Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - The KEY To Discovering Your Unique Value With Juliana Garcia Expert Marketing Coach Episode 327

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

Have you been wanting to work with Heather? Her annual elite mastermind is open NOW!   She is only accepting 20 participants this year! Click the link below to learn more and apply now if you are r...eady to go to the next level!  In This Episode You Will Learn About:  Tools for cultivating a strong mindset to help you accomplish ANYTHING   A human-centric approach to strengthen your communication and marketing skills The key to clarifying your message so you can share your truth with the world   How to root into your true self  Resources: Website:  Join the Magnetize & Monetize Mastermind course Email  LinkedIn & Facebook: @Juliana Garcia  Instagram: @itsjulianagarcia Facebook: @Magnetic Marketing Secrets For Entrepreneurs  Overcome Your Villains is Available NOW! Order here:  If you haven't yet, get my first book Confidence Creator Visit to start hiring now. Go to and use code CONFIDENCE to get 10% off.  Show Notes:  In order to become successful, you must understand the unique value that you offer! Juliana Garcia is an experienced marketing coach who helps her clients accept their truth and get clear on their unique message so they can attract their ideal client. She’ll help us perfect our personal story, connect to the people around us, and discover genuine growth for ourselves or our businesses!  About The Guest: Juliana Garcia is a Latina online entrepreneur who has created a $2.5 Million business helping skilled coaches clarify their marketing message to attract premium clients. Her client-centric approach breaks the stereotypical models out there and her classes are constantly selling out! With her tool belt full of creative and genuine tools, she’ll help us step into our true purpose!      If You Liked This Episode You Might Also Like These Episodes: The 6 Foods You NEED For A Healthy Gut & Brain Connection, With Dr. Amy Shah Turn Your Anger & Outrage Into ACTION, With Jessica Jackson Human Rights Attorney & Former Mayor of Mill Valley How To Start Defining Your Own Success With Mark Manson NYT Best Selling Author  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Prime Day, happening July 11th and 12th. You don't need to come first in a marathon, or beat the highest score at an arcade game to feel like a winner. You just need Prime Day. With two days of epic deals on everything from electronics to home goods exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like a big deal. So mark your calendars. Prime Day is coming July 11th and 12th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Learn more at slash prime day. What has been my journey? That's unique in itself, right? We don't tend to value that. We think our journey is either not good enough or maybe too flashy, too not relatable to this, too, that the moment that you decide that the way that your journey has unfold folded is the unique way that
Starting point is 00:00:46 you're going to go and sell, the unique angles, the unique story lines. And when you put a lot of value on that, people start perceiving it with a lot of value. I'm on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, you're going to chase down our goals, overcome adversity, and set you up for better tomorrow. That's your new secret. I'm ready for my close time. Hi, and welcome back.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I'm so excited for you to be with us this week. We've got Juliana Garcia. She's a Latina online entrepreneur who's created a $2.5 million business helping skilled coaches clarify their marketing message to attract premium clients. Who doesn't want premium clients? She pines years of cutting-edge client-centric approach that breaks the old school marketing
Starting point is 00:01:30 rules and focuses on selling through intimacy, integrity, strong mindset tools, and zero BS. Her flagship five-figure offer, the magnetized and monetized mastermind, is consistently sold out without any paid ads or sales calls. Just a clear message, massive clients results that sell to the beat of 700K per launch. Juliana's early marketing career involved working on the launch of the movie, think and grow rich, I think you've heard of it.
Starting point is 00:01:58 She's had a strong influence on this event and her company is focused on helping coaches set new standards for what's possible and the coaching industry and create a rich fulfilling sustainable business without burnout. Juliana, thank you so much for being here today. Oh my god is such a pleasure. Thank you for having me. Okay, so let's get into it. First of all, you know, I was reading an article that you did with Forbes and you were talking about how sales can be a beautiful process. And I tend to believe you agree with you, like these are my people. However, I know from my Pete's listening, not everyone feels that way. So often I hear from listeners that they struggle with sales, they struggle with selling
Starting point is 00:02:40 themselves, they struggle with selling their company products or or anything for that matter. How do you find sales to be a beautiful process in your business? Well, the reason why I believe sales are such a beautiful experience is because it's truly the most intimate moment that we can have with another person to really uncover what's their true vision. And we are probably the only person that they get to be vulnerable with about what are their fears, what are their desires, what's in the way, and at the core, why do they not believe they can do it? And that is a really vulnerable thing to express and to get to the root of. So to me, sales is about intimacy, is about creating connection with another person, and really is about creating
Starting point is 00:03:27 safety for the other person to feel like they can trust themselves, that they can trust you as a coach or as the person who is selling, and that they can trust the process that you're going to guide them through. So in order to trust, there needs to be a connection built and a sales call, it's the most perfect for me, as a spiritual experience, to really get myself to a point where I can hold space for somebody's fears, their reactions. There I need to think about it, I need time, I need this,
Starting point is 00:03:57 I need that, and really be able to hold pristine space and feel unshakable in yourself, allowing all of their things that might come up to come up and allow them to feel safe in the experience so that they can finally trust themselves to make that leap. So I often find that on a first call, that can be hard to establish that level of trust or intimacy to even get someone to the place of their actually emptying their cup to you. How do you accelerate that? Many ways. I have a process called the civil sales process. And one of the things that I teach my clients in the beginning of the process,
Starting point is 00:04:30 as you set up the tone of the call, is to ask the person on the phone, would you like me to be nice? Or would you like me to be real? And that question really opens up the container for it to be truthful, to be rooted in truth. So that you as a coach, if you are selling a process of a package or whatever you're selling, and you see their blind spots along the way, you can pause and you can ask them, okay, are you open to hearing something that I'm seeing right now?
Starting point is 00:05:03 And if they have consented in the beginning, then they, and they're always willing to say, no, I don't want to hear it, but also that tells you what kind of flying there will be. So it's really important to really create a space where people actually welcome the truth and where you feel so confident in your expertise and in yourself and your intuition,
Starting point is 00:05:22 to be able to call out the things that you see as a coach from a loving way and show them, this is what I see as a blind spot for you. How do you see this impacting you in other areas of your life? Or where do you think this comes from? What's the story behind this fear that XYZ, whatever they are presenting to you? And so as coaches, we can take responsibility for creating that intimacy simply by asking questions that are going to make the person feel open to receiving your feedback and when you're noticing on the call. Well, it makes sense because you have been doing this for a while. So of course, you feel confident when you're in it, right? The more reps you put in on anything, the more confident
Starting point is 00:05:59 you're going to be. What about for people listening right now that they're new selling in their business and sales is a scary idea for them. How do you get them to show up as that competent version of themselves? Things that you can do before the call are so important for you to get rooted in yourself and in the value that you bring. Because I think a lot of people get so nervous on sales calls. I write before the call, they're just like sweating and they're stressing and they're
Starting point is 00:06:24 like attached to the outcome. They're attached to the result of the call. Is a person going to say yes, am I going to get this sale? Am I going to hit my goals? And notice that all of that is focused on you. And a sales call has nothing to do with you. It's all about the other person. And so the most important thing that we can do before a sales call and during a sales call is really understand that we are not here to serve ourselves. We are here to serve the person in front of us. And so the way that we get rooted in ourselves beforehand is by really getting present 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes before the call and doing some journaling problems and asking yourself, why do I believe
Starting point is 00:07:07 I'm the best person for this client? Why what I have to offer is the most important thing that they can invest in right now. Why is now the time for this person to leak into what they desire? And of course, for me, I have a process where people feel at an application
Starting point is 00:07:24 and I have information about them, they have shared some of their fears or desires where they're at. And so that allows me to feel into what these persons crave and what they're needing. And from that place, I get rooted into, oh my God, this is the best time for them to do this. I am the best person for them. And how do we know we are the best person for the person in front of them on the other side? Because they are here, because they booked a call with you out of all the people in the world. Somehow, both of you got connected. There's a reason for that. So, am I willing to trust that there's a reason why they're in front of me and the answer for me
Starting point is 00:08:02 is always yes. So, what came up for me listening to you say that this is so funny is I used to sell radio and when you're saying, you know, write down in journal prompts, why did they need to buy this product or service? When you struggle with believing that actually is a true, you need to get another product or service. You need to get yourself out of that situation because if you truly don't believe in what you're selling, that other person is gonna see it, do you agree? 100%.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You have to be so rooted in the value of what you offer and know your value and that is really at the core of everything. And I think a lot of people confuse our intrinsic value with what we're charging. And those two things are separate. Like I hear a lot of people say, oh, charge your worth. And it's like, how could you charge your own worth? No, you charge based on the value that your program delivers. What is the lifetime value that your program delivers, that your service delivers. Not just if it's a three-month package
Starting point is 00:09:06 or a six-week thing or a one-year thing or a five-month experience, it's not about the months, it's about what is a live long impact and value that that's gonna bring to a person. And from that place, whatever you charge, if you charge $10,000 as a relationship coach, that helps people find the right person so that they don't get married to the wrong person
Starting point is 00:09:29 Like what is the value of that? Imagine if you married the wrong person, what do you think is going to happen? Probably going to get the worst. How much is the divorce is way more than the 5,000 or the 10,000 or the 15,000 that you're charging. So getting really clear and having your eyes wide open and having the right perspective around the value that you bring to someone's lives, not just the modules, the package, the length, that's when you really feel that confidence in yourself to be able to hold space for anyone on the call, even when they give you money objections or time objections or whatever it is that they give. Yeah, that's a great point, you know, stepping back to see that bigger picture beyond just today, beyond this month, but really what is that global impact? And that could be the
Starting point is 00:10:16 same way I was thinking when you were saying that buying a new car, right? Like instead of selling just the, you know, benefits of this vehicle sitting in front of you, how does this impact your life over the next few years? How are you seeing differently by people? How do you show up and feel differently every day when you get out of this new car? There's such a bigger impact than most people focus on. Most people are just focusing on that short window and short product that's sitting right in front of you.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So I really like that perspective. Thank you. You're welcome. Yeah. So tell me a little bit about, I know that you've done some talking about storytelling and not getting into numbers when you're in your approach on selling. Can you share a little bit about storytelling and how you use the power of storytelling in sales? Everybody has heard the storytelling is the best way to communicate with your audience. We all know that. And the question becomes, what stories do we
Starting point is 00:11:07 share and how do we share those stories and how do we elegantly link to what we sell, right? So I see a lot of people are seeing over the last five years actually, five years ago, I remember seeing a lot of people talking about being vulnerable and sharing your story and being vulnerable. And what happens is they confuse vulnerability with showing up as a hot mess online. And just sharing like literally everything even if you're in the process and not feeling like you're in your power around your story.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And so what I believe in terms of storytelling is that you can share from a place of elegant vulnerability. And what that means is sharing a story from the past, it could be from the present, even if you're going through it, but coming from an empowered place. And what does that mean? What that means is simply thinking about what are the lessons that I'm learning from this story that I empower that don't blame somebody else that don't point the finger at somebody else and make them the villain. They really just say, I'm in the situation. This is where or I have been in this situation, I was. And these were the lessons that I learned. And actually, this is what helped me shape the program that I am selling right now.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And so there are so many different ways in which you can link your personal stories when you come from a place of elegant vulnerability. And you actually link it back to maybe something that inspired you from that experience to sell your offer to create the offer or the purpose of why you want to help people who maybe were in the same situation. And so that's one of the, it takes, I mean, I have so many takes in storytelling that I can go home for like a whole five hour master class. But the main thing is telling a story from a place of power, from a place of eye-tay
Starting point is 00:12:56 responsibility for my part or here are the lessons that I'm learning because that gives value to your audience. It helps them feel connected to you as a human. And it also positions you as somebody who has authority and has experience in what you're selling. National security experts are warning. Our aging power grid is more vulnerable than ever. January marked a third time at power station, North Carolina was damaged by gunfire.
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Starting point is 00:15:57 I mean, I think people are always looking for somebody who can guide them, right? And so this is why also elegant vulnerability is important because if you're showing up in HODMES vibes, then people are going to give you lots of likes and comments and they're probably going to be like, oh, I feel you, me too. I get it. Oh, I hear you. And you might get a lot of engagement, but they're not going to buy from you because people don't feel that leadership in the experience. They just feel like you're a friend. They feel like, oh, me too. I mean, I get it. And so think about it.
Starting point is 00:16:31 We don't pay our friends. We pay guides. We pay guides who have gone through the path, who have wisdom to offer us. And so what is important is to understand that we are guides for our people, and that they want us to show up in our power. And also that we are the humans that we are guides for our people and that they want us to show up in our power. And also that we are the humans that we are and we make mistakes and we can share about that.
Starting point is 00:16:50 But we want to share it from a place of power. And that actually, it's like a self-development for ourselves in itself to really sit with something and be like, okay, this feels like I'm the victim in this. But if I really take my power back, like, how would I view this story? So, this is what content creation for me is totally like a spiritual experience, too, because I'm able to see in what places actually deserve me, or how did I actually want this to happen? What lessons did I get from this experience that I can pass on to my people? And that creates a sense of aspiration, but also they relate to me, but it's not just one or the other,
Starting point is 00:17:30 because if we show up only as heroes, I have no flaws, I'm perfect, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm, you know, people don't feel your heart, they don't feel like they can relate to your experience. And so we need to do both at the same time is not one or the other. Another article that I was reading that you had written about the hero's journey was talking about the hero not being yourself, but the hero actually being that customer consumer, what that
Starting point is 00:17:58 challenge is, the lesson and take away, but really getting it to feature that customer instead. How do you position them? Yeah. Well, the story is never really about us. It's kind of like sales, right? Like the story, we tell the story through our perspective, but what we really, what we want to do is tell a story that our client is living, that our client has lived, that our client is afraid of living, right?
Starting point is 00:18:24 And so this is what is so important about getting super clear on who is the perfect person, or the ideal person that you want to serve, your premium client. What are the challenges that a premium client experience, or even if you don't work with premium clients, what are their actual challenges, where are they at? And how can you tell a story from the place of like, I have been there and here's what I learned.
Starting point is 00:18:48 And in my posts, in my content, you will see that all I do is affirm the belief in themselves. So that they know that they can get through it and that there's a solution and that they can take a leap instead of robbing them from their power and saying, well, only you can, only if you do it the way I did it. Or you only if you buy my process, you're going to be successful.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Otherwise, you're going to be in the dirt, right? Like I never do that. That is this empowering marketing. And that's what a fear-based marketing. And that's what a lot of people are waking up to like when people are selling with fear. So when you tell the story of a client, through your lens of what you have gone through
Starting point is 00:19:27 and you tell them, and here's how you can do it yourself, you're gonna win no matter what. I believe in you, you're powerful. Like you're gonna do these with or without me. And if you wanna accelerate the time to your results, let's partner up and do it together. That's so powerful. So you bring up a good point.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Scarcity marketing is a huge deal. I actually did an episode with a scarcity marketing expert on this because I am intrigued by it. It's not something that I've done. It's not how I market myself or my business. And again, no judgment for what works for other people. However, I do like to hear how you're able to successfully land premium clients without leveraging the scarcity. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Renew clients don't resonate with scarcity, marketing and fear-based marketing. They're the ones who are most attuned to it because they're not in a scarcity space. So they are thinking of themselves as, I can do this. It's probably going to take me a while to figure it out, but I could probably figure this out. Right? I have resources and it doesn't even mean money, but it means I believe in myself enough to do something that is scary. I have a feeling that I can. It's still scary, but I have a feeling that I can. And that is an empowered version of your clients, somebody who believes in themselves, just enough to be able to do the thing that they want. And scarcity and fear, they're not going to resonate with
Starting point is 00:20:52 that. So that actually scarcity and fear based marketing attracts people who are in scarcity and fear and who need a quick solution, who want to be saved, who are in survival mode. And so the most, the easiest way to attract the premium clients, and when I say premium, I don't just mean people who pay you a lot, the people who show up in a premium way, who want to be coached, who want to be an amazing client, who want to trust you, who want to implement, who are coachable, those clients want to be seen by somebody in their highest self, in their power. They don't want to be told there's no way that you can do this without me.
Starting point is 00:21:31 They'll be like, wait until something doesn't feel right about that, right? And so it's just the perfect, you know, I actually believe urgency or not urgency is a neutral aspect of marketing. You can create real urgency. There's like a number of spots left or whatever that is, but scarcity actually doesn't resonate with premium clients. So if you want to attract better clients, start speaking to the empower version of your client.
Starting point is 00:21:57 So scarcity of marketing then would perform better for lower ticket, lower end consumer and lower end product offerings. I mean, you could say so. Yeah, I think it definitely does work because it's an easier bridge and I still don't believe that is the best way. I mean, anything can work. Like anyone can sell with fear really.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I mean, think about all the people who sell a lot like high ticket stuff with fear, right? Is just that they're attracting a person who is in fear and who will maybe default on their payments, maybe won't show up, maybe want to complain about the program. Like it's just the people, it will still convert. It's just the experience that people are gonna have
Starting point is 00:22:38 and how they're gonna show up in your container. It's gonna be very different than you'd speak to a person who's empowered. Yeah, I definitely agree with you. And there are billions of people out there. There's always other consumers. You can go after different markets. You can go after there isn't just one group that will buy your products and services.
Starting point is 00:22:54 And I know you have a three-step process. Can you walk us through what that looks like? The most important thing, which we talked a little bit about in the beginning, is understanding your unique brilliance. What makes you different than everybody in the space? And that's a question that people feel like, it's like a heavy blanket on their soul. It's like, oh, what? I'm not, I'm not that different. Or this person's doing a better, this person's doing it differently. And the most important thing is understanding, well, what about you is something
Starting point is 00:23:20 that nobody else in the world can copy, can replicate. And even if they did replicate it and copy it, it's not gonna land the way that it would land if you were saying it. So being able to understand what that is about you, whether it is the energy that you sell, the personality that you want to let yourself shine in, like instead of trying to become the copy-paste of some other coach or some other business owner or some other brand, and copying that what is your most expressive and aligned version? What is your preference for
Starting point is 00:23:51 showing up on social media? What makes you come alive? And what is your unique take in the industry or your niche? Like what is the unique thing that you want to talk about that maybe people are not really talking about? Like for me, I always talk about elegant vulnerability versus being a hot mess online. That's something that's a unique concept. And people know me for it, they love it, it's gone viral, people love it. And so that's one of the things that I discovered in my unique brilliance. Another thing in your unique brilliance is understanding what is the problem that you want to focus on solving for the marketplace.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Like, what is that thing that for you is kind of like you're marrying something for like five years. Give it or give it at least a year if you're starting out. Those shift and change niches because that's going to dilute your own unique brilliance and what you are amazing at, what you could be amazing at. So first is understanding that. Then the second pillar is really creating content that aligns with the right premium clients. And so for me, the most important thing that we can do as business owners
Starting point is 00:24:57 is really set a high standard for the people that we want to work with and get super clear on our baseline standards. Like I'm not willing to work with people who show up in this way and this is these are the people that I do want to work with and that is a scary thing to do because you're essentially saying okay all these people that could pay me I'm gonna say no but the reason where you want to say no is for the long term yes, for the long term community that you will build, for the long term experience that you would have as a business owner. And because of the way that they're going to show up in the container. So getting super clear on who your person is, your premium person speaking to them in an empowered way. creating content, whether it's reels, whether it's long form posts, everything works, as long as you are really addressing what is the main problem that you help people solve, what is your unique take on it, what are the things that you do differently that other people are not seeing.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And who is it for? What is the empower version of your client that is really going to land is going to make them feel like, oh my God, you totally read my mind. Like that feeling is only when you're really getting to their stories and the things that we talked about today. So, I know there's people listening right now that are saying, I don't have any unique brilliance. There's nothing that's special about me. I know for certain there's people saying that and I know that at different times in my career, especially when I was a salesperson, I probably would have said that too. How do you help people uncover what is unique about them?
Starting point is 00:26:26 I have a seven step process that I guide people through in order to uncover what is unique about them, because it's not just about what you do, it's about who you are, right? Like there's a million people that talk about marketing and sales. I mean, I'm not the only person that does this, right? Like a million people that talk about whatever,
Starting point is 00:26:41 whatever it is, sales, marketing, relationships. And the way that you get to understand your unique brilliance is really by noticing, okay, well, what about my journey? What has been my journey? That's unique in itself, right? We don't tend to value that. We think our journey is either not good enough or maybe too flashy, too not relatable to these two that the moment that you decide that the way that your journey has unfolded is the unique way that you're going to go and sell, the unique angles, the unique story lines. And when you put a lot of value on that, people start perceiving it with a lot of value.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like I have a friend of mine who's like, I don't have a regs to richer story, right? And she was like, and you don't need a regs to richer story. We are done with that, right? There's so many people who are like, here's my regs to richer story. This is the best story ever. And this is how you can do it too. So notice that both people have angles to sell,
Starting point is 00:27:41 have ways to present themselves in their brand, but it's all about honoring, who are you really? What is your true story? And how can you actually value that to the level where you think this is impactful and this is going to make a difference with people? So it's a value in your own trajectory and the understanding, what am I really amazing at that I love helping people with?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Like I'm really good at a lot of things, but for me, the unique brilliance that I bring to the table is really helping people with their messaging and articulating the value of what they do in a way that sells. Clients were calling me yesterday that I'm like Chad GPT, like Juliana Chad GPT, because they can tell me like all their how they what they would say to sell something and I'm like, okay, here's how do you actually want to say it for it to convert. And that's just like my gift, right? So for us, if you're in the beginning, if you're listening and if you're, in the beginning of your journey and you're like, I really don't know, start with it. That makes you come alive and commit to it for about a year, at least to develop your ability, your confidence,
Starting point is 00:28:42 and your self certainty, because that's going to build mastery. It's going to help you feel more connected and more empowered in you, deliver, and resulting that aspect of what you sell. Yeah, it's so good when you're talking. I was thinking about, you know, this applies to so many different areas of life. Like, this is just a great exercise to go through for you, whether you're a founder of a company and you need to launch your personal brand so that people can connect to who is behind this company and this business because your sale people
Starting point is 00:29:09 are out there representing you and it's gonna be helpful for them to be able to repeat that story. It's so important for everyone and every business to identify this. Do you agree with that? I mean, I think that is so essential especially now because there's so much saturation with different brands and different personalities and different content
Starting point is 00:29:28 that sometimes we can feel like, well, what is different about us or how can we even break through the noise? How can we even, you know, how can people relate to us? And it feels like a heavy blanket almost that we just have to like peel every day. And really the freedom comes from knowing that there is just, we just get to be who we are. Like the most self-expressed version of us is the version that will connect
Starting point is 00:29:52 with our audience. It's like, you know, I used to dim myself so much because I thought that I was too much. Like my personality was too bright, that he was just too direct, that I was, you know, and when I started owning that, people were like, I need a, I want a coach like you. I want a coach that can like tell me the truth. I want somebody who can be direct with me. I don't want somebody who's just cuddling me all the time, but I also don't want somebody who's judging me and who doesn't hold space for where I'm at. You have the perfect blend. And I'm like, oh my god, I get to just own myself, all of me and people want this. Okay, that was like, you know, it was so liberating
Starting point is 00:30:30 because I didn't have to try to be like any other brand or any other coach. I just got to like fully own myself. That reminds me of the viral content I'm seeing everywhere right now. Okay, if I'm too much, then you should go out there and get less. It's actually reposted that like recently.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Oh, it's so good. And it's so well said that when you show up as that big, real, powerful version of yourself, you're gonna attract those right people to you. Conversely, when you dial your light down and are showing up as a lesser version, because you think that's what the marketplace wants, you're gonna attract the wrong people, the wrong partners, the wrong relationships, the
Starting point is 00:31:07 wrong, everything towards you. So start dialing it up and be who you are meant to be, who you are put on this earth to be, and watch your business flourish, your relationship flourish, and your sales will be so much easier. If you're struggling with swelling in your legs, ankles or feet, you're going to want to listen up. Forget your compression socks and water pills. New research shows that swelling and inflammation can be resolved by upping your intake of omega-3
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Starting point is 00:32:03 native path and arctic krill oil for as low as $23 a bottle. Just go to slash confidence. Say you have a business idea, but you're not sure what to do next. Don't go into debt spending four plus years on a degree. Listen to the Millionaire University podcast. Learn how to run a successful business and graduate rich. Not broke. Trust me, you need to check out this podcast. The Millionaire University podcast is hosted by Justin and Tara Williams, who started their business from Square One and now have years of valuable
Starting point is 00:32:35 experience. They hit lows and dug themselves out of debt, and want to share the lessons they've learned with aspiring entrepreneurs. You don't need a degree to succeed. Millionaire University will teach you everything you need to know. From specifics like how to start a software business without creating your own software, to more broad topics like eight businesses you can start tomorrow to make 10K a month. In each episode, you'll get insights from entrepreneurs and mentors who know what it takes to be successful. So don't wait.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Now is the time to turn your business idea into a reality by listening to the millionaire university podcast. New episodes drop every Monday and Thursday. Find the millionaire university on Apple Spotify or wherever you get your podcast. You talk a lot about content creation. I know people listening right now are in sales, they've got products to sell, and they're not creating content.
Starting point is 00:33:31 How important is it for them to show up and start creating content? I mean, I think that it's such an interesting thing. I was like that, right? I was like, I have so much value to give. I'm so good at marketing, but showing up and creating content just felt like the biggest hurdle of all times. Like, this is why I teach what I teach
Starting point is 00:33:50 because I used to be that client, right? And one of the things that I realized one day, I was looking at the window, I was living in a apartment apartment in Chicago and I looked at the, they were building a high rice, right, in front of my house. And I saw how construction workers were like literally hanging
Starting point is 00:34:06 from like the rope to like, you know, install windows. And I'm like, oh my God, they're like risking their lives every day to make 70,000 a year. I don't know, 60, 50,000 a year. And I was there sitting on my desk thinking, all I gotta do is write some words. That's my job to make money, to make way more than $70,000 a year, to make millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:34:33 To make, you know, at the time I wasn't making millions of dollars, at the time I was like going for my first multi-six figures, but I just remember feeling this sense of like, we are so lucky to have the platforms that we have to just press a button and then you just sense it to hundreds and thousands of people or the thousand followers you have or whatever, hundreds of people,
Starting point is 00:34:55 one post, even if you have a hundred followers, that's gonna be seen by people that, and you don't have to lift a finger other than just like press publish. We are in such an amazing time to be alive to make money, to have a business online. And really it's just our thoughts that make you feel hard. It's just our thoughts that make content creation feel hard. These are thoughts about us, our thoughts about what people are going to think, our thoughts about our is our product good enough,
Starting point is 00:35:22 our people going to buy it, is is it to expensive it's just thoughts But if we just put the thoughts aside for a minute and we just focus on what does this person need to hear today? How can I empower my my you know if you're a realtor like people to make better decisions when he comes to investing in their homes Whoever you are, I mean anything that you do you do everything online. If you just focus on service and sharing value really, and I know that that sounds like everybody talks about sharing value, but just start sharing some value. Like instead of being like, I wanna get a right, what is a perfect value to share?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Just start sharing your stories, start sharing your value, start sharing client stories. Sometimes that's easier than sharing your own stories. And so for me, it's like the, it's a privilege to be able to sit here in front of a computer and just write words that attract people and that can help them. And I can like change their lives. I'm like, it just feels like the only obstacle that I have is me and my own thoughts about
Starting point is 00:36:21 what it means to write content. Yeah, that's so, so true. And I love that analogy with the construction workers hanging off the building. That's a great perspective that it would what a beautiful gift you gave yourself. This is all so much easier than that. We got to keep it real.
Starting point is 00:36:36 My son had a tough day at school yesterday, and he got home and he was feeling badly for himself. And he said, why are you in such a great mood? And I said, well, I just spoke for the USO today. And during Q&A, they were talking about what it's like to be married to a spouse who's at war in another country. And you don't know if they're coming back and when they're coming back.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And I said to my son, I'm like, I was listening to real world problems and things that are really hard and just made me feel so lucky and sometimes we just need to Give ourselves a dose of that that you know these Challenges that we have before as well. They may be challenges They're definitely ones that we can overcome especially when we look at the the greater picture out there They're really not that big and and I appreciate that that ref that you gave us. Did you know you were always going to be good at sales or is this something you figured out along the
Starting point is 00:37:29 way? Well, I have to say that I actually my first job was sales. I was selling funeral plans, you know, Australia. On the phone, I would call people, I mean, it's the hardest imagine like selling funeral plans like, okay, you're about to die. So I would call people, I mean, it's the hardest image. And like selling funeral plans like, okay, you're about to die. So I would you like to buy so many shirts? You know, like I'm sold so many different things. I've sold a lot of, I mean, that's kind of like the weirdest one that I have sold. But I was good at sales, but I'm marketing
Starting point is 00:37:59 wasn't my zone of genius. Like I was talking about myself, sharing myself, creating a personal brand, all of that, like just felt so much harder than sales. Sales became more like, I think I can help this person, like with what I'm selling. As long as I believe in the thing that I sell, I will stand there and I will hold the room, right?
Starting point is 00:38:19 And I still do that. But marketing was the one that fell harder because it felt like I had to be visible and show parts of me and all of that. But marketing was the one that fell harder because it felt like I had to be visible and show parts of me and all of that. And that was the thing that felt the hardest. So I think my mom was always a great saleswoman. She's a dentist and she has her own clinic back in Colombia because I'm an immigrant. I come from a little town in Colombia and we didn't even speak English, but she always, I remember her just being like the, the people just wanted her. They just wanted her to do all the dentistry work and all the things. And she would just
Starting point is 00:38:50 still care ismatic. And I feel like I learned that from her, just to like be a people's person and to be empathetic and to hope space for people. And so I feel like I got that a little bit from my mom, but definitely not the marketing that I had to learn that myself. Well, that's good to hear. And I think that gives people comfort. And I'll tell you, for me too, I've been in sales since I was nine years old and out of paper route.
Starting point is 00:39:13 So again, I just believe in your situation, you had your mother to look to for an example so that you could replicate that. But if you don't, just putting the reps in, you're gonna get better and better, and you're gonna learn customer service, you're gonna learn how to upsell people, you're gonna learn how to deliver on your word, you're gonna get better and better, and you're gonna learn customer service, you're gonna learn how to upsell people, you're gonna learn how to deliver on your word,
Starting point is 00:39:26 you're gonna understand why your word means everything in sales. So put the reps in, start realizing everyone selling all the time, someone sold in every in any exchange, selling is helping the way that Juliana's been explaining it, and that is such a truth. And when you begin to see it that way, you wanna lean into that even more. But I agree, when you have to start creating the content
Starting point is 00:39:47 and putting your personal brand out there, that does seem like a bigger leap until you do it and realize, oh wow, this is actually letting me help and reach more people I would have never been able. I couldn't have chased as many people down, instead I'm attracting them to be, I'm reversing the flow of business.
Starting point is 00:40:04 And when you really understand that and how powerful that is and how many more people you can help as a result, it's almost gosh, how can you not do it? Start showing up as you. And also I think another key element to realize with marketing is people say, well, someone so is already doing that or someone so is already doing that. Nobody's doing it with the background lens and perspective that you own, the voice that you own, the look that you own, the perspective that you own. And you're going to reach and you're going to align with people that these other people
Starting point is 00:40:34 with similar stories just aren't able to. But you see that happen often online? A hundred percent. I mean, is it what I was saying before? It's like the how we unlock our unique brilliance is by really taking inventory of our own ourselves. And what is it about us that we think it's like average, normal, not that important, or too much, or too little, or not enough.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And when we decide, wait, that's the perfect package. Actually, this is the perfect package. I am the perfect package for some people. For some people, it's definitely not gonna be the perfect package. And you'll be package for some people. For some people, it's definitely not going to be the perfect package. And you'd be like, that's terrible, that's terrible, that's terrible. And when you decide, I'm willing to feel my feelings when people criticize me, when people say, I'm willing to live them be wrong about me. I'm willing to live them be wrong about me because I know that there are so many people also. There may be a few, let's just start with a few,
Starting point is 00:41:24 then I actually like it, then I actually benefit from what I have to offer. And that's how I had to because I know that there are so many people also, there may be a few, let's just start with a few, that might actually like it, that might actually benefit from what I have to offer. And that's how I had to start. I was like, I think majority of people are totally not gonna like what I say. And I was like, there may be a few will, and if you did, and a few became millions.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And so now, it's a matter of really, I just keep on doubling down on let people be wrong about you, especially the bigger that you get, the more people, the more eyes you have on you. And so the more people are going to have their thoughts or opinions, and you get to be okay with letting them be wrong about you. Crunch. What a name for a chocolate bar tells you what you're signing up for. Crunch, that glorious combination of crispy rice and 100% milk chocolate makes
Starting point is 00:42:06 crunch the chocolate bar that's just more fun. It's the mic drop of chocolate. It's chocolate with game. It's chocolate with what's the word after. Oh yeah. Crunch. Oh my gosh, you just remind me of another post that I shared on Instagram last night. And it said something like this, you might not think I'm beautiful, you might not think I'm funny, and that's okay.
Starting point is 00:42:32 You're wrong, but that's all right. We won't hold it against you, right? Like this whole, listen, you're entitled to your opinion. That's fine, that's about you. You can own it in rocket, but there's gonna be people out there that are gonna disagree with you and I happen to be one of them.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Julia, how do people get a hold that you? How do people work with you? Yeah, so you can find me on Instagram. My handle is ITS. It's Juliana Garcia, just with one in. It's Juliana Garcia, and that's where I hang out. I do a lot of stories. I love hanging out with all of my people and stories. Also, you can find the magnetized and monetized mastermind. If you want to clarify your message to attract premium clients, just hype in juliana And you can find out more details. And also I have an amazing Facebook group
Starting point is 00:43:16 where I deliver trainings that are literally worth like, they're literally, every training people are like, oh my god, I can get clients with this. I can get clients with this. I can get clients with this. So if get clients with this, I can get clients with this So if you want to join their Facebook group is free. I give free trainings to school marketing secrets for entrepreneurs Well Julian, I thank you so much for shining your light Thank you for not being afraid of being too much in attracting those right people
Starting point is 00:43:38 Message with our listeners today and being on the show. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me All right guys until next week keep creating your confidence. You know, I will be. You don't stop and look around once in a while. You can miss it. I'm on this journey with me. I hope you're enjoying this episode so far. I'm Jennifer Cohen, host the top ranking business and entrepreneur podcast, Habitson Hustle, apart the YAP media network, the number one
Starting point is 00:44:19 business and self-improvement podcast network. So most people live the life they get and not the life they want. And I'm here to change all that. My goal with each episode is to give you the habit and hustle tips you need to show up to your life better, bigger, and bolder. Tune in now, and I'll not only help you answer the questions
Starting point is 00:44:41 like what do you want most in life and why don't you have it, but we'll also help you make it a reality. I also picked the brains of top thought leaders on how they've gone to the top and the advice they have to help you get there too. Head over to Happets and Hustle once you've done listening to this episode and get one step closer to boldness, one episode at a time. Three kids' workshops are back in stores at the Home Depot.
Starting point is 00:45:07 On the first Saturday of every month, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., bring your little ones to a local Home Depot for a hands-on learning experience that kids love. Find more Kid Friendly projects and Kids' Workshop Kids at Home slash Kids. For 25 years, the Home Depot has been building confident, future doers, with its free kids workshops. The Home Depot, how doers get more done? Lost by last year or so.

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