partner in my early 20s. That's how I built so much success in business was out working everyone else.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I do know this though, I see people who aren't working harder than everyone else and they are killing it in business, right? So there is something to be said of this idea of I'm open to receive, I'm open that I don't have to kill myself with, working seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and I'm open to receiving. So whatever mantra you have for this year or whatever you're asking God or the universe
Starting point is 00:23:12 for putting out there, just be thoughtful and open to that idea that maybe there's a chance we could just receive some of it, right, that it could be just downloaded to us. And I'm here for it, I'm open for it, I hope you are too. And the fact that this is coming out on Groundhog Day is just funny to me. I don't want your life to be a Groundhog Day. Mine was for far too long. I fired my villains. I let the negativity go. And as I let that negativity go, my mind freed up to start finding solutions becoming creative and hearing what I internally really wanted and was capable of. And that's when I wrote my first book, Confidence Creator,
Starting point is 00:23:48 and that's when I launched my professional speaking career, and that's when I delivered my TEDx talk, and that's when I signed with HarperCollins, and that's when I launched my new book, Overcome Your Billions, and that's when I was appointed to the Board of Directors of HealthLink, and that's when I was named top 40 keynote speaker in 2020, and then top 50 keynote speaker in 2022. Boom, boom, right. That's when things was named top 40 keynote speaker in 2020 and then top 50 keynote speaker in 2022. Boom, boom, right.
Starting point is 00:24:06 That's when things really started changing. So lean into the uncertainty, get out of Groundhog Day. If you are in Groundhog Day, right now is your challenge to stop that here. Walk away from familiar so that you can go to that next level and don't wait for your life to change. Be the one to change your life because you're worth it,
Starting point is 00:24:27 because you've got it within you. And if I was able to do it and let me tell you, it's been scary as I'll get out, it still is, right? I'm launching something new in the next week. And of course, there's fear around it, but I would always rather be the woman at the end of her days on her deathbed saying,
Starting point is 00:24:44 you know what? My life was unpredictable, my life was an adventure, but I'm so proud I went for it. Versus a person that said, you know, I played it safe and I really don't know what I could have been if I had gone for more. Go for more, go now. It's Groundhog Day. This is your sign. Until next week, keep creating your confidence. And please, if you like what I'm putting down, share this episode, tag me in it! That's how I know to keep creating more content like this for you. learning and growing inevitably some people happen. No one sees alone. You don't stop and look around once in a while. You can miss it. I'm on this journey with me. I hope you're enjoying this episode so far. I'm Jennifer Cohen, host the top
Starting point is 00:25:36 ranking business and entrepreneur podcast, Habits and Hustle. Apart the YAP Media Network, the number one business and self-improvement podcast network. So most people live the life they get and not the life they want. And I'm here to change all that. My goal with each episode is to give you the habit and hustle tips you need to show up to your life better, bigger, and bolder. Tune in now, and I'll not only help you answer the questions like what do you want most in life and why don't you have it but we'll also
Starting point is 00:26:09 help you make it a reality. I also picked the brains of top thought leaders on how they've gone to the top and the advice they have to help you get there too. Head over to Habitson Hustle once you've done listening to this episode and get one step closer to boldness, one episode at a time. This summer, go to the movies, project it on the side of a mountain. Discover a new favorite restaurant, your campsite. Find yourself when you lose your signal. Discover a new playlist. Mother Nature.
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