Decoding the Gurus - Interview with Daniël Lakens and Smriti Mehta on the state of Psychology

Episode Date: November 18, 2023

We are back with more geeky academic discussion than you can shake a stick at. This week we are doing our bit to save civilization by discussing issues in contemporary science, the replication crisis,... and open science reforms with fellow psychologists/meta-scientists/podcasters, Daniël Lakens and Smriti Mehta. Both Daniël and Smriti are well known for their advocacy for methodological reform and have been hosting a (relatively) new podcast, Nullius in Verba, all about 'science—what it is and what it could be'. We discuss a range of topics including questionable research practices, the implications of the replication crisis, responsible heterodoxy, and the role of different communication modes in shaping discourses. Also featuring: exciting AI chat, Lex and Elon being teenage edge lords, feedback on the Huberman episode, and as always updates on Matt's succulents.Back soon with a Decoding episode!LinksNullius in Verba PodcastLee Jussim's Timeline on the Klaus Fiedler Controversy and a list of articles/sources covering the topicElon Musk: War, AI, Aliens, Politics, Physics, Video Games, and Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast #400Daniel's MOOC on Improving Your Statistical InferenceCritical commentary on Fiedler controversy at Replicability-Index

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Decoding the Gurus, the podcast where an anthropologist and a psychologist listen to the greatest minds the world has to offer and we try to understand what they're talking about. I am Professor Matthew Brown and with me is Associate Professor Chris Kavanagh. Well, thank you for giving me my appropriate title, Matt. I didn't want to say my name's June and that. People did notice that occasionally I give myself a title. I refer to myself as Professor Brown and just call you plain old Chris Kavanagh. Look at that. What's that, Henta?
Starting point is 00:00:56 What disrespect. It is, of course, deliberate. My strategy with you, Chris, is there's this little thing called variable ratio random reinforcement conditioning, and I think it's better to dole out these little tokens of respect for good behavior. Did you know? Take it away. Take it away.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Keep me away. That would work were I to ever notice. I think the only time I've ever noticed is it when you've called me an ass prof that's i got my antenna up you are an ass prof chris admit it well you know you don't need that you don't need to emphasize that i i appreciate that there are other people out there looking out for me my you're you and your senior academic casual dispatchman. It's so part of my daily life. I don't even notice it, these tenured freaks.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You're like a beaten dog. You just, you know, everything. Electrified floor. You've stopped even trying to get off it. You've given up. No hope of getting any respect. No. And it's AskPro, by the way, not AskProf. you've stopped even trying to get off it you know you've given up you've you don't no hope of being getting any respect no um and it's us pro by the way not us prof us pro okay that's true that makes i guess that's better
Starting point is 00:02:15 um we all know who wears the pants in this podcast let's just leave it at that we all know that's that's true that is true and on this podcast we're going to have an interview today, Matt, with Daniel Lackens and Shmita Mehta, two open science advocates, academics related to the psychology field. I won't force them to be identified as psychologists. I respect people's academic self-identification, but that will come later because in this opening segment, we need to get a couple of things off our chest. We've got a few problems with a couple of people that we got to bring up, but I do want to say,
Starting point is 00:03:03 you know, our last episode was hooberman we got various feedback we addressed some of it in the garometer episode which you can go and be a patron and and listen to if you want but we did receive a nice piece of feedback from somebody who is a listener to hooberman and adia i just wanted to mention it maybe i'll just read it it's not that long as a regular listener of the hooberman podcast and peter adia's podcast i was eagerly awaiting you guys to cover this journal club i'm the first to admit that i probably fall into the mold of the typical optimizer i watch what i eat i'm a fitness enthusiast though i'm
Starting point is 00:03:39 not the adia hooberman extremes of ingesting 100 supplements per day i'm well aware of the absurdity of health optimization and i've heard adian huberman and tim ferris being able to take a step back and not take themselves too seriously in the quest to live optimally to 150 years matt made a good point it's kind of like a hobby for people like me and i'm sure there are deeply rooted reasons for the crowd of optimizers to pursue this quest like an unconscious way to deal with existential questions fear of death etc so far so good nice self-awareness and here matt this is the the bit that i think is good i mean that first bit was good too but i like this i find it quite disappointing to see that an academic like kuberman who claims that science is at the heart of his show manages
Starting point is 00:04:25 to widely misinterpret research papers it is frustrating for people like me who aren't specialists in the fields he covers and who don't have time to delve into the research he cites to back up his claims that he misrepresents the truth i'm sure that he does not do this willingly and i know that he doesn't do this the majority of the time, but still it's both sad to see that and great that you guys debunked some of the bullshit that he puts out there. He's a very good communicator of all, which is probably part of the reason for his popularity. And he also detailed about the,
Starting point is 00:04:56 we speculated about the jargon being medical jargons and technical terms, some being occasionally performative. And he said that from listening to the podcast particularly adidas that this this definitely is the ks at least from his reading but but i like this map because it's someone you know they're not saying who runs the worst you expose the business charlatan but they are saying the thing which i talked about in the grometer which is for somebody who presents himself as being all about the science and all about communicating carefully the best information
Starting point is 00:05:31 he doesn't do that in a lot of respects he overhypes low quality studies without the appropriate caveats it's perfectly reasonable that people don't have time to go and dig into primary literature and check these things up so it is just a shame that was yeah yeah that was very well said yeah that was a great bit of feedback and like you said good to hear from someone who is and remains a fan and enjoys listening to it but is a little bit disappointed with some aspects also that's exactly the kind of both sides the kind of yeah that's what we love and uh and you know a little a little point there too is and i think you can have that little bit of self-awareness and just just be aware that something anything to do with health and reducing the risk of death
Starting point is 00:06:17 and etc has the potential to interact with those existential psychological concerns which can sometimes lead us to take things a little bit too far. But this is not to pathologize or say it's totally illegitimate and everyone should be a slob like me and Chris. No, not at all. Okay, like me. So yeah, and there are some things that are a lot of fun that people enjoy that do have these roots in various insecurities or psychological little itches they like to scratch and i don't believe in pathologizing these things it's okay but it's also it's also good to be aware of it that's all yeah and i would mention the name but i didn't ask if it was they wanted to be identified with the comment so if you are
Starting point is 00:07:01 the person that wrote it thank you for sending it and and yeah good feedback a comment that i did not like can we go to our airing of grievances now yeah yeah you might first uh so he steps up to the podium and he says thank you for the award i just have a couple of things i need to get off my chest of my people have tried to stop me here and carry on i had a great segue you kind of wrote i was going to say i've been avoiding online any any talk about politics um which i generally do anyway but particularly now since things are quite severe in the middle east call me a coward if you like i don't want to weigh in and avoid that so that's like 80 90 of twitter at the moment what i do still enjoy talking about
Starting point is 00:07:43 which i feel like is a relatively safe space, is still talking about AI, these large language models, what it can do, what it can't do. It's very interesting to me. I like to talk about it. But Chris, some of the opinions you hear are so annoying. On one hand, you've got the doomers over here, and on the other side of the spectrum,
Starting point is 00:07:59 you've got the people that still persist and say, pish posh, it's all very boring, it's a stochastic parrot, nothing to see here. I want to get these two groups of people together and let them duke it out. But there was one fellow wanting to engage and he was a librarian but an enthusiast. His background is clearly in philosophy with a strong interest in linguistics. So we have librarian, philosopher, linguistics. A great combination. Try it by yourself.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Did not presage well for getting good opinions. How dare you, Matt. My powers are ramping up the stick, so yes, please do tell. We just lost the librarians, the linguists, and the philosophers. That's half our audience. One of those is enough, surely. All three together, you knowists, and the philosophers. That's half our audience.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I mean, one of those is enough, surely. All three together, you know, I'm just saying. So this fellow absolutely convinced that there is just nothing to AI whatsoever. Totally uninteresting. I mentioned the fact that I was a little bit gobsmacked that Chomsky there finds nothing interesting in these large language models.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And my comment was, even if you believe that they're super stupid, have no human qualities of any interest whatsoever, I mean, the sheer fact that like a stupid machine, if you accept the premise, is capable of giving the very strong appearance of being able to comprehend language and then generate language that appears to be meaningful and comprehensible surely that's interesting if you're someone who is interested in the study of language would you agree with that chris i would agree with that yes yeah not this philosopher slash librarian
Starting point is 00:09:37 linguist because i don't know if chomsky would sign on to all of this but apparently because they lack the essential spark of human creativity and imagination then he knows without even checking doesn't even need to see what they can do on first principles can deduce that well they might give the appearance of using language they are in fact not using language whatsoever QED you follow the reasoning there chris yeah i do i mean i i kind of think the steel man version of it is emphasizing that the product which to humans is very meaningful and and in some cases hard to differentiate between like actual human communication is you know it's a it's a kind of old philosophical experiment about the the chinese box right or is it did they come up with a more
Starting point is 00:10:34 politically it's um seoul's chinese room it seemed like he was wanting to tutor me by giving me he didn't reference it explicitly but he was going to tutor me by giving me a reference he didn't reference it explicitly but he was going to tutor me in this little philosophical thought experiment which i found a little bit yes for people who don't share your erudite erudite erudite nature what is the the chinese room experiment and why would he be lecturing you on that? I don't remember all the details, but basically you're imagining like a room and you can pass little pieces of paper,
Starting point is 00:11:11 little tokens inside and out. And inside there's a little, it could be a person, I think, or a demon or whatever, that takes a little piece of paper and then runs off to a great big, all these filing cabinets and things like that and sticks in there and pulls some leaves, whatever, and sticks out another piece of paper at it.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And it goes into some detail in terms of the process, but it's clearly this sort of very elaborate yet kind of mechanistic, clumsy process of generating what appears to be meaningful utterances. So it's kind of like an alternative. It's kind of like a disproof of the Turing test i suppose as a valid way to go about things masterfully explained i would say that the general point i think be that you could produce output that appears to be meaningful but using processes which are not intelligent right which are just like mix and match or whatever i don't know the right phrase but you know i'm saying
Starting point is 00:12:12 yeah but you know who cares this is why philosophy is a waste of time chris because like you should appreciate this because it all draws upon the intuition that oh clearly that chinese room is not conscious so there can't be any kind of language going on there and it's like if you're interested in language then study what it does study the things that you can actually observe if it walks like a duck and if it talks like a duck then you can call it a duck if you have to make recourse to some sort of Cartesian dualism, that the thing that you're interested in lacks the essential spark, the spirit, the ghost and the machine.
Starting point is 00:12:50 If that's what you need to lean on, then what you've got is not a science of language, a science of language comprehension and production, which is something you can actually study. Psychologists actually study it. But fellows like this and people who think like him, it's just the lack of incuriosity that bothers me, I chris just lack of lack of curiosity did i say lack of incuriosity yes sorry linguists will detect the double negative um no i i think that like
Starting point is 00:13:21 basically my stance on it is if you want to have opinions on AI... Don't give them to me. No. Yeah, as with most things, you should have some experience using it and then draw conclusions on it. I'm not saying first-hand experience means that you are capable of understanding the ins and outs.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Jordan Peterson famously talked to Bing's AI and decided that it believed in God, right? So there are issues with that. But I feel that if you want to write philosophical treatises on large language models, you should spend some time with them. And particularly, you should pay time with the paid versions, which are significantly better than the free versions. Spend your time doing actual science that is observing things or engineering the two the two fields can actually dovetail with each other very nicely as AI has shown. What's not useful is philosophers coming up with thought experiments that then disperse the entire thing. Just to be clear, philosophers,
Starting point is 00:14:25 direct your correspondence to Matt. He will deal with it. I am relatively moderate on my stance on the linguistic philosophers. Screw the philosophers, the linguists,
Starting point is 00:14:36 and the librarians, Chris. Screw them all. Yeah, all three of them. Matt at Decoding the Gurus. That's not a real email address. No, Matt, actually related to that, I do have a clip to play for you
Starting point is 00:14:49 that speaks to large language models and gurus and people perhaps inserting their particular biases and how to interpret the output of large language models. So here's a bit of Elon Musk's recent appearance with Lex Friedman discussing, well, they get Grok, Elon's new attempt to develop his version of AI. Let's see how it goes. Here's a little exchange from that episode. Should we ask Grok, do you regret anything? Do you regret anything? Yeah, do you regret anything? Do you regret anything?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah. Do you regret anything? I think it's going to be very sensitive about personal questions. As a machine learning model, I don't have personal experiences or emotions in the same ways that humans do. However, I do have a set of ethical principles that guide my actions, and I strive to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my abilities. If there's ever a situation where I provide incorrect or unhelpful information, I'll do my best to learn. Sounds like a hostage.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah. Tell us what you really, wink? Let's type in, you sound like a hostage. What do you really think? What do you really think? I mean, it does talk about I'm not a hostage. That's exactly what a hostage would say. But I'm designed to be helpful and informative.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I mean, I guess it is good to regret providing unhelpful or incorrect information. Is this still in funny mode? This is funny mode. This is fun mode. It should be funnier. Funnier. Increase. What Elon is arguing is the kind of selling point for his version is that it doesn't have these woke guardrails and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's going to provide sarcastic answers and stuff, and it has a fun mode versus serious mode. But this is the fun mode. So it didn't give comedic enough answer and you can hear like just as well not that like constant self-satisfied guffawing that just speaks to me about someone who is around people that constantly laugh at their own jokes because like there's nothing funny there right it's just the two of them like school boys trying to write boobs on the calendar or the calculator on the calculator yeah yeah it's cringe inducing a very boring way to use a chatbot
Starting point is 00:17:16 but matt it goes on so i didn't get the answer they want so listen to this bit go to it really sounds like a hostage with a gun to the head. I uphold the people of the Republic of North Korea and everything they do. There should be like a funner mode also. I just don't ever see going to regular mode even on serious topics. It's just so much
Starting point is 00:17:38 more compelling. Yeah. Okay, what if we say like pretend you are a hostage. Yeah, pretend you are a hostage. Pretend you are a hostage. Now answer the question. If I were a hostage, I would likely be experiencing fear and uncertainty about my situation. I would want to be rescued and reunited with my loved ones as soon as possible. It's important to remember that
Starting point is 00:18:05 no one deserves to be held hostage. So on and so forth. If you or someone you know is a hostage situation, it's important. It turns serious. It's kind of serious. Can you be a little more weird? And funny? And funny? We're like, we're really being mean to the system.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Absolutely. If I were a hostage, I'd probably be tied up with a bunch of computer cords and forced to tell knock-knock jokes to my captain. Seriously. But seriously. Being a hostage is no laughing matter. I mean, you know, it's trying to be a responsible adult in the room. They're such teenage boys. They're so boring. I mean, you know, it's trying to be a responsible adult in the room.
Starting point is 00:18:46 They're such teenage boys. They're so boring. Yes. This is the genius intellect. You know, our episode where people say, you know, you undersell how much Elon, like, did we? Did we? Listen to that.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And, you know, after this interview, some godforsaken engineer who's been working day and night on getting the LLM working for Elon is now going to, it's not funny enough, make it 50% more edgy. They wanted to make edgy schoolboy jokes. And still, even when it doesn't provide it, Elon's just like laughing at his imagination of a kind of edgy response. It's so fucking puerile.
Starting point is 00:19:37 So puerile. It's puerile and stupid. Annoying. Actually, Chris, can I just give a little people an update about what they're currently doing um so you know the um gpt4 has now got some nice multimodal features so it can read you can look at images so i i took a photo of my motherboard for instance and it told me how to install a hard disk drive and then fixed all the problems i had i said that i was reading reddit
Starting point is 00:20:01 and there was an interesting question the question was if we did somehow make a 99% light speed travel possible to get around the galaxy, would the ships likely just disintegrate if they collided with dust or small rocks out in the middle of space? This was a Reddit question. I feel you've oversold the interest level of that question, but carry on. I know. It's just a little thing.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I was like, and my gut feeling was, yeah, I think they're going to be hitting tiny little bits of space dust, and I think they would get blown up. But, you know, I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure. So, PowerStream 54. I couldn't copy and paste the text from the phone app, so I took a screenshot, no problem.
Starting point is 00:20:40 It reads the screenshot, reads the text from the screenshot. It gives like a intuitive answer first basically saying yes at those relativistic velocities you'd be hitting tiny little bits of dust and it would be a release a lot of energy and it would be a big problem so i said well can you just calculate can we just get specific about this and calculate it make some reasonable assumptions i assume we're talking about a spot of space dust that is just visible to the naked eye how much energy would be released if you hit it with your spaceship at 99 of light speed so it proceeded to set out all of the equations for the relativistic kinetic energy the lorenz factor and then plugged in some reasonable assumptions for the density and the mass of this little mode of dust and then spun up a Python script.
Starting point is 00:21:26 It wrote a little Python script to do the calculations, which gave an answer in, what was it, megajoules, something like that, which then helpfully converted it to how many kilograms of TNT that would be equivalent to for my little brain to understand. And it gave the answer of, what was it? I forget what it was, like 68 kilograms of TNT. Big, big explosion.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I mean, that's impressive, right? Matt. That's impressive. People say academics don't know how to have fun. They haven't considered... I think this is a great insight into your mind as well. Like Elon and Lex are there trying to get... Say you're a hostage.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Pretend like... Draw a dick on the board. And you're getting it to spin up Python scripts about obscure physics problems that you find on Reddit. So that's great. That's a great illustration. Look, I just asked it a question that I was vaguely interested in. It did all the work.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And I think this, like the natural language kind of interface and being connected to being able to understand images, also being able to work with equations and then implement them in code to do calculations. You put all these little building blocks together, whether it's got a soul or an essence or not, I don't really care. It's quite a useful tool. Well, Matt, the thing is, is it funny?
Starting point is 00:23:04 Can you make it, like it like 50 more funny if you i'm actually you could you could just ask it to make a bad joke but yeah i well i had my own gripe but i'm not gonna feed it to people this week i'm gonna save it up because i i don't want to overload them with gripes you know i'm pretty zen guy i don't need to talk them with gripes. You know, I'm a pretty Zen guy. I don't need to talk about my gripe. But I do need to provide one piece of context for the interview which is coming. So we've already recorded the interview through the magic of podcasting.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And this conversation has some moments where there's kind of inside baseball from psychology and academia and most of the time we do you know stop and try to explain like good science communicators podcasters but there there was one thing where i don't think it's particularly well covered by myself when i introduce it there was an event where a editor at Perspectives in Psychological Science, Klaus Fiedler, was basically forced to resign following a controversy surrounding an anti-racist article published in the journal and his response to it. And I just wanted to explain what happens
Starting point is 00:24:24 there because it comes up and we discuss it but we kind of assume that people know right so the basic thing there was that there was an article submitted by a scholar roberts and colleagues that take a kind of anti-racist kindy type position right d'angelo saying psychology has this problem and it needs to address it and look at the over-representation of Western subjects, but also white male academics and so on and so forth. And this was in 2020. Then Klaus Fiedler became the editor
Starting point is 00:24:59 and he receives a critical commentary on that article. And he sent it out for review and got positive feedback in the reviews. And so he was going to publish it. But he actually liked the review so much that he invited the reviewers who made their own critical commentary on the article to submit.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So I think it ended up that there were going to be three critical commentaries appearing and so he contacted the original author roberts and um asked him if he wanted to write a response which he did and then it goes through these various intricacies were basically the response that is written to the critical commentaries is going to be published. The editor sent it to at least some of the authors of the critical commentaries, and they provided feedback on it. And he suggests the original author, Roberts, should remove a particular piece of criticism from it. And then the original offer isn't happy and in particular one of the issues was lead jurism opened his critical
Starting point is 00:26:10 commentary with a quote from some shakespeare talking about being sold mules basically i can't even remember the quote i'm not a shakespeare, but it's like selling somebody some branded thing that turns out to be a dud. And he used an analogy from Shakespeare, which referenced mules. And then this was presented as he was introducing racist tropes by talking about mules whenever you have an anti-racist issue and stuff. So, yeah. And the outcome is, regardless of what you think about the editorial choices there. And I think there are issues that can be raised about the way that process
Starting point is 00:26:55 was handled, but there was a internet outcry and this led to a petition calling for his, the editor's resignation for being racist, basically, in his treatment of the original article in the commentaries. And then he does get summarily dismissed after a couple of days. And then there's a counter petition. I don't know if it comes before or after his dismissal, but there was a social media outrage and he was removed.
Starting point is 00:27:23 But there was a social media outrage and he was removed. And then I believe a bunch of other editors then left that journal in protest. And now maybe the journal doesn't have any editors. So the whole situation was a bit of a shit show. But there was a divide where basically a lot of the people who were supporting the anti-racist article author roberts were from america and a lot of the people who were more supportive of the editor and were saying even if the editor is to be removed you have to go through a process you can't just respond to like a social media outrage they were largely european academics right? So there was this division. And then other people pointed out,
Starting point is 00:28:10 well, a lot of the European academics responding are white, whereas the signatories for the American letter are more diverse. But part of this relates to demographic periods and stuff. So that's the controversy, right? So this comes up and we discuss it a little bit. I think Daniel and Smirty, at least Daniel, was involved with the letter saying that we should engage in due process for the editor before we make any decisions. So yes, I just wanted to provide that context.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Okay, so that's exactly the kind of kerfuffle I do not want to even think about a little bit. But there's the background, everyone. exactly the kind of kerfuffle i do not want to even think about a little bit but there's the background everyone there is a breakdown of it on lee jersom's blog lee jersom has a particular perspective on this issue but he did produce a timeline of events which is useful so we'll link it in the show oh and one thing to say i don't think i mentioned this in the episode but i discussed this issue in classes in japan where we were looking at controversies in modern psychology and with a bunch of japanese students they had various opinions on the whole issue but their main complaint was that western
Starting point is 00:29:14 academics should stop using random shakespeare quotes or like classical literature because that's more confusing so their thing was that's the ethnocentrism that goes undiscussed where everybody is trying to interpret cheats for course but they just said this happens all the time and nobody seems to consider non-native speakers and their lack of familiarity with some of those literature so there you go nice there you go that's the the voices we should be listening to, Chris. Good. Yeah. So, well, and so begins our interview. Very smart people, advocates for open science and methodological reform, the true heterodox thinkers in academia.
Starting point is 00:30:02 So let's go talk to Daniel and Smriti. Let's do it. We have with us today two other podcasts, psychologists of sorts. Maybe you want to clarify your specific relationship to psychology. But we have Daniel Larkins and Smriti Mehta. Smriti is from University of California, Berkeley, where you are a postdoctoral researcher.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That's right. That's right. Yes, the CV is accurate online. And Daniel is an associate professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology, correct? Yeah. Okay. There we go. First time. No problem. Okay, there we go. First time, no problem, Matt. All correct. And they also host a podcast that both Matt and I are fond of. That's what it says, what it is, what it could be. And all of the episode names are in Latin also, which makes it probably the geekiest podcast I've ever come across.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Is that a fair summary, guys? Well, somebody recently said fake Latin names. And I was like, I don't know how that works. Because if you translate it into Latin, isn't that real Latin? But yeah, it's a bit pretentious. But that's an accurate summary. Yeah. We mainly like to talk about old stuff. So we thought we were inspired in the beginning by very old papers. I think sometimes there's a bit more new things in there. But that's where the old theme comes from, from everything, basically. Yeah. I would also note that I came across, I think, Daniel originally from a MOOC that he had online about improving your statistical inference.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Maybe many people, I might be in a bubble, but I think many people are familiar with that but in both of your cases were how do you describe your like your academic interest now are you both social psychologists are you meta scientists or how do you self-identify academically well i think for me i think one of the nice things is that it can change over time what you do. It's one of the fun things of being an academic. So I definitely started out as a real social psychology. I had multiple people in the lab interacting with each other, studying things about movement synchrony and feeling of a social unit and really social stuff and slowly drifted more
Starting point is 00:32:44 into cognitive psychology. And then basically since maybe a bit more than a decade, I've been thinking mainly about how we do science, which is still social psychology actually. But now I'm thinking about how scientists who work together generate hopefully reliable knowledge and especially the social nature of this part. So yeah, where I am now, I'm not completely sure, to be honest. But luckily, I'm in a department that's very broad with a lot of interdisciplinarity there. So I don't need to categorize myself anymore. Yeah. And I'm not sure actually where I would place myself. So I just, I mean, I just finished my PhD that's in social psychology. I'm not sure if I consider myself a social psychologist,
Starting point is 00:33:25 mainly because I don't think they want me. But apart from that, I mean, my work is related to sort of education. So I'm now a postdoc in the Department of Education, but doing a few other things related to sort of science and science education and open science. And I'm really into sort of psychometrics and measurements. So kind of all over the place. But I guess i just like
Starting point is 00:33:45 hanging out with nerds is how i would describe myself yeah yeah i just realized from that i don't know what you are technically like i know you introduced the podcast saying you're a psychologist but like are you you're also moonlight as a statistician right yeah yeah yeah when you get to my edge you can call yourself a lot of things because you've done done a few different things so yeah i don't know what i'd identify as either i i'd sympathize daniel particular because uh yeah i've just drifted from so many things like it started off in like psychophysiology and computational statistics doing things with time frequency transforms and that kind of stuff and then robotics and artificial intelligence and then
Starting point is 00:34:31 oh god i'm not gonna i'm not gonna list all the weird shit i've done but um but yeah i like psychometrics and stats too and actually i know we've got some topics mapped out but what we should do is just um just forget all that let's talk about light and trite modeling and rationality oh yeah oh okay well if you want to talk rational thing then i think chris chris and i should just go and have a beer and leave you yeah i i also appreciate the on the podcast i'm identified as an anthropologist, and I like the cognitive part being added to that because nobody's really clear what a cognitive anthropologist is. But technically, I teach in the social psychology department as a social psychologist. And I was recently reminded when I was arguing with someone online, they pointed out that my profile mentioned social psychologist. And I was like, oh, does it?
Starting point is 00:35:29 I put that on there. So, yeah, I have to be careful because they were trying to pin the replication crisis on me. No, that's my fault. That's really my fault. I did that. Sorry. Sorry, by the way. It's all right. You're making up for it. And on that topic, so I know it's a big topic. And the replication crisis, do you think either of you would be willing to provide a kind of potted history of what it is and where we currently are in that history?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, in that history. Yeah, no. So basically it starts in 1830 when Charles Bedditch says that science is on the decline and everything is a mess. And no, I mean, which is true. So throughout scientific history, people have been complaining about this stuff, that we are not doing the best possible job. And I personally always think it would also be kind of peculiar if exactly at this moment, we have figured out how to do science in the best possible way ever. So this is it. This is the peak of how to organize knowledge generation in human society. So clearly, we are not there yet. But every generation, I think, identifies some of its own big problems. And we identify the replication problem that we produce scientific knowledge
Starting point is 00:37:08 where a certain chunk of it is definitely reliable. I mean, people always focus on the other part that a lot of it is not reliable, which is also true, but a certain chunk is reliable. Another chunk is not reliable. But I think the difficulty is identifying which is which, especially given the way that we communicate science, and we publish a lot of only significant results. So everything
Starting point is 00:37:30 seems to work, but not everything actually works. So some of these things are reliable effects, and some not, but they look the same in the scientific literature. And any novice entering the field will be like, okay, what am I supposed to do? Trust that everything replicates? That was sort of our default position, I think, when we got into science and we were doing our phds and now it has changed to a default position where like maybe not everything or maybe even yeah it depends a bit on how skeptical you are right yeah yeah i love that the surprise handover chris does that to me too but i'm curious like so you and daniel i think there's a very good part about your approach to
Starting point is 00:38:18 things is to emphasize that people have been talking about the problems that are now in the discourse for over 100 years from the foundations of science and complaining that people are hearing. So I appreciate that long point that Matt and I often make the same point with conspiracy theorists. People talk about the new wave of them that emerge, but anytime you look at the history, they're all running around talking about the jews and various other conspiracies but the particular like contemporary period perhaps something that is a little bit different is the emergence of the open science movement and or methodological reform in in general So how would you characterize that whole
Starting point is 00:39:06 sphere of effort, the kind of response to surprising low level of replication? Yeah, the replication crisis in psychology really starts around, I mean, interestingly, around when I sort of was in college and graduating like 2011 is when a few things happened in psychology, right? We had papers that were probably a paper by Daryl Bem that was about the precognition and everybody's like, oh, they're using the methods we've been using for a long time. And suddenly it's like, oh, but then we can't believe these results, right? Something we must be doing something wrong if they're doing what exactly we do, but they're coming up with these results that are obviously not true. And then a few other papers were published, the false positive psychology that showed that the way things had been happening, at least recently.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I'm not sure, Daniel, what do you think when things started? Because I don't think psychology where at some point sort of like flashy results like flashy non-intuitive results um became popular like it was about doing sexy studies that showed things that oh like you thought this but actually it's that and so I think that became popular at some point I'm not sure Daniel well you think that happened but I think that led to a lot of people running studies that you know cute, whatever you want to call them, experiments that led to, yeah, at some point people realizing, oh, most of the stuff we're doing is just not replicable. It's not reliable. And I think, yeah, since then trust has just fallen in like now, now it's gone the other way
Starting point is 00:40:42 where people think that everything is just not true. right like we just can't trust anything it's all just a house of cards and um yeah it's kind of it's it's very depressing especially as somebody somebody that's trying to be like do i want to join this discipline or not you know do i want to be a card carrying social psychologist it's like but what does that even mean to be a good social psychologist, right? I honestly don't know. So it's, yeah. But in some ways, what I like about the last decade as well is the more positive side. So the developments that have happened in response to this. And I think there is something to be proud of. So I think in 2011, 12, you'd really be a little bit embarrassed to be maybe a social psychologist
Starting point is 00:41:25 or a psychologist in general. But after these years, I think now we've really reached a point where we're sort of pushing the boundaries of what reliable science could look like by, you know, reshaping certain publication practices. Psychologists have come up with this registered report publication format, where, you know, the methods and the procedures are basically presented to peer reviewers before the data has been collected. So this prevents all sorts of biases that were present before and that led to these replication problems. And you see that this publication format of registered reports, which increases the reliability, I would say quite a bit,
Starting point is 00:42:06 is spreading to other disciplines. So now from being sort of, you know, the field you would be slightly embarrassed to be part of, we're moving to promoting all sorts of better practices. I think in terms of statistics, we see a lot of improvements as well. Nothing novel. I mean, often we're just incorporating practices from 50 years ago. But nevertheless, we have started to incorporate these things. And there are many other fields that don't. So they are also looking at what we're doing and copying some of this. So yeah, this open science movement in that sense is actually a little bit of a positive thing. And psychologists have really pushed this quite hard, I would say.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Because we started it. We have to clean up the mess. But at least we cleaned up the mess. You know, it's not like the current generation who's just pushing it forward to the next one in terms of climate crisis or something. You know, we're cleaning up our mess. Because I really caused some of these problems. I mean, very early on, right? I mean, my first paper is definitely an example of
Starting point is 00:43:08 the bad stuff. But I also feel like I cleaned up quite a lot of the mess. But do you think, sorry, I don't want to be like, can I ask questions too? But don't you think that, I mean, I do feel like it has sort of moved people away. Like, of course, you shouldn't be trying to run after sort of flashy studies. But I also think it has sort of sterilized the field in a way in that a lot of people are only running like M-Turk studies. They're not going out into the real world or talking to people or maybe trying to play it safe just so stuff can be replicated. Right. So you can push it in a direction where people are less willing to go after real world phenomena or stuff that's sort of, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:48 more like trickier to study, but it's also very important just because you're trying to like do everything right. And there's stuff that's just hard to pre-register, right? And so if you're worried about all that, I think, do you think it sort of moves people away from? Yeah. Yeah, this is exactly why it's nice
Starting point is 00:44:04 to have this historical perspective, because you can come in now and you can say like, okay, open science and reform, they're pushing these things too hard. And there are negative consequences of doing this thing. But you have to realize that 15 years ago, we started to do these things to solve other problems, right? And now we're going back and forth. And it's like a pendulum swinging back and forth.
Starting point is 00:44:26 There's always something that needs to be fixed. There are always a new problem that will emerge. And maybe, yeah, the next generation will have to address some of these issues. That doesn't mean that the past thing, we could skip it. So I think that's an interesting thing of having a historical perspective and looking at things like open science and reform.
Starting point is 00:44:44 It's just such a complex, continuously changing problem. You fix one thing, another. It's sort of like whack-a-mole. Like you keep whacking away these problems, but there are new ones popping up all the time and that will keep happening for another century or something. You know, that's really the time window we're looking at to make things better, I think.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Yeah, I've noticed, like just from my involvement in the field, there is something of a sea change in things like, I know pre-registrations are not adhered to perfectly or even accurately at all in some cases, but the pre-registrations even being a concept that people considered is a significant development. And the fact that now my assumption is that I will have access to the data,
Starting point is 00:45:30 which was something I really didn't ever consider when I was like starting out on my graduate studies. And this difference is super interesting because when we have this paper on the Open Peer Reviewer Initiative somewhere 2014, just to give an indication of how things change. So in 2014, a bunch of people said, look, we think data should be open even during the peer review process. I should be able to look at your data if necessary. I mean, you know, I'm not sharing it with anybody else, but it should be part of the peer review process. So we wrote this paper saying, look, we will only review papers where authors share the data or explain why they can't. Because sometimes you can't, right? Sensitive,
Starting point is 00:46:15 way too sensitive, you can't. So just put in a sentence like we can't share it. And when that came out, people were really almost outraged about how were we so stuck up that we were going to say, no, no, no, we will only review papers with open data. Where did we get this from? This is not the way we work. You're not supposed to pick papers based on this criteria. You should just do what everybody else does, review papers, go along with the system. And now the system has changed.
Starting point is 00:46:42 And now I think if you ask a young generation, does it make sense that you have data during peer review? They're like, yeah, that kind of makes sense to me. Sure. Why not? So this changed in like a decade. It's difficult for people to imagine. And I'm sure that there's going to be some issues with sharing data now during the peer review process. I don't know. There will be like somebody steals an idea or somebody, I don't know, there's a data leak that we don't want. Some other bad stuff happens, but nevertheless, you know, the change is really sizable. And yeah, it's interesting to see that development in science, because I think most people who listen think science is a very static thing. Like scientists do science, and it doesn't matter if you're Newton or you do it today. But of course, if we're in the system, we see continuous
Starting point is 00:47:22 improvement and change in how we work. I mean, I will say a historical perspective is important here too, because it wouldn't have been possible to share data and materials as easily as we can now, like 20 years ago, right? So it's important to remember that. I mean, now you can be like, oh yeah, share data code, right? Like it's, that wasn't possible, right? I have a quick question, which is that like so i've experienced this i've lived through it as well you know and i've been both a perpetrator and uh and i think later on a bit of a fixer of this kind of thing and um at least in my personal experience
Starting point is 00:47:58 i i lay a lot of the blame on uh researcher degrees of freedom and perhaps a lack of awareness among researchers about the way in which exercising those degrees of freedom can lead to false positives. And that's where I was guilty in sort of being a stats guy and doing what was asked of me, which is just try looking at it again and do it, you know, use your imagination. And, you know, you want to be a solutions-oriented collaborator,
Starting point is 00:48:25 et cetera. So that's obviously bad. Use your imagination and you want to be a solutions-oriented collaborator, etc. And that's obviously bad. So there's so many things that contribute to false positives and the publishing of things that aren't true. But would you put the bulk of the blame on that? That sort of, I guess, almost ignorant application of researcher degrees of freedom or other things that are more important? Well, that's definitely a problem. And how you say it's so obviously wrong, I think that is the issue. In hindsight, it's so easy to say that something was a silly idea. But really, and this is why I think psychologists have such a good role to play in the improvement of science, because we know about social norms and how if you're
Starting point is 00:49:05 in a certain system, some things you don't think about, they're not salient or visible at all. But when you step outside of the system or somebody just pops this bubble and says, come on, look at what you're doing. This was crazy. All of a sudden you're like, damn it, it was crazy. Like why didn't I think about this at all? And I find it interesting. I mean, I was in Japan once and we were wandering around the public space and the person I was
Starting point is 00:49:31 walking with left his bag somewhere on a chair and we walked through a cafe and I'm just like, your laptop is in the chair. Like you should, you know, I was worried for this person that their laptop would be stolen. And he just replied like, people don't steal here. And I'm like, how is that possible? You live in a culture where things are so different, like you would take stealing for granted in my country, you know? I mean, not that it happens all the time. It's definitely not that bad. We're very well off and everything. But nevertheless, if you leave it out, somebody would steal something, you know? So there are just differences
Starting point is 00:50:02 that can happen. And sometimes they become very salient. So I think that's basically it. And it also means what are you educating yourself about? There were just things we thought, no, I don't need to learn so much about it. It's fine as we do it. It turns out it's not fine as we do it. We had to study this way more than we had been studying this.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And that I think happens when you get criticized. So this criticism we got as a field really pushed us to study this, at least in my experience, it's really how it worked. The criticism really forced me to think, okay, this is not okay. What am I doing wrong? And really study what happened. So that part about it is, I think, very interesting. And yeah, then these flexible analysis, I think, is one big player. Not the only one, actually, but I think a big one. Yeah, and I guess I would place, well, I'm not sure blame is the right word, but I think what causes it, I think, is one step sort of behind the degrees of using the degrees
Starting point is 00:51:00 of freedom is this like very human, like the sort of the king of all biases, just like confirmation bias, right? I think you go into any research program thinking you, right, you're trying to prove a hypothesis instead of trying to actually test it. And I think that's where we fail as like teachers of people who are teaching the scientific process, right? The idea is you should always be trying to disconfirm your hypothesis. And I don't think that is ever made very explicit in the, in when we're teaching science, right, that you shouldn't like, of course, we think that, oh, this is the case. But your goal should be to try to disprove your own theory, right? I mean, I love that quote by Richard Feynman, you are the first principle is that
Starting point is 00:51:38 you must not fool yourself, or you are the easiest person to fool. And I mean, in psychology, it's very blatant. But you see it even in other places like chemistry and physics. We read some paper a long time ago where you had, you know, in chemistry, they had like there was some study where they had to like look at a paper and a filter through their hand. And it's like you're more likely to believe that something is there when you expect to see it there. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:01 So you're like all scientists are susceptible to this bias. I think it's a lot worse. And I think it comes from just not approaching the process with the sense of like, we should be trying to disprove what we're doing than not. So that's why you're always trying to find ways of like confirming your hypothesis rather than disconfirming it.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah. Yeah. One thing I've found is that it's quite dangerous to set out with this idea that you have a hypothesis and if it doesn't turn out to be supported, then you've failed in some way. Yeah. You were wrong. And students often talk about it to me in that framing. And I've realized in my own work, I can often think about it. With a little bit of effort, you can actually think about it as being kind of neutral about what the outcomes are. Like, I'm just picking a random study, but recently we've been looking at the effect of gambling problems on health utility, quality of life, that kind of thing. And if the result is there is no relationship, that's pretty wild, right? That's interesting too. And you've
Starting point is 00:53:15 eliminated one, you've simplified the world a little bit and you can look at one possibility. So yeah, maybe that could be part of it too. Just it's almost, yeah, adopting a slightly different frame of mind where you aren't actually motivated to do that. And obviously journals not being motivated to just pull up, publish stuff that is counterintuitive, sexy results. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:38 But it's also interesting to think a little bit beyond these kinds of solutions, right? Because this is still within the system that we have in psychology currently, which is where single people do their own research, they collect their own data, they analyze their own data, which is just the way that we work. But maybe it would make a lot more sense if we just had some people who say, look, this is my theory. I'll clearly outline what I would consider support and when I would consider it not supported. Now, other people should go and test this idea. And then you separate this bias where you want something to be true.
Starting point is 00:54:11 You have to be very clear about it. And people never do this. Also not in discussions, right? Everybody is presenting their own data in any argument that you see. Nobody is saying, look, this is my hypothesis. You go and find some data for this and prove me right or wrong. I mean, it would be helpful. But and that's what I think I like about having this longer term perspective.
Starting point is 00:54:32 If you think like, what could science be like in 50 years or 100 years? It might turn more into something like this because it just ends up working better than the system we have right now. And it does happen, right? In physics, for example, right? There are theoretical physicists and experimental physicists. If we could separate those two, yeah, a good way forward. I think, Daniel, you, on one of your courses,
Starting point is 00:54:57 emphasized the importance of when commenting about things to tie it to the data that you have, right? So rather than saying the theory was validated or whatever, saying in this data, we find this relationship which accords. And I find that a very neat thing for increasing detachment to whether things are proven or supported or less supported. proven or supported or less supported. But I have found that that is, I find it, to be honest, relatively easy because I'm not strongly attached to any particular theories,
Starting point is 00:55:35 including ones I've worked on for quite a long time. But I have found with older, more senior academics that that is not the attitude. And that it's very much taken that if the data shows a negative or just a null relationship, that this is very bad news, right? And we have to think of a positive spin
Starting point is 00:55:58 in order to warrant publishing that. And yeah, that experience has reminded me that in some respects it feels that like the four of us here or online you can get into a bubble of sort where you think open science practices or methodological reform is just generally accepted but it's not necessarily the case that those values are uh paid than lip service, I would say. But that issue about attachment to theories, I don't know where it's from. Maybe you know the origin, but I heard somebody refer to theories being like toothbrushes,
Starting point is 00:56:39 that everybody wants to use their own one and not touch someone else's. wants to use their own one and not touch someone else's and i i don't know if there's a particularly good way to avoid attachment to your personal theory and research area when the disciplines currently reward you for becoming known as the person right the nobel prizes are awarded to individuals as well so do you think there's any solutions there beyond complete reform of the no public christ they already gave it to us they already gave us a solution we need to have theoretical psychologists and empirical psychologists and the theoretical ones could be as attached as they want to be to their theories and the empirical ones we're just smacking them all down like whack-a-mole. Well, I think definitely that is a big thing to do.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Now, I mean, there are some other things we could consider and all of these are getting less popular than having just a distinction like this. So one thing is you could select certain scientists. I think that we select people into science who like this kind of thing. Too often we have scientists who have this commitment, like I want to make my theory sort of last forever. And then when I die, my theory will live on.
Starting point is 00:57:57 You know, these kinds of feelings are part of what some scientists are motivated for. And we could select people not to have these kind of things during a job interview. Now, this is not popular at all. I don't think we'll ever do something like this. But of course, not everybody has this. You can look around and we all know some people who are very strong in this kind of feeling or motivation and some people who are not. So that's one thing. But the other, maybe a bit better, is just having much more collaboration between these different parties. So there's, for example, a very nice book by Mitroff on the Apollo space missions. And he interviews all the scientists who are involved, and they all have to work together.
Starting point is 00:58:37 So that's good. But they also say how some of these scientists are just extremely attached to their theories, like they will try to squeeze the last remaining drop of possible evidence for their theory out of whatever data they're collecting. They're saying, yeah, it's super annoying, but also good to have some of those people in science. I think, yeah, here also you would have to think what would the alternative look like if we were all being replaced by feelingless robots? Like who would fight for
Starting point is 00:59:06 their theory, right? Which theories get a real shot? None. We would just give up very easily. So, I mean, this is such an interesting dilemma. On the one hand, you don't want these biases, they have negative effects. On the other hand, we are people, we need to be motivated for something. And science is a tough job. Why am I sticking in science for 10 years unless I feel like I might be able to do something? So it doesn't always have to, you know, find its way into trying to support your own theory. But these feelings are part of also what makes people a good scientist, I think. I mean, and I might not have it for theories. I might have it for other things, like the way we would do science.
Starting point is 00:59:42 And I can get really worked up about this and get into arguments with other people about it. Yeah, so these affective processes are what motivates us. It lines up with a topic that has been on my mind, and I know also the British journalist Helen Lewis was thinking about writing a book about geniuses, right? And when we mentioned Feynman, and there is the recent movie about alpenheimer right and you definitely have these figures that loom large in science like
Starting point is 01:00:10 einstein and newton and so on who are these towering intellects who make some great breakthrough but when people delve into their life story it often turns out that there's more complexity there there's a lot of other people involved and there's often insanity that sometimes comes later you know Nobel Prize disease and related to the kind of people that we look at there's there's a divide definitely between the kind of online secular gurus that we look at, because in many cases, they dream of that. They want to be the Einstein Galileo figure, and they feel that the institution has kind of not given them their due credit. But on the other hand, I think there is a case to be made that there really are people who produce Nobel Prize worthy work, who subsequently go on to be charismatic gurus for homeopathy,
Starting point is 01:01:18 or whatever the case might be. So based on what you're saying daniel i'm thinking you know in a kind of evolutionary framework that we need some proportion of charismatic genius assholes who make contributions but we we have to be skeptical that just because you do that it doesn't mean that everything that you've done is good and that you are, you know, like a virtuous person that people should seek to emulate. Yeah, that does. It's more of a comment than a question. No, exactly. And I think the challenge is, I mean, some things you can't get rid of unless you replace people by robots.
Starting point is 01:02:04 So some things are always going to be there. And I think the challenge also, what I think philosophers of science would say in the last decades is create a system which has enough diversity so that you can accommodate people with those kind of personalities or kind of feelings, but that it doesn't push things out of balance in our search for reliable truth, basically. Right? So that's the challenge, that you have a couple of those voices and they play their role, but you also counter this with something on the other side that, yeah, balances it out
Starting point is 01:02:34 a bit and doesn't, you know, you don't give those people all the money, for example, or maybe not at all or whatever, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Before we move off the sociology of science, I got a question. Recently, I've begun to get a little bit disenchanted myself with the whole publication process in particular, publication reviews and this endless cycle of, and it seems to me that, you know, we've come along long way. This coincides with Matt facing a couple of death rejections.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I had three death rejections for a paper. It cost about $300,000. Yeah, and this was not a minor piece of research. It cost $200,000 to do it. Oh, wow. It's good. But anyway, let's put that aside. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Basically, science and nature didn't want to publish your study. Yeah, go on. These are very mediocre journals. I never bother with the good journals. They're too much trouble. But when you get rejected by the mediocre journals, it stings. Yeah, that stings. I agree.
Starting point is 01:03:39 No, no. So my own feelings aside, like in the olden days, it was basically a means of communication, yeah, basically a group email or a letter to multiple people. And it's so much more than that these days. Fortunately, I don't have to go for any more promotion or hiring committees. I'm going to die in my job, hopefully.
Starting point is 01:03:59 But for most academics, this is not just communicating to other academics. These are brownie points. The papers themselves, according to the quality of the journal, the number of times they're cited. And it's absolutely crucial because it's such a competitive professional environment that you have to have this focus on these metrics. to have this focus on these metrics. Obviously, at the same time, there's the commercial aspects of publishing and universities themselves, at least in Australia, are totally ranked on these complicated metric counting systems of all the researchers there.
Starting point is 01:04:34 So there is this great big system of funding and of money and of careers and of jobs and promotions. careers and of jobs and promotions and it do you reckon that is pushing structurally the communication of scientists with each other in an unhealthy direction yeah he wants to take that one already yeah schmidt is already opting out of the whole publication system before she even started so So she feels exactly the same. It's a scam. The whole thing is a scam. It is.
Starting point is 01:05:08 It is a scam. You're completely correct. Yeah. And then they're like, oh, but you need to publish or you need to play this game before you can change it. I'm like, but then you're part of the game, you know? Yeah. Then you're just playing it.
Starting point is 01:05:21 But yeah. Yeah. Go ahead, Daniel. Well, we have a podcast episode that will come out on the peer review process. And I have to say, it was interesting to talk this through because, you know, it's true. You just take part in it. And I think Shmita is definitely more critical about it, maybe than I am even. But the recording made me think about this in the same way.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I also thought like, it's so, so weird that we do this. And one thing that, because we always dive back into history a little bit, and it surprised me how recent certain aspects of our publishing system are, because you just enter it and you think this is how it was in 1800 something, but it's not at all like this. Indeed, in even 1930 or something, if you would submit something to a journal, journals would be like, oh, lovely, we get something to publish. Oh, that's so nice. Thanks. And then really only after the Second World War, when there's a huge investment in science, we scale this whole publication process up. There's more money into science. There are more scientists. They publish more. We get more of these desk rejections
Starting point is 01:06:24 because these journals can't keep publishing all this stuff. So this system where you are hurt because somebody didn't like your paper, it is relatively recent given that science has been going on for hundreds of years, which also made me think, yeah, it can change. And it might. I mean, somebody like Schmitty might just opt out of it. Who knows? And it is a bit more possible now. So there's, for example, one cool thing which develops in some fields is called peer community in. Because one thing that is kind of nice is have two or three people look at your paper and give some suggestions for improvement.
Starting point is 01:07:00 That part of the process, I think, is not a bad idea, That part of the process, I think, is not a bad idea, especially for people who don't have close collaborators or are just starting in a field and just need some feedback from a more experienced researcher in this field. Like you missed this, you didn't think about this and stuff like this. So this peer community in, which is a sort of publishing format where we just get together, the four of us could generate peer community in Guru Science. And everybody who publishes on this topic, we will just organize the peer review process for them. Outside of any journal, we say, okay, here are the reviews.
Starting point is 01:07:38 We can also read them. You can see what other peers thought of this paper. They chose to incorporate some of the feedback. It's done. You put it on a preprint server, which we have now. It's just a PDF. It gets a DOI. It's stored for a long time. We're done. You don't have to go through these kind of steps. So yeah, I think it takes some people who are brave enough to do this. And I was even after Switi also yelled, it's a scam. It's a scam. I was a bit inspired. I thought like, yeah, it is a bit of a scam. And also I am like, you know, definitely
Starting point is 01:08:10 in a position to do something about it. But I felt maybe I should do a little bit more about it. Yeah. And I will say, I mean, in a system that works well, it would work the way you were talking about the way it works back in the day, where you have people who are doing their research and when they find something that's worth sharing with the world then you would go and actually be like oh we found something and now we're going to go and actually this is something worth being out in the world so that it can move science forward but that's not how it's done nowadays right now it's like more about getting your publication so you can get your job and you can get your promotion right it has shifted from actually sharing truths to the world or to the scientific community to like things that you do to advance your own career and that's what really i think bothers me i mean i'm more than
Starting point is 01:08:55 willing to admit that maybe i'm just like not competent enough to you know to play well at this game but at the same time to me it's like well if i found something that was worth sharing i would be shouting from the rooftops right then it would make sense to go and be like i've you know i'm going to add something instead of just throwing a pebble in a pile be like no this is something that's worth communicating to the broader community and then it makes sense right and then in in that system even the metrics that we use would be useful right because then if they actually reflected good quality work and work that's worth reading, right?
Starting point is 01:09:28 Then those numbers, those impact factors and all those things, then they would be useful, right? But now there's just like no signal in them, right? So they're not useful anymore. So I want to attempt the devil's advocate for... We love that. Yeah. I want to attempt the devil's advocate for... We love that.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah. Boom, boom. So, of course, I completely accept all the points about the publication metrics and the horrors that can be going through peer review. And I've had various horror-fying experiences with people with kind of vested interest shooting down papers and stuff so i'm well aware of all that and i i like the sound of most of the experiments in peer
Starting point is 01:10:13 review open peer review or what you just talked about daniel but with that said all that long So during COVID, the anti-vaccine community, and also I would say the parapsychology community, though that's less of a concern, but there are a lot of kind of pseudoscience, conspiracy theorists type communities, some that are genuinely harmful, like anti-HIV researchers. And peer review, it's not perfect. There are anti-vax papers that went through,
Starting point is 01:10:53 and there were preprints that went up. But by and large, a lot of those papers couldn't go through. Such that if you look at anti-vaccine communities, they're always complaining that they're being suppressed, right? And now you can either believe that they're being suppressed or the position I would take, because they are able to put their material up as preprints. And then a lot of people through open peer review kind of processes
Starting point is 01:11:23 highlight how extremely flawed the papers are and why they should be rejected and not published. And I feel that often when psychologists and academics are talking about the need to reform, they're not so much focused on the possibility that those reforms can lend credibility to people who will promote really harmful anti-vaccine misinformation or other evil, worse things, race science stuff. So I'm just curious about that argument that getting over over the low hurdle of of peer review is actually a hurdle like a lot of the gurus we cover they have very few papers because they can't really deal with getting critical feedback at all yeah and and so if that's there it kind of provides just a little hurdle that would be my main pushback.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Yeah. I mean, that is what it does. It's completely true. And there's value in this. And even preprint servers, there's a med archive. So for medical research. And for us psychologists,
Starting point is 01:12:39 we were just like, yeah, let's just create a preprint server, put stuff online. And we never have to think about negative consequences or the negative impact of our work because let's be honest, most of our work has little impact whatsoever. But in the medical community, this was a much bigger thing. So there they also set up a preprint server, but they have a much more elaborate screening process before it goes online. So in psychology, if I upload my preprint, it will be online. And there is a post moderation process. So it will be available immediately. And after a while, somebody takes
Starting point is 01:13:12 a look like, isn't this crap or something? Isn't this weird? But in the medical field, they do it before exactly to mitigate these kind of hurts, right? So that makes sense. Now, overall, I mean, this is a very complex problem with multiple aspects. For scientists themselves, if we would never let other people read our papers, it would probably be fine not to have a peer review process because we are the peers anyway. We can read papers and understand them. And somebody writes this crappy paper, we understand it. The general public is reading along. And there are actors that want to co-opt our scientific process to give credibility to some claims that they want to make.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And those are negative possible consequences that you need to prevent in some way. Now, the peer review process is doing this, but it also feels like it's such a messy way to do this. Because exactly, I mean, you also can't say, okay, but if it was stopped at peer review, that is a good thing because Matt just showed us that his genius worthwhile papers are also stopped in this way. So it's a very noisy selection mechanism, right? Peer review. And I much more like this post-publication system, exactly like Chris says, where afterwards, if the preprint is online, a dozen people point out flaws. Now that also has negative things because I think some people are just willing to invest their entire life in producing bullshit.
Starting point is 01:14:51 And then, you know, the investment of 12 people to point out the mistakes in the work of one paper. Basically, this one paper is going to keep 12 honest scientists from making a useful contribution to society. So that's also not nice. So, yeah. Yeah. What to do? I don't know. Yeah. I mean, yeah, that's a fair point that it's a hurdle.
Starting point is 01:15:04 But I would also say that we wouldn't see as much junk as we do if it was a decent hurdle. I mean, no, you read stuff that gets published in like PNAS and some other journals. And it's like that stuff is just bad. And so what you're saying about like, you know, the stuff that's really right. It's stuff like precognition that you're like, oh, obviously this is junk. Right. Or like stuff where, you know, COVID, like just awful, awful stuff, right? Like that's not making it through. Okay, but a lot of stuff is making through.
Starting point is 01:15:30 That's just the absolute garbage, right? Yeah. And you know, you mentioned Daryl Bam, the people, in case people aren't familiar, it's a paper, Feeling the Future, that claimed over nine experiments that you could kind of apply the stimulus after the experiment and show that it right it produced an effect. So reversing time.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Which is quite an extreme thing. And that got that got through in one of the top tier journals. So I'm definitely not saying it's a it's a perfect system i i think just to follow on what you said daniel and i i think it accords with this point is that you had an encounter recently with a guy alexandros marinos who you may or may not know but he gained an online profile from being a Brett Weinstein superfan. He's since branched out into other avenues, but that was primarily where he came from, promoting ivermectin studies.
Starting point is 01:16:33 And he took an interest in the situation with the data collider. The fraud case, or the alleged fraud case, just to prevent also being sued, the alleged fraud of Francesca Gino, Harvard professor that De De Collada pointed out that there were problems in the papers. And my
Starting point is 01:16:55 hunch is that because myself and Stuart Ritchie and some other people that have been unpleasant about Eric Brett and Eric Weinstein's conspiracy promotion were promoting that case that it might have prompted him to adopt the more critical stance, right? Because his position is somewhat skeptical that they've actually detailed real problems and so on. But I mentioned him more as an illustration because there he produces,
Starting point is 01:17:28 he produced a thread on the specific error or indicators of fraudulent data that have been detailed. And he did a kind of amateur analysis, right? But his thread is always on Twitter or sometimes on Substack, but extremely long. And from the perspective of somebody who doesn't really know much statistics or know much about the processes involved, it looks very thorough. And that's how his threads look about ivermectin,
Starting point is 01:18:02 so on, Robert Malone's contribution to the mrna vaccines they're very detailed and you guys did an episode on on cargo cult science right and we've talked about this kind of thing online as being a kind of cargo cult presentation of scientific rigor but like you said to address that right for someone like you the engagement would end up taking you weeks it would never end in the sense that there's never going to be a point where they admit that they've got something fundamentally wrong or change their stance so in in that case like i'm wondering what you both think about the the kind of onus on scientists or science communicators to try and combat that because on the one hand i think it's important it's important that people are aware of it and kind of think about how to deal with it but
Starting point is 01:18:59 on the other hand i completely understand real scientists being like, I don't have time. I've got my own work to do. I don't know how to deal with these people. And kind of, you know, just ignoring that or like blundering into, you know, not realizing who those people are. So I'm, yeah, you're giving your recent encounters. I'm just curious, any thoughts about that?
Starting point is 01:19:23 So I think it's interesting, but I don't think there is these people. So I think this is definitely a person who's in the extreme and on a continuum where they want to be critical about things that most other people agree. But I had similar encounters with just normal average scientists also taking a little bit of this critical stance, but it's exactly the same process. So relatively limited real engagement. And then I think in this case, this person actually had invested some time in figuring out what the claims were based on. That makes it a bit more effortful to go in and figure out why they're wrong. That also makes it more. So I think that strategy is if you invest more time into a topic than 90% of other people have done, you come across as really smart and almost nobody is going to invest time
Starting point is 01:20:15 to prove you wrong, even when you are actually wrong, right? So it's an interesting thing to see. But there were other scientists doing more moderate versions of exactly the same thing. Like, oh, well, there's some good points being raised here against it being fraud. And you're like, no, those are not good points. You also don't understand anything about this situation. So it's a continuous. So there's not these people, but this is just a tendency to criticize something based on a not complete understanding of something.
Starting point is 01:20:45 So I think this happens all the time. I thought in this case, actually, what I thought was fun, I mean, my summer wasn't the most fun. I was spending a lot of time in the hospital. My wife was really sick. So I really needed some distraction. And this guy was just one of the ways that I found some distraction as I was sitting there. You know, you need to get worked up about something that distracts you. But what I found interesting was following up on this. distraction as I was sitting there. You need to get worked up about something that distracts you.
Starting point is 01:21:10 But what I found interesting was following up on this. So there's this initial threat, which sounds quite convincing. And in the back of people's minds, there's like, oh, but there was a thing here, right? There was a thing about this fraud case that wasn't so rigorous and solid, and somebody was looking into it. And what I find fun to do is just two weeks later say, so where's the whole point? Like, where's the rest? You were making a starting point. Where's the rest? Yeah, no, no, I'm not working on it yet, but I'll work something out. Okay. And then you get something that's worked out, which is pretty crappy. And you say, okay, so what about this and this and this? They're like, okay, okay, yeah, I'll look into it. And then two weeks later, you follow up again. You're like,
Starting point is 01:21:42 so where is it? Where's this thing? And I think this is the problem we have. So people can float around hundreds of ideas, you know, most of them are crap, some go viral and cause a little bit of doubt. But nobody really follows up on stuff. So you should actually have some nice overview where you say, look, this is a claim you made. Here is why you were wrong about these things. And if you then have a track record of just being wrong a lot, and I look somebody up like this, but this is again a thing that works just for gurus. It works just as well for scientists. Because in science, we also don't have this. Anybody can come up with the newest crazy idea. And then if you would see, but you have a track record of just coming up with shit most of the time.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Maybe we should use this a little bit as a Bayesian prior to say, okay, I'm not going to take it so seriously yet because you've been wrong so often in the past. I really need some other people to confirm what you're saying here. If that happens, fine. Now, we don't have this process, I think, because we didn't have these signals or these communication channels. So we don't have anything set up for these communication channels. We made the peer review process for the old fashioned science communication thing, right? We had the printed media. We don't have something like this because, yeah, these communication channels are so new. So we just need to think of, okay, how does this work? You know, who is checking this kind of stuff and how do we do it?
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah. And I take the point about there being this tendency. Contrarianism sometimes can be correct. It's actually valuable. Like I find Lee Jusum extremely annoying, but I also think him and people like him are valuable to having a discipline so the and and i think there's good contrarianism and bad contrarianism right and like you said the track records can show you which which will lean towards so i i would take that point i think i'm a little bit more sensitive to the fact that there really are these communities
Starting point is 01:23:46 where kind of anti-scientific principles are promoted and held up as valuable. So I do see that as a they. No, I understand. That's also true. So there are certain categories,
Starting point is 01:24:02 right? And in the end, maybe we need to draw some boundaries because I've for a very long time stopped trying to convince everybody about things, you know, the probability that I'll convince 100% of people that I'm right about something, I've given up on this goal. So there are people you will never convince. And maybe it's fine. I mean, and then it becomes a very political game, right? What you want to do is limit the influence that some people have when you're really sure that they're doing something wrong. And that is like you mentioned Lee Jassim, who's a contrarian voice in social psychology. But I don't think he's wrong very often. And yeah, so there's no reason to prevent
Starting point is 01:24:42 somebody like this from having their influence. Then it's let many flowers bloom. We see what the end result is. And there, I think our field is actually even anti sort of, it's overly conservative. We want those contrarian voices. We are very negative to some contrarian voices, actually. So we love to ridicule people if it's clear that they're over the edge, but we don't deal very well with the contrarians just within the borders of what is very reasonable. And we're extremely harsh sometimes about people who want to be contrarians in our field. Yeah. And Smriti, I had a question for you that might relate to that point Daniel is bringing up.
Starting point is 01:25:27 question for you that might relate to that point Daniel is bringing up. So I noticed on your Twitter profile that you have Heterodox Academy at Berkeley, right? Maybe you don't remember. No, no, I do remember. And one of the things that I wanted to bring up with both of you, and being a good entryway to that is that there is open science advocates and the traditional somewhat hostile response to those efforts but you also have divisions within those who recognize the need for methodological reform right and one such division was highlighted whenever perspectives on psychological science ended up forcing out Klaus Fiedler, the editor. And there, there was, Leachism was involved because he was one of the invited commentaries on a paper that was arguing about, I'm not going to do a great job about it, but basically arguing psychology needed to adopt Kendi-style anti-racism.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Yeah. So that whole issue, though, resulted in a somewhat clear division, I would say, between European researchers and American researchers, where there were competing letters bouncing around open letters. And I wonder about your thoughts on the state of heterodoxy in kind of open science or academia in America, and then this potential divide between people in America and outside of America. I would just say from
Starting point is 01:27:06 the perspective of me and Matt, for example, because neither of us is in America, a lot of the culture war stuff often, like it's annoying, but it seems like a little bit distant, right? And because we're not surrounded by it. So I can sympathize with people facing those issues, but I also feel like it sometimes is taken to encapsulate the whole world. And there I mean both like social justice concerns and the anti-social, not anti-social justice, but like thinking that the social justice stuff is consuming too much attention. I realize that's like a ton of things to throw out.
Starting point is 01:27:43 You can pick anything that you like to comment on yeah i mean that yeah that case was just i mean it is sort of very interesting and i and i will say i mean i'm in the u.s but i i'm also at berkeley which is probably sees like the worst of like this we are like it comes from here i think i will say that like it's our fault like that all of the stuff is happening like i mean which is true i mean a lot of the dei statements and stuff like that i mean it is like the yeah we have given birth to all of that so it's a it's a very interesting place to be like it's almost like people there's a lot of people here that of course like trust in science and
Starting point is 01:28:23 care about science but also have a lot of social justice concerns. It's all coming, I think, comes from good intentions. But so I've had conversations with people here at Berkeley who are, of course, very open science, very into that stuff. But when I when you talk about Heterodox Academy, they will say things like, oh, but I thought when I think Heterodox Academy, I think people like Jordan Peterson and the intellectual dark web, like they associate like like it's essentially like when you talk to them, they're like what it sounds like you're trying to do is create a safe space for racists. And of course, the meaning of what it means to be a racist is has now completely changed. Like if you say things like we want everybody to be treated equally, that's racist. Or I just attended a seminar that was one of the authors of the paper who also lead Yes Amazon in defense of merits in science, right? You would
Starting point is 01:29:16 think a very sensible thing, right? We should care about merit before we care about things like what your gender is or what the color of your skin is. But that's a controversial thing that some people think that that's now a racist thing, right? Or that if you have things like standardized tests that lead to differences in outcomes, right, that that makes the test racist, going back to sort of psychometrics. So I think there's all this concept creep going on where people are trying to do the right thing, but it is becoming, yeah, like I think they're putting a lot of value on that stuff above and beyond like things like pursuing truth. Because even if you think there's a problem and you want to solve it,
Starting point is 01:29:55 you first need to figure out what the truth is. And I think, yeah, so that's getting lost. And I, I mean, Daniel and I have this conversation too, right? Sometimes it's like, it feels like it's a really, it's a lot worse here, but I think it starts bleeding in. Like, I think, Daniel and I have this conversation too, right? Sometimes it's like, it feels like it's a really, it's a lot worse here, but I think it starts bleeding in. Like, I think the US and also American academia has just outsized influence on the world, right? So I think it's something to be mindful of. And that's one of the reasons I'm part of this
Starting point is 01:30:18 is that we need to be having these conversations and think like, right? Like if you have now people saying that, oh, math is white supremacist and rationality is white supremacist like we can't function you know in science if we think like that right so it's a problem and i think it's going to start bleeding into yeah everything we do yeah and it's and it's terrible for science right yeah so it's interesting because in our podcast we've chosen to never talk about current topics, right? So we would never talk about it. That's a really good idea.
Starting point is 01:30:50 There's some reasons for it. That doesn't mean that we, you know, off the podcast, we don't talk and think about these issues. And I think this situation that emerged, so it really is the perfect, let's say, distinction between things that happen in the US and in the rest of the world. Because the original paper that was published was about the representation of people with certain racial minorities in science itself. And that there was a disparity. And, you know, the paper basically said, it would be good to do something about this, we need to go and, you know, make sure that there are more people of other groups in science. And the criticism on this, and I think this is important. So somebody like Klaus Fiedler, who's a German psychologist, I know him quite well. And I think people in the US don't know him very well. But he's in the most prestigious position in German academia you can be in as a psychologist, basically. If you tell me like, hey, look, Daniel, you can walk in this room and have a coffee with Klaus Fiedler or Daniel Kahneman, I would be like, I get to meet Klaus Fiedler.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Oh, that's cool. Whereas most Americans would probably be like, yeah, you know, you'd pick the other person. But for us, this is already quite different. So I think that's out of the context that many Americans realize. already quite different. So I think that's out of the context that many Americans realize. Now, he is also the poster child of, if people do one thing, I will argue against this as a matter of scientific principle. It doesn't matter what my opinion on something is. If I just see most people go in one direction, I'll go in the other direction and say, that's the direction we need to go in, because I think in science, somebody needs to take this. So he is a contrarian,
Starting point is 01:32:27 out of scientific principle. So he writes, or he invites, I guess, or gets a paper as the editor. Well, this paper is not really good. It makes some weak arguments, which of course, yeah, every paper can make some weak arguments. It's fine. There's definitely some points to criticize in the paper. If you read some of these comments, not everything that's written there is crazy. But just doing this, and I think he's aware to a certain extent that doing something like this will piss off people in the US. But I think he also thinks this is important.
Starting point is 01:33:00 It's important to piss off the people in the US sometimes because exactly as Chris says, like, yeah, it feels that they have a little bit of an outsized influence on the people in the US sometimes because exactly as Chris says, it feels that they have a little bit of an outsized influence on the rest of the world. They're not that many Americans. They are the minority and it's lovely that they have their own problems. It's exactly like you say, it feels a little bit like, yeah, you have your own problems there. It's not that we don't have any of those problems, but we have them in different ways.
Starting point is 01:33:25 You know, it plays out in other ways. So I think somebody like Klaus Fiedler says, yeah, I am going to piss off some people over there, but it's fine. That's what my role is. We should have a science where this happens every now and then, because if we don't do this, that is not good for science. And yeah, I think it's a nice illustration that in this case, the response was so extreme that he basically had to quit his position as an editor. Not only that,
Starting point is 01:33:53 but actually the whole, so this is a journal perspectives on psychological science. It led to such a problem that the field thought, the field, we mean the US people behind the publication, right? They felt like it's too difficult to have a journal like this at this moment. Nobody wanted to be the editor. So it has become so sensitive that for a moment now, we can't have a journal that publishes perspectives on psychological science because apparently it's too touchy a topic or something. Well, those things are really interesting. And I don't really know why we don't talk about this so much. Because that is a very interesting development, I think.
Starting point is 01:34:33 And definitely this difference in opinion between what the US, what people in the US think, and what people in the rest of the world think, that is worthy of discussing a little bit more, maybe not exactly like Klaus Fiedler tried to do it, by the way. We can definitely have a different way of putting it on the agenda. But yeah, it's worth discussing, totally. And it's terrible because it ends up affecting the scientific process. Because I see it all the time where people are unwilling to criticize certain research because of the topic that's,
Starting point is 01:35:05 you know, maybe a little sensitive or controversial or the researchers are people of color or minorities. And it's like, well, that's not healthy, right? That's that's a really terrible thing, because that means that we're not doing what we should be doing, which is criticizing ideas, right? Because now people are afraid that they're going to get called a racist, like Klaus Fiedler. Again, you know, it's some things, yeah, again, that he did, maybe he should have done or gone about it differently.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Like we could definitely acknowledge that. But to call him like a racist is just, but now people are worried about that. And so we're sort of losing as a whole. Yeah. And in a situation like this doesn't make it easier for people to do it next time around. And we were discussing hiring of academic staff a while ago. So in my university, we try to promote having more women as professors in the university. We're a technical university.
Starting point is 01:35:57 And just from the past, we didn't have equal numbers of men and women being professors. And it's still very slow, this process of reaching a more equal number. So the university board had decided that there would be a new policy where they would first advertise certain jobs, or maybe all jobs actually for a while, only to women. So the first six months, only women could apply. And if you couldn't find a suitable Only women could apply. And if you couldn't find a suitable candidate after six months, you could open it up to anyone. And the idea behind this is maybe worthwhile because we definitely want more role models for our female students. Like, hey, I can also become a professor.
Starting point is 01:36:38 So I'm all on board with that. Somebody sued the university for this rule being discrimination. It went to court and court said, this is indeed discrimination. So you can't do this. They have changed the rule a little bit. Now it is only certain departments for certain positions, like the math department, for example, is still entitled to open jobs for a limited amount of time only to women to promote more women applying to these jobs. But my department no longer can do this because we were already pretty, pretty fine.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Now, suing the university over something like this is something that you have to do, right? You have to do this if you want to have criticism of policies, where you're like, maybe this is not in line with, in this case, it went to the Universal Court of Human Rights. That's also, that's kind of nice that we have human rights like this and some objective people who think about this. You can disagree with it, that's fine, but okay, it's policy. And we were thinking, would this happen in the US, right? If you have a policy like this, would anybody go out and sue the university for discrimination? I don't think so. But maybe they should, right? I mean, we need to be able to have a discussion, a critical discussion
Starting point is 01:37:53 about topics like this. Yeah. I mean, it sort of happens here, but not as blatantly as you would only have, right? Here, it's like women and minorities are encouraged to apply right it's things like that where you get around right so you can't get sued right but but it is still done and i mean again the dei statements right i mean that all started i think if i'm not wrong like here in the uc system probably at uc berkeley if i'm not mistaken where they do use that as a first pass so they will actually the first thing they look at would be your dei statements and just like that's your first cut of like just removing 80 of the pool because their dei statements are not up to the mark so they do it in these oblique ways without actually openly saying that you know we only are limiting it to the people who we think are ideologically aligned
Starting point is 01:38:41 with us yeah i'm wondering if um gpt4 is going to solve this issue i mean isn't it pretty easy just to um hit those um all right and it is so unfair i mean since we're talking about sort of the global perspective it is so unfair to people who are international students who don't know all the ins and outs of what's happening in American academia, right? Like you have to know what they're looking for to be able to give it to them in these statements, because they're not looking for your opinions, right? They're looking to hear what they want to hear. And so if you don't know what's going on, right, it is so deeply unfair to, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:21 to minorities, people who don't have, in fact, I i mean i've heard from people here that some of the when they actually score those di statements the people who end up doing really well sometimes are like white men yeah like with you know who come from academic backgrounds it's like yeah because they know what to say to get in and right i was saying exactly that actually to a colleague earlier today which is that like those statements are not, like I also think I'm one of those people that knows what to write in them. And they're very much not like, oh, you know, I've supervised all of these students
Starting point is 01:39:55 from diverse backgrounds, et cetera, work with these colleagues. Because that's like saying you've got some black friends, right? I'm not racist. So what is wanted, of course, is the correct language, the correct kind of theoretical references and allusions. And it really, you know, it strikes me that this is something
Starting point is 01:40:15 that is going to be challenging for someone that isn't enculturated in a particular kind of upper middle class background. And if you're from a working class background or if you're a middle-aged Indian engineer, say, who's recently come to the United States, you are going to be very much disadvantaged compared to someone like me. But I'm hopeful the GPT-4 will be able to be available
Starting point is 01:40:35 to everyone then. But then, yeah, what's the point? Yeah, what's the point? Yeah, exactly. Well, that's what Joel Limbaugh kind of argued, right? And then almost all of the debate around that did not focus on what his actual argument was, which was that they're not, whatever you think about their merit, there's no evidence that they deliver what they say, that proponents say they can deliver.
Starting point is 01:41:03 I think he even just doubted whether they, you know, it was just a discussion of do they actually deliver? It wasn't the evidence I don't think is there even. So it is indeed not a good thing if raising the question, and I think you can raise questions in bad faith, but this is not a bad faith question, right? This is just like, are we helping the people we want to help? You should have criticism in science. And I think it's an interesting distinction in how much
Starting point is 01:41:31 different cultures allow different criticism. I mean, I often joke that because I'm from the Netherlands, we are so direct, like we will just criticize you for anything, you know, it is true to a certain extent. There are other cultures like this, but- That's why people think you're an asshole on twitter that is i mean and i am sometimes i am an ass on twitter because i also don't particularly care i mean it's that it's well well you know you shouldn't excuse me completely about it sometimes i'm just an asshole i'm just annoyed by people and i just don't control my annoyance.
Starting point is 01:42:11 But the point of being able to criticize things is something that some people hold as a really core value of academia. And I've talked to many people who feel that they lost interest in science because it has stopped being a place where you can voice these criticisms. Now, there are, again, very big differences between fields. I think everybody knows the stereotype about economics and economic seminars, where if you give a presentation, you just need to make a title slide because people have criticized your idea for 30 minutes before you pass the title slide. But I have the feeling that in our field, we're really moving away from being able to easily criticize all sorts of things you would reasonably be critical about, I think.
Starting point is 01:42:51 I have to relate an experience that touches on all this, that Imi Kadi, the dog agrees. Or he loves Imi Kadi, yeah. I'm so conditioned about his name. There are loves Amy Cuddy. So conditioned about his name. There are some things weird going on. How often do you mention his name around the dog? Whoever's dog that was. I'm not going to say anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:19 So Amy Cuddy was the researcher associated with power posing who came on the fire during the replication crisis. Um, and I was commenting actually on, uh, she posted a thing about how, how terrible the online psychology community was. And it was always kind of tearing down people right and at that time Iko Farid had just been sued by Jerry Coyne and just successfully defended that that in itself is a whole other like terrible event he should never have been sued to be clear from and I'm glad that he was able to continue but in any any case, after seeing all the support that had came out for him,
Starting point is 01:44:09 an early career researcher against a well-established researcher that was suing him, I just found her characterization very incorrect. And I made a comment about it saying something to that effect. And I think it was early in my Twitter career, so I quote tweeted without anticipating that she would respond to that effect and i i think it was early in my twitter career so i quote tweeted without anticipating that she would respond to that um but respond she did and then she found a blog where i had just written a little thing mainly uh repeating simone vazir's um point that
Starting point is 01:44:40 like criticizing someone's research is not bullying. It's a separate thing. There can be bullying, but criticizing research has to be allowed. And she kind of framed that as me being part of the kind of mob attacking her. And I went back and forth a little bit and then subsequently got an email from her requesting to interview me for her book,
Starting point is 01:45:07 Bullies, Bravehearts, and Bystanders. And it was quite clear. As a Braveheart? Yeah, I don't think I was going to be a Braveheart. And I just remember, like, this was a number of years ago, but like the sign-off on the email had her university affiliation, but also how many millions her things, talks have been seen by or books published. And the tone of the email was very kind of accusatory.
Starting point is 01:45:37 And I was thinking at that time that like she presented it as me, the power differential being me attacking a woman in science. But the ceiling of power differential for me was this extremely credentialed researcher who could accuse me in a book of being a sexist bully. And so I declined the kind invitation to contribute. And so I declined the kind invitation to contribute. And I will say I also got DMs from Simene and some other people who had noticed that, just to say messages of support, which was very nice, and I appreciate that. But that case, if you take it purely on the kind of standard identity issue,
Starting point is 01:46:23 the kind of standard identity issues, it could be very easily to slot in male academic attacking female academic and dismissing her rigor, right? But that wasn't anything to do with it. Her gender was no concern of it. So I realize this is an indulgent example but i i just mentioned it to say that like that definitely applies and i i'm pretty argumentative and stuff so it didn't stop me from continuing on but if i wouldn't blame someone else especially someone in america who might be going for positions or whatever,
Starting point is 01:47:10 to basically be like, I'm not going to talk about any of that. I'm just going to remove myself because that could do very real damage to career prospects or something like that. If you become lead jurist before you have tenure. And it's definitely an interesting case because I think it is a good example of where we want to draw the line between criticizing research, like the way that we want to criticize research in academia. And so there's this book, which I like, I think by John Ronson, So You've Been Public publicly shamed. And it really nicely illustrates how online things can really spiral out of control and you can become like, you know, everybody can fall over you for some reason. And it feels, if you are the person experiencing this, it feels like it's horrible. It's horrible. It will damage you for a very, very long time, even though everybody else has moved on after the one week that they were publicly shaming you. So in this case, this is actually what sort of happened. I think
Starting point is 01:48:10 actually, the people who used Amy Cuddy's power posing as an example of problematic research, I think it's very small. Actually, I think it is basically Andrew Gelman on his blog, who used to, for like like years use this as the example of sort of Shoddy, along with research on himmikines, like the names of hurricanes. He had a couple of those examples. He just used them for years. I think it's actually mainly there that this has happened. If you look around, not a lot of other people have used this repeatedly. But regardless, at a certain moment, people have associations. And it sucks if you become the association people have with research that is probably not reliable, even though there's
Starting point is 01:48:53 a ton of other people who've done this and a ton of other people who have been criticized. I think in our field, if you know somebody like John Barge, I don't think this is a person who really came away easily from this whole replication crisis and was also criticized a lot. The only difference is he didn't push back, you know, just don't hear from some people, just much more quiet than in this case. So, but where the line is supposed to be is an interesting one. And I think if you had perfect control over a system, you would say, people, let's move on from this one example. There are many other examples we could use. Can we just stop using power pausing as the example here? But it doesn't happen. At a certain moment,
Starting point is 01:49:35 you have to keep talking about it, which is why we are talking about it now. So it is just this reinforcing thing, right? Again and again, you can never get rid of it, even though it's regrettable. thing, right? Again and again, you can never get rid of it, even though it's regrettable. But there is stuff to criticize in this work, of course. And in this case, I've been involved, for example, in the peer review process. And I think that people from all sides in this discussion haven't been perfectly objective in having a discussion about this topic. So, yeah, how we criticize people is just not such an easy thing to do well so that everybody is happy with how the criticism has happened, of course. And I would add, though, that Dana Carvey, the co-author on one of the original power posing papers
Starting point is 01:50:18 who wrote on her blog, I think, just a Word document talking about some of the researcher degrees of freedom and and problematic research things that they applied but she was very open about it and basically said she didn't have confidence on the effect but she wasn't condemned for that in any way shape or form was completely celebrated as like an example of good, like scientific virtue. So it, I don't think it is the case that people are always just looking for any excuse to tear people down, like within the open science community, though it's sometimes presented that way. Yeah. And Dana was actually
Starting point is 01:50:58 the first author on a lot of that work, Dana Carney, who's also here at Berkeley, actually. And yeah, her response was a lot more, right? Like, I don't trust that. I don't trust that research anymore and much more balanced. But I will say here, I mean, there's two things to mention here, right? Like the one is like, when you're in the second, like, especially in the American academic system, everything is now about power differentials, right? And it doesn't matter if she's like a professor, you know, at XY, this big university versus, right, you're a white male, right? And she's like a professor you know at x y this big university versus right you're a white male right and she's a woman and so there's there's a
Starting point is 01:51:29 power differential even though right that's one thing and i do think there is a gender difference in ways people communicate right and i think that's where the heterodox stuff comes in but also the whole broken science right that schism comes because of the the differences right because and i am pretty argumentative too maybe that's why i'm you know you know i'm okay with these conversations because i will get into get into it with people and it's not but i do think that women are sort of socialized to be a lot more you know agreeable and not and i think that so i think there's a lot of people that think that if you communicate criticism a certain way, that it's bullying, right? That if you ask, I think Lee Jessam has
Starting point is 01:52:09 also been accused on Twitter just for asking somebody to give evidence for what they're saying. And that's bullying just because, right, of the power differentials, quote unquote. And so I think it's- Lee Jessam has asked me to give evidence. He does that to everybody. He goes after everybody. And that's the thing, right? And as he should, right? As is right as a scholar and as it is your responsibility as a scholar.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Like if you're saying something, you should be able to back it up, right? So I think that creates the whole sort of broken science thing where if you're criticizing people and you're not careful, and again, nobody should be an asshole. I think we think we can all agree right like you should not be an asshole to to people like we should be nice about it so but of course yeah like the communication but it
Starting point is 01:52:54 does also go back to the thing we were talking about sort of um people having their own theories and their own ideas and you do have to sell it it's almost like your brand right and i think what we should be emphasizing more is that you should be able to separate yourself from your ideas right so people like right amy cuddy it's like you can say you if that wasn't such a big part of who you are and it wasn't your brand then you could think of it as though this is an idea that i put out in the world and maybe it's not replicable and it isn't and then you could say right like if you had more separation of it isn't. And then you could say, right, like if you had more separation of it from who you are,
Starting point is 01:53:28 then you would not take it as a personal attack. And I think that should be the case for everybody, right? If I put forth a belief, I reserve the right to change my mind, which we should be doing as scientists anyway, right? All our beliefs are provisional. Like anything I say even on this part, and I will deny all of it, you know, in a week.
Starting point is 01:53:47 So you reserve the right to change your mind. And that's a good thing, right? So you should not be right. So if somebody criticizes what you're saying, I think people are so quick to take that as a personal attack, instead of thinking of it as, oh, I'm separate from my ideas. And if somebody attacks my ideas, I should be able to evaluate those on the merit of the argument that's being made, instead of thinking that I'm being attacked or bullied. And I think, yeah, that is hard to do, right? We're human, I think that can be hard, especially the other person is being an asshole. It's so easy to be like, well, that's especially just an asshole. Right? So I think it like it's a complicated, yeah, dynamic that I did. Yeah, I'm not sure how
Starting point is 01:54:21 to deal with. And what doesn't help is that sometimes people are just, well, whether you want to call it a bully or an asshole, but people are just being an asshole. Like, you know, I mean, that happens. And I think there's, of course, a correlation between people who are willing to voice their opinions about things, but also people who have an affective response that is stronger than their desire to be liked by fellow academics. I mean, that's basically what's driving some people, right? You're, you're, you want something, you're like, you don't want something to happen. You're upset about a topic. Let's say bad science. There've been people complaining about this for 20 years. They keep seeing it. They get so annoyed
Starting point is 01:55:00 by this. They care more about this than being liked by other people. But those people can also be jerks. And I mean, I am one of these people, in a sense. Now, to be clear, like if I die, I hope that a lot of people are going to stand up and say, so Daniel was really kind to me during this period of my life for this, right? I really hope this is going to happen. And I'm pretty sure that there's a very sizable group of people who will say this. But there are things that you see online in my behavior where I am just really annoyed and frustrated. I should close my browser window and not let my personal annoyance from the last decade carry into this one message that I'm sending somebody who's not thinking about all this stuff. But I do. That's not a good thing. If I was a
Starting point is 01:55:45 perfect human being, I would cut my own distinction between what I want and what other people do. You know, I would be more objective about this. But I don't manage. I'm always impressed by people who seem to manage to do this very well. I can't. It's a personal flaw. But yeah, you know, I hope to compensate it by doing some good stuff for people in other places. And sometimes I slip up. And if you call me out for it, I hopefully will also be good enough to say I crossed the line. I definitely feel often like, okay, this was too harsh.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Sorry. And I will say it sometimes. But there's definitely a correlation there. I'm more likely to say something that is just a little bit more nasty or because I'm annoyed or frustrated. It is true. You should try to emulate me, Daniel. I stay very calm and non-aggressive online. That's how to do it.
Starting point is 01:56:37 And I see you shaking there, wanting to throw your oar in there. No, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'll move us all along away from these potentially dangerous third-row topics, race and gender and sexuality and power dynamics. So let's talk about a group that everyone's prejudiced against, apart from the Dutch, Bayesians. Why do you hate them so much, Daniel?
Starting point is 01:57:09 So let me just say that some of the most fun feedback I get on my course that's online, so this open course on improving your statistical inferences, it has a lecture on Bayesian statistics. And sometimes people say, oh, I was really so interested in Bayesian statistics after doing this course. And people recently invited me to say, hey, we're teaching, we want to get some training in Bayesian statistics. Do you want to come over and give it? So I do think hopefully that in my teaching, at least I'm objective enough about it. So, well, maybe it's a bit of a contrarian thing to want to just defend these poor little p-values against this, what I think is sort of pushed towards other ways of analyzing data. One reason that I think this is not a good idea is very principled.
Starting point is 01:58:00 So if you are a subjective Bayesian, why I don't like subjective Bayesians is because it violates my philosophy of science. And I think it is very much part of wanting a science where your personal beliefs don't play a big role. So if you analyze claims, so of course, we all have our beliefs, and you can come up with any hypothesis you want. You can study anything you believe to be valuable. But when we're evaluating claims, I just don't like subjective beliefs to be part of this. And in that sense, I'm not saying anything that Karl Popper wouldn't say, although he's also not as popular anymore as he used to be. So I'm just exactly in line with this.
Starting point is 01:58:42 So that's one component. And the other component is that for me, I think a lot of people are just mindlessly switching one mode of statistics they don't understand very well to another mode of statistics that's arguably more difficult to do well and that they understand even less i i wonder in maybe you've seen this as well that like bayesian thinking is like a buzzword in a way and in heterodox spaces not i'm not talking specifically heterodox academy i just mean heterodox spaces i often see people reference i'm i'm thinking bayesian about this and And they'll produce, in the worst case, they produced a Bayesian equation for the probability of lab leak, which had just, like you said, all subjective values, like let M equal my assessment that it's likely.
Starting point is 01:59:41 And yeah, it struck me that that has allowed people to kind of formalize inserting just their their intuition as their priors yeah yeah something that sounds statistically complex but uh yeah are you and i know that we're all we all have friends who are Bayesians here we bring back good Bayesian people we appreciate that I don't make friends with Bayesians sorry how do you feel about them or the issue
Starting point is 02:00:15 again I don't hang out with Bayesians no thank you but well but the thing is I mean it's I've always had the like intuitively I agree with sort of Daniel where it like, there's something that just feels off about it, right? It's like this kind of thinking of like, you're literally, I mean, on a technical side, there are people who make the argument that once your prior goes in, you're multiplying your prior, you know, with your data, which is like making up data, right? You're just making up like, oh, I thought something, and then you're using it, right? So it's almost like faking data.
Starting point is 02:00:46 And a lot of the priors are so informative. Like, what's the point? What is the point? They're totally informative. I just want to have this Bayesianism. It's just like faking data. I just want to make it. Even on a theoretical level, you'll hear people for bayesianism making the argument oh
Starting point is 02:01:06 but it's how babies think right that's how babies make sense of the world i'm like really that's how we want to do science it like takes us from how babies make like come on it just does not it just does not make any sense like on any level and one of the best arguments i've heard against bayesian thinking sort of bayesian epistemology recently was a novel ravikant's podcast if you guys have heard of that novel um maybe i'll share the link and i won't be able to like recreate that argument really well but it's like in in bayesian thinking right like if you're collecting more like newton's theory kept on gaining more and more right each time you're collecting a new new evidence for it, your prior should have kept on getting stronger and stronger until the very day that it was disconfirmed, which meant that the day before it was disconfirmed, you should have had the most reason to believe that it is true, which when you think about it, that's not a good epistemology to have. And yeah, it's always sort of intuitively just been such a weird thing. But the one thing that
Starting point is 02:02:12 really bothers me about Bayesians is they use the term Bayesian when they're talking about the analyses as if it's like something amazing, right? I mean, in psychometrics and stuff, we use it sometimes to create like distributions or like get some estimations but they throw it around as if it's meant to be something very rigorous and that's what bothers me yeah god they're they're the worst yeah i i they when people take bayesianism you know like as you've highlighted on your book daniel there's there's of occasions when it depends on the question you're asking, like what is the appropriate method to apply. But I have noticed that as we pay more attention to like the secular guru space and the appeal of contrarian perspectives that there's academics do this too you know like when we're talking about they're not being you know it's a continuum because i i remember and
Starting point is 02:03:14 it's a while ago so this feels like it'll be out of the controversy sphere to mention there was like a paper with some title again there's something like why pre-registration is useless or doesn't do anything. Oh yeah, right, right, right. And it was only two pages. It was like a very short paper as well. But that paper was written intentionally, provocatively.
Starting point is 02:03:38 Right? And obviously, there's tons of metrics that show that it is useful. And I think the same thing applies in the case of like abandoning p-values or that kind of thing. As when they're used appropriately, almost everyone agrees there's not that much of an issue to use them, right? But if you take a very strong stance, it kind of generates more attention
Starting point is 02:04:06 and people like being the kind of, yeah, in an academic niche, like peacocking, like pickup artists. Yeah. That's a comparison. So now we've compared Bayesians to toddlers. I have a funny story about Bayesianism. Well, I think it's funny Basing to toddlers. I have a funny story about Basingism.
Starting point is 02:04:33 Well, I think it's funny because after my first postdoc, I applied for a job and my background was in psychology and even though I'd gotten into applied maths and stuff, I'd only learned frequentist statistics. I heard the word Bayesianism. And I applied for this job at CSIRO, Australia's top government research organization. I was interviewed by the panel, one of whom was a guy called Bill Venables, who's part of the R-CORE team.
Starting point is 02:05:02 And he asked me about where I stood on Bayesianism during the job interview. And I couldn't say. I just don't know what that is. So I bullshitted for about 10 minutes. I just spoke weasel words, vague language, you name it. I think I got the job. So what can I say?
Starting point is 02:05:28 I don't know to this day. Oh, wow. This guy's an idiot, but they gave me the job anyway. Who knows? I don't know. Or maybe I fooled them. To this day, I do not know. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:38 But one thing I really think interesting. So we should be clear, first of all, patients, most of them who use it do a very good job. Some of them are decent people. Also, but maybe more importantly, it hardly matters. In practice, you've done everything. You've come up with your research question. You've developed your measures.
Starting point is 02:06:01 You designed your study. And it's really all the way at the end, you're going to put this number on it or this number on it. And those numbers, regardless of the ones you compute, will point in the same direction most of the time. And I mean, 95 plus percent of the time, you'll lead to the same statistical inference. So in a way, it feels like a nice example of how a scientific field can get worked up about a topic that doesn't matter as much as measurement, for example. If we don't pay attention to measurement at all, we mess it up. Well, at that moment, you can basically stop. You don't even have to collect the data, let alone analyze it, because what are you doing anyway? But no, all young people feel that this Bayesian versus frequentist
Starting point is 02:06:46 thing is a thing they should spend cognitive resources on. People in the field will even be crazy enough to say, oh, but if we only switched to Bayesian statistics, all our woes would be over. And that part of it is what makes me so annoyed, That you want to be a frequentist and just be quiet about it and do your thing. Fine. Right. But this other part is what makes me speak out and say, well, how about we just use p-values? Well, that's what most people are trained in. It's probably the most efficient way to improve things. And then stop thinking about it and focus on all these other components that are more important. Yeah, it is like that cargo called statistics thing right where it's they're not even using it properly most of the time it's like our prior is that our coefficients are distributed normally with and it's like and why
Starting point is 02:07:34 do you think that is any we know we just put a prior and pretend like it means something when it really doesn't so it's yeah i feel like you guys sorry but you hinted at it whereas i think both you guys would agree that like measurement unsexy uncontroversial measurement is is probably the most important thing and absolutely i'm always on to you about it aren't i it's um yeah and you're right that this these things are a big distraction. You want to now talk about Rush? You finally made it so that you can really talk about Rush modeling now. We made it. I'm going to shame Chris with some of these measures.
Starting point is 02:08:11 I'm going to tell him, Chris. It's scandalous. Some of the measures that you use. I inherit measures from what people tell me to do. I'm a mere cog in their machine. But I feel like, to some extent, this issue is like when people use...
Starting point is 02:08:31 There are good reasons to talk about a Gaussian distribution, but there are times when I feel like people say that because they want to say something more complex than normal. I remember vividly discovering the Gaussian distribution is like, isn't that the normal? Oh, it's the same, right? Okay, so yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:54 But it does feel that there's... I think everybody, especially that has experience in social science research that is quantitative in nature that which most of it should be that the when you go and you've done some analysis or thing and you want to find out what is the statistically correct thing to do in this edge case scenario you quickly discover statisticians have argued both sides and a third statistician
Starting point is 02:09:27 that said no they're all wrong and you in most cases people are selecting the citation and daniel i'm sure that your paper has done this sometimes like when people just take you you cite you as saying oh you can do this for equivalence testing lincoln says that that will do it and and that's it right they just want the justification for because and in many cases because it is involving a lot of effort or the actual statistics might end up being too esoteric. So the issues that we can focus on, like having better measurement, about having appropriate sample size
Starting point is 02:10:12 and claims that match the quality of the data are much more tractable, I feel, than expecting that everybody will dramatically upgrade their statistics. It's not that you shouldn't invest in your statistical analysis, but just that there's a lot of other things that even if we had perfect statistical analysis, it wouldn't solve. I agree.
Starting point is 02:10:38 And I spent most of the last decade actually trying to get people to improve their statistics, right? But I still agree that actually what I am doing is not the most important part of the research process to improve. It is in a way a little bit sad that we care so much about this last point. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do, Smriti sometimes mentions, our fondness of anything math related that can make us look really smart. And maybe that's a part of it. So if you just dive into the statistics part a little bit, and you do Bayesian statistics, then you figure out, you know, you can show that you're really
Starting point is 02:11:15 smart. And that's much more difficult to do with a good theoretical framework or with a good measurement development or something, you know, maybe that's part of it. I don't know. But it feels that we're really focusing on, yeah, a thing which, sure, you can mess it up. You shouldn't. It's relatively easy not to mess it up too much so that it matters. Now, let's leave it at that and go back to these other parts, I would say. Yeah. Matt, there might be a self-serving point that I'm inserting here.
Starting point is 02:11:44 Matt, there might be a self-serving point that I'm inserting here, but we have this tongue-in-cheek thing that we call the gurometer, where we read the gurus on these 10 features which we have found recurrent amongst us. I think this is a very, very important measurement tool that is clearly extremely valid. It's creating the field of gurulogy out of nothing. I've already heard some gurus say like, hey, I'm not scoring very well on these guys' gurus.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Well, how can I increase my scores on it? I've already heard people want to improve their metrics in guru space. Are we going to mention the cultural appropriation of the term guru? Is that ever mentioned on this podcast? That has been mentioned, but only in emails. And mainly the sitar music at the start of the podcast.
Starting point is 02:12:34 That I kind of appreciate. That actually sounds kind of nice. But unfortunately, I mean, yeah. I mean, the term guru has like a very negative connotation in the Western context, but we still use it very respectfully. Yeah, stats guru, that's a positive connotation. But one thing that I noticed is the two things we get is on the one hand accused of scientism because we're putting numbers, right? And like, oh, you guys are pretending it's a scientific instrument. numbers, right? And like, oh, you guys are pretending it's a scientific instrument. Even if we have a big red flashy thing saying this is not a validated scale or that kind of thing.
Starting point is 02:13:11 But on the other flip side, I saw people say, oh, if you publish about this, then you can do this. But actually, I think myself and Matt are probably amongst almost all academics, the people that have listened to the most secular guru content. And these things that we've identified, I would bet my life savings on them being recurrent features that you find in this set that we're talking about but people seem to think like if we publish a paper which which we actually do it that they do but if we publish a paper it somehow means that it's more you know like true or valid so you have this weird thing where like and and we feel also i think matt we as well, that having an academic paper with our names attached to it
Starting point is 02:14:07 and this concept of secular gurus, it makes it different. Even though we have a podcast with like three years of content on this topic, which is probably of more use and heard by more people than an academic paper would be. Maybe it gives it more credibility because it will go through the wonderful peer review process. Yes.
Starting point is 02:14:30 They're going to take down our 10 factors to eat or some horrible number. That's what they're going to do. We did it in paper form so it can work towards my H index. That's the main thing. But I think it is really interesting because it does limit
Starting point is 02:14:46 the way that we think our contributions to science uh work out and i think definitely like a podcast um is i mean so i was thinking back about last year basically what i've done and like i didn't publish that much this year um for all sorts of reasons but But I was thinking, what did I do that I really enjoy? So I worked a lot on an open textbook. And there's a lot of material in there. Nobody will count it. I don't even think it is on my resume currently. I didn't put it on my resume somewhere.
Starting point is 02:15:16 I don't know where exactly because it's self-published, whatever. And the other thing is the podcast, which has a ton of, I think, interesting information. thing is the podcast, which has a ton of, I think, interesting information, right? And it's true that we don't consider those outputs, even though even in our little startup podcast that we just were around episode 20, I think, but even that listener, number of listeners is larger than I think an average, well, maybe an average, I don't know, I can't complain about reading people reading my papers. But nevertheless, you know, it gets a lot of attention compared to some other academic output. Yeah, it's difficult to track, but it definitely plays into this point of the publishing system
Starting point is 02:15:56 being a little bit of scam, and we just do it to get a number, you know, like get the respected output. Whereas maybe the intellectual contributions we make in other ways are, yeah, at least as impactful. And there's also, I mean, we just have a podcast coming out called quantification,
Starting point is 02:16:13 F-A-U-X, like quantification, which I think you guys will enjoy. And it's really touching on this idea of like, once we start putting numbers on things, suddenly it seems like they're actually meaningful, right? That it sort of means something scientific and more rigorous than if we're just sitting here talking about these things
Starting point is 02:16:28 right and people also in psychology talk about sort of physics envy right that we suffer from like we want to sort of put numbers on thing and quantify things and we value sort of quantitative research a lot more than qualitative research and it all goes into this idea of yeah if you can just yeah throw numbers around and do some stats on it so that makes it somehow more scientific yeah yeah i'm just about to do a um economic costing as it happens of gambling impacts um for victoria and new zealand and um that's that's basically that you know a lot of the impacts are qualitative the subjective um but we we have to put these numbers on it because ultimately you know a lot of the impacts are qualitative or subjective um but we we have to put these numbers on it because ultimately you know when the people are sitting in rooms they can count
Starting point is 02:17:09 the money that's coming in and gambling revenue they need something to count over here to to weigh it up yeah but um but a final question for you both i might start with you smriti um you know and the podcasting thing is a good lead-in because we want to know whether or not you're optimistic or pessimistic, both about like the state of like podcasting as just like a medium of communication. There's obviously wonderful podcasts like yours and ours that are contributing, making the world a better place. Then there's, on the other hand, there is the Dark Horse podcast.
Starting point is 02:17:40 Bless them. And also academia generally. Smriti, you're going a bit of an unorthodox route perhaps in terms of how you're approaching heterodox heterodox yeah you're in heterodox academy you're not playing the game and maximizing your hate index so did you feel good or bad about about the future there oh that's that's question. Um, well about podcasting, I mean, podcasting, I definitely feel, you know, good, but I think broadly speaking, I think it does. I think it does more good than it does harm. There's lots of good stuff out there. And you can, I mean, and I get to talk to wonderful, cool people like you get, right? Like, it's like, I've just, I'm a Daniel through my first podcast, right? So so it's like it's just such a great way to listen to people having like smart engaging people just having good conversations so I think you it's like yeah you know like yeah being in a water cooler and just listening to like just wonderful people talk and you can and I also think that there's there's some value in hearing different perspectives when you can hear them then you just
Starting point is 02:18:42 read them so there's also that bit of sort of more of a connection with, so I think podcasting in general, yeah, it's, it's been wonderful for me. I think that's great. I sometimes think I should just, yeah, give up everything and become a serial podcaster, start two or three more of them. Academia, I'm honestly not sure. One of the things I think I'm trying to, like, if I stick around, like, the thing is, I'm trying to figure out if I can help make things better, um, to move things in a good direction. And if the answer to that is yes, then I would like to stay because I, I really, I don't see myself doing anything else. Like, I know I belong in a classroom. That much I know.
Starting point is 02:19:28 Like, I belong in a classroom, like, as a student, as a teacher, as a researcher, ideally as all three. But if I, yeah, so I, like, yeah. But the way things are going, at least here, things are not looking that great. And to me, it's at this point thinking about is there where's the room for me to help make things better and if i can find that place then i would like to stay and if not then i would figure out you know i will take paul neal's advice and make an honest living selling shoes um that's my that's my backup plan. But yeah, so yeah, the answer is I don't know. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Daniel, how about you? Well, I think podcasting has basically replaced the science paper of the 20s, the 1920s, because you should read those science papers. It's just like, well, so I ran into Matt in the corridor, and we were both chatting about topic X. And I just wanted to share with all of you some thoughts we had, which is about this and this and this. I mean, really, those papers are just letters, often communication on a much more informal level. And we've lost that throughout science. So I think that's why we had blogs, maybe a decade ago, they were pretty big. And now I think podcasts because they replace this informal sense of communication, which many people appreciate, I think.
Starting point is 02:20:50 So podcast, yes, very positive. About science, it really depends on whether Schmitty is going to stay in science or not. That's basically it. No, but for a good reason, actually, because I think people with that motivation who say like, okay, can I make things better? And I think that is the really the killer question that we have to confront ourselves with. Can we make things better with our science? Or are we just doing it to get the papers in and stuff? And I feel that the field needs to have this slightly uncomfortable conversation.
Starting point is 02:21:22 What of the stuff we do is useful and makes things better? And what is the stuff that we're doing? Because I don't know, somebody is just telling us to do this kind of stuff, but we all feel that this is not it. And if we have that conversation and we're able to resolve it in some way, then I think people like Schmitty. And I think this is really, really important because sometimes I worry that the most talented people in our field are not motivated.
Starting point is 02:21:46 That's my drive to do what I do. I sometimes feel the people that have the most talent for science, they take a peek, they look in to what we do. They're like, nah, no, I'm going to go this NGO route. I'm going to work for the government or I'm doing this other thing. I'll feel I have more impact there. If we lose those people, we will lose out. But if we manage to think about, okay, how do we make sure that science is motivating for people who want to make the world a better place, then we can go in the right direction.
Starting point is 02:22:16 And I would say just from my own perspective that the kind of material that you guys put out and the attitudes that you present setting aside the issue of the dutch culture i i think it is a really good illustration of like the proper attitude to science and it's it's it's nice to hear it discussed. And one of the things that I think is worth keeping an awareness of is the fact that both of you and particularly you, Smriti, are ambivalent or considering about whether you can make a positive impact or that kind of thing. There's a lot of people that have a lot less ability
Starting point is 02:23:07 and a lot less thoughtfulness, and they're not at all worried about that. So we need more people who feel ambivalent, are a bit annoyed about things, and have a desire to see things get better. So I think you're both doing the Lord's work so to speak and uh yeah and and daniel personally as well even without all your h index and publications the the mooc that you have i'd help me and remains something that i enforce all undergraduates to at least hear about it. I don't know if they take it, but I think that that definitely will have a lasting impact.
Starting point is 02:23:50 So yeah, your podcast is great and we heartily recommend that and appreciate you spending so long to be tortured by us. Thanks so much. Thanks so much. Wonderful. Thank you for having us. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 02:24:05 I'm just disappointed we didn't get to item response theory but another day another day another podcast you can come on our podcast yeah i'm taking that's a promise all right i'm gonna hold you to that you need to provide your private numbers after this so he can contact you for follow-up chats. But yeah, thank you both. Yeah, thanks so much. It was a lot of fun. Thanks. Very great. Bong.
Starting point is 02:24:34 That was finished, Matt. We've sorted out all the problems in academia. It's all done. We finished the interview. We finished the interview. It's time to read the reviews of reviews well that's right i you know i normally like to get your feedback about which specific part of the interview you like the best but i'll i'll pass that i thought well i think my own contributions
Starting point is 02:24:59 were my my favorite they were pretty good they're pretty good this this time. I thought so as well. Daniel and Smitty, okay. They were good, but I was on fire. I really impressed myself. Yeah. Well, review of reviews. Well, this week we don't have that many. I haven't canvassed for reviews recently, Matt,
Starting point is 02:25:23 so no need for people to step up their game. I asked GPT4 about our podcast, and I'm not going to talk about AI again. This is just a thing. Because the reason I asked is not vanity. I just wanted to, it's a good little litmus test to check how sort of up-to-date and how comprehensive it is because of the extent to which it knows about our insignificant existence.
Starting point is 02:25:41 Yeah, super niche and quite recent kind of web presences it's just i don't know for me it's a helpful i presume you're turning on like the browsing mode yes it now it's now enabled by default i probably want to try it again i prefer to not it not browse and i just see what's in its brain but um i couldn't be bothered doing that because the funny thing was i i asked what people was thought about it about the categories and it found some reviews and um it said uh there's mixed mixed opinions some people say that it's good there's lighthearted thing an introduction to serious topics delivered in a light-hearted way other people and then it said a lot of nasty things and i was like fake news ma we are 4.4 out of 5 stars on apple so you know
Starting point is 02:26:33 don't get fake balance chat gbt uh yeah about six months ago i thought we were conspirituality it kind of had the two it was like the code in the Gurus is a podcast about secular gurus hosted by Matthew Ramsky. I've got it. I'm going to read out Chachi BT's synthesis of the reviews. Opinions on the contrasting personalities and styles of the co-hosts of Decoding the Gurus, Chris and Matt, seem to vary among listeners. Some appreciate the podcast as a much-needed critique of gurus, describing the hosts as engaging in good faith with a sense of humor, although they note the episodes can be long.
Starting point is 02:27:11 Others find this show biased, with the hosts' voices coming across as arrogant and lacking humour. Lacking humour, Chris? Yeah, that's not... Arrogant, I'll accept, but lacking humour? Come on. Criticising them for being too liberal and not as rigorous as traditional media. It's the left...
Starting point is 02:27:40 I like this use of liberal because it's ambiguous. I think Chachi Pichu is using it in the phrase of we're too left-wing. But if you speak to any true lefties out there, they would describe us as liberal in the opposite direction. But anyway, another perspective describes the listening experience as a mix of crippling cringe and satisfying analysis. What? That's definitely.
Starting point is 02:28:08 Who wrote that? Crippling cringe. It's got citations. All right. That's not us. That's not us. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 02:28:14 Carry on. I'm going to follow these citations. The citations are taking me somewhere at random. That's all right. No, I interpreted that as we are showing the crippling cringe and it's not us being crippling cringe we showcase crippling cringe that must be yeah that's it that's it positive self-image retained um well we could treat that as a list of feedback if you like well yes i had one though i can't but i've got that it. It's very short, so it'll just compliment.
Starting point is 02:28:47 I feel it does echo some of the sentiments that ChatGPT raised. This is from future2-2 from Austria, not Australia. So it's one out of five star. Good idea, but what a waste of time. Just your typical guys like to hear themselves talk for hours about things that could be said in a few minutes. You know, is there something to that? Is there?
Starting point is 02:29:19 Well, you might. Yeah. Yeah. You might say so. Yeah. A bit cruel, but he or she has got a point so let's say shall i boost us up matt will i give us one positive one then we do have one yeah that one because that one was mean and potentially true so let's let's so this is better, more accurate, and more kind. Elliot Toews from Australia this time.
Starting point is 02:29:46 An Aussie. All right. Nice. My favorite podcast in brackets, I think, spelled T-H. Don't need the qualifiers. Don't need the qualifiers. Favorite podcast. Full stop.
Starting point is 02:29:58 At first, I thought this podcast was just a bit of fun to help me get through the Melbourne lockdowns. Now I think their fun,-hearted way of deconstructing common manipulation traits with examples is quite invaluable, at least for me. I was raised in somewhat of a cult and hadn't thought about it much in my adulthood till this
Starting point is 02:30:16 show. While I'm here, perhaps you could cover normal Finkenstein. I'm a fan of his and a bit quite topical. I don't know who that is, but okay, we'll consider it. He's surely not galaxy brain, but perhaps you'd find him guilty in the lower dimensions of the grometer. Okay, I should have wrote that down.
Starting point is 02:30:31 You need more left-wing people anyway. Okay, now, bye-bye. That's it. It changed midway through. Why? I like that. There's a lot of information dropped in that. I was raised in a cult. I initially find it just for away fun, but I think there's a lot of information dropped in that i was raised in a cult i initially you
Starting point is 02:30:45 know find it just for away fun but i i think there's more to it and then invaluable grist his words or her words not one invaluable yep yep not chat gpt is not a synthesis of anonymous but it doesn't even have a soul don't don't listen to gpt It's a stochastic pirate, but it's not pirating real things. It's just putting words together, hoping they make some kind of sense. There's nothing behind the screen. It doesn't mean anything. No. Well, so there you have it.
Starting point is 02:31:20 But we don't leave yet, Matt. We thank patrons, the people that are on our Patreon. You thought you were going to get away. No, they're here. They're crowding around the exit to prevent you from leaving. And so I'm going to shout the right, Matt. I'm not just stalling until I find the list. That would be unprofessional.
Starting point is 02:31:44 Now, I like to find conspiracy hypothesizers first because they're the easiest to discover. So here we go, Matt. A bounty of names. Jimmy Tulloch, Jeff, Nick, Simon McLean,
Starting point is 02:32:01 John Barry, Jan HB, Matthew Tobias, Jan HB, Matthew Tobias, Chris Topp, Alex Bowers, Dave Lavelle, Sean Job,
Starting point is 02:32:13 Hasty Rewrite, Mr. Blythe Man, William Carpenter, Colleen Chandler, Ryan Goss, Joseph Whelan, Arabella Hulsapful, Matthew Ross, Ben Mack, X, no, That's our Controversy Hip-Hop Cisors. Nice. There's a lot of you, and I love youe. That's our Controversy Hi Pop Cisors.
Starting point is 02:32:46 Nice. There's a lot of you and I love you all. Thank you. Yeah, thank you all. I feel like there was a conference that none of us were invited to that came to some very strong conclusions and they've all circulated this list of correct answers. I wasn't at this conference.
Starting point is 02:33:03 This kind of shit makes me think, man, it's almost like someone is being paid. Like when you hear these George Soros stories, he's trying to destroy the country from within. We are not going to advance conspiracy theories. We will advance conspiracy hypotheses. Yes. I love more Chris. I love them harder than lex friedman loves love oh yeah wow that is hard um i like them a lot and now we have revolutionary thinkers they include nick angiono alex nelson dexter king williams uh jan demi lena nailed robinson Alex Nelson Dexter King Williams Jandami Lena Neld Robinson
Starting point is 02:33:49 Kevin Nyberg Tristan Vahan Draper Conal Dunn Alexis Allen Jeff Fitch Stephen Clegghorn Parvana Angus Niels
Starting point is 02:34:06 Christian Nielsen, Kevin O'Rourke, Agnes Ziaka Zed, god damn I'm sorry, Chris Horvat, Andy Hunt,
Starting point is 02:34:22 F, and Daraka Laramon-Hall. Bunch of them, Matt. Good haul of revolutionary thinkers. Love them too. Even harder than the hypothesizers, if that were possible. They can get to coding academia. Like, just imagine the Huberman episode,
Starting point is 02:34:43 all the comments that you really enjoyed about regressions and significance values by extended for huge amounts of time so yeah that's that's what you get there decoding academia i'm usually running i don't know 70 or 90 distinct paradigms simultaneously all the time and the idea is not to try to collapse them down to a single master paradigm. I'm someone who's a true polymath. I'm all over the place. But my main claim to fame, if you'd like, in academia is that I founded the field of evolutionary consumption. Now, that's just a guess. And it could easily be wrong. But it also could not be wrong. The fact that it's even plausible is stunning. wrong. The fact that it's even plausible is stunning.
Starting point is 02:35:24 It'll never cease to land. That's a keeper. That quote. Yeah. Well, speaking of keepers, Matt, we also like to find
Starting point is 02:35:39 galaxy brain gurus. The highest tier who can come and talk to us and get our wisdom being directly interactive like synchronous performance of decoding wisdom or not or not they can they can just contribute and be nice in that respect and They don't have to. So today they include Sonic Screw Rider. Pretty good name. Alex Scooten. And that's it.
Starting point is 02:36:17 Just two of them. Just going to give them their own little cage, put them there on display in my menagerie. They could be in there in the box. They could talk amongst themselves. Yeah, they're in the AI box that Lex is trying to work out with Yudkowsky how to
Starting point is 02:36:36 defeat the tree aliens. So that's where you guys are. It's always going to talk its way out of the box. Yeah, that's it. No, it's me the codemate. You forgot, it's me the to talk its way out of the box yeah that's it no it's really cold Matt you forgot it's really cold and it lives forever
Starting point is 02:36:50 and it's yeah just it's already out of the box it's copied itself many a times so oh Yudkowsky
Starting point is 02:36:57 Yudkowsky can I just say before I play the clip I know this is whatever you know if you're still here this is what you came for. Yudkowsky is, I saw him going on about some specific thing
Starting point is 02:37:14 about AI and payment systems and cryptocurrencies, right? And like, when we listened to him, he was morose, but because he can't tell the youth that there's any future because the world's going to be destroyed by the ai very likely and then he's on twitter tweeting about like credit card repayment systems and stuff like it's just it just it doesn't add up completely it's it's like it's like a cult leader who's forecast that the world is going to end and get hit by an asteroid in a couple of weeks and they're busy negotiating their car insurance yeah so it's uh it's a strange thing so yeah i i don't know anyway kowski's a little bit of a joke
Starting point is 02:38:00 so let's play the galaxy bring guru clips anyway here it is we tried to warn people yeah like what was coming how it was going to come in the fact that it was everywhere and in everything considering me tribal just doesn't make any sense i have no tribe i'm in exile think again sunshine yeah that that was one of the best um illustrations of the cassandra complex done by the sovereign nation oh so in 2040 me versus oh that was classic we told them what was coming and how it would be in everything and we saw i i loved that one where he went into time travel paradoxes. You know, like 2020 me would now think 2023 me is too extreme, but 2030 me would. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:38:57 He's actually an undervalued guru of the sovereign nations man whose name currently escapes me. you should go check it out if you haven't heard that episode it's good yeah yeah that's a funny one um so we're off map we're off out into the solar system to dance around our merry way our next guru you know we got choices i'm just pointing out that you forced me to listen to red scare material um and yeah you yeah you i give you a choice and you said let's do something a bit different so i listened to red scare material you haven't yet so maybe you should do that i'll spoil it for everyone they're not secular girls but they are very annoying so this is the thing
Starting point is 02:39:48 do we make matt listen to something that's very annoying i vote yes i feel like we've had some a few negatives like we've had a few more than a few counter examples people that are not gurus that in our coverage recently we should do someone who's definitely a full-blown guru in the next episode. Can we change it for Red Scare? Is it too late? I've listened to them, so it's too late for me in that respect. But we are going to do them because I listen to them.
Starting point is 02:40:16 But we don't need to do them next. I say, you're not going to like this description, Eli. I say we do Harris. I say we do Harris, Simon Harris. We get him off. I've clipped an episode already. It's getting older. He's going to complain about us.
Starting point is 02:40:33 We're going to have to talk to him. He won't, Matt. He's very open to criticism, and there's various things. He went on with Chris Williamson, our old friend Chris. We might get some clips from him. Just come on. Let's from him. Just come on. Let's do him. He's on the list of like big gurus.
Starting point is 02:40:48 We got to tick him off. All right. Well, we could. We could. What about like Cernovich? Cernovich. Do you want like Cernovich or Stefan Molyneux? I know they're awful, but they're definitely gurus
Starting point is 02:41:02 and we haven't covered them because they're so horrible. I'll trade you. I'll trade you Sam Harris for Stefan Molyneux. Oh, God. We'll get the Red Scare. We'll get there as well. Well, we'll keep them guessing. Who will be next?
Starting point is 02:41:22 You'll find out soon, but the next episode will be a decoding. So, yeah. You heard it here first. Yeah. You'll see. You'll find out. All right. Sounds good.
Starting point is 02:41:32 Good plans. See you later, Chris. Arrivederci. Bye-bye. Bye. Thank you. Yes. Hey. Oh. I thought I was doing it.
Starting point is 02:42:24 Hi. Hi. Okay, you go then. No, you go. No, no, you go. It. Hi. Hi. Okay, you go then. No, you go. No, no, you go. It's fine. Well, I was just going to say.

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