Distractible - Acronyms, But Better
Episode Date: February 7, 2025Dudes Innovatively Spell The Right Acronyms Correctly Tonight (Nailed it.) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices...
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Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractable. This episode, Bronzed Bob Let's get started. and advises dicking. Maneuverable Mark clears colossal poops, evokes empathy,
and gets crusty with blood-sucking boners.
From shit-talking to telekinetic porn.
It's time for...
But better.
Now sit back and prepare to be distracted.
And enjoy the show.
Hello and welcome back to Distractible, the result of a science experiment gone horribly
right. My name is Bob and I will be your host for today because I won the last episode because
the way that this works is I host two other people compete you'll meet them in a second.
Whoever wins hosts the next one and I don't host the next one, I compete in the next one.
But don't worry, because I'll probably win it,
and then I'll host the one after that,
because I win a lot.
Because I'm really funny and really good at this.
Anyway, my competitors for today, as per usual,
will be Mark and Wade.
I know we've done this hundreds of times at this point.
I still say it has never not felt weird to me
to introduce you guys
as if anyone who's a part of this doesn't already know who you are from other stuff.
But there have been documented cases of people that don't know any of us from our content who
has found this podcast through other means of podcast platforms and has found this to be an
enjoyable experience despite not knowing who
we are. And man oh man am I tired of making those accounts. That's what I was gonna say that feels
like a Wade move. It feels exactly like Wade's approach to everything. I know on the subreddit
it's always you. Although there's a every week there's new posts from new accounts where it's like
I love Wade. He's the funniest one. I preach. I big preach.
Even if they own his accounts army, I appreciate them. He doesn't understand
that I'm mocking. You forget that it's you. I have such a bad memory that even if it
was me I wouldn't remember it would be it's like 50 first dates for me on the
subreddit. 50 first dates with myself. Oh what a beautiful story. Self-love's
important. Why is Adam Sandler here? I don't know.
Anyway, what's the other thing we do? Small talk? I got some. Uh, it's serendipitous that this
occurred right at the launch of a new generation of cards, but my computer suddenly started working
properly again. After I had bought the hardware for a brand new computer build that I was
gonna replace it with wait I don't know why I do that with my hand but wait do
you know mr. card cuz I need one of these 5090s and I can't I have no I
don't know how to get one how do you get it I've never bought a card new no you
don't need one do you have a 4090 I do but my monitors man the monitor issue I
think is because literally even the 4090
was not meant to handle these monitors.
Yes, it was.
It only does once every three weeks.
With the lunar cycle, I get my three monitors working.
I gotta tell you, all you gotta do is be patient
and threaten it by getting a new computer
and being like, I'm gonna replace you.
And then your old computer will start working again.
Cause that's what happened to me. I will rip you apart piece by piece and beat you with a hammer.
Well no it's not about disassembly. That's not it yeah. You gotta replace them and you gotta take
the action to do it. And then I'll replace you. Because my technology luck goes exactly the
opposite way. I'm impatient and I am obsessed with just looking at the new thing the next big thing
and I'm always I'm always like oh I don't, Oh, I don't really need, like, I will need a computer.
But like it still works. But like, I'm, I'll, what if I just get one a little bit early
because there's this new thing and I want to, and I go through all this and I'll get
a computer and then I'll be like, well, I don't have to build it. I'll do it. I'll do
it when the timing is right. And then I'll go to turn my computer on the next day and it'll just explode
Into a huge cloud of sparks and fire and then I like well
I guess I'm building this new pile of shit into a computer so I can use that now
I'll bet you sleepwalk and you whenever you're dreaming and you come downstairs and you just pour water on your tower
You're like I'll replace it. I'll give Bob what he wants. He deserves a new computer
I've never gotten a graphics card at like release. I've never really done that but these monitors man
I don't want to replace the monitors. I'd rather replace the graphics card
What if you just get two graphics cards?
They don't SLI anymore, but you could still run multiple cards in the same system, right?
You're just gonna have enough power and a couple couple PCIe
PCIe slots that are six inches apart.
These things are so chunky.
I don't know if I can fit two in this case.
I'd probably have to put them on an entirely new case because they're so chunk.
What you could do is you can get a band extension and just plug it into your PCIe and then run
it out of the case and just lay your graphics card on top of the case.
You're making some of these words up.
Also, a graphics card on top of a case,
is that safe if a cat jumps and lays on it?
Nope, it'll be fine.
Put a basket over it.
It'll have good airflow, be safe from cats.
I believe the specs for the 4090s
that it can support four 5K monitors.
Well, these are just 4K, but man oh man,
do they only get supported once every three years? Have you tried putting a different card in it?
I feel like I'm not an expert of this but it feels like your card is broken or not working properly
That's what I just suggested a new card. No, I don't think you need one
I thought mine were broken, but it's not what other cards do you have in your your computer? Oh, I've got a Charizard and
49 do you know what else is there a capture card in one of the PCI slots?
He doesn't even know what PCI means. I have three hard drives
Uh-huh. I don't have like an Elgato plugged in. I don't have anything else plugged into it. Okay, so you don't have anything else in there
Okay. Yeah, so there's no PCI based internal capture card or anything else, right? Okay, well then that may not be an issue. What
you need to do is buy yourself some cards and stick them in there and then start making threats
and they'll all start talking. That's what Mark's getting at. It's possible. I mean, I might have
some in boxes. I don't know what's in here. You definitely do. But I gotta tell you, one of the
things that I think people are going to realize this generation of graphics
cards is the same thing that has been happening every other generation, which is incremental
improvements except the 4090 was an exception to the rule. The 3090 to the 4090 was actually
a nearly double jump in performance. And that is unprecedented
going from generation to generation. It just so happens with the actual node, the
transistor node that they used and they went over to TSMC, I think from Samsung I
believe. But it was such a massive improvement. People are expecting the 59
to be another quantum leap. It's not. It's like 25% better in some really good
cases, 15% in others, and at way higher power consumption.
If your worry is like power consumption, I don't think it's going to be good for you.
And I think that the 4090 is going to be one of those graphics cards that for a long time down the road,
people are going to be like, yeah, actually, this is a longevity card.
This is a real dozer of a card.
I'm like, I'm just cautioning you. I don't think the 59 will be perfect for you.
I don't know.
I'm gonna do a deep dive on these monitors
and figure out why that only two work at a time usually.
Right now all three.
They've been doing this for months.
Have you not deep dove?
I thought I had.
How much have you divvied?
Pretty deep to the point where I contacted LG
and I was like on customer support.
They were like, we went to the point they were like,
huh, I would talk to whoever makes your graphics card.
I tried reaching out and then they did not respond to me
on customer support.
Kinda hit a wall there.
Well, I can't help you.
I'm gonna say it.
You could probably just buy three other monitors
and save yourself some money on trying to buy a 5090.
It would be cheaper to buy a 5090 than three monitors.
You sure about that?
These three monitors were 1300 each.
Yeah, monitors can get really really expensive. Yeah, that's true.
Okay, well I would never in my entire life buy a monitor that costs that much money,
but I guess we're different people.
Well the last ones I had from like 2015 till last year so I was like well these are gonna last me
like 10 years might as well. There's no picture in the universe that could look
enough different on a high quality $3,000 monitor that I would ever think
that that was worth it. These were $1,300 each. Oh that's that's less horrifying
but still that's more than I spend on a TV.
I can't imagine your life.
I don't know what I'm doing, man. I fly by by the seat of my pants and it usually works out, except for these monitors.
I don't know what the MSRP is on 5090s, but if you have to buy one from a scalper, isn't it probably more than that still?
Well, they're technically not out yet.
Theoretically, I know're technically not out yet. Yeah, theoretically.
I know they're not out yet.
I wouldn't buy one from a scalper.
I don't like to support that.
I would rather just wait for one to be available.
Yeah, well, if you're just going to wait till they're available,
you won't have it for like a year and a half.
That's why I thought maybe Mr.
Graphics Card would be like,
oh, sure, wait, here, you buy it, I give it.
Is Mr.
Graphics Card in the room with us?
Graphics Card is my dad
I don't know. I thought maybe you knew him cuz you would you talk about getting a new built computer
You're doing a new something. This all started with you
I bought it on the normal online stores that people buy them from or I had them from my render farm
I actually pulled some of them out of a computer that I hadn't fully built yet. Does it have a 5090?
No, it doesn't have a 5090. I just told you I'm not going to get the 50 90 because it doesn't seem like a worthwhile
investment to improve it.
I think the 40 90 is going to last a very long time.
Can I have it?
Some of this feels like the meme of the congressional hearing where they're talking to the CEO of
Tik Tok.
It does.
Yeah, it's a lot of you improve the internet of my constituents, Mark?
If I have TikTok on my router, does that mean China's in my internet?
Yeah, wait, I hate to say it, but yeah, you're that guy. I am stupid, which is why I turned to
YouTube for help with technology. And Mark is offering you assistance with technology.
Assistance was I don't need a 5090? But? Buuuut?
These monitors say otherwise.
I don't think Mark said but at all. I think he was very definitive in his...
Anyway, I'm sure that as soon as you decide you're not going to build that computer,
nothing horrible will happen to your current one, and it will be fine.
But Bob's is already about to retaliate for Mark building a new one.
Probably, yeah.
I do think my computers are on their last, or not one,
one of my computers is on their last legs because I moved these cross country when we moved from
California to Ohio and I like filled them with foam and I was very careful and when I unpacked
one of them, the one that has the very heavy 4090 in it, some definite cracking in the back of the
PCB near the joint where it mounts
to the motherboard, and I have a support on it,
like a heavy vertical thing, but in all of the moving,
I think it got rattled around too much
and the card weighs about 85 pounds.
It still works, but every time something goes wrong,
I'm like, oh, this is it, this is the end.
Bless you. Bless you, but weird bless you
Yeah, I don't know when it comes down to computer hardware
I know a lot of it right now because I've just been building like a non-stop slew of computers and stuff and what I realize
Is that buying the absolute top-of-the-line stuff is never the right move?
But you can get great deals on
previous generation stuff and get almost equivalent performance out of it because
you save so much money. You get something that is tried and tested. Usually when
people are selling their used things, they work, right? And if you buy them and
they test them because they've been working them for years and computer
hardware is supposed to last a long time. So it's like technically technically, I think people don't play the second hand market nearly enough.
And I'm not even talking about like scalpers.
I'm like the used market for computer hardware, except for hard drives is a very special case.
You got to be really picky about what you're doing there.
But if it works, and it's a reputable seller, you can get some great deals, great deals
on things.
I will never buy top of the line monitors again.
I wouldn't recommend it. Unless you're doing actual like color accurate extreme
fidelity work that requires you to have the highest quality monitor. Like when I
was when I'm still working on the movie I needed to get a monitor that was you
know HDR and have an accurate color accuracy that was good but even then I
overpaid with what I got because I got the dumb Apple one
with the Trippophobia back on it,
which I hate, it weighs a bajillion pounds,
it's barely bigger than a monitor that I could get,
and it really isn't actually that good of a technology.
But it was $5,000, I regret that purchase immensely.
I'll sell you three for 39.
I'll trade you.
I'll take a Trippophobia. Because at least then whenever you're naughty, I'll just slide it into the backwards on the camera
I don't know why I just said naughty to you like anyway
I don't usually buy top of the line, but I was like these monitors
I was like, you know, why not I never never splurge on nice things. Let's do it worst decision of my PC life
I'm surprised the customer support isn't actually helping you because they're not working, right?
I bought a monitor a long time ago before I even did YouTube.
I bought a professional HP monitor.
I don't know why I need I said I needed it, but I justified it myself.
It was $800.
And back when I was in college, it was like $800 was a huge it still is obviously, but
compared to a $5,000 monitor I just bought, perspective-wise, it was a huge investment.
I was like, okay, I'm gonna buy this, it'll be great.
There was one dead pixel in the dead center of it.
Like one pixel was completely dead.
But I called up their customer support,
I was like, there's a dead pixel.
They were like, just send it back, no questions asked.
So I don't know why they're not helping you.
I went through about 30 minutes talking to this person
online through their customer service, whatever chat.
And then they were like, all right, I'm not able to help you.
Let me get someone like they talk to their supervisor.
The supervisor got on the thing and then ultimately their solution was,
sounds like it's not our fault. So I would go find your graphics card,
talk to them. And that was their solution. Solved it. And like I said,
I tried to contact, I think it was Asus and never got through to anybody.
It's weird. Cause like the thing that usually stops one monitor from working is launching a specific game.
Like Uno, for example, right now. If I launch Uno, one monitor goes black.
I won't see it again for two weeks.
Literally, it's been two weeks since this one worked.
Till last night, it came back on.
That's hilarious.
It sounds funny. It sounds like it's funny for you too, which is the good thing.
I've spent up to four hours in a single day, unplugging and replugging in cables, turning off, turning on again, trying to have different...
Because I can have any two of them working at a time. I've lowered the Hertz on two of them. Like one of them is like 240.
The other ones I'll have at like 95 or something and sometimes that can get them back working again.
I feel like you might as well have them at 60.
60? Well, how do you think I am poor?
On your auxiliary monitors,
I think 60 is all you need even if you're rich.
I think 60 is all you need ever.
Unless you're playing competitive CS GO.
Which some people do.
Which some people do, but not that many.
A lot of people think they're playing competitive CS GO.
What about Call of Duty Prop Hunt?
Well then you gotta, yeah, you gotta pixel peep those micro movements from the twitchy props that are hiding all around you.
If you ever watch Ryan hide underground because he knows how to rotate into a hole that shouldn't exist,
yeah you need every pixel you can find.
To be fair, all you have to do is go to that one area and just shoot the ground a bunch and you'll know if you did it or not.
That's fair.
You don't lose health if you shoot the wrong thing?
No, that's the thing that's really fucked up about Call of Duty Prop Hunt.
You know, you can shoot everything. You have unlimited ammo, you don't lose health,
you can just fucking run around holding the fire button and shoot every little pixel in existence.
It's not super fair.
Props do win sometimes though, like it's not as imbalanced as it feels.
Yeah, well you just have to be a fivehead.
The brain of a god.
Did you actually do small talk, Wade?
Well no, he just took over mine.
Took over?
I enhanced.
We collaborated.
How can you say no you didn't get small talk when you've been yapping for the past five minutes straight?
Wade got an enhancing point?
For saving Mark's dismal small talk, apparently. Wade Wade what's going on with you? I hope it's better
than Mark. I have the same updates I've had for the last three weeks. Except for one. You know that big snow we've had
that's finally starting to melt but isn't quite melting fast enough and we
got two dogs that have to go outside to potty and it's been so cold that I've
not been going out and cleaning up after them.
So yesterday it finally warmed up a little bit
and things started melting.
And I went outside and I was like, all right,
time to clean up some of these poo piles.
I filled up two of those, I call them Kroger bags,
I don't know, the plastic bags that are banned
in California, I guess, of poop.
From two small dogs.
I just wanna make sure you remember what bags I'm talking about Mark.
It's been so long since you've seen real bags.
It's a boomeriest thing you've ever said. Go on.
You know, a little like, what are your thoughts on immigrants?
Let me just do a quick taste test real quick.
I don't think we've had those since the eighties.
Are those those things that eat pets?
Is that what we know them as in Ohio, I think. The oil's low. Check the dipstick here. Wait, you gotta stop licking the paint on the
walls. I know it's a new house, but I'm sensing a problem. No, but I filled up two of those bags
of little dog poop. It was a lot of poop and it sucked. And I guess you use muscles when you pick
up poop that you don't use
Otherwise because I've got my right thigh is on fire today. How heavy is this poop?
I mean, I guess if you don't bend over and touch the ground a lot
It's kind of a unique set of muscles, but it's something I don't do on a daily basis
I don't think to like crouch grab crouch grab crouch grab
You could just stay on your hands and knees and keep picking up, you know.
Dude, give me one more day of that and I can crab walk like a porn star.
I know why you assume they would be good at that, but...
I don't know, it's just one of those jokes you always hear.
Is it?
Is it?
I feel like I've never heard a human being utter those words in my life until right now.
This is another side tangent.
There's an SNL skit that's also been living rent-free in my head where
Ariana Grande and some of the cast members were playing as a Jennifer
Coolidge yeah and they're like if you could have one superpower what would it
be and Ariana's Coolidge was like crab walk so I've had that stuck in my head
for a while minor shout out that skit I guess. I'm just kidding. Hey, Jennifer Coolidge, if you're watching. Oh!
Anyway, there's your poop update.
Back to you in the studio.
Mark, would you like to enhance my poop?
You know, I don't have any pity for you because your dogs are tiny.
My dogs aren't even large dogs, but they're big dogs.
And that means they have big poops all the time.
So much poop, an unbelievable amount of poop.
But thankfully it's stacked so high off the ground,
I don't have to bend.
It's not that I'm lower to the ground.
The poop is so high up off the ground.
Do you use those fancy poop cleaning tools like the
stick with the pre-built bag or do you just go out there and like clean up?
Because they've got things to make poop cleaning easier. It's not even worth it.
There's so much poop any of the devices to get rid of the poop is it don't
matter you just go pick it up. That's what I thought okay because Molly was
showing me she's like they have these things you could get that was like I
don't know I feel like just going out there and grabbing the poop
is probably just the easiest thing.
Cause I feel like the tools are a scam.
It is.
That's your poop update enhanced by Mark.
That's why I'm here.
All right.
Segway point.
No, I don't think that counts as a segue unless poop stands for something else oh people on orthodonist polls that's a segue point somehow the daily double because you used or not used but you created an acronym today's topic is acronyms lol specifically i wanna fix acron want to fix acronyms because I think some of them are stupid and I think
some of them are confusing and I think we know better about what these acronyms should
We always do.
We generally know better about things and this is one I feel like we could do some service
to the rest of the world by making better use of some of these commonly used acronyms. Anyway I
have a list for some of these I will give a point if anyone knows what it
actually stands for because I'm curious how common knowledge these common
knowledge things that commonly are. We'll start easy and then we'll escalate our way up into, I don't know, not easy. Hard?
Is that the word? Probably hard. Can I throw one out there? I don't think this will be on your list,
but maybe it is. But it's the one that's haunted me for the past decade plus. It is the worst
acronym in my mind that's ever existed. It's shaking my head. SMH. In my brain, when I first
encountered it, I could not for the life of me figure it out and the only thing I could think was smell my hand
And to this day when I see SMH, I always think smell my hand first always
I cannot not think it like I've tried to train my brain away from so much smell my hand and I can't so I see
SMH I'm like who's my my shaking my head shaking my head like every time
that's all that's my interaction in my head every time I say that's really tough
Wade I'm hearing your pain and I acknowledge it on my hand no but I empathize with the odor
why do you empathize with that I I'm just trying to make him feel like his story has substance when in reality it's a big nothing burger
I don't want him to feel bad about it. Thanks, man. How do you put it like that?
is through the roof
Mark it gets a point for being empathetic and supportive. I somehow feel worse after it, but that's how people empathize, right?
They're really in their heads like man this fucking guy, but outside they're like, oh, yeah, that's how people empathize right they're really in their heads like man this fucking guy
but outside they're like oh yeah that's basically it yeah that's empathy right as an empath i agree
because an empath you feel that feeling just aggressively all the time about everything
keep the shit talking in your head never stops ever wow i broke his leg broke his leg what a
little shit i deserved it i'm so sorry i'm feeling for you i did it to broke his leg broke his leg. What a little shit. I deserved it I'm so sorry. I'm feeling for you. I did it. I broke his leg. I did it now. I'm so sorry
No, who would have set a bear trap in the doorway to your room?
As an empath I don't think it works when you I'm so sorry
That's the inside voice the really grumbling one that was the inside one. Yeah. Yeah, That's the inside voice. The really grumbly one.
That was the inside one.
Yeah, yeah, that's the inside.
Got it.
That makes sense.
The calm angelic, angelic, you know how they pronounce it?
Angelic talk.
I believe it's pronounced analgesic.
They're gonna say analgesis.
And I don't like either of those things.
Pick a poison.
It turns shit into buffets.
Analgesis. I know that what an acronym is, is you take the letters of something those things. Pickle poison. He turned shit into buffets. Anal Jesus.
I know that what an acronym is,
is you take the letters of something
and then that you shorten it into a thing,
but they're stupid.
For example, you already use this one, Wade.
This one doesn't haunt my dreams.
I don't like it.
I don't like it.
Well, I'll know what it stands for.
I was gonna, I raised my hand so I could follow you.
Oh, you raised your hand.
I wasn't actually looking at you.
Yeah, Mark.
Lots of love. Wait, what? That's what it hand. I wasn't actually looking at you. Yeah, Mark Yeah, lots of love
Wait, what that's what it means. Lots of love. It's licking our Lord. I
Don't know why that would got to be that in church taking communion. Everyone's eating their wafers. You're like idiots
These guys are lolling right?
You go up to get community and they give you the thing and they're like, the body of Christ,
The blood of Christ, lol.
Glad we're all on the same page.
Yeah, well see, so that's a good use of lol.
I approve of that, I guess.
I think we could have a better acronym for laughing out loud.
And it can be anything.
It doesn't have to follow acronym rules.
In my world, an acronym is just a short word
that means a longer word or phrase.
Give me anything.
I want you to help me.
We know better.
CMG, Chucklin Mcguts.
Think that's pretty good.
Yeah, see, marks on it.
LMS, losing my shit.
I like that.
I like that direction.
That's not the last one but we can keep going gag
Giggling at gaffes or goofs give a giggle in it goofs either one or both gag gag
Giggling at gags and goofs let till laugh until a cry let it take sorry let it
Laugh until a laugh
You know I like about gag gag is if you just it's really funny you say gagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagag Good man, KMU. Is that how you spell crax or kra- crabs? All right, nah, I like that.
That's a whole sequence.
You can really, there's levels to it
because you can, you know, crabs me up
is kind of higher than a big old gag or gag.
See, isn't that better than LOL?
Way better, yeah.
Thank you.
Mark, you get a point for agreeing.
Thank you.
I have another one that's on my shit list.
I feel like it's used passive aggressively
so we can sort of rescue this phrase,
this concept from a world of, you know,
snarky douchebaggery.
FYI, does anyone sincerely use FYI
in a way that wasn't just snark coming,
firing right back at somebody?
It isn't always like, FYI, I was first in my class.
Yeah, I mean, even the the actual phrase for your information does sound like
you're pushing up your glasses for your information. I'll have you know, I'll
have you know would be a better one because actually it means what it says. I
I-H-Y-K I'll have you know
Nailed it
It took me a second
It wasn't slow
Because you didn't know, it was just emphatic
No capital letters
Actually how you have to say that one
It's Ethan in the
The hooked on phonics
episode Oh my god It's it's Ethan in the the the hooked on fun
Oh my god that fucking clip where
Where he's trying to make a word But you're supposed to be picking the one that makes a word by connecting it to the other part of whatever and he's like
Okay, look, we're not supposed to talk about it redacted
but also that actually has lived in my brain rent free since I watched that one because holy fuck also
That's the video where if came from right? Oh, yeah. Well, maybe it was before
That one start with you be like, what's your name? And he was like
Good times good times. I weighed you missed out man. I did I only saw the one where you had a sex toy delivery EF EF EF EF EF EF EF EF EF EF
EF EF EF EF EF EF EF EF EF Mm-hmm. I like that. I like that. Thank you for your time Hey
ACM BB according to my big brain
The weight I'm sorry, what was it mark? I'd forgotten ATM BB according to my big brain
GWS guess what stupid that's actually pretty good guess what?
I like that that is in the same vein as FYI, but somehow it's more jovially
Dickish like it's still a dick move, but like someone pulled that on you. You couldn't not laugh at it
I feel like basically every single idea you guys just threw out there superior to FYI
I think we superior to FYI. I think
we should abandon FYI, I think that should be a vestige of the past and I think we should
move on to A. T. M. B. B.
Thank you, thank you.
Or other one that was also slow but.
This is one that I think we all use a lot, and I don't like this acronym because
I don't think anyone knows what the fuck this stands for.
But you'll know what it means when I say it to you.
What is that?
What does that mean?
Oh god, what does it mean?
Not what words is it, but you know what it means, right?
If you're going to RSVP for something.
But what words is it?
I'll tell ya, it ain't
English. Reserve seats vice presidents. If that was it, it'd be very confusing. Now you
know why it stinks? Cause it's FRENCH. It stands for, and I'm gonna say this wrong,
Respondez Sivu Play. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhu I don't honestly know if we can improve on RSVP because as in the way that it's used
I think it's pretty effective and like it looks it's aesthetic looks nice. It's it's a good combo
I just don't like that people use and they don't even know what the words are that feels like a lie to me
The V is the the the crux of it that makes it a little more difficult. What about
Save my fucking seat. Oh, I was building acronyms for RSVP. That's not what we're doing
Mark you don't have to use it. I was like really sucking vampire dick
In my head, but that's not the game we're playing
Dick with a P. You mean penis
RSVD this is where everyone discovers. I'm actually dumb. We're all dumb
That's why we have this show.
This is actually one of my listed in my private writings, my listed formulas for
a distractable episode is make Mark spell out loud. So I've gone to it before.
It's a classic. Good thing he brought his scary tape. I just feel like this is why I'm slower to learn languages is just
because words don't go good in my head. That's why names I can't remember.
But you think words good, just don't get them out of your mouth as quickly, but
it's not about speed. You know, lots of big words, Mark. They're in there.
They're in there. What about OOTS? I W T S.
I want that spot.
I have to have the accent.
How about LMIT?
Let me in there.
I'm a baby.
I'm a baby.
Let me in there.
That's where I go.
Was that even part of an actual show or is that just a warm up?
Well, no, it was.
It was the pre-show.
So like a whopping hundred people let me in there.
Should we give context on that?
I don't really feel like it.
It was part of the tour, doing an improv bit.
The improvised song.
Oh yeah, Wayne has the poster.
That's all you need to know.
Anyway, I'm not even mad at RSVP.
I just wanted to get that one off my chest.
But I do like really suck at vampire dick glad that we got that
really suck at vampire dick all right fair enough what about we make it
English it's IAVP as in I'm a very important I'm a very important I forgot
the I it's English as spoken by a six-year-old look I a very important person. It's English as spoken by a six year old.
I a very important person.
This is hard.
I made fun of Mark and I immediately got made fun of myself.
That's how it goes man.
That's how it goes.
I a vip.
This next one will be easy.
We all know about FOMO.
You might have FOMO from time to time.
Jump on things.
It sounds stupid.
Never, ever would I willingly describe myself as having FOMO.
I hate it. Can we improve on FOMO?
Fear of missing out.
Uh, yeah, it's called TME.
Tell me everything!
You're in an interrogation.
Batman holding a gun.
Where are the other drugs going?
Where are the other drugs going?
Yes, where are the other drugs going?
TME. He just spends a lot of time practicing like that. I see where the other drugs go. Yes, where are they? Oh, W-A-O-D-G.
He just spends a lot of time practicing like that.
Tracked in here with them, their T-I-H-W-M.
I want acronym Batman.
He's also known as ABM.
Yeah, I literally just thought it was like,
I missed the boat on that.
I wonder if they'll catch then you did but Batman actually isn't actually
I'm not gonna do it though. We all know what it is. Anyway FOMO fix FOMO
WTF, where's the fun that one feels familiar from somewhere else, but maybe maybe maybe
IFC MI I fucking can't miss it. That's pretty good. I had one. I was just gonna throw it there
I was thinking something like it keeps the same vibe, but like it mo I don't want to miss out
It mo I would have it mo. I would not have FOMO. I got one
guys Right? Yeah, see? Yeah, no, that's really good though, because then if there's a group,
they're like, oh, we're yeah, we're going to see Barbenheimer. They're showing it again
in combination. Just even though that's not cool anymore. Like, guys, you know I'm busy.
That place, also I like the way those letters look
written out, I just wrote it down
because I gave you a point for it.
I just wrote, I wrote on my desk.
Did you write in something that erases or?
It took me a little long to figure out if that was or was not in fact a thing that it erases.
Yeah, I'm fine.
It's okay.
Rubbed right out.
This one applies to two of us?
Probably all of us?
Wait, the ink.
This ink is permanent and it spells out tip.
This ink is incredibly permanent.
You know, you have different ratings of pens.
You got a T-I-P, you got a T-I-I-P, you got a T-I-I-I-P.
Very permanent.
This ink is incredibly permanent!
Incredibly indominally...
Indominable... Indominably?
What's that word? Indominably.
Yeah, it's something like that.
This, what's that?
Inky, inky ink?
This inky ink.
This inky ink?
This inky ink is incredibly inky and permanent.
I like that one.
That's a good one.
I just had a change of heart,
so we're not gonna do that one.
This one applies to us.
Two out of three of us definitely have this.
And I think the third one of us might have this anyway.
And it's, I honestly, I don't dislike it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
It's just not very like, it doesn't save you a lot of time.
You know, there's no like, it's not like, oh, I got ADAS or like whatever.
It's you just, it's saying it's fairly long and clunky.
I feel like we could come up with something
that's a little more, that rolls off the tongue, you know?
And this is, you know, this one can be funny,
but this is also like an actual serious disorder
that affects people, so can't be too funny.
Hi GBB, I got bad brain.
HWL, although it's pronounced as howl, huh?
Wasn't listening. I surrender. That's a weird one Mark. I don't think
that fits very well at all. IS? Now that I think about this, didn't we do a bit
like this recently? Oh it was the McConaughey bit with the spelling. Oh yeah. I'm just out here
eating man.
That's probably what inspired me. I came up
with this idea in the interim.
By I mean Mandy. But that
episode probably inspired it. Yeah I think
Hal might take that one. I was hoping we could
riff a little longer but. Sorry I should have
saved that one. No that's a good one. That's okay.
Sometimes you play the ace.
This is another one in the same category for me.
S. Y. P. A.
Sometimes you play T. A.
S. Y. P. A.
Sometimes you play the ace.
Y. T. P. A.
Sometimes you play the ace.
Take a breath. It's okay.
It's okay.
We're still out here.
It's fine.
First of all, do you guys know that radar is an acronym?
No, I do not.
I don't know what I thought it meant, but it's an acronym and I'll give a point to the man
who knows what the acronym stands for.
Radioactive arsonson plane and reconnaissance
what radioactive arson plane and reconnaissance Rappa huh what did I But I say play I bet dumb Bell
Shit, I don't think you get to laugh at mark anymore when he spells real slow a piece of days
They're just they're just up. They just fell over you know does the last half of it stand for dish and receiver
No, but that's a very smart guess all right never mind that uh
Really awesome dick a pal? Nope, that's right down.
That's not right.
Wait, do you have another guess in there or do you give up?
It's gotta be something radio something.
Radio is correct.
Radio airplane detector and reasoning.
I want to say that's closer, but no it stands for radio detection and ranging
They skipped the whole a they got you because they left the a from radio in the beginning there
But they left the a from and
It doesn't save you any time. It's a long word
It's a stupid word and it's a stupid word,
and I think we could come up with a better acronym
for the thing that you look at
to see where the airplanes is all at.
Bod, bowl of data.
Damn, dots are moving.
D-A-M, D-D-Damn.
Oh, damn, no, oh, you said it first.
For some reason
I thought it was damn was part of it damn dots are moving like D damn damn dots are moving today
Fire the nooks
Actually three these da damn dots are moving the dead damn
TGP single ping I like that I'm frozen oh your thumbnail just updated so now it's the frozen image on the side so
good at holding a pose hello there it froze so thoroughly I couldn't even hit
the reboot button I had to shut the whole thing down.
Your computer heard you might be upgrading it for belling.
Well, better get in line,
because I got the other computer I just built
right next to it ready to go.
Don't let them too close to each other,
they'll shit talk you.
Got any other radar ones?
WMBUA, Wimbua, we might be under attack.
You have to say it with that voice too. It's the Ace Ventura, the early detection
system. Wimua. What is the guy from Family Guy Joe? It's like Joe and Jim Carrey had
a baby. We might be under attack. Oh, it's Kronk. That's who it is, which is kind of
exactly what you said. Yeah. Kronk is like if Joe and Jim Carrey had a baby a little
Good ones.
Those are all better.
All of those are better than Radar.
Didn't know Radar was an acronym.
That was a new one to me.
This one I want to change for the betterment of society.
It causes problems, disagreements.
People don't even listen to the man who invented it when we talk about and discuss and get
angry about it. GIF.
Terrible. Also known as GIF depending on if you're right or wrong about how you
pronounce it. I will die on GIF. GIF is peanut butter. GIF is image. If the guy
who invented it hadn't said GIF I would prefer GIF. I don't care about the guy
who invented it he was wrong. I don't think that's possible. Actually that is
very possible. I don't even really care but we could do better. Do you know what
it stands for? Graphics interchange format. That can't be it. Graphics image
format or is it? No no you're right. You're right. Google image found. Well it
doesn't matter anymore because we're moving on. What about fifth funny image
format? Well that's a way better and there's no confi- well, it could be fife.
Picture move.
I like it.
Simple, fun.
Real short movie.
RSM feels like it already exists.
It doesn't, but like it feels like it does, so.
A looky loop.
Do you say LL though, or do you say LL?
I'll leave it up to the individual, but so I guess that's not good. Yeah, we got it's got to be unified.
Guys, I'm gonna send you this hilarious LL.
It's actually pronounced mmm. It's actually pronounced lalalalalala.
I can't top that. But then you get into a debate over how many times you flick your tongue.
Well, you extend the flicking based on how many times you would watch it in a row, like
a really good one.
If it's two L's, you're like, okay, I'll see it.
But if it's like 10 L's, you're like, dude, I'll see it but if it's like 10 L's you're like dude, this is gonna be good
I do like a descriptive acronym
It's hard to get that kind of utility in these things those file extension adds more L based on how good it is
Keeps track about many times been watched and looped. Oh man. That's great. Mr. President. We have a 30 pager
Anytime it's introduced in court as like a piece of evidence, like, yeah, no,
I did reduce evidence marked number 16.
So USB containing in the file choose.
Widely liked meme.
We're just going to play this for the court.
Well, now I like that one a lot better.
I don't know. Do you get, yeah, Mark gets court. Well, now I like that one a lot better. I don't know.
Do you get, yeah, Mark gets credit for that.
Looky loop was pretty good or whatever.
What do all the extra L stand for?
Looky, looky, looky, looky, looky, looky, looky, loop?
Yeah, look, look, look.
You just keep saying looky, loop, looky, loop,
looky, loop, it's on a loop.
Looky, looky, looky, loop, loop, loop, loop, loop, loop,
looky, looky, loop, loop.
It could be whatever you want. Any combination of those two words. I was just mumbling under my breath loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop This one, there's nothing wrong with.
I'm just tired of it because it never works.
What's a better acronym for Wi-Fi?
Also, do we know what that means?
I didn't.
I wouldn't have guessed this.
If I'm being totally honest, this is not what I would have guessed it means.
Wishing Fi-Optic.
No, but good try.
What don't you have when you use Wi-Fi?
No, that can't be it.
Why internet flopping?
I'm sorry, is the in from flopping the I?
The I in from flopping.
Oh, I see.
It stands for wireless fidelity, which is just confusing.
Well, it's like Hi-Fi, which is high fidelity
or low-fi, low fidelity.
I get it.
It's not data transfer though.
It's data storage.
Hi-Fi is like a type of audio thing, right?
The fifth generation of Hi-Fi is how we got this.
I don't know why I'm giving you the begrudging laugh.
That was very funny.
I just like didn't want to bust out laughing for no apparent reason,
but like you totally deserved it.
All right.
So we're coming up with a better version of Wi-Fi.
I I T A L T G.
It's in the air like the government.
It's in the air like the government Hahahaha
I'm sorry I think there needs to be an M
on the end of that. Gover-ment
Like the government man
Oh, govern-ment
Sea Wape. Cables?
What are you, poor?
I'm getting crushed this round, I'm getting crushed!
Sea-wape. Yeah, no, I see that. Alright, I like that.
Okay. I will say, the one that I came up with for this one was, uh,
Tet toilet entertainment time.
Cause you definitely need wifi if you're gonna have toilet time.
LTBFP, like telekinesis, but for porn.
I mean, I don't think I have to say it.
I think Wade pretty much takes this round.
Yeah, man, I was, I was, I don't know.
I think I fell asleep that round or something.
Oh, I wasn't listening, howl.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm making it a thing.
No, I was listening.
I just, man, I couldn't come up with the answers I needed.
I believe in you, Mark.
I'm going to pick a good one just for you.
And this one is stupid.
Both the thing that it is, is stupid and I hate it, but also the acronym is awful.
Oh. Ew. And I just want to throw this out there, this
is another acronym where there's some letters in there that don't fucking belong. There's
a 0% chance that you could guess what this is because it's stupid. Because it's spelled
Cops Against People That hold arsonists probably, except it stands for completely automated public touring test
which doesn't have a bunch of those letters in it!
they got capped-a-ta and they were like, oh that stinks!
I didn't know we could just make it up at the end of there
no no no
CAPTCHA suck and the acronym sucks. What is a better way that we could determine if someone using a website is
a robot or a human being and what would it be acronym called?
TMDP. Take my data, please.
I are. Are you a robot?
Doesn't have to be said in a pirate voice or is that as the inventor?
Yes, I determined that the accent must be I-R
That's really specific, but I accept it
Uh, Y-G-B-W, you're gonna be wrong
Cause you'll do the test wrong the first time
I'll add a C
B-W-T-F You W
Cuz you'll be wrong the first time bad the first part was so smooth and then you thought you'd get fancy on it
No, huh? No hackers allowed. I really liked it. I like the tone of that much better than capture
it's a really long one yeah what does that stand for you human human human human human human human human
See to
PP see to PP G or robot test
Fuck HM be how many bicycles BKC better no crosswalks
Triple a YDS TMW ah ah ah you didn't say the magic word
D D DT DT? Do those pixels count? I fucking hate when they're like,
don't click all the boxes with a bus in it.
And there's like one just, you could see that the bus is in there,
but you know, that doesn't count.
I always get that one wrong. Cause I always click it. Yeah. Well,
that's the thing. Cause the robot would see that and be like bus pixels,
but we're humans. So we're not supposed to notice things.
You've heard of Sigma. Have you heard of SIGA?
Stop it! Go away!
That just feels like one that you could never succeed at.
Are you supposed to be able to pass that test?
Well, not the people that aren't supposed to be there.
Oh, I see.
They stop it, go away.
Like, don't hack me, please!
I gotta dump on him!
I'm a- I've got nothing else.
Well, I'm gonna say that's the last acronym that we're gonna fix
and all the rest of the
Shitty acronyms out there. You're stuck with sorry everybody. There's a limited amount of hours in the day. So
That's what we got going on here
I am gonna read the things that you earned points for and starting in no particular order first with mark
You weren't points for threatening your electronics
with Mark. You earned points for threatening your electronics, very high poops, being supportive, crabs me up, oh agreeing with me, ATMBB, really sucking vampire dick, TSKG, GIF, and robot
test. Wade, you earned points for, and boy am I tired of making those accounts?
enhancing mark crab walk
segue point dy KD tip
Howl rapper lamb
Wabua high five
Quame what in the hell did I write?
I should have written down what these meant,
not just the acronyms.
Well, I guess they weren't very memorable.
Quap apparently is what you got points for.
I don't remember it, but I'll take it.
Mark, you earned a total of 11 points.
And Wade, you earned a total of 12 points
He was pretty good through this one night. I'm not gonna lie
Yeah, that seems fair considering there was an entire round where he was the only one who submitted anything
Wi-Fi it's in the air. Just like the government
Government of course.
Congratulations, Wade. But more importantly, congratulations everybody, because you're welcome for all of those very usable and memorable acronyms.
I know for sure next time I send someone a funny animated picture that I'm gonna remind them that it's pronounced
But Mark, you did lose, so would you like to give your loser's speech?
It was a hard fought battle. My brain was working overtime in the beginning and then failed me
towards the end. I think I got thrown off my game by my disconnect and then my brain just went
elsewhere and that's where it all went downhill from there. So well done Wade ample performance
kudos to every
It is hard to bounce back from the disconnects. I've had that happen it basically goes off your whole groove wait congratulations
You have a winner speech. Yeah, Mark. You also had a very supple supple performance. You're very supple performance as well
I sleep in gloves
Very supple performance as well. Thanks.
I sleep in gloves.
I really don't.
It was a great episode.
It was a lot of fun.
You had the best small talk.
I just enhanced it a little bit.
Mine was all about poop.
I don't remember what I was talking about.
It was fun.
It was fun thinking about better acronyms.
I'm glad we got rid of some.
Glad we fixed all the ones.
I think we made all of them better that we've touched today.
Great job, Bob.
Can't wait to host the next one.
I feel like I won all over again.
Thanks for the compliment, buddy.
That is the end of the episode.
Wade will host the next one, like he said.
Make sure you follow the podcast by hitting the little plus symbol or whatever it may
be and then you'll never miss another episode.
They're always on Mondays and Fridays, so you really don't have an excuse, but if you
follow then you'll never, never miss.
Mark is Mark Plyer, Wade is LordMinion777 or Minion777, and I am Bobs.
You're Bobs.
I'm Bobs.
Just Google Bobs.
Don't come up.
Thanks so much for watching.
Thank you Slightlyless for listening, and until next one, podcast out.