Dateline Originals - Deadly Mirage - Ep. 4: David and Bathsheba
Episode Date: March 13, 2025Investigators listen in as two murder suspects seek solace from each other… and the Bible. This episode originally published on December 12, 2024. ...
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The pizza joint was about half full when the undercover cop walked in. A midweek crowd
having dinner out, parents studying menus, while kids played the video games along the
Beyond the front register, the cop caught a glimpse of Sabrina Lamone's blonde head
bent toward Jonathan Hearns,
both deep in conversation.
At the next table over, he saw some familiar faces,
three other special ops guys who were also part of the rotating surveillance detail.
Surveillance work can be tedious work,
hours on end spent on stakeout, waiting, watching
closed doors and windows while an oven-hot wind blew off the desert.
By contrast, this was nice. It was air-conditioned, and here at least they could grab a hot slice
and a cold drink. The cop took a seat at the table with his buddies and
joined them in trying to eavesdrop on the couple at the next table. Sabrina and
Jonathan spoke in hushed tones while her kids played video games. The cops couldn't
make out what they were saying, but they did note the couple's body language.
It appeared very close mother would touch one another,
hug each other, kiss, just as a normal couple would.
Of course, as the cops knew, this
wasn't just any other couple out for pizza with the kids.
In this episode, you'll hear how Sabrina and Jonathan reacted
when confronted with a critical piece of evidence
He appeared to be very panicked
What does he say in that phone call? Does it look like me?
You'll hear Jonathan and Sabrina's intimate conversations as they try to match wits with the detective
investigating them
Some of the questions that the detectiveives ask me, just like...
How much of our story to tell kind of thing?
Well, yeah, they were asking personal questions about Rob and I.
Did you guys have an open marriage?
And you'll hear how two murder suspects turn to the Bible
for guidance and absolution as the pressure mounted.
And there's just hour after hour
in which they're playing David and Bathsheba
in which they're literally reading these passages
trying to come to grips with what happened.
I mean, it's just bizarre.
It's absolutely bizarre.
I'm Josh Mankiewicz, and this is Deadly Mirage,
a podcast from Dateline.
Episode four, David and Bathsheba.
As Sabrina Lamone walked to the Kern County Sheriff's Office that morning for a scheduled
meeting with a detective investigating her husband's murder, Sabrina must have felt
as if she'd already put in a full day.
She'd been up since before dawn,
getting the kids dressed and fed and off to school.
Then there was the two hour drive
she and her sister had made from Silver Lakes
to the Kern County Sheriff's Department in Bakersfield.
to the Kern County Sheriff's Department in Bakersfield.
Inside the low-slung building, Sabrina followed Detective Randall Meyer down a bright hallway to a small interview room straight out of a TV drama.
No sooner had the detective settled into his chair than a man wearing a blue shirt walked in.
Sabrina had never seen him before.
It's important to us and the Randall's been working diligently on it. It's so nice to meet you, but I can't even tell you.
I'm worried for my heart is too bad.
Once the supervisor left, Detective Meyer reminded Sabrina their meeting was being recorded
and that she could leave anytime she wanted.
Sabrina nodded and Meyer started the interview.
First I wanted to talk to you about
my meeting with the crime lab this morning.
With that, Meyer scooted closer to the table
and started outlining the way a lab would analyze
the fictitious DNA sample that he told Sabrina was found
at the scene of her husband's murder.
There was a company called Cyber Genetics, he said, that analyzes DNA with unbelievable precision.
We're actually the first county in the United States
that started using the software.
And since we started using it, some other counties have,
and they've actually solved some cases
and said they're working on.
Sabrina sat and nodded as the detective went on and on
about alleles and lines and patterns.
Scientific gibberish she couldn't really follow.
Well, it's amazing.
The mixing of stuff. It is simply amazing.
It's beyond my mind. That's why I'm just like, what?
Yeah, it is.
I need everything explained for this symbol.
This simple mind to mind.
The detective kept saying this was a huge deal,
and it might help them identify the killer.
Sabrina, who'd been leaning across the table
and craning her neck to follow the detective's drawings,
seemed to understand.
And so this lab will send that out,
and like you said, it'll ping in the system
if there was already someone arrested.
Then the detective switched gears
and said he just wanted to go back over her history
with Rob Lamone, starting from the very beginning.
We met in Prescott, Arizona, and we were young.
Sabrina talked about Rob's job with the railroad
and moving to California.
We worked for the railroad for 14 years.
She talked about their wedding and the children
and the fact that Rob had been killed two days
before their 14th wedding anniversary.
Do you at least have some friends that have been helping you through this and stuff?
Oh my gosh, I've had it.
I've had so many friends that have been helping me a lot.
I'm so grateful.
I feel God lifting me and carrying me.
It's awesome.
It is amazing.
She told the detective the last time she spoke with Rob was around lunchtime on the day he died.
He called me. He was on a train. He was on this million dollar train or whatever.
It's like UPS, it was sitting on it
because it was broken, whatever.
And he had to wait for somebody,
somebody else to show up, something.
Rob told her he'd had a tuna melt for lunch
and that he intended to take a nap
once he'd finished the repair and was back at the shop.
Rob would say, you know, this is such a good gig
because they have cable.
He'd watch TV.
He'd go to all the shops.
I think everybody knew him at the Ashby.
After a short break in which Meyer left the room
to consult with investigators who were
watching in another room, he returned
and asked Sabrina again about her marriage.
What type of marriage do you guys have?
We have a good marriage.
Meyer leaned back in his swivel chair
and kept his eyes locked on hers.
How about you?
While you guys were married, did you ever have an extra round
of fair or a party or anything?
You said you liked to party a lot?
We just liked to have fun.
We did a lot of stuff. We like to go to the river.
Which river?
Like the Colorado River. We did all the adult trips.
The detective rubbed his chin and briefly paused
before asking a question that seemed to catch Sabrina off guard.
Did you guys have an open relationship?
No? I just heard some rumors out there. Off guard.
Her partying days were in the past, Sabrina said. Then, looking the detective in the eye,
she addressed him by his first name,
as if she were a politician who'd
gone through media training.
I feel my purpose and the responsibility
of taking care of my kids.
Randall, I just like, here they are,
and I cannot be distracted by anything else.
Besides Robbie and Leanna and how am I going to raise them?
With that, the detective excused himself again to confer with the other investigators.
When he returned, he gave Sabrina the number
for free counseling and asked if there was anything else
she wanted to tell him.
I have nothing at all.
I just, like you said, every time I talk to you,
I don't even want to, I just, I want,
I just don't get it, you know?
For it feels just unreal.
Like how could that have happened?
You know, kind of thing.
Like I have no idea how that could happen to Robert.
Cause he was quick on his feet.
You know, we may never really know exactly
why and what happened.
Is there anything you can tell me?
I've heard you guys caught somebody.
We've been looking at a bunch of people
and every person that we've looked at has turned out
to be not involved.
And that was that.
The detective stood and thanked Sabrina for coming in.
She thanked him again.
Oh, Detective, thank you so much.
And gave the detective a big hug.
Something comes up with me now, okay?
I appreciate your help.
Everything that you've done and if there's anything
that I don't need, I mean, I'll help.
There seemed to be a lightness in her step
as Sabrina Lamon pushed through the big glass doors
of the building and stepped into the bright afternoon sun.
Things had gone well.
It had been nothing like the grilling
Jonathan had warned her about. As she was driving home through the Tehachapi Pass, Sabrina's
phone lit up.
It was Jonathan.
Hey, how's it going?
Hey, good's it going?
Hey, good, good.
I was just calling to let you know that there's
a bunch of people praying for you.
Just wanted to see how you're doing.
Oh, thank you so much.
It's good.
They said tonight I'm only home right now.
With her sister Julie sitting right there beside her,
Sabrina didn't seem to want to go
into much detail
about her meeting with the detective.
Everything's good.
I'll talk to you.
Maybe I'll talk to you this evening.
Are you going to be around?
When she called him back later to arrange for a full
in-person debrief, she said some of Detective Meyer's
questions had been unsettling.
Some of the questions that the detective asked me, just like...
How much of our story to tell kind of things.
Well yeah, and how much of Rob and I's story. I mean they were asking personal questions about Rob and I.
You know? Did you guys have an open marriage?
Jonathan did not like the sound of that.
Yeah, I'll tell you about that tonight.
That was one of those conversations he preferred to have in person. Firefighter Jonathan Hearn had been off duty the day Sabrina drove to Bakersfield to meet
with Detective Meyer.
A lot of 24-year-olds might have slept late or taken a ride on their motorcycle.
Jonathan did not. He stayed home, pacing and praying, just as he had told Sabrina he would.
Thinking about Sabrina's meeting with Detective Meyer had been stressful. And the two-room garage apartment Jonathan rented from his grandparents
probably felt smaller than usual,
as if the green and maroon accented walls were closing in.
If not for that irritating detective and his murder investigation,
Jonathan probably thought he and Sabrina would have been well on their way to living the lives
God intended for them, serving his purpose just the way they'd always said it would be.
We have an understanding of this purpose we've been given.
Yes, for sure.
For sure.
The wiretaps were like a window into Jonathan Hearn's mind.
For instance, the detective learned that God's purpose almost always lined up perfectly with
what Jonathan wanted.
And when it did not, well well Jonathan seemed to think that was what
forgiveness was for. God please help the DNA thing to be the way in which we are
kept from having our dirty laundry air. God we have been sinners and we have
cheated. God you're a savior. The way Jonathan saw it, everything
had been going according to plan.
That is, until the detective started
calling every day with updates.
After Rob's death, he and Sabrina
had brought their relationship out of the shadows,
laundered it, and presented it as something new and natural without a trace
of dishonesty.
Jonathan's younger sister, Emily, had gone with Jonathan to Sabrina's home for that initial
sympathy call and later acted as a kind of chaperone and witness to their blooming romance.
I think that Jonathan probably was initiating the few visits that we had,
but it didn't feel unnatural or forced.
That's the voice of Emily Hearn.
I just had such a warm spot in my heart for the family, for the kids.
I remember taking Liliana to her little Girl Scouts thing one day while I was there.
Emily and Sabrina got along so well, in fact, I was taking Liliana to her little Girl Scouts thing one day while I was there.
Emily and Sabrina got along so well, in fact,
that Jonathan likely imagined they'd make good sisters
in law someday.
I spent the night there with him one evening,
and we just crashed on her couches.
It was probably three or four in the morning
that we had finished up dinner and talking and getting the kids to bed and stuff.
And so we were going to go to a church that she had attended with her family the next day.
And so we just, you know, spent the night on our couches.
Sabrina had met his mom.
And with the holidays coming, Jonathan no doubt anticipated introducing Sabrina to
the rest of the family. As for Sabrina's people, well, he'd met her parents and sister at Sabrina's
house shortly after Rob died.
They came over. It was him and his sister, Emily.
That's Julie Cordova, Sabrina's sister. How'd Sabrina introduce him?
These are my friends that I've met at Costco.
Jonathan had been eager to make a good impression that day
and strike just the right note of respect, sympathy, and support.
That first day, he must have said two or three prayers when we were there,
and I thought, well, you know, that's Sabrina's Christian support or whatever.
Her faith is so strong, and him and Emily would pray, and he would keep praying.
In an effort to impress Sabrina's folks and also demonstrate his honorable intentions,
Jonathan volunteered to cook dinner for them.
The second time I saw him, he was cooking in the kitchen,
and my parents were going over.
He may have thought that gesture made a good impression.
It did not.
Was I uncomfortable with it? Yes.
Because that was Robert's place, you know.
Jonathan had known all along that taking Rob's place and winning over Sabrina's family would not happen quickly.
Even so, he was committed and convinced he and Sabrina would be married soon.
And why was he so sure? Well, because he felt it was God's will.
I think he just wowed her or whatever with his faith in his beliefs in God.
You see, God had a course mapped out for Jonathan Hearn.
He might be living the cramped and cluttered life of a 24-year-old now,
but he was certain God had big plans for his future.
I love you and can't wait to be with you,
so I want to be everything that I need to be,
to prepare for that.
Jonathan knew Sabrina stood to collect $300,000
and perhaps more than that
in death benefits from the railroad
He knew that kind of money could come in handy if he and Sabrina married, but he told her
He wasn't thinking about the money anymore
God would take care of that
you know like I feel like I was like we talked about money stuff and I feel like I was kind of
We talked about money stuff and I feel like I was kind of,
sort of being selfish, anticipating a certain, you know, ease or anticipating a certain like,
oh, well this will be super easy
because this will happen and this will happen.
Like, and it's like, no, let God control it.
There were times during Jonathan's talks with Sabrina
when it seemed every fifth word was either love
or God, prayer or purpose. And the Bible? Well, that was an unending source of inspiration.
Psalms 51 was a favorite.
I've been reading Psalms. Oh, the Psalms are so good.
The Psalms are so good because David is a lot like you and I, Sabrina.
The cops in the wire room perked up when they heard that.
Detective Meyer knew that Old Testament story of adultery and death as well as Jonathan
did. And basically that story, King David finds a woman very beautiful, ends up being in Bathsheba.
The story of two people who have an affair.
He is a regular guy, but he loves God.
He was someone who committed adultery.
It says in the Bible that David was a man after God's own heart.
In David and Bathsheba, they have an affair, she gets pregnant, and David has her husband
But she's not involved.
David's later forgiven for that, I think.
The parallels were far from perfect.
Even forgiven sins have consequences.
Jonathan seemed to have missed that part of scripture. Like, God really liked him.
He was like one of God's favorite people ever.
As he listened in, the detective felt Jonathan's affinity for that powerful Bible story was
essentially a confession.
Is that sort of how you thought they perceived what had happened?
That Jonathan had had Rob killed and expected later to be
Through their conversations, they believed they were doing what was God's work.
And they talked about that many times.
You ever hear anybody use a story out of the Bible to justify having an affair and killing
the other person's spouse?
That was the first. In the days after Sabrina Lemone's latest sit-down with Detective Meyer, the cops in
the wire room remained on high alert, waiting for either Jonathan or Sabrina to slip up and say something clear
and unambiguous about the murder of Rob Lamone.
We were selfish, we did sin, but we have God and we have grace.
That never happened. Instead, Jonathan and Sabrina behaved as if the murder investigation was
behind them. That Sunday, Sabrina brought Jonathan to church along with her kids and
his sister Emily. It felt as if a new blended family was being forged. For Jason and Kelly Bernatine, who'd initially told
Detective Meyer about Sabrina's affair with Jonathan, and who were among the first to
suspect him of murder, that was a demoralizing development.
She took him to church with his sister again and was introducing him to our friends.
And I was freaking out.
I thought we cannot have Rob's murderer around our friends and their kids.
The next day was Monday, November 17th, and it marked the three-month anniversary of Rob
Lamone's murder.
At 634 that Monday evening, Meyer called Sabrina's home phone and left a voicemail
The detective told Sabrina the re-release of security camera video of the man on the motorcycle
Had worked as planned
he said a secret witness had just phoned the sheriff's department and
Said they thought they recognized the man on the motorcycle.
I provided Sabrina with the actual description that matched Jonathan,
tall, white male, possibly riding a motorcycle when the murder occurred,
and with the possible name of John.
Meaning that if that were true, you'd be getting close.
You were playing Sabrina and Jonathan like a couple of violins.
Yes, that's what we were doing.
I'm surprised you didn't have sheet music.
We had a lot of music, but it wasn't actually on a sheet.
True to form, Sabrina called Jonathan at the fire station as soon as she heard that message.
Hey, I'm not sure what's going on.
But Detective Meyer called me.
He's going to call me back.
Sabrina told Jonathan a secret witness had apparently
come forward after seeing the re-released video.
The police didn't know who the witness was,
but thought the information sounded credible.
Tall white male was leaving on a motorcycle.
Someone that knows Rob by the name of John.
John J. Owen.
There was a long pause on the other end of the line as Jonathan Hearn processed what
he was hearing.
Then he said, someone trying to free us.
Not G great news, not hallelujah.
I hope they catch the guy so we can get on
with living our lives of purpose.
No, what he said was, someone is trying to frame us.
And who might that someone be?
Well, Jonathan had a pretty good idea.
He thought it was Jason and Kelly Bernthine. I can't imagine Kelly doing that
I feel like Kelly and Jason would do that just to put it out there just because they don't like me
But they would mess up my chances like to be happy. You know, I mean like
Yeah, I guess they would maybe there was just one thing
Jonathan didn't think Kelly or Jason even knew he owned a motorcycle.
Could it be? Oh, I've seen the motorcycle there, I bet you. No, I don't know. Like a quiz show
contestant who's been stumped, Jonathan decided to ask a friend and called the man upstairs for help.
God, you've given us a purpose.
I think it's somebody trying to frame me
because of this affair.
God, and please keep us safe.
At times during the call,
Jonathan and Sabrina both seemed to understand
the detective was throwing out some bait,
toying with them just to see what they would say.
To a tall, skinny white guy driving away on a motorcycle.
A John that knew Rob.
That just sounds like Detective Meyer trying to make something up, honestly.
Why would he tell you that other than to record the conversation?
He was 100% correct.
And yet, the two continued to discuss the investigation
on a line they now had ample reason to believe was tapped.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're listening to us right now.
There were likely more than a few smiles and knowing glances
exchanged back in the wire room when the eavesdroppers heard
that one.
Remember please what they had not heard at least so far was anything like a confession.
An explicit comment that could be used to convict at a murder trial.
Proof of guilt.
What they did hear through the bad cell reception was a creeping sense of dread. Both Jonathan and Sabrina seemed to sense they
could be arrested at any moment. I don't think they're going to come tonight, do you? I would
say it's a possibility, but I honestly, I don't know. No doubt they were feeling the
heat. So the detective decided to amp up the pressure.
He sent one more text.
Hold on.
Detective Meyer.
OK, we think we have a guy do recognize this person
on the motorcycle.
In this high stakes game of nerves,
the detective had just played his last card.
He'd sent Sabrina a still frame from a security camera video, the one from that pilot gas
station in Kramer Junction.
It showed a man on a motorcycle, stopping at the gas pumps about an hour after Rob Lemone
was killed.
A black helmet?
What do you wear?
Shorts. Does it? about an hour after Rob Lamone was killed. A black helmet.
What do you wear? Shorts.
Does it?
Pan shorts and a tank top, a black tank top, and a mask.
It looks like.
Is it like a good quality picture?
No, it looks like the whole face is covered.
It was then that Jonathan said something odd.
If they're just using like a picture of me
that they randomly found, if it's me,
I'll be like, oh no,
because they could just be checking,
they'd be like, oh, it looks like the face is covered.
If Sabrina wondered why Jonathan would think
the man in the photo was him, she didn't say anything.
She was focused on why the detective thought
the man wearing the shorts and tank top
was the man who'd killed her husband.
I'm calling right now.
The detective, of course, was expecting her call.
He didn't have much to tell her, only
that the fuzzy still frame he texted her
had come from the security camera video at the pilot
station at Kramer's Junction.
Though Meyer had that video for weeks,
he told Sabrina it had just come in
and was being sent out to experts for enhancement.
When Sabrina told Jonathan what the detective said, he told her he could see the writing
on the wall.
Clearly, I see that they want to look into me.
Clearly they want to look into us.
According to Jonathan, the best thing they could do now was try to get some rest and
then start looking for a lawyer first thing in the morning.
We want our lawyer there from the beginning because we don't want to just let him grab
us for a long time before we have a lawyer and then after the fact, we get a lawyer who's
now already like two steps behind.
Jonathan and Sabrina had been on the phone for nearly an hour when he offered up one last plea for deliverance
from a reckoning he feared was arriving with the sunrise.
Through this, through our adultery, you have brought us to repent.
Help us to not be caught for this, to not be destroyed for this.
I love you, Sabrina.
I love you too, Jonathan, so much.
It's unlikely Sabrina or Jonathan slept well that night.
They probably tossed and turned,
their minds replaying recent conversations and events
in a constant loop
At 6 a.m. The next morning. They were at it again
They spent more than an hour rehashing theories of who the detective's secret witness might be
They prayed and they agreed that if asked,
Sabrina should admit she knew Jonathan.
And Jonathan told her exactly what words to use.
I know.
I know.
It's not him.
I know.
I know that it's not him. I know. I know that it's not him.
When Sabrina checked in with Jonathan 90 minutes later,
It seemed the time for talking hypotheticals was over.
Are you okay?
Yeah. They're down here.
How do you know?
It was obvious there was someone posted at a corner.
For Jonathan, it was as clear as the desert sky.
His life as he'd known it, as he had imagined it might one day
be, was over.
I'm thinking it'll probably be sooner than later.
I wouldn't appreciate your prayers.
I'm going to keep praying because that's all we can do.
It turned out an arrest was not as imminent as Jonathan thought.
Minutes passed that probably felt like weeks.
The watchers down the street were perched like birds of prey, waiting.
An hour passed.
Still they didn't move.
A little after nine, Jonathan told Sabrina they should use their free time while they
still had it, to look for an attorney.
I've always assumed only guilty people get lawyers.
And now I'm suddenly realizing the well-funded
government system is against you and me right now. Yeah. And they are, you know, sitting down here
watching, they're listening to this conversation. They're trying to put together a case to go through
all this work just to tell a story, paint us in a bad light, and put us in jail.
And that's all they want.
Their wife, they want the wife.
What's that?
They said they want the wife, you know?
Like that's so crazy.
I know, I can't even believe the rest of my life.
I've only watched it on TV.
That was the last time Sabrina Lamone
spoke with Jonathan Hearn.
Shortly after the call ended, the watchers made their move.
Jonathan was arrested while sitting in a fire truck.
And Sabrina?
Well, she went to her children's school
for a parent-teacher conference, blissfully unaware
that her lover was in custody or that
she was under surveillance.
Coming up next on Deadly Mirage.
You guys didn't know anything about the poisoning until Jonathan gave that to you.
That's correct.
I put the arsenic on some meat and gave it to the dog
to see what would happen.
They actually ended up giving it to Rob.
["Deadly Mirage"]
Deadly Mirage is a production of Dateline and NBC News. Tim Beacham is the producer.
Ryan Drew, Kelly Lawdeen, and Marshall Hausfeld are audio editors. Carson Cummins is associate
producer. Adam Gorfain is co-executive producer. Paul Ryan is executive producer and Liz Cole is senior executive producer.
From NBC News Audio, sound mixing by Katie Lau. Bryson Barnes is head of audio production.