D&D is For Nerds - Stories of The Greyhill Free Company I #19 Basic Roofing Errors

Episode Date: September 11, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sands Pants Radio, Australia's dumbest podcast network. Previously on Stories of the Greyhill Free Company. Yeah, it's got religious significance to it. You think it'd be worth a pretty penny if you were to take it? Right. Well, I'm still worried about that curse, so I don't. With her eyes closed, she does not see what you see, as a soft light begins to emanate from the golden band, and she opens her eyes and immediately catches the light glowing off the band.
Starting point is 00:00:42 You hear a tremendous crack, and then the light glowing off the band. You hear a tremendous crack and then the light begins to fade. As the light fades, you see that Chantel is sitting up. Does she just need to cry? That seems rude. Not everyone's a crier. You walk into like a solid jelly.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Am I in the jelly? It's a slime. You're in the jelly. Oh, I forgot about slime. Can I try and cut my way out of the jelly? It's a slime You're in the jelly Oh, I forgot about slimes Can I try and cut my way out of the jelly? And would you like to be pushed back? Back Or to the sides? To the sides
Starting point is 00:01:13 Alright 6d6 6d6, yeah 6d6, that is insane Do I know flame or frost would be a bit I'll probably be flame I'll just produce flame. And I'll huck flame at it.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I would like to attack with my halberd and duck in, duck out, duck in, duck out. Look, it's a war by attrition. He looks behind him, looks at the gelatinous cube, looks at the two of you and says, Don't let me die like this. As it slams into the wall of debris, you see just by the hairs of his chinny chin chin, Love is Blind leaps out from in between, hits the ground, rolls and stands up.
Starting point is 00:01:59 All right. Big T, bring this home. I would like to finish him. You hit. One hit point left. You slice. The entire time this jelly had been losing consistency, it had become strung out more and more and more.
Starting point is 00:02:14 With this final slash, it begins to lose all of its form, and it just kind of becomes a puddle and a snail trail of oozing poison and acid. I was wondering how they die. Like the idea that an ooze would just fall over is very funny. Yeah, I do. I imagine them as a proper cube. And there's just the idea that there's the alive half of like, there's the alive version of cube.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And then on its side being a cube on its side is dead. Like coming across a cube being like, wait, is's the alive version of cube and then on its side being a cube. On its side is dead. Like, coming across a cube being like, wait. Is it dead? Oh, no, this one looks dead. This one looks on its side. How the fuck can you tell? The history of gelatinous cube is that they are a six-sided dice. So on, like, a player's mat thing.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Oh. Because they, you know, back in the day, they didn't used to have lots of figurines and stuff like that. People were like, well, if we make one that's just a cube. So easy. Yeah, that makes sense. That's wild from an imagination-based community. Yeah, I'll cure wounds myself.
Starting point is 00:03:16 All right. You recover nine hit points. Excellent. Okay. That was fun and scary. Very scary I'd like to have a little chug-a-lug of my second poche You chug-a-lug away?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Oh right I rolled that And what would that do for me Adam? I'm so sorry Please be able to have Please excuse me I'm fucking Hi my name is Adam Cannavale And I'm fucking stupid
Starting point is 00:03:40 You recover six hit points Who's stupid? Oh my god You walk now into the blacksmithy, maybe a little bit more wary. Yes, a bit more wary. I walk with my helmet in front of me in case of second ooze. You are safe. Overturning the blacksmith, giving it a once over,
Starting point is 00:04:01 the one once over that you didn't give it previously, you find sitting in a chest that isn't locked, you just open the chest, inside is a set of banded male armor that you recognize from the description as the armor of ethereal manipulation. Yeah, we've got this one. That was easy.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Do you know what it does, by any chance? It allows you to cast Mage Hand once per day, and while wearing it, you can see into the ethereal plane. Ew. Am I too big for it? Highs or lows? Highs. That's about human size.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Maybe even, well, yes, it would fit you. Is it better than her current nothing? I believe it is heavy armor, so you actually can't wear it and get barbarian stuff. Perhaps Chantal could wear it. Oh, a little present that she has to give back Yes, well, at the end, of course I would actually assume you still have her armour Her armour is quite expensive, so she probably still has it
Starting point is 00:05:14 She would have been carrying it with her Oh yeah, that would have been rude Well, we could keep exploring the point to the barracks Clean up those. There's also other places here you've not been. Like you've not really scoured the individual stalls and you've not had a look properly at that pillar of light coming from the whole place to the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:05:35 The pillar of light potentially is a way out maybe. So what do we look at there? Go to the pillar of light first. Have a look. I mean we're kind of done, yeah? Yeah, but it might be. Well, you've got what you came for. Well, this will get us the quest complete, but there might be other things around.
Starting point is 00:05:53 True, there might be more things for more money. And look, they did say, hey, if there's any other armours around or any of the magical items to return that. But, like, if they don't know and it benefits us, well, it's the best thing about an adventurous life, you know? You move through the rubble towards the light. Interesting, interesting. Can I get one of you to make the encounter check? That was a good catch. That was really impressive.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Thank you. Four. Four? All right. You get to the giant shaft of light that dapples down from above. Sure enough, looking up, you can see that there is outside access through here. There are vines and creepers hanging over the edge. And you can even see some trees that have somehow managed to survive at such an odd and irregular angle. Maybe like there are branches and whatever slowly
Starting point is 00:06:47 bending back upwards towards the light you can also see dangling off the side here there are several sets of ropes winches pulleys and what looks like makeshift or some sort of elevator uh manual elevator sort of mechanism. It looks ancient and old. I can pull it. Hop on, hop on. It's so high up. Will that catch you?
Starting point is 00:07:12 You recognize it as looking vaguely dwarven in origin. It's mostly made out of metal and rope, so which are not classically dwarven materials, but you can not classically dwarven materials but you can definitely just tell dwarven origin for these.
Starting point is 00:07:29 There's many of them. Quite a few. This would be dwarvish so I guess this was a way of them coming in and out so it was part of the original structure. Something also to say, sorry I completely forgot you could see that the roof must have fallen down
Starting point is 00:07:46 because there is a layer of dirt covering everything down here. So it's not an elevator. It's like, or is an elevator. So there's a hole in the roof. Yep. The hole has been caused by the roof collapsing downwards. It's a very clean collapse as well. It looks oddly very circular.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Okay. And dangling over the side in addition to plant vegetation and whatnot that has just grown around here there are ropes and pulleys with like you know the sorts of things that window washers use to clean the side of yeah i don't know what the name for those are but yeah they they're made out of ropes so they've just been like thrown over the side several of them are collapsed some are still standing but out of ropes. So they've just been like thrown over the side. Several of them have collapsed. Some are still standing, but all of them look like they have been here for quite some time. So it's one of those kind of things where I believe it was like a pulley system where you had the, I guess, the platform.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And that was, I guess, flush with the earth up top. And just over time, it was up there and has fallen in a little bit. So if we wait long enough, it'll just get here? Well, it's in theory, yeah. How long do we have to wait? Not that long. You can see the fighting here was the fiercest. So it's just like a raised platform that kind of goes up and down.
Starting point is 00:08:58 No, it's not one raised platform. It's many small raised platforms. Yeah, many smaller raised platforms. Yeah, okay. So the series of events seems to be there was something here, more of the market area. The roof collapsed onto that market area, and then these elevators, if you will, were thrown over the edge. Many small ones. Oh, so these were more like an invading force.
Starting point is 00:09:22 These are not part of... It looks, yeah, it looks heavily like it could have been part of an invasion. I understand what's going on. So I thought it was initially built by the people who made this area, but it's not. I guess it was what the invading forces were using. So they came from above. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Looks like, yeah. Okay. Is there any way of dislodging them? Anything down here? Any ropes that have fallen down a bit closer to us? Well, they don't look necessarily operable, but several of the elevators are still here and intact. Yeah, so we could perhaps, with a bit of ingenuity,
Starting point is 00:09:57 get some of these elevators working and we could get up out of there and look at Love is Blind. Oh, so you look at love is blind for ingenuity. Okay, no, I see how it is. Well, you tried to put a hole in a bathtub. I don't see this. Tree Stomp does not see how it is. Love is blind looks suspiciously at the rope,
Starting point is 00:10:18 strokes his chin, ropes, there are many, many, many, many, many, many. It's very big. Very big space. Very many of these elevators. Some broken, some not. He walks over to the nearest one that seems to be largely intact, gives an experimental tug on the rope.
Starting point is 00:10:34 The rope snaps almost immediately. And this elevator, they're all connected by two ropes. All of the intact ones are connected by two ropes. This one is now only connected by one rope. He looks at it and he says, we could try to see if any of them work, but this one does not. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:51 The vines up there, could I use entangle to get the vines to grow down? Is that how that, can I use a spell in the spirit of the spell as opposed to the mechanics, Adam? Probably not, but only because it's so far away. The range of the spell I might have allowed that but the range of this spell is I think only 20 feet? 90 feet. 90 feet, yeah
Starting point is 00:11:16 whereas this distance is maybe closer to 200 feet. Love is blind. Yes. Can you just climb up and check? How would I do that? The walls. I do not think I can climb these walls. They come nearly upside down. Is that not how tabaxi work?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Tabaxi work how I decide they work. I have decided that a climb speed is not the spell web. You can't climb upside down. But people who do bouldering do, it's fine. I could try, but if I fell, that would kill me. I'll catch you. No, I'm not going to pressure the cat to
Starting point is 00:11:52 do something. You could if you wanted to. I've seen cats do that. He's quite a... You've seen cats do that? This, in this dwarven market square, you've seen cats climb up along the side and up to the hole that another dwarven clan punched in the roof and then climb and then see if they can.
Starting point is 00:12:08 How about, you've seen that, have you? You don't know I haven't. Well, what about, look, why don't we test the ropes? Because we have pittance and we have rope. If worse comes to the worse, we could kind of jail rig something where you do scale the walls and pittance things in, so it's dangerous for you. So we just pull them? I'm just going to go
Starting point is 00:12:28 around and start tugging at every rope? We've got the 100 feet plus we have 50 feet. I think every member has 50 feet of rope so 5, 10. You would probably need more rope than that still. I guess if you didn't have one continuous thing. Look you
Starting point is 00:12:44 could do this, sure, but it'd take a while. That's what I'm saying. That is our worst case scenario. I'm in the background tugging every rope. No, no, no. Let's just get... Well, you get at least one. Before you realise what they're doing. You tug
Starting point is 00:12:59 on the nearest rope, I assume? The nearest rope holds firm. It's good. It is good. Okay. Don't we need to test them? Yes, but you're very strong, I guess. Yeah, and then if I can do it in a safe, then everyone will be safe. Yes, good point.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yes. I can't go on them. I'm too big. Look, Fia, we'll test all the ropes. I pulled the ropes, so I'm strong. You are very strong, big T. I know where I help. I have skills that are utilized best.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Yes, yes. Are waterlized, utilized. Utilized best. It's very good. Yes. It's utilized, but utilized also works. Yeah, that's what I said. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Okay. Let's go and tug on them. Hey, love, let's just stand back un petit. I like that you're calling him love. That's funny. It's so good. It's very cute. So the two of you stand back. You're going to pull another rope. Do you care which one? Just the next
Starting point is 00:13:57 one in sequence? I'm going to go anything above you. You don't want it to fall on your head. It's okay. I'll duck. Alright, give me an average of 31. 31! 31? Ooh, you don't want 31.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Are you sure you don't want another number? Why, what's 31? I don't know, 31's not great. Do you want a different number? No, I want to see what 31 is. Alright, well, last chance. 31's not great. Do you want a different number? No, I want to see what 31 is. All right. Well, last chance. If you say yes, I'm going to give you 31, but you can't change your mind.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'm picking 31. I know you wrote these. Loyalty card. The next merchant you meet gives you a discount. Oh. Oh. I see what you've done, Adam. What have I done?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Because I was just making that up. They're all good things. You already have that one. Yeah, the last time I picked a card, I said, let's go 31. There you go. Now you've got it twice. The next two merchants you meet give you a discount. It feels really bad to play a character with no intelligence
Starting point is 00:15:00 and then do this when I'm not in character. Yeah. It feels bad. but now i have two loyalty cards thank god i'm charming so are you are you gonna just pull the next rope in sequence or whatever oh yeah it's a game to tree stump the next rope seems firm as well good next and now a quick word from our sponsor also do you know we do far too many things? Like, we've gone and adapted one of our campaigns into a novel. So if you're sick of listening to us and want to instead enjoy your own voice narrating an adventure,
Starting point is 00:15:35 just head to SandsPantsRadio.com and grab your copy of The Auticus today. Print run is limited, but it is available as an e-book, or grab them both in a bundle. Once again, that's SantsPantsRadio.com The next rope comes away. Okay, not this one. I say holding the rope in my hand. Do you just want to go around the entire circle? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Really quick, really strong little tugs. Highs or lows? Highs. Highs? Preparing a cure spell. You find one of the elevators looks like it's still very firmly in place. Oh, this one's really good. You give it like a really good tug and it doesn't budge at all.
Starting point is 00:16:16 It feels very firmly entrenched. I think I could do this one. I won't, but I could. Yeah, let's. You don't think you could move it if you wanted to? As in not the elevator up and down, just the rope side of them moorings? Oh, brilliant. Great.
Starting point is 00:16:30 This one's too strong for me. Jump in. Jump in. I'll pull you. No, not yet. So we have an exit strategy, which is great. But we still, I guess. Can I get you to roll the encounter die again?
Starting point is 00:16:44 Five. Five. Cool. Keep going. So there's still, I guess, down there if you to roll the encounter die again? Five. Keep going. So there's still, I guess, down there if we want to explore there, and there's still the zombies up there if we need to get rid of them. Plus we still probably should check on Eola and... Tippi Cup. Tippi Cup, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:00 We still have Tippi Cup and Eola to grab. At this point you've been away for maybe an hour or two. Do you think they finished finishing being sad? I do not think they are sad right now. No, they had to finish being sad because now it's happy. I think we were there when they finished being sad. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:23 But sometimes it takes a while and your whole body has to get used to not being sad anymore. Do you reckon they're done? I don't think they're... Yes, I think they are. I think they're done being sad, yes. They might be otherwise engaged. I think they're in the happiness part of life right now.
Starting point is 00:17:42 That's good. Sometimes it takes a while. Yes. Yes, it does. I suppose it does, yes. But you think they're still busy? Yes. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I do not know. Then why say we have to go back? Eventually, I say we should, like, for example, you say, hop on, let's go. I would say let's wait until we get there, we're reunited with our party members. We could go back and check. We could check.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Yes, we could. All right, then, let us do that. Yes, well, do you want to look at the stalls while we're here, or do you want to just head back? We can have a look at the stalls. Sure. I'd rather just go up and have a little sticky peek at what's up there. Yeah, well, I would prefer that we were all there together,
Starting point is 00:18:22 because that's how, that's us getting out, yes. Okay. Yes. All right, so what was our decision... That's how it's getting out, yes. Okay. Yes. All right. So what was our decision? Let's go to the stools. All right. Can I get you to roll the encounter die?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Ten. Ten? Hell yeah. No. No! No! It comes through the hole and then echoes through this entire chamber. You hear something big flying outside.
Starting point is 00:18:47 The reverberation of its wings echoes deeply and loudly. Other than that, nothing happens. Is it the same wing kind of noise that we have encountered previously? Seems like, yeah. Okay. It's outside. It's not in here. And it doesn't sound like it's coming here. It just, yeah. Okay. It's outside, it's not in here, and it doesn't sound like it's coming here. Just flies past.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Oh. You don't get to see it because you're in here. Are we anywhere near where we were previously? Like, in terms of, it's like, I guess, hunting grounds? You could, well, you were a little bit outside what you thought its hunting grounds were. Oh. Well, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Well, I suppose we're away from our house Good point We're busy Is it a good point? I assume it's whatever the hunting ground was for that We filled you in, didn't we, love? I'm sorry, I get confused because you keep calling me love I forget that is part of my name
Starting point is 00:19:43 What was the question, sir? We were told to investigate some kind of whim, and we found it. Well, we found perhaps its nest. Oh, I heard about this. Yes, I think that was... You found a dead dragon? Yes, yes, it was a gushed in half.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And a lot of things. A lot of things, yes. Quite up high. You took my accent there for a second when you said things. Yes, things. We all of things. A lot of things, yes. I'm quite up high. You took my accent there for a second when you said things. Yes, things. We all remember things. We all like things. Yes, quite a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:20:13 But it's quite up high and, yes, I don't know what could do that to a dragon. I've never encountered anything like that in any of the books I've read. I do not know either. At that point, we'll say... Let's say, Big T, you're scrounging around where the market stalls are. Big T,
Starting point is 00:20:34 you grab this giant sheet covering a... You're not sure what it is, but it's maybe about as big as a cart, and you pull it off. As you pull it off, you reveal a giant blista or ballista depending if you want to be nasty or not the ballista sits on a a swivel so it can like be turned left and right and instead of having any sort of proper wheels or anything like that it's got like a
Starting point is 00:21:02 table would have it's got four giant legs it's mostly made out of wood and the wooden legs are carved into the form of elephant's feet awesome yes i found the barista oh yeah oh our barista yeah when you start talking big t it turns as far as it can to look at you it can't turn the entire way so the wooden legs begin to move, and it starts turning around. Let's go to initiative. Don't do it. It's an animal.
Starting point is 00:21:33 What is this? What? I say, as I guess, I assume, a harpoon in my belly. What? You got to put the shape back on so it thinks it's nighttime again. It's not a bad idea. Big T, you're first. All that's done so far is turn around.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I put the sheet back on. All right. You throw the sheet over a corner of it, but you can't get it very far on. Why? It's easier to drag it off than it is to put it back on. The sheet is made out of canvas. It looks like this sheet was actually just the covering for a market stall.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's this big, heavy canvas sheet. And throwing it back on is not that easy a prospect. You get it on one of the corners, but that's about it. Globble. Um... Grab the card inside. Put it to bed again. Uh... I want to sidestep away,
Starting point is 00:22:36 because it tried to turn to Swivel. It's, yeah, trying to turn itself around. To us, yes. It looks like it's trying to get to Big T. Oh. Um... I will try to to, yes, I will try and go I guess the same way it's swiveling, to try and grab the corner of the canvas. Alright, so you're getting to it to grab the canvas. Well, yes. You could do that and
Starting point is 00:23:00 also, I'm assuming, trying to put the canvas back on it? Yes, yes, yes. Alright. Well, okay. There's a lot of trust in Big D right now. You do not know that is how this works, but I applaud you for believing this is how it works. Well, we work it up. As if it's not how it works. Is it an animal or is it a machine?
Starting point is 00:23:19 As if this isn't bird rules. If you want, you can spend an action to try and assess what this thing is. Well, I'll get into position and then I'll try to assess what it is. Well, that would be instead of trying to put the top. All right. Oh, rude. No trust for big T, I see. I do trust you.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I'm getting in position to do such a thing. I can see you thinking instead of moving. He rubs his chin and goes, hmm. I'm just going to quickly. It doesn't look like it's an animal. It looks like it's a ballista on legs that is moving. It's like an automaton.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah, you can see that it's covered in dwarven sigils and stuff like that that glow with magic. But beyond that... Alright. Then it is Big Love's turn. If you two are doing that, he's going to join in He manages to get it over another corner, the back half is completely covered No one's covering the front half for obvious reasons
Starting point is 00:24:14 And then it's its turn It, I guess, is now facing you, Big D The winch begins turning backwards And the giant drawstring is pulled back and taut. A magical bolt of fire appears in the slot where a regular
Starting point is 00:24:34 ballistae shot would appear and then it fires it point blank at you. Oh boy. Oh no. Good news, it has disadvantage because you're in melee range. Okay. Thank God I'm too close to the fire machine.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Well, actually, yeah, it misses you completely because it can't. It's trying to aim and you're right there and obviously not trying to be hit. So the bolt fires and you feel wind rushing in between your arm and your chest. And then a rock behind you explodes. And, well, that was all it can do right now. And it is Big T, your turn. Now, try to get away from its line of sight. Can I just try and cut the rope?
Starting point is 00:25:20 Yeah, sure. With what? I reckon a hand axe is going to do the best job. All right. Hang on. Are you asking this as in which weapon is going to be the more practical one or which weapon do I have a better hit chance on? Because my glaive has a better hit chance,
Starting point is 00:25:34 but I feel like a hand axe in practicality is going to be easier. Well, the glaive actually does have a big curved edge and you are trying to reach around a large object. So actually in practicality-wise, so in your head, you're imagining one thing, but I am telling you that the glaive actually is probably more practical and would do more damage as well. And the halberd probably also.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Oh, the halberd, sorry, is what I meant. The halberd has a curved edge as well. I would like to use the halberd. No worries. You hit. And remember, it's magical. I'm going to take advantage of the beautiful curved edge. You strike it with the halberd and deal 16 points of damage.
Starting point is 00:26:10 But did I cut the string? You slam into the string, and the string reverberates. But you know how... So imagine if you've got a string that is taut, just above a bit of wood, you like swing a knife down at it now you could imagine that yes sometimes the knife would cut through the string but can you also imagine that the knife just presses the string against the wood and then comes back off just because of a lack of force or the wrong angle or something like that that is essentially what
Starting point is 00:26:40 happens here i'm not saying don't try to cut the string, I'm just saying that the string does not get cut in this particular instance, and Globble, you can see that this thing is obviously magical. So there might be magical stuff going on here as well, you just don't know. As in, like, Big T, you don't even know this magic, for all you know, this is an animal.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Big T, 16 points of damage, Globble, what would you like to do? Love, if you could Big T, 16 points of damage Globble, what would you like to do? Love If you could grab the corner and drape it over, I could try and catch the canvas on fire and perhaps it'll just burn it down
Starting point is 00:27:15 Is it made from wood? It is made of wood, yeah Love is blind, nods and says Yes, we can do this Okay, well you go grab it, then I will produce flame. So I'll take my turn after his turn, in terms of mechanic wise. Love is blind, grabs the top, and heaves as hard as he can, and does not budge at all. I'll help him do that, then.
Starting point is 00:27:36 All right. So. Oh, no. I get a bad boy card. Oh. Oh, I sound coveted a bit more. Between 1 and 29? Yeah, let's go 16.
Starting point is 00:27:47 16? Overtired. Players receive a minimum amount of healing from rest. Aww. In addition, before it actually takes its turn, I'm going to use one of my cards, Legendary Action. It gets an extra shot, basically. Aww.
Starting point is 00:28:06 It keeps trying to track you, Big T. It fires once's gonna fire a second time all right first time's a miss hey second time also a miss two explosions behind you it can't get a good bead on you but every shot it fires you it just like waves of heat washing over you and that was its turn big t what would you like to do i want to keep trying to cover it keep trying to cover it yes all right big t you grab and heave you cover one more corner but there's still one corner of it is uncovered and because of the nature and shape of this thing you would need to cover all four corners if you wanted it to have to shoot at least shoot through the canvas like the
Starting point is 00:28:51 where it fires out of is still exposed yeah that was big T oh no sorry it's love first he's going to try to no he can't he's maybe climbed on top of it And is like
Starting point is 00:29:06 Globble what would you like to do? I'll try and cover it as well You managed to get it completely covered Okay good Highs or lows? Highs As soon as it's covered it stops moving We're out of initiative
Starting point is 00:29:24 Alright well That was something Let's just leave that there As soon as it's covered, it stops moving. Yeah. We're out of initiative. Oh, phew. All right, well, that was something. Let's just leave that there. Leave it. Leave it. Good work. Might prove useful if something comes down. Well, it's a cool little pull-away trick.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah. Yeah, well, anything else in this market stall? Otherwise, let's probably go back to a tippy cup and yola. Can I get you to roll the encounter dice? Two. You search the entire market area. Most of the goods here have just decayed over time or been looted by other creatures or consumed
Starting point is 00:29:59 by creatures that eat things. Yeah. In total, you are able to scrounge from money containers and stuff like that 10 gold. That's it. Oh, that's not nothing. Well, so if we can go back to a group,
Starting point is 00:30:16 see what they're doing. We still have the downstairs big area if we wanted to keep exploring. Don't know that we want to do that. Or we can kind of just check in with the others and see what's going on. Let's go see Bath Time and Dippy Cup. You head back to the chapel.
Starting point is 00:30:32 When you get back to the chapel, you see that Chantel and Yeola appear to be kidding up. Chantel is strapping herself into armor and stuff like that, sharpening her weapon. Yeola is doing similar, basically. Chantal nods as you approach.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Pleasure to see you again. There's a sight for sore eyes. Welcome back. She brings all three of you into a bit of a bear hug. We embrace. She doesn't need to initiate that. Yes, we... I say, Pippicab!
Starting point is 00:31:05 So glad that you're back with us. After she's let go of each of you for your bear hug, she kind of straightens her shoulders, gives you a square look, and each of you realize that the armor has come, the metaphorical armor has come back up. That's fair. Well, we will manage to find the armor of the ethereal manipulation.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Chantal, you could perhaps utilize it if it's a bit better than what you're currently wearing. That's up to you. Also, there was that. It fits. Yes, it'll probably fit you better than does Big T over here. I'm too big. We also have, there was, I'm not sure if you've investigated around here, but there was that dwarf who had a lot of
Starting point is 00:31:47 magical items on them. I don't know if we wanted to see if they could help us, but I'm of the opinion probably to leave things and let things lie. I do not wish to pilfer from the dead if we can avoid it. That's my opinion as well. So
Starting point is 00:32:02 we have this manipulation armor, if you would like to wear it. We also have, speaking of the dead, we do have some dead to take care of. I'm dead. I worry about wearing armor that I don't know 100% the effects and uses of, if it were cursed or something like that. Of course. I don't dabble with, sorry? That's clever.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I don't dabble with magic I don't understand. That being said, necromancy is magic. I feel like I thoroughly understand, and I'm happy to crush some undead skulls if we want. Yes. So it's just through that room there, up top, and then 11 undead I counted. So I explained to Chantal, just catch her up on everything,
Starting point is 00:32:43 to be like, ah, yes, this is, Kobo's out there, there's a door there, it got sealed. A lot of dead dwarves, I believe, are in there. Strange that the dead dwarves in there didn't come through this way to try and go up there. You know what, it's all very baffling to me. Oh, they're dead. Give them a break. They might not know about this other hole,
Starting point is 00:32:59 but it could only be a matter of time before they find it. Yes, true. Does Chantal know anything about the weird not-elephant we just found? Well, you can ask. We just found a not-elephant. I've never heard of such a creature. Yes. I couldn't tell you.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Some kind of defense from the dwarves. Possibly, yes. You just need to leave its hat on. Sure. So, are we slaying some dead? I believe yes. We're getting rid of the undead there, clearing that out. And then there's upstairs we could
Starting point is 00:33:31 try and use the elevators out or we can explore further on. I found the good ones. We should be fine. Opinions on that when we get to it. Yes. Maybe it would be worth investigating, sending someone up and then investigating
Starting point is 00:33:46 the kobolds to see what they're doing. That's obviously a very good idea. Before we potentially plunge ourselves any further into a dangerous situation. Alright, well let's get there. I suggest probably love.
Starting point is 00:34:02 You're very quick. You'd probably be very quick. Life. You'd probably be very good at that. Oh, sure. Send it to Baxi. Yes. Tree Stump is standing there like, oh, that's what they suggested. And everyone said, no, don't check.
Starting point is 00:34:19 We'll wait till Chantel gets there. And Chantel's like, oh, God, we should check. Tree Stump's mouth is open and they look cut I also accept that they're probably just going to get ignored aww little big tea yes that's what I said
Starting point is 00:34:36 well I wanted to I didn't want to like separate out I had the same good idea same good idea alright so, you did. The same good idea. So you return back to that elevator. Just another example of Tree Stump being like God, every decision I've made has been perfect. All I've
Starting point is 00:34:56 gotten is positive reinforcement. Will positive reinforcement be the death of us all? Find out next time on Stories of the Greyhill Free Company. Hey, did you love Dinosaur Park? The whole dinosaur saga even? Well, did you know that just as the Jolloles wrap up their adventures in the vast reaches of space, a brand new adventure has begun? On the very same night that the Joles entered Dinosaur Park,
Starting point is 00:35:38 Jackson's good friends Adam and Cash found themselves trapped in Dinosaur Land, Jackson's nightmare of a theme park. If you want to be part of the next chapter of the Dinosaur Saga, then head to SandsPantsPlus, and for as little as $10 a month, you gain access to Dinosaur Park 2, Dinosaur Land, as well as literally an arseload of other content. Once again, that's SandsPantsRadio.com forward slash plus. Head there now. The adventure continues. Hey there, fellow adventurer. If you're picking up what we're putting down and want more D&D content,
Starting point is 00:36:10 we have just what you need to scratch that itch. D&D is for Nerds Plus, the symbol, not the word, where you can listen to select campaigns that were once only available to Sandspans Plus members, the further adventures of the Greyhill Free Company if you want shorter campaigns with beautiful guests, and D&D is for Nerds, not Ognot, where all our non-canon D&D adventures go to rest. Just search for D&D is for Nerds on your favorite podcast app of choice and join us on this epic quest of D&D podcast discovery.

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