Distractible - Power

Episode Date: March 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sasquatch here. You know, I get a lot of attention wherever I go. Hey Sasquatch, over here! So when I need a judgment-free zone, I go to Planet Fitness. Get started for one dollar down and then only fifteen dollars a month. Offer ends April 12th. Forty-nine dollar annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractable. This episode, motivational Mark describes depreciation and lays down a dangerous discourse on potence. Nerdy-Werdy Wade mentions a titan of the sweet science, warns of tenacious tugging, and shatters Bob's ring.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Bog-Breaking Bob brings up the expired carnivorous chicken, wants to watch JP get thrashed and Lord Slursteak's peeing. From Geiger ghosts to belt batteries. Yes, it's time for power. Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show. I couldn't find my notebook, so I'm doing it in one of my watercolor books. So, uh, this is going to be a very, well, not very expensive, but you know. For a comparatively expensive. Not gonna lie, I thought it was a whiteboard at first. Like, man, you're really taking it up a notch.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Man, if I had a whiteboard, that'd be smart, but it'd be an impermanent record, and that would go against the bylaws. It is, but it doesn't say it all has to be all in one journal, so I think you're fine. Yeah, probably. Just don't lose those, Because if you lose those... Since when do we have bylaws? We have a constitution, which is effectively the same as bylaws. Yeah, what is a bylaw? Do we treat it like the US constitution? Just kind of throw it out at a whim?
Starting point is 00:01:35 I actually don't know for sure, but a bylaw effectively means it's in addition to, but in no way circumvents existing legally binding local state federal laws. Okay. All right. I'm going to give you a point for bylaw knowledge. Oh, we started? We haven't even done the intro of the episode, I'm earning points here, hell yeah! Uh, welcome everybody to Distractable. We are here adhering to the letter of the bylaws, which we now know what those are. Thank you for joining on this wonderful episode, it's going to be a great one,
Starting point is 00:02:04 and I'm going to be your great host and I'm sure that all of the injustice that has been Rampaging through the subreddit for my losing streak is now turned into triumphant rejoicing Oh, yeah, a lot of people definitely cared about your losing streak mark just as much or more if they care about wades They definitely didn't care when I appealed and threw my red flag They listened to that and they cared a lot I'm really feeling the love and feeling good to be back in The hot seat and so that that will bring me to today's topic But I will I will circumnavigate that for a little bit and get to you guys who are my lovely
Starting point is 00:02:41 Competitors on this amazing game show that we have. We have Bob. Hello. Yes, Bob comes in at six foot five, four and a half? Four and three quarters. Four and three quarters. Played football in high school, got two concussions as far as I know. At least. Was well known about playing the tuba, but God only knows the last time he touched the
Starting point is 00:03:04 instrument. You know what? There is a tuba in a closet. I don't remember the last time I touched it. It's been in its case very, very, I assume, safe. It might be crushed into little bits. God knows. God knows, Mark. And God only knows our other competitor, Wade, who did not play football in high school, but he did play basketball, and I believe that he did something else, but I just can't remember what it was something about fucking dreams and nightmares Yeah, yeah, he did a lot of fucking and he comes in at six foot four and one quarter You're giving me a little bit there. I appreciate it. I'm just shy of six four
Starting point is 00:03:37 We can round up for you and not round up for Bob. Wait, what? How are you guys? I'm making some lifestyle changes and you know what I forgot is I'm diabetic and when you make lifestyle changes often that involves eating less sugar, less carbs in general, whatever really has an impact on your blood sugar and I woke up at 3 30 in the morning last night a little bit low on the blood sugar numbers and had to go downstairs and panic eat some fruit because I was shivering and sweating and it was very unpleasant. So I feel really awful today and I need to not be so stupid because it's really my own fault. It means I'm doing it right. It means I'm eating healthy enough that my took too much insulin and my blood sugar was too low.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Do you remember what your blood sugar was at reading wise? I actually didn't even take a reading. I woke up shivering and in the cold sweat and immediately knew I was like, that's hypoglycemia, better eat some fruit. And I ended up just having a little fruit snack and sitting for a minute. And it was 3.30 in the morning and the baby was asleep and it was a miracle, so I didn't want to ruin it.
Starting point is 00:04:38 So I minimally took care of what I needed to and didn't actually check. But it's probably in the like, not even that low, just relatively low for me because diabetics, your number usually rides a little high somewhere in the like high 130s, low 140s if you're doing a good job. And it was mine probably dipped down one teens, maybe under 110. But that's still like high for a normal person. It just doesn't feel good when you do that to yourself. So you pay attention, buddy, but only if you're diabetic. Tell them if you're not diabetic, don't pay attention.
Starting point is 00:05:10 If you're not diabetic, you're fine, shut up. Wade, how is your mood doing knowing that you're a full inch shorter than Bob? Blood sugar, probably okay. Blood pressure, probably slightly elevated. Do you guys remember a certain noise? I may have talked about a nice every six minute. Brrrr.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You talking about the Michigan hum or whatever it was? It's my version. It's called the radon mitigation system and it's back. Was some kind of ghost ruining your radon system? What's going on here? I don't know, but it lasted a full like month and a half and all of a sudden every six minutes, well right now it's like every 10 to 12.
Starting point is 00:05:49 So it's not quite as severe. I thought you had people come fix that and also paid them a lot of money, I assume. And guess what phone call I'm making as soon as this episode ends. I would love for you to get a Geiger counter. Do you know what a Geiger counter is? Yes, I know what a Geiger counter is.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I'm not a fool. And some people may not know what a Geiger counter is? Yes I know what a Geiger counter is. I'm not a fool. And some people may not know what a Geiger counter is. And we're not going to explain it because apparently everyone knows what a Geiger counter is. So if you're listening at home and you don't know what that is, that's a problem for you, idiot! Hey, I've got friends that I had to teach what bipedal meant and they acted like I was some snob for knowing it. They're like, who uses the term bipedal? Who knows what that means? And I was like, I thought everyone. Yeah, why wouldn't?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Anyway, we're not gonna explain it either for all of you who don't know it. We don't wanna come off as a snob. So I'm gonna give you a point for snobbery, but have you noticed any side effects? Are you, your eyes are a little red. No, other than trying to fall asleep and be like, oh, peace and.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Err. I just, I have to say, I didn't know radon systems could even be so loud. Every house I've lifted in Ohio has had one, never heard it make a noise my entire life. Like once every five or 10 years, you're supposed to replace that fan. It's been a month. Not a great sign.
Starting point is 00:07:01 There must be something going on. You got like squirrels in your radon tubes? So I found out, I don't know if I told you guys, the fan is actually not even on the inside. So they've got like the system, the tubes and stuff inside that go like down into like the, I don't know if it's like just a hole in the basement or what it is, but basically all the radon supposed to collect down there, then the fan will turn, suck it out and shoot it through a tube and get it out of your house. So the fan is connected to a pipe that's outside, but for some reason, when that fan is going bad,
Starting point is 00:07:29 it shakes the whole house. And it's not even that big. It's like a container that's like yay big, that's the fan, that somehow rattles the whole house. I've got a solution for you. You go to Target, you get a box fan. Shove that bad boy up against that thing, duct tape it in place, run it at max speed problem solved
Starting point is 00:07:47 box fans are good for everything man making beef jerky getting rid of radon all kinds of stuff I actually used a box fan back before I didn't know how overclocking worked and I opened the side of my computer and shoved a box fan inside And then proceeded to promptly fry my graphics card into oblivion Now you're supposed to use water cooler use one of those fans that sprays water You what you want to do is fill the bathtub up and then you just dip it in there. That'll keep it cool Absolutely, so box fans very versatile ignore what I said about blowing up my graphics card. It'll save your life It wasn't the box fans fault If you had done it right the box fan would have been your exactly correct solution
Starting point is 00:08:27 to your problem. Get an ice tray, put strings in each individual ice cube slot, fill it with water, put it in the freezer, take them out, hang the ice cubes, put the box fan behind it so it's blowing the frozen air at your computer. Yeah, cut it all out of the process. Get one of those restaurant misters
Starting point is 00:08:43 or the ones they have in Las Vegas on the strip. Put that right up against your computer, blast it. Get one of those little like nighttime heaters when you sit outside to stay warm, but just put it in reverse. That way it's a colder. Install it upside down. I like Mark's idea though,
Starting point is 00:08:57 cause then you can get like the Rainforest Cafe soundtrack. And so when the mist turns on, you just hear in the ditches, it's like, boom, boom, whoosh. It's aesthetic then. That's pretty good. And so when the mist turns on you just hear in the ditches like It's aesthetic then that's that's pretty good Do I get one of the gorilla animatronics that gets scared every time the lightning happens? You have to have a like a bird of some like a parrot or something up in the corner that just Jerkily turns its head and goes I don't think any of this will fix my radon fan, but they're great ideas
Starting point is 00:09:22 What are you talking about? All of these will fix them individually. And this is one entire solution to your radon fan, but they're great ideas. What are you talking about? All of these will fix them individually. And this is one entire solution to your radon problem. You just need to go and rob a rainforest cafe, I guess. How's do you get those? I think that they're going out of business. So there probably is going to be a fire sale or was, I have no idea actually. They're going out of business?
Starting point is 00:09:40 But Eddie Burback and his friend went to every single one. How could they possibly not go and stay in business? I mean, maybe that did spike business because after that, we did go to Rainforest Cafe, and that was a fun excursion. Well, if that was sponsored, what if restaurants did that? Like, hey, we'll sponsor you, make a video where you go to every Fuddruckers in Ohio. Wait, we had a Rainforest Cafe in Cincinnati in the late 90s? If they paid for the food too, that would be... aw man.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I ate at the one that was in, um, Anaheim and it was good. I got no problems. You wanna know something very boring that I just remembered, that I remembered about? You, you were talking about tax season earlier, and I know this is not a big deal for everybody listening at home, but some of you are of age to start paying taxes, and if you have to question whether you are of age to start paying taxes Boy, you should really figure that out and soon because the government knows and yes It's a whole meme that the government knows exactly how much you should pay
Starting point is 00:10:34 but you need to file your own taxes and calculate how much you could you should pay because of lobbyist companies about tax filing services and make a profit of I just had a weird flashback to my college days and I don't remember many of the courses that I took because as a biomedical engineering major I took a lot of very different courses and some electives got like my brain rolls them together but one of them was a business class
Starting point is 00:10:55 and I just remembered about tax depreciation. Do you guys know how tax depreciation works? You mean like asset depreciation that you file on your taxes? I know what that is but I don't know the specifics very much. So I had this realization because I was talking to my accountant for tax season and they wanted a list of all of my equipment, right? Your backhoes, trucks, your l- that's why you're collecting lenses! It's all coming to fruition! I mean that too, yeah, all that is part of of it because you know a lot of them are business expenses
Starting point is 00:11:27 But I look I was talking to him and I was like man I thought it was just a business fence, you know You take that and you deduct the business fences like no no also if you've had equipment for a long period of time it depreciates Over over time and that that is a calculable tax deductible Depreciation of an asset specifically like a computer or a camera a year down the road it's not as valuable literally because reselling it, you know, the technology improves and stuff like that and and this is how rental car companies get away with a lot of tax deductions is they buy a new fleet of car, they depreciate, their entire fleet depreciates and then they deduct the taxes. It's not necessarily a loophole, but it can be exploited.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Just word wise for everyone out there who runs their own business, um, depreciation, that's a thing. God, this is the most boring thing. Delete all of this. Make- put MLG sound effects behind- No, leave it in. I'M the judge, leave it in, but put crazy MLG compilation music and crowd going, OHHHH, tax depreciation!
Starting point is 00:12:23 OOOOOO! God, man. Can we just take a moment to pause and say, I don't know if it's different now than it was. Why the hell did they not teach us in high school in America how the shit to do taxes? Because I did you guys learn that in high school? No, even with a program like I just I the first summer I worked at one point. My my dad or my mom or someone was like, hey, it's tax time. And I was like, yeah, you pay those, right?
Starting point is 00:12:46 The closest we got was like eighth grade learning to maybe it was probably like sixth grade learning to balance a checkbook was probably the closest thing. That is not how that's not associated with taxes in any meaningful way. I know. And I've never had to balance a checkbook either, but that was the closest I learned to it. If we would have been, if we could teach us about That a little bit more learn about taxes kids for the love of God
Starting point is 00:13:08 Especially if you're gonna do it be like a content creator or anything where you run your own business Because it's way worse if you don't get a W-2. Yeah, and also please don't take my random statements as oh I can deduct the value of everything again. No, that's not what I meant I'm gonna depreciate my spleen. How much is a spleen worth? My body depreciate- I mean, that's a good point, maybe. But no, it's not a good point, actually. Don't take any of that. We don't know what we're talking about, because we're not tax professionals. Oh, I didn't even know about this.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It's a joke. It's a joke is what that is, Mark. I gave myself minus one point for a boring deduction. Is that all the small talk we have for today? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr over a single time. Come on, come on. Kind of doing a thing. Maybe next time, maybe next time, buddy. Yeah, maybe, maybe after my boring ass episode is over with. Oh, I forgot you were even hosting. This was so boring. Oh, that was what I was going to bring up. This is also said, did you guys see Rooster Teeth going, going, going? Yeah, yeah, I did see that man. 21 years. That, that does seem kind of crazy for an internet media company to have been around that long. But I guess when I think about it, yeah, those Red vs. Blue episodes were coming out when we were in...
Starting point is 00:14:32 Like middle school, I think. Eighth grade, I think. I remember being at a sleepover at a guy's house in eighth grade because he lived right by the school. So we walked over there, we did a sleepover, we played, we had like Xbox land party and somebody was like, guys, I torrented red versus blue. Do you want to watch it? And that was the first time I had ever seen it. And that was like 2003, I want to say or something. That's why they're going out of business. Torrent. No, the piracy is just out of hand. Everybody's on lime wire. Well, actually there is a rise in torrenting again because, and we all knew it was happening,
Starting point is 00:15:06 but all the streaming services are just turning into what Cable once was, and no one can keep up 20 different subscriptions. People are just lazy. You only need about 15 streaming services to watch everything. How hard is it to just pay several hundred dollars a month so you would never miss a single show?
Starting point is 00:15:23 You have the whim, you just have to make sure you subscribe to that specific Streaming service. Yeah fucking idiot. I'm sorry. I don't I don't I don't I don't I'm sorry I'm I'm deducting another point for myself for cursing at the audience Man, I'm on a bad streak today. Wait. Wait. I got one more thing coming to Netflix Mike Tyson is back in the ring fighting Jake Paul. You guys see that? No, is that real? I mean, I'm assuming since it's on Netflix,
Starting point is 00:15:49 it's not going to be just a normal live fight, but who knows? But yes, Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul is a thing. I'm not a particular boxing or fighting sport fan or anything, and Mike Tyson is a very interesting character, but I've watched some of his fights and that dude has had, maybe still has just like a superhuman punch. And man does the idea of him landing one of those bad boys square in the face of Jake Paul sound like
Starting point is 00:16:17 a thing I might watch just to see if it happens. Even post-Prime Tyson when he was fighting, but it was like after his peak peak, he's scary. Like boxers, all boxers is like, wow they punch so hard, oh my god. But like Tyson's just like were hit different. I don't know a single thing about boxing. It's just the look of it. The way he punched looked ridiculous. And if he has even a fraction of that, it's not good for Jake Paul's face.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah, I think it's so his punches are of such power that it makes the camera shake from the distance. So it goes, oh, I'm in the cameras. Cool. I think because the camera guy goes like, oh, he has an Avengers landing, but it's what his fist hits every every landed punch. Every camera guy is always just like the whole the whole tripod shakes a little. But yes, according to a Netflix at Netflix UK, Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson's really happening in a live boxing event at AT&T Stadium on July 20th. Is it just on Netflix? I don't know if this says anything. Is it just on Netflix or is it like a pay-per-view through Netflix? Because that sort of thing usually you have to... It just says live on
Starting point is 00:17:19 Netflix AT&T Stadium Arlington, Texas. That's all I see on this post. I feel like Netflix doesn't do pay-per-views, so that's an interesting move. Most of those fights is like, oh, pay it for 20 bucks to watch it on thephote.com or whatever, like some website like that. Yeah, maybe they will have like, cause they probably want to find new ways to get more money, so why not having ticketed events inside of Netflix
Starting point is 00:17:45 as a platform might be an incentive. You pay to be on Netflix and then you pay to get into Netflix. That's how they get you. This kind of feels like, I don't know if you remember, we had a teacher, Mark, in our high school who wrestled a bear. What?
Starting point is 00:17:58 But like the bear, they had a muzzle on and they put something over its paws where it couldn't claw. That's kind of what this feels like, is like Mike Tyson at 57. Like maybe he can still fight, but he's not gonna be Mike Tyson at like 30, right? Like there's no way he can fight as well as he did it in his prime.
Starting point is 00:18:13 This feels like you're taking the grizzly bear versus person fight, but now the grizzly bear is 57 and- I wouldn't say as much, because there's a saying that's like, the last thing a man loses is his strength. that's kind of true and if you've seen Videos of Mike Dyson training even in the past few years. It's still terrifying. Oh, I wouldn't fight him I mean, I agree. He's probably a great fighter but like against a prime boxing fighter
Starting point is 00:18:37 I don't know if I'm saying Jake Hall gets to be kind of the prime boxing fighter. I feel like the I don't watch his fights He's in his prime. What if his prime is that good? I don't know but he's kind of a prime boxing fighter. I feel like the, I don't watch his fights. He's in his prime. If his prime is that good, I don't know, but he's in his prime. Isn't the general boxing world consensus after most of his fights, I don't watch the fights, but I hear when people talk about it after the fact, aren't most of the boxing people generally like,
Starting point is 00:18:57 he's not a boxer though. He's just out there like he's a kid and he's throwing, he's punching, but he's not boxing, you know? I feel weird even bringing it up because like I avoid the kind of the Paul's by the like the plague with All the things you hear but like I don't watch boxing either, so I don't know I have no idea what said I actually do fall a bit of boxing and I will say this it is Definitely true that he is not of the level of professional boxers that being said he takes boxing very seriously and has progressed He looks jacked.
Starting point is 00:19:25 He is in, conditioning wise, you can't question it. Like as a human and an athletic sense, like conditioning is obviously there because most people can condition and get there. But what the difference is, is like even with say, for example, he's been boxing for five years, five years of intense boxing training will get you fairly good. That's an entire round of a high schooler doing a sport. So that's the equivalent, right? Five years, four years. But imagine like a high school level athlete who did one year in junior high. They did it and they're like at the top of their game for a high schooler. And when a high schooler graduates they're of roughly
Starting point is 00:20:01 like the right size. Not that he's a high schooler, but that's the equivalent amount of time. Mike Tyson's been boxing for 35 years Maybe 40 probably almost 40 right it's been a while it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at something and then you can still get better at it or it can become so instinctual You know 10,000 hours is just like a rough rule I just feel like his like dodging and weaving wouldn't be quite as good that maybe he can take the hits But it doesn't need to dodge and weave when he can punch exactly where he wants to punch with the amount of power that he wants.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I've never watched a Mike Tyson fight. I've seen highlights, right? I've never like watched a full fight, which I know a lot of them were short because he could one punch wonder, but like it's very fair to say that he's older. So he's going to be slower and you can assume he's not gonna be as strong as he was at his absolute peak. But like I think Mark's point and this is a thing that's hard to comprehend and this is the thing I feel like I don't know about boxing. The actual like art of the sport of boxing is not really about how fast you are, how hard you can punch. Clearly you
Starting point is 00:21:00 need to be at peak physical form to be the best boxer in the world because the other boxers are also at peak physical form to be the best boxer in the world because the other boxers are also at peak physical form but it's a mentality thing and it's like a... I don't even know the word to describe it. It's like a wisdom thing, right? He doesn't need to be fast enough to dodge reactionarily. He needs to know what Jake Paul is going to do, which he will if he's a good boxer still, and he'll know what to do instinctively. Before Jake Paul is even doing anything, he'll be like, oh, he's gonna, you know, look at his feet, he's doing this, look at his hips, he's doing this, he knows where he needs to be, he knows where the openings are. That's the thing that Tyson has, no matter how old he is or how much slower he might be,
Starting point is 00:21:37 he still has all of his years of that, like, fight knowledge, right? What's your wingspan, Wade, roughly? Is it about the same as your height, you know, like six foot four ish? I think it's just a little bit longer than my height. So it's probably like six, five, six, six. The other opponent is going to know exactly how long Jake Paul's reach is like Mike Sikason will know, but it's not just about the knowledge. He knows exactly how far away he needs to be to never be hit by him. So he, you don't need to dodge if you know, he's not going to hit you both from what he's doing. And also you position yourself and you dance around your opponent enough so you're always out of range and only move in to attack. That way that's called like controlling the fight is you have them trying to gain the advantage and you
Starting point is 00:22:18 maintain defensively from having that distance established and then having the routes open up for you to go in where you want to go in. Or you just catch him if you're forcing if you're forcing them to come at you. But Tyson, I think Tyson's counter punching was one of his strongest suits because he was a shorter guy he was almost always outmatched height and reach wise by by some of the biggest guys toughest guys he fought but that wasn't a problem because he could catch them when he would stay out of their range and force them to come to him and then he would absolutely fucking destroy
Starting point is 00:22:49 them when they got too close. I realized I need to make a Reddit account after this because if there's a Mike Tyson, Jake Paul subreddit and I can be one of the people to comment, hey, this is just from the plot of that movie, Rocky Balboa, where he fights the prime fighter when he's older. I can finally be that person that comments that. Would that be personally satisfying for you? After how many times I've gotten it? Like the one thing the subreddit is good at getting me for is stealing the plots of movies. Point being, I think Mike Tyson will absolutely hound Jake Paul in a way that might be
Starting point is 00:23:22 might be nothing but might be very interesting to watch. Let's be perfectly honest, it's a match to make money. At the end of the day, but might be very interesting to watch. Let's be perfectly honest, it's a match to make money. At the end of the day, we know that's what it is, so no one's gonna get brain damage. However, if it was like super legit fight and like for the title or something like that, I know for certain that Mike Tyson can take a punch
Starting point is 00:23:39 from Jake Paul. I do not think Jake Paul can take a punch from Mike Tyson. I don't know, I don't know the last time Mike Tyson was in a real fight, like I don't know. I don't know the last time Mike Tyson was in a real fight. Like I don't know how long it's been. He punched that guy in that airplane pretty good, but I don't think that counts very much for anything. Didn't Floyd Mayweather fight somebody recently?
Starting point is 00:23:54 Was it also one of the Pauls? Didn't he fight Logan Paul or something? And it was one of those, if you watch the fight, there's a moment where, you know, Floyd hits Logan a little harder than probably they planned. And you know, in a normal fight... Are you saying fights are fixed? No, but you can agree as an exhibition match to be like, we're not going to try to kill each other. You know, with instinct in boxing, you can hit really hard in exactly where you want, which if you hit in the right target, you can do a brain whiplash real easy.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And he hit him really good and Logan was, wooo, you know, and then Floyd backed off and did not continue attacking, which is if it was a real fight, not an exhibition, it would have been that way. So, I expect the same for this fight. So we talked around the topic a lot. I think you guys are gonna understand where I'm coming from when I'm gonna bring up my one word topic Oh I've been excited to do this I've been excited to do this because I'm gonna give you guys one word that has many definitions many of which we've talked about here
Starting point is 00:24:57 And then I'm going to let you launch into a discussion And I'm gonna have to wrestle control back every once in a while cuz you're gonna be so so inundated with conversational power Did I say power? That's the word go Oh It reminds me of Power Rangers remember Power Rangers as a kid I loved watching Power Rangers like in the 90s giving you a nerd point But I'm making it very clear that you're a big nerd like in Power Rangers nerd Wow I was almost gonna say that I hated Power Rangers, but I was afraid that would be too controversial.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Are you saying it? I hate Power Rangers. All right, yeah. He's gonna get a cool point. I'd rather have a cool point. I'd rather have no points and be cool than have any nerd points. Nah, I gave you a hate point.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Good, I hate that. I hate everything, more. You're only gonna get one point for hating. I'm full of hate. Yeah, you a hate point. Good, I hate that. I hate everything, more. You're only gonna get one point for hating. I'm full of hate. Yeah, you still get one. So we're talking about power, huh? Power's an interesting thing. That's why my computer's turned on, got power.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Electricity, probably a definition of power. That's good, I'll give you that, I'll give you that. You know what power makes me think of and a thing that I'm obsessed about right now? Power wheels. This is the little racing cars? It's yeah, it's like the cars that like little kids can sit in.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Oh, the drivable ones. I would think of the hot wheels, right? Yeah, not hot wheels, power wheels. It's like the little, it's like a little Jeep or something that little kids can sit in and drive around the yard. I was never allowed to have power wheels as a kid. I don't want to spoil James, but man,
Starting point is 00:26:27 do I want him to be old enough to have a power wheels. I mean, this part, the Tik TOK update, there were people on the summer at saying they miss Tik TOK updates, Tik TOK update kind of, I'm in this part of Tik TOK where there's all these dads who are customizing their power wheels for their kids because most power wheels are six volt based on six volt battery systems But if you put a 12 volt battery in there you double the power You might fry the engine or the electric motor, but it goes twice as fast ish It goes faster and you can do and there are guys who like add a trailer so their kids can like tow
Starting point is 00:27:00 You know a little fake motorcycle or or tow yard waste or all this stuff. And there was one where I saw a guy put a backhoe type thing on the front so you could rake leaves, but use your power wheels, all kinds of stuff. I'm giving you a point for child labor. Yeah. My grandpa lived in a community, there was one road that got up to the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:27:21 he lived in and that road also ended in water so you could put your boat in. So this whole community only had like one way in kind of like one way out and everybody instead of driving around cars decided to get golf carts and the same thing that you're talking about for the power wheels for kids happened in the golf cart community where people have always had to have like their custom golf cart and everyone was trying to one up each other with their golf carts and what their golf carts could do and how their golf carts look. And I just wonder how many different communities have that same kind of competition going. The power wheel kids, like with your backhoe, your trailer,
Starting point is 00:27:54 your sidecar. Well, and you can wrap it so you can, you know, like vinyl that you wrap your car with, you could wrap the power wheels and change the aesthetics of it. Can we get an amphibious power wheel so it can like go into the water to become a boat? Wade, you're talking a little bit about the electric bike community as well because that is a natural extension of what power wheels were when you become an adult, you can get a sweet electric bike. Dude, e-bikes, you know what I figured out last riding season on my e-bike? It's limited, right?
Starting point is 00:28:26 It's a 750 watt motor and it's limited to 20 miles an hour, but you can change the size of the wheel in the computer. So I have the biggest one because I'm big. And if you tell it you have a smaller wheel, it actually goes, it changes the accuracy of the speedometer and it will go faster Because it thinks it's trying to power a small anyway I may have I may have played with those settings and I may have found a new top speed for my e-bike I I do love that you tinker with your vehicles because I do not do anything at all but I got a shout out super 73 again because I
Starting point is 00:29:03 Meant to say this many when I actually got got it but they gave me a custom electric bike with dual batteries it is one of the one maybe the only but and I'm sure the ones for me and Wade are in shipping yep nope no no not at all anyway thank you super 73 for the dual battery electric bike what so what kind of range does that have? Like what, like 100 miles or something? The other one, when I actually, the last time that I took the long, long journey was to be on the Logan Paul podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So curse both of you for besmirching the Paul name. And also it made it about, I did a small charging stop. I rode down to corridor, which was 17 miles away. Then I took a little charging stop, I rode down to corridor which was 17 miles away Then I took a little charging stop didn't get up to full It was another 13 miles over to that podcast studio, and then it was you know about 20 something ish back I didn't make it back. I was about a mile away range is pretty that was that was one battery. Yeah, that's pretty good Yeah, so the dual battery has about twice the range. It's almost nice enough here to get the e-bikes back out I gotta get them tuned up gotta get a child a child seat or trailer or something so we can take James out You know they do super 73 does make a kids electric bike. Yeah, I don't think he's quite there yet
Starting point is 00:30:17 But maybe someday just skip straight to a motorcycle. We're still working on walking without dying You know what they say you got a ride before you can can run Can't erase before you die race you to the grave ha ha ha kudos to Pluto's Yeah, all right. I'll give you a callback point. All right more But what gives you more power influence or money that kind of thing or just like political power chase that thought chase it down You're the wolf. It's the gazelle. This is a bad. Those aren't animals. Oh, jays each other We want power because we need control we need control because we want things done our way because we think we're always right. Yeah, keep going.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah, coming down to our inner self and our need for power because of things that happened we felt powerless. So now we need to control everyone else. Let's chase something else. Go a different path. You don't want the antelope. Ooh, a boat.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Vakira's on it. Yeah, go for the boat. Okay. I got it. Sorry, I was is on it. Yeah, go for the boat. Okay. I got it. Sorry, I was on the wrong way. Man, I respect the honesty of where that just went. I mean, most people, they're the wolf chasing, they never get it.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And Wade just fucking got it. Like shit. I did. I captured it immediately. I did read that people with aphantasia sometimes actually have better memories than those with imaginative ones. This is got less to remember.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I have more details to remember, okay, judgey pants. I didn't mean it as mean, but I guess it sounded mean. Oh no, sorry, reduced. Poor autobiographical memory. Sorry, I meant that to be a buildup of you. Man, we're just piling on Bob today for no reason. Didn't I bring that up? Didn't I bring that up? It's uh, it's people with aphantasia commonly also have a-fam. I forget what it means, but it means you have a bad autobiographical memory.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Sometimes I get on the case of, you know, people on the server or something being like you're completely Remembering the opposite of what was true. I just did that exact same thing. So we're not so different after all, everyone. Except for Bob, he's different. I'm built different. I'm on TikTok too much. That's what I am. Speaking of power and TikTok, there's a guy on TikTok. He does grip strength. He's like a bodybuilder. He looks absolutely ripped. His crazy muscles and the veiny skin and whatever. He's the whole nine yards. He looks like a bodybuilder. But he has this I think it's custom-made grip strength trainer that's literally like the size of like a football and it's all metal and it has like six or seven springs it's like a big you know carabiner
Starting point is 00:32:37 looking thing and there's a squeezy part I think he says it's like 1200 pounds grip strength trainer what does he need to grip? He's just doing it cause he wants to have a strong grip. I don't know. But he does, he just, he's on like a quest to do the full, all of the springs full weight. And he does, he just posts videos where he's like, all right, warming up with a 40 pound and is literally,
Starting point is 00:32:58 and he's like 80 pound, 100 pound. And he's just like, this is nothing. But then he gets to the big grip, the death grip trainer thing. And it's just like, this is nothing. But then he gets to the big grip, the death grip trainer thing. And it's just like, he better be careful. I can imagine if you get your grip so strong where you can like just squeeze 1200 pounds,
Starting point is 00:33:12 you go to masturbate one time and you got a slinky down there. It's not an on-off switch way. There's a gradation to the amount of grip I think he can apply even though he is so strong. You go to honk a boob the wrong way you're popping it man I'm just saying you gotta be careful with that grip strength I'm gonna give you one honk point honk pop go to shake someone's hand you just crush their bones no that's when you want the grip strength though that's that's just a power play that's
Starting point is 00:33:38 Bob I'm gonna give you a point for that cuz that's what it's about it's about handshake power if you if you want to win the handshake cuz every handshake is basically a battle to the death, what you got to do is get yours out quick, cut them off at the pass so you grab their fingers before they're all the way in and you cut off their strength and then you just you squeeze and also you pull them into you close and you pull and you do like a double hand so that it's as physically uncomfortable and hopefully painful as them for them as possible and that's how you win the handshake. See you do like a double hand so that it's as physically uncomfortable and hopefully painful as them for them as Possible and that's how you win the handshake See I always like a little bit of shake foreplay before I go all in with the hard squeeze
Starting point is 00:34:12 But some people just like they squeeze you just caress your fingers in on the way in Yeah, I get you okay I don't want to give you a point for that so I won't wait Is that Justin like an alpha male thing because I've had plenty plenty of guys do that to me and it's obnoxious. It's absurd because what's your objective, right? Isn't it supposed to be a sign of mutual respect? And if someone grabs me by the finger, I've never actually had anyone do this to me. But if they go like this and then try to pull me in, I'll just go with it.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I'll just- they want a hug apparently, so I'll just like, eee, bonk. Dude, that would be such a 180. Some macho man goes in for the head shake and like cuts you off and tries to pull you. And you're just like, ooh, and you kiss him on the cheek and give him a hug. You're like, oh, I didn't realize you were European. That would scare the macho alpha male so deeply
Starting point is 00:35:00 that I'm pretty sure they would just flee from the interaction at that point. Since I'm a certifiable sigma male, according to that one test on the internet, that's the official sigma male move. If that happens to you with an alpha, throw your sigma smooch at him. I'm giving myself a point for those. I like that sigma smooch. Yeah, that's right. I'm doing it. I don't know if this is good or bad, but yesterday we had to have toilets fixed, two toilets fixed. That's right, you blame me for that.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah, one of them, it turns out, was broken and one of them was just the wax seal, which is old and it just had failed eventually because they do that. So we had a plumber over to fix the one because it needed like a new flange or something and something I didn't really know how to do and so I hired a guy to do it. And he was upstairs and we were downstairs, Mandy and I and uh, Ran in the middle of the day, we were downstairs eating lunch, hanging out. And he was upstairs like, you know when there's like a person doing work in the distance and you can just hear like, like the sound of, you know, things happening.
Starting point is 00:35:58 We're sitting there and out of nowhere, completely unprompted, Mandy kind of looks around and it's like, huh, I forgot you were down here for a second in the back of my mind I was like, oh my god, Bob's really giving it to that toilet So I have mixed feelings about what that means specifically But I feel like that shows that many things I have a lot of power in the bathroom Well, you did break two toilets. so maybe you do. You broke them! Yours? Yes, you are responsible for breaking all things
Starting point is 00:36:29 related to plumbing and water. Your drowned man ghost reverberated through the space-time continuum and shattered my wax rings. Man, that's such poetic, that'd be good poetry. Oh, pee-pee poetry point. Poop poetry. Yeah, that's one thing I'm known for, it's shit poetry. But Wade, that is how fluid dynamics works,
Starting point is 00:36:49 it's how hydraulic pressure works. If you, like a brake pedal, you press on a small area, it applies to the entire area, that's fluid dynamics. It's just the amount of distance that it'll travel. So if your poop is sufficiently powerful enough to send a shockwave through the septic system, then yes, absolutely it would. But that's assuming the septic system is water tight and completely full, because water is incompressible.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah. Science. Science. I'll give you a point if you know what incompressible means. Well, it means because whenever you freeze water it expands, it doesn't shrink, so you can't really compress water further down, because it either becomes gaseous or it becomes ice and expands in both cases. That's not what that means at all. That's not what that means at all. I mean, you're right, but about a completely different thing.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Alright, so we've got a lot of power here. We got a lot of stuff going on. There's plenty of other definitions for power, though. If you guys got any SUPERPOWERS! We already did that one. Yeah, but it's still power-related, so I'm bringing it up. You talking about Power Rangers again?
Starting point is 00:37:43 No, Power Rangers didn't have super powers, they were just Power Rangers. I think it depends what exactly you mean by super powers because if you're going to hold that ground with does Batman have super powers? No, I wouldn't say Batman has super powers. He just has super money. But is he a superhero? I feel like that term misapplies because yes, he's a hero, but his super-ness comes from his wealth and technology. It's kind of like Iron Man. Iron Man by himself is like his super power kind of like his brain and intelligence. He's very smart but like he's smart in a way that someone else could match.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Whereas like if you're born and you could turn into the Incredible Hulk because of some potion and no one else can do it, that's kind of a unique super power. I mean couldn't you just make more more incredible Hawks if you just exposed more people to the gamma radiation in the correct way? Like, no, apparently it was something deeper than that. Look, I don't know too much about the Hulk, but I think it was like, it connected him to some other power. I don't know. It's not just gamma radiation, I think, but let's clarify.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Batman is not normal, right? He has the super ability to take an ass kicking and not die, which is something. Yeah, he's been punched by like Superman and like whoever the other guy is that's a big bad villain. Well, his super powers plot armor. Superman, Duperman, all the men. He can also just disappear.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And that's actually like, he's done that to people with like super powers of ability to perceive. Like he he's have you ever seen the videos of like Michael Myers or Batman whatever that it shows like them on camera running away to hide like show them walking menacingly then like the person will look away you'll see them go like no I have not seen that but that sounds very funny. They just know, their powers, they know when someone's about to turn their head so they can hoof it behind a tree. Okay, so have we, is Batman a superhero for that or no?
Starting point is 00:39:36 I mean, I feel like he is, right? That's the whole thing. Or does he have superpowers? That's the question. He's a superhero for sure because he's probably, I believe that's more just a qualification for elite echelon of hero types Superpowers, I don't know the technical definition of a superpower But I would say you can have a power that is a regular human power
Starting point is 00:39:54 And it is super because of the amount of it or the type of it that you have and I would say that super Batman's superpowers are pretty Above like not in a superhuman in the Superman way but like superhuman compared to normal humans type strength and also like superhuman bravery superhuman I don't know science buying money I guess which is really rich every search I'm getting says Batman does not possess any superpowers instead relying on an intellect fighting skills and wealth but he fights people that are super and he wins and also just doesn't die when they do stuff to
Starting point is 00:40:29 him which I feel like is bull. Because of his near genius level intellect and martial arts training. He's not a genius, he just buys shit. If anyone's a genius isn't Fox a genius in his orbit? The guy who makes all the magical science shit for him. I know people in power scaling, like in another power thing for like death battle and whatnot, they always take it like at their highest power in whatever fiction, which leads to so many problems because then it's just like people can write whatever they want and they have to take that into account. But he's also made some pretty bonehead decisions, so I feel like if you have to take them at their smartest, you have to take them at their dumbest too, like he- and then find The average in between them, you know, I feel like that's where power scaling should be. Well, he's really dumb He let his parents die right in front of him. What an idiot
Starting point is 00:41:13 Idiot could he use his superpowers then This song I walk it up to you in a dark alley world's greatest detective couldn't figure out what he was Up to did you all right? What else? our tools Is it bringing back real is real be days coming back around again Oh wait, isn't it wait when is Robby Robby days cuz? I think it's in the summer day. I don't know. RYOBI days. Oh. Where are we?
Starting point is 00:41:48 You know, I found RYOBI on TikTok. They have all kinds of fun stuff on TikTok. Wow. Did you know there's a RYOBI refrigerator? Oh, they made a refrigerator? It's powered by RYOBI 1 Plus lithium ion batteries. Oh, I don't like that. Can editors put a different side? Whoa. Oh, you can get a belt battery,
Starting point is 00:42:10 which is something that I've actually wanted to have for camera equipment. Cause you, this actually, it's, oh, it'll take itself off when you have to pee. Oh, I get it. We're just going through this. I can't. But also you don't need to take your belt off when you have to pee, that's what the fly is for.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Ah, you have to unbutton, you have to do the whole works. You don't have to unbutton either, I think you're doing the fly wrong, I gotta be honest. Do you go to the urinal and you unbutton, drop your pants to the floor? Take your pants down like a third grader. I don't know, I don't use public restrooms very often ever since the incident. We were at a convention and a fan ran up to me. I was standing at the urinal and a fan ran up with his phone out. Like, did I get a photo?
Starting point is 00:42:53 And I was just in the middle of taking a piss and felt completely vulnerable. It was one of those bathrooms that didn't have like the walls or anything. It was just like the urinals are side by side. And I was just like, oh, can you wait a second? And I don't know that like stuck with me. So now like, I just hate being, I always hated using public restrooms. Cause one, men's rooms are always gross.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Even when they're clean, you never know when you're walking up to the urinal, if it's wet because it was just cleaned, or if it's wet because you're about to put your shoe down and never get it back. It's never the first one. I just feel like that takes the pressure off. You could walk into a public men's restroom
Starting point is 00:43:25 anywhere in America and just piss anywhere you want and you would never even get caught. Like no one would know. I will say, I was at the stadium downtown, the LA Staples Center. And I've been to very few sporting events, but most of the time when you go into the bathroom at a sporting event, it's a trough.
Starting point is 00:43:42 People don't know about this for some men's restrooms. It's literally a trough with ice in it. Some are drinking, some are peeing. You never know what you're gonna get. None are drinking. None of them are drinking. The one at the Staples Center was actually the cleanest, nicest bathroom I've been in in a long time.
Starting point is 00:43:58 The only bathroom that was possibly better was at like some casino in Las Vegas. Did it have the padded fork you could put your dick on to pee into the troughs, you didn't have to hold it? Is that what you need? Is that the burden you bear? Is that the- Is that what nice bathrooms have?
Starting point is 00:44:11 Dick crutches? I imagine rich people, they don't even have it built in. They have a person that comes in with like a little stick with the padded fork and they hold it for you. That guy who stands by the door, he gives you a towel, he spritzes you with cologne and he inserts your dick crutch So you could pee but you know you only only the people with a larger sizes get that restroom
Starting point is 00:44:31 You know, there's like the all-gender restroom, you know the family restroom the big dick restroom, you know, you need it You know, you just can't lift that yourself. I get you. I know about that restroom, right Bob. We know he comes in He's got the big the big hook or the little hook. How do we get to bathrooms? I don't remember how we got to bathrooms. Belt, right. I was going to say there's a surplus in cost for like everything film equipment.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It's the Hollywood tax. Everything costs more. And there's these things that are battery belts where you can put camera batteries on them, you can run power out. I bet I could modify this thing to run for cameras and peripherals. It's like, it's actually affordable compared to what it is.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I don't think it comes with the batteries, but it has like an extension cable going out, and I bet if I cut open that cable, I'll either die or I'll find standard wire outs and I could rig them up to something else or a power converter to get it right to the right voltage. Yeah, you'd have to send them into something to regulate that for electric. I'm sure power tools are not as sensitive as a camera is to fluctuations, but. Anyway, it's not Reobidase and we're not spawnered. We're not spawnered by him. I don't know how to define this,
Starting point is 00:45:31 but power is also used as like a qualifier for other things, like the power of friendship, the power of love. Those are just different types of powers. Yeah, that's not spawning any interesting thoughts. My brain is activity plummeting. You know what's underrated and also looks really fun? The power of water. And specifically, there are tables that I don't even know what kind of science it is.
Starting point is 00:45:58 People who study rivers and river erosion and things of that nature. There are these tables where it's like at a slight angle and you can fill it with sand or dirt or rocks or whatever. You fill it with some sort of medium and then there's a pump where water runs. Water is fed to the top and then it runs down the way that it would in like a river stream situation and then it gets to the bottom. It's collected and pumped back so it's like a continuous flowing thing. But then they do research and then these tables, they'll literally just like set it up and just like, oh, what if I draw a squiggly line? What happens? And they turn it on and they watch the water just like make a miniature Grand Canyon or they're like, oh, well, what happens if
Starting point is 00:46:38 I just like just put one little thingy, where's it going to go? And that sort of stuff, I don't even know what that's called or what that science is Riverology probably and water is impressively powerful given enough time even against like rocks and whatnot. It's very cool water's crazy Yeah, no, I agree. I don't know what you're you're referring to but it sounds really cool There's also like big water research labs that look at waves and how they propagate and there's entire pools where they can Generate weight. Oh, those are cool. To specific rhythms and patterns and absolutes. Have you seen the one where they can generate the static waves where it is a
Starting point is 00:47:13 wave, but it looks like it's perfectly still water that just has like ripples in it because it's at a, it's at a frequency where it's like it's going and reflecting back at the exact same frequency. And it's so the water looks like it's perfectly still But like wavy what about when you take two two liter bottles and you have water and you make the water tornado That is cool. Not as cool as what Bob's talking about though I that is cool though a little bit more accessible for most people and not everyone can just have a giant wave generator So I'm gonna tabulate the points unless unless you guys got any last minute power things
Starting point is 00:47:46 to put into here. Power of evil. Power of Deez Nuts. I mean, Deez Nuts is pretty good. The power of the internet. The power of men in Helldivers. Is it men specifically? Because there are definitely.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I know there are women that play. Are there female character models or is it only men? Oh, do you not have your game set to randomize your hell diver when they wouldn't you didn't have to be die Oh, maybe not actually I don't know. I think there's like two male two female voices than there are like male female body type Yeah, you're missing out if you're not getting the female voice actors because one of them is it's like Is just like oh sweet liberty my leg It's just like really great power of your ass Okay, that made me laugh. All right. That's it. Let's tabulate We did a great discussion none of you brought up however things that we're gonna be worth the double points which was lady
Starting point is 00:48:41 Dometree which is all about power and it's not sexual and anyway Bob You got points for the following bylaws blood What was that for? I don't remember Blood sugar. That's right your blood sugar was low Bylaws and blood All right, Paul punch You got a hate point in there oddly not for the Paul punch power wheels tiktok child labor
Starting point is 00:49:07 in there. Oddly, not for the pawlpunch. Power wheels, TikTok child labor, hand power, poop poetry, Ryobi, water nerd, helldivers, and ass. I'll calculate that in a second. Wade, you got one snob point, a point for reverse heat. I think that was for taking heaters and putting them reverse. I think that's genius beyond our understanding. You got a nerd point for Power Rangers. I'll give you a point for electric computer, because I thought it was funny that you would imply there was anything else Hey, there are other kinds of power. Have you not seen the gas powered computer? Okay on on YouTube You should check it out. There are other kinds. I still think it's generating electricity But alright plus one for dreaming of retirement. You just talked so fondly about that neighborhood with all the golf carts There's one callback to Pluto point. Point for I got it.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Point for hunk pop. Screw you, Bruce. One P point and power thirst. Reverse heat, power Rangers, electric computer, dreamy retirement, callback to Pluto. I got it, hunk pop, screw you, Bruce. P point and power thirst. So that's 11.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Bob, bylaws, blood, Paul punch, hate, point, power wheels, TikTok child labor, hand power, poop poetry, Ryobi, water nerd, power wheels, tic-tac child labor, hand power, poop poetry, Ryobi, water nerd, hell divers, and ass. Oh snap. With 12 points. And you saw me count. That's the counting of fairness here. Bob wins. But Bob, how do you feel? Powerful? Very powerful. I haven't felt this powerful since I broke all my toilets by shooting in them. I mean since Wade broke my toilets. Winner speech. You know, feels good. Wielding this kind of power is not for everybody. Very dangerous.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Could definitely hurt the wrong person, Wade. And you know, you gotta be responsible. With great power comes winning the episode. That's what Uncle Ben taught us. Wade, how do you feel being powerless? If I'm Captain Ahab and a boat is my white whale, I caught one today in my imagination and honestly, you can tell me I'm powerless, but I feel all the more powerful for having survived this episode. Bob, congratulations! Thank you everybody at home for listening. Uh, may power be unto you. Have the power to be better. There's power in all of us. Why don't you have power?
Starting point is 00:51:02 There's power in all of us. Why don't you have power? Thank you for watching and or listening. Have a good day. Join the subreddit for intense discussions on how we're great at our jobs. Don't find us. Don't you dare look for us off this platform. Don't don't do it. Podcast out.

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