Do Go On - 363 - The Deadly Dole Air Race

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

On a foggy Tuesday morning in 1927, 75,000 to 100,000 people stood at Oakland Airport to see off 8 planes on a daring air race from California to Hawaii. But the race was ill fated, before it even - this is the story of the Deadly Dole Ari Race, the 9th most voted for topic for Blocktober 2022!This is a comedy/history podcast, the report begins at approximately 06:50 (though as always, we go off on tangents throughout the report).Support the show and get rewards like bonus episodes: show tickets:  Submit a topic idea directly to the hat: Buy merch: Stream our 300th episode with extra quiz (and 16 other episodes with bonus content): Check out our AACTA nominated web series:​ Twitter: @DoGoOnPodInstagram: @DoGoOnPodFacebook: us: Check out our other podcasts:Book Cheat: Mates: Now: Knew It with Matt Stewart: Our awesome theme song by Evan Munro-Smith and logo by Peader Thomas REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING: to Hawaii by Jason Ryan Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, Jess and Dave, just jumping in really quickly at the top here to make sure that you are across all the details for our upcoming Christmas show. That's right, we are doing a live show in Melbourne Saturday December the 2nd, 2023, our final podcast of the year, our Christmas special. It's downstairs at Morris House, which usually be called the European beer cafe. On Saturday December the 2nd, 2023 at 4.30pm, come along, come one, come all, and get tickets at This episode is brought to you by Progressive. Most of you aren't just listening right now.
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Starting point is 00:01:23 You could start your new career in months, not years. Take classes online or on campus, and financial aid is available to qualified students, including the GI Bill. Now is the time, my name is Sevwarki Anders, always I'm here with Jess Perkins and you better believe it, Matt Stewart. I believe it. I believe it as well and how good is it to be alive?
Starting point is 00:02:04 It's so good. It's so good It is the best and that I appreciate the weekly reminder because sometimes every other day of the week I'm like, is it good to be I think it sucks and then I see you and you're like it's good to be alive And I'm like that's right it is memory loss almost exactly a week We were going once a week dead on yeah, you Matt is keeping you going Just just the new listens. I was wondering if you could explain how this show works. What it is even well It's good to be alive and how this show works is one of the three of us goes away Researchers a topic usually suggested by a listener and we bring that research that knowledge back to the other two who listen politely
Starting point is 00:02:44 Who don't interrupt and don't go on any silly little riffs. And then we do that on a weekly basis. Jess, I'll stop you right there. And Dave, it is actually the first week of a very special do-go-on celebration we do annually. Absolutely. It's block. It is the most wonderful time of the year. Welcome everybody to the first episode
Starting point is 00:03:05 of Blockbuster Tofer Grace Period, or Blockbuster Tober. Yeah. Officially. Yeah, that's the official title. We've copied it out of that. Trademarks that I don't even try and in-fringes. Happy block everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And a Merry Block to all. A Merry Block and what are you doing for block? Hamptons. Oh, fantastic. I've hired a marquee next to the Hamptons. Hamptons. Oh, fantastic. I've hired a marquee next to the Hamptons. Hamptons. Not the most. Yeah, buddy. Yeah. It was pretty cheap. Yeah. I was surprised that cheap was. Yeah. We drive in different directions, but it's just to get round a mountain in the Hamptons. I was just thinking if I said about marquee and the Hamptons, maybe you could drop by.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, no, no, I'd love to. I'll be there. Because I'll be there. Well, they'd say the area, yeah, you're in the Hamptoms. So mine, the Hamptoms. That would be great. That would be good. Yeah, perfect. I'm going to, I don't know if you want to join me in this,
Starting point is 00:03:55 but I'm going to count down the nine most voted four episodes for Blockbuster Tobe. So this might be the fourth year, the fifth year. I can't even remember how many times we've done this beautiful celebration, where Matt's put together a massive vote So this might be the fourth year, the fifth year. I can't even remember how many times you've done this beautiful celebration, where Matt's put together a massive vote of our most requested, our biggest topics,
Starting point is 00:04:10 put it out there. We've had thousands of votes that've been tabulated in a supercomputer the size of a bedroom. A large bedroom, a small can robe. My computer is very old. It's cumbersome. But he brings it every week.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. The votes have been tapulated. And over the next nine weeks starting this week we're going to count down in order the most requested the biggest, the baddest of the topics. And that's right, you say nine weeks. Obviously there's not nine Wednesdays in October. Like last year we are annexing no-vember into block. Yeah. calling it blow November. I think that's what we dubbed it. So this is going to be a two-month
Starting point is 00:04:50 festival of ideas. Dangerous ideas. Yes. But I'm kicking off with the first report, the ninth most voted for topic. And we always get onto the topic. A lot of pressure on number nine. Lots of pressure. Oh my goodness, top nine. Top nine is, you know that's annoying me. Like, sorry. Nine.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Tell it to Gregorian. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. And we always start with a question, is what you were trying to say when I interrupted you. What is your question, Matt? My question is, who did Bill Clinton be? In the 1996 US presidential election.
Starting point is 00:05:30 See, that would be. 96. You would have been five or six years old at the time. You would have been in front of mine for you. Yeah. Who did he be? It was the talk of PrEP. I think I know this guy's name only because of the Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It's not Spiro Agnew. No, it's not Spiro Agnew. Is it Woodrow Wilson? Not Woodrow Wilson. Bob Doll. Bob Doll. Correct. Bob Doll likes to talk about Bob Doll.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Bob Doll. I'm Bob Doll. I do not know who Bob Doll is. Well, I'm guessing based on the question. I can't tell you. You're telling me the ninth most requested topic is Bob Doll. We've really scrapped that. This might be our seventh year.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I don't know. We've done a lot of things for this man. This episode isn't actually about him, but it's about the dull air race, no relation. And I didn't, I just thought it was not a fun way to get into it. That's really huge fun. That's fun, little red herring off the back.
Starting point is 00:06:18 His good, all I think of a dull is dull whip, which is delicious. Oh, it's dull. I'm in there with a dark about dull whip. It's like a soft serve made with pineapple. Wow. And who I... Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:06:29 That may well be connected to this. It might be. Because this doll was a Hawaiian pineapple magnet. Yes, the Dolwip magnet. Oh my goodness. How funny is that? I've been there. I've never heard of him.
Starting point is 00:06:41 All right, well you can throw some color in as we go. Great. Yellow mostly. And whilst we're talking about. Beautiful, cute. Whilst we're talking about state-based creamy delicacies. Okay. I just want to say that I was recently at a wedding where I met a guy from Vermont, and I blew his mind
Starting point is 00:06:56 by being like, oh, home of the creamy. And he was like, what the hell are you talking about? As in, he had no idea what he knew. No, he knew it was. But he was like, why, how do you know what a creamy is? And, I had to explain look I do a podcast kind of obsessed with them on it's the best state or high as the second best And then did did did he know any Australian ice creams? Absolutely. I was like bubble a bill you went on board gay time. Yeah split one. Let's go. It's gay time Australian Yeah, golden gay time. I didn't realize delicious. Why isn't that one of the things that comes up when we're proud of stuff?
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah, we're proud of gay time. Bullshit stuff. Oh, you're a car lap. It's like we're in a house. Hugh Jackman's on was on Letterman or something. He's like, I'll show you how to have Vegemite on toast. Yeah, why is it going? I'll show you how to have a gay time. Yeah, I mean. Yeah. So this topic was suggested by Alex Busce from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Rachel Reynolds from Sydney, Australia, Stanley from Chicago, Illinois, the windy city. Greg Knowles from London town, Caroline Spencer from New Zealand, and Doug James from Chelsea Heights in Victoria.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I still have one close to home. This is the opening of an article written a few decades after the event. It's by Jane Ashlamin Konant from the San Francisco Cal Bulletin, by the way, I googled Konant and found out she was a pioneering journalist in the San Francisco area, writing from the 40s to the 70s.
Starting point is 00:08:20 She's a big deal there. So every time I say that, I'm named Konant, she can be like, wow, what's about that pioneering journalist? So Conan writes, it was a foggy Tuesday morning, August the 16th, 1927. The mist shrouded Oakland airport, drifting close above eight little airplanes
Starting point is 00:08:38 lined up in a semicircle at the head of a dusty runway. 15 man and a girl were busy with their rickety craft, attending to last minute details, adjusting bulky engines and tightening flimsy control wires. A crowd of 75 to 100,000 people or persons as she wrote. I love the on days. Clustered along the wooden fences, the chill breeze failing to dampen their eager excitement. I love that as a cliche in any sort of event reporting where the weather's a bit off, I say, but they didn't let the rain dampen their spirit. Yeah, that's so good. Also, my mind exploded because you said 75, and I thought you're going to say, oh, only 75 people watching Thousand it just went suddenly there's a seven thousand people
Starting point is 00:09:27 You're better than suddenly there's a million people. Yeah I was like oh yeah, I'm gonna quaint little events 75 people have turned up. This is lovely the 20s Oh my god, there's a hundred thousand people there. There's four billion people there Coronat continues for everyone who was there It was a great day in the history of aviation and of the San Francisco Bay area. For everyone there. For everyone there.
Starting point is 00:09:51 For anybody else who wasn't there, not a great day in aviation, terrible day in aviation. And as you'll hear, it wasn't a great day for everyone there either. Yeah, okay. For every single person there, it was the best day of their life. Someone might have had a headache or something. Yeah, with its own ex interviews and they all said, wow, that's the best day of my life. This day was the day of the long awaited doll race to Honolulu. Wow, the cone house got really got away with words.
Starting point is 00:10:18 This day was of the day. Okay, so some of those clumsy bits, that's me adding them in. You know, I don't want it to sound too smooth. It was a bright and thrilling adventure, the daring conquest of the Pacific by pioneers of the air. No one knew how close death was hovering over the rough surface to airfield. No one knew that the dull flight story, when it was all done, would be a classic of irony of courage and folly, or valiant
Starting point is 00:10:45 imprudence, and of tragedy. This is the story of the ill-fated 1927 deadly doll air race. It's getting a few things away. Let's just remember it was the best day of everyone's life. It's tragic death filled best day, But they had lollybass. Barry Floss. Popcorn was being given out by the bag full. Some of those kids had ever tasted Popcorn before.
Starting point is 00:11:15 They only had regular corn. They said, I can't believe that this is the same product that Mom tries to get me to eat. What are your poppet Mom? Poppet Mom. It's just one pop away from being delicious. I love corn. I love corn as well.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Oh my God, it'd be one of my favorite vegetables, but I'm only just remembering that. I think when I go, what's my favorite vegetable? It never comes up in the list, but I'm like, you idiot, Jess, you love corn. It's so good. It almost seems like a separate thing. Totally.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It's so versatile. I love it. You have an on-cob off-cob. Popped. Unpopped. Yeah, let's go on. Candy corn. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Un Candy corn. Those tiny little corns. Baby corn. Baby corn. Oh, sweet baby corn. Delicious. That's what I'm wanting, man. Sweet baby corn.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Candy corn. Candy corn. Candy corn. owning now. Sweet baby corn. Sweet baby corn. Sweet baby corn. Speaking of babies, modern aviation was still just a little bubble. The Wright Brothers, as we heard on a previous episode, their first flight was only a couple of decades earlier, and that only traveled 180 feet. So now they're trying to go from mainland America to Hawaii. Obviously, it's come a long way in the and the 20 odd years. Things moved rapidly, though.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And by early 1927, Charles Lindbergh, another previous topic, made aviation history of his own when he flew the spirit of St. Louis from Long Island to Paris, making it the first non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic. But at that point, no one had made it across the Pacific. Another ocean. That's true. That is true. In a lot of ways, a bigger ocean. A different ocean for sure.
Starting point is 00:12:54 At the very least different. At the very least different. Dave, can I fact check? How do you measure an ocean? Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Like are they all essentially all one? It's like how wet is it?
Starting point is 00:13:04 Well, they're both very wet. Very wet. You know? How wet is it? Yeah, they're both very wet. You know how blue is it? They're both right off the wetness scale. Yeah, yeah, they're blowing up that little wet ball at the top of the wetness scale. It's like if you were hoping to just get not get too wet, don't go to the ocean. Very wet. On the wetness scale, both the Atlantic and the Pacific rate, both Atlantic and the Pacific rate, sopping. That's at the top of the sky. Wow. You cannot get wetter. You can't get wetter. That's sopping.
Starting point is 00:13:28 The only thing higher than that is ocean. Yeah. Which they already are. Which they already are. Yeah. So it's a comfortable circle. Yeah, it's a confusing scale. So no one had made it across the Pacific.
Starting point is 00:13:37 According to Kona, that was what impelled the Hawaii pineapple magnet James D. Dole to put 35 grand in prizes for the first planes to make the Pacific crossing. Immediately after Linberg's feet he offered 25 grand to the first ship to make it and 10,000 to the second. Wow. So this is big. That's huge money back then. Big money, yes. So ship or plane? Like a plane airship. Airship. Okay, right. Because I was like, I reckon I can do that. And they have been doing it for centuries. Yeah, but can they do it without getting sopping waste? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:09 That's the challenge. Hey, if you can fly that ship over the ocean, you can get 25. He's like, no one will ever. I'll get some publicity, but no one's ever catching that check. No one's gonna do that. This is going to be good for pineapple business. So the response was huge. Many pilots quickly announced their up for the challenge and keen to have a crack at the
Starting point is 00:14:29 massive prize money. And like I said, what, you know, in today's money, 25 grand is around half a million in today's months. Jesus, yeah. The big does. Life-changing money. It soon became clear that so many pilots were going to attempt defeat that rules needed to be written up.
Starting point is 00:14:44 They're like, oh shit. Oh, about this. They wanted to make it fair. A start date was agreed upon by all competitors, meaning anyone who left early would be disqualified from winning the prize money. For many of the competitors, the money was almost secondary to the potential glory of being the first to complete this history-making flight. Well, then why would you wait for the start? Go early. The money means nothing. Go now. And that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:15:10 A couple of young pilots from the US Army decided to head off early, outside of the competition on June the 28th, forfeiting their chance at the cash. The articles I read and put everyone's ages in, these guys were 29 and 32. Everyone was somewhere between 22 and 32, okay? Okay. But I don't 22 and 32, okay. I'm not only to tell the names, they're all very young. So yeah, I think of them as all very young. Even the oldest ones.
Starting point is 00:15:30 The oldest ones are very young. We could agree. 32 is incredibly young. But just starting out at life. Has their whole life ahead of them? So if I haven't achieved anything, it doesn't matter. Yeah, it's fine. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Then mummy still loves you. Yeah. Right? That's fine. Yeah, mommy still loves you, Papa. I know I know I'm not talking about me obviously. Yeah, I'll I'm fine. You're very secure. I'm incredibly secure and much younger than 32, but much younger much much younger never ask a lady her age But yeah, if you haven't achieved everything you wanted to achieve by 32, it's like, who cares?
Starting point is 00:16:07 If anything, if you've achieved heaps by 32, it's like, I'm gonna lose her. Leave something to do. Yeah, exactly. You've got centuries left of life. What are you gonna do, twirl your thumbs? I'll sort down hill. Have a goal, you loser.
Starting point is 00:16:20 You have a goal, loser. Well, unfortunately, these two pilots who were 29 or 32, Leicester J. Mateland and Albert F. Hagenberger. Oh, that's a lot. They were about to achieve something at an age I would say is two years. Okay. 29 or 32. Any more experience. They took a focker military monoplane named Bird of Paradise from Oakland Airport heading west across the Pacific. I got to compliment you too,
Starting point is 00:16:48 I know you've had recent birthdays, just letting Focca slide. I appreciate it. We're more mature now. Yeah. Compared to other... But if somebody says I was like, Pippa pants, you best believe we're jumping on that.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I mean, we're only so mature. We can leave Focker alone. I think, you know what, I think if the movies, like, meet the Fockers and stuff hadn't been out for a very long time. But now I'm like, yeah. Compared to other significant flights from the same period, such as Lindbergs, this one with mateland and Heggenberger. And they're flying a Focker.
Starting point is 00:17:23 In the Focker. Okay, now I get it, that's funny. This one does not seem to be as well known or remembered. Linberger gets all the press. This one happened like months later, and it was significant as well, but there's really not that much info on it. I guess the new cycle moves on, it's like great.
Starting point is 00:17:41 He's already done it the other way. Yeah, whatever. Oh, you don't, you do try for the other ocean. Cool. Whatever, an ocean's an ocean. How many are there? There's like six or seven minutes. They're both stopping on the scale, guys.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Like who cares? You swim in them, you get all salty. Yeah. Like what's the difference? Maybe one's a little bit colder. I can't give a fuck. Yeah, people don't think about water based on temperature. It's about wetness.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Ocean is ocean. Can we just fucking chill? Hmm. Please? I'm sick of this. Yeah, unlike that other famous. Why do we have to have labels? Yes, thank you. Well, ocean. It's just an ocean.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I look out there, I don't see different types of ocean. I see ocean. Yeah. Water is water. Water is water. Salt water is ocean. Yeah, water is water. Water is water. Salt water is water. Water is drinking water. So I did find one cool article about it though on the Hawaiian Aviation Preservation Society website. And they write the following about mainlandland and heganberger. Their intended destination was wheeler field on Oahu, crossing 2300 miles of Pacific Ocean
Starting point is 00:18:51 with no possible landfall until the Hawaiian islands. The Focca C2 airplane had three 220HB right engines and had a theoretical range of 2500 miles. So it was a 2300 mile crossing, they had a theoretical range just above that, miles. So it was a 2,300 mile crossing, had a theoretical range just above that, a little buff on a spare. Right, I mean, I imagine they only filled it to 90% in the tank.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah. We'll just go straight there. I mean, it's 2,300. That won't be any wind or anything. I'm gonna waste money. Yeah. We're not stopping a piss. And wind doesn't change the distance, Matt.
Starting point is 00:19:21 You just gotta go 2,300 miles. You're kidding me. Who cares? And my life, of course, but it's still 2,300 miles. Okay. And my life of course but it's still 2300 miles. Yeah. You could go on a big circle. We're still talking about the distance as the crosswise. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Which is the way we should go. We should just follow the cross. Follow the cross. Slide down, cross. Don't worry about navigation. You just follow that fricking cross. It knows where to go. It's where the Hawaiian shirt fucks like.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I think I know where it's going. But it's just. The amount of people on a plane to Hawaii already in Hawaii. It's worth a Hawaiian shirt, the fuck's sake, I think I know where it's going. The amount of people on a plane to Hawaii already in Hawaiian shirts. Oh wow. I was like, Jesus Christ, that's good stuff. I mean, but they're leaving nothing further the experience of the island. They're already... Yeah, that?
Starting point is 00:19:59 They've already bought the souvenir before going. Yeah. Oh, I got to see it. It's possible that that crew just went to shop at lows, uh, we're buying where the big men buy. So, and they, they're being hunched. So it's possible. That's just casual crow wear. Yeah. That's just a very cool casual crow. Yeah. Excuse me, what's your casual crow wear section? Yeah. And they look, yes, I'm a crow. Do you have a problem? I found my crow doll, so I accepted it at this shop. No, I do not want to talk to you, I want to cash with a crow wear.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Let me speak to Mr. Low. Get him down here. Get low down here, please. There's a crow to see low. If not, if Low's not in, I'll speak to Dowell Broeman. They'll rugby player on the ads. Is he him? LAUGHTER LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:20:48 The article continues, in 1923, Lieutenant Lester J. Maitland became the first part to exceed 200 miles per hour, reaching the speed of 245 miles per hour. So he smashed it. Can we bring back the name Lester? Oh, Lester's a great name. It's really good. And it works so well as a Lieutenant Lester. Oh, Leicester's a great name. It's really good. And it works so well as a Lieutenant Leicester. Oh, it's good.
Starting point is 00:21:07 He was later assigned to the sixth arrow squadron at Wheeler Field. Madelem was designated the pilot for the flight. Lieutenant Albert F. Hagenberger, a World War I flight instructor and MIT graduate, was the Navigator, bit of a dream team. I mean, yeah, it's funny. This guy's about to go
Starting point is 00:21:25 for this record-backing flight, but he's already broken records. He knows what he's doing. Breaking records is just like, whatever, to him. You know what I mean? Yeah, once you've broken one, you know, it's like having a piss. Once you've broken the seal on records,
Starting point is 00:21:36 it's just like breaking records every fucking five minutes like a son. Just like getting married, you do it once and you're like, well, that's boring and easy. I can do that. That's what I'm saying. Eight more times. Already says my says my first wife just in case I don't want to be look like a four later on You don't have to go back and change old diaries Actually, I think you'll see that I always refer to as my first one
Starting point is 00:22:02 Just so it's so funny like getting married and then still being that insecure. Not actually I was prepared for her to leave me at any moment. I said I was committed, but you know how committed can anyone really be? It's like committing to a bit. Yeah. This is a bit. Yeah. Yeah, and it's gotten out of hand.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Back to the article, the aircraft was app-fitted with a radio direction finder or an RDF, which failed a few hours into the flight. Oh God. This is why I was lucky that they had that crew. Like they got the backup crew. The crew's backup. The original plan was to use it to home in on a new radio beacon on Maui, thus greatly aiding the navigational task.
Starting point is 00:22:41 With the failure of the receiver, they were reduced to dead reckoning and celestial navigation in order to arrive safely. I'm sure I don't have to explain what those things mean. I really hope I don't actually. Just look at our eyes and the stars, the maths. And being like, we've been traveling in this direction for two hours, we must be here. Yeah. I dead reckon that's probably that right. Running low on fuel and with no side of land Madeleine saw a flash of light off to his left which turned out to be the killer way our lighthouse on the island of Kawahi Circling the lighthouse waiting for the light of dawn. They finally Oriented themselves and headed for a Wahoo. Jess feel free to pull me up on any of these pronunciations
Starting point is 00:23:23 I mean a Wahoo's right. I don't know about the other ones, I did not go to that island, but it sounded about right. The vibe was about right. The vibe's right. I did like, I've looked up as many of the pronunciations as possible. Hey, don't let that stop you from believing that I can butcher it. And me having been on a 10-day holiday there, I'm an expert. Well, you're the closest thing we've got. That's right. But I can be reading a phonetic spelling of a word and still butcher the pronunciation. That's true.
Starting point is 00:23:50 You are. I've got a rare skill. You are incredible. I can add syllables in. Someone was pulling me up on a word, I say recently, that I lose one syllable and add an extra syllable. And I think we figured it out. That was, I picked it up in my six years in country victorious.
Starting point is 00:24:08 All right. You can't remember the word was? I can't remember. But it was a, I'm like, I don't, I'm like, I didn't realize I said it like that. The only, the only word I can think of that you say differently is interesting. That might have been for me.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah, well, how do I say it? Interesting. And that's wrong. That's not wrong. We would just say interesting. Oh Yeah, maybe that was a word like that. Yeah, into so I put the ear in interesting and I'll just like how Americans would say it right Maybe it's from my six months In America. Yeah, it's trying to leave a nickname for America. What do you call it USA? In the old in America. That's trying to leave a nickname for America. What do you call it? USA. In the U.S.
Starting point is 00:24:46 About it. The land of the free, baby. Thank you. I knew that was one. It's pretty famous country. I thought that would have had a frickin' nickname, surely. Land of the free. God bless them.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Everyone. Anyway, so this air race. So it sounds like this lighthouse basically saves them. Just right off in the distance distance if that lighthouse wasn't there I don't think we would have ever known what happened take that people who say we should tear down all lighthouses. Yes, shut up shut up Yeah, they save lives shut up. They're important. How dare you So yeah, they save them and it led them to being the first to complete the journey. The article continues They arrived at Wheeler Field after flying 25 hours and 49 minutes and 30 seconds to be precise. It's very precise
Starting point is 00:25:32 Flying 2416 miles in the process. 25 hours. Yeah, wow. It's pretty slow going, but it's also there's one pilot. There's Mmm. I don't think there's an auto pilot or anything like that. Really? Is there a toilet up there? Is there a toilet? I think there, you're there. I think they're pissing bottles. Maybe buckets.
Starting point is 00:25:53 They're shitting bottles? Yeah, what are they shitting in? Probably bottles. Why, neck bottles. I don't think I could hold it for 25 hours. I'd have to shit. I've got to tell you this. Final?
Starting point is 00:26:02 These two pilots were gentlemen. Oh, gentlemen, never shit. Of course. Also, you've said that so. That's why women can't be pilots. That's true. They traveled 24 16 out of 2500 miles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Whoa, there was cutting it pretty far. But I do a 74 mile, but I had a 4 mile victory left. That's right. That's got this back up. So did the victory left until they crashed in the ocean. That's no word. Yeah. Yeah, well, hey, we went out doing what we loved crashing into the ocean. Both Airmen were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for their fee,
Starting point is 00:26:33 and then after this great flight during World War II, Madeleine, then a Lieutenant Colonel, was the commanding officer at Clark Field in the Philippines when it fell to the Japanese in 1942. He went on to fly 44 combat missions in medium bombers in Europe, one another distinguished flying cross, a Silver Star and a five air metals. He rose to the rank of Brigadier General and retired from the army in 1943. He became an Episcopal priest in 1955 and remained active until 1985, dying in 1990 at the age of 91.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Wow. Pretty hectic life. Hell yeah. I love that as a career change. Yeah. Like, fight a pilot. To priest. To priest.
Starting point is 00:27:17 That's nice. I mean logical step. Let's be honest. Both of them, you know, what are the things you got to call me here? Start with P. Start with P. Start with P. Start with P. Alright, you're in the air the things you got to come in here? Start with P. That's all right. You're in the air. You're close to God.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yeah. That's right. A little time. It got up in the sky. So you've been close to the most. Being close to the most. You've been close to the most. I'll bring it back just to the first start with P.
Starting point is 00:27:39 The priests to lay away medals. Yeah. I think they wear medals. Not a religious man. But that's where a uniform is uniform. It's involved. Yes, there's ceremonial garb, but I was wondering Dave or Jess dot in 1990 is the possible that one of you is the reincarnation of mateland. Yes, it is. And here she is. Yeah, Jato has been getting a lot of air sickness like that. Yeah, I get really sick on planes. But you've been a Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:28:06 I have been to Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii. I flew to Hawaii. That's true. I sat on a plane for 10 hours. And you felt a calling really there. A calling to fill a little paper bag with the contents of my stomach, yes. Did you shit into that bag?
Starting point is 00:28:19 I did. Just like they had to. I shan in a bag. Okay. Okay. I think you may be him. They have toilets on planes now, but I was like, no, no, no, I like to go in a bag the way I used to do it. Well, perhaps then Albert F. Hagenberger is Dave. He rose to the rank of major general, and won another distinguished flying cross for his first solo instrument only flight a Daytona Hio in 1932, called the country. Was he a plane flight base up there or?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yes. But it'll be, it'll be, it'll be, it'll be. It's instrumental. It's instrumental. You think of the base, the classic solo instrument. Right, yeah. We have two people play bass. Yeah, you're something.
Starting point is 00:29:01 What a dumb thing to say. I feel silly, I'm glad you called me out. It's not a person. Oh, you see the base as a soloist for a do? Okay. Okay. Not the way we play it. All of a sudden it was my arm around Dave's waist.
Starting point is 00:29:20 So all I'm doing is holding it up. And you're pulling both hands. I'll probably be the other way around. I'm doing is holding it up and you're putting both hands. I'll probably be the other way around. I'm doing it for shoulder strength. Yeah, and you're doing it for God knows that. Let's take a little skill. Yeah, people just keep yelling at just get a strap. Dave, I can play bro him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:37 By Pennywise. Doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon doon And he's doing it for his run-in. That's us together. So I can play the bass. I just can't hold it up. No. Okay, and that's where Dave comes from. Oh, I can hold it up for hours. I guess the standard, like the bass guitar is kind of like the solo bass and then you've got the double bass.
Starting point is 00:30:06 So you've got the single bass and the double bass. Oh, that's nice. So where that comes from? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, they started with a single and then they went, you know what? They came out this bigger. Has anyone invented a triple bass? Yes. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:30:17 It's very deep. So deep, the human ear kind of. You can't actually hear it but whales hate it. And I promise you I'm playing this in tune. Are you trying to do it or are you trying to move on? No, that was me doing it. That's what it sounds like to the human ear. It's a bit to the whales.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Oh, they love it. Doesn't the whales do a high pitch? No, I'm panic. But they're deep in the in the wetness. Exactly. Yeah, they're further from God than most of them. They've really strayed from the water. They're probably the softest of mammal letters. Whale off the scale. There are the other end. What are you wrong with us? We're talking about my guy, Mr. Berger. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:31:06 That makes sense because he's the navigator, right? And you're essentially navigating me through life every day, Dave. And you look back in the sand. How do I tie a tie? There's only one set of footprints. Because I carried you. No, I thought I was carrying you. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I don't know. Let's get real, though. There's one set of footprints in the bat 200 kilometers back. There's me lying on the ground going my back. I couldn't carry it. I just couldn't look. I waited for five minutes. She left me. She left me but dead.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I was just trying to carry it. You're a daddy of wasted the sand. The little pin legs just couldn't handle it. Acting like pins that just stuck to the sand. Chess has got great pins. You've just got literal pins. Dig me out, just dig me out. You're like nah. And like Jess said, there's no bad rifts on the show.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I don't know, yes. so talking about Heggenberger, his work in developing blind flying instruments and techniques that allowed pilots to fly in any kind of weather paved the way for today's modern aviation instrument flying. He passed away in 1983 at the age of 88. So they both got a lot done, lived long lives, a couple of legends. Their plane, the bird of paradise, never left Hawaii. It flew as an inter-Island transport until the late 30s when it was dismantled and shipped to Daytona High to be put into the Air Corps Museum.
Starting point is 00:32:34 So it did leave? It did leave Hawaii. It never left Hawaii until it did. It never left Hawaii and it's now in Daytona. I bet it left in a box. But it was destroyed in 1944 because of a lack of space, probably because of the war effort, but still like, oh, what a shame. It's destroyed it.
Starting point is 00:32:52 You mean like something expanded so much that it just crushed it? Like how did the rows, the little elephant loose in the music? Yeah. It's very fun. For the last time. We got, we keep saying. Oh my gosh. That's right. That's why we don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:06 That's why they destroy everything. I kind of assumed they must have used the scraps of it to build other planes or something, but yeah, it does feel like slightly short-sighted. I mean, the wall was almost over, very firmly, they knew. Damn. So by the time of the race, being the first to fly from mainland USA to Hawaii was no longer on the cards. But contestants consoled themselves with the fact that there was still a chance of a big
Starting point is 00:33:30 pile of cash. Remember, it wasn't about that before, but now it's something is. Yeah. And then some of them, the non-ami flies, were like, well, we can still pride ourselves with being the first civilians to make the crossing. Unfortunately, that also wasn't on the table anymore, either. As according to Conan, a young, airmail pilot named Ernie Smith and his navigator, Emory Bronti, which is a fantasy. Emory. Oh. Emory, Bronti, what a great surname, but Emory Bronti. That's good. That's... Your whole lot of people would be like, sorry, did you just mispronounce Emily Bronti? Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I'm a man. That's his response.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Sorry, Emily Brompton. I'm a man. Yeah, that's not what I asked. It was a yes or no question, dude. Emily Bromi, man! I'm a man! So, but, but, Emory Bronti, the man. It was the first civilian.
Starting point is 00:34:33 So Smith and Bronti in a monoplane called City of Oakland made a lurching takeoff on the rutted Oakland field on July 14th, about a month before the doll race. And then out of gas, they crash landed into a thorn tree on the island of Molokai, 26 hours and 36 minutes later. It wasn't exactly Honolulu where they're aiming for, but it was Hawaii making them the first civilians to make the trip. So the crash landing counts as landing. Wow. Why didn't these people just wait a month and get a half million dollars?
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah, I wonder I guess it's there like history is more important than than the cash Right, but now it feels like everyone's gonna be like all right, so feelings are done I'm the first person to do it wearing blue shoes. Yeah, so I'm the first left-handed to do. Yeah, yeah It's a bit really scraping the barrel. I'm the first man whose name sounds a bit like Emily Bronte. Oh no. That's one of the few names that he's... Imagine that was like, well, at least I'll be the first man whose name sounds like Emily Bronte. Yeah, Emily Bronte is really pissed off.
Starting point is 00:35:38 God damn it. He reads the papers like you. Bloody read about it. What do I have? His brother Carlitt Brompton. So a lot of the glory had already been taken, but the cash was still there and so were many competitors. And as we heard, there was still a lot of public interest.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Maybe a hundred thousand people were there to see these planes take off. But it was a bit unfortunate there were still so many competitors, as Conan wrote. Perhaps they should have sensed well ahead of time that their bright and adventurous dream was going to be a nightmare. There had been plenty of forewarning. On August. On the happiest day of everyone's life. On August the 8th, when the entry list closed with 15 planes in the competition, the official drawing for starting positions took place in the office of Captain C.W. Saunders, California director of the National Aeronautics Association.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Position number 13 went to Navy lieutenants George D. Covell and RS Wagoner, both of San Diego. They had an unnamed mystery monoplane, reputed to be one of the best in the race. Two days after their number was drawn, the unlucky 13, Lieutenant's Covell and Wagoner died. What? They took off from San Diego from Oakland, flew into a fog and slammed into an ocean cliff 15 minutes later. They were dead when it struck the beach 75 feet below.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And when they... 15 minutes later. And they're on their way to the race? Yes. So, that's not a good start. So a lot of the planes had to fly to the starting line. Yeah, well, yeah. And already, how else do you get a plane there?
Starting point is 00:37:15 I put it in a box, but. Oh, yeah. So, before the race even began, two lives have been lost. Oh, my God. And there was supposed to be like this awesome plane that people were like, you gotta see this. Yeah, they're not even naming it. It's mysterious.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Turns out it wasn't a plane. And that was their problem. It was a Birdman rally type thing. They were holding onto a duck. And they fell next to a cliff. Quick. You grab the beak and I'll grab the feet. The duck couldn't see in the fog.
Starting point is 00:37:44 For the duck fluid just above the cliff. Yeah, the duck's one. The duck is one. Duck just landed on the cliff. And went, oh, I feel a bit lighter. Yeah, that didn't took up again. Yeah. So the race already climbed a couple of victims
Starting point is 00:37:57 for a week before it even began. But unfortunately, that tragedy was not enough to put off other contestants. According to Conan, the race claimed another victim the following day. Captain Arthur V. Rogers, a flyer and decorated veteran of the life, life-a-yet, Eskidrill in World War I, took his monoplane, Angel of Los Angeles, up for a test flight at Western Airfields at Montabello. He circled, looked as though he was preparing for landing,
Starting point is 00:38:24 and then suddenly plunged 125 feet to the ground and his death. Look fine, just all of a sudden his dropped out of the sky. But there was no stopping the dull flight. The tragic four-warning seemed to give a new edge to the fly as appetite for the adventure. Apparently the crashes only further captured the public's attention as well leading up to the event, according to Conan. By the thousand spectators gathered every day at the airport, cheering at your Irving contestant and observing with interest every detail of
Starting point is 00:38:50 the little planes, almost all of them ran into grief of one sort or another. Mildred Doran, a Michigan State College graduate who had been teaching the fifth grade until the doll fever quarter. I love how you notice that Kona calls them little planes and stuff. She's right in from the 50s. It's like it's funny the little planes they used to fly. It's like that big beautiful planes now. I love it. I read a great book as well called Race to Hawaii by author Jason Ryan, which I'm going
Starting point is 00:39:18 to be quoting from a bit from now on. Also listen to the book. Fantastic. You know how you can get it to Mixbag with whoever reads it on Audible. I love this guy's style. And it also tells the story of Mateland, his crossing in more detail as well. So if you want to hear this story over 10 hours, strap in. Here we go. I'm just going to plug in the audio book now. There is a booking after us in the studio, but we're going to tell him to fuck off.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Mark, I've just played on quadriple speed. Yeah, that'll be right. Here we go. Oh, fucking point. Oh, wow. And I'm also getting Mickey Mouse to read it. Hey, Pl! So according to Ryan Doran, the Michigan State College graduate, who was 22, she was probably the youngest I think in the race.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Baby. Is that the one that they refer to as, and a girl? Yeah. I forgot there was a girl. Okay, I wasn't sure that was like a seven year old like helping, like clean and engine as I was a 22 year old girl. No, I was a 22 year old girl. A. Okay, girl. A 22-year-old woman entering the race. Girl.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Sorry. Yes, remember this was pioneering woman journalist Konant who called her a girl. Yeah, I'm correcting Dave. I guess you're saying woman. No, Dave. I'm like, no, girl. I think you don't become a, you a girl,
Starting point is 00:40:40 even at 32, is that right? Correct. Because you're so young. I'm a little girl. When do you become a man? I probably won't. So when. I'm a little girl. When do you become a man? I probably won't. So when do you become a personally? When do you become a woman?
Starting point is 00:40:49 Um, when I feel like it. Okay. How about that? Can you let us know? Yeah, I'll let you know when to. I've got a card signed ready to hand over. You've written me a woman's card? Girl, but dumb, dumb, this is the inscription.
Starting point is 00:41:03 You'll be a woman now It's good to be prepared I'm losing it all allie and Allie According to Ryan Doran loved airplanes among her favorite aviators were EL slony sloniger Sloniger sloniger Slonnie Sloniger. Slonnie Sloniger? Slonnie Sloniger, who flew for the Army Air Service in World War I and John A. Oogie Pedler, a young pilot and wing walker who performed with handcuffs around his wrists and who were a talent for diving off,
Starting point is 00:41:38 moving airplanes into the ocean. Which talent for it. Yeah, talent for it. So just like looking down and going ocean and if you have to tell it for falling off an airplane. With a little splash. How stopping was he? Super stopping. Yeah. Yeah, I think that there is some talent in that. Oh yeah. Just completing the dive. Yeah. I once tried to do a pin drop off a cliff. just completing the dive. I once tried to do a pin drop off a cliff. You know, I'm like, you're just dropping straight how hard could it be? But it was quite a high cliff. And I lost control of it.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Just because of the air or whatever, I almost landed a horizontal just on diagonally, just enough for my legs to take the water first and my back to be wrenched. I was thinking I'm just doing an elegant pin drop here, just a little splash in or in I go and hurt my back for the next couple of weeks. I like, I don't think I'll do that again. Yeah, next time, head first.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I do. I love the idea of jumping off cliffs, so I haven't done it since because I'm like, I just don't get pulled. You love the idea of jumping off cliffs. I haven't done it since because I'm like, I just don't get it. You love the idea of jumping off cliffs. It's a bit of a thrill, right? Oh, there's not a thrill. It's not worth feeling agony for weeks. But I was just like, I just couldn't hold the form.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah, no, it's hard. So this guy, And you're awake. This guy's starving off of playing. Yeah. I'll be like, I reckon. I'll find the slower back then. If I try so on the cliff
Starting point is 00:43:10 I just love the cliff's back then yeah, they were real sorry clips were actually pretty fast Now reverse back to Ryan pedler learn to fly in the West. This is orgy. Yeah, orgy pedler. Orgy pedler Pedler learned to fly in the West. This is Orgy. The, uh... Orgy Pedler. Orgy Pedler. Mm-hmm. Playing Doppel. He pedals Orgy's. Yeah. Pedler learned to fly in the West, though he was badly,
Starting point is 00:43:30 uh, though he badly crashed one airplane, walking away from the wreck with a lasting and pronounced limp. Friendly and well-liked, Pedler was recognizable at the Flint Airfield. Because of the limp. Because of his limp and his toothy grin and his beloved headwear a straw hat What is toothy grin mean? Yeah, I guess it's like God
Starting point is 00:43:49 Like if you've got teeth and you're grinning, it's toothy people didn't have teeth back then. Oh, okay He had teeth. He was one of the first of you one of the few That's that's a good point one of the few without wooden teeth Yeah, okay, that makes my sense and also he's wearing a straw hat on a plane Yeah he flies and he's strapping that down He must have because it wasn't like he was Insighted, you know, an airline or something Because they're open topped
Starting point is 00:44:15 Oh yeah, diving off the plane You can't even really chat, can you? No, you can't lose your voice You can't communicate to each other So it's pointless you're both being there I talk about a bit later but the navigator and the pilot They're so far separate that even communicate to each other. So it's pointless you're both being there. I talk about it a bit later, but the navigator in the pilot, they're so far separate that even yelling at each other, they wouldn't even... So how's the navigator navigating?
Starting point is 00:44:31 So they have a pulley system, like a clothesline where they've got a string and they peg a note onto it and then pull the string across. You're shitting me. No, she said the pilots were running down handwritten notes. Like how are we going? Are we traveling the right direction? You're like, in pegs it? Swings it down.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I guess. Yeah, looking pretty good. Maybe turn three degrees west or whatever. And then when they ignore, I said, turn you fucking dog. Yeah, turn. Why ask me if you don't get a listen to my advice? Real backseat flying stuff. That's it.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And give me the toilet treatment. Peg, please tell the pilot. So Doran was super excited by Linberg's soon to happen crossing over the Atlantic. And she was like, I wanna be the first woman to cross the Pacific. And the two pilots who made space day both went, were on board, and they both said,
Starting point is 00:45:33 I wanna fly the plane for you or with you. William F. Maloska, Doran's godfather, a wealthy businessman, overheard this conversation and offered to buy a plane. Doran did not hesitate to accept his proposition. I've got a phone call to make to my Godfather Steve. Yeah. Has never bought me a plane.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Really? Never even offered. And you know what? At this point, I wouldn't be like, yes, please, Steve, buy me a plane. I would be like, no, thank you, but thank you for asking. Yeah. Never even offered. It's nice to be thought of.
Starting point is 00:46:05 God, damn it. I didn't know you had a wealthy businessman, Uncle Steve. I never said he was wealthy, he's just a, or a businessman. Steve, mortgage that house and buy me a plane. But he's my Godfather. Steve, how day? I should get on the Greg and my Godfather,
Starting point is 00:46:22 which I think is one of the great names. Greg and Eko, how do you improve on Greg? Well, they just watch me. Greg with Ian on the end. Oh, Ian. Just Ian, I think. Oh, Greg and I should really know how to split it out. I'm pretty sure it's a. I know how to spell Steve.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So idiot. See? So we're going back to Ryan's article here. And this is now quoting Moloska. I told Milderid that if she was serious, I'd finance the plan and would order a plane built tomorrow. She snapped me up immediately. And the next day, I made a deposit
Starting point is 00:47:00 with the Bull Aircraft Company of Mary'sville for the construction of the plane. This was the day before Lindbergh took off for Paris. Wow. While some people believed an airplane was no place for a woman, others cheered Doron's ambition to make the Hawaiian hop if only as a passenger. So she became the most famous contestant in the whole flight. She became a celebrity overnight.
Starting point is 00:47:21 And people said the plane was no place for a woman because of the shitting and bag thing. Because it's like get over it. It's a natural thing. It's a natural thing that just women do. So she's bags. It's fine. Get over it. Yeah. And it's so windy. It's open top. Yeah. It wouldn't even be a smell. Yeah. So they'll be in their own cabin with their own pile of bags of shit. That's fine. You guys have traveled with me? It's fine. It's fine. I mean, it wasn't fine.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Time heals all wounds. Ryan goes on. American women had made great strides in the last decade when it came to gender equality, including earning the right to vote, obtaining access to birth control and securing greater social freedoms. It's got an even better sense. I think that's true, right? Yeah, it's true in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Like back then, women couldn't host podcasts. Oh, true. Really? That's true. Yeah, you couldn't. Men only podcasts. Yeah, I sure am. All, yeah, you couldn't. Man only. Man only podcasts. Yeah, I show you my, all I know is women couldn't. You guys are one of the, yeah, the front runners of allowing a woman on your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Wow, we allowed a girl. That's true. Yeah. To a man and a girl. Yeah, you really broke a barrier there. Yeah. Just before you all podcasts with three white men. That's right.
Starting point is 00:48:44 And I said, what about a white lady? Hey, what do you call a with three white men. That's right. And I said, what about a white lady? Hey, what do you call a group of white men? A podcast. Oh, that's a good joke. That's a good joke. Someone should tweet that. That is a funny joke. Yeah, it was the first time. Yeah. One of the first decisions to make about the journey was a hard one. Which had what brand of shit bags? Yes. And once that was sorted, they went with a kind of thing of a single brand of bag. Charlize Theron. Coco Chanel.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Yes, bag. I'm trying to give a garbage bag brand. If that's not neither of those are... Charlize Theron is not a garbage bag brand. Glade bag. Glade bag. That's what I was thinking. But Chanel is cop that, fucking cop that. Cop that Chanel.
Starting point is 00:49:29 You dogs, you shit bags. And once they sorted that out, the next question was, who would part the plane? There were two guys who were keen. And that was Pedler and Slonnie Sloniger. 40 Pedler and Slonnie Sloniger orgy peddler and slonega. Man, I was all in on slone. Who you got hoping for here?
Starting point is 00:49:48 I'm going for peddler. Rememoring that whoever does it is going in a race that they might may die in. All right, probably peddler then. Is it orgy or orgy? Or... Orggy peddler. Orggy.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Is it orgy peddler? Orggy peddler. Is he advertising orgies? Yeah, I'm an orgy peddler. I'm an orgy peddler. Come it orgy? Is it orgy peddler? It's orgy peddler. Is he advertising orgy? Yeah, I'm an orgy peddler. I'm an orgy peddler. Come on down here's a flyer. It's orgy peddler. Yeah, I'm going orgy.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I'm hearing peddler, I'm just imagining I'm up there peddling it by foot. Flintstone style. Yeah, I mean that can't have been far behind. The pedal power was that in yet? Is that coming by the 20s? I can't remember what you like came in. Yeah, so both guys were very keen.
Starting point is 00:50:28 They're like, alright, the first way to figure out who gets the part of the plane is to toss a coin. A door and flipped, a 50 cent piece into the air. Sloniger called heads, pedler tails, a thousand of a fals. That's what I always say. The coin dropped to the ground rolled across the floor. I'm under a cabinet. And disappeared under a desk. Under a desk.
Starting point is 00:50:50 They're in an office. Yeah, but parts of the desks are open. But they're like, I can't be bothered. I mean, like if this is gone under this table, we'd be able to get it. Yeah, but it can be bothered. Yeah, try to get another coin. You're thinking about a 2022 desk.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Mm-hmm. This is a 1927 desk. There was nowhere for your legs to go. No, I didn't think about the hollow out a bit. Yeah. That's it. Haven't you seen any like mad men's style shows? They've always got their feet up on the desk. Go on, make me a martini.
Starting point is 00:51:18 What's something like that? I haven't seen mad men. Make me a martini. Make me my penny. That's what they used to say. You wouldn't get it if you weren't around there. I was. So it fell under the desk, that to move the desk.
Starting point is 00:51:33 So the tension was building. But the corn was revealed to show tails side up. Never failed. Orgie peddler would be flying to Hawaii. Yes, or Augie. Doran Meanwhile, glowed with excitement for the coming race, saying, I simply desire to do something different and to be the first woman to do it. I'm sure we will win, but if we don't, life is nothing but a chance anyway.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I'm sure we'll win. We don't. We're how sure are you then? Yeah. How sure are you? That's creeping in mid-sentence. It's okay to be confident, but don't be like, I'm sure. But then you've, I've lost your confidence in you.
Starting point is 00:52:09 That's true. It's interesting she refers to herself as a woman. She's well. Where's Konant doesn't? She's a girl. Better girl. 22 years old. So little girl. How old was Konant when she was riding about her? She would have been in probably in her 30s by then.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Oh yeah, was it 22, it was a 22 year old to a 20 year old, two 30 year olds. That's a girl. So you say Jess is just a girl. Of course, she is. Is that right? What do you say? Gwen Stefanias. Just a girl or more than that. I know she ain't no holo back girl. Yeah, that's true. I know what she's not. But I don't know what she is. Um, just a girl not yet a holo back girl. Just taking swings here. So I've seen your Britney Spears song. Yeah. I guess you get it. I guess. Rather than explaining it back, just laugh, mate, like everyone else at home. All he needs is time. Are you be getting tweets? A moment that is mine.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Thank you. That means a lot. Within a few months, Doran had a plane, a brand new plane, and they named it Miss Doran, which is pretty sweet. I think it was named after some relation. No relation. It's just coincidence.
Starting point is 00:53:24 And she was on her way to the California starting line with pilot Orgi Pedler, back to Conan. The Miss Doran's Navigator was Lieutenant Villas' Noob. So there's a, this is the only plane I think with three. It's the only plane with a passenger basically. Bit squished, hey. Yeah. Why didn't she just learn how to navigate?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Hmm. So just being like, I've got access to rich people Put fit me in there and fly me. Yeah Yeah, that's true if she could just learn to navigate in a week That would have been a better scenario. Well, this is like a dream of hers Yeah, and she's admired pilots for such a long time. It's like well, I read a couple of books then I think she was probably pushing it just to be allowed on the plane. They're not, they're not gonna let her do a job as well. Yeah, true. She let in the plane or just on the plane. She on the roof. Yeah, she's sitting on the plate.
Starting point is 00:54:14 It's actually a woman's only section. It's a lady's land as up top. Oh, it's open air shooting. Yeah. Great, Just don't wear pants. Well, she couldn't anyway. Not a lot. No. It's ungodly. It's very I'm a lady. God very unlady like we don't shit in the Lord. As well because lady the only ones who shit. Yeah, that's what pants don't make sense. That's why dresses are invented. That's why dresses were invented. Exactly. On route to Oakland from the east,
Starting point is 00:54:45 the Miss Doran had sparked plug trouble over the San Joaquin Valley and came down in a wheat field. Doran blithely set the casual tone of the whole affair by explaining they had a little trouble making repairs because they had no tools. Saying, we threw them off at Long Beach because they were in the way and cluttering things up.
Starting point is 00:55:03 So I think they had their priorities run. I don't have a lot of leg room. So we ditched the tools because yeah, this engine's in the way. Yeah, get it out. But it's funny, they're like, we'll put a passenger in there. Yeah. And we'll get rid of the tools. I can't put my seat back. Can we get rid of some stuff? I want to have a nap. It's a long flight. I want to have a little sleep. And so this is just on the way there. Yeah, this is on the way to the start line. I mean, this is bowed well. It's not promising that, but luckily they have a weightfield to land in. But when they're over the ocean, how many weightfields are there between Californian Hawaii? Is it many? I know. There's wet fields. No weightfields.
Starting point is 00:55:44 What is an ocean if not a wet field? Exactly. You're right. Absolutely right. This has changed the way I view oceans now. And what about submarines? Still silly. Fuck, they're silly.
Starting point is 00:55:55 They're the wetdest form of transport. They are the wetdest form. Externally, internally, very dry. I assume. Yeah, the dryest form of transport. Just funny. Why did we think I was just going underwater? I think they're dumb. There's no crash landing though. You can the dryest form. Just funny. Why did we think I should just go underwater? I think they're dumb.
Starting point is 00:56:06 There's no crash landing though. You can sub-rain. That's true. You could crash into a whole race. Yeah, actually, right. There's still stuff you can hit. A whale. A whale.
Starting point is 00:56:17 A big whale. Big whale, little whale. I mean, it's up well. We should take them all out. They are not godly enough. Wales or subreds? Both. Yeah, get rid of them.
Starting point is 00:56:28 They're both too far away from God. I think yeah, subreds are really the whale of the transport world. Yeah. Interesting. They also evolve from hippo-like creatures. Hippo-like transports. What are we doing? What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:56:44 I don't know. Back to Conan. What are we doing? What are we doing? Back to Conan. Other mishaps cut the entry list substantially before the fateful day. One would be competitor was pride of Los Angeles, a plane with three wings. Its pilot was Captain J. L. Giffin, a long beach attorney. And the plane's navigator, Theodore S. Lungren, Bonbroker and former Army flyer. The names just don't stop here. They were so good.
Starting point is 00:57:07 And they're all mouthfuls. Yes, they are. It's a lot. I'm gripping on for dealers. But on August 11th, as Giffon and Lungren flew in from Long Beach, the unwieldy aircraft began its approach to the Oakland field and fell clumsily into the bay a hundred feet off the airport shore. Oh no that's but a man rally star for sure. Amazingly giffon and lunger and were unhurt but the pride of Los Angeles did not make the starting line. So you might
Starting point is 00:57:36 have heard earlier I said eight planes are at the starting line. 15 planes tried to make it to the starting line. Oh my god. They lost nearly half the field just trying to get there. Trying to get there. Doesn't bowed well, does it? I can also see now why such a big crowd has gathered. Yeah. They're just waiting to see the playing crash on the way in. Yeah. Hopefully not into them, right?
Starting point is 00:57:55 I'll just make you really anxious. No, I, who, yeah, it's such a weird thing to want to see. I can understand Birdman, Rally, which is just people jumping into the Yarra River in some sort of flying apparatus They've made themselves and the apparatus often hinders them more than That's a bit of fun because they're jumping off a little ramp into a river and there's little boats to get them Funny little outfits. Yeah, that I'm fine with because I'm like everyone's safe. Yeah This I don't love this would make me really anxious. Yeah, no. Even like, uh, even the idea of the air show and stuff, I get a bit nervous about it. I just don't want to say
Starting point is 00:58:29 anything happened, anything bad happened. I only like going so I can hear scorpions rock you like a hundred. The soundtrack to every inch. It's the only place to hear it. I know it's online, but you're really hearing it. If there's not a couple of big jets flying by. So by the time Rasey rolled around, the field was down to only eight entrants. First up, we had the Woolerock whose pilot was Art Gobel. No.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's amazing, Art Gobel. Fucker gave you nothing, Art Gobel. Got a chuckle. Come on, that's funny. It's a great name. Art Gobel. Goble goble goble. Gobel was a World War I flyer and stunt pilot
Starting point is 00:59:11 and his navigator was Lieutenant William V. Davis, Jr. William V. Davis, Jr. I can't help but feel like the people that are either professional pilots, people that have been in the war, stunt pilots have an extreme advantage over the guy who was just an attorney who crashed on the way there. You had no hope.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Why were you even there? There was a bit of criticism after the race that the bar for entry was too low and they weren't enough tests on them and stuff. Because anyone could say, oh, I could do it. I could crack. They did have some like that to pass tests and stuff, but apparently they could have been more stringent. Strigent?
Starting point is 00:59:55 Strigent? Strudal. Strudal. That'd be a little more strudal about it. If you would like to enter this race, eat this strutal. Okay. You're in. Well done. According to Ryan, Goeble was known in Hollywood by the nickname Upside Down. Okay. Which I think is a fun nickname. This is the fact that it's not one of the nicknames we're taking. We're taking. I could have had anything.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I could have had anything. Upside down, it's so funny. I would have called him Flippety Flop. That's better. It is somehow better. He got this nickname because of his ability to pilot an inverted airplane for minutes at a time. I mean, even invert is better.
Starting point is 01:00:39 The inverted pilot. Something like that. Goble was a member of the 13 black cats, the famed flying troop from Los Angeles that made death-defying aerial stunt services available to the Hollywood movie industry. Promising they would do anything with an airplane. Anything, we'll fuck it if you want. The fuck I've got, Brian.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I've read that sentence multiple times writing this and I never considered that it. As soon as I said it, I'm like, that sounds like they'd fuck that point. Oh yeah, upside down man, he'll do anything. Promising they would do anything with an airplane, the flying circus thumbed its nose at fate and doubled down on symbols of bad luck, which is why they called themselves the 13 black cats. Ryan continues. The troop
Starting point is 01:01:25 published a long menu of stunts and prices for 50 bucks, they would make a plane catch fire. I'll have a number four. A plane on fire. For a hundred bucks, a member of the 13 black cats would ample from one airplane's wings to another mid flight. For $450, the 13 black cats would loop a plane while two men stood on the wing tips. Oh my God. And for $1500, the flying troop would blow up a plane midair
Starting point is 01:01:56 just after the pilot bowed out and floated down to Earth in a parachute. Oh, thank God there's a parachute. Please, that floated down. Yeah. Yeah, that's great. Is that more than the like as a cost effective, how much is a plane cost?, that floated down. Yeah. Is that more than the, like, as a cost effective, how much is a plane cost?
Starting point is 01:02:09 Yeah, I wonder if, surely, that's just for the service and the studio after supply the plane as well. Yeah, okay. I did see, somewhere else they said it was $15,000 for that one, but yeah, I think that makes more sense than it would be $1500. But $50 to set a plane on fire. What a bargain. Yeah, that's a bargain.
Starting point is 01:02:27 50 bucks. You do that for a bucks party. You'll sort of pass that around. Oh, guys, five bucks each. We get to see this plan on fire. Who wants to see it? I'm going to give you 10 bucks. And I want to set two plates of oil back to the right.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Get to it for a bucks party. I mean, that's a fantastic joke, but also you would absolutely do it for a box party. I would try to get my hands funny. They feel like you want to just go get a nail. They're going to get some pantsless waiters or something. I'm like, now I'm gonna set a plan afloat. A-ha! Pantsless waiters. That's so fun.
Starting point is 01:03:11 We need to put waiters. Yeah, paddock did style. Um, back to Ryan. I want to occasion, Goebbel witnessed a wheel fall off a plane right after it took to the air. He sprang into action, taking off in his own plane while carrying a wing walker, lugging a spare wheel. Goable caught up with the disabled plane,
Starting point is 01:03:30 allowing for the spare wheel to be transferred and installed in mid air. That hectic is like, oh shit, they won't be able to land. Runs to his plane with a spare wheel and someone who can get out on the wing, walk it over to the other plane, go, here's a spare wheel, hand it, and then they've got to get out and install, like, fix it. That is so bad.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And they're just, I can't get my head around that. But then someone had given them 50 bucks to set the other plane. Well, you're up there. There's your wheel also. Give me the five. After saving the day, Goblin is daredevil companions didn't count their blessings. Instead, they decided to replicate the incident as a stunt for their audiences and put it on the menu. Oh, Wheel off?
Starting point is 01:04:12 Yeah. So, 80 bucks for a Wheel off? Soon enough, he and his stunt in cohorts were purposely shaking Looser Wheel off to take off, and then while onlookers watched nervously, waited for a rescue flyer to bring them a spare. According to Ryan, Gober was proud to state he had never crashed an airplane. But when coming in for a landing on a beach in Hawaii, the plane's landing gear caught in the soft sand, snapping it from the fuselage. That night, while sitting around a campfire, his buddy's ribbed him about the incident. He ignored their kidding though and made a bold prediction.
Starting point is 01:04:45 The next time I come to Hawaii, I'm gonna fly there. Four months later, the doll race was announced and Goable was the first to play the $100 entry fee. Just a couple of burnt planes. I was just thinking that. I only got a burnt a couple of planes for that. This was before he even found a plane that could make the journey.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Cause obviously the stunt planes aren't long distance planes. Yeah, so he didn't have wheels. They're just very flammable. So he signed up and they said, I got a better find a plane now. Which he obviously did do. He didn't have money to pay for it either. Probably had to get a few stun stuns. But he found a plane called Woolerock and he was there on the starting line. He was one of the eight. Next up we had Golden Eagle, piloted by Jack Frost from New York and Navigator, Londoner Gordon Scott.
Starting point is 01:05:34 So that's plane number two on the starting line. Then we have Aloha, piloted by Martin Jensen. According to Ryan a few years earlier, Jensen had joined the Navy and worked as a mechanic, transferring to the Naval Air Station in San Diego following basic training along the great lakes. He only dared ride in an airplane after being ridiculed by his peers. The day of his first flight, he was among a group of 15 young men watching an airplane and taking turns hitching a ride into the sky.
Starting point is 01:06:02 One by one the other fellows went up in it until I was the last, you recall. I was afraid to try it, but they made such fun of me that I finally went up. And then I realized what a chump I'd been to remain on the ground. Be a pressure. It's a beautiful thing.
Starting point is 01:06:16 It's a beautiful thing. And I can't think of examples where it ends badly. It's always your friends pushing you into something that's gonna be beautiful and transformative for you. Yeah. How many nerds started looking cool because people pressured him into smoking, etc. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Right. Smoked two packs a day. And I thank those police for it. Fuck you're cool. You're so cool. You're so cool. You're so cool. You're so cool.
Starting point is 01:06:44 You're so cool. You're so cool. You're so cool. You're so cool. You're so cool. He's so cool. He's so back on up, up each sleeve. He's very cool. He's very cool. You're cool and you stink. All the time. You stink and your mouth is yellow. So cool. He's so cool. And you're going to die young, but you're so cool.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Ah, so cool. Yellow fast dog. I love kissing him. I love just tongue kissing day. Yeah, you guys never kissed me before. I started smoking. No, you can't keep editing. I can't get out of it. I can't get out of it. Oh, I know half our audience do love smoking the old tobacco and we're
Starting point is 01:07:12 only mucking around. You guys are cool. Yeah. What do you mean we're only mucking around? I'm cool. That was sincere. Raya continued, his mom was impulsive, scrappy and unflapable. These are great qualities for someone who completely unflappable a man who was bullied into taking a plane also and who's flapping his wings over the fucking pacific if i understand correctly i've only read about it i've seen any foot so ball
Starting point is 01:07:41 no i just like i like uh... i like unflappable as a, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, Iulsive, scrappy and unflippable, seemingly incapable of losing his nerve, no matter what went wrong. Unless, of course, there was peak repression. Then he goes, I'm fine! Fine, I'm not a worse. I'm not! As might be expected, the tremend fearless fly's hair was constantly windswept. This hint of dishevelment was counted by a small, neat, and fashionable toothbrush moustache that Jensen kept neatly trimmed
Starting point is 01:08:30 in the style favored by celebrity comedians like Charlie Chaplin and Oliver Hardy. And no one else I'm pretty sure. A Chaplin moustache. Yes. Yes. I find this Chaplin. Chaplin. Wow. I looked it up, Hitler already was wearing that moustache in the 20s, but I guess you, when did he become a big deal, Dave? When was he sort of famous? Well, I was used as an artist.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Yeah. Selling paintings, very famous. Famous is the wrong word, isn't it? Infamous? Infamous. Yeah, a little bit later. So it's probably fine that Charlie Chaplin had it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:59 But it was weird when Michael Jordan had it. Yeah. He looked already. He was like Chaplinman was way out. Yeah. They say, oh, you still like Chapman movies? Yeah, great. But I want, I'm vaguely remembering
Starting point is 01:09:12 that Hitler might have ever been a fan of Chapman. Is that where he got the first stash? I don't know. Fossilary Tree looked forward to the tweets. According to Conan, Jensen's plane, the yellow har, was a lemon yellow monoplane with a pink flower- lay painted around the nose.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Love that. I think it just sounds beautiful. Sense, so I was a painter this way just for this Hawaiian event. I think a lot of the, I think it was named a low har and every, I think most of these planes, you know, at least been put together for the race or modified for the race or whatever. Gotcha. I went on Pint My Ride exhibit.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Pint there, there, babies. I'm assuming Pimp My Ride exhibit. Pimp their babies. I'm assuming that could be wrong. There's a TV and a hot tub in the back. Ah! We've replaced the engine with seven Xbox 360. It doesn't matter, man. But, yeah, thanks so much. One would have been...
Starting point is 01:09:56 You and the boys are going to have a great time at the box. Look out the window. Plane will catch fire in about 20 minutes. The plane was purchased by Jensen after his wife Margaret managed to raise 15 grand in a frantic last minute effort in Hawaii. God bless that darling wife of mine who cried when he learned of the financial success. What frantic was he running from house now? I said, I need a plane!
Starting point is 01:10:20 Yeah. I think she was just raising cash from everywhere. He said, I've got to make it now. I'll make it or I'll die in the attempt. So, and apparently he was getting money. Someone was trying to send, a market was sent money over to him via a courier on the day, like the last 300 bucks money
Starting point is 01:10:40 he owed to the mechanics. And the courier, the security weren't letting him in. He's like, no, I'm the money man for one of your flyers. I need to give him this money and it took him all day apparently to get past security. I'm like, what a career. I know, like, so often a career would be like, I almost knocked. They don't send me home. I'll leave that note saying come collect it. There was two people home all day at my house yesterday and I got a text message saying, your package is awaiting collection.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Yeah, yeah. And then post office up the road, why don't you go get it? And I fuck you. And not in 27, they have in punch-hons with security just to get to you. I'm gonna bring someone some cash. So Jensen's Navigator was a seafaring man
Starting point is 01:11:24 named Captain Paul Schluter. And you might be thinking a seafaring man named Captain Paul Schluter and you might be thinking a seafaring man. We're going above it. That won't make for a great navigator in an airplane race and you'd be correct. Next up there was the Miss Doran and despite their trouble with a lack of tools they ended up making it to the start line with Pilot Peddler Navigator Noob and the titular mildred Doran. Mildred. Oklahoma, a sister ship of Woolerock piloted by Bennett Griffin, former army flyer,
Starting point is 01:11:53 with Al Henley as the navigator, was the final of the eight, I believe. Is that that a good way? So, Oklahoma, Miss Doran. Aloha. You've got. I'm not. Aloha, Golden Eagle, and you've got Woolerock. That's five. That's five. Oh no. No, there's more. I'll tell you about them now. Let me tell you about the Oklahoma first. Like many of the other entrants, Oklahoma hit trouble before even reaching the start line. Got an Orion, Griffin and Heavenly had
Starting point is 01:12:24 hoped to fly the nearly 1500 miles from Oklahoma to California in a single hop, essentially staging a dry run of their upcoming trip to Hawaii. But at takeoff, they lost a wheel. And then several rivets sprung loose on their plane, later after somehow landing safely and restarting with repaired landing gear,
Starting point is 01:12:41 they didn't lose their tools. Oklahoma was forced down at the border between Arizona and California on account of overheated exhaust pipes that threatened to burn the plane. After making more repairs, the duo continued up the California coast to Santa Monica where fog grounded their plane. Finally though, they arrived in Oakland in time for the race.
Starting point is 01:13:01 So they'd be feeling pretty confident. I got stopped three times. Yeah, which you can't do over an ocean. No. It's like that. If the plane starts to catch fire, what do you do? Yeah. Don't you feel like that into the ocean, Dave? What's the mortal enemy of fire? Water? Why is it an idiot? Wales. You know what the perfect plane would be? Seat plane. Yeah. Get blue from... Oh my gosh, why did they think I had that? I thought nobody would get a sea plane.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Balloon from, what's that show that you guys would have ever heard of? Tailspin. Tailspin. Get balloon from talisman to fly. You would have done it easy. Yeah, if I could sea plane then you want to stop and have a nap or something, you can. Oh my gosh, go for a fish, have some lunch. It's delightful.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Take off again. Yeah, foolish. Yeah, it does seem silly now that you mentioned that. They're going across an ocean, use a sea plane. Yeah, all better seem silly now that you mentioned that they're going across an ocean use a seaplane Yeah, oh better. Why don't you use a boat? Yeah, you know, it was a little propeller on it. It's heaps of them They're heaps of it. Even back then. Yeah, they're accessible get both But yeah, I can't believe that I think there was there was something back then about and probably still today I guess but something about pride like no I've said I'm going to do it. This plane does not seem like it'll make it but I said I'll
Starting point is 01:14:08 do it. All right. I have this big farewell in my hometown. Yeah I better die. Yeah. Oh well I would rather die than go back there having not died. That does seem like that's the vibe for a lot of these. Oh you're back either. You made it. We didn't die. Just the fact that their pilots in these days means they're not risk-averse, right? Because it's a very new technology, super dangerous. But yeah, even with logic on their side going, this plane is not up to it.
Starting point is 01:14:38 They're like, well, we made it. Let's go. Next up was the Dallas Spirit, flown by Captain William P. Irwin, another World War I vet and navigated by Alvin Eckfeldt of Hayward, a one-time Navy seaman who survived three ship explosions during the war. Yeah, but how many plane explosions?
Starting point is 01:14:59 Yeah, that's it. It hasn't survived any of them, is he? Not. Why is he? You don't know. Strike three for planes, but he's a for them, has he? Not. Or has he? You don't know. I don't know. Strike three for planes, but he's a foe boat, but zero for planes. So he's like, you've got a clean record.
Starting point is 01:15:10 So again. Enemy, he survived them all as well. He'd be feeling like, I can't be. I'm bullproof. I can't be done by both. An explosion proof. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Two of the best proofs to be. From 101 proof like my bourbon whiskey. He was awesome in alcohol.
Starting point is 01:15:28 It helped. That was what the explosion did happen. Drinking on the job. I caught an Orion Irwin unveiled his airplane from beneath a white cloth during a ceremony in front of 10,000 Texans. So he's got a huge crowd just sending him off. A white cloth people like what could be under there? Like this airport. An elephant.
Starting point is 01:15:49 He's gonna fly an elephant. Wow, it's just a plane. Yeah, it's a classic sort of uncle joke at Christmas, when you're a kid. Oh, you know, it's clearly a shape of a cricket bat. And they're like, oh, I've heard it's a book. Yeah. No, John.
Starting point is 01:16:04 No, it's not a book. So, you unveiled the plan under a cloth. The governor of Texas and the mayor of Dallas were both on hand to Prezu and before a band played at the Star Spangled Banner and the silver and green Dallas spirit was undraped. It was a big event. All right, you see that happening? You think, all right, I'm gonna get there. I'm gonna die. They're the only two options.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Yeah. I can't go back after that. The mayor of the governor's come out. Yeah. He's like, oh, yeah, had a little engine trouble. So we just pulled out. I just thought, we better. Erwin's journey to start that,
Starting point is 01:16:42 and on these guys, I believe we're just seeing the trip to Hawaii as their first thing, they were going to go on to win some more money on some other first time flight after that. Sad high ups, they're like, yeah, the first bit, just, yeah, go a flat away, get that done and then we'll go on. Like a full circuit going on. Yeah, there's a few other things happening. And it's amazing how confident they were that they could just hop around the globe already. Everyone's journey to the start line was also perilous,
Starting point is 01:17:08 and he said after arriving that the hardest part was over, just getting to the start line, that's the hard part. And that he'd prefer to fly over oceans than from Texas to California. Cup that, oh, it's in between. Next we have L and canto, the metal monoplane of Navy lieutenants Norman A. Goddard and Kenneth C. Hawkins of San Diego, a beautiful plane and one of the pre-race favorites. And finally, the papco flyer, whose pilot, Major Livingston Irving of Berkeley, chose to fly alone, Sans Navigator. He's like, who's going to He's got to wave me down. Yeah, he went the other way. So one plane's taken a passenger.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Yeah. He's like, ah, why didn't he take the passenger? Yeah. What, you got spare seat back there? Yeah, that's true. Come on. Yeah, I wonder if he chose to go solo. He's like, I can navigate and I'll just save a bit of weight. I don't know. He's just a little bit extra fuel on board instead.
Starting point is 01:18:03 There's just a lone wolf. Yeah. It's hate's people. Oh my god, he's like, I work alone. Yeah. Yeah, they keep trying to assign him a partner. He's the grizzled old. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:13 While it is seen everything. Yeah, I don't do partners. I got nothing against you. But I work alone. Also, I'm troubled in my love life. I'm talking about my love life. I'm talking about that to you. You brought it up.
Starting point is 01:18:30 I actually haven't got a word in you. I got to spell my guts. I'm having a lot of trouble at home. I'm sorry to hear that. I need some advice, can I? Can we just keep this relationship professional? Let's go to the diner. No, I'm actually, I've brought lunch.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Okay. And I'm gonna go also work a lot over here. I forgot, I had a anniversary. Okay. I'm just gonna head to the kitchenette. My phone's ringing. Wait, do I have the shift starts? I've gotta go.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Please, I need a friend. No, no. So alone. I might feed a BL Dave. He's gonna be so weird. Why am I getting weird as I get older? Well, so far, that's how it's tracking. Hi, icons. It's Danny Pellegrino from the Pop Culture Podcast, everything iconic, and I love Nordstrom.
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Starting point is 01:20:24 So we've got eight planes. Who are they, name of all names? No. Oklahoma. Oklahoma's one. Aloha. That's two. Golden Seagull.
Starting point is 01:20:37 That's right. Will Rock is one you probably won't remember? Dallas something. Dallas, spirit of Dallas. Yep. Oklahoma's. I said Oklahoma. Have you say Golden Eagle?
Starting point is 01:20:45 Yes. Fuck. Then of course, are you forgetting the old... Old... Mistore. Mistore, I'm a historian. Yeah, we know bestore, and that's a main character, surely. And then there's also, of course,
Starting point is 01:21:00 L and Hanto. Which is one of the, great, right? And that's one of the favorites, the Metal One. Yeah, beautiful playing. But you didn't say much about it. So other than there's a favorite, it's Metal. Okay. And the Papto Fly.
Starting point is 01:21:12 And which is the one? Well, don't. Okay, I've got a scroll so far back to figure that out. You know how big is text is. I've got three words on the screen at any one time. What are you asking me? I think my favorite is the stunt man. Let's not worry about it, it'll come up.
Starting point is 01:21:34 The stunt man, yes, yes, yes, which one? I see you know your stunt man. You can't even remember him, we meant to remember him. The one who flew for the 13 by cats. Love that guy. That was gobble in the wall. Yes, artigable. Artigable with Navigata Lieutenant, William V. Davis Jr.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Alright, that's my prediction, just to have a prediction. No, just want to see what happens. Yeah, fine, I'll take that bit. A lowhouse, my favorite, just because it seems like it's cute and yellow and... Yep. But obviously I want Miss Doran to do well, but also I've never heard the name before, so... No, either. I was so in big fan of De La One Wolf. Yeah, I hope he makes it.
Starting point is 01:22:15 We know. I see a lot of myself in that character. You are. Somebody who needs people around. More than anybody else I know. Please don't leave me alone, not with my thoughts. Oh my gosh. I love to be alone wolf, but around plenty of people.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Alone wolf, in a big pack of wolves. We can all do our own thing, but they are barred. Yeah, that's right, just sit near me. Touch my leg with your leg. I need to know you there. But shut up, shut up. But touch me. Oh, but the sound of your breathing. I know it, no, it's someone's there. It's very, it's very soothing. How's it going to nickname for you, the Pabco flyer, the lone wolf? I want my nickname to be Miss Doran.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Or the flying school mom, as she was also known. She was a teacher. Some people dubbed her the flying school world. Again, all the nicknames were available. Sorry, I'm just heaving into a paper bag. I like to think I feel like she just quit her job midterm. Yeah. She's like, I was a race. See ya. I'm in. And the kids are like, how do I multiply?
Starting point is 01:23:28 I also like that the race hasn't started and we've been going for an hour and a half. That's, that's exciting. That's kind of my classic form lately. And then the race itself will talk about for five minutes. Yeah, that's not far off the truth either. Ha ha ha. According to Ryan, all eight planes were powered by the same type of motor that pushed
Starting point is 01:23:47 the bird of paradise and the city of Oakland across the Pacific. Feet. They're the two that... Pedals, like... Yeah, pedal power. Yes, the type of... Feet, like... Like your feet, like that, like a...
Starting point is 01:23:58 I don't even be like feet reanna or something, but... But I mean for them, before they all... like feet, Rihanna or something. But. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! But I mean for them, before they all, they're half the feel a crush on the way there. The two people that have attempted it, all the two groups have made it. Yes, that's right. Peace of piss. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:17 It's the flying over land that's proved to be good. Yeah. So the kind of motor was the reliable the reliable right whirlwind J5. All these planes flew on a single wing, apart from Miss Doron, the only biplane in the race. In an effort to minimize. There was also a try. There was one that had three wings that pissed me off. And it didn't make the style. Oh, that's right. But where does the third wing go? I think it's just on top of it. Yeah, they're stack them. So the biplane is the double. Yeah, it's not. Yeah, I'm thinking.
Starting point is 01:24:45 So you were thinking of the mono, the mono- I'm thinking this is the one we got the other one. And two on the other. And I was like, that's fucking dumb. We're gonna be flying in loops. We can only fly left. I was like, that doesn't make sense. I understand now.
Starting point is 01:24:56 But that means you thought the biplane was the two, which Miss Doran was the only one, and the rest of them had one wing. No, no, no, I thought all the others had a pair of wings. Yes. And she had two. Two, right. But three, I was like, well, that doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Yeah. Kind of just with a, so that, look, that's a me problem. That's a me. It's not the two meant four, and you thought the three meant three. Correct. Yes. So that's, but the two did mean four. Two meant four.
Starting point is 01:25:20 The three meant six. Yes, that's correct. Yeah, yeah. I can see where you went wrong. I'll load up to that one, that was on me. That was on me. In an effort to minimize the chance of failure, race officials set forth a number of requirements
Starting point is 01:25:33 to be met before takeoff. Pilots were required to undergo a physical examination and submit their flying credentials for review. Yeah, this race was run by pervs. Just stand there, do a little turn. Nice. You're in. Answer my behalf. Hold it.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Take your pants off. Very good. Now let me take your pants off. Now take my pants off. A navigators had to fly a compass course above the Bay Area to demonstrate their abilities. But as race day quickly approached, few of the airplanes were qualified to compete. The majority of the competitors had only arrived in Oakland in the last few days, and their planes were in need of repairs after tough flights across the country or up the California
Starting point is 01:26:23 coast. The HACI atmosphere worried race officials in San Francisco so much that on the eve of the flight they cabled James Doyle, the pineapple king, and their race committee counterparts in Honolulu recommending the race be postponed. The planes and participants which have thus far presented themselves are not now properly equipped or qualified, said the San Francisco race committee To start August 12th the scheduled date would present hazards never contemplated by the donor or the committee and the result could easily be unfavorable Privately committee chairman CW Saunders used much stronger language like fricking and bloody
Starting point is 01:27:02 language like fricking and bloody. You can't do it. Apparently he said it would be nothing short of suicide to start the race. Nothing short of bloody suicide. But hours before the noontime race was to begin, San Francisco officials received a message from the islands. The doll air race would go on. Race officials in Honolulu decided to ignore the recommendation from their California counterparts. Prize money was now available
Starting point is 01:27:31 to the first person to fly nonstop to Hawaii. And is it like they think they're unprepared or they just haven't had time to do these tests? Both. I think the planes are still there still trying to get them together. But they also haven't tested to make sure the navigators are up to the job. They only have half a wing. But luckily the pilots came together and just before the race was going to start, the competitors themselves decided to delay the start of the race for a few days. Corner Ryan, rather than have a chaotic and controversial beginning to the race, for which many planes and their occupants had still not officially qualified, the pilots struck
Starting point is 01:28:11 a gentleman's agreement to delay it for four days. The dull Derby, or Derby if they decided, would now begin at noon on Tuesday, August 16, 1927. Every pilot signed on to the agreement, So it's delayed by a few days. And why take off a noon? That's a good question. You know, why not? So then you wake up early, you can't sleep. You wake up early, you got all that time to kill. I think a lot of it was all boarding your flight. A lot of it was sort of designed around when they derive in Hawaii for the crowds when when our dolls there. Yeah, so I guess they didn't want them to arrive too early.
Starting point is 01:28:45 And also, like baggage chaos. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah. They'll go through customs, probably. Yeah, I'd rather get to the airport early and have time for a coffee. Just enjoy the lounge. Yeah, enjoy the lounge.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Yeah, likes feet up. Yeah, so that's how you and I had different days. You never enjoy the lounge. You're part of that lounge life now. Yeah, and you're part of the lounge life. I'm part of the lounge life. Bloody hell. You love to lounge. Frequent fly, yeah. But also, when you fly domestically and you can like rock up fairly, like you don't have to get there hours and hours early. The lounge feels a bit pointless. Yeah. It's like I'd be getting there early just so I could go to the lounge. I think
Starting point is 01:29:22 it's a lounge any night. I've never been in one is it nicer than like it your lounge? Yeah, nice than my like living room. Yeah, absolutely not. Doesn't have all my stuff there. Yeah, it's got my stuff though. Dave's moved into like a lounge. You have paid for a storage locker in the lounge. Okay, that works.
Starting point is 01:29:39 I think we got a plus one if you want me to take you in today man. We're going to fly to Brisbane today. Holy shit, I can see the inside of a lounge. Yeah. That would be awesome. Last time I said, shippling my mic, because it's the first time I'd ever been to a lounge, you get to make your own toasted sandwiches and what? Pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Next you'll be telling me that I'm not much station. I'm not station. You can make your own toasted sandwich at home. I'm not allowed. Got a crater mess. His sandwich maker, his jaffvelin license was revoked. That's fair. That's exciting.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Something to look forward to. Yeah, holy shit. Very cool. We will be going to the airport four hours early to make. Yeah, I've got to re-cook the cost of this. My YouTube probably knows that. I mean, my preferred way to fly is to rock up, walk onto the plane. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:25 You know, I don't really get the hanging out for hours beforehand. No. But I've done it a few times lately, accidentally. We've got the time wrong. I'm like, I mean, you're an hour early. This is not bad. Get some food. An hour was fine. Play Wordal. Take my time. Have a leisurely boy. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Anyway, so the delay in the start meant there was extra time for competitors to get their planes in order, but race day soon arrived. An article at the time in the San Francisco Examiner wrote that the event was the greatest race in the history of the world. Wow. San Francisco to Honolulu by air. The biggest sporting event ever since the Roman Gladiators went into the arena. Wow.
Starting point is 01:31:15 A score of man and one woman playing on a tenuous line between laugh and death. Okay, so now she's a woman. So that's the point where you become a woman. Yes. Is when you sit in an airplane, somebody else she's a woman. So that's the point where you become a woman. Yes. Is when you sit in a plane and somebody else flies across the Pacific. Great. Have you ever done that?
Starting point is 01:31:32 I think so. I mean, I don't see oceans. Just see one big ocean as you know. But I'm assuming I had to cross some of the Pacific to get to and from. And someone else was flying. Why that's right. How are you? An island in the forest group of islands in the middle of the Pacific to get to and from. And someone else was flying. Well, that's right. Hawaii, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:46 And Ireland in the, or a group of islands in the middle of the Pacific. So surely at some point. Surely. I was a top the Pacific. Surely. Don't we also border the Pacific down around the East Coast?
Starting point is 01:31:57 Yes. And what are we on the west? Yes. Southern Ocean. Indian Ocean. Southern Ocean below. What do we get above? Doesn't matter. All right. You were doing really well
Starting point is 01:32:06 though Dave. I just assumed you'd have all those answers for me. I have it. It's killing him that he doesn't know. I had team or see. It's okay. I answered you. He went quiet and got really nervous. Because you're I mean your adiography buff because I'm the woman there. You are congratulation. I don't win. That's when, yeah, is that something with the way my card? Is in the mail. Your W card? I've still waiting waiting for that Mr. Card coming any day now. Still a master on one of my credit cards. I can't believe it. I think this is it is funny that Conant seems to be the other one I called her a girl, but yeah, it's 22-year-old. She's flying Yeah across a body of water that's never been flown across until a few weeks ago
Starting point is 01:32:55 She's a fucking woman, right? But I love how hyperbulous if that's a word it's probably not, but is that stuff about the Roman Gladiator? Yeah, oh, so good. So good. Uh, according to Ryan, the night before the race, some competitors slept more sadly than others. Jensen and Navigator Schluter had spent the night at the Clifft Hotel in San Francisco. Schluter couldn't catch a wink of sleep and pace the hotel room all night. But Jensen slept solidly, waking up, energised and giddy, leaving the hotel the next morning with 16 sandwiches packed into a bag for the flight
Starting point is 01:33:28 Finally no plans to eat them. They were just in case So strange The upbeat pilot crowed okay, but just in case would they eat them or they were To be like projectiles in case 16 sandwiches. Strange. It's a strange amount. It's a 25 hour flight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:52 You know, like, it's not like, oh, if we get lost, it could take days because it can't. You run out of fuel. That most you're going to be flying for like 20, 20 hours. Eat some sandwiches. Yeah. But it's funny that he didn't really plan on eating him. That's so funny. I filled him with stuff I hate. It's a very workable thing.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Gravel. Gravel sandwiches. Better protect our. Better protect our. Better protect our. Anyway, that was odd. In case there was another bird trying to attack their never getting crows. Yeah, for ducks or something. So yeah, he was
Starting point is 01:34:28 chirpy in the morning and apparently he said to the front desk clerks at the hotel as he was leaving. I'm a homing pigeon going home. I'm a homing pigeon going home. What a strange thing to say. He's lost his wall. He's like, okay sir. Is there with his 16th share, which is under his arm? How was the stay sir? I'm a homing pigeon going home.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Very good sir. Okay. So it doesn't red that I started picturing old Australian politician, Christopher Pine. I'm a fixer. I fix things. I'm a homing pigeon. fix things. I'm a hoping pigeon, go home. Good.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Ah. His confidence was just as pronounced at the airport. When asked if he had bought life insurance or made a will in preparation for the flight, Jensen asked, what the hell for? For life, what do you mean? What for? He's never heard of life insurance.
Starting point is 01:35:22 He's like, what's that for? Anyway, gotta go, anyway. Why do I need life insurance. It's like, what's that for anyway, gotta go anyway. Why do I need life insurance? I'm about to die. I need death insurance. It is nice that we call it life insurance, but it is essential. I have a lot of real life insurance.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Yeah, it's nice. But I don't know why, but when I read that, I read that in your voice, Dave. It feels like a real Dave phrase. What the hell for? What the hell for? I'm a remake bitch and I'm going home. I've got a picture of the Christopher Barnes,
Starting point is 01:35:53 it was a, wow, thank you. I don't mean that. I don't mean that. He's way funny. The first point I take off was Oklahoma. The massive crowd cheered. The doll race had finally begun. Woo!
Starting point is 01:36:10 Next up was Elle and Kanto. I'll let Ryan tell you how there take off went. Oh, this is the favorite, the metal one. Yes, that's right, the beautiful metal plane. Shiny Silver, I picture. Okay. Elle Kanto was wheeled into place at the start line. At 12.03 pm, the silver plane tore down the runway. Poloted at takeoff by its navigator, Kenneth Hawkins,
Starting point is 01:36:32 who possessed a set of controls in the rear cabin. Hawkins had a superior view of the takeoff from his cabin, as well as better control of the rudder. So it's weird to pilot into the takeoff, but... The navigator does the takeoff? No, it's a practical reason for that. But as El and Canto gained speed and lifted slightly in the air, it was buffeted by a gusting crosswind that caused the plane to falter.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Oh no. Returning to the runway, the plane hit a bump, tilted to one side and veered sharply towards a group of newspaper men standing along the sidelines of the runway. The journalist scrambled to evade the out of control plane, with some reporters falling flat on their stomachs to avoid being swept by El Encanto's wings. The plane narrowly missed the newspaper man and then entered a ground loop, turning so sharply that its left wing dipped to the ground and crumpled.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Meanwhile, the plane's landing gear tore away from the fuselage, causing El Encanto to plow nose-first into the dirt runway. Its motor burying itself as the plane ground to a violent halt. Miraculously, the large fuel tank which bulged below the fuselage did not explode. Moments later, Goddard and Hawkins crawled out of the wreckage and waved to an astonished crowd. Signalling, they were without injury. The took a bow. I meant that. Ta-da!
Starting point is 01:37:50 Oh dear. Oh dear. They may pull out an envelope and it says, we crashed on purpose. Yeah. Goddard extended both arms upward in a gesture of surrender, a pain smile across his face. L and canto, for which the Englishman
Starting point is 01:38:07 that sold his airport in San Diego would not be flying to Hawaii if ever again. He sold his airport. He sold an airport. So why? It's a plane that stacked on a runway. He sold an airport chest. All right, yeah, that detail.
Starting point is 01:38:22 There's a little bit in there. That tea, that tea tail just slips in there and you're like, he was so stunned and saddened. He could not speak. Hawkins found some words which he grumbled while tears fell from his eyes saying, I would rather have crashed in mid-ocean than to have had this happened. Yeah, men are odd. What's wrong with men? I'd like to say these men are odd. I feel like Dave and I would prefer to have this happen. Oh, these are real not all men kind of go. Well, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Just in case you think I'd prefer to die. That's what I can't. That's what I can't. There's a bit slightly embarrassed. Which is what you're saying. I know, it's so weird. It's so weird. It's so strange.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Then their wives consoled them before. Ellen Cantos' pilot and Navigator started to bicker and a signed blame to each other for the crash. Honey, I would rather never have seen you again and see you right now. He said that's so weird. I just said what? Yeah, amazing.
Starting point is 01:39:18 And then they start fighting. But it shows the mindset and because the Navigator was in control and the takeoff, that would have led to like the pilot be like, you just had to get in the air. And then I was going to do the rest. But the Navigator was the Englishman, right? The one who sold, I think when you said it earlier, the Navigator was the one who sold his airport.
Starting point is 01:39:37 So that's interesting. Mm. The stakes were higher for him in a lot of ways. And it's, yeah, it's just, it's funny, like surely afterwards, because, you know, I think I've foreshadowed enough that some of these people are gonna die. In the end, surely they were like,
Starting point is 01:39:53 well, I lived a life that went beyond my 20s or early 30s. Surely that little stack while embarrassing, in the end was probably a blessing. Probably okay. Or maybe the part of Condra was death going, if you just got in the air, I would have got us to Hawaii. I would have got that glory. I would have crashed us in the middle of the ocean, like real men.
Starting point is 01:40:16 That was the plan. We would have plunged to a fiery wet death, like men. Yes. Like real men. Yes. Like real men. Real men get sopping. Instead, here I am having photos with my grandchildren. Yuck. Disgusting.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Who wouldn't have existed? What kind of weak man am I? Next up was the Pabco Flyer. This is Dave, flown by solo,, Irving, the lone wolf. He took off, but only momentarily, and ended up getting bogged in Marsland, a mere mile or so from the starting line. Hey, don't help dig me out.
Starting point is 01:40:56 I could do this myself. It's a little bit of mud, don't matter. Work it out. Okay, well as long as you're okay, then I'll head back to the airport. Actually, if you get a tractor, that'll really help. So I got here, but then I stopped.
Starting point is 01:41:11 I'm like, I'm driving back. I think I've made it up with my wife. You can picture the navigator that was trying to say, hey, I'll navigate for you. Been like, now we're gonna want a navigator to do a wife and a dog. It's that funny. It's stuck on him. You fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Oh, so is that easy? He flew directly into a ball. No, he was, he was gonna get it out and try and try again. Oh, okay. Then came the Golden Eagle. According to Conan, Jack Frost, we didn't ever mention that. Isn't that Jack Frost? Jack Frost, an incredible.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Jack Frost plane gave the spectators a big thrill. True to pre-race form, the sleek enhancement ship got off smoothly and went streaking off to the west. A big roar went up for the trim and able craft. A mistore in the next in line looked almost pathetic by contrast. Battered, flimsy and clumsy. The little biplane managed to rise, but no spectator was surprised when it came back in just 10 minutes. So I went out, hit a bit of trouble, flew back to the airport.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Oklahoma came back to something ripped in its fuselage over San Francisco and a crew figured it was better to be safe and sorry. Yeah. It might be too late in the episode to check. Am I saying fuselage, right? I think so. Or fuselage, yeah. In the ballpark.
Starting point is 01:42:22 People know what I mean. Yeah. It was the same for Dallas spirit. Yeah, or fuselage, yeah. In the ballpark, people know what I mean. Yeah. It was the same for Dallas spirit. They took off, but something was wrong with their tail assembly. So Irwin and Aquifelt flew back. These are the two that had three problems just to get to the stadium. Right. And now they've had a problem within like two minutes.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Yeah. It's a surprise. How many 25 hours to go? Jess's Fave, Aloha, got off or I? Yes, Aloha. I did Woolerock with the Black Cat pilot. Yeah, Goal Bull. Go, Goal Bull. Two of the false starters tried again, Miss Doran and Pabco flyer.
Starting point is 01:42:59 The latter cracked up for the second time. This is the lone wolf. And that was it for him, sorry. I'll have it straight back into the bog. Yeah. up for the second time, the load wolf, and that was it for him. So, yeah. I'll have you straight back into the bog. Yeah. The same freaking bog. That's it.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Good thing you left your shovel there. Oh, I got it. Oh, I got it. All right, bog, you can have it. I'm done with you. You watch, Greg. That is a very funny image. Just drawing it back to the bog.
Starting point is 01:43:34 So, yeah, so, Papco Fly was out. Loan Wolf was done. He was through. But Miss Doran Rowe slowly went on out and disappeared into the distance. Miss Doran was on its way. Disappeared in a good way. Oh.
Starting point is 01:43:49 So it was carnage on the start line, basically. For all the hyphen excitement of a big field of competitors, there was 15 to start with, then eight finally made the start line. But when the race actually happened, only four planes remained in the air for any decent amount of time. Wow. The race actually happened only four planes remained in the air for any decent amount of time. Wow. Golden Eagle, Miss Doran, Aloha, and Woola Rock.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Come on, Aloha. Woola Rock is global. Woola Rock is global. Go, go, ball. What just happened to you? Woola Rock is global. Sorry, doing this voice is really fucking me. I'm a non-wealthal.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Luckily, the world's beaker, the world's out of the race. Well, I'm muckily because I enjoyed the cake. That was a lot of fun. I liked how quickly it was, in fact, not a lone wolf. Yeah. Wait, come back. The petrol loose for some.
Starting point is 01:44:36 No, no, please. It's just a coping mechanism. I need this. I do that just not be lonely. Backfiring. But yeah, I was interesting. Your two were two of the four that your two picks. According to Ryan, Miss Doran flew across the bay, past San Francisco and the Golden Gate before reaching the Pacific Ocean. At about three in the afternoon, the by plane was seen
Starting point is 01:44:59 passing the Farrell on islands. The last specks of earth, the crew would encounter until landing in Hawaii. Escort Plains, spied peddler sitting in the pilots cockpit, his straw hat atop his head in the rear of the plane, sat Lieutenant Noep, and the famous Doran. The flying school mom, as some dubbed her, gave a friendly wave as the escorted planes, as the escort planes dipped their wings in a final salute and turned back to the California coast. Sorry, I just can't help but feel like some of the planes couldn't even take off.
Starting point is 01:45:29 And yet, this is escort planes. This is where the round next to them waving, hello, we're able to take off no worries. It reminds you a bit of the one of our very early episodes Birken Will. Yes, I thought of the two. They're trying to do this big, they're trying to get from South to North Australia for the first year of're trying to do this big, they're trying to get from South to
Starting point is 01:45:45 North Australia for, you know, the first Europeans to do it. And the marriage, the male carriage was zooming back and forth past it. Passing them, giving them, giving them male. So yeah, other planes, easily taking off, waving off waving awesome have a good one. I guess the thing would be they don't have these big heavy fuel tanks. I guess which is is one of the things that made these planes who are coming back so quickly very dangerous. So they're landing with these still super full very flammable tanks of fuel.
Starting point is 01:46:21 So all those ones that came back to land and didn't blow up, they were all like, oh, that's actually kind of a positive bit of luck for once in this race. Yeah, so they had made it at least that far. That was when the the escort planes last saw them. Martin Jensen and Paul Schluter, I love the name Schluter, had passed the Fowlones more than an hour earlier in the Schluter, I love the name Schluter, had passed the Fowl owns more than an hour earlier in the Aloha, tearing across the sky at 100 miles per hour. Like as fast as my old Ford Falcon could go, you know? Allegedly, I never, obviously never pushed it that far. Obviously. That would be very unsafe.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Irresponsible. And illegal. And probably would shudder in a way like maybe these planes might. While Woolerock and Golden Eagle had elected to fly above the thick fog, a thick fog blanking in the Pacific, Jensen deferred to his navigator, Schluter. Thick vlog is your nickname. So, yeah, so Jensen Deferdo is Navigator Schluter, who I don't know if you remember is a seaman. Yes, he went, did he go, go along the water. Yes, he did. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:47:42 He said everyone else is flying above the fog. Schluter is like, when we fly below the fog, I need to see the water to be out of navigate. I know a shortcut. Oh, yeah, it's it. Jensen said before the race, I have a ship's navigator for the flight. To direct us, he has to be within a hundred feet of sea levels. So funny. Well, then he's not the right person for that job then. No, how do I reckon he is? I have to see the sea. Yeah, I need to be able to taste it. This nearly led to disaster when Jensen got distracted and then very nearly stacked his plane into a ship called the SS Silver Fert.'s like, give me close to that ship.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Follow that ship. Yeah, basically you try to like, binoculars look at their navigation. You gonna why? Follow you. He's stacked. Into a ship. He's stacked his plane. I don't know, like how big is a ship?
Starting point is 01:48:40 10, 12 feet. He's got the whole ocean. He crashed into a ship. Luckily, he only spotted it the last minute and was able to pull up and avoid it. That wasn't the only issue the yellow half-faced. Unfortunately Bob, it had a really rough trip. The plane's fuel system was hastily built,
Starting point is 01:48:59 which didn't leave enough time for proper testing. Early in the flight, they lost about 20 gallons of fuel due to excessive pressure in the fuel feed. Later, the oil feed went dry. So, Jensen, the pilot, is piloting the plane. While he's doing that, he's also having to use his mouth to physically blow oil through the system while Schluter at the other end released the valve.
Starting point is 01:49:21 So, I had to do this all man. There was all that. Does that mean take a shit? No, he's a gentleman. Sluda. No, no, no, no. They had to repeat this process multiple times during the flight. And to just to say, like on the pulley line, Hey, I'm about to blow some oil down. Can you release the valve, you know, sending a note down on the on the clothesline,
Starting point is 01:49:41 basically, would have been handy to dry clothes as well, I guess, all this in an open top plane, the deafening noise of down on the clothesline basically. Would have been handy to dry clothes as well, I guess. All this in an open top plane, the deafening noise of the motor and the wind, obviously it would have been such a full-on experience. You're focusing on so many things at once, in this relatively new technology, the plane. I mean, that, you know, that was good pilots and stuff, but yeah, absolutely hectic. They never flown that far, and on top of that, the plane is malfunctioning. They're having it. Oh my god. Just start doing all these things manually,
Starting point is 01:50:11 and just luckily they understand, you know, the motor. I would have been like, huh, it's dry there. Well, I guess that's death. Aiming for the ship, I'm going to take them out with me. I'm aiming for the ship. I'm going to take them out with me. Due to this and other mechanical faults, Schluter believed they would crash into the ocean at any moment. So he was prepared. The whole flight, he was ready to crash. To be prepared, he stripped down nearly naked, with his shoes off and the lifecalf to the ready. He's like, I'm going to, I'm about to be in the water at any second now. I'm getting down to the box of shorts. Why? Feels like, you know, because clothes all lay you down. Yeah, but you, but also is like,
Starting point is 01:50:54 because then I'll turn into my mermaid form. Mermaid's don't need pants. Just that water. Whatever that show. Thanks to. Shluta stopped giving Jensen directions during the trip, as it turned out, as well as needing the ocean for directions. He didn't really know how to use much of the plan's navigational equipment, and with visibility low, he's just like, so the Lo-Hard plowed straight ahead, even though it was likely they should be course correcting constantly due to the conditions Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:51:27 Wind blowing off course all those sort of things. He should be tracking that and going all right We need to correct it one degree Whatever he's just like I don't know so just stop sending directions Didn't you have to do a test to prove that he knew how to use the stuff? Yeah, but in clear conditions around the bay. Oh, and he's just going he's looking at the the bag going yep there's the city yeah there's the city there it is yeah yeah yeah like I say I some say the testing wasn't rigorous enough hmm uh Jensen was also no longer the cocky pilot that started the race he's a guy
Starting point is 01:52:00 going I'm a home impugin no he was scared and regretting even being involved. Cockpit pilot. The cockpit pilot is no longer a cocky. He was no longer a cocky pit pilot. He was a cockpit pilot. You know, you should be shot. I like it. You have a guy, so.
Starting point is 01:52:17 That was beautiful. I thought the delivery where you didn't at all believe in it. I whispered it. I still said it. I whispered it and I said it still said it. I whispered it. And I said it too late. The best kind of delivery of a joke. You've been hanging around me too long.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I agree. Oh. They flew through the night with many near crashes. Nothing was going right for the crew of the Aloha. As the sun came up, they weren't really sure where they were in relation to their destination. They were above the ocean somewhere. The navigate is like, yeah, we're still above the ocean. So, comedy's good.
Starting point is 01:52:57 They were still in separate sections of play and they can't hear each other, still communicating with that pully thing in the handwritten notes. Via this system, Schluter told a frustrated gentson that they needed to circle until midday when the sun would be able to help him work out their location. He's like, hey, I don't know where we are. Suns just come up. Can we just keep going until it's midday? Then I know where the sun will be. And yeah, I'll tell you then. So just circle for a bit. And Jen's like, well, yeah, sort of, we don't have that much fuel.
Starting point is 01:53:32 I don't know, if we do this, it'll be tough. We probably won't have enough fuel to make it. And she was like, why the police system? Don't know what to tell you, man. I don't know where we are. He just tries to like, lol. Lol. So Jensen was like, this is a nightmare.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I'm just going to have to circle, hoping that we don't run out of fuel before Schluter can figure out how we get there. If you take a pun and go in one direction, and it's wrong, you are now four hours in the wrong direction. So you're better off staying put. It's like any classic, you know, when you're a kid, if you're lost, stay put. Stay put. Let mom come back and find you. He's waiting there for mom. Or find the nearest white van. Hop in.
Starting point is 01:54:16 And they should probably take your home. Ask if they have candy. Yeah. And if they do say, can I eat some while you drive me home? Yeah. I don't know my address. And they say, it doesn't matter. No problem, I have two cupboards. If any kids are listening, that's bad for us. That's a very bad advice.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Never get in a war. Why are you listening? Yeah. This is not a podcast for children. No, this is very adult. This is an adult podcast. Not an adult. No girls.
Starting point is 01:54:39 Only women allowed. Only 32-year-olds and above. Yeah. Or below, if you really want to. I'd say 18 plus. Okay, I'd say 16 plus. Let's be honest. A lot of this is 13 plus. You're probably age out of it about 21. I used to love to go on but it got a bit silly for me. I can't it grew up. I'm 24 now. Yeah, listen to Grotter podcast. I remember when we were, I mean, a mate were walking home from a 21st. We had a big night.
Starting point is 01:55:11 I was just at a local cricket club. We were walking home. And my friend fell into a hedge. And he was a little bit older than, he was a year older at school. No, Jimmy and he goes, he got up and he goes, I'm 23 in a few months. I can't party like this anymore. I'm not that serious, like, I'm getting older. I can't fall into hedges anymore. Still one of the elusive men I know.
Starting point is 01:55:41 He's been a photo the other day from Mad Monday. He's still playing footy, you knowy at my age, hundreds of years old. Dressed up, you know, the, yeah. He's ever the photo. I'm like, Mad Monday is Halloween for football, isn't it? They do their little dress up day. I'm 23. I'm nearly 23.
Starting point is 01:55:58 For the photo, he sent you, he still have the caption. Get to all for the shit. I mean, now I think it's almost true now. But the photo is sent to you. You sent you did it still have the caption I mean now I think it's almost true now I can't party like this anymore pulling leaves out of his hair Yeah, just lean on a bush. You know one of those fences fences that's a bush? Yeah. Just try to lean on it. I just fell through it. That's very funny. I think I'm so disappointed in myself. I've come up 23, a few months.
Starting point is 01:56:35 I've got to get my act together. What am I? 22? It's a boys game. I'm a man. That's great. Okay, so let's leave Jensen and Schluter there circling. Oh gosh. Now the crew of the Woolrock, they had a much better flight. This is your man. Let's sit there playing on fire. He's walking out of the wing, you have an acupothee, you know, he's taking a very casual line in handcuffs for fun. Their main complaint was the thick cloud and so much fun. Too much fun.
Starting point is 01:57:12 Oh, God, no love challenges. I'm having so much fun. Let's put a hold of the fuel tank. We'll make this interesting. We're getting too old for all this fun. I'm nearly 23. We can't fly like this anymore. Fairly one of their only complaints was because the fog they'd hardly seen the Pacific Ocean, the whole flight. They had a pretty pretty pretty chilled out flight.
Starting point is 01:57:36 You've seen one ocean you've seen them all. But it's funny because I mean, they say chilled out. It was still pretty much a nightmare. They're flying through pitch darkness. They can't see anything. But at least their navigator is navigating. Yeah. They know basically where they are. These conditions, yeah, these conditions were tough, but they were going pretty well. And though their night went smoother, it was still a nerve racking flight. For instance, to access parts of the plane, Davis and Navigator would have to crawl out onto areas with no flooring, where he balanced perilously on wires in the dark, hurtling through the sky.
Starting point is 01:58:12 Oh, can you imagine that? Holy shit. Put some flooring. Put flooring before you leave. You're doing tightrope walking on a plane to fix it. Whilst it's flying through the dark, you're walking on wires. The wires are probably important. Yeah, that's right. Put some fluorine. Just put fluorine. Why is that a crazy ask?
Starting point is 01:58:31 Put some fluorine in it. It's all about white, you know, a bit of floor or another hour's worth of fuel. Fucking floor! Floor it. Yeah, I can because I don't have any floor. You're welcome. Back to Ryan by early afternoon, after 24 hours of flying,
Starting point is 01:58:47 Goable grew anxious as he thought the islands should be within sight. So they were feeling like we're on the right path. The island, we should start to be able to see the islands over there, but he couldn't. Oh crap. His worry deepened when Davis began ordering a number of course corrections via the clothesline.
Starting point is 01:59:03 Many turn around. Head straight for ocean. ordering a number of course corrections via the clothes line. Many. Turn around. Yeah. Head straight for ocean. Forgot my keys. Can we go back? Many of them necessary to get back on course after deviations gobal made to dodge rain schools. So, you know, that this chord outflight, but it was also still pretty horrific.
Starting point is 01:59:22 He's like flying over Alaska now. That's true. Are we nearly there? But when the Navigator suddenly ordered a 25 degree course change to accommodate shifting winds, gobble panicked, and by his own admission, grew a bit pissed. Are you sure the irritated pilot wrote back in reply before peppering Davis with other questions? He's like starting to lose confidence in him. He's like 25 degrees. That's a big correction. Are you sure you know where we are? If you're jumping around like this,
Starting point is 01:59:51 Davis assured, Goeble, that all was well and that Willa Rock was on track to reach Hawaii. All was well, but you're looking to revisit Mirror the Plain. He's on fire. Hey, David, don't look back here. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:00:04 25 degrees and then we are gold. Yeah, he's on fire. Hey, hey, the top five. Don't look back here, that's fine. 25 degrees, and then we are gold. Yeah, he's trying to go out and back into a squal to put out the fire. Then when he estimated, they were three hours away from Hawaii, he sent Goeble a note of his own, inquiring how much gasoline remained on board. Goeble's casual reply caused him to panic, two hours worth. He's like, so we're at three hours away.
Starting point is 02:00:29 How much fuel do we got? Just double checking? Two hours worth. So now there's now one's pissed off of the other guy and you don't know how to navigate. And the other one's gone, your fuel management is stuff. We're dead. Why didn't you glide for parts of this? Is your fuel?
Starting point is 02:00:44 Inside the navigator's compartment, Davis Davis dwelled on the apparent fuel shortage. In the cramped pilot's cockpit meanwhile, Gobel fredded over the course changes he'd been asked to make. Both men began thinking the worst. Soon after, according to Ryan, Gobel spotted a speck in the distance along the horizon. Staring hard at the speck, He wondered if it was a cloud or an island. A lot of the the pilots saw little marajas along the way. A lot of islands are in the sky, so you can see how you make that mistake. Cloud or? As the minutes passed, the speck
Starting point is 02:01:18 boomed larger. Soon he could discern the outline of an island. He had spotted Molokai the same island where Ernie Smith and Emory not Emily Bronti had crash landed a month earlier I forgot about ember. Oh question for the competition. Do you have to land at the specific island? Or can you land anywhere in Hawaii and get the money? I think you really I think they want you little landing on Bob Dolls farm on Bob Dolls Come on down to Bob Dolls farm I was born to the Savannah wanting to come here and trust you guys. Don't you razz? We got pineapples. We got some planes coming in hopefully. They should be here by now We got Bob Dolls
Starting point is 02:01:54 I'm Bob Dolls. We got Bob Dolls. I'm Bob Dolls. It's fucking Bob Dolls. Just like who the fuck is Bob Doll? Even though he's saying his name a lot. I'm Bob Dolls. Who's Bob Dolls? Even though he's saying his name a lot. I'm a doll. Who's Bob Dulles? An ecstatic gobble added a celebratory swoop, barely audible over the noisy engine. I saw Molokai, a dim shore in the distance,
Starting point is 02:02:16 and oh boy, what a joyful feeling it was, he said. A moment or so later, Davis looked out a window in his navigator's cockpit and glimpsed a dark blue smudge on the horizon. He stared, hopefully ahead, as the smudge morphed into the island Maui, sitting about 70 miles away. The navigator emitted his own shout of joy. Whoooop! A more beautiful sight I have never witnessed, he said.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Davis passed forward to gobble a map of the Hawaiian Islands, marked with the Woolerock's position and the finish line at Wheeler Field. Danny sat down on the floor and relaxed, no longer overwhelmed with worry over the possible fuel shortage. Here we are, he said, by gosh, my job's done. And then 26 hours, 17 minutes after taking off, gobble and Davis arrived at the finish line in Woolerock taking out dolls 25. Yes, yes, Wallerock. You're back to the winner there, Dave. Well done. They had the actual experience and even they obviously nearly lost it.
Starting point is 02:03:15 Yeah. Yeah. Had a big fight, big falling out, a big freak out. That's right. And they're like the craziest dudes. They jump from plane to plane. They go up with that wheels on purpose. And even they're like, ah crap. They jump from plane to plane. They go up with that wheels on purpose. And even they're like, ah crap, we're gonna die. This is a bit full on for me. Yeah, they like, global must have, until that point must have had some feeling of invincibility.
Starting point is 02:03:35 Yeah. He's like, he's like putting wheels on planes midair, you know, wild. Yeah, just trying to make life difficult. Back to Ryan. Willa Rock was the third plane to fly to Hawaii from California, the second to reach Oahu, and the first to place in the dull air race. After taxing in front of the reviewing stand, Go Bull steps definitely from the cockpit, removed his
Starting point is 02:03:59 flying helmet and waved to the crowd. A mighty cheer erupted as the aviators walked across the airfield. Local officials and dignitaries, including James Stoll and Hawaii's territorial governor, left their seats to greet the winners, and there's no greater honor. When Dol gets out of the seat, oh my god. He's like, holy shit. Oh my god. Bloody early, loves a seat. James Stoll? Coming to greet me? Bob's possible grandfather or something. No relation, Exite or maybe I did not look it up. Exited spectators so soon overtook these men as the crowd searched forward toward the aviators and plane, coursing past the soldiers standing guard.
Starting point is 02:04:38 Say folks, it certainly is great to land here. How many others are in ahead of me, Askobl, who just completed the longest flight of his life? Does not he want? No. The crowds surrounding him confirmed he was in first place. He replied, Honest Gush, do you mean that I'm the first one here?
Starting point is 02:04:55 I thought surely some were ahead of us. He was like, no kiddin', gosh darn it! Dag nabbit! But no, they were the first to arrive and it would be almost exactly two more hours before the next plane landed when Jensen and Schluter arrived in Aloha. No, I can't believe you two picked us one and two. Yeah. So they just circle for hours before and figured it out and they had the worst navigator. Yes. Possible. They got so lucky. So they survived their harrowing trip and it went for 28 hours and 16 minutes. Which I assume is with our sleep right? That's what a yeah amazing.
Starting point is 02:05:33 And wasn't one of them up all night pacing? Yeah was that the M was that somebody else? And they did that on the plane as well. And that was with the 16 sandwiches they did, right? Yeah, that's it. So they're tired, they're starving. So they're refused to leave? I'm so hungry. If only I had 16 on sandwiches. Can you imagine me trying to do this? I haven't slept for 28 hours. Even though, let's say I slept well the night before,
Starting point is 02:05:57 I haven't slept this 28 hours, and I haven't eaten. You would just jump off the plane. You'd better, okay, let's put it in a third factor. I haven't had a coffee. Oh, go ahead. So you're red zone. I'm taking us all to your red zone before the right steps. And we need a new zone. I can only assume you're suffering from horrible air sickness as well.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Yeah, I'd be so sick. Kill me. Yeah, we'll throw you out. For you, you're the one who can pull the plate. That would be the right thing to do. Well, like some way I would have put a chance without the pile. Yeah, you'd be better off chucking me off the plate and having a go. Yeah, I'm going to bet. Oh, God, nightmare. Sadly, though, the two remaining planes, the Golden Eagle and Miss Doran, never made it. The planes and their crews were never seen again.
Starting point is 02:06:41 Never found. Never found. Back to Conan, five more lives were given to the great adventure. Miss Doran's, Melder Doran, Orgie Pedler and Villas are nope and Golden Eagles, Jack Frost and Gordon Scott. But death was not done with them yet. Back in California, Captain Irwin and young Echvolt fixed Dallas spirits tail assembly and took off three days later
Starting point is 02:07:02 to they like we want to. Just give it a crack. We we want to give it a crack. We want to still give it a crack and I also said we'll search for the lost ships because they were still hoped they were alive in the days after. Maybe they landed somewhere else, maybe they were at sea in the life or after whatever. So there was kind of a noble thing as well as we're going to still going to try and make the trip but we're going to be keeping our eyes peeled the whole way to see if we can find the lost planes. But they too vanished over the ocean.
Starting point is 02:07:27 Whoa. That made 10 lives lost altogether before, during and after the race. And that's why it's known as the deadly doll air race. Wow. So not the great publicity that doll, what a long time. Deadly doll, he's like a crap.
Starting point is 02:07:41 He definitely did not feel great about it. After even when the first plane landed He was gone. He was starting to fear the worst. He's gone. I was expecting them to be here by now You know, he like he wasn't being flipping about it. He was gone. Oh shit I this is not what I wanted this to be. Yeah, when global land and it was like how many others are here? None He must he probably also think, oh. Yes. And there was a mixed reactions publicly and in the media
Starting point is 02:08:11 after some were saying, we need to legislate to make sure these sort of things can't happen anymore. And others were like, this is what pioneering is all about. Whenever new frontiers across, and this is the kind of people who are putting their life on the line, they definitely knew the risks and they thought it was worth it with the gamble. So others were saying, you know, they died heroes searching, you know, trying to break new ground for humanity sort of thing. Wow. So I'd, yeah. I guess it was compared to the gladiators at the Coliseum. That's right, yeah. Certainly a lot of them died. Yes. What do you mean?
Starting point is 02:08:45 I haven't seen the end of the film. You don't remember that bit? I don't remember that bit. So you never were entertained? I guess. So that's the end of my report on the deadly doll air ace. But I thought I'd finish on a less grim note and read a couple of bits out of from Ryan's book where he talks about the fates of the race winners.
Starting point is 02:09:06 Yeah. So Dave, firstly, let's talk about art, gobble. What a guy. He gave up stunt flying after winning the Derby or the Derby and continued his aviation career by flying in cross country races and working as a sky rider. I like it, cross country is like,
Starting point is 02:09:22 I'm not doing any of those ocean ones. No, more ocean. Let's just go across the land. I can always land on land. I can't land on water. Unless you ever say plain. We can see plain. Well, one of those powered hover crafts from back to the future. You fools, don't you know I don't walk on water. Remember I used to have it seen it probably. I've seen number one. It was it was a wrong. I'm talking about number two, that quote's from, so. Okay. Spin spoiled forever, hovercrafts ruined.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Great. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Yeah, you're about to watch it. I was about to binge it. I was about to watch it. I was about to binge it. I was about to watch it.
Starting point is 02:09:58 I was about to binge it. I was about to watch it. I was about to binge it. I was about to watch it. I was about to binge it. I was about to watch it. I was about to binge it. I was about to watch it. I was about to watch it. I was about to watch love. And I love this little fact. While other pilots composed messages in block letters, Goeble was admired for scar writing, enhance them script.
Starting point is 02:10:09 Oh, future of old. Yeah. He served as a pilot in the Pacific during World War II and died in Los Angeles in 1973 at age 78. What a life. Oh my God. Goeble's companion across the Pacific, Lieutenant William V. What a life. Oh my God. Go Bulls companion across the Pacific, Lieutenant William V. Davis, Jr. returned to active duty with the Navy and San Diego
Starting point is 02:10:32 following his victory in the dollar race. He would go on to enjoy a long and distinguished naval career in which he served prominently in the Pacific during World War II. He retired as a Voss admiral and deputy commander in chief of the Atlantic fleet in 1960 and died in mobile Alabama 1981 at the age of 79. So everyone, like all the people who survived, had lived long full lives for the time at 79s or a young now. But I think back then that was a good innings, as they say. Yeah, I'd advise admiral.
Starting point is 02:11:03 That sounds like a pretty high up. A lot of them went on to real high ranks as well. It's funny, start out as Daredevil's end up as buddy Dost Jockeys. Dost Jockeys. They're also DJs. Here's Taylor Swift's newest song. That's why you, another reason why maybe in a past life you were a pilot. Yeah, and you're a Dost Jockeys. I'm a bit of a pilot. Yeah, I know you're a disjunctive.
Starting point is 02:11:25 I'm a bit of a daredevil. I think we could all agree. DJ and a DD. I'll finish with a quick story from Ryan's book about one of the other, one of the other pilots, Jess's Martin Jensen of the Aloha. I thought the story was very great. Very great. Very great.
Starting point is 02:11:43 Very great. I'm very great. I'm stopping Very great. Okay. Very great. Stopping for a very great store. I feel like I've overcooked it there. We could bring it back down to pretty good. Okay. So this is back to Ryan. Just weeks after the race and now celebrity, Jensen returned to California to accept
Starting point is 02:11:59 an offer from MGM Studios in Hollywood to fly its mascot Leo the Lion across the country to New York. Oh my god. He would be flying an airplane whose rear fuselage had been converted into a flying cage. Oh okay so the lion's not sitting in the co-pile seat. I fed up on the dash, I'd be cute. How about doing back there? Scubi? He's in there too. A better? Keep it that again. Your mouth makes a shape I've never seen before. It's very cool.
Starting point is 02:12:38 That's all part of the man of a thousand noise. People don't realize you're going to make shapes. Of course. It's beautiful to watch. On September the 16th, 1927, Jensen and Leo took off from San Diego and headed east across the desert. The single engine plane was carrying a heavy load
Starting point is 02:12:58 the line, but as well as the line, 400 gallons of fuel. As well as the line, the metal cage and heavy pains of thick plate glass on the cage as well. It doesn't feel like it's definitely not good for, I don't think the animal care stuff would tick the boxes. Just put them in a little like, carry, like a, taking a cat to the vet. Yeah. Yeah. Like, why do you have to make it a big old cage? Yeah. It's a little kitty cat. It's a cat. Meow. Meow, meow, meow.
Starting point is 02:13:27 I went to the MGM Casino in Vegas a few years back. And they used to have lines and cages as you walked in, but for similar reasons they don't do that anymore. What a grim life for the king of the jungle. Yeah. It's being on display in a casino in Vegas. It is weird. Yeah, it's being on display in a casino in Vegas. It is weird.
Starting point is 02:13:45 Yeah, so strange. As Jensen flew across Arizona, hills and mountains reached up towards the plane, which the pilot could coax to climb no higher than about 4,200 feet. Above the Tonto National Forest, he steered the plane into a canyon, hoping to discover a pass through the mountains, just a gamble. Hoping.
Starting point is 02:14:06 Yes, he doesn't know, but he's like, if I get in this canyon, hopefully there's a, I can just track through it. Oh my God, that lines the worst navigator of all time. Yeah, give it a crack. Try the canyon. Yeah, why not? Well, but it's still better than the semen though, right?
Starting point is 02:14:19 Instead, the canyon ended suddenly against a mountainside, leaving Jensen no time or space to turn around. He braced himself for the unavoidable crash and he stuck the plane. He later recalled, which hopefully gives you an idea that he's a... Which I was only something I've picked up because of you. I wish I didn't do that. I was thinking about it today.
Starting point is 02:14:39 I'm like, these guys are actually made because of it anyway. Maybe I would have eventually figured out that somebody later recalled like something meant they lived, but it would have taken me years. I'm very dumb. So he wrote, he later recalled, it was a tough landing, but I managed to strike a treetop that stopped the plane, although it rolled over a couple of times after striking. I crawled out and looked to see what had happened to Leo. The cage had held tight and he wasn't scratched, although he did look disgusted. I figured his opinion of
Starting point is 02:15:11 me as a fly was pretty low. One month earlier to that day, Jensen was in the doll race, lost above the Pacific with much of the world wondering where he was. Now he was lost in the Arizona desert with a lion. And again, many people were wondering where he was. Jensen, where are you? I imagine some people would have seen. Yes, of course. Bitting your temporary goodbye to Leo. The pilot started hiking.
Starting point is 02:15:36 When I asked him how he felt, he licked his chops and settled himself as best he could in the cage of the wrecked plane, he said. Then I fixed him up with what milk we had left, divided my sandwiches with him, he's still with the sandwiches, and started down the canyon for help. For three days and three nights, Jensen trekked across treacherous desert terrain. It feels like this little story could be its own episode. My God.
Starting point is 02:16:00 The rocky landscape was punishing. His boots soon fell to tatters. The soul's falling away entirely, leaving his feet swollen with blisters The size of silver dollars the seat of his pants was also reduced to threads Not this gentleman This was due to him sliding down so many rocks at night He slept in trees or brush as to protect himself from coyotes. Fucking it. It should have taken the line with him. Take the line with you.
Starting point is 02:16:27 No one's messing with you if you're walking with a lion. Idiot. You should have just strapped the cage his back. I know. I would have just let the lion out. I could have ridden the lion. Well, the lion would have been like, all right, you just did some impressive flying and were alive. You're cool with me. I want it. You respect you.
Starting point is 02:16:44 Yeah. And I'm full from some of those human sized sandwiches. Delicious. Thank you. And a bit of milk, which you divided equally with me. Yeah. Because our appetites are equal. Now, I was joking, you're eating home. How?
Starting point is 02:16:59 Yeah, you're right. Finally, he reached a ranch. This is three days and three nights, fear and through his life, without with his butt showing by the sounds of it. You would say insane. I crashed a plane. There's a lion out there. Okay.
Starting point is 02:17:13 So, soon after he found this ranch, he found the town of Roosevelt, Arizona. He found a telephone. When he called up MGM to deliver the bad news, the movie studio had just one question. How's the line? That's bossholes. I think so.
Starting point is 02:17:27 I'm fine. Thanks so much. Yeah, the first question is, can we option the movie rights to this? Jensen then led a rescue party back to the crash site. Leo was found alive, pulled out of the desert and nursed back to health. But I never flew him again, said Jensen. In fact, that experience was enough to make me swear flying lions for life. Jensen died in San Diego on Feb, 8, 1992 at the age of 91.
Starting point is 02:17:56 Wow. How do these people live so long with their absolutely wacko lives? Yeah. It just feels like if they survived, if they've survived that race, they were gonna live on for decades and decades or whatever.
Starting point is 02:18:08 Even if the rest of his life was really mundane, that year, because it was all in the same year. A month apart from each other. It was a month apart. That is the same month you're right. That he did the doll flight and then a month later, flew a lion into a canyon, survived walks, you know, like that's enough for a lifetime.
Starting point is 02:18:29 Yeah. Even if those are your only two stories you have, you win. Those are great stories. Yeah. You start to be beaten by that. Yeah. I don't think many people could beat those two at a dinner party. No.
Starting point is 02:18:41 And that's what dinner party's all about. Yeah. Winning. How, who won the dinner party tonight? Everyone, they do score cards dinner parties are all about. Winning. Winning. Who won the dinner party tonight? Everyone, they do scorecards at the end. So that's the end of my report on the deadly 1927 doll air race. Definitely worthy of a top nine blockbuster to report. Can you imagine there's eight topics that beat that?
Starting point is 02:18:59 Because this was so epic. That's epic. Great one. Well, I want to hear what the top eight are. Excellent stuff, mate. And that brings us to everyone's favorite section of the show, the section where we thank some of our fantastic Patreon supporters, this section, wherever I, I know some people just skip straight to because it's the best bit, goes for about half an hour to 40 minutes, so sit back and enjoy us, thanking the people who make this show possible. And doing it in a way, it's that some would call lightly entertaining. So if you want to get involved, go to
Starting point is 02:19:33 slash do go on pod and sign up to on whatever level you like. There's different rewards to based on the levels. Dave, what are some of the things you can get there? We put out three bonus episodes every single month. And if you subscribe, you instantly get access to the 155 plus back catalogs, a heap of bonus episodes, you hear about live shows before anyone else, you get discounted tickets, access to a Facebook group, and a bit of self-satisfaction
Starting point is 02:20:01 for helping us out. There's a great report you did recently on one of those bonus episodes. They've got the seven natural wonders of the world. That's right, after you requested it, after my other ancient wonders report, yeah, I went through the seven natural wonders. And I was interesting to hear what made the list. And another thing is, if you're on Patreon, you're all the first to hear about everything.
Starting point is 02:20:22 Basically, we always tell the people in there, on the Facebook group or the Patreon page, about tours coming up, or our personal solo shows, and whatnot as well on podcasts. Maybe there might be a few of us here doing festival shows next year's festival season. You'll be the first to hear about that, get discounted tickets and all that sort of stuff. So, yeah, please get involved for all sorts of reasons. But the first thing we like to do in this section of the show is thank a few people on the Sydney Shawneburg level. And on this level, they get to give us a factor quote or a question in a section that has a little jingle to go, something like this. Facts go to a question. It was remembers of the ding. She always remembers the jingle. And in this section, these great people get to give us a factor quote or a question,
Starting point is 02:21:13 or a brag or a suggestion, or really whatever they like. I think we got a recipe at one point. They also get to give themselves a title, and we do 4H week. And the first one this week with what a fantastic name. Bracken Markins, who's got the title of Chief Marketing Officer of the Give Your Kids Normal Name Society and not for profit. And I think you've said this to us before, Bracken. And we're like, Bracken, you have one of the best fricking names out there. I love it so much. Actually, no, that was, I think that was when I did it with Shane Dunlum. Is this name new to you too?
Starting point is 02:21:47 I think so. What a freaking name. It's amazing, Markins love so much. Anyway, Brakins offered us a quote and his quote, well, their quote is, there are only two grates in this world, Britain and me. That's Muhammad Ali. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 02:22:03 That is good stuff. Well done. And Hanney was a, what a quoteable human being. Very arrogant. That's Muhammad Ali. That's good stuff. That is good stuff. That is good stuff. And Hanne was it. What a quotable human being. Very arrogant. Um. He backed it up. It's funny to be so arrogant and still so charming, charismatic.
Starting point is 02:22:15 Yeah, totally. Um, and then next one comes from Sophie Shooter, aka Group Mom. If you get your homework done, I'll take you to watch some planes take off at Heathrow. Oh, that's very, oh my God, that is very apt. Especially if it's hopefully Heathrow and not already I've forgotten where, but what's the capital of California? I think that's where it was. Sacramento. It was not Sacramento.
Starting point is 02:22:37 It was in Oakland. Oakland, thank you. The Raiders. I knew it was one of the sporting teams and the Raiders used to play there. They're now in Vegas after moving to LA, whatever. So, Sophie is offering us a fact riding, just listening to the Concord episode and thought I'd give you a few facts about my plain nerds self. My grandpa worked at the BAC. Any idea what that means? They appreciate corporations. Yeah, that sounds right. Where they assembled Concord Wings, it is now Brooklyn's museum and they have an old Concord there that you can go in and whatnot, I guess that means fuck. Where is it?
Starting point is 02:23:15 Yeah, it doesn't say you can't fuck it. You know how polite the British are and they don't like talking about sexism. And what not? Yes, we're going to the Buddha to do what not. We're going to what not our marriage. That's what the bride and grooms they on their wedding night. You can what not me in the butt and what of all right. Um, fucking soon we got Concord used to take off
Starting point is 02:23:40 from Heathrow at 11 a.m. and daily and fly overhead my town at about 11.05. What a funny thing to set your clock to or not need to set your clock to. It was incredibly loud. I'm late for that 11 a.m. meeting. It was incredibly loud to the point where teachers would have to stop talking for a minute while it passed. It was an absolute dream of mine to fly and concord and 13 year old me was very sad when it stopped flying. Oh, yeah, you're facel it up then like I thought 13 year old me was very lucky to. Yeah, I have a photo of the last flight taken from my bedroom window and it was in the days before I'd even a digital camera. I think it was one of those codec disposables.
Starting point is 02:24:20 Let alone a decent one. So it's just a white dot in a blue sky. And lastly, my new dream flight would be first class on a 747, but with only a handful of them still in passenger operation, it's not looking good. Maybe you could make it a new Patreon reward. Jess, you got next time you fly one of those, you think you could save a seat for Sophie? Um, a health try. Okay. Long list.
Starting point is 02:24:46 Sorry, this was one, this one was so long, but as always, I'm worth it. Love, just like Mara-Madaali, so arrogant, but just has the chance to go. Yeah, it works. Love to you all, and I can't wait to see you in London on that tour. You're all about to announce. Thank you very much Sophie.
Starting point is 02:25:06 Next one comes from Ryan Butterfield. Okay, senior chief Submariner and Ryan has a brag. Oh man, I bet Submariner related. Hello, Jess Dave, an old man map and you two, your whipper snapper, Ryan. You guys are great and I love every single episode. I'm about to get through your entire back catalog of your Patreon episodes while I drive across the United States from Washington to Virginia, while I transfer to my next command
Starting point is 02:25:38 in the US Navy submarine force. Yes. As a bonus fact about me, I have been in the submarine force for 22 years. My question is this, my question is this what's this? Is my question is this? Okay. Thank you so much. I just can't even see the text. She's still predicted it. Well, look, maybe her advantage was she didn't see the lack of a comma or a colon or anything there. Look, I'm not throwing, you know,
Starting point is 02:26:09 spursions, Ryan, you do what? Yeah, I just wanted to figure it out before the third time, but I think, well, I think most people may have. My question is this, what's this, the one place should I, I'm guessing what is as well. Look, Ryan, you've done me no favors here. My question is this, what is the one place should I, all right, I'm guessing what is as well. Look, Ron, you've done me no favors here. My question is this, what is the one place should I go? I'm, I'm, I'm going to fix this up for you. You can do a bit of sub editing. You're good Dave. My, is that a summary pun? You were the pun master and I doubt about it. My question
Starting point is 02:26:43 is this, what is the one place I should go while I'm driving? What should he go see while driving? Dave, you're the geography and probably America expert. Washington, Virginia, does that get anywhere near Gary, Indiana? That's fine. Let's look at it.
Starting point is 02:26:58 I think so because it depends if it's Washington state with English, what? Yeah, I think it's the whole. I think that's the whole I think that's the whole He's driving from Frazier to something in Virginia. That's the whole gambit. Oh great We're gonna go to go to Gary Indiana. That was a leading question surely Ryan. Yeah, but let me see if it give you guys Nevermont I do a little little little calculation on a little route map calculator
Starting point is 02:27:21 Just what you request Disneyland Disneyland if you can to do the big three there Ryan on a little route map calculator. Just what you're a request. Disneyland. Disneyland. If you can do the big three there, Ryan, I'd love to see that trip-titch of photos. Or Dollywood. Ooh, it's all I thought. I think a little bit too far north of that maybe. I think you can do to it.
Starting point is 02:27:40 It looks like I think that Gary Indiana is possible. Fantastic. I mean anything. Easy. Gary Indiana, do it. Do it. All right. Thank you very much, Ryan. And I'm so glad that you're 22 years in a submarine.
Starting point is 02:27:54 And still listening to this show, despite your just blatant rudeness. I just think this silly. The last one this week comes from Chris Torres, okay, official North Carolina living in Ohio and who has family living in Gary Indiana of the podcast. If that is all true, that is ridiculous. Obviously, North Carolina, famous for its blue fire engines and some parts. Ohio being God's country and Gary Indiana being the motherland, the motherland, the best place on earth, the spot everyone wants to be. The place so great that other Americans tell me it's awful just to stop others from going
Starting point is 02:28:37 to visit. That's right. Keeping it for themselves. The gatekeeping. Gary Indiana. The gatekeeping Gary. You can't gatekeep Gary. I can't gatekeep Gary. I'm going and I can't.
Starting point is 02:28:46 Chris is offering a fact writing, hey, gang, as a North Carolina, I love all the attention my great home state gets from the pod. But I've got to say, I'm a little hurt that all the big North Carolina facts have been about the University of North Carolina and its hometown of Chapel Hill, which I guess are the blue phoenixes are from. One of the biggest rivals of my alma mater, North Carolina State University in Rayleigh. So I thought I might suggest a new, more neutral and if we're done by just fun facts. We'll see.
Starting point is 02:29:15 A neutral but fun. And even South Carolina can get in on the fun. The Venus flytrap, a famously carnivorousorous plant is native to a relatively tiny 90 mile or 145 kilometer radius around Wilmington, North Carolina, including parts of South Carolina. Let me know what you guys think, and if you don't like it, I'll be happy to submit a different one. Books forever. Thank you very much, Chris.
Starting point is 02:29:41 So the Venus flytrap is native to just one small area in Santa Clara. Gunther might couldn't have told you where it's not. God no. What are you like rain forest? Totally. I was like jungle or something like yeah. I would have also thought like a yeah bigger area. Yeah. That's fascinating. That one as a kid. I was like I just had it in a pot. Did you? Yeah. I'm like a plant that eats stuff. Yeah, I've got to see that. I think I've only ever seen them in cartoons. Yeah, right. That is cool. That's a fun fact. Oh, sick fun fact. They're native. Yeah, to the East Coast of the United States and North and South Carolina. Wow. Amazing. Wow. That's so cool. That's a hectic fact.
Starting point is 02:30:25 What a great fact. So much Chris. So yeah, if you want to get involved in that giving us a fact, got a question and just try and up on the city Schaunberg level. The next thing we like to do is think a few of our other great supporters. Just when it comes up with a bit of a game based on the topic at hand. Let's name their plane. Oh yeah. Name that plane. All right. Well, if I can kick us off it if that's okay with you two. I'd love to think no Okay, I'm getting you. Yeah. I love to thank. No wait. No you go. I love to think you hang out first From Cheltenham in Victoria, Australia very close to that bush that my friend fell into It's Dane Helmers. Dane Helmers.
Starting point is 02:31:05 Dane's Plane. What's it gonna be? Dane's Plane. The Helm Fighter. Well that's pretty good. Dane's Plane Helm... I don't know. That's fantastic. Oh that's fantastic.
Starting point is 02:31:13 Oh my god the way you look at me I never know. I know. I like to keep you on your toes. That's great. Helm Fighter. I like that a lot. The Helm Fighter. Dane's Plane is, oh I mean there's a lot going on there that's lovely.
Starting point is 02:31:24 Dane's Plane sounds like you're going to like a tour with him. Yeah. Well gonna Dane's Plains, oh that means there's a lot going on there that's lovely. Dane's Plains sounds like you've gone like a tour with them. Yeah. Well gonna Dane's Plains, I'm Dane. It's probably maybe a ride at Wobby's World. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Miss you Wobby's World. Miss you. Miss you every day.
Starting point is 02:31:36 Ride a tram and a fire engine. Yes. Bring your friends and family to. Ha ha ha to have that desperate, locate desperate, please. And bring anyone you've ever met. Come alone, whatever. We're in a lot of trouble. Please. I'd also have to thank from Captain Park
Starting point is 02:31:57 in what said A. Dave, is that Switzerland? Was that symbol of Africa? It's South Africa. South Africa was gonna be my next guess. From Captain Park, inside of Africa, I'd love to thank Hannah's Norde. Dave, can I get a pronunciation check on that? Of course, sorry, I'm just looking at the name.
Starting point is 02:32:14 How? Hannah's Norde. Hannah's Norde. Hannah's Norde. I don't know, sorry. That accent on the ear, I think makes it an A. Hannah's Norde. Bop-Bop, what's Hannah's flying?
Starting point is 02:32:27 Norde boy. Oh, the Norde boy. Welcome to Norde boy hair. That's the flight attendants are like, we'll hop pants. Yes. I want to fly that plane. That's fantastic. That's a party plane, Norde boy hair.
Starting point is 02:32:44 And finally, from hell, I've just made from Perth in the Australian capital territory, Charlotte Sim, what's I'm? David, you reckon Charlotte Sim and Charlotte Sim. In charge of the green bullet. Oh yeah. Green bullet, but ironically painted purple. Yeah. I'm with you.
Starting point is 02:33:03 I like the cut of your gym. Ha ha, I'm with you. I like the cut of your gym. I'm with you. Can I thank some people as well? That would be fantastic if you could. I would love to thank from location unknown, deep within the fortress of the mall. We're still deep-plied. Yeah, obviously. Megan, Cartwright. Hegan Cartwright. The Flying Horse and Cart. Right. Right. It's good stuff. Breckards. Right. And then their logo is a picture of Charlotte, shrugging.
Starting point is 02:33:36 Yeah. And that is still confidence in the castle. Is that anything? I like that. And I would also love to thank you. It would be weird for Charlotte to be the logo. Of course it was Megan would be the logo. Megan would be the logo, yes.
Starting point is 02:33:52 Charlotte's the Copilot. That's the Copilot. Charlotte's the Copilot. I would also love to thank from Milton Keane's in Great Britain, Lee McDonald's. Lee McDonald, ironically flying the KFC. Oh wow That it's a big
Starting point is 02:34:09 McDonald killer flying chicken killer flying chicken. Yeah, and that pilots actually have to wear chicken costumes It's quite it's a it's a hazard That's what I'm gonna see and obviously all of No, no, no, no, hang on. What was that noise? Oh, that was a chicken. Good again. Yeah, that's a chicken. Sorry, sorry, I pulled you up on that.
Starting point is 02:34:32 Chicken in distress. Just that it's head chopped off. Yeah, that's a blood gurgling out the neck. Don't hold. And of course, ladies, engines also, F1 supply, because isn't Milton Keynes the home of Formula One racing? Is that something I've learned on a recent episode, mate? Is that Milton Keynes? Maybe not.
Starting point is 02:34:55 If not, delete. It's not delete. From your memories listeners. Delete. Delete from your memories, please. It's not delete. Full time Formula One World Championships. Champions, Astana Martin, Red Bull Racing, have their headquarters.
Starting point is 02:35:10 Oh, Red Bulls based in not Formula One. There you go. Similar. Finally for me, I would love to thank from Ridge Haven in South Australia, Lauren Boyle. Yeah. The Boilermaker. Oh fantastic. And on board, with every ticket, you get a Boilermaker, which is a beer and a, and a
Starting point is 02:35:31 shot of, and a whiskey, and a shot. Beer and a whiskey to sip on. That's a Boilermaker. I think that a couple of times I've had Boilermakers that have been with you. Yeah, and I reckon the couple of times I've had Boilermakers that have been with you. I was about to say you're a terrible influence, but it looks like we're both up. Yeah, we did. We have one of those somewhere in the middle of your box
Starting point is 02:35:51 or reckon we had a boilermaker. We did. It was a lovely time. What a great time. What a great time. Jess was sick. What COVID? Pretty good excuse.
Starting point is 02:36:00 I still don't know if I fully buy it. It was the only box party I'll ever be invited to. Yeah, that's right. I was hoping you'd come along. We'll do the first anniversary bucks. Yeah. Okay. So we get married to perform again. The Red Wiggles book. And just to stop the tweet Silverstone is the name of the F1 circuit.
Starting point is 02:36:20 And that is but a 17 mile journey outside of Milton Key. So it makes sense that they would practice in that area. F1 circuit and that is but a 17 mile journey outside of Milton Keynes. It makes sense that they would practice in that area. Yeah, and we've got a few great listeners who are big F1 fans. And I think I've gleamed that from maybe tweets that Milton Keynes is F1 important. That's right. And I'm sure our number one rev head listener, Ben Johnson, who also lives in Milton Keynes would have let us know that. He loves cars and he lives there so Ben, I looked it up for you.
Starting point is 02:36:50 Hey, I'd like to shout out now thanks to Daniel Caraway all the way from North Miami Beach Florida. Oh, Miami Daniel Caraway. When you said, just before you go on, when you said Ben Johnson and I'm one F one When you said at number one F one listen, I was sure you meant Bryson Sullivan I think they might need to be a some sort of a Jewel Okay, you're right Ben V Bryson. That's fun. I don't know how we set it up But yeah, maybe we we fly them to one destination on this airline.
Starting point is 02:37:26 They carry away airline, Daniel Caraway. Daniel Caraway. Carrier way. That's good. That's good. Because we carry away your troubles. And are they a low-cost carrier? No. Full-cost carrier. Incredibly expensive. The ridiculously small. It's a luxury line. One seat. When you say carrier way, it's like you don't even touch your bags. Yes. Out of the plant.
Starting point is 02:37:53 Like out of the back of the car when you arrive at the airport, they got your bags. They carry it away. They carry you through the airport. The carry you. Yeah. And it's one seat on the whole plane. The pilots have a standing desk. There's just one. So your ticket is very expensive. Yeah, yeah. But you seat on the whole plane. The pilots have a standing desk. There's just one, so your ticket is very expensive,
Starting point is 02:38:08 but you do get the only seat. And it's really good. But you cannot fly with your family or friends. Well, if they want to fly, they'll have to fly on a plane next to it or above. They can do double deckers and stuff. With one more seat. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:20 But they have to add a whole other plane on top. So two winger becomes a four winger. Okay, a biplane. Which I now understand. Me too. Just, I'm just barely hanging on. I would also like to thank from Parkfield, not far away from here in Victoria. It's Simon Windley. I know Simon. Really? Do you know his airplane, the Windley Warbla? I've seen pictures of it. Yeah, yeah. I haven't had the pleasure of encountering the Windley Warbla just yet. I've seen one of the most old ones, Windley Warbla. You're slaying your words?
Starting point is 02:38:59 Windley Warbla. Yeah, no, no, I'm flying you home in the windly world, blah. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do that. I'm so glad you can get a do. But it's all war. Just get it over. Thank you, though. Thank you, Simon. And finally, I would like to thank from I'm not gonna say this properly, but I'll give it a crack. It is from Seagalafura in Iceland, and I've looked at it. It's a very northern tip of Iceland. A town where only 1200 people live. And one of those people supports us on Patreon. And that is a big shout out to Mosse.
Starting point is 02:39:33 Mosse. He's moved a long way. So he has a small fishing town in a narrow fjord in the northern coast of Iceland. Made for syrup, moss. Listening to our show, that is a no. Isn't that your favorite country day? Love Iceland.
Starting point is 02:39:49 We do have a favorite country, but is... My favorite country I've traveled to, yes. Love Iceland. I didn't go all the way out north though, so I'd love to go back. That's cool. And mossy, what's mossy's plain's name? Is it the maple syrup? Oh, it could be the...
Starting point is 02:40:03 That was just a nickname in Sam. So the name one was Sam. Maple syrup, most. Maple syrup, most. His voice is just... Oh, sure. It gets really serpy. So serpy, so delicious.
Starting point is 02:40:12 I thought I was on the... Would you find the maple syrup? Yeah. There's a mouthful of this mouthline. The maple syrup. Yeah. Is it sticky? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:20 Doesn't sound sticky. I don't like that. Well, you know, we could call it the, you know, the flying chisel. Oh, that's good. The piece of the sky. Yeah. All right. Thank you so much to Mossy, Simon, Daniel, Lauren, Lee, Megan, Charlotte, Hannah's, and
Starting point is 02:40:34 Dane. The last thing we like to do is welcome a few people into our trip to club. This club's been going for probably a couple of years now. And to get involved, all you have to do, very simple, you have to sign up to the shout out level or above at And remain on there for three straight years. Then you get lifetime membership into the club. And once you're in, you can use the facilities, I mean, it's the art of the mind, but it's whatever you like. Can you use the facilities? Yeah, you can take a shit. You can take a shit.
Starting point is 02:41:02 We're waiting. We're waiting. We're waiting for you. You know, there's a booth. If you want to sit there, work on your laptop. Yeah. Beware your laptop. Charging stations. Yeah. There's a bar.
Starting point is 02:41:12 There's a bar, yeah, which Jess is behind. Yep. It's home on the door. I'm the, I'm the door man. Yeah. Got my clipboard. I've got the list to welcome people in. Jess is in there behind the bar.
Starting point is 02:41:21 Dave's on the stage. He's our host for the evening. Host of the most. Someone say Jess. Sure. Thank you. You're my, you're my hype person. He there behind the bar. Dave's on the stage, he's our host for the evening. Host of the most, someone's a Jess. Sure. Thank you. Come on, you're my hype person. He's got the most. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:30 I'm not your hype person yet. Sorry, it's when he says then I am. There's an after party in Dave, books the band for that. Dave, who's playing the after party? We got Mariah Carey. Holy moly. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 02:41:41 Yep, sorry, I forgot, that's the first secret I've had for weeks. We got Mariah. We got Mariah for weeks. I've got more I have a Got more I have a carry fucking carry what you don't greatest hits yeah best off because sometimes you book out us with these Weeds stipulations that only play one song ever or they'll only cover a weird song this time Mariahs are great to play all the hits must have been expensive all the hits like All the one for Christmas is you. Fantastic. Very season appropriate. It is blocked over after all. Yeah, Mariah Carey songs. Can we get
Starting point is 02:42:13 it? Can we get it? Can we get it? A change at all I want for blockmas, is you? Absolutely. We can. She's very open and apparently as everyone knows, very easy to deal with. Yeah. Whatever David is, it's not her. One sweet day, obsessed we belong together, big energy, I'll be their heartbreaker and the slob. Bye bye, offer album, eagles and keep squids. Bye bye, never never never never never. No, that's a different one. That's a cover of herself. It's a bad, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man Jess, you're buying the bar. You don't come up with a cocktail based on the topic as well. I really backed the alohar to make it. So I had a bit of a alohar theme.
Starting point is 02:43:08 Like I had lays for everyone. I've got my ties and peanut colladas ready to go. I hope those lays are in silver for second place. No, they're different colored flowers. Oh, okay. And, yeah, doll whip. I've got a doll whip. Oh, that's so funny that you knew,
Starting point is 02:43:26 I guess his family is business- Yeah, I knew his family. Yeah, big family. Big family. Stopped at the Dolwip Foundation for 20 minutes. I got to know the family real well. Congratulations. Amazingly, we have a lucky 13 inductees in.
Starting point is 02:43:40 13, just to show that we don't, just like those dead-evolves, we don't care about curses This is going to go really well. I'm feeling great. So the way it works is I already at your name you All lift up the velvet rope you head on through Dives on the stage everyone else is already inducted into the club. They're there chanting your name as well Dave Shouts it out with a bit of a weak word play, but it's fun. It's meant to be fun I think you just
Starting point is 02:44:05 don't get it and then just yes, just popping the pattern can you know I don't get it I don't get puns and then just I think he's dumb and then just what's up Dave I think he's a fucking moron yeah and then just and then just hops up Dave because he needs it anyway Anyway, are you ready? I can do it. It does feel like maybe I'm the one who needs. You're hyping him up and you're hyping me down. Yeah, you brought this upon yourself. You're bringing me down a peg or two? Yeah. Am I getting too big for my britches?
Starting point is 02:44:35 Whatever, britches are. Big feet, little boots there, mate. All right, so you ready? What's wrong? Here we go, from Pasco Vale in Victoria, Australia, Zoe, Clippendale. Zoe, you're rippingale, Zoe Rippendale! Yeah!
Starting point is 02:44:47 From Smithtown in New York in the United States at the Peter J. Evans. I feel like I've died and gone to Evans. Yes! From V.E. Oh, it's so shit, it makes him laugh. Yes, that is exactly right. And it ruins the momentum. Yeah, come on, that was a good start.
Starting point is 02:45:05 That was a fucking great. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. No, it's me bringing you back down again. Come on. I'm from Vienna in Virginia in the United States.
Starting point is 02:45:13 It's Will Hancock. What are you doing for Will? Han Block. Yeah. Buster Tobas. We dedicate Blockbuster to you, Will. From Hawthorne in South Australia, it's Kate Conroy. Kate Boy, Kate Conroy, oh boy, am I happy to see you, Will. From Hawthorne in South Australia, it's Kate Conroy. Kate, boy, Kate Conroy, boy, oh boy, am I?
Starting point is 02:45:26 Happy to see you, Kate Conroy. From Highland Heights in Ohio, God's country in the United States, it's Drew Forsberg. Well, you just dumped me some cards, and I drew an ace. Yes. From Adelaide in South Australia, it's Grace Brooks. Grace, Brooks?
Starting point is 02:45:42 Your face looks good. That's right. Got it, man. I can't value you. Your face looks good. That's right. Got a lot of value. From a longmont inn, maybe Colorado, COUSA, it's Ryan D. Hoffman. Huff, man of the month. Yes, Huffman of the month. From spring, creek, in Nevada,
Starting point is 02:45:59 in the United States, it's Logan Long. Logan Long time no see, but I feel good for thee. Yes. From State College in Pennsylvania, in the United States, it's Gavin Cox. States is Logan Long. Logan Long time no see but I feel good for the State College in Pennsylvania in the United States is Gavin Cox more like Gavin Rocks From Brentwood in England. It's Will Hudson where there's a wheel. There's a Hudson From Longwood in Florida in the United States. It's Daniel Burrows. Daniel Burrows never makes me follow my brow because I'm happy to see him. From Dublin in Ireland, it's Cattle Grant.
Starting point is 02:46:33 I grant you permission to come on in as a legend. Cattle with Cattle there, Jess Oro. Yeah. And finally from St. Peter's in M.O. in the USA, it's Sarah Sheel. Sarah Sheel. Really big deal. Yeah. M.O. that is Missouri,'s Sarah Shield. Sarah Shield, really big deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:46 M-O, that is Missouri, I believe, is that right, though? I will not recognize that, but still, congratulations for. So big shout out and welcome aboard to Sarah, cattle, Daniel, Will, Gavin, Logan, Ryan, Grace, Drew, Kate, Will, Peter and Zoe, make yourselves at home, grab yourselves, and a loha, and get ready to have your mind blown by the people person
Starting point is 02:47:07 and the people pleaser, Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey. Well, that brings to the end of the episode. Is there anything we need to do before we boot this baby home? Just to remind people that anybody can suggest a topic. There's a link in the show notes, and what's also on our website,, we can also find live shows and merch and all
Starting point is 02:47:26 sorts of wonderful shit over there. That's all I have to say. Yeah, check it out. Click that live show tab and see we're coming to your town, adding lots and lots of shows lately. So yeah, have a look. You never know, even if you listen to this in the future, we might be coming to you tomorrow. And if you want us to come to you, let us know. Send us a message as long as you're not from some place and ask them with 1200 people. We only come to place with 1,300 plus. OK.
Starting point is 02:47:54 OK. So you're going to have 100 children and then get back to that. Oh, wait. OK. Dave, please, boot this baby home. Hey, we'll be back next week with the eighth most requested blockbuster tober topic. But until then, I'll say thank you so much for listening and goodbye! Hi! Dave's actually waving.
Starting point is 02:48:14 Yeah. Nobody can see you. Can they? Are you working way too hard for way too little? There's never been a better time to consider a career in IT. You could enjoy a recession-resistant career in a rewarding field, with plenty of growth opportunities and often flexible work environments. Go to and take the free career evaluation. You could start your new career in months, not years. Take classes online or on campus, and financial aid is available to qualified students, including the GI Bill.
Starting point is 02:49:00 Now is the time. Now is the time

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