Distractible - We Got Screwed

Episode Date: May 30, 2022

Labyrinthian healthcare services, customer service "assistance," and unobserved restaurant reservations: today the guys rant about getting screwed!!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastcho...ices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good evening, gentle listeners, and welcome to Distractible, a Wood Elf production with your hosts, Misanthropic Mark, Bilius Bob, and Whoopin' Wade. This week, the hilarity hastens hard as the handsome humanitarians are haughtily hamstrung. Yes, it's time for We Got Screwed. Please prepare thy condolences, or pitchforks, and enjoy the show. Hey everybody, welcome back to Distractible. I'm your host today, I'm Wade, joined by my friends Mark and Bob. Hello boys. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:00:37 If you all are new to the show, the way this works is last week we had a host, the winner was me. This week I'll declare a winner and basically we just kind of talk about whatever we feel like i assign points whoever has the most points at the end wins except for the one episode where i decided it was golf rules no matter the lowest points wins i guess the judge makes up all the rules you know what i i found out recently um i was looking on the distractible subreddit and people there was someone that made a spreadsheet of all the points and winners assigned in every single episode thus far. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And they update it every week. I've been following. Yes. Oh, no. You have been following. Yes. And I talked to Amy about this because it was very confusing. Because, Wade, who do you think has the least amount of wins?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Oh, man. I have no idea. I feel like we've hosted relatively equally, so I don't know. Okay. Bob, you said you saw the spreadsheet. think i know yeah what do you think it's currently me isn't it it is aren't you and wade tied for first and i have like three less or something i think as of this episode wade might be in first place which is stunning hold on now why is that stunning isn't it? Hold on. Why is that stunning? Isn't it stunning? Isn't it stunning?
Starting point is 00:01:48 It's absolutely mystifying. Well, now I'm the judge, you assholes. Why is that stunning? It feels somehow completely undeserved, you know? Right, right, right. Just because I've been underappreciated for the better part of a decade for my superior humor doesn't mean i deserve less wins just completely dissociated from reality like in some pocket universe like the data shouldn't line up this really is the worst timeline now that
Starting point is 00:02:17 wade has won the most episodes of distractible forget the state of the world anyway i just wanted to throw that out there in terms of like winners and losers uh through all the weird ways that we have calculated points it has somehow led to this outcome it's just interesting i make no commentary on it well i don't like the way you both jumped on the bandwagon of oh i can't believe it's wayne of all three of us i've seen the polls and everyone says wayne's the worst of the hosts. How could he win? They do all agree.
Starting point is 00:02:49 That's true. That's true. That is true. Yeah, that's true. Your words are not mine. Except for the five people that respond to them all and defend me. My alternate accounts. Anyway, that's my tidbit of the day day this is why i don't keep up with analytics
Starting point is 00:03:07 interesting interesting i guess we'll see if um bob can start catching up today or if he will continue to uh be at the bottom of the winner's poll yeah despite him having the most famous episode of them all the best episode you could say by the analytics accordingly yeah yeah i have uh i have i have small talk yeah oh by all means how do you want to disparage me to start this no no it's disparaging myself listen oh good uh so the other night went to bed usually the way we go to bed mandy goes to sleep before i do i'm kind of a late person i'll stay up and like watch youtube or or whatever watch something on my phone uh and I, she went to bed and then a little bit later I came to bed and seemed totally fine. I slept through the night. Uh, I actually slept okay,
Starting point is 00:03:54 but I woke up feeling kind of tired and I woke up and Mandy woke up next to me and was like, she looked exhausted. She didn't sleep well. And I was like, Oh no. Oh, I'm so sorry. Like you, you, how'd you sleep? Like you're, and she's like, I oh i'm so sorry like you how'd you sleep like you're and she's like i did not sleep so good damn that sucks i'm sorry i did something happen and she was like yeah you you were farting so much and it smelled so bad i couldn't sleep. I apparently used chemical weapons against Mandy and the dog. I don't know what happened. I didn't eat anything that weird, but literally we woke up and she had a bad day because she was exhausted because my farts were so rancid that she like turned fans on and was like
Starting point is 00:04:39 trying to like poking me to get me to roll. I don't know what happened, but apparently I'm disgusting. Oh, you ever been there? You ever felt like that? I thought this was disparaging. It feels't know what happened, but apparently I'm disgusting. Oh, you ever been there? You ever felt like that? I thought this was disparaging. It feels like you're complimenting yourself. I'm disgusting. Hooray.
Starting point is 00:04:51 You've got weapons grade flatulence. That's good. Yay. Yay. Anyway, I that has lived in my head since she woke up and told me that because I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It's unclear to me, but I don't feel good about it because I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:05:06 It's unclear to me, but I don't feel good about it. I don't feel good about it. Yeah. Okay. All right. I don't have anything as earth shattering as that in my day-to-day life at the moment,
Starting point is 00:05:16 but I'm sure it will come up. Yeah. I don't think I do either. But do I get points for that? Oh, yeah. Since Mark didn't and you do. Yeah, sure. You know what?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Two points. Yes. Since I didn't and you do. Yeah, sure. You know what? Two points. Since, since I didn't get points and he do, he gets points. Was that the logic? Yeah. Well, if I do get points, then I get points, obviously. Well, no, since you didn't have anything interesting in your day-to-day life and he did. Oh, I brought up the thing about how, uh, you're the number one. Can't backpedal now.
Starting point is 00:05:43 That was my day-to-day thing. No, no, just come on. No, that was my thing. That's true, Mark. Two points. But also, you were shocked that I was the winner, so minus two points. So Bob, you're still ahead by two points. I can't believe that you had that reaction, Mark. That's so rude.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I think it was more of like I was stunned than shocked. Shaken to its very core might be the most accurate way nice use of synonyms hey we're each word has meaning just because it's a synonym doesn't mean that they don't have different nuances they imply different things yeah and they both hurt mark they both hurt no no no no you can be i i was flabbergasted i was flabbergasted when i saw the data how about that does that make you feel better i feel like you're the me of this episode minus two more points you know what go to negative two to start hit me again fine i will negative six points oh give me another man i've never been
Starting point is 00:06:37 the weight of an episode before that's very interesting no no not now not now not now later some other time oh okay you know it gives you a sense of freedom bob i'm actually kind of enjoying it yeah it's nice isn't it let it go of all care some probably i'm gonna start winning now it really opens you up to just talking about whatever comes to mind whenever you feel like you're already out of the running for the win yeah man no man. No, this is great. It's freeing. It's like taking off your underwear and running through a field of tall grass.
Starting point is 00:07:09 It's like there could be ticks and crabs, but crabs? Maybe. But you never know what you're going to get. Don't think about it. Just go with it. No, yeah. I'm just laughing. I'm just enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm not analyzing that. Take it from the number one overall winning contestant of this show. It makes sense. That is a fact. That's a scientific fact. Why didn't we reset the bracket with season two? Oh, I guess we could have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Then I can win all over again. Yeah, we'll get it for another season. We'll put that off. I think if we ended it at the end of season one, Mark was winning, if I remember correctly. We should keep the tally going. We should end it now. We'll call it right now. And you were in last.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah. Yeah. It was one point. You were in last. Mark, you and I were on top, and we were tied, and you were leading by one on and off for a while, and Wade was lagging behind by a few, and now I'm Wade.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Well, you know what happened, Bob, and you know what you can channel, is you guys brought it up, and you talked about the losing streak I was on and it really gave me that fuck you energy and I was like, you know what? I'm going to win now. Fuck you guys. And here I am at the top.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You really thrived in that episode. I got to be honest. You did. I was flabbergasted. See, it's a positive thing. It's positive. I was shooken. Turns out I'm a real asshole when I want to be.'s how i win that's what we're here for but instead of me being the asshole i think today
Starting point is 00:08:32 we're going to talk about whenever other people were the asshole uh times we got i had an experience a little while back with a veterinarian and just the that really set my mood it's been sitting on me for a while and it's like you know what i'm just gonna let the burden off and we're gonna go ahead and rant about times we've been screwed over and to kick it off i guess i'll share my quick story and then you guys can have the rest of the time to uh debate yourselves but since i brought it up i figure i should probably share it um ginger had to have back surgery a little while back and thankfully she's been doing really well but during the midst of her back surgery she also had a lump under her left arm that they removed and then that incision got a little
Starting point is 00:09:13 infected so we had to put her on antibiotic and at the same time she started to develop an ear infection and the medicine we had for ears expired literally the day that uh that she was showing issues so i tried to call the vet and i was like hey we need to get uh another bottle of medicine the one we have expired uh can we just renew this prescription i don't really want to bring my dog around everywhere because she just had surgery and i feel like transporting her around unnecessarily would be a bad idea and the vet says uh not the vet the the receptionist whatever answer the phone it's like yeah uh let me put you on hold for a quick second yeah sure no problem 40 minutes
Starting point is 00:09:45 passed oh and on top of that this is not like 40 minutes of music playing this is 40 minutes of every three seconds we appreciate your business thank you for waiting a veterinarian assistant will be with you in just a moment i hate that thank you for waiting a veterinarian yeah every few seconds that message like on repeat for 40 minutes and at the 40 minute mark i don't know what their their reset i think every 20 minutes like if they retry to call or something like it re-rings their phone so 19 20 minutes in it re-rings the phone goes right back to the answering whatever 40 minutes it goes to call and then it just hangs up so i call back the same person answers uh thank you for calling uh what can i do for your pet today uh hi yeah i was the person on hold for 40 minutes i literally said that uh about my dog and
Starting point is 00:10:39 her ear infection oh yeah what did you want again oh no and i was trying to be courteous but it was one of those like through my gritted teeth of holding back all of the horrible things i wanted to say because my dog is in pain and after that 40 minutes of my time was wasted at this point they're in the brink of closing the stores it's like is the vet even still in so she's like yeah yeah okay the ear infection uh give me one second let'll put you on hold and i was like wait but they put me on hold before i could even get that out and then she comes back after let's call it a minute it wasn't as long but it was still longer than i wanted it to be a minute yeah we're at the scheduled appointment you know we've not seen your dog in over six months so uh we can't just do that six months my dog just had back you saw
Starting point is 00:11:22 her like two weeks ago oh but we haven't seen her ear in six months oh you gotta look in the ear yeah ear very different very unusual anatomy in that ear we are no longer using that vet yeah that was the final straw for me this is the same vet that told my sister earlier this year that her dogs were dying of kidney failure when it turns out they had some mild dehydration issues and they're fine another vet she got a second opinion but they basically were like yeah i don't know if you want to schedule your six month dental cleaning or your yearly dental cleaning for your dogs because they're well they're dying uh excuse me that's a red flag for me yeah and the other the follow-up opinion was
Starting point is 00:12:04 oh it was mild dehydration so yeah they jumped straight to death of kidney failure and for our dog i guess they were just like ear infection we don't have time for that i'm sitting here answering the phone putting people on hold i got more people to put on hold 40 minutes dude 40 minutes and then they answer right away when i call back and had forgotten me well they obviously were very busy that day yeah very busy yeah lots of lots of kidney failures yeah it's you know how hard it is to tell every person you see that their dog is dying kidney failure without even checking you just have to tell them right to their face this horrible news like ear infection that's not drastic enough we need some drama
Starting point is 00:12:45 what's uh oh your dog got hit by a bus today oh it's dying what's your dog do oh it's infected tooth death we can put it down right now bring it in we've got extra syringes of murder fluid please come in not good when the vet shows up for a house call and all they brought was their travel euthanasia kid yeah what's wrong with your dog oh she's like her leg she's limping i don't know if she broke it or something oh i can put her down i'll get rid of that for you like whoa he's a puppy this is a long life just fix her leg do you remember what was the professor's name in harry potter like the crazy one that made all the predictions what is it trelawney yeah so like the veterinarian back there as soon as you walk in the door turns around those big coke bottle glasses you're in danger i looked in your dog's ear. The tea leaves show death.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Your dog looks like a dog. Grim. I just brought her in because she's slightly been overweight. I want to talk about changing up her diet. Oh, it's too late for that. Oh, my God. Your dog. The dog is sitting there.
Starting point is 00:14:25 It's the actual sound from TikTok that you just hear like... Sh lived come to die the whole door just shaved dude i think somebody should start a millennial targeted harry potter themed jenny craig style weight loss clinic oh man I can't wait to go to a death eater clinic called Expelli Tummy. Oh. Expelli Tummus? Expelli Tummus. Expelli Bum Bum? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:53 There's something in there. Yeah. You know, those millennials, they fucking love Harry Potter. They love that Harry Potter shit. They live and die. I mean, we millennials, I guess, but not us millennials. The other millennials. I mean, I do enjoy harry potter
Starting point is 00:15:05 but i wouldn't sign up for that but like that probably exists right oh yeah yeah i enjoyed it at the time you know what i'm just gonna google it harry potter weight loss dog has some anal gland issues you take it just like sephorus please if you google harry potter weight loss you get pictures of the kid who played neville Longbottom and how he went from being kind of a pudgy young kid to being the handsome sexy guy in the last couple movies that everyone was all nice.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Clearly we have to add the word clinic at the end. Nope. Wait what? That doesn't do it. Just all pictures of Harry Melling. Just that guy. Oh wait he's the Dudley Dursley guy. Dudley Dursley. Oh, man. He hot it up, too.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Look at this dude. Dudley Doodley. Okay, I'll specifically search for Harry Potter weight loss clinics near Cincinnati, Ohio. I don't feel like that's going to... Nope, none. I'm shocked. I don't feel like that's going to get you anything. That didn't work, huh?
Starting point is 00:16:02 Damn shame. Damn shame. All right. it could be the first all right well i i do have a recent um well recent it's been ongoing but i do have a recent thing where i got screwed a lot that only resolved literally last week like not at the time of this recording maybe when people hear it it was a little earlier but for us right now literally last week i finally got this resolved i would call this one uh pharmaceutical purgatory okay pharmaceutical purgatory i'm struggling to uh come up with a new one for this am i allowed to cash in on everyone's enjoyment of my fridge story and i
Starting point is 00:16:43 you're just gonna retell it or is there like some new stuff going on or nothing new happened the revisited like i've been doing so i went to lowe's yeah yeah go on i'm into i'm in and i needed this fridge look i told i have several pretty good stories because i told you guys this story about um the flight out of vegas too right yeah trapped in the airport like overnight sort of deal i think so did you tell it on distractible i think i told it on like a live stream back back predating distractible the ultimate bob's test is like whether or not he's told this before so i don't have that many stories come on you guys have a lot more than i do i mark and i concede mark and go first i need
Starting point is 00:17:32 i was gonna have mark go first anyway because you didn't give me a title but more importantly everyone loves your fridge so much they gotta keep our retention levels up so if marco's right i know that we'll keep people longer for your fridge yeah as soon as i'm done with my shitty story we're gonna have the real content of the bob's fridge update part two it gets even crazier doctors hate it not clickbait click to find out why yeah better watch to the end of the episode that's a lot that's a lot of pressure huh yeah well uh-oh all right you each get uh you each get two points for whatever what but i go yeah i earned that well yeah you get the chance to earn more points but bob's talking about his fridge that's automatic two points you're right you're right what was i even thinking yeah i'll try to keep this short bob you're only down by six. You got this. Cool. Thanks, man. This whole story starts back
Starting point is 00:18:25 in September of last year. But to get full context, I just a few things of early information. I have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was 21 late in life. But it was it was mostly just because as a kid, I didn't really know what ADHD was. And then when I was a teenager in high school, I had an inclination that I might because I had a lot of trouble like focusing and doing was. And then when I was a teenager in high school, I had an inclination that I might because I had a lot of trouble like focusing and doing work. And like, whenever I tried to like do something, I would just kind of fall asleep. And it didn't matter how much I wanted to do something. If it like took work, it was just almost impossible for me to do anything. And it was incredibly frustrating. So finally, when I went to college, and I was on my own, I was able to be like, I'm
Starting point is 00:19:03 just gonna go get tested, see what happens. I got tested. I think they, they said it was, it was in the red. If there's like a gauge and a needle, it's like all the tests that I take. And there's like a series of different concentrations. Every single one was like, you passed with flying colors. You are so, so, so deep into ADHD. I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Okay. That answers a lot of questions. so, so deep into ADHD. I was like, wow, okay, that answers a lot of questions. So part of my therapy, in addition to other like habit changes that I did, I got a medication. So I've been taking Adderall since my diagnosis. So for about 10 years, I've been taking Adderall. Okay, that's not abnormal. That's fine. I got up to a therapeutic dose. That's fine. It's what it is. It's what my doctor recommended. This is a key component to this. Me and my doctor have been in constant communication. I've actually had a few different doctors.
Starting point is 00:19:49 We've always been in constant communication because that's how medicine should work for these therapies, right? You'd expect that. Sure, yeah. So since I've been taking it for 10 years, I was reaching the point where the option was either go up in dosage or try a new medication for therapy reasons, because the same medication that I've been taking for a long time, you know, it stops being effective or as effective because of tolerances, all these different things, longevity, my brain changes. There's a bunch of different factors. I don't know them all because it's a communication between me and my doctor. So I find out about this new medication that's coming out.
Starting point is 00:20:27 It has good reviews. Like, I want to switch from it. Should I give the name to it? It doesn't matter. It's- Subtractanone? Subtractanone. What?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Attentional. Attentional. These are all great names and they were going for it. But it's this medication called the stars. I read reviews about it. It's all these weird medication names are bizarre. Don't ask me the spelling because I wouldn't fucking know. But I wanted to try it.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Good reviews. Talked to my doctor. Seemed like it was a good fit for me. He said, okay, let's try this medication. I'll write you a prescription for a two week prescription. And then we'll go from there and evaluate, you know, normal talking to doctor things. So I take this prescription to my pharmacy,vs it's the one nearby and uh i submit the the thing and they're like oh uh never heard of this one before we'll order it and uh it should be ready in a few days sure
Starting point is 00:21:16 perfectly normal this was in september of last year oh ha that was a while ago one two eight months you did say it took a while yeah as That was one, two, eight months. You did say it took a while. Yeah, as of right now, it's May. And as of right now, I got this prescription last week. The first time that there was a problem, because I submitted on like a Thursday. So the following Monday, I still haven't heard anything from CVS. So I call and I'm like, hey, did you get that prescription in? And they said like, no.
Starting point is 00:21:44 And I said... Wrong no. And I said. Wrong answer. Yeah. Let me put you on hold for a minute. I'll find out. So I'm like, oh, do you know why? No. Cool.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Literally the answer I got. I'm not exaggerating. When I asked them why it didn't come in, they said, I don't know. I don't know. Don't know why it didn't come in. We'll try to order it again. Well, it's's a good thing it's not an important medical prescription it was just a frivolous fun prescription so you know you're fine you'll be fine that is exactly the situation i was
Starting point is 00:22:17 in because i was running out of my previous like prescription i only had so many pills left and that's a problem but i was like okay order again i got a few days left i should be fine next day comes around they said we'll order it we'll put a priority it should come in tomorrow great tomorrow rolls around i call again you got it no do you know why no okay all right starting to become a problem here is this the same person answering every time like this person reading a magazine like not even looking at your account and it is the same amount of indifference it is just like no no i'm busy like i can't look into it so i'm like okay this is kind of important i need to know if you have this do i need to transfer this to another pharmacy
Starting point is 00:23:00 what's the what's the order of things here is like well because of what it is you can't transfer it we can't transfer you have to get your doctor right new prescription it's like uh okay can you try to order what the hell is that i it's because uh like adhd medication is like controlled substance oh like uh so so it's it's like category two so they don't want you calling it into like six places and like getting exactly those prescriptions at once okay which i that makes sense i totally understand and that's what i'm thinking this is all about like okay there must be something about this so i'm like okay can you uh can you try to order it again um like hopefully it's just an inventory issue and whatnot and then like please like this is very important i need it because i need to know if i need to get a
Starting point is 00:23:38 different prescription to fill the interim like it's important and they're like okay we'll order it again uh three days pass like i'm on my last pill at the subject for sure i'm like please do you did you get in it was like nah uh and we're not gonna order it anymore because it just it doesn't keep you coming in i'm like what what do you mean does this person also work at a vet clinic because they sound very familiar yeah i'm just like what what do you mean i i i never get upset on customer service stuff but i could not fathom why it is. And it's like, they said, we don't know. There's no answer. Like just the supplier didn't order it.
Starting point is 00:24:12 And I'm like, what do you mean the supplier didn't order it? What are you talking about? And then finally I go to the store. I literally go to the store and I confront the same person I was talking to on the phone. I'm like, please tell me what is the problem and the problem was that because it is a new medication my insurance couldn't cover it until there was a prior authorization which is a factor in these things it is a factor so but they didn't tell me that they didn't tell me that it needed a prior authorization which they would ordinarily tell you long ago because then they would look and they would see insurance didn't pay for it and stuff like that so i said fucking fine okay i'm gonna go to my doctor and he will submit a prior
Starting point is 00:24:53 authorization which is the most absurd thing in the world uh because what it is it's the insurance company just saying like we don't know if you really need this medication we need to hear from your doctor that you actually need it and i'm like didn't my doctor write on a very special piece of paper that no one can duplicate that i my name is on it needs this medication that's what a prescription is why would they write it if i didn't need it oh listen it's you may have gotten it prescribed but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's necessary i know and the thing your doctor's just you know maybe he just wanted you to have a fun weekend or or uh you know he's trying to hook you up get you so you could sell it on the street, make a little extra cash.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I don't know. You know, what's crazy is the prior authorization is literally a letter from my doctor that essentially says, yes, they need this medication. So they get the prescription from my doctor. Like, well, we need to hear from your doctor. And then the doctor writes a note that says, this guy needs it.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Oh, it's a letter from your doctor. Ah, now we'll submit it through oh my god and you would think this would be the end of this story oh no i would not but we've only gone a week into the timeline of me because remember this is still back in september yeah this is months ago so i get the prior authorization it goes through and you know what my insurance says no that looks like a fake authorization if i've ever seen one that's pretty much what happened and i've never understood that in my life where i've never even heard that and what they did was they didn't straight up say no it was like well are you sure you don't need uh another medication
Starting point is 00:26:42 how about one of these that we do cover and i'm like are you my doctor are you writing prescriptions are you doing the prescribing thing you medical profession no they're not could be no meanwhile they've got the euthanasia needle behind their back like no but we can still help you they called their vet friend and he's like i could get rid of them i'll fix your dear adhd don't you even worry about it we don't need pre-authorization for this you'll never be distracted again no you'll be so focused when i'm done with you and so what what came about is uh it wasn't even after the insurance because the prior authorization finally went through whatever after a long fight with that that took another week so i went back to CVS and I'm like, can you please order this now?
Starting point is 00:27:29 And then they didn't even try to order it. After all of that, with the prior authorization, with the talking to my doctor, with getting insurance sorted out, all of that, they just said, our supplier refuses to buy this medication because there aren't enough people getting prescribed this medication and i've never heard a more insane sentence in my life look you have to really have a common ailment if you have an uncommon ailment then you're just on your own what do you want them to just eat that overhead so that you can get the medicine you need to function alien bitch what do you think this is because what that means is like with with any and i get it's a new medication like of course there aren't going to be many people it's new but do just hundreds of people have to have this fight
Starting point is 00:28:17 with a pharmacy to get a medicine that their doctor says that they need or like it's and yes yes is the answer yes is the actual answer of course and and it's it was the most absurd thing so obviously i couldn't deal with this wait i got my doctor to write me another prescription for my previous prescription of adderall this mystery thing that was a star just had to be shoved off to the side like it just had to wait and so because I was busy making space and I was like, holy shit, I need medication for this. It's just like I can't function at this point in my life. And I want to try this new thing. So it goes by and every once in a while I'll check in with it and it won't happen. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I
Starting point is 00:29:01 talked to my doctor and I figure it's been six months, right? It's been six months. Space is almost done. I finally have a chance where I can get to a point where I can get addressed this other issue in my life and I can try a new medication that will hopefully be more beneficial to me. All seems good. My doctor's like, sure, you got it, buddy. Let's try it again. Here we go again with this, this test prescription, yada, yada, all all that stuff i send it to cvs and i'm like all right cool let's try this again they ordered it i call up did it come in no do you know why okay is it a prior authorization thing and they go oh yeah yeah yeah that's the thing and i'm like if you have a prior prior authorization i love to imagine that the
Starting point is 00:29:51 fucking vet tech the cvs person and my like needs more mud guy from the drowned man are all the same person needs more free authorization needs more mud needs more pre i need more people more people need to need this before you can have it you need to get your friends together in a group god so i i go through the whole thing because i've been through it before i get the prior of those situations because my insurance magically forgot i didn't even mention that my insurance uh needs a new prior authorization because i guess the old one expired. They forgot. Their memory just slips right out their ears.
Starting point is 00:30:27 If you want to use an old prior authorization, you actually need a prior prior authorization authorization. Exactly. Which is an entirely different process. You got to get the right paperwork. That's obvious. Obvious mistake. Thank God these industries are here to help us and not just to make money for themselves. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Sure. mistake thank god these industries are here to help us and not just to make money for themselves i know right sure so i i get all that done and i'm like okay all my ducks are in a row this should work out can you order the medication again they went yep all right we got all our ducks lined up this will be fine two days pass i call and they ordered it oh they ordered it all right i call i asked did it come in no do you know why do you at least have the other prescription at this point or are you like completely like i have the other one i have it at the point because i was i literally got extra because i was like all right we're gonna i'm ready for this to be terrible. And so what I eventually, cause I talked with them further and I called customer service on my own.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And I said, what is the problem? And it was again, a situation where the supplier, that supplier of CVS was not ordering it. They did not order it again, but they didn't say this time that it wasn't because it was enough. They just said no. And I called up people on the phone and I said, like, why would this happen? And I got answers like, okay, maybe there's a supply issue. Maybe now it's new, but it's popular. So they literally can't get it. And so I'm like, okay, that's valid. You know what I'll do? I'll call the people that make the drug because they have a customer service line. And so I call them up and I say like, hey, I'm out in California. Is there any reason why CVS wouldn't be able to get that and the guy on the from the company that makes the drug said i've never heard of that before we have plenty of inventory cvs has bought it before we don't know
Starting point is 00:32:17 why they would refuse to order it neat i'm like the plot thickens. What? Oh my God, I figured it out. I know why. Why? I'm going to go ahead and make my guess. Okay. The person on the phone that you keep calling is like, no, is a big fan of your hospital content. And really just wants to see more hospital videos on your channel. So they're denying you your medicine in hopes of getting that sweet content they love.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And you know what? They got it, but not because of this i cannot legally say that i went to the hospital uh because of this situation because i did not and no one cvs do not sue me don't sue me like because i'm not saying that's the super it just so happens that the morning i tweeted at cvs because at this point i had exhausted every possible option i had no other recourse I did not want to go publicly with this because it's a private thing it's my medication it's like all this stuff that I'm taking care of and yet I was like there's no other way this how else would I
Starting point is 00:33:14 do it I've talked to their customers so I tweeted them and then like they respond of course because all these other people that follow me are like this is fucked up and it is fucked up and then so many people respond to me like yeah this is fucked up oh i didn't even mention because after i called the manufacturer i go to my my my app where i can see my prescriptions and my prescription has disappeared oh literally i go into my app and i look at it and like you can see like your pending prescriptions and even before in this situation i look in the app my prescription is just gone well you can't get that one so you don't need it it literally you can't get it so you don't need it and so i call i go to
Starting point is 00:33:51 the hospital like uh they eventually call me back the following week yada yada hospital is completely unrelated but i finally get someone on the phone and they say oh okay i don't know why that cvs can't order it but there's a cvs 20 minutes away that has it in stock right now and i'm like you are joking me like i could not believe that and i'm like why does that one cvs have it and this one is incapable well it doesn't make any sense at all how could that cvs not know that the one next door because i've had that with other pharmacies where they're like oh we don't have it but a sister location has it and i'm like how how did you i literally called my doctor they changed the prescription over they put it in the new pharmacy the next day i got the medication if
Starting point is 00:34:39 you go to gamestop and you try to get a video game and it's not in stock the person behind the counter immediately is like well we don't have it but it looks like uh these four stores within the area do you can go to one of these and get it right away but they won't for medicine i know oh you're dying oh that's too bad i'm very busy right now wish there was something we could do but it doesn't exist anywhere apparently i like to imagine that person is looking at the screen, and the screen is like, oh, this other, the Walnut Street one has it. And he's just like, that doesn't seem pertinent to this. Oh, well.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah, we don't have it. Sorry, bud. Don't know why. Can't help you. So after all that, yeah, I finally got the medication so that I and my doctor can go through this medication and figure out if it's right for me. So you're sure that this is an actual CVS you were going to originally, right? It's not like one of those like where there's a neon sign and the words fake are like burned out. The lights aren't glowing.
Starting point is 00:35:40 You know, honestly, I really hope so. And I really think so. But I've seen that before with like, you know, you really hope so and i really think so but i've seen that before with like you know you got like an at&t but it says at&t and in tiny letters authorized reseller like itty bitty letters and they're not at&t and it doesn't make any sense how that's possible but i'm pretty sure what if what if this new medicine is a meta treatment and it is an effort by a pharmaceutical company to sell you nothing. There is no drug. What happens if you get this new prescription from your doctor?
Starting point is 00:36:16 Oh, my God. And all this whole thing is just a whole scam to give you something to hyper fixate on. And that does something to your brain that, that fixes your ADD and you're, you've got to stay. And you're like, God, I'm just trying to get there.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And you're calling CVS and you're calling the thing. And they're like, Oh, we've got plenty of it. I don't know. And CVS is like, Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I don't know why we don't have it. It'd be so easy to fix that. Doesn't it? Oh, geez, sorry. And it's just for months and months you go through withdrawal and then you're off of your other medicines and then you're just waiting for this one and it never comes right
Starting point is 00:36:49 yeah it is and that's the treatment or it's like one of those authentic italian restaurants like the snl skit you go in like you eat the pizza then you find out it's like from domino's or something like your insurance company steps out they're like see you're able to focus on this seems like we're fine after all you don't need any medicine looks like somebody never had add huh it's a chris hansen like why don't you have a seat over there here's a rubik's cube and i know you can solve it come on solve no but uh it's it's hilarious because like all this trouble to get a medication and it's i don't know it was like a it what do they call it's like the um the swiss cheese of failure you know it's it's hilarious because like all this trouble to get a medication and it's i don't know it was like a it what do they call it's like the um the swiss cheese of failure you know it's
Starting point is 00:37:29 like the insurance the pharmacy like every every the supplier like all these people just like kept like not taking one literally the tiniest extra step to help me out no one did that no one the manufacturer when i called them was infinitely more helpful than any of these people were just by the sheer like element of them going like i've never heard of that problem before which made me realize i wasn't crazy well profits in the job description mark not caring right it's not part of it right absolutely yeah so uh why don't they go out of their way to see if the store 10 minutes down the road might be able to help you? Just dial or anything.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Quit calling them. It's called health industry, not health care. Oh, wait. Long story short, I got my medication and so far so good. That's all I'll say about that. I'm glad that's the... It took a year to get it, but now that you got it, it's helpful. Yeah, I know, right?
Starting point is 00:38:28 I mean... Turns out you might have needed it after all. That's crazy. Yeah, that's the thing. It's like, thanks, guys. Thank you all so much. It was great. Well worth it.
Starting point is 00:38:36 But yeah, no, I have it now, and I'm good, and it's all good. And by the way, they're discontinuing the medication because not enough people were able to get it in the last year. Oh, God. Not enough people were able to get it. Turns last year. Oh, God. Not enough people were able to get it. Turns out nobody could access this medicine that was readily available, so they're discontinuing it. God, man, I wouldn't be surprised. I would not be surprised at this point.
Starting point is 00:38:56 You finally get it. It's like, oh, that's our last thing. We're sold out. We're never getting it again. Oh, my God. I wouldn't be surprised because maybe that is how people squash out the competition or something like that i hate to be conspiracy theory about it but man it was a lot of trouble getting this one thing but it is what it is and uh that's the end of my story god that's a banger jeez that was a longer rant all right well good story i'm gonna give you eight points one for
Starting point is 00:39:20 every month you couldn't get your medicine thank you thank you yeah i did not expect to rant that long um but yeah so this has been bubbling inside me for quite a while that's good bubbling is how we get views on this show the rage and pain we endure people are here for the frothing that's for sure yeah we need more interactions with uh appliances and healthcare industry because man those do great for business it's literally the wade mentality but in life you go up to corporations and they give you bad treatment you're like oh give me another i need the content oh don't give my dog the medicine she needs again please i need the views. Ah, shit.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Oh, boy. All right. Again, good story, good story. Thank you, thank you. Every month you didn't get it. Bob, we got some fridge news. I'm frothing at the hips. Oh, God. The lips.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Come on. You're frothing at the hips or the lips? Where are you frothing? Listen. I'm frothing somewhere. Right. Well, so I did think of a couple stories but they're nowhere near the the scope or hilarity that that marks have to offer um and i know how he felt during your
Starting point is 00:40:33 fridge episode oh no i mean you guys we didn't even go into that pretending like everyone was gonna talk we said we started that and mark was like bob go ahead yeah we knew we could tell when we got to the call with you that we had a golden opportunity. Oh, no, no, don't. I'm thinking about it. I'm getting mad. I'm getting mad. Don't oversell it.
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's good. I have two stories, both about and involving my wife, and I'm going to call my segment, the luck of the mandy oh that's a good name yeah i'll give you a point for the title right off the bat all right well one of them relates uh pretty not super close but it relates to yours mark one of them is health care related um god damn um nightmare yes fuel it feel it and in in where where we live in california i won't say the company's name but it's a very large health care provider network type thing and it rhymes with skyzer gerbagente i think it might be an herbamate uh dealer some kind yeah. Some kind of kombucha. Bro.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Kombucha? Yeah, bro. Oh, bro. The other day I had this ginger hemp kombucha. Didn't have any THC or CBD or anything, but I was just buzzing on how delicious it was. Real body
Starting point is 00:42:02 buzz. I don't know if you'd do that better now that you live in California, but it really feels like it's evolving but i don't know if you do that better now that you live in california but it really feels like i don't love it i don't live in that part of california well i kind of live in that part of california that's kind of a socal accent isn't it i don't hear that around here what are you the only person who talks like that is evan and he's not mark what are you even doing here and beat y'all okay you just get on sunset and head west i'm so shocked that that you drive into the ocean for so many years the californian sketch i re-watched them me too i love the california sketches from snl i love them me too um anyway uh yes so mandy uh recently it's not the multi-month saga that you had but recently
Starting point is 00:42:47 mandy like had like a checkup sort of thing with her doctor and and as happens you know that we're we're not 18 year olds anymore so they're like oh we wanted to do like some tests right draw some blood or pee in a cup or whatever to test for normal stuff bodily functions cholesterol whatever and so she like had like a check-in with her doctor and the doctor was like, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll like get some tests or whatever. And the way that works is the doctor just schedules it and you just show up at the lab
Starting point is 00:43:15 and they just like draw your blood or give you a cup or whatever, whatever test it is. I don't know what other ones there are. Maybe there's a bag you poop into sometimes. I'm not sure. You do it. And then you just, you go in and it's really quick like if you have a scheduled appointment you could be in and out of the lab in like 20 minutes it's really convenient kind of it's supposed to be so manny
Starting point is 00:43:32 got this thing set up and and went over there and just walked up and was like hey i'm here's my like id or whatever i'm here i have an appointment and the guy behind the counter was like okay okay uh sure amanda sure here's like gave her some stuff and did, and didn't explain anything. Didn't tell her anything, just gave her some stuff and was like, uh, they'll call you in. And she was like, cool, sweet, perfect. And she sat there for a minute and eventually they called her in and they like drew some blood and took a minute. And then she just went home and, um, didn't think another thing about it until like a day or two later, the results come in and she sort of looks and is like ah it doesn't this doesn't seem like the test that we had talked about they did like some random test on her or like a thing she doesn't have they did like a like a kidney function
Starting point is 00:44:16 test she does not have any kidney issues she does not have any diseases that have related you know kidney problems it's not not a thing she needed oh they found our vet she's dying and she looked and was kind of like uh i don't think that's right that's the doctor said we're doing these other whatever tests and so she sort of looked and thought to herself like uh they maybe they just like didn't have it whatever i'll just make another appointment and i'll just do it again like that sucks that's a pain in the butt because it's two trips to the doctor in the same it's annoying right it's a hassle oh yeah that happens sometimes people make mistakes and so she goes online and the the app is like yeah yeah you can make an appointment uh just tell us you know tell us what you want for the appointment and and pick and pick a date and time perfect and she like made it for the next day and went in and the guy was like you
Starting point is 00:45:04 don't have an appointment you can't do that she was like i do have an appointment i made it for the next day and went in and the guy was like you don't have an appointment you can't do that he was like i do have an appointment i made it you can't do that you guys sent me an email about it and everything and the guy was like you can't make that on your own your doctor has to make that appointment and she was like i can make this appointment it specifically said you don't need your doctor to make this appointment on your website and the guy was like ah so manny like calls the doctor and it's like just help you know like and the doctor looked and was like oh yeah that's they didn't that's not the right one i'll i'll schedule the right one right and so she leaves without having done any testing and then later that day the doctor sends her a message and is like you
Starting point is 00:45:42 should have an appointment look and she's like okay i can go back again for a third time this afternoon and do it and she goes and checks in gives them her info the guy gives her whatever some stuff to bring and they call her back and she comes back home and waits and waits and sees the results and they did the same incorrect test that they did the first time they did they did another like repeat test of a thing she doesn't need and they didn't do what she was supposed to be getting well mandy we're glad to say the hair transplant was a success but i was here for a heart transplant oh well you've got lots of hair now so like that yeah like that it happens again this is fucking at this point it's like livid right like this who is fucking up here you can't even tell who's making a mistake you can't tell if the people at the lab are making a mistake if
Starting point is 00:46:36 the doctor is not doing what they're saying if there's some miscommunication because the doctor doesn't do that shit right they're they're like assistant or i don't know their nurse whoever uh schedules things for the doctor yeah they probably handled that so finally more conversations with the doctor and the doctor is kind of like oh what the fuck uh i don't know let's um let's uh let's schedule an appointment and we'll like handle it in my office third time's the charm fourth fourth time four times and so and so they the new appointment is made mandy sees it pop up to like go and see the doctor in the doctor's office and this is like the following week right this all this happens in the middle of a week and then it's like okay well i have appointment on monday now to go fucking see okay fine and um i'm like
Starting point is 00:47:21 over the weekend i think maybe on friday maybe over the weekend someone from the doctor's office calls and is like you can't have an appointment with your doctor what's the appointment for and manny is like it's because i just fucking giving you blood and you i don't know what you do with it and i just keep giving you blood and i just the doctor said and the doctor said to have this appointment. And the person on the phone is like, you can't have, you're not, you're supposed to have a phone appointment before you see the doctor in part to talk to them. And Manny is like, I'm fucking going to be there on Monday at the time you said.
Starting point is 00:48:01 So figure out how that's going to work then. And the person is like trying to get a phone appointment what the result was they called back and are like all right we have a phone appointment it's at 3 p.m on monday and mandy's like my appointment is at three on monday i'm busy then and they just were like oh we'll figure it out i guess never called back mandy went to the doctor and just showed up and the people at the doctor's office were like did you know you're supposed to have an appointment and she was like i heard about that yeah somebody mentioned that
Starting point is 00:48:35 eventually she it all gets sorted out and it turns out she's fine so good would suck if she wasn't because you know i wouldn't have gotten to it they ever do the right test or is the doctor just like well you're still alive so you're probably fine oh i don't know and i didn't i kept she kept like being like help me please and i kept not really being very helpful because i kept calling her and then you know i you're the one that worked at the office you the phone or something a phone appointment i i kept calling the office and be like uh this is her husband she actually can you cancel that she can't make that appointment uh like i don't know i don't know why that hey don't worry we get husbands calling all the time to cancel life saving appointments oh we got you covered, Wink. And then, hang on.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Yeah, well, I don't know if it would have been better or worse if it had been a situation where the doctor was like, ooh, this is kind of serious. We should get some tests. Or what it really was is it was literally just like, hey, we should do like your annual thing. It's not a big deal. It won't be an enormous pain in your ass for like an entire week.
Starting point is 00:49:42 It's like 20 minutes. You got an ear infection better do an enema let me do an emergency enema real quick god kinda we'll fix it you ever at the doctor and you just hear someone outside unzipping a bag full of vials and and uh syringes and the guy goes yeah i can take care of them i'll get rid of them it's a bad sign don't worry tony i got this i mean dr tony i got this one it's either cannibal or vampires like you come in you give us in the chair let's give your blood there's like the head doctor bathing in blood trying for eternal life you know they bring in the blood vial rack it's like it's
Starting point is 00:50:25 like eight by twenty vials and they just slam it on the counter all right what arm you what arm is best and they fill up every single vial that would be a red flag bright red yeah but i feel like anyone who's listening to this who lives in america maybe all of the world but i know especially in our country it's not surprising you probably have had your own hellish nightmare experiences possibly way worse than anything we've talked about because maybe you had a life-threatening thing that people treated the way they treated marks luckily not life-saving medication you probably would have lived another six to eight months without whatever this is right of course of course uh but another i feel like this is another cliche maybe but another place that
Starting point is 00:51:11 this happens and the other part of my story is restaurants uh so mandy her birthday is on christmas eve birthday is on december 24th which is kind of cool because it means that like the family tends to be together which is fun it's not like it's in the middle of like, you know, school year or something where it's hard to travel. People tend to get together in our families for Christmas. So everyone's kind of together. It's kind of sad because it means her birthday gets kind of consumed by Christmas. But so the tradition to celebrate Mandy's birthday is on December 24th. Mandy's birthday is like a big lunch because a lot of times in the evening, you know, it's like Christmas Eve dinners kind of a thing. Her family used to go sing at church because her mom is a vocalist and like a professional singer in a choir.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And, you know, everyone would kind of go and it's really fun tradition, actually. But so Mandy's thing was lunch on Christmas Eve. And for like a long time, most of her life, I think, Mandy's favorite restaurant to do that at was Buca di Beppo. It's an Italian family style restaurant. You order and they come. The portions are for like three to four or like six to eight people.
Starting point is 00:52:18 There's like huge plates of pasta and stuff. It's fun, right? You go with a group, you go with a big family group, order a bunch of stuff and everyone has a little scoop of everything. and it's like a good family party restaurant it's actually where we went uh for dinner on new year's eve the night that we got engaged to marry me and then we had a really nice dinner at the restaurant that i'm about to tell a story
Starting point is 00:52:37 about but so christmas eve clearly is also kind of a busy day it's kind of weird but like restaurants tend to be pretty busy right some people maybe aren't celebrating Christmas. So they're going out just to have fun and, you know, have a little celebration of their own. Some people don't want to cook on Christmas Eve, but they, cause they cook on the next day, whatever. So restaurants tend to be pretty busy. Bucco is usually pretty busy, but we made a reservation cause we're planners. We planned, we're ready, made a reservation. So I don't remember the time, but I think we had a reservation for lunch at like one o'clock. Perfectly normal.
Starting point is 00:53:07 And we have a pretty big group. And it's like, it's like a lot of people, right? Grandma is there. All the siblings are there. My parents, I think, drove down into town. So it's like both Mandy's parents and my parents. We had like maybe almost a dozen people. Aunt Sue was there.
Starting point is 00:53:21 We had like almost a dozen people in our group. Big group, big table. And we had a reservation. So we were like, you know, you show show up at the time they see you at the table right in theory sure so we show up a little early we show up maybe 12 30 you know 12 45 a little bit early check in and the hostess is like great uh party of whatever you guys just go have a seat we'll get your table ready like cool and we're sitting there and time starts to pass a little bit and we have a big group they don't have table ready. Cool. And we're sitting there and time starts to pass a little bit.
Starting point is 00:53:45 And we have a big group. They don't have like a small lobby, but it's not enough where everyone can like sit and chill. We're kind of all crowded standing, you know, that awkward, like crowd in, get out of the way. There's a bunch of people around. It's pre-pandemic. So everyone's just mingling and wedging together.
Starting point is 00:54:00 We're awkwardly standing all in one clump, just like any second now we'll be seated. So this is okay and like it turns over to one o'clock and then it turns over to like 115 and it turns over to like 130 and it's different points you know you play this game of you don't want to be a pest but at different points as time is passing you kind of go that was me or mandy's dad went up and was like hey we sit down soon we still got a table and they're like oh yeah yeah we're getting it ready and it just kept passing i i just may be an exaggeration but i don't remember building the table they're just standing it down and staining it i don't know how much time has passed but eventually we'll reach a point where
Starting point is 00:54:37 you know it's like 145 or something we reach the point where all of us are kind of like this is not cool this is not really acceptable why did we make a reservation we would have waited this long if we just walked in anyway and they have on special holidays this place has a thing where you can only have your table for a set amount of time right and you're only supposed to use the table for like a couple hours there's a limit and so i i mandy's dad did the talking on this interaction but i went up with him because i was curious he's like hey can, is our table? Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Is there a problem? Like, we're just trying to have some celebrate my daughter's birthday, you know, like what's going on? And the lady is like, we can't, your table's occupied. There's people at it. So we can't see you. And it was kind of like, well, well, that's time limit, right? Aren't they over their time limit then?
Starting point is 00:55:22 Like, clearly you didn't overbook this table. That'd be stupid. So they're over time. And she's like, yeah, they're way over their time limit then like clearly you didn't overbook this table that'd be stupid so they're over time and she's like yeah they're way over their time on it and so we're kind of like okay so kick them out right like tell them their time is up they have to leave and she's like oh no well we don't do that the time limit you know we can't like enforce that we just that's just the rules and we're like okay well so this so our time starts when we sit down right because now we've given up almost half of our time to some other group who's just bogarting this table and ignoring your rules and you're not doing anything about it.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And she was like, no, we have a reservation scheduled after you. So you have to be out by three or whatever. You have to be out by the time. You got 20 minutes to sit down and eat an order and everything. That doesn't make any fucking sense. And this is the point where I was pretty mad but man he's dead he's a teacher um and and anyone who's a teacher has this ability to like turn on that mode where you get like really scary and and really like intimidating but in a totally nice and calm way yeah i don't understand how it works but he he
Starting point is 00:56:20 goes into the smoke because he's livid he's like this that's not acceptable like what you're doing right now this is rude to us there's no way this is a fucking huge restaurant like you could seat 500 people in a book i don't know but they're like they're very large restaurants they're made for family styles you could seat us at another table you could tell this other group there's a people waiting for this there's a lot of things that you should be doing because we made a reservation and right now you're ruining our whole plan and then telling us that there's nothing we can do about it and we get an hour to eat food at this place that's not acceptable and normally when he does that he doesn't do it a lot but when he does that whoever he's talking to it kind of like stiffens up like a like a school like a high schooler right when the teacher at school they like and they're like oh you you're right yeah
Starting point is 00:57:01 you're right this lady did not like it she was not having that and she fucking she looks right back at him and is like uh i'm doing my job you're telling me how to do my job right now you'll get a table when you get a table and uh you know that's understandable if she was stressed i have no idea what's going on with this person but that's not really a polite way to deal with this situation where we're kind of annoyed and they're not really doing anything to help or fix it. And also it's Christmas Eve and we're sort of, you know, tight on time.
Starting point is 00:57:31 We got other stuff after the lunch that we're going to need to get to. And so Maddie's dad is like, I wouldn't like to talk to your manager, please. That I don't think this is, that's not okay. I don't like you talking to me like that. And she was like,
Starting point is 00:57:41 I am the manager and you need to stop talking i don't remember exactly what she said but she was fucking rude like it went from the senate it went from being unhelpful to her being like you need to shut up i'm busy we will deal with you when we get to it and all this and we were that this is one of the only times in my entire life whatever she said all the things she said uh we i looked at her and Annie's dad stood there and looked at her. And we just turned and gathered the group and walked out. It was inexplicable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I'm all for supporting waiters and waitstaff. Anyone in customer service is usually nine times out of 10, they're justified with rude customers. Sure. This is Mandy's dad, right? Yes. I've met this man before i believe you have many like on a few occasions maybe at least at the wedding definitely this is not what you would depict a karen to be like no i'm no i'm 100 positive that you and the
Starting point is 00:58:37 group and the family you're in were perfectly reasonable and i have been in situations where it's been like 45 minutes over uh a reservation We've been there with like packs and we've been in like, I believe, Cheesecake Factory. We've done that very thing where we're like waiting for it. And it's understandable. And they're very apologetic because like, of course, it's crazy. And we on the other side are always just like, we totally get it. We just want to see if we can get an estimate or something like that. And I'm sure that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:59:01 It's just one of those situations that like that. that's what happened. It's just one of those situations that like that. I can totally imagine the collective anger that would occur. Yeah, situation. Yeah. I mean, that's it reached a point where we were asking for things because we were like, it was just trying to celebrate her birthday. Like, you know, you're running this business. We just want you to like get us a table. But we were never rude or confrontational. I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea of even acting like that. But like Mandy's dad would never in a million years be like rude and shitty to someone and was definitely not. So I don't know what's going on with this manager, but she's having a bad day or something.
Starting point is 00:59:36 But anyway, that was the year when we just walked out and there happened to be a P.F. Chang's like across the street in the same parking lot sort of thing we just like drove over and just on a whim we're like well we like pf chang's is good food like we can try that and we walked in and they were busy you know whatever they had people and we talked to the guy at the at the reception whatever that's ted the desk and he was like oh that's a big party hmm i bet we can make that work and they were the most accommodating people they put tables together and then and the whole time they're like frantically like oh we got i'm so sorry this tank is so long we're standing there for like a couple minutes at the most and like sorry sorry
Starting point is 01:00:15 sorry hang on we're doing it you can start sitting at that end of the table we're just getting to like they were just what the exact opposite of what we had experienced at the italian place and uh it didn't like like that saved it but that would have been a really disappointing ruined birthday yeah and a sour taste on what was supposed to be like a fun family holiday so pf chang saved it but oh that like ruined a restaurant that had been mandy's favorite in a family tradition for most of her life forever soured forever it's amazing how someone in customer service that really just doesn't care can ruin something for you and I get it I've worked customer service I've worked in the medical
Starting point is 01:00:55 industry I know how it is to be on both of those and it sucks but whenever you get a job where you're dealing with people one of the first things that i think you're usually asked or should be asked is how do you handle talking to people and it's like if you can't do a customer service job then don't get a customer service job it sucks i get it but that's the job that is the job it does suck yeah customer service jobs are really hard i think we've all been there haven't we yeah yeah i remember working um with eyes when i had to deal with insurance companies uh doctors patients and you have doctors that care and you have doctors that assembly line and you have doctors that only care to stroke their own ego and make a big name for themselves you have to deal with all those personalities and it sucks and customer service you know whether you're working um a register or waiting tables or whatever else have you you deal with nice people you deal
Starting point is 01:01:43 with assholes it sucks and you have your own stuff in life that's going on but the job is to put on that smile and get through the day and then vent about it later you have to get through it i've worked uh i worked at micro center i work not only cashier but i work the return counter and you will never meet a more shmarmy know-it-all crowd than the returning crowd at a computer peripheral store like computer parts no well uh this i'm like i don't care just put the box is it in the box give me the box give me a receipt like you don't have a receipt is it in the system i can't do anything there's nothing i can do i could anyway yeah it's rough because it's not a great time i mean the last couple years as much as ever probably more than's not a great time i mean the last couple years as much
Starting point is 01:02:25 as ever probably more than ever not a great time to be in like a food service a customer service type industry and it's shitty people have been even worse than usual or it's been more publicized anyway but like i whenever i was in those jobs i at least was like if it's this bad for me they don't know but i don't have to make it bad for them. Yeah. Which it's not that hard to just not be like shitty to a person. You don't have to be particularly nice. You just have to be, do what they want you to do if you can, and then not be shitty. Yeah, exactly. I think given that we all are in those positions, we do know the difference between someone who is actually just trying to get through that job and someone who's just like really not helping their even their own situation that job yeah i
Starting point is 01:03:07 mean i remember going through a really rough breakup and i still had to work and it's like i was in immense pain didn't want to be there didn't want to look at a person just wanted to sit and cry and whatever but it's like someone comes in you don't know what they're going through either so you put on the brave face you get through your shift and that's that that's just that that is the job and you have to tough through it so this lady uh with uh with ginger who um yeah what'd you want again let me put you on hold after i was waiting for 40 minutes and like that just that ruined my entire day i was livid and it literally has ruined that i will never go to that like that person has ruined business i will never go through them again was it was pet smart petco smart i don't know i don't
Starting point is 01:03:42 know if i want to publicly call them out i think it's all of them do it it's just this one in particular no that's fair because there's i mean there's good people that work in places that are overall shitty you know like people end up all over the place you can find like a independent vet that sucks you can find independent vets that are awesome and you can find like corporate ones that have great people that work there and corporate ones that are full of people that are just literally there to collect their paycheck and leave so everything is on a case-by-case basis but i just that experience has completely ruined that for me i'm done with them all right anywho enough of our bitching and complaining if you guys have stories don't go specific obviously you know we don't want you
Starting point is 01:04:16 all doxing yourselves out there but if you want to let us know about experiences you've had on the subreddit by all means please do um tally up, Bob, I think I'm giving you three points for your Mandy story. Another point for your restaurant story. That's four. You were already at five. That brings you to nine. Okay. I see where this is going, Wade. I see the math. But listen, listen, listen. I, if you make Bob the winner, you would make me the loser, thereby making me the Wade of the episode. and therefore you would confirm the loser status that is wade and conversely if you if you make me lose you will have uh screwed me over therefore i you would encompass the topic of the episode and therefore i would be the most screwed
Starting point is 01:04:58 of the episode in the episode where the screwing is the of the episode so it's uh double undercover wait i'm self-assured enough that if mark needs this win to feel like a man that's okay it's up to you use your discretion well guys it's out of my hands at this point the points are out there bob you have nine points mark you earned 12 points however you lost six at the very beginning bringing your total to six points ha got him so you played yourself wow you really did you when you adopted the wade strategy and it did not pan out you you literally asked me to remove four more points from you i believe at one point and those four points made the difference in the win hit me again oh it's meaningless now hit me no because right now our point total is six and nine
Starting point is 01:05:41 that's just too nice to mess up. Yeah. Yeah, you earned a lot of points for your medicine fiasco. Those eight points were a lot. Just not quite enough to overcome your weightness. But I did hit you and I hope it felt good. No. You want to give a loser speech, Mark?
Starting point is 01:05:59 You want to talk about how good it feels? No. That's fine. Oh, come on, buddy. I've got your win right here, Mark. I ordered it. It just hasn't come in. Try calling back tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Maybe I'll have it. That's a good joke. That's a good joke. I can live with that one. Rob, you have a victory speak? Fine. I just dropped a thing right on my keyboard, but it's fine. It didn't spill.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So we're good. Yeah. I feel like Mark's story was definitely better than my stories and i acknowledge that but you got to play the game to win the game and uh i just really you know uh we worked together as a team today i gotta i gotta thank god for being on our side and um the coaches really had a good strategy and we just executed and then i came out with the win yeah well done well done and you know to be fair mark did earn a lot of points for his story um 12 points overall between his title and story and uh that's way more than i earned yeah yeah you earned um you earned one for your time you had four points already from earlier uh the small talk i think it was then you got another uh
Starting point is 01:07:00 what six between your stories and titles there so yeah blew you out of the water there but uh unfortunately for mark that early strategy did not pay off cotton a real come from the front loss if ever there was one that's defeat from the jaws of victory oh you were behind the whole time because you lost the points up front that's what i mean yeah up front and personal with my loss just the way i like you came right out of the front are you i came you came all over the front all right i can i can accept that well thank you everybody for listening uh if you haven't already check out all of our individual channels uh markiplier my skirm lord minion 777 or minion 777 depend where you're looking what else should we plug merch store.distractablepodcast.com we were all on a cool thing on mark's channel that came out a 777-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 they're all good do it any other plugs anything else we want to talk about no man subscribe to this podcast yeah all right well we'll see you next week whenever bob's gonna host probably a
Starting point is 01:08:08 repeat topic until then podcast out uh you gotta be mean to bob he won i'm sorry i won yeah well i didn't take any points away from us i had to take away something i just had to take his dignity you don't gotta be mean when you're hosting your points is dignity what do you i decide the rules i'm the host until until now that we're leaving podcast out times two

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