Dear Hank & John - 67: Feeling Home

Episode Date: October 24, 2016

Should I ghost out of my job? Are bubble baths a hobby or an interest? How do I not feel like a forever foreigner? And more! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Dear Hank and John. Norse, I prefer to think of it Dear John and Hank. It's a comedy podcast for me and my brother John, we answer your questions, give you the DBS advice and bring you all the weeks news from both Mars and AFC Wimbledon. Hey John, how you doing? I'll tell you what Hank, I'm doing great and I'll tell you why. It's because I have discovered a website that allows me to gamble on the outcome of the United States elections
Starting point is 00:00:26 called Are you familiar with this website? No, I am not because of how I don't want to think anymore about elections and I hate gambling. Well, I mean, this brings together two of your favorite things then. There's an amazing podcast called Election Profit Making hosted by David Reese, who you might remember as the person who made you an artisanally sharpened pencil one Christmas. Yes, but also created a wonderful web comic called Get Your War on back in 2001 a fascinating Strange beautifully eccentric man and this this podcast called a election profit making, I believe it's called, is devoted entirely to trying to make money
Starting point is 00:01:09 on these predictive election markets. And I have joined one, and right now Hank, I'm up 98 cents. Ha ha ha ha ha. Do you wanna know how I've made my 98 cents? How'd you do it? Mostly. No one's been elected yet.
Starting point is 00:01:25 What did you vote on? Mostly, I voted that in the final debate, the word rigged would be said by the debate moderator, but then when it went way up, I sold it. So the debate hasn't even happened yet as we're recording this, but I already made 98 cents off of it. Boy, I hate this.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I, this makes Ha ha ha. I, this, this makes me sense. It's like you take the thing that's making me most nervous in the world, and you combine it with the other thing that makes me most nervous in the world. Oh, man, it is a dark, dark time in American history, but I am making money. Like you wouldn't believe 98 cents here, 98 cents there, making money, making money. I'm about to actually buy, Will a woman be the next United States president,
Starting point is 00:02:10 gonna buy 10 shares of that right now while we're potting. I really feel like we need to make it clear that this is a bad idea and that no one should go to this website and they are not sponsoring us and we hate this. Mm, I wouldn't say that I hate it so much as I've been brought to such a dark and empty place by the election season that this is the only thing that makes me feel now.
Starting point is 00:02:35 How are you doing? I don't know. I just googled this and there's a quora ask. Is there a way to make money off of the election of Trump in 2016? Like I'm so sure that Trump is gonna get elected, that I should be betting on it, however I can. And everybody's gonna believe that it's not gonna happen, but I am, and so I need to get to this election market real fast.
Starting point is 00:02:54 And, oh my God. I'm taking that guy's money as we speak. God. I, did you ask me a question? I asked how you're doing. Oh, I'm okay. It's, it's, as we will hear in the Mars News section of the podcast, it is a mixed day for Hank Green.
Starting point is 00:03:17 But, but I don't want to talk about that yet. I did get a haircut though and it looks fantastic. And I just want to shout out to Brooke for giving me that super, super great, you know, you know, head shape. It's just great. I'm really impressed with that. Well, I'm thrilled that you got a great haircut.
Starting point is 00:03:35 America's in the toilet. Okay. All right, you got a question for us, John? I just, I got a quick update. The markets have changed slightly in the last 45 seconds. I just made another 32 cents. I'm up a dollar 30. Oh God. Well, I'm so glad that you could find new way new and exciting ways to make a living John. Hank, this question comes from Tondra who asks, dear John and Hank, I really enjoy bubble baths and I was discussing with a friend if having bubble baths was a hobby or an interest.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I believe a hobby is something you do that you can get better at, and an interest is something you simply enjoy. Is there a skill to bubble baths? Can it be my hobby or must I resign it to simply being an interest? Can you imagine if you're like filling out an online dating profile and it asks for your hobbies
Starting point is 00:04:23 and you said bubble baths? I mean, I would resonate with that person, not because I even enjoy bubble baths, but just because I like the idea of that. Like, you know what I, like my hobby is leisure. Right. It's just chilling out and letting my muscles not do anything.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I recently had to fill out a questionnaire for a therapy thing. And one of the questions was if I had any hobbies. And the more I thought about it, I actually appreciate Tondra's definition of hobby. The more I thought, like, I don't know what a hobby is. Yeah, because you don't necessarily have to be getting better. Maybe that is kind of an interesting approach to it.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And I haven't thought about this enough to find all the potential exceptions, but. I like it. I like it as a definition, and secondarily, I would say that you can absolutely get better at bubble baths. Doing a good bubble bath is not something you're born knowing how to do. Yeah. And I think that you could introduce new elements to your bubble baths. There are all of these bath salts.
Starting point is 00:05:18 You could be creating your own bath bomb type things. Catherine has a whole shelf full of stuff that she puts in baths, and sometimes she will have me put oatmeal into the food processor so that it will get into smaller pieces of oatmeal because that is good apparently. For me Hank, it's a little bit like how lots of people drink wine, but only some people have wine as a hobby. You know what I mean? Like hobby wine people know a lot about wine.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Right, right. And you can, and I'm sure that certainly people who like make these bath products, like they probably started as just lovers of bathing and then wanted to continue making that, making that a bigger part of their lives, which I totally, you know. No, you're headed down a very dangerous road here.
Starting point is 00:06:03 This is a very dangerous road because the last thing you want to do is turn your hobby into a job. That's like the number one mistake that Hank makes in every fast of his life is turning his hobbies into his job. It is something that I do a make a mistake of. I want to tell you something that I was fascinated by when I recently bought oatmeal for Catherine's bath, John, there are a number of ways to buy oatmeal, but if you're just getting it for bathing, you just get the quicker oats, and they come in this big cylindrical cardboard thing,
Starting point is 00:06:35 and there's like 45 servings in it, and it costs like four dollars. I don't know why anyone eats anything else. Like the whole, all of the world's problems are solved. If only this stuff tasted good. Uh, yeah, I mean, I guess that's probably why people don't eat only oatmeal all the time. It's because oatmeal is delicious on occasion, but it's not like a breakfast lunch and dinner kind of food. It's not like pizza. Yeah, it's gruel, literally. Like that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I don't know if it's literally gruel, I don't know what gruel is. Let me Google it. I don't think I've ever been so interested in something in my entire life. Can we move on to another question? Anyway, John, this question is from Sarah. It's what it is for me, so I'm going to read it. It says, dear Hank and John, often in sci-fi television shows and films by opening an airlock, the enemy is sucked into space and dies, but the protagonist, who
Starting point is 00:07:27 are opening the airlock, are buckled in so they aren't sucked out. But I'm confused. How do they live? I have the impression ever since I first learned about space as a kid that as soon as a space-suiter, a spacecraft is breached, anyone occupying that space is almost immediately dead. Do you have any thoughts on this, John? Um, um, uh, no. You can, how long would you say that you can live in the vacuum of space? Uh, I would say like four minutes? Yeah, it's quite a long time. You would think? That's not a long time. That would be, and also I bet it's not a fun four minutes.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Well, it's, uh, the vast majority of that four minutes, you have no idea exist. You are unconscious at 15 seconds. And this actually has happened, not in space, but thank goodness. But it has happened with people on earth being exposed to near vacuum spaces. And the one time that it happened in NASA training, he was unconscious in 14 seconds, but he survived. And the main trick is to make sure that you blow all of the air out of your lungs, because if your lungs stay like closed off, the oxygen inside will expand and rupture your lungs, forcing oxygen into your blood, which will kill you for sure.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Wow. That sounds terrible. But if you are out in the vacuum of space, a bunch of nasty terrible things will happen to you, but you can, if you'll fall unconscious, but if somebody brings you back in, before your brain goes dead from lack of oxygen, you can totally survive. It's wonderful news.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You know, people say that this podcast contains no useful information, but I'll tell you what, for the rest of my life, when I am in a near vacuum situation, I'm gonna get that air out of my lungs. That's right. You don't know what's gonna happen, John. You could become a total thrill-seeking adventurist in the future
Starting point is 00:09:17 and find yourself on the surface of Mars by the time you're 85. You don't know what kind of person you're gonna become. You never know. I don't know that I agree with that. I think by my age it's mostly said in stone. But I do have a question on the subject of anxiety, Hank. It comes from Paul.
Starting point is 00:09:33 He writes, Dear John and Hank, My wife and I are about to go on a vacation for several days, leaving our two small children alone with their grandmother for the first time. In the days immediately preceding the trip, my excitement for the time with my wife has switched to a very specific dread. I am afraid that something will happen to my wife and I while we are away and thus we will abandon our children. My anxiety about
Starting point is 00:09:53 this scenario has grown almost to the point I don't want to go anymore. What can I do to overcome this and this type of specific dread in my life? First thing I would say, Paul, is obviously it's very unlikely that you and your wife are going to die. And if it did happen, it would be a horrible tragedy. On the other hand, Harry Potter never would have happened if he wasn't an orphan. Yeah. So if you get murdered by a dark wizard on your vacation, exactly. Everything will turn out okay. It'll be good for the world as a whole. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I mean, it'll be bad in the short run, but I would argue that like in terms of like the quality of entertainment that will be produced as a result of it, it's almost goodness. Ha ha ha ha. I am dreading my future dread as my, the birth of my child approaches. And I have no idea how I'm going to feel or what I'm going to do,
Starting point is 00:10:46 but I don't know what kind of person I'm going to be in a month. And that is worrying to me. Does that make sense? Yeah, no, I definitely think it changes things a little bit, but I also think that you bring your personality to parenting. It's not like you are suddenly inhabiting a different consciousness. So I wouldn't worry that much. I mean, except insofar as your insufficiency in shortcomings will no doubt be highlighted
Starting point is 00:11:20 as has been the case for me, I think, as a parent. No, but what I would say to Paul seriously is, you know, that's a very low probability outcome and it also constantly exists. Going on vacation does not make it significantly more likely that both you and your wife will die. You know, and so what's really going on, I suspect, is that you have this deep down fear that like is extremely intense because it would be a, you know, a terrible, terrible thing. And in those situations, I try to do two things.
Starting point is 00:11:58 One, I try to remind myself that this is not a likely outcome. And so that I'm not really thinking rationally about it. And, too, I try to remember that I'm setting an example for my children, and if I go through life afraid all the time, they will notice that, and I think it will make things probably more difficult for them rather than easier. So, I just try to remind myself of that and I try really hard to act as rationally as I can,
Starting point is 00:12:32 but it's really, really hard. It's hard to be a dad and those fears are real. So I'm sorry, but I also think you should have a great time on vacation and try not to worry about it and just enjoy it. All right, that's good, John. Good job. Glad we take on some serious questions
Starting point is 00:12:49 and some science questions and some silly questions. That's what I feel like, the spirit of your hand, good John, is, what do you got for me, John? Well, we're on the topic of serious questions. I'm just wondering if we can address a question we've gotten numerous times, but without reading a specific question,
Starting point is 00:13:05 because I don't want to make anybody's life harder. Yeah, I actually, I think I had this exact same thought and we didn't even discuss it beforehand, but go and we'll see if I have the same thought. If you are a man, or really if you're anyone, but especially if you're a man, are we having the same thought? I think we are.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And a woman tells you, or anyone tells you, that they are not interested in having a romantic relationship with you. If they tell you that even once, you must listen to that, and you must listen to it forever. Period. It's pretty much becomes a permanent state of affairs. Usually that isn't taken lightly by the person being like, hey, this is the first thing that comes out of my mouth is that I'm not interested in that. That is a considered position and continuing to push it can be very uncomfortable and even frightening and can make relationships much more difficult.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And we've gotten a form of that question so many times. Yeah. And feel strange about answering this specific question because it all, like often has enough details that you could sort of pick out the situation. But yes, if you think that you have ever made a woman uncomfortable because you have continued suggesting that you could be in a relationship and she has not been receptive to that, and you're wondering if that has had a negative impact on your relationship with that person and had
Starting point is 00:14:41 negative impact on that person themselves. That's probably the case. Yeah. And I've done that. I totally did that as a younger person. And I wanted to make it work and I wanted to see how I could do it. And my brain just kept being like, well, maybe things have changed. Maybe now, maybe it's different. But there's a lot of fish in the sea. Well, it's not just that. I don't think it's, I don't think it's merely uncomfortable. I think
Starting point is 00:15:11 ultimately it's a kind of form of abuse or harassment to go back to someone again and again and again and say, has anything changed? Can we be in relationship now? If someone has told you that they don't want to be in a relationship, you have to honor that. And if you are having trouble honoring that, that means that you are having a problem that you need to seek out help for. And you need to make sure that you do not push that relationship on that person,
Starting point is 00:15:40 because I think it can become very scary and kind of dangerous. So I just felt like we should say that. Good. It's interesting that I had that exact same thought when reading that question, because we have seen it so many times. And yeah, we've just seen different versions of that question so many times.
Starting point is 00:15:57 And it is, I mean, this is a constant. It's a problem for lots of different people, but I think especially for women. And it's something that we need to acknowledge goes on in our culture. As men, I think we need to do something about. Yeah. I had it happen once to me, where somebody was continued to hit on me for a long, long time. After I had made it clear that I wasn't interested in that, and that I was in a relationship
Starting point is 00:16:23 at the time. It was amazing how fast it felt like harassment. I, and I would ever. Yeah, because it is. Yeah, I had never, I would never have thought like, he thinks he's just being silly and fun, but really he wants something from me. And I keep saying no.
Starting point is 00:16:41 He keeps saying, but this is silly fun time. And I'm just, I keeps saying, but this is silly fun time. And I'm just trying to get you to do a thing that you don't want to do. Or the drunken confession or whatever. There's many forms of it, but it's always bad and indicative of a real problem, I think. So yeah, okay, I'm glad we're on the same page about that Hank.
Starting point is 00:17:03 We are, our advice often disagrees with each other but not on that topic However, I do have a topic on which our advice is almost certain to disagree Ooh, is it is it which which is the best flavor of La Croix? Is that one of the questions? No, no, I just I thought I just thought that we might disagree on that I didn't see that that I didn't see that question But I certainly think that we will agree on the best favor of La Croix, because there is only one best flavor of La Croix.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I mean, you could make a case for three or four, but I think there's one overwhelming favorite. Let's just both say our favorites at the same time on three, one, two, three, one. Pumplamous. Oh no! And I said Pumplamous, which is my favorite flavor of La Croix.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And it is the best flavor of La Croix. And I don't even think I've ever had orange. Oh, it's delicious. It's delicious. And the best part about it is nobody else in my family likes it, so they don't steal mine. Oh, well, that's a definite, definite sign that it's the objectively best. Is that no one else in your house likes it? Yep, I know. Hank, I've got a question for you. This question comes from Sharon who asks,
Starting point is 00:18:06 dear John and Hank, recently you answered a question about how to feel confident in yourself and your product slash work when surrounded by people much older than you. I was wondering if you have any advice, however dubious it may be, don't worry Sharon, it will be very dubious about how one can deal with the feeling of being crowded
Starting point is 00:18:22 out by younger people, especially in newer technology-related fields. Imagining others complexly means that I can understand the fear of starting something new as a young person, but in today's world, I often feel like people on either side of that age spectrum are gunning for you. They are, Sharon, and you have to take them out. It's the only way. Is that your advice?
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, don't you agree, Hank? Like, if you're an old person, and you've got young people in a technology-related field, gunning for your job with their knowledge of the Snapchat and the Tinder, and however else, young people are getting their marketing these days, you've just got to take that person out. Like, like, like like hire a hit person?
Starting point is 00:19:06 No, not literally. I mean, you just undermine them at work constantly. Like someone will say, like, who did this terrible thing at the office and you'll be like, I bet it was trying to think of a good young person named Caden. Trent. Trent, it was Trent and Caden. They're at the worst. They're so bad at Snapchat.
Starting point is 00:19:26 On the one who knows how to snapchat. I feel like no one's been named Trent in ever. Yeah, well, you're the one who came up with Trent. I had Caden, which is a perfectly good millennial name. And then you delivered Trent, which is very low quality. I apologize. Yeah, all the trends. You killed the bit. Other than that, the bit was solid. Until that, it was a solid bit. Oh, man, all the trends out there
Starting point is 00:19:52 are going to be super unhappy right now. If you're Trent, you can email us at and let us know how many trends there are listening right now. And don't you lie to us. I was going to say, we're going to get 99 fake trends.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And then maybe, maybe one real trend. But even that real trend, it'll probably be like Trent's middle name, you know? Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I actually, I wanted to, I wasn't gonna answer this question because I have no good answer for this.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It's interesting because I think a lot of young people are feeling like, oh, these people are staying in their jobs longer and longer. They're putting our retirement, so they're not making any space for me in the job market, the way that space was made for them in the job market. And then at the same time, a lot of older people are like, oh my god, these younger people have a lot of skills that I don't have, and they're cheap for people to hire, and there are lots of them coming into the workforce right now.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And there must be, I think that what might be happening, John, is that it's complicated. Yeah, no, I think all you can do is understand that yes, there are things that young people are better at at your job. That's true at my office, by the way, as well. The young people here are much better at large swaths of the internet than I am. And that is intimidating in a way, but you have a different set of skills.
Starting point is 00:21:12 You have, like, there is a set of skills that comes with having been in the workplace for a long time from, you know, understanding, having the institutional knowledge of the company that you work for or the industry that you work in and that's valuable as well So I think mainly it's just focusing on the value that you have to give Rather than focusing on the things that you aren't good at and then the other thing I would say is like it's not like you can't
Starting point is 00:21:38 Download snapchat. Yeah, yeah, I mean depending on what depending on what this is. I think that you definitely have to Yeah, yeah, I mean depending on what depending on what this is, I think that you definitely have to Concentrate like do your best to consider Continuing to develop your skills at the same time young people have more time to do that and If you have yeah as as usual, I think that Hank is a great source of wisdom on this and every topic Hank do we have another question? And do not have your fellow employees murdered by hit people. Good, I'm glad that you got that in, that's important advice. And yes, I do have another question. It's from Kate who asks, dear Hank and John, I'm a teacher and have taught at the same school for 16 years. I'm a department chair and a
Starting point is 00:22:18 building leader, it's in quotation marks, so I assume it's some kind of official title. My partner recently got a job at a different area and we will be moving at the end of the term. Would it be appropriate for me to just ghost out of my job? I don't want to tell people I'm leaving because they will all want to talk about it non-stop. I'm a fairly private person and I hate being the center of attention and he'd do these advices appreciated. This question made me a gape.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And I don't know exactly what you mean by ghosting under your job, but if you are in a position of leadership at your school, you at the very least need to tell your supervisor that you're leaving before you leave. Do you? I mean, well, maybe if it's like at the end of the semester, and you're just like, well, the semester ended,
Starting point is 00:23:00 I won't be coming back after the summer break. Oh, right. That was my assumption that Kate was going to make it to the end of the school year and then just very quietly on the first day of summer, tell Kate's supervisor, I will no longer be working on the next school year, not that Kate would just not show up for one point. Okay, everything's all right. If Kate, if that is your plan,
Starting point is 00:23:25 then you could do that. If you're gonna give people two months to find a replacement for you, please, please do whatever you would like. I just don't want you to not show up one day, which is how I read ghosting. I love the idea of just not showing up on a Wednesday. And then somebody calls your cell phone and you're like,
Starting point is 00:23:40 hey, and they're like, hey, you teach US government and you're not here. And and they're like, hey, you teach US government and you're not here? And you're just like, yeah, well, no, I moved. I'm an Oregon. I'm an Oregon right now in my new house, so with all my stuff. So, my kids are here. Yeah, I can't.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Get coming. How did you get this number? I changed my number to my new Oregon number. So weird that you're able to track me down. Anyway, I don't work for you anymore. I don't ever need a reference ever again. Yeah, there's a happy medium, I think, between I understand that urge not to want to have this like lengthy farewell with parties and conversations and cakes and whatnot. But at the same time, you do need to make sure that the school has the resources that they need to replace you because it sounds like you
Starting point is 00:24:32 are a really significant part of it. The only other thing I would say is that while it is uncomfortable to do the cakes and everything, it's kind of nice if you can bear it to allow people to say goodbye and to say the reasons that they are grateful to have worked for you. Even if that's not fun for you, it can be very rewarding for other people, I think. So if you can stomach it, I do think that there's some reason to gut it out, but I totally empathize with not wanting to. That's really great advice, John, and I think really thoughtful.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And I think that we can have another question now if you got one. This question comes from Walker, and he asks, Dear John and Hank, why is there a single word for hungry and thirsty, but not one for needing to use the rest room? Walker, I have no idea what you're talking about. You don't call that feeling poopy and bladderful. There's two words. There's poopy and bladder full and those words exist and I don't know what's wrong with you. I'm poopy. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Excuse me, I have to go I'm bladder full. A bladder full is an incredibly important word that has never existed before just this moment. I bet it's un Urban Dictionary. I don't think so. I'm going to Google Blatterful right now. I did too. I don't know that nothing came up. Nothing came up. Hank not only is Blatterful not a word or should I say it wasn't a word until 22nds ago when it became a word
Starting point is 00:25:58 for the rest of human history. Oh wait, there is Blatterful is on Urban Dictionary. I regret to inform you. What is the definition? in history. Oh wait, there is, bladder full is on urban dictionary. I regret to inform you. What is the definition? It has an incredibly long definition. I can't read it to you because it's the length of a novel. Oh, bladder full according to urban dictionary
Starting point is 00:26:22 is where you pee yourself. I don't like that. I think that that's terrible definition and I think that we need to change. I totally agree. I totally agree. Blatterful, yeah, no, we have established, okay, the second definition of Blatterful
Starting point is 00:26:36 is the feeling of needing to pee established by J. Bennett back in February, actually on Valentine's Day, 2009. Way to spend your Valentine's Day doing something productive, Jay Bennett, bladder full, the feeling of needing to pee. So Hank did not invent bladder full. It was invented so far as we can tell by Urban Dictionary user Jay Bennett
Starting point is 00:26:56 on Valentine's Day, so romantic, 2009. bladder full is, it's a revelation for me, Hank. I think we need everybody to go to Urban Dictionary and search for bladderful with one L at the N, not two Ls. And everybody can thumb up Jay Bennett's answer so that it can be the top listing instead of this novel about peeing in your pants, because it is obviously the correct definition of bladderful.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Hank, while I was looking on the internet at bladderful, I also glanced at my predicted dot org situation. And I just want to update you that I have lost 25 cents from earlier. Oh man. Today, I know, apparently the chances that the US Senate race in North Carolina will go to the Democrats have declined by about a quarter uh... i i which is one percent to be clear i have twenty five dollars bet on that uh... that outcome what is wrong with me that i have devoted so much of my
Starting point is 00:27:54 life and consciousness to this election cycle hank uh... well i think that it's something that's wrong with a lot of people at the same time so it can't just be you it It seems to be a pretty human thing, and it's pretty remarkable. The, you know, we forget that in like a normal time, there's news all the time, right?
Starting point is 00:28:14 So there's constant news, but right now, the top story on every thing is always about the election. Everywhere we go. So all that other news is still happening and no one has any idea that it even exists. It's amazing. What other news are you referring to? I don't really think, I actually think that most of the time
Starting point is 00:28:37 it's just that there is no news. Well, I mean, it's things like, you know, Netflix had a million more subscribers this quarter of the people thought they were. And like a US battleship firing on a radar installation in Yemen. Like this is a big deal. And people know about it, but it would be the top thing. And just because every day it's the election, the election, the election is the only thing
Starting point is 00:29:00 that people are thinking about. Like, you know, we fired on a nation. This is, here's a very unstable situation in Yemen right now. And also somewhat in Saudi Arabia, and it's like, that's freaky. And what? We can't think about that.
Starting point is 00:29:17 We have to think about the debate. I appreciate your attempts to get me to think about something other than US electoral politics. However, can I ask you one more question about US electoral politics. However, can I ask you one more question about US electoral politics? Yeah, okay. Can we just please ask our listeners to vote, to vote, even if they think their votes won't count, to vote, to pay attention not just to the presidential election, but also to down
Starting point is 00:29:38 ballot elections, and to please go and please please please vote. Yes, vote for us. As you know, it's not right, Hank and John in. I will be furious if anyone writes us in. That's not what I meant, don't vote for us. Do the thing for us. Just if not for you, do it for me. If you cannot think of a good reason to vote, please think of how
Starting point is 00:30:07 anxious I am every minute of every day waiting for this stupid election to be over and how much I personally need you personally to vote. All right. The other person I would say you should vote for is Rosiana because Rosiana is a British citizen who has been forced to live in the United States during this darkest of timelines. So she had to watch Brexit from afar and now she is having to live with an American election cycle, which is one of the worst things that can happen to a human being. And she cannot even affect the election outcome because she is not allowed to vote. So please vote for Rosiana.
Starting point is 00:30:53 All right, well, we've also got a very important question that I need to get to from Rachel, though, John. So this is... Okay. She asked, dear Hank and John, occasionally, I will get a salad from the salad bar at the grocery store. Usually I put chicken or turkey on it, but instead of turkey now they have these rubber looking crab chunks that I have learned are called imitation crab.
Starting point is 00:31:11 What even is imitation crab? Why is it a thing? How much of imitation crab meat is crab and how much is quote unquote crab? Bumpkins and Bengwards in imitation crab Rachel. How much of imitation crab is crab? I've always assumed that it was clams. No, imitation crab is 0% crab. It is a, it is mostly fish.
Starting point is 00:31:34 It's basically, so you know how like when you get a chicken nugget at a fast food restaurant, it's not like chicken, it's chicken. It's made of chicken, but it's like ground up chicken that's got a bunch of other stuff in it to like make it into a chicken paste that then is sort of like, like, it's like chicken foam.
Starting point is 00:31:52 That's basically what imitation crab is. It's ground up fish with like binders in it so that it can be roughly the texture of crab. And then they put flavor in it to make it taste a little more like crab, they put color in it to make a little, little more like crab, but it's, uh, it's mostly fish. Oh God. It's fish product and, and I don't know why it exists. I, I find it to be unpleasant. I mean, if your goal for the day was to make sure I never eat a California
Starting point is 00:32:18 roll or a chicken nugget for the rest of my life, then congratulations. Is there imitation crab in California rolls? Yeah, that's what a California roll is, man. Oh, I feel sick to my stomach. I do not, I wanna go back in time to the time before you answered that question. First of all, I looked it up a California roll. It has either crab meat or imitation crab, so maybe you don't know,
Starting point is 00:32:44 maybe you've been eating just the one kind. Second, it's all food. It's just, it's basically just imagine that someone cooked a recipe that was ground fish meat and some like cornstarch and a little bit of red food coloring. Ah, that's the recipe that they prepared for you at an industrial factory with lots of stainless steel and factory workers. Okay, we have to move on to another question because I'm starting to glimpse the darkness.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I'm becoming too aware of my microbiome as sometimes happens. This question comes from Danielle who asks, dear John and Hank, my boyfriend and I were discussing the decision to send the song, Dark was the night cold was the ground by Blind Willie Johnson as the only piece of music on the voyager into space. It was my first time hearing it, but it was oddly fitting when thinking of it floating in space endlessly. My question to you too is if you could only send one song into the depths of space to hopefully be heard by aliens.
Starting point is 00:33:47 What would you send? John, what would it be if it weren't the mountain goats? Well that's not a fair question because it would be the mountain goats. Danielle, I disagree with your premise. Are we living in some kind of alternate history where the mountain goats never existed? And if so, what else is different about American history? Is there no Trump? And if so, can't, and if so, can we make this happen?
Starting point is 00:34:11 No, it wouldn't be worth it, Hank. The mountain goats are too important. If it couldn't be the mountain goats, if it couldn't be the mountain goats. You know, I don't know if you can, I might send one of the songs from John Coltrane's Love Supreme, which is probably my favorite non-mountain goats piece of music.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I'm not sure which one though, Hank, what would you send? Well, I think that if I was given the opportunity to send something into the depths of space on a golden record, that would be pretty hard not to write my own song and be like, this is the song for a golden record. Uh, that would be pretty hard not to write my own song. And be like, this is the song for the golden record that's gonna go to the aliens. Yeah! That's just...
Starting point is 00:34:57 That's so terrible. That's borderline evil. Oh, yeah, I know. Oh man, okay, I'm gonna go with the last part of a love supreme, which is called Psalm. I think that's what I'm gonna go with. But they're also good. There's no bad part of a love supreme.
Starting point is 00:35:19 It's kind of one piece of music. So maybe I get to send the whole thing. If I could set a song by the mountain goats, that would also be extremely difficult, because the mountain goats have several thousand songs, and they're all truly excellent. But I guess in the end I would probably go with up the wolves. No bad mountain goats songs. It's one of the great gifts of that band. They've even got a great song about a brand of peanuts. Which reminds me, John, this podcast is brought to you
Starting point is 00:35:52 by a brand of peanuts that the mountain goats like, I guess. Yeah, it's Golden Boy peanuts, actually. This podcast was also brought to you by the vacuum of space, the vacuum of space. Exhale. This podcast additionally was brought to you by the chances that a woman will be elected president. The chances that a woman will be elected president
Starting point is 00:36:12 so far responsible for 30 cents of John's network. No, much closer to a dollar. Whoa, there's been a huge change, Hank. I just made 60 cents. Hey! Sorry, we'll get back to that in a second. And lastly, this podcast is brought to you by the word bladder full, the word bladder full covering the feeling of needing to pee since Valentine's
Starting point is 00:36:32 day 2009. Hank, I've got to see why, why was there this huge change in my net worth? Something extremely dramatic has happened. People have discovered the election markets and they are excited to take the money of Trump supporters. No, what happened Hank is that the chances that one of the nominees will win at least 370 electoral votes and the electoral college has risen up to 36%. I bought it 27%.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I'm a genius. I should have put all my net worth into this market. I wanna vomit just thinking about this. I gotta get out of the stock market and this book writing business, podcasting, vlog, brother's thing. This was all a preface, Hank. It was all a preface for the great chapter
Starting point is 00:37:22 of my life, known as chapter. Okay, can we just say to everybody out there who's feeling like there is a grain of truth in what John is saying and that there is a way to make money gambling that your brain is messing with you and never ever do that? Well, I've got a $1 that says otherwise, Hank, but to be clear, yeah, I gamble with tens of cents. We've got a question I wouldn't really want to get to. It's a correction
Starting point is 00:37:56 actually from Krista, who, and I think that this is an important thing to talk about, because we discussed earlier a la Kuna in there. There is no word for needing to potty. But this is another one that I really was fascinated to discover. Christa says, dear Hank and John, bullsemen comes from bulls and cows are female. So bullsemen cannot come from a cow no matter how awesome that cow is. I don't know why being awesome would increase the chance that a female cow could create semen, but I have to so John What is the word for a cow that is just a gender-neutral term for a single animal of that species? Like you would say a dog or a cat or a pig. What is that?
Starting point is 00:38:38 Is it is it well the plural is cattle so I would guess perhaps it is cat limb? There is a deward for this. Oh Well, the plural is cattle. So I would guess perhaps it is catlum. There is a deward for this. Oh, well, now there is catlum. Yes, catlum, there it is. People sometimes, someone will say a head of cattle. So like one cow of indeterminate gender is a head of cattle. But yeah, so basically in English, we use the word cow as a gender-neutral term
Starting point is 00:39:08 for a head of cattle. And thus I have to say, Christa, you're wrong and I was right. And until the word catlum comes into regular use in English language, then I can continue to wear the badge of not being wrong about that one thing. Well, which is all that's important to me.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Cat Lomb is now in regular English usage, and also I'm very excited about our spin-off podcast, Dear John and Hank, the Linguistics Edition, where we do nothing but invent words for what is it called? Glacuna are those places where there are no words for things that exist? Yes, correct. I love that there's a word for words that don't exist. Yeah. That's a beautiful word.
Starting point is 00:39:55 We also have a correction from Daniel Turner who writes, dear John and Hank, my name is Daniel. Don't try to Ryan me, Daniel. I see what you're doing. And I'm an enrolled agent, which means I'm licensed by the IRS with their highest credential. And then Daniel points out that I was totally wrong about my statement that there is no advantage
Starting point is 00:40:16 to dying on January 1st. In fact, there is a huge advantage, at least if you are married, because if your spouse dies and you are married filing jointly, you can claim an extra exemption, and also you can file your claim married filing jointly, even though you were only married for one day of the year. This is the kind of darkness that our tax policy forces us to think about. I don't want to think about it, but the IRS makes me. Daniel goes on to say that January 1st,
Starting point is 00:40:46 as far as he can tell, is the best day to die. And then he says, I hope that I die on January 1st. Hopefully not this year though. Man. Oh man. Hold on Daniel. Hold on. Yeah, just hold on Daniel.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's gonna be okay. What is that great line from that old bluegrass song? Won't you spare me over for another year? It's a beautiful line where the singer is asking God for one more year of life. I too want to have a long and happy life, but I wouldn't mind if I got to skip about February to November every four years. We also have a just a note from Meredjria, who asks, who just says, I need to inform you that I've lived in the suburb with the half plane and the marquee in the yard for 14 years.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So we've got, because there's listeners all over the place, my problem is that Regerie does not tell us what the marquee says, go down there and tell us, but they do say that I leave a loaf of banana bread by his front gate every year and on the holidays, I imagine he probably throws this away, but I hope he enjoys the thought. So that's amazing. I love this town. Okay, Hank, I wanted to read one last email. This one struck me as very important.
Starting point is 00:42:12 It came from Pietro, who wrote, dear John and Hank, I, Pietro, all these people trying to rhyme me. I, Pietro, and the Swiss citizen living in the United States, and I just wanted to say, thank you, well, mostly to John, you're welcome, Pietro. In the last episode, you guys, but mostly John mentioned Switzerland, and this brought joy to my heart as almost no one mentioned Switzerland in any context ever.
Starting point is 00:42:37 The last time someone mentioned Switzerland to me was three weeks ago, as a footnote, at the end of a lesson on the Congress of Vienna in my history class, it sucks that Switzerland is mentioned so little because it is such an interesting country. Like did you know that we don't have a president but instead a council of seven people that act like the executive branch and we're the only country with a square flag? Okay. Can I make a couple of comments on Patras?
Starting point is 00:43:01 Ask so far? Yeah, please do. First of all, Switzerland being mentioned once every three weeks in a place that is in Switzerland seems like quite a lot. Seems like more than the average country on Earth. I'm sure that there are lots of... Absolutely, try being from Liberia. Yeah, lots of fascinating things about Switzerland
Starting point is 00:43:20 and that we should all know them and that I would love to know them. And I'd love to have read a whole book about that, though probably I would not love the actual process of reading it. Also, I will say that Switzerland in America is literally a cliche. Like, you will say, I'm Switzerland,
Starting point is 00:43:38 if you wanna say like, I'm not involved, I wanna be removed from this debate that I never asked to be a part of in the first place. I'm Switzerland, that's a thing that people say. It's like it's a word that means something aside from the name of the country People mentioned switcherland all the time. I feel like switcherland gets a lot of play John Hank do you know the only other country not to have a rectangular flag? It's a triangle isn't it. Don't Google it. No cheating, but it's a triangle right? It's kind of two triangles.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Oh, tell me more. The flag of Nepal. Oh yeah, it is two triangles. Yep. Crimson red is the color of the road of dendrin, the country's national flower, and red is also the sign of victory in war. Oh, red.
Starting point is 00:44:20 The blue border is the color of peace. Oh, that's nice, so the peace is surrounding the war. That's good news. Until 1962, the flag's emblems, the sun and the peace. Oh, that's nice. So the peace is surrounding the war. That's good news. Until 1962, the flags emblems, the sun and the crescent moon had human faces. Wow, that was awesome. Then they were removed to modernize the flag, which was incredibly unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Basically, pizza, John, was a national flag. Another amazing thing about the flag of Nepal, John, is a number fell video about this. In the Constitution with Nepal, John, is a number fell video about this. In the constitution of Nepal, there is a mathematical equation that leads the flag. So there's a mathematical representation of how to create the flag. So you can use the constitution with the words to create the flag with math. That's very beautiful. And it somehow fills me with tremendous hope.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Nepal has had a fascinating history the last 20 years. I think it's one of the most interesting countries on Earth right now. And I feel like we're really rubbing this in pH-Rose face right now. Are you like, hey, you wanted us to talk about Switzerland? Here's Nepal facts. I don't know about how interested I am in Nepal.
Starting point is 00:45:16 No, Switzerland is a lovely country. And everybody wishes they were from Switzerland, obviously. They have an extremely strong currency. You know, they don't ever have to fight in wars. It seems like it's a very good life there. But I appreciate Pietro coming to the United States and I am grateful that Pietro is here and I hope that you are happy
Starting point is 00:45:37 and that the United States has welcomed you. And I apologize for all of the terrible things that have been said about immigrants in the United States in the last several months. And also really for the last like 150 years. Oh, Hank, it's a darkness. I cannot, I cannot wriggle myself out of this darkness. But I will say that I have made another 20 cents on while we've been recording this podcast since I last updated you. I, uh, that's terrible news. Uh, the more you win, the more I worry.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Uh, I do want to get to this question, not since you brought up, uh, immigration. I, I want to get to this question from Iman, which I felt like, yeah, great question. This was my question of the week. I think this is the best question we have the whole week. Uh, and I figured you were going to want to answer it. So I, it's, Iman says, dear Hank and John, I'm an 18 year old nerd fighter of African Islamic descent, who lives in Norway and has been doing that
Starting point is 00:46:34 for the last seven years. Before that, I used to live in the Middle East. I came here as a refugee and have adjusted well to this society since then. But I still struggle with identifying myself as a member of the society, especially since a lot of people seem to have problems with accepting me as part of it.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Norwegians are very nice and kind people, but whenever the topic of Norwegianness is under discussion, I feel immediately excluded from the majority. How do I accept my reality as the forever foreigner, especially as my chances of getting back to my so-called homeland are near zero.
Starting point is 00:47:06 I think this is a great question and really important. And the first thing that I would say is that Iman, it is not your fault that people's definition of nationhood in a lot of cases is ultimately racist. I would argue, like I think that if you define Norwegianness as whiteness, that's racist. And so it falls to all of us, no matter our national identity, to come up with definitions of that national identity that do not depend on race. Yeah, to come up with them and to actually like really incorporate them into our understanding of the world, which is the harder part.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah, absolutely. It is hard. But I think we will link at the Patreon to a wonderful episode of Invisibilia that was about this, is not set in Norway, but it was about a young Muslim man who felt like he was not part of his community in Europe. And the tragedies that unfolded and almost unfolded
Starting point is 00:48:17 because of that and the eventual, wonderful reintegration into his country that was made possible by people Opening themselves up and making themselves vulnerable and being honest about these very difficult topics so I'm really really sorry that you don't feel Norwegian and I wish that I could promise you that someday you will Norwegian and I wish that I could promise you that someday you will But unfortunately, it's going to be part of your job. I'm afraid to open people's
Starting point is 00:49:03 Open people's minds up and it's it's hard and it's not something that you chose and I'm sorry that it's something that you're gonna have to live with But I do think that you have the opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives and in the lives of the people who will come after you too. The other thing that I would say is that just because you aren't necessarily going to feel like, you know, you'll never, maybe never feel like a Norwegian person, that doesn't mean that you won't ever feel home in the place where you live now. Right. And there are lots of different ways to feel home and lots of different ways to be a part of a place.
Starting point is 00:49:34 And that you aren't, you know, that you weren't born there. You know, and that you weren't born there doesn't, you know, will always be a part of your identity that you don't look like all of the rest of the people around will always be a part of your identity, but that doesn't mean that you won't find a way to be at home in the place where you now live and to be a part of the place where you now live. Yeah, I think that's a really important point.
Starting point is 00:50:02 I also think it's really important just to have these conversations and to have these discussions. And ultimately, Hank and I are never going to be able to give as good advice on this topic as people who are experiencing what you're experiencing. So the other thing that I would say is talk to your friends, both your friends who are Muslims and who may be refugees, but also talking to your friends who are meet more traditional definitions of Norwegianness,
Starting point is 00:50:33 because I think by being open about these conversations, we can make progress on them. All right, John, do you have news from me from AFC Wimbledon? God, I have Hank. What if I told you at the start of this season that the smallest team in League 2 that has just become the smallest team in League 1? Might next year be the smallest team in the history of the championship? I would say that that is not a possible thing that could possibly happen in a possible
Starting point is 00:51:02 universe. I also would have thought that it was impossible, but AFC Wimbledon beat Barry, possibly Burry. I don't know, it's filled B-U-R-Y. Nobody knows how to pronounce any of these legal and teams. It's all pure speculation. Port Vale, Port Peter Burrow. These are all made up places in England. It's all right out in Narnia.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Anyway, AFC Wimbledon was taking on eighth place Barry over just yesterday actually, and they were down one new, and that looked like it was gonna be the result. But then they scored a tying goal by Lyle Taylor, the messy for Montserrat, the Montserratian Ronaldo scored a tying goal and then in the dying moments of Stoppage time Hank John Meads the left back
Starting point is 00:51:50 Wow, AFC Wimbledon Meadsie scored a header on a corner kick They won two one the dons have played 14 games. They're sitting on 20 points in ninth place Just one point out of the playoff spots. That just what points? One point out of a playoff spot. Oh my goodness, that is something else, John. It's obviously still a long way to go. There's still 32 games left in the season.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah, there's a lot can happen and will. And it should also be noted that in addition to being one point out of a playoff spot They're only five points clear of the relegation zone It's extremely tight table. Yeah, but oh man What a great victory for Wimbledon. Congratulations to all the boys and to Neil Ardley our wonderful manager It's just it's what a time to be alive. I mean, if you just, if it weren't for the American election, Hank, this would be like one of the best
Starting point is 00:52:53 possible timelines, 2016, at least for me, in terms of what's going on with ASE Wimbledon, which is basically how I judge the quality of the universe. Well, John, as of the recording of this podcast, the Mars News is mixed. The exo-Mars, Orbiter and Lander, it's a two-part mission. They went together, but they split apart.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Has arrived at Mars, and we are not entirely sure of the result. And I am sorry that I will update if there is news, but it's looking like at the moment that the lander entered the atmosphere of Mars, and then after entering and firing its retro rockets to land, it something went wrong, and it did not land correctly and has not been able to establish contact back with Earth. Oh no! So this lander is mostly designed as a way to test out a new system for landing heavy payloads on Mars. So it wasn't a super expensive scientific experiment or anything. It was only going to be an experiment that would run for a week or two, just measuring, you know, the
Starting point is 00:54:06 measuring wind speed and like dust and basically doing some measurements to have data to make sure that future missions would be safer. So it's bad news on that front. The orbiter, however, which is the bulk of the science experiment of this mission is fine, and it's in orbit, and it's got another day before it's going to start maybe more than a day, before it starts its actual science mission, maybe some weeks, but it looks like it entered orbit just fine, and it's there, and it's doing good. So the European Space Agency now has another orbiter around Mars, but it looks like its landing system may still need to be developed. We're not sure yet if there is any news, and I'm able to, I'll record an update. But I've just been, like it's literally
Starting point is 00:55:02 just happening right now. So I'm following my two Emilys on Twitter, Emily Lactawalla, who is the senior editor at the Planetary Society and Emily Kallandrelli, who is also just a space fan and it's a correspondent for a new Bill and I show. And so I'm getting the news and as it comes in and so far, that the lander survived reentry,
Starting point is 00:55:28 but we're not sure whether it landed safely. And surviving reentry on its own is a significant achievement, but it doesn't look like, it probably at this point, the chances, like if I was a Batman, I would not bet on this thing waking up. Okay, well, I'm gonna go to right now.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I don't mean to take advantage of what is obviously a difficult time for you, but if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to right now and bet that that lander is not going to be landing safely. Oh man. Uh, this is, this is my life now Hank. I'm a full time user. I'm sorry about your somewhat good, somewhat bad Mars news. Why is this a .org website, Jack? Oh, because it's
Starting point is 00:56:15 just an educational project. It's not a commercial project. It's just for research purposes only. But can you actually make money? Oh yeah. And do they make money? Yeah, yeah, probably, I guess so. So it doesn't sound like it's educational purposes only to me. Well, yeah, I mean, Hank, would you please stop trying to harsh on my buzz the only thing that's brought me a single ray of sunshine this entire election cycle?
Starting point is 00:56:44 I just don't, I don't think it's ultimately a healthy decision, John. What did we learn today? Um, well, gosh, what did we learn today? We learned some really upsetting and terrible things about imitation crab meat that I desperately wish I could forget. We learned that the single of a gender-nonspecific cow is a catlam. And of course, we learned that if Hank could send one song into space, it would be a song that he just wrote just now about his song going into space. And of course, we learned that you absolutely can get better at bubble baths. In fact, you almost must, because otherwise it's not a hobby.
Starting point is 00:57:29 It's right, it's right. Oh Hank, it's always a pleasure podcasting with you, but of course this is probably the last time that we will be, or it is definitely right, the last time that we will be potting together for a number of weeks. Yes, it is. I'm gonna go on leave. I don't know when exactly the baby will come, but I'm gonna, even if it doesn't come, I'm gonna go on leave, because that is a thing that I feel like Catherine needs support now,
Starting point is 00:57:56 as well as in the future. Yeah, I think that is the right call. So we will miss you. In your absence, there will be lots of wonderful guests playing the role of Hank, which I'm excited about. And so listeners, you will be able to enjoy dear Hank and John without the Hank for several weeks, and then Hank will make his glorious return, you know, after Thanksgiving-ish. So I'm timing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:25 So Hank, congratulations. I'm very excited and happy for you guys. I hope you have a wonderful time off. I hope you actually take time off. I know that it's hard for you to do. But yeah, I hope that you take your first proper vacation in 10 years. I don't know that I had a proper vacation before that either. Thank you, John.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And this podcast is edited by Nicholas Jenkins. Our theme music is from Gunnarola, Rosie on a House Role Haas helps out with the questions. Victoria Bonsorno helps out with all of our social media and getting these things online. You can email us at Our Twitter's are hank green and John green, and you can just ask Jack, do your hankajon if you would like us to see your dear hankajon related things, and as they say in our hometown.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Don't forget to be awesome. you

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