Dear Hank & John - 45: Not Knowing

Episode Date: April 26, 2016

Should I feel guilty about liking Hamilton? Why aren't we talking about our impending death by Yellowstone? Should I be saving all my burrito money for the economic apocalypse? And more! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How and welcome to Dear Hank and John. Or is I for the sake of a Dear John and Hank? It's a comedy podcast where me and my brother John, we answer your questions, give you to be his advice and bring you all the weeks news from both Mars and AFC Wimbledon. Hey John, how you doing? I'm doing fantastic because of the news from AFC Wimbledon. I just can't get over it, Hank. But otherwise I'm well.
Starting point is 00:00:23 It's a gray cloudy day here in Indianapolis after several beautiful days in a row. But I am happy, my heart is singing. How are you? I'm good. We are having whether that could be described as Taylor Swiftian. And I'm sad that I have to be inside recording a podcast right now
Starting point is 00:00:38 because I just want to be romping around in the meadows potentially just yanking dandelions out of my yard because they are very happy, very happy. Dandelions, I feel like all the rest of the meadows potentially just yanking dandelions out of my yard because they are very happy, very happy. Dandelions, I feel like all the rest of the plants must look at the dandelions and feel really lazy. All the plants out there just being like, I'm gonna do my thing, I'm gonna flower one time and maybe make a seed. And dandelions are like, hey, by the way, we're gonna do that 75 times between the moment there stops being snow on the ground and the well into when there starts being snow on the ground
Starting point is 00:01:10 in the winter. Stainy lions, they make me feel lazy and I think all of the rest of the plants probably feel the same way. And I feel bad for all the rest of the plants who feel lazy because they're looking at dandelions. I don't think plants have those feelings. I am, however, impressed with the success of dandelions
Starting point is 00:01:26 so much so that I wonder why we have relatively so much plant biodiversity when you think that dandelion would have just taken over completely. Why, why are there any other plants? I feel this way about pigeons and dandelions that we kind of like we hate them because of their success. And I just think that we should, I think that we should lob them and be like,
Starting point is 00:01:48 what remarkable, well done, adapting to the weird world that we have created as humans with all of our lawns and all our buildings and making it work. The wonderful generalist species of dandelions and pigeons and humans, we have a lot in common. No, I agree. The only reason that we have so many pigeons and dandelions is because we have so many humans. So why do we complain about these species for which we are responsible? Would you like a short poem for the day?
Starting point is 00:02:17 Let's do it. Is it about pigeons? It's not about pigeon tank, but it is about feathers. Oh, okay, that's close. We've actually had this poem before on the podcast, but I'm in such a good mood, and I can't think of a better situation in which to read this poem, often known as Hope is the Thing with Feathers by the brilliant Emily Dickinson. Hope is the Thing with Feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And sweetest in the gale is heard, and soar must be the storm that could abash this little bird that kept so many warm. I've heard it in the chillest land, and on the strangest sea, yet never in extremity, it asked a crumb of me. Hope is the thing with feathers, also known as poem 314 by Emily Dickinson, Hank. Have you ever noticed how hope really is a thing with feathers? How just when you think it's been extinguished, it flies up and leaps in front of you?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Uh, I mean, that doesn't feel like so much the case for like, Dagon Red fans right now. Oh God, I do. I do case for like Dagon Red fans right now. Oh God, I do feel terrible for Dagon Red fans. The recently relegated Dagon Hem and Red Bridge. Nobody really knows for sure what Dagon Red stands for, Hank, but let's move on to some questions from our listeners before we get to the news from ANSI Wilden, but I, Hank, I just have to say really quickly
Starting point is 00:03:43 that the fact that you're able to name a league two team, although not going to be a league two team next year, other than AFC Wimbledon, fills my heart with joy. Well, I also want to say that my club, Stevenage, which is because that's where they're working on part of the Mars mission that the ESA is doing, is probably not going to get relegated, but only barely. I didn't know that you had a league two team. Are you a confirmed steedage? Yeah, we talked about it on the pod.
Starting point is 00:04:18 First off, I just want to say, thanks for that fantastic draw yesterday against Bristol Rovers that was tremendously important for AFC Wimbledon's future. Yeah, we talked about it on the pod. Steven Hitch is the place, is the town where they're working on the ESA Exomars mission, or part of it anyway. And so I decided to have my own League 2 team and they are, are I think currently forth from last is that good enough john? That's just good enough to avoid relegation hank. This is coming ever closer to me living my true dream Which is to have a podcast with you entirely devoted to fourth tier English football Possibly third tier English football depending on how things go
Starting point is 00:05:04 But that's for later in the show. For now, let's get to some questions from our listeners. All right, John, we've got a bunch. What do you want to start with? Do you want to start with this one from Rachel? Mm. No, it's too stressful. Let's do that one second.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Okay. Okay, what do you want to start with? Let's start with this question from Dom, who asks, dear John and Hank, John, you're a want to start with? Let's start with this question from Dom, who asks, dear John and Hank, John, you're a self-proclaimed Hamilton fan, and I am too, but I'm conflicted. I feel that history shouldn't be viewed
Starting point is 00:05:32 as a narrative composed of great individuals, but rather of complex communities, societies, and ideologies. Of course, some great individuals must be individually highlighted, but shouldn't that be as a bigger raindrop in the storm? Although entertaining and educating, do you feel that Hamilton is a protagonist-dependent view of history? And if it is, is that good or bad? Love the podcast, never missed an episode? Thank you, Dom. Oh, Dom. Hank, this is a great question.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I will, I think that what Dom dislikes is stories. I- we gotta have protagonists. Right? We gotta tell stories about history. Stories, we gotta have protagonists, right? We gotta tell stories about history. Well, we do have to have protagonists within historical narratives, but we don't have to hold up the idea that individuals are largely responsible
Starting point is 00:06:17 for making history, which is something that Hamilton does, just because there could be a massive chorus of thousands of people singing in the background representing some large body politic, and there isn't. I don't mind that because the music is so great, and also because the way of looking at history, while it is sort of great man history, feels new and fresh and excellent. Right. I think that Hamilton is primarily a story, not primarily an educational enterprise.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah, but I guess the way that we tell our stories, or particularly when it comes to history, shapes the way that we think about what humans do and why. Yeah, I often just think that stories are more shaped by, so stories shape, but first stories are shaped and stories are shaped by the kind of story that people want to hear. And those are the stories that we end up celebrating because they are exciting to us.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And it is a problem that we have as our world gets bigger and each of us individually starts to feel smaller that we tell these big stories about these big people who like have outsized impact on the world or sort of are the only ones who seem to have any effect on the world in our storytelling. And that's, I feel like it's the structure have any effect on the world in our storytelling. And that's, I feel like it's the structure
Starting point is 00:07:49 of how stories have to work, but because we tell these big global stories now, Steve Jobs didn't just change my life. He changed everyone's life, and everybody has to use an iPhone, and not everybody has to use an iPhone, but there are iPhones all over the world now. And so there's this massive change that has occurred, and you could say the same thing about Henry Ford. But like, by making it global, it makes each individual person
Starting point is 00:08:19 feel so much less significant, because all of our stories become, like they're not important and less they're global. And even telling a story about a great person who had a tremendous effect on their local community always feels kind of empty and not as sort of epic as it could be because we have these great epic global tales that we can tell now.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And I feel like it makes all of us, I feel like normal, me and everyone feels like a little bit less appreciation for the things that they do. And I have started to think more and more about the appreciation deficit and how we are worse and worse at giving each other credit for the things that we all do to make the world a better place. I agree with you in some ways. Although I have to say that there are stories written
Starting point is 00:09:11 about people who heroically choose to tread lightly upon the earth, including, for instance, the fault in our stars, which is pretty much what that book is devoted to in its entirety. But sure, sure. I think... Go ahead and take some credit there. I think that, yeah. I mean, my point was more that like,
Starting point is 00:09:31 that's part of a much larger genre of books that celebrate, sort of low impact lives. And that they do do well. But I don't really buy the argument that we have to be globally appreciated to have enough outside, outside appreciation to keep going. But I don't know, I guess you do, and that's okay. Well, I don't, I don't think that,
Starting point is 00:09:53 like I think we get enough appreciation to keep going. I just think that there's less appreciation for all of us who make it work than they're used to be. And I want to live my life in a way where I do my best to appreciate all of the people who make my life better and who make the world better in my normal life. And I feel the more that I appreciate other people,
Starting point is 00:10:18 the more I feel less, the more I feel appreciated, because if I see the work that is done even by someone who isn't there Like if I walk in a new park that's just been made and I didn't see the people who made that park and who planted those trees and And laid down the grass But I know that those people happened that they were there and that they made my life better and I want to appreciate them And that makes me feel better want to appreciate them. And that makes me feel better about the world. It makes me feel like people are out there appreciating me and And that we all work together to make to make the world work. Oh, and that we agree. I just don't think that there's anything particularly new about that. Let's move on to another question
Starting point is 00:11:01 Okay, this one is from Chelsea Hank. She writes dear John and Hank I was in a meeting this morning with my boss and a bunch of higher-up clients I am but a plea-be-and-market incordinator and they were all talking about how economists are saying America's debt situation is pointing us toward an economic depression even more severe than the Great Depression around the year 2031. This was the first I'd heard of such a prediction and in addition to furious Googling I figured I'd ask the leading experts on the American economy, John and Hank Green. Is this the thing I should be actively worried about? Should I be saving all my burrito money in preparation for such a cataclysmic event?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Well, Chelsea, if such a cataclysmic event were to come, the good slash bad news is that all of your burrito money would be worth nothing, so you might as well just spend it on burritos now. I also want to say that Chelsea said, the leading experts in the American economy, Hank and John Green, and yet you even switched it there. Well, I believe that this podcast should be called Dear John and Hank, and I believe that when people refer
Starting point is 00:11:54 to us, they should refer to us as John and Hank by age, not by alphabet. All right, yeah, I mean, this is hilarious to be, to a certain extent that like that. this question is absurd on so many levels. Yeah, and there's the idea that like, a bunch of people in a room know what is going to happen to the American economy in 2031, is it self-fascinating to it? It really is. Around the year 2031.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I mean, it's gonna be amazing when 2031 rolls around and the American economy collapses and everybody can throw this podcast back in our face but like, that's ludicrous. Yeah, that's ludicrous. I mean, for context, 15 years ago, which is how far away we are from 2031, I remember saying to my friends,
Starting point is 00:12:46 why would you ever send a text message, you could just call. I also remember saying to my friends, why would I want my email on my phone? I tell the story a lot, John, about the time we were offered a free camcorder from Sony, that we've record in HD, and that we responded to them. YouTube will never be in HD. Yeah, why would anyone want to watch YouTube videos in widescreen? I
Starting point is 00:13:16 believe that was the text of our email response. Yeah, so to summarize, Chelsea, no one knows what's going to happen in 2031. The United States has a lot of debt. The amount of debt that we have actually isn't very important. Again, please bear in mind that Hank and I are not economists, but the percentage of our debt to GDP ratio, the size of our debt as compared to our GDP, our gross domestic product, like the total output of the economy,
Starting point is 00:13:50 that is considered a kind of more important number than the number of dollars of debt itself. And our debt to GDP ratio is high. It isn't that, that high. But most importantly, our debt is very, very inexpensive. Like right now, it's essentially free for the United States to borrow money because people are anxious to buy treasury bonds because they feel that they are very safe investment. So we can basically borrow as much money as we want for free. Now that obviously comes with its own dangers. The only real risk to the American economy from our debt is if our debt becomes more expensive
Starting point is 00:14:31 to service. So like if the interest rate were to go up, which can happen very suddenly and can sort of spiral, that's what happened in Greece, for instance, in Ireland, is that sometimes the amount of interest that you have to pay to borrow money starts to rise, and then you have to borrow yet more money to pay these higher interest loans. That would be a problem for the United States economy. There is no evidence whatsoever that that is about to happen, or indeed that it will happen in 2031. I think that there are legitimate concerns about our debt to GDP ratio right now, but we don't spend that much to service our debt compared to what we were spending 10 years ago or 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:20 So it's not something that I worry about at night. Yeah. And I don't think that you should either. Yeah. I I spent a lot of time looking into this recently because I was thinking about making a video on it and then gave up. But because the reason I gave up is because I read a bunch of different articles from a bunch of economists that worked at a bunch of large well-known American universities and they all disagreed with each other. And that made me feel like, oh, no one knows how this works.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And they're trying to figure it out. And it's a thing that experts think about and that people who are good at this will have important discussions about. But it is not a thing that some Muckity Mucks in a room no better than like the leading economist at Harvard or MIT. And both of those people disagree with each other
Starting point is 00:16:11 a great deal about whether the American debt, whether American debt, sovereign debt is a good thing or a bad thing. I got another question, John, it's from Rachel. Rachel asks, in all caps, dear Hank and John, why does writing in all caps feel so intense? Like I'm yelling at you right now, why? Rachel, I actually remember when all caps became like yelling to me.
Starting point is 00:16:40 So it was a specific time in my life. It was the summer of 1993. Hank, do you remember, was it a similar time for you? I don't remember this now. So I don't know if there's a history of all caps writing being seen as screaming, but certainly when I joined the internet in the summer of 1993,
Starting point is 00:16:59 was the first time that I'd seen all caps writing being used to intonate screaming or intensity. And I remember reading it at first and thinking, well, this is silly. They're just writing differently. It doesn't sound like screaming at all. And then slowly over the course of the summer, I was part of this huge message board on CompuServe. Over the course of the summer, reading everybody's forum posts and writing my own.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I found myself writing in all caps when I was screaming. I found myself reading other people's capital letters as screaming so much so that today, or even I remember a few years ago, Hank before our grandmother died, our grandmother only sent emails in all caps. She didn't have the ability to turn off the caps lock on her keyboard.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And so I think that it helped her see all the words. Yeah, so she would write us these very sweet emails, but to me it would just be like, I'm very proud of you for your book looking for Alaska. I think it's wonderful. That's my answer. I think it's super interesting that we can convey all of this extra information with text
Starting point is 00:18:03 and we have to find new ways of doing that. Like I am the kind of person who constantly puts emojis in my emails because I wanted to be very clear when I'm saying something that I think is a sad thing, a happy thing, a sarcastic thing, a winky face thing. I'm trying to pack in and load in as much information as possible because when we're talking as people, we have lots of different ways of showing how we feel about the words we are saying, which we don't have in text. And so we've developed all of these new cool ways of conveying that information, but different people read it differently, which means you can sometimes have to be careful when you are sending people
Starting point is 00:18:45 emails who are different ages than you or have different backgrounds than you, because they, the culture of how to use the words, how to use the tools that we have on our keyboard, which is a limited set of tools to convey information accurately is different. So, I will often send an email and then I'll get a response back from someone who's significantly older than me that will be kind of defensive and I'll be like, oh, I did that thing again where I thought that they were going to understand what I meant and they didn't. These days Hank, I only write emails and emojis.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I don't use the letters on the keyboard anymore. I try to only use image-based things so that people have a good sense of what I mean. And with the variety of emojis available to us these days, you don't even need text anymore. Text is dead. My new novel is going to be written entirely in emoji. Well, I hope I's going to be very long. Oh, it's going to be extremely long. Are you kidding me? Yeah, no, it's gonna be like 700 pages. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I've been working on it for five years. What do you think I've been doing all this time? Ha ha ha ha! I think we've got another question here from Megan, who writes, dear John and Hank, recently from my college geology class, we studied super volcanoes, and ever since I've been extremely terrified
Starting point is 00:20:00 of the thought of Yellowstone destroying our country and covering it in deadly ash. Oh, Megan, truly a woman after my own heart. The most alarming thing about this is that Yellowstone's eruption could happen any time, and yet I've never heard of any sort of emergency plan shared with the population of the US regarding what to do in this kind of natural disaster. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, yeah, that's because there's nothing you can do. Do you think the US needs to repair its citizens for the possibility of a super volcano? Or do you think this would just cause an unnecessary
Starting point is 00:20:29 state of panic? This is a great question, Megan. I don't think it would cause an unnecessary state of panic. I think it would cause an appropriate state of panic. The problem is telling the citizens of the United States in the event of a Yellowstone Supervolcano except the sweet embrace of death is not a particularly encouraging message. So first of all, I want to take issue with one of Megan's points, which is that this could happen at any point. It couldn't, it couldn't just happen right now.
Starting point is 00:21:02 A, you know, a Supervolcano eruption would have a lot of serious signs that it was going to occur. We couldn't stop it once we knew it was going to happen. So we would have years of like data being like, it's looking like there is a dramatic increase of geologic activity at Yellowstone. We wouldn't be able to do anything about that. We would just know that suddenly there was a lot more activity.
Starting point is 00:21:31 There is not a lot of activity at Yellowstone right now. What you would see is like, you would see like rising in the ground of like, like quick, like meters per day of the ground rising. And that would happen for quite a while before the eruption itself happened. Now when you say quite a while, do you mean long enough for us to establish a colony
Starting point is 00:21:54 on Mars, or do you mean like a few weeks? I mean like between those two things, like probably, like if you start to see that level of, like, and you don't even know, you don't know if it's going to happen, it could rise and then fall back down again. But if you did see that, you might be thinking like, okay, there could be something serious that might happen within the next year, within the next decade, within the next, you know, hundred years. We're not seeing anything like that. Okay, if I can just stop you real quick,
Starting point is 00:22:27 would this end all life on Earth, or would it just end like human life in the United States? It would not end all life on Earth, definitely. It probably wouldn't end all human life, and probably not all human life in the US. You know, it's just one of those situations where you're gonna have a lot of people die. You know, the carrying capacity of the Earth
Starting point is 00:22:48 will go way down. Where should I move in the event that Yellowstone starts rising and falling meters per day? Should I move to Australia? Should I move to Hawaii? I think you're pretty good where you are. I mean, well, I mean, you'd be better off in Australia, for sure.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I mean, Australia's pretty much the other side. But the problem is that you want to be in a place that's warm. Well, as it happens, Australia's lovely. So you don't want to be anywhere that's cold. Yeah. But it's not going to happen. And in our guesses are that these things happen on the orders of hundreds of thousands of years.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And so it's very likely that a Yellowstone Supervolcano eruption is more than 10,000 years away, which is we've got other things to worry about in that time. Oh yeah, we're never gonna make it 10,000 years. But in general, a dealing with a disaster is pretty much the same with every kind of disaster unless you are right on top of the Supervolcano, which I am, in which case,
Starting point is 00:23:55 dealing with the Supervolcano disaster is just suffocating in your home. Yeah, just a very short-term problem. Yes. I got another question from John from Gwendolyn. Tom, glad's just a very short-term problem. Yes. I got another question from Gwendolyn I'm glad that we went to that extremely dark place Hank It wouldn't have felt appropriate to get through a podcast without it. All right. What's Gwendolyn's question? I've known for a while that I would be leaving my job to stay at home
Starting point is 00:24:17 But now that it's obvious that I'm pregnant people are starting to ask me if I'm going to come back after the baby Which I'm not as this is my second child, I had hoped that people would just assume that I was staying around this time and not ask. As it is, I've panicked and started to lie to my coworkers saying that I'm planning on coming back. I haven't yet told my boss that I won't be coming back. I'm planning on staying for another three and a half months
Starting point is 00:24:38 from now. And I don't feel like it would be professional to tell anyone else before I told my boss In the meantime it's also not professional with people to ask by the way. Yes, it is yes In the meantime, what do I tell people? I don't want to lie But it's not time to tell everybody that I'm leaving yet also when is the right time to tell the boss that I'm leaving I know that two weeks is the professional minimum But it doesn't seem like that's nearly enough time to start even thinking about a replacement I'm coming that is a coming at this as a boss, not an employee, and I don't know your boss, and I don't
Starting point is 00:25:11 know your work environment, and I don't know your co-workers and such. But when one of my people is leaving, I want to know as soon as possible, and I don't see a ton of drawbacks to that. You might spend more time training your replacement and you might get loaded up with some extra work so that they can be ready for you to leave. But I think it's important to leave on good terms and preserve that relationship if it's ever necessary in the future
Starting point is 00:25:42 and to get those good LinkedIn recommendations or whatever. So, yeah, I mean, I think that, like, I don't think there's no reason not to be honest at this point. And I'm not sure. I think there's a reason not to be honest. I strongly disagree with you. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Okay, you go, John. If you live in a right to work state and you say, I'm not planning to come back after I have this child and I take my 12 weeks of FMLA time if you have, you know, outstanding sick leave or whatever. In some states, they can just fire you on the spot. So that's why you don't say. Oh, so you're saying that there would be maternity leave that would not get paid because she's not just maternity leave, but potentially if you say I'm looking forward to working for another three and a half months before I take my maternity leave and then don't come back to work. They could say don't come back tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Well, I then that would depend on on how much you trust your boss and the relationship you have with them. Because... Yeah, I would think like, the answer, my answer would be, when people ask you if you're coming back to work, you can say the truth, which is that you don't know, because who knows? You might not know. You think you know, but like the future's unpredictable.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It could be that you have this second child and like, you know, three weeks after, you're like, man, I can't wait to go back to work. So just say you don't know. Yeah, that's what I would say. And there's nothing wrong with changing your mind and there's nothing wrong with even though now you've made up your mind and you've lied.
Starting point is 00:27:17 There's nothing wrong with lying again and saying, oh, I changed my mind. I thought that I was going to come back, but it turns out that I'm able, my husband and I or my mind. I thought that I was going to come back, but it turns out that I'm able, my husband and I, or my partner and I, or I have figured out that it's feasible for me to do this, to be not coming to work. And I'm gonna do that instead.
Starting point is 00:27:38 I feel like Hank, sometimes you have an exceptionally, like Rosie, an optimistic view of work life because you never had a job. Right, and because like the way that I run my office is extraordinarily just like, yeah, it's weird. Yeah, it's like uncommon. So I think I just think like don't always listen to Hank
Starting point is 00:27:57 when it comes to questions about work is his advice can be kind of doubly dubious. Although it's possible that my advice is dubious too and you're protected by some federal nondiscrimination law when it comes to that stuff. I'm not sure. I'm not a I'm not an employment attorney, but in general I'm a big fan of just saying I don't know to pretty much any question that I'm asked except that now that I think about it I am a professional that I'm asked, except that now that I think about it, I am a professional answer of questions on this very podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:27 We should probably say, I almost never say, I don't know, even when I clearly don't. I probably say, I don't know more on the podcast and get here we go, giving that, given that dubious advice. It would be such a, it would be a better and also shorter podcast
Starting point is 00:28:39 if we just answered every question with, huh, interesting question. I don't know. We should probably pick one question for podcasts to be like, and we can do it in harmony, like, I don't know. Today's podcast is brought to you by Not Knowing. Not Knowing.
Starting point is 00:28:55 It used to be a popular thing, but in the age of the internet, apparently, everyone knows everything all the time, including when the world is going to end, 2031, look forward to that greatest depression. Ah, this podcast is also brought to you by that global economic collapse of 2031. Predicted in a room by a bunch of people who are not economists. What do you want to bet most of those people were dudes? I was gonna say dudes, but I didn't.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Today's podcast is also brought to you by the musical Hamilton, the musical Hamilton. Tickets available now. Just kidding, they aren't. They definitely are. And finally, this podcast is brought to you by John's pure emoji next novel. Yep. It's 700 pages of emojis.
Starting point is 00:29:39 It's been working on it for five years. It's gonna be a work of blinding genius that will take the world by storm and no one will ever think that he's completely lost his mind. Truly blinding genius too because it's hard to read that many emojis right in a row. I believe in it. Oh man, I also want to say thanks to our, in real brought to you by news, thanks to our patrons over at slash deer hankinjohn where you can go and support
Starting point is 00:30:07 this podcast directly. If you don't want to, you can go there and just enjoy some of the content that we put up to help you understand more about Mars and AFC Wimbledon mostly. All right, John, we got another question. We're gonna keep doing that. This one's from Beth who asks,
Starting point is 00:30:22 deerhankinjohn, do you know how I can explain to my cat how inconvenient it is when she goes pee in my backpack? That would be super helpful. Uh, you know, I- I've been waiting to say it Hank, and I get to say it right now. I have no idea. You just, you just, uh, you don't- don't make anything in your house. Look like a litter box. You can house look like a litter box. You can look nothing like a litter box. Make sure that nothing looks anything like that place and keep the litter box clean and stand your backpack up, close it, put it on a thing. This is not going, you cannot explain cats how things go.
Starting point is 00:30:59 But I've had my cat pee in my backpack, it's happened. But she hasn't done it in years because I stopped leaving it open on the ground, looking like a litter box. And I just like, I can imagine her like, getting in there being like, oh, this is a nice shape and then like squatting on down, doing her thing, like looking off like thousand yard stair and just letting it fly right into,
Starting point is 00:31:23 and I still use that backpack, John. I still use that backpack. We have another question. This one is from Caleb who writes, dear John in Hank. My name is Caleb. Well, I already knew that. Caleb, it was right there in the intro,
Starting point is 00:31:34 but that's okay. Um. Is it Ryan? As you sure it's not Ryan? Some people say Caleb is the new Ryan. My name is Caleb and I, comma, Caleb, feel kind of odd in Nerdfighteria because I identify as a Republican.
Starting point is 00:31:48 That's a weird sentence I identify as a Republican. I think you could just be a Republican. I don't think it has to be an identity. And I'm a theist, more specifically a Christian. I don't agree with the views they, I guess they is Nerdfighteria. And a lot of times you have. I however, really enjoy your work and you're drive to promote views they, I guess they is nerdfighteria, and a lot of times you have. I, however, really enjoy your work and your drive to promote your beliefs, even if they don't line up with me. I don't feel like I'm trying to promote atheistic beliefs.
Starting point is 00:32:13 No, believe that specifically Hank, as I am quite a religious Christian and do go to church and stuff. Anyway, I get enjoyment out of the things you create, which is why I listen to Dear Hank and John in the first place. Dang it, I didn't say dear John and Hank. How do I go on enjoying what I like in a community that is always wanting to set me straight? Yeah, I mean, that last part I definitely, I feel ya on. And I don't know. This is this liberating, John, I love our new podcast.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Yes. I don't know is the great, I don't know is the new. I don't know either. I, I don't know is the new. I don't know either. I mean, I definitely understand that idea that like anytime you say something, you're surrounded by people who are trying to set you straight. And that can be very frustrating. I feel that online a lot. Like whenever I say, for instance, that I am a Christian, lots of people come in to tell me
Starting point is 00:33:07 that the idea of God is ridiculous, which I mean obviously I'm aware of that. It's not about it. It's not like they're breaking news to me. But I do think that it's very important to remain open to other people's ideas and it's very important to be able to listen and understand where people are coming from. So I guess I try to take it as an opportunity to listen to someone who is different from me and learn from them. And in that process, try to think about how I can have
Starting point is 00:33:43 participated in more civil discourse. So for instance, I have a really good friend who is supporting Donald Trump for President, which is something that I totally disagree with, right? I mean, of the people running Trump is definitely the person I would vote for last, and possibly of all the people in the United States. And so it's a really interesting opportunity for me, though, to listen to them, talk about why they support Trump, what they feel Trump represents for them, or the positions that he represents that reflect their positions.
Starting point is 00:34:22 And of course, it turns out to be a lot more complicated than my initial repulsion would have me believe. So I think there's some benefit in the act of listening, even if sometimes it feels like everyone is trying to set you straight. Right, right. I mean, that's, it's hard, because this is more than just somebody
Starting point is 00:34:43 expressing their opinions. It's somebody like, apply, like trying to tell you Right, right. I mean, that's, it's hard because this is more than just somebody expressing their opinions. It's somebody like, apply it, like trying to tell you why you are wrong. So, you know, being empathetic in that situation is harder, but like, you, we are in such a mess. And I, you know, I don't know that this is unique or anything, but it, when a person who is on the internet all day
Starting point is 00:35:09 inside their filter bubble hears that you're a Republican, their thoughts are not going to be accurate because they have spent the last whole life on the internet exposed to only the most extreme viewpoints and only the, and like lots of stories that have been, you know, like that misrepresent that, that, you know, are, you know, sometimes manufactured and just to create that, you know, sharper divide between, you know, our two main political parties. And so, like, I think that a lot of people don't really know what these things represent on either side, and it is very frustrating. And I honestly think that, like, you know, like, it's very complicated. There is no one thing that either
Starting point is 00:36:08 these ideologies represents every person has a different perspective. And it's sort of ludicrous that we work so hard to try and put every American into one of two boxes. Or three, if you count independent. And four, if you count non-voter. So the, yeah, I do think this is difficult and I return to the fact that I just don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I mean, the only other thing I would say about this K-O-B is that you also have to not view the other monolithically, right? Like you can't view nerdfighteria as monolithically liberal when it definitely isn't. I mean, you are not the only Republican in Nerdfighteria. You're certainly not the only Christian. And you know, there's this habit of saying,
Starting point is 00:37:00 well, every thing, every community on the internet or every community or every thing fits in one of these, well, every thing, every community on the internet, or every community, or every thing fits in one of these two boxes, especially in American discourse that has anything to do with politics, either the conservative box or the liberal box. We even actually do this with sports, right? We all know that NASCAR is Republican, but what does that even mean? NASCAR isn't Republican. NASCAR is a matter of cars taking right turns, possibly left turns. Not a very good sense of direction.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So, you know, we politicize things that have nothing to do with political life in the United States. And so I would ask you to try to be careful not to do that and not to apply political labels and political readings to every facet of your life. We've got another question. It's from Sam. It's a little bit easier, I think. But maybe not. He asks, dear Hank and John, a few years back, I fell in love with a TV show. Now that show is unfortunately finished, finished, but I think of it fondly. And as such, I find myself wanting to own that show, but was aghast to find that a DVD release is not planned anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I was devastated to realize that I could never own the show I so love, except that I can. I can very easily buy and download the entire season legally and watch it whenever I want to, but for some reason that doesn't feel to me like owning it. There's nothing physical that I can call mine. Do you have any advice dubious or otherwise as to how I can shake this mentality that I don't own what I can't see or touch? Sam the object is dead. There are no more objects.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Let us disavow all objects and live only in non-physical space. Let us praise the electrons that make up the things that we own and do not own. Let us escape our bodies entirely and live only inside of cyber-spatial existences. The only way to protect ourselves from the scourge of super volcanoes and coming economic collapses of 2031. Right. Yeah. I mean, basically, basically what Sam is saying is I want a DVD so that the American economy can collapse in 2031. And then in 2032, there can be a super volcanic eruption. I don't want to overread Sam's question, but I think that's what Sam is saying. I mean, I go through this a little bit with books, like I love physical books. I'm just an absolute sucker for them.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I understand that there is no way of justifying my love of the physical object, but I still love it. But we are all going to have to become accustomed over the next few decades to having fewer objects in our lives. And I think in the long run, that's probably good. Right, I mean, there's, to me, there's something different about a book in a DVD. Because a DVD is a digital file on a disc,
Starting point is 00:39:58 and it might as well be on a hard drive somewhere. Like, there's no difference from that. Well, okay. I don't agree with you, by the way. And I no difference from that. Well, okay. I don't agree with you. I'm gonna back up and disagree with myself too. I have argued myself out of this position. I will say though, I will change my tack and say that there's a difference in that I'm never not going to be able
Starting point is 00:40:19 to read a book. So I have a book on myself. I'm always going to be able to read that book, unless there's a fire. But if I don't have a DVD player anymore, which I literally don't, because it used to be in my laptop, but I got a new laptop that doesn't have a DVD player, then I can't watch those DVDs. I have a bunch of DVDs, and I can't watch them, because I don't have the system. I know you'd have to spend $19 to acquire a new DVD player.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I mean, I guess I kind of agree with that point Hank, but I mean, physical books are just digital files that are printed differently. So I don't know. Can we move on to the news from Mars and AFC Wimbledon and just accept that DVDs are going to have a declining role in our lives even though I agree But I wanted I want to tell Sam I like I getting the to the root of Sam's issue is
Starting point is 00:41:14 You got to figure out how to apply ownership to the idea of the thing and not the physical thing itself and to me That's about understanding that that owning the thing was never about not the physical thing itself. And to me, that's about understanding that owning the thing was never about owning the physical thing. It was always about paying people for the work that they did to create it and creating an economy that supports the creation of good things. And that doesn't have like, the thing you were buying
Starting point is 00:41:41 was never the disc, it was always the intellectual property. And you're still doing that. And I think understanding that is less, it gets less viscerally human. It's an abstraction, but it was always the case that you were never buying this, what was probably a 50 cent thing.
Starting point is 00:42:03 You were buying the thing that existed on it. I agree. Before we get to the news from Mars and AFC, we'll move on very quickly. One response. This is from Jane, who writes, Dear John and Hank. I'm sitting listening to your podcast.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Number 43, gotta be kitten. By the way, Hank, I do not approve of that title. And I do believe you owe me an apology. I'm on episode 13 of The First Season of Gilmore Girls and you just spoiled the whole thing for me I understand the show is a decade old, but I am 16 Couldn't have possibly watched understood and or enjoyed the show before now and now you've spoiled it And this is a great tragedy of life Please contemplate your contribution to the ruining of my life
Starting point is 00:42:43 This will suffice as an apology. I love it I love the podcast. I've been listening since the first episode. Thanks for the dubious advice, but no more spoilers I'm sorry Jane. I'm sorry not least because just now in this very Reading of your comment we've probably caused some people to go back and listen to episode 43, to be newly spoiled. Who otherwise never would have been spoiled. So I'm doubly sorry, Jane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:12 It is our bad. Our bad. I didn't think about it. There's nothing but dubious advice and spoilers in this show. I initially wanted that question for John to not get what the question was, and then for it to only be a joke
Starting point is 00:43:24 for people who had seen that, but he figured it out. And then I forgot to think about the fact that we were doing it. Anyway, I do apologize, and if we're having ruined your life, and I confirm, and, you know, I affirm that I have indeed done that,
Starting point is 00:43:42 and we are going to have to move on now. It's very sad. Okay Hank, what's the news from Mars? Well, you want me to get this over with quick because I assume some big news from AFC Wimbledon. That's right. All right, well, the news from Mars is that China, who has a very sort of, they have a space agency.
Starting point is 00:44:00 It's sort of arm of their military and it's very secretive. Has recently been changing its tack and has instead of just like suddenly launching missions and then people being like, did China just launch a space mission? They are being a lot more public and they have confirmed that they are working on a lunar mission a while ago and just recently in an interview, the head of China's space agency confirmed that they want to be on the surface of Mars with a rover by 2021, and with that launch happening in 2020, which is very exciting to have another entrant into the exploration of Mars, and I'm happy to have China doing that, and sort of feel weird about it because I feel weird about China and how China operates as a country.
Starting point is 00:44:54 But there is this interesting thing where space exploration for a lot of different reasons that aren't, that are mostly un-pure, is a thing that countries do, and generally they do together and work together on, because it's so expensive, and when one country has a problem, other countries want to come in and help them out, despite any kinds of, like, you know, political disagreements that those countries have. So I am excited for that, even though I feel
Starting point is 00:45:31 peculiar about China as a country. Complicated feelings. Yeah, I'm not going to try to get into the complicated world of Chinese politics, I will just note that I'm excited that there's going to be a second minivan on Mars. AFC Wimbledon Hank, America's favorite league two football club ahead of Stephen H. Probably true. Probably true. AFC Wimbledon, the greatest fourth-tier football club in the history of not just England, but the universe. Since I last shaved, Hank, AFC Wimbledon has won four consecutive games here at the very tail end of the league two season. Somebody recently commented on a vlog, where there's video, John now has two puffs.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I do. I do. I also want to shave. I just can't. So I've talked in past podcasts about our victory over Wickham and and Plymouth and then AFC Wimbledon faced Crawley town. In the 88th minute it looked like it was going to be a nil nil draw. The darkness was descending. It seemed certain that Wimbledon would slip out of the playoff spots down into eighth or ninth or possibly even tenth place. But then substitute autobioccon Fenwa, the largest strongest, most beautiful football player alive today scored a looping header of a goal. Victory was ours. And then just yesterday, as we're recording this, AFC Wimbledon played already relegated DAG and Red.
Starting point is 00:47:09 DAG and Red will finish at the bottom of League 2, and we'll spend next season in the semi-professional national league out of football league, sadly. And AFC Wimbledon scored two goals. They won 2-0 thanks to the hard work and goal-scoring boots of that man. The Montserrati in Messi. Lyle Taylor. It was such an exciting game. I listened to it on radio, WDON. It was really great. It was really great. I'm so thrilled. So AFC Wimbledon Hank, now they have four games remaining, almost all the other teams in League 2 have just three games remaining,
Starting point is 00:47:48 and Wimbledon are sitting in seventh, the final playoff spot, four points ahead of eighth place Wickham, and five points ahead of ninth place Cambridge United, also sitting on five points back our Exeter City and Layton Orient. So it's still a somewhat crowded table, but AFC Wimbledon have a game in hand.
Starting point is 00:48:12 If they win two of their last four games, they will definitely qualify for the playoffs. I won't lie Hank, that means that if they qualify for the playoffs, they have a 25% chance of going to league one, but a 50% chance of playing in lead one, but a 50% chance of playing in the playoff final at Wembley Stadium. And I have, I have, I am properly dreaming, I have Googled airplane tickets, I am ready to purchase them by the way, you're welcome to come.
Starting point is 00:48:42 That wasn't a joke. I'm not going to. Okay. Well, it's just as well. Stevenage won't be in the playoffs. I am so excited. This season, it's difficult to describe how unlikely this is because, of course, this is the first year we've been doing the podcast. But you know, just just just two seasons ago, Wimbledon had to win on the last day to avoid relegation
Starting point is 00:49:07 Or I guess three seasons ago. So this is it's just a phenomenal situation and I'm so so excited It's just crazy. Hope is the thing with feathers. I'm very pleased and I Want to ask what I think is an important question not not only for, you know, for AFC, but also for the potentially our careers on YouTube. If they go to the playoffs, does that mean you're gonna like not shave for like months? Well Hank, if they don't, if they win all four of their final games
Starting point is 00:49:43 and end the season with eight consecutive wins, are you asking me if I'm going to shave before the playoffs? Of course I'm not going to shave before the playoffs. They will have won eight straight games since I last shaved. I will, however, shave if they lose one of their last four games. Okay. Okay. Well, let me just tell you, I'm hoping for that. That's
Starting point is 00:50:10 terrible because I want you to shave. And I don't think it will mean that they won't be in the playoffs. And I don't think they can get into that top three definite ends up in the in the thing. Yeah, it's very, it's going to be very, very hard to get in that top three. Even if they won out, they would only have 80 points. And right now, the third place team has 77. So yeah, that's not a superior goal difference. So it's probably not going to happen. So, but that said, I still want them to go, go into the playoffs. If, if they make it to the playoffs, you know, on good form and everything, having one of a bunch of games. So whatever it takes, I'm happy not to
Starting point is 00:50:45 shave. I do have to drive the pace car at the Angie's list Grand Prix here in Indianapolis, the big road course race on May 14th. And in a perfect world, I wouldn't have to do all of the press with a massive shaggy beard. But whatever, I'm happy to do it. So is the playoff thing like I can't cut any of these hairs or I can't shave? Like could you give yourself a nicer looking beard? Is that allowed?
Starting point is 00:51:11 Well Hank, obviously I don't know, right? So that's the whole problem. I don't know which part of my beard is causing AFC Wimbledon to win. So I can't mess with any of it. Okay, that makes perfect sense. John, what do we learn today? Well, we learned that I am a little bit superstitious.
Starting point is 00:51:32 That's true, we tip learned that. We learned that you are never buying a physical item when you're buying a piece of media. And of course, we also learned that, uh, the- the- the world is going to end, but probably not in our lifetimes because of a yellowstone super volcano eruption. And finally, we learned, of course, that John and Hank Green, despite the fact that we answer questions for, like, an hour every week. Do not know. We don't know. We know essentially nothing. God, our advice is so dubious, especially in this episode. I apologize to everyone to whom we gave dubious advice
Starting point is 00:52:14 for just the sheer dubiosity of it all. But thank you so much for listening. You can write us with your questions at Hank and John at Also your corrections, your complaints about us spoiling Gilmore Girls for you, anything that you want. Hank and John at, or you can use the hashtag on Twitter, dear Hank and John. I'm John Green on Twitter, Hank is Hank Green on our preferred method of social communication Snapchat.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Hank is Hank, GRE. I am John Green's snaps. Our theme music is by Gunnarola. This podcast is edited by Nicholas Jenkins. Our hardworking intern is Claudio Morales, Rosie on a Hulsarohas helps with questions. Thank you again for listening. And as we say in our hometown, don't forget to be awesome.

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