Distractible - Old Is Awesome

Episode Date: March 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sasquatch here. You know, I get a lot of attention wherever I go. Hey Sasquatch, over here! So when I need a judgment-free zone, I go to Planet Fitness. Get started for one dollar down and then only fifteen dollars a month. Offer ends April 12th. Forty-nine dollar annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractable. This episode, bad-tempered Bob projects pitilessness, claims friendship fatigue, and drools over driving.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Woozy Wade loses his shit, fears dickface, bullwalks for baldness, and enjoys a good sucking action. Meditative Mark has a stiffy, avoids a ruckus, beneficently bubble wraps, gets midnight munchies, and knows his termination terminology. From scary screeching to the web slinger. Yeeees. It's time for All Is Awesome. Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show. Hello and welcome back to another episode of Distractable, I'm the host because I'm
Starting point is 00:01:03 the most powerful man here. A direct insult to you, Wade. Whatever the opposite of congratulations is to you. I felt like I caught a stray there. You're fine, you're fine. It's not your fault. You caught a stray? I was directly beaten and assaulted.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah, I'm the host because I won the last episode because that's how this show works. I will host and my two friends, Mark and Wade, will compete. I was not an invitation to talk this time. I know it usually is. And whoever wins today hosts the next one. Now you talk. Oh yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:01:35 He's right. Woo! See, I'm so powerful. I'm just exerting my power constantly. I can't not do it. Hopefully you're here because this is your favorite podcast. I'm sure that's the case. And I'm sure this episode will do nothing but further your sir,
Starting point is 00:01:50 your friar, your firmly held belief that this is the best podcast you've ever heard. But yeah, I do have a topic for today. It's an oldie but a goodie. But before we get into that, a small talk. Every six minutes. Yeah. Yeah. That was your Small Talk last time. Yeah, I called. It's gonna take them two weeks to help us. Do you know why there's a problem? Do you know what I did wrong?
Starting point is 00:02:13 You hired a crappy company. It's the company. I don't know if there is another one. When I called, I was like, why do they sound like I did something? They're like, oh, you. It's like, yeah, you guys helped me like a month or two ago I had a oh I see yeah Well, the noise is back. Yeah, it's back
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, it seemed like it was likely to happen sir We had a batch of defective fans sent in. Why did you call? Why you sound so disappointed to hear from me? You did this! They're like, oh yeah, we can come help you. Let's see, how often's the noise? About every six minutes. All right, that's pretty frequent. We'll see you in 13 days or 11 days or whatever it was. Please, no, I can't do this again.
Starting point is 00:02:56 That's right, sorry, sir. And we're coming in the morning. Please, no! Click, errr. There's a concept in the charity fundraising world called donor fatigue. Please, no! Click errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr should get sympathy for, but I'm so emotionally burnt out on you begging for sympathy for everything that happens that you think is a wrong and a slight against. I have none left to give. I'm an empty cup, sir.
Starting point is 00:03:34 You dealt with two broken toilets. I've had five. I've had three ceilings, two floors, another ceiling three times, a garage door, and right on mitigation system twice in two months. This is over, that's over the course of years. You're fatigued! Try being me!
Starting point is 00:03:50 You don't think I've had a bunch of shit break over the course of the last seven years of my life in the places I've lived? If you think I snapped from a losing streak, wait till you see what happens whenever you guys think, oh, I've dealt with hearing Wade deal with his problems enough, try being me! You have me. You better hope Mark wins this episode because the depths I will take us have no bounds. I didn't even say anything. I didn't even say anything. I will send someone
Starting point is 00:04:18 to break your houses for the episode. I know the subreddit is very broadly on your side. Even they have a limit and And I feel like you're gonna find it if you don't. And I'm not saying this is not an appropriate thing and all the water damage also appropriate to seek sympathy for you. I feel like you still mention that even though it was literally years ago and hasn't happened in the new house that you live in now. But that's fair. But you also seek sympathy if you don't get a point, if you don't win an episode, if you feel like you should have gotten a point but it went to someone else because it was funny or as a bit. You seek sympathy for things that are excessive. And that is wearing me down
Starting point is 00:04:57 to the point where I find it hard to have real, fair, legitimate sympathy for you for things that deserve real, legitimate sympathy. This is how the band breaks up. My bad luck, and I'll be blamed for it. Subreddit defend me. Alright. Mark, how are you? I'm great. Busy getting shit done, but shit is getting done, you know.
Starting point is 00:05:17 There's some obstacles, but you know, I got my stiff upper lip. I got the stiffest upper lip. My upper lip is entirely erect at the moment with how rock hard it is Beaming beaming and beaming is that good beaming. I think I'm pretty sure I'm fairly sure but in In other news news, you know, I found a new thing to drool over some kind of hard drive or lens No, no, it's a computer good this never gets old mark please tell us about your newest passion i didn't talk about computers before you have a passion and you like making movies you like doing that you like going down i'm sick of it why start hating
Starting point is 00:05:54 your things you do look just because i'm yin and you're yang or whatever which one's the bad one that's what you are how dare you get enjoying out of things, you son of a bitch. Makes me sick. Mark, you get a point for whichever one's the bad one, Mark, congratulations. This is because I got joy in my soul and you're embittered. Anyway, so the thing that I've discovered, I didn't know this existed. Once this project's done, I wanna get into actually working
Starting point is 00:06:21 in 3D software and stuff like that. I think I talked about that. And I was looking up, because my computer is very powerful, right? It's got a beefy thread ripper, it's got two GPUs, 24090s actually. So it's like more than capable of doing pretty much anything that a normal, quote unquote, computer would be able to do.
Starting point is 00:06:36 But I was like, I wonder if there's anything more powerful, because I know that if you go to like online services nowadays, you can get like rent GPU power online, and that'll help you with renders, and you can get up to 8 in a system. I was like 8 in a system. Man, can you do that? Yes, you can! You can buy a computer with, well not 8, but 6 4090s in it. What does that allow you to do? I don't know! How much power does it take to power that machine? Like a 3000 watt power supply or something? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It's actually a server size. So it's not the biggest workstation you can get with multiple GPUs is four GPUs in it because just sheerly the amount of power that they take. But if you get a server, usually they have two power supplies in them. I actually have a NAS in my server rack that has two power supplies for redundancy,
Starting point is 00:07:24 not because it draws that much power This one has no redundancy. It just draws a lot of power and you can have six 4090s in it. Now again, I want people to know I'm not buying this. I'm not I'm just saying it because it's cool We're gonna see a map of all the world lit up where people live in populated areas You're gonna see LA and then Mark's house will just be this extra bright white light from the power. Look, I'm sorry that you think four kilowatts is an exorbitant. It is a lot of power. Don't get me wrong. Sorry, I thought it was exorbitant. It's just a lot. My bad. I had my
Starting point is 00:07:55 A microwave is like 1200 watts. So that's 1.2 kilowatts to put it into perspective. How many 49 is could you put in there? Before microwaves. Don't put a 4090 in a microwave microwaves don't put a 49 in a microwave Terrible, but I mean I like talking about these things because sometimes it's fun to drool over stuff I'm not gonna buy it I don't need it, but it's cool that it exists and everyone now is using it for like AI and stuff But in reality that sort of stuff is pretty much before it like a quote AI came around. It was all for rendering That's what it was. You can't play a game on more than two GPUs actually you can't even do it anymore because SLI is bung yeah there's no point one GPU is more than enough
Starting point is 00:08:32 than any game nowadays can do especially if it's a 4090 but for rendering for rendering complex computer generated graphics you need a lot of horsepower and in consumer level stuff, one 4090 versus like a whatever the workstation equivalent is like is still a quarter of the price. Like it's still expensive, a 4090 still costs like 50 and 1600 dollars but an equivalent workstation level one for professional use quote unquote it's like $6,000. It's insane to pay for one card so the idea that you can put more
Starting point is 00:09:12 4090s which is the quote affordable one, you know for that kind of level of creation into one computer is like, oh, that's cool It's like looking at I'm not a car guy But if you were looking at say you were a Lamborghini guy or something like that you were looking at your drew and as like Whoa, can you imagine I still to this day look at things? I want to find things out like walk and you imagine oh that'd be so cool to have that. Is more GPUs the best way to get more horsepower? It's pretty much the only way. Wrong! I need you to slap yourself in the forehead as I do this. Ow! Could have had a V8. You didn't change my mind but you almost did, Wade. You got one point for pity and one point in a form of an apology because I thought I was on Mark's
Starting point is 00:09:45 side but I'm ready to hear about more uh what did you have going on more radon fan problems Wade? What you don't want to hear about cool computer? You're a car guy you don't drool about anything? I drool about stuff mostly uh expensive components for the car I already own and they're not that expensive but like yeah no I a little. You're not that expensive. But like, yeah, no, a little. Even when I was like a kid, I was looking at when I overclocked my graphics card because I was desperate for more and I blew it up. I was like, you know, I looked at technology magazines all the time, looking at the latest computers that you can get.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And this is like something that I don't need. And many times back in the day, I didn't need the more powerful ones. It's just like, you know, it's something to look for it's like oh that's so cool This is cool! Six GPUs in one computer all water-cooled all with custom water blocks So it can even fit in the damn thing because a fucking 4090 is like three and a half slots sick They got it down to one slot custom piping. It looks good. It's Mwah! It's great! And if it's in a server rack, I can do a virtual computer from my server to my desk. Ah, ah, ah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's not that I'm not with you on being excited about things that I want but don't need, so I never really, really get. It's just that I am an asshole and I was, I was too harsh on Wade. Thank you. And so I have to balance it out a little bit by saying it's hard to be hype for you all the time Mark you're always so excited about stuff Mark and it's exhausting okay oh yeah well I'm gonna buy you that computer I'll rub it in your face how good it is you buy it for me or buy you that computer rub it in your face how good it is wait I'll show you you trying to snarf on it? You trying to, what about?
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah, Mark, let me tell you what, if you send me that Lamborghini you were talking about, maybe I'll be on your side. Actually don't, I don't want a Lamborghini. In no world would I want that. I have heard, I'm not a car guy, but I've heard like they're all like for show. Yeah, well, so this is the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:11:40 I'm not saying I'm the right kind of car guy, in no way is that the thing, but I just, I'm not the kind of car person where I want like an exotic car that looks completely insane and is so loud that it's really unpleasant to be around. I'm the kind of car person where I want a car that looks relatively normal, but is awesome inside. Faster than it looks, is cooler than it looks, is,
Starting point is 00:12:02 it's generally, this would be called like a sleeper, right? I'm into sleepers. I like a car that's classy and not annoying to live with, but also cool and exciting to drive in its own. But like it's fine if you like, you know, Pagani, Lambos, whatever are exciting. They're just obnoxious and I just don't want that. I don't care about speed. I don't need zero to 60 in one second. Like I don't care about that shit. But I like the exotic look and I like the luxury interior. I like to be comfortable and I like it to look sexy on the outside. But those things don't go together. Exotic cars are not comfortable. That's the- They could be! No, it's the nature of them being a weird shape. They're low to the ground but they're wide and the doors are somehow big but the opening is small like it's just an uncomfortable thing in concept. I don't need a v12 9 000 horsepower
Starting point is 00:12:54 whatever. I'm pretty sure at this point you could probably 3d print your own body of a car in whatever shape you want if you want just the aesthetics. People, not a whole body, but there are hobbyists who are 3D printing things like wheel covers, like rim design and trim pieces and things to put on cars. It's, you can print like canards and spoilers and all kinds of fun stuff. Do they have the same crash safety rating as normal car if you print it at your house?
Starting point is 00:13:23 The body panels don't affect the crash safety rating. The body panels are outside of the chassis or the monocoque or whatever. It's the monocoque? Is that the term? So old school cars are body on chassis, right? There's a chassis made of like metal tubing that's all welded together and then there's a body, which is the part on the outside. Modern cars are what's called monocoque where the chassis and the body aren't separate but the
Starting point is 00:13:47 Body usually bolts directly onto the chassis and so there's no like there's no frame inside The part you're looking at is the frame But the aesthetic of it is just a wrapper on the outside of the structural frame of the which is called a monocoque Chassis, I believe point for me for monocoque. I don't snoo, snoo, snoo, wee, hoo, me, me, me to your passions. Yeah, point mark. But yeah, I don't know why I'm just in a bad mood. So get ready for a fun ride.
Starting point is 00:14:16 All right, well, if there's no more small talk, we can move right on to the, to the topic of the day. I hate you both, you suck. Go. Well, I mean, you kind of shit on our small talk. Didn't make us feel very good. Real friends would have brought better small talk. You're just getting old and bitter. I told you I'm in a bad mood. I, you know, I actually do know why I'm in a bad mood, but I can't fix it. I'm in a bad mood. What do you want? Do you want to talk about it? No, that won't fix it either. I'm in a bad mood because I
Starting point is 00:14:42 don't feel good physiologically, which there's nothing to do about grab a Snickers not yourself when you're bitch That's a point we're getting older Again You guys remember that joke, how it never, never goes away. Look, we played this before, but there was a request on the subreddit and honestly there's a lot of cards left in the stack.
Starting point is 00:15:12 There's three stacks of cards this thick. And I think we got through maybe like a dozen last time. So I just want to play this game more. And also I didn't have any other decent ideas for an episode and I didn't expect to win. I've got to be honest. In an episode about power, I expected Wade to win. I've got to be honest. In an episode about power, I expected Wade to win. I just didn't think I had it in me. Turns out I'm even cooler
Starting point is 00:15:30 than I thought. We've all won recently. Like no one's on a bad streak. Yeah, no one's had more than a handful of losses in a row really that we care about. Mark's hosted this month. It's not like you had like eight weeks straight or something, Bob, of two episodes. Mark's streak was like two weeks. It wasn't even that many. All right, you're right. I should be more grateful. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's right, he's right, he's right. He's right everyone, he's right, he's right.
Starting point is 00:15:54 That's a pity point for Mark, thanks, Wyd. If you don't remember this game, it's called We're Getting Old. There's cards that they have a thing on them where if you do the thing that says old, you're old and you get a point. But there's a redemption thing you if you do the thing that says old you're old and you get a point but there's a redemption thing where if you do that means you're young and you don't get the point this will be separate points so i did small talk points and those are good but this is uh first one
Starting point is 00:16:15 to get to 10 points loses technically i think is it bad to get old you know what yeah we're changing the rules it's good to get old You get a point for being old. But we still have to redeem ourselves, right? You want point, you can't lie. If you do the redemption thing, you'd lose the point. We're reversing the rules. That's the thing. Anyway, I just want to read these cards.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I gotta be honest. I just think it's funny. You're old. If you've said 8 p.m. is too late to start a movie, and if you have said that, what time do you think is a reasonable time to start a movie? Oh no this actually just happened with Amy and I. We were coming we were going out to dinner and
Starting point is 00:16:51 it was like seven and I was like working all day and then we were looking at each other like man I want to see Dune and yeah let's look up tickets because there's a movie theater that's like a dining movie theater right next to it and we looked up tickets and it was like, you know, there was one at 730 and I went like, ooh, 730. Nah, that's too late. In your defense, this particular case, it's like a three hour movie. Yeah, it is a three hour movie. No joke with previews. You, I would have been there till probably midnight. Like it would have been a long day. Molly and I went to see it at like two in the afternoon and we got out. It was like, man, I feel like we just had lunch,
Starting point is 00:17:25 but now we're late for dinner. I am gonna say that still counts. Well, have you done this, Wade? This doesn't seem like a thing you would do. You stay up till three, four in the morning pretty regularly. Yeah, I was gonna say, I was here recording Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I was at my computer until 3.45 in the morning. Well, then you're not old, which is bad arbitrarily we've decided. Well, we'll see about this redemption. But Mark, you have to survive the redemption. You don't get the old point if you know what an e-boy or e-girl is. I mean, I do.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah, I mean, I feel like I know that you know that. All right, no points. We're not old. You're old if you golf. It's golf. I don't golf, no points. We're not old. You're old if you golf. It's golf. I don't golf. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't say I play golf. I go to top golf.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I love top golf. I do like top golf. I was trying to golf with Bob at my bachelor party, and I could barely knock the ball off the side. I couldn't even aim to hit it. Bob was hitting like the back wall. Not with any consistency. It's very hard.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Golf is very difficult, but I might start golfing. I'm also the golf course closest to our house that I drive by. It's one of those words to ride along a road. I would be absolutely terrified to do to golf there because I had trouble keeping disc golf discs out of the road when I was in high school and college. A golf ball going into traffic seems dangerous.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Plus the way that Mark and I were treated to start this episode seems exactly like the way golfers treat their caddies. I think you're ready. That's true. I'll take that. All right, you're old if you've spent over an hour researching the right grass seed for your yard.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Well, none of us have done that. If we're filthy rich, we have people to seed for us. I'm not part of that, because I'm actively trying to reduce the amount of grass because it's really hard to maintain. Especially Chica and Henry, they like- It's a waste of water. Yeah, and they wrestle in it and it tears it up immediately.
Starting point is 00:19:15 So there's almost no point in having grass. You might as well have gravel or some kind of sand or just a mulch area. No, I've never researched, I have researched What the hell do I do my grass is all dead, but I didn't figure anything out So I just said did grass for a while. This one's good. I think I got you both on this one You're old if you've said I need to go home and let the dogs out shit. All right
Starting point is 00:19:41 This is a responsible dog owner thing! Young people hate dogs! Yeah, if there's one thing we know about Gen Z and Gen Alpha specifically, dog haters. They would never stop having fun to go take care of the animals they're responsible for. Molly and I said this when we were out with you guys last weekend. We were like, it's probably fine that we're going home because we gotta go let the dogs out anyway. Alright, well this one I'm not sure. You don't get that point if you can name one of Kim and Kanye's kids. I think I actually know possibly one of their names. I do, I do know.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I think it's like, hold on, Nor-Noreaster. It's a direction, it's like a direction but they changed it slightly, right? Ah, Mark is that the one that you know? Yeah, it's the one I well that isn't but that's the one I know. Yeah. No, nor- northeast? Northeast? It's just no because their last name was West. So the kid's name is North West. No points for I guess we're not as old as I thought. I don't know. You're old if you've said, oh, that would look lovely in the garden.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I don't think that's us. I mean, I did just talk about mulch would look lovely, you know, for, and it looks nice. So I think I said it anecdotally. You implied, you didn't say the exact words, but you implied it, I guess, yeah. I am not joking. I said this to Molly last night because somebody sent us,
Starting point is 00:20:59 somebody sent us some like beautifully painted, like ceramic things. And she was like, I'm thinking about getting these sealed and putting them in the garden. I was like, oh, I think those would look lovely out there. They are on our counter right now. Oh man. I feel like I was set up for that one.
Starting point is 00:21:15 That literally happened last night. That's a potential point for both of you. And I can tell you, Wade, you definitely keep this one. Mark, I have to look. I think you both get to keep this one. You are not old if you have a center part or a bowl cut. Yours is not a center part, right, Mark? I can't do a center part because of my deep widow's peak, so I literally can't really
Starting point is 00:21:36 center part. This is about as close as I could possibly get to a center part. Are you intending to have a center part? Does that count or is that? I mean it's center-ish but I'll leave that up to... I don't style my hair really when I just wake up and it kind of goes this way so I can't. Does the mustache count? Everyone has a frenulum or whatever this is called, a nubulum or what is it what is this called? Mustache. It's not Mons Pubis, I know that's not that. Mons Pubis. I'm bald, man. I can't have a center part. Wait, you get the point. You get the point, clearly. Does Mark lose the point or keep the point?
Starting point is 00:22:12 His is parted. Does that count as a center part? Well, everyone has a part, but I feel like Mark's is not aesthetically a center part because it's a specific look that the center part is. If I tried to part it over the widow's peak, I don't know if it would work. Like, yeah, there's no real way to, that's about as close as I can get it
Starting point is 00:22:32 to like parting in the center. I mean, you can be as petty as you want, Wade. If you think that counts, then you can count that, but I feel like it's a tough call. I think I have to say it's centered. Does that make him older or young? I've kind of lost track. That means you don't get the point.
Starting point is 00:22:47 But Wade, that's one successful old point for you. Yeah, yay for being bald. It's finally paying off. Do you guys remember when I was clean shaven? Someone pointed out that like this spot that we were just talking about, mine looks like a dick. It looks like a dick?
Starting point is 00:23:01 Whose dick? I don't know, but someone pointed out there like, yeah, it looks like a penis. Then everyone started like talking about it. And then I'm afraid to go clean shaving again because now I feel like I'm gonna have dick face I don't remember that no. I just googled what is above lips called and it's called the philtrum You're old if you've tied something down patted it and proudly said that's not going anywhere I've done that with packing like lenses I've done that with packing like lenses
Starting point is 00:23:29 I don't think I've done that No, this is funny because when I was shipping out lenses to get rehoused which if people didn't know that's what I'm doing with them I'll put them in like bubble wrap with a little Silica gel packet put that in a ziplock suck the air out fold it tape it put it in another bubble wrap another one another one Take all that together put it in a bigger bubble wrap set it in the box And once I had all of them in there I like line it with tons of bubble wrap and I go like seal it BAM. It's not going anywhere I don't think I've done that. Yeah mark Let's see if you can I think you might keep this done that. Yeah. Mark, let's see if you can.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I think you might keep this point too, because I'm pretty sure this is going to make you cringe. You're not old if you use the word fam on a regular basis. I don't think I say that. Yeah. All right. Well, Mark, it's a point. Yay. I was incorrect. I didn't give you enough credit, Mark. Oh, this one's tough because I think this feels like it's targeting Mark, but we'll see. You're old if you own a tea kettle.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I have a tea kettle. Now what if my wife owns a tea kettle? It's possession. Do you have a prenuptial agreement? No, she and I both used it yesterday though. Yeah, you own a tea kettle. Yeah, you own a tea kettle. It's a very good thing to have
Starting point is 00:24:40 for just getting hot water really quickly. No, yeah, I actually, we don't have one, surprisingly. We get plain hot water from our Keurig. That's what we do. I mean, that works too, but a tea kettle is just, I don't know, there's something about pouring it, which I would never do because I'm young. Well, I think you're screwed.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Apparently young people do a lot of stuff with hair, Wade. I'm really sorry. You're not old if you own a colored scrunchie, which Mark might. Okay, Molly does. And if the kettle counts. No, no, no, you have to, if you didn and if the kettle cow no no no you have to if you didn't use the kettle I wasn't gonna count that also you want points with I can't say that I have a colored scrunchie because when I was
Starting point is 00:25:16 tying my hair up it was always just this black rubber like hair tie well you both get the point which I don't even remember if that's good or bad but it's good it's right isn't good it's good you get older. It means we're still here. I have a weird breaking news kind of thing that is gonna be un-topical by the time this episode comes out and doesn't pertain to anybody. I go to this website for like camera stuff and if, just so you know, ADHD, I sometimes Google things in the breaks in between things. And I just saw that Nikon bought RED, the digital camera manufacturer.
Starting point is 00:25:46 RED must be worth a lot, I would imagine. There's no price, but it's gotta be big. And it's kinda crazy, like, I don't have a Nikon camera, but I was actually looking at some of them, and I was like, ooh, those would look kinda good if I was into more photography, but I went Fujifilm instead. But they bought, and this is actually a really significant deal, because RED is now a very powerful player in, like,
Starting point is 00:26:04 terms of professional Filmmaking and stuff like that. They make some of the highest end cameras I just bought one had a whole drama with one recently and they were very nice about it and they just bought and anytime like a Big company just acquires another one, especially in this capacity. It's like that's strange It is a little minolta is gonna sweep it in by a both not says makes printers actually, you know I don't know if I mentioned it, but I discovered the reason Sony is so prevalent in the world of digital photography is because they bought all of Minolta's
Starting point is 00:26:30 photography business back in the early 2000s, and then they transformed their entire digital camera lineup and took all of their innovations that Minolta was making, and their initial lens lineup for their digital cameras was actually all Minolta lenses. So that's why Sony is where they are today. It's not important anyway. They also had one of the catchiest ads of all time.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Sports are shot on a Sony. Shouldn't you watch them on one? Grandpa got us off topic. Take us back. Oh, that's a distraction point for Mark. That's what that is. Which is actually, it's even funnier because Red sued Nikon back in 2022.
Starting point is 00:27:02 For trying to buy them? Nah, something about raw formats in terms of video files. It's interesting. All right, you're old. If you complain about lights being left on. Does it count if they're like film lights? I would say more like you come into a room and you're like, ah, somebody left the lights on in here
Starting point is 00:27:19 and not like, oh, my expensive light was left on. Yeah, house lights, not really, but studio lights, yeah. Does it count as like, let's say Molly took the dogs out and I came up and I was like, hey, you left the front porch lights on. Yes. Then no, I would never do that. All right. Well, Wade, it's okay because you might be redeemed on this one, which you don't want,
Starting point is 00:27:40 by the way. You're not old, you don't get this point. If you find this game offensive. I bought the hair parts, kind of, like really targets bald people. Does that count as finding it offensive? I don't know. Do you find it offensive? I feel like you can be young and bald.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I don't know why you have to be able to part your hair if you don't have any. All right, you don't get the point. Fair point, fair point, no point. You're old. If you've ever said, oh, no thank you. I can't have caffeine this late in the day or I'll never get to sleep tonight.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I've never said those specific words, but I've said things similar. Have you ever turned down caffeinated drink because you were like, oh, it's too late for caffeine? Yeah, I have. And food, if I eat too late, I get acid reflux. So yeah, I turned down both. I have caffeine on over the hell I please.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I'm a young man. You don't get this point if you own a gaming chair. Wait, does this still count? Yes, it's a gaming chair. It's a Logitech G Herman Miller crossover. Oh, Mark, Mark, what are we doing here? I've been using this for months. That's not even a comfortable chair.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I know, this is just a habit of mine. I can't do the gaming chairs. Someone get him an old rocker. All right, Mark, you get the sad caffeine point and then almost another extra point just for sad ass pain. Hey, it's not that bad. It's got cushions. It looks tremendously uncomfortable. It beats the Fisher Price one he was using before. Oh, I have to pause for all the listeners. I held up my kitchen dining chair. That's what I'm sitting on right now for everyone at home.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You're old if you've ever bragged to your friends about a new vacuum that you just bought. Does bragging to family count? Yeah, I would count that, yeah. Yeah, I've done that because I got the Dyson cord the Dyson cordless and I'm like look at the single We had a whole discussion about the egg one of the cordless one might be the same one the Dyson cordless Then we actually got another like bigger vacuum and we were like, oh my god The suction is just so good comparatively you can tell all the other one was good All right Well, we're old but you're not old if you've ever referred to someone who is attractive as a snack
Starting point is 00:29:41 Is that new cuz I feel like we did that when we were younger, did we? There's a lot of lingo that is coming back around that for some reason people think it's new. I can't remember what the other example of it was. I don't know if I've done that or not. I honestly don't know. If I did, it was like junior high school. I would say that doesn't count. I would say that doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Both of you get the point for that one. We're very old today. You're old. If you've ever arrived at your destination and said, wow made good time all the time I've okay this is for a different reason I wish I could say that I never make good time I don't speed like I'm not the greatest driver in the world but I just don't like the idea of speeding I'll go like maybe five over the speed limit if it's like a long stretch I'll go nine at most my limit is like nine That is almost speeding five is not speeding five is like if it's an 80 mile highway
Starting point is 00:30:29 I don't speed but if it's like 70 sometimes I'll push it a little more, but I'm not a floor at a hundred There's no cops around. Let's go. Go. Go. I would never do that Even if I knew there were no cops around but you've never gone somewhere like and you were like Oh, it's gonna take forever during this traffic and you got there. It's like actually make good time That doesn't happen here. But I wish I could say it. The thing is, I wish I could say it. It's not like, yeah, give me the point.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I would trade a point for being able to say that. I just, it doesn't happen. I'm sorry that you live where you live, Mark. But if you don't actually say it, I guess that I'm gonna choose not to count that. But it's okay because I feel like Wade's gonna lose this one. You don't get the point if you'd rather watch the same series
Starting point is 00:31:06 for literally the 15th time than start a new series. I don't know if I really go back and watch series all that often. Like I've watched Supernatural maybe three or four times, but I always get to like season seven and stop. I started re-watching Burn Notice, but otherwise no, I pretty much usually always start new series.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I'm old, that means I'm old. You're old. For starting a new series. I'm old. That means I'm old. You're old for starting a new series New people watch same young people watch same old people watch new I got lost somewhere I must admit what are we talking about? Apparently the new thing is you don't watch new series you watch the same one on repeat that makes you young that seemed like such An old person thing to do. I've done that with whose line I haven't done it recently, but I used to do that all the time with whose line.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I know I'd loop through it. Oh, whose line. I have watched whose line a bunch. You know what? The point is settled. Everyone calm down. I'm keeping my point, but I feel like that seems like some older people.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Like I remember my grandpa just watching like the same Westerns on repeat. You're old. Well, I don't think any of us do this, but we'll see. You're old if you send DMs to your friends with Instagram accounts that show cool cleaning tips. What? Cool cleaning?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Do people do that? I don't send Instagram accounts, but I send TikToks. I do get TikToks from the clean talk side of TikTok where it's like, oh, do this. This is a cool cleaning hack to clean out the whatever thing. That's always a hassle I don't get it a lot, but I have had somewhere I watch it and I was like, oh, you know what? That is a good cleaning tip and i'll send it to mandy or somebody on tiktok I'm not sent but i've received from family stuff like that sometimes like all right. Well, i'm old and you both suck Uh, you're old if you could name a brand of blender
Starting point is 00:32:43 Ninja literally I have a ninja i think blender or a competitor that looks exactly the same as it we have one upstairs too i think same but also kitchen aid and also every kitchen brand in existence probably makes a blender to be fair if you're young you probably don't know brands you just have something that your parents gave you or like i guess oh vitamix That's the cool one. Great. We're naming multiple. Does that mean we get multiple points? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Anyway, we all named one so that you lose the point if at one point, uh oh, if at one point you wanted to be an influencer for a living. Does that count for us? I don't feel like I wanted to do this. I just feel like- Well, do you want to do it now? I don't know. Does doing a podcast count as being an influencer?
Starting point is 00:33:26 I like doing this. Well, we've been referred to as a lot of things over the years. We were content creators, we were influencers, we were the talent. The talent? When were you the talent? Come on now. Hey, when I was a guest star
Starting point is 00:33:38 for your little Markiplier in space show, I was referred to as the talent. Okay, all right then. then all right you got me there I think we count as all wanting to be influencers we still do it you are old if you said don't use those these are the good plates I don't have good plates we just have one do people have different sets of play we just have plates we have two different place but like they're in one stack and you just use whichever ones on top like you're old if you know what YouTube to mp3 is that feels targeted I know that yeah yeah I feel like we have a lot of reasons other than being old that we
Starting point is 00:34:13 know what that is but like still I still have it's not that but I still have a YouTube downloader like how you're defending being old I just don't think that that's an old thing that just doesn't feel as much like an old thing I feel like that's just if you need stuff off YouTube. Yeah, because people still do YouTube to this day. If it was like a VHS copier, I would say, okay, that qualifies as like that's old or a DVD burner. Like that, I feel like that's starting to get a threshold.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Dude, I remember when I got my first computer that had a DVD burning drive that could burn DVDs. Ah, shit, that was the best. Buying blank CDs to make like your own music CDs, yeah. Did you ever have to burn like a school project onto a non-rewritable disc and you're just sitting there like, ah, fuck, I don't wanna waste a CD on school. I like had to bring in a project.
Starting point is 00:34:59 It was like a thing where it's like, I couldn't print it at home, I had to bring it to school and I had to put it on a CD cause that's the kind of medium we had, but it a CD-R not a CD-RW and I was like I have to go to Circuit City and buy more CD-Rs after this. God damn it. Everything you just said makes this old. Yeah it feels pretty old man. Well when did Circuit City close down? A while ago. We don't get the point if you can define successfully the word sleigh Definition is something along the lines of doing something really well and goodly and
Starting point is 00:35:33 Man or stylishly and competently. Yeah If you're like if you're just absolutely killing it like your field or whatever you're doing like it's like sleigh girl Does it still take the point away if I define it in a really old and boring way? Slay girl. Does it still take the point away if I define it in a really old and boring way? Slay means to take a sword in your medieval combat and defeat your opponent. I feel like that definitely reconfirms your oldness.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Wait, did you know that definition? The modern contemporary definition of the word slay? Where it's like this, when you say things like slay girl, like kill it, you're killing it, that kind of thing, yeah. Yeah, okay. No, no points for anybody. Alright, I don't want to do any Redemptions. I just want to speed around some old points, okay? I'm just gonna read, I'm gonna read it and you say yes or no and you either get the point or you don't, we move on.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You're old if you can relate to this saying. The good news is that when you're a grown-up, you can eat ice cream for dinner. The bad news is that you feel like shit after doing it. I can relate to that quote? Yes. It feels like a quote from like an old TV show, but I like I understand it point to wait You're old if you've lived through three different charger types for the iPhone. There's only been Two oh, no the old iPod connector. That's what the first one's were. Oh the 32 pin. Oh shit Yeah, when did they go to lightning? I don't even remember. Lightning came out I think with iPhone 4. Okay well we're all old. Anyway you're old if you've said more than two beers
Starting point is 00:36:52 and I'm out. Again I can't have stuff late at night or else I feel like shit so yes but not because like of the alcohol content. I feel like that doesn't count I feel like that's that's just glomming on to other points. I mean, Mark more than two beers and he might be out. Yeah, I can't. How does this even apply to me? I can't. I know. All right. That's a bad one. That's a bad one. Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean? No, his genetics have failed him.
Starting point is 00:37:15 He's old. Just like my hair follicles failed me. I don't think that genetics failing me is old. That's a very new thing. Are you trying to say that Mark should get a point? Oh yeah, wait, yeah, wait, yeah. Oh yeah. Okay, Wade, you've made a strong argument, I guess. No point for you, point for Mark.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Well, I'm just saying it's not fair he gets to be young for his genetics. I have to be old for mine. I just want fairness, but I didn't want fairness to count against me. I have that quote from Wade. It's like, all I've wanted is consistency, damn it. I believe that was a quote so he's right. All right Wade I got bad news for you or good news I guess. You're old if you've had to have someone younger than you help you with your
Starting point is 00:37:53 phone or computer. I don't think Mark and I fall into this category but I do think you do. JP and anyone else in your friend group who is substantially younger than we are count. Okay, it's not really fair because I'm the oldest of the group. So if I have anyone help me, they're younger than me. Okay, Wade gets the point. You're old if you've said, oh, I've been on a red hot chili peppers kick lately. We're going to the concert this year. We bought tickets to the concert this year. This deck is specifically designed to be against me.
Starting point is 00:38:25 How in the hell? Why specifically them? Oh no, man, this is the weights deck. A year old, if you're not sure if that hair on your head is blonde or gray. Well, maybe you are sure, maybe you know. Yeah, yeah, are you sure? You're not confused, you know.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I've got darker hair, so I'm pretty sure sure it's gray but does having gray hair make me younger apparently if you're certain of it being confident is a very young trait you're not just old you're very old you're too old for this one Mark do you you don't really have that problem that's not I have some grays but I know it's easy to tell because my hair is black yeah I don't have blonde if that was part of the question is blonde ain't in the consideration But I guess young people are blonde. I guess that's the thing to take away All right, you're old if you own an air fryer or an instant pot Both of those are great
Starting point is 00:39:22 Both of those things are great to have. Air fryers are new and hip. Okay, I did not say that. I did not say that. But yeah, I have both, but I gotta defend it because an Instant Pot is great for just like cooking up things fast. People are afraid of pressure cookers
Starting point is 00:39:38 and they shouldn't be because they're really easy to use. And then air fryers are fantastic. I discovered how good they were just like a year ago. Dude, air fryers are really awesome. You know what's crazy? I got my air fryer that I that we have currently from Mandy's mom but like literally several years before that she knows I like cooking and I'm into like food and stuff. She got me an air fryer and I was like an air air fryer? What the hell is this? And I like exchanged the gift. Like she got it and she was like, oh, this is cool. And it was so new and cool that I didn't understand what it was. And then a couple years later, I was like, man, I wish I would have kept
Starting point is 00:40:16 that air fryer, you know, like that. Wow. That Mandy's mom is an excellent gift giver. And she was so ahead of the times that she beat me to knowing that I would want that before I even knew that I did. But yeah, I guess everybody's old. You're old if you've paid for a ringtone. And if you did, what song was it? I don't think I did this because I didn't really care about ringtones back in the day. So I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I don't think so because I remember the I remember some of the default ones You never did like ring back that's not paying for a ringtone But that's where you I might have bought one one time in like high school Alright, that's too wishy washy. You're old if your alarm is currently set for 7 a.m. Or earlier I don't think Wade does that did I set it for 11 20 mark. Do you set an alarm? I know you wake up early, but do you... My alarm goes off at 6 a.m. every day, but I'll usually wake up before it. At this point now I wake up pretty automatically. All right, I feel like that's pretty old. My alarm is set for like 8.50, I think.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Man, I don't even use the alarm function anymore. There's like, the iPhone has that wake up. Oh yeah, the sleep wake thing. And I've just been using that ever since and it just like automatically, it's a 6 a.m. like every single like this is, this is my alarms. Yeah, so it's a six and then other random ones I like the 3 p.m. We can relate on that one I don't know why there's a weird one in here that doesn't make any sense I wonder if you guys can see it it says 405 a.m. Be ready to receive the doctor
Starting point is 00:41:44 I don't know what that means. What? 4.05am? Is that what time it was? 4.05am, be ready to receive the doctor. I don't understand. The doctor is coming. I feel like what this was was I asked Siri to make an alarm and it misheard me. Or something like that. Or I said like for April 5th or 405 make an appointment for the dark I don't know what happened but 405 this feels like the kind of thing an investigator finds when investigating a murder is like what does this mean what was he into what dastardly deeds was this man receiving it for you you're old if you've complained about portions being
Starting point is 00:42:22 too big at a restaurant. Too big? Too big? Yeah, like something came and you were like, oh, so much food. I'll never be able to eat all of this. No. No? I order extra things.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Take it home. I don't know, old people do that apparently. This will be the last one. It's your old... Who do you think of when you think of Spider-Man? What actor? Tobey Maguire. No, I was... Ah, damn it. I really wasn't. when you think of Spider-Man? What actor? Toby McQuire. No, I was... Damn it. I really wasn't. I was thinking of Tom Holland.
Starting point is 00:42:49 You think of Tom Holland? I did, yeah. He's a great Spider-Man, but I like all three, but the first one that comes to mind is still Toby. All right, Wade, you're old. And I was really trying to give you a way back in, Mark, but it was a tough one for you. I guess you were the youngest of us all somehow. Yeah, I think this was the outcome in the last one too, right? Or is Wade the oldest?
Starting point is 00:43:06 I'm the youngest, right? I'm the oldest by two months. I'm April, March, June. Everything worked out the way it's supposed to, but let me run down the points. I feel like this is just an excuse for us to talk about things from our past, and I'm okay with that. But Wade, you earned points for pity, apology, a bitch,
Starting point is 00:43:24 lovely in the garden, raw, Vacuum Spelled Wrong, that's my bad, Good Times, Ice Cream, Lightning, Tech Idiot, Red Hot Peepers, Instant Pot, and Toby! Which brings you to 14 points, which is fairly respectable. Mark, you earned points for whichever is the bad one. Ask his pity, that's not going anywhere. Distraction, caffeine, vacuum also spelled wrong. iPhone old, booze, air fryer and alarms early. I didn't write down any funny ones for you, Mark. You must not have had any funny.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Wait, was it be ready to receive the doctorate? She could have written that one. I feel like all of it was surrounded by funnier things than what you wrote. No, that's true. I chose to write before all the funniest stuff really came out on yours, I guess, but that's okay. It doesn't matter because it wouldn't have earned you more points and if you can count, you would know. Just because Wade suffers from premature funjaculation doesn't mean that I, who has a robust fun gestation cycle, doesn't count. I really tried to get you back in the fight Mark but you ended with 12 points and that is not as many as 14 points for Wade. 14 is more than 12 which means Wade is the winner and also Wade is super fucking old. Anyway congratulations Mark.
Starting point is 00:44:43 By the way I got two points, which I guess theoretically makes me the youngest one here, both in actual fact and points wise, but that means, Wade you win, Mark you lose, and as a reward for losing you get to go first, Mark. So in a way, you win anyway. Y-y-yay? Yeah, you yippee! Good for you, buddy. Good for you. Yeah, so, I'm not confused at all. This makes perfect sense. Everyone is on the same page. Um, and I'm definitely making the winner's speech.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Loser's speech. The win- the winning speech by the loser. This- this speech is brought to you by... win. Whenever you feel like you lose, just think of win, and you actually win in- in the game of life. And I've won, and I'll remember that. Any time I lose, think of win and you actually win in in the game of life and I've won and I'll remember that at any Time I lose I'll win so when I win I don't lose but when I lose I still win because thanks to win and That's what I am. Old claims for Mark. I like it. Uh, Wade I think he's trying to steal your win with a speech. What do you have to respond to that? Uh, he didn't because I got two extra points from being bald and bald makes me older
Starting point is 00:45:46 But you know being old has like this negative connotation I'm more of like a classic an antique and I think that you were all Privileged be around in the time to witness my grandeur before I am dissolved into dust in the wind So enjoy me while you got me well, I think it was pretty clear what the rules were who won who lost and why and so we can look forward to Wade hosting the next episode and even though I insulted you very intensely at the beginning of this one I feel like we really got through it and our
Starting point is 00:46:19 friendship is strong as it ever was you check check out merch at strikeholdstore.com. We're back, baby! Check out Wade, actually no, the new thing. Don't look us up. Don't find us. We aren't anywhere. This is the only place. There's no YouTube videos or streams or anything.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Don't go. Watch more Distractable. That's all you have to do. Watch Go Start Back at the Beginning and listen every episode again. Anyway, thanks for listening. Congratulations to Wade. I hope you host a good one. Mark, congratulations on how young you are.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Thank you. Podcast out.

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