Doug Loves Movies - Adam Brody, Clare Kramer and Evan Morgan guest

Episode Date: February 15, 2021

Doug welcomes Adam Brody, Clare Kramer and Evan Morgan to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming babies, sticky seeds with 50 acid pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug, and I love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies, coming to you once again from a mad, mad, mad, mad world with another Homes Alone edition. It's Sunday, February 14th, Valentine's Day, 2021. And my guests are a bunch of sweethearts. Joining me today are Adam Brody, Evan Morgan, and Claire Kramer. Hello, everybody. Hi,ramer. Hello, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Hi, guys. Hello. Hey. Thank you so much for being here. Let's introduce everybody individually so the listeners know who's speaking at all times. Starting with first-time guest, Adam Brody is here. Hello, Adam. Hi there.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Thanks for having me. Listeners, this is me with the at once very low and also very high voice very nasally low and nasally i've always been a fan of your role in the mr and mrs smith movie really yeah i wish i could agree but anyways go on i like the whole movie but yeah i mean i mean, I, I, I'm certain, I wouldn't be surprised if you have issues with your, I like, well, I liked the whole movie maybe except for me, but anyways, go, go. Don't let me cut you off. Tell me more.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Are you that critical of yourself all the time or is this one special? Just when it's warranted. I'm not overly, I just think as any professional, you know, that's a, that was a real missed opportunity for me as far as I'm concerned. Oh, really? You think you didn't sell getting hit in the face with a phone? No, it's just, it, it's quite a big stage in a nice movie that plays on seven channels concurrently until the end of time.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And it was very loose in terms of like figuring out the scripts on the day and, and stuff. So there was room to interject. If I had anything of note or value or humor, mostly to add, you know, the floor was all mine and I didn't, and I wish I could have come up with something, you know, some better stuff to say. That's all. Yeah. I get it. I get it. I, you know some better uh stuff to say that's all yeah i get it i get it i uh you know i think you transcend what you're saying in the film i enjoy you in it very much uh but yeah i do enjoy the the entire movie and uh but i brought it up just because did you see they're
Starting point is 00:02:39 they're you know making a new version i don't Yeah. And I don't know what to think of that or I don't know. I don't know. You know, I mean, I clearly, clearly they must have an idea there, you know, there must be a real new take on it. And I'm curious what that is. Yeah. Other than just maybe, Oh, that looks like that would be fun to do. You know, I, I would expect, and maybe I'll be proven wrong, but I would expect with those two and, and, you know i i would expect and and maybe i'll be proven wrong but i would expect with those two and and you know i don't know i don't want to say subversive necessarily but but i don't know the way they're kind of breaking molds i would just suspect there's a real fresh idea and it's
Starting point is 00:03:18 not i would be disappointed if at the end of the day they're just like we like those roles we'll just kind of do it yeah yeah uh and i look you know i look forward to whatever it is and whenever it comes along because it might be a minute also joining us today is uh the writer director of adam brody's latest uh film his latest starring role as the titular character in kid Detective. It's Evan Morgan. Hello, Evan. Hey. How are you doing, man? I'm great. I'm great. Thanks for having me. Thanks for taking, you know, an hour out of your Valentine's Day to be here. I assume you have a lot of activities and things that you like to do on this special day? No, I, you know, I feel like at
Starting point is 00:04:09 this point, I've been in a relationship for eight years. We have a child now. Every single year, I get in trouble on Valentine's Day. Every single year, I think, oh, maybe like we've reached a place of no expectations. And then I get in trouble all over again. And, you know, this morning, it really was just, I should have gotten up and, like, cleaned and made some breakfast. And, you know, it's been where we have a very young child, only two months. He's just turned two months.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And so, yeah, I really dropped the ball. I should have seen this one coming. Well, your tradition is getting in trouble. Yeah. Yeah, well, you really dropped the ball. I should have seen this one coming. Well, your tradition is getting in trouble. So yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, she would miss it if she didn't get to yell at you. I wonder maybe next year we'll we'll experiment with that and see. Well, I love too, that you, you managed to still get away for an hour to talk to us.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So I love movie trivia. I love it that you managed to still get away for an hour to talk to us. I love movie trivia. I love it. It's truly one of my favorite things to do with my friends. And again, because of COVID, we haven't done it in over a year. So I'll be probably more competitive than I should be. Well, I should say that I'm happy to hear that because we've instituted a rule on the show that if a guest wins at the games, if they prevail at the end, they're invited to come back on the next show. And we just started doing this a few months ago. And claire kramer who's also here hi claire hi doug she has been bulldozing the competition this will be her fifth uh show in a row is that correct um yes i think i think so
Starting point is 00:05:58 yeah so uh so the last week was a bit of a lucky episode. It swung in my favor by knowing you, Doug, and not necessarily knowing, you know, all the answers. You play the player, not the game. Not by choice. And there's no cap on it. So you can just go, go on and on and on. There is no cap on it. And I've discussed it on and on and on theoretically there is no cap on it and i've discussed it with some fans of the show on twitter and um turns out that they would be fine with if
Starting point is 00:06:32 it became a show where just every week people came on and tried to beat claire well it was yeah we this is our second run though doug yeah we had another long run a few years back when back when the show was, you know, in front of a live audience and she was nine months pregnant. By the end. Yeah. Yeah. It was. You went 10 weeks in a row, I think. Yeah, it was really fun. And, um, it was fun being backstage with you guys, being super pregnant,
Starting point is 00:07:06 not being able to participate in all the extracurricular activities, but still, we did a lot of punching each other. I think it was my third or fourth baby at that point. I think it was my fourth even. And so I was like, I can't, I didn't even give up coffee or, you know, anything with that one and then when you did give birth you just did it in the car and tossed the kid out the windows you drove right yeah basically well uh thank you for being back and for uh spending the next couple minutes hearing more about Kid Detective. There's no the on it, Evan.
Starting point is 00:07:49 It's just- There is. There is a the, but you know what? People are doing their own thing with it. I see it referred to as Kid Detective probably more than the Kid Detective. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I guess that's,
Starting point is 00:08:02 taking the the off always makes something sound a little hipper, I guess. Well, that's what they say. That's the Timberlake slash Sean Parker philosophy for sure. Facebook, it's cleaner. He's brilliant. But yeah, you did a terrific job with the movie though. I watched it today, which I don't normally do. A lot of times when guests come on the show that have a movie, I don't watch it because I'd just rather be in a neutral space of just excitement for them and the fact that they made a movie and not, you know, have to hide or sugarcoat or change my opinion. But I had a lovely time watching that
Starting point is 00:08:47 film today i had a i had just a strong feeling that i would like it and uh and then i did not that you know not that you need to i didn't bring you here to tell you that but i uh i i did want to bring it up because like i said i usually, I usually don't see the movies. So this one. Well, thank you for rolling the dice. And I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, well, I'm here to say to everybody, it's worth six bucks. That's the price it's at now.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Every movie is like a stock on the stock market these days. And you just sit and you wait for the prices to come down. And in this particular case, I think it's already in a very sweet spot. I think $6 is a great deal for this movie. And Adam, what you know, attracted you to this particular part? Just Evan's writing. I mean mean the concept's great but um his voice you know he uh he was very instrumental in another movie called the dirties um that uh
Starting point is 00:09:54 equally this movie kid detective takes a pretty big swing i think and tonally and and um this other movie does as well called the dirties and that was special. And, uh, I read, you know, he shared with me the first act of the script, like seven years ago, at least maybe more. And, um, and I loved it, you know, and not all that much has changed from the first act. I mean, um, I loved it then. And he has a, uh, just a way of writing that is very funny, very, way of writing that is very funny very but then very poetic and has a lot of uh pathos and is also very um you know uh there's a lot of nice metaphor and it's it's uh it's richness and depth keeps revealing itself to me yeah it's um you rarely like kind of walk out or as in this case sit on you know sit on the couch at the end of a uh what's essentially a fun movie and a mystery movie uh it still ends with the
Starting point is 00:10:57 feeling you know it leaves you with stuff to think about yeah and and um I think so. And it's not even so much that, you know, my dream is for people to walk away from this and then it starts a conversation about trauma or whatever. It's more, I mean, I think it works as a really good time at the movies first, like an old fashioned good time. But I do think the more you discuss, the more there's there to discover. And I myself, having had this script in my back pocket for two-thirds of a decade, and then I'm on set and then have watched it and then have read reviews, like I said, I'm still finding things that I didn't quite put together before that are, you know, I don't know if they're all on purpose or some are accidental, but the metaphors keep lining up nicely. Well, speaking of reading reviews, do you, do you do that in general or is this movie,
Starting point is 00:11:56 are the stakes different for this movie? You're more interested in what they have to say about it. Well, I do. I mean, you know, I do until I get i get bored i mean i definitely don't have a no review policy because i you know because i'll get too bent out of shape one way or another um and i also feel like in general i have a pretty objective view of whatever it is i'm part of and how it came out and and and a strong enough opinion that you know reviews won't sway my feeling about it one way or another but with this it's been very interesting because the, where it's released, when it's released, it's, um, you know, essentially,
Starting point is 00:12:31 even though it came out in theaters, this weird ride wide release, they put Sony took it and then they put a trailer out Monday and put it on wide world. This is an October, put it on like 850 screens that Friday. So, you know, zero ads or awareness, but there's abandoned theaters. And then they did that. And then all to say, and the people we did work with at Sony did a lovely job and it worked their very best. But I mean, in many ways, it's just released into the wild, if you will, or don't, however you want to.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And so to kind of see it spread on this social media and letterbox, um, and what have you and Twitter, and it's just kind of a new era and to watch it kind of bloom and find its audience and you can track it. It's very interesting to me and, you know, we're quarantined. So I have too much time on my hands to do that. to do that. Well, that's the thing is during quarantine, much more so than before it, I've felt like this show is more of a consumer guide in terms of we have more time to watch stuff,
Starting point is 00:13:40 but we also do not have nearly enough time to watch everything that's out there so just hearing us discuss uh you know different movies that are available people can kind of get an idea if it's you know something worth uh taking the time for you know and also just mentally is that people need to find movies that sound like they're, you know, going to soothe whatever it is that they're looking for. I'm finding it interesting with my guests each week. A lot of times people are really enjoying scary or even specifically pandemic horror movies during this time.
Starting point is 00:14:21 For me personally, I, that's not my jam. That's not what I'm looking for for but every week on the show i ask my guests to just recommend one movie and since claire knows this question is coming i'll just start with you claire what's one your one movie recommendation you recommended palmer two weeks ago and hillbilly elegy last week. So what do you got for everybody this week? Well, let me first say that I watched a lot of bad movies this week. Thinking about one to finding a good one. And I'm super excited to watch Kid Detective, Evan and Adam. So I'll be watching that tonight for sure. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, I'm excited. Sounds great. I'm throwing it back to a classic, what I consider I'm not a, I'm not a romantic comedy love movie person. That's not, that's probably my least favorite type of movie to watch, but in my top 10 of movies is what I consider like probably the best romantic movie is love actually. So since it's Valentine's day, I'm going to throw it back to that 2003 film, which I think is near perfect. And I'll debate that with anyone. It's just,
Starting point is 00:15:37 it's such a beautiful story from the opening, you know, monologue by Hugh Grant to, you know, the way they tie in everybody's different love story to the little kid, you know, running on the plane and everybody, you know, helping him say his goodbyes to his one true love. And he's like seven or eight to, it's just, it's a near perfect movie and it's a Christmas time. It's set, you know, before Christmas, but I really consider it a Valentine's day movie. So that is is my recommendation we have a bonus day tomorrow um so if you want to extend your valentine's day i say watch love actually you always have so much information in your answer
Starting point is 00:16:16 that i have like a million things to say or questions to ask at the end of it okay ask me i forget most of them fortunately but the one thing that popped into my head is how great it is that that little kid in love actually is he's in uh queen's gambit yes i know isn't that awesome it's like he disappeared he looks exactly the same exactly he told in fact when i started watching queen's gambit, I was like, ah, I'm so happy to see him. And that's kind of what reminded me of the movie. But I just feel like it's such, you know, it's a movie that isn't overthought. You know, it's it wasn't it doesn't look like there was too much planning or thought put into it.
Starting point is 00:17:00 To me, it's a very organic viewing and I just love it. I think it's it's great. It's, you know, the score is phenomenal as well. So. Yeah. I think that one guy put a little bit too much planning in showing up at his best friend's house to show a bunch of cue cards to his girlfriend. That may have been planning. Yeah. It's right there in his hands. If the guy just happens to wander by the door or something, he's sitting right there watching telly. I have a good friend who for years, the first card, I think when, uh, she opens the door and it's written, say it's Carol singers forever.
Starting point is 00:17:41 My buddy thought that Carol singers was like a person, Carol. That's really funny. Pretty amazing. And that survived for years and years, I think. He should have. That is a smart play is that, you know, if they ever remake Love Actually, I'm shocked they haven't. They should.
Starting point is 00:18:03 He should also have on tape uh carolers that he could turn on so that the guy in the other room thinks she's just right like up the production value i will say it's pretty pretty rough that he does that to his buddy you know who is that serving like what is he expecting really he's planting a seed of anything in her mind, you know, Oh, this guy's in love with me, but he doesn't want anything. But like, you know, I don't know. I don't know if that makes it better necessarily for his pal. Every other rom-com would have shown that shown some flaw in that guy that
Starting point is 00:18:38 made her ultimately not right for the guy she was with. And therefore it's a romantic gesture that this other guy comes along but that he just tries to take her away from his buddy and it doesn't work but that she finds it all just super adorable right just runs back inside to her her man it's just it's weird but i do agree with claire that it's uh you know, hard to not like. It's a very, I just find some. It pulls at your heartstrings. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Some of the scenarios are better than others for me personally, but the overall feeling is good. I hope you recommend Christmas movies throughout the year, Claire. Don't worry. But to me, like I said, it's about, it's a movie about love. It's the most, I don't know, articulate movie about loving someone and the simple act of love.
Starting point is 00:19:37 You know, it's not, it's not all romantic. It's not all defined. It's just about that emotion. So I think that's what really attracts me to it. And it's also about my love, my love of the nostalgia over being able to chase someone to the gate when they're leaving on a flight. I know. I mean, and that's Heathrow. Heathrow is rough, man. We've all been through it enough. It's like miles and miles.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So that makes that scene even more impressive. I can't hear the name Heathrow without thinking of Scooby-Doo saying it for some reason. It sounds like a Scooby-Doo word. So thank you for that well thought out recommendation. I'm sorry you guys have to follow that. But Adam or Evan, do either of you have a movie you'd like to recommend? I'll throw one on the fire here. My wife just, we've been doing old sailing movies.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't know why. And she wanted to watch The Bounty from the 80s. Roger Donaldson. It's really good. And just listen to this cast. Anthony Hopkins. Everyone like young. Anthony Hopkins is the lead. Then there's
Starting point is 00:20:57 Mel Gibson would be like the second. Then Daniel Day-Lewis. Then a young Liam Neeson. And they're all... And then the score is really cool. It's, I think it's pronounced Vangelis, but they did the score for Blade Runner too. So it's really like synth score, even though it's an 1800s, you know, sailing movie.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And it's a good, it's a good drama. It's not even really like that much action. It's much more kind of a human drama with and it really, I'm really a fan of movies that there's a lot of period movies, but some movies can transport you there better than others, you know, and give you a feel for, you know, what it must be like, the sort of sense of it all. And there's just some good, there's a lot of scenes in Anthony Hopkins quarters where they're all eating
Starting point is 00:21:45 dinner and the boat is just rocking and they constantly have to put their hands on the silverware and the plates to kind of keep it from, and just that detail, but it really feels like you're, you know, having dinner on an old ship and there's a lot of screen time there. And I know that doesn't sound enjoyable but it is and um by comparison you know we also we're halfway through master and commander it's taken two nights and i remember liking it fine at the time but it was really well regarded i know and she really liked it we're watching that one again and i still think it's it's solid but i don't love it i think the bounty uh pun intended
Starting point is 00:22:22 blows it blows it out of the water. Yeah, but both from filmmakers from down under. Yes. I didn't know Roger Donaldson was Australian. Yeah, he is. Yeah. I was so excited for Master and Commander in the theaters. Truman Show was my favorite film when I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:22:41 and I think that was Peter Weir's follow-up. Wow, yeah. And could not have been more excited. And then felt kind of the same way. I was just surprised by, I guess, how little plot there was. Does that make sense? Most of it is just the guys hanging out on the boat, right? They're just hunting. They're being hunted by the ship.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And it's just like a cat and mouse between him and one other ship. He's trying to Napoleon, you know. Yeah, it's a great i like that movie i watched greyhound this week which is another it's you know it was like it was like a long version of battleship it was good but it was you know it was good but i'm a that movie starts in battle right they don't like up to it. There's no lead up. It's already happening. Yeah, it's already, yeah. But I love Master and Commander.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, the far side of the world. Is that the full title? Yes, yes. Master and Commander, the far side of the world, yeah. You know, I think it could have benefited from being rated R, maybe. It's rated PG-13, so some of the, like like just truly awfulness of the – because, you know, it dips in it. I mean, that's the interesting stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Like the kid, the little kid gets hurt in the beginning. They have to amputate his arm and stuff. It's brutal. But like that's some of the stuff that's interesting to me. But they have to kind of pull their punches a little with how awful it is on board. Okay. So we've got – for claire see i always forget i i forgot to uh to write it down her movie is love actually and then um adams is the bounty bounty the bounty which also um I was realizing is that's the same, it has the same story as Mutiny on the Bounty.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah, which I've never seen, and I feel a little bad, because I think Donald Trump name-checked Mutiny on the Bounty not that long ago when he was pissed that Parasite won. So, sorry. Wait, what did he say about The Bounty? He's like, why? You know, I think he's so ineffective. What is Parasite?
Starting point is 00:24:47 What is it? You know, what about the old movies, Mutiny on the Bounty and some other one? Fucking sick. Gone with the Wind and Song of the South. Yeah, exactly. Birth of a Nation. Yeah. I do love that clip, though, where he's reacting to that uh the oscar win for parasite and he's just like isn't that horrible i mean i don't know have you seen it is it any good
Starting point is 00:25:13 yeah he's very mad about it without any knowledge of what it is um evan what's your recommendation um well i'm gonna start with a plug for some of my canadian pals who made a movie called psycho gore man which is also out on digital it's so funny i started watching that last night oh no kidding interject real fast but with my daughter and then they start saying like because it's not rated but the acronym or whatever it's pg is what they call it you know it's called like psychormon pg and it is like looks like a kid's movie to mix up so we're watching it and then like 10 minutes in the guy starts saying what suck my dick and then rips off two heads and we turn it off anyways go ahead that's amazing i mean much like our own film it's it's really baiting uh
Starting point is 00:26:01 a lot of uh but to not rate it i'm like like, let me... I'm trying to find, like... You know, because the trailer looks innocuous enough. Anyway, sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, I mean, it's funny because it is very much like a kid's movie in terms of its plotting. Like, you know, the central characters are all young kids, like a 10-year-old girl or something. And, you know, it's just the only difference being
Starting point is 00:26:21 that they befriend this alien hell alien hell bent on destroying all life. And the film truly literally doesn't pull any punches in terms of just like how graphic it is. But it's a silly gore. You know, like I can see getting a few minutes into that with your daughter. I mean, it is pretty graphic, though. I it's a film that's just so lovingly. So I, uh, it's a film that's just so lovingly, but it's, it's like so many practical effects and, you know, uh, prosthetics and like truly a film that was handcrafted and, um, just, I mean, I just find it really exciting to see that kind of, uh, you know, care in a contemporary movie when so much stuff is, you know, digital and green screen. And to see people who really built these characters,
Starting point is 00:27:07 to see these characters that were just hand built and the love that, that it requires to make a movie like that. And it's just, it's so much fun. It's so funny. How is it spelled? Like, is it two words? Psycho Gore Man? Well, is the title Adam and the PG Psycho gore man i you know i've seen it a few different ways but like essentially no the title psycho gore man two words gore man like somebody's last name gore yeah it's not a psycho gore man it's like no no exactly and the kid in the film is phenomenal it's just incredible too.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Like I don't know how old the actor was, but she's playing just like a full tilt, like sociopath. She did an eye roll. I mean, I, like I said, only saw 10 minutes, but she does an eye roll that like her head almost falls off. It's really funny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I had a couple of, a couple couple friends who worked on that and uh um i'm just you know it's it's it's nice to see that one out in the world the same way as ours and uh um and yeah tricking parents into putting it on for their children much like the kid detective
Starting point is 00:28:16 but uh the okay for valentine's day i have another uh another recommendation which is a film called Two Lovers with Joaquin Phoenix and Gwyneth Paltrow from 2009 which is a film that I think got pretty overlooked it was when he was doing his I'm Becoming a Rapper stunt with his long beard
Starting point is 00:28:40 and his long hair and this was the film that he was promoting at the time and it's so. James Gray directed it. It's one of my favorite Joaquin roles, performances. And it's so, it's so sad. It's just like really melancholic. Not certainly not like a heartwarming Valentine's day film, but yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's a sad one. It's a beautiful movie though. It's sad beautiful movie, though. Is it sadder than Her?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah, I mean, yeah, I've... It's... I think it's sadder than Her. I mean, I care... Is it sadder than Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot? Her is sad in a different way. Is it sadder
Starting point is 00:29:22 than The Sisters Brothers? I never saw that one. I god it's i think it's sadder than all those movies her i guess ends in a pretty you know it's uh it's hopeful the end of her that's right yeah he goes up with amy adams and he writes a poem to his ex-wife it's just sad that he has that mustache yeah right and that pants don't have belts anymore that was that one spike jones futuristic touch and i i thought it was the most genius thing but just they're high-waisted everyone's yeah i thought it was it's like the only thing i remember from that movie and i love it it does it really stands out like wow are crazy. They'd be so insanely comfortable.
Starting point is 00:30:07 You don't have to do anything after a big meal. We'll just keep on keeping on. Well, thank you for all those recommendations. Those are excellent options for people to, to, to check out. I should have said you don't have to be too Valentine's day or romantic based because this comes out tonight. So people will be probably listening to it tomorrow. should have said you don't have to be too valentine's day or romantic based because this comes out tonight so people will be probably listening to it tomorrow so you should have recommended presidents ah you're right oh but i think everyone should watch a romantic movie on president's day uh but we'll be right back we're gonna have this this
Starting point is 00:30:42 evan is here to fight i don't know about adam but uh evan came to play and uh so we'll be right back. We're going to have this, this, Evan is here to fight. I don't know about Adam, but, uh, Evan came to play and, uh, so we'll see how they do. It's always a dangerous thing to say because we, you know, now I've really just set myself up for humiliation. Everyone will know that I care. Oh yeah. But it's not losing to Claire. It's, it's real. It's so painless. I'm glad. Yeah. a four time champion is true he makes you feel good about it
Starting point is 00:31:07 she's really good we'll be right back we're back and everybody's excited to see how these games go today this first game is called
Starting point is 00:31:24 How Long Is It? and it's a pretty simple game i just name a thing and then each of you guess how long it is and whoever is closest to the right number love it without going over is that without going over that's the real yeah you know just to because it's, you know, it's easier to have some sort of tie if you don't do it that way. Right? That's like, Price is Right, right? You can't go over.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Got it. Price is Right style. Price is Right style, we like to say. I like that you made a game, How Long Is It? Yeah, it's just called How Long Is It? It's a Cugs game. I don't know if it's one name.
Starting point is 00:32:11 It's just so tiresome sometimes. I would just say, well, it's a game about how long things are, so how long is it? But the secret part of this that people don't know when I introduce this game is it always has something to do with Tom Hanks for no real reason other than just who doesn't love Hanks. Tom Hanks, let's see, he said when the Green Mile came out, there were people that were not,
Starting point is 00:32:45 they were not into how long it was. And Tom Hanks was a vocal defender of the length of Green Mile, arguing that a longer movie, you're getting more for your money, which is like, well, okay, if I was being tortured, I wouldn't want it to go longer because i because of how much i paid for it maybe i would if i paid for torture but that was your thing but anyway the green mile people love it so you know that's not the point the point is if it's so damn long just how long is it in minutes how long is the motion picture the green mile we'll start with claire okay um i know that it is i don't well i don't know if i want to talk through my answer.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I'm going to go I'm going to go 1, 2, 3. 123. Okay. 123 minutes. That's only 2 hours and 3 minutes, right? That is 2 hours and three minutes, correct. Oh, wait. See. Wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Okay. Can we do one, one, eight, three, one, eight, three. That's my answer. That's my answer. Yeah. Sorry. You guys just gave me a gimme. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Well, that's, you know, I mean, it was worth pointing out. Sportsmanship, gentlemen. Thank you. I appreciate it. Both of you guys are awesome, and I'm going to watch Kid Detective tonight. I'll even let the two of you decide who goes next.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Well, see, now I would feel bad because I could say like, you know, three hours and two minutes, Right. And, and that would be very, a very cheap way to play very unsportsmanlike. Well, because I, if I'm just going like a minute less, you know, knowing that we can't go. Well, I don't know. I think you can do that. It's not right. I would do that. Really knowing that we can't go over. i think i think that that's uh it's unfair so
Starting point is 00:35:07 what was the first guess again three hours and three minutes wait those you're saying you're not gonna say 182 minutes because of how unfair that would be yes i don't think i can be unfair to you more than anybody else because she said 180 she said 183 yeah so you'd only have that you'd have to be 182 on the nose to win but if you said 184 if you the main thing to do is to add a dollar to hers because then anything over that but yeah she saws anything over so i don't think it's yeah you know now if you said that and then i didn't went in right below you that would be a dick yeah that's the thing though you can if you think it's listen i'm just i don't think it cracks the three hour mark i don't i'm not i don't know it that
Starting point is 00:36:00 well but i'm gonna go a little lower i'm gonna go down in around two minute two hours 45 minutes that's where i'm gonna go okay okay uh that being the case i'm gonna go two hours 58 minutes okay see there you leave yourself a little little room a little wiggle but that's the crazy thing so you're saying how many total, Evan? Well, I'm trying to keep a nice buffer on either side. I don't want to play. I want to win fair. So two hours and 58 minutes.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Two hours and 58. All right. Fair enough. The thing is, when you show up to compete against a claimer, up to compete against Claymer, I think cheating is the only way you could possibly pull it off
Starting point is 00:36:50 because... I do know what the movie is over three hours, but I don't remember how much. It's five minutes longer than your bid, Claire. You were five minutes off with 183 because it's 188 minutes.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Wow. I knew it was over three hours because that was a big topic when it came out. Right. And they didn't have the app that told you when to have the pee breaks like they did with Endgame. You remember? And they created that app so that you could put in that it would alert you when to go to the bathroom. So you wouldn't miss good parts of the movie but when green mile came out they didn't have that so you had to really there's an app that tells you like this is the slow part go yeah go what there it was specifically designed for endgame what's what's the app called i can't
Starting point is 00:37:40 remember but i had it on my phone because i took all my kids to the movie and I was like, no one pees after this point. Wow. I wonder if like, are there movies that are so bad that the rating is just it's a person sitting at home, like they tell you, you're just probably better off staying at home or you can go pee whenever you need to. Just go to the bathroom for the movie. Just go to the bathroom for the movie. You know, that's my favorite movies of all times are pretty much the ones where there's no time to go pee. I always find it frustrating whenever there's things happening in a movie where if you missed it, it wouldn't really change your overall. I agree 100 percent experience. I mean, sometimes it's about the vibe, which can be cool.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But mostly I want something to be, you know, going on all the time. What would be the scene in Endgame? Like, where would they tell you? Do you remember where they told you to go? There was something around the 2, like, 20 mark. Oh, that's like, you know, if you just can't hold it in. Where they were, like. Far into it.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Well, no, no. they offered other breaks before that. Oh, but that was 220. That was the last one. They said, this is your last chance to go where you only time. Yeah. To where you won't miss, you know, the whole, you know, culmination of everything. Yeah. Which't say because if some well i guess the oh my god i'm on spoilers is over i'm really concerned about i i still haven't seen end game and i don't want anyone to spoil it right i know that's like that'd be a really weird person are we are you friends with an astronaut like what is it why would they you know if they're
Starting point is 00:39:26 that into it you know right i'm just casually into it might not want it spoiled but that but they you know they did have that hashtag don't spoil the end game right that was the hashtag that they got trending when the movie came out and all that remember that that was the publicity campaign all the actors were like coming out and saying don't spoil the end game or tweeting it and stuff so but it's over you can yeah doesn't ruffalo always put his foot in his mouth every time there's a new one though i think he's always i think he's the one that's always like in interviews they're like don't let him talk he just doesn't care and they shoot shit out of order so he's just like yeah where's glasses now you know he's saying that two movies too early yeah okay well congratulations claire and guys all she won was the opportunity to go
Starting point is 00:40:15 first in our next and final game which we will play right after these words. We'll be right back. No flipping. We're back with Adam Brody and Evan Morgan, star and executive producer and writer and director of The Kid Detective, going up against Claire Kramer, five-time champion on this run. So many wins under her belt overall. And gets to go first in this next game. Are you ready, Claire?
Starting point is 00:40:55 I am ready. What game is it? That's the other thing, is I have to keep whipping out new games because Claire keeps coming back week after week. I don't want her to have any kind of advantage. So this is a game we haven't played. I hope it has an equally like descriptive title. This next game.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I think it's pretty descriptive. This game is called Franco or Frank. No. Okay. I'll name a movie. And your job when it's your turn is to tell me if it features James Franco, Dave Franco, or neither. Okay. First person to get three of these right is the winner.
Starting point is 00:41:41 When you miss one, the next person gets to take a stab at it. If two people miss on one, the third person gets a gimme. That's how you can pick up points without knowing anything. That's a lucky break. Yeah. So we'll go Claire, then Adam. Claire, you're up first. Which Franco or neither was in a motion picture called Greenberg? I am fairly certain that that is Dave Franco.
Starting point is 00:42:17 That is correct. Right out of the gate, Claire's on the board. Nice. Showing dominance. That was a funny movie. Love that movie. Ben Stiller, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. That was, I like all of... I like, like, failed people movies. Like, wasn't he, like, an old musician? You know what I mean? Yeah. It was literally like an aborted cunnilingus scene where he
Starting point is 00:42:47 starts and then it's nothing like leaves. It's so funny. Yeah, I think you're going to end up on, if there's a reel of those, Adam, you're going to be on it. If there's a reel of them? Of aborted cunnilingus scenes.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Oh, yay. Oh, shit, right right the new one oh yeah right that's still fun coincidence um all right so um it's on Evan now for this next one. You get to first stab at it. James or Dave or neither. A movie is called Charlie St. Cloud. I'm going to say neither, but maybe Dave's in it. I'm going to say neither. I've never gotten over that title. Cause I remember when it came out, like the trailer, just being just, you know, after a few minutes of, you know, watching Zac Efron doing stuff on a boat.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It just says Charlie. It just doesn't make sense. It's just such a weird. That is incorrect. Neither is wrong. So that means, Adam, you get to choose between does it have Dave or James in it? Charlie St. Cloud. Evan said neither. That's right.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Then definitely Dave Franco would be his friend. Dave Franco. That is correct. Adam is correct. That has one point. What is it? The point of that movie is Zac Efron is dead the whole time? I believe his brother is dead. Somebody's dead.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I believe his brother is dead and they play catch. Is that true, Claire? I think so. Someone definitely was dead in it. It's his younger brother, right? Yeah. My favorite is the movie Safe Haven with Julianne Hough. Josh Duhamel?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Yeah, yeah. I haven't seen it. I was so close to saying Timothy Elephant. And so that movie is so funny how Colby Smulders is her friend that lives next door that just gives her advice from time to time throughout the movie. And then the twist at the end of the movie is that that woman's been dead the whole time. It's so weird. It's such a weird because the movie doesn't the rest of the movie doesn't play like it's about any kind of, you know, supernatural. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. I love my bananas reveal. It's so funny. It's so like,
Starting point is 00:45:34 that's why I don't worry about spoiling it for people by saying that it happens. Cause as you're watching it, you'll forget that it's going to happen. And then when it does, it's so funny. Okay. Speaking of dead people movie, I just introduced my kids to six cents which they loved i bet that worked yeah yeah they had so many questions right they're like wow he must have uh really wait to to marry jenny mccarthy i told him at the beginning i'm like there, there's a twist. So the entire, which was a mistake because the entire movie, they're like, what's the twist?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Is this what's going on? And I was like, just, I never should have said anything. Yeah. But it gives you something to think about though, too, because that's a, you know, the M night Shyamalan really, the pacing is like, you know, it's almost like, you know, he wants you to sit and look at the puzzle and think about it but then after you see it the first time it's like you see it the from the very start of the movie you know what i mean oh yeah could you even get away with that i mean it's it's it's a brilliant movie like could you in the internet age even do that movie now i mean would it would
Starting point is 00:46:42 it be spoiled for everyone instantly i think the marketing campaign, like Claire was talking about earlier, it has to just be like, don't tell anybody. Yeah. They just, if now it's in the new movie, they have to say, don't say anything like I liked when knives out came out, they were pretty good about like the trailers were really good at not, not being a typical trailer of showing you too much. And then, uh, they made it you know they made people excited about going to a movie where you don't you know right where you you don't share like i'm seeing a magic act like where you know you just don't share that information because
Starting point is 00:47:16 it's more fun that way um but yeah it's but if you've got a movie with a serious twist in it that you don't want people to know about i don't think that's possible to pull off anymore. Well, we'll know soon because his new movie old, have you seen the trailer for that? Oh, the new Shyamalan? Yeah. It's so interesting. It's about people who like age instantly. Right. Yeah. It looks really good. And I'm'm sure they're you know it'll be interesting to see the campaign with that like you said yeah but that's gonna get what kind of release you think
Starting point is 00:47:52 that's gonna get i don't know because i i wasn't privy to like how far out they were like how much post they still had i mean that guy's always cranking out stuff. Now he's making TV series too because of all the streaming services needing product. Loving stamping his name on there. So we're back to Claire
Starting point is 00:48:17 then, I guess. Okay. Claire gets to go first on this next one. Claire has one point. Adam has one point. Evan is waiting to get on the board. Claire, James Franco, Dale Franco, or neither, the Lego movie. Lego movie number one. Lego movie number one. Lego Movie No. 1. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Lego Movie No. 1. I'm going to say neither. That is incorrect. Rare stumble. Okay. All right. Well, I'm going to say Dave in that case. Evan coming in fast and hot with the correct answer.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Evan is now on the board. We have a three-way tie. Terribly, terribly exciting. Now we're going to Adam gets to go first on this next one. Adam, which one of those guys or neither was in a movie?
Starting point is 00:49:26 James. No, go ahead. Sorry. I compiled this game by only looking at a book about Dave Franco. No. There's some other ones in here, I think. The movie's called six balloons wow yeah it's a wild card i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:49:53 i'll give you a lot of credit if none of them are in it because that's that's bold to grab something no one's ever heard of that none of them you know could be anything could be a very early james thing or a friends are already thing i'd be inclined to go dave but we have done three days two days in a row so i'm just gonna say james that's my logic you're going d Dave? I'm going to go James. Oh, that's incorrect. Claire? I'm going to say...
Starting point is 00:50:46 Oh my gosh. I don't... He said James. I'm going to say Dave because I don't think you would pick one that nobody was in right now. I see. That is correct. What is the movie?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Fixed Balloons? I don't think I've seen it I haven't either I mean I'm assuming that they're not loved balloons because there's only six of them did you say sick balloons no six
Starting point is 00:51:19 like it doesn't matter none of us know what the hell this is but apparently Dave Franco is in it I hope he got paid and who was the one that Claire just got that one so now we move on to Evan and the next film is called
Starting point is 00:51:41 Six Underground. Well, it's funny. It's the type of title that sounds vaguely familiar, but maybe I've never heard of it. Six Underground. All right, well, let's just say James. Yeah, all right, let's say James.
Starting point is 00:52:15 That's incorrect. Ah, shit. Adam, Six Underground. Adam Six Underground. I'm wondering if it's this Ryan Reynolds, Michael Bay thing that just came out. Or that's something, some number. But anyways, regardless, I'm going to say neither. That is incorrect.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Claire for the win. I'm going to say Dave. Wow. This is all Dave, the all Dave hour. It's all Dave all the time. But he's in two movies that nobody's ever heard of that start with the number six. Wow. And have to do with balloons.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Six balloons and six underground. But yeah, six underground, I think, is the movie with Ryan Reynolds. Oh, and he's in that. Okay. I think so. Yeah. And Dave is in that. Okay. I think so, yeah. And Dave is in that. And then, yes,
Starting point is 00:53:06 there's just so many movies that both of them have been in that, like you were saying, they go indie and mainstream with equal measure. So it's real hard to keep track of all their titles. But Claire has done it once again.
Starting point is 00:53:27 She's been unstoppable that's because you guys were nice and gave me the second guess on green mile because i said i did the wrong calculation we did let you fix that but here's the great thing about claire coming back next week is she will have seen the kid detective and that could be her recommendation. I will talk about it. A lot of, a lot of, and if it's not her recommendation, you all know what she thought about it. Then it's what psycho, uh, Psycho Gorman will come get me. I am going to watch that too.
Starting point is 00:54:04 That sounds good yeah that does uh evan morgan what else is going on do you have uh other than telling people to find the kid detective on on uh it's on dvd blu-ray and on demand right yeah yeah yeah it's uh fire up those blu-rays all those places it's on amazon and itunes and all yeah yeah i watched it on amazon and uh like i said it's at the insanely reasonable price of six dollars uh yeah like in the good old days yeah well we did have a theatrical run i think that's why i think the really expensive ones are going straight to digital, right? Where you have to spend like $20 to watch them. Oh yeah. Yeah. They come out of the gate at 20.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Then you just sit and wait for the price to come down. Or in my case, it to become a, you know, a screener for awards considerations. Sometimes I'll hang out and wait for that to happen. But you know, as we know, there's a lot of movies now, so cutting through the clutter is tough, and The Kid Detective is definitely worth a watch. Adam Brody also currently appearing in Promising Young Woman,
Starting point is 00:55:20 and I assume to be seen in Shazam 2. Yeah, yeah. That's what i'm assuming yeah okay good we're all in agreement that you'll be in shazam 2 and um anything else you'd like to plug uh no no just go watch the kid detective Well. And that's enough for me. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you. And for elevating that garbage movie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Yeah, yeah. You made the line so much better.
Starting point is 00:56:00 That was playing on our television as well the other night. And I was watching it, you you know with adam's kind of self-critique in mind you know just kind of curious because i know that's not his favorite of his performances and i also thought that you were good i think you know i think like it's a smaller role for sure but uh i never noticed the fight club t-shirt in the interrogation that's the best thing in my performance that was done and i thought it was was done. I thought it was great without even remembering that Brad Pitt was in fight club. I was so impressed with it as a costume choice. Yeah, that was, that was the, yeah, that was good.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah. Why didn't you have a Laura Croft shirt on? Underneath. I always add layers. It was on over a long sleeve shirt in the long sleeve it was a character a lot of backstory a lot he was a fan of a lot of things um but thank you guys for being here and everybody watched the kid detective and seriously claire and i will talk about it on the show i'm very excited do you have anything else to to make anybody aware of this week? Nope. I'm all good. I love it. She doesn't even, she's just here for the joy of competition doesn't have anything to plug.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Does she drive away in the car now in the minivan? Yeah, she won the minivan. minivan yes he won the minivan uh has all of my extremely tentative road dates and there's not a lot of them but you can still go there and look at it and dream of a future where uh the you know clubs are open and you know people can come out and see me. And thanks again to my guests, Evan Morgan, Adam Brody, and Claire Kramer. And as always, that's God, what does that say? That's the stuff that dreams are made of.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you. Because Doug loves movies.

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