Dear Hank & John - 51: Weird/Bad Dancefighting

Episode Date: June 15, 2016

What are nerdfighters fighting? How do I learn to enjoy physical activity? How do I stop talking about Mars in my sleep? And more! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello listeners of this podcast. In keeping with us generally always being behind a schedule, this podcast was recorded before the last weekend, which was a very bad one. So, if you're wondering why we don't reference the shootings in Orlando, that's why. I imagine they will come up in the next episode. Thank you for listening, and DFTBA. Hello and welcome to Dear Hank and John! What was I for to think of Dear John and Hank? It's a company podcast where me and my brother John, we answer your questions, we give you to be a advice, and we bring you all the week's news from both Mars and AFC Wimbledon, a
Starting point is 00:00:35 third-tier English soccer club. I'm not tired of hearing that, Hank. I believe it. I gotta update the description of Dear Hank and John, and I'm not entirely sure how to do it. Ha ha ha! Right, because it says we talk about a fourth- Dear Hank and John, and I'm not entirely sure how to do it. Yeah. Right, because it says we talk about a fourth-year English soccer team, but we don't anymore. It's almost as if there was a planet discovered
Starting point is 00:00:52 between Earth and Mars. We have to edit the podcast description as well, but it turns out that AFC Wimbledon much more changed than Mars, no offense to Mars. Uh, yeah, no, agreed. There is kind of a planet up between Mars and Jupiter, but that's not gonna help anything. How you doing, John?
Starting point is 00:01:10 I'm doing well. I'm having a little bit of an existential crisis as a result of a book I'm reading that was recommended to me by our father, called Sapiens, are you familiar with this book, Hank? I am, I just received it in the mail from our father. It's a great, really interesting history book, but I cannot in good faith recommended
Starting point is 00:01:27 because it has sent me into an absolute spiral of fear and loathing. Fear and life. I don't feel as Robert Penn Warren once famously wrote that I am a bubble on the tide of empire. More than ever, I feel that I am not making any of the choices that are supposedly mine, but instead, I'm just a tiny dot in a much larger point-to-list painting that is being
Starting point is 00:01:53 shaped by forces far, far larger than myself. It's interesting to me that that's not how you felt previously. Well, I have little moments where I feel like I have something approaching proper, free will, but no longer. That's ended now. I, yeah, actually, we just recorded an episode of Crash Course Philosophy on Free Will. And in general, the philosophical agreement is that we just don't, it's very difficult to,
Starting point is 00:02:21 once you start down that rabbit hole to come to a conclusion that indicates that we actually have any choice in the matter. However, it feels like we do, and that's the important thing. I'm not sure that is the important thing actually. I feel, no, you know, as I've gotten, it's interesting because as I've gotten older, I find myself less and less convinced by the acts
Starting point is 00:02:44 of my so-called volition. And I feel more and more like, you know, people don't wield power so much as power wields people. Oh my. Well, that's not really what I was talking about, but maybe we should have a poem before we just start talking about existentialism for the entire episode. Alright, this is another Hikou from Richard Wright. I'm a huge, Richard Wright fan, and I've written a this is another Hikou from Richard Wright. I'm a huge, rich, right fan.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And I've written a lot of good Hikou's over the years. You models must leave now. I am turning out the light and going to sleep. All right. So the real... You love that one, Hank, because it's short. Hold on, let me crack open a delicious diet, Dr. Pepper. All right, oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Is there a better sound on her? I thought we were gonna stop with the Dr. Pepper stuff. Why would we stop with it? It's delicious. I love drinking diet, Dr. Pepper. Okay, I see. I see. Well, you just continue with the loving Dr. Pepper. But we won't mention whether or not we would like Dr. Pepper to sponsor. No, I don't want Dr. Pepper to...
Starting point is 00:03:36 I don't actually want diet, Dr. Pepper to sponsor us. And now that Dr. Pepper follows me on Twitter, I feel that we've kind of flown too close to the sun on this one. And I'm getting very anxious. The diet, Dr. Pepper, might on Twitter. I feel that we've kind of flown too close to the sun on this one, and I'm getting very anxious that Diet Dr. Pepper might actually offer me money, and then I would have to turn them down because my stupid brother doesn't allow me to take sponsorships, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Uh huh, yeah, yeah. So we have to turn off the light so that the moth, that is Diet Dr. Pepper, we'll go home. That is correct. We have got to turn off those lights to keep those Diet Dr. Pepper mods from floating about Dear Hank and John All right, John I have a question that I wasn't actually intending to ask but it became so apropos While we were having this conversation at the beginning of the podcast. It's from Ellen who asks Dear Hank and John
Starting point is 00:04:21 Elon Musk said in an interview that we are probably all simulations of people rather than actual people. I feel weird when I think about this. Does this mean that my choices matter less because they aren't real? Or does it mean that my choices matter more? Because they matter not only to me, but to whatever entity is observing, slash experiencing what I do. Do you have any advice for how to feel about possibly being a simulation of the person that I thought that I was?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it, is my advice. Um, ha ha ha ha. Yeah. Though John is worrying quite a lot about it right now due to a book he's reading. It's hard not to worry about the problem is that it's just not particularly useful to worry about.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Hank, are you familiar with the turtles all the way down thing? Yes, no, I think you've talked about the turtles all the way down on this very podcast. For me, it's just that, for me, the question of whether we are simulation is a turtles all the way down type of issue? It is not something that can lead
Starting point is 00:05:20 to productive lines of thought, and I'm not sure, as like, I'm not sure that it's worth thinking about things we can't fix. Yeah. We just recorded it up a set of Crash Crash Philosophy about this topic. It has not, it has not come out yet, but it will. So I suggest that you go watch Crash Crash Philosophy, where we talk, we'll talkerminism and free will and whether free will exists and all of the ways in which we have made those arguments over the years In some ways it doesn't even matter whether or not it's a simulation Because even if it weren't there are there are you know logical
Starting point is 00:06:04 Trains that you can follow that will lead you to the realization that just based on how the Big Bang happened today was inevitable. That's a very difficult thing to come to terms with. I do feel like I'm making choices all the time. Many of the things that I do are clearly not choices, but many of the things that I do are. I do feel as if I make those choices, and I think that the way that we experience the world is in many ways the most
Starting point is 00:06:31 important thing rather than the way the world actually is. And I don't, I don't, you know, I don't know that everybody's going to agree with me on that, but that is what I have come to believe. Done. Yeah, I mean, there's different kinds of realness, right? I mean, there's the realness of, you know, there's the realness for instance of the theory of relativity. Like, we know that these laws govern the natural world. And then there's the realness of like the limited liability corporation or laws against murder.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Like those things are constructed, but they are also quite real, you know? They're real because we all believe in them together, but that doesn't mean that they're not real. And I think we have to be very careful about the things that we believe in together, the things that we choose to make real by force of our believing in them.
Starting point is 00:07:23 But I think we will always have those things, whether they're gods or corporations or laws against murder. We have to have those kind of shared beliefs. Those are the things that I'm worried about. I guess if we collectively decided that we were living inside of a simulation that would have a big impact on the human story, but I don't think that's a likely shared belief, and I don't think it would necessarily be a very helpful one.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, I kind of feel a little bit like Elon Musk is just making the gamble and saying, like, I'm gonna go ahead and say that we live in a simulation, potentially we do, and if we do, maybe the person who's watching can be like, oh, Elon Musk, he does so many interesting things in my simulation, including realizing person who's watching can be like, oh, Elon Musk, he does so many interesting things in my simulation, including realizing that he's in it.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Oh, what a great guy. That makes Elon Musk feel good about himself. Right, it's like Pascal's wager, right? Except it's Elon Musk's wager. He's betting that we're in a simulation and he just really impressed somebody. There's some 11 year old boy in some kind of super universe who's just like, oh man, one of them finally figured me out.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Alright, Johnny, you got another question for me? Not really, I'm still stuck inside of this existential loop that I can't get out of. The whole problem with obsessive thinking Hank is that it takes the form of these like ever tightening spirals from which there is no freedom. Until suddenly it does just go away and you're like, huh, that was weird. Anyway, yeah, I have a question. This question comes from Bella who writes, dear John and Hank, my brother makes you listen to your podcast on the way to school every day. And although I try very hard not to, I started to like it.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Though my brother claims I am now a nerd fighter, I refuse to accept a title I do not understand. Do nerd fighters fight nerds fight for the term nerds Or are they nerds that fight? My brother says he thinks nerds that fight, but fight what? You can't fight without having something to fight. That's just really bad slash weird dancing It's just a great observation Bella that if you're fighting without having something or someone to fight really you're just dancing without having something or someone to fight, really you're just dancing. And, well, I don't know that it's necessarily bad weird dancing, maybe you're really good,
Starting point is 00:09:31 no person fight dancer. Yeah, it could be, it could be excellent dancing. The point is that it is not fighting, it's dancing. She makes a good point there. Well, I think that it's possible that John and I are, you know, members of the community of Nerdfighters and all we are in fact doing is bad slash weird dancing about things. I think that might actually be, it might be really a stuute insight. Yes, but to answer your question, Bella, the idea is that Nerdfighters fight four nerds
Starting point is 00:09:58 in the same way that freedom fighters ostensibly fight for freedom. And as far as being a nerd fighter, we've always said that if you think you might be a nerd fighter, you probably are one. There's no like initiation, right, or anything. It's just one identity among many that you choose for yourself for the time that you consider yourself to be that. And we would welcome you as a nerd fighter,
Starting point is 00:10:22 but we also welcome, if you don't consider yourself a nerd fighter. Yeah, you could just be a fan of the pod. Yeah, but we also welcome if you don't consider yourself a nerd fighter Yeah, you could just be a fan of the pod. Yeah, the only requirement is that you do have to fight But not fight against anyone so you do have to do the dance fighting that is that is a technical requirement of joining our club Right, right of even of being a listener of the podcast I expect that all of you are doing weird dance fighting right now. Yeah. No, wherever you are Two things that you need to know. First, oh my God, it's burning.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Second, you better be dance fighting. Right now, I'm doing it. I'm drinking my entire Dr. Pepper and dance fighting in front of the microphone. I am likewise dance fighting. All right, thanks. Should we move on to another question? I don't even believe you, by the way.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Your dancing is too, my dancing is very subtle. You know, it's something I do primarily from the elbow to the fingertip. Your dancing is a full body thing. So there's no way you could be doing it in front of a microphone. Oh, I, but I can keep, I have an excellent body isolation,
Starting point is 00:11:18 so I can keep my head perfectly still while moving the rest of my body vigorously, which is what I'm doing right now. I mean, I would love to see that dance in real life. The head still body vigorously moving dance. All right, this question is from Megan. She asks, dear Hank and John, I'm pretty new to the podcast, but a long-term fan of the vlog brothers, so I have been binging on all the old episodes to catch up. I have a long-term history of talking nonsense in my sleep. My boyfriend recently told me that I have been talking
Starting point is 00:11:47 about Mars in my sleep, and I attribute that to the pod. Do you have any dubious advice for how to stop talking in my sleep? No, I do not. Why would I make you stop? This sounds great. No, I talking in your sleep is a dangerous, dangerous business, Hank, because you could say something
Starting point is 00:12:03 that's true and secret. So you definitely don't want to talk in your sleep. Unfortunately, I know of no way to prevent yourself from talking in your sleep, except to take Ambien, which does seem to work at least for me, but not a great long-term solution. I think that as long as you're just talking about Mars in your sleep, there's no problem.
Starting point is 00:12:24 So make sure that you just continue to talk just about Mars. The only way you can do that is to think a lot about Mars, which is obviously a wonderful thing to do anyway, and then have your boyfriend take notes on the things that you're saying about Mars, and send them to us. We'd be interested to hear. Alright Hank, we have another question.
Starting point is 00:12:41 This one is from Robin, who writes, dear John and Hank, my name is Robin. Stop trying to be Ryan Robin. My name is Robin, and I'm the germ-conscious mother of a two-year-old who absolutely loves going to the library and checking out stacks of books. As we sit and read through the books each week, I can't help but wonder if they are actually
Starting point is 00:12:58 virus and bacteria-infested things that I'm bringing into my home and allowing my daughter to touch and enjoy. Am I being paranoid or are other grimy kids leaving their germs on the books we're checking out? Great question, Robin, and way to get to an issue that's right at the heart of my personal experience with the world. Uh, well, you aren't being paranoid, Robin. Those books are indeed covered in viruses and bacteria. The good news is, so is everything else. And you're fine. Yeah, the nice thing about books is that at least you're learning something while getting sick instead of just getting sick.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Well, let's say that the world is alive with a thin film of beautiful and invisible organisms, and they almost never kill you. So that's good. Right. One thing I would say about this actually is there's a study done recently that a pretty, pretty robust study that followed kids who went to daycare starting at 12 weeks of age and kids who stayed home. It followed them through primary school. And one of the findings was that kids who go to daycare do get sick more often during the preschool years than kids who stay home either with their parents or with a nanny. However, over the course of the entirety of the study to the end of primary school, the kids got sick an approximately equal amount because the kids who stayed
Starting point is 00:14:22 home just got sick more in elementary school. So in the end, I don't think there is any way, wash your hands obviously, encourage your kids to wash their hands, use hand sanitizer if you want to. But in the end, there's no way to prevent your kids from getting colds and flus. It's just part of growing up. And it's actually an important part of being a kid.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yes. We have powerful and amazing immune systems. If you want to learn about those, you can watch Crash Course Biology. important part of being against. Yes. We have powerful and amazing immune systems. If you want to learn about those, you can watch Crash Course Biology. Hi God. Hank is with the shilling today. I wonder where you can get high quality active wear, Hank, maybe at It's possible, while for all of your high quality active wear needs.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Oh man, I don't even want to do the podcast with you if you're going to be a seller. Alright, let's move on then. I apologize, deep apologies. We have another question, this one's from Ben who asks, Dear Hank and John, my name is Ben, and I Ben, I'm having a difficult time determining whether or not the amount of paper towels given to me by the paper dial dispenser in bathrooms is enough to fully dry my voice and hands. Please reply by podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Well, first off, Ben, I'm going to say the same thing to you that I said to Robin. Stop trying to be Ryan. There's only one Ryan and his name is Ryan. That's right. Second, as an owner of a building, I was surprised to discover that the owner of the building determines how much paper towel comes out of the paper towel dispenser. There's a setting on it that lets you do that. And you can be like tiny amount or huge big sheet.
Starting point is 00:15:55 You can usually stop it if you're like, hey, that's enough paper towel, just by ripping it off and the machine will be like, okay, you got enough. But sometimes they do like these tiny little sheets that I'm like, okay, yeah, I kind of need more than that. There's a great video on the internet about how to properly dry your hands. Which is, like fast, it turns out that drying your hands
Starting point is 00:16:17 is a really important part of washing your hands because wet hands have more bacteria that stick to them. So it's best to dry them as quickly as possible after washing them. And the most efficient way to do it turns out to be to quickly shake them dry like 12 times, and that gets off like the vast majority of the water, and then use a small piece of paper towel folded over, and when you fold it over, this increases a capillary action that will pull more water off of your hands more quickly.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And there's a video that you can watch it's quite short about that. Yeah, it's a TED talk actually. It's about four minutes and 30 seconds long and it's this brilliant guy, Joe Smith, who tells you how to use exactly one paper towel while getting your hands entirely dry. And of all the videos I've spent four minutes
Starting point is 00:17:06 and 30 seconds watching, it is the one that probably has had the biggest impact on my life because ever since then I have only used one paper towel and I've gotten my hands completely dry and it's a game change. It is, it is. I'm not gonna disagree with you, John. You know?
Starting point is 00:17:21 We're gonna put the video up on the Patreon so everybody can check it out slash deerhankinjohn. I apologize for the shilling, but you don't have to give to look at the video. You can just go to slash deerhankinjohn. All that stuff is open to the publics. You got another question for us. It's your turn. Speaking of bathrooms, Hank, we have a question from Emma who writes,
Starting point is 00:17:39 Dear John and Hank, if someone knocks on the bathroom door, what is the least awkward way to let them know the bathroom is occupied? This is a great question, because it's usually because we have all been in the situation where like somebody knocks on the door and then you don't know what to say. Sometimes I say, I'm in here.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Sometimes I inexplicably speak Spanish and say, Occupado? You know what I almostplicably speak Spanish and say, Occupado. You know what I almost, I almost always say, and this is awful. I almost always say, just a sec, and then it's like, but no, not just a sec, which might be a false promise. I mean, you need to, there are times
Starting point is 00:18:18 when just a sec is factually inaccurate. And almost always, as soon as I say just a sec, I'm like, in my head, I'm like, who am I kidding? It is not going to be just a sec. It is going to be many sex. Ah. And then I, but then you can't say that, you can't be like just a sec,
Starting point is 00:18:36 by which I mean probably about four minutes. So Hank, in the same way that we have established a rule for proper armrest usage in movie theaters and on airplanes. I think this is the moment, you know, we have a chance to really affect culture here. I may not believe, I may not believe in free will, but I do believe that a group of committed people working together can come up with one word or phrase
Starting point is 00:19:00 to express, I am in this stall of the bathroom that you are attempting to occupy. Yeah, I mean, really all you have to say is anything they know that you're there. So you could just be like, yeah, but you don't want to say that because then people will be like, well, that was an odd encounter. Right, you want to have something where it's just a kind of a universal, okay, I got it. You wanna have, basically you wanna have, ah, that's a socially acceptable phrase. That's why I'm quite fond of Aqipada. But what if, what if, what if,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you wanna convey more information than that? If you wanna, if you do, if you are in fact, just washing up and you're about to be out, you could say just a sec, but if it's gonna be a while, you could be like, four minutes, or, oh, it'll be a bit, I'll be in here for a bit longer. I think four minutes is a terrible idea.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I think four, I still like Occupato, because I think it's, I think it's, I think it's like a universal language. Everybody knows what Occupato means. Oh, man, if only like why don't all bathroom doors have those locks that when you lock them, it shows whether there's somebody in there. It's a physical mechanism that's like occupied and it's done. That's probably an expense issue.
Starting point is 00:20:20 So, to summarize, Emma, Hank and I are struggling between two competing ways of saying, I am inside of this bathroom. One is to shout Occupato. The other is to shout four minutes or two minutes or eight minutes or whatever you think is appropriate. What I like about the not shouting a number of minutes is that then you aren't making a potentially false promise, right? All I can say for sure in this messed up crazy world is that right now I am in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I have no real way of knowing if I'm gonna be in there forever, frankly. Once you read sapiens, you'll agree with me. I might be in the bathroom for 30 seconds. I might very well die inside of it. So I feel like saying Occupato is just a way of saying, like, I am describing the current situation. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Okay. I can get behind Occupato unless I hear a better, unless I hear better from someone. You can always send us some tweets at Hank Green or John Green with the hashtag, deerhankinjohn, if you have a better suggestion than Akupato. All right, we got another question. This was from Scott.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Scott asks, deerhankinjohn, I have had a nagging fear about money lately, purchasing anything has left me feeling stressed out, even though amount of college have good income and graciously am not encrypling debt. And I feel like I'm becoming obsessed with saving money. Maybe it's my unconscious desire to fund the Wimbledon Stadium, or a fear that I won't have enough money to survive the apocalypse, which is very irrational since a currency probably won't be accepted then.
Starting point is 00:22:01 How can I learn to relax and not let my spending be a source of anxiety? This is an interesting question, Hank, because I think most of us struggle more with saving than with spending. I think it's really, really important to save money, especially when you're young. I really believe that even if you don't have a lot of income, if you can save even very small amounts of money in your 20s, it makes a massive, massive difference much later in your life, especially after retirement. But there are people who begin to treat saving sort of obsessively and become very anxious about trying to save more and more and more money. And just like anything, it's never enough.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I don't have a great solution for this. I think that it's better than the spending problem, but I don't want to minimize it because I think it is still a problem. Yeah, I actually, this is something that I struggle with. It is a, it's less now, but I, like anytime, you know, as a younger person when I was making a
Starting point is 00:23:05 significant purchase, I would get sweaty. My chest would clinch up, especially right afterward. And I would feel like, like, you know, like a significant amount of anxiety, which is pretty unusual for me. But this is a thing that I have experienced anxiety about. I still do, though generally with business spending than with personal spending now. And it is, so that is, it is an anxiety and things like that tend to get better with experience. Of course, don't run out and have a lot of spending experiences just to get over your anxiety
Starting point is 00:23:42 because that could have other negative consequences. But my strategy, and this is just my strategy among many strategies, is to think about it economically and in a sort of a analytical business-y way of the return on the investment of the thing that I'm spending. And this is called RLI analysis. It's a thing that you do in business. So if I'm getting a new computer, I have always had this feeling
Starting point is 00:24:07 when getting new computers. Even now, I let them like, ugh, but if I think about like, okay, my current computer is wasting my time because it is broken, it is slow, and fixing it would take a lot of my time. Getting a new one is the value that I am spending money on is the time that it's gonna free up. So the value when I'm buying a new car, like what is the value that I am spending money on is the time that it's going to free up. So the value when I'm buying a new car, like what's the value
Starting point is 00:24:29 there? The value when I'm getting gasoline, what's the value there? Getting car insurance or getting health insurance, like under like or buying healthier food. What's like like the value of being a healthier person is worth the money that I'm spending, understanding the value triangle section that's happening helps me get over this hurdle of always having felt weird about money and about spending money. Always knowing that it is a thing that you can't undo. It is money that you can't get back, which is, for me, often the source of the anxiety, I think, also probably just a weird relationship
Starting point is 00:25:09 that I have with money for lots of different reasons. You know, the other thing you can do, Hank, is that I would suggest is that you can have a brother who steals your money and spends it. Yeah, but you know. I feel like that's been useful for you over the years. Really starting when I was about 14 and Hank was 11, I noticed that Hank had hundreds and hundreds of dollars
Starting point is 00:25:30 that he'd saved over the years from never having spent any money. And I liked spending money, so I didn't have any money. And I thought, well, that's not fair, that Hank has, you know, $400 that he's rolled up into these tiny tight bills that he's then stuffed inside of his soccer participation trophies. And I just remember thinking it's just not fair, you know, that Hank has all of this money and that I have none and I would complain to my parents about it and they would be like, but you, we gave you the same amount of money, it's just that you spent it and Hank saved
Starting point is 00:26:02 it. And I was like, right, right, I understand that. But the point is that he now has money and I now don't. Like, we can't do anything about what happened in the past. The current situation is that there is this extreme unfairness of Hank having hundreds of dollars stuffed into soccer participation trophies. That he has no, there
Starting point is 00:26:26 is no way that Hank is ever going to spend any of that money. I mean, the truth is, Hank still hasn't spent that money. I bet if you go to his childhood soccer trophies and you unscrew them, you'll find a bunch of $10 bills wadded up in there. And so I started spending Hank's money and let me tell you, it felt great. It wasn't even really stealing because again, it was in there. And so I started spending Hank's money. And let me tell you, it felt great. It wasn't even really stealing because again, it was a question of it being our money that Hank had just failed to spend. So what John is saying is it's important to note that you can't take it with you. Sometimes you can't even take it with you to middle school.
Starting point is 00:27:02 and take it with you to middle school. Okay, all of that noted, when I was in college, one summer, you decided that I didn't need my baseball cards anymore and you sold them all on eBay. Well, you did just leave them home. Yeah, but you sold them on eBay and then you saved the money and never gave it to me. So I think we're eating. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I don't know if that's a thing that happened. That is absolutely a thing that happened. That is 100%. I mean, we can call mom and dad if you want, but that is 100% a thing that happened. You sold my baseball cards just as surely as Tuggle is not dead. How about let's move on to another question then.
Starting point is 00:27:43 This one's from Ari who asks, dear Hank and John, do you have any dubious advice on how to enjoy physical activity? I've been going to the gym more lately, but the thing is, I hate it. I listen to your podcast, helps pass the time, but it's still not enough to make it remotely enjoyable. How can I make exercising more fun? Well Ari, podcasts are my only trick, so John!
Starting point is 00:28:03 Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I hate to be honest, I don't even find podcasts adequately distracting because there's a lot Well, Ari, podcasts are my only trick. So, John. Ha ha ha ha. Hey, to be honest, I don't even find podcasts adequately distracting because there's a lot of dead air in podcasts when I can hear my labored breathing. And during that time, I become aware that I'm inside of a, you know, a slowly decaying vessel. And that's very distressing to me.
Starting point is 00:28:20 So I usually just listen to music. All I can say is that in my mind, at least, the benefits of exercise are backended. The benefits of exercise mostly come, you know, 10 or 12 or 16 weeks into the process. And for me at least, once that happens, it gets way more fun, but you've got to put in all of that time before it happens. I have also heard people who are, you know, experts in this saying things like like you have to trick yourself as if you are a dog. So give yourself rewards for doing a thing that you don't like doing, and then you will start to like them and not really know why.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So do your best to make going to the gym some kind of positive experience. And I do not know how to do that, but, you know, if, give yourself some kind of chuteoy, or playtime, or doggie biscuit, that makes, that will make it feel as if it is a positive thing in your life. I don't, I don't know how to actually do that. That is a piece of advice I've heard from other people and not been able to implement in my own life.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So I've got another question, if that's okay with you, John. No, no, no, it's not okay, because I would just like to say a word from our sponsors. Today's podcast is brought to you by tricking yourself like a dog. Tricking yourself like you would a dog. I don't really.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Trick. Tricking yourself like you would a dog. The fastest way to enjoy exercise. This podcast is also brought to you by Weird Slash Bad Dance Fighting. Weird Slash Bad Dance Fighting. It's the only thing that you're allowed to do while you listen to your Hank and John, and it's also probably exercise. Cut kind of. So good.
Starting point is 00:30:01 This has just been such a funny podcast. We should do this more often. Okay, now you can get to your other question. All right, this one's from Naina, who asks, Dear Hank and John, I recently started thinking about how we, as humans, never stop growing and changing every year, every decade, every century, we surpass unimaginable milestones that are simply incredible to witness.
Starting point is 00:30:20 What makes me sad, though, is that I will know what existed before me, but I will never truly know what will exist after me. I think of how Ostruck Jane Austen would have been if she had had a chance to look into the world where the world is today, or Mahatma Gandhi, or Isaac Newton, or anyone else. How do I overcome or manage this gloominess caused by the unknown slash unknowable? I would say we actually don't know that much about the past, you know? Like there's 2.5 million years of hominid history and we only know anything about like the
Starting point is 00:30:52 last 10,000 years of it and we only know much about like the last three or four hundred years of it. And if you look outside the realm of the like most noted or famous people, the people who had access to the power to tell their own stories. We really only know the history of the last 150, 200 years at the most. So I actually think that we're living in a kind of
Starting point is 00:31:19 on a weird island where we don't know very much about what human life was like on a day-to-day basis before relatively recently. And of course, we know nothing about what it will look like in the future. But we don't know what hunter-gatherers were like. We don't know much about what life was like in early agriculturalist communities. I would say that ultimately we kind of only know ourselves. Yeah. I think that this is what are the sad things about death, John. And not just on a macro scale, but on a micro scale. When you die, if you die in the sort of correct order, that the sad thing will be that you will never get to see who your grandchildren fall in love with and what they become and
Starting point is 00:32:03 who you know like you lose You don't get to find out all the things about the people that you love that you wish you could find out It just it ends and it's a super bummer and the fact that you're thinking about this Dana on a you know a humanity wide scale means that you believe in humanity and you have a lot of interest in in and faith in humanity and that's good and this is a side effect of that feeling of you know appreciating all of the things that humans have come together to create over the years that have made your life better and and appreciating that and not and knowing that there will be things that will come after that you won't know about that it's a
Starting point is 00:32:43 It's a symptom of you know your appreciation for the work about, that it's a symptom of your appreciation for the work of other people and a symptom of the fact that we're all going to die and it's a bit of a bummer. There's not really much to do about it, though, except to recognize that it comes mostly from good places. It's a bit of a bummer, but on the other hand, to me at least, there's something beautiful about the fact that we're all sort of collaborators in this massive sprawling story and that we're going to be in the middle of it. I don't want to be at the end of the human story. You know, like I don't want my life to be like the last human life. I want to be in the middle of the story and I want to try to, you know, in my infinitesimal way, shape the story so that it makes it more possible for it to go on longer and better for as many people as possible.
Starting point is 00:33:29 So in a way, it's good news. I have a really quick question from Ray who asks, dear Hank and John. In the past, John, you have okay tattoos inspired by your books so long as they are not somebody's first tattoo. Hank, do you have a similar request for tattoos inspired by the things that you create? I'm getting a Hanklerfish tattoo next month, and I wanna know your thoughts. Love from your brother with the last name of another color, Ray Brown.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Uh, yeah, I don't, it's your body, man. Do whatever you want. That's how I feel. I think that's great. The only reason I'm concerned about people getting their first tattoo with a quote from my books or something is I just worry that later They'll regret it, but if it's a second tattoo I somehow feel that I've been absolved, but you're right
Starting point is 00:34:11 It's not my body. So why am I trying to intervene? Indeed Adam writes dear John in Hank if nothing sticks to Teflon How do they get Teflon to stick to a pan? All right, I'm not I'm gonna do this and I assume that John doesn't have much to say on the subject. Correct. All right, Teflon is a chemical. It's actually a brand name for a chemical.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And that chemical is basically a carbon chain with, so every carbon is bonded to two other carbons. That makes the chain. And then on the top and bottom of the chain, it's bonded to fluorines. And fluorines are loved to bond to stuff, and carbon also loves to bond to stuff. So that bond becomes very strong.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Those electrons become very sort of occupied with that bond, and they don't interact with the rest of the world at all. They hate the rest of the world. They're super happy, and never wanna talk to anything, which is why nothing sticks to it. So you have that problem then. If it doesn't want to stick to anything, how do you make it stick to the pan?
Starting point is 00:35:13 They do chemistry on it. So once you make this sort of Teflon coating, it will have sides. It will have a top and a bottom side. The top side is what's going to be facing the world, so you want that to remain all teflonny. The bottom side, you do chemistry on it to make those fluorines go away. And when you do that, it actually gets super sticky because suddenly those carbons want to bond to stuff. So you knock those fluorines off of the bottom layer of the teflon. You do that either with like, they're really don't want to get knocked off. So you have to do pretty intense chemistry, either like bombard it with high energy plasma
Starting point is 00:35:47 or like really strong reducing agents. And then those florins go away and the carbons want to bond to something else and they bond to whatever the pan is made of. And that's how that works. Thank you for the science question. It's been a while since I got to talk about science on the pod.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I don't know why, more science questions people. I don't actually know if we need more science questions. That was interesting, but I kept zoning in and out the way I almost like, I don't know, it was intense, Hank, it was intense for me. Well, you know, it's just, you know, Teflon is just another example of the tiny changes that we make in our world, that make life better for everybody.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And how to make Teflon stick to a pan? They had to figure that out. And who figured that out? Yeah, I don't know, Mr. Teflon stick to a pan? They had to figure that out. And who figured that out? Yeah, I don't know. Mr. Teflow, probably not. Somebody, somebody who mattered to the world. Well, I think it's great. I think it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Hank, is there any news from Mars this week? Oh, is there ever? There's always news from Mars, John. It's just I have to pick which bit to cover. So this week, 40 people have been selected from over 200,000 applicants to be finalists in the quest to die on Mars. Mars one is a ambitious and probably impossible plant to send people on a one-way trip to Mars, and they will eventually, from that pool of 40 people select 26 people that they want to send, sort of four people at a time. And it's a, Mars one is one of several existing plans right now to get humans on the surface
Starting point is 00:37:18 of Mars. In my opinion, if you lined those projects out from most to least likely, Mars one would be bottom of the list, but, but still interesting, still a thing that they're trying to do. And they want to build a permanent colony on Mars, so it would be a one-way trip. And hopefully those people would live their natural life spans on Mars and not get killed by Mars, which is pretty likely, but they will live their naturalized plans on Mars and even maybe have children on Mars and raise generations on Mars and start the process of having there be a sort of second humanity out there. And they plan to partially fund this effort with a reality TV show and they want to use SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket to get to the red planet. So they're not like developing any of their own technology. They're just trying to figure out how to fund it,
Starting point is 00:38:10 which I just I don't understand how it's going to work, but it is interesting to me. And they do have these people who have, you know, are talking about like why they are people who, you know, like they see this as a thing that they want to do with their lives. And I find that interesting and cool. To hear these people talk about it, it's not a choice that I would make, but it is interesting to hear people talk about it. And of course, SpaceX, which is making the Falcon Heavy rocket, has its own plans or Elon Musk, at least, does to send humans to Mars and actually get them back, but I'm
Starting point is 00:38:40 not going to judge. Let's send people to Mars. I'm into that. Let's investigate possibilities. I myself would want to die on Earth. I know, John. I know, but not in Texas Phil. I just want it to be clear in case like, in case I happen to not die on Earth,
Starting point is 00:38:57 I just want the world to know that was not my wish. All right, Hank. The news from AFC Wimbledon is that as you know, AFC Wimbledon is now a third tier English soccer team. This is both an opportunity in that we find ourselves in the third tier and a massive problem in that, you know, we would like to stay there and AFC Wimbledon, which used to have the smallest stadium in league two now has the smallest stadium in league one. As a result, Wimbledon fans are raising money for the playing budget through the We Are Wimbledon
Starting point is 00:39:34 fund. You can learn more about it at We Are Basically, it's a trust that's set up to increase the playing budget. It's been working for several years, but because the club is owned entirely by its fans, money for the playing budget and stuff has to come primarily from its fans. So they've been raising money. And in other, in more personal news, last week was my daughter's birthday. And as is the case with every birthday,
Starting point is 00:40:05 AFC Wimbledon sent her a card signed by a bunch of players. And most adorably, there was a long letter in it that was really, really thoughtful about how great a season it's been as I read the letter to Alice. She was, of course, just enraptured by it. But my favorite part of the letter to Alice, she was of course just enraptured by it. But my favorite part of the letter was when they were like, so we're in the playoff final. I waited as long as I could to send this letter, but in order for it to arrive by your birthday, I had to send it before I found out what happened.
Starting point is 00:40:38 So hopefully we won. But every member of the Don's Jr. Trust, which by the way, it only costs 10 pounds per year, and you get a birthday card signed by the players. So that's like $18 or something. Every member of the Don's Jr. Trust gets a birthday card, and you can also join the trust if you want the Don's Trust org. If you want to become an owner of AFC Wimbledon, like me and Hank against his will and my children and my wife and Hank's wife against her will,
Starting point is 00:41:10 you can become a member of the donstrust at the for adults that is people over the age of 16. Well, actually people at the age of 21, it's 25 pounds per year. So around $42 and I'll tell you what, it's the best $42 you'll ever spend. It's an amazing organization, so fun to be a part of it. And yeah, I want to encourage people to become owners of AFC Wimbledon.
Starting point is 00:41:35 All right, thank you, John. We have one note before we get to what we learned today from Katie, who says, I am a former Pizzaria employee, hoping to solve the slice versus pizza piece debate. All slices of pizza, all slices are pieces of pizza, but not all pieces are slices. A slice refers to a individually purchased piece of pizza.
Starting point is 00:41:58 If you would like to get a whole pie, a cut off of that would be referred to a piece. Hope that clears things up, thanks for all of the work you do. I don't know. I'm not convinced. I don't know. I'm not sold. I'm not a hundred percent sold on that. Although I am not a former P3 employee,
Starting point is 00:42:14 so Katie has more authority on this topic than I do. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No, okay. So what did we learn today, John? Well, we learned that there are a bunch of people who want to die on Mars, but who probably won't. We learned that it would be a total bummer, like a super bummer, to know how the human story ends, because it would mean that you were the last human. So that's actually worse than not knowing.
Starting point is 00:42:35 You know, it's funny. When you phrase it that way, I don't actually seem that optimistic. We learn that when you're fighting, but don't have an opponent, you're actually just dancing. Just weird, bad dancing. And of course, we learned that if you were in the bathroom and someone would like to be in the bathroom, you are in. John would like you to just shout out to AkuPado. AkuPado.
Starting point is 00:42:58 The thing happened. Just a sec. Not though. Not just a sec. Don't make false promises. If anything, maybe you should just under promise so you can just say like, just 12 minutes. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You should probably go. I know when you come out three minutes later, there'll be like, what a wonderful turn of events. Yes. You should probably go next door to a different restaurant. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. All right, John. Thank ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You can email us your questions, concerns, or complaints at Hank and John at or you can just go to the Twitter where I am John Green.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Hank is Hank Green. You can use the hashtag, deerhank and John. You can also follow us on our preferred social media Snapchat where Hank is Hank GRE and I am John Green's Naps. John Green, he just just take a nap. Thank you, everybody. And as they say on our hometown, don't forget to be awesome. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪

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