Distractible - Synchronicity

Episode Date: July 19, 2021

In front of a "live" Discord audience, the guys discuss synchronicities, déjà vu, mind-reading, and hive minds. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractible, a Wood Earth production, with your hosts, Melodious Mark, Bonafide Bob, and Wacky Wade. This week, the Transcendent Triad take on collective consciousness, Saron-like surveillance, and the preponderance towards positive pattern recognition in potentially unrelated events. Indeed, it is time to discuss synchronicity. Please prepare thy tinfoil head accoutrements and enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to another episode of Distractible. This one is recorded in front of a live studio audience. Is it a studio? Is it a studio?
Starting point is 00:00:37 A live website audience. A live internet audience? A live internet audience. Everybody at home is listening to this on their various podcast sites, but this one in particular is being recorded as we do. No one needs to know that. Does anyone need to know that? No, it's perfect. It's a beautiful intro.
Starting point is 00:00:53 They're probably super interested. No, they're going to feel left out because then the people listening at home to the podcast are going to be like, oh, I missed out on the stream. Well, it's their fault. If they feel left out, it's because they're not following us on other platforms. Yeah, obviously. True, I guess. Yeah, because there's definitely people that are podcast
Starting point is 00:01:07 only. Do you think that there are people that have discovered from our podcast and, like, are only fans of us from the podcast itself and nothing else? God, I hope so. That'd be so cool. There's at least three people that have listened to the podcast that have never listened to us elsewhere. The next time one of us goes to a convention, someone, we're doing, like,
Starting point is 00:01:24 a, you know, a meet and greet or something someone comes up they're like i love the podcast are these all podcast fans and you're like oh no i i stream and i play video yeah what is streaming oh that sounds stupid i like you less now just do the podcast we're losing fans because they know that we do stuff other than the podcast i was at at a party for 4th of July. Not a big party, but just like I was there for a couple hours. And this guy I was talking to, I only met him that night, but he was talking to me, asking me questions about like what my marketing strategy was for like how I've been successful on YouTube. And I just went, oh, I don't know. You tell me what my strategy they started talking
Starting point is 00:02:05 about like the three pillars of advertising of like recognition remembrancing and some other r-word remember like and I was just like he's like yeah but do you target audience and I'm like I don't target anything I do a shotgun blast of just my content and whoever falls in the spray becomes a fan and then like they were talking to me like yeah you always got to branch out and try to reach new viewers and i'm like i don't really try to do that i just like people somehow just find me and all i do is i make fun of my audience like nine times out of ten i am mocking my audience i don't know why they're still here it's true i literally try to get rid of my audience i started doing the gtarp recently and i tell everyone to go play there and then they literally don't come why they're still here. It's true. I literally try to get rid of my audience. I started doing the GTRP recently, and I tell everyone to go play there,
Starting point is 00:02:47 and then they literally don't come back. They go, and they join, and they never come back. I literally send my audience away. I give them a diving board away from my career, and I say, jump! And it works. I mean, maybe that's not the best strategy to go about it. Oh, God, no. I get emails like, hey, Wade, you're really killing your career.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I'd stop doing whatever you don't like. No, everybody go. Go. Leave. Don't come back. Yeah, well, fair enough. There's no one here. I just mock everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:13 But I think also it was kind of a testament of just like, I'm always trying new things when it comes to YouTube. And I think that's part of it is just like keep surprising people, like hit them, blindside everyone. They have no idea what's coming at them. So like then they're just they stick around to see where this like train's gonna crash you know what i mean i'd like to think that's 90 of my audience no that's definitely what people were here for oh i'm kind of copying you i'm doing like a choose your own way to end your career like one of those yeah man you want to guess what i'll do choose your own career ending ways and we can figure out what the best way is for us to each end isn't life just one big choose your own
Starting point is 00:03:50 adventure you know if you really think about it you know in the grand scheme of things that's what it's all about man i don't think you have to think about that at all i think that's i think that's exactly where that concept arrives from yeah it's a literary or uh audiovisual way of capturing autonomy and free will yeah and the fallacy therein that is everyday life you think you have free will you think you make choices you don't make any choices yeah okay well that kind of leads into uh the subject of today's episode which if you are listening right now we are recording distractible well if you're listening right now at home you are listening to distractible so you know that we recorded it because you got a notification that a new episode
Starting point is 00:04:33 was out and you listened as soon as it came out at 1201 that's this one right this episode yeah this episode okay this episode so i want to talk about synchronicities and so i'm not drunk enough for whatever word you just used synchronicities you don't know about synchronicities. And so... I'm not drunk enough for whatever word you just used. Synchronicities. You don't know about synchronicities. I know exactly what synchronicities are, you idiot. How do you spell that word? So synchronicity is a phenomenon in which people interpret two separate and seemingly
Starting point is 00:04:57 unrelated experiences as being meanfully intertwined, even though there's no evidence that one led to the other or that the two events are linked in any other casual way um maybe it's not synchronicities that i'm exactly talking about but there's a phenomenon where as soon as you hear about something or when you talk about something that thing appears more than it ever has in your life it's like grand theft auto three syndrome where if you steal a certain car and you drive that car, suddenly you see that car all across the city, even if it was very rare for you before.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Do you mean Grand Theft Auto RP? Do you want to play? What are you doing? Oh my God, you have a problem. No, I don't. Hush. You do. Hush.
Starting point is 00:05:36 So I would like to know what you guys' thoughts, experiences, research, stories in relation to synchronicities, to knowing about things that when you talk about them in casual conversation, when in relation to synchronicities, to knowing about things that when you talk about them in casual conversation, when you bring it up with a friend, like they tell you something new and how you suddenly see that thing everywhere in the world around you. Kind of like, maybe this whole thing is a big simulation, you know what I mean? And
Starting point is 00:05:58 just kind of exploring the topic of, it's like coincidences, right? But even a step further than that. It's not just like, oh, I was just hearing about this. It's like,idences right but but even a step further than that it's not just like oh i would just hear about this it's like i've had things where i was looking stuff up and i discover a new piece of information and suddenly it's posted on reddit and like one of the top subbers i'm like oh my god it's that thing that i was thinking you know what i mean i have a really recent example of this exact thing actually yeah i would love to know bob do you have anything in mind about this or you got any research i'm thinking i am yeah i'll have something really good i'm sure all right well wade was uh first to the gun so i'm gonna award him one point for uh let me get my notepad up let's see wade i'm actually
Starting point is 00:06:35 gonna be official about this and i'm going to judge out the points so wade you get the first point what is your experience with this? Alright. It's called... I even got a title ready. Ready for this? It's a banger. Out of the semi, into the synchronicity. What? That's my title. Don't make fun. You don't even have one. I feel like
Starting point is 00:06:58 I'm in a better position than you are right now. Man, I'm going to point to Wade for that one. That was... Thank you. Really shut Bob down there. That was great. I love that. Okay. All right. So as you all know, a few months ago, Molly and I were driving around in my car and I got hit by a semi.
Starting point is 00:07:16 My car got totaled, right? So I've been doing some car shopping. I was looking for a car, very similar probably. And out of nowhere, Molly and I were driving one day and we saw a lexus parked in a parking lot and molly pointed out she's like oh what kind of car is that it's like it looks like a lexus of some kind i'm not really sure because i don't actually know that much about lexus uh my aunt drives one and i thought they were kind of like an uncommon car or whatever i never really noticed them anywhere and tyler came into town and molly tyler and i went car looking
Starting point is 00:07:42 one day and we stopped by a lexus dealer because we were just like well let's try to figure out what that one type of car was and i actually found a lexus i really like but we looked at multiple different models of them whatever but ever since like she pointed out that one lexus and we went to look at them everywhere i look i see lexus cars i can't stop seeing them i swear to you i thought like three people in all of Ohio owned a Lexus until I went and looked at them. And now everywhere I look, it's just like everything's a Honda or a Lexus. I can't find a Toyota to save my life.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I can't find any other car model. Everything's a Honda or a Lexus or a Hyundai because their logo kind of looks like Honda. I'm like, oh, is that a Honda? No, it's a Hyundai. So there's only three cars out there. But there are so many more people driving a Lexus than I know of, and I can't stop seeing them now. No, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'm actually kind of glad we're doing this one live because Chad is actually helping out with this. The thing is called the frequency illusion, also known as the Bader-Meinhof phenomenon. It's a cognitive bias in which after noticing something for the first time, there's a tendency to notice it more often, leading someone to believe that it has a high frequency, a form of selection bias. And it's just like, was it always there?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Or are you now just aware that it's there? Like, does your brain just filter it out? Like with cars, especially, like you just look around at cars and you're just like, oh, car, I know car, car is car. But then when you know like the specific car, then you have like that information to attach to the cars and it kind of jumps out at you you know what i mean yeah but did you say baiter b-a-a-d-e-r-m-e-i-n-h-o-f that's less interesting all right why nothing what were you thinking of masturbation i guess i
Starting point is 00:09:19 shouldn't be surprised man yeah what exactly did you think the answer to that question was gonna be you know i don't know you know I was hoping for something a little more. Which led me to think about Michael Jackson's Just Beat It song. That kind of went, nice. And that's my tale. Anyway, Bob, it's your turn. I think I decide when it's his turn. I'm the judge here.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You don't get to decide anything. Oh, no. This is live. Yeah, but they can edit it out afterwards. I'm the judge. You get one point for your Lexusxus thing and i'm taking it away for disobeying the rules how many points do i get for the masturbation just beat it combo zero and don't test me i'll take it i'll take another point away you know what do it i want you to hurt me take it
Starting point is 00:09:56 again it's been a while since you've given me a good point whooping all right i took away a point oh hit me with another one all right i took away a point he keeps deducting you're at zero can i go lower no you can't i phone a friend i wish i was participating oh this is why you never win wade this is why you never win i like losing you have a whole different dynamic when we're live wait can i just say that i just point that out when we do the recordings not live you're like very quiet and like pensive and you'll make like the odd joke depends i don't remember my clown car that one wasn't live yeah fair enough i have my moments it depends on when the sweet tea hits but you like wait your turn when we're live streaming you just yell oh just go for it all right all right hit me you hit me just beat it masturbation no no mark you're the judge it's
Starting point is 00:10:45 your turn see this is my turn all right i feel like i know exactly what this phenomenon is yeah but also i feel like everyone always thinks it about cars not to throw shade at ways because i absolutely have that same experience so please throw it. I already did. But I'm trying to think of something else in my life that I can really think of where this is a consistent thing. I feel like cars is a strong thing in America because cars are everywhere. Cars are essential. There's no, even if you live in a city, there's cars. But like you were saying, like you had other experiences with this, Mark.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I don't know if I do. I have another example right off the top of my head. I have another example too, but wait, go ahead. Remember your red and black jacket or coat thing you wore for forever? That like fuzzy plaid, it was like red and black checkers. Flannel? Are you talking about his flannel? The flannel, that's the word.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah. My flannel? My jacket? I was very confused. Whatever it's called. I don't know. The weird, ugly checkerboard thing. I love it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Wow. I love it. You're the judge. I love it. It's beautiful. Wow. No, I'll call it ugly next week, but this week it's called. I don't know. The weird ugly checkerboard thing. I love it. I love it. You're the judge. I love it. It's beautiful. No, I'll call it ugly next week, but this week it's beautiful because you're the judge. Never saw anyone wear that shit before and then you wore it and all of a sudden I saw it everywhere. I don't know if they were copying you or if it just all
Starting point is 00:11:58 of a sudden popped out, but like going out and about it was like everyone wears this ugly ass fuzzball shit. I could play checkers on their ass cheeks right now, but I'm not gonna because I probably go to jail But I see it everywhere. Are you trying to lose man? Are you trying to lose? Reverse psychology you're gonna let me win by the end of this. No, it's not I'm counting points man I'm totally gonna win by the end of this. Look you and Bob may not go by the strict point system But I do a strict point system and you have nothing. Yeah, but you're gonna forget all the negative things
Starting point is 00:12:26 I said by the end, and you're gonna love me and give me points. I trust you. No, I'm gonna look at the point board, and I'm gonna remember all the things that you did, and then I'm gonna get a bunch of synchronicities about you being an asshole to me, and then I'm gonna remember every moment in our life where you were secretly a dick. Nah, you're gonna forget there is a point board. I'm counting on the bonus points. I just need bonus points, though, and I don't need actual points.
Starting point is 00:12:42 You've got nothing. You actually have nothing. I'll get some. I don't even have to do anything. Wade's just going to hand this to me. Yeah, exactly. No, Bob, I'm going to give you a point. You've been so polite and you've saved me from having to deal with this nonsense over in Wade's corner. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh, don't point at me. I saw your finger pointing. It's a lie. I don't even know where you are. I don't even know where you are. I don't even know where you are. Anyway, so there's another kind of like what I think is kind of associated to this is like it's more in terms of synchronicities than that Bader-Meinhof effect. This happened a lot when I was in college. it happens with startling consistency either when i go to my car or like i park somewhere or i'm walking out from the building the nearest light pole will go out and it's strange what no literally
Starting point is 00:13:34 like i'm dead serious this happened all the time when i was in my apartment off campus i don't know if you were ever at that one but it was like it wasn't the same light but sometimes it was every time that i would go out and it was at different times a the same light but sometimes it was every time that i would go out and it was at different times a day this one light that i was nearest to would just go out and i'm like at first it was kind of like ah it's a coincidence but it happened so much that i felt like either someone was messing with me or there's like some crazy electromagnetic thing going on and like someone's trying to suck the memories out of my brain and it's just like You know I have no idea
Starting point is 00:14:07 What if our lives are simulations and we're hooked up to these machines or there's like this team of like things that are like Meant to like incorporate all the stuff that we think about to make us like more entrenched and believing our reality So you saw the one burn out it was on your mind So now like the simulations like oh in order to keep him like believing we have to show him more lights going out or like there's a team of like little goblins running around they're just like and then they jump down and run away but they're right in front of you you just miss them you're just missing them you could see them if you just paid a little bit more attention yeah maybe i could maybe i could but but chad is saying that like this happens to a lot of people like a lot a, a lot of people. Goblins? Maybe, if that is the correct solution to this.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I mean, so maybe I'm jaded about this is the problem. This topic, I totally acknowledge that this exists. And I certainly feel like I've experienced this before. But I feel like this feels to me like it comes from a place of like main character syndrome or something. I don't know if that's a thing. But like... No, no, that is a thing.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You know, like Truman's show syndrome, like, and I don't know if it's people wanting that or subconsciously feeling like that because, you know, you are your own narrator, but like, it just feels like everyone experiences life in a way where it's like everything that's happening relates to me. And you only really remember things that are different, right? If you have a job and you do the same commute to me and you only really remember things that are different right if you have a job and you do the same commute to work and from work every day you know 340 days a year or whatever a lot that's probably too many 15 days off damn i didn't count weekends but you know like you do it you do hundreds of times a year for years of your life you don't remember every single one but you
Starting point is 00:15:45 do definitely remember the half dozen times there was a crazy accident on the highway in front of you or the 30 or 40 times like you're saying mark where like a light goes out right as you're driving past it or as you're approaching it or something like yeah it's hard to keep the perspective of especially as you get older it's hard to keep the perspective of, especially as you get older, it's hard to keep the perspective of how much things actually do occur and what random events really mean or could mean or what they're really related to. Because like one of my favorite things to think about and trip myself out over is as you get older, right? Time warps, your perception of time warps. I'm sure there are official terms and things for
Starting point is 00:16:25 this, but like when you're seven years old, something that happened a year ago happened one seventh of your life ago. And now I'm 30 years old and something that happened a year ago happened one 30th of my life. That increment of time is like more than three times smaller now than it was when I was a kid. Also, your cognitive abilities develop, you know, your kids are kind of dumb and your brain develops and your understanding of the world develops. But like, I feel like as you grow up, especially in the age, like, you know, your early 20s, around the time you turn 20. And in that part of your life, you start to hit the wall of like, time doesn't feel quite right. Because when you're a kid,
Starting point is 00:17:03 a year feels like forever. A school year feels like it goes on for an eternity. When you're in college, it feels like you burn through college. Or anyway, it did for me, right? If you go to college, you maybe do four years, five years, whatever, you do your whole program, it feels like you just snapped right through it. You just started and maybe a year or two went by and now you're graduating. And you graduate college like I went to grad school. That was the hard three years. Law school was terrible. I really struggled. It was hard to succeed. It was hard on me mentally. It feels like a blip. It feels like I went to law school for like a week. And I feel like that relates to how you perceive these like synchronicity sort of things like you, you were talking about, but like your thing about the lights,
Starting point is 00:17:45 how many times, like if you had to try and count a number, it feels like it's every time. How many times do you think it's realistically happened? Like 50, like 25? You're totally right. Maybe 30, 40, like maybe 30, 40 times. So like in the occurrences of your life
Starting point is 00:18:03 and the number of times you've walked into a parking lot or whatever like the number of those situations you've been in it's a relatively small percentage it does seem like that's a higher than normal occurrence rate for that but to you because that's like significant or because it happened to you at some point where you were hyper aware of it or whatever it's like this thing right you become fixated on it it feels increasingly connected to you like it follows you and it only had in the it's this thing that happens to you i just always i like to wonder about how our perception of time over the course of life and as we age and have more time relatively that we've experienced how that affects things like that yeah definitely i'm giving you a point for the deep discussion
Starting point is 00:18:46 because like I firmly believe that synchronicities aren't anything to be read into. It is just fun coincidences to talk about, but also like the perception of time, it's an interesting approach to it because it's also like we rewrite our memories as we think of it. So I wonder how like on the 10th time this happens,
Starting point is 00:19:02 kind of like backtrack, like, oh, it happened again and again and again. And it seems like so many times that happened because when you're age zero to age 10 the entirety of your life is like anywhere in between 10 zero years so like the totality of your life is all encompassing like a year back then feels like forever whereas the older you get one year becomes an a smaller proportion of your whole life so as you backtrack at all one year becomes less meaningful the older you get because you have so many years so like perception of time does distort like as things go on and like your
Starting point is 00:19:35 experiences start to collate together and kind of get jumbled up but you know there are strange phenomena that are unexplainable because well not i'm not trying to justify i was gonna say doesn't the brain look for patterns and stuff anyway So on top of this distortion the brain looks for patterns so like I remember after going through a rough breakup I was trying to find different ways to distract myself It's like okay. Well, I'm gonna drive the so-and-so place you turn on the radio and immediately It's a sad like breakup song you turn that off right away You go into like a bookstore in the first book you see is like chicken soup for the broken heart like okay
Starting point is 00:20:04 Well, it's through this you go to a blockbuster which used to exist and i go to look for a movie and it's like how i broke up with my ex the richard gear movie it's like oh for fuck's sake but there's so many other things you could be seeing or hearing or listening to but your brain latches on to those things because it's what's already on your mind and so you like unintentionally draw your gaze at the one thing that like reminds you whatever's already on your mind. And so you like unintentionally draw your gaze at the one thing that like reminds you whatever's already on your mind. I have a thing where like I'll just like be glint. Because I like look around a lot. I don't know if it's ADHD or something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:33 But I always just so happen to look like in the far up window where someone is glaring at me. And I don't know if it's like my subconscious. Or not glaring at me but like looking at me. Like if I'm walking on the street I like to look up because I'm afraid of things falling on my head. Sure. Like I feel like that's a reasonable fear. Yeah. So I'm looking up and around.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I don't know if it's just like I have a superpower of subconsciously knowing when someone's looking at me because I, oh, whenever I look up, I find someone that's just like staring down at me and then they go, and then they step back away from the window or they turn away. And I'm like, did I notice that out of the corner of my eye or is this just me always looking around and it's i think these moments of when i meet eye contact with someone are special because i'm always looking up and i'm always looking around but it seems like i meet eyes with people who are looking down say just people watching or something more often than not do you ever have a power struggle when you make eye
Starting point is 00:21:21 contact you don't know whether you should look away first or wait for them to look away first and you end up staring into each other's eyes way too long and then you're both like this is awkward but you can tell that like they're waiting for you to look away but you're still waiting too and you start to sweat no you're staring at someone long enough to start sweating i think got a problem yeah i don't either i was just curious if you did sure sure yeah that sounds normal it was just a it was just a thought yeah just a thought yeah this podcast is all about just thoughts man just thoughts yeah i guess so i sort of didn't play along very well with
Starting point is 00:21:51 with your concept and i was like oh this doesn't happen to me yeah yeah but i something that does happen to me i feel like maybe more than to other people or at least i think about it more than other people talk about it with me how often do you you guys get deja vu? Oh, it comes in bursts. I'll have like a month where I feel like it happens three times and I swear it feels like I've gone years without it before. Yeah, no, it's not all the time for me, but I remember just recently I had deja vu because it was when I was in Canada. I just like had parked on a street and I looked and I saw these two cars that were parked in front of each other and it was the strangest feeling that I had been here before and of course I hadn't I was in Canada in a place of filming I've never been but I just I so distinctly looked at the street and the cars and I'm like I
Starting point is 00:22:35 have seen this before and I know that is just random noise in the brain being like the pattern recognition part of the brain is like oh shit and then like maybe i had some kind of memory or dream that was roughly an approximation of this scene but like the fact that the recognition is so strong and i think there's also this like feeling of dissonance of looking at what you're seeing and being like it's just a feeling of memory but there's no actual memory there like that it's very strange mine's always like in the middle of something i'll be like i remember this and then i turned and walked to my right and then i'll middle of something i'll be like i remember this and then i turned and walked to my right and then i'll do that and i'll be like i think it's like a confirmation bias i think i'll see something completely new but my brain i'll be like yeah
Starting point is 00:23:13 yeah this is all this is it this is what happened this is what i saw but i won't have remembered or thought about any of that until it's happening at that moment i'll have the thought of like this has happened before and then there'll be like an action that I do that I'm like I must do. And then like it's immediately gone. But I like tell myself that's what happened. I have deja vu that like pulls me out of reality. Yeah. Like I feel a normal amount pretty regularly. Like you're describing where you see something or you walk into a situation and you there's some sort of pattern recognition.
Starting point is 00:23:47 sort of pattern recognition but i have like a much more like a much deeper existential sort of deja vu which makes me feel like the kind of feeling i imagine people have when they talk about like i know what i was in a past life in my past life i was this other person or something or like i feel because it's not a thing where i see something or i experience something in my brain is like we've seen this before what is it it's a thing where it's like i'm having my internal dialogue or whatever i'm just going about my day and my brain is like it feels like i've lived this before like i've i know the answer to this thing i'm thinking about but it's not from within myself i would describe it as deja vu but it feels like my brain is just like, we know this. I know this because of the universe or something like it makes me feel kind of crazy, but I
Starting point is 00:24:31 get that regularly and it completely pulls me out of reality. Like if I'm with a group of friends, I might become completely silent and like just go vacant and be drawn into it. Or like if I'm streaming or something i just completely zone out like i do it all the time that's why you don't laugh at some of my jokes sometimes deja vu must be hitting you sure sure sure that makes a lot of sense i've heard all these jokes before somewhere and random movies we've been referencing strange we don't steal all of our content from everything i do according to the internet we do but we don't i do we don't you think i've got
Starting point is 00:25:05 a good enough memory or do you think i put that much effort into anything to steal stuff it's easy maybe you do have a good enough memory i can do it i know you can do it i can't help that they had deja vu and stole my ideas in the past you know i couldn't if that was a thing if there was some like spatio-temporal like looping in the universe where there really was someone like people in the past were stealing our ideas from the present because of some sort of arbitrary you know like atomic level connection some quantum connection through space-time and so to everyone who's not insane they see it and they're like they didn't that is from 20 years ago you stole their idea you but like actually they're stealing your ideas what if it's us what
Starting point is 00:25:51 if we steal our own ideas and we go back in time to implement them i mean i'm not talking about time travel i'm talking about is uh the spatio-temporal quantum connections calm down wade oh spatio-temporal quantum. It's one of those synchronicities. This isn't science fiction. Right, right, right. It's quantum computing is a real thing, kind of. I think this is quite the extrapolation. It exists or is going to exist, kind of, in our lifetime, maybe.
Starting point is 00:26:18 My God, I just looked up spatiotemporal and I got an article on NCBI that's just spatiotemporal steering for testing non-classical correlations in quantum networks and i'm just like we're going in deep today boys non-classical temporal correlations like photon anti-bunching i think this is did you ever think of the video of the engineer like you got to turn the clamble flamble 13 degrees so it doesn't oscillate to the to the anterior rotator c No. Like it's just a video of an engineer talking absolute nonsense to sound like it's real. What's the name of that
Starting point is 00:26:50 stupid Rick and Morty device where that's like the, oh god, the thing they use for cleaning with the plumbus or something? Yeah, no, the plumbus. Like, that's another one that's like that. Just like, the plumbus is increased 35% in size which greatly enhances the textile experience.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Listen to this shit. Non-classical temporal correlations like photon anti-bunching play a fundamental role in quantum optics research since the Hanbury-Brown and TWIS experiments and the Glauber theory of quantum coherence. While there is no clear temporal analog of quantum entanglement, attempts at defining such as lead
Starting point is 00:27:22 and new ideas about quantum causality CED refs 38 to 40 and references therein. Well, the Glober theory of synchronicity of the extrapolation of the plumbus says that it's 35% less efficient than it should be. Yeah, you know what? You're absolutely right. Quantifying the non-Markovian dynamics of open systems. You guys don't understand that stuff?
Starting point is 00:27:40 Of course. You losers. I don't know why I just baned. Ah, that's okay. You don't need to explain yourself. I see Bane everywhere. He's in my room. He's with me right now.
Starting point is 00:27:48 From temporal hidden variable model to temporal hidden state model. Of course. Of course. I know what that is. Of course. And here come the people in chat that are like, I know exactly what that means. That's my field of study. Which it may be, but I'll never believe it.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I'll never believe it. No, they're just stealing our ideas from the past. Yeah, absolutely. Anything that someone comes up with that we also come up with, they stole from us. I truly believe that because we are the main characters of this podcast and therefore the world and the universe as a whole. Anyway, I am 100% sure that every major corporation knows exactly what I'm thinking at all times. way i am 100 sure that every major corporation knows exactly what i'm thinking at all times oh that's a completely different aspect of things like the advent of technology and them listening to our conversations and advertising for it definitely doesn't help oh they know oh they
Starting point is 00:28:34 know is that a synchronicity if you talk about something like you're like dude remember like that drink surge and then like you go online and just all of a sudden it's like surge back in stores get surge on ebay surge on it's like it's not a synchronicity that's just effective targeted advertising but in a way it kind of is like a phenomenon through technology occurring without your knowledge of it so to you it's a synchronicity and like if if the corporations had an ideal scenario you would never know that they were listening like that's what they would want and therefore like for those who don't know we're talking about the idea like i think facebook is the biggest perpetrator of this are you okay man i'm trying to get a specific synchronicity i'm sorry are you
Starting point is 00:29:16 trying molly i'm doing targeted synchronization wade is trying to see some strange boobs right now she can look at it with me we do this together that's fair i guess power couple your synchronicity is is boob i'm just hoping for some targeted synchronization anyway what mark was trying to say before that happened is that thing where you mention something in conversation or i had it yes the in the last week where i thought about something and it popped up on my instagram thing i literally thought about what was it some piece of technology i was thinking about my my like computer setup and i was like man you know what i really want like a one of
Starting point is 00:29:58 those gas arms things for my monitor so i don't have to have it sitting on the desk so i can mount it and i can set stuff under it yeah I didn't google it I didn't talk about this with anyone I thought it because I was thinking and then the next like I open Instagram like 10 minutes later and it was like look at this cool two monitor gas arm mount for your mounts through the desk or on the back of the you should get one and i was just like no yeah no i think that is a perfect example of synchronicity like it's just like but because like it's it's just a coincidence of course like it's absolutely just a coincidence however they do say that in life like every single moment of life is a once in a lifetime
Starting point is 00:30:42 occurrence like a leaf falling in its specific way you will never get that leaf to fall in the same way again so all around us every single day even if it seems ordinary to us on the minute details everything is unique like everything is unique like there can be similarities there can be things that are indistinguishably unique but one in a trillion events happen every second of every day so So like the kind of concept of, it's also like tying into like the idea that math is, all of math is just an approximation of reality. You can get some pretty accurate models
Starting point is 00:31:14 of how the world works with math and you can make some pretty good predictions, but all of it will like be slightly off because our system of numbers is inherently not in tune with the universe. Like it's fascinating to think about. Just like like you can get close you can get approximations But you'll never be exact because when you come down to trailing numbers an infinite possibility of numbers past the decimal point Like yeah, it's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:31:38 So this is a recorded live and a question was posed of what came first the idea or the ad So maybe we saw something not necessarily an ad but maybe we saw something that gave us this thought. But then like we saw it again or something that's like, oh, that's because of the thought, not because of whatever triggered the thought in the first place. That's interesting. Did I see boobs today? Probably. I was going to give you a point, man. I was going to give you a point.
Starting point is 00:32:01 God, no. Take it back. Take them all back. You were at one. You want to go to zero, man point because I thought that was God, no. Take it back. Take them all back. You were at one. You want to go to zero, man? No, I give them back to Bob. Bob, you can have my points. I don't think Wade understands the game very well. I'll still win by the end. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You don't know that, man. I'm not doing anything with the points. I've heard this talkie point before, and if you ask, like, I don't know, the right person at Google or whoever at these big companies that have all this information information what they will tell you because people have obviously people when they get the opportunity have asked like how do you get ads that where i've talked about it but i've never searched for it how do you show me something i want unless you're listening and these companies are like well listen we're not listening to your conversation but we do
Starting point is 00:32:43 get every little speck of information, right? Anything you see on Facebook, Facebook knows that you saw. So like people are saying, if I'm on Facebook marketplace, because it's like, you know, you just scroll around sometimes and look at if there's a 30, 70 graphics card for sale or whatever, like, and I scroll past a gas arm monitor mount and I stop on it, or even if I click on it and I forget about that later, Facebook knows that. If I'm not Googling things, but I'm scrolling on social media and I click on an organic post from someone who is a computer manufacturer, like a computer assembly company, like Origin or something, Twitter knows I have an interest possibly in buying a computer, possibly in buying peripherals.
Starting point is 00:33:28 It's hard to even fathom the extent of little individual data points that you give off over the course of every day of your life into social media and into your phone and into your computer because they have their fingers in everything. Everything that you look at is aggregated. All of the companies are selling this information or buying it from other companies who have parts of the information they don't have access to. So like, I wouldn't be surprised if someone came out tomorrow with this huge report and
Starting point is 00:33:54 they were like, actually, Amazon's been listening to us for years. I would be like, well, that sounds right. I believe that. Somebody quit their job because of me. If that's the case. Someone already has come out with that expose about Amazon listening. Wasn't it like that they listen to the snippets, but they don't store them or they're deleted or some nonsense after some amount of time, but they do have them at some point? They do have them, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:13 There was like a depository of links that were just like, here are all your audio files that you didn't even know they were listening to. Yeah. If a corporation could know everything about you, they would. Which, you know, in some aspects for not corporations, that would be, oh, it'd be very sweet. You want to know me so well. But for a corporation to do that, it's like, that's a little sketchy. Because at what point does technology allow, like, things to breach, like, the sanctity of the mind, right? Your thoughts are private. No one will ever be able to hear your thoughts right now but at some point
Starting point is 00:34:45 technology might get to the place where you can literally hear people's thoughts and you know how i know this is going to be possible because you can do it already because you're a wizard no no no no no i can't do it oh what am i thinking if you say boobs and dinner you're right boobs and dinner damn it you mind reading son of a bitch no no there there's a there was a set of conjoined twins who are joined at the head and so their brains were interconnected so their brains were literally interconnected nerves going across the gap and they're two separate people like they're kids i'm almost positive this is true someone please correct me if i'm wrong this is a real thing that happened or this is like a hypothetical no there's real there's real so
Starting point is 00:35:22 these conjoined twins were joined at the brain okay okay yeah so they're conjoined twins and they can hear each other's thoughts and case in point one of the twins is not quite as healthy as the other one and so they needed to get surgery or they had a seizure and they passed out and the other twin started panicking not just because like their conjoined twin was unconscious but because they said i can't hear my sister anymore like and they've already talked about like hearing like the each other's thoughts and like they're able to actually hear a voice in their head of the other person in their mind but they're like when the other twin went unconscious that one stopped thinking obviously and so the
Starting point is 00:35:58 other one started panicking because they they couldn't hear their voice anymore in their head and and so just like to me that says not only is it possible to interpret another being's electrical signals in their brain into coherent words, but that if it's possible in real life with just neurons, then at some point in the future, it will be possible with technology to emulate that because it is just an analysis of like neurological signals so somewhere in those signals if you can discern the information which i'm sure at some point in the future will be possible you can hear someone's thoughts what is the world going to be like when that happens you know what i mean horny and hungry okay not good i know the majority of it is going to be
Starting point is 00:36:41 just like horny and hungry because those are very base human instincts. But I'm opening this up. What is the world going to be like? Some people will be super secretive, right? Like someone like the people that are already kind of conspiracy, they're going to be so locked down and trying to avoid everything. People, technology, whatever. There's not gonna be enough caves on the planet for those people to hide in. Yeah. I mean, I think part of that is that, I mean, I totally buy into the assumption that at some point the technology will exist. I feel like there are a lot of conversations, like futurist conversations, where if you want to have the conversation like this one, you have to just accept like, yeah, okay, we don't even remotely understand what sort of technology would exist that could accomplish that. theoretically it will exist but like by the time we get to there
Starting point is 00:37:26 i feel like humanity i hope if we're still going and we haven't wiped ourselves out yet yeah we'll be in such a different place in terms of like self-realization as individuals and actualization as like a race as like a spacefaring, because where humans are right now, we're essentially like grubby little wild animals. Like we don't function very well in terms of higher levels of consideration. Even people who are really good people in the world, in society, at some level, they're still very like basely selfish, right? Humans are all about preserving the self preserving the family
Starting point is 00:38:05 unit preserving the tribal unit like there's all this very self-centered and group-centered stuff i feel like at the point in time when that technology exists where you could access the actual pure thoughts of someone the humanity would be in such a different place in terms of how how we exist how we view the, how people view their individuality. And so maybe that's a bold assumption about how long that's going to take or how humanity might progress. Humanity might never reach that. But I just feel like if you're as a species not at the place where you're comfortable
Starting point is 00:38:37 with, you know, sort of letting go of the self for the greater good of the species as a whole in the grand scheme of the universe people are not going to deal with that well because people have very very disturbing thoughts yeah like at any given moment a totally normal sane person who's not like a serial killer or you know some is going to act on any of these will have all of these thoughts someone will say something rude to them or will cut them off and they'll be like i'll fucking kill you and then their brain is like oh that's a bit much but like the thoughts are all in there right a raw stream of consciousness is a lot of reactive
Starting point is 00:39:15 stuff a lot of really volatile stuff a human right now if you could do that a human perceiving another person's raw stream of conscious would not handle it very well because it would create this very fucked up image of what humanity is yeah and it would change that person's perception of the other person in such a crazy way because i feel like i'm self-aware enough to know like i deny a lot of my inner thoughts i deny a lot of what i really think and feel about the world because i hear it you know in my head or whatever and i react to it and i'm like whoa whoa whoa who knew no no no no we don't think that but like they're you know i just feel like we're not at a place right now where humanity would survive that because the good people of humanity would probably have some very disturbing thoughts the bad people of humanity would think
Starting point is 00:40:01 shit that would make people's heads explode and make people lose faith in existence or i don't even know what not necessarily it might just be that i don't think we'd handle that very well we probably all think very similar things the difference is probably self-control and acting on those things or not to some extent i imagine we all have similar like base thoughts and just some of us are like whoa no no no brain that some people are just like all right no i'll steal the jewelry and what on yeah no that's a good point it might take a generation but it also might be a unifying experience for humanity to realize that we're not quite islands inside our own heads and like to go back to the twins like that's all they know is like the ability to live that existence so it becomes
Starting point is 00:40:39 normal and so like there is a big thing about like what is default becomes what's quote unquote normal for society or humanity. And like because I do think Wade's right is like a lot of us do have these kind of fucked up thoughts all the time. And it's just like, of course, we would never act on them. They're most of the time just intrusive thoughts. They come up at random. I think it might be a shock at first. But the fact that everyone does it kind of could be an eye opening experience and like be like like be like oh shit just because we all think thoughts doesn't mean we're all fucked up like
Starting point is 00:41:09 it's just to be human right i guess i think about it very in a very dystopian way but where we are right now the way any way i perceive our like society and our our general humanity i don't think it would react positively to that oh definitely i think it would confirm everyone's worst fears yeah i think it would drive people away from the idea that humanity is redeemable in any way yeah yeah and and just confirm for everyone like oh we're all terrible we're all fucking terrible so fuck this and everyone would just to some extent you know i think it would i think it could go that way anyway it would break in the negative as opposed to unite people like you're saying. I think some people would implode, some people would not.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And it's kind of just like... I don't know if the technology is going to be something where you can't escape it or it's like a choice to do or something like that. But it is one of those things where if it was just the way things were and say it was forced on everyone that you had to open your brain up to everyone's thoughts. You would get a lot of fighting against that and I would not be for that because it kind of destroys the idea of like you are yourself
Starting point is 00:42:12 and like your own autonomy and stuff like that and it's like it is invasive. We are ourselves. I'm a big advocate of like privacy and like individuality and like you are your own person and you are the determinator of your own destiny and whatnot but also at the same time like if in a hypothetical situation where this technology not only exists, but everyone instantaneously had access to it and you didn't have a choice,
Starting point is 00:42:32 I feel like there would be an upheaval, but also people would adapt. Like it would just be like, okay, I guess this just is what it is. I don't really have a choice. I'm sure there'd be like people who come up with some kind of mind blocker technology, but I think the possibility of becoming a hive mind is intriguing and terrifying what if yeah but also like you take the like all of a sudden good people are seeing all these bad thoughts conversely though people that think that they're monsters for having bad thoughts would see that everyone has those bad thoughts and they might be more redeemable
Starting point is 00:43:00 because of that the big oh well if everyone thinks that way and they just don't act on it maybe i can be a better person if what it means to be good is your actions and not your thoughts like you know it might be eye-opening on both sides there might be some good people like oh my god i'm a monster i can't believe yeah or these people are monsters everyone's a monster but there could also be the opposite effect where everyone sees like oh you also want to punch me in the dick like i want to punch you in the dick but as long as we don't do it we're okay yeah i've mined imagine becoming like having an individual personality, but becoming part of the high, like the Borg, I guess, and like Star Trek or something, something like that.
Starting point is 00:43:31 You could never lie. You could never lie. Lies would be effectively eliminated. Yeah. What would the world be like if you couldn't lie? Which is also a movie, I think, the invention of lying. So none of our ideas are original at all. Everything is just all the same. No, this is an original. Yeah, they took it from us
Starting point is 00:43:49 It's the hive mind true They take it from us later than they go back and implement it or they're us in a previous life And they know what we're thinking ahead of time Grandma's got the scoops. Oh, no We never got that that actually trending no one ever picked up on that lingo there so like i think we weren't doing our job correctly uh scoops damn grandma's got the scoop all right i'm curious we can do this because this is recorded live i want a poll of how many people want to join the hive mind how people want to resist oh that is an interesting thing i'll start a poll going let's let's get a poll how many of people want to join the hive mind, how many people want to resist. Oh, that is an interesting thing. I'll start a poll going.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Let's get a poll. How many of you would try to block it? How many of you would be curious enough to like get a taste of the hive mind? But that means your thoughts will also be accessible. All right. So I'm going to start this poll. Would you join the hive mind? I've just made it simple.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Yes or no. There's no qualification for this that I want to break it down further. It's just like you understand what the hive mind is you open up your brain to everyone else you get a device that opens your brain up and everyone who also picked yes they are part of it and you are part of that if you say no you did not accept the invitation to the hive mind everyone better participate in this poll all right i also have a poll i know how to do things answer my poll i'm gonna wait and say what I think I would do until after I see what everyone else does. I don't want influence.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Now, the other question would be, would, like, would one person in the hive mind start to become, like, the dominant voice in there? Would it all, like, be a collective? Like, would you lose your sense of self in this, like, cloud? I think the game Discover Our Bodies kind of was, like, in this, like like idea, but very, very, very small portion of it. But just like would one voice or would they all kind of like collectively form one voice that was not any individual, but was like an echo of everything in there? Like would they all start to act the same? Would they all start to be the same? You know, like would it weirdly be better for society?
Starting point is 00:45:42 I think it's hard for us as we exist to perceive it but i have to imagine it would be more like you completely lose yourself yeah i would guess so yeah you understand that it is a collective yeah but you couldn't possibly maintain a sense of self if you really were in like a hive mind situation yeah because you have so many voices screaming at you to do something does your own voice get drowned out in the cacophony well we kind of feel like it was just you still i think maybe because you would talk as a collective yeah but you would experience all thoughts in the hive mind yeah as your own but like none of you know they're all your own and none of them are your own yeah but it feels like you are one being. And it would probably, if you went from being an individual to a hive mind,
Starting point is 00:46:29 you probably would maintain the feeling of, it feels like I'm just having all these thoughts now. Yeah. The question people are asking, like, is it proximity chat based as like, no, I don't think so. Maybe if you are near someone else, like you can hear their voice more clearly. So I guess proximity chat, but there's always like the background chatter of everyone else it's fallout 76 proximity chat it's always on you have no choice and there's a bunch of kids screaming at you no push to talk you're just always like it's a screaming room on my discord everyone just like yelling as loud as they can all the time that would be pretty much so what happens like for our instincts right like your instinct for self-preservation or like
Starting point is 00:47:05 to preserve our species right people want to like have kids so we have like our own taste and things like we see a person we determine whether or not we think they're attractive or not based on our so if you have like 10 people a million people is it like everyone becomes desirable or is it morph into like one mold that kind of takes like is it like a like building up an ideal person out of these poles like right you have all these different voices saying like brunette redhead blonde bald and like just the majority slowly morphs like oh okay this is the image that comes to mind of the ideal partner for or is it still a collective is it just a giant orgy where everyone just jumps into a pile i don't know i mean i have to imagine that's why hive mind characters are always so benevolent you could never have a dominant like thought yeah yeah the thinking becomes utilitarian right yeah the thinking becomes
Starting point is 00:47:57 survival of the hive mind what's best for the hive mind yeah all of the individual concerns of attractiveness of a mate like your example or like what are we gonna eat or any it's optimal for the collective you you just have one guy like i'm having sex and everyone's like way to go greg good job we're like we know we're there we're all having sex right i wonder if that character exists. Anyone's ever written like a Hivemind character where there were just some outliers in the Hivemind that like everyone kind of hated, but it's the same character, but they're just randomly like,
Starting point is 00:48:33 oh, she's so hot. And then the Hivemind voice is like, we're sorry, that's Greg. Greg's kind of an asshole. Yeah. What would happen if someone lost that connection? Like if you were in there and like you had given so much of yourself to like the collective
Starting point is 00:48:47 and then suddenly your connection got severed to it. Like what would you even do? Would you like suddenly become like so afraid because you don't hear anyone? It would be like losing a good percentage of your brain. Just all of a sudden so much knowledge, understanding, capacity for thought would be gone. All of the things you see. Like if you could see, smell, hear what everyone else is doing, it'd be like having a good portion of you cut off yeah you would talk about deja vu you'd have deja vu all the time because i was like i'm at this restaurant and 20 people
Starting point is 00:49:13 in your head are like i've been there before wow i love that place wow 79 of people would rather not be part of the collective that's kind of what i'm getting i'm at 70 70 oh you have more eager people third you've got you guys i'm eager that says something about those facebook people wanting to be part of the collective they practically are already wow makes sense all right i'm gonna bring this together we all had some really great points i'm assigning some final tallies here we made some great tangents away from the the base of synchronicity, but I think we got to a really interesting place and a good discussion. Wade, I hate to say this, but if you had not
Starting point is 00:49:49 asked me to remove so many points from you, you would be winning right now because you have three points. Wow. Unbelievable. I still got this. No, you don't because it's over. Take those away too and score this golf away. No, it's not golf. Can be. I do this my way. Anyway, Wade, you not golf. I do this my way.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Anyway, Wade, you have three. We do this our way. Oh my God, this is not a collective. This is me and you and Bob. This is a distractible collective. This is our podcast. Yes, well, everyone listening is part of the collective because they all follow us on whatever podcast platform that they're listening to.
Starting point is 00:50:21 They all support us on the subreddit. And hey, when our merch comes out, they're going to buy our merch and welcome everyone else into the distractible collective and they're gonna tell us live right now who wins uh tell us it's bob bob one tell us live audience bob one bob tell us how i won bob one bob collectively wade really thinks he's the host of this episode he Yeah, he really does. I don't think he gets it, Mark. Yeah, he doesn't seem to get it. He does not seem to get it.
Starting point is 00:50:49 We get it. All of my chat is saying that Bob won. Oh, okay. Legitimately, Wade. You made me take away two points from you. You have three. Bob has four points. Take away the rest one at a time. I'm not going to do anything.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Peel them away. No, it's over. Slowly peel them off. There is nothing left to peel. They're set in stone, and it will be forever put into the distractible archives on the wiki. We will know that you did not win this one at your own fault. Peel me like you mean it. I'm not going to peel you.
Starting point is 00:51:14 No one is going to peel you. Peel me. Feels good to win. Yeah, Bob, congratulations. Would you like to say anything to commemorate your win? I'd really like to thank Quantum Mechanics and Spatiotemporal Time Loops and whoever thought of this idea
Starting point is 00:51:31 50 years in the future that I stole it from. Yep. I appreciate you. We did good. I feel like a winner. Collectively, we all won today. Collectively, we think you're a loser.
Starting point is 00:51:40 So I think you're overruled. Collectively, we are. Collectively, i won and you lost collectively yeah collectively bob won oh yeah anyway thank you all so much for listening to distractible you can find us on our various social medias but more importantly it's uh the more important thing is to follow us right here wherever you're listening to if you're on this platform that you're currently listening this on then make sure you hit whatever button makes sure that you know whenever a new episode gets released which is every monday at about midnight so thank you nothing else to say nothing else to
Starting point is 00:52:08 do just uh if you want to join the hive mind in 50 years let us know and then you'll make up your mind podcast out that's not yeah it's not i say that oh podcast out

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