Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - Show 59 - (Blitz) The Destroyer of Worlds
Episode Date: January 25, 2017What happens if human beings can't handle the power of their own weaponry? This show examines the dangerous early years of the Nuclear Age and humankind's efforts to avoid self-destruction at the ha...nds of its own creation.
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It's been a long time since we've done a Blitz edition.
And as a friend pointed out to me when I explained that this latest program of ours was going to be a six hour long show that we were going to classify as a Blitz edition.
They said, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure you know the meaning of the word.
And I laughed because he's right.
These started off this idea of a Blitz show was going to be something to help us get more shows out.
And some nice quick ones, right? In other words, in addition to these great epics that took forever and, you know, half killed us and half killed you to listen to them,
we'd have things in between and they grew too, because I'm obviously, you know, I have a problem. I'm addicted to context, as one of you said.
A firm believer in the past is prologue and that there's no good natural place to start any story, right? Everything's connected.
It's arbitrary where you decide to begin things.
That's how I, you know, had a show I wanted to do about Cleopatra that stretched into a six part series on Rome, because where do you start the Cleopatra story?
The reason I chose the topic that I originally chose for today's program was because I thought it artificially constrained me.
It's two weeks long. How could you possibly do a really long show on a two week long event?
Well, six hours later, here we are. And it's also a Blitz edition, which now doesn't have anything to do with the length of the show.
It's turned out through evolution to be a different kind of show that focuses on different things.
Instead of being about people or events or eras specifically, usually they focus on an idea or a question and then, you know, weave history around the question somehow.
And usually the recipe has a slightly less drama than the historical epics, but slightly more twist as we call those musings and weird twilight zone things that sort of come with the territory with these programs.
For what it's worth, this could have been a two-parter, but we didn't want to do that to you. So you get one long one instead.
And maybe in an experimental effort here to see what works. And in addition to some feedback we got from you folks, we tried arbitrarily after the fact.
Mind you, it wasn't put together this way to separate the show into sections, books, book one, book two, in places where maybe there are natural breaks, you know, stopping points or what have you.
We'll see based on your feedback whether you liked that approach or not.
Finally, this is a very unusual story to tell because unlike most historical tales, which are about things that happened, this is about something that didn't happen, but almost happened and still could happen.
And it's a tale being told from the middle of the story in an unfolding series of events that are still ongoing.
And so while you can feel like you somehow have a bit of a spoiler knowing how this will turn out, in the specific case we're talking about here in this tale today, because it's an ongoing story, there's no guarantee that you actually do know the end.
In that sense, this story is not just prologue for the event I originally wanted to talk about, which was the Cuban Missile Crisis, it's prologue for our own future potentially.
Strap in, get ready for a six-hour Blitz edition. We call it by the light and airy romantic comedy-style title of The Destroyer of Worlds.
December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in Italy.
It's hardcore history.
The Blitz edition.
Any time you hear an analysis of our species explaining our strong and our weak points and why we are where we are today, you'll hear someone talk about human adaptability, won't you?
The fact that we can adapt, and this is something that's tied to our intelligence obviously for changing circumstances, has helped us overcome all sorts of problems and walls that you might have hit along the way for civilizational growth to transcend all those boundaries.
And here we find ourselves in the 21st century today, alive and thriving.
But with several major problems in the distance that have the potential to change that fact, unless we adapt around them.
Now, given our past history, you would think that we've shown quite the aptitude in adapting.
But some of these problems may require adaptation beyond which we are capable.
Do you hit an adaptation wall at some point beyond which you can no longer change as a society, as a species, as humankind?
There are things that we have done from time immemorial that fill up your history books from start to finish that would be unimaginable if we did them today.
But considering our track record history wise, what are the odds we'll never do them again?
Case in point, we currently live in an era of human history that some have referred to as the long peace, which began in 1945.
Now, obviously, there hasn't been a whole lot of peace since 1945.
There's been lots of conflicts, people get bombed all the time.
I mean, human violence is ongoing and continuous.
But what that refers to is conflict between the great powers, the kinds of wars you've seen from Mesopotamia onward,
the World Wars, the Napoleonic Wars, the Thirty Years War, the Hundred Years War, the Punic Wars.
I mean, it goes on and on, doesn't it?
Forever, one of the constants of human history, right? Up until about 70 or so years ago.
Of course, it was 70 or so years ago, 1945, where humankind continuously improving their weapons technology from the stone age forward
finally reached a point where they had created a weapon system that might be too destructive to be used.
And yet if mankind has always used their innovative technology to create better weapons and always use those better weapons,
what did this mean for the norms of human behavior?
If mankind simply treated the things that we discovered at the end of the Second World War the way we've treated every other weapon we've ever created,
what would happen to the world today?
What makes you think, though, that this is a theoretical question?
There is no guarantee that the long peace lasts forever.
And it's unimaginable to think about what a general war amongst great powers would even look like with the kind of technology we possess today.
Humankind is 70 plus years into an ongoing and unending experiment.
Can we handle our weapons technology?
And the only way this experiment ever concludes is if we find out that we can't.
There's a famous quote that may or may not have been said. You never know about these things by the great physicist Albert Einstein.
He's supposed to have said something to the effect if he doesn't know with what sort of weapons the Third World War will be fought with.
But the one after that will be fought with sticks and stones.
One of my favorite phrases coined at a certain point during the Long Peace,
which was attributed to Air Force General Curtis LeMay, but he swears he never said it,
was bombing someone back to the Stone Age.
Is something like that even possible?
And what are the odds that we get to find out?
I think what I find so interesting about both those quotes, the Einstein one and the LeMay one,
is that they both invoke this idea of knocking humanity back on the civilization scale a few rungs below where we are now.
As we all know, human history, as I've described, is kind of like a stock market.
And you have your ups when civilization reaches new levels of sophistication and technological capabilities and all that.
And then you have your downs.
And it's sort of weird for modern people to realize that there were ever people who lived in a time where their forebears were more technologically sophisticated than they were.
We've been kind of on a long stock market run since about the Renaissance or really the Middle Ages.
Haven't had any downturns within a thousand or more years.
Start getting pretty fat and happy and comfortable.
And you forget that there may be our variables out there that could do to us what giant plagues that wiped out a quarter of the population could do back in the old days.
Take, for example, what both Einstein and LeMay were referring to.
Nuclear war between the Great Powers, what we used to call World War III.
What once upon a time when I was growing up even seemed to be like a gun aimed at your head.
And you walked around with this all the time, a sort of Damocles over your entire society, really the entire world.
Because it didn't matter if you were a neutral country during the Cold War, if a all out nuclear exchange happened between the United States and its allies and the Soviet Union and its allies.
Switzerland wasn't escaping unscathed, right, just because they were neutral.
It became the first time in human history where you had the potential for a single human being.
We really don't know how these things run, but the potential for a single human being to have the power to destroy tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of lives with a decision window of minutes by the giving of an order.
You think of all of the really scary people in human history from a power standpoint.
Your Genghis Khan's, your Alexander the Great's, you name it, your Hitler's, it doesn't matter, none of them had that kind of power.
If Genghis Khan decided he was going to destroy your civilization, you were in for 10, 20, 30 years of war maybe, especially if you were China.
If Richard Nixon in 1969 decides to nuke China, you destroy 100 million people in an afternoon. Nobody's ever had that kind of power before.
It's a unique new human experience and you don't get many of those.
Although the people that were there, the 400, 450 special human beings that witnessed the birth of the atomic slash nuclear age realized the minute they saw it that everything had changed.
This successful testing of an atomic bomb was of course the famous Trinity bomb test from July 16, 1945.
And not only was the weapon successful, which was not a given, but it was more powerful than the physicists had expected.
And many of them, if not all of them could look into the future and see that this was a weapon that was only going to grow in power as time went on.
As powerful as the test they had just witnessed was, this is scratching the surface of what this new era will provide in terms of weaponry.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, sometimes called the father of the atomic bomb, described the moment that the bomb went off.
This way in the 1965 interview on a program called The Decision to Drop the Bomb.
Quote, we knew the world would not be the same.
We knew the world would not be the same.
A few people laughed, a few people cried.
A few people laughed, a few people cried.
Most people were silent.
I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita.
Vishnu was trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty.
And to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
I suppose we all fought that one way or another.
Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
All the old religious texts always have so much power to the language, don't they?
And in this case it matched what Oppenheimer and his fellow scientists created and saw and witnessed and that day must have been a whole slew of mixed emotions for those people.
The famous Manhattan Project was a giant endeavor to build a super weapon.
And some of the greatest minds in physics and sciences related to that from all over the world were brought together massive amounts of resources and manpower and money devoted to the project.
And all these people sitting on pins and needles during the test because nobody knew if this was going to work or not.
There were a lot of reputations on the line, all sorts of giant amounts of pressure and tension and so when the bomb went off there was a huge sense of relief and triumph but mixed emotions among some of the physicists.
Not all of them by the way, but people like Oppenheimer for sure and the reason for the mixed emotions was if you had already seen how the last year, what would become the last year of the Second World War 1945 had gone,
who would have thought anyone needed to create a super weapon that was much of an improvement on the technology as it was being unleashed that year in the war.
And in 1945 cities were being wiped off the map a couple of times a week. Cities.
If there's one thing the Second World War proved yet again is it doesn't matter how many arms limitation ideas you want to float, you know when you're not in total war,
how much you have these genteel ideas about how weapons will be used and when they will and won't be employed.
When you are fighting with everything you have against the other great powers in what's called total war, there is nothing in the arsenal that you are not prepared to use.
People sometimes point out poison gas wasn't used in any sort of major way in the Second World War but the reason why is because it wasn't a war winning tool.
If it had been, they'd have used it.
It wasn't worth what would happen in return to you for something that amounted to essentially a minor irritant in terms of the war effort.
Nuclear weapons would have been a different thing.
I mean imagine if Hitler and the Nazis had gotten hold of a nuclear bomb first.
That's the thought that motivated a number of those physicists involved in the Manhattan Project, deny Germany the chance to get nuclear weapons before the Allies.
Some of them were less enthused once they realized well there's no way that they're going to beat us in this race because then all of a sudden you've worked to create a super weapon and you put it in the hands of human beings.
Therein lies both the problem and the challenge and the physicists when they thought to themselves about this knew it.
When they talk about how we're all going to survive a world where the weaponry is as powerful as the modern descendants of those weapons that were originally used at the end of the Second World War,
the physicists talk about us needing to grow as a species or else is sort of what's implied.
And I would suggest that in most of these quotes you can hear them looking on the bright side or putting the best face on the idea of now that we have these super weapons, what does it mean for mankind?
Oppenheimer himself said, quote, it did not take atomic weapons to make man want peace.
But the atomic bomb was the turn of the screw.
The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable.
It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain past and beyond there is a different country, end quote.
In other words we could never quite get that peace thing right until we had the right incentive.
The fact that we'll all be blown to kingdom come is the right incentive, you know, hail peace. That's putting a good face on it. Oppenheimer wasn't always so positive.
Arthur Holly Compton, also a physicist, wrote quote, it is hard to think of fissionable materials when fashioned into bombs as being a source of happiness.
However, this may be if with such destructive weapons men are to survive, they must grow rapidly in human greatness.
A new level of human understanding is needed. The reward for using the atom's power toward man's welfare is great and sure.
The punishment for its misuse would seem to be death and the destruction of the civilization that has been growing for a thousand years.
These are the alternatives that atomic power as the steel of Daedalus presents to mankind. We are forced to grow into greater manhood, end quote.
Is that a nice way of saying adapt or die when it comes to altering modes of human behavior that have been a part of the story since there's been a story?
Of course, not all the physicists always looked at the bright side on this question.
There's a famous quote by Albert Einstein that makes him sound like he's a bit of a pessimist when it comes to the question of, you know, society's ability to adapt or die.
In this question, he's supposed to have said, quote, the unleashed power of the atom has changed everything, save our modes of thinking, and thus we drift towards unparalleled catastrophe, end quote.
A gun aimed at our heads, sort of damically, something we were very aware of. When I was a kid, we did duck and cover drills for atomic bombs dropping nuclear bombs, thermonuclear bombs by then.
That gun is still pointed at our heads.
We just don't notice it anymore because so many people have grown up in the shadow of that that they're used to it.
If somebody's pointing a gun at your head all the time, eventually do you forget about it?
If you're born with a gun pointed towards your head, do you even notice it?
In a way, I kind of see the ability of people to forget that that gun is aimed at them as an evolutionary success tool.
And why should these people be traumatized because of something that happened 70 or so years ago? They had their own lives, their own problems, their own world to deal with?
I mean, if we all had to carry the baggage of preceding generations on our backs all the time, what would we be dealing with?
So in a sense, it's a healing mechanism, but is healing the same as forgetting? It seems to me one of the main things working against the idea of this long piece continuing indefinitely.
At least we don't remember why it was so important. We never have another great power war to begin with.
If the Sword of Damocles has not fallen in a while, you forget how sharp it is and what a horrible mess it can leave.
British philosopher Bertrand Russell once made it sound like the odds of human beings managing to avoid having to be reminded how sharp the Sword of Damocles is when it comes to nuclear war seems unlikely.
He wrote, quote, you may reasonably expect a man to walk a tightrope safely for 10 minutes. It would be unreasonable to do so without accident for 200 years.
End quote.
If you want to be reminded of what that Sword of Damocles can do, there's only two real world examples that you can go study that will tell you.
There's a lot of scientists out there and calculations done and testing, but the only thing that really compares, if you want to see not a glimpse into the past of a singular human experience that only happened twice to a certain group of human individuals in a certain situation,
but instead you want to see what a future nuclear attack will look like. You have to look at the only two that there have ever been.
The atomic bombings at Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and the one right afterwards a few days later at Nagasaki.
These days when the atomic bombings are discussed, it's often in the context of discussing the morality of dropping them. Was it right to use them at all?
I find that the problem with these discussions, and I've talked about it at length in other programs, is this idea that the people involved at the time the decision makers had as much free range of options as people today assume they have when they didn't.
I mean, the idea that President Truman could have done something besides drop the bomb is a little bit out of step with the political realities he was dealing with at the time.
Historian Gary Wills, who wrote a whole book on the power of the atomic bomb to change everything, had this to say about what would have happened if Truman had decided not to use the bombs or to have used them in another way.
The other person, by the way, mentioned in this quote is General Groves. General Groves was the military head of the Manhattan Project.
In his book, Bomb Power Historian Gary Wills writes quote,
If it became known that the United States had a knockout weapon it did not use, the families of any Americans killed after the development of the bomb would be furious, the public, the press, and Congress would turn on the president and his advisors. There would have been a cry to impeach President Truman and court-martial General Groves.
The administration would be convicted of spending billions of dollars and draining massive amounts of brain power and manpower from other war projects and all for nothing.
End quote.
In addition to that, and this is often overlooked, I think, by people who talk about the morality of dropping a bomb like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki weapons on civilians, and that's what the Japanese civilians were already putting up with on a daily basis.
What the Germans had started in places like Rotterdam in 1940 and the Japanese had done in China before the Second World War even officially started had been developed into the aerial weapons we saw from 1943 onward.
And they were devastating without the nuclear bombs at all.
In March 1945, months before the atomic bombs were dropped, Tokyo was hit with a fire-bombing raid that killed 100,000 people and vaporized 17 square miles of the capital.
And by the time the atomic bombs were dropped, 50 to 60 square miles of Tokyo were gone and it had been taken off the top priority targeting list.
Some 60 plus other Japanese cities had had the same fate meted out to them.
It was a logical extension, a natural progression, if you will, of total war.
It's a dynamic that would have been very difficult if not impossible to stop.
It's partly the reason why when we discuss another total war today, it's so scary because the idea that human beings could control what's going on is an illusion.
It has a momentum all its own.
Now there are some things that were different about the atomic bombings and that blow me away to this day.
One is the instantaneous nature of it.
It's hard enough you would think to get your mind around the changes that happened to your city during a massive late-war bombing raid.
I mean, if you have 500 or 1000 heavy bombers flying over your city, practically wingtip to wingtip, dropping incendiary and high-explosive bombs on your town, how hard is that to get your mind around?
When you crawl out of the bomb shelter and see what used to be your city in ruins, how hard is that to get your mind around?
But if instead of happening over a 24 to 36 hour time period, it happens in the blink of an eye, well that's what the atomic bombs did.
The best relatively short description I've read of the effect of the two bombs was penned by author Susan Southerd in her book about Nagasaki.
She says that within a second of the bomb being dropped, the fireball was 750 feet in diameter and the temperature in the fireball was 540,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Higher than at the center of the sun, she writes.
She says, quote,
The bomb's vertical blast pressure crushed much of the Urukami Valley.
Horizontal blast winds tore through the region at two and a half times the speed of a Category 5 hurricane, pulverizing buildings, trees, plants, animals, and thousands of men, women, and children.
In every direction, people were blown out of their shelters, houses, factories, schools, and hospital beds, catapulted against walls or flattened beneath collapsed buildings.
Those working in the fields, riding streetcars, and standing in line at city ration stations were blown off their feet or hit by plummeting debris and pressed to the scalding earth.
An iron bridge moved 28 inches downstream as their buildings began to implode, patients and hospital staff jumped out of the windows of Nagasaki Medical College Hospital and mobilized high school girls leaped from the third story of Shirayama Elementary School, a half mile from the blast, end quote.
She then points out that a survivor emphasized that it all happened in an instant.
Think of the shock that this engenders, and there seem to be, you know, two things in quick succession.
Well, really three. First, if you saw it, you got the light, and if you weren't shielded from the light somehow, it burns you.
And it looked kind of like it's been described differently, but like a flash bulb going off of an old camera, that sort of bluish white light.
Then there was the blast wave, which, you know, could level everything depending on how far away from it you were.
And then there were the fires, which seemed to break out several minutes after the actual blast, as though everything were sort of heated up and it took a minute for, you know, the kindling to catch a light.
But then it did everywhere at once, and some of the most harrowing stories come from family members who would be trying to get another family member, you know, who was stuck in the debris that was all of a sudden everywhere out as the flames approached and had to leave them.
I mean, essentially saying goodbye as they watched their child stuck in the rubble as the flames approached.
It's horrifying stuff, and the people who were first on the scene in both cities talk about running into human zombies, if you will.
Silent people burned almost beyond recognition that were like in a trance.
Hiroshima survivor Hiroshi Shiba Yama saw the explosion and ran toward the city center where the bomb had gone off and said, quote,
When we had gone about one kilometer, we were brought to a standstill by a grotesque group of people.
The blood pounded in our heads again.
I remember that my eyes were drawn inoxurably to the scene.
The people were burned so badly that it was hard to distinguish feature from feature, and all were blackened as if covered with soot.
Their clothes were in rags, many were naked, their hands hung limply in front of them, the skin of their hands and arms dangled from their fingertips.
Their faces were not the faces of the living, end quote.
He then went on to point out that he'd seen quite a few normal air raids up close, but this was different, quote,
How could I comprehend what I saw before me now? It was not just a group of injured people, nor was it a procession of the dead or a band of ghosts.
No sound came from these figures. They seemed to have given up.
The pity that they engendered is beyond expression. They continued to stream past in deathly quiet.
How can anyone describe them? Their clothes ripped from them by the force of the explosion, their bodies burned by the intense heat.
Some were completely naked, and others had only the shirts stuck to their bodies. The injuries to their faces were particularly cruel.
Unscathed and with clothes intact, I felt like an intruder, end quote.
The general estimates of the casualties from the Hiroshima bomb, for example, are between 70,000 and 80,000 dead from the fire and the explosion.
More killed later by radiation, and probably an equal number of people injured.
The Nagasaki bomb numbers were somewhat lower due to all sorts of different reasons.
Nonetheless, the tens of thousands of deaths, maybe almost 100,000 in one city, caused by a single bomb, was an exponential growth in the power of the weaponry.
After the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, US President Harry Truman went on television to try to explain to the American people and the rest of the world what this new weapon was.
And to essentially, officially, bring the rest of the world up to speed that an entirely new era had begun, the atomic age.
A short time ago, an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy.
That bomb has more power than 20,000 tons of TNT.
The Japanese began the war from the air at Pearl Harbor. They have been repaid many foes, and the end is not yet.
With this bomb, we have now added a new and revolutionary increase in destruction to supplement the growing power of our armed forces.
In their present form, these bombs are now in production, and even more powerful forms are in development.
It is an atomic bomb. It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe.
The force from which the sun draws this power has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East.
Historian Michael S. Sherry says that there were overlapping feelings on the part of the American public to finding out that this new reality existed.
He writes, quote,
A carcophony of reactions to the bomb's advent arose swiftly among Americans. Some stressed pride in American achievement and satisfaction in gaining vengeance against the Japanese.
Truman's announcement that the Japanese, quote, have been repaid many foes, end quote, for Pearl Harbor, a minority of Americans wished the war had gone on longer, so more atomic bombs could have been used against Japan.
Others, especially soldiers who assumed that an invasion of Japan was the only alternative to the bomb's use, welcomed the peace that the bomb had speeded, and the bomb itself as a tool for enforcing continued peace.
Overlapping those other reactions was another. As in responding to the Holocaust, many Americans saw the bomb as evidence of the scourge of modern war, in the face of which the wisdom of American use seemed a minor matter.
Now he quotes a New York Herald Tribune article from the era, which said, quote,
One forgets the effect on Japan as one senses the foundation of one's own universe trembling, end quote.
Famed CBS News correspondent Edward R. Murrow put it this way at the time, quote,
seldom if ever has a war ended, leaving the victors with such a sense of uncertainty and fear, with such a realization that the future is obscure and that survival is not assured, end quote.
So while Americans could be glad that the bomb was in their hands, it was a clear sense and understanding that this would probably not always remain the case.
And something like that, when you were used to having two oceans that kept you safe from anybody doing any major damage to your country of the sort that other countries were very familiar with during the Second World War, could set the foundations of your universe trembling.
And this is where you begin to get this divide, this idea on the part of some that everything has changed. And so the human species is going to have to shed themselves of habits they've had forever.
And people who view themselves anyway as much more firmly attached to reality, who think that what we have here is just a natural extension of technological change, working in the benefit of our side, the good side.
President Harry Truman called the atomic bomb the greatest thing in the history of the world.
The following year after the bombs were dropped and the war was over, there would be a famous meeting where the scientists who headed up the Manhattan Project meets face to face with the president who dropped his creation twice.
Oppenheimer is a perfect example of the side that feels as though Pandora's box has been opened and he feels increasingly responsible for picking the lock on it.
And it sounds like President Truman was caught off guard by Oppenheimer's guilt.
There are many different quotes of this account and they're all different. In their book to win a nuclear war, Michio Kaku and Daniel Axelrod tell the story this way.
Oppenheimer and the president and the secretary of state are talking.
In the course of the conversation, Oppenheimer told Truman, Mr. President, I feel I have blood on my hands.
Truman then reached into his top pocket, removed a neatly folded handkerchief and offered it, saying, would you like to wipe them?
After Oppenheimer left, Truman turned to Dean Atchison, the under secretary of state, instructed him not to bring Oppenheimer around anymore and declared, blood on his hands? Damn it, he hasn't half as much blood on his hands as I have, you just don't go around belly aching about it.
And quote, a more R rated version of the story is told in Jean-Jacques Solomon's Science at Politique, where he said quote.
Oppenheimer, when he went into Truman's office with Dean Atchison, said to the latter, wringing his hands, I have blood on my hands.
Truman later said to Atchison, never bring that fucking cretin in here again, he didn't drop the bomb, I did, that kind of weepingness makes me sick.
End quote.
Truman could dismiss Oppenheimer, but he was far from the only atomic scientist who was gravely concerned.
Even before the two bombs were used on Japan in the Second World War, more than 70 atomic scientists signed a petition with a bunch of different things in it, but among other concerns were that the bombs were going to be used against cities and people and they suggested using them offshore or in uninhabited areas.
Truman, as we said, had a whole bunch of different pressures working on him that these scientists didn't have working on them.
But once the war was over, all of a sudden the outlook could change because it could afford to be changed, you're not in hot blood anymore, you're in cold blood.
And now you have in your hands these new weapons.
What do you do with them?
How do you control them?
Who's in charge of them?
And what if other countries get them too?
There were, in the years 1945 and 1946, a lot of tug of wars and all sorts of questions being debated, I mean, the number one for a while was who's in charge of atomic weapons?
The military seemed like a logical choice.
Their argument was if we're going to have to use them, we ought to be in control of them and know what we're doing.
Truman is supposed to have said something to the effect of, I'm not going to let some dandy lieutenant colonel decide he wants to start an atomic war.
Eventually that power would be rested into the hands of the civilian authorities and the president particularly, he was going to be the one who had the power to decide to push the button as it will be known later.
Historian Gary Wills said this is one of the effects the atomic bomb had. It changed the American constitutional system almost quietly due to the technological necessities that the weapon required, he wrote quote.
Lodging the fate of the world in one man with no constitutional check on his actions caused a violent break in our whole governmental system.
General Groves had a mere simulacrum of that authority and only for a single project.
Presidents now have it as part of their permanent assignment. This was in effect a quiet revolution. It was accepted under the impression that technology imposed it as a harsh necessity.
In case of nuclear attack on the United States, the president would not have time to consult Congress or instruct the public.
He must respond instantly which means that he must have the whole scientific apparatus for response on constant alert, accountable only to him.
If, on the other hand, a danger to our allies or our necessary assets is posed, calling for a nuclear initiative on his part, he cannot issue a warning ahead of time without alerting the enemy.
Like President Truman, who was told he could not forewarn Japan, he must act with a lone authority.
The nature of the presidency, he writes, was irrevocably altered by this grant of a unique power, end quote.
So already the nature of the weapons was changing the way we do things on a national level here in the United States.
But the question of how this might change things on a human wide level was being widely debated as well.
In the years 1945 and 1946, there were some very interesting, relatively unique ideas floated in the world of public opinion and governmental proposals.
There is an attempt in those years, an active attempt to try to put the nuclear genie back in the bottle, to eliminate atomic weapons from the face of the earth, and almost as if to pretend that they had never been discovered at all.
Now there are two things to understand before we get into this.
The first thing is all this is occurring when the bodies from the Second World War are still warm.
And after these terrible earth-shattering wars, you often have a hangover period afterwards where people are understandably in one of these moods where they say,
Never again. This can never be allowed to happen again. And at the end of the Second World War, you throw the advent of atomic weapons in at the very end there.
That's a definitive extra exclamation point on that never again.
And so if this seems like a pie in the sky, rainbows and unicorns, utopian approach to things, realize that they're living at the last time the sort of Damocles dropped and they have a justifiable fear of it.
The other thing to take into account, and I'm not a historian, so you're not going to see me picking the right approach, is that this can be a legitimate proposal that we're talking about here.
Or this could be for public consumption and behind the scenes, realpolitik and geopolitical chess matches and business as usual can be going on.
In October 1945, which is right after the Second World War ends, President Truman gives a speech to Congress,
which kind of begins to deal with that question about how are we going to control these nuclear weapons now in this new atomic age.
And he gives one of these speeches where he says, you know, the hope of civilization rests on international agreements where people renunciate the use and development of atomic weapons.
It's a pretty big deal. And then he begins work with the heads of Canada and the United Kingdom a month after that on formulating some sort of policy.
One of my nuclear experts, I was reading Joseph Siriccione essentially says it's the first nuclear nonproliferation agreement ever.
They send their financier representative, a guy named Bernard Baruch, to the brand new United Nations.
And on June 14th, 1946, he makes this proposal and he does it with this very dramatic famous language.
You know, he says, we are here to make a choice between the quick and the dead.
That is our business. If we fail, then we've damned every man to be the slave of fear.
It's a great speech that is supposed to set the apocalyptic tone, though, that a world with these weapons out there, you know, conjures up.
And the discussion talks about, you know, taking all the uranium and plutonium everywhere and everything you would need to build these bombs and putting them in a central location under an international sort of security situation where nobody could get their hands on them and you couldn't have these weapons anymore.
Now, if you are one of these people that thinks in terms, maybe, that the physicists were using about people growing into greatness, maybe you could see this as an example of that.
These are human beings treating this with the respect and rationality that it deserves and eschewing all of the normal power politics one would expect.
You know, 5,000 years of human history would lead you to believe and truthfully, from a humanitarian viewpoint, the United States offering to essentially give up their monopoly on atomic weapons.
I mean, when in the history books does somebody do that, you know, with a super weapon?
We've got the only one, but we'll give it up for this humanitarian cause.
Now, here's the catch sort of the United States said they would do this as soon as everyone else had renounced them and all the materials had been put into a central location and all of the agreements to make sure no one was cheating and building these weapons on the side were in place.
And then as soon as that was done, the U.S. would give up all their weapons too.
Well, there was a little counter proposal made by the people that were going to begin to be the other superpower in the world for this next 40 years after this period that we have called in the history books all label the Cold War.
And by the way, there's a decent number of historians who believe it's a Cold War instead of a hot war because of the existence of atomic and later thermonuclear weapons.
Our former wartime allies, but we weren't exactly buddy buddy with them before the war, the Soviet Union, the seeds of the suspicion that will explode into rabid animosity in just a few years are already apparent in 1946.
And the Soviet counter proposal to the United States, Britain and Canada saying, let's all just renounce the use of development of these weapons.
And as soon as we can prove you've all done that, the United States will throw theirs away and the Soviet Union said, why don't you throw yours away now?
Since you're the only one that has any and then we'll figure out how to keep the world from developing anymore after that.
That's exactly the kind of attitude that anybody studying human history forever would expect, right?
Many out there would say that's just rational. Absolutely. Don't get hoodwinked.
There was a belief on the Soviet side that what the United States really wanted to do with this arms control agreement if you will is extend the length of the monopoly that they had on atomic weapons.
Let's make sure no one else can develop any and then, you know, we'll have a longer period of time where we're the only ones who have them.
But it began to sort of lay the groundwork for what we would see in the future.
A three dimensional geopolitical chess match where the board itself is booby trapped with nuclear weapons and no one knows where they are on the board.
So every time anyone conducts a major move, everyone tenses up.
The board itself was determined by where the armies were when the Second World War ended.
And there are some notable trouble spots.
The number one geopolitical trouble spot on this chessboard, Berlin, the former German capital.
At the end of the war, Germany is divided. The Eastern half is under the control of Soviet forces.
The Western half under control of the United States, France and Great Britain.
All four of those powers are sharing jurisdiction and occupation of the former German capital in Berlin.
The problem is, is that Berlin is geographically speaking well within the Soviet zone of control in Eastern Germany.
The Soviets control all access to the city.
A couple of roads that the Soviets watch over carefully is where all the supplies come in from the West.
It's an important piece on the chessboard, but it is a piece that from the beginning of the game is effectively held hostage.
The most important piece the Soviet Union has on the chessboard is the Red Army.
The Red Army is constructed differently than armies in the West were.
It's an army that was meant to slug it out with German forces, with tanks, with heavy artillery.
It is a hammerhead, sledgehammer of an army.
It is full of veterans and their commanders are well versed in how to use the very large forces that they possess.
When the war ends, the other powers like the United States and Great Britain quickly start demobilizing their forces.
The Soviets demobilize forces to a degree too, but the Red Army stays where it is, large, powerful, threatening.
And the Allied forces really have nothing on the ground in terms of an army that can stand against it.
When asked what the Red Army would need to advance into, I believe it was Switzerland, one US commander said, shoes.
I mean, the belief that it could just advance all the way to the Atlantic in 1946 with little to stop it was widespread.
The chess pieces on the West side, though, were compensatory.
They balanced out the Red Army to some degree.
The West had the great air forces and naval supremacy.
And they also had the atomic bomb.
The problem that the United States found itself in in terms of a dilemma is the only thing that they had that they knew could blunt the Red Army's, you know, march to the sea if it came to that were atomic weapons.
It may have been early on too valuable a piece to give up.
Of course, let's remember the Red Army was not sitting on the edge of Soviet territory, defending the motherland.
They were perched basically along the farthest extent that they had taken over in wartime and were occupying unwilling populations of people who before the war were living in their own countries.
Places like Poland and Romania and Hungary and the Baltic States and a lot of other places were now occupied and were being incorporated slowly but surely into the communist bloc.
This became a bone of contention and something that would have kept good relations from breaking out probably in any case.
The other issue that divided the two sides after the war was ideological and that should come as no surprise.
I mean the 20th century is such an ideological century anyway.
And in the 1930s, you had three giant different ideological bloc sort of competing with each other fascism, communism and the democratic free market West.
The war essentially eliminated the big fascist powers.
Leaving a dynamic that as historian Gwyn Dyer points out, diplomats from hundreds of years ago would have understood they would have predicted a war between the Soviet Union and the United States based on power politics alone.
I have to bear this in mind because growing up when I did the idea of communism versus democracy was such a huge part of the equation that it's hard to rule that out or minimize that.
But as Dyer points out, it's a lot like the role religion played in the wars of the 16th and 17th century.
It's important and it makes a big difference but if you took that out of the equation, you probably would have had the same competition anyway.
He writes quote.
The United States and the Soviet Union have no common border, no claims on each other's territory, no history of national animosity.
They're not even serious rivals for trade or resources, but their post-war confrontation was perfectly predictable and widely predicted as soon as the probable outcome of World War II became clear around 1943.
He said quote, our gravest error in the late 20th century is to overestimate our distance and our difference from the past.
We believe that the present round of competition between the great powers is different from all the others in history, that it is invested with special significance because of its ideological dimension and because of the appalling consequences if it were to lead to war as all such other competitions have eventually done in the past.
End quote.
He then goes on the list that both sides can use to point to the other and say, well look at all these provocative things you've done.
And then he says quote.
Each side has an ideologically watertight explanation for why the adversary behaves with such persistent wickedness and aggression, but none of the post-1945 developments would seem surprising to a 17th century Spanish or Ottoman diplomat.
Neither communism he writes nor liberal democracy would mean anything to him other than as a useful label for the players, but he would have no trouble understanding why the victorious alliance so quickly fell apart.
They almost always do after victory because the winners are the biggest players left on the board, hence they automatically become the greatest potential threats to each other's power.
End quote.
Now, who am I to disagree with Gwen Dyer's excellent point about power politics?
Yet at the same time as someone who grew up in that era also, it's hard to discount what the dread and disdain here in the United States for communism, the impact that that had overall on events.
There's a Foreign Affairs magazine review of Steven Whitfield's book, The Culture of the Cold War, that I thought was an interesting description that sort of spanned the width and the breadth and then sort of the weirdness as you look back on it now, decades later, of the entire affair.
It says about the book quote.
A lively and well-documented account of how the Cold War both produced and was sustained by super patriotism, intolerance and suspicion, and how these pathologies infected all aspects of American life in the 1950s.
Entertainment, churches, schools, older readers will remember and still be amazed. Younger ones will find this a readable introduction to a bizarre aspect of the American past.
End quote.
And you know, looking back on it, there was something bizarre about it and I didn't even exist in the time when it was at its most bizarre, the 50s, the 1950s. At the same time, and I've said this before, I wish that there was this potion or serum that you could drink that would allow you for a moment to feel what the people living in that era felt about this.
Ideology that to many of them seemed little better than what Hitler and the Third Reich was offering.
And whose desire as they saw it to extinguish freedom all over the world was about the most evil thing they could think of.
When you are fighting the most evil thing you can think of, there's not a whole lot of things you're not willing to use to win.
Case in point, atomic weapons.
There's another element that's involved in this story that contributes to how bizarre it looks as we look back on it now.
It's something that for a great many people was an article of faith at the time period, which we know to be false because, well, what they were worried about happening never happened.
But they don't have that luxury and every era has its conventional wisdoms that it has to use in factoring out how to make decisions.
We are as trapped by our own as they were by theirs.
But a great many people and it's hard to quantify exactly how many, but it spanned the entire spectrum from world leaders and decision makers to the intellectuals down to the farmers and the ma and pa operators of hardware stores in Middle America.
It was this idea that war with the Soviet Union wasn't just a possibility, but that it was an eventual inevitability.
And that colors your thinking in ways that if you don't believe that or if as we do, we know that that wasn't what was going to happen.
It looks insane because you consider things that don't make sense outside of that context. For example, if war is going to happen eventually, more than 5000 years of human political and military history tells you it's better if it happens at a time and at a place of your own choosing.
And also when your advantages are maximized and your adversaries are minimized.
Since the end of the Second World War, no greater disparity in weapons technology has ever existed than when the United States had a monopoly on atomic weapons.
Now, it should be pointed out that there were those even at the end of the Second World War, Patton famously and legendarily, the American general had suggested that since, you know, we already had our stuff all over there, everything was mobilized, everything was at the height of how we ought to fight that war with the Russians right now.
But he was a notoriously gung-ho in a general. But even stone cold pacifists will be tempted by this temporary window of opportunity that exists.
If the one atomic power on the planet wanted to, you know, kill the other potential one by strangling it in the cradle, and no one knew how long the window of opportunity was going to last, expert opinions differed.
President Truman is supposed to have asked J. Robert Oppenheimer how long he thought the monopoly would last. When do you think the Soviets will get the bomb? He's supposed to have replied, I don't know, to which Truman is supposed to have responded, I know, never.
Truman didn't explain his thinking on that, whether or not he thought perhaps that the, you know, collective minds of mankind would come to their senses and international agreements would fix this problem, or because he believed World War III was imminent and the Soviet Union would be wiped off the map and your problem would disappear in a giant mushroom cloud.
The military head of the Manhattan Project, General Groves, thought it was going to be two decades before the Soviets got the bomb, but concerned scientists and even pacifists were worried enough to consider the potential value of a preventative nuclear war.
Bertrand Russell was jailed for opposing the First World War as a pacifist, wrote, you know, right after the Second World War, quote, Russia is sure to learn how to make it the atomic bomb.
I think Stalin has inherited Hitler's ambition for world dictatorship. One must expect a war between USA and USSR, which will begin with the total destruction of London. I think the war will last 30 years and leave a world without civilized people, from which everything will have to be built afresh, a process taking, say, 500 years.
There is one thing and one only which could save the world, and that is a thing which I should not dream of advocating. It is that America should make war on Russia during the next two years and establish a world empire by means of the atomic bomb. This will not be done, he writes.
He then gives a speech pretty much right after that time to the British House of Lords. I'm quoting this, by the way, from Prisoner's Dilemma by William Poundstone, a wonderful book on one of the most famous scientists associated with atomic power, John von Neumann.
And he quotes Russell as telling the House of Lords his nightmare scenario that would turn a pacifist into somebody that wanted a preventative nuclear war to be started. On his advice, he told the House of Lords, quote,
As I go about the street and see St. Paul's, the British Museum, the Houses of Parliament, and the other monuments of our civilization, in my mind's eye, I see a nightmare vision of those buildings as heaps of rubble with corpses all around them, end quote.
When Russell, who's one of the more intelligent people of the century, theorizes that the next war, which he sees as imminent, will leave people uncivilized and that civilization will have to be rebuilt anew and it will take 500 years to get back to where we are now.
Think of how apocalyptic that is. Now, humankind obviously faces these sorts of threats periodically. In fact, we still face this one now, although we don't think about it much.
But I mean everything, for example, from global warming to some meteor hitting your planet or anything like that constitutes a grave potential threat and the dynamics of each one is different.
So our reaction is different. Climate change, for example, because it needs to be figured out via mostly things like data and observation and science that it becomes an arguing ground for people with vested interest.
These people had a different situation going on. The dynamics around atomic weapons had just been proven and seen.
Basically, the attitude was, if you don't want to end up looking like Hiroshima and Nagasaki and here are some pictures, by the way, if you didn't see it, we have to do something.
Doing something was a conundrum that these people found themselves a lot more trapped by than we would find ourselves trapped if we invented atomic weapons yesterday.
It is one of those little vagaries of history, isn't it, that a lot of these things happen at a time period where everyone is still all traumatized and stressed, not when you really want to hand the new powerful super weapon over to human beings.
Let's let the human beings heal a little bit. I mean, if you discovered atomic bombs yesterday in a laboratory and we were talking about it today, how different might our approach to them be?
You know, oh, these are terror. These could really do some damn. We better think about this. But, you know, nobody's ready to kill each other. We're not sitting on the knife's edge of tension.
When Bertrand Russell gives that speech, remember what's going on in this guy's memory banks. Remember the life experience that he's forming his decision making with, which is the best line I think a history teacher ever gave me.
He says, remember what these people have seen. Their life experiences determine how they formulate, you know, the best reaction in any given situation or the approach.
Bertrand Russell was born in 1872 into a completely different world. And the reason it wasn't the world he was born into anymore is the two worst world wars in history destroyed it twice.
The first one was so bad that they had this entire period afterwards where humankind said never again, not the first time nor the last time, and built up whole structures and treaties and arrangements and deals and everything.
The League of Nations is just one example to see that this never happened again. And instead within 20 years, it did and it was worse than the first one. And at the end, it ended with atomic weaponry.
So if you're a Russell in 1945, a month or two after the war ended, you are suffering from historical post-traumatic stress disorder and so is everyone around you.
So when you wonder how atomic bombs might be used, you're thinking they're probably going to be used like the last two things I saw happen within living memory.
And it's going to be a lot messier than any of that.
The other thing that these people have going on that I have to continually remind myself of, and it would be again so different if we developed these weapons yesterday, is that the two sides that are the, shall we call them, the tip of the spear in the Cold War, the USSR, the Soviet Union and the United States,
both entered the Second World War as the result of a devastating surprise attack. Barbarossa, the German surprise attack on the Soviet Union in 1941 and then in December 1941, of course, Pearl Harbor.
Imagine the next devastating surprise attack happening with atomic or nuclear weapons.
And then remember that these people had already seen that movie just a few years ago.
The other thing that they were absolutely certain that they had learned from the Second World War and the time leading up to it had to do with appeasement and how tough you had to be on people.
And all of these elements combined to create a dynamic where everyone was on a hair trigger alert and now they had these weapons that were so dangerous on one side.
And this was key.
In 1946, in northern Iran, when the Soviet Union did not leave as quickly as they were supposed to, President Truman is supposed to have threatened to use an atomic bomb on them and then seem pretty darn happy when they got out real fast.
In other words, the idea that when you have this super weapon, you can impose your will on other people is really, really seductive.
Truman, Secretary of War Henry Stimson explained the advantage that the atomic bomb gave the President and the United States and the West in poker terms.
He said that when it comes to world power, the atomic bomb was the equivalent of a royal straight flush.
That is a hard geopolitical hand to avoid playing, isn't it? I mean, what would people from earlier eras had done if they had nuclear weapons and a monopoly on them?
Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, a bunch of Chinese emperors, Japanese Damios, or heck, Hitler.
Here, here's 50 atomic bombs, but don't use them. If Oppenheimer and those physicists who were talking about human beings having to rise to another kind of level of evolution in order to avoid destroying themselves, you can see why.
Because actually imagining them in the hands of most of history's great figures in the past would sound like the prelude to a nightmare.
It occurs to me maybe that question could be phrased a little differently and examined also.
I mean, if the physicists were talking about a new level of human understanding being necessary to live with this sort of technology, maybe it's not fair to imagine atomic weapons in the hands of some of the most sociopathic leaders in history.
How would humankind in general in the past have dealt with something like this as perhaps a fair comparison?
If you could go back in my famous time machine, a very large version of it, and bring back nuclear weapons and some technicians to set them up and show them what button to push and everything.
Do you think of people from the Bronze Age or the Iron Age nukes their adversary?
If you give Hannibal nuclear weapons, explain what they do, set them up for him, hand him the button and say, if you push this, all of Rome will be gone and they'll be walking zombies with their skin hanging off and thousands dead and all that.
Does he push it or does he say, maybe I should think about this?
It's interesting to wonder about the development over time of human ethical systems, but also something based on if you want to suggest the species learning, how about the idea of imagining Hannibal with that nuclear weapon?
Having gotten a chance to already live through things like the First and Second World Wars, to have experienced Verdun and Stalingrad and gas and atomic bombs used in warfare, and then hand him the weapon and say, maybe now you understand the mess this sort of Damocles will leave, do you still want a new Chrome?
I'll tell you what's fascinating to me and again it's part of the human condition, I'm not sure you could get around it.
Is at this moment, and maybe this is the kind of stuff the physicists were talking about also, at this moment when it's all on this like doomsday clock knife edge and in 1947 scientists will inaugurate the doomsday clock because it's showing how close we are to destruction because of atomic weaponry and all that.
Doesn't matter how close it is though to striking midnight, we're still playing politics in the world's democracies because that's how democracies work.
To go back and read the political pressure on a guy like Truman that the opposition party uses against him and the typical political dynamics of trying to appeal to rural voters and swing states and it's insane how it changes a dynamic that you would really wish humankind could sit in a room and coldly and dispassionately with about one ounce of concern about the politics of it and think about this issue that bedevils us, right?
And maybe all humankind, maybe all succeeding generations if you want to take it to the logical nth degree of hyperbole.
But no, we're still going to call the president soft on communism because it's going to help us in the congressional elections in a place like New York and we're darn close to taking the Senate back.
But how else can a democracy run?
I think and I don't think this is an unusual statement to make at all. If you look at US history, there are certain time periods where the country fundamentally changes.
It's almost like a body part breaks and we replace it with something else that's reasonably similar if you want to fool yourself and dress it up but has been altered irrevocably and is unrecognizable to previous generations.
The founding of this country and the change from the Confederation to the Constitution is one of them in my opinion.
The Civil War and Reconstruction is another one in everybody's opinion.
But if you look at the period and people would have different dates on this from about 1946 to about 1952, you see the United States government transformed.
Historian Gary Wills and we described him talking about how the presidency and the power of one person to decide to go to war in a window of minutes changed that aspect of presidential power.
But then he goes on to list things that people who know American history all know anyway.
All of the famous national security decisions and things like the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine and all these different things that when taken as a whole and when you look at them on the list, it's amazing how many happen in the space of a few years.
Create the national security state and you should know my own biases before I go farther because I do have them in this case and it's worth factoring that into your thinking when you hear me.
But I talk a lot about politics and in my opinion, the United States made the wrong course change during this time period and became a different country.
A country much less connected to the one Americans believe that they have when they study what I like to call the myths of America and the Constitution as a lay person would understand it.
I think September 11th and the 9-11 attacks is another one of these periods in US history and I think you see a similar dynamic then as well.
In neither case, by the way, do I hold the decision makers accountable for having made the decisions at the time?
I think it was inevitable, for example, that any US administration given what's going on would have freaked out and overreacted after 9-11.
I think the same is true in this period we're talking about here between 1946 and 1952.
It is the later generations afterwards that I'm upset with for not fixing it.
But the problem with historical memory is if trends go on long enough, whole generations are born never knowing what needs to be fixed because they never lived in the time before the change occurred.
If you wanted to say, today we need to go back and fix the things that we did between 1946 and 1952 that Dan Carlin thinks were overreactions, how the heck do you get back that far?
And a more critical question for a person like me is what if we like it better this way?
So please note my biases at the outset, but this new national security setup that was developed from about 1946, 1946 to about 1952, it's when the CIA was created, the NSA, the entire structure of government that we know today that protects secrets and spies on the enemy and keeps us safe.
I mean, it's our world now and this is when it happened.
It seems to run counter to the very things that some of those scientists were saying we were going to have to do if we were going to avoid World War III, where they called for a new level of human understanding, whatever that is, and I don't pretend to understand exactly what these physicists wanted who said things like this.
But you got the opposite with the national security state, whereas some of these famous physicists, some of the most famous were saying in 1945 and 1946 that we should tell the Soviets about the bomb right when we started making it, or that we should give them the nuclear secrets after the war.
Or think of how crazy that sounds to us today, you know, with our modern mentality, we should just give the terrorists all the nuclear bomb secrets.
That sounds insane, doesn't it? And it sounded insane to a lot of the military class after the Second World War.
We executed people in US history for turning over nuclear secrets and some of our physicists were suggesting that that's the sort of level of understanding that will take us to a new world where we can ease tensions so we don't have World War III.
That's a pretty hard evolutionary tool to have to fight against because you have to combat your own fear.
And as I think I've said before, fear is one of those evolutionary developments that has probably saved more lives in human history than anything else I can think of.
Normally, it's a very good thing to have, right? Sabertooth Tiger comes at you back in caveman times, run, or kill it, or whatever you have to do, then protect yourself because you're afraid from Sabertooth Tiger attacks and put up fences, and the fear thing is not a bad condition.
It helps with security, but if the very things that have always helped with security threaten not just your existence, but civilization, can you turn that evolutionary tool off if that's the only way to survive?
As I try to play with counterfactuals, you know, what if scenarios in this period, imagining it turning out differently than it did, I can't think of any that sound like they would be rationally imaginable.
I mean, take for example the military in this situation. What are they supposed to do after the Second World War? Pretend they don't have a bomb if you're the United States? Or if you're the other side in this growing distrust, you know, that will turn into the Cold War, if you're the Soviet Union, do you just pretend the United States doesn't have an atomic bomb? How does that work?
Like we said, it's, for the President of the United States, almost too good of a hand to resist, at least threatening to play. I mean, that's just politics, right? That's just foreign policy the way it's always been handled.
And if you look at this from a strictly, you know, age-old power politics viewpoint, historian Michael Howard does a great job of just setting up the way the military saw this thing, to them, and we're speaking of them as a whole rather than some of the individuals, and even perhaps some of the various services, more on that in a minute, you know, saw these things, because that's what they're paid to do.
Howard wrote, quote, when confrontation developed between the Soviet Union and the West shortly after the ending of the Second World War, the military on both sides foresaw business as usual.
The Soviets planned to advance their Western glaces to the Atlantic to deny to the Americans the use of air bases in Western Europe, while the Americans hoped at least to retain bases in the British Isles, Spain, and the Middle East, from which to bombard the Soviet Union, and then in due course, in quotes here, liberate Europe for a second time.
He continues, quote, the peoples of Europe knew nothing of these plans and would have shown little enthusiasm for them if they had.
Next time, remarked a French Prime Minister who did know about them to his American colleagues, you will be liberating a corpse, end quote.
The problem you face in 1946-1947, if you're the United States military or Harry Truman and maybe you've already threatened to play that royal straight flush on the Soviets in Northern Iran once, the problem you have is you have very few of these bombs, although no one knows that, and you have no good way to deliver them.
The next couple of years, the military and Harry Truman and the government of the United States will focus on a system to deliver Armageddon, if that's what's needed.
Its official name was the Strategic Air Command, and it was part of this brand new branch of the United States military known as the Air Force, which used to be a part of the Army, and it was part of an entire reorganization that was also a part of this post.
Second World War transformative period that changed US foreign policy and the whole design of government, the new Department of Defense, the new Pentagon, it was all part of this.
And Strategic Air Command's job, if called upon to do it, was to destroy the Soviet Union's major cities with atomic weapons, and in the process, kill tens of millions of people.
The mind sort of reels, doesn't it, when you think of how quickly we went from that. Well, to us today, it even looks like a rainbows and unicorns place of trying to craft legislation to rid the world of the scourge of atomic weaponry.
To a year and a half, two years later, when the President has to deal with the approval of Air Force plans for winning World War III, that involve as the key part of the strategy something commonly referred to as the atomic blitzkrieg or atomic blitz.
Trying to explain all the various things that go into why these decisions were made is complicated. And one of the main reasons why is how recent all this is. As we said before, you know, reality is complicated.
I don't have to tell you that. Social, cultural, economic, individual forces. I mean, a thousand things working on us in every direction all the time.
Well, that's pretty much how it's always been. But you can't always see it in the sources. So when you go back to like ancient Egypt and you look at what historians write about that, they don't have access to all the information that would flesh out the reality of those people the way we feel it now.
Consequently, history seems much more simple because the minor strands that are all interwoven around events are not visible back then.
But the closer you get to now, the more visible those minor threads become and it's impossible to quantify the importance of this thread over that thread.
For example, as I said earlier, he would love to think in a situation as important potentially as nuclear, you know, global nuclear war that we would have philosopher kings sitting in quiet rooms discussing with the most intelligent physicists and ethical people in the world how we deal with this situation.
But instead, the normal things that impact humankind are at work here too, despite the stakes. We said politics in a democracy a little while ago.
But it's more than just politics. How about such banal concerns as budgetary questions and interservice rivalry? To name just two.
For example, I think you could make a pretty good argument and a lot of people have that the number one reason that you have an atomic blitz style strategy as the plan to win World War Three should it come during this time period has more to do with budgetary restraints than anything else.
And you again would wish that you had your philosopher kings and everything in the back room not worried about anything banal like politics and budgets and what have you.
But reality intervenes, which is why this whole argument about having to change humanity in order to survive in a post atomic world is so difficult.
As Einstein said, the atom changed everything but our modes of thinking. But it's hard to change your modes of thinking. I mean, think about Harry Truman after the war.
Harry Truman's got to cut the budget because it's spending a fortune because it was just in the biggest war in history and it was doing the lion's share of funding.
Can't stay at those levels, right? Can't live at those levels. So Harry Truman has to cut the military by what he figures is going to be 70% after the war.
While still having to be able to fight World War Three should it come. And as we said, a lot of people thought it was imminent. How do you do that?
Truman brought in business people who, you know, opened up their business books from college that just said, listen, it's all about prioritization and consolidation.
There's no reason for all this redundancy. First of all, you know, you should just combine all these services and have no Air Force and no Navy, no Army, just one whole military defense structure.
You hear this argument all the time in this country. You hear it in other countries too. The services hate that because they all have a lot of pride in their own service and sometimes a little bit of antipathy toward the other ones.
What's more, you had a whole new branch of the service out there, the US Air Force that had just been created, and all of them competing for an economic pie that was going to be cut by 70%.
As you might imagine, in any country in any time period ever, you know, the knives came out and the backbiting started and the services had to get up there and essentially argue for why they were relevant and why they mattered and why they should get a larger piece of the economic defense pie.
And it was the Air Force that ended up winning the argument.
They went to the president and they basically said, if I can simplify this, there's only one branch of the service that will win World War III for you and it's us, because we're the ones who will send fleets of bombers over to the Soviet Union and bomb them with atomic bombs. Boom.
This was a very contentious period in US defense history. Again, it's part of that entire era where the big change occurred between 46 and 52, but the services in some of these cases were fighting for their very existence.
I mean, the second defense secretary, a guy named Louis A. Johnson, who was totally on board with this, let's get rid of a bunch of branches of the service idea, is supposed to have said this, quote,
There is no reason for having a Navy in Marine Corps. General Bradley tells me that amphibious operations are a thing of the past. We'll never have any more amphibious operations.
That does away with the Marine Corps and the Air Force can do anything the Navy can do, so that does away with the Navy, end quote.
He then goes on to cancel this giant supercarrier the Navy was building. And as you might imagine, things just go ballistic.
It leads to something that's considered to be one of the more unusual and serious because there hasn't been a lot of them revolts by a branch of the service in American history.
It's often referred to as a mutiny in some spheres. It would be very strange mutiny because usually it's the mutiny is from the lower levels of the Navy to the higher levels.
This involved the highest levels of the Navy who came to the defense of the service by arguing for all sorts of things that you would understand.
You know, they're just trying to make themselves look relevant. And of course the Navy can do this and no one else can.
But the unusual argument that they also brought to the table and they brought it out in congressional hearings in a way that when you think about it as just shocking was they questioned the U.S. strategy of atomic bombs on moral grounds.
In something known as the revolt of the admirals in congressional testimony, a bunch of war heroes from the Second World War, I mean guys like Chester Nimitz and everything came out.
And in arguing essentially that we don't like your plan to just go and drop atomic bombs on cities and that's how you're going to win the Third World War.
But at the same time, you know, defending their own branch of the service, they decried the entire idea as un-American and immoral.
As Eric Schlosser writes in Command and Control, quote,
I don't believe in mass killings of non-combatants, end quote.
Admiral Arthur W. Radford testified, quote,
A war of annihilation might bring a Pyrrhic military victory, but it would be politically and economically senseless, end quote.
The harshest criticism of the Air Force came from Rear Admiral Ralph A. Osti, who had toured the burned out cities of Japan after the war.
He described the atomic blitz as, quote,
Random mass slaughter of men, women and children, end quote.
The whole idea, he said, was ruthless and barbaric and contrary to American values, quote,
We must ensure that our military techniques do not strip us of self-respect, end quote.
Once again, hard to quantify and really know how much of the Navy's opposition to use of atomic bombs as the war-winning thing you base your strategy on was because their service didn't have any,
and how much of it was based on moral grounds.
The complaints would be notably muted when submarines could carry nuclear weapons, it should be noted, later on.
But the admirals bring up a key moral question that people will wrestle with for decades, as a matter of fact, they still wrestle with.
Is there an ethical way to fight an atomic or nuclear war?
Is there a way to bomb cities and civilians with atomic weapons and have it still square with American values and the values of the freedom-loving West as it would have been known back then in general?
I mean, they're fighting a bad guy, as I said, you go read the literature at the time, it is clear.
This might as well be, you know, the Third Reich again, and Joseph Stalin might as well be Hitler.
Now, little known fact here in the United States, but the Soviet Union will mellow out a bit after Stalin goes away, but this is the hardcore era still.
He is considered to be a ruthless guy, and communism appears to be on the move.
But if you kill tens of millions of civilians using atomic bombs in order to thwart the evils of a totalitarian superpower, how much evil do you get splashed on you in the process?
And what if you strike first?
That's the second thing that came into play, even pacifist Bertrand Russell for a little while was thinking that the United States should strike first to keep the bomb out of the hands of guys like Joseph Stalin.
Interesting to think about what our history books would look like today and how it would treat the subject of a preventative nuclear war had the United States acted on that kind of premise back in the day when Bertrand Russell was making those speeches.
By the way, in all fairness to Bertrand Russell, he would change his opinion later on this.
Nonetheless, I can't imagine the history books treating it all that nicely today to try to explain away all those deaths to keep the Soviet Union from getting an atomic weapon.
One is reminded of Friedrich Nietzsche's line about be careful when fighting monsters that you yourself do not become a monster. It's a tough ethical dilemma, isn't it?
And from my own standpoint, I find this period fascinating because if you think about the ethical dilemma, maybe of putting a handgun that's loaded into the hands of a five year old boy, that's kind of what I feel like this period is here.
Maybe the most dangerous period in atomic history because it's the one where we're still trying to figure out, you know, if Oppenheimer is right and we have to grow into a new higher version of ourselves to survive, this is the period of like adolescence.
Can we do it before, you know, we shoot something and it's a period where the tension is mounting at such a pace.
I think Michael Sherry, the historian says that the drumbeat of crisis and initiatives was relentless during this time period. You go look at a timeline and it's one thing after another, bam, bam, bam, bam.
And remember, those are the things that make it into the history books. That totally discounts what the people in that era, reading their morning newspaper on a day to day basis would have had to contend with.
All the rumors and lies and threats and maneuvers and things that might happen but never turned out to be true. They sweat that out on a daily basis.
So if you're talking about these things that sound horrific to us today that anyone would even consider, you don't understand the threat those people thought they were facing.
The fact that we know that their worst nightmares won't come true can't be allowed to blind us from the position that they found themselves.
And remember, we have the luxury of knowing how things turn out. It changes everything, doesn't it though?
It makes it very difficult to put ourselves back in those shoes and I want that serum that instantly allows you to go, oh my God, I'm so scared that the communists are going to take over the world.
You know, when I was growing up in the 1970s, there was something known as the domino theory of communism and it was this idea that it spreads from one country to another.
And that, you know, as soon as one falls, it subverts the next one over there and it was supposed to explain this exponential growth of communism in the world and why you needed to be concerned about all these little countries.
You would say, well, who cares about this little out of the way place if they go communist. It's not exactly like they're in the center of the world.
You know, why do they matter? And you say, oh, you don't understand. It's the domino effect. They will subvert the country next door and then you can't let it get a foothold.
And in the 70s when I was growing up, you were beginning to think that that was crazy, although there were still a lot of proponents.
But the reason it looks so out of whack is because in the 1970s when I was a kid, things had stabilized.
That was a theory developed by people that were watching reality unfold back in the era we're talking about now where it did look like dominoes were falling and it looked like they were falling quickly.
And there were a couple of different kinds. Covert and overt, for example.
At the beginning of 1948, the Czechoslovakian government is overthrown in a coup and they become part of the communist bloc.
One of their famous ministers found at the bottom of a multi-story apartment dead in an apparent suicide out of his window, which many people believe now was nothing but Russian agents tossing them over the side.
But that began to give everything sort of a very spy, underhanded clandestine, you know, the enemy within sort of feel.
And communism was different than fighting Nazism. You didn't have to worry about Nazism as an intellectual contagion very much.
Whereas communism was something that could appeal to downtrodden peoples everywhere, including in your own countries.
So all of a sudden you had a new enemy to deal with. Potentially some of your own people had changed things too, as everyone knows.
A couple of red scares, if nothing else. The McCarthy era. And some legitimate problems with, you know, people who were spying because they had an intellectual affinity for the beliefs of the Soviet Union.
And I get letters from communists all the time saying, you always portray communism in such a terrible light. All we can go on is the examples we have.
If they don't match the potential of the classroom theories, well, I can't help that. I can only tell you what the Joseph Stalin regime was like.
And it wasn't pretty. And if you want to point out the problems that the West has, I'm going to agree with you on all of them, but there's still no comparison.
In this case, the Soviets just were ruthless. And the United States and others argued that you had to meet that kind of ruthlessness with a similar sense of resolve.
And some of this resolve required the ability to push back in places.
A couple months into 1948, Joseph Stalin does something that tests the resolve of the West, if you will, in a way that is so challenging, it's like calling your bluff in that high stakes poker game.
Michio Kaku and Daniel Axelrod in their book How to Win a Nuclear War say that by this time period, Harry Truman has already threatened the Soviets four times with a nuclear bombing.
Maybe bluffs, but never came to a head because the Soviets gave in.
On June 24, 1948, a pretty darn good geopolitical chess player himself, Joseph Stalin makes a move that basically calls the entire nuclear bluff of the West and shuts down all the rail lines and the land routes that were supplying West Berlin.
The place occupied by the French, the British, and the Americans that they shared with the Soviets and that was deeply inside the rest of Soviet Eastern Germany at the time.
Only allowed to exist because Stalin allowed food and everything to go through. On June 24, 1948, he stopped allowing that.
And then basically looked at the United States and the rest of the world and in his own geopolitical way said, check.
Now you may be thinking to yourself that we are overplaying the poker and chess analogies a little bit.
Because they are things, by the way, that can always be applied to diplomacy and foreign affairs and realpolitik and all that. You can always compare those things to chess matches and whatnot, but nothing so fits the model as the Cold War.
And in fact, in due time, an alternative approach to Oppenheimer and the physicists idea that we're going to have to grow as a species or we're going to wipe each other out will begin to be developed along the lines of things that we call today game theory.
And that we're already underway in the minds of people like John von Neumann and others, developing ways to see if we could use our intelligence to not drastically lose the game.
If humans had to adapt or die to their new weapons technology, was the only kind of adaptation that was going to work an evolutionary one?
Or if that was impossible, did humankind have a backup plan for living with this sort of technology?
In this case, what Stalin had said in a foreign policy sort of terms is, are you really going to start World War Three over this?
All I did was say, you could no longer have access to a city deeply behind the border in our territory or at least where we're in charge of defending our zone, our sphere of influence.
We haven't attacked anybody, you'd be attacking us first.
What would world opinion say, you're going to start World War Three over this?
And if you do, not only, you know, will the war start, but we'll start with wiping out all of your forces that are in Berlin now.
An appetizer for World War Three, if you will.
How do you respond to that?
And especially in this period where, once again, it's hard to get into the minds of these people, but everything you read talks about how much both sides in this Cold War thought that they learned from World War Two and the lead up to that.
The whole idea of appeasement is ever present in the discussions, right?
Hitler proves the point for every maniacal, aggressive dictator everywhere, right?
They're all like Hitler, so everything that would have applied to Hitler applies to everything else, and in the sense of a Joseph Stalin, you cannot show weakness.
So do you start World War Three over this?
Well, the wheels were in motion.
And very soon, a solution on the ground, apparently, by a local commander who started to have food flown into Berlin, because apparently Stalin wasn't going to shoot down airplanes, I guess they found pretty quickly.
And very quickly, Harry Truman saw that as the life preserver thrown to him, right?
What are your choices?
Start nuclear war or let Stalin get away with it?
Well, what about we don't start nuclear war either?
We just start supplying the city.
Now, what are you going to do?
You're a move.
See how this game thing works so well in this situation?
I'm not going to start nuclear war first.
And what will be known as the Berlin Airlift by the time it's finished and it'll be, you know, ongoing for more than a year, the United States and the other Western allies will fly in 1.5 million tons of coal, fuel, and other necessary products for everyone in West Berlin with nearly 200,000 flights into the city.
It's an amazing achievement and was an easy out to avoid World War III.
But worth noting that during the crisis, especially in July 1948, discussions and real discussions were had amongst the United States, the President, his advisors about whether or not you start nuclear war over this.
And they're fascinating to go back and look at.
You begin to see this big divide between those who think that nuclear weapons are this special class of weapon that you must treat totally differently than any weapon that's ever been invented ever and those who think it's just a bigger bomb.
For the purposes of our story here, which is more about humanity adapting to its weapons capabilities.
The 1948-1949 Berlin Airlift crisis is key because it's the first time that you get the rubber meets the road practical questions that hadn't really arisen to this point.
It's almost like you have to have the crisis before people will actually sit down in a room together and debate questions that should have come up a long time ago, like, what can we really accomplish with these weapons?
What can you do with them?
Now, everyone understood that you can threaten with them because they'd already done this before.
By the way, it's a strategy known as escalation dominance and you don't need atomic or nuclear weapons for that strategy.
It's always been used, actually. It just works very well with atomic weaponry, but it's basically the idea that you're willing to take it to the next level.
You really want to fight over this? We'll nuke you.
And if the other side doesn't have nuclear weapons, well, that's the end of that game, right?
The problem is, is that that's a bluff game. And what these people are asking now, having played the bluff game three or four times already since the Second World War, is what if we're forced to play this hand?
What does that mean? And then getting to the really practical realities, things like, do we have the planes in place? How many bombs do we have? What are we going to target?
And if we target those places and destroy them, does that get us what we want?
These are the kind of things that had been sort of compartmentalized and talked about in various branches of government.
The Berlin Airlift Crisis brings all these people together with the President to have really fundamental discussions of the sort that hadn't happened before, and you could see these broad differences of opinion.
The military men, by and large, are under the impression that when we go to World War III, we're just going to use the new weapons too, the way we use the old ones.
And some of the other people, for example, the head of the Atomic Energy Commission, David Lillenthal, he's part of the group of people that are counseling Truman in this key moment during the Berlin Airlift Crisis, not to use the nuclear weapons.
The July 1948 meeting between Truman and his various advisers is talked about in the Chio Keiko and Daxle Ross book, and they write, quote,
In his journal that day, Lillenthal, the Atomic Energy Commission head, wrote that Truman, quote,
greeted us rather solemnly. He looked worn and grim, none of the joviality that he sometimes exhibits.
I rather think it was one of the most important meetings I have ever attended, end quote.
The authors continue, quote,
At the meeting, some, like Lillenthal, expressed reservations about using nuclear weapons.
Secretary Royal, however, spoke for the hardliners when he said, quote,
We've been spending 98% of all the money for Atomic Energy for weapons.
Now, if we aren't going to use them, that doesn't make any sense, end quote.
But even those who are trying to figure out maybe that you can just use these weapons as a bluff have a problem themselves.
They want to deter with these things, and something strategy-wise that would become known as deterrence,
their problem is that for that to work, the other side needs to think that you would use the weapons.
So you can't publicly come out there and say, these are the most awful things in the world.
We would never use these weapons because then you can't threaten to use them anymore,
and then they have no utility if you're one of these people who believes that you won't really use them.
You won't play the hand, but you'll threaten with them.
But in order for the threat to work, people have to believe you'll go there.
As one author I was reading pointed out, where he said,
If the bomb's too terrible to use under any circumstances, it has no deterrent value.
So even if you're one of those people that would never foresee the use of atomic weapons,
you can't say that because then they're no good at all.
This becomes the main conundrum of using the bomb,
and during this period, there's one main part of the conundrum that we understand today that's missing.
Because if World War III breaks out in response to some event connected to the Berlin Airlift in 1948,
only one side is going to have atomic weapon reused on them.
If you're the American public and you're sweating out these increasing tensions,
you can at least comfort yourself in the idea that in the era of atomic war in 1948,
you're still safe from being nuked because your government is the only one that has the weapons.
In 1949, that will change, and that will change everything.
Part two of The Destroyer of Worlds.
1949 is a terrible year in terms of the Cold War.
The only thing that keeps it from being, say, the most terrible year in all world history in terms of danger
are technological limitations.
You give 1949 the same technology we had in 1969, and I think it is the worst year ever, most dangerous.
A lot of things happen in 49 that make people very edgy.
I mean, for example, after a long-running civil war with an intermission during the Second World War,
the Chinese communists finally gained victory in their civil war over the Nationalists.
The Nationalists go over to Taiwan, the communists declare a communist country,
and all of a sudden, Soviet Russia, the largest land power in the world in terms of actual geographic size,
has added to it a country roughly the size of the United States geographically and with the largest population in the world.
Communism just took in 25% of the world's population and added it to its ranks.
That's how a country like the United States or the UK would have seen the situation.
To zero some game and all of a sudden, communism just took China and we lost it. Be a big political debate in the United States for a long time.
Which party in the White House lost China as though China was ours to lose?
1949 is also the year NATO is formed, an attempt to begin to cobble together a European defense strategy
from a whole bunch of countries still trying to recover from the damage of the Second World War.
Remember, only one country came out of the Second World War, major ones anyway, any better off than they went into it.
That was the United States. Everybody else was recovering.
Certain countries like the Soviet Union from really grievous wounds.
And that's partly the reason why the estimates may be on how long it would take the Soviets to get their own atomic bomb were so off.
How did they do it so quickly?
The military head of the Manhattan Project, General Groves, didn't think that the Soviets would get it for 20 years.
They got it 16 years sooner than he thought they'd get it.
Now there's no doubt that espionage played a key role in helping, but it doesn't change the fact that it took the Soviets about the same amount of time
it took the United States, the UK, and the Canadians in the Manhattan Project to build their bomb.
On August 29, 1949, in the Central Asian Deserts, the first Soviet A-bomb test goes off.
The United States finds out from a monitoring plane that was just sort of keeping track of radioactivity,
Joseph Stalin, not the kind of guy to come out and announce anything about anything.
The USA though thought he was going to, so after debating whether or not they should tell the people of the world that the Soviets were in atomic power now,
one of Truman's advisors specifically mentioning the panic after the war of the world's broadcast by Orson Welles
and saying that the whole thing might cause a panic,
but in an attempt to sort of get ahead of the Soviets if they were going to announce it and to put the proper spin on it,
Truman came forward and basically said, the Soviets have it and this is why it's so important to control these kinds of weapons.
Thus ends that tiny little period at the beginning of the atomic and nuclear age,
where atomic power rested in the hands of merely a single country.
It's somewhat amazing given the state of human affairs that with its monopoly, one country didn't use that weapon to dominate the world,
so maybe one could suggest that in an ethical sense it showed human progress.
But perhaps Bertrand Russell's line about how long you could expect a man to walk across that tightrope would say, hold on,
they haven't had to do this for very long.
First round goes to man's ethical and evolutionary growth because we avoided bombing the Soviet Union when only one country had the bombs,
but now two countries have the bomb. How's that going to change the dynamic?
Well it takes the fear level and exponentially confounds it because now all of a sudden the United States has to worry
about having the same thing happen to it that places like Belgium and Germany have had to worry about forever.
Now the US isn't going to get invaded in the old fashioned sense, but what's the difference if eventually some other power
can just ignore the fact you have a couple of oceans protecting you and turn your cities into smoking heaps of rubble?
The United States hadn't faced anything comparable to this since the British burned the capital building in the war of 1812.
Psychologically it would affect any power. The United States though, with this extra sense of invulnerability it's always had,
was in a unique place in its history.
Now the other side becoming a nuclear power does a couple of things.
First of all, it closes the circle in terms of creating the dynamic that we have lived with ever since.
This dynamic of both sides being able to do incredible amounts of damage to each other, at least theoretically.
Very different dynamic than only one side being able to do that.
The other thing that happens in a geopolitical sense is the era of the United States having that mastercard,
as the Secretary of Defense had said, the royal straight flush, that's over with.
The window of opportunity as another advisor had said this period when the US was the only nuclear power, that's over with too.
And predictably the question of how to respond ran the gamut with even sober humanitarian type scientists
trying to figure out if all of a sudden the balance of rational thought had swung towards the idea of,
well now that they are a nuclear power, we should nuke them while we can.
In his book Prisoner's Dilemma, author William Poundstone quotes Harry Truman's science advisor, a guy named William Golden,
who penned a letter where he tried to imagine how a man from Mars might view the geopolitical situation.
In other words, somebody who didn't have any human skin in the game, just from a purely dispassionate outside observer's viewpoint.
About the Soviets having the bomb now in the way that the US and the rest of the West should respond and he said quote.
This brings up the matter of immediate use or threat of use of our weapons.
Let us not delude ourselves. To bring about a true international control agreement with Russia, we would have to use them.
The consequences would be dreadful indeed, even though I assume that the Russians have so few A-bombs now that they could do little or no damage to the USA,
even if they could put them on target. In theory, we should issue an ultimatum and use the bombs against Russia now.
For from here on, we inevitably lose ground. And this is true no matter at how much greater a rate we produce, no matter how much more potent weapons.
For once Russia is in a position to put A-bombs on our cities, no matter how inefficient those bombs may be and how few in number,
she is in a position to do us unspeakable injury, that we can retaliate a hundredfold or wipe out every Russian will not repair the damage.
So a good though immoral case can be made by the disinterested man from Mars for our shooting at once.
End quote. He then goes on to say, however we won't do it of course, no matter what the alternative, because the public would never support it.
The last comment is fascinating again, because you're again tempted to see it as some sort of an ethical evolutionary change.
I mean, would the ancient Bronze Age civilizations have hesitated a minute? I don't know.
Of course, if one wanted to look at it in a more cynical way, maybe you just say,
no one wants to be living on what will turn into a nuclear battlefield if such a war breaks out. So when your country talks about starting one,
or being the first to introduce such a weapon, I think maybe there's just a survival instinct that kicks in and maybe the people from the Bronze Age would have understood that perfectly.
But we come to another one of those moments now, a fork in the road, a decision between maybe what you could call doing things the way we always have for all the right reasons,
enacting in a way that would sort of defy your expectations given human history.
And it's what do you do now? What do you do if you're the United States and you just had your atomic monopoly destroyed?
Human nature and all of human history would say you try to go get another monopoly.
You continue work, right? You develop the next system. You regain dominance and superiority in that field.
Nobody wants to be the one who's the last person to invent a machine gun or something like that. You could lose a war that way.
The last nation to get an air force, right?
But if you are already struggling to try to figure out how to handle, you know, not having catastrophe strike in the world of atomic weapons,
how sort of against the grain from an Einstein or an Oppenheimer viewpoint does it sound to talk about making a super, super weapon?
The super was actually the nickname for the next level in human weapon redevelopment that was already theorized and that work had already begun on.
A weapon that would make the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like nothing.
Weapons that required a bomb like the bomb used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a primer for its main explosion.
A guy named Edward Teller is most famous for association with what will be the weapon that makes atomic bombs obsolete.
A guy like J. Robert Oppenheimer, who one of Truman's aides said was too much of a poet and not enough of a hard-headed realist.
But the kind of bomb that a guy like J. Robert Oppenheimer would say is farther than we should go.
We should no longer develop more powerful weapons than the ones we have.
But think about how much that runs against the grain of human behavior.
Could we, if faced with extinction, decide to cap weapons research and development, we will never discover anything more powerful or deadly than this?
How do you shut off information like that? How do you keep someone else from developing it?
These are the age-old problems that humanity has always had to deal with.
And right after the Soviets demonstrate that they too are now in atomic power, Harry Truman has to wrestle once again with all sorts of forces and uncertainties.
And he's in a brand new era of human history with no roadmap.
This is a guy, by the way, who had been vice president for like five minutes when Franklin Roosevelt died and who had cried saying he wasn't up to the job.
He's dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan, ended the Second World War in effect, and now he's called upon to face these kind of pressures.
It's crazy.
One can only, whether you think he did a good job or not, have some sympathy for the, for the haberdasher from Missouri, which is what this guy was.
The artillery captain from the First World War.
Truman is not one of the great minds of history, one of the Marcus Aurelius-type leaders.
He's just a pretty normal human being put in a situation where he literally is making decisions about whether or not we can build stuff to destroy the world with.
And whether or not that's a good decision.
After the Soviets blow up their first A-bomb, Truman asks for some help and some advisors, and he gets the wise men together.
It's not exactly philosopher kings, but it is the physicists who invented the first weapon.
A bunch of them anyway, led by the guy Truman's aide thought was too much of a poet, J. Robert Oppenheimer.
Obviously quoting texts from the Bhagavad Gita, so maybe there's a point there.
Nonetheless, puts him in a room in October 1949, says, should we develop the next level of weaponry above atomic weapons?
Is it possible? And if we did it, would it help? And do we need a Manhattan program for the next super weapon?
The one that makes our current super weapon obsolete.
And the physicists went in a room, talked about this, and issued a report.
And the report by the physicists said, don't build this weapon.
This weapon, by the way, is something today we call a thermonuclear bomb, or a thermonuclear warhead, a hydrogen bomb.
Thousands of times more powerful than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
and described by nuclear expert Joseph Cerencioni as the equivalent of bringing a literal piece of the sun down onto Earth.
There is no upper limit to their power.
In the report, Oppenheimer and Friends, essentially now five years after the atomic bomb was dropped,
have a chance to see how humanity's dealing with it, and they've decided maybe, in reading between the lines here,
that we haven't evolved enough yet for something like the hydrogen bomb, the report says, quote,
we believe a super bomb should never be produced. Mankind would be far better off
not to have a demonstration of the feasibility of such a weapon until the present climate of world opinion changes.
End quote.
Is that code for until we evolve more?
They also seem to be suggesting that this is a chance to provide an example
on how we can break the patterns of the past because we have to to survive.
They write, quote, in determining not to proceed to develop the super bomb,
we see a unique opportunity of providing by example some limitations on the totality of war,
and thus limiting the fear and arousing the hopes of mankind.
End quote.
There's that poet Oppenheimer and his rainbow and unicorns coming out again.
The people around Truman might say.
The great Enrico Fermi and another physicist penned an even more apocalyptic response.
They didn't think that the one that I just read to you goes far enough.
They wrote this and I'll quote it in its entirety because it is shocking.
They are basically saying you are inventing weapons that can now do the equivalent
of creating giant natural catastrophes.
If you could turn on, for example, the ability to cause a massive tsunami or something.
Fermi and his colleague write quote.
A decision on the proposal that an all out effort be undertaken for the development of the super
cannot in our opinion be separated from considerations abroad national policy.
A weapon like the super is only an advantage when its energy releases from 100 to 1000 times greater
than that of ordinary atomic bombs.
The area of destruction therefore would run from 150 to approximately 1000 square miles or more.
Necessarily such a weapon goes far beyond any military objective
and enters the range of very great natural catastrophes.
By its very nature it cannot be confined to a military objective
but becomes a weapon which in practical effect is almost one of genocide.
It is clear that the use of such a weapon cannot be justified on any ethical ground
which gives a human being a certain individuality and dignity
even if he happens to be a resident of an enemy country.
It is evident to us that this would be the view of peoples in other countries.
Its use would put the United States in a bad moral position relative to the peoples of the world.
Any post-war situation resulting from such a weapon would leave unresolvable enmities for generations.
A desirable peace cannot come from such an inhuman application of force.
The post-war problems would dwarf the problems which confront us at present."
That's pretty harsh and you can say to yourself,
well you know some of these physicists live in their own unreal world
but David Lillenthal from the Atomic Energy Commission
one of the people who pushed back against the idea of using atomic bombs
during the Berlin Airlift wrote in his diary about the way the government was leaning
and it was not in the direction the physicist wanted when he said, quote,
More and better bombs. Where will this lead? Is difficult to see.
We keep saying we have no other course.
What we should say is we're not bright enough to see any other course.
End quote.
So you run into the people that give you the old Machiavellian reality
which is we've got to build these bombs because the other side is going to build them too
and the last thing you want to do is be the last person to own the next level of weaponry
which makes total sense given our history.
What the physicists are telling us is that everything you learned in your history
everything that's been you know pasted onto your DNA
from thousands of years of human evolution since cities first cropped up is obsolete
and you can either change that standard template you know by which you gauge
what you should do in any given situation
or you can find yourself a victim of a weapon that makes an atomic bomb
look like a conventional bomb.
Truman as usual had many more pressures weighing on him.
David Lillenthal in his diary also records a statement by Senator Brian McMahon
who describes sort of the mood that the American people would have
if they found out that the Russians had an H-bomb but the United States didn't
he said quote why a president who didn't approve going ahead on the H-bomb all out
would be hanged from a lamp post if the Russians should get it and we hadn't
end quote.
Kind of hard to argue with that logic isn't it?
It's the same logic we'd operate with today.
Man it's hard not to be struck here isn't it when you consider
this strange divide between the level of the intelligence of the people
that were put together to create these super weapons
versus the level of intelligence of the people whose decision it will be
whether or not to use them.
The political class in these democracies and republics for example
but let's remember as that statement by that senator points out
how heavily influenced they are by public opinion.
If we're living on a knife edge over how these weapons are used
and how wise we can be about them do you really want that decision
devolving down to the average Joe and Jane level?
The counter proposal by the way by physicists like Oppenheimer
over why you don't need to build this super weapon is that you've reached
a maximum threshold when it comes to the power of these weapons to do anything.
They offer the idea that you can just use atomic bombs
to deter anyone who's got any weapon greater
because you don't need anything bigger than that.
They may say we'll drop a hydrogen bomb on your city
that's a thousand times more powerful than your puny A-bomb.
Yes but the puny A-bomb still basically takes out the city.
You're trading cities for cities and what Oppenheimer and those guys were saying is that
once you lose a city in this deal and once you're trading city for city
you have the deterrent value you need to stop somebody else
from attacking you with any kind of weapon.
This is the beginning of the ideas of nuclear deterrence
and you begin to see the introduction into this debate
of a civilian class of intellectuals
who become sort of the alternative
to the rainbow and unicorn poets like Oppenheimer's approach
where they want us to become different people than we've always been.
The other side of that coin is these people
who would say we're not going to change and it's too hard to change
the system isn't flexible enough even if we wanted to change
so we're going to have to learn how to live with these weapons
as intelligently as we can.
And big civilian thinkers started to meet with each other
starting in about 1945 right after the first A-bombs were dropped
at the end of the Second World War
and they began to coalesce in groups and meetings at major universities
places like Yale for example
and these experts would come from a wide range of disciplines
social scientists, political scientists, physicists of course
but also people like the civilian leaders of agencies
David Lillenthal from the Atomic Energy Commission was there
and they would debate these fundamental questions
that simply had to be answered in this new era.
First of all, could you use these weapons?
If you used them, did that make ground war
and tanks and armies obsolete?
What would World War III be like?
All kinds of fundamental questions now
the problem for these people is that all of this stuff
is part of what you normally consider to be
the responsibility and the prerogative of the military leaders.
You don't tell the general how to use his weapons
that's not your business
you tell me where to go and what to do in terms of winning
I'll take care of it.
But now the weapons were so powerful
that many of the big thinkers out there argued
that simply using them had huge political implications
something you could not delegate to a general on the ground
who might think he needed atomic weapons
to blow up the entrenchments on that enemy hill
not realizing that he could lose the entire war
of global public opinion by doing so, right?
In other words, the use of this most powerful weapon
had to be in the hands of the supreme leader
whomever that might be.
Well in 1950, that's still Harry Truman by the way
and in January 1950 after reading the report
from Oppenheimer and his fellow scientists saying
don't build the super bomb
Truman decides to build the super bomb
the reasons given
and the people around him who have given the reasons
they all revolve around the same thing
again, easily understandable stuff
you can't be outgunned
Truman even mentioned the psychology of it
even if you believed the idea that Oppenheimer
floated, that you can just use A bombs against their H bombs
the psychological effect on the American people was unacceptable
so it was a standard understandable response
they're gonna get it so we have to have it
and you know the way you can kind of reliably
test to see if this is something that
you know if there was such a thing as collective human DNA
I mean for the species as a whole
that it's in there somewhere
can you imagine humankind
saying no to a more powerful weapon system
I mean I'm sure there's groups on the planet
there's a very peaceful group of people in that part of the world
they would say no
but as a whole when you think of the powers at the very height of
you know importance can you imagine them saying you know
yes we know that's a much bigger and more powerful weapon than we have
but we're okay with what we currently possess
we don't need that bigger weapon it's
I mean if the aliens landed tomorrow
and we found out the biggest weapon they had
destroy the galaxy in the blink of an eye
was the X-14
there are gonna be people on this planet right away
that say we have to have an X-14
they'll walk all over us if we don't have one
even if we don't know how to use it
even if it might destroy the galaxy as long as we have one
they can't just roll all over
they have to take it into account
right we become a player
we will not be subject to escalation dominance
psychologically it's important for those aliens
to know we have an X-14 too
here's the thing though
the Truman administration at the time that he
approves going ahead with this hydrogen bomb
still hasn't figured out how to use the great power of the atomic bomb
they're still trying to figure out what you do with that
because it's so powerful and yet now we're gonna move ahead with
something that's hundreds of times more powerful than that
Truman has taken the pistol out of the hands of that five-year-old
who was trying to figure out what you do with that
and handed him a machine gun instead
he still doesn't know what to do with it
but at least it's a lot more powerful
and that's kind of where we are because
in this period between 1945 and 1950
when it's this theoretical period punctuated by lots of
scares and near misses and threats and all that
people are trying to figure out
what you can really do with these things
Oppenheimer and his folk had said
you don't need anything bigger than an atomic bomb
the problem is is during this time period
there is no chance to do what will later be called
counter force really
counter force means using your nuclear weapons
against the enemy's military targets
at this stage of development
you are lucky to use them against anything
you use them against big things
cities with people
these are city destroying weapons
and that's what you use them for in this period
the question though that more political minds are asking
during this period is does that get us what we want?
I mean if the thought is that you're going to kill
millions and millions of people
do you end up with an outcome
you know in the end
that was better than what you had before
and then of course a really important question
during the entire period of the Cold War
now is does the other side really think you do that?
remember there are really during this period
two kinds of people when it comes to nuclear weapons
the kind who thinks you can use these things
and who plan to
and the kind who thinks you can't use them
but even those people think
that they still make up a part of what you can use
to threaten other people
I mean the best use of this tool
as many theorists during this period
thought about it anyway
was that it created something
where you could tell someone else
do that or else
or don't do that or else
you'll get nuked
remember Truman did this several times
after the Second World War before 1950
but in April 1950
Truman is presented with a document
that will become one of the most important
and yet very little known actually
documents in American history
it's called NSC 68
and it did a lot of things including
you know pushed forward some of the hydrogen bomb development stuff
but what NSC 68 did
in paragraph after paragraph
is spot the holes
in this entire defense strategy
the fact that you basically were relying
on a threat
that the threat were called
you either had to nuke the other side
and kill millions of people
or back down
well other powers could test that
they could try to find a point
underneath the threshold
of when you would use these weapons
I mean what if somebody just sort of
gobbled up their neighbor a little at a time
and say you nuke them
allies were worried about this too
because they were starting to think that maybe
the United States would be willing to use nuclear weapons
for themselves and their own protection
but if it was somebody in Europe that they said they'd protect
maybe they don't nuke anyone for that
maybe they don't kill millions and millions and millions of Russians
if the Russians invade West Germany
that kind of thing would make the West Germans nervous for example
one of the things NSC 68 said
is that the risk that they were running right now
with their strategy of
nuke everything or nothing was quote
the risk was having no better choice
than to capitulate
or precipitate a global war
end quote in other words they had no flexibility at all
it was nukes or nothing
and so NSC 68 becomes this document that advocates
a huge increase
back to spending on conventional weapons
tanks, planes, naval ships
all the other stuff
but doesn't back off the nuclear stuff either
in other words whereas before
the budgetary choice was between this or that
now it's this and that and everything more
this becomes the document
that begins the giant military buildup
and the US in the role
as sort of the policeman of the free world
that we still live with today
now initially Truman looked at this thing
and we were told by the history books
thought this was going to be horribly expensive
and Truman tended to be fiscally conservative
and he sort of put it on hold and thought about it
a little bit and then in June
on the 25th actually, 1950
the North Korean Communist invaded South Korea
and what that meant was that all of a sudden
and moving very quickly
and hard to get your mind around
and react and debate and deliberate
what it initially seemed like
it was too much money to spend for Truman
and probably Congress and the American people
I think it was something like a
virtual tripling of US defense expenditures
seemed like a no-brainer
now that all of a sudden
for all intents and purposes
as far as anyone could tell with quickly moving events
the fuse for the Third World War
seemed to have been lit
the Korean War as it's come to be known
is so fascinating and has so many things involved
that have nothing to do with the great powers
that would make a wonderful discussion all by itself
I'm going to really resist going off into too many tangents
and try to stay on the focus
which is that it's a completely different sort of challenge
than trying to live with these amazingly powerful weapons
and the temptation and the fear and the uncertainty
that they bring to the table
this new thing in peacetime
even with all the threats and the scares
it's an entirely different matter
to try to deal with the temptation and fear
and uncertainty involving them
in wartime
and let's also remember the very other human elements
involved that are operating sort of underneath the scenes here
there are a lot of people who have invested
reputations and viewpoints
and all sorts of things into the efficacy of these weapons
and what you can do with them
and what sort of game changers they are
and so now we were going to find out
whether they were right
were all these pronouncements and positions taken in peacetime
going to play out the way the advocates and opponents thought
they were going to play out now that we have a real
live fire situation going on
and if there was ever a conflict that would tempt
a leader to use atomic weapons
the korean war seems tailor made for it
because eventually it will settle down
to an almost first world war style
very little movement kind of stalemate
but initially it is an absolute
bar brawl
where the momentum swings wildly from side to side
and there's crises after crises
and each side gets into their own trouble
I mean initially the North Korean communist forces
with tanks and people that had fought in the Chinese Civil War
just swarmed down and start smashing the South Korean forces
driving themselves towards the water
I mean this is going to be a Dunkirk with no place to go
if you catch my meaning
they outnumber them, they have armor
I mean there's a whole bunch of reasons why it happened
now Korea had been just sort of getting
the idea of independence down
after being occupied by Japan
at the end of the second world war
the Soviets occupied the top half of the country
basically, the west, the bottom half of the country
they put in governments that they were friendly with
a communist one in the north and a non-communist one in the south
and then kind of sort of looked elsewhere
while the whole Berlin thing is playing out
I mean there's bigger fish to fry
as a matter of fact when the Korean war breaks out
there's a large contingent of people that thinks that this is just a diversionary faint
sure, old Joe Stalin does a little move in Korea
the entire free world
you know, moves their military forces there
we get bogged down and then he invades in Europe
a lot of people thought that
the historian John Lewis Gattis makes a very interesting point
saying that if this hadn't been a World War II style attack
with tanks and the whole thing going over the border
basically an open and overt challenge
to the post-war idea that we're going to have collective defense
and there's never going to be another Hitler
and aggressive war is never going to win again
Gattis says that this attack had been more like the way the Vietnamese were very good at attacking
15 years after this where they would send in guerrillas
and it would be subversive and slow and infiltration
and you never know where the decision points are
that the Americans probably wouldn't have gotten involved at all
but this was a challenge and somebody had to stand up to it
or at least that's the way it looked to Truman
who was just in the major stages of codifying one of the policies he's most known for instigating
it's something called containment
there were several different views on how you handle the spread of communism from the domino effect
the one that was eventually part of NSC 68 was called containment
don't let it spread any farther
there were other more aggressive ones like rollback
or another one that liberation was what some of the far-right hawks wanted
but containment is what sort of became the policy of the United States
and if that's going to be your policy even if you thought that just meant you were going to give money
and aid and help certain governments
now you had a situation on your hands where if you didn't act and you didn't act soon
South Korea was going to disappear and it was going to be a fate accompli
and no matter what you said there wasn't going to be two Koreas anymore
you weren't going to be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again
you know in like three days the capital of South Korea falls
what are you going to do?
and there were so many other things we have to remember we're ongoing at this time
the importance of which has faded in the 70 years since
but remember this is five years after the Second World War
these people had begun to think that they had made war illegal for lack of a better word
they had once again built structures
what they thought were new and improved structures over the last World War structures
the League of Nations proved to be a toothless tiger
so now we had a new and improved version of it called the United Nations
and this is a real test for the United Nations
Truman involves them basically right away
they start debating what to do and as fate would have it
and it never went this way again
the Soviet Union happened to be boycotting the UN at the time
so they were not there
now as we all know today
what we would have expected to happen given our understanding of history
was that when this question of what should we all do about this Korean War thing
came to the UN
the Soviet Union as friends and backers and fellow communists with the North Koreans
would have used their veto which several members of the UN
are on the Security Council permanently and wage
and have a veto that they can use and often do
the Soviet Union would have vetoed the whole thing
and everything would have been muddled and there wouldn't have been any unified effort
but because they happened to be boycotting at the time
they couldn't do that
and the US with a bunch of other nations
got an agreement together to go in and save South Korea quickly
and the US and other countries
became really a United Nations army
at least in terms of the marketing
I mean there was a United Nations flag that flew on some of these tanks
it's never been quite this way again
the implication was that all of a sudden you were going to have a global world army
that could go in and do things like this
in addition
Truman puts in charge one of the heroes of the Second World War
Douglas MacArthur right the guy who so famously in the Pacific said
I shall return and then eventually he comes back and he goes
I have returned and I mean he's
Eisenhower famously said he studied dramatics for years
as a subordinate to MacArthur
so MacArthur's put in charge of these forces
they're rushed over from Japan
these are a bunch of guys who've been sitting in Japan enjoying themselves for a few years
they're not exactly crack combat troops when they get there
and there's not many of them
and the Air Force comes in and the Navy gets involved
and very quickly you find out that that Defense Secretary Louis A. Johnson
that said we'll never need another amphibious operation
you don't need a Navy
was about as wrong as you could be
because when the Korean War broke out
and within five days the United States is trying to be there on the ground
to save South Korea from falling
and they just don't have what they need straight up
and they get in there
and now it looks like they're going to get defeated with the South Koreans
it's just a terrible situation
the first moment where you think, God, you know, if you had some
really good tactical nuclear weapons during this period
you could see some places where you'd just love to use them
but they don't have that right now
but over and over again the situation will change
eventually there'll be enough forces built up
so the U.N. forces can start pushing back
and creating a larger perimeter
and then MacArthur and maybe the greatest move of his career
lands an amphibious operation in your face
Louis A. Johnson
at Incheon behind the North Korean lines
cuts them off, begins to, you know, push back up now
towards North Korea
so we've gone from defending South Korea to now
moving in and invading North Korea
and there are warnings, be careful, you're approaching China
they might not like that
even though MacArthur is supposedly finding Chinese dead people
when he goes over and looks at what should be North Korean dead people
he tells President Truman, don't worry, Chinese aren't going to get involved
and secretly later on you find out he's not scared of them anyway
so they don't have the logistics, you know, what are they going to do, blah blah blah
nothing's going to happen
and he continues to move forces closer to their line
and then they whack him with like 200, 300,000 guys
and the war changes again
and now the Chinese have entered the conflict
think of how quickly this escalated
from a North Korean, South Korean affair
to something where you now had the United States of America
and a multitude of its Western allies
the great powers of the West
facing off against red China on the Asian mainland
backed by the Soviet Union
I mean we started this on June 25th, 1950
within a couple of days the US and the West are involved
by September you have the Incheon landings
and the whole complexion of the war changes
by late October early November the Chinese are in it
but not officially
and that becomes part of where you begin to see this evolving
into a very post-Second World War form
a form that is largely dictated
by the existence and possible use of nuclear weapons
this is when it becomes apparent
that to keep this from becoming World War III
all the major powers that would be needed to fight World War III
are doing their best to create some plausible deniability
so that nobody has to admit this is World War III
I mean one of the interesting theories out there
is that if you don't have nuclear weapons in the world during this time period
maybe there's a decent chance this does turn into World War III
but you can watch Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union
Mao in red China and Harry Truman all bending over backwards
to be able to tell the world no this isn't war
in Truman's case famously
when the fighting breaks out and it's the worst since the Second World War
pretty hard to deny what's going on there isn't war
and the reporter says to the president
he says president Truman is this war are we at war
and Truman famously says right there no we are not at war
and so the reporter counters with something like so
so what is this is this like a police action
and Truman famously says something to the effect of
you know yeah that about sums it up
and forever after it's been called the police action
as though the proper label on this thing puts a limit on it
it's not just about marketing either
there are real changes I mean if Truman calls this anything besides a war
does he have to go to Congress and ask them to declare war
this is another thing that you know a bunch of modern historians are suggesting
was seen by the people around Truman as kind of a quaint relic of a pre-nuclear age
his secretary of state and people like that not huge fans of
you know more people being in on the decision-making process
and Truman was able to put troops in harm's way
without ever having to ask anyone else's permission
I mean historian Gary Willis said the decision to intervene in Korea
was made amongst Truman and a tiny group of advisors around himself
the reporter asked that question about are we at war
because normally you would know there'd be a big declaration
they'd do it, the country'd be all in, they'd ramp up for the war effort
they'd use everything in their power, they'd demolish the other side
and they'd come home but can you do that in a nuclear age?
the reason the Korean War is germane to this story
is because well here's the way historian John Lewis Gettis explains it
the outbreak of fighting in Korea in June 1950 provided the first hard evidence
the Korean War demonstrated how awkward it would be to use atomic bombs
even in the most desperate military circumstances
from this perspective they proved to be irrelevant to the outcome of that conflict
but from another perspective they were of critical importance
for Korea determined how hot wars during the Cold War were to be fought
the rule quickly became that neither the United States nor the Soviet Union
would confront the other directly or use all available force
each would seek instead to confine such confrontation
within the theaters in which they had originated
this pattern of tacit cooperation amongst bitter antagonists
could hardly have emerged had it not been for the existence on both sides of nuclear weapons
end quote
in order to give them some plausible deniability
and basically say we're not at war with the United States
you don't have a Chinese American war going on
Mao and the Chinese labeled their hundreds of thousands of Chinese army troops
as though you almost don't even know what's happening
what there's hundreds of thousands of our people in Korea fighting
well who knew
and eventually when the Soviet Union
who kind of deliberately doesn't get involved
I mean they kind of stay away from this instead
I mean you gotta be careful because the Soviet Union and China have signed a pact
a defense pact
so if it looks like China is attacked
automatically the United States is now at war with the Soviet Union too
which the Soviet Union doesn't want either
so they're not getting directly involved
they're staying as far away as they can
and when eventually almost because they're shamed into it
they have to send pilots to help
they make the pilots you know they paint the planes
like they're Chinese volunteer planes
they give them fake names
they tell them if they're captured you know you say you're a Russian
they're living in China they tell them don't fly over water
because you might get caught
I mean the whole thing is a disguise
now it's not fooling any of the other countries
this is essentially to be able to say
that this is not the kind of war where we need to use nuclear weapons
although the temptations keep coming
I mean there'll be a point for example
when 11,000 soldiers
most of them American in sub-freezing temperatures
are surrounded around the Chosin Reservoir
and there are people that will go to President Truman
and say you know Mr. President we'd like to use atomic bombs
I keep trying to remind myself
that Truman is the first human being
to ever have that sort of question put to him
to have that kind of responsibility dropped in his lap
and you can't fake understanding the ramifications
because he'd already done it twice
but that's a heck of a thing to put on a human being
and Truman as I said didn't just cry
when he got the job he basically said
I'm not a big enough man for it
I'm not a big enough man for it
and yet he's the first man in human history
to have this kind of responsibility in his lap
there was a 1952 article in Fortune magazine
where a writer I liked named Headley Donovan
did something which I think is really cool
where he zoomed out sort of
and imagined how Harry Truman's power
at this stage in world history would have been viewed
had we been looking at it from 500 years ago or something
if we were treating it like we would treat the Carolingian Empire
or the Byzantine Empire or something in your history books
because we tend to treat modern history totally differently
we look at it through a totally different lens
and Donovan's article puts this in terms
that we could recognize if we were talking about events
from a thousand years ago when he writes quote
a Californian named Robert Carney
now commands the greatest striking power
in the Mediterranean world
the seat of the classic empires of Alexander and Caesar Augustus
Admiral Carney directs all NATO forces in Southern Europe
and the US 6th Fleet
in Northern and Western Europe
the old realms of Charlemagne and Napoleon
extraordinary military and political influence
is held by a Kansas man
Dwight David Eisenhower
in Korea the bridge and battlefield
of half a dozen Oriental imperialisms
the largest western army ever lodged on the Asiatic mainland
is led by Matthew Ridgway from Virginia
all of these officers are answerable of course
he writes
to a native of independence Missouri
if the president of the US were ever tempted to think of himself
as Emperor Harry I
there is no evidence that he has been
he could look about the world with considerable personal satisfaction
end quote
and yet several times in this war
he will be asked to unleash the sort of hell
that none of the people who ran those earlier empires
could ever dream of being able to inflict
and it's noteworthy
that he turns them down essentially every time
this is kind of a great interesting psychological question
to which there is no clear answer
but there are lots of speculations
as I said as to why
Truman doesn't drop this bomb
if it's going to help him out of this jam
and he's got a lot of political pressure at home
why doesn't he do it
well this becomes another place in history
where it depends on who you believe
now as a fan of history
I simply read all of these different ones
and I try to pick the ones in my head
which I think are the most logical
or make the most sense
but oftentimes they all kind of have a good point
I mean in how to win a nuclear war
Machio Kaku and Daniel Axelrod
amongst other people
suggest that the reason Truman didn't use
nuclear weapons in Korea was because he didn't have any extras
to people who subscribed to that theory
the reason isn't moral at all
it's simply that the surplus doesn't exist
and if this really is a faint
and the Soviet Union is just trying to get all our attention
over to Asia and then they're going to attack in Europe
you're going to want all 300 or 400 atomic bombs
in your stockpile
so that's one attitude out there
there's another view that they're particularly
unsuited to this kind of warfare
where you have these individual Chinese peasant type
infantrymen carrying all they need on their backs
over the hills and you know scattered numbers
of nuclear weapons not really set up for that
there's another school of thought
that they're afraid of using them
and having them not be as scary
as everyone thinks they might be
maybe Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the best place
to demonstrate them in terms of scaring people
the most effective conditions you could use them under
maybe anything else might be underwhelming
so they're scarier if you don't use them
there's all sorts of theories
but I can't help but notice a certain pattern
and that's that if you look at the first three US presidents
that have had to grapple with this amazing amount of power
they have often had to do so
at odds with their military advisors
on several occasions
Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy
they all will have their advisors saying
we think you should use these things
and they will all say no
it's fascinating to think about that
and again one is
forced to confront our past
and ask if this is how we would have behaved
in earlier generations
or earlier human eras
in the same circumstance
or whether or not
this is indicative of some sort of evolution
or growth
and if it is growth
is it ethical growth are these people
becoming more ethical than the people of the past
or is it intellectual growth
are we becoming intelligent enough
to manage these
unbelievably sophisticated and dangerous weapons
I can't answer that but I can say one thing for sure
it's on a collision course
and you don't have to be a genius to see that
with the principle way that the experts
fight wars during this period
remember Truman is trying to adapt to this new
atomic age
he's got generals in charge of forces
fighting complicated wars on a nuclear
booby trapped geopolitical chess board
who were born in the 1800s
MacArthur does not want to worry
about which chess pieces he wants to use
on this nuclear booby trapped chess board
or what squares he can and can't move to
he's used to having a free hand
and he and Truman clash over what he can do
Truman is creating something that will be known
as limited war
whether he knows it or not during this time period
the general that he personally
put in charge of all these forces
and they're not just American forces
there's Australians, there's Turks, there's Brits
it is a multinational UN force
headed up by this guy Truman put into place
and a guy who has famously said
and will during this entire crisis in war
there is no substitute for victory
when I was a kid it was widely thought
that Douglas MacArthur wanted the power
to use atomic weapons himself
against his adversaries in Korea
and that Truman wouldn't let him
but none of the modern histories seem to think so
they point out that he didn't want to use nuclear weapons
but he did want to be able to fight the war in Korea
the same way he'd fought every other conventional war
with the standards and the attitudes towards victory
that he was accustomed to using
the problem was is if he did those things
he would cause the Third World War to break out
most likely if you're a Truman
Truman and you're playing this knife edge dangerous game
it's way too much of a gamble
MacArthur didn't want any rules
telling him what he couldn't do to fight a war and win
and when he said this enough publicly
that he disagreed with the president's policy
to the media
he had to go and you know once again
when you think about the bravery involved here with Truman
not a Truman fan particularly
but his poll numbers were much lower
than Douglas MacArthur's
Douglas MacArthur was a hero to a lot of people
and there were a lot of people that just plain didn't like Harry Truman
after he fires MacArthur
MacArthur comes home
and a half a million people come out to give him a ticker tape parade
most of the newspapers come out for MacArthur
I mean if you're Harry Truman
you just made the biggest negative move
of your entire presidency
and it took an amazing amount of guts
and you paid forever for it
probably cost you another term
and it was the right decision
you can say in hindsight because if MacArthur had been allowed to do what he wanted
and a third world war had broken out
imagine how different our history is today
I mean all you have to do is look at what the plans were right
or the assumptions of what the plans were in some cases
Western military leaders assumed
that the Red Army would simply launch attacks
across from their bases in Eastern Europe into Western Europe
and roll all the way to the Atlantic
think about the destruction that that entails right there
US plans involved the use of this most dangerous of all human weapons ever invented
no, not the nuclear bomb
because remember that's a component in a weapons system
you still had to be able to deliver the bomb
this was the problem the Soviets had during this period
they may have had like 10, maybe 20 of these bombs
they didn't have an adequate delivery system
they had no strategic air force
they didn't have a way to bomb anybody yet
they were working on it
but it wasn't a real threat
the real threat was that the Red Army would just crush all opposition
all the way to the ocean
the US however would unleash strategic air command
who had a bevy of different plans that they had on paper
and variants of every plans
they had plans like shake down and off tackle and all these kinds of things
but what these plans had in common
was a massive atomic blitz
using about two thirds of the atomic weapons in the stockpile
right away, the same day actually
in most cases
and then keeping about a third in reserve
to go re-bomb places that needed re-bombing
during the period we're talking about here
it's something like 200 bombs
maybe 300 bombs
maybe on 20, 30, 40 Soviet cities
a bunch of these cities to be bombed multiple times
it's millions and millions of people though
any way you look at it
and you wonder
what the history books would look like today
with the photos and accounts of the survivors
of let's just say 35 Russian cities
after they had been bombed
on the same day
in the world's first atomic war
like Hiroshima or Nagasaki on steroids I guess
and you know I've often felt that
especially my own people, Americans
but maybe a lot of other people too
don't look carefully enough
at what these weapons do
because there are overtones
that people tend to push away because we're human
in the United States when you'll talk to people
about the atomic bombings of Japan
there's a defensiveness that often comes up
because they assume you're trying to heap
some sort of guilt on them
and they will get defensive and point out
what the Japanese did or many of the other elements involved
and what the conversation about atomic and nuclear bombings
usually break down towards and it keeps us
from examining the most important part of the story though
not the past part that can't be changed
but the future part that needs to be understood
when we are talking about doing things
that might lead to the kind of outcomes
we've only seen a couple of times before
those outcomes are so important
and I'm struck by the fact that even people
who were living through them at the time
and trying to survive
realized that they were essentially
guinea pigs of a new age
and tried to write things down
so we could benefit from it today
but in order to benefit we have to look at it
history makes you look at things
there's a part of me that thinks there'd be something beneficial
in talking a lot of people around
the death camps after the Second World War
where people were exterminated
just to remind them
history forces you to look at these things
and realize that this isn't just some weird occurrence one time
this is what happens periodically
these are the stakes, be aware of them
and know what can happen
there was a diary kept by an amazing doctor
Hiroshima, a guy named Dr. Michihiko Hachiya
and in his diary, first of all
he's a survivor of the Hiroshima bomb
but then he goes on to the nearest hospital
and he begins treating people
one of the things that's so terrible about these weapons
is because they create an almost natural disaster
the first responders and the people
that have to help all the damaged people
are themselves victims
and their facilities are part of what's damaged
so you compound a difficult situation
by killing all the doctors and nurses
and destroying the hospitals at the same time
but in a move that just shows how sometimes
like in this case it's scientists
but there are other peoples and professions also
in this case this Japanese scientist realizes
as soon as he's not having people
literally dying at his feet
and it's like four days later or something
he tells the other doctors
they have to start writing stuff down
the data is going to be really important to people
in the future because there hasn't been many people
who've lived through this yet
in other words this guy was already thinking
beyond the war to posterity
and knowing that actual data
on live subjects in real world conditions
will be rare and important for the future
he puts that in his diary
I found that amazing and heartwarming
but it doesn't help us if we don't use it
so you have to look at this stuff
straight in the face and then say
when you're talking about nuclear war
you're talking about this
and you're not talking about it happening
to some foreign people you don't know
you simply have to put the faces
of your own friends and family
on the victims and imagine that instead
Hiroshima survivor
was in the bathroom
when the Hiroshima bomb went off
and the bathroom collapsed around her
and she finally got out with the help of someone else
and found her sister dreadfully injured
mostly from the heat of these bombs
that's one thing they had that the
regular conventional bombs did
there was almost a flash
some people describe it like a blueish white
like a flash bulb flash
and it would burn you
like the worst sunburn all the way to the bone
you've ever seen
but funnily enough it was so quick
that if you had clothing on
especially light clothing
you could be perfectly protected under the clothing
and your skin falling off everywhere else
and this woman describes
getting out of this bathroom
after it collapsed around her
and what happened next
and remember this could be your wife
or your mother or your sister
or your daughter
looking around for my sister
I saw her lying sprawled in the corridor
the right side of her body
covered with terrible burns
she had probably been washing her hands
with her right hand stretched over the washbasin
when caught by the searing heat
I put my sister on my back
and fled barefoot to Hajima Park
her face was festering from her burns
and her right eye was hanging out
I pushed the eye back into its socket
and tried to use a gauze mask
to hold it into place
but her ear had melted away
and there was nothing to attach the mask to
her mouth was twisted to the right
and she could do no more than whimper for water
only the first syllable of the word
emerging distinctly
on reaching Hajima Park
I laid my sister down on the ground
and set off to search for my children
the fires were still burning fiercely
in a streetcar that had been burned bright red
surrounded by people already killed by the fire
I saw a woman still holding on to a strap
and calling for help
the intense heat prevented me from approaching her however
there was nothing I could do
the man sitting on some stone steps
I said come on let's get away from here
and pulled him up by the hand
but as I did so the skin came away from his hand
and he fell slowly to the ground
I could see his shadow imprinted
clearly on the wall behind him
where he had been sitting
many people called out to me for help or water
unburned because of having been in the lavatory
I could only bring my hands together
and apologize to the people I passed
as I searched for some sign of my children
as it turned out none of those who left that morning
ever came home again
not my five children, my grandfather
my sister Michiko or my cousin
not a bone remained for me to find and treasure
our house burned down so that I had not even a photograph
to remember them by
my sister Hisako drew her last breath
four days later on the evening of August 10th
in agony from her massive injuries
I will never forget the expression on her face
when I tried to give her a drop of water
I was alone
end quote
that's not meant to be a tear-jerker
that's meant to be an example
that you multiply by the number of people
who are involved in these catastrophes
if they happen
when you think about what people are afraid of
understand that this is a science fiction
dystopian type of nightmare story
until it comes true
and in this era the possibility of it coming true
at times appears to be about the same chance
you're going to get a
heads or a tail when you flip a coin
and you know another interesting study
into the human condition can be made
if you ask about the kind of people who advocate
this as a viable and useful strategy
because you might say to yourself
who would do this, who would plan for this
who could sit down and actually say
no this is what we're going to do
if the imminent third world war happens
and it will so this is what we'll do
who does that
you have to say well some kind of mass murderer right
wants to kill people
but that's not how the people that do these things see it
they have what two people on the far other side
the rainbows and unicorns Oppenheimer poet side
think is an abhorrent way of viewing things
but there are a lot of people here
that are making calculations about relative disasters
you'll see this later on too
when you'll get these people at these think tanks
that will say that they're trying to reduce
the number of dead in a nuclear war
from 40 million to 20 million
and other people think that simply even trying to do that
is morally reprehensible
we should be talking about having no millions dying right
but if you read the accounts of people like Curtis LeMay
the very famous leader of strategic air command
the one who will be turned into a stock character
in the 1960s movies and whatnot
Dr. Strangelove failsafe they all have a
Curtis LeMay type of cigar chomping Air Force guy
LeMay's attitude was one that you saw
amongst a lot of generals
especially these first and second world war people
who saw the major nasty part of modern war
as being its length
and that because the casualties mounted every day
like a meat grinder anything you could do to shut that down
and limit the length of time the war went on
was humanitarian by its very nature
even if what it took to do that
was a shocking amount of violence in a very short time
to shock everybody into peace
LeMay did not like what was going on in the Korean war
he wanted to unleash his heavy bombers
as he had over Japan in the second world war
and he testified afterwards that it would have been
I'm putting words into his mouth now
the more humanitarian approach
this is the philosophy of strategic bombers
and believe it or not
it's based on humanitarian ethics
and just to show you how ingrained it is
it is not ironic when they name nuclear weapons delivery systems
as they've done more than once
with names like Peacemaker and Peacekeeper
the new bomber that will carry out these nuclear destructions
of places like the Soviet Union
if it happens in 1950 and 1951
is the brand new B-36 bomber
which is nicknamed the Peacemaker
LeMay said about the all out bombing campaign
that they didn't do at the beginning of the Korean war
so we go on and don't do it
and let the war go on
over a period of three and a half or four years
we did burn down every town in North Korea
and every town in South Korea and what
killed off 20% of the Korean population
what I'm trying to say is
if once you make a decision to use military force
to solve your problem
then you ought to use it
and use an overwhelming military force
use too much and deliberately use too much
so that you don't make an error on the other side
and not quite have enough
and you roll over everything to start with
and you close it down just like that
and you save resources, you save lives
not only your own but the enemies too
and the recovery is quicker
and everybody's back to peaceful existence
hopefully in a shorter period of time
end quote
so when you wonder about the kind of people
that could carry out these kinds of war aims
war aims which may sound apocalyptic to you
these are people flying planes called peacemakers
who firmly believe that their way of war
will end up being more beneficial
to everybody in the end
it's a similar point of view to Douglas MacArthur
it's the traditional modern 20th century
military point of view
total war saves lives
limited war prolongs the nastiness
but once again, American presidents
heads of the Soviet Union and China
the heads of the western NATO countries
they have a lot of things to worry about
besides this idea of total victory
take for example the idea that perhaps
a total or even partial defeat
in an atomic war might have been something in the back of their heads
nonetheless the way the Korean war ends up
is something that either side of that total war
versus limited war debate could probably use
as ammunition in their discussion
the friends of Harry Truman might say
listen, by middle of 1951
both sides are at the armistice table
talking and working out a deal
to which the friends of Curtis LeMay and Douglas MacArthur
counter by saying yes, but the talks will go on for two years
and soldiers will die on both sides the entire time
to which the Harry Truman supporters could then reply
yes, but we didn't get World War III
boom, game over, what do you say to that?
yes, the situation in Korea was a nightmare
lots of casualties, lots of dead, lots of civilians
I mean, bad all the way around
but it wasn't nuclear war
presidents are often forced into
making lesser of two evil choices
and in this case got to be pretty darn bad
of an outcome for nuclear war to not be the greater evil
and in 1952
the greater evil is getting worse
I think you have to say that
Harry Truman deserves a lot of credit for getting us
out of his entire terms in office
without us ending up bombing anyone
with nuclear weapons after the Second World War
ended because I think it was a flip of a coin
whether or not we did that
remember all he would have had to have done
is listen to some of his military advisors
and he would have
as Truman's term in office winds down
you can see that it's easy to say
that if the world is playing a three-dimensional
geopolitical game of nuclear chess
they're playing by the rules laid down by Truman
and let's be honest
the people that he was playing nuclear chess with also
Joseph Stalin and the Soviets
it was a takes two detango situation
and between the two major sides
things are hammered out and there's input from Europeans
and third world nations
I mean this is a global effort to cobble together
a way to deal with what is becoming
an ever increasing threat
and a threat that is moving so quickly
that the sheer speed of technological change
is one of the most destabilizing parts of the entire equation
at what point do you get used to this
I mean we've been pondering the question about
whether humans can adapt to their weapons technology
but let's remember that once upon a time
people didn't have to adapt this quickly
throughout most of human history
the change was much less quick than it is today
if you could take 1950s atomic technology
give it to the ancient Egyptians and say
this isn't going to change very much
for the next 15 generations
take some time figure it out
does the extra time they get help them do it
or I mean is just thinking of ancient Egyptians with
you know nuclear technology too weird to even contemplate
the point is is that
you know I try to again remember who these people are
Truman is a grandfather
surrounded by other grandfathers
you ever had to help your grandfather with tech stuff
right this is a guy
who is sitting there listening to different nuclear physicists
describe the pros and cons of different ideas
and pushing different points of view
and he has to decide which one he agrees with
why do I have an image
of him having to call his kid in college
to come home and help him figure out
where to turn the nuclear bomb off I can't find that button
Truman kind of looks like the tweener president
from the non specialist technical era
to the one where you have to referee
competing arguments between physicists like
Oppenheimer and Teller
requires a different kind of mind
a different kind of an approach and maybe a different kind of background
as I said I feel kind of lucky we got out of that era intact
but when you look at the last year of Truman's presidency in 1952
you can see the tsunami of dangers
mounting in the distance
and you just it's hard to have confidence that the
haberdasher from independence Missouri
who's already exceeded expectations you know
and his flexibility in an atomic world
hard to see him flexible enough to deal
with some of the things 1952 brings on I mean for example
here's a guy who's advisors in administration
helped craft as we said the rules for how you play this
global chess match
but it's always been a two-player game
and in October 1952 the United Kingdom
explodes their first atomic bomb
now they're in the nuclear club
now it's a more than two-person game
that'll change your dynamics
especially when you know the part that really bothers everybody
about the UK test becomes clear
which is that they won't be the last power to join the nuclear club
in a few years are you gonna have 10, 15, 20 powers with atomic bombs?
so in order now for humans to adapt to this new weapon
they now have to adapt to more people having it
so the dynamics get much more complex
now you added that to change the power of the weaponry
less than a month after the United Kingdom
demonstrates that they're in atomic power
the United States demonstrates that they have the technology
and it works to build the super bomb
they actually exploded only a couple of days before the US presidential election
and the power of the bomb is stunning
truly paradigm shifting
the test occurs on an island in the Pacific
when it explodes there's a fireball more than three miles wide
there's lightning crackling inside it
the crater's more than 6,000 feet in diameter
the hull's more than 150 feet deep
it's somewhere between four and five hundred times more powerful
than either of the bombs that were dropped in the Second World War
four to five hundred times more powerful
and what's kind of interesting about this period compared to our own
is how much of this weapons development is psychological
again to have a psychological edge on your opponent
to be able to use things like deterrents effectively
everyone had to know you had these weapons
and so today you would imagine governments wouldn't even tell anybody about any of this stuff
but the United States announced these things
we have this weapon now, we have that weapon
because that was important to its ability to be used
the problem with something like the thermonuclear weapons
the hydrogen bomb is that they're so powerful now
that they're in effect working against the idea that you can use them for deterrents
the bigger they get the less willing your enemy or adversary is to think you'll use it
Joseph Stalin is quoted as saying he thinks in Pravda he said that public opinion
and the peace movement around the world will reign in their governments in
no one's going to use a megaton powerful weapon on us
because world opinion won't stand for it and there's some truth to that
but if you're the military and you want to use these weapons
or you're the intellectuals and the political associates of the president
and you want your deterrents to still bite and work
and you deal with that dynamic, right?
that the weapons are so powerful no one believes you'll use them
you make smaller versions of them
it's a decent argument to ask whether the most destabilizing effect
of inventions from 1952
you could make an argument for all three is it nuclear proliferation starting
is it the invention of the super the hydrogen bomb
or is it the beginning of the revolution
that we call today tactical nuclear weapons or battlefield nuclear weapons
and the funny thing about it is that some of the people who worked on it
I mean Oppenheimer got roped into this thought he was doing a good thing
I'm going to create smaller weapons because if I create smaller nuclear weapons
the military won't be tempted to use the bigger ones
turned out he was wrong about that
he had a famous quote though when he years later tried to explain his thinking
and he said to understand where I was then you would have had to have seen
the Air Force's war plan for 1951
he says it was the most god damnedest thing I ever saw
so it scared him so much 500 atomic bombs dropped on Russia
that he thought I'll give them something they can use instead of those
it turned out as most thinkers assume today
that tactical nuclear weapons open up the door dangerously to an escalation
very quickly to the very big bombs that Oppenheimer hoped would never be used
because you'd have the smaller bombs instead
honest mistake though we're in new territory here
technologically speaking aren't we
another reason maybe you don't want Truman running the show
he's done about as well as maybe you could hope for
so the guy who wins the presidency in 1952 is a very interesting choice for this era
and I think more and more historians are realizing it now
when I was a kid that a kind of a different view of general and now
in November 1952 president-elect Dwight David Eisenhower
it's interesting I saw a couple of historians I was reading were speculating
and it's not far off from a decent speculation maybe
that partly what the United States was going for here in terms of the electorate was
they had just had a president and a general sort of
disagreeing about how you fight this war in Korea
and all these questions about nuclear weapons and this whole new world and everything
what if you just got a person with military experience
put them in the top job and then when the general is arguing with the president
the president's general too
there are some people who speculate that Dwight Eisenhower was kind of
feeling like he stepped down in terms of responsibility
when he took the American presidency for a job
because he was coming down from like commander of NATO
he was the general of the west as one writer I was reading called
and the general of the west now he's just merely the president of the United States
but Eisenhower is an interesting guy
his administration by the way will follow a lot of the same cycles
that the Truman one did and the administration after him will too
in part because they'll find that they have a lot of the same pressures
and disincentives and incentives working on them that the previous administration also did
and you often try to adopt the obvious solution in those cases
which each one did successively so
as we said the Truman administration seems to have established a pattern
that will be followed by subsequent administrations
in Eisenhower's case though
a bunch of things happen basically right at the beginning of the Eisenhower administration
that completely upset the geopolitical chess board in ways that give him
well both opportunities and dangers that Truman never had to face
start with the fact that pretty much right after Eisenhower actually takes office
January 20th 1953 Joseph Stalin dies
March 5th 1953 and he doesn't die
like a long slow lingering death where Russia has lots of time to prepare
and the Soviets have lots of time to prepare for what you're going to do afterwards
he has like a stroke or something so it's here today gone tomorrow
or here today on my way to going very soon
but what the hell happens in the Soviet Union if there's no Joseph Stalin
this guy's been running the show personally so long in that country
that there's a logical question that happens
and it happens right when Stalin debilitated and immobile
and paralyzed from the stroke and urine soaked pajamas lay on his floor
unable to communicate his underlings are outside his room
you know outside the door talking going what do we do
there is no logical successor to Joseph Stalin
there was no organized system that dictated
well here's your vice premier who takes over
once upon a time all that stuff had been around
Stalin had come up in a system with lots of brilliant intellectuals
and people from the original revolution
people like Lenin and all those other great people
Stalin killed a lot of those people on his way to power
and for more than 20 years he could easily say the same thing
that Louis XIV the French King famously said about
you know his relationship to the country
Louis XIV said I am the state
the state is me
and Joseph Stalin could have been the poster boy
that came up when you googled the phrase cult of personality
as a matter of fact one of his successors will call it just that
and yet the problem is
is that this guy's personality was completely infused on his country
by the way as we've pointed out before
badly traumatized by a surprise attack
in the Second World War
you add to that the Stalin view of communism
which is also paranoid which again
maybe just finely tuned self-defense antenna
at work here instead
but that the non-communist powers were going to try to take you over
added that you'd already been surprised attacked
added that you're a paranoid dictator type anyway
and isn't it interesting that that is all infused
on the player that the historical role of the dice
just manages to give the free world
when you have your first ever nuclear chess match
who do you play Joseph Stalin
it's going to be a little Machiavellian right
you're not going to be all peace love poets and Robert Oppenheimer
when you're playing that guy and by the way
I've got quite a few books on the Soviet side of this story
and the problem with the Soviet side of this story
is once again it's all Stalin
and you can't figure the guy out
so you're taking public statements and this and that
but the question that was put to several people
like Andrey Sakharov and others
that had been involved in the Soviet nuclear program
is what if the US had gone the whole
you know full force Robert Oppenheimer
ban this stuff route
what would the Soviets and Joseph Stalin had done
and to a man they all say
oh it would have been seen as weakness
Stalin would have pushed forward with his weapons program
I mean first of all he wouldn't have believed it
he would have thought that behind the scenes it's all happening anyway
in other words if the US and Britain and NATO
and all of them had gone into a Robert Oppenheimer dream mode
that would not necessarily have had any sort of real reciprocation
from the other side because the other side was Joseph Stalin
and as of March 6, 1953
for the first time in the nuclear age it's not
Truman never had the opportunity to deal with anyone else
when Stalin dies new things happen
the world changes a little bit
and Eisenhower has a chance for example
to come out with a proposal that's known as the Adams for Peace proposal
now I have to make a disclaimer here
nothing can be trusted from this era
we alluded to this earlier
for example these presidents from Truman to Eisenhower
they will all have two faces to them
and I don't know which one is real
they will have one face where they will say
you can never use these weapons
Eisenhower famously said you couldn't have a nuclear war
there aren't enough bulldozers to scoop up the bodies
from the streets
and yet you'll have other statements where they will say
they do not ever question our willingness to use these weapons
so you have to say it for deterrence to work
but did they secretly believe that you couldn't use these weapons
or is it the opposite
some of these depends on how cynical you are as a writer
but some of these writers and historians will say
no no the plan the entire time was to nuke everything
but you just can't say that in public
so you get up there and have an Adams for Peace program
where you talk about working together to ban these terrible weapons
I will say this
I can't imagine our leaders today having something like Eisenhower's speech
to the United Nations where he in 1953
laid the whole situation out
now whether this is some sort of cynical geopolitical move
that's a public relations ploy
or whether he's serious and it's hard to know
Eisenhower was a deep and interesting and complex character
but everything that we've been talking about in this program
is stuff we know now
the people in the time period are just as whiplashed by technology
as Harry Truman was and in 1953
Eisenhower remember this is right after the hydrogen bomb concept is proven
lays out the stakes to a bunch of people who maybe didn't realize
exactly how threatened they were
I feel impelled to speak today in a language that in a sense is new
one which I who have spent so much of my life in the military profession
would have preferred never to you
that new language is the language of atomic warfare
the atomic age has moved forward at such a pace
that every citizen of the world should have some comprehension
at least in comparative terms of the extent of this development
of the utmost significance to every one of us
clearly if the peoples of the world are to conduct an intelligent search for peace
they must be armed with the significant facts of today's existence
my recital of atomic danger and power is necessarily stated in United States terms
for these are the only incontrovertible facts that I know
I need hardly point out to this assembly however
that this subject is global not merely national in character
on July 16th 1945 the United States has set off the world's first atomic explosion
since that date in 1945 the United States of America has conducted 42 test explosions
atomic bombs today are more than 25 times as powerful
as the weapon with which the atomic age dawns
while hydrogen weapons are in the ranges of millions of tons of TNT equivalent
today the United States stockpile of atomic weapons
which of course increases daily exceeds by many times
the total equivalent of the total of all bombs and all shells
that came from every plane and every gun in every theater war in all of the years of World War II
a single air group whether afloat or land-based can now deliver to any reachable target
a destructive cargo exceeding in power all the bombs that fell on Britain in all of World War II
that's from the famous Adams for peace speech
and Eisenhower like Truman before him will evoke the specter of the world's great cities lying in ruins
the cultural achievements of the past of thousands of years of work to build up to destroyed
mankind having to arise from the ashes of irradiated and destroyed civilization
just in case you were unaware of the stakes
but there are so many different ways you can view people right
we all understand that in modern history and close to modern history
makes it the most apparent because you can find statements from all these people
contradicting themselves they'll have private statements versus public statements
diaries that they write in that they assume will someday be published
versus secret diaries that they never want anyone else to see
what is PR versus what is behind the scenes
I mean when Harry Truman talks about the terrible things these nuclear weapons can do
he's the same guy that gave the go-ahead to make them
when Eisenhower gives these speeches about these existential dangers mankind faces
he is at the same time solving a budgetary problem
by deciding to rely on a strategy with nuclear weapons that will be known as massive retaliation
so which Eisenhower do you buy or is it some sort of blend of the two
and listen as we said good luck getting to the core of any of these public figures
they're so multi-layered that to know you actually had what they really believe
that would be tough to do in any time period
add to that the fact that as we all know when history compresses these human beings
into one dimensional figures you lose so much of the nuance
I mean imagine if you made it into the history books a hundred years from now
how much your life would be compressed into a few bullet points
and did that sort of really give the true picture of you
I mean even J. Robert Oppenheimer
Dean Atchison's too much of a poet
wasn't always too much of a poet
he was often opposed to nuclear weapons but not always
sometimes his opposition was moral but sometimes it was technical
and sometimes he saw good applications for nuclear power and weapons
so he's been turned into an archetype by history as well even by me
so let's bear all that in mind and even with all that said
Eisenhower is unusually confusing and misleading on purpose
in his book Ike's Bluff
author Evan Thomas weaves in Eisenhower's near addiction
to strategy card games
and you know draws that into Eisenhower's conduct of world affairs
and how he handled the various cards in his hand if you will
the uncertainties involved in other people's hands
he was I guess a huge poker player but an even bigger bridge player
and bridge I guess is played by all sorts of generals and politicians and strategists
and they feel that it better represent the great geopolitical game
than chess does because in chess you can see all the pieces openly
whereas in a card game your hand is known only to you
the adversaries have their hands secret
you don't know what's in the deck you have to do a lot of bluffing
and this is where Eisenhower's you know deliberate opaqueness and confusion
and misleading nature and ability to bluff his way into various situations
seem to correspond to being a master bridge player
I mean if you're going to have somebody sit in the chair
to represent your side in this historical psychological game of strategy and uncertainty
the very highest of stakes don't you want a gamer?
and it sounds like when you're talking strategy games
Eisenhower was one and he was good
he's got a new opponent as we said and you got to be breathing a sigh of relief
because facing Joseph Stalin in the octagon at that game
when he really didn't even have nuclear weapons imagine him during the 1950s
and he really did get the ability to just start striking to you
well, perish the thought
he's gone though, replacing him in the chair is one of his subordinates
and it's a fascinating guy to be playing against during this era
because now you have the general of the west
finally the west gets in there with one of these heavyweight candidates
okay bring on your best shot
and their best shot is a guy named Nikita Khrushchev
who I love
Nikita Khrushchev is one of the great success stories you're ever going to find
it's like a forget the Abe Lincoln log cabin story
I mean it's Nikita Khrushchev was born a peasant
the only reason that he finally is running
one of the two great superpowers in this era
is because of the Soviet communist revolution
the Bolshevik revolution, the Tappels the Tsar
before the First World War is over
and totally upends that society
and puts people in power and authority
who were mucking the manure out of the barn
when they were teenagers
Nikita Khrushchev is a peasant's peasant
he uses all the terminology he'll be at the big meetings
and he's always using these peasant sayings
that are supposed to be deeply philosophical
and no one else in the room has any idea what they mean
and who this guy was so the United States had the
habidasher from Missouri running the nuclear arsenal
for a while and trying to adjust
the Soviet Union's about to gain the kind of power
where maybe they could begin to actually as opposed to theoretically
threaten the United States with atomic weaponry
and that gets given to a guy who was born a peasant
and he's just fascinating
I mean this is a man who's got a huge challenge ahead of him
certainly in the West never understood this was all going on
and it's still not well understood including by me
maybe least of all by me
but Khrushchev was part of a group that comes to power
in the Soviet Union intent on perhaps you could say
guiding that state to a soft landing from Stalinism
this was not some consensus though
and there were powerful entities in that state vying for leadership
also that adhered much more closely to the old Stalin line
Professor David Holloway in his excellent book
Stalin and the Bomb talks about how it was really the pressures
caused by the reality of nuclear war
that forced some of these leaders to take a different look
at even their orthodox communist in this sense
very Bolshevik and very Stalinist view of
the entire world reality
because Professor Holloway says that it was Stalin's conviction
and it was connected to his views on Marxism
and the inevitability of a war between the imperialists
and the communist states that within 10 to 20 years
World War 3 was coming
and of course as everyone was awakening to
World War 3 was going to mean nuclear weapons
it was going to mean devastation
a 1955 war plan that the US had commissioned to check out
how many people would die
if the US carried out their proposed strikes against the Soviet Union
when World War 3 broke out and the number came back to be 60 million
and a decent number of those people coming from
the countries like Poland and Hungary and all those places
that were sort of under the thumb of the Soviet
so how do you even justify that right?
sorry you're a captive person right now
but we're going to nuke you in order to free you up eventually
burn down your village in order to save it
but Holloway talks about Khrushchev and his group getting power
and beginning to talk about things that are famous in the history books
like peaceful coexistence
this violated Stalin's view Holloway says
of the inevitable war that was coming
because if the inevitable war that's coming is Armageddon
well that'll mess up your long-term planning won't it
and Holloway writes this about Khrushchev and his people
trying to walk back communist ideology
in order to prevent it from inevitably running into
global thermonuclear war
he writes quote
by asserting that capitalism and socialism could coexist for a long time
the new leaders of the Soviet Union
were rejecting Stalin's vision of another world war
within 15 to 20 years of the end of World War 2
peaceful coexistence
in quotation marks
was defined as the alternative to nuclear war
as the policy that had to be followed
if nuclear war was to be avoided
end quote
Holloway then tells a story that Khrushchev had told about
meeting the much more hard-liner Mao, the leader of China
and Mao is still talking in terms of the soon to come
all-out war against the capitalists
and Khrushchev already seems to be now
have moved on from that
this is part of what starts to create a schism
amongst the communist states
almost the way you would see religious break-offs
two or three or four hundred years before this era
when all of a sudden a change in religious doctrine or dogma
messed up enough people so that
we're gonna go this way and you're gonna go that way
the United States and the West saw the communists
up to this period as a monolithic block
who took their orders from Moscow
and now all of a sudden some of these communist countries
are beginning to have disagreements with each other
some of them are geopolitical
but some of them are ideological
but according to Professor Holloway
people like Khrushchev see this as
something that is simply bowing to reality
in a nuclear world
he says quote
peaceful coexistence did not mean ideological coexistence
however nor did it entail
renunciation of the struggle with imperialism
but that struggle had to be conducted in such a way
as to avoid nuclear war
end quote
in other words the new leaders of the Soviet Union
are also trying to figure out
how you operate under the old rules
in a world where you have nuclear weapons
and where they are increasingly getting more and more powerful
the Soviet Union explodes its first hydrogen weapon
well you'll get a disagreement about this
August 12, 1953 is a good date for this
some of the real nitpickers will say
well that's not a true hydrogen weapon
they'll get into the physics of it
nonetheless over the next year or two
the Soviets will refine the weapon
to a point where no one will argue anymore
that they too are a thermonuclear power
the equation in terms of the global dynamics
will be altered though
by the big US test that goes off on March 1, 1954
this is a test by the way that was not supposed to be this large
and instead turns out to be the largest explosion
ever set off by the United States
to this day
more than 15 megatons
it's called the Bravo test
this time the fireball was like four miles wide
I mean everything just gets bigger and larger
but what made Bravo so completely over the top
in terms of waking up the public to a level
where the alarm buttons really were raised
on a wide range of demographics
whereas before if you were a European
living on a likely nuclear battlefield
you were always aware of what might happen to you
if you were a person living in India
with not a care in the world of these cold war events
in a particular time period
you would notice what a lot of the rest of the world noticed
about the Castle Bravo test
it was a radiological disaster
and because it was so much larger than experts had predicted
this opened up the door to being wrong about some of this stuff
there were physicists who had worst case scenarios
in their nightmares
from before this period that thought if you did this wrong
the whole atmosphere could catch on fire
and all these kinds of things that sound crazy
to physicists so I don't even know if that's possible
but this test showed that just because you cordoned off
what you think is a safe area
and you try to make a zone where you can see what these weapons can do
doesn't make them safe
they cordoned off a zone
and people outside the zone got radiologically sick
more than a hundred miles away
famously a Japanese fishing boat outside the exclusionary zone
was bombarded with radiation
immense amounts of fallout went up in the air
and when these tests happen and these Pacific coral reefs
and whatnot are atomized
for lack of a better word
and turned into like micro dust particles
and blown up into the mushroom cloud
up into the atmosphere all of them are radiated
and when they fall back down to Earth
they can make you well sick and die soon
if you're close by but even if you're far away
gets into your water, gets into your milk
gets into your food chain, starts affecting people
and after the Castle Bravo test
the rest of the world began to watch
the giant geopolitical card game
or three-dimensional chess game between the great powers
as sort of a spectator audience
and in this particular game
the audience made a difference
and both sides tried to appeal to the audience
the audience in this case metaphorically speaking
is global public opinion
something that really comes of age in this period
in part because the whole understanding
that nuclear weapons use
even just testing
on the part of a single global power
could affect everyone
all of a sudden everyone had skin in the game
and by the way the era of colonialism
was over for the most part
and major countries like Britain and France
and others were shedding their colonies
their former colonies and their former possessions
and these places were forming their own governments
and had sovereignty of their own
you know for a change and they kind of sometimes
looked at the Cold War the way the man from Mars
that we talked about earlier would
as outsiders who were only worried about the idea
that listen I don't care what your beef is with each other
just don't pollute the world that we all need
and this new power block
mattered increasingly so
as communication and mass media
allowed people to be involved in the conversation
and all of a sudden you had
groups of people that could be used in this
discussion over how we go forward
in terms of how we learn to cope with our weapons technology
the group of scientists the Einstein's
and the Bertrand Russell's and the Oppenheimer types
could all of a sudden appeal directly to world opinion
and try to harness it to push more for their
viewpoint of how you adapt to these weapons systems
you adapt to these weapons systems in their opinion
by getting rid of war not getting rid of the weapons of war
because it's their opinion that you know if the weapons are there
and we just pledge not to use them eventually someone's going to grab one
make one whatever you need to do
especially if they're losing the Third World War so that they don't
now these scientists are saying
we know it's going to be tough but you're going to have to stop this whole policy of war
that you've been using your whole civilized history
and they issue something in 1955
again aimed directly at global public opinion
they do it in a press conference
how modern is that where Bertrand Russell
our old friend who before the Soviets got the bomb
had these nightmares of London lying in ruins
and thought maybe we should nuke the Soviets first he and Albert Einstein
and one of Einstein's last gigs
and others would get out there and push something
known to history as the Russell Einstein Manifesto
and it starts off with Bertrand Russell telling the media
this line this is a good way to start off a piece
if you want to say basically just so you know
we're directing this towards global public opinion and we're on its side
the manifesto began with Russell saying
I am bringing the warning pronounced by the signatories
meaning of their manifesto
to the notice of all powerful governments of the world
in the earnest hope that they may agree to allow
their citizens to survive
end quote
the piece then goes on to talk about the power of nuclear weapons
it then goes on to talk about how
they understand that the idea of getting rid of war
sounds pie in the sky
but the power of these weapons has changed everything
including the power to pollute
but they then go on to say as pie in the sky
if you will as the abolition of war sounds
you must keep your eyes on what
failure in this realm would mean
it's very similar to this idea of
sending people to go look at the death camps
five minutes after the liberation happens
the manifesto says quote
the abolition of war will demand
distasteful limitations of national sovereignty
but what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation
more than anything else is that the term
mankind in quotes feels vague
and abstract
people scarcely realize in imagination
that the danger is to themselves and their children
and their grandchildren and not only to a dimly apprehended
humanity they can scarcely bring themselves
to grasp that they individually
and those whom they love are in imminent danger
of perishing agonizingly
and so they hope that perhaps war may be allowed to continue
provided modern weapons are prohibited
end quote
they then go on to explain why that's a pipe dream
the point is that all of a sudden
these scientists can appeal directly
to the general public out there
and they can position them as a block of power
opposed to the governments of the world
continuing to act the way governments of the world have acted forever
the Russell Einstein group of scientists
has found their block of support
and its international in nature
now there are other great intellectual thinkers out there
who will form the counterpoint to these people
and we've talked about them already
these people that started getting together at major universities
places like Yale and what not these other intellectuals who don't buy this idea
can change so fundamentally that we could outlaw war
and they begin trying to think of how
once again you live with these weapons in a way that more closely corresponds
to how history has shown we're likely to behave
and if the worst happens
how do you somehow mitigate the
worst case scenario
earlier we had said that Eisenhower was a good
strategic card game player and if you were going to be involved
in this kind of a global game if you will
didn't you want to have a gamer in that position
but in a country of hundreds of millions of people
why would you stop at one good gamer
if you were playing a chess game for the survival of the world
and your side wouldn't you want
all your intelligent people getting together somewhere and analyzing it
studying the game if you will
analyzing every move and possible counter move
every variable that might crop up
I mean if it's a card game and we're holding atomic bomb cards
in our hand and somebody draws an ace of clubs
in a minute you know what do we do
those people began to coalesce
after the Second World War these amazingly intelligent intellectuals
and will eventually find themselves working together
in places like the famous Rand Corporation
but they didn't start that way
they started by essentially asking the kind of questions
that are a function of the time
the sort of higher questions of the sort that got Truman
in trouble with MacArthur over war aims right
I mean famously one of these people
who are the founding fathers of what today we would call
civilian defense intellectuals was a guy named Bernard Brody
and Brody will famously get involved
initially with all this just because the Air Force
wanted him to look at some World War II bombing results
and to analyze them but this eventually led to Brody
asking fundamental questions like ok well
how big of bombs do we need to do what
in order to achieve what and all these deep questions
that in general the military guys weren't thinking about
because this wasn't part of their gig
in Korea MacArthur's job was to win the war
not to figure out the political situation afterwards and all this
in the nuclear era these intellectuals were pointing out that there is no separation
between those things anymore how you fight the war
will determine so many other things
for example one of the big problems that Brody had
with the entire war plan that guys like Curtis LeMay had come up with
you know Nukhda Soviet Union all at one time
quickly as possible get it over with
was that you lost every bit of leverage that you might have
Brody argued that the game goes on even when nuclear weapons start falling
and that the way things turn out
you know the difference between maybe 100 million lives
could be how you play the game once the bombs start falling
now here's the thing all these people at the RAND
Corporation and these defense intellectuals are
often characterized as a combination of like Mr. Spock
and Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory
people with great mathematics and economics backgrounds
who are so great at crunching numbers but often seem
detached from the real world blood and guts
reality you know what they're studying if the worst case scenario
nonetheless it's hard to argue with some of the things they say for example
you know Brody had famously said early on
that you know cities as hostages you know
your adversaries cities held hostage is a lot more valuable
than having a bunch of corpses made LeMay's plan created
corpses Brody wanted to preserve
flexibility even after the atomic bombs dropped
and he pointed it out this way Fred Kaplan in his 1980s classic
The Wizards of Armageddon discusses it
he says quote
Brody reasoned that the final surrender of the Japanese
in the Pacific war resulted not from the atom bombs
dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
but from the implicit threat of more atom bombs on their way
if the Japanese did not give up then
likewise he writes the Soviets would more likely
stop fighting after receiving some destructive blows
knowing that if they did not stop their cities would be
the next targets to get hit if however
we blew up their cities at the very outset of the war
the bargaining lever would be blown up along with them
hostages have no value once they are killed
consequently the Soviets would feel no inhibitions
about blowing up American cities in return
hardly an outcome that would serve the interest of American security
end quote
it's a combination of coldly
passionately logical
and at the same time in its own way
especially when compared to the atomic blitz plan
that the air force had in place
these are the people that will coalesce and Brody is one of them
Hermann Kahn is another John von Neumann will be involved
and von Neumann has been called by some people the most intelligent man who's ever lived
I think that's very debatable but you know
if you're anywhere in that conversation
and in the 1920s von Neumann famously in a poker game
devises the modern version of what you could call
the mathematical theory of games because that's what they did call it
today we just call it game theory
the standard definition of game theory
is a mathematically precise method
of determining rational strategies in the face of critical uncertainties
sounds like it might be pretty useful
in a game doesn't it
or a war for that matter
or a war game
there had been antecedents of course before von Neumann
others worked on it afterwards including von Neumann some more
but by this time these are the kind of people
that want to employ those kinds of theories
to analyze this game
but they're going to run into the same problem
that those intellectuals who want to see a man kind of evolve away from war
are running into
the speed of the pace of change
everything keeps evolving so quickly
that the minute you may think you have this atomic poker game figured out
with one deck somebody decides okay now we're going to play with another deck added to it
it upsets your paradigm on a regular basis
it's arguable but perhaps the biggest destabilizer
between 1950 and 1960 is the growth of missile technology
which you know at the end of the Second World War
the Soviets and the West were both scouring Germany
as they occupied it to grab as many Nazi scientists as they could
because in a couple of key areas German scientists
were ahead of the West and the Soviets
missile technology for example
they've been using at the end of the war a missile called the V2
against places like London
and suspiciously for about the next 10 years
some of these missiles would look like carbon copies of the V2
the United States would grab one of these scientists a guy named Werner von Braun
who would of course be influential in the US space program later
the space programs themselves of both the Soviet Union and the United States had
we'll call it dual purpose technological applicability
because when the Soviets launched the first satellite into space
Sputnik in 1957
some people worried that the Soviets are now ahead in space technology
but a lot of people understand that if you can put a satellite in space
you know at the tip of a rocket
you can put a bomb on the tip of a rocket and send it to the United States
the real key change for me reading all this material
was the modern material makes it clear that even though the time the United States was most frightened
of nuclear war hitting them when they were building bomb shelters in the backyard in Nebraska
the Soviet Union probably had very little chance
of launching an attack on the US as we said earlier
first of all any attack during that period would have involved aircraft
and the United States had a wonderful defensive air force that could have shot down anything
but it's missiles that change that
they also start putting them on submarines which changes everything too
the difference between 1950 and 1960 in terms of trying to control
and corral the threat and the growing instability
is night and day as nuclear expert Joseph Cerencioni points out
after discussing the atoms for peace idea that Eisenhower threw out there
there would also be a summit in 1955 between Eisenhower and Khrushchev
trying to break the tension somewhat
Nikita Khrushchev even came to the United States in the late 50s and visited
led around by Vice President Nixon and the press in tow
sort of to get to know you in both sides to sort of humanize each other a little bit
but for every decrease in tensions on one hand
there was something on the other hand to make up for it
and the complexity and increasing power of the weapons
just made the job of anyone who wanted to control these things
darn near impossible listen to Joseph Cerencioni run down
the growth in weapons technology in the 10 years between 1950 and 1960
he wrote quote while atoms for peace was promoting nuclear technology
for peaceful purposes the US military was equipping their troops
with thousands of nuclear weapons adapting them for use in nuclear depth charges
nuclear torpedoes nuclear mines nuclear artillery and even a nuclear bazooka
this infantry weapon called the Davy Crockett would fire a nuclear warhead about half a mile
both the United States and the Soviet Union developed strategies to fight and win a nuclear war
created vast nuclear weapon complexes and began deploying intercontinental ballistic missiles
and fleets of ballistic missile submarines the effective abandonment of international control efforts
and the race to build a numerical and then a qualitative nuclear advantage
resulted in the American nuclear arsenal mushrooming from just under 400 weapons in 1950
to over 20,000 by 1960 the Soviet arsenal likewise jumped from five warheads in 1950
to roughly 1600 in 1960 the United States was ahead but afraid
end quote
when you think about the situation that Harry Truman was trying to cope with
you know from 45 to 52 and what seemed complex at the time
look at how all of this stuff makes that look like a card game with a single deck
and by the time Eisenhower leaves office he's playing multi-level chess
or atomic poker with nine decks you know going at the same time
but he's grown with it he's learned how to play this game
he started and stepped in at a time when it was much less complicated
yeah Truman showed him his hand says this is what's in my hand this is what we think is in his hand
this is my strategy good luck and handed his hand of cards over to you know one of the great gamers
a guy you would say if you had to handpick them might have been uniquely qualified for this time in this place
but he's also the head of a system that doesn't pick their people based on qualification
the person that gets to sit in the chair and play the other side
you know with the world as your stakes in the card game or the chess match
is chosen by the electorate and they could choose anybody
1960 will be Dwight Eisenhower's last year in office the constitution mandates that you get no more than two terms
his time is up he's done anyway the presidency wipes people out anyway
he's had health problems I mean it's time for someone new
the problem is is who is qualified to take over the game for Eisenhower
and what if you get someone in there who plays poorly
you know voters in the United States have always had a lot of responsibility
but when they were voting say for president Roosevelt for reelection in 1940
they weren't voting for the most dangerous human being of all time
when they go to the polls in 1960 to vote for someone to replace the retiring Dwight Eisenhower
that's exactly what they're voting for
for all his power and authority in the 1930s and 1940s Franklin Delano Roosevelt
didn't have atomic weapons so couldn't have taken us to nuclear war like presidents after 1945
what's more he operated in a constitutional framework that especially for the big wars
required the involvement of other people the Congress for example he couldn't do this by himself
1945 and the advent of atomic weapons changed all that the Truman administration took that power to themselves
rightly or wrongly they had some good reasons but you can disagree about them
but it solidified the power to use these extraordinary weapons in the hands of a single human being
no one's ever had that kind of power and US presidents from 1945 on are infinitely more dangerous
in a worst case scenario than they were before then
and we Americans tend not to think of our own people as scary and dangerous
but you can bet that in other countries in 1960 places that might be on the receiving end of a worst case scenario
people for example living in the old Soviet Union
those people certainly would have recognized the potential danger of the most dangerous figure in world history
a person that will be determined by the particular whims of the US electorate
of course the problem one might ask is if you have issues with that
who would you rather have picked that person
and think about it carefully because the power of that person is getting more scary all the time
the president that succeeds Eisenhower will be the first one to control the US nuclear arsenal
in an era where a push button holocaust becomes possible
during Eisenhower's time had nuclear war broken out
the vast majority of it would have been fought with airplanes dropping bombs
the next president of the United States is going to have enough intercontinental ballistic missiles deployed
so that you have the metaphorical because he really would just give an order and a code and all that
but the metaphorical red button as they call it becomes a reality during this era
the idea of how dangerous that human being is he's a person that's going to have to make a nuclear decision
potentially with only minutes to debate and decide it
what human being is qualified for that
and what sort of qualifications if you could mold your perfect president and steward of that kind of power and authority
what sort of professional or educational or personal background would you want
would you want someone who was a politician controlling the nuclear arsenal with their finger on the button
or maybe you think that's something that you could trust a business person more
someone more attuned to the questions of profit and loss and corporate survivability
I mean maybe there's a lot of things you could argue that that would be beneficial
or maybe you want someone who thinks about nothing but this geopolitical atomic card game all the time
and you want one of those mathematical economists from some place like the Rand Corporation
put them in the White House
or maybe you want to go a totally different direction
you need someone who's got the more big picture humanity side of this
like the people at the Russell Einstein Manifesto said
remember your humanity and forget the rest right you want one of those guys
maybe you want a philosopher
or maybe you want someone who's very religious maybe you want a Gandhi type president
or the first Buddhist president I realize it's a long shot but you know
extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures
or maybe you want to recreate the Eisenhower years and get yourself a general
although you get term after term after term in the White House occupied by a military leader
starts to look a little wiggy in a democratic republic doesn't it
what's more what made Eisenhower so particularly I thought suited as I said for the role
wasn't that he was a general and because of that he was a super hawk
it's because he carried the credibility of being a general
and was actually less hawkish than his military advisors a lot of the time
sometimes they would want to be more risky and more muscular
and it would be Eisenhower that would say no
and had Eisenhower instead been a civilian like Truman
maybe these incredible World War II guys who made up a lot of the military advisors in this era
they were big powerful charismatic figures themselves
they may have steamrolled another civilian like Truman
but during this critical period where we were trying to get the formula right
the guy who stood in the civilian role and protected the civilian role
was himself a military guy and could push back against the generals
because you know you can't accuse Eisenhower of not understanding the military situation
but now Eisenhower was leaving
who was going to have the ability and the background to stand up
if the generals were to push again in a hawkish direction
the consequences for voters getting this wrong in 1960 are enormous
it's probably at this point if the man from Mars we've been using
as part of our discussion here is watching the 1960 election
where he's not going to be able to figure out we human beings at all
because in the mind of any Mr. Spock type character
they're going to look at this and logically figure out
that the only thing Americans should care about is getting the sort of Damocles question right
but that's not how human beings function in any system where they're allowed to have an opinion
it will be one of the concerns that factors into their decision
over who they vote for for most dangerous man in all human history
but it will not be the exclusive thing
I mean they're going to care about domestic issues too
it might be a tax question that determines who they vote for
it's probably going to be an issue of what party they are
where some Americans are going to vote reliably for the Republican candidate
the other for Democrats
even the sort of Damocles can't prevent party loyalty from coming into play
finally and this is the part that I would imagine would really confuse the man from Mars
the question of personal charisma and glamour and likability will come into this
and you will think to yourself
well of course that's just how these things function
but if you back off and look at it from an outsider's viewpoint
what if that becomes the reason you vote for the person who plays
a really poor game of atomic poker
nuclear bridge
three-dimensional geopolitical nuclear booby trap chess
and of course as these international groups like the Bertrand Russell Albert Einstein group might point out
it's also a heck of a lot of power for American voters to make a decision that impacts the people around the world
who have no say at all in the decision
the people that we were talking about in India do not care about the US tax rate at all
in the 1960 election but they sure as heck hope that the proper person is put in charge of the nuclear arsenal
or look at the Central Europeans
who are right smack dab in the center of the crosshairs if nuclear war breaks out in Europe
what assurances do they have that the American people aren't going to vote for a president based on
who's better looking
well in 1960 the better looking candidate wins
he's also by leaps and bounds the far richer candidate
he's the less experienced candidate he is the younger candidate which is saying something
because Richard Nixon the Republican former vice president under Eisenhower is a mere 46 years old which is young
but his opponent who wins is John F. Kennedy and he's a mere 43 still the youngest man ever elected to the office
he's a kid the 70 year old Eisenhower and his old people you know walk off the stage
and turn over the nuclear launch codes to a kid
a playboy a millionaire playboy father's money estimated I thought I read in Forbes magazine
like 300 million dollars it's so much it doesn't matter whether it's adjusted for inflation or not
dad was an ambassador
his earlier history of how he originally made that money a lot more sorted than being an ambassador
the son was a swinger I mean played around with guys like Frank Sinatra and those guys
dated a lot of girls that weren't his wife down a lot of people knew that and the press didn't talk about that much
but had one of these families that was so beautiful and photogenic that Life magazine and Time magazine
and all these things that gave all the public exposure to him free of charge helped him out a ton
all the photogenic nature of it all helped a ton and everybody can understand this that's just politics
but is that something that's outdated by the time we're picking your leaders will give them the sort of power
that Richard Nixon don't feel bad he'll get to be president too just not in 1960 will brag about in 1974
when admittedly he's got a few more missiles under his belt than Kennedy will have but he'll tell the press in 1974
and this should wake everyone up to the disaster you would have if you voted for the wrong person
because they'd have this power too
Nixon quipped to the press that I could go into my office and pick up my telephone and in 25 minutes 70 million people will be dead
the real danger in the system created to manage nuclear weapons is that there is no margin for error
it is a one strike in your out situation how long do you trust the electorate and the political system in general
because after all the electorate can only choose the candidates who do well in the political system
how long do you trust them to do this without making some sort of a terrible mistake
in 1960 election when John F. Kennedy becomes the president of the United States there's a significant number of people that think
that a lightweight has just been given control of the nuclear arsenal
and unfortunately for world events upcoming one of those people is going to turn out to be Nikita Khrushchev
Nikita Khrushchev is going to be wrong about that but that's what sets the stage for disaster
it's those kind of miscalculations that's the exact word Kennedy used that JFK thought might lead to war
because by this period it's becoming apparent that neither side wants that
so how could you have a war if neither side wanted it
what's the relation something unforeseen
in the book Inside the Kremlin's Cold War by Vladislav Zubalk and Konstantin Pleshikov
it's interesting to read exactly how much Khrushchev was hoping Kennedy would become the president
but not because he thought he was weak but because he thought he might be another Franklin Roosevelt
and who could reach out and you could have another relationship the way Stalin and Roosevelt's relationship was seen to be
Khrushchev apparently and I didn't know this did everything he could to help Kennedy get elected
told KGB officers in Washington you know analyze the situation if there's anything you can do diplomatically
or with propaganda to help do it
called Kennedy his president after he was elected and told him at the first eye-to-eye meeting they ever had you know
I got you elected
now trying to figure out the motivations of the Soviet leader in this situation is as difficult as it is for any of these other politicians
and people we've been discussing right the layers to the core of the onion are impossible to discern
but Zubalk and Pleshikov in inside the Kremlin's Cold War seem to indicate that Khrushchev was excited about Kennedy coming to the presidency
not because he was happy to have some sort of weakling or lightweight at least compared to Eisenhower who was a heavyweight's heavyweight in office
but because he realistically believed that his sources told him that Kennedy was a pragmatist which he was not an ideologue
maybe you could deal with a man like that
Zubalk and Pleshikov write quote
Khrushchev was prone to optimistic and often wishful thinking and in the early months after Kennedy's election
he had an irresistible temptation to see his, his is in quotes, new president in the best light
he tried many channels to convey to Kennedy that his presidency could open up a new era in US-Soviet relations
end quote
now detractors and hardliners would say it's all part of a plan he's just gonna figure out a way to work this kid and that might be true too
it's recent history you can't always tell
but it seemed like there was this honeymoon period and the honeymoon period lasted pretty much up until about April
because in April something happened if Khrushchev thought he was going to get to turn to an absolute clean slate new page
after the Eisenhower administration
it's hard to believe he would really think that because he would be not taking into account the fact that nobody gets to start off with a clean slate
especially not in the US political system where as we've said this is a tag team game of atomic poker
and in the same way Eisenhower had to take over Truman's hand in mid-game
Kennedy has to take over Eisenhower's hand in mid-game and Eisenhower has some crappy cards
let's lay that out there right now
he warns Kennedy about them too he says Laos gonna be some trouble just warning you
Kennedy would find that next door neighbor Vietnam ended up taking more of his time and attention
Eisenhower also handled him the one card everybody knew was danger handed in the Berlin card
which was once again hot as hell
Khrushchev would say about Berlin that Berlin was the testicles of the West
every time I want to make the West scream I squeeze on Berlin
he was squeezing it in the late 1950s and it became one of the two closest times the Eisenhower administration came to nuclear war
the other was over a couple of islands off the coast of China
but you hand that card over to the new young president
and then he handed Kennedy a new card an unexpected card one that has become more and more important
but it's in a weird place it's Cuba
90 miles off the US coast
normally a place the US would not be looking for trouble
during this era as we said they see the whole freedom communism battle as a zero sum game
if communism wins some country on the edge of the earth that's a big deal
so how the heck it ever snuck into Cuba
well it's a good story little off the beaten path for us except as it relates to this great game
but in the late 1950s the government the autocratic strong man style government of Fulgencio Batista is toppled
by some revolutionaries led by a guy named Fidel Castro and you may recall his lieutenants name Shea Guevara
for a very short period of time no one knows what these guys are about but then they end up by hooker by crook
there's disagreements about this aligning themselves with the socialist side of the world
this is a huge problem and as far as the Eisenhower administration was concerned during their last years in office
it had to be dealt with they had a plan
a CIA plan
involving exiles from Cuba who were going to hit the beaches at a place called the Bay of Pigs and overthrow that Castro government
but Eisenhower was going to leave office before the plan was ready
so Eisenhower handed that card to John F. Kennedy
and only a couple months after getting into office the new kid during the learning curve decided to go ahead with the Eisenhower plan
because the CIA says it's good the military wants to do it basically so Kennedy does it and it fails
Kennedy took a ton of personal heat for not stepping in and overtly helping more when the CIA backed Cubans got into trouble
and he was trying to preserve the same sort of figly fiction in Cuba that it was a Cuban on Cuban thing
that the Chinese and Soviets had been trying to preserve in Korea
that new way you fight you know wars during the Cold War
most of his biographers though assert that Kennedy learned something from this that it changed him
he had already had leanings in this direction but it changed him
he was a second world war veteran he was no Eisenhower
he commanded a little PT boat with like 15 people on it but while he was commanding it it got cut in two by a Japanese destroyer
that rammed into it and he lost two men instantly and had it was a highly publicized and used for his political gain story
but it was essentially true he rescued his own crew towing one wounded man by his life vest
with the rope attached to the life vest in his teeth as he swam two islands miles away
see that Harvard swim team experience comes in handy
but Kennedy had said that being a lowly lieutenant sort of on the ground on the scene
taught him how out of touch the people he called the brass hats the military leaders back in Washington
were with the realities of what the troops were dealing with and that attitude
a common soldiers attitude on the ground by the way was reinforced after the Bay of Pigs disaster
when he got advice from the CIA and his military advisors that he thought was expert opinion
and in one sense it was but that doesn't mean it's right
Kennedy would be shattered by what happened at the Bay of Pigs
he was supposed to be crying afterwards he was out of sorts for a long time
advisors during meetings would catch him staring off into space saying
how could I have been so stupid
biographer Robert Dalek writes quote
how could I have been so stupid was his way of asking why he had been so gullible
he puzzled over the fact that he had not asked harder questions and had allowed the so-called collective wisdom
of all these experienced national security officials to persuade him to go ahead
he had assumed he later told advisor Arthur Schlesinger that quote
the military and intelligence people have some secret skill not available to ordinary mortals
end quote the experience taught him quote never to rely on the experts end quote
he told journalist Ben Bradley quote
the first advice I'm going to give my successor is to watch the generals
and to avoid feeling that just because they were military men
their opinions on military matters were worth a damn end quote
you know it's tempting to say that there are some luck here historically speaking
that Kennedy got this lesson reinforced at such an early time in his career
before things really heated up and the stakes really got high
because only a few months into his career Kennedy has decided
that you have to be skeptical of expert advice sometimes
in this case though his acceptance of an Eisenhower type plan
made him look a lot more like the previous administration
and this happening right before the meeting with Nikita Khrushchev
put the whole kibosh on the honeymoon between Kennedy and Khrushchev
as though one spouse had cheated on the other after only a couple of months of marriage
and if anybody was likely to do that well John F. Kennedy
nonetheless he went into this summit right after the Bay of Pigs fiasco
to meet Khrushchev eye to eye
and every book you will ever read on the subject no one can resist
and we won't either obviously the visual and background comparison to these two guys
when they get together could you find two more unlike people
from their physical differences I mean John F. Kennedy's could have been
he's the glamour president in terms of looks and charm and all that kind of thing
and he's like the money man and he's a propaganda stock character
if you're doing this for the Soviet newsreels I mean he's the money man from the monopoly game
and Khrushchev is a peasant but he's one of these peasants who's sneaky
a survivor and he takes great pride in being able to outwit people who should know better than he does
he has no real formal education
he has however a background in life that is formidable
Zubalk and Plechikov describe the two men's first face-to-face meeting
at the Vienna summit starting on June 3rd and ending on June 4th 1961 this way quote
Khrushchev met with Kennedy in Vienna as a prima donna meeting with a first time starlet
I heard you were a young and promising man
Khrushchev greeted the 43 year old president
the difference in age was almost a quarter of a century
this generation gap grows into an abyss if one thinks of all the milestones of Russian history
as well as the personal experience that it shaped Khrushchev
and of which Kennedy had only limited understanding
the only two links between the leaders were World War II and the nuclear polarization of the Cold War
end quote
Khrushchev had already decided after the Bay of Pigs fiasco that Kennedy was weaker than Eisenhower
something he could have probably assumed
but now he thought he detected something
at the Vienna summit he put his theory to the test
at the summit for two days he put the hard press on John Kennedy
and Kennedy stumbled
he came in with a lot of proposals that sounded just like the kind of guy Khrushchev was looking for
a typically first year president with all the idealism that comes with it
and the sort of understated implied idea that surely reasonable people can sit down and settle our differences
and ran into a buzz saw
Kennedy described the experience to James Reston of the New York Times
he said that the summit meeting had quote been
the roughest thing in my life
he just beat the hell out of me
I've got a terrible problem if you think I'm inexperienced and have no guts
until we remove those ideas we won't get anywhere with him
end quote
Khrushchev said Kennedy was too intelligent and too weak
once again when you read the history books on this
it's amazing how many of them use poker or some sort of strategic game
to describe the situation because there's so much brinkmanship going on
and so much bluffing and so much testing out of your opponent
in this case Khrushchev between the Bay of Pigs and this summit has determined now
that he's dealing with a much more immature as one of his aides said
American leader far more immature than Eisenhower
inside the Kremlin's Cold War they write quote
after the first day of talks at the Vienna summit
Khrushchev's advisors who waited for his return in front of the Soviet Embassy
asked him about his impressions of Kennedy
Khrushchev waved his hand dismissively
Kennedy he said was no match for Eisenhower
he lacked the broad horizons and the statesmanship of the earlier president
end quote
but this changed Khrushchev's view of the man
and what he could get away with and what he might decide to try
which is exactly what Zubok and Pleshikov say
Khrushchev told his advisors when some of them said
maybe we should kind of listen to this
and maybe that will mean better relations
and Khrushchev told them that the favorable situation must be exploited
in other words Khrushchev originally went into this whole thing
maybe trying to diffuse tensions
saw that he was faced with what he thought was a weak president
a weak player on the other side of the table
couldn't turn down the fabulous opportunity that the role of the historical dice
seemed to have delivered to his side
and so began to play the game the way you would have played it in a pre-nuclear era
the way Machiavelli would have told you to play it
but as Kennedy theorized when neither side wants war
you're likely to have one break out over some miscalculation
Khrushchev was making a dangerous one
by thinking that Kennedy was weak
he was now going to play his hand
based on the assumption that that's the kind of man he was competing against
what happens when that gaming strategy
runs smack dab into the fact that you have misjudged your opponent
perhaps apocalyptically so
Part 3 of The Destroyer of Worlds
the people from the Bertrand Russell side of the Evolve
to deal with our weapons technology debate would say
that the problem here is the game itself is too dangerous
because it involves brinkmanship
that's how it's played
that's why everyone including me compares it to a game
the rules were laid out very openly by US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
in the middle 1950s when he said
the ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art
if you cannot master it you inevitably get into a war
if you try to run away from it
if you're scared to go to the brink you are lost
end quote
but when the brink is Armageddon
how often can you go to the brink
and know you're not going to tumble over the edge
Kennedy will come into office
as like the dream candidate for the defense intellectuals at places like the Rand Corporation
because he will bring in people that think that the Rand people have it right
Kennedy will bring in people from outside the government structure
the defense secretary will be a guy who headed up Ford Motor Company
so you're bringing in some of the business people to take a new look at all this
and say we've been doing it this way for a long time is this the way we should do it
and a lot of those people like Robert McNamara the defense secretary
thought those ideas that the Rand people were pushing about
you know it's like a bunch of different cards and you have to play them strategically
sounded logical
the Kennedy administration is famous for one of the biggest changes in all of nuclear history
they call flexible response
traditionally you go from Eisenhower's massive retaliation to Kennedy's flexible response