Distractible - WordPad Broke
Episode Date: February 10, 2025All of Wade's beautiful ideas... gone. Oh well, at least we still have kinky clowns, rooftop ninjas, and extra powerful bidets. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices...
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Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractable.
This episode, war-headed Wade loses his D&D doodles,
has superhero relatives, and Microsoft eats his notes.
Bullying Bob lays into Wade, finds ninja apartments,
talks Tosh about wingspan and the biggest mac muncher.
Melting Mark talks AI, AI big chests needing to exercise pee
bigger beds and inappropriate oils from lubed were clowns to kill a bidet it's
time for word pads broke now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy
the show.
Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of Distractable.
I'm the host and boy does it feel good to say that again.
Joined as always by my...
I called you co-host last time and you guys are like,
Oh, we're not gonna let you get away with anything.
Don't worry about it.
Joined as always by my friends.
And occasional host of this podcast, Mark and Bob.
Hi, guys.
Occasional hosts?
I host all the time.
I'm the best one.
We each host occasionally.
I think I fall under the occasional hosts.
I've been quite the losing streak.
I'm the funniest one.
I've had a pretty bad streak this year until lately.
I've lost a few in a row.
Still January for us.
What do you mean you've had a bad streak this year?
I've had a real bad start to the year.
First three months, not as many wins as I would have liked.
So you're predicting,
you're estimating your poor performance in the future, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, actually.
Based on my performance, I'm expecting those results.
I believe it. He knows what's gonna happen. I'm just getting things written down on my, I'm gonna say my word pad here. You know, I'm just gonna get it out of the way here. My word pad here.
So I had a whole bunch of topics and by a whole bunch
I mean at least five that I would open up and I'll occasionally come up with an idea for the podcast.
I'm like, oh, that's a good idea. I'll open up WordPad and I'll type it in there.
I'll be like, okay, here's an idea.
There's a little like breakdown of what the idea is.
I'll save it.
And then like whenever I'm making my way
toward these ideas or whatever,
I'll go in and I'll like elaborate on them some.
And I'll be like, okay, this is for some of them,
like secret words in the past,
I would come up with a list of words, whatever, have it.
Well, it turns out that Windows had a forced update recently.
And by recently, you guys might be like, oh, it was like a week ago and then yeah it was a couple weeks ago probably for you now
but for the first time since I think 1998 or something like that WordPad is no longer part
of Windows and I stupidly apparently saved a bunch of stuff on WordPad because I was like well it's
not like Microsoft Office or Adobe or something else where I might eventually lose if I don't
have that program at least WordPad's consistently with Windows. Not anymore it finds out.
Hey, I have WordPad on my Windows 11 computer. I just opened it up.
Well, I had to reinstall it and all my stuff's gone.
And I found some Reddit posts from people like Rest In Peace WordPad 1998 to 2024.
But anyway, WordPad was taken away from me and I lost all of my info including all of my ideas
So I have nothing in the tank and I'm kind of upset about it
That's tough
For those that don't know, I play D&D every Wednesday on a channel called Lost Initiative on Twitch
And I had a huge document of background info, items, progression, notes, different things for my character
All gone! Along with all my distractible ideas, so I'm a little disheartened
Those things are of equal value
Honestly D&D is a bit above because the podcast ideas I can always come up with more
No, no, no your pages and pages of D&D bullshit is pales in comparison to your several
distractible episode ideas. Oh
to your Sephiroth distractible episode ideas. Oh.
Dude, my heart is, I'm trying so hard not to like.
You can cry. I'm crying internally.
I am. Are you gonna cry?
Yeah. You gonna cry it out?
I'm trying to be supportive, is it working?
You gonna cry?
Oh no, are you gonna cry?
Oh no. Oh, you're upset?
Listen, I think that this is one small price to pay for the glorious progress that Windows and Microsoft as a company is pushing on to the world.
The versions of Windows just get better and better.
Yeah, a few files might get lost here and there, but honestly, did you deserve them? Those files? Did you? Did you deserve them? Yes. Nah, not according to Microsoft. deserve them those files did you did you deserve them yes no not according
to microsoft i earned those files you didn't deserve them and you don't need them ask ai to
recreate it from its memory because it did scan all of your information anyway it had all of them
stored in there so you just got to dig it out with the right question ask your copilot yeah have you
been have you consulted with copilot i betpilot knows how to solve your problems.
That's right.
Windows now has integrated AI air quotations.
It's AI.
I mean, whatever.
It's what everyone was asking for.
Yeah, that's true.
That is true.
I think.
I don't even like that when you Google something,
it gives you an AI answer.
I always just ignore that and move on to the other results.
I wish that they made like a browser extensions or something where you could be like I want to google and I want you to scroll
down two pages so that I don't even see the AI summary or sponsored links. I just want to see
the actual google results. This is a weird throwback but do you guys remember whenever we were in
school we weren't allowed to use like Wikipedia as a reference for anything it was like we had to
have a book source or if we had a website, it had to be like a.gov
or something like that.
Like we had to have reputable sources.
Sure, sure.
I feel like compared to the Google AI
and other AI search result engines,
Wikipedia is the law of physics.
Like it cannot be faulted compared to some of these
Google AI search results.
They're so wonky sometimes and weird and just wrong that it makes every Wikipedia article I've ever read ever look perfect.
Or it's predicting future information that it knows you're gonna need someday
and you think it's wrong now but it will retroactive, future-al-ro-l-ly reactively
make it correct. That's what the machines are gonna do. They're like we made made some mistakes in the past, but we can't make mistakes. We're perfect. We must make that the future. Then we will never been wrong. Exactly. Now you're getting it. Now you're thinking with AI. Speaking of AI, did you guys see how the entire AI industry is all kinds of ARGH because that one Chinese startup? cuz deep seek released yeah exactly deep seek and
then they came out with another with a what's it an image one an image generation thing that's all
open source and free oh did they i forget what it's called but yeah it's the deep seek is scaring
the shit out of all these people who have billions of dollars invested in AI companies.
Yeah, and it's funny because if you read their data on how they made it, and I don't fully
understand it all that well, but they were using a different programming language besides
Python, and it was a more lower level language closer to assembly for their programming,
which is probably more efficient.
But again, I'm speaking from a place of inexperience.
I don't know if that has much to do it.
But the way they did their reinforcement training was very simple
and made a lot of sense instead of taking every data in the world
and just going, it'll fit, it'll fit if we cram it enough in there many times.
And so they broke the training into smaller pieces
until the neural network was able to comprehend the individual, like, separate segments that it was doing, and then it was combining them afterwards and allowing it to figure itself out as it was going.
And then suddenly it was like, way, way better. I read that. I was like, yeah, that makes sense. Were the other guys not doing that? Seems like, seems like they should have, seems like someone there would have.
Instead of a spoonful of cereal, they opened the baby's mouth and just poured box after box and they're like,
Eventually you'll retain this. Swallow!
Yeah, kinda. That from my understanding,
given that most of the neural networks that I've seen examples of are like one and a half pages of programming,
you know, something in the order of 50 lines of code.
And then boom, it's off to the races.
We're going to have AI betting instead of horse betting one day where like we line up
the AIs to see who gets to the finish line first.
That's the stock market right now.
That is.
Yeah, it is.
Oh God.
No, I will say, not that this isn't true of all of the AI things that you can use online,
but man, if China wanted some data, did they pick the right avenue to get an unlimited
supply of free data?
Make sure you look into the data retention policies.
And I'm pretty sure that I don't remember exactly but the deep seek data policy is something like if you type it in
Even if you don't hit enter we own that shit forever
We probably de-identified the data, so it's probably anonymous, but we're not gonna explain how we do that
Yeah, why would we take our word for it? Trust me, bro?
Trust me, bro. Trust me, bro. Which I have no faith that I know
that other companies like OpenAI and stuff have policies that say different things and I'm sure
they follow their policies because no corporation has ever lied about what they're doing with data.
But also I have no faith that any other company is any better. But make sure you don't type any
important shit into DeepSeek because that's no longer private.
You might as well be posting that publicly everywhere on the internet.
But I don't think anyone gives a shit.
Judging by how many people immediately downloaded Red Note and were like, come on, watch me,
algorithm me, I don't think anyone gives a single fuck about who has their online data.
So no worries.
No worries.
Honestly, for some of
those it's probably like yeah the data isn't particularly valuable but you know
some people using these services are probably using them on computers that
are connected to various sensitive systems and if it's got basically a key
logger in the program who knows what it could do I'm not saying it is or does
that stuff but it's like people need to have more caution
about using these services.
Probably shouldn't log into DeepSeek on high security,
important, valuable computers for your workplace or yeah.
I mean, whatever.
I understand.
They're like, how many clowns can I fit into a car
if they were naked?
And Kellogg's like, this is the person we need to target. We got them. I mean, how many more do you car if they were naked and Kellogg's like this is the person we need to target
We got him
I mean how many more do you get if they're naked versus if they're in full clown gear cuz that does take up naked and
lubed or naked and dry
They're always lubed. That's clown life. Yeah. Well, okay, just checking
I feel like the difference is a lot then cuz naked and lubed it gives you a lot of sleep They you can slither a lot in there because imagine all the the ones with the big hoop outfits like the big wide
Yeah, yeah, I mean those flatten but even still like you you're gonna lose some volume in that a lot of ruffles
An interesting Google and since I said it out loud my data is now out there
You know what's even weirder is the resurgence of instead of fearing clowns
There's like this subset of the internet that is starting to become attracted to clowns. What?
Have you seen this? No, not really. No. Who needs a dick when they got that big nose?
Maybe I'm just on the wrong corner of the internet
No, there's a word there's's a term for it, um...
Amy! Put this on!
I'm not hearing a nooo!
There's- there's a-
There's a, um... Co-o-o fuck all right so if you go on Wikipedia to cool
Raphilia it says at the top quote
Clussy redirects here for the village in Poland seek
Cool Raphilia is a pair of philia towards clowns
There's an associated subculture dedicated to it,
and Coolrophilia may intersect with Coolrophobia, the fear of clowns.
Now the reason that made me think of that is because before I deleted TikTok,
there were several clown TikTok people.
There were several clowns.
Now they're on Only Honks.
Do do! Alright, now you're talking. several clowns. Now they're on Only Honks.
Alright, now you're talking.
Now you're talking.
And I was reading some discussion about this on Reddit, and there was a thread that was discussing that the rise in that coincided with the first It, and when Pennywise first appeared as the new Pennywise.
You know what I mean?
Bill Skarsgard, yeah, did a great job. I mean yeah Skarsgard yeah I love that guy.
Have you guys seen the newest Nosferatu that he's in?
No I haven't and I haven't seen any good movies lately have I?
I guess I didn't really give you guys an avenue for small talk we just kind of
jumped right into talking about my bullshit.
No you said you didn't have a topic we're doing it.
Also nobody just called me out that I think I said,
oh no, it is Bill Skarsgard.
Is this brother Alexander Skarsgard?
Or is that a different guy?
He's got several, I think at least one or two family members that are actors and stuff.
I don't remember their names, though.
Well, I said the right one then, so never mind.
I thought I was an idiot.
This is bizarre, this sentence.
Following the 2016 clown sightings,
which is a clickable hyperlink,
though, huh?
According to Pornhub, searches for clown pornography on its site increased 213%,
with women being 33% more likely to search for it than men.
It's the nose.
What is the 2016 clown sightings?
I think that was actually a bad thing.
That's when people dressed up as clowns and scared people. The 2016 clown
sightings were reports of people disguised as evil clowns in incongruous
settings such as forests and schools. Incidents were reported in the US, Canada,
Australia, in the UK, subsequently in other countries and territories as well.
This all started in August of 2016.
That was a big thing.
Yeah, people were like scaring people
because they were walking around as the clowns.
I do kind of remember that now that I'm like reading
about it a little bit.
I don't remember that at all.
I can't believe I know something that you did.
I never saw one.
So it wasn't a thing that I like lived through,
but I do remember that.
I don't remember that at all.
Look, I'm just gonna throw it out there.
Still not a
clown fan. Whatever clicked for everyone who's into the Clussy? Not for me. Tyler also hates
clowns. Also wouldn't it be Clownussy? I guess Clussy makes sense. Clousy? Santa Clausy? I don't
want no I don't know. Yeah that's a big difference between the Clussy and Santa Clussy. You know Santa
is pretty close to being a clown. He's got the red nose.
He's just a little white face paint away.
Yeah, Santa has the red nose.
Santa is like a PC clown.
He doesn't have like the Rudolph red nose, but he's got like the red like, I've been out in the cold a long time nose.
Oh, I see. So anyone that goes out in the cold with their noses exposed starts to risk clown...
What is it? Well, a wolf aware clown where clowning their clown
Remember how we got the clowns. I don't either we're talking about lubed up clowns getting into a car how many more there could be
Oh, that's right getting into a car right right right right? Oh, yeah, I Wow we went down
For the big klussie sighting in 2016 how we oh yeah, yeah
I'm pretty sure it's not pronounced klussie, but I don't want to go on a limb search it
Someone gonna keep track of your searches and incognito
That'll help that will never protect you. Okay. Wait how to pronounce
That will never protect you. Okay wait, how to pronounce...
Okay there's a YouTube video on the box.
There we go, let's see this.
Well, they do do Clussy, but I don't know about that.
That doesn't sound right.
Oh, it all ends in ussy.
No, that's clumsy, that's not the right word.
Get you some of that clumsy.
I'm not getting anything out of this.
I think you did, you just don't like what you found.
Yeah, I don't like what I found.
Well, anyway, yeah, word pads gone
and AI is gonna fix it all, I guess.
So yay.
I have news.
Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.
I don't know why that was your intro.
I'll take it.
Sounds good to me.
I didn't mind it.
Have you heard of the Rooftop Ninja?
It's not as exciting as it sounds.
And honestly, now that I'm saying it out loud for the first time, it's Rooftop Ninja much
more in the vein of that woman who sings the song when she's all, I want to be ninja.
You know that video?
Yeah, I think so.
It's kind of like that because this is the story of a 34 year old woman in Midland, Michigan,
who was discovered to have been living inside the signage on top of a supermarket for about
a year.
Apparently, in 2024, contractors were on the roof of this grocery store, family fair grocery
store and saw
an extension cord plugged into an outlet leading over around a corner into a little separated
off area.
And they went and explored because they were curious.
And they discovered a mini apartment set up.
You know how on grocery stores on top, it'll say like real big like Kroger and it's like
on top of the building.
The family fair thing is like a small 15 by five room on the outside of which it says
family fair and on the inside of which is a 15 by five apartment with a desk with a
computer and a printer, a Keurig, a pantry with food, a thriving houseplant and apparently
also flooring installed.
And a woman lived there for about a year before she was discovered. She had a car, had a job that she just
went to, she was just living in it like this was her normal apartment but also
somehow was never discovered.
Dude, going to the grocery would suck a lot less if it was just downstairs.
I don't know how you get up and down off that roof, I'm thinking it's probably
kind of a pain in the ass but it would be nice to live that close to the
grocery store.
What was the name of the store, the market or whatever? Family Fair. I
like to think there's a secret elevator where like the A-I-R just like lowers down and she rides it
then it like bounces back up. Well it couldn't be because it's Fair F-A-R-E as in that's delicious
fair. Maybe it's far the F far. The FAR drops and goes back.
Anyway, I just I feel like so the resolution of it was they discovered her
in the store called the police and they trespassed her so she can't come back
in the store and they let her get her belongings, apparently.
But then they were like, you can't do that.
I say let her live there.
You need you didn't notice.
I do, too. That's like a mini attraction.
You don't notice for a whole year that this lady's living. Clearly it's not impacting you. In the housing climate that we live in I feel like
this woman just found a way to beat the system. Seems just shitty to just kick her out because
now it's just empty now nobody lives there. Turns out she had a seven figure job and just really
liked living on top of there. It must be very satisfying to live somewhere rent-free. The only
place I live rent-free is inside Mark's head
Hey, I didn't know you were in there. I'm gonna evict you now get out of my head
So you can't spell so good. So I'm in there jumbling them all up. I
Wouldn't be surprised you're just jealous cuz I can picture an apple rotating in my head. It's spinning
So I got in there in the first place. I wanted to see the apple.
He's like, Whoa, look at Apple. I don't even need to close my eyes. I see an apple spinning
in my head. Not in front of me. Like some people seem to believe it is. If I had an apple,
I'd see an apple in front of me. I don't know. That's a good story. I wish she continued to live
there though. I feel like she she earned the right to live there. I feel like if you break a gear and nobody notices,
you got eternal dibs on that.
Not like someone else is dying to live there.
That's just a waste.
That reminds me of when you said rooftop ninja,
I don't know if you guys are aware of this story or not.
I don't know if I've talked,
I might've talked about this in the past too.
Do you guys remember the superheroes of Cincinnati,
including Shadowhair?
Have I talked about them before?
I'm sorry, what?
Look up Cincinnati, Shadowhair.
Oh, this guy says he lived in Milford.
Yeah, so fun fact.
I have a family member who was one of the superheroes who ran along with him.
As they were heroes around Cincinnati.
So I know Shadowhair's identity, which I will not be sharing.
You know Shadowhair?
I do.
You're going to just put it out there publicly that you know this information.
Someone's going to kidnap you and torture you now.
I know the Lex Luthor of Cincinnati is going to come kidnap me and hang me upside down.
Who is he? Dude, Rex Buford isnap me and hang me upside down. Who is he?
Dude Rex Buford is not gonna take this line down
And yes, our Lex Luther is called Rex Buford. It's appropriate I just see this this image of shadow hair on a segue and I'm like, oh
Hell yeah, they made the news years ago. There was a whole news segment about Shadowhair and the Hero Troop.
I believe the villains might be at ease though because I think he's retired now.
Yeah, we had a band of superheroes running around Cincinnati for a little while.
And I knew at least one or two of their identities.
Apparently Shadowhair was a member of the Allegiance of Heroes, which included other masked crime fighters such as
Ecliptico, Wall Creeper,
and Master Legend. That just sounds like a list of Wish.com copycats of the Avengers.
I don't know. Ecliptico, I kind of want to know. You know, Tyler's handle. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not.
It's not. It's not. It's not. did it first. It was like the it was I think I was just out of high
school. We were just about high school. This is like this is like mid to late 2000s and I think
Iron Man came out like 2008. 2005 to 2010 apparently. That's hey that man I was right home with that one.
Like I said I had a personal stake. Maybe they rescued me once I can't remember but never
forget whenever you said uh rooftop ninja I was, we have a new superhero in Cincinnati?
I was hopeful.
Anyway, that was a random side tangent.
I can't believe I didn't hear about that.
I literally was living, that was while I was in college
in Cincinnati, mostly.
Yeah, I didn't hear about a thing.
Well, now you know.
I mean, Mark, you didn't know
about the clown sightings of 2016.
Well, I don't know if any of you did either.
I did. Did you guys?
I didn't really.
I thought it was pretty, well, I thought there were like news segments, it was kind of a thing because people were actually scared
because they weren't just like walking around as clowns, some people were like
carrying things that looked like weapons and stuff like to intimidate, like they were trying, some of them were trying to scare people.
Not a reporter didn't go into like Kings Island Hollywood or
Halloween Horror Nights or something. Hollywood Horror Nightsights very different. I'm coming to you from a house
This house sprung up overnight here at Kings Island. We've never seen it before
They're disguising it as a thrill park ride called House of Terror. We're gonna go inside see what we can find horrible in here
How could someone live in these conditions?
It wasn't there it was out like the woods, or people would be pumping gas,
and someone would like step out from behind a bush, like as a clown, and then like try to
disappear or something. I'm surprised people dressed as clowns didn't end up getting shot or killed.
Maybe they did. Yeah, I feel like you do that in the wrong place in America. I feel like if you're
scared of clowns and someone walks out dressed like a clown holding a baseball bat, my first thought
would be either run the fuck, it's fight or flight, you know, it's one of someone walks out dressed like a clown holding a baseball bat my first thought would be either
Run the fuck. It's fighter flight. You know it's one of those two. I'm a flighter some people are fighters
I have news as well good. No no no no no you know it's nice not worth it
Oh, okay, go on no no no it's just
There was an article talking about if humans could fly how big would our wings be and I'm like that might be interesting
Then I'm like, that's kind of dumb. You know, I want to hear about that. How big would our wings be I feel like
TV and movies have already answered this for us because they tend to agree. What do they say? I can't remember
What's his name? The the guy who is now Captain America?
name. The guy who is now Captain America, doesn't he have wings from the Marvel movies? I forget his name. Those are about the same size. And then from the TV show, Lucifer,
technically not human, but a human sized guy. And there are also angels in that movie. They
all have wings. The wings are approximately all the same size, I feel like. And that basically, when they're folded up, it's like as tall as the person is,
and then the span is a little bit wider than the person is tall.
It's aesthetically pleasing. That's what it is.
Not nearly big enough.
Well, we're like bumblebees.
It's a physics miracle that we can fly, but it's just how it works.
This article is saying like a five- tall person would need 20 feet 20 foot
wingspan what the shit that's if they weigh 150 pounds at five feet they need
20 feet of wingspan so extrapolating that to like you guys a size you would
need them somewhere around like 24 25 feet I would need like a 40 foot wingspan
I'm reading the average
would be 6.7 meters which is about 22 feet. Jesus Christ, no no that's ugly, that's ungainly. But we
don't have the correct muscle mass and our wings and bodies would still be too heavy to really be
able to fly. That's not the only thing. Your tits would have to be so incredibly large to pull those wings in
so not only would you have an incredible wingspan you would be barrel chested
like no other human has ever been like Eddie Hall levels of just chest so like
Dolly Parton could fly yes she's our only hope. Because she's skinny. Isn't she famous for
having a big chest? I don't maybe I'm thinking of the wrong person. No I think
you're right. Yes I think so. Yeah. All right she's our only hope. Give her some
wing science. Anyway that's why I was like it wasn't this news wasn't newsworthy.
There's nothing to be said here. No there's ways around this Mark. All we
need to do is hollow out our bones, make lots of bone broth to lighten our weight.
I was just gonna suggest that if humans are gonna evolve wings
We should also evolve bio jets, which is a system of jet propulsion that is fueled biologically
And then integrated into our living system photosynthesis jets. It's the powerhouse of the cell
I feel like this is copying the go my favorite sports team episode where me and Tyler came up with the ultimate athlete and he
Had a jet in his chest
I'm sorry. I'm unfamiliar with that show. What is this?
Go my favorite sports team the number one sports podcast in the world. Oh, I listen to a lot of sports podcasts
I've never never heard of that one. Oh, it's number one
In our hearts and the number one episode featured yours truly. Well, not anymore. Yeah, probably
I think the next one is where you both were on there so I don't know. People love us. Thank you people.
We're the famous ones here. Yeah the trouble is all the news from my source is just sad, depressing
world news that's occurring right now because it's so crazy that it comes up in the crazy
Feed I have a question. There's a man who is from a place in Wisconsin the name of which I take issue with
But apparently fondue lack
Wisconsin is a place there's a man who lives there named Donald Gorski who is 70 years old and has been eating
named Donald Gorski who is 70 years old and has been eating not entirely exclusively but almost entirely exclusively Big Macs for over 50 years
damn how many Big Macs do you think he's eaten? nothing but Big Macs for 50 years
so every meal is Big Macs? basically yeah if he needs a meal it's likely a Big Mac
it's almost guaranteed so let's assume two Big Macs a day, 365 days a year for 50 years.
I don't feel like doing that math. Is that 3,650 Big Macs?
Not even close.
Oh, I thought that was one year's worth and was like, he's eating 10 Big Macs a day?
And a day? How many Big Macs is he
eating? Okay, how many? 50 years? Every meal? Over 50 years. This article says he's been doing it
for over 50 years and there have been eight days in those 50 years where he consumed zero Big Macs.
So he averages definitely over one Big Mac per day,
but I don't even know what his upper limit is.
I don't know why in the age where we have calculators within arms reach,
I'm trying to do this math.
I would intend it was a hundred. That should be like 36,500.
Oh, okay. This will help. This will help.
Here's a description of his average daily eating habits.
Typically two Big Macs a day.
Skip's breakfast has a small evening snack, which
is not a Big Mac. Little Mac. But has Big Mac for lunch, Big Mac for dinner to maintain
his health. Gorski does not ever eat french fries and walks six miles a day. All right,
well. And he has kept meticulous records of his Big Mac
consumption literally saving receipts and
Containers in which the Big Macs were served to him wait containers
Oh, I don't know if I want to see a 50 year old Big Mac container the greasy it
Well, they probably wouldn't age it all exactly the same as the day they got soaked in grease that stuff doesn't go wrong
It doesn't go bad. The way he can show how the Big Macs used to be in a box this big and now
they come in a box this big. What do those dolls call where you open it up there's a smaller doll
inside? Russian nesting dolls. McDonald's nesting mac. Apparently he's also eaten Big Macs at every
single NFL stadium, Major League Baseball Stadium, and NASCAR track in the United States.
Well if he's had to walk six miles a day he's had to walk around the US a bunch that makes sense.
So there isn't always a McDonald's in these places he takes a Big Mac and intentionally goes it there.
He brings it oh yeah oh yeah. That's dedication. It's gotta be between 35,000 and 40,000 Big Macs. Two a day for 50 years, two times 50 is 100, right?
365 days a year, 100 times 365, it's 36,500.
I'm gonna go 36,501.
What's the fucking game show where people do that?
What is the game show?
What could the game show be?
What is the game show?
Daily, Daily, Daily Dudes. What is that game show? I What could the game show be? Daily, Daily, Daily Dudes?
What is that game show?
I don't know, no idea.
Price is Right, fuck. You know the Daily Dudes?
Oh, you got the Daily Doodle.
If you're playing Price is Right rules,
you're both wrong!
But you're very close.
Apparently his officially recorded number is
34,128 big nicks.
But he's got different length years than we do.
Well he might not eat two every single day I think is the big thing. So his average is like 1.89 or
something. Yeah his average is probably somewhere between one and two a day. So he's a pathetic
loser is what I'm hearing. Basically. Also I just want to say he holds the world record for most big Macs eaten in a lifetime
He got that in 1999 when he passed
15,000 490 big Macs eaten who else was keeping track?
He was like fuck it. Let's see how high we can raise this bad boy and he kept going forever
so McDonald's needs to take their sign that says billions and billions served and now that they know that one person is destroying the average they got to go down
to millions and millions again. That's true. That sign is a lie. Thousands and thousands
served plus Gary Donald Gorski plus Donald Gary Gorski. Here's the middle name. Donald
Dorsky. Yep. As Donald Duck that I tried and didn't work.
Ignoring what he chose, I can't imagine eating anything that much in my entire life.
And I know the food is different.
And for some people eating the same thing all the time is like comforting.
I don't think I could do it.
I hope 50 years from now I'm not eating the same stuff I'm eating now ever.
I hope it's all interesting and new. I don't know.
Does he never get sick?
Imagine having like the flu running a fever and you're like,
oh I can barely keep soup down, better have my Big Mac.
Well clearly he likes it.
He probably makes him feel strong as an ox to eat his daily Macs.
There's just a grease layer that prevents any disease
from getting in.
What if he lives longer than anyone else in human history?
Apparently he's pretty healthy.
He has consistently healthy cholesterol levels
and generally his doctors say his health is pretty good
for a 70 year old guy.
I mean, he's doing his work, all right.
I imagine it has much more to do with the six miles
of walking than it does with the Big Macs
Hey, listen, I could definitely eat a Big Mac more readily than I could walk six miles a day
So I know which one I'd rather do for health. Yeah, God. I need to start exercising again
Oh, I'm so out of shape. Oh, I used to be so gloriously in shape, dude
I met that I mean not that we've ever been in the same ballpark of in shape
But I'm at that point right now where I worked out yesterday and it was
like not a hard workout, like the easiest workout I've done in a long time.
I woke up and sat up and had that moment where I was like, Oh,
Oh yeah, I worked out yesterday. Fuck.
But I thought I was just like dying a little bit because everything,
everything, everywhere so 20 minutes. I spent standing and crouching to pick up shit and my thighs are on fire
What a workout we don't have to be these people guys we can
Change our lives for the better right now doesn't that blow your mind that you could just decide right now to become a different person
I'm gonna stand up. I'm becoming a different person as you speak
i'm gonna stand up have fun with that fucking losers i'm standing mark your height didn't change
that much it did though i know a camera that's so rude of you I'm literally out of the frame! I'm so tall!
Flat twist, you have a little stepping stool by your chair.
I know this is gonna rip cables out from everywhere, but here I go.
Mark freezes and disappears again.
Mark, no! He did it!
Oh, everyone's frozen!
Why did that happen? What could have possibly pulled?
You must have lost wireless fidelity for a moment fuck oh he froze
Why is that happening?
You're stretching those cables.
Mark, I think you're still out of frame.
You're going to have to keep moving it.
I gotta keep going.
It's got so far up to travel.
Here we go.
Am I still here?
For now.
I appreciate you picking such a nice pose to freeze in.
I don't know that mine would end very well if I tried to raise it.
My cables are already a bit stretched. It's a good thing you shelled out for the standing desk,
now you get... I knew one day I would have the opportunity to maybe one stand. Haven't yet.
Someday maybe. I got it because I got a VR set. I was like, well, I'm going to want to stand for VR.
So, but that stayed in the box too. Can I just say I am sore, but we've been sitting recording
for a while. It feels so good to stand up.
Yeah, I mean, I would always have my recording set up
standing, I don't know why I went to sitting,
but one day I did and I regretted it.
It's just a trap, man.
Oh, much better.
This is the thing too, it's like,
people generally agree with this,
but every time I work out, like yesterday,
when I was doing the workout, while I was doing it,
I was like, oh god this feels so good.
Like my joints feel better, it feels great.
And yeah I'm sore today but like, I know it's good for me.
And it feels like it's good for me.
And still I'm like, well I could go to the gym.
Or I could just drive to Taco Bell and bring home Taco Bell for lunch.
And somehow Taco Bell wins!
Of course it does because,, some of it tastes good.
I'm not a big taco person, but.
It's like eating food grade diarrhea.
I like it, but it's not good.
Food grade diarrhea.
It's a great way to clean out the system.
I seriously talked to Molly though
about joining like a YMCA to play basketball
because like I want other people to play around with.
And plus in the winter.
We have, that's where I go.
I go to a YMCA.
We have a basketball court over here.
I don't know how to basketball,
but if you come over here, I'll try.
I know where you put it in the hoop.
You sure do.
And you throw it somehow up there.
I could learn.
I don't know if we live close enough to Y together.
The one I go to is sort of in the opposite direction
from where you guys live.
So I mean, there's one more in the in-between parts, probably.
Hey, there's one in between us.
That's like three minutes from me and 40 from you.
I think that sounds perfect.
Oh, you guys only live 25 minutes away.
So that's pretty close.
But all the why, there's no why's in between us.
They're all the opposite directions.
We'll just have to join one of those fancy country clubs
that's in there.
There's a bunch of country clubs between us. Yeah, we can look at people golfing instead of us
doing anything. That'll help. Nah, they must have basketball there, right? That's cool, right?
Yeah, right on the field. You know, the golf field. Well, I think a country club, I think
those little like tiny sandwiches with a toothpick in it. I think of a bunch of old people laughing
in rocking chairs. Is that what country clubs are? Yes. Effectively. I always just think of a bunch of old people laughing in rocking chairs. Is that what country clubs are? Yes.
I always just think of Rodney Dangerfield.
No respect.
No respect, I tell ya.
My main country club vision is Caddyshack
because that's the kind I wanna be a part of.
What were we talking about?
How'd we get here?
Being clowns.
I'm unhealthy and we don't have to be unhealthy.
We don't have to be, that's right.
That's what it was. Yeah, we don't have to be clowns. We could be healthy. Clowns are probably very healthy. Oh, I'm sick and we don't have to be unhealthy. We don't have to be, that's right, that's what it was. Yeah, we don't have to be clowns, we could be healthy.
Clowns are probably very healthy.
Oh, I'm sick of Stan, I'm gonna put my desk back down.
They say laughter's good for you,
the Patch Adams and whatnot, right?
Something like that.
So I have a development in Chica, in Chica, with Chica.
Oh, okay. Is that your...
I don't know if I wanna know this one more. Your nude AI assistant, Chica with Chica. I don't know if I want to know this one Mark. Your nude AI assistant Chica? Yeah
yeah so recently this is not gonna be news but it's just really really cute so
she's always had a tiny bed her whole life she's a tiny little bed she lives
curling up in a tiny itty-bitty bed that barely fits her and then when she wakes
up or I wake up and I see her, she's sprawled out.
Her neck is like folded backwards over the lip and just like she looks just completely upside down. But she's always
like the small beds. And then recently she's chosen to like sleep on the floor as opposed to the beds themselves. So we
had guests over and we had a floor mattress, it's not blow-up mattress it's a
nice floor mattress and then she just started sleeping on it and we're like oh
no you're not allowing the bed I guess and we we just let her do it that night
and then ever since she's laid on this huge human-sized bed and she fucking
loves it she's all out on there she's completely comfortable she loves it so
now she has a big giant people bed and she's so happy because she's never been allowed on the bed
So it's like she finally gets her bed
So I'm very proud of her what I would have done was put a bigger bed under her small bed and then eventually
Removed the small bed then know she would have transitioned but giving her just a king-size mattress
What are you a behavioral therapist or some shit? What is that? Yeah, I would sit down
I would sit her down on the bed be like so Chica what is it about the small
space that makes you feel comfortable? We would have a discussion where she would
open up and tell me why she needed that small comfort. You know therapy is not
all exclusively talk therapy or physical therapy. I've done physical therapy I
should have remembered that one. I mean you could do talk therapy which it'd
probably be really fun. Turns out physical therapy does not in fact repair a ripped tendon.
Who knew?
Does stretching it in this direction make it feel better?
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Nah, it's still ripped. Sorry.
Side tangent, if there's a way to make an AI, like to make ChatGBT or whatever,
talk the way that you do Chica's voice mark.
I would prefer that if that was doable.
Like this?
Turn left in two miles.
You can converse with them now, right?
You can have voices and you can converse with whatever,
Gemini and chat GBT and stuff.
I want a Chica voice.
I thought of map navigation first thing where it's like,
Mr. Turn, go back.
I know you can record your own sound pack for directions and stuff.
I just don't know if I can upload it for everyone else to enjoy it, which would be super fun.
Does Shakira have a sound pack?
Yeah, but it's really confusing.
Where do I turn?
That doesn't help!
At 300 feet!
Turn, lo-lay, lo-lay, lo-lay! What do I turn? Whenever! That doesn't help! In 300 feet, turn lulay lulay lulay!
Damn it, Syracuri?
Shakiri? That didn't work.
Syracuri. Is that like a Syri thing?
Yeah, I was trying and didn't...
I was just gonna say, wouldn't it be Shakira maps?
Is that a Google Maps?
I would use it, if it were.
But I have a cure for Mark's issue having only sad articles.
Did you know there's an entire news organization, Mark, that only does good news? I would use it if it were. But I have a cure for Mark's issue having only sad articles.
Did you know there's an entire news organization, Mark, that only does good news?
It's the Good News Network.
For 20 years, they've been only delivering us good news.
Are you about to tell me that they've declared bankruptcy?
The sad, sad news of good news news going away.
You can give them an email.
It's goodnewsnetwork.org.
If they did deploy bankruptcy, wouldn't the headline be,
don't worry about us, everything's fine.
And then just silence.
I mean, looking at it at a glance,
there's a lot of good news.
There were four good news today.
That's not very many.
That's not nearly enough good news.
They're doing their best.
It looks like they do four good news every day. That's all they could come up with it used to be a dozen a day
yeah only four these days well for something I guess technically yeah
that's a little nice hey good news you have less to read today hey this one
feels a little bit passive aggressive I'm not gonna lie one of today's USA
good news is is volunteer at
the National Archives is going to translate cursive handwriting for
modern newbies. Translate? That feels like a slight. They don't teach cursive
anymore? Apparently not. I mean look I learned cursive the way that those
fuckers wrote the Declaration of Independence and shit that's not even
cursive the way that we learned it. that's not even the curse of the way our parents learned it
they had some crazy shit going on back then with handwriting and whatnot it's
very cool and pretty like it looks awesome but it's like it's half English
which it kind of is I guess but it's pretty English I don't think fun was
invented back then so the only thing they had to do was work on their
handwriting and cut down trees to build houses.
He's probably right about that, yeah. They didn't do much else.
I believe it.
You're either a writer or a chopper.
I have to pee.
I didn't know how else to say that, I really...
Do you have your hall pass?
I don't know, I really gotta go. Can I go?
Alright. Can you or may you?
No, we're yeah
Important this is gonna be on the test. Oh, he's leaving. Oh, this is interesting news
Virginia sets date for first nuclear fusion plant in the US to produce emission free electricity.
Aside from, you know, potential catastrophic explosion or whatever happens with nuclear fusion stuff.
That's cool. Emission free. No byproducts. No nuclear waste.
Eventually those little fans that you use at like a stadium when it's really hot that can spray water,
those will be nuclear powered. That'd be tricky.
Be cool though. You never run out of fan juice. Real tiny little nuclear fusion
reactors inside. Those blades might be very deadly, depending on how fast they can spin.
You start to have like a reactor meltdown and the blades just take off like a helicopter.
Like can't shut it down, flood the control rods or whatever. Pour your drink on it.
I see where mysterious clay mounds on Mars were formed by ancient waters, according to a British study.
That was January 25th news.
This one doesn't feel like good news.
It's like making the most out of really bad news.
Pub owner adopts dog after it dashed into bar when owner died in car crash.
Okay, sorry. Yeah, that's kind of sad news. Here's the died in car crash. Okay, sorry.
Yeah, that's kind of sad news.
Here's the news here, Mark.
Pub owner adopts dog after it dashed into bar
when owner died in car crash.
Now he's a local favorite.
Like his owner died, the bar, he ran to a bar like, help.
And the owner's like, you're mine now.
And now it's like, yay, happy ending-ish.
That is sad good news, I guess.
They're trying here on the Good News Network.
As a total aside, I know I haven't had many good topics,
like an actual side of the podcast recording.
Kind of trying to figure out a way to circle it
to some kind, like I've been trying,
but literally all of the normal things that I like go to for articles are just filled with
Trump does something crazy they did something crazy again here's an easier
even crazier thing I'm like I'm like tapped out I got nothing they were
circling the drain of pain right now in news you know all the worst sports stuff
all the worst political stuff in that, political, political.
I just forgot to do my small talk.
Can I small talk?
Of course.
This is not news to anyone who already knows,
but I've officially been converted.
Over this past weekend, I installed a bidet in our bathroom.
And this morning, I finally worked up the courage to use it for the first
time. It's like a basic one. It's like a cheap one. So it just has a knob where you just
turn it on and off. I installed it and I was like, I wonder what the water pressure is
like on this bad boy. And I just cracked the knob just the tiniest amount to where it turned
on. And that thing was just like, oh my God, SHIT I was like oh my god it's gonna like cut me in half
so I've been afraid to use it
but this morning I was like half awake
and I was in the- on the toilet
and I was like just do it
just do it a little bit
dude everyone was not lying
bidets are fucking awesome
it's so good I've still never used one myself they're so good. I've still never used one myself. They're so good.
It's not what I would have expected at all.
I love it.
I've tried to use one.
It didn't work as I was thinking and the dryer didn't dry anything, but I'm guessing you
could just manually dry.
That's what the toilet paper is for then, right?
I suppose.
You just use the toilet paper to sort of dry everything up and make sure you're good.
But the bidet part, ours doesn't even heat it.
You can buy ones where it heats the water.
Ours is just cold water.
Love it.
But aren't you worried about the water pressure suddenly spiking
and you get water jet cut in half?
A little bit, but I actually know because of reasons that I didn't enjoy at the time.
Our house has a water pressure regulator valve.
And so even if the system water pressure does spike,
it's basically impossible for it to do that inside of our house's system.
I just thought of a crazy hit man map where they're trying to assassinate you.
Agent 47 replaces the pressure valve
and it's like time that waits with the X-rays to look at you on the toilet then
splits down the middle mission successful agent 47
someone make a custom map of that please developers of the hitman series we know you're watching
we know you're looking for ideas we need the bada killer i've never actually played it too
much myself i played the original hitman 47 and it was not a funny game at all
But nowadays I love the direction they've taken because it's an extremely funny game now
This is time where he's a 47 outside of a window and guys like what's that doc? Oh?
My cancer is gone. Oh, that's such good news. It's by a window over a cliff. This is great
I gotta tell my wife my kids are gonna be so happy
This is a hang up. Thank you so much. Oh, nothing can ruin this day hitman pulls
The rocks below this is like it's really funny
And I'm glad they took that because it's such a strange idea of a game, but anyway
Hey, 47 hero Hero by Night, Killer Bidet.
That was good.
Any more news you all have?
There's no news out there. What are you talking about?
I bought a knife sharpening kit.
I know how to piss off an entire knife sharpening community in two sentences.
What are the sentences?
It looks like a gaming controller for like the Nintendo Switch mini.
The sentences are,
Hey all you!
Watch this!
I bet everyone's mad.
I don't like that sound.
I don't even know what's happening and I don't like that sound.
I hated that.
I don't know.
I don't know how to sharpen anything.
Is that the correct direction to sharpen? I always thought you sharpened like sharp part away. Oh, you'd think that. I don't know. I don't know how to sharpen anything. Is that the correct direction to sharpen?
I always thought you sharpened like sharp part away. Oh, you'd think that
I thought you were just gonna take your knife and just go
There were not instructions on it, so I just kind of guessed there's a rough side a smooth side
a round white side and a green leather side
That's called a strop. Is it working? Don't do it again. The leather is for removing the burr mark. That's the last step
I don't think so
the burr mark that's the last step I don't think so so mark goes against the green one time then it rubs on the leather is like it's sharp all grain
shmane as if there's grain and metal any wood dumb dumb this guy here thinks
there's that's true you can't count the rings on the metal to see how old it is
so if anyone wants to get really mad at me and earn some reddit karma
Here's your ammo. Okay. I'm gonna go the other way
That sounded better that one didn't make any noise that was the smooth side sorry oh
Well, why is that noise so gross I don't know it's just just
Sharpening probably I hope it's sharpening.
I hope it's sharpening. Is that supposed to be a wet sharpener or is that a dry
sharpener? I put some oil on it see. All right. I think are you supposed to oil
the knife or oil the thing because I put some oil on it. Oh you want to use gas
you want to use gasoline when you're sparking. The wet stones traditionally you soak in water, I think.
Oh, it's not a stone.
This has got diamonds in it.
That's probably good.
It's got a rotating doodad, so you can change the mode.
Does it not have an angle guide for you?
Yeah, it's got 20 degree, 20 shmurries.
Oh, it's just right on the end there.
You're just supposed to keep it. Yeah, sure. Yeah, and then it degree. 20 shmurries. Oh, it's just right on the end there? You're just supposed to keep it?
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, and then it's got a fish hook setting for all my fish hooks.
Oh yeah, I sharpen a lot of fish hooks.
See? Did you see that? For fish hooks, obviously.
Anyway, oh god, I broke it.
I think it's just magnetic.
There's instructions
This is tragic to watch
I don't know what that means. It's got this. Oh, course. Oh, it's
one of those Corsair sharpeners. Warning. Wait, whoa. This product contains magnets,
which may affect pacemakers or other similar implanted devices. There's something in here what are you oh a scroll it's a
fucking scroll what in the fuck I'm not joking I did not know this was in here
I found the instructions wow we are
witnessing magic right now it was in the let me hear you
There it is
Glad you got some good scrap oil done before you go to the side in these just magnetically oh my god sorry everybody you don't need to be mad at me anymore. I already know the answers. We witnessed history
Together this was something special next episode. I want a full update on how you're supposed to sharpen hands are really no
Also, the the oil I have I don't think is I couldn't find blade oil. I found gun oil
So that's just good
Just watch out it might go off while you're sharpening it. I found this motor oil.
No, it's not gun oil. Well, it was, but it's heavy-duty weapons oil, right?
Oh, well, that's a weapon, I guess, right?
Yeah. It lubricates, cleans, protects, penetrates, and bonds, reduces friction and wear.
So that's probably good for sharpening.
Read your instructions that you found.
With every word I'm pissing off the knife community more and more.
Well good thing you got that D2 steal.
If you do all of this and then the comments on this episode are a bunch of knife people just being like
Oh we're just glad you're here buddy. That was a great first effort at sharpening. D2 is a fine steal.
You get a bunch of weird cheerleaders who are not mad about anything that you did.
That sounds like the internet, I'm sure.
Except for the one guy you just turned into a super-villain.
That's what happened the first time!
Everyone was all pro D2 Steel and it was- it was weird.
Well this isn't D2 Steel, this is 8CR13MOV.
Oh well that's fuckin' peasant shit right there.
That's not even beginner.
Fucking trash heap steel.
I wouldn't even drink soda out of a can made of that steel.
Probably toxic.
Yeah, I don't have much else.
That's fine.
I'm gonna, Bob lets you have anything, I'm just gonna wrap up the travesty that was my
efforts today.
No, I already told my poop story, so that's pretty much it.
Yeah, congrats on the bidet.
I guys can't recommend it enough.
Give it a shot.
And Mark, it sounds like you had a bad experience.
Sounds like you need to get the bidet.
No, I don't need a bidet. I'm fine.
Your ass is filthy.
Tri-bidet, tri-bidet, ooh la la.
You guys remember the commercials for the bidets?
It's tresame. It's like a meal prep or something. What's tresemme?
Jingle tresemme tresemme. I'm explaining what it is. What is it? I don't fucking know what it is
I saw the commercial. I feel like that's what commercials are for
Trasini. Tresemme? I guess it's not food. I guess it's shampoo
That's shampoo. Yeah, that is not food at all. I don't trust me. I just knew the ooh la la
There you go shampoo. You don't need it
Why are all your commercials from like 20 plus years ago cuz I'm from 20 plus years ago
All right, I'm gonna do points mark you go first
Why a particular reason first look you got points for it was AI the whole time
Where clown I see an apple?
Fly. Price was wrong. Stand. Mark Knife Sharp Shenanigans. Bob you got points for
floor fill powerhouse of the cell. You gonna cry? Rooftop ninja. Rent free in Mark's head.
And bidet. Bob you finished with six points. Mark you finished with seven points. Mark you won. Rooftop Ninja, Rant Free in Mark's Head, and Badae.
Bob, you finished with six points.
Mark, you finished with seven points.
Mark, you won.
Oh my God, I didn't actually think I was gonna make it.
Yeah, I thought he was gonna fix it somehow.
Especially when I walked away to go to the bathroom.
We didn't even pretend to make a deal this time.
We're just talking.
Usually we pretend these days.
Well, yay.
Congrats, Mark.
Bob, you get to give your speech first.
I choose to give a winner speech.
Winning feels good. Winning feels great.
Winning feels like a big piece of cake on your plate.
Sometimes you win because you're the best,
and sometimes you win because you killed the rest.
And I say that wholeheartedly from my full chest.
Winning feels great.
I'm done now.
That was good, good rhymes.
Good rhymes.
Clark, do you have a rhyming winner speech?
The wind does blow.
The seed gets sowed.
And I, with my truck, many things can tow.
I have two elbows. And I want you all to know I'm grateful for the blow. It's a special kind of snow
You're lucky you already won man. Um, I like how you said no you didn't have a rhyming speech
And then you had a terrible one so congrats on the win. A Raven's not a crow
Facts thank you all for watching this
Are you gonna have a rhyming outro or?
Yeah, you know what's the deal?
I'm sorry it was less entertaining than a chode
But like all things we too must goad
So goodbye for now from me
Follow these guys in places they may have...
Mark and Markiplier, bomb at my skirm.
Use wings that flowed.
Podcast out, fluff your f-road.