D&D is For Nerds - Stories of The Greyhill Free Company I #20 Conversations with Kobolds

Episode Date: September 18, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sands Pants Radio, Australia's most family-friendly podcast network. Previously on the stories of the Greyhill Free Company! As it slams into the wall of debris, you see, just by the hairs of his chinny-chin-chin, Love is Blind leaps out from in between, hits the ground, rolls and stands up. Oh, so this is more like an invading force. It looks heavily like it could have been part of an invasion.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I understand what's going on. So I thought it was initially built by the people who made this area, but it's not. I guess it was what the invading forces were using. So they came from above. Well, they don't look necessarily operable, but several of the elevators look... are still here and intact. The Ballistae sits on a swivel, so it can be turned left and right. Possum?
Starting point is 00:01:07 I found a barista. When you start talking, Big T, it turns as far as it can to look at you. It can't turn the entire way, so the wooden legs begin to move, and it starts turning around. Let's go to initiative. What?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Oof. You gotta put the shape back on so it thinks it's night time again. It's go to initiative. What? You got to put the shape back on so it thinks it's night time again. It's not a bad idea. As soon as it's covered, it stops moving. We're out of initiative. Well, that was something. Let's just leave
Starting point is 00:01:38 that there. Might prove useful if something comes down. Maybe it would be worth investigating sending someone up, and then investigating the kobolds to see what they're doing. So, who are you sending up? Is it just the tabaxi? Well, what's the plan here? We could send up just you, their love, or would you want company?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Do you want a friend? I come. I think I can probably pull it and ride on it too. I assume I'm very strong, yes? Yes. You can probably pull it and ride on it too. I assume I'm very strong, yes? Yes. I mean, if things go a bit where it might be smart to have someone there to help.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I would certainly appreciate the backup, yes. Big T, how are you with heights? Oh, no. Big T is great with heights. Remember, they have the opposite where something's above them. They get really stressed. That's true. I'm used to being up very high. That's why they keep offering to go up, because they'll
Starting point is 00:02:31 know they'll feel a bit sick if love is blind is above their eye level. That's fair. Yeah, all you two head on up. I'll go. I'm scared of not heights. Tunnels, no thank you. I'm scared of lows. Tunnels, I no thank you. I'm scared of lows. Tunnels, I feel, would be just too frightening for you.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Oh, God. It's bad enough being in a dungeon, but... Lower? Dungeon, not great, but at least we're all on the same level. But I'm obviously taller. Yes. I mean, you are all about attics. Basements, no thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Oh, no. That's why the safest place is a tree. My house is a treehouse. So, you and Lovers Blind begin winching yourselves up slowly. You're about halfway up, so about a hundred feet up, when
Starting point is 00:03:21 well, no, actually you're busy winching. Lovers Blind says that he's looking up he's been looking up this entire time but you well he he has fur so you can't see the color drained from his face but you see the metaphorical color drained from his face lover's blind puts a hand on your back big t and says oh dear you from the top, look up following Lover's Blind's eyeline, and you can see several kobolds sticking their heads out from above. Then, leaping off the side,
Starting point is 00:03:53 six kobolds begin to fall off the side of the hole down towards you. They're coming at a tremendous speed, and at first you're like, why are they about to kill themselves? And then all of them sprout, not sprout, but had always wings. The wings unfurl, come to their full speed, and then the kobolds begin flying around. Let's go to initiative. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Slash at the wings, then make them kill themselves. You're not wrong. Make them kill themselves. That would be just killing someone. Yes. Big T, you're probably just going to be operating with Love is Blind, but Globble, who would you like
Starting point is 00:04:39 to pick to operate with? I'll go with Yayola. Yayola? Alright. Yayola has a new set of skills. You haven't really been paying attention, but Yeola is now wearing a holy symbol of Fiklim and is no longer they were previously, I often describe them
Starting point is 00:04:55 as a diabolist or a devil worshipper. They were a warlock, but Yeola is now a cleric of Fiklim. That makes sense, I guess. That checks out. Which is very funny because Yeola would have done so much better as a warlock. Yeah, well done.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Well done to me. Yeah, to Yeola finding, I guess, faith in such a trying time. It's the kobolds' turns first. Such a trying time. It's the kobolds' turns first. So, of the six kobolds, one attacks one of your ropes, and the other attacks the other rope. Oh, it's a game of who can make themselves kill themselves first, I see. That's a hit. I see you've played kill yourself, kill yourself before.
Starting point is 00:05:46 They do. What's that? Six point. No. Oh, no. All right. One of the ropes. It's like, you know, in the movies when a rope is hanging on, but a single thread.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yep. That's what's happening to this one. God, my life is a movie. And then a kobold attacks the other one and misses. Then that leaves four kobolds to attack. Oh, sorry. I should say you get a reaction and they're flying past you. So you can attack them as they fly past.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I would like to slash at the wing flap. Of just the first kobold that appears? Yep. First kobold that appears. I just want to slash the wing flap. You do so. Striking the wing flap. Of just the first cobalt that appears? Yep. First cobalt that appears, I just want to slash the wing flap. You do so. Striking the wing flap, doing 16 points of damage.
Starting point is 00:06:31 But do they fall? You neatly sever off one of the cobalt's wings. That cobalt spins and falls downwards until no one really sees it because it's actually too far away for even the people on the ground to see it because they come at like a strange angle so it's like a
Starting point is 00:06:48 an arc downwards not a straight fall but they hit somewhere in the ground probably dead and yeah then to attack you just flying past that's gonna be oh no wait they don't swipe at you with daggers. Sorry, they fly overhead and drop rocks onto you. Both hit. What silly bullshit is this? You take five points of damage. No, six points of damage, then five points of damage for 11 total. Feels like an air raid.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Then two drop rocks on Love is Blind. That's a critical miss. Off target, you deal half damage on your next two attacks. The other attack was a miss. No, not you, the kobolds, you dang fool. It was a big gap. It was a big gap, but there was nothing in between. What, do you think I started talking about something now?
Starting point is 00:07:45 Object permanence, Adam. It's a problem. Big T, it's your turn. I would like to poke a hole in another set of wings, please. None of them are close enough. Oh, yeah, because they're scared. Because they're scared little babies who are scared of getting killed themselves. Okay, maybe we should head down.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Yeah, that's probably the best. All right, you're going to start winching yourself down? Yeah, comedically fast, okay. Maybe we should, maybe we should head down. Yeah, that's probably the best. All right. You're going to start winching yourself down? Yeah. Comedically fast, please. All right. So I'm going to allow you to do it at double speed. So you move at 15 feet a round. I will allow you to do 30 feet around, but there is a chance that you will accidentally
Starting point is 00:08:20 lose control and fall. I'll roll to determine how far you'll fall. Which means, actually, there is a chance that you will actually just get really close to the ground, but then be fine. But there's also a chance that you will fall a great distance. Now, if I'm just going to go off of Tree Stump's mental state at the moment, they haven't failed yet. So, and the tabaxi is a cat.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Always land on their feet. Always land on their feet. Yeah, let's do it. All right. Let's power down. Okay. So you immediately fail, which means that you move 30 feet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 So you're 70 feet from the ground now. Yeah. You move 30 feet. Yeah. So you're 70 feet from the ground now. Yeah. And I'm going to roll 2d6 to determine, 2d6 times 10 to determine how many extra feet you fall. So if you get seven, which is actually statistically the most likely number, you will just hit the ground.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. You got six. Wow. You lose control You grab onto the rope
Starting point is 00:09:28 It burns your hands But you manage to stop 10 feet from the ground Oh that was fast I did a good job You can just jump out now You know what I assume I assume she did that
Starting point is 00:09:44 That was incredible i'm like wow that's impressive it's chantal's turn chantal fires her crossbow strikes one of the kobolds and deals yeah another kobold goes down shot in the head and then it kind of just glides down until it hits the ground. And global plosieola. Right. How far are they? They're about 120 feet up. Yeah, 120 feet up.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I can't really do much here. I'll cure some wounds on our good friend tree stump. You can't reach tree stump. Yeah. Tree stump's 10 feet up still. Oh, right. Yeah um i'll aid somebody i'll um help uh look i'll uh i'll use my turn to help um chantelle when they need to do something and uh i'll get um they all seem to be converging on tree stump? Well they're kind of just flying around in circles.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Imagine vultures circling a carcass. That's the kind of... We'll get Eora to cast Shield of Faith on tree stump. A shimmering field appears around you, Big T. That's a
Starting point is 00:11:02 bonus action. Cleric has a lot of stuff going on. Oh, I think... Oh, no, that's when... I think she has an ability now where she heals anytime she casts a spell on someone. Oh. No, whenever you use, sorry, a spell that heals already.
Starting point is 00:11:22 She just does extra healing. Oh, wow. She's really fast. We just does extra healing. Oh, wow. We'll get Crossbow. Yeah. We'll Crossbow one of the Kobolds, and I'll get Globble to have helped Yayola instead of Chantel. Unfortunately, Yayola misses.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I can hold my action then. I'll get Globble to hold their action until after the kobolds. Then it is the kobolds' turn. One of them slashes at the rope again. Yeah. Twang! One of the ropes completely snaps, and you,
Starting point is 00:11:59 Big T, and Lovers Blind are both chaotically thrown around as the elevator starts swaying. Both of you are going to need to make a dexterity saving throw. You pass with flying colors. Sorry. Is making a dexterity throw at this point kind of like when an elevator starts falling so you jump before it hits the ground? Not really, because the elevator hasn't hit the ground yet.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Both of you get a 20. So both of you are just clinging on to this elevator. And then one of them drops a rock on you. Misses. Another one drops a rock. That's two of them now. Another one drops
Starting point is 00:12:37 a rock on Chantal. It collides with her helmet, dinking it in. She takes 7 points of damage. And then finally, one of them drops on you, Big T. That is also going to miss. Yeah. And then, Big T, it's your turn.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I'd like to hop off of this ride. All right. You can make a athletics check to climb down. You climb down. Brilliant. You're on the floor. Any of the kobolds close enough for me to slash at? They're about 120 feet up.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Oh, can I help Lover's Blind out? Sure. I'll allow you to, yeah, I'll allow you to, as Lover's Blind is climbing down, if he falls, you can catch him. You can just be ready to do that. Yeah. Well, Lover's Blind climbs down. He didn't need a roll, I forgot
Starting point is 00:13:25 He climbs down and is out Thank you, he says That's alright Chantel's turn Chantel fires the light crossbow Misses Globble and Yayola, what would you like to do? Yayola fires the crossbow again?
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yes, I said fire a crossbow She hits, downing another kobold. Yeah, well, very good at that. Uh, the closest I've got is like a 60 foot. Yeah, they're too far away from that. You could just kind of wait, I guess. Um, yeah, I'll try
Starting point is 00:13:58 and look around. Is there any cover I can get? I'll hide. I'll take a dodge or a hide action. You try to take cover so that the kobolds can't see you to attack you. How close was the elephant for this day? Not too far.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Okay, I'll keep that in the back of my mind. The kobold scarper. They fly back up and away. Oh, their wings are flat. They're not gliders. No, they're not gliders. Yeah. They just fly. Yeah. Right. And that was, um're not gliders. No, they're not gliders, yeah. They just fly. Yeah. Right. Plug the hole. It's a big hole!
Starting point is 00:14:31 Get a big plug. Actually, you stopped checking when Big T found one that they were really certain of. So there could be more that work. Well, I guess they know we're here. Do we keep exploring? They don they know we're here. Do we keep exploring?
Starting point is 00:14:47 They don't know we're here if they get away. If they don't get away. How many flew away? Three. Well, there's three. I think they're faster than we can climb. Yeah, that's probably true. Here can we get up there? Big T, do you want to I'll check more. I'll check more. Can I check more?
Starting point is 00:15:05 How's all those? Hi Yeah, you keep checking And you find not an elevator But a rope that looks sturdy So if someone just rope climbed up A lover's blend I could try
Starting point is 00:15:20 And then what? Just check Can you get rid of all three of them? Very quick. Maybe not that quick, though. Look, I was more gung-ho before I realized how long it would take Big T to find another
Starting point is 00:15:36 rope. Yes. It took you a little while to find this rope, so it's not... It's been maybe a couple of minutes. The flying hobbles have possibly gone by. So we could all scarper now, climb the rope, and try to then run away. A rope is significantly harder to climb than just the elevator, but we could, yes. I can find another elevator. And then it's going to be hard for Jester to Chantal with your armor.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Chantal rolls her shoulders and says, it's better than nothing. Yes. Well, we want to find another elevator or what are we doing here? I'm already tugging to see if I can find another elevator. All right, you keep tugging. And all right, so the votes go thus.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Love is Blind says, well, I think perhaps in this case, caution would be the better part of valor. And I think we should hold off and just say that this is no longer an exit, at least until we exhaust other options. Chantal says, I think we can handle it. I think I might be the hardest, myself and Big T might be the hardest ones to get up. And if Big T can get up, she could at least assist me getting up. Everyone else might stand a fair chance. That's a fair point.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yayola says, Yayola hasn't been speaking much, very uncharacteristically. Yayola finally pipes up and says, Yola finally pipes up and says, I would say that we would be better served if we kept searching here. I think, I feel deep within me a trust in this place. Yes, I'm kind of inclined to agree with Yola there. Because at least now we know where they're coming from. Sure, some kobolds have wings, but not all. And we can cut them off. We found that out.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yes. And now, a word from our sponsor. Jackson here to interrupt your show and tell you that you should be listening to Shut Up a Second. Sands Pants Radio's oldest and longest running podcast. It's got a simple premise. We pick a topic, anything from shoes to big bellies, and then we just try to be funny about it for 30 odd minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:54 It's a blast. So search for Shut Up a Second wherever you find your podcasts. So, you know, depending, we can kind of like stem the tide of cobalt that are coming down. And because their host was very large. We'll test all the other ropes there, Big T, and see what's there. I keep going around and pulling on all the... All right. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Nice! It feels like that rope is the only one left. By the time you're done searching, and by the time you... So, Big T, you, as the only one who was testing, you feel fairly certain that this one rope is the only one
Starting point is 00:18:42 that is safe. All the other ones are either just come out when you pull them, or when you tug on them, you feel a bit of give, and you don't feel like it's going to support a person. While you're doing this, the sun slowly passes across the sky, and slowly that beam of light begins tracking along the ground. You can see, maybe from plant life, you can see that this is obviously life finds a way.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And there is like a track of plant life that exists just in the ray of this sun as it goes across every day. Every now and then, as you look up, you imagine that you see cobbled heads poking over the sides of the lip. Cobbled heads poking over the sides of the lip. You're never 100% sure until nearly before the sun sets, you hear a booming, echoing voice coming down at you. I am Cobbled One. Cobbled One speaks for Big Bird. Big Bird consumes. Big Bird says you die
Starting point is 00:19:47 Come up now, big people So that we may carve you for bird Right, well, I guess they're working for that Big Bird thing That seems true That's interesting I mean, they've really given the game away, haven't they? Yes, well, um I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:20:08 What? No. Yes. Why? Big Bird says you die. Big Bird told me you need to die. There's some obvious confusion in the response.
Starting point is 00:20:31 No, they didn't. Yes, they did! I join in. This is weird. Did you want to, maybe we should call Big Bird here now to check? Big Bird does not come when called. Someone who speaks for Big Bird does not come when called. Someone who speaks for
Starting point is 00:20:45 Big Bird would know this. There's a bunch of like agreement from the Cobbles. Big Bird comes to speak to us all the time. Yeah, we spoke to Big Bird just the other day. When I said confusion, I mean like
Starting point is 00:21:01 they believe that you think this, but they think you're wrong. So don't get your hopes up too much on this okay in that case wait wait which big bird are you speaking to we speak of biggest bird oh that doesn't seem possible. She who killed dragon. Like lots of murmuring. Oh, our big bird killed two dragons. It's different bird. Your bird is inferior.
Starting point is 00:21:43 If they killed two dragons, they were weak dragons. Lots of murmuring of agreement. No, no, no. Adult fully grown dragons. Really big dragons. Why am I rolling? They don't care. No, well, hang on.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Hang on. Maybe the birds know each other. Maybe in the way we are cousins. Maybe the birds know each other. Maybe in the way we are cousins. There's a lot of like, less like, the murmuring is like, prove it. I'm like, yeah, birds together strong. Don't reference movies to us.
Starting point is 00:22:24 A rock falls. Aw. Yeah, falls. Aw. Yeah, I wasn't. Don't be rude. I was referencing the motto of the Greyhill Free Company. We established this in the first half
Starting point is 00:22:33 of this campaign. Birds together strong is the motto of the Greyhill Free Company. Adventures together strong. Shut up. A rock nearly misses you. How will you prove that you know also a big bird?
Starting point is 00:22:49 We prove now. But then if you don't prove, we're coming down. That seems fair. Oh, no. So the sun is completely set, and this is by Moonlight. is completely set and this is by moonlight you hear something heavy but light something big but still light
Starting point is 00:23:11 enough to be blown by the wind slowly waft down until it touches the ground in just the moonlight you see do either of you have darkvision? no but I'll produce flame so we can see it so by the light of your produced so we can see it. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:27 So by the light of your produced flame, you can see the feather of a bird. It is impossibly large. Big T could use it as a blanket. Who has ink? Oh, no, I've got a tarot card. What is that? Yes, I just have a card.
Starting point is 00:23:42 All right. Are you intending on dying this feather? Because I'm letting you know you do not have enough ink. What I intend to do is... When I say you could use it as a blanket, what I mean is it is big enough to cover several king-size beds. That's a giant feather. Okay. So what I would like to do is take my ink and splatter it
Starting point is 00:24:01 so the feather becomes spotted. All right. You do so. And then because it's in little spots, it should dry very, very quickly. Definitely enough time as climbing up. How do we get it up there? Well, we'll have to climb it up. So as we get the feather, as we get the feather.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Look, big T. We'll have to climb it up there. Big T, I love what you're doing. I do. It's because then we can be like, see, this is our big bird's feather. How do we show them that? The rope. I can't.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Can you lift this? It's a feather. I guess theoretically Cass is not wrong. It is a feather. It is a feather, but, you know. You can try to give it an experimental lift A ton of feathers is still a ton
Starting point is 00:24:51 Okay, okay I'll give it an experimental lift Tree stump You can barely lift it up Despite how it floated down here, this feather is actually extremely heavy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Well, as this is all happening, I want to yell up, Oh, I think our birds are friends or sisters or something because our feathers are similar but super different. I don't know how to send our feather up. I'll try tying it to this rope. Can you pull? And I'll tie it to this strong rope. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:30 You tie. We will pull. Okay. Give me one moment. Maybe the other group member's like, we are just sending up the only. Chantal shrugs and says, we're not getting out of here through that hole anyway. Why not? Should we just?
Starting point is 00:25:45 What's the move here? Should we just go deeper in, or what are we going to do? Well, yes, I think we're going to have to explore around here. I can't think of any other way out. I would rather fight my way through the door than from climbing up. Yeah, that seems really bad.
Starting point is 00:25:58 That's the worst way to fight, our way out of here. They're hoiking the feather up. You tie it? Yeah, you tie it? It's ready. I give a little time. It almost immediately snaps. The rope is not strong're hoiking the feather up. You tie it? Yeah, you tie it? It's ready! I give a little touch. It almost immediately snaps. The rope is not strong enough to bring this feather up.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Oh no, the rope broke. Sorry, these feathers are so heavy. It's so hard to lug them. We only see one feather. Yeah, well, we're only sending one up. Why did you send our feather up? No, this is different.
Starting point is 00:26:25 This is a spotted feather from our bird. We saw our feather fall. Oh, yeah. It caught fire when I... We tried to look at it. We're watching you. What are you talking about? Wait, they can see us?
Starting point is 00:26:38 They can see you. They can see us? What? Oh, this changes so much. Well, I definitely wouldn't have done that Well, you might not have known, I guess It's very high up But you have discovered now that they can see you
Starting point is 00:26:55 Shall we? He did also light a little ball of fire Which probably helped Yeah, well, what are we doing here? I un-light the fire so uh i suppose we should um we have where we have undead we've got that ballistae i say who's the fastest here who's the fastest that'd be uh love is blind by a country mile well um if we want to like leg it to say further we haven't explored because you don't know what's down there we have the undead
Starting point is 00:27:23 up that way uh we leg it down that way. Love is blind. You maybe stay a little bit behind us and you know that little elephant on leg thing? Uncover it and then run towards us. Okay. Make sure that you're not in its line of fire. Pull the
Starting point is 00:27:40 canvas on from the back. Yes. That way if any of them come down. Does anyone remember which side was the back? Yes. Very certain on that? Well, do we, Adam? Well, yeah, because it has... It's not a hard check, but it's just one that you want to get right, you know?
Starting point is 00:27:55 It has an elephant's head. Well, alright. Alright, so, like I said, it's not a hard check, but sorry, like I said, it's not a hard check, but you do want to get it right. No. All right. So, like I said, it's not a hard check, but... Sorry. Like I said, it's not a hard check, but you do want to get it right. Globble, you're pretty certain.
Starting point is 00:28:11 You remember... You were there when it got covered. You remember where it was. Yeah, that was the front. So we want to go from behind. What are you doing while this is all being set up, Big T? Well, I was trying to send a feather up in some sort of beautiful act of espionage, but I guess it's chilling back and trying to... I want to help
Starting point is 00:28:32 someone else, you know? So just what are you doing? Just let me know where Big T, even if they're awkwardly standing doing nothing, where would they be? Oh, next to the rope. Next to the rope? Alright. Next to the now broken rope. Damn it. Big T, you see Globble is very certain where the front of it is, but he's very wrong. I thought we were running before
Starting point is 00:28:56 we opened it. Yes, but we haven't. In all the panic, Globble has quite clearly forgotten which side of it he was on. He is going to have He is going to have fucking Love is Blind is going to be looking down the barrel of this thing when he pulls it off. Oh, it's fine. The future closer won't hit you. Do you say what you say?
Starting point is 00:29:16 So do you say anything? Do you say anything? Oh, yeah. If I say that, it's wrong. It's just not what you implied. That's all. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That was a let us go back. I was like, you're looking down the barrel and you're like, well, that's fine. I thought you were saying that they got it wrong and it's been uncovered. Oh no, this is the plan.
Starting point is 00:29:39 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. See, the head's over here. He's facing that. Oh, he's sorry. Yes, yes, yes, it's no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, have a look where was the um that was the one you really thought like the fire hit the back wall can we see that uh fuck you it was a double bluff you're very clever i'm gonna let this work it was a double bluff you were correct you rolled a one big t oh yeah you see because you look at the fire see the where the fire is on the walls oh it's a little outline to me yeah that was that'd be weird it's fired from the front, using the big scorch marks from before, you're able to determine which way is the front. Glovel was
Starting point is 00:30:27 correct. I was double bluffing you. I'm all turned around. Understandable. You've got to ink all of your fingers. Yeah, I made a lot of plans today. Can I get a number between 1 and 31? Let's go with 18. 18? For your sins. The sin of
Starting point is 00:30:43 not letting me hit one of you with this fucking thing. Quick siesta. Gain the benefit of a long rest on a short rest. Hey! Do you just... I think this is the third time you've had that one. Or maybe I'm wrong. Might only be the second.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I think it's just because... I don't know about you, Cass, but I know I have favorite numbers. Usually are like six is a good number for me that I always go with. And 18 is my birthday so i go with that so that's what i tend to go with so do you mind just bringing out like just to make it a busy edzie yeah can i help you fucking what gas you're right there what i'm so sorry it's embarrassing when one's brain shits themselves live on air. The big shit itself.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Right. So we'll do that. And shall we run now? Or do you want to keep distracting them, Big T, and we'll leg it? What's the best way? I think they know. I didn't realize they could see us. Do we have anything?
Starting point is 00:31:48 Do you have anything like in our backpack that you can be like, see, these are the feathers of the children of anything? Ink quill. I just feel like they might know what an ink quill is. The feather's very heavy. Can we send up a different smaller but still from the same giant bird feather? It's children. It's children.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Oh, yeah. We're all godparents. Can we send the feathers from the children up? All right, then. Can I try and just slice? Oh, no. They can see us. Just move away from the hole?
Starting point is 00:32:25 We'll be right back. We'll go get you some of those baby feathers. Don't you worry. Okay, so we're going to cut the quill in. We're going to cut the big feather in half and trim so they look like two little feathers. Can I ask? I'm sorry to bother. What is our current plan?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Oh, right, yes. Trick them. So you're going to do that. Send that as in, let's say. Why are we tricking them? Well, give us a bit of time, right? So big T is... We kind of have a bit of time now, don't we?
Starting point is 00:32:47 You're 100%. Oh. Oh. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Can we just walk away? Yes. Okay. Well, why don't...
Starting point is 00:32:55 Say what? Is the ground, like, full of tracks? Can, like, people, can they track us where we're going? I'm good at helping. There's enough debris and whatnot here that someone could potentially track you if they wanted to. Because we could make it look like we're heading towards where the undead are. Then we just leg it to the other end. And while we're doing that, you know your task, love, of uncovering the ballistic.
Starting point is 00:33:22 It's very confusing when you call me love. I keep forgetting. Sorry, Love is blind. My apologies. So, yeah, so we'll make it look like we're heading towards the armory. Uncover the Ballistae, that's your... And we'll be down that way. Sounds good? Trick them, I love it.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Alright, so who's setting up the path to look like it heads towards the zombies? I can do that. I have been very good at it previously. As far as you're aware, they have. That's true. True. But what if we need someone down that end to protect the group? Oh, no, I'm good at that as well.
Starting point is 00:33:58 So I think you, Chantal, and Iola should probably head down to the hill. I'll do the tracking, and then I will leg it and meet you down there as well. Okay. All right. You do a pretty good job making it look like you headed towards where the zombies are. Then you go down the other path. You pass by Big T and Chantel,
Starting point is 00:34:19 and I assume give, I don't know, like a thumbs up to Love is Blind. A wet thumbs up. All right. Love is Blind casts Longstrider, I think like give, I don't know, like a thumbs up to Love is Blind. A wet thumbs up. All right. Love is Blind casts Longstrider, I think he has, on himself. Or Expedit's Retreat. Also, can I ask, while we're doing this, a bit of a feel to Big T here as well. Big T, you recover nine hit points.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And then he can move, what's that? Fuck, he can move 120 feet this round. He uncovers Alright, it takes him a couple of goes. He uncovers the ballastay and then sprints back towards you guys as it tries to unlumber itself
Starting point is 00:34:59 and turn itself around. And we'll head down the big hole. I mean, there's the big hole in the other way. All right. You leave it in the dust. Excellent. Wait, the big hole? So deeper down or back the way you came?
Starting point is 00:35:11 Deeper down. Oh, okay. Sorry. That's fine. I just didn't realize you were going in that direction instead. All right. So you begin heading deeper down. What dangers lurk deeper down in this long-forgotten dungeon?
Starting point is 00:35:22 Find out next time on Stories of the Greyhill Free Company. Hey, dickhead, are you thirsty for more Sandspants? Let us shoot our long, hot ropes of content right into your gaping ear holes. Head to sandspantsradio.com to check out all 26 of our public podcasts and become a member of Sandspants Plus to check out 20 more bonus shows and bonus feeds. That's sandspantsradio.com. Hey there, fellow adventurer.
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