Two In The Think Tank - Do Go On Presents: Do Go D&D - Character Creations

Episode Date: March 30, 2020

Hey team! Just dropping in on your feed with a little Do Go On Presents Do Go D&D. This is the prequel episode to a Patreon bonus series we have just released where we played our first ever game o...f Dungeons & Dragons with Dungeon Master Adam Carnevale (whose sweet voice you might know from Sanspants, D&D is for Nerds and Getting Fruity With Matt and The Boys).We'd never played before so we hit record as Adam was explaining things to us. If you want to hear the actual three episode campaign then you can hear it, as well as 60+ other bonus episodes on our Patreon page, or on Sanspants Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, Jess and Dave, just jumping in really quickly at the top here to make sure that you are across all the details for our upcoming Christmas show. That's right, we are doing a live show in Melbourne Saturday December the 2nd, 2023, our final podcast of the year, our Christmas special. It's downstairs at Morris House, which usually be called the European beer cafe. On Saturday December the 2nd, 2023 at 4.30 pm, come along, come one, come all, and get tickets at Hi icons, it's Danny Pellegrino
Starting point is 00:00:32 from the Pop Culture Podcast, everything iconic, and I love Nordstrom. No place better to shop, particularly during the holiday season, because they have everything. They have holiday decor at Nordstrom. They have cozy cardigans from barefoot dreams, my fav, they have everything. They have holiday decor at Nordstrom. They have cozy cardigans from Barefoot Dreams, my fav. They have cold weather attire, party attire,
Starting point is 00:00:49 plus free shipping and free returns. Free store pickup, you can also purchase a recycled fabric gift bag so your item arrives festive and wrapped. So check out Nordstrom this holiday season, a one-stop shop. You can explore more at Nordstrom in store or online at Peloton is ready when you are. And with up to $700 off your Peloton bike plus purchase,
Starting point is 00:01:14 there's no better time to bring it home for the holidays and work out your way. Unleash everything. It's your workout, your rules. As long as you show up, Peloton's instructors will help you show off and keep you coming back for more. For Peloton's best offer of the season, head to, all access membership separate terms apply. This episode is brought to you by Progressive. Most of you aren't just listening right now. You're driving, cleaning, and even
Starting point is 00:01:40 exercising. But what if you could be saving money by switching to Progressive? Drivers who saved by switching saved nearly $750 on average, and auto customers qualify for an average of 7 discounts. Multitask right now. Quote today at Progressive casualty and trends company and affiliates, National Average 12 Month Savings of $744 by New Customer Surveyed,
Starting point is 00:02:02 who saved with Progressive between June 2022 and May 2023. Potential savings will vary, discounts not available in all safe and situations. Welcome to Dugo on Presents. We're all kicking back in the lounge of the Dugo on Manchion. It's all leather band stuff in here. The couches are leather bound. The curtains, Dave's chaps, all leather bounds. Leather abounds in here. Plather, should I say. Plather. Is it plather or leather? This is your playstyle.
Starting point is 00:02:52 It's a 100% leather. Oh, wow. What animal? It's a pleasure leather. Plather is possum leather. Oh, yes, well. Yes, it's all possum leather. LAUGHTER weather. Oh yes well yes it's all possible. And you know what we like to do is kick back
Starting point is 00:03:09 over Brandy, Konyak. Oh yeah and Dougestief. Yes. Beautiful combination. We have a string quartet in the corner playing pop numbers by Teddy Barry mostly. Yeah. It's just raw on repeat. I'm not too toasty, but not too chilly. Yeah, they're fighting each other and no one's winning, but us. At a comfortable temperature. Now we're just dropping in your feed on a Monday. No one saw this coming. No. No one.
Starting point is 00:04:00 There's a surprise attack. Bang, gotcha. You're thinking, what is this coming up on my feed? Has there been some mistake? Well, maybe. You're up. Yeah, you've had to find out. It feels a little like it is. So a month or two ago now, the three of us got together with our great friend, Adam Carnivale. Carnivale. It's such an amazing name. Incredible name. Wr written down fantastic as well as set out loud everyone at home have a go See you're welcome. That was that fun. Not only an incredible name an incredibly friendly chap. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:04:35 What a delight. He's so nice and lovely. Yep. He's the just one of those infectiously happy guys I'd call him one of the best boys He is a best boy and if you're not familiar with his work he's part of the Sandspan's radio crew and is their dungeon master on D&D is for nerds. Well some of you might know him from Sandspan's but most of you will know him as one of the boys from getting fruity with Matt and the boys. Obviously that's what we'll all know him from. Which is a spin-off of primates which which is a spin-off of DoGo on. Fantastic. And we're presenting a new spin-off to you today,
Starting point is 00:05:08 which is our DoGo D&D or DoGo Dungeons & Dragons on. Okay. See what we've done there? Yeah, that's pretty good. I didn't approve that, but I see what you did. Thank you. I felt it's been named so many different things, but the artwork is...
Starting point is 00:05:24 Is it? What is it? I felt it's been named so many different things, but the artwork is, what do you go D&D? Do go D&D. And I don't remember approving that, but I probably wouldn't need to. But thankfully the art will look so good. It doesn't matter what it says. It does look so good. I think I was favoring do goons and dragons.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Okay. Yeah, all right well I was favoring do goons and dragons I think that we better win a do drag on that's Well, hopefully there'll be a series to so what you're about to hear is we recorded it our first ever dungeons and dragons camp do drag on is actually our show about reports? And we have opinions. And yeah, because we did our, I did a report on Dungeons and Dragons for block tober last year. And a few people said, oh, you guys should have a go at playing it.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And we thought, oh, maybe. And then Adam came to the party and said, how about a maker party for you? It was more than a party. There was more of a kind of R.A. It was a full kind of R.A. Absolutely. There was a fate. Yep. There was a parade. There was a game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Starting point is 00:06:35 If you can call it a game, is that rude? I don't know. And what you're about to hear is we had never played the game before. Still, and I was a game. And so we just hit record as Adam was explaining how it was going to work to us. And so this is sort of our character creation episode. And if you like what you hear, you can listen to the full three episode campaign, which goes for over two hours, right now on our Patreon, as a bonus episode that we released this
Starting point is 00:07:02 month, there's three episodes there, slash do go on pod And it's in there with over 60 other bonus episodes Yeah, all sorts of topics lots of reports That were too saucy for the general public. Yeah, my god Jeff the talking mongos. That was too sexy. You're ears That's still one of my favorite the nanny To sexy. Oh, wow. Too sexy. The Lennon Red, wow. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Too sexy. Ooh, and a curse as well. Yes. What else was there? Was the Stockholm Syndrome? This is Sam. Am I saying this right? Sanford Prison Experiment.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Sanford. Sanford. Sanford's where Marcy was from or something. Now, what's that? What's the Sanford Wix? Oh, it's a solid. Okay. Oh, I might turn my mic off.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I'll say yeah, this is just a bonus thing to throw on your feed, hopefully you enjoy it, and yeah, the campaign, if you want to listen to us, actually play this thing, it's slash do-go-on-pod, available right now. And yeah, we'll be back on Wednesday with a new episode and see you then do drag on lighters Welcome to character creation for do go dnd So you have your stats, you have strength,
Starting point is 00:08:27 dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. Strength is just a raw measure of your physical strength, I suppose. The heaviest thing you can lift, how hard you can hit, dexterity is your agility, it's how well you are at dodging things, how hard you are to hit, and things like that. These, so these numbers, how did you come up with them?
Starting point is 00:08:49 There's, so there's a couple different ways you can do it. There's what I did here is called a standard array, which is like just a series of numbers, six numbers that are considered quotation marks fair by the D&D community. They're not too high, they're not too low. Should we be saying these for the listeners as you go through them? So I'm on zero strength, which isn't, because you can go on
Starting point is 00:09:11 a negative. Yes. Zero is actually human average. Right. Yeah. So human average would be zero in any one of these. Yeah, zero in average. Zero is like a plus two and they've won a key average. Yeah. zero is like a plus two and Dave Warner G average yeah yeah plus two on this one my character is a plus one on strength. Oh, I'm minus one. Yes, it's kind of backwards to real off. Yes, I would be well if zero is human average, I'd probably be sitting at what a plus five. Freakishly strong, I think is probably roughly where I.B. I believe plus four is actually human maximum.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So plus four in strength is like, Arniet is peak. Yeah, so it's still be plus five. Yeah, plus five. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then for Dexterity, I'm a plus three. I am also a plus three. Plus two.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Well, it's still an incredibly agile party. Oh, yes. And constitution, what are we talking about there? What's that mean? That is your health essentially So different to strength different to how strong you are Constitution is your hit points. So how hard you are to kill and Determines things like your immunities to poison and stuff like that. Mm-hmm How hard it is for a disease to get you how much of vitamin C you've been taking
Starting point is 00:10:23 And whether or not you went and bought that armor force at the chemist you've been taking that every day. Well, I have because I'm a plus one. I'm also a plus one. Two. Yeah, decent party. Then we get into the mental stats. The first one is intelligence. That is book smarts. So like how far you went in school. How much you can recall from from books that you've read essentially? Right. All right. Well, I am not too good here. I'm a minus one. I'm a plus two. I'm a zero plus zero, not a minus zero. You look an important distinction to make. So looking to Matt as our most bookish member. Okay, this feels wrong.
Starting point is 00:11:06 This is our entertaining life. And then you have wisdom. So if intelligence is your book smarts, wisdom would be your street smarts. It's how well you are at determining if someone is lying to you or how good you are at reading tracks in the mud. So you're like, oh yeah, cool. Well, stick with me, boys, plus two over mud. Oh, yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Well, stick with me, boys, plus two over here. Oh, I'm a neg one. I'm a zero. Yeah, all right. Let's stick with it. I got you covered. And then finally, we have charisma. Charisma is what the word implies.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It is how charismatic you are. How quickly you could form and lead a cult. Yes. That requires a lot of charisma. That's true. And I think I'm going to form one with my plus three over here. Oh yeah, I'm a plus two. I'm going to be a rival cult over here at plus three. Oh, okay. Matt, who are you going to pick and go with? Oh, Jesus, so both so charismatic. I'm going to spend a bit of time in both. Should we maybe we should introduce our characters?
Starting point is 00:12:06 We haven't done that yet. Please, yeah. Just like short introduction, name, race and class, if you will. Yep, well, I'm Gregory Grubb. I mean, you chose that name. You can't fumble over it every time. Gregory Grubb, I'm a Warlock 2. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:12:24 Warlock Level 2. Warlock Level 2. Warlock Level 2. And race is deep-nome. And I was, I went on the radio yesterday and they helped, the hosts helped me pick those. So I don't know if they're good or not. But Adam, kind of R.A., seemed to think they were pretty good. I did a pretty decent job, I think, of making your character nice and rounded. And I'm also a greeting card salesman.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Yes. That's your background. Your background is greeting card salesman. I believe I gave you the merchant sort of specialty background, which I'm saying is a greeting card salesman. Yeah, well there you go. And I took that from Get Smart, obviously. The most famous greeting card salesman Calvert job
Starting point is 00:13:08 Yeah, obviously who are you? Man, I'm here. I am casino musk race Think so how did you think of that name? I thought the name casino was quite cool You know, even the first person named casino indeed that has been indeed is for Dertz. Amazing. Incredible. That is amazing. That's a popular name. Really? Yeah. I wrote down four names I was thinking up in my backyard and this one I was listening to a bit of a country Casey Muscreves lately. So I stole the last name from. I am a monk level two. My race is a light foot halfling.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Okay. What does that mean? You'll find out from Adam. Adam what does that mean? So a late foot halfling is kind of at the very similar, halflings are often described or sorry, the name is used interchangeably with hobbits and late foot Halflings are probably the closest two Hobbits that the Halfling race gets. You are very incredibly lucky. So that takes
Starting point is 00:14:12 the form of, if I ever roll a D20, which is one of the most important dice in this game, you roll it the most. If I ever roll that and I get a one, the worst possible result, you get to roll again. Because you're lucky. Oh, thank you. So D20, just for all the people out, obviously I understand this. For the people out there, the D is for dice and the 20 is how many sides on the dice? Yes. So, the mechanic is its number D number.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So the first number is how many dice? Then the second number is the sides on the dice. Right. So 1d20 is 1 20 sided dice. 1d6 is 1 6 sided dice. 2d6 is 2 6 sided dice. Yeah. Yeah. That actually does. Yeah. There you go. And the d's always d's. Yeah. The d is always the d stands the D's always Dice. Yeah, the D is always, the D stands for Dice. In this game specifically, the D stands for Dice. I wanna ask Jackson Bailey's fine, Eric, in. Yeah, I can tell you that it's different.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Get me blood started. Can I tell you about my character? Please. Okay, so I just while you guys were talking came up with the first name, because previously I only had a surname for my character, but I just thought of a first name. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:15:26 So I am, Jebadaya Shooting Star. Oh, that's great. Thank you so much. I am a dark elf and I am a bard level two. And my background is entertainer because I'm not, I don't know much of an imagination and I have to just draw from my own life. I, and I forgot to say that I am a monster hunter,
Starting point is 00:15:48 but I tell people that I'm an accountant. Oh. Is it cover? For your monster hunting? It's my cover story. That's great. That's right. Casino bus graves like to fly under the radar.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Ha, ha, ha. Okay. Just a normal everyday joke, Casino. Ha, ha, joke, casino. Shooting star and Gregory Grubb, both of you have access to spells. Shooting star, you cast your spells through song or performance. So you pick a method of performance. I've given you a couple of instruments.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I give you several just to see what you might like. Drangle. Here's my options. I have bagpipes drum flute Lute. Oh, yeah, I've got a bunch to choose from. Yeah, these are all same like a appropriate instruments Yeah, you could also sing or perform if you wanted to or in In earlier editions of the game they had like an entire system around telling comedy. Really? That was a specific look,
Starting point is 00:16:50 I'm getting into a diversion already, but there was an ability called, I actually figured out what it was called, but it was like over the course of like 10 or 20 seconds, you tell a joke, and at the end of it, your opponent laughs so hard they die. I don't know, I don't know. Man, I wish that happened to some audiences.
Starting point is 00:17:06 That they'd laugh. Yeah. And then don't do you hate so much. They're laughing so hard that you're like, which these guys are? Too much. Too much. Let me move on. I think I've 50 minutes up here.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I did say a clip of James A. Cast on the late late show. And it was that kind of crowd. That was like a applause breaks James A. Cast on the late late show, and it was that kind of crowd. It was like a applause break and stuff. It's like, can you let him get through the bit? Guys, that was just a set up. Some from England? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:34 It was real funny stuff. It was stuff from one of his specials, but it was like when the rhythm is in a feed with when every 10 seconds, there's an applause break. Yeah, that's hard. Thank you. Thank you. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:48 One time he's like, yep, yep, that deserves that. Yes, thank you. I'm so sorry. This is incredibly unprofessional of me. But, Jess, you are unfortunately, I actually forgot to give your character equipment, but I have quickly put it in on my thing. I just wanted to let you know what you have.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Okay. You can write this down if you want, or if you think you're really good at remembering it, you can just keep it on my thing. I just wanted to let you know what you have. Okay. You can write this down if you want or if you think you're really good at remembering it, you can just keep it in your head. Where does equipment go? I'm pretty good. It's on the second page, I believe. I should say to the listeners,
Starting point is 00:18:14 we've got four sheets of info in front of us each. And it's like, it's all nicely set out. Would it be okay for us to upload to show the listeners this information? Yeah, I can. to learn it already. I can. I'll give you the updated sheets that have a Jess's equipment on it as well. So yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Of course, you can upload this. What equipment do I have? You have a scroll case. So it's like just a case to keep papers in. Sure. You have a chest. Yes, I do. The best way to carry all of your equipment. You have a chest. Yes, I do. The best way to carry all of your equipment.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You have a costume. You may pick what the costume is. A fairy. Absolutely. I in the past chose Bumblebee. So a fairy is absolutely fine. A fairy costume, please. You have fine clothes, which means just fancy clothes, essentially.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Yeah, just like my own fashion. It's fine. You have a dagger. Oh, just like my own fashion, it's fine. You have a dagger? Oh, yep. It sounds like me. You have all of the instruments you can play, so a lute, a drum, whatever instrument you can play, you have that.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yep. You have a lamp. Gotta be able to see. Which in the book. Ha ha ha ha. Are you enjoying me justifying everything commenting on every single thing Adam says? Dave is that what you're? I'm loving. You have leather armor. Okay for what I'm feeling naughty. But you want to be safe. Yeah you got to be safe. On that topic you have a vial of perfume of course a
Starting point is 00:19:50 Rapier sorry if I'm going too fast. No, you're good. That's a gun, right? Is it a rapier is like a yeah It's like a foil like a Fences right? Yeah, I only know it from the song whiskey in the job But that that changes the menu that song really shot him with my rapier that song really shot him with my rapier Yeah Yeah Was I He then produced yeah something like that I first produced my pistol and then produce my rapier I just thought it was a like a
Starting point is 00:20:16 Bigger gun on something yeah, right? Yeah a rapier is kind of like the sword that the musketeers use yeah cool Yeah, I'm with you. You have ceiling wax and writing equipment? Oh, yes, that kind of wax, not like. Lucky you got the chest. This is a lot of stuff you can't run out of there. You know, man, I don't pack lot. It's crazy, in the specific, because there's just like a pre-ordained sort of list
Starting point is 00:20:40 of equipment. It's crazy that this one has a chest. Everyone else gets a backpack. Yeah, I got a chest. You gotta carry around on the chest. That's crazy. And you get a bar of soap. Hydeen. The only one who does, I think. Yep, and I've got perfume. So you guys stink and I smell like Muff Jacobs daisy. You smell great. This episode is brought to you by Progressive. Most of you aren't just listening right now.
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Starting point is 00:22:35 Sorry about that brief diversion so I'll get into your spells and then we can discuss our Dave your key points Oh, all right, so you don't get spells or get key points. Which we'll get into in a minute. So you don't get spells. I get key points. Like a loser. Both of you have cantrips. Those are, if you look at the back of the, you have spell cards that tell you what spells you have.
Starting point is 00:22:56 The ones that say zero, those are your cantrips. Cantrips you can cast, kind of whenever. There's not many times as you want. No limit. One of mine is friends. Yes. That's a spell? Yes. I'd make people be my friend.
Starting point is 00:23:10 It gives you a bonus to making people your friend. Oh. You would need a spell to make people be your friend. Oh, well, that's because of my low charisma. I gave you a bunch of like, once again, I tried to theme these on your characters. So you as a greeting card salesman would obviously need to speak to a lot of people and would need to influence a lot of people positively.
Starting point is 00:23:32 So I gave you friends and as we get into later, I gave you a spell called Charm Person, which is a bit more powerful version of friends. Oh, whereas I have vicious mockery and dancing lights because I'm an entertainer, you see. Vicious mockery is kind of a, you know how that ability I was speaking about earlier where you tell a joke and someone dies? It's like a weaker version of that.
Starting point is 00:23:56 You tell a joke about a person and it hurts them physically. They start bleeding. So you're like conniving, like taking shots. Now, this might be a lot of pressure, but I do have a home rule where if you tell an actual joke about the person you're casting the spell at, and the joke makes me laugh, I let it do double damage.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Okay, great. Just as a little thing. Are you an easy laugh? I am. Oh, there's a double damage. The proof is in the pudding. Yeah, so those are your can trips and can trips you can cast as many times as you like. Then you have first level spells.
Starting point is 00:24:36 So those are the ones with a one on the back of the cart. Now first level spells you can only cast a certain number of times a day. For Gregory Grubb it is twice a day and for Shooting Star it's three times. Oh, okay. Yeah Matt look I can sleep three times a day. Oh, me too, but not in the game. And the way that works is it's not three times a card, it's three times in total. So you shooting star would actually not be able to cast all of your first level spells in a day. You can only cast three.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And Gregory grubbed kind of the same thing, but you only get three spells, but you can only cast two. You see how it all worked. Yeah, I've gotcha, I think. I mean, I'm sort of getting some percentage of all of this. Yeah, for sure. I feel like I'm drowning. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Drowning in knowledge. I feel like I'm drowning. Don't even stress, this has always been, I've run a lot of new players through this. It has always been the sort of thing where you learn as you go. Totally. It's a big info dump right now,
Starting point is 00:25:39 but it's kind of the sort of thing where, like an hour from now, you're gonna be like, oh right, this is, I remember this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is like, oh right, this is, I remember this. Yeah, yeah, this is like, it's the same feeling as when my dad tried to teach me how to play 500. You ever played 500, the card game? It's a great game.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Great game. You're gonna get those tricks. But I complicated. But once you get it, you're like, oh man, I'm gonna take all you suckers down. Okay, on what? The joke is actually in this game. What? Crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Crazy. So, Casino, you have what are called key points. Oh yes, yes Key points are like a type of magic, but they're not as impressive as magic They're not a showy, but you key points are way more like functionally useful in a fight So you're you're not gonna be able to make sparks fly or you're not gonna be, you're never gonna fall in love. No, you're not gonna be sucked in. Never gonna sleep. You're not gonna be able to sleep or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:26:33 You'll never know happiness. But the back to the game. The key points allow you to do three different things. One is flurry of blows, which is like, yeah. Yeah. All right. You know, if you ever see in like in a movie or in a TV show or whatever, when like someone who's really good at punching punches so fast, their arms are just a blur. Yeah. That is flurry of blows. Like a Honda and straight fighter. Yes. You can do it in Zelda. I just learned the other day. Right, make a reference that you get.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Well, it's sort of like Jackie Chan. Right, fantastic. Not inaccurate, no. So, so I can just go, Chacha, chacha, yeah, chacha, chacha. You get like a really quick well flurry of blows, as the name suggests. Love it.
Starting point is 00:27:22 So you attack multiple times in a turn and all of your attacks will have like a slight bonus to hit as well. So you're more likely to hit and you're doing a little bit more attacks. Does that make sense? Yeah, cool. The second one is patient defense. Patient defense means that you are dodging around so quickly that enemies have a really hard time hitting you. So if you're under threat from multiple people
Starting point is 00:27:49 all at once, it's really good to go with patient defense and then you can still attack as well. You're just like flying around the battlefield too quickly for people to hit easily. That's cool. And then the last one is step of the wind, which lets you just really move. If you need to get from A to B, really bloody quickly, step of the wind.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Are you fart powered? Yeah, I'm farting. It's only four, it's low. Only four, it's just... Can I go backwards? How do you go backwards, Dave? Try and fart backwards. There's still gravity in the device physics.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Is this world in... In Owl? Is this like somewhere on Earth or is this like in a different fantasy land? This is, yeah, in like a fantasy land of my creation. Right, also, so all the, all the different D&D games that happen in one universe, they're all, everything's a new universe sort of thing. Everything that I do is in this one universe, this one canon, if you love it. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yes, which you will soon be added to have a name for the cannon. The world is called Ognot. Ognot. Yeah. Yeah. Where does Ognot come from? Ognot, it was a character I played once. The name of a character I played a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Wow. And he had a whole universe named after it. Yeah. Well, he... What an honor. Which we will not get into in today's game, but he made the... Holy shit. ...after himself, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:12 So would our characters be familiar with him? You would know the name. Maybe as a legend. Oh, you might know the legend, but you would certainly know the name of the world as Ognot. Yes. But whether or not you know that specific character is neither here nor there. In any case, the stakes of today's game are going to be significantly smaller than the
Starting point is 00:29:30 universe. No, no. I'm taking over the universe. Oh, okay. Scary to hear. So, you get two key points a day, like how they can only cast their spells or some of their spells a certain number of times, you only get so many key points a day, like how they can only cost their spells or some of their spells a certain number of times, you only get so many key points a day.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Okay, cool. Makes sense, yeah. Otherwise, you are a very decent fighter. Your pro, no, not probably. You are the best fighter in this group. Thank you. And you will probably want to be putting yourself on the front line whenever possible,
Starting point is 00:30:04 but in a pinch, Jess as the bar can step in as well. Yeah, I can sing I can do this. Yeah, put the bagpipes. No, I must do you that So does that mean I don't understand this yet. We like a team where we're friends working together or so I I give all of the groups that I play with one of two options. You can start the game having already known each other and you're already friends. Or you can kind of just coincidentally be in the same place at the same time and an event transpire that kind of require you to act together. Right, like a Ragnac band.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Yeah, basically. I love a Ragnac band. Yeah, see, originally I band. Yeah, basically. I love a rag tag band. Yeah, see originally I was leaning towards, well obviously would, or be friends, but then you said rag tag and I was like, oh, I love a rag tag bunch. Don't you Dave? Yeah, let's go rag tag.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Rag tag. I'm sorry, but then we will become friends. We will become lifelong friends. If either of you stab me in the back, I will, in real life stab you in the back. You're the one with the bloody dagumat. That's true Do I have any weapons? You oh, yes, you do so Monks don't tend to use some of the like larger
Starting point is 00:31:16 Stranger weapons you Monks tend to like simple weapons so you have a quarter staff, which is just like a stick of wood that is pretty sturdy and very good for Thwacking people don't tell a style Oh, both stuff And pulling dynamite stuff you have darts just little darts They don't do a lot of damage, but they're quick and easy to you and it's a fun game to play when you pass in time That's right. Absolutely. You win money at the pub. Yes And like I said shooting style you have a dagger in a rapier, Gregory Grubb.
Starting point is 00:31:48 You have a dagger, a spear, and a light crossbow, as opposed to a heavy crossbow. Oh, nice. That sounds cool. Yeah. So, these ones down here, there's also the Eldritch Blast and the Unarmed Strike. They're separate. Yeah, everyone has an Unarmed Strike. The Monks Unarmed Strike is a lot more powerful than anyone else's. It's basically equivalent to using the Quarterstaff. So the Quarterstaff or your Fists are just basically pretty
Starting point is 00:32:19 equivalent. You're very good with both. It's up to you which one you think you want to use in any style. Would it be fair to say that, uh, that casino Mars Graves' fists have been registered with the Ognott government as weapons of master structure? Absolutely. There is no worldwide government to register your fists. Okay. But if there was, if there was, he might have to. Yes. Would they be ensured, it do you think for a million dollars? I don't think it'd be that sort of a situation it'd be more of a situation of You accidentally kill a man and you are incarcerated Oh, yeah, but you need to get home to your daughter and the plane is taken over on the way
Starting point is 00:32:58 It's more of a that sort of yes, right. Yeah, and you have a daughter. I can go. Thank you And I've got a bunny in a box. A bunny in a box. Put the bunny back in the box. What's the other line from that? There's there were two classic bits. There was bunny in the box. It doesn't matter now. So additionally, you have skills, which are worth mentioning. Skills are just like a broad range of different topics that you can be good or bad at. Each of your skills has a, you'll see on your character sheet, a bonus associated with it, or sometimes a penalty associated with it. So some of them are pretty straightforward.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Forward's things like animal handling or deception. Those are pretty obvious and self-explanatory. Things like maybe slight of hand or acrobatics could be a little more esoteric. So a slight of hand check is pick pocketing essentially. So it's picking someone's pocket or sometimes it can be just deathly using your hands. So if you need to like, I don't know, turn, like manipulate a machine in a specific way, that could be a slate of hand check. There is, so, Akanah, history, nature and religion are your knowledge of that subject. Right. So AConnor is magic, history, obvious, nature,
Starting point is 00:34:26 obvious, and religion. And plus four is the top in get. Plus four in your stats is the human maximum. Right, but in your skills, you can go a bit beyond. I would... Four is the top I've got. I've got it for persuasion. I've got a few five.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Intimidation. Intimidation, right. Deception and O'Connor. I gave got a few files. Intimidation. Intimidation, right? Deception and arcana. I gave you, if you're a gritting card thing, I gave you as many of the social skills. Right, yep. That's great. So insight is reading another person
Starting point is 00:34:56 or reading another living creature. So if you wanted to determine if that dog is gonna attack or if that person is telling a porcupine, that is insight. Animal handling is obviously handling. So insight to know if the dog will attack animal handling to stop it from attacking. Wow. Okay. So there's dogs in this world. I'll pick that up. Dogs are canonical to this, to this universe. Yeah. So acrobatics is back flips, front flips, uh, side flips. Yes, side flips. Yeah. So acrobatics is backflips, frontflips, side flips. Yes, side flips. Yeah, it would, well, it absolutely would be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Anything that is kind of dexterous and then athletics is like lifting something over your head or throwing a shot put stuff like that. And does that come up often? It's surprisingly not. A lot of athletic carnivals. Yes. So something that is important to note, I didn't write it down because I want you all to decide for yourselves. You need to determine how much your character weighs because I have, it is a guaranteed thing if you play D&D for long enough, one of you is going to pick up and try to throw another one of you.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Okay. And I want to know now how much you weigh. Right. And so is there sort of how big in general or how much would the range for a, what am I, a deep gnome? A deep gnome or a casino, you are a halfling. So deep gnomes and halflings, around 30 pounds. That's a kind of like an average. And that's about what's that about half kilos? That's about 15, 20 kilos. Yeah, about that. Yeah, I'm on a top end. And then what?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Shooting star, you are a drow elf. Elves are similar to humans, but a bit lighter, so your average might be around like a hundred to a hundred and fifty pounds. They're about. Well, I've been working out a lot, so it's all muscle. Obviously, very lean, very lean elf. Wow. I'll tell you that, isn't it? Yeah, that's right. So how's the way? I'm 120.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Oh, max. Right. I'm saying I shouldn't be max, I want the opportunity to be throwing a far away. So I'm going to be, what sort of like, give me mid weight. A mid weight, well, 30 pounds is about. 30, all right, I'll take 30 pounds. Yeah, all right. I'm gonna be a lightweight, I'm gonna be 20 pounds.
Starting point is 00:37:14 That's fine, yeah. I can keep out of my dollars. I can keep out of my dollars. And we've not a big boy. So there's a spot here on the third page with size. We put it in there. We need all that stuff. There would be a section that says wait, your size is for an
Starting point is 00:37:28 elf medium and then for the halfling and gnome it is small. Mm-hmm. You don't need to write that in though, that's fine. Okay. So a size categories are, so that size thing is what size category you fit into. There are, I think it goes from, no, it's fine. Fine is like the size of, I don't even know, fine is like the size of like a tiny little fairy, like,
Starting point is 00:37:54 okay, yeah, I don't even know how big that is smaller than a fatten inch. Yeah, not as close as a finger. Then it's diminutive, which is like twice as long as that. So maybe the size of a finger. Then from diminutive, which is like twice as long as that. So maybe the size of a finger. Then from diminutive, there's tiny, tiny is the size of like a cat. Then it is small, which is the size of a toddler, medium, the size of a human, large, the size of twice a human, like a horse.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Then it keeps going up and up. I've always thought of horses as twice human. Well, horses are twice a human, like a horse, then it keeps going up. I've always thought of horses as twice human. Well, horses are twice a large long. So it's a whole complicated system. That's my shoe sauce. I hate horse. Horse. Yeah, that might just be a small fit.
Starting point is 00:38:41 So for the small characters, the gnome and the upside, the, not like anyone listening heard, but I just to the wrong person, like the gnome and the partner. They know. You are small sized, which is about the size of a toddler. Okay. Right. And then the elf is about the size of a human. Sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:38:58 You know, you're my toddler. Tadlars aren't humans obviously. Is what I'm here for now. No, no, no, no, no. Humans as a race are definitely separate. A cute, hot list as a race. So huge. But in this game, humans the race, is that basically humans
Starting point is 00:39:12 in Earthworld? Yep. God, why would you pick that? Same pretty good. Why would you pick being what you already are? That's why you'd pick. Jackson picks human. Oh, he loves a human.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Of course he does. Jackson loves a human fighter. He's a big fan. Of course he does. Evan Monro is the big human. He loves him. He loves human. Oh, he loves a human. Jackson loves a human fighter. He's a big fan. Cool. See, every man wants to make a big human. He loves him. He loves him with that. I'm very familiar with that.
Starting point is 00:39:30 You can't play them in, so the addition we're playing is fifth edition for those of you listening at home. But in earlier editions, just letting you know Matt, and I'm sorry we didn't play one of those earlier editions, you can play as a monkey. Oh, wow. I would have definitely chosen that. Actually, you can, what type of those earlier editions, you can play as a monkey. Oh wow. I would have definitely chosen that. Actually, you can, what type of monkey I guess,
Starting point is 00:39:49 or chimp, is the, what type of primate would you like to play as is the question? Oh, that's a tricky one. Because you could have played as so many. I'm so sorry though. Are they all available? Technically, every single one is available, yes. Chimp.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I'd be a chimpanzee. Yeah, right, but no, but common. Common. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, they're the fighters. I like to be a little spot among you, just like. Spot among the canopy. Yeah, I think that'd be a great size to this world by the sound of it as well.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Adjal, their dexterity be higher. But sadly, we're not allowed to choose that. I feel like I'll be. Unfortunately, you say the sort of pets or animal handling. Is there pets? You can't, if you want to, you could probably in this town that you're going to start in. You could purchase a dog or something.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Oh my god, Dave, let's get a group dog. Oh, when do we get to the town? Oh, wow. Sorry. Speak of the devil. So you'll get to the town next time on Dugo D&D. This episode is brought to you by Progressive. Most of you aren't just listening right now. You're driving, cleaning, and even exercising.
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