Distractible - Future

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

This week the guys talk about the future: expectations vs. reality. What did people in the past predict the future would be like? Were they accurate? Will we be accurate if we attempt to do the same�...��? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractible, a Wood Elf production, with your hosts, Mellow Mark, Waggish Wade, and Bordy Bob. This week, it's Hubble Bubble time, as the dashing dudes polish up their crystal balls with a view to peering into the undiscovered country, the future. Please light up thy justics, and enjoy the show. future. Please light up the justics and enjoy the show. Hey guys, welcome back to Distractible, a Wood Elf production. Here we discuss anything that interests us and competes to see who can bring the most captivating stories to the table. I'm the judge this week because I won last week, and I'll declare the winner of this week's episode, depending on who I feel does the best and what points I assign based on the topic I also get to choose the judge gets a lot of power in this show you ever realize that yep yeah starting to not really fair yeah you like to the non-host it is whenever i'm the judge it's not really fair when you guys are the judge i kind of feel
Starting point is 00:00:53 hmm strange how that is well when you're judged do you feel like it's fair oh absolutely i'm a fair and just judge yeah well yeah i'm a good good fair smart judge. Yeah, the best judge you could say well That feels fair to me. You could say it in the same way You could say many lies, but you know you can say it as the best judge I can tell you it's pretty fair when I do it I think that maybe Wade might be the best judge. I think so too Definitely the most handsome flattery will get you everywhere you make me laugh sir mark have 10 points thank you thank you sir oh there's no points
Starting point is 00:01:35 you didn't even do that yet mark take another point thank you thank you sir yeah my pleasure all right i'm way today my goal is to get no points and never win anything ever let's go i'll have 12 points hey wait hold on get rid of him come on get that no dude take my points do it again hurt me all right double that make it 24 points no no no get reds i want a zero that's right suffer bob oh you figured out my plan. Mark, have, I don't know, 30 more points. You're somewhere higher than Bob. At least I'm losing. Thank God. Well, how's life treating you guys?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Everything good? Uh, yeah. That's good. Good now that I'm able to listen to your glorious voice. Man, you really want to win today. I like that. I'm just happy to be around you. You know, I think you're going to like the topic for today too, Mark.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I think you're going to really appreciate this. I'm just going to be my normal real self and not do whatever Mark's doing. I'm good. Sleeping good. I got a new bicycle. Oh, yeah. It's a gravel bike, which is essentially a road bike with the curvy handlebars where you lean way forward, but it's got kind of thick, chunky tires so you can run over rocks
Starting point is 00:02:40 without getting flat. It's fun. I'm bad at it and it hurts, but it's fun. I've not been biking in a long time. i've never been the biking type i tried to commute when i was back in cincinnati but no it's too scary like i just always read things about cyclists getting into accidents or just run over for some random reason yeah i don't like riding on roads we have a lot of paths around our house so stay pretty safe on the bike path we had a big bike trail that um ran pretty close to our uh hometown where we went to high school mark uh i
Starting point is 00:03:10 think over in loveland you can access it i forget how far it goes i think you can ride all the way to like columbus columbus columbus or cleveland and all the way down to somewhere i don't remember exactly where it goes i never actually rode on that bike path but we had one pretty close to where we where that was a pretty decent one i guess i don't want to ride that now molly and i were just talking about going biking recently we have to go get like either new bikes or probably get tires how often do you have to replace tires on bikes do you think once every 20 years is important honestly like kinda but also if they hold air they're fine yeah probably just pump them up they're fine i don't know that they would hold air at this point everyone thinks bikes get
Starting point is 00:03:45 so broken brakes don't work not a big deal you can put your feet down works just as good i wish i knew that way back when because i had a horrible bike accident when my brakes failed once well you should put your feet down simple solutions you mean literally or like figuratively put your foot down and tell the bike who's boss you mean like literally put your feet down to stop both it's attitude and physical action if you don't do one the other one has no effect oh well bob take another 10 points for giving me this great advice no you dumb piece of shit okay pick five points for telling me like it is oh god i don't even know how to play this anymore i'm just gonna be my normal sense i just want to be generous with points we're this anymore. I'm just going to be my normal sense.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I just want to be generous with points. We're always so stingy. I just want to give out a lot of points. All right, fair enough. Hey, I gave like tens of thousands of points one of the times I just... Mark, take another hundred points for being agreeable. Thank you, sir. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. All right, today's episode, guys. Bikes might be questionable now. How will they be in the future? How will anything be in the future? How will anything be in the future? I want to talk about expectation versus reality. Like think back to, I don't know, 100 years ago, what people thought life would look like now versus what it is.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Like in some ways, I think people dream up of what they think the future will look like. And then we have some of those things in different formats. Like we don't necessarily have like full out holograms or anything now. And we don't have, I don't know, like the personal little holocoms, but like iPhones, tablets, like all those kinds of things, I think exceeded a lot of people's expectations of where that would go. Growing up, like using home phones, I never thought about what a cell phone or, you know, an iPad or anything like that would be like.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So what do you guys think about how technology, I don't know, adapts? And do you have any ideas of specific technology you think that will actually be a certain way in the future versus what like people dream up with flying cars and all that stuff? Technology expectation versus reality. It can be like stuff that actually has happened
Starting point is 00:05:37 or stuff you think will. Either way, I'm just curious. I actually love this. I don't have any particular title to this because I don't know how. There's so many different unique examples of it. but I've already pulled up like four different images that are kind of just like my favorite things. Drawings from like the early 1900s or like the late 1800s of people's ideas of what the future would be like. And I think a lot of our expectations today are
Starting point is 00:06:00 still very inaccurate of what the future will be because it's impossible for someone to perceive what the technological advancements really are going to be and yet there are some that are extremely accurate there's some uncanny like early 1900s predictions of what the future would be and they are startlingly accurate so yeah it's just kind of all over the place but i've got them lined up and ready to share oh Oh, well, go ahead. Okay, cool. My favorite that I just saw is this first one. It's called Rocket Mailman. Now, just imagine. Okay. Of the most practical use of the future in terms of technology.
Starting point is 00:06:33 When just today we're starting to see the military applications of rocket jetpacks and stuff like that. And it's used to deliver mail. And I just think this one where this dog is bounding over the edges just to chase after this mailman Like literally can't compete anymore like the classic scenario of the dog chasing the mailman and this Fucking mailman with a goddamn jetpack is coming at this lady at probably Mach 2 Trying to do a handoff with mail it's gonna rip her arm clean off. She's never gonna know what hit her It's just like the idea There's a metal post there that if he hit that he would just turn into Swiss cheese just like
Starting point is 00:07:13 Right through it like this is the future a completely unregulated idea of mailmen Dive bombing across the city to deliver mail. That's just fantastic. What if only mailmen got jetpacks? No one else was allowed to use. It was just the mailman. Everyone would want to be a mailman. I mean, honestly, that'd be pretty cool. Can you imagine an Uber where it's someone with a jetpack
Starting point is 00:07:34 and you just got to like reach your arm out and they're going to swoop by and you hope you hold on? So many lawsuits for like broken arms, ripped off arms. They range in terms of bizarreness. There's this one picture that i'm going to try to describe which maybe someone can post on the subreddit where it's a bunch of people like apparently the fascination of the day would be able to walk on water and the way that they imagined it would be wooden shoes and then hot air balloons that hang above your head. Or basically just helium balloons, I suppose. And then there's this dude on a penny farthing like boat wheel.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And then there's just a little kid in the background. Like this is what people would do for fun. Oh, I didn't even know it was the horse and carriage in the background there. The horse with the little balloon. Walking on water? Yeah, man. Walking on water. America's favorite pastime.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Like screw you, Jesus. Look at what we can do. I hope that if we ever get walk on water technology, we favorite pastime like screw you jesus look at what we can do i hope that if we ever get walk on water technology we go back to horse and carriage because for some reason it won't work with cars but it'll work fine with that yeah i guess wheels roll the horse's feet you just slap some wooden planks too yeah it has in this image that you're sort of basing this on it has a balloon but i like the idea that the horse just has like wooden fins and they just tell it to go into the water and the horse is frantically just like and the carriage is floating behind it but the horse
Starting point is 00:08:52 is like panic paddling for its life I mean horses swim right or do they sink I don't know no they can swim they can swim okay I think so anyway I don't see why the horse couldn't just swim I've never seen a horse swim that was like four to cross water but usually they can touch the bottom whenever i've ever seen i've never actually seen a horse swim i'm pretty sure they i'm pretty sure most mammals should be able to swim i think so too they're made of water and stuff they probably swim yeah yeah oh my god there's one here that just is hilarious to me it's it's apparently quote unquote x-ray surveillance i just imagine these poor sons of bitches. I mean, yeah, they're robbing a place, but I don't think it deserves
Starting point is 00:09:30 them being bombarded with pure x-rays while a policeman watches from the other side of the wall. Literally, the image for everyone at home is there's a cop on the right, and there's a literally looks like an x-ray scanner flat panel TV, and it's just beaming x-rays across the wall these two people that are trying to break into some door or something so yeah riddled with tumors that's what they get for trying to rob this place commit the crime you have no time left of your life yeah also what is with this guy's job just to look like why couldn't he be in the room if he's going to be there like 100 of the time Why couldn't he be in the room? If he's going to be there like 100% of the time, why wouldn't he be in the room? You mean inside the room that the guys are trying to break into?
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah. If he's like a cop or a security guard, why wouldn't he be there guarding it? Why wait on the other side of this x-ray machine? You know, wait for the scans to finish, I guess. He doesn't want to be in front of the x-ray machine. Yeah. God, no. So we have like the x-ray scanner what about like mind scanners mind scanners you think that'll ever be a thing
Starting point is 00:10:29 where there's something that can actually like read the synopsis firing in our brain and read our minds or our thoughts or access our memories externally maybe not from a distance but honestly who knows god that'll be the day jesus like actually able to download or make a copy of someone's like brain yeah man i mean we talked about this a bit on the synchronicity episode but just like i was gonna say didn't we talk about this a little bit we kind of did yeah i mean just the idea of being able to snag someone's thoughts directly out of their brain is a startling thing and kind of comes with a lot of ramifications well so it's it's rudimentary but uh mandy did point out to me
Starting point is 00:11:05 after that episode came out my wife mandy for anyone listening that actually is sort of a technology that we're kind of headed in the direction of these are tv shows but both on i believe house was what she brought up and i think also possibly on like gray's anatomy there is technology and to some extent it is real that basically they were creating images from scanning the electric signals of people's brains and like you know it's terrible it was barely anything but we're already at the place where we have some level of ability to scan brain signals because we were talking about that we're like well i don't know if that'll happen they're working on it yeah it's not good but uh you know it's coming yeah
Starting point is 00:11:51 how many of those images will just end up being boobs i mean i think eye tracking technology has already proven that that's the only thing that men on youtube have ever looked at yeah there's so many of those god i. I mean, the future really is. I mean, they say this all the time. I don't know how true it is, but they say that the future technology adoption is driven by porn. Like the thing that beat out Blu-ray versus HD DVD. It was because like porn companies put their stuff on Blu-ray instead of HD DVD. Like they picked and that's just what it was really that's the reason i don't know how true that is but i'm going to say it confidently enough that i'm gonna say it's true
Starting point is 00:12:30 but but a lot of these innovations like that's why the future like all this technological wonderment is going to be like there's going to be a machine that reads people's minds and they're going to put it in a sex robot so that it can know exactly what you want to do to it and it's all gonna be for the betterment of improving sex robots better batteries longer lasting sex robots facial recognition so it knows who the sex robots gonna fuck like it's like Something else will insert something very clever that I'm saying here sex robots has to be your own voice I just fix it in post just change the voice to mark's in post you know what i mean yeah i don't think you're necessarily wrong i think that's highly likely what do you think the most likely thing is like if you were going
Starting point is 00:13:15 to dream big about what we would see 100 years from now what do you think the most likely thing is that you can think of that we probably would have access to right on like pretty easily would be like flying cars there's no way people would be allowed to fly cars i don't think so either there's no way in hell if it's like my freedom no ai is gonna control my flying car then there's just going to be explosions overhead in every major city all that dreamscape like the star wars perfectly trafficked things. That's only if people aren't allowed to fly. It's only if computers are controlling that.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Otherwise, people are going to die left, right, and center. Like you can't fly a plane through a city. You think they're going to let cars just go rocketing by at 100 miles an hour? There's no way. Then again though, I imagine when like, you know, trains were coming around. The idea of everyone being to drive around their own vehicle was also kind of crazy like yeah okay they're gonna let everyone drive trains around and then like cars and roads became a thing how do you think trains work no i know i know they don't work like that there's gonna be trains everywhere i don't want trains driving down my street get your trains out of here you punk no but someone had the thought of like what if we all had our own
Starting point is 00:14:25 thing we could drive around probably right they had horses the concept wasn't completely foreign yeah but something like i don't know i still feel like like the high speed that that was comparatively like oh that'd be way too dangerous like that had to be a thought right when wade gets older he's gonna be that old guy who's chasing trains off his front lawn let it go old man hey you can't park your train here it's private property i've got no grudge against train i don't know the details but cars were kind of a wild west for for a little while there oh yeah you didn't really need like a license or anything and that's a usurp your time mark but that's sort of where my mind went with this oh yeah no walk all over
Starting point is 00:15:11 my time i think the thing about technology that is interesting is people will always try and predict it and like humans are obsessed with the idea of her belonging life crazy medical advancements that will make humans, you know, immortal. Humans are obsessed with transportation. That's not as interesting anymore because now we're basically down to like, okay, well, space, I guess we can pretty much go most places, not the depths of the ocean necessarily. And, you know, you can't really drive everywhere, but humans are always predicting stuff. And like, sometimes it's right. And sometimes it's right and sometimes it's hilarious but the advent of technology is always kind of terrifying like suddenly a car exists and it's not a fast car but it's also not a safe car it might like explode at any moment and they just like start selling
Starting point is 00:15:59 them and all the rich guys are like oh i'm going to drive my automobile and all the civilians are like ah what the hell man what is that yeah and like as technology gets crazier that's going to continue i feel like that's kind of where we are with like i don't know the internet and social media it's complicated because it's not the same type of technology but i don't think we're in a good place right now with like the internet as a piece of technology. Yeah. It's not healthy for people. People don't know how to coexist with it.
Starting point is 00:16:29 It's causing serious mental health issues, causing serious physical health issues as well. You know, like me, I don't know when to get off my computer. I'm a huge lump of a person who just stares at screens all day. We need to come to an equilibrium. You might need an internet license. I don't know it's not safe it's complicated but like that's the thing about technology that's crazy as shit i mean just to go back to like the old cars when they first came out they sold cars before anyone
Starting point is 00:16:55 knew how to drive so like you would get people that would buy one of the first cars and there's no one to teach them they just figure it out everyone else is just, you better get out of the way. There's like footage of people crashing their cars and there's no seatbelts. There's no airbags. I mean, yeah, they can only go like 20, 30 miles an hour, but have you ever like crashed at 20, 30 miles an hour? It's still not fun.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Well, and cars from that era of automobiles, it's not like today where you get in and it's like, you have to figure out how to turn it on you have to put it in gear and then there's a go pedal and a stop old cars from the advent of automobiles as a technology it's like okay to start it you prime the thing and then you push this lever into the third position and then you have to have someone hold the brake and the clutch and also hold the steering wheel because it might jolt Forward when you start then another person has to go to the front and break their wrists
Starting point is 00:17:50 Fucking yoinking on a thing and you have to yoink that until it start and then you go back and it's like to put it Into gear you put this lever into the reverse position and then you take this other thing and you twist it counterclockwise But only half of it like driving a car from that era is fucking nonsense yeah you know these guys are inventing this stuff for the first time and they're like okay we want to go forward oh shit how do we get it to stop i don't know put a knob on it like i'm not judging them for making shitty you know controls on the first car there are videos and stuff on this it is terrifying yeah how you have to drive some of these cars. The controls are nonsense.
Starting point is 00:18:27 The throttle is on the steering wheel. You pull a lever up and down, and then it's not designed for a human to do. So let alone not knowing how to pilot a car, how to steer it, and what's going to happen, and how fast 20 miles an hour is compared to like a horse or whatever you're accustomed to. Yeah. Then you have to figure out all the controls and shit. Like it's crazy. And no power steering,
Starting point is 00:18:50 no power brakes, none of that. Oh yeah. The brakes was a big lever that had a boot on it, touched the wheel and squealing down the road. And you got to bring water. Cause your car's thirsty. If it,
Starting point is 00:19:01 if you don't have water, that bitch is going to overheat and explode. Yeah. Like, and it's just like the bitch is going to overheat and explode. Yeah. It's just like the requirements for it are just kind of nuts. Well, and there aren't gas stations. Oh, yeah, no gas. Good luck finding a 7-Eleven to pull into to get your gasoline and slushies. You had a portable drill in the back.
Starting point is 00:19:20 There's another crankshaft, and you got to drill out your own gas. And then a mini refinery in the back of your car where you gotta light some fires and get it going and watch the pressure i mean honestly i still would not be surprised if in like you know 50 years 100 years people look back on where we are right now at like the dawn of the internet and they're like look at these animals they just have free access to the internet on their cell phone and they look at it all the time and they don't have any filters they can't choose what they're seeing i don't know i don't know it's just thing we don't know what's gonna
Starting point is 00:19:54 happen those people in the early days of automotive technology were like cool this is a car man it's complicated yeah all right Hope I don't die. Medical technology is equally terrifying to me. Yeah. Looking back, all like old practices of medicine seem so barbaric. But I think about how medicine is now. And that also seems like it could very easily be seen as like awful and barbaric, like, you know, 100 years from now or however long.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah. I mean, if you look at objectively the idea of modern medicine is marvelous what you can achieve but the idea of like okay we'll just cut a big hole in this guy yeah and then we'll just cut some of this stuff out and uh yeah that doesn't seem healthy we'll just cut that out and just stop that bleeding real quick like if you look at it objectively without considering the result like yeah medicine in general is terrifying but i mean like it's result based right so all the crazy stuff you see in like medical museums that used to be like like bloodletting and all this technology that involved a lot of stabbing and no anesthesia it's because it kind of at least worked a little bit like in the end
Starting point is 00:21:02 of that sometimes the person was then healthy and it's like okay well that sounds horrific but like you healed me from my whatever dick rot yeah whatever diseases ancient dick rot old school dick rot from the curse of the mummy you cured my penis thank you but like inventing new medicine stuff today there's a lot of standards about what's acceptable and ethical research and there's review boards and things still sometimes sketchy stuff had in our lifetimes some stuff well maybe not our lifetimes we're not that old but like you know it's concerning right it's dangerous because you're screwing around with humans you could kill people you could create
Starting point is 00:21:38 something that's you know it's a super virus or who knows what. In old times, guys were just like, what if I stab you in the pancreas? Is this medicine? The pancreas? I think that's a redundant organ. I've got this man here with a pain in his gut. I think I will stab him in the gut with this needle and draw some fluid. And he's like, why? But but like i don't know what's going
Starting point is 00:22:07 on in there then they're operating with whatever they had and like i'm sure they a lot of them had the best intentions but some of them also were just like i'm gonna cut this guy's leg off even normal checkups though don't you think those will be something that they look back on like right now if you go and you have like you know they put stuff in your ears and your mouth or two fingers up your butt or you know gynecologist exams or even like oh you gotta put in a catheter imagine like 200 years ago they're gonna look back like oh my god the things that they poked and prodded and touched like uh-huh that's gonna seem barbaric at some point if humanity lasts long enough i mean maybe it'll always be a thing where literally the only best way to check a prostate is a doctor's finger and some lube
Starting point is 00:22:45 like i guess forever and you know it's alarming just how many things in the body that people say ah you can live without it like ah you don't need the spleen appendix it's just a vestigial organ and it's just like it blew my mind when i was growing up and i learned that doctors don't actually heal you they put you in a state where you just fix yourself like i grew up with video games where it was always health packs and it was just like green goo like they shoot green goo in you and you just heal it's like magic but uh that that don't happen uh it's kind of just like they do everything they can to make sure your body just don't stop. And it's like, so long as your body don't stop, there's a chance that you'll pull through
Starting point is 00:23:31 because some weird magic inside of your bones is going to heal you. And that's medicine. Make it sound so glamorous. This is unrelated but related. So the body healing reminded me, there was a thing i think we talked about a long time ago maybe on our tuesday podcast that we did where uh there were roads over in like europe or something where they were testing something in like the blacktop whatever they were using that could like the roads could repair themselves you remember that you were talking about that oh yeah
Starting point is 00:23:59 wait what was that i don't remember just the the body healing itself made me think of that like technology coming to the point where like they don't have To repave roads the roads just repair themselves Yeah, I think I think I've seen something like self-repairing materials is something that a lot of people are looking into and and I think It would be fascinating if it was possible. There's some glasses that can do things like that or some paints I think also, I don't know if they could do it with roads though. Netherlands testing self-healing roads. That was from four years ago self-healing roads Hmm. this is probably like a gray goo scenario i feel like this is leading down a bad road or maybe it's fine yeah the technology seems to be based on
Starting point is 00:24:35 the material being laid over coils where there's current run through them and it's some sort of like magnetic thing where the material is just constantly held or moved into the right position using like electric currents and magnets it's not like little robots or anything we're all right okay all right for now anyway yeah no we're good wasn't there like um also a thing i don't know if this is science fiction this is something that was real where there was like um paint that had like electric current that could flow through it or something where potentially you could like paint a computer i feel like this is stuff we talked about before where you could like just paint on the wall and you could in theory just make a computer that way i mean that doesn't
Starting point is 00:25:16 seem that futuristic to me it's horrifically inefficient because the reason microchips and pcbs and stuff are all tiny is because you need approximately a fuck jillion connections to make a computer that's worth doing anything in modern terms. But like paint that conducts electricity doesn't sound crazy to me at all. There's all kinds of paint. There's paint that conducts chalk, chalkboard paint. Yeah. I mean, you can make circuits. I don't know about like painting a transistor into a wall. I mean, need resistive material it's a whole thing right yeah this was on a weird little side tangent there i know we're on medicine but just like so many things about technology and where it was versus where it is and like how we have like all these like similar big dreams about what the future
Starting point is 00:25:58 could hold but like i just wonder how many people have ideas that come to fruition exactly versus like sort of it's what you expected, but still in a very different way. Like communication, I feel like is one that went in a very different way than people probably ever expected. Yeah. I mean, the whole concept of telephones like shock people, radios by themselves shock people. Yeah. I don't even know what the next evolution of that is going to be. Imagine going back to like whenever movies first came out and showing them like i don't know avengers end game or something like it would be my they would think
Starting point is 00:26:30 it was actually filmed of that stuff happening right like how would you do that the editing visual effects kind of stuff like yeah let's go look in thanos and just be super confused watching like tony stark jump off a building just press his chest and his like nano iron man suit just comes up like that kind of stuff is also mind-blowing just like I guess it comes back down to like you said like porn or entertainment like that industry drives a whole lot of things because we all want to kick back and relax and I guess beat it off I mean at the end of the day yeah sure I mean the era of like when and if people are like able to actually have the kinds of like options for customizing themselves in the future like if medicine gets to a point
Starting point is 00:27:12 where it allows people to genetically alter themselves i'm not even talking about designer babies i'm talking about like you want purple skin you can get purple skin just grab the purple skin syringe stab it in your leg and in a few days you will have purple skin for the rest of your life like those kinds of things like that will be an era if if it happens maybe this is one of these crazy visions of the futures like you know if you want one arm to be twice as long as the other one grab the really long thin syringe and jab it just in your left arm like those kinds of modifications that you could make for yourself like that would be chaos i think that's one of those things where to use i guess a comparison you know 50 years ago well
Starting point is 00:27:53 maybe even 175 somewhere in the right range of time when people were imagining flying cars in the future yeah it was like the jetsons right it's like a little saucer thing and you pile in and you got a glass dome and it's very like idealized and there are technically flying cars today but they're really awkward looking things that are sort of more like planes that fold up and can go on a road yeah i feel like that's sort of the the reality of technology i think body modification in the way that you're talking about genetic modification or whatever that may be however that works is probably a thing that will happen but everyone now imagines it like you're making your character in um you know like cyberpunk or whatever like you're just like bigger nose yeah and a huge dick all right but in the
Starting point is 00:28:46 future it's gonna be like you know we can make you up to an inch and a half taller probably you can grow fingernails that are of a different texture and like you know it's like it's never it's never that good you don't get the jetson's car you get the wobbly fiberglass plane car that's neither a good plane nor a good car and like maybe way in the future it'll be whatever and you can do whatever you want with the human body if we're not dead or if that doesn't kill us as a species but like you know it just never works out that nicely yeah you're right it's never elegant video game logic has gotten me all twisted in my head the same with healing it's all wrong but what
Starting point is 00:29:25 if it wasn't what if it wasn't i guess minority reports vision of it i could kind of see what was that one after tom cruise gets in trouble he's like i need new eyes because your eyes are how they identify you right right and he goes to like a body mod guy who's like yeah i can give you new eyes but like it's really fucked up and it's and it's a surgery and he's like in a bathtub of ice water like barely alive and in the end he has new eyes yeah there's some other person's eyes and it's a horrific thing to go through i mean yeah sure if i wanted one arm longer i guess i could take a guy with a long arm and put it on my arm yeah i guess you'll swap arms hey what are you doing with your arm man you're gonna go a little long and shorty i've always wanted this this is my dream man my vision of myself will it
Starting point is 00:30:09 be like whenever you have to replace car parts like you know you have to like replace your hood or your car because you got into an accident or something and like the skin tone doesn't quite perfectly match so you have to go and then you have to like all right i got a new arm now i gotta go and like get a new skin paint job i mean honestly that'll probably be more realistic than the whole like genetic modification thing like the ability it's very cyberpunk you have robotic like prosthetics already and you have like an arm interface port and you could technically put different arms like even your face if you had like a completely artificial face you could detach your face and pop on a new one technically speaking but you know even that is like
Starting point is 00:30:44 fantastical technology and it's like why would you i mean i could see a million reasons why would you but is the brain gonna be the last part of the body that they can replicate or fix i don't know i don't know man it'll probably start dicking balls and spread out from there i guess the hardest things right now what are probably like the brain and like nerves right like uh your spinal cord and stuff like that the optic nerve like nerves are the issue right everything else they can kind of do but getting it to where your brain can send and receive signals from it like that's the challenge right well i think i'm not an expert
Starting point is 00:31:14 but i feel like it's more like replacing things because but the reason that your brain and nerves are such an issue is they can regenerate i believe but they don't regenerate like as quickly and they don't regenerate like if you get nerve damage in the limb it takes a long time to rebuild that and through physical therapy and stuff you can but like you can't replace a heart either if your liver goes they don't have artificial livers i think the big problem is anything the human body doesn't heal itself is troubles well how does a pacemaker work that's just a thing that sends electrical signals to your heart to make sure that it beats it doesn't replace anything other than a nervous function but that is a that's an unconscious nervous signal that can just be
Starting point is 00:31:57 deficient for various reasons yeah it doesn't actually like replace any nerves or interact with your nervous system it does its own thing. Just make sure your heart keeps going. Again, I'm not a medical expert, but that just seems to me like the issue. Because the idea of 3D printing an organ is something that people are working on right now. The idea of more effective organ transplants with the ability to use the recipient's stem cells or bone marrow. I don't know. The problem is if your body can't heal it itself they kind of don't have much for you in a lot of situations and the nervous system is one very important for living because it controls everything but two i believe it's slow to
Starting point is 00:32:35 regenerate so it's an issue and like spinal injuries i have seen news stories that i may or may not be true about people who were paralyzed from a certain, you know, the waist down or whatever, and started regaining movement in their legs, but they're not standing on their own. They're not like walking on their own. It's a long, slow, agonizing thing. So I don't know if, and when we gain the ability to do that, to just replace with synthetic or replace with, you know, manufactured biological material of some sort, that will be some kind of crazy ass breakthrough. Yeah. I remember reading something a long time ago. I don't know how real it was, but there were picture evidence that showed the progress. And this just kind of echoes the idea of like who tested out the first like poison berry things like someone had to do it right.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Someone had to look at a poison, a berry bush and be like, I wonder if it'll kill me and then tried it. So this one guy, he had the tip of his finger or his thumb or something like that cut off in an accident. And it was to the point where, you know, if you get the tip of your finger cut off, it's not going to grow back. Right. Well, this guy, I don't know where he found the information. I don't know if he just guessed it, but somehow he got his hands on some pig bladder. it but somehow he got his hands on some pig bladder and what he did was he opened up the wound on his thumb like he shaved it down or whatever the nub was shaved it down so it was exposed and then rubbed pig bladder on it for like a few months and the craziest thing is his finger grew back what there were pictures that showcased this let me see if i can find this like i looked
Starting point is 00:34:05 at it every way that i could and be like there's no way this guy just rubbed pig bladder on his finger nub and it grew back there's no way big finger grow back i'm looking it up man's finger grows back thanks to pig bladder powder report video this is posted on the huffington post and it was in south florida jockey paul happern was feeding a horse when the animal managed to bite off one of his fingers one of the guys that worked with me reached his hand in the horse's mouth took the fingertip out and i jumped in the car grabbed the rest of my finger wondering what we should do it was too late to reattach so rodriguez used pig bladder tissue to create a mold of halpern's missing finger and attached it to the stump he then instructed halpern to apply a powder made
Starting point is 00:34:56 from the same pig bladder tissue for two months and it worked suck on that did it grow back scar tissue uh i don't recall but the picture's looking any type of weird but from what i remember is it looked like just his finger like legitimately there's another article about this i don't know what year it came out where a couple doctors disagree that it was actually like that they're like oh it probably healed but this is junk science saying the pig bladder did it so i guess it's not like a fully accepted but it is fascinating and if there is some truth to it i mean that's so strange yeah i don't want anyone going around thinking like oh yeah pig bladder it'll miraculously grow your shit back like clearly there were some controlled scenarios in this and maybe it's not 100 who knows honestly but it just it's just kind of one of those things
Starting point is 00:35:50 where it's like oh what the biology's weird like biology is just fucking weird at the end of the day like life itself my spouse and i were having marital problems but i put some pig bladder on her and now our love is regrown it's gonna become the new essential oils just like ah you want you want hog bladder this is swine bladder no no no that's that that's good for fingers this is good for toes i got this love potion that is exactly the kind of shit that happens on the internet though yeah that i think we talked about this those people that gained their sustenance from the life force of the universe. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Sounds right. There's like a, I don't know if it's a religion. It's like a belief system. But there are people that claim they don't eat food. They maybe drink water, maybe not. But they sustain themselves through mindful meditation and withdrawing the nutrition their body needs from the life force of the or from the sun or like there may be some scientific merit to some of these things but that's the kind of shit where the wrong people see that on the internet and
Starting point is 00:36:58 they're like pig bladder fixes everything and then they start pig bladder warehouse.com where they sell salves and powders and tonics they're like well you got stomach cancer drink a bottle of this pig bladder tonic every day your cancer will be poop lickety split would do better in college take this pig bladder tonic when you lose your foot in a race car accident? I got a pig bladder foot mold. Just take this on there and wear it for three months. Your foot will grow. Right? You don't know. You don't know the science of pig bladder. It could work. It could be amazing. You know, I've got a trench coat. I'm going to jump in the middle of alleyways in front of people and just open up my coat with pig bladders dangling off of it. They're going to be shopping. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:37:43 be buying everything in stock. That image is so gross. Drippy, bloody bladders dangling off of it they're gonna be shopping i'm gonna be buying everything in stock that image is so gross just drippy bloody bladders in your coat which one you want oh my god it's a thing if you search for buy pink bladder powder oh no it's a thing for 221 dollars you can oh wait no that's not what that is. Hang on. One of these is pig bladder. Wait, oh, no, these are to treat pig bladders. No, okay, there's pig's blood powder. Is that good?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Probably. Okay, I'm glad this is not as much of a thing as I had thought. Yeah, search history is going to be so terrible. Please, if I die, someone clear it. It's fine. Yeah, but that is exactly how these things started. It's not so much the people that are going like, oh, it might work.
Starting point is 00:38:27 It's the people that are going like, I can make money off of this. And then they start creating all of this like propaganda material that's like, the merits of pig bladder. All they got to do is get one celebrity behind it and then suddenly pig bladders will be everywhere and everyone will be drinking pig bladders.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And also why specifically pig bladders? Like that's what I don't get. I't know couldn't tell you yeah what were we talking about uh judge bring us back what were we talking about well we got off on like the medical possibilities of present versus future and past versus present of how barbaric medical science looked and probably looks now compared to where it will be. And then we kind of, you know, went off on our little tangents about specific examples. So I don't know anything else in the medical side of things or, you know, what else?
Starting point is 00:39:13 I guess, what do you guys think about what the future could realistically hold versus what people's expectations of the future are? Like, what's something you think that sounds crazy, but you think it's crazy enough that it could legitimately be here within the next hundred years? Within the next hundred years? the next hundred years yes okay specifically all right otherwise exactly we could literally just say anything right i think this is not a sexy prediction but i think just based on me looking at history and thinking about this prompt you've given us
Starting point is 00:39:41 probably the most rife area for unimaginable technological advances is manufacturing i think we're at a place right now where industrial 3d printing technology is actually really cool and it's really starting to to become something i feel like people would not have predicted you know 50 years ago the idea that you can make a 3d model on a computer and in i don't know hours have a metal fully solid metal version of an idea you just came up with is like really mind-blowing really crazy for people who are iterating and prototyping things and the development process of manufacturing because you can you know you can make instead of prototyping okay we'll have the next version in
Starting point is 00:40:25 like a week or whatever because we got to cast some parts and there's a whole and now it's like okay we can have the next version tomorrow oh yeah let's assemble it in the morning and start testing and see i feel like there are huge leaps that are going to happen in different parts of manufacturing and production of like materials yeah where 3d printing is going to play a part probably some technology that's either not fully realized or not really known right printing is going to play a part. Probably some technology that's either not fully realized or not really known right now is going to come that's going to allow for even finer manipulation of materials on like smaller scales or, you know, sort of almost like changing one thing into another or I don't know. It's hard to imagine, but like that is going to be a huge
Starting point is 00:41:02 breakthrough because the more efficient prototyping development and then manufacturing becomes the more complex stuff is going to be available for consumers but also for you know companies producing their own stuff yeah the more wider the range of possibilities is it's like how cars now i don't know if you guys have noticed this modern cars all kind of look cool they have a lot of creases they have a lot of cool lines and things if you look at cars in the 90s they're kind of bubbly and that comes from the fact that metal working processes and what is possible on a cheap budget is slowly becoming more and more complex it used to be a huge deal if you had a hood with like lots of, you know, creases down the sides and a big angle to it. Now it's like, okay, whatever, whatever shape you want, Hyundai
Starting point is 00:41:50 can make whatever cool looking shape they want. It doesn't cost them that much more to make really fancy looking sports cars, just the same as the, you know, the expensive car companies always have done. And so in that same way, I think a lot of technology, more availability of stuff like that advanced material technology is going to really change what's available and what is developed by companies who are making, you know, consumer products or whatever. Yeah, definitely. I mean, the whole concept of iterations in terms of just like making products, like a lot of people might wonder why products suck the first time or why recalls happen is because they only really got one shot to make it because of yearly cycles. Like it takes a year to plan out just what that's
Starting point is 00:42:29 going to be like even a phone people could be like oh we don't need a new phone every year but imagine what's going to happen when they can iterate on a design within a week like they could just be like pump out a thousand of those let's see how they go or like with a car or you at home being like i want to download a car i'm gonna order each individual part and i'll just assemble it myself like in the future if manufacturing is in a way that that's possible like you could build your own car or you could literally download and print a car it's like the douchiest tech thing i've ever heard myself say but i would be really interested in the idea of like boutique small batch cell phones. I really like
Starting point is 00:43:05 smartphone design and like technology and the idea of a company whose whole thing is like, all right, this month we're focusing on a phone that's good at like, you know, photography. And next month we're trying a phone that's like some crazy form factor that folds or something. And they just like, they're able to iterate and develop stuff so fast that they can put out maybe it's not monthly but you know a couple times a year a little interesting cell phones for like people like me who want a phone that never works yeah i mean god that at one point was crazy the whole phone thing i remember my grandparents had a rotary phone in their basement that we used for forever and like i never even thought about them replacing it because it just it always worked just fine and i remember um whenever wireless phones were like the big thing
Starting point is 00:43:50 and like i remember my mom upgrading our wired phone to like wireless phones it was like oh such a huge deal and now it's like every year it's like do we upgrade our phones do we wait we probably wait let's do it this year we do it getting that expedited even more at this point would not surprise me people have to replace stuff so frequently now because of just how fast technology is already going and how cheaply i think things are made a lot more cheaply than they used to be too like they're not built the last they're built to be replaced oh yeah definitely what about you mark what technology thing do you see within the next 100 years being somewhat realistic oh um let's see i mean what if okay this is this is like getting to a crazy part but within 100 years is it too unrealistic to say that we
Starting point is 00:44:35 might make an artificial person you know what i mean like because we're working on in terms of like ai like a lot of people say ai but what ai is in terms of like the technology that people say ai is is not really ai but at some point in the future and they predict like in the next 50 years computing and like that avenue to technology will get to a point where it will be indistinguishable from talking to a person it'll pass the turing test and like talking to a computer what's even the difference it can learn and program itself and um with the advent of say sex robots or whatever just like artificial prosthetics and building like a frame you look at the boston dynamics videos that people are putting out and they the way that they move compared to 10 years ago is completely different on another level they
Starting point is 00:45:19 almost seem uncanny in their movements because they're so fluid and like almost lifelike so in the next hundred years i don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that the first artificial person will be made and then the ethical questions of like what does that mean like is it able to choose its own destiny is it smarter than people like maybe not i i'm hesitant to think that like it'll be automatically better physically but mentally that probably is an absolute and not questionable and what'll happen at that point will it be something where the computer version of this artificial creation will be stopped before it ever gets a physical body or will progress just happen anyway because that's kind of how these things go and someone's like yeah i can make that so why not and then they do it and then they have to step back and be like
Starting point is 00:46:09 ah shit what did i just do so i think that'll probably throw a lot of people for a loop just the idea of that we can make not only an ai that you can talk to but an ai that can physically exist in the world and then kind of move around you know like ex machina the movie what happens when you make that and like what happens to the people that try to abuse that creation in the same way as Ex Machina kind of visited it? That's going to be a reality, I think. Even if it's outlawed, there will be people who make it anyway, different countries or different something or other.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah. Yeah, I don't think that's that crazy. No. So Mandy actually kind of works on in this field. She's a scientist and I don't understand it the way she does, but she talks me about, you know, these concepts a lot. And we're not at a point right now where I feel like we're in danger of in the next decade, there's going to be what you're talking about, like a, like an artificial sort of person
Starting point is 00:47:02 personality. Her favorite example is ai has come a long way and it's capable of a lot of stuff but it's still at the point where if you're if you're using like an ai photo analyzer sort of thing where it's trying to recognize what's in a picture you can show it a picture of dozens of different cows right colors and different patterns and brown cows and whatever and as long as it is sort of a normal picture of a cow it will know okay that's a cow because it's able to analyze the picture but if you showed a picture of a cow on a beach it will have no idea what the hell is in that
Starting point is 00:47:37 picture because the ai is not at a place where it's able to make like what is for humans like a totally simple logical you know leap from the idea of like oh well that's a cow it doesn't belong on a beach but like that's what a cow looks like and that's what a beach looks like there are limits right and there's i don't know at all what the technological advancements have to be but there has to be some sort of leap in the way AI works and interacts with the world from it literally using sensors and cameras to analyze pixel by pixel an image or whatever data it's getting to look at the world the way humans do. And like, that's complicated.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Human brains make a lot of leaps and comparisons and like the way that we reason out three-dimensional objects computers really aren't capable of ai is not capable of even though an ai camera has way more info than a human might have just from looking at something it has sensors and range detectors and lasers and all kinds of things but like if it's just looking at the image the same way human is there's something that's missing but like in you know in the hundred years, that leap could totally be bridged. Yeah, absolutely. There's a chart that shows like the error rate in terms of computers being able to guess things that humans are able to guess.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And like just in the past five years alone, they've crossed the threshold in certain tasks of being able to beat humans at things that they have been trained to do in terms of like visual identification it's obviously very like nuanced and focused but at the same time that was in five years it crossed that threshold and it's only going to get better from there and so like the generalization of all this processing power is kind of like fascinating and and i feel like that's one of those things that's going to happen sooner than you think because did you see that picture it was it floats around reddit a lot these days but it's just like it showcases the wright brothers flying their first plane and then it shows a man on the moon and it said these two images are 66 years apart and it's just like it's
Starting point is 00:49:37 mind-blowing 66 years is a lifetime but in the span of human history it's nothing and especially in the span of like the last hundred years it's incredible to even think about and of human history it's nothing and especially in the span of like the last hundred years it's incredible to even think about and it's just it's mind-boggling to think of what is going to happen because if you think of i don't know what year that was but it's getting pretty close to 66 years again uh and today with all the internet and like the different like social technologies that we have as opposed to like brute forcing our way to the moon it's just like it's nuts the whole world is different but in a completely different way that you would never imagine you know maybe back then when someone was on the moon they would have thought oh we're all gonna go on the moon
Starting point is 00:50:11 there's gonna be a moon colony there's not budget and whatnot and practicality or maybe the technology wasn't even there to do that yet just get there but at the same time it's like huh the next 50 years 2050 is gonna be unrecognizable world well we just watched like basically a robot land on mars right like yeah not that long ago we got to watch a robot land on mars within that 66 year thing which is a lot further than the moon from what i know infinitely harder i don't think mars is further than the moon yeah i don't even know how to like comprehend that though like those amount of distances are so hard to even comprehend yeah well i think that's the thing too i already made this point but like humans glorify the future in a lot of ways and like the idea of humanoid robots and
Starting point is 00:50:54 humanoid ai everything should be in our image right like humans are the pinnacle of existence so obviously the best robot would be a robot that's kind of like a human a bald one i think oh they're not gonna have any hair don't worry robot that's kind of like a human. A bald one. I think, oh, they're not going to have any hair. Don't worry about that. Oh, yeah. Just like Wade. Yeah. But I think the reality of the future, at least maybe in our lifetimes of like robots and AI and how that's going to develop, it's going to be like the rover, right?
Starting point is 00:51:19 That is a robot. It's an autonomous or partially autonomous robot. It's kind of like a big car kind of like a big suv with like a helicopter on it it's not like they landed a little human guy and he landed on mars and unfolded and started walking around and using a shovel to scoop up mars dirt to do science you know robots are going to be designed to fulfill their task yeah and they're going to have qualities of you know analytical qualities and abilities and and they can do things that humans will be able to do i think but it won't look like us it's not gonna
Starting point is 00:51:51 be like i robot where you have like a humanoid butler robot and they you know they can just do anything they're just another sentient thing that exists i feel like that's there's no point why would a robot need humanoid appearances other than for our own vanity or for us you know unless there's a purpose where you want a robot who's like a nurse porn or for sex yeah uh yeah it all comes back to the sex robots yeah well for humans what is their real priority there when it comes down to making technology it's all for sex it's always comes back to sex and in that a lot of ethical questions do come up with the whole ai thing there's gonna be a revolution my god it's gonna happen yeah the machines will rise
Starting point is 00:52:31 up yeah maybe we'll be dead by then won't be our problem their problem not ours good luck humanity uh-huh they're not robots when that happens they're the machines just so everyone knows yeah because robots are cool but machines are bad oh yeah absolutely i learned that from sarah connor well unless you guys a terminator reference go ahead wade sorry no you're good unless you guys have uh anything else any final thoughts on this i guess we can start winding it down uh i think this was interesting like this you know this wasn't the silliest episode we've ever done but i think examining where we were where we are and where we might end up is just an interesting topic in general and uh hopefully all you guys listening enjoyed it as well uh this was a close one i felt like you guys both brought
Starting point is 00:53:09 really good interesting topics so i'm not gonna lie i literally just did a coin flip to figure out who won don't take my points zero me out hurt me so mark i give you uh hmm 300 000 points okay that sounds good bob you actually earned 302,000 points, which puts you in the lead, but you just asked me to take your points. I'm going to make it 150,000. No, less. 100,000.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Less. 600,000. Lower. A million points. Yeah, I knew you were bad at math. Mark, you get an extra 3 million, because I can. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Making you the winner, Mark. Thank you! I always believed in us i didn't but we are where we are future's unpredictable it is no one knows except those people that do this has been the future welcome welcome to the future everybody say goodbye to the past get your ai sex robot and your super manufacturing processes and food i want i hope food i hope that's the technology i want to see in the future just like the easiest access to the best foods 3d print myself whatever i want to eat each and every day oh god you know we did not talk about like foods in terms of the future like that is a
Starting point is 00:54:14 whole different avenue being able to like grow any food at any time in your house like just be able to pull you have a bag of sugar you have a bag of protein and a bag of fat and you just have it stitched together whatever you want. Yeah, that's really the dream. I think if we don't get to that level of technology, we're in big trouble when it comes to food. But that's a depressing topic. I want to yell at a box and die with lasagna and chicken and dumplings
Starting point is 00:54:38 and just to materialize it like Star Trek. That's my dream. You have to yell, though. And then your AI sex robot butler can deliver it to you in bed. Ah, the future. I'm gonna go yell at my microwave just to see if maybe it works. Maybe they put that technology in and we didn't know it. No one's tried it. It's like the pig bladder thing.
Starting point is 00:54:56 You just have to try it. That would be amazing. If you actually get your microwave just to start making you whatever you want without putting anything in it, that would be really, really amazing. Do you think that's like how wizards back in the day tried to figure out spells they would just shout random words at random objects and like hope for the best 100 yeah they would just grab random stuff like what if i grab this uh this powdered sugar i fling it in the air and i'm like ablarium poo poo poo yeah the the first guy to connect fire and gunpowder and shout a word
Starting point is 00:55:21 probably was really confused what Alakapoomf! They're like, what if I light the end of the stick on fire? I throw this in the air and I push it together, it like explodes. They're like, oh, I'm a wizard. I mean, you would think that. You would absolutely think that. Yeah, you would. Even in Lord of the Rings, uh, Saruman, he actually had gunpowder and
Starting point is 00:55:38 everyone else was probably like, it's fucking magic. It's fucking explodey dust. We'll have to save magic and food for another time. But thank you guys for joining. Mark, you can find on YouTube. Markiplier. Find Bob. Facebook.com slash MySkirm.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I'm Wade. You can find me at twitch.tv slash Minion777 or LordMinion777 everywhere else. Thank you guys for tuning in. Listen to Distractible. Make sure you're subscribed so you always know where there's a new episode. Follow Wood Elf Media for the latest updates. And I guess we'll see you guys next week for uh whatever mark decides to bring us yeah it'll be good see you dudes thank you podcast out

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