Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - How To Show Up For YOURSELF, With Heather! Episode 216

Episode Date: May 11, 2022

In This Episode You Will Learn About:  Investing in YOU  Putting a stop to negative self talk  Going for it Finding the right support  Resources: Overcome Your Villains is Available NOW! Or...der here:  If you haven't yet, get my first book Confidence Creator Show Notes:  DON’T be so hard on yourself! Instead, start investing and expanding your self awareness. The payoff will be invaluable! Discover how you can start focusing on the progress in your own life and building UP your confidence. If you can surround yourself with NEW people and FRESH perspectives, you will be able to lean on these people and ideas in moments of need. Don’t be afraid to ask! Just remember, in every interaction we have, we are either building up or chipping away at our confidence. So just GO for it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know that fresh produce is the best produce. That's why at Crogr, we invest in local farmers to bring you seasonal picks that taste fresh from the farm good, like sweet corn, refreshing watermelon, and juicy peaches. So whether you're a delivery lover, a picker-upper, or you shop in store, your local produce always tastes 100% fresh. Or you get a 100% refund guaranteed. Croger, fresh for everyone. I'm on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, you're going to chase down our
Starting point is 00:00:35 goals, overcome adversity and set you up for better tomorrow. I'm ready for my close time. Hi and welcome back. I'm so glad you're back with me this week. Okay, so I was very much caught off guard this week when one of my, I do some one-on-one executive coaching and I do some consulting for certain companies. And one of my coaching clients who's an incredible, super high-level executive at a major fortune, five company, you know, she's an incredible, super high level executive at a major fortune, five company.
Starting point is 00:01:08 She's an impressive woman, but like so many people, she doesn't always see her attributes, right? She's definitely looking at other people with rose colored glasses, but she typically takes those rose colored glasses off when she looks at herself. Who can identify with that, right? Happens to a lot of us.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And that's why I do believe in coaching, whether it's for you have workout goals and you hire a trainer or you want your business to grow and you hire a consultant or an executive coach or you wanna be a better presenter and you hire someone to coach you on speaking, whatever it is, right? When you invest in yourself
Starting point is 00:01:46 You're making that commitments yourself. You're telling universe. I'm worth it You know, I'm worth more and I want someone who's light years ahead of me To come in and give me the clip notes. That's exactly why when I wrote my first book I invested myself. I hired an editor. He had written 19 books Once he joined my team we were off off and running, right? It was a little bumpy before he joined me. But once I had him, he gave me the clip notes and we knew that we could move fast and get this thing done. Same thing with when I needed a book proposal. I hired a professional book proposal writer to guide me and teach me. I had never done it before.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Right? So wherever you are in your business or your career, what you're up to, what you're working on, there is no shame in your game hiring someone to advance you quickly. It's definitely a strategic advantage. And it says to yourself, I'm worthy. I'm worth this, right? You are the most important investment you will ever make in your life. So that's just my two cents on coaching. I'm all in on it. I'm always bringing people to advance me. Trainers, oh my gosh, I don't know where I would be without my workout trainers that I've had in my life. You know, people that know things about areas that you're interested in, but you just don't have the expertise. You can tap somebody else, invest in yourself and access it so quickly. Okay. so one of my clients, who's an amazing woman, put this post up and I about fell over because while she's been incredibly successful
Starting point is 00:03:11 in her career, she always has kind of held back a little bit, not being really vulnerable how many of us can relate to this one, right? I definitely was the same way in corporate America. You kind of wanted to keep that veil up. You didn't want people to really know who you were because you had achieved success and you thought, you know what, maybe I should just leave good enough alone.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I mean, a lot of us do this, especially when you're in that corporate game where, oh, if I push the envelope a little too much, it might upset someone, so I was super surprised when I saw this post you put up. Okay, here it goes. You don't have articulation issues. You have a confidence issue.
Starting point is 00:03:48 In my first interview with my executive coach, this is what I was told. I was blown away. Okay, hang on a second. So this is, we're stopping. This is her post, but we're gonna pause and I need to make a comment. So it was our first meeting, thorough meeting,
Starting point is 00:04:03 going through what her issues were. And after, you know, I always want people to empty their glass to me, right? Anytime you sit with anyone, I want to find out what the challenge is, what the problem is, how I can help, how I can add value. To do that, we have to ask really good questions in the beginning and really get that person to trust us and share with us what their thoughts, their perception is on the problem. When I heard her describe her problems and she labeled it as an articulation issue, it was so clear to me she didn't have issues with articulating.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Right, she was very clear and knew what she wanted to say, very smart, very successful. It was so clear to me she didn't have the confidence that she needed. You know, she was doubting herself. That was what was so obvious to me. Okay, let's get back to her post. My response went something like, wait, what? I've always been told I come across very confident. I'm known as a strong female.
Starting point is 00:04:55 During my time with her and reading her books, I've come to realize in certain settings, I was viewing myself as less than someone else. Therefore, my confidence and voice never really showed up. Ridiculous, right? But it was a thing. Since then, I've worked hard on how I'm showing up in all settings and becoming conscious of when this begins happening to stop it.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Fast forward to this week when I was talking to a well-respected leader at work about my career aspirations. His parting words to me were, When I was talking to a well-respected leader at work about my career aspirations, his parting words to me were, you are severely undervaluing yourself. Queue that confidence demon once again. So here we go again, back to square one, or maybe square two, as there have been a lot of progress to date. The great news is I have a playbook for it now, and as I conquer this, it will only make
Starting point is 00:05:44 me stronger. Anyone else suffer from this? Maybe you don't even realize it's happening. The question becomes, how am I showing up? I promise you, if you do the work to fix the confidence issues, the impact is massive. So, I love this post so much because not only was she being incredibly honest and vulnerable, but she was self-reflecting in the moment when I first started working with her, which was only, I want to say, six weeks ago. We haven't been working together very long at all. The progress I've seen this woman make is mind-blowing. There are different kinds of people in the world. There's really good students, people that want to suck up information, implement it, and take action fast. She's one of those people. Some people are a little bit more
Starting point is 00:06:29 resistant. You know, they want to do things on a slower scale, you know, move a little bit slower. That's fine too. It's up to everybody, but this woman likes to move fast and I like moving fast, so it's a lot of fun for me to work with her because I know that if she implements a couple of changes that we've discussed that she'll take off and she has. It's crazy and it's so fun to watch. Okay, so I love that not only did she self-reflect back to the beginning, we started working together, that she did not, she had a block up to this idea that she had a confidence issue. So here's one of the things that's important around perspective is that, you know, when we're around the same people every day, when we ask the same questions, when we roll in the same circle,
Starting point is 00:07:09 we become blind to what our blind spots are because we're hanging with the same people. There's no one to come in and say, whoa, hang on, I need to get your attention, your way off base here, which was the opportunity I had to have that discussion with her. And when she decided to invest in herself and hire me, and we had that discussion, at first it was hard for her to hear, but immediately she started showing up differently because someone had alerted her that this was a problem. She didn't know it was a problem before.
Starting point is 00:07:35 She didn't have that perspective, that insight. As soon as she had it, she was able to address it. So that's really empowering. And that's why whether you hire a coach or a don't, if you're not going to do that, start hanging with different people. Start hanging with people who are light years ahead of you. Start getting into different discussions with different people with different perspectives so that you can start turning those questions on yourself and self-reflecting.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's really important not to stay in those same circles, not to just sit with your own thoughts because we will have blind spots that we aren't aware of. And until we become aware, we can't fix them. This woman fixed her soul fast. It was crazy to see. I also loved that here she was out at a work conference and not only was she stepping into fear yet again, stepping out of her comfort zone,
Starting point is 00:08:22 going up to speak to a super high level executive and engaging conversation to advance herself, kudos to you, and every moment where either creating confidence or chipping away at it, and she was throwing herself into the fire, thinking as she did, had this amazing discussion only to find out that she was undervaluing herself. That means this super high level executive was looking at her in the eyes and saying, you are worth more than you even see. Okay, so yet again, she was getting perspective from someone who was light years ahead of her saying, you are more valuable than you even understand. Okay, those are the moments you run back home and you write it down because you can't forget
Starting point is 00:09:00 that. Okay, someone who's, you know, light years ahead of me just told me this. That means I need to raise the bar in myself. Raise the bar in the expectations for me. Raise the bar in the asks for me. I need to go for more. I've been shrinking and I didn't see it. Right, and this is after this woman's been doing six weeks of work very much dedicated to confidence and going bigger. And now she was just, she got that outside perspective again. You can still go for more. And she is. Right, so it was this,
Starting point is 00:09:26 and she took the feedback really well because she had a similar experience six weeks ago and we started working together. And that worked for, she was able to process this really well. And what she's about to do, I just had a meeting with her two days ago, it's incredible what's gonna happen in the next week.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Incredible. And I can already see it because I can see the momentum she's building. I can see the confidence shift within herself. And now to hear, I didn't really need to hear how people valued her at work because I already knew it was so clear to me. She's incredible. And now for her to have that articulated to her from some of the highest level leadership at her company, I mean, it's like they just handed her the pen to say, you go ahead and write the check to yourself. You got this, right? So you've got to start somewhere, start small, start anywhere, start by asking
Starting point is 00:10:12 for help, start by investing in yourself, start by self-reflecting, start by being a book, watching a TED Talk. I don't care what it is. Of course, I recommend overcome your villains and confidence creator to begin with, but sidebar, you know, wherever you want to start, just start. Make the commitment, write it down, get clear on it, start self-reflecting, start taking the steps to advance yourself to that next level. I'm so proud of this woman. I literally look forward to our meeting every single week because she blows me away. You know, they say when the students ready, the teacher will appear, that's true in my life, that's true in all of our lives, when we're ready to really do the work, self-reflect and just go
Starting point is 00:10:50 all in, you'll find that that teacher is going to be available to you and you're going to be ready to do that work. So why not today? You know, one of the things I look back on in my career is I always say, I wish I had left that radio business 10 years before I did, right? I ended up getting fired at the end of 2017. I wish I had left back in 2007, right? I would be 10 years ahead in my business right now, killing it.
Starting point is 00:11:16 If 10 years ago was the right time for you to invest in yourself, for you to launch your personal brand, for you to lean into your confidence, your speaking abilities and goal for more, then today is the only time. Permission granted, go for it, and go for it now. And I'm so glad my client did, because this is going to be her biggest year ever. Literally, I can't wait to tell you guys more.
Starting point is 00:11:37 So exciting. National Security Experts are warning. Our aging power grid is more vulnerable than ever. January marked a third time at Power Station station North Carolina was damaged by gunfire. Authorities are saying the attack raises a new level of threat. Authorities are now checking our grid for vulnerabilities. They've identified nine key substations. If these substations are attacked power could be knocked out from coast to coast for up to 18 months. Imagine a black outlasting not days, but weeks are months. Your life would be frozen right in time right when the power goes out.
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Starting point is 00:15:51 due to COVID. I get that too. I've got a big family. I've got a lot of financial responsibility. I want to get back into sales. He's made a shift into something different right now. However, I'm having a difficult time getting in front of those right companies. Is there a way you could provide some support or guidance? Since COVID, I took up a smaller job than what he was doing before just to pay the bills and focus on just getting by. I totally get that respect that.
Starting point is 00:16:17 However, now I'm starting to say, okay, I need to get back to that next level again. I want to get back into a big sales job. I need to start relationship building. I want to start helping people. I want to get back to what next level again. I want to get back into a big sales job. I need to start relationship building. I want to start helping people. I want to get back to what I was doing. Any help you can provide me is appreciated. A couple of things.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Here's what's great. He's got clarity on what he wants to do. So like anything, set a goal. Now give yourself a timeline. Give yourself a deadline because a goal without a deadline is a dream. And it's great to have dreams, but I'd rather see you execute. I'd without a deadline is a dream. And it's great to have dreams, but I'd rather see you execute. I'd rather have you have a plan, right?
Starting point is 00:16:50 So give yourself, I'm making it up 90 days to find that right opportunity. Write it down on a piece of paper. Put that end date down there. It's just like if you're going to lose five pounds and you say I'm doing it by 30 days, you're going to map out your progress. Same thing with finding a job. Same thing with going bigger, going to the next level, asking for a raise, anything. Get clear on your intention, write down your commitment, what you're going to create,
Starting point is 00:17:13 what you're going to speak into existence, give yourself a deadline. Have someone in your life hold you accountable. Maybe it's your spouse, maybe it's your friend, maybe it's someone that's a business contact for you. Say, hey, here's what I'm working on. Love your help, check in with me weekly. Push me. I want you to say how many meetings did you have this week, right? You need to hold yourself accountable. So put an accountability program in place.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I have a free email accountability program at Heather It's free. It's every day for 30 days. You're gonna get me brow beating you about, let's go. Time to go to the next level, time to go bigger. It's free sign up, it's great. Okay, so for Chris, you know, everything is a numbers game.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Finding a job is a numbers game. You have circles of influence in your life. So the first thing I would start with is I start reaching out to trusted contacts and letting them know, hey, here's my intention, here's my goal, here's my plan I'm working on. How can you help? Do you have any contacts and the ideas for me?
Starting point is 00:18:09 Right, you want to just start putting the word out there what you're working on because you never know six degrees of separation. When you start speaking this thing into existence to a lot of different people, someone's going to say, oh my gosh, so random. You just said that to me. My uncle's hiring for a sales executive.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Let me put in a good word for you and get you an interview, right? You don't know. So start tapping people in your circle. This is where networks really pay off, right? Build your networks, care for your networks, help your networks. I just saw an announcement that a woman who had hired me
Starting point is 00:18:40 for a big speaking engagement last year got promoted. Immediately, I shot her an email. I said, I just want to tell you, I'm so proud of you. I'm such a fan of yours. I want you to know, I'm always here cheering on. There's everything I can do for you. Let me know, we're not doing business together today. I'm sure we'll do business again in the future,
Starting point is 00:18:56 but I didn't send that because of business. I sent it because I was proud of her, right? And she's in my network, and I care. So take the minute or two minutes to recognize people, reach out to them, check in on them that way. When you are in need of something, you can reach out and say, hey, we haven't spoken a couple of months.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I was wondering if you had any contacts that you're aware of that might be looking for sales people. I'm looking to get back in. I know that you and I have worked together and just thought I'd reach out and see if you had any idea. You just don't know where that conversation can go. So that's number one, your network is huge. Start working it and that can be family, friends, church, anything, right? Start letting people know what you're working on.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Start asking for help in your network. You'll be pleasantly surprised, 99% of the time. Okay, that's number one. Number two, you need to start doing your homework. So I would put together a list of my top 10 targets, right? The more specific we get, those that deal in specific seldom fail, those that deal in generalities seldom succeed. So you want to get really specific, I would map out a plan of 10 different companies that are my target goal companies. And I don't care if you think it's a stretch. That's not up for you to determine. You just map out what you would love to have happen,
Starting point is 00:20:09 right? Do your homework and research on each one of those. Write them down on your target list. Put it somewhere you're going to see it every single day and start mapping out who are the hiring managers. Start reaching out to them. Send them DMs. Start reaching out to the HR department. Start, you know, looking in your circles, who's connected to one of those people in your circle that can introduce you to those people, start opening the doors that you need and want to open. Don't wait for someone to call you.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Update your resume, that's really important. And one of the things that I would do, and I appreciate when people do this for me, is when they customize the resume for the job that I have open. The goal of the extra mile, do the work. So if you people want to actually do the work, that if you take the time to research the company, write a really thorough and thoughtful cover letter,
Starting point is 00:20:56 I went in to work with a huge company two weeks ago, I believe it was, I researched every single person I was gonna meet with, so that when I had the one-to-one time to sit down with them and we are in these negotiations about bringing me into train their sales force, I knew everything about these people. I could bring up how impressed I was with their diversity inclusion efforts and how I had seen that they had just had Will Smith as a keynote speaker and I wanted to hear how that event went and, you know, do your homework. It blows people away. It shows that you care,
Starting point is 00:21:25 that you put the time and effort in. And if you're willing to do that in a meeting, what are you going to do when you actually work with people? You're going to do that same thing. You're going to go that extra mile. So separate yourself from the sea of mediocrity out there. Take the time, do the work, to really show up and shine. Okay, other things you can do. Get reviews and recommendations of your work. If you haven't done it yet, today is the day. Start dialing for dollars. Call everybody and anybody you know.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Send emails. Hey, would love a huge favor. I know that you gave me great feedback when we work together. Do you mind jotting it down in the email from me? I'm looking for a new opportunity right now. I would so appreciate it. Send out 50 of those. Right, again, looking for a new opportunity right now, I would so appreciate it. Send out 50 of those. Right, again, it's a numbers game.
Starting point is 00:22:08 People don't respond, who cares? Move on to the next one. Right, it doesn't change your life, it's not going to change theirs. People like to help other people. If you generally had a good exchange with these people, why wouldn't they want to help you? Oh yeah, sure. Chris, no problem. Happy to shoot you over a note today.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I'll do it this afternoon. Right. Most people are happy to help you. Oh yeah, sure. Chris, no problem. Happy to shoot you over a note today. I'll do it this afternoon, right? Most people are happy to do it. And then start including those references and reviews of your work when you're pitching yourself for these jobs, when you're reaching out to these hiring managers. Make it about the hiring manager, make it about the company, not about you. So one of the strategy sales, one on one, is make it about the other person, put yourself in their shoes. I think this is such a smart approach when you send an email to a hiring manager, say, hey, Tom, I know you have had this job open for the past couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I'm sure you're sitting on thousands of resumes or hundreds of resumes and you haven't found the right person. Let me help you. Your search can stop now. I am the right person for you. I saw what you are looking for and who the top producers are on your team. And I want to share with you how I can add value just like they have. Do your homework and start highlighting their top performers. I saw that Todd is your number one producer and he's doing it because of ABC. Indeed, I can add value in that same way.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I also saw that you're leading initiative in the company where blah blah blah is important to you. I can support you in that endeavor as well. Right, make it about what's important to them, what's working for them, talk about their culture, do the work so you understand it, and then make it about all the key things that are important to these people. And maybe they have a huge give back program. Talk about how you've supported give back programs in your life and how important that is to you and how smart that is.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Do the homework, make it about them, and what's important to them, and then show how you tie in and fit perfectly and that you're that perfect person for that opportunity. Then get face to face. Don't do everything over email. People are so easy to say no to over email. Think about it. If you send a text or an email to someone, hey, can you help me to find a job? It's very easy not to answer.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Now try saying that same thing to somebody when you're standing face to face with them at Starbucks. The other person's got to say something. They don't just drop to the ground and roll away, like there's a fire, right? They have to say something. Well, Chris, let me think about who I can reach out to. Right, go face to face. This is always going to be my advice. This is why I hated the pandemic more than anything because it pulled that rug out from underneath us, which was horrible. If something's important to you, if you want to get a deal done, get face to face with people, ask them looking in their eyes, read their body language, allow your confidence to show up, your passion
Starting point is 00:24:39 to show up so people feel your energy and watch what happens. Gosh, it's so good when you go face to face. Okay, so those are some great tips and tactics to get started. Give yourself the deadline. Hold yourself accountable. Reach out to the network. It's in numbers games. Start applying. Update the resume.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Get the reviews and recommendations. Asper help. You might end up wanting to hire. There are plenty of coaches out there that work with placement for people. There's plenty of recruiters out there. PS. It's an employee market right now. This is the time to be an employee.
Starting point is 00:25:08 So start reaching out to those people that can help you who already know about the opportunities that exist and can help position you for those right ones, get a recruiter. Okay, that's some of my advice for Chris. Chris, best of luck to keep me updated and let me know how it goes. Say you have a business idea,
Starting point is 00:25:23 but you're not sure what to do next. Don't go into debt spending four plus years on a degree. Listen to the Millionaire University podcast. Learn how to run a successful business and graduate rich, not broke. Trust me, you need to check out this podcast. The Millionaire University podcast is hosted by Justin and Tara Williams,
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Starting point is 00:26:32 Crunch. What a name for a chocolate bar. Tells you what you're signing up for. Crunch, that glorious combination of crispy rice and 100% milk chocolate makes crunch the chocolate bar that's just more fun. It's the mic drop of chocolate. It's chocolate with game. It's chocolate with what's the word in after? Oh yeah. Crunch. Oh my gosh, this was the most incredible. I have to read this to you, so so exciting.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Okay, every once in a while I go check on my, I check on my little books, my books, Confidence Creator and Overcoming your Villains, and I go look at how they're performing, how they're ranking. Oh my gosh, the audible version of Overcoming your Villains is killing it. It's ranked, I believe today it was number 25 on the Amazon Audible list for women in business books. And I'm so proud of it. If you haven't heard it yet, I go off the grid at the end of every chapter, I just riff.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And I talk about, because when you write a book, you write it a year and a half before it ever comes out, right? So things change. So when I was reading the Audible book with my producer right before it came out, I thought, well, I gotta update this. So we decided just to riff at the end of every chapter, and I would just speak my mind
Starting point is 00:27:51 and talk about what's happened since then. So I think it's so cool. It's more relevant than the print book, but, you know, if you're a print person, get the print one, but I'm just giving the inside track, the audible version, crushes it, and apparently audible things so too, because it is really crushing it in the rankings. Okay, so I was checking my reviews because I'm, I want to know people have to say, right? Data doesn't lie and data is going to help you make better decisions. So look at the data, read the reviews of your work and see what people are saying so you can do more of the good stuff
Starting point is 00:28:23 and gravitate away from the stuff that doesn't land as well, right? Okay, so here we go. This, oh my gosh, this review made me feel like, okay, I'm making a difference. Okay, I found out what I'm actually supposed to be doing. Right, because aren't we always all, questioning ourselves about that. Like, am I doing the right things?
Starting point is 00:28:40 Am I in the right place? Is this the right business? But I have these moments and I see these things in a file called Fam Love on my phone. If you don't do that, please start anytime you have a bad day. Go look at your Fam Love folder and you'll feel so happy. It'll remind you why you're doing what you're doing because we all have bad days, Peeps.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Okay? You are not alone. I'm right there with you. Okay, so this is one of the reviews. It says, do yourself a favor and buy it. This book is full of knowledge, tips, and storytelling. The value that Heather put into this book is incomparable. Oh my gosh, that makes me so happy. And PS, I don't know this person. The PDF allows you to focus on yourself and get the work done to better understand important sections of the book. I loved it and enjoyed
Starting point is 00:29:22 every part. I wasn't expecting the behind the scenes and it made the book even more relatable. I told you it's so good. I truly love that part. The passion and authenticity by which this book is written, Heather's perseverance and resilience are really inspiring. Highly, super, deeply recommended! Thanks Heather, your tips and experiences are your legacy, and I truly appreciate that you shared them with us all of the ups and the downs. I will continue to recommend your book to my friends and connections. This I love this. This, going through the last two years, I second guest everything. Should I go back to corporate America? What am I doing and working for myself in a global pandemic?
Starting point is 00:30:10 So, worst time ever, right? The speaking business disappeared overnight. It just felt like everything was going wrong. And then I read a review like that and think, stay the course, Heather, stay the course. So no matter where you are in your journey, if you're trying to figure out what your purpose and passion are, or maybe you're on a path, but you're second guessing yourself sometimes, or maybe you're super clear on it, but you still have struggles, right? Like it doesn't matter. All those things are real and those moments change
Starting point is 00:30:40 and transition and you can revisit them again. I promise you that. I was so clear on my purpose and passion and mission when I wrote my first book and started getting the feedback it was wild. Then when I launched this podcast, I knew for sure. Then when I launched my speaking career, I was so clear. People come up screaming to me at events. I was 100% clear.
Starting point is 00:31:01 And then the pandemic hit and everything kind of disappeared and I second guest everything. Right so there's gonna be moments these mic drop moments where something happens and you got to reevaluate and wonder and think about it. Those are the moments to hang on to the family of fire. Those are the moments to look back at the feedback and and remind yourself you are making a difference and if you're not start trying and testing different things. When I got fired, I had no idea what I was going to do. If someone had told me at the end of 2017, I would be the author of two books that I would have a podcast that I'd have a speaking career that I'd have a TEDx talk
Starting point is 00:31:37 that I'd be on the board of directors of HealthLink, I would have been like, what are you talking about? Where is this coming from? I'm from the media world. That's not what I'm supposed to do. But you have to step into the unknown to start figuring it out. It doesn't, no one lays it on your table and says,
Starting point is 00:31:53 here's the blueprint, you're welcome. You have to test and try different things, listen to yourself and trust yourself. And it's not all seamless. And a great example of that is, I'm every year ago, someone said, you need to sell your condo, you know, the Florida markets.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Incredible. I reached out to a Realtor and they told me basically, I wasn't even going to be able to get what I paid from my condo in 2005. So I said, forget it. This is ridiculous. I completely forgot about it until a couple of weeks ago, my neighbor came and told me what she sold her condo for, and she said, you have to speak to my realtor.
Starting point is 00:32:28 At a nowhere, she dropped this on me. So serendipitous, thank you, universe. The universe works in strange ways, but it is magic. And so this realtor came and said, I can have this thing sold for more than you bought it for in a week or two. And he did. However, it's been so long since I've sold a property. You know, the last time I sold a prop, I sold my house in Naples in 2005 when I bought my condo
Starting point is 00:32:52 on the now and Miami. So I haven't sold anything in whatever it is 16, 17 years. So I forgot. And so apparently, yes, it's so exciting when you engage into a contract with a buyer, which has happened. But then suddenly, there's all of these trials and tribulations that come up that are contingencies, possibilities as to why something might not happen. And there's an inspection that has to occur, and then there's different deposits that occur. I completely forgot about all these things. So I've gone from being super excited to,
Starting point is 00:33:28 oh my gosh, I have to find a new place for Dylan and I to live to wait a minute. I gotta refocus on actually closing this deal first before I leap ahead and taking it one step at a time and making sure we pass each level so we can go to that next. And it has been not seamless, but I promise this, what will happen is I'm pretty sure this whole thing
Starting point is 00:33:48 will work out. It's going to be a lot of work and a lot of headaches, but I'm pretty sure it's all going to work out. I'm pretty sure we'll find something great. I don't know where it'll be in a month and a half from now, who knows where we will live. But I just have faith it's going to be great. We're going to work it out.
Starting point is 00:34:03 But the funny thing is picture it a month and a half from now. And everyone says, I find some great place and we're super happy. We're out of a building. We've been in a building for 16 years. You know, who knows? And I just have a feeling one day someone's going to say something like, oh my gosh, everything always goes so easy for you. And that's why I'm sharing this with you.
Starting point is 00:34:22 This is not easy. I'm literally having to, I've a leak in my shower that just happened, I have to rip up the entire shower, the amount of work we're gonna have to do here in the next two weeks is insane. Totally unexpected. I was clueless to all of this and it's been an interesting experience and it is going to be a hectic month,
Starting point is 00:34:43 but I do firmly believe you've got to trust your instinct, trust your God, and just know that I feel really good about this. I know it's going to be a lot of work. I know it's a lot of headaches, but I just feel like it's all meant to be and it's going to work out. And I have that same feeling for you. So listen to yourself, listen to your intuition over everything and anything else. Step into your confidence 10 years ago is the right time. Right now is the only time. And please share the show.
Starting point is 00:35:13 If you love the show, please share it on social media. When you tag me, you immediately enter to win either the audible version of confidence creator or an audio version of Overcome Your Villains. And I'm telling you, you're gonna love both of them. So please tag me if you like this episode. That's how I know that you like the episode and I can create more content like this. That's really the only feedback I can get
Starting point is 00:35:35 other than reviews from you. Both are super appreciated. Please tag me, please share the show with one person you love. That's how we grow these shows and can keep making more content for you. So until next week, keep creating your confidence, you know I will be. I decided to change that dynamic.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I couldn't be more excited to know what you're getting here. Start learning and growing inevitably something will happen. No one succeeds alone. You don't stop to look around once in a while. You can never believe something will happen. No one will succeed alone. You don't stop to look around once in a while. You can miss it. I'm on this journey with me. At a time when change is constant
Starting point is 00:36:16 and we are pulled in far too many directions, we need a way to stay present to life and to increase our ability to remain calm, think clearly, and maintain our well-being. Many studies indicate mindfulness improves our mental, emotional, and physical health. On a mindful moment with Theresa McKee, you can learn how to practice mindfulness and enjoy its many benefits. Tune in for guided meditations and to hear tips and advice from some of the most respected experts in the fields of mental health and mindfulness. The world truly can be a better place.
Starting point is 00:36:53 It all starts with a mindful moment.

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