Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - Setting Yourself Up For SUCCESS With Heather! Episode 184

Episode Date: January 19, 2022

In This Episode You Will Learn About:  Never settling  Embracing all wins, even the small ones   Setting yourself up for success  How to add value to your life  Resources: Overcome Your V...illains is Available NOW! Order here:  If you haven't yet, get my first book Confidence Creator Show Notes:  Small things can make a BIG impact. You don’t know what you or anyone else is capable of until you give it a try! Push yourself to be better and try new things because you never know what success may come your way. When you take the time to support others it will ALWAYS come back around to you too. When we can share our value and expertise, others will do the same!  See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:56 visit this journey with me. Each week when you join me, you are going to chase down our goals. Never come at a first aid and set you up for a better tomorrow. After you're asleep, I'm ready for my close-up. Hi and welcome back. I'm so glad you're back here with me this week. Okay, a few different things that I want to get into that are just really top of mine. For me, this is sounds so bizarre, but I get LinkedIn maxes people out. You can only have 30,000 connections on LinkedIn, right? And that might sound like a lot, but I've been on LinkedIn now for 10 years showing up on the daily for almost five years, right? So I've got a pretty big community on LinkedIn well over 30,000 connections. What that means is when someone sends me
Starting point is 00:01:46 a connect request, which happens a lot, I have to go in and deactivate an existing connection, basically fire someone from my inner circle in order to add that person on. So it takes time, right? Like, it takes me at least five or 10 minutes I have to scroll through, find someone that I don't know or I'm not communicating with or whatever,
Starting point is 00:02:07 unhook from them, go back and find the other. It's a pain, right? So any time that I receive connection requests, I try to read as many of them as I can, but I typically, of course, I'm not gonna do it, right? I mean, why would you do something that's gonna take up five or 10 minutes of your time for no reason, right? Just, especially when you're getting,
Starting point is 00:02:29 I get hundreds of these requests a day. So, and I'm explaining this to you for a reason because I accepted a request today and to me it's a big deal because I usually don't do that. But like I said, I do try to read the messages. And so this was smart. This person was really, really smart. And we can all learn a lot from what this person did. So I'm going to read it to you.
Starting point is 00:02:50 The approach that this person took and why I ended up accepting your request. Okay, some guy, I don't know, sends me a connection request and says, I am always inspired by your posts. And I'm currently reading your new book, Overcome your Vill your villains which I cannot put down. It is such a great book I will greatly appreciate you accepting my invitation to join your professional network on LinkedIn Please accept my best regards and his name Here's what he did different than the majority of you Most people I'll get a note that will say hey Heather saw your post love them Please connect to me. I don't want to just follow you,
Starting point is 00:03:25 because there is an option to just follow people, right? So you can get their content. It's very one-sided. What this individual's name's George did that was smart was he made it all about me, right? He comes in saying, love your post, love your book, love your work, your book is fantastic. Immediately that person has me, right?
Starting point is 00:03:45 Because I just launched my new book over Come Your Villains. I'm always wanting feedback. I'm always wanting reviews on Amazon. We live in a review and rating world. People, if you're not getting reviews to your work, you're missing it, right? You've got to start asking.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So I reply, I accept. Number one, I accept. Because the guy's invested in me. He spent money on my book. He loves my book and he's giving me positive feedback, which tells me he'll probably leave a review if I ask. Right? So I decided to accept based upon his approach because I think it's super smart, very savvy,
Starting point is 00:04:14 and I'm grateful for him, right? He invested in my book and offered me great feedback. So I accept the request and I respond. I'm so happy you like it. If you could please leave a review on Amazon, it really helps me so much. He responds thanks for accepting the invite. I just posted a review of your book on Amazon and I want you to know I usually do not review things online but your book is so great, so insightful and your kindness and accepting my invite. Really I appreciate it so it made me want to give you a
Starting point is 00:04:42 review. You have many followers yet you responded to me and you accepted my invite and I really appreciate you doing that. I wish you all the best in whatever it is that you do. And I told them, you know what, that made my day. So here's what's funny. A lot of us won't ask someone for a review or a favor because we decide they don't have the time. They don't want to do it. But here's someone who he doesn't usually leave reviews, but he was happy to do it. So don't decide or do it, but here's someone who he doesn't usually leave reviews, but he was happy to do it. So don't decide or determine for someone else what they're capable of or what they want to do.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Give them that opportunity to do it. And so I went online because I always go and peep everybody's reviews. And here's his review, which is so amazing. I love this book. It's insightful. Talks to you like a friend and teaches you life lessons about how to grow your self-esteem and value yourself for what you truly are. Heather in this book shares great insights derived from life lessons she learned firsthand. She speaks directly to the reader wanting to help
Starting point is 00:05:35 providing many real life scenarios and how to tackle them. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to any person I care about. This review is for the Kindle edition of the book. And I just thought that was so cool. Here's someone who typically does not leave reviews. That's not his jam. I totally get it, but was willing to do it. And really grateful for the opportunity and seemed grateful that I asked him to do it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So in the future, when you want someone to do something for you, lead with value, right? This guy led with, hey, I've already purchased your book. And by the way, I love it. It's great. Would love to connect to you. He's leading with some value for me. And he's showing me. He is invested in me and in my community and my products and offerings. Unlike the 99.9% of mediocrity out there in the world, which is, hey, Heather, would love to be on your podcast. I'll be a great guest. Hey, Heather, would love to connect with you on LinkedIn
Starting point is 00:06:26 great posts. Right, there's no real value there. So in your mind, when you want someone to do something, put yourself in their shoes and think, how can I add value or show up differently for this person? One of the ways I do that, if I want to be on someone's podcast, I go leave their podcast a review, and then I take a screenshot of that review,
Starting point is 00:06:43 and I send it to them. Hey, I wanted to show you, I'm totally behind your podcast, been go leave their podcasts a review and then I take a screenshot of that review and I send it to them. Hey, I want to show you I'm totally behind your podcast, been supporting you online. I don't know if you see it, so I wanted to attach a recent review I did for your show. Right, add value doesn't have to be some massive undertaking. It can be something small, but it can separate you from the sea of mediocrity out in the world of people who just talk about how they can benefit from something, but it really does nothing for that other person.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So lead with value and I'm gonna get into that more in a minute. Okay, this is so interesting. My son decided to start playing AAU basketball, which is the next level. It's really, if you have never heard about AAU, it's definitely advanced. It's definitely grittier.
Starting point is 00:07:24 The teams are better. It's much more serious It's definitely grittier. The teams are better. It's much more serious. And the reason why I bring it up today is he's been playing in private school basketball, which is much, much different. And it struck me today because today was the first day that he had an AAU inner city game. And then we had to go to his regular school
Starting point is 00:07:42 for a basketball practice. And what it reminded me of is the power and impact an environment has on people. And it's something I don't think about all the time, but today, because we went from one to the other, that juxtapose was very obvious to me. And here's what I mean by that. And I've really been thinking about it so much today, and I want you to think about your environment, your environment at home, your environment at work, you know, the environment that you're operating in and how much that impacts you. So when we first arrived to the AAU event,
Starting point is 00:08:16 the basketball gym was closed and we had to wait and, you know and everyone's running late and it's not a real pristine gym. It's definitely run down and it's not the same type of venue my sons used to going into or that I'm used to going into, right? Because he hasn't played AAU in years. And what was interesting is immediately I get in and there's trash on the floor. It just, it wasn't very clean
Starting point is 00:08:46 and it definitely struck me. Imagine that this is your environment every day. This is where you go to school. This is what you consider normal, messy, run down, and dirty. And again, environment impacts people a lot. It doesn't have to be the difference maker, right? There's plenty of people that rise above their environments and becoming extremely successful, coming from poverty and they don't let that hold them back. But I was just thinking in my mind, if every day the places that you go are run down,
Starting point is 00:09:17 if every day the places that you go are dirty and you're not doing anything about it and the others that you're surrounding yourself with aren't you're just accepting it that this is what normal is. That could definitely become not only your current reality, but your future. Right, if you're accepting that,
Starting point is 00:09:32 conversely when we get to my son's school, his school is so beautiful, so pristine. Everything is flawless. There's not a drop of trash anywhere. Everything's brand new. I mean, you feel like you wanna stay there. It's gorgeous, right? You feel this sense of pride
Starting point is 00:09:50 and this sense of, this is how things should be. How can we go to the next level? How can we improve things? You know, it's almost unfair, but it's not, right? Because I grew up more around the dirty type of gym when I was younger.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I put myself in a position later in life to be in a cleaner gym, but I firsthand know both sides of that. I'm grateful that I grew up without much because it taught me drive, it taught me work ethic, and it taught me this perseverance and resilience that I know I would not have if I didn't have the upbringing that I had. But it's really interesting now in my 40s to be able to sit back and think from a psychological level, what that impact is like and how it impacts people differently. There are people that show up to that first gym that's more in the inner city this morning and they dress differently, they behave differently.
Starting point is 00:10:43 And that's okay. Again, no judgment. That's that environment. And that's what's acceptable. I was telling my son, one of the mothers jumped up today and spit into trash can. That's not something I see very often, right? And it really struck me as odd. I thought, wow, that's interesting behavior that typically I would run to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:11:00 or something if you get a tissue if you had something in your mouth, but I wouldn't jump up and spit into a trash can in the gym. It was so interesting. The parents are much louder, much more aggressive, which is fun. To me, I think that's super fun, right? So again, it just depends what you're used to and reminds me that so often we kind of circle those drains of, you know, this is what I'm used to. This is what's acceptable for me, this is what's normal. And I just want you to know that no matter if you're in the dirtiest gym in the world or the cleanest one, there's always another level you can go to.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And what I found so curious, or I've been thinking so much about is, you know, that environment, the environment you're in daily, the environment that I'm in daily, the environment that these kids are in. When you take people out of environments and put them in new environments, that's an opportunity to grow. You know, for us going to that environment this morning made me thankful grateful for all that we have in our normal day to day, which I wouldn't typically be sitting around saying
Starting point is 00:11:57 gosh, we're so lucky to have this, especially with things on virtual, but you know, it made me feel really, really grateful. And it also made me think the impact any one of us can have on change and on doing something positive for others, stopping to pick up the trash and saying, hey, we can do better here, guys. How can we go ahead and improve this situation? Because there is always a way to do that.
Starting point is 00:12:22 But so often we get used to whatever that norm is, that acceptable is that we circle the drain. We just kind of accept it. And that reminds me of when I first got into the radio business, I sat with a very successful business leader. And I said, what advice would you give to me entering my career? I was in my early 20s and, you know, in sales. And he said, drive to work a different way every day.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Target different industries for potential clients. Don't do things the same way. Don't accept just the way that it is is okay. Basically, what he was saying is constantly put yourself in different environments, because then you'll be exposed to different ways of thinking, then you'll be exposed to different people. Then you'll see what else is possible.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I felt like it was so important that we went to both locations today because both had really powerful impacts. There's no doubt that the coach on the AAU is much more intense. You know, he expects so much more from his players. My son works harder there. I see the difference. National security experts are warning. Our aging power grid is more vulnerable than ever. January marked a third time a power station in North Carolina was damaged by gunfire. Authorities are saying the attack raises a new level of threat. Authorities are now checking our grid for vulnerabilities. They've identified nine key substations.
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Starting point is 00:15:56 Right, so there's much to be said about going into, you know, getting a little nervous, getting a little uncomfortable and saying, I'm going to go into this new environment. I know it's not what I'm used to. I know it might feel weird, but that's going to help me grow and that intensity, right, in that commitment and that the athletes are just simply better, right?
Starting point is 00:16:16 These kids are killing it. And when you're surrounding with and running with people who are ahead of you, and you're not the best, suddenly you're pushed to get better, right? And you're intimidated and you're thrown out of your familiar zone and that that's what growth is all about. So I really appreciated today both venues and for very different reasons, but I feel like there's something to be said for challenging ourselves and our given environments and how
Starting point is 00:16:42 can we make ourselves uncomfortable and stop circling that drain? Right? There's been plenty of days over the last couple of years that I'm just stuck at home talking to my computer, doing virtual events. And you know, today I just reminded myself that that's circling the drain in a different way, right? But it's still it's just staying stuck with what we have. And that's not good enough. How can I push myself to grow? How can I push myself out of this environment and start pushing myself into alternate environments to see what potential growth could look like, to see what potentially could be out there for me.
Starting point is 00:17:20 So just an interesting thought I wanted to leave you with today is that as you go into your work week, as you're in your work week right now, start thinking, what does that environment look like? And how can you stop circling that drain and put yourself into a different environment? Maybe not forever, but to open your mind to what else could be possible, negative and positive and different and start embracing those opportunities to change and grow. Okay, so that was deep thoughts from basketball in my life. Okay, so one of the things I wanted to talk about today, outside of environment and the impact environment
Starting point is 00:17:53 can have limiting us and or pushing us because it can work either way, is I wanted to share an interesting story of how someone approached me. And this goes back to getting what you want in life. I had done a virtual speech for a company and organization and I got a lot of DMs on social media back from people, really nice things that they were saying. But this happens a lot of times. People send notes and they'll say, Hey, I would love to jump on a call with you and follow up on this
Starting point is 00:18:20 or I had some questions. Well, here's the thing, like anybody, I'm not a non-profit, right? I run a for-profit business to take care of myself and my son. And my time is very valuable, just like yours is, right? We only have X-Mount of hours in the day and we need to, you know, get the biggest return for our time that we can. And so for me jumping on calls to just have conversations with people is not within, you know, I don't have free time like that. It just doesn't work in my schedule. And so when I can't, I respond, hey, I do offer executive one-on-one coaching.
Starting point is 00:18:53 If that's something you're interested in, it is high ticket. I'll send you the link to check it out. Or you can shoot me questions that you have and I can answer it on my podcast. Those are the two solutions I offer people because obviously obviously like you, I'm really, really busy. And so one of these individuals had sent me into like, hey, I wanna get on a phone with you and pick your brain. Oh my gosh, I can't stand when people say that.
Starting point is 00:19:14 But so I had said, okay, you can either hire me for executive coaching or send me any questions here and I can address them on my podcast. So the individual kept hitting me back up about, you know, hey, you would really like to, you know, got some good business ideas. I would really like to run them by you. I think that we could partner somehow very, very big. And so I just stopped responding.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Then the individual sent me a PDF, which was a look into his marketing in his business. And it was really bad, right? And I basically responded and told him that I said, listen, I have no idea what your objective is with this marketing deck. You just sent me, but it's not good. You know, that was just the feedback that I offered him at the time and then I moved on. And so he did not hire me for executive coaching.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So I just moved on and forgot about it. And then about a week later, I received a box at my home. He's friends with a close friend of mine. And he had sent me the most beautiful cards that had my logo beautifully imprinted the colors from my first book confidence creator, my hashtag boss and heels. I mean, these things are gorgeous, really high in quality
Starting point is 00:20:20 and not a couple of them like a hundred, you know, in pre-stamped envelopes with my logo. I mean, really beautifully done. Like this man, not only did he spend time and effort on this, but he spent money on this too. He made a financial investment to send this to me. It really caught my attention and really blew me away. So I sent him immediately back, right? He's leading with value now. So now that he's sending me something like this, of course I'm going to respond to the guy. So I go to my computer, I send him a DM, oh my gosh, I just got the cards you sent to me. They're beautiful. I'm definitely going to use them. I'm definitely going to send
Starting point is 00:20:53 them to people. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful. And wow, the quality on these things is just mind blowing. Thank you for doing this for me. You know, if there's anything I can do to help you out, let me know. And he says, I'd really like to get on a call with you. Well, here's the thing. At this point, now that this man set me up with stuff, of course, I'm going to get on a call with him. I'm like, I'll give the guy five or ten minutes, whatever. In my mind, that's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Ironically, within the last few hours, as I receive this box and I'm messaging with him, I'm in and out of meetings and I'm responding to other messages, I receive four or five messages from people saying, Hey, is there any way that I can get your content served to me in a different manner? I print out your posts and put them on my wall at my office. I'm constantly writing down what you write in your posts and saving it on my phone. I'm taking screenshots of your posts as there are another way that you can deliver this content. And so it was very funny, I do believe that before open to it, we can see the messages that are coming to us and maybe they mean something.
Starting point is 00:21:52 So I get on the phone with this gentleman that had sent me these really beautiful cards and I start thinking, wait a minute, what if my messaging is supposed to be on these cards? Maybe the messaging, and immediately I went and opened a Word document, and I just started printing and writing down all these things that were coming to me. And literally, there was a hundred and 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I just knocked out a hundred messages that I knew people wanted to hear. And I'm calling this man and thinking about his business and how he owns this large business that prints these beautiful cards. And maybe my messaging should be on these beautiful cards and maybe my messaging should be on these cards and maybe that's a new product or service we can sell. I talk about this a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I hope that you think about it. A great way to grow a business is to always constantly think for the existing community and client base that you have, what other problem can you solve for them? What other product or service can you sell to layer on top to the existing client base to add value? That's a very simple way to increase revenues and really strengthen that relationship. So I'm like, okay, people are asking me for this. This guy's showing up in my life.
Starting point is 00:22:54 This guy's spending all his money to send me this stuff. Maybe I'll have a conversation with him around this. So I get on the phone with him and I run this by him and he said, yeah, this is definitely something I'm interested in potentially partnering on. He said, but I think that there's a bigger play here and he runs a different idea to potentially partner together. And it was just one of those interesting things. You never know what's around that next corner.
Starting point is 00:23:17 You've got to keep your mind open to the potential of what could happen. Now, I'm not saying this is definitely going to work out or the pricing might not work or there might not be a market for it. I have no idea, but I do believe if you're seeing science for something, it's worth jumping on and having a conversation. I did ask them if we could test, you know, a potential product idea, like I just laid out for you and see, you know, go to market with it and see, hey, is there a market for this? Are people interested? Would they pay for this? Does this add value to their life? Right? And test and try.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Now, I've had so many failed potential partnerships over the last four years since I've been out of my own. Perry Ellis International. I put so much work and effort and dated too. And we ended up getting a no from HSN after almost a year working on that partnership. I partnered with a skincare line. I worked with them for eight months. That fell apart. I've had so many failed partnerships, but you don't know if it's going to pan out if you don't try, right?
Starting point is 00:24:14 I didn't know I'd get the deal with HarperCollins leadership and have a new book overcome your villains out, but I tried. So for me to have a conversation with a man like this who has an existing business, who has a product and service that I don't currently have, but would have the potential to help me, you know, make it mine, make it unique. And then I could test it and market that doesn't seem like a big investment on either of our side, but maybe worthwhile to put a little bit of man hours in to test and try. So I'm challenging you, how can you test and try something new to see if there's a marketplace, to see if there's a problem you can solve for someone else, and who is that
Starting point is 00:24:50 potential partner that maybe is in your space right now that you haven't reconnected with, or you haven't reached out to an added value to them first, so they respond to you. Okay, so that was just a high level crazy kind of happening in my life right now. Let's see what happens. I'll see what happens. I'll keep you updated. I don't know if who knows. Maybe this will be my number one revenue generator a year from now and I'll be so grateful that we had this idea and brought this product to life, but I will certainly keep you updated.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Okay, so there's another example of adding value first and I'll never forget this. This is back at the end of 2019. I reached out to a friend of mine and I said, I really wanna get Jesse. It's her on my show. Jesse, it's her is a phenomenal writer, speaker, businessman, entrepreneur. He's a part owner of the Atlanta Hacks.
Starting point is 00:25:37 He's married to Sarah Blakely. I mean, this guy's got it going on and I really, I'd seen him on so many big shows. I wanted him on my show. So my friend says, I'm gonna be honest with you. I can connect you to his business partner, but it's, people ask all the time, he doesn't really do shows much anymore. And I thought, okay, that's fine, I'm told no all the time, right? So that does not deter me at all and it should not deter you. Instead, I think how can I add value to him or his partner's life? Because if I can show up and add value to
Starting point is 00:26:03 them, just like the guy did that wanted me to connect on LinkedIn or just like the guy did that sent me the box of the cards, if I can do something different, unique, and valuable in a value add way, maybe the guy will consider me different or look at me as a different opportunity or a different situation. If you're struggling with swelling in your legs, ankles are feet, you're going to want to listen up.
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Starting point is 00:29:15 guy. This is amazing. Heather. That will really help. So we're on the phone for about an hour. And at the end of the call, he had already said at the beginning of the call, no, Jesse's not doing podcasts, you know, sorry, that's just not going to work maybe in the future. But had already said at the beginning of the call, no, Jesse's not doing podcasts. Sorry, that's just not going to work maybe in the future. But then we stayed in the phone for an hour longer. I gave him some connections to potentially partner with these people. I was working with that I thought could help him
Starting point is 00:29:34 at the end of the call, he says. Well, now that I think about it, and now that I'm getting to know you, all right, listen, I think I probably can find 40 minutes somewhere. And the next month or two that you can interview Jesse on Zoom. And I said, well, I don't do interviews on Zoom. I do interviews on person.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I'll go to him wherever he is. He said, no, no, he'll only do Zoom. And let me just see if I can get you a couple of times. So so nice. I mean, but again, adding value first. I made it all about him, how I could help him in his business. He had already told me no.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And then at the end of the hour, he had changed his mind. Then I asked again, I don't want it to zoom. I want it to be in person. He tells me no again. Okay, no problem. Whatever you can get, I'll make it work.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Whatever times you get, don't worry, I will make it work. I'll cancel something else. This is that important to me. Make it all about them. Make it easy, right? And to that end,
Starting point is 00:30:19 so often people want you to be in a show. And then they're like, can you fill out this form and then send 17 different things over? I just bounce out like, no suddenly this is becoming a nightmare and a headache. No thanks, not interested. So one of the things I've learned is make it so easy for people that they don't want to say no, all they can say is yes, right? So whatever date and time he comes up with, I'll make it work. I need nothing from him. I just need him to show up. Can't do in person, no problem. I'll do the zoom, right? Just yes, yes, and yes, let's make it happen.
Starting point is 00:30:47 So he gets me a time, but remember, I've said, multiple times I want this to be in person, he connects me to Jesse's assistant. I've got Jesse's assistant cell phone number, she and I are messaging, she's like, okay, he's gonna be getting on zoom now. Now I'm in Miami, Jesse's in Atlanta, and I'm logging on to the computer to
Starting point is 00:31:06 interview him. Computer goes on, I see Jesse, I said, hey, you know, thank you so much. Had this great call with your partner and all of a sudden he's, he drops, he's gone. So I get a text from his assistant, hey Heather, we're having technical problems at the house right now in Atlanta. He says something's wrong with our internet. Whole tight, I'm going to get Jesse back on. He's going to go to a different location in the house. So he goes to a different place now, logs back in with our internet. Whole tight, I'm gonna get Jesse back on. He's gonna go to a different location in the house. So he goes to a different place now, logs back in, gets in for a minute. He's on, we start talking, he disappears.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I get another text, hey, how the world having internet problems, whole tight. All of a sudden I get a phone call. It's the assistance number, but it's Jesse on the phone. And he said, I'm, listen, I'm really sorry. I know that we had this set, but our internet is out. He's like, this is so embarrassing. I don't know what the heck is going on,
Starting point is 00:31:47 but for some reason, internet's not working. I said, no problem. Actually, I don't know if you're partner told you. I had wanted to interview you in person anyways. I'm in Miami, you're in Atlanta. It's like a 40-minute flight. Why don't I just come to you? He said, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:01 So I fly to Atlanta to meet Jesse in person. He has me over to his house. I to Atlanta to meet Justin in person. He has me over to his house. I get to meet his assistant in person. I did not meet Sarah Blakely that day. By the way, she was not there. She was the spinks office. But I got to interview him at his home office.
Starting point is 00:32:15 And I had brought my traveling microphone. But we had a great interview. We headed off. He gives me a cell phone number. He says, if you ever need anything, let me know. I'm always here to help anyway. I can't super nice guy. So he says, by the way, I love that microphone.
Starting point is 00:32:30 It's amazing, it's so cool. I'm like, oh, thanks. I appreciate that. Here's my style. If you ever need anything, let me know. I'm here to help anyway. I can't. I leave and immediately I get in the Uber
Starting point is 00:32:41 and I order him his own microphone. A Yeti, it was a silver yeti blue yeti microphone It's super cool looking and so I immediately order it so that the next day He'll have it delivered to his home You know just as a thoughtful way to say thank you that I thought you like my mic I wanted to make sure you always had a good mic available to you and I had often you know Go back to Miami and I don't really think about it again. You know run the show He was reposting it on DMs,
Starting point is 00:33:05 super nice, like super helpful guy. What a great guy. And I carry on. Well, one day, probably two months after this happens, I get a call from my friend who had introduced me to his business partner. And he says, this is so crazy, but I just was on a phone with another friend. They're having a big sales and marketing conference in Boston. and they need someone to interview Jesse, it's Slur and Sarah Blakely live on stage together. And when she was saying how it's hard to find someone who'll be a good fit for that, he said, I know who Heather Monaghan. And she says, well, who's that? She didn't know me.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And he said, well, it's a friend of Jesse's. Jesse's been on our podcast. And I'm sure Jesse would love to have her be the one to interview. So they send over a note to Jessie and Sarah's teams and say, hey, this woman's name is just brought up. Would you be open to her being the person that interviews you? Jessie says, right away, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:57 She's great. Sarah will love her. It'll be perfect. Yeah, done. Let's go with her. Now, I never knew any of this was going to happen right the day that his internet went down I jumped on a plane in fluta Atlanta, but what I want you to know is number one I led with adding value first, right? That's how I made it through his business partner and to land the time with Jesse
Starting point is 00:34:16 I didn't want to do it on zoom because you just don't get the power of a connection as much as you do when you're in person However, I said yes to make it easy on him He was the one that had internet problems, which I could never have planned, right? And then I got the opportunity to ask him, can I come to you? He said yes. And we hit it off. I sent him the thank you. And here we were. This amazing opportunity came out of left field. And who would have known that any of this was going to happen. I end up flying to Boston interviewing the two of the month stage. It went unbelievable. She was amazing.
Starting point is 00:34:48 He was amazing. People were going crazy. And I learned the best lesson that day from him. As Sarah and I came off stage high-fiving and super excited, he went out and shook the hands of every single person he could reach from stage. And here he is, a much more seasoned speaker than I am. I should have totally been doing that. But I learned a great lesson that day that it's not about us and how excited we are. It's about
Starting point is 00:35:10 everybody that's there to support you and how important they are. So I thought that was a really powerful experience. And just a story I wanted to share to kind of highlight, you know, going back to this idea that when you lead with value, doors will open, people will respond differently to you. And no, it doesn't work every single time, but 99% of the time it does. Lead with value, whatever it is that you want, that you're looking for, think, how can I add value to this person and don't make it about you. The majority of the world makes it about them and the majority of the world doesn't get what they want.
Starting point is 00:35:43 So do it differently, show up differently, put yourself in different environments this week, just like we did with my son, and put yourself in the shoes of the other person and think, how can I add value to this person? And when you do that, you will see doors start opening. That's my sales 101 for this week. Okay, so if you like this episode, please post it on social media, leave a review, send me a DM and let me know. I want to create content that adds value to you.
Starting point is 00:36:13 If there's a topic that you're interested in, that you want me to speak to, give it to me in the DMs, go to my website,, or go to any social media, shoot me a note, or post about it. And I promise I will always repost and respond to you. No one succeeds alone, and that sure includes me.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I appreciate you, I appreciate your support. I can't wait to hear from you. Let me know if you like the episode. Share it. When you share in tag, I know that that means you like this episode and I will create more content like this for you. Until next week, keep creating your confidence. You know I will be.
Starting point is 00:37:03 You don't stop and look around once in a while. You can miss it. I'm on this journey with me. I hope you're enjoying this episode so far. I'm Jennifer Cohen, host the top ranking business and entrepreneur podcast, Habitson Hustle, apart the YAP media network, the number one business and self improvement podcast network. So most people live the life they get
Starting point is 00:37:23 and not the life they want. And I'm here to change all that. My goal with each episode is to give you the habits and hustle tips you need to show up to your life better, bigger, and bolder. Tune in now, and I'll not only help you answer the questions like, what do you want most in life and why don't you have it, but will also help you make it a reality. I also picked the brains of top thought leaders on how they've gone to the top and the advice they have to help you get there too.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Head over to Habitson Hustle. Once you've done listening to this episode and get one step closer to boldness, one episode at a time. one episode at a time.

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