D&D is For Nerds - Vampire Infested Barovia II #10 The Heart of Sorrow

Episode Date: July 8, 2023

The party welcomes the return of a lost friend as they bear witness to a shocking revelation about Yester Hill. Hecktor attempts to make a last stand while Pip ignores his own advice and takes a leap ...of faith.Want ad-free and even more bonus content? Just check out the Imagination Adventures show page on Apple podcasts! Music by the ever wonderful Lepidora, you can check out her music here. And head to peddlerspress.store to peruse our D&D themed merch store and help support the show! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ahem. You're listening to the Sandspants Network. Although you see no water for miles around, you are, like us, marooned. You're stranded in this sad and lonely place called Barovia. To mix metaphors, we are incarcerated. The fog that surrounds us are the bars of our dungeon, and Baron von Strahd is our jailer. As far as I can tell, there is only one way out, and that is to kill Devil Strahd. There is a tree the size of a double-decker bus is sprouting out of the ground here.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Oh, fuck. The tree in its side. Has a mouth. And it's chewing. Every time it opens. You can see a bloodied. Broken. Awful. Sad looking creature within.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You could know it as nothing else but a were-raven. As you fly down. The druids don't say anything. But those rock people look up at you as you approach. And they notice you. They refuse to stop their ritual, but they are absolutely ready for you when you approach. When you get close, the ones in the innermost circle draw weapons,
Starting point is 00:01:17 and you know if you dwell here, you're going to start taking blows. Speaking of taking blows, you grab that were-raven and start pulling, but the tree is stronger and its vines drag her in. One of them slams into you. Is it a... Pray for a low number. Is it high?
Starting point is 00:01:39 I don't know what you want from me, dude. Not to be high. Oh, no. God. Crushed hand. You have disadvantage on skill checks that rely on hands or arms until you finish a short rest. Short rest is okay. Don't roll a...
Starting point is 00:01:56 What is this? Sorry, it's an athletics check. Oh, wait. What they rolled or what you rolled? You rolled an athletics check to get this person out. The hand thing. Is that a check or has that just rolled? You rolled an athletics check to get this person out. No, I mean the hand thing. Is that a check or has that just happened? You just have disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:02:10 That's a shame. You only take 15 points of damage. Okay. You're on seven hit points. This went really wrong. Real bad. Real quickly. Real quick.
Starting point is 00:02:24 So, it's Kribbit's turn. It'd be nice if, it's nice. Okay. It's nice. That's good. Okay. That seems good.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Okay. It's, uh, Tarpos's turn. Tarpos, screaming, drives, tries to drive the spear
Starting point is 00:02:41 into Keshgar one more time. Pray for a high number. High, high, high, high, high, high, high. Try harder. I'm so bad at prayer duty. What a thing you often have to say. With a sharp stick, triple damage,
Starting point is 00:02:58 and the target must make a DC 18 dexterity saving throw on a failed save. The target loses an eye. That rolls. DM decides which one that is tarpos deals oh wow oh my god holy shit all right keshgar turns to face Tarpos and
Starting point is 00:03:27 his eyes go wide there is no belief in these eyes but there is still somehow certainty in his words you will not kill Kshum
Starting point is 00:03:38 Tarpos drives the spear into Keshgar's eye hell yeah drags it back out and Keshgar falls backwards and hits the dirt behind him. Tapos says to no one but herself. Blood.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Blood. Blood. A wild look that only Gorob and Lushen can see appears in her eyes. Her thirst has been satiated. For now. Yeah, yeahiated. For now. Yeah, yeah, for now. Then, the figure in the tree, using your help, tries to
Starting point is 00:04:11 drag themselves out. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Let us get out of here. You've got disadvantage on this, Jack. You just barely fucking make it. Oh, thank God. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:27 They drag themselves out of the tree and take wing with you, or at best they can. You're kind of helping. They're like limp flying. You know what I mean? Like limping but flying, and you're half helping them. When you do that, one of the stone people tries to grab at you as you pass. But you're too high. You're flying away.
Starting point is 00:04:48 They look at you, look at the druids. One of the druids nods, and then they throw themselves into the tree. Oh. They are consumed, and the ritual completes. The entire hill begins to rumble tarpos looks at gorob and lushen and gestures to the prone figures of pip and tribbet the rock people scatter past eleniel who looks up at the hill as gora blushen and tarpos look down at her she gestures for them to follow and then points at cribbit and pip's prone forms everyone begins
Starting point is 00:05:34 trying to scatter off the tree well that happens pip and yeah pip and cribbit no one can spare a moment no stabilize you right now, unfortunately. Yeah, look, I'm going to be there as fast as I can fly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it, I get it. The hill begins erupting as giant, it looks like giant trees to match the one that just ate are exploding their way out of the hill. Then you realize with a sickening sensation, these are not individual tree blights. This is one tree blight beneath the hill. The hill is completely destroyed as the tree blight begins to four legs, raises itself up.
Starting point is 00:06:30 It is impossibly huge. It is as big as Krezik. Fucking hell. All right. Okay. All right. When that happens. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Kribbit is going to need to fail pass. Fail. That's two fails, two passes. All right, Kribbit's stale. Should I be? Yeah, would you like to? Unfortunately. In terms of where we're flying, how quickly is this all happening?
Starting point is 00:06:59 How quickly can we get back to them, even if I can try to scoop them up? It's absolute chaos right now. You can see Tarpos and Goroblushin are carrying both Kribbit and Pip, respectively, sprinting away as Eleniel also sprints to the tree line. You could try to dart after them. It's going to take you a little while, though, because you're traveling a lot and you're trying to avoid the tree right now. I'm dodging, I understand. I will be trying to zoom and
Starting point is 00:07:29 head towards Pip and Kripp. Alright, I think Pip, you're going to have to make at least two death saving throws before he can reach you. Twelve. That's a success. That's a success. That's a fail.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Alright, you reach Pip. What would you want to do? 12. That's a success. That's a success. 8. That's a fail. That's a fail. Okay. All right. You reach Pip. What would you want to do? I will. And at that point, Kribbit makes his third stabilizing saving throw. I do five points of lay on hands on Pip and then five on Kribbit. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Kribbit and Pip both wake up. Did we? No. We need to go find a body of water. Oh, God. As the druids and the rock men begin scattering, or as their scattering finishes, they begin to remember that you are here.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Oh, fuck. You are in a field thick with them. remember that you are here. Fuck. You are in a field thick with them. But as the tree starts making its way north, one last bolt of lightning
Starting point is 00:08:33 splits the sky. And through the rain and the darkness of even the day of Barovia you can see far in the direction that you came from, a figure is on the road. They ride a horse. The horse is pure jet black. The figure astride it is impossibly large, or perhaps they just seem impossibly large. Certainly they are imposing. They wear beautiful finery, the nicest of clothing, the fanciest, perhaps.
Starting point is 00:09:08 They have a wickedly cruel face, awful, vicious looking, like the sort that makes you feel like you are truly prey in these lands. As they ride down towards you slowly, they make it seem like hunting you would be so easy, like they don't need to run. They could just walk and eventually they will find you. You stare at the vampiric face of a gogash. Oh no. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Okay. Okay. Fuck. Pip, give me everything you have on vampires. What do you know about vampires? I can see a gogash too, yeah? Yeah. A gogash is very prominent. I'd like to give you like,
Starting point is 00:09:57 I know I've got a lizard face, so expression is hard, but the wildest I've looked. There's no time. I just want to turn around and get as far away from a gogash is hard, but the wildest I've looked there's no time! I just want to turn around and get as far away from a go-gash as is humanly possible. Brief moment to just flash in your
Starting point is 00:10:13 mind the pages in Emmanuel the Monster on Vampire. We'll be here all day! Imagining the part of the second page is a crossword that you need to solve to understand how to kill them
Starting point is 00:10:26 oh putting a crossword in that you need to solve fuck it out only he who solveth the puzzle he's like prior to him
Starting point is 00:10:37 he's like raised out what's the best medal ah six across what is that again it's cryptic it's cryptic cool you're running I'll just like What is that again? It's cryptic It's cryptic Cool You're running
Starting point is 00:10:47 I'll just like Because He did it bravely With his friends Ran away Ran away Just like Maybe just like
Starting point is 00:10:56 Holding Like just holding The ground To be like I think And I want to Like just Touch myself
Starting point is 00:11:02 And Give myself Wow give myself a... Wow, that's a weird expression, isn't it, paladins? I will touch myself and give myself a healing points. Okay. All right. A little bit of juice. You, Pip, you...
Starting point is 00:11:16 I mean, everyone can see the direst wolf standing next to... A gogash. A gogash. But only you really... At this distance, only you are familiar enough with Boris to recognize him this far away. To anyone else, he just looks like any old direst wolf with a bunch of bolts stuck in his back. But you recognize every bolt, every scar upon that dire wolf's body. And Boris turns up to look at a gogash. This blows your mind.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Almost as if waiting for orders. A gogash gives a gesture and then you hear from the woods around you, you hear before you see it. Oh, shit, dude. And then the footfalls of many direst wolves, including Boris, who has begun sprinting his way across, not really Yester's Hill anymore, more like Yester's Pit at this point, towards you.
Starting point is 00:12:12 When that happens, all of you turn around to look at the raven, which you saved just moments ago, circling around to the east. It makes the noise again. What does it seem like? It flies eastwards. Okay, I'm following the crow. How far away is everybody? When you say everybody, do you mean your companions or your enemies? I guess the enemies. The enemies? Well, that varies.
Starting point is 00:12:41 You can't see many. You can hear a bunch of diarist wolves moving through the tree line around Yester Hill. They could be as close as 30 feet or as far as 100 feet. You have no idea. You can't see them. Boris is about 250 feet and closing. He moves at maybe twice your flight speed. So he's tracking you at an insane rate. A gogash has not yet moved. He's just watching for now. It's almost as if he doesn't feel like he needs to get involved. Okay. So where's everyone else? They're behind me, I'm guessing?
Starting point is 00:13:17 Well, they're a bit scattered. I would say that Kribbit is probably basically at your side. Gorob Lushan is the furthest away and he's scrambling towards uh towards your formation tarpos the the druid i don't know if i've mentioned her name yet yeah yeah yeah tarpos is slowly staggering to her feet she might be closer to pip and when she sees pip moving she begins to move as well in pip's direction. Eleniel, you can't see. Okay, okay, okay. And what are the druids? The other druids?
Starting point is 00:13:49 The druids are kind of scattered. They don't look like they're much of a threat right now. Is he moving? Are you moving? Yeah, I don't know. Hector, are you moving? No, I'm just assessing it. I like to stop in the mud and turn around. Are you dim? Are you stupid?
Starting point is 00:14:06 you can't save Barovia if you're dead I don't think get a good boy card that's a great line thank you I could buy you some time no
Starting point is 00:14:16 you can't you can die causing further irreparable trauma coming to the forest yeah I just turn I grab Kribbit, I assume? Do you pick up Kribbit? Someone's got to scoop him up.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Tuck him under your arm? Yeah, sure. And run, run, run. Do I have a chance to scoop up Pop? To scoop up all the chicken! Oh, right! I'm really confused for a second. Jackson, he's in chult right now. You can scoop up Pop if you want.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Pop is moving. Pop's kind of stuck to your heel this entire time. But Pop is slower than you, so if you pick up Pop... Does he bulk at that? Pop, no. Pop goes really still and quiet. He's scared too, I guess. Maybe no, that's actually way too coherent a thought.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I think Pip's staring at Pop like... A wolf leaps out of the forest at you, Pip, Maybe no, that's actually way too coherent a thought I think Pip's staring at Bob's leg A wolf leaps out of the forest at you A wolf leaps out of the forest at you, Pip And then is struck by an arrow from seemingly nowhere With enough force that it's knocked aside You thank Elaniel and keep moving Okay, tuck Pop onto my arm and duck into the woods
Starting point is 00:15:19 Alright, you're all sprinting? Yeah, we're sprinting following the bird Alright, every now and then you hear Just to let you know where the bird is. And every now and then as well, one of the diarist wolves kind of emerges out of the tree line, makes a snap or a bite at one of you. And if that happens,
Starting point is 00:15:38 the crow tries to give you as best as they can a bit of a warning. They'll swoop down at eye level to let you know that they've spotted a diarist wolf, which gives you a split second so that you're not completely surprised. How would you like to deal with this? I would say that you could just ignore it, keep running, and every now and then you might cop a bite,
Starting point is 00:15:59 or you can stop and engage. Stopping and engaging every now and then might fend them off. They're using, you've seen this before, they're using hit and run tactics. So they'll come in, nip at you, and then retreat back before you can really do anything. If you stop and fight, you can get a hit in,
Starting point is 00:16:15 but that would mean very quickly you would become surrounded and escape would be, it'd be a fight at that point. I don't think we can stop. I don't think we can stop. I'd be like, oh, we could kind of Because I could do like, oh yeah A few little hits here Or like chucking in like a
Starting point is 00:16:29 Some sort of cantrip or whatever But that's just going to slow us down How I know this is a crazy question in Barovia How dry is this forest? Well, it's funny you should say that Yeah No sooner have you thought that
Starting point is 00:16:43 Then It begins snowing. Okay. Snowing? Yeah, you're quite close to Mount Gacchus I think it's called. Yeah, yeah. And where you are currently it is cold enough that it snows here rather than rains.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Pip's about to set fire to the forest. That's like, oh, maybe they are. You know what? Never mind. Fair enough. Yeah, I guess we just keep running then. The snow makes, Abruvi is already an unpleasant place, but the snow makes it even worse. As you've been running for about 10, 20 minutes, the snow begins to get as heavy as the heavy rain that comes down.
Starting point is 00:17:22 It's not like blizzard conditions, but it is heavy enough that you begin slowing down. And instead of the, the heaty of the direst wolves tracking you, it becomes more of a crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch,
Starting point is 00:17:37 crunch, snarling attack. All right. So I was like, radiant damage isn't heat to snow, is it? No, I'm sorry. Snow cares naught about God.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Oh, man. Tarpos, one of the direst wolves leaps on Tarpos and knocks her to the ground. Tarpos takes, yeah? She only takes 12 points of damage. Okay. Oh, she's pretty healthy, actually, but that slows her down. She's now at the back of the formation. Is she engaged with that
Starting point is 00:18:08 diarist wolf? No, the diarist wolf as it leaps down on her you can see a bunch of other diarist wolves slink their way out of the forest trying to come at her from different sides, but when she turns around and tries to snap back, the diarist wolves immediately retreat.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Hit and run tactics. Classic. Gorob Lushen is thankfully fast enough that he's making his way towards the front of the pack. Amazing that he's so quick. Barbarians move at a faster speed. They, I should say.
Starting point is 00:18:39 He's dragging the wizard companion. We will not stop! We will not stop! We will live! They say in unison. And, oh, no, yeah, Pip, you're also far enough at the front of the group that you and Pop are fine,
Starting point is 00:18:58 but Hector, you're probably going to cop it the worst, if I'm being honest, because you dawdled the most. That's fair. I was about to say, if Torpos was like full I'd probably like stop to help yeah yeah you are you and Kribbit are very lucky as as one of the dire souls leaps out at you Kribbit with his loot it's the direst, because he doesn't need to, he can focus on them, because he's just tucked underneath your arm. You beautiful frog man. Then, like, another one comes at you
Starting point is 00:19:31 from a different angle. Kribbit turns at that one and says, don't! There's no magic to it. The direst wolf just activates the dog brain. Stop! And then, a third one manages to land, oh, it hits you in the small of your back, Hector, but you manage to roll with the blow and keep going.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Okay. All right. All right. Tarpos is now the one who's going to take it the worst. Unless, Hector, you'd like to slow down. He would. I would. I would.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Well, we'll start with you, Hector, this time. I'm just helping. I'm just going to pick her up. Okay. You stop, you die. I've got bad news. You need to make a strength saving throw. One of the direst wolves hits you square in the back and knocks you to the ground.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Okay. You are going to fail that death saving throw. Do I have my aura? I got my aura. Oh, that's right. You do have an aura. You pass. You will still take damage.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Okay. Okay. How many hit points were you on again? Currently 15 Well you're going to take another 11 points of damage So what's that? 4? If I was to as a reaction Do a shield Would that help?
Starting point is 00:20:41 Or would that still get hit? Well I wish you told me that earlier. Was that an extra five hit points, right? Yeah. I believe that would have prevented this damage, correct? Okay. So you're going to cast Shield? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I assume that does not sound like a clerical spell, so I assume... Well, it is a clerical spell, but it's not from a clerical source. I see. Well, you... Oh, no, no but it's not from a clerical source. I see. Well, you... Oh, no, no. It is not from... Yeah, I thought so, yeah. You, as one of the Dyrus wolves pounds up behind you, you turn around, put a hand in front of you, the hand that's not
Starting point is 00:21:18 holding Cribbit, obviously, and you feel a sickly presence in the back of your mind leap forwards, down your arm and out of your well you it's now a skeletal hand not a regular hand and then this sickly green aura appears as a shield in front of you the direst wolf lands on that instead today tapas is going to cop it once and luckily one of the direst wolves comes out tries to nip at her, but she kicks at it. And you keep moving.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Pip, the Raven has been leading you in just one direction. But at this point, in the back of your mind, you're like, you know Boris is quick. Where is Boris? The Raven nearly hits the ground. It tries to go down so quickly. Go, go, go, go, go. Yeah. You know there's a rustling in the bushes in front of you.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Boris has circled around, is fast enough to have gotten in front of you. You turn in another direction. The raven starts leading you somewhere else. Go, go, go, go, go. Oh, God. Oh, God. A couple of times this happens. Where am I?
Starting point is 00:22:27 You. All right, Pip, you're able to deduce, you're able to work out that there is a unseen battle happening right now between this Raven and Boris. Oh, God. Boris is trying to take you one direction. The Raven is trying to prevent that. Okay. All right. You could barrel past Boris if you
Starting point is 00:22:48 really wanted. I don't know if that's clever. Alright, meanwhile, Hector, you still up the back? Yeah, cool. Okay, you're gonna get hit again. Would you like to... Um, how... Is it a thing that's
Starting point is 00:23:04 gonna drag me to the ground kind of hit? You have to make a strength saving throw. I'm going to throw 15 hit points. Oh, fuck me. Um, oh, okay. Let's see. Yeah, yeah, I guess I've got to be up shielding up. It's going to be a cold night tonight.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Kribbit's going to give you bardic inspiration. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. That's a new song from Kribbit. Okay. You can't do it. Turns out with all of these fucking bonuses, you suck dick.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Maybe I'll just have a good boy card. I've got a good boy card. There's a fail, save, and throw. Maybe I'll just re-roll. Just re-roll? Yeah, yeah, just re-roll. I'll re-roll the d8 as well that you get because I'm kind like that. All right, you pass.
Starting point is 00:23:53 You're still going to take damage, but you're not knocked prone. I cast shield, I cast shield, I cast shield, I cast shield. Well, you should have done that first. I said I cast a shield. Oh, I didn't. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you weren't. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm so sorry. Well, in that case, Krippit didn't use that bardic inspiration because you didn't get hit at all. Excellent, excellent didn't. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you weren't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Well, in that case, Krippa didn't use that Bardic Inspiration because you didn't get hit at all. Excellent, excellent, excellent. And you prevented 14 points of damage. Oh, boy. That shield is real good, ain't it? Oh, boy. Tarpos is going to cop it.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Tarpos is pretty good at, while she does not wear heavy armors, she has heavy furs. does not wear heavy armors. She has heavy furs and that plus the fact that anytime one of the dire swarms comes at her, she growls at them. They back off. That boss is cool. Alright. And Pip, what's the plan?
Starting point is 00:24:36 What's the go? What are we doing here? Okay. You gonna barrel pass Boris? I think I gotta. As you do that, obviously, the raven probably doesn't really understand what you're planning on doing. So when you keep going after they warn you not to, they get really insistent. They swoop at you, trying to knock you in the face. Are you just going to... No, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Fair enough. I'm going to turn around and just try and get as far away from Boris as possible. Alright, so you're not gonna barrel past Boris? Yeah, no, I'm actually gonna take my own advice and try not to be a hero. Alright. You- That moment of hesitation fucked some shit up. When the raven gets close enough to knock you in the face, it's already too late and Boris wins.
Starting point is 00:25:26 When you turn, you emerge from some trees and you realise, with a heart-stopping realisation, you see a massive cliff face. You are up the top of a cliff, gazing down into the... I believe it is this one here. The Luma River? The Luma River.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Or Luna? The Luna River, yeah. The is this one here. Luma River? The Luma River. Or Luna? The Luna River, yeah. The Luna River, okay. It is nearly a 500-foot drop. Oh, fuck. You see just cliff face on either side of you. Not only is it a 500-foot drop, it's a 500-foot drop into a waterfall.
Starting point is 00:25:58 You are currently looking at, there is a waterfall that extends maybe 100 feet in either either direction you don't know it's it looks like whitewater rapids for the entirety of any part of this river you can see it spans so far that you cannot in this heavy snow and in the darkening night oh my god oh yeah in the darkening night as well you cannot see the other side. You know there's got to be one. Right. But you can't fucking see it.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Funnily enough, though, actually, and I'm not even kidding here, it is so dark and snowing so heavily that it could be jumpable. You just don't know. Fuck, dude. Boris is like right on my heels, right? Well, actually, right on your heels instead is Goroblushen, followed by Tarpos, followed by Kribbit, and followed by Hector. All of you emerge here and you hear growling
Starting point is 00:26:56 as diarist wolves emerge from all different directions. This is not good. The raven circles high above you, and if you glance upwards for even just a brief moment, you can see the raven is kind of looking frantically, trying to find a path for you, but they're not doing anything
Starting point is 00:27:14 just yet. Okay. Boris emerges from the middle of the group. I'll have my crossbow ready and primed. Maybe if the mobile Boris emerges, I'm just going to shoot him in the head. There's no time! Alright, well, I'm just going to shoot him in the head. There's no time. Alright, well we'll just go to initiative. Adam, with my devil sight, can I see
Starting point is 00:27:31 a bit further than Pip could? With the heavy snow, you can see that there is it's not it is technically jumpable. I've got good news and I've got bad news. Which would you like first?
Starting point is 00:27:48 I would love some good news first. It's a bit about time. With the addition of Devil's Sight, you can see through the darkness, not through the snow, and it is snowing quite heavily. But you can make out, even through the snow, that there is, on the other side of this crevasse ravine, whatever you want to call it, there is a bridge. Bad news, there is half of a bridge. On your side, it has crumbled away entirely.
Starting point is 00:28:14 You can see the massive divot here where it should have been once long ago. You could jump to that bridge, but you don't know its structural integrity. There is a bridge. All right, we're going to go to initiative.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Half a bridge. Okay. Oh, God. It's been just one thing after another. It's been for so long. It's been great knowing you. Pip, you're first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You open fire. Yeah. How many attacks? Two attacks? Two attacks, yeah. Hit, hit. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Are these special bolts or just regular? I think I've got some silver bolts left, so I'll make them silver. That won't overcome any resistances. It's just a diarist wolf. That's right. Just regular bolts. That is 19 points of damage. Good job.
Starting point is 00:29:05 All right. Boris takes 19 points of damage. Good job. All right. Boris takes 19 points of damage. I mean, this is pretty much just like a mad scramble. Of course. I don't think I meant to bring combat with Boris. I'm just trying to keep him from attacking us straight away. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's Hector, your turn.
Starting point is 00:29:21 We can only see Boris. Wow, there's Dyrus. They've made a semicircle around you. There's no escape right now. The Raven is quite obviously trying to find a way for a way out for you, but they either haven't seen the half of the bridge or they're not. They're not highlighting that because for some other reason. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Um, all right. All right. Okay. Can I? Ooh. Yelling over I guess The snow, the wolves, the house I'm like there's a bridge And it is the only way out
Starting point is 00:29:53 How many feet of a jump is it? It would be a 15 foot jump Okay 15 foot jump It is theoretically possible A cribbit? He is a frog Kribbit
Starting point is 00:30:05 I think is one of the other ones who has a decent chance he's so little Yender Yender's not with you Yender's not with us Gorob Lushen
Starting point is 00:30:13 no Gorob Lushen are great they got a massive bonus I guess everyone's fine I guess everyone's fine really I guess I wouldn't say that alright can I
Starting point is 00:30:23 yep alright there's a bridge it's the only way past i would like to use my action to help whoever is next to try and jump that score a blushing are going next yep so basically i'm going to use my action to help how shift them up shift them up direct them i can see it all right well let'sob Lushen's turn Alright we'll go first They've got such an ungainly body
Starting point is 00:30:50 Oh my god Lushen because they get two actions Lushen is going to at least buy you Try to buy you some time Lushen reaches up Into the air with Just one hand and then grabs From the air snatches With surprising and then grabs from the air, snatches
Starting point is 00:31:06 with surprising deftness a single snowflake. They flick that snowflake at the masked diarist wolves. The snowflake, as it flies, turns into two. Those two turn into four, then eight, sixteen, thirty-two. By the time
Starting point is 00:31:22 the snowflakes hit the diarist wolves, there are millions of them. The diarist wolves are going to need to make dexterity saving throws. Okay. That will be 46 damage. Fuck yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:40 A bunch of the diarist wolves are buffeted by cold energy, which explodes the cold atmosphere that you are currently in, causes this, it's like it supercharges the spell. It becomes even more powerful than it would be normally. Lushen says, Alright, you idiots, now get us across! Gorub turns to Lushen, sucks him in the stomach. Then maybe your help action is like, guys.
Starting point is 00:32:09 What are you doing? They jump across. All right. Oh, God. Oh, God. All right. You are able to see it, Hector. Pip, you can't see it.
Starting point is 00:32:21 You just hear above the din of the direst wolves and the falling snow, which there's like a blizzard whipping up into it now. It's beginning to get a bit worse. You hear... Hector, you see that entire half of the bridge shifts down a little bit. You're a blushing sprint to get to the other side. Move back, run. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:45 All right, then it is Kribbit's turn. Kribbit. Jump, run. Use your little frog legs, buddy. Jump, we'll be right behind you. We'll be right behind you. This one can do it. This one can do it.
Starting point is 00:32:58 This one can do it. He gives himself body consideration. Yeah, he gives himself body consideration. Sometimes you got to. Kribbit leaps across. You hear almost like a, as his legs fully extend themselves for the first time you've ever seen. He leaps like a frog would and then lands on the bridge on the other side. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:24 He crawls his way onto the other side. Can I hear the bridge shift when he does that? No, he's light enough that he doesn't cause that. Okay. You hear his like... You hear the noises of him moving or speaking. It's hard to tell sometimes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:39 It's just me, you, Eleniel, and Torpos. And Torpos, yeah. It's the direst Wolves town. Oh, shit. Guess what? I don't know why I thought Yeah now we'll just go through all of the NPCs like our friends And we'll all get across
Starting point is 00:33:54 That's not how that works Topos gets attacked three times Shit shit Oh why not four Topos gets hit twice. Hey, Adam. Can I have some shield of faith on myself as a bonus action? Just to give myself a bit of...
Starting point is 00:34:12 Sure. That's good, that's good. That's one. I would appreciate it next time if you kept your bonus actions to your turn. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'll allow it. There's a lot going on, Adam. And Tarpos is
Starting point is 00:34:25 Fails one saving throw But makes the other Well okay That's something Tarpos takes Apples and oranges Wow that's a lot of force Tarpos takes
Starting point is 00:34:35 16, 20 23 points of damage Okay And they are prone Cool cool cool Oh damn Okay Are they getting also my aura stuff?
Starting point is 00:34:45 Oh Well they would have failed still No yeah? Oh, well, they would have failed still. No, yeah, because they rolled a 1. They would have failed still. You then, Shield of Faith, is that a plus 4 bonus? Shield of Faith is a plus 2. Right, right, right. Well, your AC is pretty high now.
Starting point is 00:35:01 3 Dyrus Wolves attack you. Oh, my God. Sucks to be you, buddy. That's a critical hit. Oh, no. Pray for a low number. Oh, boy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Oh, boy. Oh, no. What? Is he okay? Hobbled. Is he going to be okay? Hobbled, your speed is reduced by 10 feet for a D6 frown. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:35:25 All right. That's 10 points of damage, so you're on 5 hit points. Cool. Then you need to make the saving throw to not be knocked prone. Cool stuff. You make the saving throw. Hey, small blessing. But your speed is now 20 feet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:39 20 feet? Yeah. It was 30? Yeah. For how? I don't know, I guess. Oh, well, yeah, I don't know I guess For Oh
Starting point is 00:35:45 Well yeah you don't know Yeah For some time Alright Then And then Pip Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:56 No there are So three diarist wolves on Tarpos Three diarist wolves on Hector There are a total of 15 more diarist wolves Okay None of them attack. That's the worst thing you could have said.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Boris approaches you slowly. You can't! Adam, it cannot be done! Maybe if you have to throw us up in his mouth a little bit. Boris leaps at you. Boris hits.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Of course. That was pretty much a given. So, Pit Mandarin, you need to make a strength saving throw, knowing that you are with your back to a 500 foot drop.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Okay. You pass. You make your strength saving throw. Oh, thank God. I'm going to give you an option. Boris is the ringleader and the toughest of all of these diarist wolves. You know enough to know that if you decapitate the Dire Swords, that's not going to end their threat in Barovia, but it might buy everyone else some time.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Now, instead of not falling, you could grab Boris and fall with him. He has put his full weight into this attack, expecting to knock you off. He hasn't knocked you off, so he's been a little unbalanced. You can grab and fall with him if you want. Okay, as Boris collides with me, I imagine I reach out my arms around his neck and grab some of the bolts in his
Starting point is 00:37:36 back. Oh, well, so, first of all, Boris collides with me, I throw Pop away, and I say, look after Pop. And then I grab the bolts, and I'll fall off the cliff with Boris. If I can land on his back, maybe he can cushion my fall. Get a good boy card. Hey, both of you are on five hit points.
Starting point is 00:37:54 That's so cool. I'm going to die. I'm going to fucking die. Oh, you recall one piece of law relevant to this situation. Adam, remind me of the way to fall so you don't kill yourself. So, there's water
Starting point is 00:38:13 at the bottom. That kind of was what I was thinking. You are falling backwards first. You hit a rock. Your shoulder breaks. You feel every bone that could be in your shoulder has just shattered. I think it's too painful for me to even scream. My mouth's just wide, letting no noise out.
Starting point is 00:38:31 You keep tumbling, and we'll come back to you. Okay. Alrighty. Then it is Tarpos' turn. Tarpos. That means I can't use my crossbow. Tarpos shoves the direst wolf off off her gets to her feet turns and then as she sprints she leaps hector you see she's not gonna make it she's not even close you don't even know why she tried to
Starting point is 00:38:56 jump then she turns mid-leap you should see she turns into a frog. She lands on the other side and is able to slide down a little bit, but hold on to the other side and then slowly climb her way up. Is she just like a little tiny frog? Yeah, she's like a dart frog. Yeah, like a tree flock. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:19 That tapas is on the other side. Then, we'll come back to Pip. Pip, you're in a different combat. Gorob and Lushen on the other side, you see they pick up Kribbit when he gets to them. And Kribbit climbs up onto, in between their twin heads, settles himself in as like a third head. Lushen turns to say something to Gorob And Kribbit interrupts him Don't fight
Starting point is 00:39:47 Okay Oh my god They just needed a third head in there That Daevil was almost on the money Lushen grabs one of their javelins And with a hand It's Gorob and Lushen working together Lushen pulls his hand along the end of the javelin,
Starting point is 00:40:07 and you see an icy crystals form along the javelin. Lushen, still holding on to it, leans back and throws the javelin as hard as he can. One of the direst wolves is picked up by the javelin. You just hear, whoop! And it goes off into the darkness. Okay. All right, Hector, it's your turn.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Alrighty. Okay, so I've just seen Pip fall. The direst wolf on you gets off. Without you having to do anything, it just lets you up. I stand up. You can see there's a bit, you're not, you're going to get attacked in a moment, but there's a bit of chaos
Starting point is 00:40:44 among the direst wolves now that Boris is gone. If I, where's a bit that you're not, you're going to get attacked in a moment, but there's a bit of chaos among the direst wolves now that Boris is gone. If I, where's your chicken? If I was to grab the chicken and then try and make the jump, am I going to get attacked? You think you, you think the wolves are stunned. Well, no, I would say that you could get across without taking an attack, sure. Okay, I am going to pick up Pop. Try to remember the poem about the treant. Oh, yeah, kind of fucked you on that one.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah, yeah. And then make the jump. Try and make the jump. Just to hobble it. All right. With your reduced speed. Oh, do you get a bonus on? No, it's only a bonus on saving throws.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah. If I was to maybe have a skip in my step and I move an extra five feet during my turn, would that help? Actually, yes. With the extra five feet, you easily get across. I'd like to have a skip of my step. Absolutely. You're pretty happy the wolves aren't trying to kill you anymore, I guess. As you land on the other side,
Starting point is 00:41:51 the bridge begins getting so low that it's starting to turn into a ladder. And with Pop in one arm, you can't climb a ladder. Okay, okay, okay. We'll get to you in just a moment. Kribbitz, first off, Kribbitz says the brave man he climbed up and
Starting point is 00:42:14 got back to his friends. You get bardic inspiration and in the back of your mind, you're really frustrated how good this song is. It's such a banger. It just really fucking rules it's so frustrating and unfortunately
Starting point is 00:42:28 I don't think he has any spells that can help you that's that's fine yeah and unfortunately I thought he might have had
Starting point is 00:42:36 long strider but he does not um cribbit makes his way to the edge and reaches out with his two mitts
Starting point is 00:42:44 towards you but he he's a little frog imagine you're sitting on the other side of tables from someone and they extend a toothpick out towards you it's like two child's arms reaching out you know very well that if you
Starting point is 00:42:59 grabbed Cribbit's hands you'd just both fall off I appreciate the gesture though I always have this wild magic roll if you ever need it, Talmud. I think maybe you might need it, my dude. Yeah, actually, yeah. You might be in a bit more of a dire situation
Starting point is 00:43:15 than I am. We're both in it. Now might be a time. It's so risky. It's the Dst wolves turn. They are not being observed by either player, so I'm not telling you what they're doing. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:43:31 It's Tarpos' turn, and Hector, you see a tiny little dart frog climbing up next to you. The dart frog looks at you and then the dart frog transforms. No, that's extra weight.
Starting point is 00:43:48 No, it's on the side where the bridge isn't. The dart frog transforms into a big monkey that can climb. Like an orangutan. Transforms into an orangutan. It gestures for pop. Alrighty. If I can do it on my turn, I will hand pop over. You hand pop to the orangutan and then with a climb speed, the orangutan...
Starting point is 00:44:11 Actually, it just maybe puts pop in its legs and then climbs up. What an unexpected thing to happen. Goodness me. All right. That was Tarpos's turn. And Hector, it's back to you. I will use that bardic inspiration and I will try and climb this ladder bridge.
Starting point is 00:44:28 You climb your way up to Kribbit. Kribbit grabs you and you feel like a little tugging at the hems of your shirt. But aside from that, Kribbit isn't very helpful. At a certain point, Gorob Lushen arrive and they grab you with one hand and with surprising, well, not surprising. Gorob is quite strong.
Starting point is 00:44:46 With a lot of strength, they just heave you up, and then all of you are on the other side. The raven, flying on your side now, leads you onwards. What would you like to do? The raven does not seem to be stopping for Pip. You can, if you want, try to search for Pip. You've fallen in a waterfall. I don't like my chances,
Starting point is 00:45:10 if I'm honest. You can't really search for me. Alright, we have to come back to find your manual the monster. At the very least. But right now, follow Miro.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Follow the raven. Maybe with a quick glance But right now, I follow Miro. Follow the raven. Follow the raven. Maybe with a quick glance backwards, I'm sure Hector's the sort of person who maybe would take just a moment to look back. Yeah, actually, with my devil sight, my beautiful devil sight, I'll just scan down, try and see a tumbling figure, try and see any kind of splashing try and have a look and see what's going on back and there is a lot of rushing white rapid water cascading down down
Starting point is 00:45:56 down into more white frothy water you could not you don't think it'd be possible for anyone to make out two figures among that you you you're not even sure they're from the look of it there might not even be much to see much left to see okay then your gaze slowly tracks onto the other side of the ravine where you see the direst wolves have quite clearly gotten over the fact that they were a little stunned at the sudden disappearance, probably death, of their leader and of Pip. You see, though, that they, now that they're over it, you see that they are sizing themselves up to jump across. They seem a lot less hesitant and a lot more confident at this jump
Starting point is 00:46:42 than your party did. I thought that was it. I thought we'd run. Go, go, go! Run, run, run, run, run. We run. I say, go down. I scoop up Cribbit or I scoop up Pop and I run.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I run with the rest of them. Meanwhile, in those white rapids, Pip, you keep tumbling. You shove, with what little strength you have, you shove Boris onto the next rock. You hear a brief moment of, as something cracks within him, and you are thrown into his body. You keep tumbling, Boris and you trying to fight for control over who hits the next rock.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Bite him, bite him, bite him. You manage to force Boris onto the next rock. Oh, thank God. Crack. Boris snarls and bites at you. Boris tries to sink his fangs into your shoulder, but you use that instead to force his head into the next rock. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Crack. His entire snout bends at an odd angle. You feel Boris go limp in your arms. You are unable to relish this moment, though, as you look and the next thing that you see is a rock. Everything goes dark. Would you like to make death saving throws? I mean, of course, but I don't know why it was a shock.
Starting point is 00:48:06 14. 14. That's a pass. Yeah. Good. Six. That's a fail. Nine.
Starting point is 00:48:13 That's a fail. So you've got two fails, one success. 11. That's a success. Wow. Two successes, two fails. Good job. 16.
Starting point is 00:48:25 16. Good job. 16. 16. All right. We'll come back to you. Did Boris, how's he doing? He'll eat my fucking sleeping corpse. Okay. Hector. You keep moving through the wilderness.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Thankfully, it seems, even though the Dyrus wolves presumably did jump that ravine, they either weren't as successful as your party, not to say that your party was necessarily 100% successful, or perhaps they weren't actually as confident about it. Whatever the reason, the jumping of the ravine gives you a lot more time to move. Eventually, the woods begin to thin further and further and further. The snow begins to get heavier and heavier and heavier. And eventually now, even with your devil's sight, you can't see the full 60 feet. The conditions, they actually have not yet progressed to blizzard. You did not realize it could snow this heavily without actually blizzarding.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Fuck. It is coming down thick, heavy. You can see, though, in the thinning trees, you can see structures. At first, it looks like you're saved. Then when you get a bit closer, you realize most of the structures are burnt out and destroyed. This is a village made out of maybe around
Starting point is 00:49:51 10 still standing buildings, or it was once, I should say, a village. Now, it's but a ghost town. Some dark mark on the map that is Barovia that once, maybe long ago, had a name, name but today it's nothing but a ghost town okay um how's the I guess are we all just following the raven right I guess when we
Starting point is 00:50:13 get into this ghost town just slow down maybe be a bit more cautious sort of have a weapon weapon ready as you're slowly ponderously making your way in, everyone's quiet, even Krebbit is not making a noise. The group slowly coalesces kind of half behind you and Goroblushan, who are forming like a front line. The raven, with one
Starting point is 00:50:38 much more gentle core than you've been used to for the last hour or so, lands on a nearby wall and then slowly morphs into a badly wounded woman. She gingerly climbs down from the wall. Muriel, I assume? She nods.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Yes, we've run into one of your... She coughs up some blood. I put my hand on her and I cast... I cast... Yes, what do you cast? It's just a week. It's a week and it's gone. Yeah, I know. We burned through it so quickly, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Let's say five points of lay on hands. You heal her for five points. You realize something has, as you're channeling healing energy into her, you can see there is something gnarled within her. The healing energy spreads through her, and then it hits walls as it's trying to move. You do heal her for the full five hit points, but there are some damages that you cannot heal truly.
Starting point is 00:51:46 One of them is her throat has been badly slashed. You staunch the bleeding, but when she puts her hand to it and tries to speak, nothing comes out but air. Can I inspect her for any sort of poisons or diseases or anything like that? You have a look over her, but you're too frazzled to really know. Are you okay for the time being? She nods, and then with her back up against the wall, she slumps down into a seated position. We ran into one of your family members.
Starting point is 00:52:20 He mentions that if we were to find you to fly away home, your family awaits. She gestures to her broken arm and gives you like a, hmm. I'm Hector. With her own blood, she writes on the wall, Muriel. I was like, no, no, no, no, it's okay. I just maybe sit down next to her, maybe like look around, look to other people in this this this this giant woman that we've also managed to acquire she's coming along tarpos looks at the wounded party and you see
Starting point is 00:52:54 there's kind of awkwardness on her face and she says simply i hunt food She turns and walks away. Oh, did anyone see Eleniel? Muriel, she, do you want me to, did you let her write her name out at all? Oh, she went to write the M, I'll be like, no, no, no, no, no. If she goes to, if she goes to Jester, um, wait, uh, Cribbit, can, uh, do you have your, your pen and a piece of paper we can? Cribbit hands her a pen and paper. She writes Muriel at the top, and then... We ran into you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And then she continues onwards, and she continues on and writes, Saw her sometimes in the trees, don't know where she is. She's very well hidden. Ah, what is this place? She writes, don't know name, just knew it was here Are we safe? Dyrus wolves, I'm sorry, she probably doesn't say Dyrus wolves She doesn't know that term
Starting point is 00:53:53 Wolves won't search here Any other dangers here? She writes disease, question mark And then she gestures to one of the There are many piles of snow in this the the town here or i should say what's left of it at first you thought they were just natural banks of snow but when she gestures she wipes away at it a little bit and you can see there are piles of desiccated bodies covered in snow oh she continues onwards but think it's safe now. Strahd?
Starting point is 00:54:25 She nods. She slowly gets up and then gestures to one of the, there are no buildings that have complete roofs, but some of them have at least part of a roof, and part of a roof feels better than no roof at this point. Yep, that's fair. Is there, okay, right. Let's head in and try to get warm, see what we need to do next.
Starting point is 00:54:45 You push open. The front door to this building is badly damaged and doesn't want to move, but it can be forced. You see that a big red X has been painted onto the door. And when you force it open, it's a single room dwelling. There's a bed over to one side. Good news, bad news. The bed is in the part where it would be covered by what's left of the roof. So there is actually an undercover bed here. The bad news is there are two corpses cuddled together in it.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Is it possible to remove? Are they on a sheet? Can we wrap them up in a blanket? It's a very threadbare sheet, but you could take it off them and then remove them from the bed. Wrap them up in it. Oh, yeah, you could do that as well. And get them outside so that we are not in the presence of that. Silently, you and Gorob Lushen do this.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Croubit moves over to what's left of the bed, and he just sits down next to it, and he's just quietly thinking, I suppose. Is there anywhere? Look look i'm looking around for like i guess furnitures like furnishings like wooden furnishings that we can kind of break down to maybe just make a mixture of fire sure you could do that yeah there's enough very dry wood here to make a make a little fire you start a Asking if it's safe. Would it be safe to have a fire? Muriel writes down on the paper,
Starting point is 00:56:08 probably. Okay. I think that is best, so we don't die of thermia. Let's make a fire. Do you know where that lake, that waterfall went to? She writes Lunar Lake, somewhere
Starting point is 00:56:24 to the east. We need to find my friend, or Lake, somewhere to the east. Well, we need to find my friend, or at the very least his book. She nods and says, we'll search tomorrow. To be continued... Thank you. Further adventures of the Greyhill Free Company if you want shorter campaigns with beautiful guests and D&D is for Nerds, not Ognot, where all our non-canon D&D adventures go to rest. Just search for D&D is for Nerds on your favourite podcast app of choice and join us on this epic quest of D&D podcast discovery.

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