Dark History - 40: Puff, Puff, Pass: Dark History of Cannabis

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

Weed is a gateway drug. How many of us were warned about this in middle school health class? Well did you know it’s not true?  And has been disproven multiple times? I mean if you think about it, h...ow much do we really know about cannabis.  Today we’re going to fix that.  We are going alllll the way back to the very start of cannabis’s history. Not only are we going to talk about all the ways Cannabis has benefited society throughout history, but we’ll also talk about the group of villains who made it their mission to make Cannabis illegal.  Episode Advertisers Include:  Daily Harvest, SkyLight Frame, ZipRecruiter,  and SimpliSafe. Learn more during the podcast about special offers!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi friends, I hope you're having a wonderful day today. My name is Bailey Sarian and I'd like to welcome you to the Library of Dark History. Now this is a safe space for all the curious cats out there who think, hey, this history really is boring as it seemed in school, oh, nay nay. This is where we can learn together about all the dark, mysterious, dramatic stories our teachers never told us about. You get it, I hope. Joan over here, she's got a little joint going.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I've got my little weed robe. Feeling very mother nature right now. What do you guys think? Well, if you're listening, just imagine that something's going on. I don't know. Whip up some nachos. Slip on the biggest hoodie you got, bust out some eye drops and melt into your couch because today's episode is about the wacky towbacky, the sticky
Starting point is 00:00:56 icky, the, uh, reefer, the old giggle smoke, the devil's lettuce. Maybe that's right. Today we're talking all about the dark history of cannabis. Woo! Now when I was digging into the story, I did a lot of research. And we actually tried to film this episode once before, and I was like, you guys, we should smoke weed and film the episode. That would be so fun. And then bitch, let me tell you, that shit backfired real quick.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I got so paranoid paranoid I was on fucking Jupiter and we were trying to film and I was like I gotta get the fuck out of here and the night they just bolted and you guys it wasn't a good idea I don't recommend getting high and filming at least not for me anyways so I'm doing this again sober thank you so much. Joan here, you could smoke all you want. Did you know the word marijuana has a terrible racist past? Yeah, because actually it does. And we'll get into that a little bit. So I'm just gonna call it cannabis,
Starting point is 00:01:57 because that's what it is. Weed comes from the cannabis plant, and she changed the world, really. But then some powerful villains in the United States decided this poor little plant was a criminal. But before we get into that, let's go way, way, way back and talk about what life was like for our girl cannabis. I'm gonna open up my little dark history
Starting point is 00:02:17 but to my favorite chapter. Oh, there it is. Nope, that's not it. Yeah. Once upon a time, and about 12,000 BCE, in Central and South Asia, a little green flowering plant was born.
Starting point is 00:02:34 There were around 8,000 BCE, research missions in Japan found some seeds that could like grow this plant. Soon after they started growing it from the seeds, they gave her a name, which was cannabis, or is cannabis. Now something she could be one of the earliest plants like ever formed by humans, but we know for sure a few thousand years later, around 4,000 BCE,
Starting point is 00:02:58 cannabis was definitely being farmed, but just as important as cannabis being grown, But just as important as cannabis being grown, was what they were growing at for. It's now the year 2500 BCE, and history has just started being recorded. Yes, cannabis has been on the scene longer than written words. So since things are being recorded, we find out around this time, fabric, clothes, and shoes were being made using cannabis in both China and Korea. Some even call it the first fabric known to man, and they were using something called hemp. It's basically the stem of the cannabis plant, which is peeled into long thin fibers and then woven together. It's not too far off from
Starting point is 00:03:39 like a fine linen and can be used for all sorts of stuff. For example, when I was in high school, hemp necklaces were super popular. And this one hot guy, Dylan, he was like, did you know hemp is weed? And I was like, shut up, Dylan. Oh my god. Stop Dylan. You're so stupid, Dylan. Well, here's the thing. Hot Dylan was right. Weed and hemp are just two different names for cannabis. In the eyes of science, they're the same damn thing. But in the eyes of today's law, they couldn't be more different. This is like the natural version of crack versus cocaine.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But we'll get into that later on because early cannabis still has some surprising tricks up her sleeve. So cannabis decided fashion wasn't enough. She was like, hi, I'm going to do medicine now. And her best known chemicals, specifically THC and CBD, could help people sleep, make them euphoric, and act like an anesthetic, aka a pain killer. So cannabis was used during early versions of surgeries, and around 2000 BC, Persians mixed hemp seeds with beer to help menstrual cramps and other lady issues.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Why are we not doing this now? The ancient Egyptians started using it for similar reasons too. Remember in our episode about menstruation? The Egyptians would mix it with honey and put it right up their old hoo-ha. And like who are we to judge? Because I mean, if it worked to get rid of period cramps, sign me the heck up. And while all this is going on, hemp was being used
Starting point is 00:05:10 to create food like hemp milk and hemp seed. Plus the Chinese were even using it to make an early form of paper. So I mean, it's a very versatile little plant, isn't it? And with all these accomplishments under her belt, cannabis still isn't even done. So cannabis had been hanging around the Middle East for a bit, and then in 800 BCE, she was found on a couple of religious altars in what is now present-day Israel.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Because she was in a residue form, most believed cannabis was being used by people to get a little high during ceremonial or ritualistic events. But the oldest, most solid evidence of humans smoking weed was found in the mountains of western China. A stone-filled bowl with THC residue was found and it dated back to about 480 BC. Wild. Earlier cannabis users either burned the plant and inhaled a smoke called vapors, or they just ate it.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And yeah, I'm talking like ancient edibles here. So from this point to the middle ages, every culture that comes into contact with cannabis dabbles in the drug's psychoactive properties. Whether it be for religious reasons or for just funzeies, they were getting high. The oldest evidence we have recorded is from 440 BC, when a Greek writer known as the Father of History documented a nomadic tribe smoking hemp vapor and shouting for joy. So it's safe to say our girl cannabis
Starting point is 00:06:39 was pretty revolutionary and popular. I mean, think about it. For thousands of years, She kept people warm, fed them, numb their pain, brought them closer to God, and reduced their anxiety during what I'm pretty sure weren't the easiest times to live through. I'd wanna get high, shit. So it just makes sense why nomads, traitors, armies,
Starting point is 00:07:00 and explorers took her from the grasslands of Central Asia into China, Korea, Japan, Russia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Europe, and South through Africa. In 1455, the Gutenberg Bible was published, which was not only the first mass-produced books sent all across the world. It was printed on hemp paper. Oh, shit, that's wild. So things again are just going really great for cannabis at this time. In fact, things were really going well for cannabis for a long time. But what cannabis didn't know was that she was on a crash course with one continent that would put her into full crisis mode. Welcome to North America cannabis, you're going to hate it
Starting point is 00:07:43 here. But how did cannabis even get to the Americas in the first place? Some theories claim that cannabis hitched a ride to the continent back in 1492, with America's favorite colonizer, Christopher Columbus. But those claims aren't really backed up by much. Plus, it seems like more bullshit to make Columbus seem cool, you know. But there are some reports that cannabis first stepped ashore in the Americas in Brazil and Chile after long-ass hall across the Atlantic from Africa. And then there were tales that Spanish conquerors introduced cannabis to Mexico to farm the hemp. Is one of these true or are all these true? I don't freaking know. There is no concrete research to tell us exactly when cannabis arrived, but we know she was here because production of hemp is on record in the 13 colonies.
Starting point is 00:08:35 The farming of hemp was encouraged by local governments in the 1600s on the East Coast. They did this for a few reasons. It was a valuable thing that could be sold or turned into clothing. But the most important reason was that hemp could be used to help the growing military. It was a strategic move because hemp was used to make ropes. A material to seal the gaps and ships and also canvas sales. Wow! Wow, just everything. Fun fact, the word canvas actually comes from the word cannabis.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Ain't that some shit? Our girl was so important that in 1619, the territory of Virginia required every farmer to grow hemp and other territories even allowed it to be exchanged as currency. I mean, this stuff was as in demand as actual money. And if that's not enough, there are even some theories that some of the earliest drafts of the Declaration of Independence were printed on hemp parchment as well. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and even Andrew Fricking Draxon grew hemp on their plantations. Now, I know what you're wondering. Bailey,
Starting point is 00:09:43 give us the tea. Where they're smoking at. Where the founding fathers getting as high as Ben Franklin's kite. Unfortunately, there's no evidence of it, but come on. If you're growing it, you're just having it laying around. You're going to want to maybe smoke it, right? You at least try it once. Anyway, the United States was officially established as a nation in 1776, and by 1850, cannabis became a federally approved medicine. Wow! What a time to be alive!
Starting point is 00:10:16 That same year, the U.S. Census recorded 8327 hemp farms growing cannabis for all sorts of uses. Now in order to be counted, the farm had to be at least 2,000 acres. In total, that's at least 16 million acres of hemp. To put that in perspective, that's a bigger area than the size of all of West Virginia. Oh shit, that's all big. We basically at a whole estate dedicated to hemp. What happened? And then later in the century, cannabis started popping up as a beloved ingredient and a bunch of medicines that were sold directly to people in pharmacies. It was used to treat everything from migraines to
Starting point is 00:10:59 inflammation to insomnia. So yeah, I mean our girl cannabis was out here killing it, just like she had been for thousands of years. But when something is at the top of their game, a lot of people just want to see it come crashing down. We're going to pause for an ad break. While cannabis was a medical wonder drug, it also gained steam as a fashionable narcotic in the United States. Now, that wasn't just word on the street, that exact phrase came from an 1853 article in The New York Times. Along with this, people in the United States had also started to get into like the re-creationally use of smoking hash,
Starting point is 00:11:39 which is a super potent form of cannabis. It's a dried resin that's pressed into small blocks. I mean, there were even hash parlors opening up alongside opium dens up and down the east coast. I mean, that sounds like a good time. But because we can't have fun, we can't have nice things. A couple of dipshits came and ruined the party for everyone else. In 1884, the Baltimore Sun detailed the story of a guy who went to the hospital, stoned out of his mind on hash, just fucking eye, shit, right? And told a doctor he couldn't find his face, his legs were gone.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And he was walking on his chin. Ah, yes. But reports like that made a lot of people afraid of cannabis. I don't know, that sounds like bath salts or something, man. And the new United States government took a step that sealed cannabis's fate forever. In the early 1900s, there was a growing push to regulate food and pharmaceuticals because some assholes were selling stuff and lying about what was inside. And in order to protect consumers, the United States passed something called the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906.
Starting point is 00:12:47 This required drug labels to disclose any of 10 specific ingredients thought to be quote, unquote, addictive or dangerous. Things like cocaine, right? OPM, heroin, they're on the list, and that makes sense. But because cannabis was now considered a narcotic and there were reports of people walking on their chins, it also made the list of 10. While the law didn't ban anything, cannabis was now considered a poison. So our girl is catching a bad rap, and it only gets worse when blatant racism enters
Starting point is 00:13:21 the picture. So for the next part of our story, we're going to hop on over to Mexico, specifically Mexico in the year 1910. Now at this time there was death and chaos in the streets of Mexico, I guess the country's dictator who had been in power since 1876 had been overthrown, and what remained of the country's government were fighting against a bunch of rebel forces. This became known as the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Now why is this so important to our story? Well, this revolution caused a wave of Mexican immigrants to pour into the United States because they were seeking refuge.
Starting point is 00:13:57 But that's not what they got. Because along with their incredible culture, some brought with them their recreational use of cannabis. And remember, at this point, cannabis was considered poison. But like we mentioned earlier today, it's also used for so much other stuff. My God! Unfortunately, people started associating cannabis with incoming Mexican immigrants, and this caused fear in the United States, and they pushed anti-drug advocates to warn against the marijuana menace. That's what they're calling it.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Horrible crimes that were being committed at the time were blamed on Mexicans who were using marijuana. I mean, didn't matter if it were true or not, they just want someone to blame. Marijuana is definitely a word that comes from Mexico, but its true origins aren't entirely known for sure. One expert believes it comes from Mexican soldiers slaying for brothel. Maria Iwana. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Oh. Other theories say it came from Chinese immigrants in Mexico. It could be a combo of syllables that refer to cannabis in Chinese, Ma Rhen Huah? Or maybe it came from an informal way of saying Chinese oregano in Spanish, which is Mejorana Chino. Don't come from me, okay? We're trying. So the word marijuana could have come from a lot of different things, really. But back in the 1800s, most references in the press to cannabis refer to her medical benefits, or how hemp makes cool shit like fabric, rope, and paper, so they use the scientific name. But then, in the early 1900s, major outlets like the LA Times took racism and anti-cannabis stances mainstream. And this is when we really start to see
Starting point is 00:15:48 the M word gained in popularity. For example, they published a story titled Delirium or Death. Terrible effects produced by certain plants and weeds grown in Mexico. So marijuana started to become tied to Mexicans who were then stereotyped as dangerous pot smokers. And then just fan the prejudice flames and led to racism and anti-immigrant feelings in the United States, which I'm sure we can all agree is insane, I mean for a lot of reasons, but also because cannabis was legal to trade over the border and was being grown, sold, and used by white people in the United States.
Starting point is 00:16:26 So a little double standard, wouldn't she say? So let's recap cannabis was a badass wonder plant, a goddess, a beautiful creature, a gift sent from the Jesus above. Baby Jesus sent us this beautiful plant and named her cannabis. But then she got labeled addictive and dangerous. And then racism got involved. So the stage is set for like the darkest years in cannabis's life, her formal criminalization. But the road to getting that done was long and difficult. So difficult that it requires a gang of villains we've actually talked about before on this show. Now they didn't know each other at first, but soon they would get to know each other.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Because with their powers combined, they're gonna make life in the United States a nightmare for a lot of people. So buckle up for the most toxic villain crossover this show has ever seen. But first we have to pause for an ad break, and I know. BRB But first we have to pause for an ad break, and I know, BRB. Now, remember, cannabis has been a huge part of the American economy for a really long time. Whether cannabis was used for fabrics, goods, food, medicinal purposes, or even making the paper in the freaking Bible, a lot of people had jobs in the cannabis industry. And even more people relied on those products themselves every day.
Starting point is 00:17:46 So if a powerful group has the goal of completely erasing cannabis from the country, they're gonna have to do it systematically. They're gonna have to attack from four very important angles. The press, the banks, big baseness, and finally the government. It's like, why did they wanna ruin this so bad? We learned about the marijuana
Starting point is 00:18:06 menace, bullshit earlier back when people were blaming the Mexican refugees for crimes, but even the United States government was pushing out anti-cannabis propaganda to litifying the shaky connection between cannabis and Mexican immigrants. And because it was from the government, it validated a lot of the toxic myths already out there while continuing to keep racist stereotypes alive and well. But this PR campaign from hell really got a shot in the arm from someone we've met in this show before. The first villain in our gang, who I'm gonna call the dude involved in cannabis killing, aka Dix, because that's what they are, is none other than Mr. William Randolph Hearst. Remember him? Yellow journalism episode?
Starting point is 00:18:50 The castle house? Remember, I've been there. Did I tell you? I went to the Hearst castle. Really cool. I mean, yeah, he's a bad guy, but really cool house. I lived there. Anyways, when we left our boy William,
Starting point is 00:19:03 he was fighting with Joseph Pulitzer and started the Spanish-American War, all while creating a worldwide media empire. So who better to spread insane propaganda than Mr. Sensationalism himself? Lying in his own newspapers was second nature to him, but this time there was a huge financial reason to do it. You see, William had investments in the timber industry. You know, chopping down trees so they can be turned into newspapers. Great for William.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Terrible for Earth. But then a big-ass problem shows up for William. Because remember how I said earlier that paper can be made from hemp? Well, after slavery was abolished, the hemp industry hit some rough times because hemp required a lot of labor to be farmed and processed. The formerly enslaved in most of that work because... hashtag USA. But something called the decorticator was invented, and this sexy new machine changed the game. It kind of automated the whole system of processing hemp.
Starting point is 00:20:09 It became easier and it didn't need as much labor. And this meant that hemp paper was made faster, cheaper and more sustainably than wood paper. Which earth is like, yay! Great! But William, nah, he wasn't happy, he's like fucked up. With his timber investments starting to face tough competition, William is looking for any way to take down the hemp industry. Now this guy hates losing money, I mean, have you seen his house? He needs the money.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I mean, like, he needs that money, okay? In addition to this, William's politics when it it came to Latin America, were pretty clear. He felt it should be conquered and taken over by, you know, the white people. He is on record saying, quote, I really don't see what is to prevent us from owning all Mexico and running it to suit ourselves." And this was something he was actively trying to do. Some estimates say he owned 7.5 million acres of land in Mexico. And because of his win at all cost mentality, William had the disgusting idea to use his journalism
Starting point is 00:21:15 empire to kill two birds with one stone. Save his timber investment and help spread hate towards Mexican immigrants, so he can get more land. He's got to build more house. Have you seen his house? The castle? How have you been there? I should have PR for them. In 1923, a paper owned by William reported that Marijuana is a shortcut to the insane asylum.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And if people smoke joints, the brain will be nothing but a storehouse for horrid spectators. Oh shit. There were also reports that quote, the devil marijuana weed caused violence. Oh shit. The devil's juice. Then in 1928, William ramped it up a bit with one of his papers reporting that marijuana was known in India as the murder drug and people who were stoned would run through the streets, hacking and killing everyone. God damn man. And then in another claim, this guy's just going. He's all the hits. Boom, boom, boom. Because in another claim, an article said just a small gardening box full of cannabis
Starting point is 00:22:23 could quote, drive the whole population of the United States stark, raving mad. I think it's safe to say this William guy has never smoked weed. He really should have tried it before being so judgmental. All of this probably could have been prevented. And once even worse, all these crazy ass headlines sold more papers and made William even richer. Shame.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Shame. Shame. I feel like I've made this even richer. Shame. Shame. Shame. I feel like I've made this very clear. So when Williams are banging the racist drums, screaming that marijuana is gonna kill everyone, he planted the seed that Mexican immigrants and their drug were gonna kill everybody. Oh yes, and it's easier to fear something
Starting point is 00:23:02 if there is a human face tied to it. Suddenly, white United States citizens become scared shitless, and they start to turn on cannabis. Which is what William wanted. What William wanted most was to make it all illegal. And this was not something William can do on his own. He needed help. And this is how we meet our next villain from our gang of Dix DICKS. So let me introduce to you Mr. Andrew Mellon. Andrew was born on March 24th. March! Shit man. All the villains are born in March, it seems like there's something up with March.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Andrew was born on March 24th, 1855 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1874 after graduating from Western University. Okay, Andrew, he entered the family business. That business was started by his dad and was called T. Melon and Suns Bank. I don't know why Melon's making me giggle, I just keep thinking of titties. And I'll tell ya, the business was pretty good. To this day, the melons are one of the richest families in the United States. Oh shit. But this isn't about the family, it's about Andrew, okay? He was so good at the finance stuff that his dad just gave him the bank in 1882 when Andrew was just 26. Must be nice, huh?
Starting point is 00:24:23 Over the course of the next 30 years, Andrew took what his dad started and turned it into a powerhouse in the United States banking world. I mean, tons of corporations turned him for cash. As the United States developed into the early 1900s, Andrew and his bank were involved in hugely important industries like oil, steel, electricity, aluminum, shipping, and booze. So you get it, Andrew was a financial and industrial titan. The melons were huge. This guy was connected. And by the early 1920s, he was one of the richest dudes in the United States.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Good for you. Okay, so now you know Andrew, banking, powerful, got it. So under Andrews watch, T-Mellon and Suns rebranded and became known as Millon Bank. It was one of the biggest banks at the time, and they had a very important client. You see, there was one industry I left out when I listed everything Andrew was involved in. That industry was petrochemicals. So this is where we welcome back to the show
Starting point is 00:25:26 one of the most destructive and dangerous villains I've had the privilege of talking shit about. The third member of our gang of Dix is none other than the DuPont company. Circle back to episode one. Wow. We did it, Joan. We do that callback all the way to episode one. I conic. That was pretty good. DuPont, did you guys do that call back all the way to episode one. I conic. That was pretty good. DuPont, did you guys watch that episode? That's my favorite episode for sure. That would be an administration.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I like this one too, but check those out too. Okay, you get it. All you need to know for this story is that DuPont was, and still is, a chemical company that, along with other stuff, developed synthetic fabrics from fossil fuels. And they were behind a huge escandal where they poised in the drinking water in West Virginia. Some Aqua-Tofonna shit. Anyway, DuPont banked with Andrew. That means he'd lend them money so they could operate their company.
Starting point is 00:26:20 If DuPont did well, so did Andrew. If they shit the bed, so did Andrew. And Melon Bank was most invested in DuPont's process of turning wood fiber into paper. Maybe you see where this is going? Now Melon's investment started to look pretty bleak when the United States Department of Agriculture concluded that hemp paper was favorable in comparison
Starting point is 00:26:43 with those made with wood pulp. Hemp paper didn't turn yellow as it aged, whereas wood paper covered in chemicals did. Chemicals bad, who would have thought? And not only this, but an acre of hemp could make more paper than an acre of trees. Plus, on top of that, hemp grows four times faster than trees do, with half the amount of water, which means it replaces itself faster than trees do. So as hemp gets harvested, there would be less damage to the environment, because there's less of a need to knock down trees, and just wait for them to like grow back to make
Starting point is 00:27:20 more paper. But guess who got his wood-based paper from DuPont? Stop the presses because it's William Randolph Hurst. Have you seen his castle? It's wild. Like William, Hemp was seriously threatening DuPont in Andrew's bottom line. The dark forces are starting to align. So a few years pass, then Andrew became the secretary of Treasury in 1921, smack in the middle of prohibition. Now in this position, Andrew handled all financial matters for the US government. So he holds some serious frickin power. And even though he technically became a civil servant, he stayed involved with his bank and remained tight with DuPont. It's like a conflict of interest, right?
Starting point is 00:28:06 You'd think. So it's around this time when our three established villains start to mingle. Now we don't know for sure if Andrew and William colluded directly on this next part, but a lot of interesting coincidences begin to happen. And the late 1920s Dupont was making this amazing new product that we all know today. It was called Nylon. Oh yes. But other companies were making a competing product for way cheaper. The main ingredient, hemp. So now cannabis is affecting two products for Dupont.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Paper and nylon. Oh, they're fucking pissed, right? So one day, Andrew was sitting in his office at the Treasury Department when he remembered, wait a minute, wait a minute, it's prohibition. Cannabis, like alcohol, was one of those ten things listed as addictive or dangerous by the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. And alcohol is now illegal. That's when Andrew gets his big ass lightball moment. Why not make cannabis illegal? Ooh! So in 1930, the federal bureau of narcotics was established. It was a division within
Starting point is 00:29:17 the Treasury Department which Andrew oversaw. And Andrew had to appoint a director of narcotics. And yes, that's where the word NARC comes from. It meant narcotics officer. Anyway, it didn't take long for Andrew to come up with a man who was like perfect for the job. Okay, so now we're going to introduce the final member of our gang of Dix, a devout racist we met before in the jazz episode. Wow, they're just all coming together like a boy band. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Harry and Slinger. Now, if you remember, Harry loved prohibition, super big fan.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And once he was appointed chief Nark, he saw the gig as like a solid career opportunity. He found himself running an agency that was able to define the drug problem and then solve it. So he had the ability to make up some BS to stay employed. And that's exactly what he did. Now, opiate and cocaine use, like, wasn't enough to build his agency, and cannabis was way more popular. So he shifted focus and started the ball rolling on making cannabis illegal. To bring attention to this problem, he found the flames of mass hysteria, violence, and racism using something called the Gore Files.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Sounds brilliant. These files were a collection of quotes from police reports about graphic and brutal stuff supposedly committed by people high on cannabis, like people axe wielding psychos, grandma's get shot, and families being murdered, often committed by people of color. But here's the thing, lots of people believe Harry just invented the connection between these crimes and the cannabis use. And there were 200 crimes listed in this thing called the Gore Files. Some historians say 198 of them, almost all of them, falsely blamed cannabis, and that's funny. And even the final two were in question. So Harry, I don't know man, it's not adding up. But still, he frequently read from and promoted the Gore Files, which received
Starting point is 00:31:25 a ton of support from William Hurst. Have you seen his castle? It's incredible. Harry's anti-cannabis reports were filled with such open racism that a bunch of politicians called for his immediate resignation. And guess what? He's like, nope, and didn't resign. So this piece of garbage ran a major federal department for 32 years, which leads us to a little thing called Refer Madness. That sounds like a party. In 1936, a film called Refer Madness was created by a church group, produced with the support of Harry and his bureau of narcotics, and then distributed nationwide on the educational film circuit. But educational, it was not. It was a silly-ass piece of propaganda, and I really hyped up the anti-canibus hysteria
Starting point is 00:32:18 spewing from our gang of dicks. And because there weren't a ton of movie options at the time, it made its way to the general public. Here's the plot of the movie because it's a good one. It's wild. So, some innocent high schoolers, they get lured into trying cannabis, and because they're high, they experience a cartoonish series of events that includes a hit and run, manslaughter, suicide attempted rape, and a kid who literally loses his freaking mind. But the film seemed official and educational, so of course, a lot of Americans out there aided up, but they're like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:32:54 have you heard of this cannabis thing? The public perception of cannabis was worse than it had ever been because of this stupid movie, Refer Madness. And as a result of real shit storm for cannabis arrived. In 1937, Harry testified in front of Congress armed with his deceptive, gore files, a bunch of William Hurst sensational articles, and a heaping pile of racism. Harry explained why marijuana needed to be banned.
Starting point is 00:33:23 His whole argument was that it led to crime. He kept repeating the word marijuana over and over. It was also written in the actual legislation being proposed. But the attorney for the American Medical Association knew what the hell was up. First, he said there is zero primary evidence that cannabis use causes crime. And second, he publicly scolded Harry for not publicizing that this bill actually applied to cannabis, including hemp. The attorney knew Harry was using the word marijuana because it was tied to racism towards
Starting point is 00:33:56 Mexicans, and cannabis was not. And this is how fear is weaponized people. Because it didn't matter what the American Medical Association said, the damage was done. That same year, Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which effectively made possession of cannabis, legal, so lame. Even though this happened,
Starting point is 00:34:20 not everyone was a fan of the Marijuana Tax Act. In 1944, the New York Academy of Medicine issued a report that outright said marijuana did not induce violence, insanity, or sex crimes, or lead to addiction or other drug use. My God. Even in World War II, the Department of Agriculture started a hemp for victory program, where
Starting point is 00:34:45 the government gave farmers hemp seeds to grow. They'd use the fiber for military stuff like parachutes, so the government makes cannabis possession illegal, but then is telling people to grow it. It's like, what is it? Pickle lane, people, pickle lane. But the hypocrisy didn't matter matter because more laws were a common. And they cemented something in place that proved destructive to black and brown communities all over the United States.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Mandatory, minimum, sentences. Let's pause for a little ad break. So there's this thing called the Boggs Act of 1951, it was passed. And this did something beyond crazy. It mandated that people convicted of cannabis offenses received the same punishment as heroin offenses. Oh shit. Two to ten years in prison and a fine of up to $20,000 for just holding it.
Starting point is 00:35:44 This plant that the Lord up above created. I don't think you could do that. This $20,000 fine is equal to $210,000 today. Then the Narcotics Control Act of 1956 got the death penalty involved. So this act made penalties even harsher for not just cannabis dealers, but addicts as well. Harry justified these wild punishments because he claimed cannabis was a stepping stone to drug addiction, or like maybe you've heard of this a gateway drug. Which we had already known for 12 years was absolutely not true. But by the time Harry retired in 1962, a bunch of baby
Starting point is 00:36:27 bogs acts popped up in individual states, some of them even tougher on cannabis than the federal laws. For example, in Louisiana, simply possessing cannabis could land you in prison for five to ninety-nine years. Holy shit. Some states were even passing out life sentences and the death penalty. What do you insane to that? That's so sick. So Harry, remember he retired in 1962, thank God, right? Well, a few years back, Andrew Mellon, he died in 1937, followed by William Hurst in 1951, Great Castle, still there. Harry met his maker later in 1975. Tragically, the DuPont company is still alive, and well, hey DuPont, how's it going? Before our story, this is when the Dix are eliminated from Buckboy Island, and things start to look a bit better for cannabis. So attitudes towards cannabis change, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:26 in the 1960s, and it wasn't just because of the grateful dead. Reports from both the Kennedy and Johnson administrations found something we already know. Cannabis is not a gateway drug, nor does it cause violence. So policy began to include options for treatment along with criminal penalties. I mean, hey, it's a step in the right direction, I guess. So why did this happen?
Starting point is 00:37:52 Cannabis became popular among white middle-class college kids. That's it. For decades, cannabis laws targeted Mexicans and African Americans, but the country didn't care. As soon as all the abys and Logans and fucking, you know, they started smoking and getting pinched, all their parents were like, oh my God, this is so unfair. You can't do this to them. So shortly after this, Congress got rid of most of the mandatory penalties for cannabis-related offenses.
Starting point is 00:38:21 They realized it did nothing to stop drug use and was just fricking harsh. It's funny when it happens to their kids. That's something to have the subiphany. But the good news was short-lived because things once again take a turn for the worst for cannabis. It's almost as the addicts pass their toxic torch directly to another dick. Literally, President Richard Nixon or a tricky, tricky dick. But I like tricky dick-y. Nixon signed the Control Substance Act in 1970, and this one is important to know because it classified cannabis as a schedule one narcotic, which it still is to this very day. Now, schedule one narcotics are considered
Starting point is 00:39:05 to be the most dangerous drugs. And our poor sweet girl cannabis is on this list with drugs like Fricking Heroin to put it in perspective how insane that is. The list of schedule two substances include meth, PCP, fentanyl, and cocaine. Meaning they are considered safer and more medicinal. Girl, what happened? What happened? How these drugs were categorized had nothing to do with
Starting point is 00:39:32 cannabis or science. I'm paraphrasing a high-level Nixon administration official, but it was because they wanted to criminalize being counter-culture and being black. But since they couldn't criminalize movement or person, they associated them with drugs, which they could criminalize. This Nixon official went on to say, quote, we could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." And there you have it. Great. And then in 1971 President Nixon labeled drug abuse public enemy number one and announced to the world the start of the war on drugs. To put it simply, Nixon hated two groups of people, people who were against the Vietnam War, and people who were black.
Starting point is 00:40:26 But here's the thing, wars end being black does not. It does need to be said that there were some people fighting the good fight on behalf of cannabis in the 1970s. It wasn't all complete shit. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, or Normal, Q, was founded in 1970. Now, they're the oldest and largest cannabis advocacy group in this country. And they provide a voice of reason against anti-cannabis propaganda coming from the government.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So during the 70s, despite all of Nixon's efforts, they helped decriminalize cannabis in 11 states. They're still hard at work today and we love them for it. Okay, I just feel like that was so sad. Really. Yeah, okay. In 1976 a study was made by Dr. Ernest Small that established the difference between cannabis and hemp. You're ready to find out what the difference is. The only difference between cannabis and hemp was how much THC was in it. If it had less than 0.3% THC, it was hemp. More than that, cannabis. And you're probably thinking, well, why 0.3%? Well Dr. Small himself said he randomly picked a number.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I love this country. America! We are so great! Well, unfortunately, the government just like they ran with it. They're like, sure, sounds great. And this leads us to our final player and cannabis is downfall. Everything the Dix and Nixon did set the table for this person. And my God, he screw up a lot of people's lives.
Starting point is 00:42:03 But first, we're gonna pause for one more ad break, baby. So I'm not gonna spend too much time here, but no episode about cannabis is complete without calling out President Ronald Reagan. In 1986, Reagan signed the Anti-Draug Abuse Act. This bill instituted in mandatory minimum sentences. Remember, we did a crack in cocaine. You remember, if you don't crack in cocaine, go watch that episode or listen to it after this.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And along with the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, which Reagan also signed into law, it increased cannabis penalties by a lot. Now, I think we can all agree that heroin is a very damaging drug, right? Far worse than cannabis. But Reagan didn't think so. Having 100 cannabis plants got a person the same penalty
Starting point is 00:42:56 if they got caught with 100 grams of heroin. Reagan is telling America, cannabis is as bad as heroin. And then Reagan put in place a policy called Three Strikes in Your Out, which triggered an automatic life sentence in prison for repeat drug offenders. So if a person was found with half a joint three times, their life was over. And Reagan's like, well, they just should have said no. Speaking of which, there was an ad campaign, an educational program started in the 1980s called Just Say No. And guess who created it? Reagan's wife. Nancy, this whole campaign was geared towards stopping kids from using drugs. And that anyone doing drugs was scary.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Now, it's hard to oppose a program that says they just want to keep kids safe, right? drugs, and that anyone doing drugs was scary. Now it's hard to oppose a program that says they just want to keep kids safe, right? Yeah, duh, everyone does. But what came out I'd just say no was anything but helpful. Some studies suggest that kids in those programs were more likely to try alcohol and drugs. Also it taught kids to stigmatize people who use drugs, as if every single one of them is actively in control of their addiction and are bad people. So while President Reagan was empowering cops, prosecutors, and judges, Nancy was making
Starting point is 00:44:15 her way into schools and living rooms, putting the fear of God and government into the people. You know that one commercial that's like, this is your brain. Now this is your brain on drugs. And then like the girl smashes an egg into the frying pan. Yeah, that was Nancy. That was Nancy. She was like, this is a great idea. You guys, I love it. So all that progress made by normal and other cannabis advocates at the state and federal levels went out the window. advocates at the state and federal levels went out the window. Goodbye! Cannabis laws passed in the 1980s where like nothing this country had ever seen. Law enforcement got bigger budgets and were more in power to lock people up.
Starting point is 00:44:56 After people were arrested, punishments were significantly harsher than they were in the 1930s during all that refer madness madness. And oversight was laughable, if it was even present at all. All the tools used to fight heroin and cocaine were now directed primarily at cannabis. The government pulled out all the stops. I mean, not to mention the president after Reagan, George Bush, senior, yeah. He doubled down on the war on drugs. He just kept pushing the false destructive narrative
Starting point is 00:45:28 as it a few of the presidents who followed him. So what did the criminalization of cannabis get us? I don't know. Well, in 2018, more than 43% of all drug arrests, about 700,000 to be exact were related to cannabis. In that same year, according to the FBI, cops made more arrests for cannabis crimes than for all violent crimes combined. And while arrests rates for cannabis possession were lower in 2018 than in 2010 for both Black
Starting point is 00:46:02 and White Americans, black people were still getting arrested more. According to the NAACP, just 5% of illegal drug users are African-American, but they make up 33% of people in jail for drugs. The kicker? All races of people use cannabis roughly at the same rate in the United States. Over the past couple of decades, the public has warmed up to the idea of legal cannabis. I mean, most people no longer think of it as this menace it once was painted to be, you know? How do we know?
Starting point is 00:46:32 Well, according to a 2021 Pew Research poll, 91% of Americans are an in favor of legalizing cannabis for recreational or medical use, 91%. I don't think that many Americans have agreed on anything ever. Yeah, I don't think so. Wow. Yeah, that's wild, guys. Who's the other 9% you fucking douche? Anyway, despite nationwide support on the federal level cannabis is still a scheduled one narcotic, unjustly hanging out with PCP. That's insane, right? Absolutely. This is just like a joke, but it's not, unfortunately. Medical cannabis is now legal in 37 states, and recreational cannabis is legal in 18 states,
Starting point is 00:47:20 and Washington, DC. While this is incredible progress, it shines a light on a painfully ironic issue. Overwhelmingly, white-owned companies are growing cannabis, building edible factories, and selling the product out of storefronts all over the freaking country. They're capitalizing on this booming industry. Meanwhile, a lot of black and brown Americans are still sitting in prison for minor cannabis crimes.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And the people and communities hit the hardest by the war on drugs are being left out of this billion dollar industry. In fact, legal cannabis brought in 18.3 billion dollars in 2020. I mean, cannabis has over 25,000 uses, so the possibilities are endless. But because the federal government continues misusing science, they still believe that cannabis is the devil's lettuce. Well my friends, that is today's episode about marijuana, aka cannabis, aka the devil's lettuce, aka whatever, you know you get it, thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I feel very bad for cannabis because she does so many great things and so many products can be made out of her and For some fucking reason it's still bad. We could be making so much stuff here in America if we just started growing hemp, right? paper, clothes everything I mean just Yeah, the bird agrees. Joan Fucking go off, John. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, you know, do your own research, of course,
Starting point is 00:48:50 but the one thing you'll find out is that for years and years and years, centuries and centuries, whatever, it's been used for so many things. It's such a good thing. I don't know. Fuck, we have the power, we can vote and we can make this legal, right? But I also we should be demanding that those in jail get lesser sentences are released,
Starting point is 00:49:12 are expunged, the records expunged. I mean, my God, it's disgusting. And that should be top priority on our list. I'm going to leave down in the description box some places that we can go to to help further educate ourselves on it, how we can help, and further information if you're looking you should look into helping because there's so many people who need our help. Thank you for learning with me today. Remember, you know, don't be afraid to ask questions and get the whole story because you deserve that. Anyways, I'd love to hear your reactions to this story, so make sure to use the hashtag darkhistory, so I can follow along.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Join me over on my YouTube where you can watch these episodes on Thursday after the podcast airs, and also catch my murder mystery and makeup, which drops every Monday. I hope you have a great day today. You make good choices, and I'll be talking to you next week. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:50:01 We have a great day today. You make good choices and I'll be talking to you next week. Goodbye. Dark History is an audio boom original. This podcast, let me tell you about it, it's executive produced by Bailey Sarian, hi, Kim Jacobs, Junia McNally from Three Arts, Fanny Bodry, and Claire Turner from Wheel Hostia, Nate, produced by Lexie Kiven, research provided by Tisha Dunston, writers, jet book out, Joyce Gavuzzo, and Kim Yegid, edited by Jim Lucey.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Shopped by Tafadzwa Nemirundwe. Thank you to our historical consultant, Jared Lieti, develop manager at Weedmaps. And I'm your host, Bailey Serien. Goodbye, pound it. Yeah.

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