Two In The Think Tank - 234 - Andrew Thornton and the Cocaine Bear

Episode Date: April 15, 2020

On the 11th of September 1985, a twin-engine Cessna 404 crashed into a ridge in a remote area of Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina, three months later a black bear was found dead in Georigia... - listen to find out how these two events are related and the wild stories that follow!Buy tickets to our live stream shows here: website: dogoonpod.comSupport the show and get rewards like bonus episodes: Submit a topic idea directly to the hat: Twitter: @DoGoOnPodInstagram: @DoGoOnPodFacebook: us: dogoonpod@gmail.comCheck out our other podcasts:Book Cheat: Mates: Now: awesome theme song by Evan Munro-Smith and logo by Peader ThomasREFERENCES AND FURTHER READING:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, Jess and Dave, just jumping in really quickly at the top here to make sure that you are across all the details for our upcoming Christmas show. That's right, we are doing a live show in Melbourne Saturday December the 2nd, 2023, our final podcast of the year, our Christmas special. It's downstairs at Morris House, which usually be called the European beer cafe. On Saturday December the 2nd, 2023 at 4.30pm, come along, come one, come all, and get tickets at This episode is brought to you by Progressive. Most of you aren't just listening right now.
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Starting point is 00:01:23 You could start your new career in months, not years. Take classes online or on campus Hey mates, just Matt dropping in here quickly before the start of the episode, you know, we're doing three more live streams coming up over the following three Saturdays. Saturdays Melbourne time anyway, so Melbourne time it's midday Saturday, this week for instance, Saturday the 18th of April at midday, but you can go to our website if you're somewhere else in the world just to double check the conversion rates. I've done it myself here, for instance, midday Saturday is Friday night 10pm in Toronto in Canada or Columbus, Ohio. It's 9pm Friday in Dallas, Texas, 7pm in LA. She's America has a lot of time zones apparently. New York City in New York is 10 p.m. on Friday. London, Cardiff and Dublin. I'm guessing all of the UK and Ireland that's 3 a.m.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Which sucks. Sorry about that. But the good thing about these streams is they're up for 24 hours. So you can watch it whatever time suits you best in the 24 hours after it comes out. So if you're not a party animal from Cardiff, you can watch it the next morning when you get up if you want to. Auckland obviously is 2pm, Prime Time Saturday and Iceland also in the middle of the night to 8am Paris for aim. Anyway, you can look it up. I'm just looking up at What a tedious way to start. I do apologize for that But it was fun to me blows my mind the world has different all these different times and
Starting point is 00:03:12 We're ahead of most of you apart from those Wiley New Zealanders who are Streets ahead of the rest of the world in so many ways Anything else I need to tell you. Oh, I say porn Um, anything else I need to tell you? Oh, I say porn differently to Americans. I say so when I say porn shop, I mean a what you would call I guess a poor one shop. I can't do it to us porn and porn or homophones but to you Sound very different. Pawn and Pawn. PAWN is pawn. P-O-R-N is also pawn. Sorry. But it's fun. Language is fun. We're also wearing suits during this. So there's a couple of very brief references to that. Anyway, if you want to watch the streams, please go to and yeah you can get a ticket for the
Starting point is 00:04:06 following three weeks if you want to and I reckon you bloody should want to because it is a whole lot of fun. We had so much fun apart from the episode we recorded another 45 or so minutes to the live stream exclusively to that which is all gone now you can't see it anymore. It's, but yeah. Anyway, why am I a gas bag and let's get on with the show? This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Hello and welcome to another episode of Do Go On. My name is Dave Warnocky and as always I'm sitting here with Jess Perkins and Matt Stewart.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Hello Dave, hello Matt. Hello Dave, hello Jess. Oh Jesus. It's always a struggle. It wasn't a wild hair. We were just sitting here and then he clicked and the show started. That freaked me out. It's all done. It wasn't a wild how we were just sitting here and then he clicked and the show started. That freaked me out. It's all done.
Starting point is 00:05:08 It's all done. It's all done. All right, if this is the first time you're tuning in. Hello, my name's Jess, very nice to meet you. And what we do is every week, one of the three of us does a report on a topic. Sometimes it's about serial killers. Sometimes it's about events in history. Sometimes it's about Betty White.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And then they tell a story to the other two who disrespect them so much, they just derail and talk about themselves a fair bit. And we've done that for a long time. That's very true. I'm really hoping this week is about Betty White. Yeah, that would be good. And the way we get on to the topic Jess is the report, give her ask the question. On the report, give her this week, this is my question to you. Thank you. And to you, to a lesser extent, Dave. OK. Oh, I'll answer second. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I'll give you one shot each. OK. The crashing of an unmanned plane in North Carolina in September 1985 ended with the discovery of which dead animal three months later. What? It's basically say an animal. Lion. No, Pelican. No. It was bear. Damn it! Like bear. Okay, you know what? I'll just listen to the report. I was going to ask for clarification, but I reckon you'll get there
Starting point is 00:06:17 in time. Yes, I will, in time. In time. It's easy if we have time. Well, I hope you get there. So this was suggested by just the one man, Drake Gillespie, which I've never heard of the word of the name Gillespie. I don't know if he missed spelled his own name Gillespie, but anyway, I'm going to take his word for it and that word is Gillespie. Right. And the report begins now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:43 On the 11th of September, 1985, it of September 1985, this used to be the famous 10th of 11. Wow. Oh my God, it's about a plane crash. I didn't even put that together. Oh, obviously laughing at my stupidity and not the terrible tragedy. Of this bear bear we presume. On September 11th 1985, a twin engine Cessna 404 crashed into a ridge in a remote area
Starting point is 00:07:13 of Nant Hahala National Forest in North Carolina. There were no signs of any fatalities or survivors. There was also no flight plan for it lodged anywhere. So you think that no but no humans were found in the wreckage? Yes or anyone? No one dead or alive was found in the wreckage. Okay. A few hours later in Knoxville, Tennessee, a home of the week's fifth, the week's fear, around 100 kilometers from the crash site. Fred Myers awoke to find a man's body lying on his driveway with a parachute draped around him. They finds death very funny.
Starting point is 00:07:51 It sounds like the start of a riddle. Who knows where he's going? A man in a paddock. He's got a parachute. He's still on a block of ice. Yeah. It sounds like a balloon. He woke up. Manly's driveway, parachute, nothing, no other evidence to go. Sounds like that. I missed the bit, so he is dead. He is dead, that's what he's doing. I thought he was alive, I missed that bit. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Yeah, I love the phrasing. He worked to find a man's body, a live body lying on his driveway. Now that he's dead, he's no longer a man he's a body. Isn't that interesting? Yeah, I'll make clear that I've done that in life. Another few too. His main parachute hadn't been deployed but his emergency one had probably on its own and though it wasn't enough to save his life it did mean that the injury suffered were much less severe than you might expect to see on someone who had just fallen from the sky.
Starting point is 00:08:48 He didn't fully splatten. I bet that was a real relief, Finn. Yeah, die young, leave a good looking corpse. When the police arrived, they found the man to be wearing a car key colored outfit with a bulletproof vest, night vision goggles, and a pair of Gucci loafers. That's confusing. Also, it's daytime. Once you need the night vision goggles.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Uh, maybe it's a little clue as to when he actually skydove. Ah. Was in the night. The blowfers. Gucci loafers. It's a funny look in my mind. Like, it's basically, he's a civilian, but he's wearing full army get up and then fancy Gucci slippers.
Starting point is 00:09:33 The police found in the man's possession two handguns, knives, ropes, food rations, vitamins, a book with names and codes, a compass, an altimeter, thousands of dollars in cash, and six cruggorans. Do you want cruggorans or... cruggorans? I have no idea what that is. South African gold coins. Oh! Apparently it's... yeah, they're kind of untraceable and that's a big chunk of the world's
Starting point is 00:10:00 gold is in these coins. And they're worth different amounts depending on how big they're how much gold is in them or something I've never heard of them before oh wow so wait uh It's interesting The police also found a key with an identification number matching that of the plane that crashed earlier in the morning If you hadn't um guess that these two things are
Starting point is 00:10:19 Ah Did Ah I had my suspicions I didn't Yeah but I'm good at picking twists. Yeah, that's you. I'm good at the twists.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I initially had it written so I was going to reveal the key thing later. I'm like, I reckon I'll probably cut it. There was also a key. I never thought about how planes have keys. Yeah, I mean, you've got to start them. No, you do, but I've just never thought about that. In the engine. They do that on a quanta's plane
Starting point is 00:10:45 I wonder how often the pilots like You check the review mirror Where are those keys? They always have a little rock out the front. Yeah, it looks like a rock, but it's actually Nifty little little if you hunted rocks are slying at the airport In the garden at my building where I live there's like little rocks and pebbles and stuff around. And we found out that our elderly neighbour kept her spare key at our front door in a fake
Starting point is 00:11:16 rock. That's smart. But we had no idea it was there the whole time. She left it. There's a key in front of our house. Did you just discover it one day. No, it was a bleak reason why she'd fallen and we needed to get into the house. And that's where we found out where the key was.
Starting point is 00:11:32 You started going, well, let's check the rocks. Who knows? It could be any of them. Let's start at our front door. Not hers. Very confusing. Anyway, she letting you know that. It's not there anymore. So it's safe for me to disclose that information. Where's it now? I'd rather not say. Okay, good try Dave. Try. I was about to reveal and I don't even know. On top of all this so he's packing a lot of heat, he's got gums. Yeah, knives, rope. He's ready to go with a rope. He's got quadruence.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, and thousands of dollars in cash and food rations. That's what I'm interested in. What kind of snacks we talking about? Smarties. Yeah, he's got some smarties. He's got trial mix. Yeah, trial mix even smarter than smarties. It has some smarties in there for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:12:20 chuck a little bit of sugar. Mm. Yeah, what trial, do you reckon they're picking up? Oh, as a shumed trial mix was, things you pick up on a trial, but it's probably more like things you'd eat on a trial. Yes. Because you can't pick up little bits of chocolate
Starting point is 00:12:33 on a trial. You just leave them, unless you're in Candyland. Are you in Candyland? Answer me that. Hey, what didn't you? Answer me. I like to leave you. No, we didn't you? Answer me. I like to live here. No, we're not in Candywood.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I've tried to eat this chair. On top of all this, he was also wearing a satchel that contained 34 kilos of pure cocaine. Okay. Apparently worth around 15 million bucks at the time. Now, even more. But he's got rations of food. You loaded, mate. Wait, yourself to a roast duck. Are you saying you're loaded or is in like, you can go days with that food because you've
Starting point is 00:13:13 got so much cocaine. You'll never. Colum A, bit of Colum B. You need to eat again. Is it an appetite suppressor? I don't know. In that jacket, I reckon you might. He has a wearing a purple jacket.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Classic coqucate wear. The co-cate packets had USA-10 written on each of them. Okay. A co-cate is also a patriot. Yeah, that's how it was written. You, at times 10. I'm saying that's how good we We are ten times better than the rest The police found two different ideas on the man both featuring the dead man's photo
Starting point is 00:13:52 So obviously at least one of them was a fake was he dead in the photo? Yeah, how do you do it One for Andrew Thornton and a second for Andrew Bourbon. Okay, so but it's most likely Andrew. Yes. I reckon it's most likely Andrew Thornton. Bourbon sounds like a fake name for sure. Well, you are correct. I assume determined that the real one was Andrew Thornton.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Full name Andrew C Thornton the second. C. Why don't they, yeah, the C's... It's not really a full name if you haven't said what the sea is for. Well, all right. I said full and I hope you'd let that slide. Sea short for Coke man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It's short for Coke man. He's like, that's why he needs to come up with a second name because the real name really gives it away. Yeah, it really gives it away. I'll go for bourbon. Yeah. But yeah, it's funny. Andrew Bourbon is a funny name, but he was from Bourbon country in Kentucky, so.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Okay. So he, yeah, he's a pretty good imagination this guy. So yeah, he's Andrew C. Thornton the second. Well, I don't normally, doesn't it go Andrew C. Thornton, Andrew C. Thornton, Jr. Andrew C. Thornton the third.. Thornton, Jr. Andrew C. Thornton III. But he's just gone with the second. I don't get it, but anyway. Maybe that doesn't mean that there is a third.
Starting point is 00:15:13 You become a second when you have a third. Oh, maybe. Yeah, because your dad can't be Jr. No, you're ridiculous. I mean, you couldn't respect him. No. All right, Jr. go get my socks. I tuts these a cold.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You only get dad to get socks. Sorry, not my rules, junior. I'm the third. Fetch me my sockies. Thornton was the son of Carter and Peggy Thornton, so his dad wasn't. I think that Carter was the sea. Not cocaine. Oh, well, the sea and Carter and Peggy Thornton, so his dad wasn't, I think that Carter was the sea. Ah, not cocaine. Oh, well, the sea and Carter was short for coke man.
Starting point is 00:15:51 The Thornton was the son of Carter and Peggy Thornton from Bourbon Country, or County Maven Kentucky. According to the Washington Post, the Thorntons were a wealthy Lexington horse breeding family. Oh. Hmm. Hmm. were a wealthy Lexington horse breeding family. He enjoyed a privilege upbringing in Lexington where he attended a prestigious private school and also played polo amongst other wealthy people at pursuits. That's horse polo.
Starting point is 00:16:19 All right, but on the land and land in the water. Yeah, there's horse water polo It's water polo. I do horse land polo. Let's just polo That's just going around with the big hammer and a ball Yes Yeah, okay, okay, okay Croquet is Polo That we sort of that out
Starting point is 00:16:42 After scooly joined the army as a paratrooper and according to the LA Times He served in the 101st Airborne Division in the mid 60s and was among Soldiers sent to the Dominican Republic after a revolution. He was wounded and received a purple heart Other sources say it was in a different airborne division 60 something or something, but okay or whatever one Oh, it's an experienced guy with parachutes. Yeah, purple hearts on the big ones. I think yeah The source of say was in a different airborne division 60 something or something but okay or whatever one oh There's an experienced guy with parachutes. Yeah, purple hearts on the big ones. I think yeah In 1968 he joined the Lexington police force serving there for nine years According to the Washington Post in the early 1970s he became a member of the Lexington police department's first narcotic squad
Starting point is 00:17:24 Working with the DIA's regional office in Louisville, says former DIA agent Larry Lakin, DIA worked with Drew on many occasions in narcotics and sometimes on a weekly basis, worked very closely together. Okay. So he had a history of working in narcotics law enforcement. That's really handy considering his middle name is Cocaine. Yeah, Cocaine, but maybe it's Cocaine man, Cocaine for sure.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah, you got a short new movie. See for me. Please, Cocaine man was my father. Cocaine man, Jr. was my father's name. Tell me, Cocaine too. He also worked his way through law school at the University of Kentucky while on the force. He's got a lot of careers happening.
Starting point is 00:18:11 He's got a lot going on. I think he's still in his 20s. He's just kicking goals. He's a go-getter. Prefocus. Yep. What not? I guess it's all that cocaine.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah. Is it a focusing drug? I know what you were saying. It's all that cocaine. Yeah. Was it a focusing drug? I know what you were saying, it suppresses your appetite. Yeah, and you focus. Jess is our resident cocaine expert. We'll catch you in questions to you. Please. Look at that jacket.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's full of coke. So after serving in the Army and police force in 1977, he resigned from life in uniform to become a lawyer in Lexington. I mean lawyers can still wear uniforms, can't they? Maybe, I don't know. What is it like, what would the uniform be? A suit that has a bad saying.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Loyal, loyal man. Yeah. A shwoman, because women can be loyal man too. Yes. Are you talking about the like a barristers outfit with like a wig and stuff? Oh yeah, that's kind of a uniform isn't it? Well, you really open Mars. In a way, everything's a uniform, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah. You know what I mean? Everything's a mask. Well, just conforming, I mean. Use the real you. Yeah, what is fashion if not a uniform? Let's get nude. But it seems he never practiced law. Instead he became more involved in the other side of the law.
Starting point is 00:19:31 The crime. Oh. Oh. There's probably three, is there three sides of the law? You got the law, then the crime, and then the time. Okay. That's what I was going to say. Well, you're going to say. I'm not sure, but it was going to be better than that.
Starting point is 00:19:49 You bowed yourself. You really paused for a long, long time. I thought I was just really helping you out there. Well, you were wrong. The Washington Post writes, The affiliation between Thornton and the D.A. in Treescopes, who try to understand Thornton's shift from Nark to drug smuggler. Nark!
Starting point is 00:20:09 D.A. agent Robert Ross, weird phrasing. I'm saying it to you Jess, come on Jess. Let's assume the guy wrote this article's name is Ross. Okay, come on Ross. My brother-in-law says that a lot, come on Ross. I don't know what it means, but it means even less in this context. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:43 So I regret it as soon as I said it. So it's a weird family in joke thing that I don't know what it means even less in this context. So I regretted it as soon as I said it. It's a way to see family in joke thing that I don't know what it means. Yep. And instead of asking, you've just taken it on. Yeah. I respect that. It's just fun to say.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Come on, Ross. Come on, Ross. It's fun. Yeah. Anyway, the quote is, a 007 paramilitary type personality an adventurer driven by adrenaline rushes who became bored with being a cop. That's why he went to the other side.
Starting point is 00:21:11 For the thrill. Oh, time. Skip forward to 1981 in Fresno, California. Fresno, home of the Fresno, TARCO is baseball team, I believe. Probably one of the best mascots. Taco, it's a taco. Yeah, their emblem is a taco. That's good.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I good that. Love a mascot you can eat. Yeah, edible mascots. I was like the Brisbane Lions. Yes. So we're, skimming Ford, non-Noddy won in Fresno, California. And he was one of 25 men being accused of the theft of weapons from the China-like naval weapons center and of conspiring to smuggle a thousand pounds of marijuana
Starting point is 00:21:52 into the United States. A thousand pounds. A thousand pounds. A fair bit. Yeah, I don't know how, I have no idea what that means. Pounds less than a kilo? Yes. So it's not probably not in that much. Probably a weekend of my house. I don't know. You're doing coke and marijuana. I mean it's a gateway isn't it? That's what I say. So you've used the weeds. The cocaine is a gateway to marijuana. Yeah. Yeah. And I once you start a coke, there's only one way down. Yeah. If you keep going down this slippery slope soon, you'll be under like cornflakes or something. Yeah. Man, I hope it never gets that bad. Yeah. You know cornflakes is invented to stop masturbation. That a thing you know. You should talk about Mr. Kellogg's or whatever his name is?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Ross. Making a food so boring it'll stop kids wanking. What a character. Kellogg's. His name's Kellogg as well. Kellogg. You thought about it before I had Kellogg. Kellogg.
Starting point is 00:23:00 What a... I like it. I love it. Oh. Dave, how do you feel? It's one of the all-time great names. Okay. That's us. That's us in a nutshell. Yin and Yang and another Yin So the 25 man ring that was all caught up in this Seven conspiracy included other former Lexington police officers and was linked to a group known only as the company. Ooh, I like that. The company was described in a 1980 federal
Starting point is 00:23:31 indictment paper as quote, a dope and gun running syndicate with more than 300 members and 26 million dollars in boats and planes. I mean a name like the company can either be like yet drugs and guns or improv. And both of them have $26 million. You know, it's either going to be like a cute little theater company or drugs and guns. There's no in between. I love the idea that they do both. Yes. I mean, you've you gotta be able to switch off. Once you get the international waters there,
Starting point is 00:24:08 games in space jump. They go. To the next level. Off. Okay. I need a scenario. Stealing Coke. And we've done that one, can we?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Oh, weapons. Come on, what do we escape from our Monday to Friday? It seems that Thornton was one of the key players in the company. I believe maybe even one of the headhunchers and hunkers. Oh, wow. Is he a babe? Well in the TV documentary I watched last night, he's played by a babe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:42 But I don't think he was a babe. Are we going to see a music babe? The photos of him, he was like, no, all these descriptions I'm picturing Sean Connery. Yeah. Because that one, 007 reference, but from Ross. Someone else called him a Rambo style man. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Well, the fellow police officer described Thornton as, quote, an edge walker, walking on the edge. I guess. He's feet, he walked sort of like. He didn't run both fast. It was really weird actually. He said, why don't you just walk on the salty fat, anyway, what's that?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Nobody had told him. No. It's crazy. He learned how to walk from horses, clopping. For the time. Yeah. How many think horses walk? Is that four at a time? Do into it. They're four at a time I must have been like. You've never seen him gallop like I have.
Starting point is 00:25:38 True. What does that mean? Where have you been? Well, I've been down at the track. Where have you been? Well, I've been down at the track. Okay. I imagine as an affluent East Boy. You are a horse. You were, you were, you were a breadball. Was born on a horse. You were born on a horse.
Starting point is 00:25:53 A Clyde stale? Yeah. Ah. They've got big, big back. Big back. They've got big everything. Big everything. They're big horse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Big, big horses. Never put their feet on the ground at the same time though. Oh. Okay. Only one on the ground. Not only the time. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Kind of like one of those desert geckos, where the sand's real hot. Oh, geck, you know what I mean. That's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that's like, that O's. There's O Gekko's. There's O Gekko's. Oh, there's Liz boys in the, in the des. So I'm talking another language. So there's other police officer described as an edge walker. Oh, that's right. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:26:37 How we got here? Edge walker, yeah. Walking on the edge, got it. As well as a thrill seeker motivated by danger. Yeah, okay. Actually the sea in his middle initial sea, stood for danger. Huh. He went on to say as a policeman,
Starting point is 00:26:50 Andrew could walk the edge only so long before it became routine. Drug smuggling was a natural transition for him. It was a starsky and hutch type of cop. He drove fast cars, popped in and raided people. Starsky and hutch Hutch 007 Rambo. Jesus, God, doesn't he sound like the coolest guy? He wasn't. Doesn't he, though?
Starting point is 00:27:13 That sounds very cool. He sounds like a fun character in a film. That's a real person. He sounds like a fucking nightmare. Did he have a family? Imagine being married to him or living near him, you'd be like, oh, this tool again. It was married the job of a dismantling drug. And also a woman. Oh, so yeah, it was a bit of a three-way thing going on.
Starting point is 00:27:36 And in the end, it was too much for the two humans in the relationship, a nice split, but he stayed married to the job. Yeah, he sounds like a nightmare. Because I think she remained kind of friends with him, but she found that his life's I was a bit full on. Yeah, he sounds awful. He sounds exhausting. Just sit down and watch a movie for fuck's sake Andrew. I am a movie.
Starting point is 00:28:00 No, I just want to go to IKEA. We need a new cabinet. Fuck's sake. My parents are coming for dinner. No, I just want to go to IKEA. We need a new cabinet. A fuck sack! My parents are coming for dinner. Can you just sit still playing? No, the cabinet's a full of drugs. I just need someone to put the fucking blanks. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I mean, Jess, have you also seen the documentary? I imagine. You accessed that pretty quickly actually. Yeah, I don't know where I went, but um, I imagine. You accessed that pretty quickly actually. Oh, I went, but I feel lighter. Yeah. Woo! OK. Is that a little repressed session? I don't know what you mean.
Starting point is 00:28:33 OK. I'm dizzy. That's the drugs. Ah, I need more coke. I'm running a lot more coke. I'm getting hungry. Anyone got some Coke? Just eating it by the spoonful.
Starting point is 00:28:49 With milk, like cereal. The Kellogg's start. Just like to the pace. Yeah, haven't wanked in ages. It's just been eating this cocaine cereal. And even get it up anymore. The happy Kellogg, helly. My inside's a mush.
Starting point is 00:29:13 So he's walking on the edge. He's walking on the edge. But yeah, so he's up on these charges because of the conspiracy to the evolucings from the army. But perhaps due to his family's powerful standing in the community, he wasn't charged in the China Lake weapons case. There's a, like, this is one of those ones
Starting point is 00:29:31 where there's a million different articles about it, and they're all a little bit, they talk about him differently, some kind of, he can tell they like him and some are like, he's a, he was a shit cop, he's a bad guy, and other ones are like, he was a great cop, he's, he's the best at everything. Some say, his family helped him get out of this, others were like,
Starting point is 00:29:51 they just didn't really have anything on him. Yeah. Ali, he said when he got caught, he's like, you don't have anything on me, it's just really arrogant about it. This doesn't sound like him at all. Perhaps due to his family's powerful standing in the community, he wasn't charged in the Chahnalaics weapons case,
Starting point is 00:30:06 but was instead indicted on the lesser charge of conspiracy to import a controlled substance, as well as conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance. According to the LA Times, the indictment said the charges involved the flight of a plane on a drug run from South America to Kentucky in 1979. He was named as the pilot. Thornton pled not guilty before doing a runner. He was arrested months later as a fugitive in North Carolina. He didn't pay for his dinner. No, it's succulent. He is a courageous. Again, he's wife still at the table, like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh, guess I'll have to pick him up there. I see that, okay. The court doughnut. It's like not guilty, but I will go another chicken chameleon. Thank you so much. Yeah, so months later, they finally caught up with him arresting him in North Carolina while he was wearing a bull professed and carrying a pistol.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You'd think fleeing would have led to a more severe punishment, but after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor drug charge, any felony charges were dropped. As such, his sentence was relatively light with six months in prison and a $500 fine. She's a good, they would have been pretty rough on him, right? 500 bucks. 500 bucks. Big ones. He was also placed on probation for five years. And his law license was suspended. Suspended. Yeah, no arguments. Oh, ifson buts young man.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Suspended for one month. Go to your room. Are you a room being prison for six months? I forgot he was a lawyer as well. I forgot that. So it's been suspended. Yeah. Okay. He was still on probation when he died. So he never got he forgot that he died. I was like oh, it's my life. No, that's right. We found him dead. Yes. I was a shootman. It was a free man again in 1982 and it seems like he got back to business pretty quickly. Details aren't super clear of what he's up to in the next three years, but it seems he continued working as a drug runner amongst other strange behavior.
Starting point is 00:32:18 This next part is taken from another article in the post. It was written at the time. And it was probably, it was written at the time and it was probably it was one of the bits that made me like, ugh, this guy isn't that cool. He's so... I've already got that. This one, well anyway, alright. So this is from that article in the post. Anticipating a nuclear holocaust, although some of this would have put him in good stead
Starting point is 00:32:43 for what's happening in the world right now, but unfortunately he's super dead. Okay. And anticipating a nuclear holocaust, he stockpiled parrot military weapons, maybe not that bit, freeze dried food and stockpiled gold coins. He wore camouflage for tegs and swastikers. Like, it was a bit the maimigaw like, oh it's an outie. Oh that's the bit that made you a a bit the Mamie girl like, oh, it's a Nazi. Oh, that's the bit that made you a bit iffy on this bike, was it? That was a bit that really Mamie girl. Huh.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, and that one kind of turned me against him. Gotcha, yeah. Now he's a genuinely bad guy. Yeah, swastikers, that's the name for the Nazi version that's symbol, or is that, because he also was apparently big in a meditation and stuff and the symbol used to be about something else. I believe so, yeah. Anyway, that was the only article that I saw the word swastika written. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:33 It really pricked up my attention. Pricked up my prick radar. A bit of a prick this Nazi girl. That's a hot take. Thank you. Oh yeah, actually I don't mean to have such a hot take but I do reckon Nazi is a hot take. Thank you. Yeah, actually, I don't mean to have such a hot take, but I do reckon Nazi's are bad people. There you said it.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I don't apologize for that. I'm stand by that. I'm happy to put that on the record. How can you panic at it and take that out tonight? I don't want to offend anyone. Yeah, I panic at it by taking out bits of thing might offend Dave panic at it is by any fax he got slightly wrong which might offend people. Yeah me.
Starting point is 00:34:14 So he wore camouflage fatigues, swastikers and bootproof vest, loved his bootproof vest and he talked about eyes for eyes and teeth for teeth, the in-eventure and sort of stuff. He had become increasingly paranoid. He surrounded his farm with concertina wire, setting up barracks and digging trenches, according to Kentucky State Police. Really getting into it. You're ready for trench warfare.
Starting point is 00:34:36 He's going back to World War I, let's do this. Thornton's farm was the subject of aerial and ground surveillance several times following reports that Thornton was operating a guerrilla warfare training camp for mercenaries. According to Sergeant Ralph Ross. Well, most of the mercenaries farm animals. Yeah. Any pigs. That's as big with like black.
Starting point is 00:34:59 That's nice. Sergeant Ralph Ross, be the Ross. Maybe. Come on, Ross. Ralph Ross. Ralph Ross is a great name. I'm on Ross. Ralph Ross. Ralph Ross is a great name. Ralph Ross is incredible. What's Ralph short for?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Ralph I had. Thornton consistently maintained that nothing illegal occurred on his farm. That pig wanted to wear that military fatigue. Find me a pig that doesn't want to wear a bulletproof vest. Find me one. I challenge you. I tell you what. I tell you what. Find me a pig that doesn't want to wear a bulletproof vest. Find me one. I challenge you. Don't like that.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I thought you were talking about the cop. You're talking about a pig. And I could pick one. I could pick one on the phone. I'm like Dave. I'm not calling. Pretty strong language from you. No, I'm in a genuine pig.
Starting point is 00:35:37 He's lost it. He's training farm animals for gorilla wolf. He's trying to get a cow to hold a grenade. It's hard. Yeah, that is hard for him. I would have picked a different animal. Like, I like some kind of... Ficken.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Yes. That's a little wing. Obviously, the whole at least hold it like in its pull as it flaps a little bit. Oh, it's a little down. It's flaps away. That's fun. Let's face it, he tried every animal.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah. A lot of it went wrong before he found the ones that worked. Yeah. He blew up a few animal. Yeah. A lot of it went wrong before he found the ones that worked. Yeah. He blew up a few cows. Yeah. Oh, dinner. Hey, you know what I say? He got a blob of a few cows to make a chicken chammein.
Starting point is 00:36:13 How does that sound? Actually, I got a crack a few eggs to make an omelette. Yeah. To make a chicken chammein. He had to close the king gradient of chicken chammein. I have no idea what a chicken jamaine. He had to cause me a tea ingredient of chicken jamaine. I have no idea what a chicken jamaine is. You don't have to. Sounds delicious.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Fuck you and even. Ugh. A friend described a kind of playing Thornton flute as smuggler's dream. Okay. I wish I only think what a matter bit of smuggler's wet dream. Heaps of cabin space. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Drugs. Yes, yes. You don't have to. So you could just sit comfortably, not surrounded by drugs. That is right. There was a lot of space for drugs. They ripped all the chairs out of it. Only the pilots' chairs remained.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And they also fitted them with special fuel tanks that meant that they could fly actual long distances. Wow. That is a smuggler stream. When you hit a smuggler stream plane, I imagine Wonder Woman's invisible plane. Now that's a smuggler stream plane. I imagine a really big-ass cavity in the back of the plane somehow. Like a full. The plane is like, nothing. Waddling around. Plane sweating. I think one of them may have broken. I feel really focused and not hungry.
Starting point is 00:37:33 The plane just started zooming on. Still, you've got a whole plane and you still put it in little condoms. I've got 8,000 condoms back there. Just put it in a bag. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. So these alterations I made to the plane made them perfect for a trip from, say, Columbia to the United States.
Starting point is 00:38:00 For example. For example. Could be anywhere. Could be anywhere. But that's an example and on September the 11th 1985 That seemed like exactly what he was doing okay or at least on the 10th. Sorry The crash happened early on the 11th, but yeah on the 10th. That's what he was doing
Starting point is 00:38:16 He was flying from flying a big low to coke up that tightly packed airplanes ass Columbia to the States. Police retraces path by finding multiple satchels of cocaine, dropped into places like national parks along the route. On purpose? Yes. But so these discoveries made it clear that it'd flown up from South America. They sort of followed it like a Hansel and Gretel. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Or a Hansel and Charlie path. A real trail mix of cocaine if you. Oh, that's what they should do. Imagine trail mix, instead of the little chocolate bits, cocaine pills. Why not as well as? I think you do. I think you still have a little chocky treat. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Fantastic. Fantastic idea. We, copyrighted. Going to business? Yes. Fantastic fantastic idea. We come to business. Yes Form the company a company Two three four where a dance company. Yeah Having made the majority of the journey back home though Thornton put the airplane into autopilot and jumped oh
Starting point is 00:39:27 Why chose to do this remains unclear to this day? Because he's dead. Yes. So he, dead men tell no tales. Learned that from a pirate once. Oh. Do we do? Do we do a pirate movie title? That, I'm saying it, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Probably Johnny Depp. Hello, I'm Johnny Depp. Yes. I'm a pirate. Yep. Oh, he, I'm based on rock. Yes. I'm a borough. Yep. Oh, we, I'm based on rock and roll, from the stones. Now, do Jeffrey Russian that movie? Jeffrey Russian that movie.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Hello, I'm not very good, apparently allegedly. But I'm quite litigious. Edit point. That's a panic. That's a panic editor I've ever seen. I don't want to offend him. No. He'll take me to court. But you're addressed. I'm ready. I'm ready to represent myself. Well, you're on a guilty. You walk into the courtroom. Everyone does know. He'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So he's jumped, people aren't sure why, but it seems like this is why it was dumping the cargo along the way. He was getting ready to jump. How do you dump all the coke or just some? Well, he jumped with a big chunk of it on his person, the rest of it, and dumped. So when the plane was found there was no coke on board. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:46 No survivors. No. People or coke. Whatever the case was, he was an expert skydiver and the type of guy who wouldn't even let anyone touch his pack. He was a fanatic about his equipment according to a friend in Lexington. He's a real freak. very, very experienced scarred either. But he wouldn't let anyone touch his pack. Not even the guy that
Starting point is 00:41:08 repacks the parachutes. He wouldn't. He didn't trust him. Don't pack him. He wouldn't even let people repack his planes ask. He wouldn't didn't let anyone read touch anything. He's playing his ass to pack. Yeah. He's thought of his of his parachute is kind of like his second a-ness. No touching. Maybe one of the reasons why him and his wife broke up. He was an ass play. He wasn't willing to try or communicate.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Oh, it's, you know, it's sad, but that's love, isn't it? In the end? What? Ask play. It's a phrase that I only relatively recently, and it's real fun. I can't help but I was in. I was in some sort of a show. Okay, good. Yes, that narrows it down.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Come on, Ross. It's not like people are watching a lot of shows in the live. I can't. And they were talking anyway This is now it's in another podcast us play means playing with your ass I think I'm not a virgin You want to scream that in court? You're not a virgin
Starting point is 00:42:24 Or say. Objection. Prove. Objection, he definitely is, you're on a... The same. So it was a very good jump, a very experienced. So it was surprising to those who knew him, to hear he had died in a skydiving accident. Yeah. Noxville, it wasn't surprising that he was found with hundreds of pounds of cocaine
Starting point is 00:42:51 struck to him. Oh yeah, did he have the gold coins? Yeah. That's him. Yeah. How many guns do he have on it? Yeah, that's Andy. Yeah. It's splattered. Hmm. But, well, weird. It's not like him. Not my boy, that's his mum. Knoxville police lieutenant Jerry Day described him as a, quote, a kind of survivalist, an individual who was expecting trouble and ready for it, which explains why his body was found with weapons, food, ropes, night vision goggles, et cetera, et cetera, picnic hamper.
Starting point is 00:43:21 But unfortunately for Thornton, it sounds like his over-preparedness might have caused his downfall quite literally. According to the New York Times, he fell to his death because quote, he was carrying two heavier load while parachuting. Yeah, it's yep. Got greedy. Grady. The fact that he was such an experienced jumper and he miscalculated the weight he could carry makes it seem like the jump wasn't pre-planned. Some people say this maybe this was always a plan, he was always just gonna let the plane go and crash, he was gonna land and meet someone where he was gonna make a deal.
Starting point is 00:43:57 But it seems like that's probably not the case just because he otherwise wouldn't have had such a heavy load on him. Today I found suggests it might have been something else though, quote, it was also later noted by friends of the man in question that he had a propensity to push the envelope on how late he could open his parachute. So it's also possible that in the darkness he simply waited too long to deploy it. Okay. It was challenging himself. He was playing chicken with the ground.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It probably was famous in Skydiving Circles was one of the few guys who would wait to the very last second to pull his rip cord. Again, he sounds like a nightmare. But didn't it say he didn't pull the rip cord at all? And the only the emergency one had gone off automatically? Well, they're not sure if one ought to automatically or if he had to pull it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Yeah, if the first one failed. Yeah. Because that's what it's for. That's the problem. Maybe you pull it. Yeah, if the first one failed. Yeah. Because that's what it's for. That's the problem. Maybe you leave it to the last second and then it fails. You've lost a couple of seconds before you get the eventually one and then it's too low. Yeah, yeah. So that's a possibility.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I'd be famous in skydiving circles for pulling it at the first possible moment. We're in the plane. We're in the plane. You're in the plane. You're in the plane. I'm in the plane. I'm in the plane. I'm in the plane. I'm. Oh no. It's wrapped around you. You're full of your death. That's how you die against court and the propeller.
Starting point is 00:45:18 If that is what happens, can you please still tell people it was a scarred RV? Yes. It's not a scarred RVodov accident that was completely avoidable. It was a totally hurtful. Fools out, it comes out. These little planes are the propeller. The front against court and the propeller. You're flinging around. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Are you picturing me as a cartoon as well, isn't it, yeah? And eventually you get minced up. Chicken Chowmaine. Yeah. But it's your first ever Skodov, so you go tandem with a professional, but you use cheap, sorry mate, I don't trust you. Pulled it.
Starting point is 00:45:50 He also dies. Just know. But at least I was prepared. Yeah, that's right. You played it safe. I played it safe. Thank you. You know, the documentary series I was talking about before
Starting point is 00:46:06 is called FBI Files Dangerous Company. Oh, that's good. A good. Because the whole point of it was he kept dangerous company. Ha, ha, ha. So that docker suggests that Thornton believed he was being followed by another plane. So he put the plane into...
Starting point is 00:46:25 Did he try to lose it? Did it indicate left and then turn it off? Probably, yeah. And they reenacted it all so good. He's gone, lose him. But the other plane was too fast and was catching up. So he put it, got it into autopilot and jumped. And we know it was a super paranoid guy.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So this takes out. On the way down, they suggest he was knocked unconscious, possibly straight away, hitting his head on the plane on the way out. Which feels overy hard to do. But I reckon... I'd find away. He said on the plane.
Starting point is 00:46:57 When he was famous for being the best in the business. And then he hits his head on the plane. Rook him this day. Yeah, it really is. The other... You've got to hit yourself pretty hard on the head to knock yourself out. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I guess you have if you jumped, got caught by a gust of wind throwing back at the first, I don't know. But they also suggested it could have been that he was pummeled by one of the duffel bags full of cocaine. Although it didn't, boom, boom, boom. But it feels very cartoony. Either way, they suggested he was knocked out and unable to pull the rip cord of his main parachute.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And the emergency parachute wasn't deployed until it was too late. Either automatically, or he came to and went, well, shit, pulled it and it was too late. So that's what they suggest on the docko. It's an hour and a half. I'll put a link and it was too late. So that's what they suggest on the doco. It's an Aaron a half. I'll put a link to it in the show. And I was just very good. And it goes into all this other stuff as well.
Starting point is 00:47:50 But they say at the start, the injuries that the cops found on his body when they found him suggest that maybe it wasn't an accident, that maybe he was hit and it was murder, and then they go, yeah, it looks like he probably hit his head on the plane. I tell you that an hour and 20 minutes later. You dogs. He was murdered by a plane.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah. That plane had it out for him. Well, and also one of the bags, births, and the plane was unlike a Coke rage. Yeah. I think, and yet, rage? Oh, yes. Really focused, and suppressed rage. Oh, yes. Really focused, and I'm just impressed.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Rage. Yeah, yep. So one of those made for TV dockers, where that, it's like all reenactments. And you know, that sort of low-ish budget. A lot of like, is it dark and a lot of filters? So you don't see a lot of the background, because it's not properly a background.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Totally. But there's, I mean, it's an hour and a half long and it's sort of, you know, there's obviously some budget. There's so many locations, shoots and all this sort of stuff. My favorite bit, I can't remember exactly what he said, but the narrators talking about the cops and saying they realize that he was actually quite a bad guy. And then, and that's overlaying cops reenacting this scene where they're in the crime lab, looking at evidence.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And the main cop, you can hear him just orderly say, hmm, reckon he's a quite a bad guy. I'm guessing he's just like riffing, just making up. All right, I'm a cop, okay. What do I think about this criminal guy? Yeah, I think he's a good bad guy. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I think this guy might map. He might be a criminal. Yeah, but if people are interested, it'll be linked in the show notes, it goes way deeper into the company and all the bad things they did, which also includes the assassination of a judge who was in the middle of a court case with one of the people connected to the company, was probably about to be found guilty
Starting point is 00:49:51 by this judge. That judge got assassinated by a sniper. The man convicted of that murder was Woody Harrelson's dad. What? I don't think anyone expected him to say that. What? I don't think anyone expected him to say that. I would normally have gone into all that stuff way more, but we haven't even got to the reason that I'm doing this report. The reason. A bear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:15 We tried totally forgot about until about 10 minutes ago, and I zoned out for a second and went, wait, where's the bear coming to this? Woodyhausen's dad killed a judge. Well, he was found guilty of it. The guy who accuses of it apparently later changed his story. But I think Woody Harrelson's dad died in jail. Right. I think he was a career criminal.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Okay, so it wasn't just like that actor from Cheers, he was his dad. No, yeah. He just got named. What are you talking about? Yeah. So it sounds like, yeah, yeah. He just got named. What are you talking about? Yeah. So it sounds like, yeah, he was a pretty wild operator. But yeah, unfortunately, no time to go into all that.
Starting point is 00:50:53 OK. Because the reason that Drake Gillespie suggested this topic was about this Bay. Yeah, right. This episode is brought to you by Progressive. Most of you aren't just listening right now. You're driving, cleaning, and even exercising. But what if you could be saving money by switching to Progressive?
Starting point is 00:51:16 Drivers who save by switching save nearly $750 on average, and auto customers qualify for an average of 7 discounts. Multitask right now, quote today at Progressive casualty and trans company and affiliates, national average 12 months, savings of $744 by new customer surveyed who saved with progressive between June 2022 and May 2023. Potential savings will vary.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Discounts not available in all safe and situations. Are you working way too hard for way too little? There's never been a better time to consider a career in IT. You could enjoy a recession resistant career and career in a rewarding field, with plenty of growth opportunities and often flexible work environments. Go to and take the free career evaluation. You could start your new career in months, not years, take classes online or on campus, and financial aid is available to qualified students, including the GI Bill. Now is the time But maybe before we jump in there quickly, what's your theory? Why did he jump at that
Starting point is 00:52:14 point? You think it makes sense that he was just, we've got paranoid. I reckon he sound like a paranoid kind of guy. Yeah. And that maybe, if you think you're being followed, when you land, you're definitely going to get busted. So if you crash the plane, there's a chance in darkness that you'll be able to jump out, DB Cooper style. No one notices you and that you can go back and get the drugs and the forest later. Yeah, I think that was the plan. That is still super risky. Yeah, totally. And you had 15 million bucks of drugs on him, and there were more like more that he dropped. So it was so much. There's a lot of the drugs. And the people he bought them off,
Starting point is 00:52:47 I think they didn't get paid up front. So then there's this whole story about how maybe there were retributions afterwards as well, which I don't have time to go into either. So it's like it's a big messy story. There's multiple books have been written about it since by different story arcs on different TV shows. Wow. The police ruled the death and accident, so the plane got away with it. Plastic.
Starting point is 00:53:15 But it does. Until now. It does seem likely that another person was on the plane with him and someone else was helping him coordinate things on the ground. The New York Times report in 1988 that quote, two people were indicted on charges and conspiring with Mr. Thornton to import the 880 pounds of cocaine. I don't think I couldn't find anything at come of those charges. Right. I think one of them was his girlfriend at the time and she was one on the ground allegedly. She was just wanting to go to IKEA. Yeah. Oh, this wasn't his wife, this was her girlfriend. I know, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:48 still I don't know. Lots of people like to go to IKEA for stuff. Different people wanting to go to IKEA. He has a top, doesn't he? He meets a bit of IKEA. Yeah. And they, yeah, then he changes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:00 So that, let's draw a line in the story of Mr. Thornton and get onto the bear. So about three months after the plane crash, authorities found one of the coke drops that Thornton had made. So they were tracking these down. One, they found three months later in a national park. Oh, no. There they found around 40 packages of cocaine that had been ripped open, but only residue remained. Oh no! Nearby they found the body of a 175 pound black bear.
Starting point is 00:54:31 To confirm their strong hunch that the bear had died after consuming the cocaine, they sent its body to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. There they performed a necropsy, which is like apparently the animal version of an autopsy. What they found was, quote, it's stomach was literally packed to the brim with cocaine. There isn't a mammal on the planet that could survive that. Well.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Are you build up a tolerance? He's a bear. He's black bear. Bit of a pussy. My dad's watching. I am joking, Dad. Cerebral hemorrhaging, respiratory failure, hypothermia, renal failure, heart failure, stroke.
Starting point is 00:55:11 You name it, that bear had it. That's one hell of a drug. Oh my God. It's an elevator drug, but I'd say that. The story was picked up by the media and the bear became known as the cocaine bear, AKA Pablo Escobar. Okay, that's cute.
Starting point is 00:55:28 But it's not the bear, I mean, the bear didn't know, did it? It wasn't like sweet, heaps of cocaine. It wasn't snorting it. No, well we assume. Yeah, it was just like, hmm, food. So I feel good more food. Yeah, what a weird food. Maybe, yeah, probably has a delicious taste.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Yeah. Yeah, pure. That's the thing about Colombian cocaine, delicious. Hey, it's amazing. You can sprinkle it on your cereal. Yeah, then I do. And your Kellogg's. Don't talk to me until I've had my morning cocaine.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Okay. Okay. Okay. In 2015, a small company named Kentucky for Kentucky Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay to Kentucky kicks us. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Kentucky Paxas. There we go. Let's start it up. Hashtag Kentucky Paxas. Let's make it happen. According to, the popularity of that campaign encouraged Griffin and Witt to open a brick and mortar store, the Kentucky for Kentucky fun mall, as a marketplace for locals to sell quirky home state items such as gold-plated KFC
Starting point is 00:56:47 breastbone necklaces and fried chicken-centred candles. They also wanted their stores to showcase unusual Kentucky relics, and that's when they remembered cocaine bear. Growing up here, I remember hearing about it a lot said wit. Could it possibly still be around? Remember hearing about it a lot said wit, could it possibly still be around? First, they contacted the Georgia Bureau of Investigation who conducted the Necropsy. Contacted. That's what they call that in Kentucky. When you conduct in Kentucky, it's... You can talk to.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yep. They... You can talk to full investigation. Yeah. The Kentucky Symphony Orchestra is led by a conductor. So are their trams. The Colonel? Yes, they all look like that there. They spoke to an examiner who remembered the incident well. They said that despite all the damage the Coak did to the bear internally, apparently the
Starting point is 00:57:40 bear's body remained in good cosmetic shape. Quoting from Kentucky from Kentucky's website, Kentucky from Kentucky's website, Kentucky 4 Kentucky's website, such good shape that he thought it would be a shame to just have it cremated. He contacted, he contacted. He contacted. He contacted.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Talking is so hard. Yeah, so like this thing, every three weeks I read like a 20 page report and I still don't know how to read. I I hit words in the weirder the syllables all wrong. Anyway people know this I don't know what I'm telling you you know it better than anyone. He contacted a hunting buddy who did taxidermy, had it stuffed and then gifted it to the Chatter Hootchi River National Recreation Area where it was displayed in the visitor center.
Starting point is 00:58:25 So they called the visitor center, this is the Kentucky for Kentucky Fellows, but he wasn't there anymore because quote, apparently in the 90s, the threat of an approaching wildfire prompted park employees to evacuate the area's facilities. They took the few artifacts they had, including the cocaine bear,
Starting point is 00:58:42 and put it in temporary storage in a nearby town called Dalton. But a month later, the storage was robbed and the bear was stolen. What? Who steals a bear? It must be huge. Well, the stuff from storage was later recovered from a Nashville pawn shop, but not Pablo Escobar because Pablo had already been on-sold. Okay. That was to legendary country musician, Wailand Jennings bought cocaine beer. What?
Starting point is 00:59:13 On the pawn shop on the pawn shop. The pawn shop owner said he was unaware of the bear's colorful history, or that he was stolen. But this was contradicted by Jennings who quote, told police that this particular pawn shop owner, a guy he's done business within the past, called him as soon as the bear came in and relayed the whole fused story of Andrew Thornton in great detail. Oh, I had no idea. Jennings was apparently already very familiar with Thornton, even before Thornton's death,
Starting point is 00:59:39 from Kentucky for Kentucky again. We couldn't find out for sure if Jennings knew Thornton personally, but he definitely knew what he was about. So when Jennings had a chance to nab the infamous cocaine bear, he took it. He gave the bear to his Kentucky loving friend Ron Thompson who was a Kentucky in, whatever they're called. Kentucky. Kentucky. And who's the guy told him all about the Thornton story and was possibly New Thornton personally as well, but that's not clear. And Thompson displayed it in his Kentucky themed party mansion in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Oh my God. Bear's gone on a real journey. And here's a Kentucky themed mansion. Yeah. That's one of his mansions, and that one is Kentucky themed. He has 50, one for every state. He's never in the state there for him.
Starting point is 01:00:22 He said it'd be cold in the, he had in the cold cold ground before he had a Missouri party mansion. And that's how Coke bear went to live in Nevada desert, at least for a while. Oh my God. When Thompson died in 2009, much of his estate was sold at auction. Kentucky for Kentucky called the auction house, who helped him track down the buyer. A man named Zood Tang, a Chinese immigrant living in Reno. He bought the bear uncontested for
Starting point is 01:00:49 the opening bit of 200 bucks. What, I would buy it! That feels like just... How much? She's 50. It feels like, yeah, it's funny that it didn't get another bit but then you know, it's a big dead bear. I guess you go lucky. When they tried to contact Zhu, they found that he had already passed away sadly, but they were able to get in contact with his wife, and they learned he'd been using the bear as decoration in his traditional Chinese medicine shop. When he died in 2012, she sold the business, but saved the bear, even though she never really liked it apparently.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Quote, he was always bringing home junk from auctions and estate sales and things like that, she said. That bear was one of his favorite things. He just loved it for some reason. At first, he wanted to keep it in our living room, but I wouldn't have it. It scared me. I made him take it to the store. She was unaware of the bear's history,
Starting point is 01:01:39 but when they told her the scars from the post-mortem examination on its abdomen, all of a sudden made sense to her. These scars also helped confirm to the Kentucky boys that they'd found their bear. Oh my god. After telling her about the whole story and the quest to track it down, which took them a few months, Mrs. Sang at first said, if they'd gone through that much trouble, they could have the damn thing just to get it out of her sight. All that to do was pay for shipping. So in 2015, Griffin and Witt unveiled the cocaine bear
Starting point is 01:02:08 at their fun mall. I quote, you wouldn't think that a cocaine bear would be for all ages. But kids love it said Griffin. Everybody wants their picture with cocaine bear. According to Roadside America, Griffin and Witt are attentive parents
Starting point is 01:02:21 to their fairy showpiece. Cocaine bear has given regular cleanings and outfitted with a Kentucky hat and an oversized gold chain. Dangling from its neck is also a flashy sign that gives the bear's proper name, Pablo Escobar, and ends with the warning, quote, don't do drugs or you'll end up dead
Starting point is 01:02:38 and maybe stuffed, like poor cocaine bear. And that is the end of my report about Andrew Thornton, the second, and the cocaine bear. And that is the end of my report about Andrew Thornton, the second and the cocaine bear. That was quite a journey. I don't know what to say. That's the funny thing at the end, right? What a journey they went on to find that bear. Yeah. Is it possible that that bear is cursed? Two owners had the same thought. Yes, so they've had it since 15 and seem to still be alive. And all these people taking their photos with it, all dead. All dead. Forgetting the kids.
Starting point is 01:03:12 So no, they're dying of old age. Very confusing. That is weird and amazing. Yeah, it's a wild story. I think the Wail and Jennings bit was the bit the main me go, all right, I'm listening. So yeah, it's a wild story. I think the Wail and Jennings bit was a bit of a mamego. Oh, right. I'm listening. So yeah, it's a funny post script. Yeah, because the bear, it's interesting that they latched on it, because I think the bear wasn't even living in Kentucky, but it was connected to this Kentucky story,
Starting point is 01:03:37 a to Kentucky. Yes, contusion. Intuition gave him the cocoa, I guess. So that's the connection there. Yeah, right. But wild story. Yeah, I know what a great suggestion from Drake. Yeah, wild and Drake. Thank you so much, Drake. Gulaspe.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Well, now we can move on to everyone's favorite section of the show, which is of course our Patreon section, where we thank the people that support the show on slash dogo on pod. Kicking off with the fact quote or question section. That's what I'll jingle. Fact quote or question. And the way this works is if you support us at slash dogo on pod,
Starting point is 01:04:16 there's a bunch of different levels. This level is the Sydney Sharnberg Deluxe Rest in Peace Memorial Edition level. And if you support us on this level, you have to give us a fact or a quote or a question. Each week, I'll read out two of them. And you also get to give yourself a title. Other things on this level, you get
Starting point is 01:04:33 as so many things, including you have to vote on two of the three topics. You get two, should we announce? We should announce it. Yes! So at the moment, we put out and have for for a long time two bonus episodes every single month, and they're still up there for you to check out. So there's over 60 bonus episodes if you support us on the bonus episode level,
Starting point is 01:04:53 plus the D&D series that we recently did with Sans Pants. There's four episodes of that, as it's own little thing. But we're not going to just continue to do two bonus episodes a month. We have just hit a new goal. Just what are we doing? We're going to be doing phrase in the bar, baby! So three bonus episodes a month. One mini report, one random roll of the dice could be anything. And one phrasing the bar. And we'll be starting that next month, assuming that we stay at that level, I guess. Yeah, that's right. And if you don't want phrasing the bar is it is a show where we will be going through
Starting point is 01:05:28 the filmography of Brendan Fraser. We still don't know how to say that. I'm so excited. Maybe we'll figure it out. Yeah. I'm very excited. So excited. But I imagine the first couple of things are going to be a bit shit before it gets to the good stuff now. But if you look up the first one he's first one, he's like basically an ex- Like a cameo, but episode two, and Cino Man. Oh, wow. No. He hits a big time, baby.
Starting point is 01:05:51 He hit the ground running. The first movie, I think it's more of a cameo appearance. I love it. I love that we're gonna start with that. I assume we're gonna start with it. Yeah, we'll start with nothing. And then, and Cino Man. One of my old time favorite films that I haven't seen in years I mentioned poli sure earlier today
Starting point is 01:06:11 Squeezing the Remember I said that on the potter live. Yeah, what's he doing a time reporting? Yeah, what's he doing anyway? We got that is no that's any question What is he doing? I think he's still that in. No, that's only question. What is he doing? I think he's still, did he have a reality show for a while? That was Jersey Shore. Oh.
Starting point is 01:06:31 That's so good. Thank you so much. Yeah, he's his sister. He's a Jersey. But yeah, thanks so much everyone. The husband's jumping on the Patreon lightly. You know, it's extra stuff you'd listen to, maybe even in quarantine, and also helps us out a lot as well with the lack of live shows and things like that.
Starting point is 01:06:51 And the people that have been watching the streams as well, it's really a great way to keep us going. So cool. So yeah, so on the Sydney Shamburg level, you get all those things, but the thing that people really love is the fact to quote or question. You get to give yourself a title, and then you get to give us a fact-quadal question. This week, the first fact-quadal question
Starting point is 01:07:11 is Jessica Gillette Sheether, and she's given herself the title of Jesse Jess Jess Queen of the Donut People. Ooh. I instantly feel hungry for donut, which, who? I mean, I'm hungry in general. I've called it like a toned cuisine, hungry for doughnut. Yeah. I mean, I'm hungry in general. I've called it like a toned cuisine, hungry for doughnut.
Starting point is 01:07:29 But doughnut people, do they eat lots of doughnuts or are they made of doughnuts? And would they be offended by us eating doughnuts? Yeah. Sorry, Jesse, Jesse. But maybe like, maybe if they are made of doughnuts, they'd be like, well, I mean, we have to have a purpose. Please eat doughnut, you know? Maybe there's a difference between people made of doughnuts. They'd be like, well, I mean, we have to have a purpose. Please eat doughnut, you know?
Starting point is 01:07:46 Maybe there's a difference between people made of doughnuts, sentient beans made of doughnuts, and then doughnuts, the food. I think there's a difference. Can you hit out of your butt, Dave? I have a feeling that Jesse knew this kind of intellectual discussion would follow this title. There was that episode of The Simpsons,
Starting point is 01:08:02 maybe a Halloween one where Homer gets, his head becomes a donut. And he started nibbling on it a little bit. That's right. He's picking on that head. Am I thinking of, hey, don't scratch up them heads on a different Halloween episode. Oh, yeah, that's both. So, her question, Jesse Just-Jess, is, hey guys, I've been re-watching the Mighty Boosh lately.
Starting point is 01:08:24 I know a few people have been re-watching the Mighty Boosh in quarantine. Tis a great show. And I kind of forgot how good it is. I did it if you don't know, Jess, I did a one of the first primates was about the Mighty Boosh, good fun. Oh yeah, Bolo. Bolo, yes. She goes on to say, it's something that always makes me laugh like I'm watching it for the first time.
Starting point is 01:08:45 What always makes you laugh no matter how many times you have seen or heard it? Well, the Simpsons. Yeah, Simpsons is so much laughter. A man getting chased off a course by a pack of dogs. Yeah, that does make me laugh. The mention of the concept. So funny. That's a good question. I think I can
Starting point is 01:09:07 rewatch the US office during the peak years and laugh a lot every time. Oh, and black books. I love black books and every time I rewatch it, I think. Black books is great. Black books is very good. With nail and eye, it makes me laugh every time I reckon. Normally, yeah, I'm trying to, mighty bush would be right up there as well. Actually, I can kimi shmit might be. That's a show that I've watched a lot. Norma, yeah, I'm trying, mighty bush would be right up there as well. I actually reckon Kimmy Schmidt might be. That's a show that I've watched a lot. And there's always jokes in there that make me laugh.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah. My favorite recurring joke. Have I talked about this on the podcast? Or was somebody else? But Titus keeps, he always says, Moy in relation to himself, he'll be like, Moy, and that like he's obviously seen Moy in relation to himself, he'll be like, Moy, and that like he's obviously seen
Starting point is 01:09:45 Mwa written down and there's never doesn't know how it's supposed to be said, but the good thing about they never explain, like they don't spoon feed that to you, you just keep saying that cracks me up every time, Moy. Maybe that's the actor. He's meant to be saying Mwa. Mwa. It's very funny. He's meant to be saying, moa. Moa. Moa. It's very funny.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Moa. Moa. Oh yeah, I can't relate to mispronouncing words like that. It doesn't, nothing funny about it. It's great. Yeah, great question. I'm trying to think of anything else. Probably like Happy Gilmore.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I haven't seen that in a long time. Sinefeld. Classic. Sinefeld's still great. I recently, well, I mean, I watch it probably a couple of times a year for weddings in a funeral. Oh, yeah. And that is very funny. Yeah, we're all in a funeral.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Still. Oh, I've got to say, I'm so sorry that I didn't mention this earlier. The succulent Chinese meal man. Oh, that makes me laugh every time. Of course. I cannot not laugh. Yeah. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:10:44 Yes. I cannot help but laugh. Yeah. Does that make sense? Yes. I cannot help but laugh. Every line. Every line. It's like, that seems like a written riff. Tata doesn't it like. Tata. And farewell.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Oh yes. So every line is gold. And if you don't... The UK, that was you guys the whole time. Oh yes. Because you can put it in anywhere. Yes, can you please help me with? I see you've learned your judo well.
Starting point is 01:11:10 So if you don't know what we're talking about, I'm pretty surprised we were reference it so much, just type in succulent Chinese meal into YouTube. And you're welcome. And yes, just enjoy. Let's see, I'll just choose that process. He's sort of the guys, slowly revealing himself to the public and I once he's fully done that I'm doing a report on him for sure. It's okay to hear it.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Thank you so much Jessica Gillette, sheath of fantastic name, JGS. The second fact-quotal question of this week is Catherine Clough. Sorry, bracket, pronounced Clough. You're welcome. LAUGHTER You really do the read from letter R. Catherine Clough. Clough. Who's given herself the title of Brigadier,
Starting point is 01:11:57 Gary of Barbados. Oh, Brigadier. Putting three records together, I salute you. Yeah, I love that. Thank you so much, Brigadier Garibabados. Gary Barbados. Question is, I just wanted to ask, what's your perfect Sunday? It's a quote and question.
Starting point is 01:12:15 This is in bracket, sorry. Question is, what's your perfect Sunday bracket? It's a quote and a question. Maddie, as you haven't pre-read this and to save you a Google, it's from Hot Fuzz, one of the best. Oh, Hot Fuzz is another funny, part of a very funny film series that's called Edo Trilogy. Are we talking S-U-N-D-A-Y or S-U-N-D-A-E? Oh, good question, because I've got answers for both. D-A-Y, D-A-E, and banana split, sprinkler nuts, a bit of chocolate
Starting point is 01:12:46 sauce, a bit of maybe a couple of wafers, have I said nuts? I don't think you've said that. Out of sprinkler nuts. Oh yeah. I'm a chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce. Ooh. That would suck. Then a shit load of cream on top.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Couple of cherries. For looks and taste. Fantastic work. Oh look, said taste. Fantastic. Looks and taste. Okay. Is your perfect Sunday? I don't know, I think it's a much of a Sunday. What about AY? What's your AY then? AY. Hmm, brunch. Fuck, I love brunch. Maybe a walk. It's sort of exercise. And then a movie. Ah, sounds great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:25 My perfect Sunday, and most Sundays are able to go this way, I get up and have pancakes watching insiders, which is a weekly political show, some Sunday mornings 9 a.m., followed by off-siders, which is a weekly panel show about sport. Eating pancakes, banana on top, yummy on top. It's not banana. What a great start to the day.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Yeah. Then, just sort of chilling, maybe a walk some of it, that sounds nice. If it's the perfect Sunday, I'd probably, the Saints have a win in the afternoon, or if it's summertime, about sort of footy season, just a beer garden, just having a few drinks with mates, and then coming home and yet chilling out with a movie
Starting point is 01:14:08 or something, that's my perfect Sunday. We have pretty similar taste guys, because mine is definitely sleeping. Oh, yeah. Big sleeping on Sunday. That's why it's brunch and not breakfast, you know? Oh, yeah, go out for brunch, yes please. Come home, chill for a bit, maybe go for a drive to find a beautiful pie.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Oh yeah, love a drive on a sunset. It's on the drive, pie drive, love it. Drive it into the country, get a project. Get a project on the scone. Oh yeah, love going for a drive, getting some scones. Yeah. Obviously cream first and jam, proper way.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Yuck. And then the only other thing I would say is long walk with the dog. Oh yeah, OK. Taken to the park, let him off lead. He's going to play with the other dogs. I'm going to play with the other dogs, what, patting him. Is that a euphemism?
Starting point is 01:14:55 Quite a tortured one about wanking. Taken a long dog walk with the dog, playing with a few other dogs. I mean, it's a walk. So I've lost. I'm not following anymore. Is it still about wanking? Because we're not allowed to do much at the moment. Obviously, we've all been doing a little wanking, but also because you can't go anywhere, you're only allowed to go for walks and stuff. We've been walking around the park across the road from our house. And the other day, I was like, yeah, I prefer walking in the park because rather than
Starting point is 01:15:23 like walking around the block, like in the streets, it's just too noisy. And my boyfriend was like, and because there's less dogs, because the park is filled with dogs. You like dogs? Oh my God, so five border collies in one day. What? Five of them. Oh my God, what a day.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Love those puppies. On primates last week, we had this kind of conversation, me and Evan are like, we both have friends like you guys, probably you two are, two of these friends are talking about and we both don't really get it, but we're sort of just polite to our friends, we're like, look at that dog, we're like, oh yeah, look at that dog, look at that dog over there, we're getting it walking along. Yeah, it's great, look at it, look at it going. I like parks, I like trees, I love little areas of urban areas that feel like you could be in the bush. Yes, we love the look.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Yeah, love a reserve. Love that. Anyway. If there's a little stream running through it all along the river. Yeah, beautiful. Beautiful. I reckon we could all have a perfect Sunday together. Sounds like a good thing.
Starting point is 01:16:22 No, thank you. I'm in Dave. And let's finish with a Sunday. Yeah. Can I add that to my perfect Sunday? Yeah. It would be a fantastic dessert at the end of it all. Yeah, good one.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I love dessert. I'm kidding. A Sunday, yes. Please. That Sydney, I think about all the time. That Sydney date we had Dave after a live show, or maybe the night, we were up in Sydney for a live show. We went out and we had a talent for dinner
Starting point is 01:16:45 and then went to a dessert bar. We're the walking between us. We're the walking between us, fantastic. One of my best ever dates. I was gonna say, is it sad that it's also one of my best ever dates? Is that sad? Is that sad or is that super happy?
Starting point is 01:16:55 Because it makes me full of joy. Anyway, thank you so much. Great question. Great question. And Jessica Gillette, sheath a couple of fantastic names. That brings us to the other Patreon shoutouts and thank yous. These are on the, I believe the, I feel I always forget what level,
Starting point is 01:17:13 the five buck level you get a shoutout. And Jess normally come up with a little game to play. Yeah, what do we have? We had cocaine bear. Cocaine bear, man falling to his death. Okay, so All the company? We could talk about their crime family name or something. Or cocaine bear.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Cocaine bear. It doesn't have to be a drug, but some sort of... Thing and some sort of animal. Yeah. Okay, and that's their spirit animal? Yes. Because mine's cocaine bear. I know. Well, maybe this is the bear that set up, or the animal that set up at their local weird mall. Yeah, yeah, great. Mine's actually
Starting point is 01:17:48 craft beer one bat. Yeah, what does beer one bat beer one bat? That's cute. That's a pie dog. You are a pie dog He'll you a poor dog. Oh look at that little pie dog. Oh, yes. Look at that little pie dog Oh, man, they just life's not worth living with that much. That's a great, and this may be my favorite ever one you've come up with. That's fantastic. Okay. All right, well I'm going to kick it off if that's all right with you. And I would love to thank from Minneapolis, Minnesota, from the Twin Cities, one of the
Starting point is 01:18:17 Twin Cities. Do you know that? I learned that recently. When I made Dan is a Timberwolvesves fan and they were watching Boston versus Timbolves in the basketball month ago or something and they're wearing a thing that said twin cities on their jersey, the single and apparently that's because they're, they've got, in Minnesota, there's two pretty big cities right next to each other. They're basically joined, that was a St. Paul, the other one?
Starting point is 01:18:40 St. Paul's the other one, yes. Of course the geography nerd would know. Thought I'd come here with a new fact and does it yeah hurt it step aside to kid So yeah miniapolis Minnesota so go Timberwolves and it is Jay a bromon Jay bromon Jay bromon, okay. I think Jay bromon is the He is The chocolate yep timberwolf maybe wolf chocolate Jay Broman is the chocolate. Yep.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Dimbal wolf maybe. Wolf, chocolate wolf, chocolate wolf. That's a good one. That's a good one. I like that very much. Also, does the animal require, do they have to eat whatever the thing is till they die? That's really bad, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:19:19 Just the wolf eat enough chocolate to die, then it gets stuffed and put on display. No, let's not focus on that side of it. No, well, I mean, they just eat, yeah, they eat it and love it. Chocolate love it. This is the kind of wolf that can definitely handle. Yeah, that's right. Chocolate wolf.
Starting point is 01:19:32 It's dark enough for the wolf to be able to digest it. Yeah, loves it. I should say, these are listeners. I mentioned it last week. I did an audit. This is what I've been doing in my lockdown period. I'm auditing all our shout outs. And I found all these people that have fallen through the cracks. So J. Bromand has been waiting patiently for over two years. How can we keep that name down?
Starting point is 01:19:53 J. Bromand. Also waiting for over two years. Jacobi Austin to Angel. Oh fantastic name. Jacobi. We love your work. We absolutely love your work from Sacramento. California. Okay, Jacobi is a cake mouse. Cake mouse. Oh yes. I love that. I love one. A food is bigger than the animal. Yeah, that's cute. That's how much it likes it. It's like I'm going to tackle that. Thanks Jacobi, our cake mouse. What an absolute legend it likes it. It's like I'm gonna tackle that thanks Jacoby our cake mouse What an absolute legend Dave. Do you want to thank some people? I would love to now all the way from fenton Michigan am I? Missouri we feel like we've been every time
Starting point is 01:20:38 Look at up. I think Missouri's M.O. From fenton Madison Koutman Madison Koutman. Ooh! Madison Koutman. It is Michigan. Michigan, of course. Of course, it's Fenton. Madison Koutman.
Starting point is 01:20:54 And I think that Madison. Or Kortman. Or Kortman is the. Yep. Hot Chip. Donky. The hot chip donkey. Oh my god. Hot chips. A lot of hot chip ease.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Because when you guys are talking about your favourite fruit, I was like, what the fuck is mine? Hot chips. Hot chips number one. I reckon. Oh, I mean, good hot chips are the best. Yeah, a lot of hot chips. I think pizza is my favourite food.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Yeah, I think pizza, I had pizza last night fantastic. But the UK did prove to you that you can fuck up pizza. Oh, you can, that's true. You can. I mean, I think pizza is my favourite food. Yeah, I think pizza, I had pizza last night fantastic. But the UK did prove to you that you can fuck up pizza. Oh, you can, that's true. You can. I mean, mean, pizza is my favorite food. Yeah, I think pizza, I had pizza last night fantastic. But the UK did prove to you that you can fuck up pizza.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Oh, it's true. You can and they did. I feel like America took a few great Italian foods and improved them. I think. You reckon? I reckon they, because the genuine Italian pizza is very bare and sparse for the ingredients.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I normally have just one or two apparently on top. Yeah, yeah. I like how just one or two apparently on top. I like how the Americans have just loaded them up. I like the basic pizza. I don't mind a basic pizza, but I love one with mushrooms, capsicum, olives, onion, pineapple, cheese, cheese, to my no base. I had that exact piece yesterday, I had avocado on it. What the fuck? It was cooked. I like cooked avocado.
Starting point is 01:22:14 For me, it makes it even better. Where did you get that pizza from? That was a domino special. It was a good Friday, so it was on a public holiday because we still have to work because it's a new room technically, so the news never stops. They provide lunch on public holidays and the only thing that was open was dominoes, which I was stoked about because I loved it. You still go into the office? Yeah. Yeah, be one of the few. Yeah, so they've made it so half the people, if you can work at home, you are, but unfortunately for me, I cannot. I've got an official letter from the ABC saying, I'm an essential worker if I get pulled over by the police.
Starting point is 01:22:46 That's the world we're living in. Wow. And when I have that. I'm not. They could just play a tape, but they let me work. It's funny, audio stuff. Like, I could definitely phone this in, literally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Well, from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. which is when I'm on, they, I don't need, someone doesn't have to be there. Don't say it, Jess. No, but I'm an essential worker. You're hangin' on a good, I'm a.m. to 6 a.m. which is when I'm on, I don't need someone who doesn't have to be there. Don't say it, Jess. No, but I'm an essential worker. You're hanging on a good idea. You've got the paper. Thank you. Thanks to Madison Courtman, Madison Countyman.
Starting point is 01:23:12 We absolutely love your work over in Michigan. I'm sorry it's taken a while to get to you. It's also taken a while to get to, but we're still going to give him a massive shout out. Matthew Lauer or Lauer? Matthew. Who are you? Yeah, not Matt Lauer. That's, he's not a supporter of the show. is that? Yeah, not Matt Lauer.
Starting point is 01:23:25 He's not a supporter of the show. Oh yeah, he's not a good dude. But this is a good dude, Matthew Lauer, who has not said where you're from, Matthew, but I presume you're listening in space. Yeah. Wow. In a way, are we all in space?
Starting point is 01:23:38 Yes. I think it's true. Matt, do you have an idea for your fellow Matt? Well, I think my other favorite, I think we've told about this before my favorite four cuisines, sick cuisines we're there, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, the fourth one, and I reckon I'm going to go with Burrito. What about a Burrito Vol? Burrito Vol.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Vol is one of my favorite comedy novels. You know, he keeps coming up. That's what I thought of it because. I said I don't really know what it is. It's a small English thing. Burrito bowl. Burrito bowl. Sounds like burrito bowl.
Starting point is 01:24:12 It's delicious. Yeah. Thank you, Matthew. And sorry, it's taken a while, but you mean the world to us. You are the win beneath our win. You know, your name might be lower, but in our estimations, you are higher.
Starting point is 01:24:24 You're higher. You got the job. I would like to bring it home and thank some people. Please. A local one from Preston here in Victoria. Oh, David. Oh, cunning hair. I thought it was going to be me.
Starting point is 01:24:37 David, cunning hair. Thank you so much for your support. That does impress me much. Ha, ha, ha. Okay. Okay. Okay, you go for a doggo animal. Okay, Thai is our favorite. Italian, Mexican, Thai. Okay, Thai is great. I like so many.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Indian, is that right up there? Indian, yum. I'm into Indian. I don't know if there's a cuisine or dislike. But I haven't had them all yet. Let's find it. So thank you very much to David. And I would also like to thank another Dave.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Oh, is it me this time? Dave, Valentine. Oh, happy Valentine's day. Dave doesn't say where he's from either but we can only assume space. Okay, do you want to say the, no I'll say the fit you said the animal is. Okay, yeah. Dave is of course the strawberry cat. Oh, nice. We didn't have a cat. Strawberry cat. Yeah, a strawberry cat. That great Like a like when people go I'm a strawberry blonde. Yes, you know, like a ginger cat, but it's a bit pink I was a strawberry blonde as a kid, which is alive. Of course a red head It's a lie the lower One of my friends wouldn't let it go. They're like no strawberry blonde like they were ashamed Open no, it's not no, it's not
Starting point is 01:26:05 Not I will admit this. No, it's an open. No, it's not. No, it's not. I cannot. I believe it. No, it's um, no. My mom says I'm actually a strawberry blonde. It's light black. Thank you, Dave. Very light. Dave Valentine, the trophy cat. DB.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Thanks to everyone that we mentioned just there. You're all great. So many great ones there. Let me just double check if anyone is being inducted in the Triptitch Club. Dave, do you want to explain the Triptitch Club briefly? Well, we've recently launched the Triptitch Club, which is for people that have been supporting the show at the shout out level for three consecutive years. Yeah, it's pretty massive effort.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Absolutely, long-term supporters of ours, which we totally appreciate. And usually, Jess, we supply some sort of all dirt and or drink. Why the fuck do I forget this every time? I'm trying to give you time here. Thank you. And or cocktail. Yep. For example we had I think we had a prawn cocktail last week but this week the trip did club if there are any. What would they be nibbling on? Of course there's an open bar as well. Well yeah, there's an open bar but there's also a cocktail special this week. Oh what are talking about? espresso martini. Oh my keep you going yummy. Yum yum. Yeah, big fan. I went to a wine bar Like you know when we're allowed to still for a little celebration I went up to the thing and there was a cocktail menu
Starting point is 01:27:15 Oh, and I tried so hard to find one that wasn't the basic bitch espresso martini, but I ended up sheepishly saying do you mind if I get it? It was like a classy kind of joint. Fucking own it now. Sometimes I'm like, I'll have a porn star, Martini, thanks. Ooh, what's that mean? I don't remember, but they're pretty good.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Me walking up there, I don't think they're expecting anything less. So there's, what do you want as Pressamartini? We don't do V-B, sorry, no? LAUGHTER Yeah, we got as Pressamartini's and Mini Peats's. Oh, yeah. Fantastic wealth. A lot. Finger food. There are a couple of inductees in the Triptych Club this week from Missouri City in Texas.
Starting point is 01:27:52 It's Matt Lass and from White Haven, Cumbria in Great Britain, it's Scott Clark. Welcome. Proud of mini pizza. Make some fun. If we can get you anything, let us know. And these are genuine Italian-o mini pizzas. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Just like Mama used to make. No, I'm you anything, let us know. And these are genuine Italian no meaty pizzas. Just like mama used to make. No, I'm a card on them, sadly. Sadly no, but they are delicious. I think I do want to take back slightly what I say, I love both versions of the pizza. I don't want to offend anyone from Italy. Of
Starting point is 01:28:17 course, I'm one eighth Swiss Italian, so I... Well, you're not. One sixteenth one eighth. You say tomato, you say tomato. No, but do you want one eighth of the Peter? Do you want one 16th of the bits? It makes a big difference. I'll take one eighth. The amount that I am. One eighth sucks. I think I'm one quarter. You keep on putting it up, mate. You're trying to claim, so it doesn't you? I'm the least with a tailion. I'm up, mummy. Something Swiss. Roger Federer. Something Swiss. Good luck.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Good luck. Good luck. Chocolate. Chocolate beats a mum and a mum. That's fantastic. So that brings us to the end of our Patreon section, the best part of our show. That's right. It brings us to the end of the episode as well.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Thank you so much for listening to us. Of course, many episodes for you to check out if you have only recently started listening. And if you want to support us on Patreon, slash do go on pod. If you get on the, I think DB Cooper level or the one above that, I forget what it's called. You can now get three bonus episodes a month. And we're excited for that.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I can't wait to watch the cameo appearance of Brendan Fraser. I think the first film might start either River or Joaquin Phoenix. Oh wow. Cool. I looked into it. You know? At a good time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:34 But yeah, thank you so much for listening. We'll be back next week with another episode. But until then, check us out on or follow at dogoonpod for all the social media needs. But until then, we'll say thank you and goodbye. Bye. Bye. on pod for all the social media needs but until then we'll say thank you and goodbye! Bye! This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you.
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