Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan - What Happens When You Embrace Forgiveness with Heather! Episode 136

Episode Date: August 4, 2021

This episode is a little different than usual. It was an interesting week with many challenges and yet also many serendipitous events. And it all centered around the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness ...wasn’t something I really knew about or considered before. But I found out that by ignoring the problems of my past, I was holding myself back from the future. It’s not always the right move to power through. Sometimes it’s more important to stop and examine what triggers you. You need to try to forgive those that hurt you and forgive yourself instead. Give it a try and see how letting go of the anger truly transforms you.  Review this podcast on Apple Podcast using this LINK and when you DM me the screen shot, I buy you my $299 video course as a thank you!    To pre-order Overcome Your Villains NOW and get the bonus bundle click here:     See for privacy and opt-out information. See for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:58 Restrictions may apply, see site for details. I'm on this journey with me. Each week, when you join me, you are going to chase down our goals. Overcome adversity, and set you up for better tomorrow. Love your notes, baby. I'm ready for my close-up. I am so grateful.
Starting point is 00:01:14 You're here with me today. Who, boy? Okay, so this one is gonna be a little bit of a different episode. It's definitely not directly tied to business. However, I do believe it influences business. And I'm gonna explain what I mean by that. However, it's still sort of,
Starting point is 00:01:31 I'm really a rookie in this whole weird situation I'm going through. So, I'm gonna tell you how this started. And I'm trying to connect the dots looking back, right? We can never connect the dots looking forward. We don't know what's possible. We don't know what's gonna change next. We don't know how we're gonna respond.
Starting point is 00:01:51 What event may occur, but when you stop and look, you know, back over the past couple of months of your life, you can start noticing what was happening around you. I actually sat down this weekend, wrote out a timeline, which is something I also did by the way when I got fired. I wrote out a 30 day plan, and then as time would progress, I would start noticing all these amazing things
Starting point is 00:02:15 were opening up in my life, and occurrences were happening, like landing on the Elvastaransho, that I had no idea was gonna happen that would completely change the trajectory of my life in my career. So I try to hold on to those type of moments in my life when I'm going through unknown, scary, upsetting times, which I've actually been going through one of those. And if you follow me on LinkedIn, I'm sure you saw the post that I did last week about
Starting point is 00:02:41 what was happening with my mother coming into town with her new husband and okay, I'll get into the whole thing. So I guess about, it was the year before the pandemic hit, my mother announced that she was divorcing my father, which I understand I'm an adult child and parents have to do what's right for them. However, it feels bad when I was worried about my dad. I'm very close to my father.
Starting point is 00:03:07 My father adopted me when I was 10 years old and he's just been represented so much in regards to the person I go to. He was always my coach. He's in sales. We just were very similar. And I understood what my mom was doing was right for her. And I think that's great.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And we should always make decisions that are right for ourselves and our own wellbeing. However, you know, it's hard for me because I knew my dad was struggling, you know, with the decision. Okay. So she ends up marrying someone that I don't know a couple of months later,
Starting point is 00:03:38 which that really threw me for a loop. I thought it was a little bizarre. However, again, not my choice. I have to come to grips with that. We can't control others. That's their decision, their life to leap. And I can process all of that as an adult, right? But again, it's still a little weird.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Okay, then a pandemic hit, so I don't see my parents for, you know, it's been a while. Okay, fast forward to a week ago. I get a text from my mother saying, Hey, we, as in her and her new husband, are coming to my Emmy. We'd love to see you. Here's the days we're going to be there. It was in a couple of days. I haven't seen them in my mom in almost three years. And she said, you know, does this
Starting point is 00:04:17 work? My initial reaction, I will tell you was, oh my gosh, just say you're out of town. You can't handle this right now. You have too much going on. I'm knee deep in a book launch. My sun broke his arm out at camp. I have so many things balls up in the air going on right now, you know, just bounce out. However, luckily, as a parent, which I wonder if you agree with this if you're a parent, agree with this if you're a parent. I forced myself to see myself through my son's eyes. And I thought, if I want him to do the right thing in life, I have to go to this dinner.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I have to go to this meeting. I have to deal with hard things head on. Because if I'm able to do it, he'll be able to do it. So I stopped with the idea of just not being available. Said I would absolutely go to meet with them, even though I felt super nervous slash uncomfortable awkward. So I'm proud of myself that I went, right, because again, doing the right thing is always the answer.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And I actually told my son, he's still a camp, I'm picking him up in a couple days and I told him on the phone, you know, I'm going to go to this dinner and he said, well, isn't that going to be weird? You don't know the guy. And I said, yeah, probably so. Probably is. However, I believe it's the right thing to do. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:05:32 And he said, yeah, mommy, you're probably right. And sweet, a good positive talk about it. And what I wasn't prepared for was the tremendous amount of emotions that started coming up within me that I couldn't Have forecasted plan for or anticipated and this sort of goes back in my life And I write a chapter about exactly what I'm talking about in the new book overcome your villains There's a whole chapter about this But when we have upset when we're younger in life and and again, this is not the kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:06:02 I think about every day. Yes, I was a psych major, but I don't sit around, you know, pontificating about my past. I try to live in the present, write and do the best job I can for now, and have a vision for my future. However, this whole experience has taught me I should have been addressing some of the issues for my past, because not addressing them and pushing them away is holding me back from the future I want. And again, I just want to repeat that again. And if this isn't a message for you, maybe it's a message for someone close to you that you see.
Starting point is 00:06:32 For some reason, they're not living up to their potential or they're, you know, letting others treat them badly or they're not going for their goals. Maybe it's not lack of confidence. Maybe it's not lack of competence. Maybe there's something in their past they haven't dealt with or healed that's really kind of pulling them back. I do believe in the so weird because I've never thought about this and I got into a whole world that I'm not familiar with, which again is always uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:06:58 But I really believe there's something to this, something big. Now, the reason I sat down and wrote out a timeline, is I started noticing some weird, serendipitous things were happening. For example, I get this message from my mom, I make the decision to do the right thing, I'm feeling incredibly awkward, I call my father. You know, I was just sort of,
Starting point is 00:07:20 I felt bad, like you're somewhat betraying someone else, right, and so I call my father and I said, Dad, this happened, I got this text. And he handled it beautifully. He said, if you're calling, asking for my permission, you have it. If you're calling, asking if I support you, I'm behind you 100%.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And if you're calling and asking how you should show up, show up as the best version of you with love in your heart, go in with an open mind and be you, be yourself, and things will be okay. And I thought that was beautiful advice, which I'll never forget, and hope I'll be able to use and share with my son in challenging moments.
Starting point is 00:07:55 He'll have. So anyhow, I had this call with my father, and I had reached out to one of my girlfriends who had just lost her dog, her grandmother's in hospice. She's going through this horrible time. And one thing I know is when you're struggling or having a tough time, going to help someone else is always the answer. It makes you feel so much better, right?
Starting point is 00:08:13 So I reached out to her, I said, can we meet for dinner? You know, I really want to see you, see how you're doing. So we met for dinner and she looked beautiful and light and happy. And it was perplexing to me because I know the pain that she's going through right now. And I went in there looking not so happy, not light, you know, not so my best version of myself. And I'm sitting there and I said, what's happening with you? And she starts to explain to me that she's been going down a journey over the last two weeks about forgiveness And I said well, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:08:47 You know, I don't really understand forgiveness for what and she explained that you know She was forgiving her mother and her grandmother for whatever past grievances She had that maybe she wasn't consciously aware of but that she wanted to release Become aware of and then release and, so that she could ultimately forgive herself and become the best version of herself, even though she was facing all of this adversity in her life. And I thought, if she's able to do that right now,
Starting point is 00:09:14 with everything she's going through, I need to try to do the same thing, right? Just acknowledge that this is something I'm not familiar with. I don't read about forgiveness. I don't, you know, dive into this concept of forgiveness. It's not even on my radar. Maybe this is something I'm not familiar with, I don't read about forgiveness, I don't, you know, dive into this concept of forgiveness, it's not even on my radar. Maybe this is something I should do, and I went home that night,
Starting point is 00:09:30 really grateful for the talk and committed to going down the rabbit hole of forgiveness. At some point, I stopped and said, this is weird, wait a minute. Not only is it serendipitous that she and I had dinner, I thought I'd be helping her, but she helped me and around the concept of forgiveness. But I realized about a month ago,
Starting point is 00:09:47 the CEO of the company I work for in corporate America passed away. And when he did, I really struggled with, I haven't spoken to one person at that company that was very, very close to his son, close to like literally, he was my second father. I was his right hand, it was just, we were very, very tight. And I felt in the end, he was my second father. I was his right hand, it was just, we were very, very tight.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And I felt in the end, he betrayed me, which he kinda did. And I was very angry. Oh my gosh, very angry in that, he called me multiple times. I never returned the phone call, never spoke into him again. And while I think, I hope he's well,
Starting point is 00:10:21 and I hope things are well for him, I still don't like how he handled the situation. And I just push it back in the past, which is not the answer. This is my message today. This is what I've learned. It's not the answer to do that because it only was harming me. So when I realized that the CEO passed away and I'm sitting there thinking myself, gosh, I should really call him. I should really call him and check in on him.
Starting point is 00:10:40 But then there was other side of me saying, don't call him. He betrayed you and you're going to let him off the hook. But in the end, the angel on a shoulder went out over the devil and the shoulder in this instance, and I called him and got his voice me on, left him a very nice message, you know, praying that he and his family are okay and telling him that I'm sending a lot of love and that I wanted him to know that I had heard from his dad. And, you know, his dad had been behind the scenes being such a champion of mine, and so gracious and wonderful,
Starting point is 00:11:08 and I just wanted him to know that I had only good thoughts and prayers for him and his family. He called me back, and it was one of those moments you look at the phone and think, oh my gosh, do I really pick up? And I did, and it was uncomfortable, but in the end, I felt better about who I am. I don't want to harbor animosity and blame towards anyone
Starting point is 00:11:28 because ultimately you're doing it to yourself. And so I decided to forgive him. National security experts are warning. Our aging power grid is more vulnerable than ever. January marked a third time at Power Station, North Carolina was damaged by gunfire. Authorities are saying the attack raises a new level of threat. Authorities are now checking our grid for vulnerabilities. They've identified nine key substations. If these substations are attacked, power could be knocked out from coast to coast for up to 18 months.
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Starting point is 00:14:00 Slash Monahan. Slash Monahan. To get the visibility and control you need to If you're struggling with swelling in your legs, ankles or feet, you're going to want to listen up. Forget your compression socks and water pills. New research shows that swelling and inflammation can be resolved by upping your intake of omega-3 fatty acids from krill oil. Omega-3s improves circulation while lowering inflammation on the body, all while reducing swelling and pain.
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Starting point is 00:15:05 I'm like, this happened a month ago, interesting around forgiveness, yet I wasn't really conscious of it. Then my son broke his arm at camp. I flew out there in a complete panic, horrified about what was happening that he was alone. I get there and he's doing so much better than I anticipated. So I write that down. Things weren't nearly as bad as I thought. In fact, they were so much better. Then the situation with my mother, I go to the dinner.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I meet with my friend first. She helps me with this idea of forgiveness. I go down the forgiveness rabbit hole. And for two days, I'm watching every video I can find Luis Hay around forgiveness. I ordered her book. I started doing tapping around forgiveness. I went down the rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And I ended up with a long list of people I wanted to forgive, not just my mother, not the situation, but a lot of people throughout my life. And the more I started reading about forgiveness, I started learning that when you don't forgive, you start repeating those patterns and attracting those situations into your life, unvenotes to you, which sort of makes sense, right? If you're not healed from it and it's still an issue for you, maybe you're putting that vibe out there. I really believe this, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:11 So anyhow, I start working on the forgiveness, work on the forgiveness. I go to the dinner, it was not perfect, right? Again, you'll understand why more when you read the new book Overcome Your Villains, but it went as well as it could have. And in the end, I told my mother I forgive her and that I really like to turn new husband
Starting point is 00:16:31 and I'm really happy for them. And I really felt proud of how I handled it. However, it was very emotional. I never anticipated what this was gonna dig up inside me. It was actually kind of scary. And so I called my dad, I was very upset. And I said, dad, I feel out of control. I can't manage my emotions.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's a work day today. I'm getting nothing done. I feel like my brain is fried. Something's wrong. And he explains me, you're a flawed human. I'm a flawed human. Everyone's a flawed human. He said, you've been pushing something away in your life
Starting point is 00:17:01 and trying to bury it in your past. But now it's surfacing because your mom came to town and you know these conversations happen and you're having to deal with it. He said it probably means that you never healed this and now you need to go through these emotions and now as an adult to heal your past. And it makes perfect sense and today I'm feeling better, I'm having a good day today. So I can talk about it, but I'll tell for the past few days it was it was scary. I felt completely out of control I had never addressed these feelings. I had never kind of died back into this idea for giving everyone involved and was hard
Starting point is 00:17:38 Way harder than I thought and frankly kind of scary I felt really out of control Which of course no one wants to feel out of control. However, I held on to that idea that if I can heal this in me and I can truly forgive everyone in my life, then I can forgive myself and then I can really step into who I am. Then I can really be proud of who I am and I can fully love myself by ignoring these things that had happened that were bothering me. I wasn't really being a whole version of myself because my past still is part of me, right?
Starting point is 00:18:09 It doesn't define me, but it's part of me. And I had to acknowledge it, accept it, and heal it. Crazy. The whole thing's been crazy. So anyhow, I end up going down the rabbit hole more, really trying to process my emotions. I literally did not get very much done with work at all, but it ends up to be a gift because my son was away at camp. So I was able to sort of be a train wreck, not having to have my child watch this whole thing unfold, which would have been really hard for him. So that ended up being serendipitous. You know, I have my son every day for over a year and a half,
Starting point is 00:18:40 and now suddenly he's gone right when this occurs. Again, very bizarre. So I've been going through this past few days and I'm starting to feel better today. And again, I know that when you go through dark times it's temporary, but it definitely felt like one of the most dark times I've had in a really long time. But I started noticing things, you know? I noticed at one point my mom got angry
Starting point is 00:19:01 and I realized anger is us trying to push away things that we don't want to deal with. We don't want to acknowledge, but the real process is around forgiveness and give love, right? So the more we can be aware and acknowledge how others are responding, it can help us understand ourselves better. So I sat there and I had a lot of empathy when she got angry, not necessarily with me, but I think with the situation. And I was able to say to her, I don't want to fight with you. I'm not going to fight with you.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I am releasing you of this. I'm aware of what's happening. And I know this isn't easy. However, I'm showing up with love. And, you know, I hope that you can find that as well. So again, you can't have expectations for others. They're going to make their own decisions. But for me, I felt this was the right thing for me.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And then I had a few conversations after this and somebody else, you know, very angry. I could hear just the anger in their voice. And I realized there are triggers out there for everyone, right? And noticing what your triggers are is really powerful because I had been very triggered by these same conversations, the same situations had triggered me.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And I had been getting angry over the past couple of years around these things, instead of dealing with the root cause of the emotion and then working to let it go and forgive and forgive myself. And I just thought, I don't want to be angry, who wants to be angry. I don't want to be angry, who wants to be angry. I don't want to be triggered by other people.
Starting point is 00:20:27 That's allowing other people to control you and control your responses. That's not who I want to be. And as I grow and I grow up, and I can't believe it's at 46, I'm learning all these new things. But as I grow up, I want to let go of anger. I want to forgive.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I want to lead with love first. I want to let go of expectations because I want to forgive, I want to lead with love first, I want to let go of expectations because I want to lead a happier life and I want to have a more joyous life that is aligned with these positive things and it starts with you first. So I map out the whole thing and it's so funny at the end of this,
Starting point is 00:21:01 I guess it all happened over a couple of weeks time. I had a dentist appointment the last day, and I was freaking out, because I haven't had a tooth drilled in 100 years. I've great teeth. But what had happened at my last dentist appointment was he had told me that from grinding my teeth, which is something I did when I was younger,
Starting point is 00:21:17 I cracked one of my fillings from when I was a kid, and he had to fix it. I went into the dentist appointment, and I was freaking out, because I'm dealing with all this stress, and all this forgiveness, and a lot of pain, right, from my past, trying to release it. I went into the dentist appointment and I was freaking out because I'm dealing with all this stress and all this forgiveness and a lot of pain right from my past trying to release it and I walk in so nervous thinking the worst telling him, give me everything in anything you can. I can't handle the pain right now in too much pain anyways. I've known him for years. He's been my dentist for 16 years and he said, do you trust me?
Starting point is 00:21:41 And I said, yeah, of course I trust you. He said, I'm not gonna give you anything for it. And I said, oh my gosh, this is legit torture. Why am I being tortured in life? I was thinking this is my vine, right? Why am I going through so much pain? And my dentist wants to add to the pain. And he said, if you trust me, let me do it with nothing. And I said, okay, and I gripped the sides of that chair
Starting point is 00:22:02 and my feet were sweating, my hands were sweating, my heart was coming out of my body. I need drilled for maybe two minutes. I felt nothing, and he stopped and he said, okay, now I'm going to cover it and close it up. It's just about done. And for two more minutes, he closed it up and covered it up and fixed the the break. And he said, you're all better. He said, how does it feel? And I said, feels great. He said, did you have any pain at all? And I said, no. I said, that was so easy. And he said, that's how life's meant to be. Easy.
Starting point is 00:22:30 He said, I'm glad you trusted me. And as I walked out of there, I just had this epiphany that that's how I want my life to be. I don't want things to be hard. And maybe, maybe part of why things have been hard in my life or so challenging has been, I haven't been forgiving. I haven't been letting go of expectations. I haven't been forgiving, I haven't been letting go of expectations, I haven't been forgiving others, or forgiving myself for that matter,
Starting point is 00:22:50 and as I step into this, maybe things will get easier. Say you have a business idea, but you're not sure what to do next. Don't go into debt spending four plus years on a degree, listen to the Millionaire University podcast, learn how to run a successful business and graduate rich, not broke. Trust me, you need to check out this podcast. The Millionaire University podcast is hosted by Justin and Tara Williams, who started their business from Square One and now have years of valuable experience. They hit lows and dug themselves out of debt, and want to share the lessons they've learned with aspiring entrepreneurs. You don't need a degree to succeed. Millionaire University will teach you everything you need to know. From specifics like how to start
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Starting point is 00:24:00 or wherever you get your podcast. Jerry! ABC Tonight. Spotify or wherever you get your podcast. I've just exploded. You did need dirty clothes. Are you kidding? Your clothes is done in the chest, but who's to say I can't clip that off? Oh! The Backslrack premieres tonight, 9-8 Central Y ABC, and Streamon Hulu. So that's my message for you today. And if it's not for you, maybe there's someone in your life that you think could dig in a little bit to their past and look at who they need to forgive so that they can forgive themselves so that they can have an easier life.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Okay, hold tight, we'll be right back. We need a different guest each week. We're going to the chair. Hop up, please. Okay, so I got a couple of inquiries through DMs on LinkedIn, Shocker, that I want to respond to. One is, I'm just so proud of this person. I actually happen to know this person.
Starting point is 00:25:03 He hired me to do a keynote speech for his company, but he sent me this great update and I wanted to share it with you because it's really powerful. He said on another note, Heather, I fired some villains this week. A couple of people that I had hired to come in and help advise my company,
Starting point is 00:25:19 had put together a good plan, but they were really not supportive of my team. They were finger-pointing. They weren't respecting my position. They were trying to go around me. I just didn't like where it was headed and I didn't feel good about it. So I terminated their contract.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And I had set up the deal to protect us. And in the end, I protected myself and my company. Thank you for the reminder to always be the best version of you and not tolerate people who don't respect you and aren't looking out for your best interest. You put a quote up on LinkedIn this week that reminded me, fire your villains. And it's not easy, I get it. You might have those moments of self-doubt where you're saying, oh my gosh, well, you know, they're going around me or undermining me and maybe I'm not doing something right. But in the end, as you step back from situations and say, you know what, no, that's not a positive way to do business, to go around people
Starting point is 00:26:09 be negative and finger pointing. Those aren't the kind of people I want to work with. So take a hard look at the people in your life and in your business and make sure you're not allowing for villains to exist. You need to fire the villains around you if you ever want to overcome the one within you. And that has definitely been the story of my life the past few years. I had
Starting point is 00:26:30 to fire the villains that I was surrounding myself with at work in order to start doing this work on myself that I'm finally getting to now. And yes, it's a process, but it starts with making the next right decision. In any moment, you're creating confidence or you're chipping away at it. So ask yourself that question and stay true to you. Okay, so then I got a DM from a woman asking how in the world do you build a brand on LinkedIn? Here's what's important for people to know. I launched my brand on LinkedIn in 2016.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It's 2021 now, right? So five years have passed since I launched my personal brand. And when I first launched it, I made tons of mistakes. I did not do it perfectly, but the one thing that I did was I showed up consistently. So I've been showing up consistently on LinkedIn for five years. Now there are people out there like Shay Row bottom who have only been on LinkedIn for a year and a half and have 500,000 followers. So my point is, you don't have to wait five years to have massive success. I'm just sharing my journey with you.
Starting point is 00:27:32 My best advice is to be patient and be consistent, but there could be success for you in, you know, a year's time. It's up to you and being your authentic self and bringing your true message to light and making it different special and unique to you because the more you create that, the more you will draw your community to you. For me, it took five years to really start having success on LinkedIn for Shay Robot on a year and a half. For you, it could be six months. We don't know until you start showing up. And the other key I will tell people is that you're never going to be ready, so just start now. Because if I could
Starting point is 00:28:04 go back, I wish I'd start in 2010. Could you imagine how much larger my community would be now, right? So if yesterday or five years ago was the right time, today is the only time. And the only way you're going to figure out what resonates and what works is by testing and trying and showing back up. So I don't always know what messaging is going to work. I test and try different things. And I constantly review the data to see always know what messaging is going to work. I test and try different things and I constantly review the data to see, oh this is what's working. And
Starting point is 00:28:30 this is the same thing Harper Collins did with my new book, my new cover. And it's so funny, I was reminding myself of this and I love my camera roll and my phone for this reason. A few months ago, I put up eight different book covers that Harper Collins and I had all agreed upon were potentials. I had a favorite. It's not the one we went with, shocker, but it was the one that tested best. And now that we're actually moving forward with it and it's going to be coming out shortly and that I'm putting it out there, I love it and everyone loves it and the feedbacks amazing. So just because you might like something in a moment and say, oh, this is what I think is going to work, test it, put it up and see and you'll start getting
Starting point is 00:29:08 feedback and you'll see what resonates and what doesn't, but data doesn't lie. And remember that constantly look at things through that really black and white comparison that some posts are going to work and do really well. Note what you were talking about. Note what the image was like, you know, in any other pertinent information. And then some pose might not do well. And things change in a volatile over time. The things that are doing well right now on LinkedIn, the content that's doing well is very different than what it was a year ago,
Starting point is 00:29:34 which is very different than 2019. Right, because our world is completely different. So you've got to test and try different things. If you want to grow and evolve, and the key is to get started now If you're having a problem getting started go to overcome your villains dot com You can join my launch team you can get the $500 bonus VIP bundle all you have to do is pre-order my new book overcome your villains Which you can do at the website overcome your villains dot com upload your order number and you get my
Starting point is 00:30:03 $299 confidence video course. You get my 30-day accountability program. You get my first chapter in my new book before anyone else gets to see it. You get my overcome-your-villains new workbook so that you can start working on these things even before the new book drops. So definitely trying to give more value than I'm asking for. I hope it helps you so much. Until next week, keep creating your confidence. I'm Jennifer Cohen. I decided to change that dynamic. And to my parents, I couldn't be more excited
Starting point is 00:30:31 for what you're getting here, start learning and growing inevitably something will happen. No one succeeds alone. You don't stop and look around once in a while. You can miss it. I'm on this journey with me. I hope you're enjoying this episode so far. I'm Jennifer Cohen, host the top ranking
Starting point is 00:30:51 business and entrepreneur podcast, Habits and Hustle, apart the YAP media network, the number one business and self-improvement podcast network. So most people live the life they get and not the life they want. And I'm here to change all that. My goal with each episode is to give you the habits and hustle tips you need to show up to your life better, bigger, and bolder.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Tune in now, and I'll not only help you answer the questions like, what do you want most in life and why don't you have it, but we'll also help you make it a reality. I also picked the brains of top thought leaders on how they've gone to the top and the advice they have to help you get there too. Head over to Happets and Hustle once you've done listening to this episode and get one step closer to boldness, one episode at a time. episode at a time.

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