Dark History - 64: F*ck, C*nt, B*tch, Sh*t, Where Does Cursing Come From?

Episode Date: November 30, 2022

Welcome to the Dark History podcast. There’s nothing I love more than dropping a good ole F-bomb. But who was the original person to drop it? Was there a caveman somewhere that stubbed his toe and y...elled it out? Or was it yelled on a medieval battlefield? Well I had to find out. In today’s episode we look into the history of swearing and focus on three of the big ones. Episode Advertisers Include: Manscaped, Rocket Money, and OUAI Haircare. Learn more during podcast about special offers!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi friends, I hope you're having a wonderful day today. If you don't know, my name is Bailey Sarian and I'd like to welcome you to my study. And to my podcast, Dark History. This is a chance to tell the story like it is and to share the history of stuff honestly we would never think about. At least that's the goal here. So all you need to do is sit back, relax, and let's talk about that hot juicy history, Goss.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I'd like to begin today with a word from one of the classiest people ever to live. Mouser. Oh yeah, you know him, you know him? Yeah, one of the greatest musical composers in the history of the world. That's right. He was playing music for European royalty by the age of five.
Starting point is 00:00:52 He wrote his first symphony at eight, just like killing it, right? And when I think of him, I mean, my favorite song, Requiem, Indie Minor. That's why I listen to when I wake up in the morning. I lay in my coffin, I put on my Mozart, and then I rise. It's just it's slaps, it goes hard. But the reason I'm talking about him is because not only is he known for his bomb music, he also wrote some beautiful letters to his family. Let me tell you
Starting point is 00:01:21 this one, okay? It's a letter to his cousin. I have it right here. Now, those are wrote this, okay? Quote, I now wish you a good night. Shit in your bed with all your might. Sleep with peace on your mind and try to kiss your own behind. Oh, my ass burns like fire. That's right. This guy wrote that. So I guess like he sent a lot of these letters to his family and this was just one of them. And I don't know about you guys, but I was just a little surprised. I mean, you know, he's very successful. He's like, wow, he smells art, right? And a lot of the times when we think of stuffy rich people just, you know, being stuffy and rich, at least I think of them as being, just, you know, being stuffy and rich, at
Starting point is 00:02:05 least I think of them as being, I don't know, bougie in their castle drinking tea and never saying anything inappropriate ever because, you know, like, would you ever curse in front of your grandma? No, exactly. Well, maybe, but me? No, I get slapped. What I'm getting at is, I think a lot of us have been taught that saying inappropriate things is considered quite trashy, but that's just not true. Everyone says naughty things from time to time. I mean, even Mozart. So I wondered why, why, Joan?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Why are you running from swear words when they make us feel better? I mean, they help us express ourselves and sometimes they even make us giggle. So what do I do when I got questions? I start googling. And before we go on from here, just have to give you a heads up.
Starting point is 00:02:53 There's a lot of swear words that I'm gonna be talking about today. And I wanna do them all. And we don't have enough time, but I'm gonna dig into like three big ones. But if you have kids around and stuff, put on some headphones. If you don't care, that's on you.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You know, whatever, I'm just gonna let you know. A lot of cursing up ahead, okay? So hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your dog, put on some headphones, because we're gonna be talking about cursing. And I know the censored daddies are gonna be very mad at me for this episode. So I'm gonna go hard, I'm putting my whole pussy in it.
Starting point is 00:03:26 You know? What is up with curse words? Where they come from? Why are they here? How long have we been using them? I have all sorts of questions that need answers. And the first one I'm gonna start with is a personal favorite and the one that is easiest to answer.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And that's the word bitch, bi-t-c-h. Now, I'm sure you're all aware, like the rumors has to where it started from a female dog, and the lie detector test determined that that was not a lie, okay? So the word bitch actually does come from a female dog. But because so many female dogs have so many puppies in a litter, the word shifted to mean slut. So people kind of were like, oh, she has a lot of puppies. Therefore, she's a slut, even
Starting point is 00:04:12 though the litter of puppies come from the same dog, you know, it's like, okay, it doesn't really make sense, but okay. So it's been considered a harsh insult for a really long time. But I mean, over the years, let's be honest, we've been considered a harsh insult for a really long time, but I mean, over the years, let's be honest, we've been taking it back. I mean, yeah, no one wants to be a bitch, but you can't lie, we all wanna be that bitch. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:04:35 That bitch, right girl? Okay, anyway, so it got me interested in knowing like we're all of the curse words came from. So bitch is an easy answer, it's female dog. That's really all it is. But you know my favorite thing to do. When I see a hot guy, I go up to him and I say, hey, nice bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And it works every time, works meaning, you know, you know. Anyway, so let's start with the word shit. S-H-I-T. Can you use it in a sentence, please? Yes, my cow had a nasty case of diarrhea all week. My barn is full of shit. Well, friends, I know. A lot of people think they know
Starting point is 00:05:17 where this word shit comes from, but like a lot of other curse words. It's clouded by a mysterious little urban legend, if you will. Back to the 1800s, people would collect cow pies, you know, cow poop, and they used them as fuel for their ships. Now, this would be super handy to the people because cow pies weighed less than, I guess, other liquid fuel, saving them space on their ship or their boat. But then they ran into a bit of a problem. You see, if the cow pie has got wet, like with splashes of water, rain, moisture,
Starting point is 00:05:55 just wet, the gas within said cow pie would expand. And if left to expand for a little too long, these pies would turn into ship bombs. Okay, ship explosions. Explosions of shit, not ideal. Mm-hmm, no, ma'am. Okay. To avoid any literal shit from hitting the fan,
Starting point is 00:06:20 sailors would go to extra lengths to make sure that the cargo containers with cow pies were kept high and dry. Now to make sure of this, they would write shipI in transit. SHIT. Right? Fun story, huh? I guess it's not true, but a lot of people believe it. It's true, so like maybe there is some truth in there. I just want to tell you the story, because I actually think it's kind of clever, and I could see it to be true.
Starting point is 00:06:57 There's just no hardcore evidence that it's true, you know what I'm saying? But it doesn't matter, because it doesn't just end there. I mean, the word SHIT has been traced back even further than the 1800s. I guess the word shit started out in old English, but it was spelled S C I T T E. Shate. And it was like a neutral word, meaning cow diarrhea, pre-specific. And the kind of word that you'd honestly just hear on a farm, it had no bad connotation, there was no profanity around it, it was like just a word to describe
Starting point is 00:07:33 literal cow diarrhea. An earlier version of the S word shows up in an old English medical textbook from the 9th century. Now in the medical textbook it said, quote, sometimes a person's food digest badly and turns into an evil liquid shit." Which love. Yes, it just shows that the runs have been around since the 9th century and like literally same shit different era. Like we can all relate to having the runs. Too much Taco Bell, late night, you know, Del Taco. Woo! TMI? Okay. So then an interesting thing happens back in the middle ages, which is like the 13th through the 15th century, pooping with something
Starting point is 00:08:21 people did together. Oh, I got, yeah, it's so cool. The idea of it's really cool, just follow me, okay? Because it was a time to socialize, shoot the shit. That's probably where it comes from. And it was just something everyone did together. There was no single stall bathrooms or little stall dividers. It was one big room where everyone was doing their business.
Starting point is 00:08:45 No shame, no phones, just talking things out, just sitting on the toilet like, hey, what do you got going on today? Tell me about it, you know? And honestly, you probably really get to know someone when you're locking eyes, just like squeezing one out together. That's some brochure right there.
Starting point is 00:09:02 The downside of these big bathrooms was that, like they were breeding ground for all kinds of diseases. Yeah, it wasn't pretty. So then when the Renaissance era comes around, people feel smarter. They're feeling educated. They're like science. We know her. There's more money. And people could afford to start building houses with more rooms. And with more rooms, people made more bathrooms, their own bathrooms, and honey, this changed everything. People started getting used to doing their business in private. So going potty and talking about it became very taboo. It was like, wow, that's trashy.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Like poor people talk about that going to the bathroom. You know, it was also just a sign of status. The rich people, you know, they love status. Anytime they can brag about something, they're gonna do it. And now that they had their own bathrooms, it was like, oh, we don't shit with other people. Oh, you know, they love an excuse to look down on anybody.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So this is when we see the word shit become kind of like a loquidess. The holidays came early this year, ladies. If you're still not sure what to get the man in your life, then all you have to do is pull down your shirt and show them a booby or you can look no further than our friends at Manscaped. Manscaped is the leading men's hygiene brand that just launched new products that your man will actually use.
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Starting point is 00:12:07 So by 1508, very specific. This is when you see the first documented example of someone using the S word as an actual disc. You wanna hear it? Yeah, this is what this person said. Quote, that art a shit. End quote. Shhh.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Someone was angry. Now, back in the day, it was an insult that was only used towards men. But then shit is also a verb. Well, shit as a verb has also been around forever. The first time it was written down was in 1335 in a poem, so romantic. This poem said, quote,
Starting point is 00:12:44 whoever so sniffed it, he is ever so wretched. When in that place, you must shit in there." End quote. I really like that opening, whoever sniff set, reminds me of whoever smelled it, Delta, remember. Okay, so great, we have these examples, but when did it become like a way to express ourselves when we messed up?
Starting point is 00:13:03 You know, sometimes when you are running late, you spill coffee on yourself. Or I don't know, you left your sim in the pool for too long without a ladder. And the only thing you could do is say like, well, shit, right? So when did that start happening? And surprisingly, not till way later in the 1800s, Q American Star Spangled Banner Song. On July 5th, 1865, an army surgeon named Private James Sullivan, he got into some major trouble when he was told
Starting point is 00:13:34 to get into uniform by someone in charge. And he replied, quote, oh shit, I can't. End quote, which I try to find out why he couldn't, but I guess it's just a bit mystery. It doesn't matter. But this is the first time that we have on record like this man using the word oh shit It's like a reaction. I mean, this is like a big deal, okay? And back then this was an even bigger deal because this is a man in uniform Saying the S word to his boss.
Starting point is 00:14:05 But hey, the next time you say, oh shit, just take a moment and thank private James Sullivan, because he's really the pioneer who made it our reaction. God bless America. And finally, the first example of someone not giving a shit comes from everyone's favorite author, James Joyce. Ah, yes author James Joyce. Ah yes James Joyce. In his 1922 book Ulysses, he describes someone as quote a white orst bugger. I don't give a shit for him." Which I love that. I don't know who that guy is, but he does not give a shit for him. Okay. Now people were probably using this like every day language before James wrote it down, but I love that not giving a shit is right there for all of us to see in classic literature.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And this is a side note, but like this is why classic literature is so important slash beautiful. Because it's a timestamp as to where society was at the time. How they spoke, what they thought, and what we have in common throughout history. We've been cursing and angry at people for many, many, many years. In the 1930s is when we start to see the word shit as an adjective. In other words, to further describe someone or something. For example, like your friend Bob is shit faced.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Maybe he's a shit head. Maybe he got shit tits, you know, and then we did the impossible. We, the people, reclaimed shit. Oh, we celebrated it. And by the 1970s in America, we started calling things that we loved. V shit. Oh yeah, brother. I love America. It's their shit. We also have more positive spin-offs, like holy shit. dope shit, cool shit, hot shit. But nowadays, shit has kind of evolved and is used to describe crap or stuff or unwanted items.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Sometimes a negative thing. So it's kind of come like full circle. Like oh yeah, I'll be over and tend to drop off all that shit. We need a shit counter. We need a curse counter. Nowadays, the word shit is more of like a chameleon. It really depends on the context. I mean, it can be a negative. It could be a positive. It can be poop. Stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Announce your ex and a adjective. It's all based on user experience. poop, stuff, a noun, your ex, and a adjective. It's all based on user experience and isn't that just beautiful? Really, it's up to you, baby. What I'm getting at is, I'm kind of glad that the communal shitting is over. Or am I, I wouldn't mind shooting the shit with everyone.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Throughout history, shit has just been there for us. I mean, there are only a few things promised in life, living, breathing, dying, and also shitting. We all shit. Yeah, great thoughts. Okay cool, great. Dude Paul's dead. Okay, Paul has had a long weekend. We can't rely on him much to add any commentary because look at him, he's a fucking mess. Paul Wakeup, are you wasting money on subscriptions? Hmm, 80% of people have subscriptions they completely forgot about. Maybe for you, it's an unused Amazon Prime account
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Starting point is 00:18:50 F as in Fupa, U as in Yucleli, C as in canoe. K as in ketchup, that's right, my friends. Right now we're gonna talk about the word, book. I love this word, it's my favorite. I'm sorry, but I really do. Now what's the definition of fuck? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:09 While I looked it up, it's usually obscene and it's like to engage in like sexual, they call it quotas, which I was like, what the hell is quotas? It's like, it makes sexuals with. It's also another way to express anger, contempt, or disgust. You know what's funny when I was a kid in high school? I sat next to this weird kid. I'm sure he wasn't weird, but I thought he was weird.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I hope he's doing well. I hope you're doing great by sat next to him, and you always had some weird nonsense stories and facts and stuff. A fact that stuck with me was that the word fuck actually stood for fornication under command of the king. He's like, that's what it stands for. Like, what do you know?
Starting point is 00:19:46 What do you know? I was like, I don't know, no, no, no, no. Anyways, I guess the kid told me that the king who was in charge at the time, he legally demanded that the people in his kingdom have sex to make sure that people were making enough children. So like his job was literally like watch people bang for the country, you know, and it wasn't just the kid who believed this. I mean, during research for this story, the story that like is repeated millions of times, a lot of people believed it,
Starting point is 00:20:18 and I don't say it sounds pretty legit. But once again, it's a made up story, which is a bummer. So I found that kid on Facebook and I was like, hey, remember Spanish class? When you told me that shit, listen. You're wrong. I'm just kidding. I didn't find them. I think he died.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So the exact country where the word buck comes from isn't really known. That's because different versions of the F word have been around or have been found in languages like all over the world, each with their own spellings. There's Fuka, which is FUKKA, Fuka, Falk, Fike, and Ficken.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I like Fike, that's a few different ways to spell it. But researchers tend to narrow its birthplace down to what is present-day Germany, Sweden or the Netherlands. So yeah, of course, like it makes sense that maybe the Germans perhaps may have invented the word fuck. It's a little aggressive and they perhaps are known for,
Starting point is 00:21:15 you know, being a little aggressive. Maybe. Anyways, so in the year 1278, I guess there's a sky walking around in England and his name was John Lay Fucker. Legit name, John Lay Fucker. Hey Mr. Fucker, you know, some historians believe his name might be the earliest recorded instance of the swear word Fuck and the English language. Hold for applause. Applause. Great. And we all know this because Lefucker's name shows up
Starting point is 00:21:51 in the administrative records for King Edward I. But he was not part of the royal family. I mean, his name was recorded because, I guess he was imprisoned for double murder. Whoops, I know. And this is an assumption on my end, but I was like, maybe this is why the word fuck is linked to being negative.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I mean, think about it, double murder, pretty bad. And this whole idea of digging into court records must have like inspired others to do it because there was another English researcher who found an interesting name in court records from the year 1310. We don't know what his offense was, but there was an outlaw wanted by the court
Starting point is 00:22:30 and this outlaw went by the name. Get ready for this one. His name was Roger, fuck by the naval. Yeah, fuck by the naval. Baby, I don't know what was going on there. Okay, my guess is that he was trying to fuck by the naval, but I don't know. Was that his name? Who did he choose that? How do you get that? You know, I had a lot of questions, but no answers, which what the hell was that? You know, so what I'm getting at is that the word fuck, it really didn't,
Starting point is 00:22:56 it didn't, it didn't thrive with positivity. It was surrounded by double murder and fucking by the naval. So, you know, but it's a 1500s we can really think for putting the F word and the history books and associating it with moving back and forth. Motion of the ocean. I'm talking about sex. And we also see it turning a little bit more aggressive, where the F word literally meant to hit strike or penetrate. Now, things are getting a little violent with the F word. For example, the first time we see the
Starting point is 00:23:31 the word fuck being used a little bit like more aggressive was by an anonymous monk. Yeah, which I was not expecting that, okay, but surprise, surprise. I guess this monk was really pissed off, okay? And he was pissed off at whoever was in charge of the monastery. So he opened up his little diary and he wrote in there, quote, fucking habit, end quote, like man. If you pissed off a monk, you had to do something really bad
Starting point is 00:24:01 and this monk was pissed. So yeah, it also became a direct and some would say like unrefined way to refer to sexual intercourse. And as we've learned many times in dark history, sex and anything even acknowledging that it exists is heavily frowned upon in the olden days, even now, shit. I mean, sex was disgusting to boo. We never talk about it. Just like the word shit. It was just like, oh, no. So the F word from the very start was considered offensive. And
Starting point is 00:24:34 throughout the years, I mean, for hundreds of years, it's continued to be used like that. The one thing about the F word is that it never really changed. It was society that changed around it, like in our very own backyard in America. Around the 16 and 1700s, there was a big group of people that moved to North America. We've talked about them many times before. It's the religious group called the Puritans. I roll because they came over here and just like ruined everything. Did they? Maybe, maybe. I don't know. But when you think of them, you just think of the word peer.
Starting point is 00:25:08 They want to be as peer as possible for their Lord and Savior Jesus Henry Christ. The Puritans believe that things like life, theater, and poetry could corrupt the mind. I mean, they're not wrong. Have you seen a movie? The fuck is going on. Anyways, but the Puritans believe, all of that should be outlawed. So I'm sure maybe in your little noggin, you can imagine how they felt about the F word,
Starting point is 00:25:35 bitch, straight to hell, like their heads are exploding. They can't even comprehend. It's so aggressive. And the 1800s historians started to see the F word evolve more and like start to be used as we know it today. It turned into a slang, a hard-hitting way to insult or hurt others, or just to talk about sexy time. Those Puritans though, they know likey.
Starting point is 00:26:03 No, nay nay. So they used their influence on America Those Puritans, though, they know likey. No. Nene, Nene. So they used their influence on America to push society to be more pure. And as a result, you could not find the F word in books or even dictionaries. And then, on top of that, for some weird reason, the federal government gets involved. I don't plot twist. Over a word, the United States decided to go ahead and pass something called the Comstock Act of 1873.
Starting point is 00:26:30 We've talked about this a lot of times. I hope you remember if you don't, you're fired. But this introduced the country to annoying things called obscenity laws. And like you remember the Dildo episode, blah, blah, blah. Come on, we've talked about it. I know you remember the Dildo episode, blah, blah, blah. Come on, we talked about it. I know you remember. I believe in you.
Starting point is 00:26:47 But not only did this law ban sex toys, it wanted to destroy and ban swear words forever. Like, you couldn't print them anywhere. Even if your doctor wanted to write some, I don't know why your doctor is using the F word, but maybe he's like, she needs a fucking, you know, your doctor couldn't do that. He could go to jail.
Starting point is 00:27:07 She too. Nah, there's no women doctors back then, sorry. We were stuck at home. So like if you told your doctor something hurts versus something really fucking hurts, I mean, those are two very different things, but if he decided to put it in writing, straight to jail. You know what I'm saying? Like dangerous.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It was even a thing in Hollywood. In the early days, there wasn't a set of standards like filmmakers had to follow. So things were a bit risky. Directors could show a little here and there, some skin, you know. They could make some sex jokes. It was fine, no one died.
Starting point is 00:27:43 But once sound was introduced to the movies. Ah! There was a threat that naughty words could be said. But what about the children? So they had a solution, the people, the pure ones. They put something called the Hayes Code into place, which said that swearing in movies was a big no-no. Now, I know you're thinking at home. What about the first amendment thing?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Dream speech! You know, that didn't apply here. Okay, nothing applied here. But when you tell humans to not do something, what happens? You want to do it more, right? Like, you can't cuss. What are you gonna do? F**k. So it didn't stop everyday people from talking how they normally talked. People were saying, clock, some more making clock, simple as that. And around World War I and II, we start to see people getting very creative with their curse words. Like, they found kind of ways around it. So have you ever heard of the phrase Fou bar? Fou bar? with their curse words, like they found kind of ways around it. So have you ever heard of the phrase Fubar? Fubar?
Starting point is 00:28:49 No, let me tell you. It means fucked up beyond all recognition. I didn't know that. When I learned that, I was like, what? Maybe you have a friend who's gotten too much plastic surgery. It's very much a thing out here in Los Angeles. It's very unfortunate. But you could be like, yeah, their face is a food bar. There's another one, snuff-oo. Maybe you've heard that. It's like an old-term term, right?
Starting point is 00:29:11 It's commonly used when someone makes a mistake or screws up. Well, it actually stands for situation normal, all fucked up. So what I'm getting at is that people found ways to sneak the F-word into their everyday, um, fairbitch. And I love it. I love it. I love it when people get creative. But the f-word, when it need to live in the shadows much longer, the 1960s comes around and baby, listen, that was a time of huge social change. And people doing all sorts of drugs and stuff to expand their minds of course. You know, as a time of cultural revolution, where people wanted to be
Starting point is 00:29:50 free to express themselves sexually and vocally. So the people took to the streets protested against the man and guess what? I mean it worked because in 1965, that Comstock Law got tossed in the trash. And guess what? Guess what happened? For the first time, 400 years too late. But for the first time, the word fuck shows up in the English dictionary. Congratulations, fuck you're in.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Get in here, fuck. Come on, little fucky. Get. Get in here, fuck. Come on, little fucky. Get your ass in here, you know? You made it, boy. And then that haze code that said movies couldn't swear. Well, that too went away in 1968, which allows us to have award-winning lines from movies like, quote,
Starting point is 00:30:42 I've had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane. Iconic. Now after this, fuck was off to the races. Even the Supreme Court gave it a thumbs up. They're like, yeah, yeah, go ahead. Some guy protesting the war in Vietnam was arrested for wearing a jacket that said fuck the draft. And while the court said that arrest was BS because the F word is protected as free speech. Hell yeah! So now we see it starting to go from totally negative
Starting point is 00:31:14 to also meaning something positive. Like a man that guitar solo fucking rips, bra. And when the internet rolled around, oh my god. It was like the Wild West. Anything you can't say in real life is now safe to say online. So, fuck away in the comment section. Actually, please don't. So, how am I thinking?
Starting point is 00:31:34 Like, is there a reason why we love to say it so much? It just feels good. It's heavy. It's strong, that K. And, that's what. There's actually a reason behind that. Now, there's a study that says using the F word is a great stress reliever and that some mental health researchers want us to actually use it more. There's also some research that says swearing actually helps you manage pain.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And the same study found that cursing could lead to social bonding. It's so precious. On the count of three, let's all say fuck. One, two, three, fuck. If your mom came in the L at you, tell her that the lady on TV said you were allowed to. So the next time you get in trouble saying a curse word, be like the doctor told me that it helps with my depression depression stop. You know, of course use your discretion. Don't go around saying fuck to, I don't know, your grandma. Don't be like, grandma, fuck you, you know, and then blame it on the grownl internet. But you can point back to this study, grandma. I'm just trying to bond with you. Okay, it's either this or we take a shit together,
Starting point is 00:32:43 grandma. Pick one. Before we get into the next word, we should check in on the curse counter. What are we at? Don't make this a drinking game because you will die and I am not taking responsibility for you dying, okay? But let me know how that goes, you know?
Starting point is 00:32:57 If you do, do it. It's Fall Baby! Yay! I absolutely love this time of year. I mean, who doesn't? First of all, I like to switch up my home to make it more seasonal. I mean, who doesn't? First of all, I like to switch up my home to make it more seasonal.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I take out my holiday decorations, cozy blankets, and also the candles. I also switch up my personal care routine as the days get colder. I take extra steps to keep my skin and hair moisturized since they tend to get very dry nowadays. Way has everything you need to keep your hair healthy and looking great all winter long. Plus, they've got amazing gift sets that everyone on your list
Starting point is 00:33:31 will love. I personally have fine color treated hair and after a few days without washing, it starts to feel really weighed down from the styling products I use. That's when I grab the way detox shampoo to clarify my hair from all the product build up, hard water deposits, dirt, and also oil. And as the air starts getting cooler, my hair definitely starts to get drier. So I use the way leave in conditioner to keep frizz, tangles, and breakage away.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And during this holiday season, why not treat your loved ones to their own healthy hair routine? The way better together kit includes the best-selling full-size leaving conditioner and a full-sized detox shampoo for just $40, which works for all hair types. There's also the three-way kit,
Starting point is 00:34:23 because let's face it, three ways are better than one. You're welcome. Now this kit features best-selling travel-sized detox shampoo, leave-in conditioner, and also the wave spray to treat hydrate and style your hair. Discover all the ways to share joy this holiday season. Go to the way THE O U A I dot com slash dark history to get 15% off your entire purchase. That's 15% off your entire order at the way THE O U A I dot com slash dark history. Next up we got like one of allegedly the worst words you could say ever, right? This is the worst word you could ever call someone. That's right, baby.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I'm talking about seeing you next Tuesday. Here I go, I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna say it. Cunt. I said it. Now, this one always kind of baffles me because it's like, if you ask anybody, it's the worst word you could ever say,
Starting point is 00:35:28 and I'm like, why? I don't get it. Because the dictionary defines Kant as, quote, the female genital organs. I guess that's so bad, you guys. It's so bad. Or, there's another, like, alternative definition. A term used to refer to a contemptible person. I think the best way to use this word in a sentence
Starting point is 00:35:50 is to quote the famous movie Saturday Night Fever, starring John Travolta, that great Scientologist he is, huh? Anyways, in the movie he says, quote, it's a decision a girl's got to make early in life. If she's going to be a nice girl nice girl or a cut, end quote. Yeah, I thought this was a movie about dancing, disco dancing, but I don't know. They actually ended up cutting the cut line
Starting point is 00:36:16 to make it a PG movie. And that way it would be more family friendly. John Tripaldon. Scientology. What's going on there? Wanna talk about it? You good, bro? Where you at?
Starting point is 00:36:28 The country of origin relating to this word is hotly debated among some scholars. Now some say the word is based on the Hindu goddess, Kunti, love it, and others say it's based on the German word, Kanto, but one thing is for sure. Everyone agrees on this. It's one of the most offensive, if not the most offensive word you can ever call someone. It's been said that Kant is, quote, one of the few remaining words in the English language
Starting point is 00:37:00 with genuine power to shock. I've always wondered, like, why? The word describes part of the female anatomy. Like how is that offensive? But why is it always us? I mean, think about it. If you call someone a tit, it's not bad. Like, hey, Joni, you're a tit.
Starting point is 00:37:17 You're being such a bib. Even though we don't fully know the exact word origin, Kant was seen in writing as early as 1390s. Oh yes. It was even in a red light district in London. A red light district is like a part of town where there's strip clubs and brothels and basically like sex for sale. The street name of this London red light district was called grope cunt lane. Yeah, you heard me right.rope cunt lane. I guess during this time in the middle ages, it was very normal to have streets named after like the goods that you were selling. Like bread alley, grope cunt, sardines, avenue. Honestly, it makes more sense. If you want bread, you're gonna go to bread alley. If you want
Starting point is 00:38:03 pussy, you're gonna go to Gropcon, you know? So at this point, Cunt was essentially the same thing as vagina. Like it wasn't bad. It was just slaying for it. Like tits is slaying for boobies. I like boobies better though. There's an early manuscript found around this time.
Starting point is 00:38:18 There's like some advice given to young women on the hunt for a husband. Now this is my favorite part. I'm getting this like embroidered in a pillow. This was advice given to young women on the hunt for a husband. Now, this is my favorite part. I'm getting this embroidered in a pillow. This was advice given to young women on the hunt for a husband. Okay? Listen, pass this on to your children, because it's great advice.
Starting point is 00:38:35 It says, quote, give your cont wisely and make your demands after the wedding. End quote. And honestly, work, middle ages, work, like that stuff that you should really be living by. Give your cunt away wisely. Um, yeah, yeah, okay, I could get behind that. And plus before like all this, cunt was actually a very popular name and great Britain.
Starting point is 00:39:00 They were wild out there, which honestly kind of sucks now. But maybe back then it was cute. There was like this one guy, his name was James Cuntz. There was this lady Fanny Cunt. Yeah, that's about one Fanny Cunt. And then there's something called Cunt Pepper. I don't know if that was a name or some kind of like season name. Either way, it sounds like I'm making this up, but I promise I'm not, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:39:25 I'm coming with facts. Protect your cunt wisely. Give it out wisely. Love that cunt. Be that cunt. Own that cunt. You are the cunt. The cunt. Cunt. In the Victorian era, the word became shameful because the Victorians are so boring. They hate everything, okay? They're no fun. I hate them. They're just such assholes, but that's not what we're talking about. Because they're the ones who made everything religious and stale and they made the world just very vanilla. They were obsessed with like church and rules and like fixing society. And, they were also shaming people about sex and breathing and just being alive. Okay, they shamed everybody. During this time, women sexually and body were seen as something that was private should
Starting point is 00:40:15 be hidden, not celebrated. Put your cunt away, Barbara. It's not that kind of party. Don't you fucking dare even look at your titties. The most of all, the Torians loved to people shame. Once again, people found creative ways to express themselves. So you know how we have SeaUnex Tuesday, and we all know for the most hurt what that means. If you're at home, like, I don't get it, what does that mean? SeaUnex Tuesday. I don't know, figured out. Look, listen, it was one of those things that like if you know, you know, okay? And people were like, ooh, ooh, ooh.
Starting point is 00:40:48 So Kant has been known as a bad word for a very long time, still today, right? But in the 1900s, when this time rolls around and pornography was introduced, the turns tables, the word Kant actually took on a whole other meaning with the rise of pornography in the 1900s. And when people were writing scripts for these porn movies in the 1920s,
Starting point is 00:41:12 yes, they needed scripts, don't be rude. They need scripts to follow. They immediately started to lean in on the cursing. I mean, they believed like, hey, if we add cursing and naughty words like content of script, it would make the film even more forbidden and therefore even more desirable.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Like if they're gonna do it, they're gonna do it, you know? Scandalist, sexy, hot, cuts everywhere. And it worked. The downside to the word Kant was that at this time, it was something that existed strictly for a man's pleasure. So thanks, porn. But Kant is ever evolving. She's a free spirit, a true satch.
Starting point is 00:41:53 You can't put her in a box. And something switched, and porn, Kant was used as a way to talk down to women. Feminist saw the rise of this word in movies and in everyday language as dehumanizing. I get what's seen as a huge insult because it reduced a woman to only her pussy. You know what I'm saying? And women were like, we are sick and tired of being disrespected and be littleed by these ugly ass men with small dicks, okay? So they decided to do something about it. They said, first of all, take a fucking shower, Romeo.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And second of all, this is my cut. You know, and in the 1970s, there was a huge women's liberation movement that forever changed the way women were seen in America. In more recent history like the last 20 years, women, they really wanted to take that word back, okay, or just open it. They don't want it to be an over sexualized word or insult. They want it to be something that's empowering and I mean I'm sure a lot of us listening right now or whatever you can agree with that right. I mean remember that wise old saying quote give your con wisely and make demands after the wedding like guess, guess. Yes!
Starting point is 00:43:05 Ah! You know, I mean, the entire reason we're here as human beings on this planet is because of set cunts. So what's so nasty about that, you losers? It's just a fucking word, I don't get it. I'll never get it. I don't get it. Do you get it?
Starting point is 00:43:20 I don't get it. I got it, whatever. So these words that we talked about today, you know, when you think about it, they're just symbols arranged to make sounds with our mouth and stuff. Like, when you think about the word fup, bitch, shit, cunt, what's so bad about them? I'm really, you know, nothing. But then they become taboo or immoral because of us, the people, the earthlings, right? Now here's the funny part. It's still considered unladylike to curse in public. Yeah, like it used to be unladylike to wear pants or vote or leave the kitchen or just like speak in general, but hey, hey cunts, here we are. We made
Starting point is 00:44:00 it, you know, like people just are so bored. We love judging and looking down on one another, huh? What does it mean? What does it mean? Anyways, when I hear that swear words were banned from dictionaries for literally hundreds of years, it makes me question a whole lot of things. Especially when you find out that at this very moment, you can find the word nub, vam, and yolo in the dictionary. If these words just came from ordinary things like cow diarrhea, female dogs, some murders last name,
Starting point is 00:44:34 also a pussy, why are we so afraid of them? You know, remember when you were getting trouble growing up as a kid and if you said about a word you get soap in the mouth? What was that about? I was fucked up. Yeah, I said it. I feel like in conclusion, my thoughts here
Starting point is 00:44:47 that like some of the meanest things ever said to me are things with actually no curse words in them, right? Oh, like yesterday, someone told me to go, quote, kill myself in the comment section. You know, there wasn't a single bad word, right? They just said, quote, quote, go kill yourself. Because hello, context is everything. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And let's not forget about those scientific studies we heard about earlier, right? Research has literally given us evidence to show that using profane language can have personal health and social benefits. I mean, they can relieve stress. Again, help you bond with your friends, express yourself. Let out some anger in a healthy way.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I mean, it's better than punching a wall or a person, right? Who is it really hurting? And if it's helping you, who cares? I'm not saying you should go around calling everybody cunts because not everybody has the same belief system as me right now, but I'm just saying you should go around calling everybody cunts because not everybody has the same belief system as like me right now But I'm just saying you know, so go ahead you losers Call me names. Call me every name in the book because I am rubber and you are glue and Wait till I get to therapy where I will talk about you
Starting point is 00:45:59 Hmm, well everyone. Thank you for learning with me today. Would you learn? Hongkanz remember don't be afraid to ask questions to get the whole story because you deserve that. Stay curious. Really, it's fun. I'd love to hear your guys' reactions to today's story, so make sure to use the hashtag dark history over on social media so I can follow along.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Also, join me over on my YouTube where you can watch these episodes on Thursday after the podcast airs. And while you're there, don't forget to catch my murder mystery and make up. I hope you have a great day today. Make your choices. You know, don't go around calling everyone bitches, come sluts fuck shit. You know, be careful because you never know who can say it to you. They might beat you up and I'm not going to be liable. To wrap up the episode, let's check
Starting point is 00:46:40 in with the swear counter. Oh my shit, tits, mother fuck tits, shitty. I said a lot of curse words. Who woulda thought? If you guessed how many I said correctly, you win. Congratulations. You dirty ass cunt. I'll be talking to you next week.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Goodbye. Bye. Dark History is an audio boom original. This podcast, let me tell you about it, it's executive produced by Bailey Sarian. Hi, that's me, Kimberly Jacobs, Dunia McNally from Three Arts, Kevin Grush, and Claire Turner from Made in Network.
Starting point is 00:47:16 We have our writers, Joey Skavuzo, Katie Burris, Allison Philobos, and me, Bailey Sarian, shot and edited by Tafatsoa Nimmer-Rundway and Lily Young. Research provided by the Dark History Research team and a big special thank you to our expert, Timothy J. And I'm your host, just to give you to notice, Bailey Sarian. Bye, cunts.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Tch. Tch. Bye, cunts!

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